@phdthesis{Novakovic2021, author = {Novakovic, Lazar}, title = {Investigating DEFECTIVE KERNEL 1 regulation of primary cell wall biosynthesis and mechanical properties during plant growth in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 213}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Plants possess cell wall, a polysaccharide exoskeleton which encompasses all plant cells. Cell wall gives plant cells mechanical support, defines their shape, enables growth and water transport through a plant. It also has important role in communication with the external environment. Regulation of plant cell wall biosynthesis and cell and organ morphogenesis depends on cell's ability to detect mechanical signals originating both from the external environment and from internal plant tissues. Thanks to the presence of the cell wall, all living plant cells develop constant internal pressure generated by the active water uptake, known as turgor pressure, which enables them to grow. Thus, actively growing cells in the tissue are exerting mechanical stress to each other. In order to properly coordinate cell growth, tissue morphogenesis and maintain cell-to-cell adhesion, plant cell have to detect these mechanical signals. That is performed by a group of still not well enough characterized plant mechanosensitive proteins. Mechanosensors are proteins capable of detecting changes in mechanical stress patterns and translating them into physiological and developmental outputs. One of plant mechanosensitive proteins, DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 (DEK1) has shown to be a very important in proper plant development. DEK1 bears similarity with animal cysteine proteases of Calpain superfamily. DEK1 is very important for plant development since all null alleles are embryo lethal. During the last 20 years of DEK1 studies, this protein has proven to be a very difficult for different molecular and biochemical manipulations. As a consequence, very little is known about its direct target proteins. Wang and co-workers (2003) and Johnson and co-workers (2008) have given a valuable contribution to biochemical understanding of DEK1 by determining that it functions as Cys-protease in similar way as animal calpains. However, a lot of indirect knowledge was gathered about the effects of disruption and modulation of DEK1 activity. DEK1 is important for proper organ development, epidermal specification, and maintenance. However, some studies have inferred that DEK1 affects expression of different cell wall related genes, and it regulates cell-to-cell adhesion in epidermal cells. This led to two extensive studies (Amanda et al., 2016, 2017) which demonstrated importance of DEK1 in regulation leaf epidermal cell walls in A. thaliana mature leaves and inflorescence stems. These studies demonstrated that DEK1 also influences cell wall thickness and cell-to-cell adhesion and that it could potentially regulate cell growth and expansion. Building up on this research, we decided to try to further characterize molecular and biomechanical aspects of DEK1 mediated cell wall regulation, with special emphasis on regulation of cellulose synthesis. We used two mutant lines, with modulated DEK1 activity, a constitutive overexpressor for DEK1 CALPAIN domain and a point mutant in CALPAIN domain, dek1-4. In Chapter 3 we demonstrated that DEK1 regulates dynamics of Cellulose Synthase Complexes (CSCs). Both lines showed decreased crystalline cellulose contents. This led us to investigate if velocity of CSCs in cotyledons, was affected, since it is known that changes in cellulose contents are often caused by defects in CSC. We found that bothDEK1 modulated lines we used have significantly decreased velocity of CSCs. We have also examined plasma membrane turnover rates of CSCs and found out that after photo-bleaching OE CALPAIN has much faster recovery rates compared to Col-0 wild type, while dek1-4 has lower exocytotic rates of CSCs, and much longer life-time of CSCs inserted into the plasma membrane. These results suggested that DEK1 regulates different aspects of CSC dynamics, possibly through interaction with different regulatory proteins. Decrease in cellulose contents we observed in DEK1 modulated lines, prompted us to investigate how this reflects biomechanics and structural properties of epidermal cotyledon cell walls of DEK1 modulated lines, which is described in Chapter 4. To achieve this, we developed a novel microdissection method for isolation and mechanical and structural characterization of native epidermal cell wall monolayers using atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM force spectroscopy assays showed that both DEK1 modulated lines had stiffer cell walls compared to Col-0. This was awkward since we initially detected decrease in crystalline cellulose which implied decrease in cell wall stiffness. However, subsequent high-resolution AFM imaging has revealed that DEK1 modulate lines cells walls have their cellulose microfibrils organized in thicker bundles than Col-0. Also, polysaccharide composition analysis has revealed that DEK1 modulated lines have increased abundance of pectins, which could also be responsible for the observed increase in cell wall stiffness. Previous work has shown that different dek1 mutants and modulated lines have defects in cell-to-cell adhesion. This implied that DEK1 may be involved in sensing and/or maintaining cell wall integrity (CWI). We performed several growth assays to determine role of DEK1 in CWI, which is described in Chapter 5. We performed cellulose synthesis perturbation assays with cellulose synthesis inhibitor Isoxaben and obtained very interesting results. While OE CALPAIN plants were hypersensitive to Isoxaben, dek1-4 has shown complete insensitivity. Furthermore, a regular CWI maintenance response, reported in A. thaliana as result of compromised CWI, ectopic lignification in seedlings' roots was absent in both DEK1 modulated lines we examined. We detected interesting growth response of DEK1 lines to NaCl and mannitol treatments as well. Although these findings are pointing out that DEK1 could be part of CWI signalling pathways, more experiments are necessary to fully elucidate possible role of DEK1 in CWI sensing and/or maintenance pathways, especially to check if DEK1 is interacting with Catharanthus roseus Receptor Like Kinase group of CWI sensors. Studies on 4-month old short day grown DEK1 modulated lines, have shown defects in branching, with development of fasciated stem branches in a DEK1 modulated line overexpressing CALPAIN domain (Amanda et al., 2017). This result pointed out to a possibility that DEK1 may regulate organ morphogenesis and patterning at the level of shoot apical meristem (SAM). Work towards elucidating role of DEK1 in SAM maintenance and organ patterning is detailed in Chapter 6. We determined that OE CALPAIN had significantly larger central zone of SAM as well as larger individual SAM cells in central zone, as well as higher distribution of cell sizes, implying possible cell expansion defects. dek1-4 did not exhibited changes in SAM central zone size or individual stem cell size, but it seemed that it had increased number of stem cells in SAM central zone. Both DEK1 lines had perturbation of phyllotaxis on SAM level, with disturbed divergence angles between floral primordia. Disturbed phyllotaxis was also observed between siliques, in mature plants. In addition to this, OE CALPAIN has exhibited occurrence of multiple (up to four) siliques growing from a single stem node. All this is pointing out that DEK1 might participate in hormone-signalling in the SAM.. DEK1 is a highly intriguing protein. However, since it is a unigene, and in addition to that, a regulatory protease, it probably participates in multiple signalling pathways, which makes understanding its function much more complicated.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lesinski2019, author = {Lesinski, Melanie}, title = {Modulating factors for drop jump performance}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 57, xiii}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background and objectives: Drop jumps (DJs) are well-established exercise drills during plyometric training. Several sports are performed under unstable surface conditions (e.g., soccer, beach volleyball, gymnastics). To closely mimic sport-specific demands, plyometric training includes DJs on both stable and unstable surfaces. According to the mechanical properties of the unstable surface (e.g., thickness, stiffness), altered temporal, mechanical, and physiological demands have been reported from previous cross-sectional studies compared with stable conditions. However, given that the human body simultaneously interacts with various factors (e.g., drop height, footwear, gender) during DJs on unstable surfaces, the investigation of isolated effects of unstable surface conditions might not be sufficient for designing an effective and safe DJ stimulus. Instead, the combined investigation of different factors and their interaction with surface instability have to be taken into consideration. Therefore, the present doctoral thesis seeks to complement our knowledge by examining the main and interaction effects of surface instability, drop height, footwear, and gender on DJ performance, knee joint kinematics, and neuromuscular activation. Methods: Healthy male and female physically active sports science students aged 19-26 years participated in the cross-sectional studies. Jump performance, sagittal and frontal plane knee joint kinematics, and leg muscle activity were measured during DJs on stable (i.e., firm force plate) and (highly) unstable surfaces (i.e., one or two AIREX® balance pads) from different drop heights (i.e., 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm) or under multiple footwear conditions (i.e., barefoot, minimal shoes, cushioned shoes). Results: Findings revealed that surface instability caused a DJ performance decline, reduced sagittal plane knee joint kinematics, and lower leg muscle activity during DJs. Sagittal plane knee joint kinematics as well as leg muscle activity decreased even more with increasing surface instability (i.e., two vs. one AIREX® balance pads). Higher (60 cm) compared to lower drop heights (≤ 40 cm) resulted in a DJ performance decline. In addition, increased sagittal plane knee joint kinematics as well as higher shank muscle activity were found during DJs from higher (60 cm) compared to lower drop heights (≤ 40 cm). Footwear properties almost exclusively affected frontal plane knee joint kinematics, indicating larger maximum knee valgus angles when performing DJs barefoot compared to shod. Between the different shoe properties (i.e., minimal vs. cushioned shoes), no significant differences during DJs were found at all. Only a few significant surface-drop height as well as surface-footwear interactions were found during DJs. They mainly indicated that drop height- and footwear-related effects are more pronounced during DJs on unstable compared to stable surfaces. In this regard, the maximum knee valgus angle was significantly greater when performing DJs from high drop heights (60 cm), but only on highly unstable surface. Further, braking and push-off times were significantly longer when performing DJs barefoot compared to shod, but only on unstable surface. Finally, analyses indicated no significant interactions with the gender factor. Conclusions: The findings of the present cumulative thesis indicate that stable rather than unstable surfaces as well as moderate (≤ 40 cm) rather than high (60 cm) drop heights provide sufficient stimuli to perform DJs. Furthermore, findings suggest that DJs on highly unstable surfaces (i.e., two AIREX® balance pads) from high drop heights (60 cm) as well as barefoot compared to shod seem to increase maximal knee valgus angle/stress by providing a more harmful DJ stimulus. Neuromuscular activation strategies appear to be modified by surface instability and drop height. However, leg muscle activity is only marginally effected by footwear and by the interactions of various external factors i.e., surface instability, drop height, footwear). Finally, gender did not significantly modulate the main or interaction effects of the observed external factors during DJs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopinski2016, author = {Kopinski, Stephan}, title = {The neuromuscular efficiency of lower back muscles in low back pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: The etiology of low back pain (LBP), one of the most prevalent and costly diseases of our time, is accepted to be multi-causal, placing functional factors in the focus of research. Thereby, pain models suggest a centrally controlled strategy of trunk stiffening in LBP. However, supporting biomechanical evidence is mostly limited to static measurements during maximum voluntary contractions (MVC), probably influenced by psychological factors in LBP. Alternatively, repeated findings indicate that the neuromuscular efficiency (NME), characterized by the strength-to-activation relationship (SAR), of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP. Therefore, a dynamic SAR protocol, consisting of normalized trunk muscle activation recordings during submaximal loads (SMVC) seems to be relevant. This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of LBP on the NME and activation pattern of trunk muscles during dynamic trunk extensions. METHODS: The SAR protocol consisted of an initial MVC reference trial (MVC1), followed by SMVCs at 20, 40, 60 and 80\% of MVC1 load. An isokinetic trunk dynamometer (Con-Trex TP, ROM: 45° flexion to 10° extension, velocity: 45°/s) and a trunk surface EMG setup (myon, up to 12 leads) was used. Extension torque output [Nm] and muscular activation [V] were assessed in all trials. Finally, another MVC trial was performed (MVC2) for reliability analysis. For SAR evaluation the SMVC trial values were normalized [\%MVC1] and compared inter- and intra-individually. The methodical validity of the approach was tested in an isometric SAR single-case pilot study (S1a: N = 2, female LBP patient vs. healthy male). In addition, the validity of the MVC reference method was verified by comparing different contraction modes (S1b: N = 17, healthy individuals). Next, the isokinetic protocol was validated in terms of content for its applicability to display known physiological differences between sexes in a cross-sectional study (S2: each n = 25 healthy males/females). Finally, the influence of acute pain on NME was investigated longitudinally by comparing N = 8 acute LBP patients with the retest after remission of pain (S3). The SAR analysis focused on normalized agonistic extensor activation and abdominal and synergistic extensor co-activation (t-tests, ANOVA, α = .05) as well as on reliability of MVC1/2 outcomes. RESULTS: During the methodological validation of the protocol (S1a), the isometric SAR was found to be descriptively different between individuals. Whereas torque output was highest during eccentric MVC, no relevant difference in peak EMG activation was found between contraction modes (S1b). The isokinetic SAR sex comparison (S2), though showing no significant overall effects, revealed higher normalized extensor activation at moderate submaximal loads in females (13 ± 4\%), primarily caused by pronounced thoracic activation. Similarly, co-activation analysis resulted in significantly higher antagonistic activation at moderate loads compared to males (33 ± 9\%). During intra-individual analysis of SAR in LBP patients (S3), a significant effect of pain status on the SAR has been identified, manifesting as increased normalized EMG activation of extensors during acute LBP (11 ± 8\%) particularly at high load. Abdominal co-activation tended to be elevated (27 ± 11\%) just as the thoracic extensor parts seemed to take over proportions of lumbar activation. All together, the M. erector spinae behaviour during the SAR protocol was rather linear with the tendency to rise exponentially during high loads. For the level of normalized EMG activation during SMVCs, a clear increasing trend from healthy males to females over to non-acute and acute LBP patients was discovered. This was associated by elevated antagonistic activation and a shift of synergistic towards lumbar extensor activation. The MVC data revealed overall good reliability, with clearly higher variability during acute LBP. DISCUSSION: The present thesis demonstrates that the NME of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP patients, especially during an acute pain episode. A new dynamic protocol has been developed that makes it possible to display the underlying SAR using normalized trunk muscle EMG during submaximal isokinetic loads. The protocol shows promise as a biomechanical tool for diagnostic analysis of NME in LBP patients and monitoring of rehabilitation progress. Furthermore, reliability not of maximum strength but rather of peak EMG of MVC measurements seems to be decreased in LBP patients. Meanwhile, the findings of this thesis largely substantiate the assumptions made by the recently presented 'motor adaptation to pain' model, suggesting a pain-related intra- and intermuscular activation redistribution affecting movement and stiffness of the trunk. Further research is needed to distinguish the grade of NME impairment between LBP subgroups.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prieske2015, author = {Prieske, Olaf}, title = {The role of surface condition in athletic performance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 118, ix}, year = {2015}, abstract = {During the last two decades, instability training devices have become a popular means in athletic training and rehabilitation of mimicking unstable surfaces during movements like vertical jumps. Of note, under unstable conditions, trunk muscles seem to have a stabilizing function during exercise to facilitate the transfer of torques and angular momentum between the lower and upper extremities. The present thesis addresses the acute effects of surface instability on performance during jump-landing tasks. Additionally, the long-term effects (i.e., training) of surface instability were examined with a focus on the role of the trunk in athletic performance/physical fitness. Healthy adolescent, and young adult subjects participated in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal study, respectively. Performance in jump-landing tasks on stable and unstable surfaces was assessed by means of a ground reaction force plate. Trunk muscle strength (TMS) was determined using an isokinetic device or the Bourban TMS test. Physical fitness was quantified by standing long jump, sprint, stand-and-reach, jumping sideways, Emery balance, and Y balance test on stable surfaces. In addition, activity of selected trunk and leg muscles and lower limb kinematics were recorded during jump-landing tasks. When performing jump-landing tasks on unstable compared to stable surfaces, jump performance and leg muscle activity were significantly lower. Moreover, significantly smaller knee flexion angles and higher knee valgus angles were observed when jumping and landing on unstable compared to stable conditions and in women compared to men. Significant but small associations were found between behavioral and neuromuscular data, irrespective of surface condition. Core strength training on stable as well as on unstable surfaces significantly improved TMS, balance and coordination. The findings of the present thesis imply that stable rather than unstable surfaces provide sufficient training stimuli during jump exercises (i.e., plyometrics). Additionally, knee motion strategy during plyometrics appears to be modified by surface instability and sex. Of note, irrespective of surface condition, trunk muscles only play a minor role for leg muscle performance/activity during jump exercises. Moreover, when implemented in strength training programs (i.e., core strength training), there is no advantage in using instability training devices compared to stable surfaces in terms of enhancement of athletic performance.}, language = {en} }