@phdthesis{Wolff2010, author = {Wolff, Markus}, title = {Geovisual methods and techniques for the development of three-dimensional tactical intelligence assessments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-50446}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis presents methods, techniques and tools for developing three-dimensional representations of tactical intelligence assessments. Techniques from GIScience are combined with crime mapping methods. The range of methods applied in this study provides spatio-temporal GIS analysis as well as 3D geovisualisation and GIS programming. The work presents methods to enhance digital three-dimensional city models with application specific thematic information. This information facilitates further geovisual analysis, for instance, estimations of urban risks exposure. Specific methods and workflows are developed to facilitate the integration of spatio-temporal crime scene analysis results into 3D tactical intelligence assessments. Analysis comprises hotspot identification with kernel-density-estimation techniques (KDE), LISA-based verification of KDE hotspots as well as geospatial hotspot area characterisation and repeat victimisation analysis. To visualise the findings of such extensive geospatial analysis, three-dimensional geovirtual environments are created. Workflows are developed to integrate analysis results into these environments and to combine them with additional geospatial data. The resulting 3D visualisations allow for an efficient communication of complex findings of geospatial crime scene analysis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tyrallova2013, author = {Tyrallov{\´a}, Lucia}, title = {Automatisierte Objektidentifikation und Visualisierung terrestrischer Oberfl{\"a}chenformen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69268}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die automatisierte Objektidentifikation stellt ein modernes Werkzeug in den Geoinformationswissenschaften dar (BLASCHKE et al., 2012). Um bei thematischen Kartierungen untereinander vergleichbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen, sollen aus Sicht der Geoinformatik Mittel f{\"u}r die Objektidentifikation eingesetzt werden. Anstelle von Feldarbeit werden deshalb in der vorliegenden Arbeit multispektrale Fernerkundungsdaten als Prim{\"a}rdaten verwendet. Konkrete nat{\"u}rliche Objekte werden GIS-gest{\"u}tzt und automatisiert {\"u}ber große Fl{\"a}chen und Objektdichten aus Prim{\"a}rdaten identifiziert und charakterisiert. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine automatisierte Prozesskette zur Objektidentifikation konzipiert. Es werden neue Ans{\"a}tze und Konzepte der objektbasierten Identifikation von nat{\"u}rlichen isolierten terrestrischen Oberfl{\"a}chenformen entwickelt und implementiert. Die Prozesskette basiert auf einem Konzept, das auf einem generischen Ansatz f{\"u}r automatisierte Objektidentifikation aufgebaut ist. Die Prozesskette kann anhand charakteristischer quantitativer Parameter angepasst und so umgesetzt werden, womit das Konzept der Objektidentifikation modular und skalierbar wird. Die modulbasierte Architektur erm{\"o}glicht den Einsatz sowohl einzelner Module als auch ihrer Kombination und m{\"o}glicher Erweiterungen. Die eingesetzte Methodik der Objektidentifikation und die daran anschließende Charakteristik der (geo)morphometrischen und morphologischen Parameter wird durch statistische Verfahren gest{\"u}tzt. Diese erm{\"o}glichen die Vergleichbarkeit von Objektparametern aus unterschiedlichen Stichproben. Mit Hilfe der Regressionsund Varianzanalyse werden Verh{\"a}ltnisse zwischen Objektparametern untersucht. Es werden funktionale Abh{\"a}ngigkeiten der Parameter analysiert, um die Objekte qualitativ zu beschreiben. Damit ist es m{\"o}glich, automatisiert berechnete Maße und Indizes der Objekte als quantitative Daten und Informationen zu erfassen und unterschiedliche Stichproben anzuwenden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit bilden Thermokarstseen die Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklungen und als Beispiel sowie Datengrundlage f{\"u}r den Aufbau des Algorithmus und die Analyse. Die Geovisualisierung der multivariaten nat{\"u}rlichen Objekte wird f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines besseren Verst{\"a}ndnisses der r{\"a}umlichen Relationen der Objekte eingesetzt. Kern der Geovisualisierung ist das Verkn{\"u}pfen von Visualisierungsmethoden mit karten{\"a}hnlichen Darstellungen.}, language = {de} } @article{SirockoDietrichVeresetal.2013, author = {Sirocko, Frank and Dietrich, Stephan and Veres, Daniel and Grootes, Pieter M. and Schaber-Mohr, Katja and Seelos, Klemens and Nadeau, Marie-Josee and Kromer, Bernd and Rothacker, Leo and Roehner, Marieke and Krbetschek, Matthias and Appleby, Peter G. and Hambach, Ulrich and Rolf, Christian and Sudo, Masafumi and Grim, Stephanie}, title = {Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany}, series = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, volume = {62}, journal = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0277-3791}, doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.011}, pages = {56 -- 76}, year = {2013}, abstract = {During the last twelve years the ELSA Project (Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive) at Mainz University has drilled a total of about 52 cores from 27 maar lakes and filled-in maar basins in the Eifel/Germany. Dating has been completed for the Holocene cores using 6 different methods (Pb-210 and Cs-137 activities, palynostratigraphy, event markers, varve counting, C-14) In general, the different methods consistently complement one another within error margins. Event correlation was used for relating typical lithological changes with historically known events such as the two major Holocene flood events at 1342 AD and ca 800 BC. Dating of MIS2-MIS3 core sections is based on greyscale tuning, radiocarbon and OSL dating, magnetostratigraphy and tephrochronology. The lithological changes in the sediment cores demonstrate a sequence of events similar to the North Atlantic rapid climate variability of the Last Glacial Cycle. The warmest of the MIS3 interstadials was GI14, when a forest with abundant spruce covered the Eifel area from 55 to 48 ka BP, i.e. during a time when also other climate archives in Europe suggested very warm conditions. The forest of this "Early Stage 3 warm phase" developed subsequently into a steppe with scattered birch and pine, and finally into a glacial desert at around 25 ka BP. Evidence for Mono Lake and Laschamp geomagnetic excursions is found in two long cores. Several large eruptions during Middle and Late Pleistocene (Ulmener Maar - 11,000 varve years BP, Laacher See - 12,900 varve years BP, Mosenberg volcanoes/Meerfelder Maar 41-45 cal ka BP, Dumpel Maar 116 ka BP, Glees Maar - 151 ka BP) produced distinct ash-layers crucial for inter-core and inter-site correlations. The oldest investigated maar of the Eifel is Ar-40/Ar-39 dated to the time older than 520 ka BP.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmallowsky2009, author = {Schmallowsky, Antje}, title = {Visualisierung dynamischer Raumph{\"a}nomene in Geoinformationssystemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41262}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die visuelle Kommunikation ist eine effiziente Methode, um dynamische Ph{\"a}nomene zu beschreiben. Informationsobjekte pr{\"a}zise wahrzunehmen, einen schnellen Zugriff auf strukturierte und relevante Informationen zu erm{\"o}glichen, erfordert konsistente und nach dem formalen Minimalprinzip konzipierte Analyse- und Darstellungsmethoden. Dynamische Raumph{\"a}nomene in Geoinformationssystemen k{\"o}nnen durch den Mangel an konzeptionellen Optimierungsanpassungen aufgrund ihrer statischen Systemstruktur nur bedingt die Informationen von Raum und Zeit modellieren. Die Forschung in dieser Arbeit ist daher auf drei interdisziplin{\"a}re Ans{\"a}tze fokussiert. Der erste Ansatz stellt eine echtzeitnahe Datenerfassung dar, die in Geodatenbanken zeitorientiert verwaltet wird. Der zweite Ansatz betrachtet Analyse- und Simulationsmethoden, die das dynamische Verhalten analysieren und prognostizieren. Der dritte Ansatz konzipiert Visualisierungsmethoden, die insbesondere dynamische Prozesse abbilden. Die Symbolisierung der Prozesse passt sich bedarfsweise in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des Prozessverlaufes und der Interaktion zwischen Datenbanken und Simulationsmodellen den verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen an. Dynamische Aspekte k{\"o}nnen so mit Hilfe bew{\"a}hrter Funktionen aus der GI-Science zeitnah mit modularen Werkzeugen entwickelt und visualisiert werden. Die Analyse-, Verschneidungs- und Datenverwaltungsfunktionen sollen hierbei als Nutzungs- und Auswertungspotential alternativ zu Methoden statischer Karten dienen. Bedeutend f{\"u}r die zeitliche Komponente ist das Verkn{\"u}pfen neuer Technologien, z. B. die Simulation und Animation, basierend auf einer strukturierten Zeitdatenbank in Verbindung mit statistischen Verfahren. Methodisch werden Modellans{\"a}tze und Visualisierungstechniken entwickelt, die auf den Bereich Verkehr transferiert werden. Verkehrsdynamische Ph{\"a}nomene, die nicht zusammenh{\"a}ngend und umfassend darstellbar sind, werden modular in einer serviceorientierten Architektur separiert, um sie in verschiedenen Ebenen r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich visuell zu pr{\"a}sentieren. Entwicklungen der Vergangenheit und Prognosen der Zukunft werden {\"u}ber verschiedene Berechnungsmethoden modelliert und visuell analysiert. Die Verkn{\"u}pfung einer Mikrosimulation (Abbildung einzelner Fahrzeuge) mit einer netzgesteuerten Makrosimulation (Abbildung eines gesamten Straßennetzes) erm{\"o}glicht eine maßstabsunabh{\"a}ngige Simulation und Visualisierung des Mobilit{\"a}tsverhaltens ohne zeitaufwendige Bewertungsmodellberechnungen. Zuk{\"u}nftig wird die visuelle Analyse raum-zeitlicher Ver{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}r planerische Entscheidungen ein effizientes Mittel sein, um Informationen {\"u}bergreifend verf{\"u}gbar, klar strukturiert und zweckorientiert zur Verf{\"u}gung zu stellen. Der Mehrwert durch visuelle Geoanalysen, die modular in einem System integriert sind, ist das flexible Auswerten von Messdaten nach zeitlichen und r{\"a}umlichen Merkmalen.}, language = {de} } @book{Richter2007, author = {Richter, Dietmar}, title = {Fl{\"a}chennutzungswandel in Tirana : Untersuchungen anhand von Landsat TM, Terra ASTER und GIS}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-939469-64-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13018}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {90}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Zuwanderung nach Tirana f{\"u}hrte im Verlauf der 1990er Jahre zu einem enormen Fl{\"a}chenverbrauch auf Kosten landwirtschaftlicher Fl{\"a}chen im Umland der albanischen Hauptstadt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des rasanten Fl{\"a}chenverbrauchs mit computergest{\"u}tzten Methoden dokumentiert. Grundlage der Untersuchung bilden zwei zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten (1988 und 2000) aufgenommene Satellitenszenen, mit Hilfe derer eine {\"A}nderungsanalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. Ziel der {\"A}nderungsanalyse ist es, den Fl{\"a}chennutzungswandel zu analysieren, Daten zu generieren und die Ergebnisse in geeigneter Weise zu visualisieren. Zu den protagonistischen Verfahren der {\"A}nderungsanalyse z{\"a}hlen sowohl die Maximum-Likelihood Klassifikation sowie ein wissensbasierter Klassifizierungsansatz. Die Ergebnisse der {\"A}nderungsanalyse werden in {\"A}nderungskarten dargestellt und mittels einer GIS-Software statistisch ausgewertet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nass2013, author = {Naß, Andrea}, title = {Konzeption und Implementierung eines GIS-basierten Kartierungssystems f{\"u}r die geowissenschaftliche Planetenforschung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65298}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Die Kartierung planetarer K{\"o}rper stellt ein wesentliches Mittel der raumfahrtgest{\"u}tzten Exploration der Himmelsk{\"o}rper dar. Aktuell kommen zur Erstellung der planetaren Karten Geo-Informationssysteme (GIS) zum Einsatz. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine GIS-orientierte Prozesskette (Planetary Mapping System (PMS)) zu konzipieren, mit dem Schwerpunkt geologische und geomorphologische Karten planetarer Oberfl{\"a}chen einheitlich durchf{\"u}hren zu k{\"o}nnen und nachhaltig zug{\"a}nglich zu machen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Morgenstern2012, author = {Morgenstern, Anne}, title = {Thermokarst and thermal erosion : degradation of Siberian ice-rich permafrost}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Current climate warming is affecting arctic regions at a faster rate than the rest of the world. This has profound effects on permafrost that underlies most of the arctic land area. Permafrost thawing can lead to the liberation of considerable amounts of greenhouse gases as well as to significant changes in the geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology of the corresponding landscapes, which may in turn act as a positive feedback to the climate system. Vast areas of the east Siberian lowlands, which are underlain by permafrost of the Yedoma-type Ice Complex, are particularly sensitive to climate warming because of the high ice content of these permafrost deposits. Thermokarst and thermal erosion are two major types of permafrost degradation in periglacial landscapes. The associated landforms are prominent indicators of climate-induced environmental variations on the regional scale. Thermokarst lakes and basins (alasses) as well as thermo-erosional valleys are widely distributed in the coastal lowlands adjacent to the Laptev Sea. This thesis investigates the spatial distribution and morphometric properties of these degradational features to reconstruct their evolutionary conditions during the Holocene and to deduce information on the potential impact of future permafrost degradation under the projected climate warming. The methodological approach is a combination of remote sensing, geoinformation, and field investigations, which integrates analyses on local to regional spatial scales. Thermokarst and thermal erosion have affected the study region to a great extent. In the Ice Complex area of the Lena River Delta, thermokarst basins cover a much larger area than do present thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands (20.0 and 2.2 \%, respectively), which indicates that the conditions for large-area thermokarst development were more suitable in the past. This is supported by the reconstruction of the development of an individual alas in the Lena River Delta, which reveals a prolonged phase of high thermokarst activity since the Pleistocene/Holocene transition that created a large and deep basin. After the drainage of the primary thermokarst lake during the mid-Holocene, permafrost aggradation and degradation have occurred in parallel and in shorter alternating stages within the alas, resulting in a complex thermokarst landscape. Though more dynamic than during the first phase, late Holocene thermokarst activity in the alas was not capable of degrading large portions of Pleistocene Ice Complex deposits and substantially altering the Yedoma relief. Further thermokarst development in existing alasses is restricted to thin layers of Holocene ice-rich alas sediments, because the Ice Complex deposits underneath the large primary thermokarst lakes have thawed completely and the underlying deposits are ice-poor fluvial sands. Thermokarst processes on undisturbed Yedoma uplands have the highest impact on the alteration of Ice Complex deposits, but will be limited to smaller areal extents in the future because of the reduced availability of large undisturbed upland surfaces with poor drainage. On Kurungnakh Island in the central Lena River Delta, the area of Yedoma uplands available for future thermokarst development amounts to only 33.7 \%. The increasing proximity of newly developing thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands to existing degradational features and other topographic lows decreases the possibility for thermokarst lakes to reach large sizes before drainage occurs. Drainage of thermokarst lakes due to thermal erosion is common in the study region, but thermo-erosional valleys also provide water to thermokarst lakes and alasses. Besides these direct hydrological interactions between thermokarst and thermal erosion on the local scale, an interdependence between both processes exists on the regional scale. A regional analysis of extensive networks of thermo-erosional valleys in three lowland regions of the Laptev Sea with a total study area of 5,800 km² found that these features are more common in areas with higher slopes and relief gradients, whereas thermokarst development is more pronounced in flat lowlands with lower relief gradients. The combined results of this thesis highlight the need for comprehensive analyses of both, thermokarst and thermal erosion, in order to assess past and future impacts and feedbacks of the degradation of ice-rich permafrost on hydrology and climate of a certain region.}, language = {en} } @article{KrassakisKaraviasZygourietal.2023, author = {Krassakis, Pavlos and Karavias, Andreas and Zygouri, Evangelia and Roumpos, Christos and Louloudis, Georgios and Pyrgaki, Konstantina and Koukouzas, Nikolaos and Kempka, Thomas and Karapanos, Dimitris}, title = {GIS-based assessment of hybrid pumped hydro storage as a potential solution for the clean energy transition}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {23}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s23020593}, pages = {24}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Planned decommissioning of coal-fired plants in Europe requires innovative technical and economic strategies to support coal regions on their path towards a climate-resilient future. The repurposing of open pit mines into hybrid pumped hydro power storage (HPHS) of excess energy from the electric grid, and renewable sources will contribute to the EU Green Deal, increase the economic value, stabilize the regional job market and contribute to the EU energy supply security. This study aims to present a preliminary phase of a geospatial workflow used to evaluate land suitability by implementing a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique with an advanced geographic information system (GIS) in the context of an interdisciplinary feasibility study on HPHS in the Kardia lignite open pit mine (Western Macedonia, Greece). The introduced geospatial analysis is based on the utilization of the constraints and ranking criteria within the boundaries of the abandoned mine regarding specific topographic and proximity criteria. The applied criteria were selected from the literature, while for their weights, the experts' judgement was introduced by implementing the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), in the framework of the ATLANTIS research program. According to the results, seven regions were recognized as suitable, with a potential energy storage capacity from 1.09 to 5.16 GWh. Particularly, the present study's results reveal that 9.27\% (212,884 m(2)) of the area had a very low suitability, 15.83\% (363,599 m(2)) had a low suitability, 23.99\% (550,998 m(2)) had a moderate suitability, 24.99\% (573,813 m(2)) had a high suitability, and 25.92\% (595,125 m(2)) had a very high suitability for the construction of the upper reservoir. The proposed semi-automatic geospatial workflow introduces an innovative tool that can be applied to open pit mines globally to identify the optimum design for an HPHS system depending on the existing lower reservoir.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Korzeniowska2017, author = {Korzeniowska, Karolina}, title = {Object-based image analysis for detecting landforms diagnostic of natural hazards}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-402240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 139}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Natural and potentially hazardous events occur on the Earth's surface every day. The most destructive of these processes must be monitored, because they may cause loss of lives, infrastructure, and natural resources, or have a negative effect on the environment. A variety of remote sensing technologies allow the recoding of data to detect these processes in the first place, partly based on the diagnostic landforms that they form. To perform this effectively, automatic methods are desirable. Universal detection of natural hazards is challenging due to their differences in spatial impacts, timing and longevity of consequences, and the spatial resolution of remote-sensing data. Previous studies have reported that topographic metrics such as roughness, which can be captured from digital elevation data, can reveal landforms diagnostic of natural hazards, such as gullies, dunes, lava fields, landslides and snow avalanches, as these landforms tend to be more heterogeneous than the surrounding landscape. A single roughness metric is often limited in such detections; however, a more complex approach that exploits the spatial relation and the location of objects, such as object-based image analysis (OBIA), is desirable. In this thesis, I propose a topographic roughness measure derived from an airborne laser scanning (ALS) digital terrain model (DTM) and discuss its performance in detecting landforms principally diagnostic of natural hazards. I further develop OBIA-based algorithms for the detection of snow avalanches using near-infrared (NIR) aerial images, and the size (changes) of mountain lakes using LANDSAT satellite images. I quantitatively test and document how the level of difficulty in detecting these very challenging landforms depends on the input data resolution, the derivatives that could be evaluated from images and DTMs, the size, shape and complexity of landforms, and the capabilities of obtaining the information in the data. I demonstrate that surface roughness is a promising metric for detecting different landforms in diverse environments, and that OBIA assists significantly in detecting parts of lakes and snow avalanches that may not be correctly assigned by applying only the thresholding of spectral properties of data and their derivatives. The curvature-based surface roughness parameter allows the detection of gullies, dunes, lava fields and landslides with a user's accuracy of 0.63, 0.21, 0.53, and 0.45, respectively. The OBIA algorithms for detecting lakes and snow avalanches obtained user's accuracy of 0.98, and 0.78, respectively. Most of the analysed landforms constituted only a small part of the entire dataset, and therefore the user's accuracy is the most appropriate performance measure that should be given in a such classification, because it tells how many automatically-extracted pixels in fact represent the object that one wants to classify, and its calculation does not take the second (background) class into account. One advantage of the proposed roughness parameter is that it allows the extraction of the heterogeneity of the surface without the need for data detrending. The OBIA approach is novel in that it allows the classification of lakes regardless of the physical state of their water, and also allows the separation of frozen lakes from glaciers that have very similar water indices used in purely optical remote sensing applications. The algorithm proposed for snow avalanches allows the detection of release zones, tracks, and deposition zones by verifying the snow heterogeneity based on a roughness metric evaluated from a water index, and by analysing the local relation of segments with their neighbouring objects. This algorithm contains few steps, which allows for the simultaneous classification of avalanches that occur on diverse mountain slopes and differ in size and shape. This thesis contributes to natural hazard research as it provides automatic solutions to tracking six different landforms that are diagnostic of natural hazards over large regions. This is a step toward delineating areas susceptible to the processes producing these landforms and the improvement of hazard maps.}, language = {en} } @article{JonesArpWhitmanetal.2017, author = {Jones, Benjamin M. and Arp, Christopher D. and Whitman, Matthew S. and Nigro, Debora and Nitze, Ingmar and Beaver, John and Gadeke, Anne and Zuck, Callie and Liljedahl, Anna and Daanen, Ronald and Torvinen, Eric and Fritz, Stacey and Grosse, Guido}, title = {A lake-centric geospatial database to guide research and inform management decisions in an Arctic watershed in northern Alaska experiencing climate and land-use changes}, series = {AMBIO}, volume = {46}, journal = {AMBIO}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {0044-7447}, doi = {10.1007/s13280-017-0915-9}, pages = {769 -- 786}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Lakes are dominant and diverse landscape features in the Arctic, but conventional land cover classification schemes typically map them as a single uniform class. Here, we present a detailed lake-centric geospatial database for an Arctic watershed in northern Alaska. We developed a GIS dataset consisting of 4362 lakes that provides information on lake morphometry, hydrologic connectivity, surface area dynamics, surrounding terrestrial ecotypes, and other important conditions describing Arctic lakes. Analyzing the geospatial database relative to fish and bird survey data shows relations to lake depth and hydrologic connectivity, which are being used to guide research and aid in the management of aquatic resources in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Further development of similar geospatial databases is needed to better understand and plan for the impacts of ongoing climate and land-use changes occurring across lake-rich landscapes in the Arctic.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bryant2024, author = {Bryant, Seth}, title = {Aggregation and disaggregation in flood risk models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65095}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-650952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 116}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Floods continue to be the leading cause of economic damages and fatalities among natural disasters worldwide. As future climate and exposure changes are projected to intensify these damages, the need for more accurate and scalable flood risk models is rising. Over the past decade, macro-scale flood risk models have evolved from initial proof-of-concepts to indispensable tools for decision-making at global-, nationaland, increasingly, the local-level. This progress has been propelled by the advent of high-performance computing and the availability of global, space-based datasets. However, despite such advancements, these models are rarely validated and consistently fall short of the accuracy achieved by high-resolution local models. While capabilities have improved, significant gaps persist in understanding the behaviours of such macro-scale models, particularly their tendency to overestimate risk. This dissertation aims to address such gaps by examining the scale transfers inherent in the construction and application of coarse macroscale models. To achieve this, four studies are presented that, collectively, address exposure, hazard, and vulnerability components of risk affected by upscaling or downscaling. The first study focuses on a type of downscaling where coarse flood hazard inundation grids are enhanced to a finer resolution. While such inundation downscaling has been employed in numerous global model chains, ours is the first study to focus specifically on this component, providing an evaluation of the state of the art and a novel algorithm. Findings demonstrate that our novel algorithm is eight times faster than existing methods, offers a slight improvement in accuracy, and generates more physically coherent flood maps in hydraulically challenging regions. When applied to a case study, the algorithm generated a 4m resolution inundation map from 30m hydrodynamic model outputs in 33 s, a 60-fold improvement in runtime with a 25\% increase in RMSE compared with direct hydrodynamic modelling. All evaluated downscaling algorithms yielded better accuracy than the coarse hydrodynamic model when compared to observations, demonstrating similar limits of coarse hydrodynamic models reported by others. The substitution of downscaling into flood risk model chains, in place of high-resolution modelling, can drastically improve the lead time of impactbased forecasts and the efficiency of hazard map production. With downscaling, local regions could obtain high resolution local inundation maps by post-processing a global model without the need for expensive modelling or expertise. The second study focuses on hazard aggregation and its implications for exposure, investigating implicit aggregations commonly used to intersect hazard grids with coarse exposure models. This research introduces a novel spatial classification framework to understand the effects of rescaling flood hazard grids to a coarser resolution. The study derives closed-form analytical solutions for the location and direction of bias from flood grid aggregation, showing that bias will always be present in regions near the edge of inundation. For example, inundation area will be positively biased when water depth grids are aggregated, while volume will be negatively biased when water elevation grids are aggregated. Extending the analysis to effects of hazard aggregation on building exposure, this study shows that exposure in regions at the edge of inundation are an order of magnitude more sensitive to aggregation errors than hazard alone. Among the two aggregation routines considered, averaging water surface elevation grids better preserved flood depths at buildings than averaging of water depth grids. The study provides the first mathematical proof and generalizeable treatment of flood hazard grid aggregation, demonstrating important mechanisms to help flood risk modellers understand and control model behaviour. The final two studies focus on the aggregation of vulnerability models or flood damage functions, investigating the practice of applying per-asset functions to aggregate exposure models. Both studies extend Jensen's inequality, a well-known 1906 mathematical proof, to demonstrate how the aggregation of flood damage functions leads to bias. Applying Jensen's proof in this new context, results show that typically concave flood damage functions will introduce a positive bias (overestimation) when aggregated. This behaviour was further investigated with a simulation experiment including 2 million buildings in Germany, four global flood hazard simulations and three aggregation scenarios. The results show that positive aggregation bias is not distributed evenly in space, meaning some regions identified as "hot spots of risk" in assessments may in fact just be hot spots of aggregation bias. This study provides the first application of Jensen's inequality to explain the overestimates reported elsewhere and advice for modellers to minimize such artifacts. In total, this dissertation investigates the complex ways aggregation and disaggregation influence the behaviour of risk models, focusing on the scale-transfers underpinning macro-scale flood risk assessments. Extending a key finding of the flood hazard literature to the broader context of flood risk, this dissertation concludes that all else equal, coarse models overestimate risk. This dissertation goes beyond previous studies by providing mathematical proofs for how and where such bias emerges in aggregation routines, offering a mechanistic explanation for coarse model overestimates. It shows that this bias is spatially heterogeneous, necessitating a deep understanding of how rescaling may bias models to effectively reduce or communicate uncertainties. Further, the dissertation offers specific recommendations to help modellers minimize scale transfers in problematic regions. In conclusion, I argue that such aggregation errors are epistemic, stemming from choices in model structure, and therefore hold greater potential and impetus for study and mitigation. This deeper understanding of uncertainties is essential for improving macro-scale flood risk models and their effectiveness in equitable, holistic, and sustainable flood management.}, language = {en} }