@phdthesis{Reppert2021, author = {Reppert, Alexander von}, title = {Magnetic strain contributions in laser-excited metals studied by time-resolved X-ray diffraction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53558}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-535582}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 311}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this work I explore the impact of magnetic order on the laser-induced ultrafast strain response of metals. Few experiments with femto- or picosecond time-resolution have so far investigated magnetic stresses. This is contrasted by the industrial usage of magnetic invar materials or magnetostrictive transducers for ultrasound generation, which already utilize magnetostrictive stresses in the low frequency regime. In the reported experiments I investigate how the energy deposition by the absorption of femtosecond laser pulses in thin metal films leads to an ultrafast stress generation. I utilize that this stress drives an expansion that emits nanoscopic strain pulses, so called hypersound, into adjacent layers. Both the expansion and the strain pulses change the average inter-atomic distance in the sample, which can be tracked with sub-picosecond time resolution using an X-ray diffraction setup at a laser-driven Plasma X-ray source. Ultrafast X-ray diffraction can also be applied to buried layers within heterostructures that cannot be accessed by optical methods, which exhibit a limited penetration into metals. The reconstruction of the initial energy transfer processes from the shape of the strain pulse in buried detection layers represents a contribution of this work to the field of picosecond ultrasonics. A central point for the analysis of the experiments is the direct link between the deposited energy density in the nano-structures and the resulting stress on the crystal lattice. The underlying thermodynamical concept of a Gr{\"u}neisen parameter provides the theoretical framework for my work. I demonstrate how the Gr{\"u}neisen principle can be used for the interpretation of the strain response on ultrafast timescales in various materials and that it can be extended to describe magnetic stresses. The class of heavy rare-earth elements exhibits especially large magnetostriction effects, which can even lead to an unconventional contraction of the laser-excited transducer material. Such a dominant contribution of the magnetic stress to the motion of atoms has not been demonstrated previously. The observed rise time of the magnetic stress contribution in Dysprosium is identical to the decrease in the helical spin-order, that has been found previously using time-resolved resonant X-ray diffraction. This indicates that the strength of the magnetic stress can be used as a proxy of the underlying magnetic order. Such magnetostriction measurements are applicable even in case of antiparallel or non-collinear alignment of the magnetic moments and a vanishing magnetization. The strain response of metal films is usually determined by the pressure of electrons and lattice vibrations. I have developed a versatile two-pulse excitation routine that can be used to extract the magnetic contribution to the strain response even if systematic measurements above and below the magnetic ordering temperature are not feasible. A first laser pulse leads to a partial ultrafast demagnetization so that the amplitude and shape of the strain response triggered by the second pulse depends on the remaining magnetic order. With this method I could identify a strongly anisotropic magnetic stress contribution in the magnetic data storage material iron-platinum and identify the recovery of the magnetic order by the variation of the pulse-to-pulse delay. The stark contrast of the expansion of iron-platinum nanograins and thin films shows that the different constraints for the in-plane expansion have a strong influence on the out-of-plane expansion, due to the Poisson effect. I show how such transverse strain contributions need to be accounted for when interpreting the ultrafast out-of-plane strain response using thermal expansion coefficients obtained in near equilibrium conditions. This work contributes an investigation of magnetostriction on ultrafast timescales to the literature of magnetic effects in materials. It develops a method to extract spatial and temporal varying stress contributions based on a model for the amplitude and shape of the emitted strain pulses. Energy transfer processes result in a change of the stress profile with respect to the initial absorption of the laser pulses. One interesting example occurs in nanoscopic gold-nickel heterostructures, where excited electrons rapidly transport energy into a distant nickel layer, that takes up much more energy and expands faster and stronger than the laser-excited gold capping layer. Magnetic excitations in rare earth materials represent a large energy reservoir that delays the energy transfer into adjacent layers. Such magneto-caloric effects are known in thermodynamics but not extensively covered on ultrafast timescales. The combination of ultrafast X-ray diffraction and time-resolved techniques with direct access to the magnetization has a large potential to uncover and quantify such energy transfer processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pudell2020, author = {Pudell, Jan-Etienne}, title = {Lattice dynamics}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48445}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-484453}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 259}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this thesis I summarize my contribution to the research field of ultrafast structural dynamics in condensend matter. It consists of 17 publications that cover the complex interplay between electron, magnon, and phonon subsystems in solid materials and the resulting lattice dynamics after ultrafast photoexcitation. The investigation of such dynamics is necessary for the physical understanding of the processes in materials that might become important in the future as functional materials for technological applications, for example in data storage applications, information processing, sensors, or energy harvesting. In this work I present ultrafast x-ray diffraction (UXRD) experiments based on the optical pump - x-ray probe technique revealing the time-resolved lattice strain. To study these dynamics the samples (mainly thin film heterostructures) are excited by femtosecond near-infrared or visible light pulses. The induced strain dynamics caused by stresses of the excited subsystems are measured in a pump-probe scheme with x-ray diffraction (XRD) as a probe. The UXRD setups used during my thesis are a laser-driven table-top x-ray source and large-scale synchrotron facilities with dedicated time-resolved diffraction setups. The UXRD experiments provide quantitative access to heat reservoirs in nanometric layers and monitor the transient responses of these layers with coupled electron, magnon, and phonon subsystems. In contrast to optical probes, UXRD allows accessing the material-specific information, which is unavailable for optical light due to the detection of multiple indistinguishable layers in the range of the penetration depth. In addition, UXRD facilitates a layer-specific probe for layers buried opaque heterostructures to study the energy flow. I extended this UXRD technique to obtain the driving stress profile by measuring the strain dynamics in the unexcited buried layer after excitation of the adjacent absorbing layers with femtosecond laser pulses. This enables the study of negative thermal expansion (NTE) in magnetic materials, which occurs due to the loss of the magnetic order. Part of this work is the investigation of stress profiles which are the source of coherent acoustic phonon wave packets (hypersound waves). The spatiotemporal shape of these stress profiles depends on the energy distribution profile and the ability of the involved subsystems to produce stress. The evaluation of the UXRD data of rare-earth metals yields a stress profile that closely matches the optical penetration profile: In the paramagnetic (PM) phase the photoexcitation results in a quasi-instantaneous expansive stress of the metallic layer whereas in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase a quasi-instantaneous contractive stress and a second contractive stress contribution rising on a 10 ps time scale adds to the PM contribution. These two time scales are characteristic for the magnetic contribution and are in agreement with related studies of the magnetization dynamics of rare-earth materials. Several publications in this thesis demonstrate the scientific progress in the field of active strain control to drive a second excitation or engineer an ultrafast switch. These applications of ultrafast dynamics are necessary to enable control of functional material properties via strain on ultrafast time scales. For this thesis I implemented upgrades of the existing laser-driven table-top UXRD setup in order to achieve an enhancement of x-ray flux to resolve single digit nanometer thick layers. Furthermore, I developed and built a new in-situ time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE) and optical reflectivity setup at the laser-driven table-top UXRD setup to measure the dynamics of lattice, electrons and magnons under the same excitation conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schick2013, author = {Schick, Daniel}, title = {Ultrafast lattice dynamics in photoexcited nanostructures : femtosecond X-ray diffraction with optimized evaluation schemes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Within the course of this thesis, I have investigated the complex interplay between electron and lattice dynamics in nanostructures of perovskite oxides. Femtosecond hard X-ray pulses were utilized to probe the evolution of atomic rearrangement directly, which is driven by ultrafast optical excitation of electrons. The physics of complex materials with a large number of degrees of freedom can be interpreted once the exact fingerprint of ultrafast lattice dynamics in time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiments for a simple model system is well known. The motion of atoms in a crystal can be probed directly and in real-time by femtosecond pulses of hard X-ray radiation in a pump-probe scheme. In order to provide such ultrashort X-ray pulses, I have built up a laser-driven plasma X-ray source. The setup was extended by a stable goniometer, a two-dimensional X-ray detector and a cryogen-free cryostat. The data acquisition routines of the diffractometer for these ultrafast X-ray diffraction experiments were further improved in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and angular resolution. The implementation of a high-speed reciprocal-space mapping technique allowed for a two-dimensional structural analysis with femtosecond temporal resolution. I have studied the ultrafast lattice dynamics, namely the excitation and propagation of coherent phonons, in photoexcited thin films and superlattice structures of the metallic perovskite SrRuO3. Due to the quasi-instantaneous coupling of the lattice to the optically excited electrons in this material a spatially and temporally well-defined thermal stress profile is generated in SrRuO3. This enables understanding the effect of the resulting coherent lattice dynamics in time-resolved X-ray diffraction data in great detail, e.g. the appearance of a transient Bragg peak splitting in both thin films and superlattice structures of SrRuO3. In addition, a comprehensive simulation toolbox to calculate the ultrafast lattice dynamics and the resulting X-ray diffraction response in photoexcited one-dimensional crystalline structures was developed in this thesis work. With the powerful experimental and theoretical framework at hand, I have studied the excitation and propagation of coherent phonons in more complex material systems. In particular, I have revealed strongly localized charge carriers after above-bandgap femtosecond photoexcitation of the prototypical multiferroic BiFeO3, which are the origin of a quasi-instantaneous and spatially inhomogeneous stress that drives coherent phonons in a thin film of the multiferroic. In a structurally imperfect thin film of the ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3, the ultrafast reciprocal-space mapping technique was applied to follow a purely strain-induced change of mosaicity on a picosecond time scale. These results point to a strong coupling of in- and out-of-plane atomic motion exclusively mediated by structural defects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahnert2010, author = {Ahnert, Karsten}, title = {Compactons in strongly nonlinear lattices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48539}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In the present work, we study wave phenomena in strongly nonlinear lattices. Such lattices are characterized by the absence of classical linear waves. We demonstrate that compactons - strongly localized solitary waves with tails decaying faster than exponential - exist and that they play a major role in the dynamics of the system under consideration. We investigate compactons in different physical setups. One part deals with lattices of dispersively coupled limit cycle oscillators which find various applications in natural sciences such as Josephson junction arrays or coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations. Another part deals with Hamiltonian lattices. Here, a prominent example in which compactons can be found is the granular chain. In the third part, we study systems which are related to the discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation describing, for example, coupled optical wave-guides or the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Our investigations are based on a numerical method to solve the traveling wave equation. This results in a quasi-exact solution (up to numerical errors) which is the compacton. Another ansatz which is employed throughout this work is the quasi-continuous approximation where the lattice is described by a continuous medium. Here, compactons are found analytically, but they are defined on a truly compact support. Remarkably, both ways give similar qualitative and quantitative results. Additionally, we study the dynamical properties of compactons by means of numerical simulation of the lattice equations. Especially, we concentrate on their emergence from physically realizable initial conditions as well as on their stability due to collisions. We show that the collisions are not exactly elastic but that a small part of the energy remains at the location of the collision. In finite lattices, this remaining part will then trigger a multiple scattering process resulting in a chaotic state.}, language = {en} }