@phdthesis{Aichner2009, author = {Aichner, Bernhard}, title = {Aquatic macrophyte-derived biomarkers as palaeolimnological proxies on the Tibetan Plateau}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42095}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The Tibetan Plateau is the largest elevated landmass in the world and profoundly influences atmospheric circulation patterns such as the Asian monsoon system. Therefore this area has been increasingly in focus of palaeoenvironmental studies. This thesis evaluates the applicability of organic biomarkers for palaeolimnological purposes on the Tibetan Plateau with a focus on aquatic macrophyte-derived biomarkers. Submerged aquatic macrophytes have to be considered to significantly influence the sediment organic matter due to their high abundance in many Tibetan lakes. They can show highly 13C-enriched biomass because of their carbon metabolism and it is therefore crucial for the interpretation of δ13C values in sediment cores to understand to which extent aquatic macrophytes contribute to the isotopic signal of the sediments in Tibetan lakes and in which way variations can be explained in a palaeolimnological context. Additionally, the high abundance of macrophytes makes them interesting as potential recorders of lake water δD. Hydrogen isotope analysis of biomarkers is a rapidly evolving field to reconstruct past hydrological conditions and therefore of special relevance on the Tibetan Plateau due to the direct linkage between variations of monsoon intensity and changes in regional precipitation / evaporation balances. A set of surface sediment and aquatic macrophyte samples from the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau was analysed for composition as well as carbon and hydrogen isotopes of n-alkanes. It was shown how variable δ13C values of bulk organic matter and leaf lipids can be in submerged macrophytes even of a single species and how strongly these parameters are affected by them in corresponding sediments. The estimated contribution of the macrophytes by means of a binary isotopic model was calculated to be up to 60\% (mean: 40\%) to total organic carbon and up to 100\% (mean: 66\%) to mid-chain n-alkanes. Hydrogen isotopes of n-alkanes turned out to record δD of meteoric water of the summer precipitation. The apparent enrichment factor between water and n-alkanes was in range of previously reported ones (≈-130 per mille) at the most humid sites, but smaller (average: -86 per mille) at sites with a negative moisture budget. This indicates an influence of evaporation and evapotranspiration on δD of source water for aquatic and terrestrial plants. The offset between δD of mid- and long-chain n-alkanes was close to zero in most of the samples, suggesting that lake water as well as soil and leaf water are affected to a similar extent by those effects. To apply biomarkers in a palaeolimnological context, the aliphatic biomarker fraction of a sediment core from Lake Koucha (34.0° N; 97.2° E; eastern Tibetan Plateau) was analysed for concentrations, δ13C and δD values of compounds. Before ca. 8 cal ka BP, the lake was dominated by aquatic macrophyte-derived mid-chain n-alkanes, while after 6 cal ka BP high concentrations of a C20 highly branched isoprenoid compound indicate a predominance of phytoplankton. Those two principally different states of the lake were linked by a transition period with high abundances of microbial biomarkers. δ13C values were relatively constant for long-chain n-alkanes, while mid-chain n-alkanes showed variations between -23.5 to -12.6 per mille. Highest values were observed for the assumed period of maximum macrophyte growth during the late glacial and for the phytoplankton maximum during the middle and late Holocene. Therefore, the enriched values were interpreted to be caused by carbon limitation which in turn was induced by high macrophyte and primary productivity, respectively. Hydrogen isotope signatures of mid-chain n-alkanes have been shown to be able to track a previously deduced episode of reduced moisture availability between ca. 10 and 7 cal ka BP, indicated by a 20 per mille shift towards higher δD values. Indications for cooler episodes at 6.0, 3.1 and 1.8 cal ka BP were gained from drops of biomarker concentrations, especially microbial-derived hopanoids, and from coincidental shifts towards lower δ13C values. Those episodes correspond well with cool events reported from other locations on the Tibetan Plateau as well as in the Northern Hemisphere. To conclude, the study of recent sediments and plants improved the understanding of factors affecting the composition and isotopic signatures of aliphatic biomarkers in sediments. Concentrations and isotopic signatures of the biomarkers in Lake Koucha could be interpreted in a palaeolimnological context and contribute to the knowledge about the history of the lake. Aquatic macrophyte-derived mid-chain n-alkanes were especially useful, due to their high abundance in many Tibetan Lakes and their ability to record major changes of lake productivity and palaeo-hydrological conditions. Therefore, they have the potential to contribute to a fuller understanding of past climate variability in this key region for atmospheric circulation systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Genderjahn2018, author = {Genderjahn, Steffi}, title = {Biosignatures of Present and Past Microbial Life in Southern African Geoarchives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 166, xxii}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, with influence on the environment, societies, politics and economies. The (semi-)arid areas of Southern Africa already suffer from water scarcity. There is a great variety of ongoing research related to global climate history but important questions on regional differences still exist. In southern African regions terrestrial climate archives are rare, which makes paleoclimate studies challenging. Based on the assumption that continental pans (sabkhas) represent a suitable geo-archive for the climate history, two different pans were studied in the southern and western Kalahari Desert. A combined approach of molecular biological and biogeochemical analyses is utilized to investigate the diversity and abundance of microorganisms and to trace temporal and spatial changes in paleoprecipitation in arid environments. The present PhD thesis demonstrates the applicability of pan sediments as a late Quaternary geo-archive based on microbial signature lipid biomarkers, such as archaeol, branched and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) as well as phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA). The microbial signatures contained in the sediment provide information on the current or past microbial community from the Last Glacial Maximum to the recent epoch, the Holocene. The results are discussed in the context of regional climate evolution in southwestern Africa. The seasonal shift of the Innertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) along the equator influences the distribution of precipitation- and climate zones. The different expansion of the winter- and summer rainfall zones in southern Africa was confirmed by the frequency of certain microbial biomarkers. A period of increased precipitation in the south-western Kalahari could be described as a result of the extension of the winter rainfall zone during the last glacial maximum (21 ± 2 ka). Instead a period of increased paleoprecipitation in the western Kalahari was indicated during the Late Glacial to Holocene transition. This was possibly caused by a southwestern shift in the position of the summer rainfall zone associated to the southward movement of the ITCZ. Furthermore, for the first time this study characterizes the bacterial and archaeal life based on 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing in continental pan sediments and provides an insight into the recent microbial community structure. Near-surface processes play an important role for the modern microbial ecosystem in the pans. Water availability as well as salinity might determine the abundance and composition of the microbial communities. The microbial community of pan sediments is dominated by halophilic and dry-adapted archaea and bacteria. Frequently occurring microorganisms such as, Halobacteriaceae, Bacillus and Gemmatimonadetes are described in more detail in this study.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vanderVeen2021, author = {van der Veen, Iris}, title = {Defining moisture sources and (palaeo)environmental conditions using isotope geochemistry in the NW Himalaya}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51439}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514397}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {152}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Anthropogenic climate change alters the hydrological cycle. While certain areas experience more intense precipitation events, others will experience droughts and increased evaporation, affecting water storage in long-term reservoirs, groundwater, snow, and glaciers. High elevation environments are especially vulnerable to climate change, which will impact the water supply for people living downstream. The Himalaya has been identified as a particularly vulnerable system, with nearly one billion people depending on the runoff in this system as their main water resource. As such, a more refined understanding of spatial and temporal changes in the water cycle in high altitude systems is essential to assess variations in water budgets under different climate change scenarios. However, not only anthropogenic influences have an impact on the hydrological cycle, but changes to the hydrological cycle can occur over geological timescales, which are connected to the interplay between orogenic uplift and climate change. However, their temporal evolution and causes are often difficult to constrain. Using proxies that reflect hydrological changes with an increase in elevation, we can unravel the history of orogenic uplift in mountain ranges and its effect on the climate. In this thesis, stable isotope ratios (expressed as δ2H and δ18O values) of meteoric waters and organic material are combined as tracers of atmospheric and hydrologic processes with remote sensing products to better understand water sources in the Himalayas. In addition, the record of modern climatological conditions based on the compound specific stable isotopes of leaf waxes (δ2Hwax) and brGDGTs (branched Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) in modern soils in four Himalayan river catchments was assessed as proxies of the paleoclimate and (paleo-) elevation. Ultimately, hydrological variations over geological timescales were examined using δ13C and δ18O values of soil carbonates and bulk organic matter originating from sedimentological sections from the pre-Siwalik and Siwalik groups to track the response of vegetation and monsoon intensity and seasonality on a timescale of 20 Myr. I find that Rayleigh distillation, with an ISM moisture source, mainly controls the isotopic composition of surface waters in the studied Himalayan catchments. An increase in d-excess in the spring, verified by remote sensing data products, shows the significant impact of runoff from snow-covered and glaciated areas on the surface water isotopic values in the timeseries. In addition, I show that biomarker records such as brGDGTs and δ2Hwax have the potential to record (paleo-) elevation by yielding a significant correlation with the temperature and surface water δ2H values, respectively, as well as with elevation. Comparing the elevation inferred from both brGDGT and δ2Hwax, large differences were found in arid sections of the elevation transects due to an additional effect of evapotranspiration on δ2Hwax. A combined study of these proxies can improve paleoelevation estimates and provide recommendations based on the results found in this study. Ultimately, I infer that the expansion of C4 vegetation between 20 and 1 Myr was not solely dependent on atmospheric pCO2, but also on regional changes in aridity and seasonality from to the stable isotopic signature of the two sedimentary sections in the Himalaya (east and west). This thesis shows that the stable isotope chemistry of surface waters can be applied as a tool to monitor the changing Himalayan water budget under projected increasing temperatures. Minimizing the uncertainties associated with the paleo-elevation reconstructions were assessed by the combination of organic proxies (δ2Hwax and brGDGTs) in Himalayan soil. Stable isotope ratios in bulk soil and soil carbonates showed the evolution of vegetation influenced by the monsoon during the late Miocene, proving that these proxies can be used to record monsoon intensity, seasonality, and the response of vegetation. In conclusion, the use of organic proxies and stable isotope chemistry in the Himalayas has proven to successfully record changes in climate with increasing elevation. The combination of δ2Hwax and brGDGTs as a new proxy provides a more refined understanding of (paleo-)elevation and the influence of climate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulze2018, author = {Schulze, Sven}, title = {Entwicklung und Charakterisierung optischer Biosensorplattformen basierend auf photonischen Kristallen und Faser-Bragg-Gitter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-422139}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 149, A-23, B-2, C-8}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit steht die Entwicklung einer Sensorplattform f{\"u}r biochemische Anwendungen, welche auf einem optischen Detektionsprinzips beruht, im Vordergrund. W{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung wurden zwei komplement{\"a}re Konzeptideen behandelt, zum einen ein Sensor, der auf photonischen Kristallen und Wellenleiterstrukturen basiert und zum anderen einen faserbasierten Sensor, der chemisch modifizierte Faser-Bragg-Gitter enth{\"a}lt. Das optische Detektionsprinzip in beiden Sensorideen ist die resultierende Brechungsindex{\"a}nderung als messbare physikochemische Kenngr{\"o}ße. Das aus der Natur bekannte Ph{\"a}nomen der photonischen Kristalle, das u. a. bei Opalen und bei Schmetterlingen zu finden ist, wurde bereits 1887 von Lord Rayleigh beschrieben. Er beschrieb die optischen Eigenschaften von periodischen mehrschichtigen Filmen, welche als vereinfachtes Modell eines eindimensionalen photonischen Kristalls verstanden werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Periodizit{\"a}t der Brechungsindex{\"a}nderung resultiert in einem optischen Filter f{\"u}r Frequenzen in einem bestimmten spektralen Bereich, weshalb dann dort keine Lichtausbreitung mehr m{\"o}glich ist. Wird dieses System aber durch eine Defektstelle in der Brechungsindexperiodizit{\"a}t gest{\"o}rt, sodass daraus zwei perfekt periodische Systeme entstehen, ist die Lichtausbreitung f{\"u}r eine bestimmte Frequenz dennoch m{\"o}glich. In der Folge resultiert daraus ein schmalbandiges Signal im Transmissionsspektrum. Die erlaubte Frequenz ist dabei u. a. abh{\"a}ngig vom Brechungsindexunterschied des periodischen Systems, d.h. Ver{\"a}nderung des Brechungsindexes einer Schicht f{\"u}hrt zu einer spektralen Verschiebung der erlaubten Frequenz, dadurch kann dieses Sensorkonzept f{\"u}r biochemische Sensorik ausgenutzt werden [1]. Diese Entwicklung des auf photonischen Kristallen basierenden Sensors war eine Kooperation mit dem Industriepartner „Nanoplus GmbH". In der Doktorarbeit wurden Simulationen und praktischen Arbeiten zur Designentwicklung des Sensors und die Arbeiten an einem ersten Modellaufbau f{\"u}r die biochemischen Anwendungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. F{\"u}r den faserbasierten Sensor wurden Faser-Bragg-Gitter in den Faserkern hineingeschrieben. Hill et al. entdeckten 1978, dass solche Gitterstrukturen genau wie photonische Kristalle als optische Filter fungieren [2]. Die Gitter bestehen dabei aus {\"A}nderungen des Brechungsindexes im Faserkern. Im Laufe der n{\"a}chsten vierzig Jahren wurden verschiedene Einschreibetechniken und Gitterstrukturen entwickelt, weshalb die Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Gitterstrukturen variieren. Eine solche Gitterstruktur sind u. a. die Faser-Bragg-Gitter, deren Gitterperiode, d. h. die Abst{\"a}nde der Brechungsindexmodifikationen, sich im Nanometer- bis Mikrometerbereich befinden. Aufgrund der kleinen Gitterperiode wird eine r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtsf{\"u}hrende Welle im Kern f{\"u}r eine bestimmte Frequenz bzw. Wellenl{\"a}nge, der Bragg-Wellenl{\"a}nge, erzeugt. Im Endeffekt resultiert daraus ein schmalbandiges Signal sowohl im Transmissionsspektrum, als auch im Reflexionsspektrum. Die Resonanzwellenl{\"a}nge ist dabei proportional zu der Gitterperiode und dem effektiven Brechungsindex, welcher vom Brechungsindex des Kerns und des kernumgebenen Materials abh{\"a}ngig ist. Letztlich eignet sich diese Technik f{\"u}r physikochemische Sensorik. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Gitter mit Hilfe einer relativen neuen Herstellungsmethode in die Fasern geschrieben [3]. Anschließend stand die Entwicklung eines Biosensors im Vordergrund, wobei zun{\"a}chst ein Protokoll zum {\"A}tzen der Faser mit Flusss{\"a}ure entwickelt worden ist, dass das System sensitiv zum umgebenen Brechungsindex macht. Am Ende wurde ein Modellaufbau realisiert, indem ein Modellsystem, hier die Detektion vom C-reaktiven Protein mittels spezifischen einzelstr{\"a}ngigen DNS-Aptameren, erfolgreich getestet und quantifiziert worden ist. 1 Mandal, S.; Erickson, D. Nanoscale Optofluidic Sensor Arrays. Opt. Express 2008, 16 (3), 1623-1631. 2 Hill, K. O.; Fujii, Y.; Johnson, D. C.; Kawasaki, B. S. Photosensitivity in Optical Fiber Waveguides: Application to Reflection Filter Fabrication. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1978, 32 (10), 647-649. 3 Mart{\´i}nez, A.; Dubov, M.; Khrushchev, I.; Bennion, I. Direct Writing of Fibre Bragg Gratings by Femtosecond Laser. Electron. Lett. 2004, 40 (19), 1170.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Prada2023, author = {Prada, Marcela}, title = {Fatty acid biomarkers of intake and metabolism and their association with type 2 diabetes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58159}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-581598}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background: The role of fatty acid (FA) intake and metabolism in type 2 diabetes (T2D) incidence is controversial. Some FAs are not synthesised endogenously and, therefore, these circulating FAs reflect dietary intake, for example, the trans fatty acids (TFAs), saturated odd chain fatty acids (OCFAs), and linoleic acid, an n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). It remains unclear if intake of TFA influence T2D risk and whether industrial TFAs (iTFAs) and ruminant TFAs (rTFAs) exert the same effect. Unlike even chain saturated FAs, the OCFAs have been inversely associated with T2D risk, but this association is poorly understood. Furthermore, the associations of n-6 PUFAs intake with T2D risk are still debated, while delta-5 desaturase (D5D), a key enzyme in the metabolism of PUFAs, has been consistently related to T2D risk. To better understand these relationships, the FA composition in circulating lipid fractions can be used as biomarkers of dietary intake and metabolism. The exploration of TFAs subtypes in plasma phospholipids and OCFAs and n-6 PUFAs within a wide range of lipid classes may give insights into the pathophysiology of T2D. Aim: This thesis aimed mainly to analyse the association of TFAs, OCFAs and n-6 PUFAs with self-reported dietary intake and prospective T2D risk, using seven types of TFAs in plasma phospholipids and deep lipidomics profiling data from fifteen lipid classes. Methods: A prospective case-cohort study was designed within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam study, including all the participants who developed T2D (median follow-up 6.5 years) and a random subsample of the full cohort (subcohort: n=1248; T2D cases: n=820). The main analyses included two lipid profiles. The first was an assessment of seven TFA in plasma phospholipids, with a modified method for analysis of FA with very low abundances. The second lipid profile was derived from a high-throughout lipid profiling technology, which identified 940 distinct molecular species and allowed to quantify OCFAs and PUFAs composition across 15 lipid classes. Delta-5 desaturase (D5D) activity was estimated as 20:4/20:3-ratio. Using multivariable Cox regression models, we examined the associations of TFA subtypes with incident T2D and class-specific associations of OCFA and n-6 PUFAs with T2D risk. Results: 16:1n-7t, 18:1n-7t, and c9t11-CLA were positively correlated with the intake of fat-rich dairy foods. iTFA 18:1 isomers were positively correlated with margarine. After adjustment for confounders and other TFAs, higher plasma phospholipid concentrations of two rTFAs were associated with a lower incidence of T2D: 18:1n-7t and t10c12-CLA. In contrast, the rTFA c9t11-CLA was associated with a higher incidence of T2D. rTFA 16:1n-7t and iTFAs (18:1n-6t, 18:1n-9t, 18:2n-6,9t) were not statistically significantly associated with T2D risk. We observed heterogeneous integration of OCFA in different lipid classes, and the contribution of 15:0 versus 17:0 to the total OCFA abundance differed across lipid classes. Consumption of fat-rich dairy and fiber-rich foods were positively and red meat inversely correlated to OCFA abundance in plasma phospholipid classes. In women only, higher abundances of 15:0 in phosphatidylcholines (PC) and diacylglycerols (DG), and 17:0 in PC, lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC), and cholesterol esters (CE) were inversely associated with T2D risk. In men and women, a higher abundance of 15:0 in monoacylglycerols (MG) was also inversely associated with T2D. Conversely, a higher 15:0 concentration in LPC and triacylglycerols (TG) was associated with higher T2D risk in men. Women with a higher concentration of 17:0 as free fatty acids (FFA) also had higher T2D incidence. The integration of n-6 PUFAs in lipid classes was also heterogeneous. 18:2 was highly abundant in phospholipids (particularly PC), CE, and TG; 20:3 represented a small fraction of FA in most lipid classes, and 20:4 accounted for a large proportion of circulating phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylethanolamines (PE). Higher concentrations of 18:2 were inversely associated with T2D risk, especially within DG, TG, and LPC. However, 18:2 as part of MG was positively associated with T2D risk. Higher concentrations of 20:3 in phospholipids (PC, PE, PI), FFA, CE, and MG were linked to higher T2D incidence. 20:4 was unrelated to risk in most lipid classes, except positive associations were observed for 20:4 enriched in FFA and PE. The estimated D5D activities in PC, PE, PI, LPC, and CE were inversely associated with T2D and explained variance of estimated D5D activity by genomic variation in the FADS locus was only substantial in those lipid classes. Conclusion: The TFAs' conformation is essential in their relationship to diabetes risk, as indicated by plasma rTFA subtypes concentrations having opposite directions of associations with diabetes risk. Plasma OCFA concentration is linked to T2D risk in a lipid class and sex-specific manner. Plasma n-6 PUFA concentrations are associated differently with T2D incidence depending on the specific FA and the lipid class. Overall, these results highlight the complexity of circulating FAs and their heterogeneous association with T2D risk depending on the specific FA structure, lipid class, and sex. My results extend the evidence of the relationship between diet, lipid metabolism, and subsequent T2D risk. In addition, my work generated several potential new biomarkers of dietary intake and prospective T2D risk.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strehmel2010, author = {Strehmel, Nadine}, title = {GC-TOF-MS basierte Analyse von niedermolekularen Prim{\"a}r- und Sekund{\"a}rmetaboliten agrarwirtschaftlich bedeutsamer Nutzpflanzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51238}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Qualit{\"a}t von Nutzpflanzen ist von zahlreichen Einflussfaktoren wie beispielsweise Lagerbedingungen und Sorteneigenschaften abh{\"a}ngig. Um Qualit{\"a}tsm{\"a}ngel zu minimieren und Absatzchancen von Nutzpflanzen zu steigern sind umfangreiche Analysen hinsichtlich ihrer stofflichen Zusammensetzung notwendig. Chromatographische Techniken gekoppelt an ein Massenspektrometer und die Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie wurden daf{\"u}r bislang verwendet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Gaschromatograph an ein Flugzeitmassenspektrometer (GC-TOF-MS) gekoppelt, um physiologische Prozesse bzw. Eigenschaften (die Schwarzfleckigkeit, die Chipsbr{\"a}unung, das Physiologische Alter und die Keimhemmung) von Nutzpflanzen aufzukl{\"a}ren. Als Pflanzenmodell wurde daf{\"u}r die Kartoffelknolle verwendet. Dazu wurden neue analytische L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze entwickelt, die eine zielgerichtete Auswertung einer Vielzahl von Proben, die Etablierung einer umfangreichen Referenzspektrenbibliothek und die sichere Archivierung aller experimentellen Daten umfassen. Das Verfahren der Probenvorbereitung wurde soweit modifiziert, dass gering konzentrierte Substanzen mittels GC-TOF-MS analysiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Dadurch wurde das durch die Probenvorbereitung limitierte Substanzspektrum erweitert. Anhand dieser L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze wurden physiologisch relevante Stoffwechselprodukte identifiziert, welche indikativ (klassifizierend) bzw. pr{\"a}diktiv (vorhersagend) f{\"u}r die physiologischen Prozesse sind. F{\"u}r die Schwarzfleckigkeitsneigung und die Chipseignung wurde jeweils ein biochemisches Modell zur Vorhersage dieser Prozesse aufgestellt und auf eine Z{\"u}chtungspopulation {\"u}bertragen. Ferner wurden f{\"u}r die Schwarzfleckigkeit Stoffwechselprodukte des Respirationsstoffwechsels identifiziert sowie Aminos{\"a}uren, Glycerollipide und Phenylpropanoide f{\"u}r das Physiologische Alter als relevant erachtet. Das physiologische Altern konnte durch die Anwendung h{\"o}herer Temperaturen beschleunigt werden. Durch Anwendung von Keimhemmern (K{\"u}mmel{\"o}l, Chlorpropham) wurde eine Verz{\"o}gerung des physiologischen Alterns beobachtet. Die Applikation von K{\"u}mmel{\"o}l erwies sich dabei als besonders vorteilhaft. K{\"u}mmel{\"o}l behandelte Knollen wiesen im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Knollen nur Ver{\"a}nderungen im Aminos{\"a}ure-, Zucker- und Sekund{\"a}rstoffwechsel auf. Chlorpropham behandelte Knollen wiesen einen {\"a}hnlichen Stoffwechsel wie die unbehandelten Knollen auf. F{\"u}r die bislang noch nicht identifizierten Stoffwechselprodukte wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das Verfahren der „gezielten An-/Abreicherung", der „gepaarten NMR/GC-TOF-MS Analyse" und das „Entscheidungsbaumverfahren" entwickelt. Diese erm{\"o}glichen eine Klassifizierung von GC-MS Signalen im Hinblick auf ihre chemische Funktionalit{\"a}t. Das Verfahren der gekoppelten NMR/GC-TOF-MS Analyse erwies sich dabei als besonders erfolgversprechend, da es eine Aufkl{\"a}rung bislang unbekannter gaschromatographischer Signale erm{\"o}glicht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neue Stoffwechselprodukte in der Kartoffelknolle identifiziert, wodurch ein wertvoller Beitrag zur Analytik der Metabolomik geleistet wurde.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grewe2016, author = {Grewe, Sina}, title = {Hydro- and biogeochemical investigations of lake sediments in the Kenyan Rift Valley}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98342}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {110}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Seen im kenianischen Riftsystem bieten die einmalige Gelegenheit eine große Bandbreite an hydrochemischen Umweltbedingungen zu studieren, die von S{\"u}ßwasserseen bis hin zu hochsalinen und alkalinen Seen reichen. Da wenig {\"u}ber die hydro- und biogeochemischen Bedingungen in den darunterliegenden Seesedimenten bekannt ist, war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, bereits existierende Datens{\"a}tze mit Daten aus der Porenwasser- und Biomarker-Analyse zu erweitern. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden reduzierte Schwefelkomponenten und Sulfatreduktionsraten in den Sedimenten bestimmt. Mit den neu gewonnenen Daten wurde der anthropogene und mikrobielle Einfluss auf die Seesedimente untersucht sowie der Einfluss der Wasserchemie auf den Abbau und den Erhalt von organischem Material im Sediment. Zu den untersuchten Seen geh{\"o}rten: Logipi, Eight (ein kleiner Kratersee in der Region Kangirinyang), Baringo, Bogoria, Naivasha, Oloiden und Sonachi. Die Biomarker-Zusammensetzungen in den untersuchten Seesedimenten waren {\"a}hnlich; allerdings gab es einige Unterschiede zwischen den salinen Seen und den S{\"u}ßwasserseen. Einer dieser Unterschiede war das Vorkommen eines mit β-Carotin verwandten Molek{\"u}ls, das nur in den salinen Seen gefunden wurde. Dieses Molek{\"u}l stammt wahrscheinlich von Cyanobakterien, Einzellern die in großer Anzahl in salinen Seen vorkommen. In den beiden S{\"u}ßwasserseen wurde Stigmasterol gefunden, ein f{\"u}r S{\"u}ßwasseralgen charakteristisches Sterol. In dieser Studie hat sich gezeigt, dass Bogoria und Sonachi f{\"u}r Umweltrekonstruktionen mit Biomarkern besonders gut geeignet sind, da die Abwesenheit von Sauerstoff an deren Seegr{\"u}nden den Abbau von organischem Material verlangsamt. Andere Seen, wie zum Beispiel Naivasha, sind aufgrund des großen anthropogenen Einflusses weniger gut f{\"u}r solche Rekonstruktionen geeignet. Die Biomarker-Analyse bot jedoch die M{\"o}glichkeit, den menschlichen Einfluss auf den See zu studieren. Desweiteren zeigte diese Studie, dass sich Horizonte mit einem hohen Anteil an elementarem Schwefel als temporale Marker nutzen lassen. Diese Horizonte wurden zu einer Zeit abgelagert, als die Wasserpegel sehr niedrig waren. Der Schwefel wurde von Mikroorganismen abgelagert, die zu anoxygener Photosynthese oder Sulfidoxidation f{\"a}hig sind.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kristen2009, author = {Kristen, Iris}, title = {Investigations on rainfall variability during the late Quaternary based on geochemical analyses of lake sediments from tropical and subtropical southern Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32547}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {This thesis presents investigations on sediments from two African lakes which have been recording changes in their surrounding environmental and climate conditions since more than 200,000 years. Focus of this work is the time of the last Glacial and the Holocene (the last ~100,000 years before present [in the following 100 kyr BP]). One important precondition for this kind of research is a good understanding of the present ecosystems in and around the lakes and of the sediment formation under modern climate conditions. Both studies therefore include investigations on the modern environment (including organisms, soils, rocks, lake water and sediments). A 90 m long sediment sequence was investigated from Lake Tswaing (north-eastern South Africa) using geochemical analyses. These investigations document alternating periods of high detrital input and low (especially autochthonous) organic matter content and periods of low detrital input, carbonatic or evaporitic sedimentation and high autochthonous organic matter content. These alternations are interpreted as changes between relatively humid and arid conditions, respectively. Before c. 75 kyr BP, they seem to follow changes in local insolation whereas afterwards they appear to be acyclic and are probably caused by changes in ocean circulation and/or in the mean position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Today, these factors have main influence on precipitation in this area where rainfall occurs almost exclusively during austral summer. All modern organisms were analysed for their biomarker and bulk organic and compound-specific stable carbon isotope composition. The same investigations on sediments from the modern lake floor document the mixed input of the investigated individual organisms and reveal additional influences by methanotrophic bacteria. A comparison of modern sediment characteristics with those of sediments covering the time 14 to 2 kyr BP shows changes in the productivity of the lake and the surrounding vegetation which are best explained by changes in hydrology. More humid conditions are indicated for times older than 10 kyr BP and younger than 7.5 kyr BP, whereas arid conditions prevailed in between. These observations agree with the results from sediment composition and indications from other climate archives nearby. The second lake study deals with Lake Challa, a small, deep crater lake on the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. In this lake form mm-scale laminated sediments which were analyses with micro-XRF scanning for changes in the element composition. By comparing these results with investigations on thin sections, results from ongoing sediment trap studies, meteorological data, and investigations on the surrounding rocks and soils, I develop a model for seasonal variability in the limnology and sedimentation of Lake Challa. The lake appears to be stratified during the warm rain seasons (October - December and March - May) during which detrital material is delivered to the lake and carbonates precipitate. On the lake floor forms a dark lamina with high contents of Fe and Ti and high Ca/Al and low Mn/Fe ratios. Diatoms bloom during the cool and windy season (June - September) when mixing down to c. 60 m depth provides easily bio-available nutrients. Contemporaneously, Fe and Mn-oxides are precipitating which cause high Mn/Fe ratios in the light diatom-rich laminae of the sediments. Trends in the Mn/Fe ratio of the sediments are interpreted to reflect changes in the intensity or duration of seasonal mixing in Lake Challa. This interpretation is supported by parallel changes in the organic matter and biogenic silica content observed in the 22 m long profile recovered from Lake Challa. This covers the time of the last 25 kyr BP. It documents a transition around 16 kyr BP from relatively well-mixed conditions with high detrital input during glacial times to stronger stratified conditions which are probably related to increasing lake levels in Challa and generally more humid conditions in East Africa. Intensified mixing is recorded for the time of the Younger Dryas and the period between 11.4 and 10.7 kyr BP. For these periods, reduced intensity of the SW monsoon and intensified NE monsoon are reported from archives of the Indian-Asian Monsoon region, arguing for the latter as a probable source for wind mixing in Lake Challa. This connection is probably also responsible for contemporaneous events in the Mn/Fe ratios of the Lake Challa sediments and in other records of northern hemisphere monsoon intensity during the Holocene and underlines the close interaction of global low latitude atmospheric circulation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ma2002, author = {Ma, Lan}, title = {Mercapturs{\"a}ure und Nukleosidaddukt im Harn als Biomarker in 1-Hydroxymethylpyren-exponierten Ratten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {1-Methylpyren (MP) ist hepatokanzerogen in neugeborenen m{\"a}nnlichen M{\"a}usen. Durch Hydroxylierung an der benzylischen Stelle und anschließende Sulfonierung wird MP zu DNA-reaktivem 1-Sulfooxymethylpyren (SMP) aktiviert. In der Ratte f{\"u}hrt die Exposition des benzylischen Alkohols, 1-Hydroxymethylpyren (HMP), zur DNA-Adduktbildung in verschiedenen Geweben. Eventuelle Konsequenz der Toxifizierung ist die Ausscheidung entsprechender Mercapturs{\"a}ure und Nukleosidaddukt im Harn, welche aufgrund ihrer Herkunft als Biomarker eignen k{\"o}nnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Ausscheidung der Mercapturs{\"a}ure und des N2-Desoxyguanosinadduktes in HMP-exponierten Ratten untersucht. Nach der Applikation von HMP bzw. MP wurden weniger als 1 \% der Dosis als MPMA {\"u}ber Urin und Faeces ausgeschieden (0 - 48 h). Die Ausscheidung erfolgt haupts{\"a}chlich in den ersten 24 h nach der Applikation. MPdG konnte weder in Urin noch in Faeces der HMP-behandelten Tieren identifiziert werden. Nach direkter SMP-Applikation wurde MPdG nur in sehr geringe Menge (weniger als 0,9 ppm in 12 h) im Urin gefunden. Aufgrund der geringen Menge eignet sich MPdG nicht als Biomarker. MPMA dagegen, l{\"a}sst sich analytisch gut erfassen. Es sollte daher untersucht werden, ob MPMA die Toxifizierung des HMP wiederspiegelt. Die Voraussetzung daf{\"u}r ist die Kenntnisse {\"u}ber das Metabolismusmuster von HMP. Es wurde daher umfassende Untersuchungen zum Metabolismus des HMP durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass mehr als 80 \% der Metaboiten in ihrer oxidierten Form (PCS, deren Glucurons{\"a}ure-Konjugate sowie phenolische Sulfatester der PCS) ausgeschieden wurden. Demnach spielt die Oxidation des HMP zu PCS eine sehr wichtige Rolle bei der Detoxifizierung und Ausscheidung von HMP. Ferne konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Enzyme Alkohol- und Aldehyd-Dehydrogenase an der Oxidation von HMP beteiligt waren. Die Inhibitoren Disulfiram und Ethanol der o. g. Enzyme wurde daher zur Modulation der Detoxifizierung in vivo eingesetzt. Die Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Toxifizierung von HMP zu SMP wurden durch die SMP-Konzentration im Plasma, die DNA-Addukth{\"a}ufigkeit und die MPMA-Ausscheidung erfasst. Die Vorbehandlung von Disulfiram und Ethanol f{\"u}hrte zu tendentielle Erh{\"o}hung der SMP-Konzentration im Plasma, DNA-Addukth{\"a}ufigkeit in der Leber und die MPMA-Ausscheidung. Bemerkenswert ist jedoch, dass bereits eine Dosis von 0,2 g Ethanol/kg K{\"o}rpermasse bereits zu statistisch signifikanten Erh{\"o}hungen der MPMA-Ausscheidung bei weiblichen Ratten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kochlik2019, author = {Kochlik, Bastian Max}, title = {Relevance of biomarkers for the diagnosis of the frailty syndrome}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 99}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Frailty and sarcopenia share some underlying characteristics like loss of muscle mass, low muscle strength, and low physical performance. Imaging parameters and functional examinations mainly assess frailty and sarcopenia criteria; however, these measures can have limitations in clinical settings. Therefore, finding suitable biomarkers that reflect a catabolic muscle state e.g. an elevated muscle protein turnover as suggested in frailty, are becoming more relevant concerning frailty diagnosis and risk assessment. 3-Methylhistidine (3-MH) and its ratios 3-MH-to-creatinine (3-MH/Crea) and 3 MH-to-estimated glomerular filtration rate (3-MH/eGFR) are under discussion as possible biomarkers for muscle protein turnover and might support the diagnosis of frailty. However, there is some skepticism about the reliability of 3-MH measures since confounders such as meat and fish intake might influence 3-MH plasma concentrations. Therefore, the influence of dietary habits and an intervention with white meat on plasma 3-MH was determined in young and healthy individuals. In another study, the cross-sectional associations of plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR with the frailty status (robust, pre-frail and frail) were investigated. Oxidative stress (OS) is a possible contributor to frailty development, and high OS levels as well as low micronutrient levels are associated with the frailty syndrome. However, data on simultaneous measures of OS biomarkers together with micronutrients are lacking in studies including frail, pre-frail and robust individuals. Therefore, cross-sectional associations of protein carbonyls (PrCarb), 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and several micronutrients with the frailty status were determined. A validated UPLC-MS/MS (ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) method for the simultaneous quantification of 3-MH and 1-MH (1 methylhistidine, as marker for meat and fish consumption) was presented and used for further analyses. Omnivores showed higher plasma 3-MH and 1-MH concentrations than vegetarians and a white meat intervention resulted in an increase in plasma 3-MH, 3 MH/Crea, 1-MH and 1-MH/Crea in omnivores. Elevated 3-MH and 3-MH/Crea levels declined significantly within 24 hours after this white meat intervention. Thus, 3-MH and 3-MH/Crea might be used as biomarker for muscle protein turnover when subjects did not consume meat 24 hours prior to blood samplings. Plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR were higher in frail individuals than in robust individuals. Additionally, these biomarkers were positively associated with frailty in linear regression models, and higher odds to be frail were found for every increase in 3 MH and 3-MH/eGFR quintile in multivariable logistic regression models adjusted for several confounders. This was the first study using 3-MH/eGFR and it is concluded that plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR might be used to identify frail individuals or individuals at higher risk to be frail, and that there might be threshold concentrations or ratios to support these diagnoses. Higher vitamin D3, lutein/zeaxanthin, γ-tocopherol, α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene and β-cryptoxanthin concentrations and additionally lower PrCarb concentrations were found in robust compared to frail individuals in multivariate linear models. Frail subjects had higher odds to be in the lowest than in the highest tertile for vitamin D3 α-tocopherol, α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and β cryptoxanthin, and had higher odds to be in the highest than in the lowest tertile for PrCarb than robust individuals in multivariate logistic regression models. Thus, a low micronutrient together with a high PrCarb status is associated with pre-frailty and frailty.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kipp2008, author = {Kipp, Anna Patricia}, title = {Selen, Selenoproteine und der Wnt-Signalweg : Regulation der gastrointestinalen Glutathionperoxidase durch β-Catenin und Beeinflussung des Wnt-Signalwegs durch den Selenstatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-30484}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Das seit 1957 als essentiell klassifizierte Spurenelement Selen vermittelt seine Funktion haupts{\"a}chlich durch seinen Einbau in Selenoproteine in Form der 21. proteinogenen Aminos{\"a}ure Selenocystein. Insgesamt wurden 25 humane Gene f{\"u}r Selenoproteine identifiziert, deren genaue Funktion h{\"a}ufig noch nicht bekannt ist. Selen ist das einzige Mitglied aus der Gruppe der Mikron{\"a}hrstoffe, f{\"u}r das nach wie vor eine antikanzerogene Funktion vor allem in Bezug auf Darmkrebs postuliert wird. Die Grundlage daf{\"u}r liefert eine Interventionsstudie, bei der 1.312 Probanden f{\"u}r 4,5 Jahre mit 200 μg Selen/Tag supplementiert wurden. Dies resultierte in einer Senkung der Gesamtkrebsmortalit{\"a}t um 50 \%. Die Fragen einer optimalen Selenzufuhr, die nicht nur den Bedarf deckt, sondern auch die Entfaltung der antikanzerogenen Wirkung von Selen gew{\"a}hrleistet und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen sind noch ungekl{\"a}rt. Zudem liegt die Selenzufuhr bei einem Großteil der europ{\"a}ischen Bev{\"o}lkerung unter den Empfehlungen. Deshalb wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit vier Wochen alte M{\"a}use f{\"u}r sechs Wochen marginal defizient (0,086 mg/kg Futter) bzw. selenad{\"a}quat (0,15 mg/kg Futter) gef{\"u}ttert. Dieser geringe Unterschied im Selengehalt resultierte in einer Senkung des Plasmaselenspiegels der selenarmen Tiere auf 13 \% und der GPx-Aktivit{\"a}t in der Leber auf 35 \%. Zun{\"a}chst wurde der Einfluss von Selen auf die globale Genexpression im murinen Colon mittels Microarray untersucht. Von den im Colon exprimierten Selenoproteinen reagierte die mRNA von SelW, SelH, GPx1 und SelM im Selenmangel besonders deutlich mit Expressionsverlust. Da diese Selenoproteine nicht nur im Colon, sondern auch in Leukozyten reguliert waren, sind sie auch als humane Biomarker f{\"u}r die in dieser Studie gew{\"a}hlte Schwankung des Selengehalts geeignet. Des Weiteren wurde auf Basis der Microarraydaten eine Signalweganalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt, die der Identifizierung krebsrelevanter Signalwege diente, um m{\"o}gliche molekularbiologische Erkl{\"a}rungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die Rolle von Selen im Krebsgeschehen zu finden. Es zeigte sich, dass die mRNA von Schl{\"u}sselgenen des Wnt-Signalwegs wie β-Catenin, Gsk3β, Dvl2, Tle2, Lef1 und c-Myc auf Schwankungen des Selengehalts reagiert. Vor allem die Induktion von c-Myc, einem Zielgen des Wnt-Signalwegs, deutet darauf hin, dass dieser im Selenmangel tats{\"a}chlich aktiver ist als bei selenad{\"a}quater Versorgung. Ein weiterer m{\"o}glicher Erkl{\"a}rungsansatz f{\"u}r die postulierte pr{\"a}ventive Funktion von Selen gegen{\"u}ber Darmkrebs ist die gastrointestinale Glutathionperoxidase (GPx2), die physiologisch in den proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrunds exprimiert wird. Die Regulation dieses Enzyms durch den Wnt-Signalweg, der ebenfalls in proliferierenden Zellen aktiv ist, konnte mittels Reportergenanalyse und endogen auf mRNA- und Proteinebene in Zellkultur gezeigt werden. Die Aktivierung verk{\"u}rzter Promotorkonstrukte und die Mutation eines potentiellen Bindeelements identifizierten den f{\"u}r die Bindung von TCF und β-Catenin verantwortlichen Bereich. Als Zielgen des Wnt-Signalwegs scheint GPx2 zu den an Proliferationsprozessen beteiligten Genen zu geh{\"o}ren, was unter physiologischen Bedingungen die Aufrechterhaltung des intestinalen Epithels gew{\"a}hrleistet. Bei der Entstehung intestinaler Tumore, die in der Initiationsphase zu {\"u}ber 90 \% mit einer konstitutiven Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs einhergeht, wirkt GPx2 m{\"o}glicherweise prokanzerogen. Die genaue Funktion von GPx2 w{\"a}hrend der Kanzerogenese bleibt weiter zu untersuchen.}, language = {de} }