@phdthesis{Abedjan2014, author = {Abedjan, Ziawasch}, title = {Improving RDF data with data mining}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Linked Open Data (LOD) comprises very many and often large public data sets and knowledge bases. Those datasets are mostly presented in the RDF triple structure of subject, predicate, and object, where each triple represents a statement or fact. Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of available open data requires significant integration steps before it can be used in applications. Meta information, such as ontological definitions and exact range definitions of predicates, are desirable and ideally provided by an ontology. However in the context of LOD, ontologies are often incomplete or simply not available. Thus, it is useful to automatically generate meta information, such as ontological dependencies, range definitions, and topical classifications. Association rule mining, which was originally applied for sales analysis on transactional databases, is a promising and novel technique to explore such data. We designed an adaptation of this technique for min-ing Rdf data and introduce the concept of "mining configurations", which allows us to mine RDF data sets in various ways. Different configurations enable us to identify schema and value dependencies that in combination result in interesting use cases. To this end, we present rule-based approaches for auto-completion, data enrichment, ontology improvement, and query relaxation. Auto-completion remedies the problem of inconsistent ontology usage, providing an editing user with a sorted list of commonly used predicates. A combination of different configurations step extends this approach to create completely new facts for a knowledge base. We present two approaches for fact generation, a user-based approach where a user selects the entity to be amended with new facts and a data-driven approach where an algorithm discovers entities that have to be amended with missing facts. As knowledge bases constantly grow and evolve, another approach to improve the usage of RDF data is to improve existing ontologies. Here, we present an association rule based approach to reconcile ontology and data. Interlacing different mining configurations, we infer an algorithm to discover synonymously used predicates. Those predicates can be used to expand query results and to support users during query formulation. We provide a wide range of experiments on real world datasets for each use case. The experiments and evaluations show the added value of association rule mining for the integration and usability of RDF data and confirm the appropriateness of our mining configuration methodology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahmad2014, author = {Ahmad, Nadeem}, title = {People centered HMI's for deaf and functionally illiterate users}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The objective and motivation behind this research is to provide applications with easy-to-use interfaces to communities of deaf and functionally illiterate users, which enables them to work without any human assistance. Although recent years have witnessed technological advancements, the availability of technology does not ensure accessibility to information and communication technologies (ICT). Extensive use of text from menus to document contents means that deaf or functionally illiterate can not access services implemented on most computer software. Consequently, most existing computer applications pose an accessibility barrier to those who are unable to read fluently. Online technologies intended for such groups should be developed in continuous partnership with primary users and include a thorough investigation into their limitations, requirements and usability barriers. In this research, I investigated existing tools in voice, web and other multimedia technologies to identify learning gaps and explored ways to enhance the information literacy for deaf and functionally illiterate users. I worked on the development of user-centered interfaces to increase the capabilities of deaf and low literacy users by enhancing lexical resources and by evaluating several multimedia interfaces for them. The interface of the platform-independent Italian Sign Language (LIS) Dictionary has been developed to enhance the lexical resources for deaf users. The Sign Language Dictionary accepts Italian lemmas as input and provides their representation in the Italian Sign Language as output. The Sign Language dictionary has 3082 signs as set of Avatar animations in which each sign is linked to a corresponding Italian lemma. I integrated the LIS lexical resources with MultiWordNet (MWN) database to form the first LIS MultiWordNet(LMWN). LMWN contains information about lexical relations between words, semantic relations between lexical concepts (synsets), correspondences between Italian and sign language lexical concepts and semantic fields (domains). The approach enhances the deaf users' understanding of written Italian language and shows that a relatively small set of lexicon can cover a significant portion of MWN. Integration of LIS signs with MWN made it useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. The rule-based translation process from written Italian text to LIS has been transformed into service-oriented system. The translation process is composed of various modules including parser, semantic interpreter, generator, and spatial allocation planner. This translation procedure has been implemented in the Java Application Building Center (jABC), which is a framework for extreme model driven design (XMDD). The XMDD approach focuses on bringing software development closer to conceptual design, so that the functionality of a software solution could be understood by someone who is unfamiliar with programming concepts. The transformation addresses the heterogeneity challenge and enhances the re-usability of the system. For enhancing the e-participation of functionally illiterate users, two detailed studies were conducted in the Republic of Rwanda. In the first study, the traditional (textual) interface was compared with the virtual character-based interactive interface. The study helped to identify usability barriers and users evaluated these interfaces according to three fundamental areas of usability, i.e. effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. In another study, we developed four different interfaces to analyze the usability and effects of online assistance (consistent help) for functionally illiterate users and compared different help modes including textual, vocal and virtual character on the performance of semi-literate users. In our newly designed interfaces the instructions were automatically translated in Swahili language. All the interfaces were evaluated on the basis of task accomplishment, time consumption, System Usability Scale (SUS) rating and number of times the help was acquired. The results show that the performance of semi-literate users improved significantly when using the online assistance. The dissertation thus introduces a new development approach in which virtual characters are used as additional support for barely literate or naturally challenged users. Such components enhanced the application utility by offering a variety of services like translating contents in local language, providing additional vocal information, and performing automatic translation from text to sign language. Obviously, there is no such thing as one design solution that fits for all in the underlying domain. Context sensitivity, literacy and mental abilities are key factors on which I concentrated and the results emphasize that computer interfaces must be based on a thoughtful definition of target groups, purposes and objectives.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albrecht2014, author = {Albrecht, Steve}, title = {Generation, recombination and extraction of charges in polymer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72285}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A dramatic efficiency improvement of bulk heterojunction solar cells based on electron-donating conjugated polymers in combination with soluble fullerene derivatives has been achieved over the past years. Certified and reported power conversion efficiencies now reach over 9\% for single junctions and exceed the 10\% benchmark for tandem solar cells. This trend brightens the vision of organic photovoltaics becoming competitive with inorganic solar cells including the realization of low-cost and large-area organic photovoltaics. For the best performing organic materials systems, the yield of charge generation can be very efficient. However, a detailed understanding of the free charge carrier generation mechanisms at the donor acceptor interface and the energy loss associated with it needs to be established. Moreover, organic solar cells are limited by the competition between charge extraction and free charge recombination, accounting for further efficiency losses. A conclusive picture and the development of precise methodologies for investigating the fundamental processes in organic solar cells are crucial for future material design, efficiency optimization, and the implementation of organic solar cells into commercial products. In order to advance the development of organic photovoltaics, my thesis focuses on the comprehensive understanding of charge generation, recombination and extraction in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells summarized in 6 chapters on the cumulative basis of 7 individual publications. The general motivation guiding this work was the realization of an efficient hybrid inorganic/organic tandem solar cell with sub-cells made from amorphous hydrogenated silicon and organic bulk heterojunctions. To realize this project aim, the focus was directed to the low band-gap copolymer PCPDTBT and its derivatives, resulting in the examination of the charge carrier dynamics in PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends in relation to by the blend morphology. The phase separation in this blend can be controlled by the processing additive diiodooctane, enhancing domain purity and size. The quantitative investigation of the free charge formation was realized by utilizing and improving the time delayed collection field technique. Interestingly, a pronounced field dependence of the free carrier generation for all blends is found, with the field dependence being stronger without the additive. Also, the bimolecular recombination coefficient for both blends is rather high and increases with decreasing internal field which we suggest to be caused by a negative field dependence of mobility. The additive speeds up charge extraction which is rationalized by the threefold increase in mobility. By fluorine attachment within the electron deficient subunit of PCPDTBT, a new polymer F-PCPDTBT is designed. This new material is characterized by a stronger tendency to aggregate as compared to non-fluorinated PCPDTBT. Our measurements show that for F-PCPDTBT:PCBM blends the charge carrier generation becomes more efficient and the field-dependence of free charge carrier generation is weakened. The stronger tendency to aggregate induced by the fluorination also leads to increased polymer rich domains, accompanied in a threefold reduction in the non-geminate recombination coefficient at conditions of open circuit. The size of the polymer domains is nicely correlated to the field-dependence of charge generation and the Langevin reduction factor, which highlights the importance of the domain size and domain purity for efficient charge carrier generation. In total, fluorination of PCPDTBT causes the PCE to increase from 3.6 to 6.1\% due to enhanced fill factor, short circuit current and open circuit voltage. Further optimization of the blend ratio, active layer thickness, and polymer molecular weight resulted in 6.6\% efficiency for F-PCPDTBT:PC70BM solar cells. Interestingly, the double fluorinated version 2F-PCPDTBT exhibited poorer FF despite a further reduction of geminate and non-geminate recombination losses. To further analyze this finding, a new technique is developed that measures the effective extraction mobility under charge carrier densities and electrical fields comparable to solar cell operation conditions. This method involves the bias enhanced charge extraction technique. With the knowledge of the carrier density under different electrical field and illumination conditions, a conclusive picture of the changes in charge carrier dynamics leading to differences in the fill factor upon fluorination of PCPDTBT is attained. The more efficient charge generation and reduced recombination with fluorination is counterbalanced by a decreased extraction mobility. Thus, the highest fill factor of 60\% and efficiency of 6.6\% is reached for F-PCPDTBT blends, while 2F-PCPDTBT blends have only moderate fill factors of 54\% caused by the lower effective extraction mobility, limiting the efficiency to 6.5\%. To understand the details of the charge generation mechanism and the related losses, we evaluated the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation using time delayed collection field in combination with sensitive measurements of the external quantum efficiency and absorption coefficients for a variety of blends. Importantly, both the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation is found to be unaffected by excitation energy, including direct charge transfer excitation below the optical band gap. To access the non-detectable absorption at energies of the relaxed charge transfer emission, the absorption was reconstructed from the CT emission, induced via the recombination of thermalized charges in electroluminescence. For a variety of blends, the quantum yield at energies of charge transfer emission was identical to excitations with energies well above the optical band-gap. Thus, the generation proceeds via the split-up of the thermalized charge transfer states in working solar cells. Further measurements were conducted on blends with fine-tuned energy levels and similar blend morphologies by using different fullerene derivatives. A direct correlation between the efficiency of free carrier generation and the energy difference of the relaxed charge transfer state relative to the energy of the charge separated state is found. These findings open up new guidelines for future material design as new high efficiency materials require a minimum energetic offset between charge transfer and the charge separated state while keeping the HOMO level (and LUMO level) difference between donor and acceptor as small as possible.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andree2014, author = {Andree, Kai}, title = {Horizontale Fusionen bei r{\"a}umlichem Wettbewerb}, series = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, journal = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, number = {6}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-279-7}, issn = {2190-8702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69209}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 227}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fusionen stellen einen zentralen Baustein der Industrie{\"o}konomik dar. In diesem Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss die r{\"a}umliche Dimension auf eine Fusion aus{\"u}bt. Dabei wird ein Grundmodell entwickelt und {\"u}ber dieses hinaus eine Vielzahl Erweiterungen pr{\"a}sentiert. Der Leser erh{\"a}lt somit die M{\"o}glichkeit ein tiefes Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r Fusionen bei r{\"a}umlichem Wettbewerb zu erlangen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Arnold2014, author = {Arnold, Anne}, title = {Modeling photosynthesis and related metabolic processes : from detailed examination to consideration of the metabolic context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72277}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Mathematical modeling of biological systems is a powerful tool to systematically investigate the functions of biological processes and their relationship with the environment. To obtain accurate and biologically interpretable predictions, a modeling framework has to be devised whose assumptions best approximate the examined scenario and which copes with the trade-off of complexity of the underlying mathematical description: with attention to detail or high coverage. Correspondingly, the system can be examined in detail on a smaller scale or in a simplified manner on a larger scale. In this thesis, the role of photosynthesis and its related biochemical processes in the context of plant metabolism was dissected by employing modeling approaches ranging from kinetic to stoichiometric models. The Calvin-Benson cycle, as primary pathway of carbon fixation in C3 plants, is the initial step for producing starch and sucrose, necessary for plant growth. Based on an integrative analysis for model ranking applied on the largest compendium of (kinetic) models for the Calvin-Benson cycle, those suitable for development of metabolic engineering strategies were identified. Driven by the question why starch rather than sucrose is the predominant transitory carbon storage in higher plants, the metabolic costs for their synthesis were examined. The incorporation of the maintenance costs for the involved enzymes provided a model-based support for the preference of starch as transitory carbon storage, by only exploiting the stoichiometry of synthesis pathways. Many photosynthetic organisms have to cope with processes which compete with carbon fixation, such as photorespiration whose impact on plant metabolism is still controversial. A systematic model-oriented review provided a detailed assessment for the role of this pathway in inhibiting the rate of carbon fixation, bridging carbon and nitrogen metabolism, shaping the C1 metabolism, and influencing redox signal transduction. The demand of understanding photosynthesis in its metabolic context calls for the examination of the related processes of the primary carbon metabolism. To this end, the Arabidopsis core model was assembled via a bottom-up approach. This large-scale model can be used to simulate photoautotrophic biomass production, as an indicator for plant growth, under so-called optimal, carbon-limiting and nitrogen-limiting growth conditions. Finally, the introduced model was employed to investigate the effects of the environment, in particular, nitrogen, carbon and energy sources, on the metabolic behavior. This resulted in a purely stoichiometry-based explanation for the experimental evidence for preferred simultaneous acquisition of nitrogen in both forms, as nitrate and ammonium, for optimal growth in various plant species. The findings presented in this thesis provide new insights into plant system's behavior, further support existing opinions for which mounting experimental evidences arise, and posit novel hypotheses for further directed large-scale experiments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnold2014, author = {Arnold, Stefanie}, title = {Epitop-Kartierung von PBP2A und Identifizierung MRSA-spezifischer immunodominanter Peptidsequenzen}, pages = {XIX, 120}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bach2014, author = {Bach, Tobias}, title = {Autonomie und Steuerung verselbst{\"a}ndigter Beh{\"o}rden : eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Deutschlands und Norwegens}, series = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, volume = {19}, journal = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-04298-1}, pages = {357 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BacskaiAtkari2014, author = {Bacskai-Atkari, Julia}, title = {The syntax of comparative constructions : operators, ellipsis phenomena and functional left peripheries}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-301-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71255}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 310}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Adopting a minimalist framework, the dissertation provides an analysis for the syntactic structure of comparatives, with special attention paid to the derivation of the subclause. The proposed account explains how the comparative subclause is connected to the matrix clause, how the subclause is formed in the syntax and what additional processes contribute to its final structure. In addition, it casts light upon these problems in cross-linguistic terms and provides a model that allows for synchronic and diachronic differences. This also enables one to give a more adequate explanation for the phenomena found in English comparatives since the properties of English structures can then be linked to general settings of the language and hence need no longer be considered as idiosyncratic features of the grammar of English. First, the dissertation provides a unified analysis of degree expressions, relating the structure of comparatives to that of other degrees. It is shown that gradable adjectives are located within a degree phrase (DegP), which in turn projects a quantifier phrase (QP) and that these two functional layers are always present, irrespectively of whether there is a phonologically visible element in these layers. Second, the dissertation presents a novel analysis of Comparative Deletion by reducing it to an overtness constraint holding on operators: in this way, it is reduced to morphological differences and cross-linguistic variation is not conditioned by way of postulating an arbitrary parameter. Cross-linguistic differences are ultimately dependent on whether a language has overt operators equipped with the relevant - [+compr] and [+rel] - features. Third, the dissertation provides an adequate explanation for the phenomenon of Attributive Comparative Deletion, as attested in English, by way of relating it to the regular mechanism of Comparative Deletion. I assume that Attributive Comparative Deletion is not a universal phenomenon, and its presence in English can be conditioned by independent, more general rules, while the absence of such restrictions leads to its absence in other languages. Fourth, the dissertation accounts for certain phenomena related to diachronic changes, examining how the changes in the status of comparative operators led to changes in whether Comparative Deletion is attested in a given language: I argue that only operators without a lexical XP can be grammaticalised. The underlying mechanisms underlying are essentially general economy principles and hence the processes are not language-specific or exceptional. Fifth, the dissertation accounts for optional ellipsis processes that play a crucial role in the derivation of typical comparative subclauses. These processes are not directly related to the structure of degree expressions and hence the elimination of the quantified expression from the subclause; nevertheless, they are shown to be in interaction with the mechanisms underlying Comparative Deletion or the absence thereof.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Balzer2014, author = {Balzer, Arnim}, title = {Crab flare observations with H.E.S.S. phase II}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72545}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The H.E.S.S. array is a third generation Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) array. It is located in the Khomas Highland in Namibia, and measures very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays. In Phase I, the array started data taking in 2004 with its four identical 13 m telescopes. Since then, H.E.S.S. has emerged as the most successful IACT experiment to date. Among the almost 150 sources of VHE gamma-ray radiation found so far, even the oldest detection, the Crab Nebula, keeps surprising the scientific community with unexplained phenomena such as the recently discovered very energetic flares of high energy gamma-ray radiation. During its most recent flare, which was detected by the Fermi satellite in March 2013, the Crab Nebula was simultaneously observed with the H.E.S.S. array for six nights. The results of the observations will be discussed in detail during the course of this work. During the nights of the flare, the new 24 m × 32 m H.E.S.S. II telescope was still being commissioned, but participated in the data taking for one night. To be able to reconstruct and analyze the data of the H.E.S.S. Phase II array, the algorithms and software used by the H.E.S.S. Phase I array had to be adapted. The most prominent advanced shower reconstruction technique developed by de Naurois and Rolland, the template-based model analysis, compares real shower images taken by the Cherenkov telescope cameras with shower templates obtained using a semi-analytical model. To find the best fitting image, and, therefore, the relevant parameters that describe the air shower best, a pixel-wise log-likelihood fit is done. The adaptation of this advanced shower reconstruction technique to the heterogeneous H.E.S.S. Phase II array for stereo events (i.e. air showers seen by at least two telescopes of any kind), its performance using MonteCarlo simulations as well as its application to real data will be described.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bamberg2014, author = {Bamberg, Marlene}, title = {Planetary mapping tools applied to floor-fractured craters on Mars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72104}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Planetary research is often user-based and requires considerable skill, time, and effort. Unfortunately, self-defined boundary conditions, definitions, and rules are often not documented or not easy to comprehend due to the complexity of research. This makes a comparison to other studies, or an extension of the already existing research, complicated. Comparisons are often distorted, because results rely on different, not well defined, or even unknown boundary conditions. The purpose of this research is to develop a standardized analysis method for planetary surfaces, which is adaptable to several research topics. The method provides a consistent quality of results. This also includes achieving reliable and comparable results and reducing the time and effort of conducting such studies. A standardized analysis method is provided by automated analysis tools that focus on statistical parameters. Specific key parameters and boundary conditions are defined for the tool application. The analysis relies on a database in which all key parameters are stored. These databases can be easily updated and adapted to various research questions. This increases the flexibility, reproducibility, and comparability of the research. However, the quality of the database and reliability of definitions directly influence the results. To ensure a high quality of results, the rules and definitions need to be well defined and based on previously conducted case studies. The tools then produce parameters, which are obtained by defined geostatistical techniques (measurements, calculations, classifications). The idea of an automated statistical analysis is tested to proof benefits but also potential problems of this method. In this study, I adapt automated tools for floor-fractured craters (FFCs) on Mars. These impact craters show a variety of surface features, occurring in different Martian environments, and having different fracturing origins. They provide a complex morphological and geological field of application. 433 FFCs are classified by the analysis tools due to their fracturing process. Spatial data, environmental context, and crater interior data are analyzed to distinguish between the processes involved in floor fracturing. Related geologic processes, such as glacial and fluvial activity, are too similar to be separately classified by the automated tools. Glacial and fluvial fracturing processes are merged together for the classification. The automated tools provide probability values for each origin model. To guarantee the quality and reliability of the results, classification tools need to achieve an origin probability above 50 \%. This analysis method shows that 15 \% of the FFCs are fractured by intrusive volcanism, 20 \% by tectonic activity, and 43 \% by water \& ice related processes. In total, 75 \% of the FFCs are classified to an origin type. This can be explained by a combination of origin models, superposition or erosion of key parameters, or an unknown fracturing model. Those features have to be manually analyzed in detail. Another possibility would be the improvement of key parameters and rules for the classification. This research shows that it is possible to conduct an automated statistical analysis of morphologic and geologic features based on analysis tools. Analysis tools provide additional information to the user and are therefore considered assistance systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Barkowsky2014, author = {Barkowsky, Kai}, title = {Reform der Kommunalverwaltung in England und Deutschland : new public managment zwischen Reformrhetorik und Reformergebnissen}, series = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, volume = {20}, journal = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-05087-0}, pages = {324 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bathke2014, author = {Bathke, Hannes}, title = {An investigation of complex deformation patterns detected by using InSAR at Llaima and Tend{\"u}rek volcanoes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70522}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Surface displacement at volcanic edifices is related to subsurface processes associated with magma movements, fluid transfers within the volcano edifice and gravity-driven deformation processes. Understanding of associated ground displacements is of importance for assessment of volcanic hazards. For example, volcanic unrest is often preceded by surface uplift, caused by magma intrusion and followed by subsidence, after the withdrawal of magma. Continuous monitoring of the surface displacement at volcanoes therefore might allow the forecasting of upcoming eruptions to some extent. In geophysics, the measured surface displacements allow the parameters of possible deformation sources to be estimated through analytical or numerical modeling. This is one way to improve the understanding of subsurface processes acting at volcanoes. Although the monitoring of volcanoes has significantly improved in the last decades (in terms of technical advancements and number of monitored volcanoes), the forecasting of volcanic eruptions remains puzzling. In this work I contribute towards the understanding of the subsurface processes at volcanoes and thus to the improvement of volcano eruption forecasting. I have investigated the displacement field of Llaima volcano in Chile and of Tend{\"u}rek volcano in East Turkey by using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). Through modeling of the deformation sources with the extracted displacement data, it was possible to gain insights into potential subsurface processes occurring at these two volcanoes that had been barely studied before. The two volcanoes, although of very different origin, composition and geometry, both show a complexity of interacting deformation sources. At Llaima volcano, the InSAR technique was difficult to apply, due to the large decorrelation of the radar signal between the acquisition of images. I developed a model-based unwrapping scheme, which allows the production of reliable displacement maps at the volcano that I used for deformation source modeling. The modeling results show significant differences in pre- and post-eruptive magmatic deformation source parameters. Therefore, I conjecture that two magma chambers exist below Llaima volcano: a post-eruptive deep one and a shallow one possibly due to the pre-eruptive ascent of magma. Similar reservoir depths at Llaima have been confirmed by independent petrologic studies. These reservoirs are interpreted to be temporally coupled. At Tend{\"u}rek volcano I have found long-term subsidence of the volcanic edifice, which can be described by a large, magmatic, sill-like source that is subject to cooling contraction. The displacement data in conjunction with high-resolution optical images, however, reveal arcuate fractures at the eastern and western flank of the volcano. These are most likely the surface expressions of concentric ring-faults around the volcanic edifice that show low magnitudes of slip over a long time. This might be an alternative mechanism for the development of large caldera structures, which are so far assumed to be generated during large catastrophic collapse events. To investigate the potential subsurface geometry and relation of the two proposed interacting sources at Tend{\"u}rek, a sill-like magmatic source and ring-faults, I have performed a more sophisticated numerical modeling approach. The optimum source geometries show, that the size of the sill-like source was overestimated in the simple models and that it is difficult to determine the dip angle of the ring-faults with surface displacement data only. However, considering physical and geological criteria a combination of outward-dipping reverse faults in the west and inward-dipping normal faults in the east seem to be the most likely. Consequently, the underground structure at the Tend{\"u}rek volcano consists of a small, sill-like, contracting, magmatic source below the western summit crater that causes a trapdoor-like faulting along the ring-faults around the volcanic edifice. Therefore, the magmatic source and the ring-faults are also interpreted to be temporally coupled. In addition, a method for data reduction has been improved. The modeling of subsurface deformation sources requires only a relatively small number of well distributed InSAR observations at the earth's surface. Satellite radar images, however, consist of several millions of these observations. Therefore, the large amount of data needs to be reduced by several orders of magnitude for source modeling, to save computation time and increase model flexibility. I have introduced a model-based subsampling approach in particular for heterogeneously-distributed observations. It allows a fast calculation of the data error variance-covariance matrix, also supports the modeling of time dependent displacement data and is, therefore, an alternative to existing methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beck2014, author = {Beck, Andreas}, title = {Unionsrechtliche Staatshaftung der EU-Mitgliedstaaten f{\"u}r judikatives Unrecht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80211}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIX, 260}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Obwohl in den unionalen Vertr{\"a}gen bis heute keine Vorschrift bez{\"u}glich einer Staatshaftung der Mitgliedstaaten f{\"u}r Entscheidungen ihrer Gerichte existiert, hat der Gerichtshof der Europ{\"a}ischen Union (EuGH) in einer Reihe von Entscheidungen eine solche Haftung entwickelt und pr{\"a}zisiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert eingehend diese Rechtsprechung mitsamt den sich daraus ergebenden facettenreichen Rechtsfragen. Im ersten Kapitel widmet sich die Arbeit der historischen Entwicklung der unionsrechtlichen Staatshaftung im Allgemeinen, ausgehend von dem bekannten Francovich-Urteil aus dem Jahr 1991. Sodann werden im zweiten Kapitel die zur Haftung f{\"u}r judikatives Unrecht grundlegenden Entscheidungen in den Rechtssachen K{\"o}bler und Traghetti vorgestellt. In dem sich anschließenden dritten Kapitel wird der Rechtscharakter der unionsrechtlichen Staatshaftung - einschließlich der Frage einer Subsidiarit{\"a}t des unionsrechtlichen Anspruchs gegen{\"u}ber bestehenden nationalen Staatshaftungsanspr{\"u}chen - untersucht. Das vierte Kapitel widmet sich der Frage, ob eine unionsrechtliche Staatshaftung f{\"u}r judikatives Unrecht prinzipiell anzuerkennen ist, wobei die wesentlichen f{\"u}r und gegen eine solche Haftung sprechenden Argumente ausf{\"u}hrlich behandelt und bewertet werden. Im f{\"u}nften Kapitel werden die im Zusammenhang mit den unionsrechtlichen Haftungsvoraussetzungen stehenden Probleme der Haftung f{\"u}r letztinstanzliche Gerichtsentscheidungen detailliert er{\"o}rtert. Zugleich wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine Haftung f{\"u}r fehlerhafte unterinstanzliche Gerichtsentscheidungen zu bef{\"u}rworten ist. Das sechste Kapitel befasst sich mit der Ausgestaltung der unionsrechtlichen Staatshaftung f{\"u}r letztinstanzliche Gerichtsentscheidungen durch die Mitgliedstaaten, wobei u.a. zur Anwendbarkeit der deutschen Haftungsprivilegien bei judikativem Unrecht auf den unionsrechtlichen Staatshaftungsanspruch Stellung genommen wird. Im letzten Kapitel wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob der EuGH {\"u}berhaupt {\"u}ber eine Kompetenz zur Schaffung der Staatshaftung f{\"u}r letztinstanzliche Gerichtsentscheidungen verf{\"u}gte. Abschließend werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Arbeit pr{\"a}sentiert und ein Ausblick auf weitere m{\"o}gliche Auswirkungen und Entwicklungen der unionsrechtlichen Staatshaftung f{\"u}r judikatives Unrecht gegeben.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Benz2014, author = {Benz, Verena}, title = {Sex-specific differences in the regulation of body weight dynamics and adipose tissue metabolism}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {119 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berdzinski2014, author = {Berdzinski, Stefan}, title = {Photoinduzierte radikalische Polymerisation in ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten und der Einfluss der Radikalrekombination}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72582}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 114}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt Untersuchungen zum Einfluss ionischer Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten sowohl auf den Rekombinationsprozess photolytisch generierter Lophylradikale als auch auf die photoinduzierte Polymerisation. Im Fokus standen hierbei pyrrolidiniumbasierte ionische Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten sowie polymerisierbare imidazoliumbasierte ionische Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten. Mittels UV-Vis-Spektroskopie wurde in den ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten im Vergleich zu ausgew{\"a}hlten organischen L{\"o}sungsmitteln die Rekombinationskinetik der aus o-Cl-HABI photolytisch generierten Lophylradikale bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen verfolgt und die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten der Radikalrekombination bestimmt. Die Charakterisierung des Rekombinationsprozesses erfolgt dabei insbesondere unter Verwendung der mittels Eyring-Gleichung ermittelten Aktivierungsparameter. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Rekombination der Lophylradikale in den ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten im Gegensatz zu den organischen L{\"o}sungsmitteln zu einem großen Anteil innerhalb des L{\"o}sungsmittelk{\"a}figs erfolgt. Weiterhin wurden f{\"u}r den Einsatz von o-Cl-HABI als Radikalbildner in den photoinduzierten Polymerisationen mehrere m{\"o}gliche Co-Initiatoren {\"u}ber photokalorimetrische Messungen untersucht. Hierbei wurde auch ein neuer Aspekt zur Ketten{\"u}bertragung vom Lophylradikal auf den heterocyclischen Co-Initiator vorgestellt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden photoinduzierte Polymerisationen unter Einsatz eines Initiatorsystems, bestehend aus o-Cl-HABI als Radikalbildner und einem heterocyclischen Co-Initiator, in den ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen beinhalten zum einen photokalorimetrische Messungen der photoinduzierten Polymerisation von polymerisierbaren imidazoliumbasierten ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten. Zum anderen wurden Untersuchungen zur photoinduzierten Polymerisation von Methylmethacrylat in pyrrolidiniumbasierten ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dabei wurden Einflussparameter wie Zeit, Temperatur, Viskosit{\"a}t, L{\"o}sungsmittelk{\"a}figeffekt und die Alkylkettenl{\"a}nge am Kation der ionischen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten auf die Ausbeuten und Molmassen sowie Molmassenverteilungen der Polymere hin untersucht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Biegholdt2014, author = {Biegholdt, Georg}, title = {Theorie und Praxis der Lerngruppensprache im Musikunterricht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69657}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Der Umgang mit der musikalischen Fachsprache wird in den meisten Lehrpl{\"a}nen f{\"u}r den Musikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I gefordert. Allerdings fehlt nicht nur in den Lehrpl{\"a}nen, sondern auch in der musikdidaktischen Literatur eine inhaltliche Ausgestaltung dieser Forderung. {\"U}ber Inhalt, Umfang und Ziel der in der Schule anzuwendenden musikalischen Fachsprache herrscht daher keine Klarheit. Empirische Untersuchungen zu den sprachlichen Inhalten im Musikunterricht liegen ebenfalls nicht vor. Auch in vielen anderen Unterrichtsf{\"a}chern ist die Forschungslage die sprachlichen Inhalte betreffend {\"u}berschaubar. Mit der Verwendung von Sprache sind jedoch nicht nur Kommunikationsprozesse verbunden, sondern gleichzeitig Lernprozesse innerhalb der Sprache, von der Wortschatzerweiterung bis zur Herstellung von inhaltlich-thematischen Zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Diese Lernprozesse werden beeinflusst von der Wortwahl der Lernenden und Lehrenden. Die Wortwahl der Lernenden l{\"a}sst gleichzeitig einen Schluss zu auf den Stand des Wissens und dessen Vernetzung. Auf dieser Basis ist der sprachliche Inhalt des Musikunterrichtes der Gegenstand der vorgelegten Arbeit. Ziel der Studie war herauszu¬finden, inwieweit es gelingen kann, durch die Art und Weise des Einsatzes und den Umfang von Fachsprache im Musikunterricht Lernprozesse effektiver und erfolgreicher zu gestalten und besser an Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsbed{\"u}rfnissen der Lernenden auszurichten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Blankovsky2014, author = {Blankovsky, Yuval}, title = {עבירה לשמה}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87158}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A Transgression for the Sake of God -'Averah li-shmah: A Tale of a Radical Idea in Talmudic Literature All cultures, religions, and ethical or legal systems struggle with the role intention plays in evaluating actions. The Talmud compellingly elaborates on the notion of intention through the radical concept that "A sin committed for the sake of God [averah li-shmah] is greater than a commandment fulfilled not for the sake of God [mi-mizvah she-lo li-shmah]." The Babylonian Talmud attributes this concept—which challenges one of rabbinic Judaism's most fundamental dogmas, the obligation to fulfill the commandments and avoid sin—to R. Nahman b. Isaac (RNBI), a renowned 4th century Amora. Considering the normative character of the rabbinic culture in which Halakhah (Jewish religious law) plays such a central role, this concept, seems almost like a foreign body in the Talmudic corpus. The study focuses on the linguistic stratum of RNBI's statement. By tracking the development of the meanings and uses of the word 'li-shmah' the research locates RNBI's statement as part of the broader Talmudic discourse evaluating two levels of performing religious actions 'li-shmah/she-lo li-shmah'. Since we wish to explain the word 'li-shmah' consistently both times it appears in the statement, the best translation would be 'for the sake of God'. This translation is based on the linguistic connection between the word 'li-shmah' and the term 'le-shem shamayim' (for the sake of God) that appears in several rabbinic sources. This linguistic connection is also the key to identifying the possible root of RNBI's concept. RNBI bolsters his idea by quoting a verse about Jael, thus implying that Jael sinned for the sake of God. The research describes at least five statements in Sages' Literature that attribute sins for the sake of God to other biblical figures, all the while using the term 'le-shem shamim'. Therefore we may presume that RNBI's concept has evolved from the exegetical notion of attributing sin for the sake of God to biblical figures. To understand the way RNBI's statement was accepted in Talmudic culture, we must explore the textual witnesses to the literary frame of RNBI's statement: the Talmudic sugya (Nazir 23a; Horayot 10b). We possess five versions of the sugya's dialectical structure. Comparison of these versions, allows us to reconstruct the earlier dialectical structure, from which the familiar versions developed. The radical potential of RNBI's statement led to cultural activity, in the transmission of the sugya, in an effort to mitigate it. This activity is reflected in late additions to the sugya identified by our research—which should be viewed as a process of self-censorship for ideological reasons. This research explores a fundamental issue in rabbinic world: the immanent contradiction between law and intention. The research depicts in detail the movement of a radical idea from the margins culture to mainstream - in this case into the Babylonian Talmud. Therefore, the findings of this research provide substantial insight into our understanding of the interpretive process and of conceptual adaptation in rabbinic culture.}, language = {mul} } @phdthesis{Bode2014, author = {Bode, Marcel}, title = {Die DDR und die Volksrepublik China in den Jahren 1978 bis 1990 : Chancen und Grenzen einer ungleichen Partnerschaft}, series = {Potsdamer Textb{\"u}cher}, volume = {21}, journal = {Potsdamer Textb{\"u}cher}, publisher = {WeltTrends}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-941880-77-1}, pages = {129 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Borchardt2014, author = {Borchardt, Sven}, title = {Rainfall, weathering and erosion}, pages = {x, 90}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BrandtKobele2014, author = {Brandt-Kobele, Oda-Christina}, title = {Comprehension of verb inflection in German-speaking children}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-216-2}, issn = {1869-3822}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 325}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Previous studies on the acquisition of verb inflection in normally developing children have revealed an astonishing pattern: children use correctly inflected verbs in their own speech but fail to make use of verb inflections when comprehending sentences uttered by others. Thus, a three-year old might well be able to say something like 'The cat sleeps on the bed', but fails to understand that the same sentence, when uttered by another person, refers to only one sleeping cat but not more than one. The previous studies that have examined children's comprehension of verb inflections have employed a variant of a picture selection task in which the child was asked to explicitly indicate (via pointing) what semantic meaning she had inferred from the test sentence. Recent research on other linguistic structures, such as pronouns or focus particles, has indicated that earlier comprehension abilities can be found when methods are used that do not require an explicit reaction, like preferential looking tasks. This dissertation aimed to examine whether children are truly not able to understand the connection the the verb form and the meaning of the sentence subject until the age of five years or whether earlier comprehension can be found when a different measure, preferential looking, is used. Additionally, children's processing of subject-verb agreement violations was examined. The three experiments of this thesis that examined children's comprehension of verb inflections revealed the following: German-speaking three- to four-year old children looked more to a picture showing one actor when hearing a sentence with a singular inflected verb but only when their eye gaze was tracked and they did not have to perform a picture selection task. When they were asked to point to the matching picture, they performed at chance-level. This pattern indicates asymmetries in children's language performance even within the receptive modality. The fourth experiment examined sensitivity to subject-verb agreement violations and did not reveal evidence for sensitivity toward agreement violations in three- and four-year old children, but only found that children's looking patterns were influenced by the grammatical violations at the age of five. The results from these experiments are discussed in relation to the existence of a production-comprehension asymmetry in the use of verb inflections and children's underlying grammatical knowledge.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2014, author = {Braun, Andreas}, title = {Open innovation - an analysis of the individual level}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {219 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brem2014, author = {Brem, Patrick}, title = {Compact objects in dense astrophysical environments}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {173}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Budach2014, author = {Budach, Dennis B.}, title = {Synthese von Dendrimeren aus Oligospiroketal-Bausteinen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {175}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Burdack2014, author = {Burdack, Doreen}, title = {Water management policies and their impact on irrigated crop production in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-306-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72245}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {307}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The economic impact analysis contained in this book shows how irrigation farming is particularly susceptible when applying certain water management policies in the Australian Murray-Darling Basin, one of the world largest river basins and Australia's most fertile region. By comparing different pricing and non-pricing water management policies with the help of the Water Integrated Market Model, it is found that the impact of water demand reducing policies is most severe on crops that need to be intensively irrigated and are at the same time less water productive. A combination of increasingly frequent and severe droughts and the application of policies that decrease agricultural water demand, in the same region, will create a situation in which the highly water dependent crops rice and cotton cannot be cultivated at all.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Busching2014, author = {Busching, Robert}, title = {Affektive und kognitive Desensibilisierung als Konsequenz von Mediengewaltkonsum : eine experimentelle Untersuchung auf Basis lerntheoretischer {\"U}berlegungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71360}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {NutzerInnen von gewalthaltigen Medien geben einerseits oftmals zu, dass sie fiktionale, gewalthaltige Medien konsumieren, behaupten jedoch gleichzeitig, dass dies nicht ihr Verhalten außerhalb des Medienkontexts beeinflusst. Sie argumentieren, dass sie leicht zwischen Dingen, die im fiktionalen Kontext und Dingen, die in der Realit{\"a}t gelernt wurden, unterscheiden k{\"o}nnen. Im Kontrast zu diesen Aussagen zeigen Metanalysen Effektst{\"a}rken im mittleren Bereich f{\"u}r den Zusammenhang zwischen Gewaltmedienkonsum und aggressivem Verhalten. Diese Ergebnisse k{\"o}nnen nur erkl{\"a}rt werden, wenn MediennutzerInnen gewalthaltige Lernerfahrungen auch außerhalb des Medienkontexts anwenden. Ein Prozess, der Lernerfahrungen innerhalb des Medienkontexts mit dem Verhalten in der realen Welt verkn{\"u}pft, ist Desensibilisierung, die oftmals eine Reduktion des negativen Affektes gegen{\"u}ber Gewalt definiert ist. Zur Untersuchung des Desensibilisierungsprozesses wurden vier Experimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die erste in dieser Arbeit untersuchte Hypothese war, dass je h{\"a}ufiger Personen Gewaltmedien konsumieren, desto weniger negativen Affekt zeigen sie gegen{\"u}ber Bildern mit realer Gewalt. Jedoch wurde angenommen, dass diese Bewertung auf Darstellungen von realer Gewalt beschr{\"a}nkt ist und nicht bei Bildern ohne Gewaltbezug, die einen negativen Affekt ausl{\"o}sen, zu finden ist. Die zweite Hypothese bezog sich auf den Affekt w{\"a}hrend des Konsums von Mediengewalt. Hier wurde angenommen, dass besonders Personen, die Freude an Gewalt in den Medien empfinden weniger negativen Affekt gegen{\"u}ber realen Gewaltdarstellungen zeigen. Die letzte Hypothese besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit kognitiver Desensibilisierung und sagte vorher, dass Gewaltmedienkonsum zu einem Transfer von Reaktionen, die normalerweise gegen{\"u}ber gewalthaltigen Reizen gezeigt werden, auf urspr{\"u}nglich neutrale Reize f{\"u}hrt. Das erste Experiment (N = 57) untersuchte, ob die habituelle Nutzung von gewalthaltigen Medien den selbstberichteten Affekt (Valenz und Aktivierung) gegen{\"u}ber Darstellungen von realer Gewalt und nichtgewalthaltigen Darstellungen, die negativen Affekt ausl{\"o}sen, vorhersagt. Die habituelle Nutzung von gewalthaltigen Medien sagte weniger negative Valenz und weniger allgemeine Aktivierung gegen{\"u}ber gewalthalten und nichtgewalthaltigen Bildern vorher. Das zweite Experiment (N = 103) untersuchte auch die Beziehung zwischen habituellem Gewaltmedienkonsum und den affektiven Reaktionen gegen{\"u}ber Bildern realer Gewalt und negativen affektausl{\"o}senden Bildern. Als weiterer Pr{\"a}diktor wurde der Affekt beim Betrachten von gewalthaltigen Medien hinzugef{\"u}gt. Der Affekt gegen{\"u}ber den Bildern wurde zus{\"a}tzlich durch psychophysiologische Maße (Valenz: C: Supercilii; Aktivierung: Hautleitreaktion) erhoben. Wie zuvor sagte habitueller Gewaltmedienkonsum weniger selbstberichte Erregung und weniger negative Valenz f{\"u}r die gewalthaltigen und die negativen, gewalthaltfreien Bilder vorher. Die physiologischen Maßen replizierten dieses Ergebnis. Jedoch zeigte sich ein anderes Muster f{\"u}r den Affekt beim Konsum von Gewalt in den Medien. Personen, die Gewalt in den Medien st{\"a}rker erfreut, zeigen eine Reduktion der Responsivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Gewalt auf allen vier Maßen. Weiterhin war bei drei dieser vier Maße (selbstberichte Valenz, Aktivit{\"a}t des C. Supercilii und Hautleitreaktion) dieser Zusammenhang auf die gewalthaltigen Bilder beschr{\"a}nkt, mit keinem oder nur einem kleinen Effekt auf die negativen, aber nichtgewalthaltigen Bilder. Das dritte Experiment (N = 73) untersuchte den Affekt w{\"a}hrend die Teilnehmer ein Computerspiel spielten. Das Spiel wurde eigens f{\"u}r dieses Experiment programmiert, sodass einzelne Handlungen im Spiel mit der Aktivit{\"a}t des C. Supercilii, dem Indikator f{\"u}r negativen Affekt, in Bezug gesetzt werden konnten. Die Analyse des C. Supercilii zeigte, dass wiederholtes Durchf{\"u}hren von aggressiven Spielz{\"u}gen zu einem R{\"u}ckgang von negativen Affekt f{\"u}hrte, der die aggressiven Spielhandlungen begleitete. Der negative Affekt w{\"a}hrend gewalthaltiger Spielz{\"u}ge wiederum sagte die affektive Reaktion gegen{\"u}ber Darstellungen von gewalthaltigen Bildern vorher, nicht jedoch gegen{\"u}ber den negativen Bildern. Das vierte Experiment (N = 77) untersuchte kognitive Desensibilisierung, die die Entwicklung von Verkn{\"u}pfungen zwischen neutralen und aggressiven Kognitionen beinhaltete. Die Teilnehmer spielten einen Ego-Shooter entweder auf einem Schiff- oder einem Stadtlevel. Die Beziehung zwischen den neutralen Konstrukten (Schiff/Stadt) und den aggressiven Kognitionen wurde mit einer lexikalischen Entscheidungsaufgabe gemessen. Das Spielen im Schiff-/Stadt-Level f{\"u}hrte zu einer k{\"u}rzen Reaktionszeit f{\"u}r aggressive W{\"o}rter, wenn sie einem Schiff- bzw. Stadtprime folgten. Dies zeigte, dass die im Spiel enthaltenen neutralen Konzepte mit aggressiven Knoten verkn{\"u}pft werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser vier Experimente wurden diskutiert im Rahmen eines lerntheoretischen Ansatzes um Desensibilisierung zu konzeptualisieren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buechner2014, author = {B{\"u}chner, Kerstin}, title = {Modifizierung und Charakterisierung von Wellenleitermaterialien f{\"u}r Biosensoranwendungen}, pages = {129}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cao2014, author = {Cao, Thanh Clara}, title = {Das vietnamesische Erbrecht im Vergleich zum deutschen Erbrecht}, series = {Nomos Universit{\"a}tsschriten Recht}, volume = {824}, journal = {Nomos Universit{\"a}tsschriten Recht}, publisher = {Nomos Verl.-Ges}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-0724-9}, pages = {391 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cao2014, author = {Cao, Xianyong}, title = {Vegetation and climate change in eastern continental Asia during the last 22 ka inferred from pollen data synthesis}, pages = {156}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Caroll2014, author = {Caroll, Kerstin}, title = {Die nachtr{\"a}gliche Sicherungsverwahrung im Jugendstrafrecht}, series = {Studein zur Rechtswissenschaft}, volume = {320}, journal = {Studein zur Rechtswissenschaft}, publisher = {Kova?}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-8300-7766-4}, issn = {1435-6821}, pages = {293 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Conrad2014, author = {Conrad, Claudia}, title = {Open cluster groups and complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77605}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 172}, year = {2014}, abstract = {It is generally agreed upon that stars typically form in open clusters and stellar associations, but little is known about the structure of the open cluster system. Do open clusters and stellar associations form isolated or do they prefer to form in groups and complexes? Open cluster groups and complexes could verify star forming regions to be larger than expected, which would explain the chemical homogeneity over large areas in the Galactic disk. They would also define an additional level in the hierarchy of star formation and could be used as tracers for the scales of fragmentation in giant molecular clouds? Furthermore, open cluster groups and complexes could affect Galactic dynamics and should be considered in investigations and simulations on the dynamical processes, such as radial migration, disc heating, differential rotation, kinematic resonances, and spiral structure. In the past decade there were a few studies on open cluster pairs (de La Fuente Marcos \& de La Fuente Marcos 2009a,b,c) and on open cluster groups and complexes (Piskunov et al. 2006). The former only considered spatial proximity for the identification of the pairs, while the latter also required tangential velocities to be similar for the members. In this work I used the full set of 6D phase-space information to draw a more detailed picture on these structures. For this purpose I utilised the most homogeneous cluster catalogue available, namely the Catalogue of Open Cluster Data (COCD; Kharchenko et al. 2005a,b), which contains parameters for 650 open clusters and compact associations, as well as for their uniformly selected members. Additional radial velocity (RV) and metallicity ([M/H]) information on the members were obtained from the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE; Steinmetz et al. 2006; Kordopatis et al. 2013) for 110 and 81 clusters, respectively. The RAVE sample was cleaned considering quality parameters and flags provided by RAVE (Matijevič et al. 2012; Kordopatis et al. 2013). To ensure that only real members were included for the mean values, also the cluster membership, as provided by Kharchenko et al. (2005a,b), was considered for the stars cross-matched in RAVE. 6D phase-space information could be derived for 432 out of the 650 COCD objects and I used an adaption of the Friends-of-Friends algorithm, as used in cosmology, to identify potential groupings. The vast majority of the 19 identified groupings were pairs, but I also found four groups of 4-5 members and one complex with 15 members. For the verification of the identified structures, I compared the results to a randomly selected subsample of the catalogue for the Milky Way global survey of Star Clusters (MWSC; Kharchenko et al. 2013), which became available recently, and was used as reference sample. Furthermore, I implemented Monte-Carlo simulations with randomised samples created from two distinguished input distributions for the spatial and velocity parameters. On the one hand, assuming a uniform distribution in the Galactic disc and, on the other hand, assuming the COCD data distributions to be representative for the whole open cluster population. The results suggested that the majority of identified pairs are rather by chance alignments, but the groups and the complex seemed to be genuine. A comparison of my results to the pairs, groups and complexes proposed in the literature yielded a partial overlap, which was most likely because of selection effects and different parameters considered. This is another verification for the existence of such structures. The characteristics of the found groupings favour that members of an open cluster grouping originate from a common giant molecular cloud and formed in a single, but possibly sequential, star formation event. Moreover, the fact that the young open cluster population showed smaller spatial separations between nearest neighbours than the old cluster population indicated that the lifetime of open cluster groupings is most likely comparable to that of the Galactic open cluster population itself. Still even among the old open clusters I could identify groupings, which suggested that the detected structure could be in some cases more long lived as one might think. In this thesis I could only present a pilot study on structures in the Galactic open cluster population, since the data sample used was highly incomplete. For further investigations a far more complete sample would be required. One step in this direction would be to use data from large current surveys, like SDSS, RAVE, Gaia-ESO and VVV, as well as including results from studies on individual clusters. Later the sample can be completed by data from upcoming missions, like Gaia and 4MOST. Future studies using this more complete open cluster sample will reveal the effect of open cluster groupings on star formation theory and their significance for the kinematics, dynamics and evolution of the Milky Way, and thereby of spiral galaxies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Creutz2014, author = {Creutz, Sebastian}, title = {Regeln virtueller Welten}, series = {Recht der Neuen Medien}, volume = {65}, journal = {Recht der Neuen Medien}, publisher = {Kova?}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-8300-7839-5}, issn = {1616-9603}, pages = {191 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Czesnick2014, author = {Czesnick, Hj{\"o}rdis}, title = {Functional specialization of Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerases in relation to flowering time and stress}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {157}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Polyadenylation is a decisive 3' end processing step during the maturation of pre-mRNAs. The length of the poly(A) tail has an impact on mRNA stability, localization and translatability. Accordingly, many eukaryotic organisms encode several copies of canonical poly(A) polymerases (cPAPs). The disruption of cPAPs in mammals results in lethality. In plants, reduced cPAP activity is non-lethal. Arabidopsis encodes three nuclear cPAPs, PAPS1, PAPS2 and PAPS4, which are constitutively expressed throughout the plant. Recently, the detailed analysis of Arabidopsis paps1 mutants revealed a subset of genes that is preferentially polyadenylated by the cPAP isoform PAPS1 (Vi et al. 2013). Thus, the specialization of cPAPs might allow the regulation of different sets of genes in order to optimally face developmental or environmental challenges. To gain insights into the cPAP-based gene regulation in plants, the phenotypes of Arabidopsis cPAPs mutants under different conditions are characterized in detail in the following work. An involvement of all three cPAPs in flowering time regulation and stress response regulation is shown. While paps1 knockdown mutants flower early, paps4 and paps2 paps4 knockout mutants exhibit a moderate late-flowering phenotype. PAPS1 promotes the expression of the major flowering inhibitor FLC, supposedly by specific polyadenylation of an FLC activator. PAPS2 and PAPS4 exhibit partially overlapping functions and ensure timely flowering by repressing FLC and at least one other unidentified flowering inhibitor. The latter two cPAPs act in a novel regulatory pathway downstream of the autonomous pathway component FCA and act independently from the polyadenylation factors and flowering time regulators CstF64 and FY. Moreover, PAPS1 and PAPS2/PAPS4 are implicated in different stress response pathways in Arabidopsis. Reduced activity of the poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 results in enhanced resistance to osmotic and oxidative stress. Simultaneously, paps1 mutants are cold-sensitive. In contrast, PAPS2/PAPS4 are not involved in the regulation of osmotic or cold stress, but paps2 paps4 loss-of-function mutants exhibit enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress provoked in the chloroplast. Thus, both PAPS1 and PAPS2/PAPS4 are required to maintain a balanced redox state in plants. PAPS1 seems to fulfil this function in concert with CPSF30, a polyadenylation factor that regulates alternative polyadenylation and tolerance to oxidative stress. The individual paps mutant phenotypes and the cPAP-specific genetic interactions support the model of cPAP-dependent polyadenylation of selected mRNAs. The high similarity of the polyadenylation machineries in yeast, mammals and plants suggests that similar regulatory mechanisms might be present in other organism groups. The cPAP-dependent developmental and physiological pathways identified in this work allow the design of targeted experiments to better understand the ecological and molecular context underlying cPAP-specialization.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{D'Agata2014, author = {D'Agata, Valeria Costanza}, title = {A partire dalla Somaestetica di Shusterman}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {280}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Con la sua proposta di una Somaestetica, articolata fondamentalmente in analitica, pragmatica e pratica, Richard Shusterman intende in primo luogo fornire e creare una cornice metodologica, un orientamento unitario che sia in grado di rintracciare, ricostruire e portare a manifestazione - all'interno di eterogenee riflessioni teoriche e pratiche somatiche - la comune esigenza di ridare luce alla dimensione corporea come modo primario di essere nel mondo. Recuperando l'accezione baumgarteniana di Aesthetica come gnoseologia inferiore, arte dell'analogo della ragione, scienza della conoscenza sensibile, la somaestetica intende dare nuovo impulso alla pi{\`u} profonda radice di estetica e filosofia che coglie la vita nel suo processo di metamorfosi e rigenerazione continua, in quel respiro vitale che, per quanto possa diventare cosciente, non {\`e} mai totalmente afferrabile dalla ragione discorsiva, situandosi piuttosto in quello spazio primordiale in cui coscienza e corpo si coappartengono, in cui il soggetto non {\`e} ancora individualizzabile perch{\´e} fuso con l'ambiente, non {\`e} totalmente privatizzabile perch{\´e} intrinsecamente plasmato dal tessuto sociale cui egli stesso conferisce dinamicamente forma. A partire dunque dalla rivalutazione del concetto di Aisthesis la disciplina somaestetica mira ad una intensificazione di sensorialit{\`a}, percezione, emozione, commozione, rintracciando proprio nel Soma la fonte di quelle facolt{\`a} "inferiori" irriducibili a quelle puramente intellettuali, che permettono di accedere alle dimensioni qualitative dell'esperienza, di portare a manifestazione e far maturare l'essere umano come essere indivisibile che non si lascia incontrare da un pensiero che ne rinnega l'unitariet{\`a} in nome di fittizie e laceranti distinzioni dicotomiche. Nel corpo infatti si radicano in modo silente regole, convenzioni, norme e valori socioculturali che determinano e talvolta limitano la configurazione ed espressione di sensazioni, percezioni, cognizioni, pensieri, azioni, volizioni, disposizioni di un soggetto da sempre inserito in una Mitwelt (mondo comune), ed {\`e} allora proprio al corpo che bisogna rivolgersi per riconfigurare pi{\`u} autentiche modalit{\`a} di espressione del soggetto che crea equilibri dinamici per mantenere una relazione di coerenza con il pi{\`u} ampio contesto sociale, culturale, ambientale. L'apertura al confronto con eterogenee posizioni filosofiche e l'intrinseca multidisciplinariet{\`a} spiegano la centralit{\`a} nel contemporaneo dibattito estetologico internazionale della Somaestetica che, rivolgendosi tanto ad una formulazione teorica quanto ad una concreta applicazione pratica, intende rivalutare il soma come corporeit{\`a} intelligente, senziente, intenzionale e attiva, non riducibile all'accezione peccaminosa di caro (mero corpo fisico privo di vita e sensazione). Attraverso la riflessione e la pratica di tecniche di coscienza somatica si portano in primo piano i modi in cui il sempre pi{\`u} consapevole rapporto con la propria corporeit{\`a} come mediatamente esperita e immediatamente vissuta, sentita, offre occasioni autentiche di realizzazione progressiva di s{\´e} innanzitutto come persone, capaci di autocoltivazione, di riflessione cosciente sulle proprie abitudini incorporate, di ristrutturazione creativa di s{\´e}, di intensificata percezione e apprezzamento sensoriale sia nel concreto agire quotidiano, sia nella dimensione pi{\`u} propriamente estetologica di ricezione, fruizione e creazione artistica. L'indirizzo essenzialmente pragmatista della riflessione di Shusterman traccia cos{\`i} una concezione fondamentalmente relazionale dell'estetica in grado di porsi proprio nel movimento e nel rapporto continuamente diveniente di vera e propria trasformazione e passaggio tra le dimensioni fisiche, proprio-corporee, psichiche e spirituali del soggetto la cui interazione, ed il cui reciproco riversarsi le une nelle altre, pu{\`o} risultare profondamente arricchito attraverso una progressiva e sempre crescente consapevolizzazione della ricchezza della dimensione corporea in quanto intenzionale, percettiva, senziente, volitiva, tanto quanto vulnerabile, limitante, caduca, patica. Il presente lavoro intende ripercorrere ed approfondire alcuni dei principali referenti di Shusterman, focalizzandosi prevalentemente sulla radice pragmatista della sua proposta e sul confronto con il dibattito di area tedesca tra estetica, antropologia filosofica, neofenomenologia e antropologia medica, per riguadagnare una nozione di soma che proprio a partire dal contrasto, dall'impatto irriducibile con la potenza annullante delle situazioni limite, della crisi possa acquisire un pi{\`u} complesso e ricco valore armonizzante delle intrinseche e molteplici dimensioni che costituiscono il tessuto della soggettivit{\`a} incarnata. In particolare il primo capitolo (1. Somaestetica) chiarisce le radici essenzialmente pragmatiste della proposta shustermaniana e mostra come sia possibile destrutturare e dunque riconfigurare radicati modi di esperienza, rendendo coscienti abitudini e modi di vivere che si fissano a livello somatico in modo per lo pi{\`u} inavvertito. Il confronto con la nozione di Habitus, di cui Pierre Bourdieu mette brillantemente in luce l'invisibile e socialmente determinata matrice somatica, lascia scorgere come ogni manifestazione umana sia sostenuta dall'incorporazione di norme, credenze, valori che determinano e talvolta limitano l'espressione, lo sviluppo, persino le predisposizioni e le inclinazioni degli individui. Ed {\`e} proprio intervenendo a questo livello che si pu{\`o} restituire libert{\`a} alle scelte e aprirsi cos{\`i} alle dimensioni essenzialmente qualitative dell'esperienza che, nell'accezione deweyana {\`e} un insieme olistico unitario e coeso che fa da sfondo alle relazioni organismo-ambiente, un intreccio inestricabile di teoria e prassi, particolare e universale, psiche e soma, ragione ed emozione, percettivo e concettuale, insomma quell'immediata conoscenza corporea che struttura lo sfondo di manifestazione della coscienza.}, language = {it} } @phdthesis{Dahlsten2014, author = {Dahlsten, Ulf}, title = {World market governance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Democratic capitalism or liberal democracy, as the successful marriage of convenience between market liberalism and democracy sometimes is called, is in trouble. The market economy system has become global and there is a growing mismatch with the territoriality of the nation-states. The functional global networks and inter-governmental order can no longer keep pace with the rapid development of the global market economy and regulatory capture is all too common. Concepts like de-globalization, self-regulation, and global government are floated in the debate. The alternatives are analysed and found to be improper, inadequate or plainly impossible. The proposed route is instead to accept that the global market economy has developed into an independent fundamental societal system that needs its own governance. The suggestion is World Market Governance based on the Rule of Law in order to shape the fitness environment for the global market economy and strengthen the nation-states so that they can regain the sovereignty to decide upon the social and cultural conditions in each country. Elements in the proposed Rule of Law are international legislation decided by an Assembly supported by a Council, and an independent Judiciary. Existing international organisations would function as executors. The need for broad sustained demand for regulations in the common interest is identified.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dedert2014, author = {Dedert, Lina-Mareike}, title = {Durch Zeit und Raum}, publisher = {be.bra wissenschaft verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95410-044-6}, pages = {346}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dietrich2014, author = {Dietrich, Christian}, title = {Verweigerte Anerkennung : Selbstbestimmungsdebatte im "Centralverein deutscher Staatsb{\"u}rger j{\"u}dischen Glaubens" vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg}, publisher = {Metropol-Verl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86331-151-3}, pages = {238 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dirakis2014, author = {Dirakis, Alexis}, title = {Grundlagen und Grenzen des Sozialen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {476}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cette recherche a pour objet l'articulation entre les dimensions anthropologiques et sociologiques de l'anthropologie philosophique de Helmuth Plessner (1892-1985). Elles procèdent selon trois axes. Je m'efforce (1) d'offrir une synthèse de l'anthropologie philosophique plessnerienne afin (2) de reconstituer les conditions de possibilité du social au stade humain de l'organique. Le troisième axe (3) correspond, enfin, à l'analyse des limites structurelles du social à partir de ses deux dimensions constitutives : l'individuel (limites ontogénétiques, comportementales et inter-personnelles) et le collectif (limites culturelles, intra- et inter-culturelles).}, language = {fr} } @phdthesis{Dyachenko2014, author = {Dyachenko, Evgeniya}, title = {Elliptic problems with small parameter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72056}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this thesis we consider diverse aspects of existence and correctness of asymptotic solutions to elliptic differential and pseudodifferential equations. We begin our studies with the case of a general elliptic boundary value problem in partial derivatives. A small parameter enters the coefficients of the main equation as well as into the boundary conditions. Such equations have already been investigated satisfactory, but there still exist certain theoretical deficiencies. Our aim is to present the general theory of elliptic problems with a small parameter. For this purpose we examine in detail the case of a bounded domain with a smooth boundary. First of all, we construct formal solutions as power series in the small parameter. Then we examine their asymptotic properties. It suffices to carry out sharp two-sided \emph{a priori} estimates for the operators of boundary value problems which are uniform in the small parameter. Such estimates failed to hold in functional spaces used in classical elliptic theory. To circumvent this limitation we exploit norms depending on the small parameter for the functions defined on a bounded domain. Similar norms are widely used in literature, but their properties have not been investigated extensively. Our theoretical investigation shows that the usual elliptic technique can be correctly carried out in these norms. The obtained results also allow one to extend the norms to compact manifolds with boundaries. We complete our investigation by formulating algebraic conditions on the operators and showing their equivalence to the existence of a priori estimates. In the second step, we extend the concept of ellipticity with a small parameter to more general classes of operators. Firstly, we want to compare the difference in asymptotic patterns between the obtained series and expansions for similar differential problems. Therefore we investigate the heat equation in a bounded domain with a small parameter near the time derivative. In this case the characteristics touch the boundary at a finite number of points. It is known that the solutions are not regular in a neighbourhood of such points in advance. We suppose moreover that the boundary at such points can be non-smooth but have cuspidal singularities. We find a formal asymptotic expansion and show that when a set of parameters comes through a threshold value, the expansions fail to be asymptotic. The last part of the work is devoted to general concept of ellipticity with a small parameter. Several theoretical extensions to pseudodifferential operators have already been suggested in previous studies. As a new contribution we involve the analysis on manifolds with edge singularities which allows us to consider wider classes of perturbed elliptic operators. We examine that introduced classes possess a priori estimates of elliptic type. As a further application we demonstrate how developed tools can be used to reduce singularly perturbed problems to regular ones.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eggers2014, author = {Eggers, Ute}, title = {Environmental impacts on white stork (Ciconia ciconia) breeding success}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {164}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ehlers2014, author = {Ehlers, Nadja}, title = {Die Entwicklung der {\"o}ffentlich-rechtlichen Gef{\"a}hrdungshaftung in Deutschland}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72381}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXIX, 131}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Inhalt der Arbeit ist es, einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die historische Entwicklung der {\"o}ffentlich-rechtlichen Gef{\"a}hrdungshaftung in Deutschland vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute zu geben sowie ihre praktische Bedeutung zu analysieren. Dabei wird zwischen den unterschiedlichen Gesetzgebungen, Rechtsprechungen und den theoretischen L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tzen der {\"o}ffentlich-rechtlichen Gef{\"a}hrdungshaftung unterschieden und insbesondere letzteres problematisiert. Ferner wird auf das Verh{\"a}ltnis zu den grundrechtlichen Schutzpflichten, den sozialen Risikotatbest{\"a}nden, dem sozialrechtlichen Herstellungsanspruch und den Tumultsch{\"a}den eingegangen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Emadpour2014, author = {Emadpour, Masoumeh}, title = {Development of tools for inducible gene expression in choroplasts}, pages = {viii}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Erdmann2014, author = {Erdmann, Christian}, title = {Risikoorientierte (Mehr)Jahrespr{\"u}fungsplanung in der kommunalen Rechnungspr{\"u}fung}, series = {Wissenschaft und Praxis der Kommunalverwaltung}, volume = {9}, journal = {Wissenschaft und Praxis der Kommunalverwaltung}, publisher = {Kommunal- und Schul-Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8293-1085-7}, pages = {228 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ermeydan2014, author = {Ermeydan, Mahmut Ali}, title = {Wood cell wall modification with hydrophobic molecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71325}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Wood is used for many applications because of its excellent mechanical properties, relative abundance and as it is a renewable resource. However, its wider utilization as an engineering material is limited because it swells and shrinks upon moisture changes and is susceptible to degradation by microorganisms and/or insects. Chemical modifications of wood have been shown to improve dimensional stability, water repellence and/or durability, thus increasing potential service-life of wood materials. However current treatments are limited because it is difficult to introduce and fix such modifications deep inside the tissue and cell wall. Within the scope of this thesis, novel chemical modification methods of wood cell walls were developed to improve both dimensional stability and water repellence of wood material. These methods were partly inspired by the heartwood formation in living trees, a process, that for some species results in an insertion of hydrophobic chemical substances into the cell walls of already dead wood cells, In the first part of this thesis a chemistry to modify wood cell walls was used, which was inspired by the natural process of heartwood formation. Commercially available hydrophobic flavonoid molecules were effectively inserted in the cell walls of spruce, a softwood species with low natural durability, after a tosylation treatment to obtain "artificial heartwood". Flavonoid inserted cell walls show a reduced moisture absorption, resulting in better dimensional stability, water repellency and increased hardness. This approach was quite different compared to established modifications which mainly address hydroxyl groups of cell wall polymers with hydrophilic substances. In the second part of the work in-situ styrene polymerization inside the tosylated cell walls was studied. It is known that there is a weak adhesion between hydrophobic polymers and hydrophilic cell wall components. The hydrophobic styrene monomers were inserted into the tosylated wood cell walls for further polymerization to form polystyrene in the cell walls, which increased the dimensional stability of the bulk wood material and reduced water uptake of the cell walls considerably when compared to controls. In the third part of the work, grafting of another hydrophobic and also biodegradable polymer, poly(ɛ-caprolactone) in the wood cell walls by ring opening polymerization of ɛ-caprolactone was studied at mild temperatures. Results indicated that polycaprolactone attached into the cell walls, caused permanent swelling of the cell walls up to 5\%. Dimensional stability of the bulk wood material increased 40\% and water absorption reduced more than 35\%. A fully biodegradable and hydrophobized wood material was obtained with this method which reduces disposal problem of the modified wood materials and has improved properties to extend the material's service-life. Starting from a bio-inspired approach which showed great promise as an alternative to standard cell wall modifications we showed the possibility of inserting hydrophobic molecules in the cell walls and supported this fact with in-situ styrene and ɛ-caprolactone polymerization into the cell walls. It was shown in this thesis that despite the extensive knowledge and long history of using wood as a material there is still room for novel chemical modifications which could have a high impact on improving wood properties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Faber2014, author = {Faber, Eike}, title = {Von Ulfila bis Rekkared}, series = {Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge ; Bd. 51}, journal = {Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge ; Bd. 51}, publisher = {Steiner}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-515-10929-1}, doi = {10.25162/9783515109291}, pages = {300}, year = {2014}, abstract = {F{\"u}r etwa 200 Jahre, vom Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts bis 589 n. Chr., geh{\"o}ren die Westgoten einem von der Orthodoxie der Reichskirche abweichenden christlichen Bekenntnis an. Auf dem 3. Konzil von Toledo beendet K{\"o}nig Rekkared diesen Zustand religi{\"o}ser Alterit{\"a}t durch die Konversion zum Katholizismus. Die antiken Berichte zeichnen nur vordergr{\"u}ndig ein koh{\"a}rentes Bild des Christentums der Goten. Dagegen weist Eike Faber Widerspr{\"u}che und Fehler in der {\"U}berlieferung nach und bietet eine Reihe neuer Interpretationen an. Die genauere Betrachtung vermag dabei sowohl den dogmatischen Gehalt des Christentums der Goten sch{\"a}rfer zu konturieren als auch die Beweggr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Annahme des neuen Glaubens herauszustellen und die traditionelle Datierung dieses Vorgangs zu widerlegen. Schließlich wird deutlich, welche Funktion das fortgesetzte Festhalten an einer demonstrativ anderen religi{\"o}sen {\"U}berzeugung f{\"u}r die Goten hatte. Pr{\"a}gnante Wegmarken der gotischen Geschichte, wie die Bibel{\"u}bersetzung Ulfilas, die Eroberung und Pl{\"u}nderung Roms 410 n. Chr. oder die demonstrative Aufgabe der religi{\"o}sen Differenz durch K{\"o}nig Rekkared, werden erst durch diesen neuen, umfassenden Kontext verst{\"a}ndlich.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Faber2014, author = {Faber, Michael}, title = {Folding dynamics of RNA secondary structures}, pages = {85}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Federici2014, author = {Federici, Simone}, title = {Gamma-ray studies of the young shell-type SNR RX J1713.7-3946}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {One of the most significant current discussions in Astrophysics relates to the origin of high-energy cosmic rays. According to our current knowledge, the abundance distribution of the elements in cosmic rays at their point of origin indicates, within plausible error limits, that they were initially formed by nuclear processes in the interiors of stars. It is also believed that their energy distribution up to 1018 eV has Galactic origins. But even though the knowledge about potential sources of cosmic rays is quite poor above „ 1015 eV, that is the "knee" of the cosmic-ray spectrum, up to the knee there seems to be a wide consensus that supernova remnants are the most likely candidates. Evidence of this comes from observations of non-thermal X-ray radiation, requiring synchrotron electrons with energies up to 1014 eV, exactly in the remnant of supernovae. To date, however, there is not conclusive evidence that they produce nuclei, the dominant component of cosmic rays, in addition to electrons. In light of this dearth of evidence, γ-ray observations from supernova remnants can offer the most promising direct way to confirm whether or not these astrophysical objects are indeed the main source of cosmic-ray nuclei below the knee. Recent observations with space- and ground-based observatories have established shell-type supernova remnants as GeV-to- TeV γ-ray sources. The interpretation of these observations is however complicated by the different radiation processes, leptonic and hadronic, that can produce similar fluxes in this energy band rendering ambiguous the nature of the emission itself. The aim of this work is to develop a deeper understanding of these radiation processes from a particular shell-type supernova remnant, namely RX J1713.7-3946, using observations of the LAT instrument onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. Furthermore, to obtain accurate spectra and morphology maps of the emission associated with this supernova remnant, an improved model of the diffuse Galactic γ-ray emission background is developed. The analyses of RX J1713.7-3946 carried out with this improved background show that the hard Fermi-LAT spectrum cannot be ascribed to the hadronic emission, leading thus to the conclusion that the leptonic scenario is instead the most natural picture for the high-energy γ-ray emission of RX J1713.7-3946. The leptonic scenario however does not rule out the possibility that cosmic-ray nuclei are accelerated in this supernova remnant, but it suggests that the ambient density may not be high enough to produce a significant hadronic γ-ray emission. Further investigations involving other supernova remnants using the improved back- ground developed in this work could allow compelling population studies, and hence prove or disprove the origin of Galactic cosmic-ray nuclei in these astrophysical objects. A break- through regarding the identification of the radiation mechanisms could be lastly achieved with a new generation of instruments such as CTA.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feld2014, author = {Feld, Christian}, title = {Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73479}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 131}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In March 2010, the project CoCoCo (incipient COntinent-COntinent COllision) recorded a 650 km long amphibian N-S wide-angle seismic profile, extending from the Eratosthenes Seamount (ESM) across Cyprus and southern Turkey to the Anatolian plateau. The aim of the project is to reveal the impact of the transition from subduction to continent-continent collision of the African plate with the Cyprus-Anatolian plate. A visual quality check, frequency analysis and filtering were applied to the seismic data and reveal a good data quality. Subsequent first break picking, finite-differences ray tracing and inversion of the offshore wide-angle data leads to a first-arrival tomographic model. This model reveals (1) P-wave velocities lower than 6.5 km/s in the crust, (2) a variable crustal thickness of about 28 - 37 km and (3) an upper crustal reflection at 5 km depth beneath the ESM. Two land shots on Turkey, also recorded on Cyprus, airgun shots south of Cyprus and geological and previous seismic investigations provide the information to derive a layered velocity model beneath the Anatolian plateau and for the ophiolite complex on Cyprus. The analysis of the reflections provides evidence for a north-dipping plate subducting beneath Cyprus. The main features of this layered velocity model are (1) an upper and lower crust with large lateral changes of the velocity structure and thickness, (2) a Moho depth of about 38 - 45 km beneath the Anatolian plateau, (3) a shallow north-dipping subducting plate below Cyprus with an increasing dip and (4) a typical ophiolite sequence on Cyprus with a total thickness of about 12 km. The offshore-onshore seismic data complete and improve the information about the velocity structure beneath Cyprus and the deeper part of the offshore tomographic model. Thus, the wide-angle seismic data provide detailed insights into the 2-D geometry and velocity structures of the uplifted and overriding Cyprus-Anatolian plate. Subsequent gravity modelling confirms and extends the crustal P-wave velocity model. The deeper part of the subducting plate is constrained by the gravity data and has a dip angle of ~ 28°. Finally, an integrated analysis of the geophysical and geological information allows a comprehensive interpretation of the crustal structure related to the collision process.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischbacher2014, author = {Fischbacher, Thomas}, title = {Friedrich zu Fuß : Biografie einer Bronzestatue des brandenburgischen Kurf{\"u}rsten und preußischen K{\"o}nigs Friedrich III./I. von Andreas Schl{\"u}ter und Johann Jacobi}, publisher = {VDG Weimar}, address = {Weimar}, isbn = {978-3-89739-813-9}, pages = {332 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fischer2014, author = {Fischer, Jost Leonhardt}, title = {Nichtlineare Kopplungsmechanismen akustischer Oszillatoren am Beispiel der Synchronisation von Orgelpfeifen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden nichtlineare Kopplungsmechanismen von akustischen Oszillatoren untersucht, die zu Synchronisation f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Aufbauend auf die Fragestellungen vorangegangener Arbeiten werden mit Hilfe theoretischer und experimenteller Studien sowie mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen die Elemente der Tonentstehung in der Orgelpfeife und die Mechanismen der gegenseitigen Wechselwirkung von Orgelpfeifen identifiziert. Daraus wird erstmalig ein vollst{\"a}ndig auf den aeroakustischen und fluiddynamischen Grundprinzipien basierendes nichtlinear gekoppeltes Modell selbst-erregter Oszillatoren f{\"u}r die Beschreibung des Verhaltens zweier wechselwirkender Orgelpfeifen entwickelt. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten Modellrechnungen werden mit den experimentellen Befunden verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Tonentstehung und die Kopplungsmechanismen von Orgelpfeifen durch das entwickelte Oszillatormodell in weiten Teilen richtig beschrieben werden. Insbesondere kann damit die Ursache f{\"u}r den nichtlinearen Zusammenhang von Kopplungsst{\"a}rke und Synchronisation des gekoppelten Zwei-Pfeifen Systems, welcher sich in einem nichtlinearen Verlauf der Arnoldzunge darstellt, gekl{\"a}rt werden. Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wird der Einfluss des Raumes auf die Tonentstehung bei Orgelpfeifen betrachtet. Daf{\"u}r werden numerische Simulationen der Wechselwirkung einer Orgelpfeife mit verschiedenen Raumgeometrien, wie z. B. ebene, konvexe, konkave, und gezahnte Geometrien, exemplarisch untersucht. Auch der Einfluss von Schwellk{\"a}sten auf die Tonentstehung und die Klangbildung der Orgelpfeife wird studiert. In weiteren, neuartigen Synchronisationsexperimenten mit identisch gestimmten Orgelpfeifen, sowie mit Mixturen wird die Synchronisation f{\"u}r verschiedene, horizontale und vertikale Pfeifenabst{\"a}nde in der Ebene der Schallabstrahlung, untersucht. Die dabei erstmalig beobachteten r{\"a}umlich isotropen Unstetigkeiten im Schwingungsverhalten der gekoppelten Pfeifensysteme, deuten auf abstandsabh{\"a}ngige Wechsel zwischen gegen- und gleichphasigen Sychronisationsregimen hin. Abschließend wird die M{\"o}glichkeit dokumentiert, das Ph{\"a}nomen der Synchronisation zweier Orgelpfeifen durch numerische Simulationen, also der Behandlung der kompressiblen Navier-Stokes Gleichungen mit entsprechenden Rand- und Anfangsbedingungen, realit{\"a}tsnah abzubilden. Auch dies stellt ein Novum dar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Frenzel2014, author = {Frenzel, Tom}, title = {Aggression und Freiheit : eine Relekt{\"u}re Hegels und Spinozas zu Grenzfragen der Psychologie}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {269 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} }