@phdthesis{Wittenbecher2017, author = {Wittenbecher, Clemens}, title = {Linking whole-grain bread, coffee, and red meat to the risk of type 2 diabetes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-404592}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 194, ii}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: Consumption of whole-grain, coffee, and red meat were consistently related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in prospective cohort studies, but potentially underlying biological mechanisms are not well understood. Metabolomics profiles were shown to be sensitive to these dietary exposures, and at the same time to be informative with respect to the risk of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, graphical network-models were demonstrated to reflect the biological processes underlying high-dimensional metabolomics profiles. Aim: The aim of this study was to infer hypotheses on the biological mechanisms that link consumption of whole-grain bread, coffee, and red meat, respectively, to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. More specifically, it was aimed to consider network models of amino acid and lipid profiles as potential mediators of these risk-relations. Study population: Analyses were conducted in the prospective EPIC-Potsdam cohort (n = 27,548), applying a nested case-cohort design (n = 2731, including 692 incident diabetes cases). Habitual diet was assessed with validated semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaires. Concentrations of 126 metabolites (acylcarnitines, phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, amino acids) were determined in baseline-serum samples. Incident type 2 diabetes cases were assed and validated in an active follow-up procedure. The median follow-up time was 6.6 years. Analytical design: The methodological approach was conceptually based on counterfactual causal inference theory. Observations on the network-encoded conditional independence structure restricted the space of possible causal explanations of observed metabolomics-data patterns. Given basic directionality assumptions (diet affects metabolism; metabolism affects future diabetes incidence), adjustment for a subset of direct neighbours was sufficient to consistently estimate network-independent direct effects. Further model-specification, however, was limited due to missing directionality information on the links between metabolites. Therefore, a multi-model approach was applied to infer the bounds of possible direct effects. All metabolite-exposure links and metabolite-outcome links, respectively, were classified into one of three categories: direct effect, ambiguous (some models indicated an effect others not), and no-effect. Cross-sectional and longitudinal relations were evaluated in multivariable-adjusted linear regression and Cox proportional hazard regression models, respectively. Models were comprehensively adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, prevalence of hypertension, dietary and lifestyle factors, and medication. Results: Consumption of whole-grain bread was related to lower levels of several lipid metabolites with saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Coffee was related to lower aromatic and branched-chain amino acids, and had potential effects on the fatty acid profile within lipid classes. Red meat was linked to lower glycine levels and was related to higher circulating concentrations of branched-chain amino acids. In addition, potential marked effects of red meat consumption on the fatty acid composition within the investigated lipid classes were identified. Moreover, potential beneficial and adverse direct effects of metabolites on type 2 diabetes risk were detected. Aromatic amino acids and lipid metabolites with even-chain saturated (C14-C18) and with specific polyunsaturated fatty acids had adverse effects on type 2 diabetes risk. Glycine, glutamine, and lipid metabolites with monounsaturated fatty acids and with other species of polyunsaturated fatty acids were classified as having direct beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes risk. Potential mediators of the diet-diabetes links were identified by graphically overlaying this information in network models. Mediation analyses revealed that effects on lipid metabolites could potentially explain about one fourth of the whole-grain bread effect on type 2 diabetes risk; and that effects of coffee and red meat consumption on amino acid and lipid profiles could potentially explain about two thirds of the altered type 2 diabetes risk linked to these dietary exposures. Conclusion: An algorithm was developed that is capable to integrate single external variables (continuous exposures, survival time) and high-dimensional metabolomics-data in a joint graphical model. Application to the EPIC-Potsdam cohort study revealed that the observed conditional independence patterns were consistent with the a priori mediation hypothesis: Early effects on lipid and amino acid metabolism had the potential to explain large parts of the link between three of the most widely discussed diabetes-related dietary exposures and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friedrich2010, author = {Friedrich, Maika}, title = {Wirkung von Teecatechin Epigallocatechingallat auf den Energiestoffwechsel der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48159}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die gesundheitsf{\"o}rdernden Eigenschaften von gr{\"u}nem Tee sind weitgehend akzeptiert. Den Teecatechinen, insbesondere dem Epigallocatechin-3-gallat (EGCG), werden zahlreiche positive Effekte zugesprochen (z. B. antioxidativ, antikanzerogen, antiinflammatorisch, Blutdruck und Cholesterinspiegel senkend). Die Mechanismen, die zu einer Reduktion der in Tierversuchen beschriebenen K{\"o}rper- und Fettmasse f{\"u}hren, sind nicht ausreichend gekl{\"a}rt. Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin, die kurz- und mittelfristigen Wirkungen einer TEAVIGO®-Applikation (mind. 94 \% EGCG) am Mausmodell im Hinblick auf den Energie- und Fettstoffwechsel sowie die Expression daran beteiligter Gene in wichtigen Organen und Geweben zu untersuchen. In verschiedenen Tierversuchen wurde m{\"a}nnlichen C57BL/6-M{\"a}usen eine Hochfettdi{\"a}t (HFD) mit und ohne Supplementation (oral, di{\"a}tetisch) des entkoffeinierten Gr{\"u}ntee-Extraktes TEAVIGO® in unterschiedlichen Dosierungen gef{\"u}ttert. Es wurden sowohl kurz- als auch mittelfristige Wirkungen des EGCG auf die Energiebilanz (u. a. indirekte Tierkalorimetrie) und K{\"o}rperzusammensetzung (NMR) sowie die exogene Substratoxidation (Stabilisotopentechnik: Atemtests, Inkorporation nat{\"u}rlicher 13C-angereicherter Triglyceride aus Maiskeim{\"o}l in diverse Organe/Gewebe) und Gen-expression (quantitative real-time PCR) untersucht. Die Applikationsform und ihre Dauer riefen unterschiedliche Wirkungen hervor. M{\"a}use mit di{\"a}tetischer Supplementation zeigten bereits nach kurzer Zeit eine verminderte K{\"o}rperfettmasse, die bei weiterer Verabreichung auch zu einer Reduktion der K{\"o}rpermasse f{\"u}hrte. Beide Applikationsformen resultieren, unabh{\"a}ngig von der Dauer der Intervention, in einer erh{\"o}hten Energieausscheidung, w{\"a}hrend die Futter- und Energieaufnahme durch EGCG nicht beeinflusst wurden. Der Energieverlust war von einer erh{\"o}hten Fett- und Stickstoffausscheidung begleitet, deren Ursache die in der Literatur beschriebene Interaktion und Hemmung digestiver Enzyme sein k{\"o}nnte. Besonders unter postprandialen Bedingungen wiesen EGCG-M{\"a}use erniedrigte Triglycerid- und Glycogengehalte in der Leber auf, was auf eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte intestinale Absorption der N{\"a}hrstoffe hindeutet. Transkriptanalysen ergaben im Darm eine verminderte Expression von Fetts{\"a}uretransportern, w{\"a}hrend die Expression von Glucosetransportern durch EGCG erh{\"o}ht wurde. Weiterhin reduzierte EGCG, nach Umstellung von Standard- auf eine maiskeim{\"o}lhaltige Hochfettdi{\"a}t, die Inkorporation nat{\"u}rlicher 13C-angereicherter Triglyceride in diverse Organe und Gewebe - insbesondere Leber, viszerales und braunes Fettgewebe sowie Skelettmuskel. Die Analyse der 13C-Anreicherung im Atem der M{\"a}use und die Energieumsatzmessungen ergaben nach kurzer Applikation eine erh{\"o}hte Fettoxidation, die im weiteren Verlauf der Intervention auf eine erh{\"o}hte Kohlenhydratoxidation umgeschaltet wurde. Weiterhin war die orale Applikation von EGCG bei gleichzeitiger F{\"u}tterung einer Hochfettdi{\"a}t von makroskopischen und mikroskopischen degenerativen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Leber begleitet. Diese Effekte wurden nach di{\"a}tetischer Supplementation der Hochfettdi{\"a}t mit EGCG nicht beobachtet. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die K{\"o}rpergewichts- und Fettgewebs-abnahme durch di{\"a}tetisches EGCG sich durch eine herabgesetzte Verdaulichkeit der Nahrung erkl{\"a}ren l{\"a}sst. Dies f{\"u}hrte zu verschiedenen kurz- und mittelfristigen Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Fettverteilung und im Fettmetabolismus.}, language = {de} }