@phdthesis{Obu2015, author = {Obu, Jaroslav}, title = {Effect of mass wasting on soil organic carbon storage and coastal erosion in permafrost environments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90599}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 93}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Accelerated permafrost thaw under the warming Arctic climate can have a significant impact on Arctic landscapes. Areas underlain by permafrost store high amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). Permafrost disturbances may contribute to increased release of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. Coastal erosion, amplified through a decrease in Arctic sea-ice extent, may also mobilise SOC from permafrost. Large expanses of permafrost affected land are characterised by intense mass-wasting processes such as solifluction, active-layer detachments and retrogressive thaw slumping. Our aim is to assess the influence of mass wasting on SOC storage and coastal erosion. We studied SOC storage on Herschel Island by analysing active-layer and permafrost samples, and compared non-disturbed sites to those characterised by mass wasting. Mass-wasting sites showed decreased SOC storage and material compaction, whereas sites characterised by material accumulation showed increased storage. The SOC storage on Herschel Island is also significantly correlated to catenary position and other slope characteristics. We estimated SOC storage on Herschel Island to be 34.8 kg C m-2. This is comparable to similar environments in northwest Canada and Alaska. Coastal erosion was analysed using high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs). Two LIDAR scanning of the Yukon Coast were done in 2012 and 2013. Two DEMs with 1 m horizontal resolution were generated and used to analyse elevation changes along the coast. The results indicate considerable spatial variability in short-term coastline erosion and progradation. The high variability was related to the presence of mass-wasting processes. Erosion and deposition extremes were recorded where the retrogressive thaw slump (RTS) activity was most pronounced. Released sediment can be transported by longshore drift and affects not only the coastal processes in situ but also along adjacent coasts. We also calculated volumetric coastal erosion for Herschel Island by comparing a stereo-photogrammetrically derived DEM from 2004 with LIDAR DEMs. We compared this volumetric erosion to planimetric erosion, which was based on coastlines digitised from satellite imagery. We found a complex relationship between planimetric and volumetric coastal erosion, which we attribute to frequent occurrence of mass-wasting processes along the coasts. Our results suggest that volumetric erosion corresponds better with environmental forcing and is more suitable for the estimation of organic carbon fluxes than planimetric erosion. Mass wasting can decrease SOC storage by several mechanisms. Increased aeration following disturbance may increase microbial activity, which accelerates organic matter decomposition. New hydrological conditions that follow the mass wasting event can cause leaching of freshly exposed material. Organic rich material can also be directly removed into the sea or into a lake. On the other hand the accumulation of mobilised material can result in increased SOC storage. Mass-wasting related accumulations of mobilised material can significantly impact coastal erosion in situ or along the adjacent coast by longshore drift. Therefore, the coastline movement observations cannot completely resolve the actual sediment loss due to these temporary accumulations. The predicted increase of mass-wasting activity in the course of Arctic warming may increase SOC mobilisation and coastal erosion induced carbon fluxes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prokhorov2015, author = {Prokhorov, Boris E.}, title = {High-latitude coupling processes between thermospheric circulation and solar wind driven magnetospheric currents and plasma convection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The high-latitudinal thermospheric processes driven by the solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) interaction with the Earth magnetosphere are highly variable parts of the complex dynamic plasma environment, which represent the coupled Magnetosphere - Ionosphere - Thermosphere (MIT) system. The solar wind and IMF interactions transfer energy to the MIT system via reconnection processes at the magnetopause. The Field Aligned Currents (FACs) constitute the energetic links between the magnetosphere and the Earth ionosphere. The MIT system depends on the highly variable solar wind conditions, in particular on changes of the strength and orientation of the IMF. In my thesis, I perform an investigation on the physical background of the complex MIT system using the global physical - numerical, three-dimensional, time-dependent and self-consistent Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM). This model describes the thermosphere, ionosphere, plasmasphere and inner magnetosphere as well as the electrodynamics of the coupled MIT system for the altitudinal range from 80 (60) km up to the 15 Earth radii. In the present study, I developed and investigated several variants of the high-latitudinal electrodynamic coupling by including the IMF dependence of FACs into the UAM model. For testing, the various variants were applied to simulations of the coupled MIT system for different seasons, geomagnetic activities, various solar wind and IMF conditions. Additionally, these variants of the theoretical model with the IMF dependence were compared with global empirical models. The modelling results for the most important thermospheric parameters like neutral wind and mass density were compared with satellite measurements. The variants of the UAM model with IMF dependence show a good agreement with the satellite observations. In comparison with the empirical models, the improved variants of the UAM model reproduce a more realistic meso-scale structures and dynamics of the coupled MIT system than the empirical models, in particular at high latitudes. The new configurations of the UAM model with IMF dependence contribute to the improvement of space weather prediction.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koehler2015, author = {K{\"o}hler, Anke}, title = {Theoriebasierte Betreuung des Schulpraktikums im Lehramtsstudium Englisch}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91531}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Beitrag der Dissertation „Theoriebasierte Betreuung vom Schulpraktikum im Lehramtsstudium Englisch" zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs liegt in der Verbindung von Theoriebereichen der Professionalisierungsforschung und angewandten Linguistik mit Untersuchungen zur hochschuldidaktischen Begleitung und Betreuung im ersten Unterrichtspraktikum des Lehramtsstudiums, dem fachdidaktischen Tagespraktikum, an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam. Ein interaktionsanalytisches Vorgehen wurde eingesetzt zur Weiterentwicklung des hochschuldidaktischen Settings einer disziplinenverbindenden, fachwissenschaftlichen Begleitung von Praktika im komplexen Kontext Schule. Die Implementierung entsprechender Formate ins regul{\"a}re Studium wurde in einer {\"u}ber drei Jahre angelegten iterativen Studie turnusm{\"a}ßig evaluiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Aich2015, author = {Aich, Valentin}, title = {Floods in the Niger River Basin in the face of global change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 275}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the last decade, the number and dimensions of catastrophic flooding events in the Niger River Basin (NRB) have markedly increased. Despite the devastating impact of the floods on the population and the mainly agriculturally based economy of the riverine nations, awareness of the hazards in policy and science is still low. The urgency of this topic and the existing research deficits are the motivation for the present dissertation. The thesis is an initial detailed assessment of the increasing flood risk in the NRB. The research strategy is based on four questions regarding (1) features of the change in flood risk, (2) reasons for the change in the flood regime, (3) expected changes of the flood regime given climate and land use changes, and (4) recommendations from previous analysis for reducing the flood risk in the NRB. The question examining the features of change in the flood regime is answered by means of statistical analysis. Trend, correlation, changepoint, and variance analyses show that, in addition to the factors exposure and vulnerability, the hazard itself has also increased significantly in the NRB, in accordance with the decadal climate pattern of West Africa. The northern arid and semi-arid parts of the NRB are those most affected by the changes. As potential reasons for the increase in flood magnitudes, climate and land use changes are attributed by means of a hypothesis-testing framework. Two different approaches, based on either data analysis or simulation, lead to similar results, showing that the influence of climatic changes is generally larger compared to that of land use changes. Only in the dry areas of the NRB is the influence of land use changes comparable to that of climatic alterations. Future changes of the flood regime are evaluated using modelling results. First ensembles of statistically and dynamically downscaled climate models based on different emission scenarios are analyzed. The models agree with a distinct increase in temperature. The precipitation signal, however, is not coherent. The climate scenarios are used to drive an eco-hydrological model. The influence of climatic changes on the flood regime is uncertain due to the unclear precipitation signal. Still, in general, higher flood peaks are expected. In a next step, effects of land use changes are integrated into the model. Different scenarios show that regreening might help to reduce flood peaks. In contrast, an expansion of agriculture might enhance the flood peaks in the NRB. Similarly to the analysis of observed changes in the flood regime, the impacts of climate- and land use changes for the future scenarios are also most severe in the dry areas of the NRB. In order to answer the final research question, the results of the above analysis are integrated into a range of recommendations for science and policy on how to reduce flood risk in the NRB. The main recommendations include a stronger consideration of the enormous natural climate variability in the NRB and a focus on so called "no-regret" adaptation strategies which account for high uncertainty, as well as a stronger consideration of regional differences. Regarding the prevention and mitigation of catastrophic flooding, the most vulnerable and sensitive areas in the basin, the arid and semi-arid Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian regions, should be prioritized. Eventually, an active, science-based and science-guided flood policy is recommended. The enormous population growth in the NRB in connection with the expected deterioration of environmental and climatic conditions is likely to enhance the region´s vulnerability to flooding. A smart and sustainable flood policy can help mitigate these negative impacts of flooding on the development of riverine societies in West Africa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Liebrich2015, author = {Liebrich, Marietta}, title = {Einfluss von Prozessoptimierungen auf die mikrobielle Diversit{\"a}t und die Effizienz der Gasbildung in Co-Verg{\"a}rungsanlagen der Abfallwirtschaft}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91066}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 102}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Im Hinblick auf die Problematik der Umweltverschmutzung durch die Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe ist es n{\"o}tig, eine langfristig stabile und umweltfreundliche Energieversorgung zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Eine M{\"o}glichkeit, den Energiebedarf CO2-neutral zu decken, ist die Nutzung von Biogas. Hierbei spielt der Einsatz von biogenen Reststoffen, die durch einen hohen Anteil an Kohlenhydraten, Fetten und Proteinen gekennzeichnet sind und daher ein hohes Biogaspotential besitzen, eine wichtige Rolle. Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Effizienz und Rentabilit{\"a}t solcher Anlagen ist u. a. ein stabiler Gasbildungsprozess. Da bisher noch nicht alle Aspekte der Biogasbildung vollst{\"a}ndig verstanden sind, werden die Anlagen oft nicht optimal ausgelastet, um Prozessst{\"o}rungen wie z. B. {\"U}bers{\"a}uerung zu vermeiden. Um dennoch auftretende Prozessst{\"o}rungen zu beheben, k{\"o}nnen unterschiedliche Maßnahmen durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Neben der Senkung der Raumbelastung, ist es m{\"o}glich, den pH-Wert durch die Zugabe von Natronlauge oder Calciumoxid anzuheben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden sowohl Prozessst{\"o}rungen als auch Prozessregenerierungen an einer großtechnischen Biogasanlage und in Laborversuchen untersucht. Dabei galt es, neben den physikalischen und chemischen Parametern, die mikrobielle Bioz{\"o}nose mit Hilfe des genetischen Fingerprintings zu charakterisieren und {\"A}nderungen zu detektieren. W{\"a}hrend der Prozessregenerierungen wurden nach der Zugabe von CaO Ver{\"a}nderungen des G{\"a}rrestes beobachtet. Es bildeten sich Pellets, die im Hinblick auf ihre Funktion f{\"u}r die Prozessregenerierung und die Prozessstabilit{\"a}t molekularbiologisch und mikroskopisch untersucht wurden. Es wurde weiterhin der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle die Mikroorganismen bei der Entstehung der Pellets spielen. Die vor allem aus Calcium und Fetts{\"a}uren bestehenden Pellets dienten als Aufwuchsfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r verschiedene Mikroorganismen. Die Bildung von Biofilmen, wie sie auf und in den Pellets nachgewiesen wurde, bot f{\"u}r Mikroorganismen einen Schutz vor negativen Umwelteinfl{\"u}ssen wie z. B. hohe Propions{\"a}urekonzentrationen. Unter diesen g{\"u}nstigen Bedingungen war die Bildung von Biogas auch unter hohen Wasserstoffpartialdr{\"u}cken, die den Abbau von Propions{\"a}ure hemmten, m{\"o}glich. Als Indikator f{\"u}r bessere Lebensbedingungen wurde im Laborversuch ein Methanoculleus receptaculi-verwandter Organismus identifiziert. Dieses methanogene Archaeon wurde im Pellet nachgewiesen, w{\"a}hrend es im G{\"a}rrest erst nach der Prozessregenerierung detektiert wurde. Der Nachweis eines im Vergleich zum umgebenden G{\"a}rrest h{\"o}heren Anteils an Archaeen im Kern der Pellets sowie von Biofilmen/EPS, verschiedenen Phosphatsalzen und schwerl{\"o}slichen Calciumsalzen zeigte, dass sowohl Pr{\"a}zipitation und Adsorption als auch Degradation von LCFA dazu f{\"u}hren, dass deren Konzentration im fl{\"u}ssigen G{\"a}rrest gesenkt wird. Dadurch nimmt die Hemmung auf die Bioz{\"o}nose ab und die Biogasbildungsrate steigt. Daher ist der Abbau der Fetts{\"a}uren auch bei einem niedrigen pH-Wert und unter hohen Wasserstoffpartialdr{\"u}cken m{\"o}glich und der Biogasbildungsprozess ist langfristig stabil. Die Bildung von Pellets unterst{\"u}tzt die Prozessstabilit{\"a}t, sofern diese nicht zu groß werden und dann u. a. die Durchmischung behindern und den Ablauf verstopfen. Nach erfolgreicher Prozessstabilisierung wurden keine Pellets im G{\"a}rrest beobachtet. Der Abbau des organischen Materials wurde sowohl durch die steigende Calciumkonzentration als auch die steigende Gasproduktion angezeigt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schroeder2015, author = {Schr{\"o}der, Sarah}, title = {Modelling surface evolution coupled with tectonics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90385}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 129}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This study presents the development of 1D and 2D Surface Evolution Codes (SECs) and their coupling to any lithospheric-scale (thermo-)mechanical code with a quadrilateral structured surface mesh. Both SECs involve diffusion as approach for hillslope processes and the stream power law to reflect riverbed incision. The 1D SEC settles sediment that was produced by fluvial incision in the appropriate minimum, while the supply-limited 2D SEC DANSER uses a fast filling algorithm to model sedimantation. It is based on a cellular automaton. A slope-dependent factor in the sediment flux extends the diffusion equation to nonlinear diffusion. The discharge accumulation is achieved with the D8-algorithm and an improved drainage accumulation routine. Lateral incision enhances the incision's modelling. Following empirical laws, it incises channels of several cells width. The coupling method enables different temporal and spatial resolutions of the SEC and the thermo-mechanical code. It transfers vertical as well as horizontal displacements to the surface model. A weighted smoothing of the 3D surface displacements is implemented. The smoothed displacement vectors transmit the deformation by bilinear interpolation to the surface model. These interpolation methods ensure mass conservation in both directions and prevent the two surfaces from drifting apart. The presented applications refer to the evolution of the Pamir orogen. A calibration of DANSER's parameters with geomorphological data and a DEM as initial topography highlights the advantage of lateral incision. Preserving the channel width and reflecting incision peaks in narrow channels, this closes the huge gap between current orogen-scale incision models and observed topographies. River capturing models in a system of fault-bounded block rotations reaffirm the importance of the lateral incision routine for capturing events with channel initiation. The models show a low probability of river capturings with large deflection angles. While the probability of river capturing is directly depending on the uplift rate, the erodibility inside of a dip-slip fault speeds up headward erosion along the fault: The model's capturing speed increases within a fault. Coupling DANSER with the thermo-mechanical code SLIM 3D emphasizes the versatility of the SEC. While DANSER has minor influence on the lithospheric evolution of an indenter model, the brittle surface deformation is strongly affected by its sedimentation, widening a basin in between two forming orogens and also the southern part of the southern orogen to south, east and west.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kniepert2015, author = {Kniepert, Juliane}, title = {Correlation between dynamic parameters and device performance of organic solar cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Organic bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells based on polymer:fullerene blends are a promising alternative for a low-cost solar energy conversion. Despite significant improvements of the power conversion efficiency in recent years, the fundamental working principles of these devices are yet not fully understood. In general, the current output of organic solar cells is determined by the generation of free charge carriers upon light absorption and their transport to the electrodes in competition to the loss of charge carriers due to recombination. The object of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic processes and physical parameters determining the performance. A new approach for analyzing the characteristic current-voltage output was developed comprising the experimental determination of the efficiencies of charge carrier generation, recombination and transport, combined with numerical device simulations. Central issues at the beginning of this work were the influence of an electric field on the free carrier generation process and the contribution of generation, recombination and transport to the current-voltage characteristics. An elegant way to directly measure the field dependence of the free carrier generation is the Time Delayed Collection Field (TDCF) method. In TDCF charge carriers are generated by a short laser pulse and subsequently extracted by a defined rectangular voltage pulse. A new setup was established with an improved time resolution compared to former reports in literature. It was found that charge generation is in general independent of the electric field, in contrast to the current view in literature and opposed to the expectations of the Braun-Onsager model that was commonly used to describe the charge generation process. Even in cases where the charge generation was found to be field-dependend, numerical modelling showed that this field-dependence is in general not capable to account for the voltage dependence of the photocurrent. This highlights the importance of efficient charge extraction in competition to non-geminate recombination, which is the second objective of the thesis. Therefore, two different techniques were combined to characterize the dynamics and efficiency of non-geminate recombination under device-relevant conditions. One new approach is to perform TDCF measurements with increasing delay between generation and extraction of charges. Thus, TDCF was used for the first time to measure charge carrier generation, recombination and transport with the same experimental setup. This excludes experimental errors due to different measurement and preparation conditions and demonstrates the strength of this technique. An analytic model for the description of TDCF transients was developed and revealed the experimental conditions for which reliable results can be obtained. In particular, it turned out that the \$RC\$ time of the setup which is mainly given by the sample geometry has a significant influence on the shape of the transients which has to be considered for correct data analysis. Secondly, a complementary method was applied to characterize charge carrier recombination under steady state bias and illumination, i.e. under realistic operating conditions. This approach relies on the precise determination of the steady state carrier densities established in the active layer. It turned out that current techniques were not sufficient to measure carrier densities with the necessary accuracy. Therefore, a new technique {Bias Assisted Charge Extraction} (BACE) was developed. Here, the charge carriers photogenerated under steady state illumination are extracted by applying a high reverse bias. The accelerated extraction compared to conventional charge extraction minimizes losses through non-geminate recombination and trapping during extraction. By performing numerical device simulations under steady state, conditions were established under which quantitative information on the dynamics can be retrieved from BACE measurements. The applied experimental techniques allowed to sensitively analyse and quantify geminate and non-geminate recombination losses along with charge transport in organic solar cells. A full analysis was exemplarily demonstrated for two prominent polymer-fullerene blends. The model system P3HT:PCBM spincast from chloroform (as prepared) exhibits poor power conversion efficiencies (PCE) on the order of 0.5\%, mainly caused by low fill factors (FF) and currents. It could be shown that the performance of these devices is limited by the hole transport and large bimolecular recombination (BMR) losses, while geminate recombination losses are insignificant. The low polymer crystallinity and poor interconnection between the polymer and fullerene domains leads to a hole mobility of the order of 10^-7 cm^2/Vs which is several orders of magnitude lower than the electron mobility in these devices. The concomitant build up of space charge hinders extraction of both electrons and holes and promotes bimolecular recombination losses. Thermal annealing of P3HT:PCBM blends directly after spin coating improves crystallinity and interconnection of the polymer and the fullerene phase and results in comparatively high electron and hole mobilities in the order of 10^-3 cm^2/Vs and 10^-4 cm^2/Vs, respectively. In addition, a coarsening of the domain sizes leads to a reduction of the BMR by one order of magnitude. High charge carrier mobilities and low recombination losses result in comparatively high FF (>65\%) and short circuit current (J_SC ≈ 10 mA/cm^2). The overall device performance (PCE ≈ 4\%) is only limited by a rather low spectral overlap of absorption and solar emission and a small V_OC, given by the energetics of the P3HT. From this point of view the combination of the low bandgap polymer PTB7 with PCBM is a promising approach. In BHJ solar cells, this polymer leads to a higher V_OC due to optimized energetics with PCBM. However, the J_SC in these (unoptimized) devices is similar to the J_SC in the optimized blend with P3HT and the FF is rather low (≈ 50\%). It turned out that the unoptimized PTB7:PCBM blends suffer from high BMR, a low electron mobility of the order of 10^-5 cm^2/Vs and geminate recombination losses due to field dependent charge carrier generation. The use of the solvent additive DIO optimizes the blend morphology, mainly by suppressing the formation of very large fullerene domains and by forming a more uniform structure of well interconnected donor and acceptor domains of the order of a few nanometers. Our analysis shows that this results in an increase of the electron mobility by about one order of magnitude (3 x 10^-4 cm^2/Vs), while BMR and geminate recombination losses are significantly reduced. In total these effects improve the J_SC (≈ 17 mA/cm^2) and the FF (> 70\%). In 2012 this polymer/fullerene combination resulted in a record PCE for a single junction OSC of 9.2\%. Remarkably, the numerical device simulations revealed that the specific shape of the J-V characteristics depends very sensitively to the variation of not only one, but all dynamic parameters. On the one hand this proves that the experimentally determined parameters, if leading to a good match between simulated and measured J-V curves, are realistic and reliable. On the other hand it also emphasizes the importance to consider all involved dynamic quantities, namely charge carrier generation, geminate and non-geminate recombination as well as electron and hole mobilities. The measurement or investigation of only a subset of these parameters as frequently found in literature will lead to an incomplete picture and possibly to misleading conclusions. Importantly, the comparison of the numerical device simulation employing the measured parameters and the experimental \$J-V\$ characteristics allows to identify loss channels and limitations of OSC. For example, it turned out that inefficient extraction of charge carriers is a criticical limitation factor that is often disobeyed. However, efficient and fast transport of charges becomes more and more important with the development of new low bandgap materials with very high internal quantum efficiencies. Likewise, due to moderate charge carrier mobilities, the active layer thicknesses of current high-performance devices are usually limited to around 100 nm. However, larger layer thicknesses would be more favourable with respect to higher current output and robustness of production. Newly designed donor materials should therefore at best show a high tendency to form crystalline structures, as observed in P3HT, combined with the optimized energetics and quantum efficiency of, for example, PTB7.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wohlfarth2015, author = {Wohlfarth, Kai}, title = {PPP: zu Finanzierungsformen, Kapitalmarktrelevanz und {\"o}ffentlicher Verschuldung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90216}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 184}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert die Finanzierungsmodelle von Public-Private-Partnership-Projekten (PPP) und deren Refinanzierung durch die Kapitalgeber. Dabei wurden zwei zentrale Fragestellungen thematisiert. Erstens: F{\"u}hren PPP­Projekte zu einer Verschuldung der {\"o}ffentlichen Hand und sind sie entsprechend bei den Berechnungen der Konvergenzkriterien bzw. der Schulden- und Neuverschuldungsquoten zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen? Die zu pr{\"u}fende Arbeitshypothese geht von einer Verschuldung der {\"o}ffentlichen Hand in Folge von PPP-Projekten aus. Zweitens: Unterstellt wird eine bedeutsame Funktion von PPP f{\"u}r die Infrastrukturfinanzierung, wobei im Sinne einer Effizienzsteigerung die Passgenauigkeit beziehungsweise Konsistenz der haushaltsrechtlichen Regelungen mit den regulatorischen Vorgaben f{\"u}r die Kapitalgeber von PPP-Projekten analysiert wird. Diese Schnittstelle und die zur Generierung g{\"u}nstiger („kommunal{\"a}hnlicher") Finanzierungskonditionen notwendigen staatlichen Garantien bei PPP dr{\"a}ngt geradezu zu einem ordnungspolitischen Vergleich von Ans{\"a}tzen bzw. Projekten im Bereich PPP und in Cash-Flow-Kalk{\"u}len. Die Arbeit f{\"u}hrt mit einem gewissen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Fokus der PPP tief in die Analyse des Kapitalmarktes und der Bankenregulierung. Es erfolgt ein Vergleich der gedeckten Refinanzierungsinstrumente f{\"u}r PPP, die durch Forderungen besichert sind (Asset Backed Securities) und solche, die beispielsweise durch Forderungen gegen die {\"o}ffentliche Hand besichert sind (Covered Bonds). Letztere k{\"o}nnen auch grundpfandrechtlich gesichert sein. Hier setzt der Verfasser sp{\"a}ter seine Skizze eines „Infrastructure Covered Bonds" f{\"u}r die Finanzierung notwendiger Infrastrukturmaßnahmen nicht nur in Deutschland an, wobei das Wertpapier hier ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Infrastruktur bei einem entsprechend neu zuschaffenden (Deckungs-) Registers begeben werden wird.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Helpa2015, author = {Helpa, Vanessa}, title = {Interplay between mineral reaction and deformation via structural defects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 104}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis contains three experimental studies addressing the interplay between deformation and the mineral reaction between natural calcite and magnesite. The solid-solid mineral reaction between the two carbonates causes the formation of a magnesio-calcite precursor layer and a dolomite reaction rim in every experiment at isostatic annealing and deformation conditions. CHAPTER 1 briefly introduces general aspects concerning mineral reactions in nature and diffusion pathways for mass transport. Moreover, results of previous laboratory studies on the influence of deformation on mineral reactions are summarized. In addition, the main goals of this study are pointed out. In CHAPTER 2, the reaction between calcite and magnesite single crystals is examined at isostatic annealing conditions. Time series performed at a fixed temperature revealed a diffusion-controlled dolomite rim growth. Two microstructural domains could be identified characterized by palisade-shaped dolomite grains growing into the magnesite and granular dolomite growing towards calcite. A model was provided for the dolomite rim growth based on the counter-diffusion of CaO and MgO. All reaction products exhibited a characteristic crystallographic relationship with respect to the calcite reactant. Moreover, kinetic parameters of the mineral reaction were determined out of a temperature series at a fixed time. The main goal of the isostatic test series was to gain information about the microstructure evolution, kinetic parameters, chemical composition and texture development of the reaction products. The results were used as a reference to quantify the influence of deformation on the mineral reaction. CHAPTER 3 deals with the influence of non-isostatic deformation on dolomite and magnesio-calcite layer production between calcite and magnesite single crystals. Deformation was achieved by triaxial compression and by torsion. Triaxial compression up to 38 MPa axial stress at a fixed time showed no significant influence of stress and strain on dolomite formation. Time series conducted at a fixed stress yield no change in growth rates for dolomite and magnesio-calcite at low strains. Slightly larger magnesio-calcite growth rates were observed at strains above >0.1. High strains at similar stresses were caused by the activation of additional glide systems in the calcite single crystal and more mobile dislocations in the magnesio-calcite grains, providing fast diffusion pathways. In torsion experiments a gradual decrease in dolomite and magnesio-calcite layer thickness was observed at a critical shear strain. During deformation, crystallographic orientations of reaction products rearranged with respect to the external framework. A direct effect of the mineral reaction on deformation could not be recognized due to the relatively small reaction product widths. In CHAPTER 4, the influence of starting material microfabrics and the presence of water on the reaction kinetics was evaluated. In these experimental series polycrystalline material was in contact with single crystals or two polycrystalline materials were used as reactants. Isostatic annealing resulted in different dolomite and magnesio-calcite layer thicknesses, depending on starting material microfabrics. The reaction progress at the magnesite interface was faster with smaller magnesite grain size, because grain boundaries provided fast pathways for diffusion and multiple nucleation sites for dolomite formation. Deformation by triaxial compression and torsion yield lower dolomite rim thicknesses compared to annealed samples for the same time. This was caused by grain coarsening of polycrystalline magnesite during deformation. In contrast, magnesio-calcite layers tended to be larger during deformation, which triggered enhanced diffusion along grain boundaries. The presence of excess water had no significant influence on the reaction kinetics, at least if the reactants were single crystals. In CHAPTER 5 general conclusions about the interplay between deformation and the mineral reaction in the carbonate system are presented. Finally, CHAPTER 6 highlights possible future work in the carbonate system based on the results of this study.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Olszewska2015, author = {Olszewska, Agata}, title = {Forming magnetic chain with the help of biological organisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89767}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {101}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Magnetite nanoparticles and their assembly comprise a new area of development for new technologies. The magnetic particles can interact and assemble in chains or networks. Magnetotactic bacteria are one of the most interesting microorganisms, in which the assembly of nanoparticles occurs. These microorganisms are a heterogeneous group of gram negative prokaryotes, which all show the production of special magnetic organelles called magnetosomes, consisting of a magnetic nanoparticle, either magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4), embedded in a membrane. The chain is assembled along an actin-like scaffold made of MamK protein, which makes the magnetosomes to arrange in mechanically stable chains. The chains work as a compass needle in order to allow cells to orient and swim along the magnetic field of the Earth. The formation of magnetosomes is known to be controlled at the molecular level. The physico-chemical conditions of the surrounding environment also influence biomineralization. The work presented in this manuscript aims to understand how such external conditions, in particular the extracellular oxidation reduction potential (ORP) influence magnetite formation in the strain Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. A controlled cultivation of the microorganism was developed in a bioreactor and the formation of magnetosomes was characterized. Different techniques have been applied in order to characterize the amount of iron taken up by the bacteria and in consequence the size of magnetosomes produced at different ORP conditions. By comparison of iron uptake, morphology of bacteria, size and amount of magnetosomes per cell at different ORP, the formation of magnetosomes was inhibited at ORP 0 mV, whereas reduced conditions, ORP - 500 mV facilitate biomineralization process. Self-assembly of magnetosomes occurring in magnetotactic bacteria became an inspiration to learn from nature and to construct nanoparticles assemblies by using the bacteriophage M13 as a template. The M13 bacteriophage is an 800 nm long filament with encapsulated single-stranded DNA that has been recently used as a scaffold for nanoparticle assembly. I constructed two types of assemblies based on bacteriophages and magnetic nanoparticles. A chain - like assembly was first formed where magnetite nanoparticles are attached along the phage filament. A sperm - like construct was also built with a magnetic head and a tail formed by phage filament. The controlled assembly of magnetite nanoparticles on the phage template was possible due to two different mechanism of nanoparticle assembly. The first one was based on the electrostatic interactions between positively charged polyethylenimine coated magnetite nanoparticles and negatively charged phages. The second phage -nanoparticle assembly was achieved by bioengineered recognition sites. A mCherry protein is displayed on the phage and is was used as a linker to a red binding nanobody (RBP) that is fused to the one of the proteins surrounding the magnetite crystal of a magnetosome. Both assemblies were actuated in water by an external magnetic field showing their swimming behavior and potentially enabling further usage of such structures for medical applications. The speed of the phage - nanoparticles assemblies are relatively slow when compared to those of microswimmers previously published. However, only the largest phage-magnetite assemblies could be imaged and it is therefore still unclear how fast these structures can be in their smaller version.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buss2015, author = {Buß, Claudia}, title = {Instrumente der B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung in St{\"a}dten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88888}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 468}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vergleichende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung in St{\"a}dten in Deutschland und Frankreich. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben sich die Formen lokaler Demokratie immer wieder ver{\"a}ndert und sich den {\"o}rtlichen Gegebenheiten angepasst. Das Interesse der B{\"u}rger, Verwaltung und politisch gew{\"a}hlten Vertreter an Partizipation w{\"a}chst stetig . Das heißt aber auch, dass sich diese 3 Akteure den neuen Strukturen anpassen und eigene Strategien entwickeln m{\"u}ssen. Die demokratischen Formen der kooperativen bzw. partizipativen Demokratie werden immer h{\"a}ufiger angewandt. Diese Arbeit evaluiert die verschiedenen B{\"u}rgerbeteiligungsinstrumente in Frankreich und Deutschland in dem zwischen Input, Output und Outcome unterschieden wird. Insbesondere die B{\"u}rgerhaushalte, Beir{\"a}te und Quartiersr{\"a}te werden genauer betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen erste Hinweise in welche demokratische Richtung sich die deutschen St{\"a}dte k{\"u}nftig entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schernthanner2015, author = {Schernthanner, Harald}, title = {Untersuchungen zur r{\"a}umlichen Analyse und Visualisierung von Mietpreisdaten f{\"u}r Immobilienportale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89492}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 136}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, aus geoinformatischer Sicht eine konzeptionelle Grundlage zur r{\"a}umlichen Optimierung von Immobilienportalen zu schaffen. Die Arbeit geht dabei von zwei Hypothesen aus: 1. Verfahren der r{\"a}umlichen Statistik und des Maschinellen Lernens zur Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung sind den bisher eingesetzten Verfahren der hedonischen Regression {\"u}berlegen und eignen sich zur r{\"a}umlichen Optimierung von Immobilienportalen. 2. Die von Immobilienportalen publizierten webbasierten Mietpreiskarten geben nicht die tats{\"a}chlichen r{\"a}umlichen Verh{\"a}ltnisse auf Immobilienm{\"a}rkten wieder. Alternative webbasierte Darstellungsformen, wie z.B. Gridmaps, sind dem Status Quo der Immobilienpreiskarten von Immobilienportalen {\"u}berlegen und visualisieren die tats{\"a}chlichen r{\"a}umlichen Verh{\"a}ltnisse von Immobilienpreisen zweckm{\"a}ßiger. Beide Thesen k{\"o}nnen bewiesen werden. Es erfolgt zun{\"a}chst eine umfangreiche Erhebung des Forschungsbedarfs mittels Literaturstudien und technologischer Recherche. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wird als quantitative Datenbasis ein 74.098 Mietangebote umfassender Datensatz (von Januar 2007 bis September 2013) eines Immobilienportals akquiriert. Dieser reicht jedoch nicht in vollem Umfang zur Beantwortung der Fragestellungen aus. Deshalb f{\"u}hrt der Autor Experteninterviews zur Erhebung einer qualitativen Datenbasis. Deren Analyse ergibt in Kombination mit der Literaturstudie und der technologischen Recherche ein umfassendes, bisher so nicht verf{\"u}gbares Bild. Es stellt den Status Quo der r{\"a}umlichen Sicht sowie der raumanalytischen und geovisuellen Defizite von Immobilienportalen dar. Zur Optimierung der raumanalytischen und geovisuellen Defizite werden forschungsbasierte L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze herausgearbeitet und teilimplementiert. Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens und r{\"a}umliche Sch{\"a}tzverfahren werden als Alternativen zu den von Immobilienportalen bisher genutzten „nicht r{\"a}umlichen" Analyseverfahren zur Preismodellierung untersucht. Auf Grundlage eines hierf{\"u}r konzipierten Validierungsrahmens werden diese Methoden f{\"u}r die Nutzung im Kontext von Immobilienportalen adaptiert. Die prototypische Teilimplementierung zeigt die programmiertechnische Umsetzung des Konzeptes auf. Eine umfassende Analyse geeigneter Sekund{\"a}rvariablensets zur Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung liefert als methodisches Resultat, dass Interpolatoren, die Sekund{\"a}rvariablen ben{\"o}tigen (Kriging with external drift, Ordinary Cokriging), kaum zu valideren Mietpreissch{\"a}tzergebnissen gelangen als die Methode des Ordinary Kriging, die keine Sekund{\"a}rvariablen ben{\"o}tigt. Die Methoden Random Forest aus dem Maschinellen Lernen und die Geographisch Gewichtete Regression hingegen bergen großes Potential zur Nutzung der r{\"a}umlichen Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung im Kontext von Immobilien-portalen. Die Forschungsergebnisse der r{\"a}umlichen Preismodellierung werden in die r{\"a}umliche Visualisierung von Mietpreisen transferiert. F{\"u}r die webbasierte Mietpreisdarstellung wird ein Set alternativer Darstellungsmethoden entwickelt, um Mietpreiskarten-Prototypen abzuleiten. Ein methodisches Ergebnis der Entwicklung der Mietpreiskarten-Prototypen ist die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Ansatzes der Losl{\"o}sung des Preisbezugs von fachfremd verwendeten Bezugsgeometrien. Hierf{\"u}r wird vom Autor der Begriff der zonenlosen Preiskarte gepr{\"a}gt. Diese werden mit Methoden des Gridmapping erstellt. Es werden optimale Rasteraufl{\"o}sungen zur Darstellung interpolierter Rastergr{\"o}ßen ermittelt. Zonenlose Preiskarten mit Methoden des Gridmapping, gepaart mit einer optionalen geb{\"a}udescharfen Darstellung in gr{\"o}ßeren Maßst{\"a}ben, sind als Resultate der Forschung die bestm{\"o}gliche, sich an realen Verh{\"a}ltnissen orientierende, r{\"a}umliche Mietpreisdarstellung. Die entstandenen Prototypen sind eine Ann{\"a}herung der wahren Verteilung des Mietpreises im Raum und um einiges sch{\"a}rfer, als die auf der hedonischen Regression basierenden Darstellungen. Somit kann die wahre „Topographie" der Mietpreislandschaft abgebildet werden. Ein Einsatz der Karten f{\"u}r Nutzergruppen wie Makler, Investoren oder Kommunen zur Analyse st{\"a}dtischer Mietm{\"a}rkte ist denkbar. Alle entstandenen Prototypen sind unter der Nutzung von Map APIs umgesetzt. Ein Ergebnis dessen ist, dass Map APIs noch an diversen „Kinderkrankheiten" leiden und derart umgesetzte Mietpreiskarten noch einen weiten Weg vor sich haben, bis sie das Niveau thematischer Karten von Immhof oder Arnberger erreichen. Die konzeptionellen {\"U}berlegungen und Teilimplementierungen m{\"u}nden in drei Prozessketten, die Umsetzungsoptionen f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umliche Optimierung von Immobilienportalen darstellen. Dabei werden zwei Szenarien f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umlich optimierte Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung und ein Szenario f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umlich optimierte Mietpreisdarstellung herausgearbeitet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Boesche2015, author = {B{\"o}sche, Nina Kristine}, title = {Detection of rare earth elements and rare earth oxides with hyperspectral spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85363}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {147}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The continuously increasing demand for rare earth elements in technical components of modern technologies, brings the detection of new deposits closer into the focus of global exploration. One promising method to globally map important deposits might be remote sensing, since it has been used for a wide range of mineral mapping in the past. This doctoral thesis investigates the capacity of hyperspectral remote sensing for the detection of rare earth element deposits. The definition and the realization of a fundamental database on the spectral characteristics of rare earth oxides, rare earth metals and rare earth element bearing materials formed the basis of this thesis. To investigate these characteristics in the field, hyperspectral images of four outcrops in Fen Complex, Norway, were collected in the near-field. A new methodology (named REEMAP) was developed to delineate rare earth element enriched zones. The main steps of REEMAP are: 1) multitemporal weighted averaging of multiple images covering the sample area; 2) sharpening the rare earth related signals using a Gaussian high pass deconvolution technique that is calibrated on the standard deviation of a Gaussian-bell shaped curve that represents by the full width of half maxima of the target absorption band; 3) mathematical modeling of the target absorption band and highlighting of rare earth elements. REEMAP was further adapted to different hyperspectral sensors (EO-1 Hyperion and EnMAP) and a new test site (Lofdal, Namibia). Additionally, the hyperspectral signatures of associated minerals were investigated to serve as proxy for the host rocks. Finally, the capacity and limitations of spectroscopic rare earth element detection approaches in general and of the REEMAP approach specifically were investigated and discussed. One result of this doctoral thesis is that eight rare earth oxides show robust absorption bands and, therefore, can be used for hyperspectral detection methods. Additionally, the spectral signatures of iron oxides, iron-bearing sulfates, calcite and kaolinite can be used to detect metasomatic alteration zones and highlight the ore zone. One of the key results of this doctoral work is the developed REEMAP approach, which can be applied from near-field to space. The REEMAP approach enables rare earth element mapping especially for noisy images. Limiting factors are a low signal to noise ratio, a reduced spectral resolution, overlaying materials, atmospheric absorption residuals and non-optimal illumination conditions. Another key result of this doctoral thesis is the finding that the future hyperspectral EnMAP satellite (with its currently published specifications, June 2015) will be theoretically capable to detect absorption bands of erbium, dysprosium, holmium, neodymium and europium, thulium and samarium. This thesis presents a new methodology REEMAP that enables a spatially wide and rapid hyperspectral detection of rare earth elements in order to meet the demand for fast, extensive and efficient rare earth exploration (from near-field to space).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Priegnitz2015, author = {Priegnitz, Mike}, title = {Development of geophysical methods to characterize methane hydrate reservoirs on a laboratory scale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89321}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 99}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Gashydrate sind kristalline Feststoffe bestehend aus Wasser und Gasmolek{\"u}len. Sie sind stabil bei erh{\"o}hten Dr{\"u}cken und niedrigen Temperaturen. Nat{\"u}rliche Hydratvorkommen treten daher an Kontinentalh{\"a}ngen, in Permafrostb{\"o}den und in tiefen Seen sowie Binnenmeeren auf. Bei der Hydratbildung orientieren sich die Wassermolek{\"u}le neu und bilden sogenannte K{\"a}figstrukturen, in die Gas eingelagert werden kann. Aufgrund des hohen Drucks bei der Hydratbildung k{\"o}nnen große Mengen an Gas in die Hydratstruktur eingebaut werden. Das Volumenverh{\"a}ltnis von Wasser zu Gas kann dabei bis zu 1:172 bei 0°C und Atmosph{\"a}rendruck betragen. Nat{\"u}rliche Gashydrate enthalten haupts{\"a}chlich Methan. Da Methan sowohl ein Treibhausgas als auch ein Brenngas ist, stellen Gashydrate gleichermaßen eine potentielle Energieressource sowie eine m{\"o}gliche Quelle f{\"u}r Treibhausgase dar. Diese Arbeit untersucht die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Methanhydrat ges{\"a}ttigten Sedimentproben im Labormaßstab. Dazu wurde ein großer Reservoirsimulator (LARS) mit einer eigens entwickelten elektrischen Widerstandstomographie ausger{\"u}stet, die das erste Mal an hydratges{\"a}ttigten Sedimentproben unter kontrollierten Temperatur-, Druck-, und Hydrats{\"a}ttigungsbedingungen im Labormaßstab angewendet wurde. {\"U}blicherweise ist der Porenraum von (marinen) Sedimenten mit elektrisch gut leitendem Salzwasser gef{\"u}llt. Da Hydrate einen elektrischen Isolator darstellen, ergeben sich große Kontraste hinsichtlich der elektrischen Eigenschaften im Porenraum w{\"a}hrend der Hydratbildung und -zersetzung. Durch wiederholte Messungen w{\"a}hrend der Hydraterzeugung ist es m{\"o}glich die r{\"a}umliche Widerstandsverteilung in LARS aufzuzeichnen. Diese Daten bilden in der Folge die Grundlage f{\"u}r eine neue Auswerteroutine, welche die r{\"a}umliche Widerstandsverteilung in die r{\"a}umliche Verteilung der Hydrats{\"a}ttigung {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt. Dadurch ist es m{\"o}glich, die sich {\"a}ndernde Hydrats{\"a}ttigung sowohl r{\"a}umlich als auch zeitlich hoch aufgel{\"o}st w{\"a}hrend der gesamten Hydraterzeugungsphase zu verfolgen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die entwickelte Widerstandstomographie eine gute Datenqualit{\"a}t aufwies und selbst geringe Hydrats{\"a}ttigungen innerhalb der Sedimentprobe detektiert werden konnten. Bei der Umrechnung der Widerstandsverteilung in lokale Hydrat-S{\"a}ttigungswerte wurden die besten Ergebnisse mit dem Archie-var-phi Ansatz erzielt, der die zunehmende Hydratphase dem Sedimentger{\"u}st zuschreibt, was einer Abnahme der Porosit{\"a}t gleichkommt. Die Widerstandsmessungen zeigten weiterhin, dass die schnelle Hydraterzeugung im Labor zur Ausbildung von kleinen Hydratkristallen f{\"u}hrte, die dazu neigten, zu rekristalliesieren. Es wurden weiterhin Hydrat-Abbauversuche durchgef{\"u}hrt, bei denen die Hydratphase {\"u}ber Druckerniedrigung in Anlehnung an den 2007/2008 Mallik Feldtest zersetzt wurde. Dabei konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Muster der Gas- undWasserflussraten im Labor zum Teil gut nachgebildet werden konnten, jedoch auch aufbaubedingte Abweichungen auftraten. In zwei weiteren Langzeitversuchen wurde die Realisierbarkeit und das Verhalten bei CO2-CH4-Hydrat Austauschversuchen in LARS untersucht. Das tomographische Messsystem wurde dabei genutzt um w{\"a}hrend der CH4 Hydrat Aufbauphase die Hydratverteilung innerhalb der Sedimentprobe zu {\"u}berwachen. Im Zuge der anschließenden CO2-Injektion konnte mithilfe der Widerstandstomographie die sich ausbreitende CO2-Front {\"u}berwacht und der Zeitpunkt des CO2 Durchbruchs identifiziert werden.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hanf2015, author = {Hanf, Franziska Stefanie}, title = {South Asian summer monsoon variability: a modelling study with the atmospheric regional climate model HIRHAM5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 126}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The lives of more than 1/6 th of the world population is directly affected by the caprices of the South Asian summer monsoon rainfall. India receives around 78 \% of the annual precipitation during the June-September months, the summer monsoon season of South Asia. But, the monsoon circulation is not consistent throughout the entire summer season. Episodes of heavy rainfall (active periods) and low rainfall (break periods) are inherent to the intraseasonal variability of the South Asian summer monsoon. Extended breaks or long-lasting dryness can result in droughts and hence trigger crop failures and in turn famines. Furthermore, India's electricity generation from renewable sources (wind and hydro-power), which is increasingly important in order to satisfy the rapidly rising demand for energy, is highly reliant on the prevailing meteorology. The major drought years 2002 and 2009 for the Indian summer monsoon during the last decades, which are results of the occurrence of multiple extended breaks, emphasise exemplary that the understanding of the monsoon system and its intraseasonal variation is of greatest importance. Although, numerous studies based on observations, reanalysis data and global model simulations have been carried out with the focus on monsoon active and break phases over India, the understanding of the monsoon intraseasonal variability is only in the infancy stage. Regional climate models could benefit the comprehension of monsoon breaks by its resolution advantage. This study investigates moist dynamical processes that initiate and maintain breaks during the South Asian summer monsoon using the atmospheric regional climate model HIRHAM5 at a horizontal resolution of 25 km forced by the ECMWF ERA Interim reanalysis for the period 1979-2012. By calculating moisture and moist static energy budgets the various competing mechanisms leading to extended breaks are quantitatively estimated. Advection of dry air from the deserts of western Asia towards central India is the dominant moist dynamical process in initiating extended break conditions over South Asia. Once initiated, the extended breaks are maintained due to many competing mechanisms: (i) the anomalous easterlies at the southern flank of this anticyclonic anomaly weaken the low-level cross-equatorial jet and thus the moisture transport into the monsoon region, (ii) differential radiative heating over the continental and the oceanic tropical convergence zone induces a local Hadley circulation with anomalous rising over the equatorial Indian Ocean and descent over central India, and (iii) a cyclonic response to positive rainfall anomalies over the near-equatorial Indian Ocean amplifies the anomalous easterlies over India and hence contributes to the low-level divergence over central India. A sensitivity experiment that mimics a scenario of higher atmospheric aerosol concentrations over South Asia addresses a current issue of large uncertainty: the role aerosols play in suppressing monsoon rainfall and hence in triggering breaks. To study the indirect aerosol effects the cloud droplet number concentration was increased to imitate the aerosol's function as cloud condensation nuclei. The sensitivity experiment with altered microphysical cloud properties shows a reduction in the summer monsoon precipitation together with a weakening of the South Asian summer monsoon. Several physical mechanisms are proposed to be responsible for the suppressed monsoon rainfall: (i) according to the first indirect radiative forcing the increase in the number of cloud droplets causes an increase in the cloud reflectivity of solar radiation, leading to a climate cooling over India which in turn reduces the hydrological cycle, (ii) a stabilisation of the troposphere induced by a differential cooling between the surface and the upper troposphere over central India inhibits the growth of deep convective rain clouds, (iii) an increase of the amount of low and mid-level clouds together with a decrease in high-level cloud amount amplify the surface cooling and hence the atmospheric stability, and (iv) dynamical changes of the monsoon manifested as a anomalous anticyclonic circulation over India reduce the moisture transport into the monsoon region. The study suggests that the changes in the total precipitation, which are dominated by changes in the convective precipitation, mainly result from the indirect radiative forcing. Suppression of rainfall due to the direct microphysical effect is found to be negligible over India. Break statistics of the polluted cloud scenario indicate an increase in the occurrence of short breaks (3 days), while the frequency of extended breaks (> 7 days) is clearly not affected. This disproves the hypothesis that more and smaller cloud droplets, caused by a high load of atmospheric aerosols trigger long drought conditions over central India.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nimz2015, author = {Nimz, Katharina}, title = {Sound perception and production in a foreign language}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-361-9}, issn = {2190-4545}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 236}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The present study addresses the question of how German vowels are perceived and produced by Polish learners of German as a Foreign Language. It comprises three main experiments: a discrimination experiment, a production experiment, and an identification experiment. With the exception of the discrimination task, the experiments further investigated the influence of orthographic marking on the perception and production of German vowel length. It was assumed that explicit markings such as the Dehnungs-h ("lengthening h") could help Polish GFL learners in perceiving and producing German words more correctly. The discrimination experiment with manipulated nonce words showed that Polish GFL learners detect pure length differences in German vowels less accurately than German native speakers, while this was not the case for pure quality differences. The results of the identification experiment contrast with the results of the discrimination task in that Polish GFL learners were better at judging incorrect vowel length than incorrect vowel quality in manipulated real words. However, orthographic marking did not turn out to be the driving factor and it is suggested that metalinguistic awareness can explain the asymmetry between the two perception experiments. The production experiment supported the results of the identification task in that lengthening h did not help Polish learners in producing German vowel length more correctly. Yet, as far as vowel quality productions are concerned, it is argued that orthography does influence L2 sound productions because Polish learners seem to be negatively influenced by their native grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences. It is concluded that it is important to differentiate between the influence of the L1 and L2 orthographic system. On the one hand, the investigation of the influence of orthographic vowel length markers in German suggests that Polish GFL learners do not make use of length information provided by the L2 orthographic system. On the other hand, the vowel quality data suggest that the L1 orthographic system plays a crucial role in the acquisition of a foreign language. It is therefore proposed that orthography influences the acquisition of foreign sounds, but not in the way it was originally assumed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lischke2015, author = {Lischke, Betty}, title = {Food web regulation under different forcing regimes in shallow lakes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89149}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {131}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The standing stock and production of organismal biomass depends strongly on the organisms' biotic environment, which arises from trophic and non-trophic interactions among them. The trophic interactions between the different groups of organisms form the food web of an ecosystem, with the autotrophic and bacterial production at the basis and potentially several levels of consumers on top of the producers. Feeding interactions can regulate communities either by severe grazing pressure or by shortage of resources or prey production, termed top-down and bottom-up control, respectively. The limitations of all communities conglomerate in the food web regulation, which is subject to abiotic and biotic forcing regimes arising from external and internal constraints. This dissertation presents the effects of alterations in two abiotic, external forcing regimes, terrestrial matter input and long-lasting low temperatures in winter. Diverse methodological approaches, a complex ecosystem model study and the analysis of two whole-lake measurements, were performed to investigate effects for the food web regulation and the resulting consequences at the species, community and ecosystem scale. Thus, all types of organisms, autotrophs and heterotrophs, at all trophic levels were investigated to gain a comprehensive overview of the effects of the two mentioned altered forcing regimes. In addition, an extensive evaluation of the trophic interactions and resulting carbon fluxes along the pelagic and benthic food web was performed to display the efficiencies of the trophic energy transfer within the food webs. All studies were conducted in shallow lakes, which is worldwide the most abundant type of lakes. The specific morphology of shallow lakes allows that the benthic production contributes substantially to the whole-lake production. Further, as shallow lakes are often small they are especially sensitive to both, changes in the input of terrestrial organic matter and the atmospheric temperature. Another characteristic of shallow lakes is their appearance in alternative stable states. They are either in a clear-water or turbid state, where macrophytes and phytoplankton dominate, respectively. Both states can stabilize themselves through various mechanisms. These two alternative states and stabilizing mechanisms are integrated in the complex ecosystem model PCLake, which was used to investigate the effects of the enhanced terrestrial particulate organic matter (t-POM) input to lakes. The food web regulation was altered by three distinct pathways: (1) Zoobenthos received more food, increased in biomass which favored benthivorous fish and those reduced the available light due to bioturbation. (2) Zooplankton substituted autochthonous organic matter in their diet by suspended t-POM, thus the autochthonous organic matter remaining in the water reduced its transparency. (3) T-POM suspended into the water and reduced directly the available light. As macrophytes are more light-sensitive than phytoplankton they suffered the most from the lower transparency. Consequently, the resilience of the clear-water state was reduced by enhanced t-POM inputs, which makes the turbid state more likely at a given nutrient concentration. In two subsequent winters long-lasting low temperatures and a concurrent long duration of ice coverage was observed which resulted in low overall adult fish biomasses in the two study lakes - Schulzensee and Gollinsee, characterized by having and not having submerged macrophytes, respectively. Before the partial winterkill of fish Schulzensee allowed for a higher proportion of piscivorous fish than Gollinsee. However, the partial winterkill of fish aligned both communities as piscivorous fish are more sensitive to low oxygen concentrations. Young of the year fish benefitted extremely from the absence of adult fish due to lower predation pressure. Therefore, they could exert a strong top-down control on crustaceans, which restructured the entire zooplankton community leading to low crustacean biomasses and a community composition characterized by copepodites and nauplii. As a result, ciliates were released from top-down control, increased to high biomasses compared to lakes of various trophic states and depths and dominated the zooplankton community. While being very abundant in the study lakes and having the highest weight specific grazing rates among the zooplankton, ciliates exerted potentially a strong top-down control on small phytoplankton and particle-attached bacteria. This resulted in a higher proportion of large phytoplankton compared to other lakes. Additionally, the phytoplankton community was evenly distributed presumably due to the numerous fast growing and highly specific ciliate grazers. Although, the pelagic food web was completely restructured after the subsequent partial winterkills of fish, both lakes were resistant to effects of this forcing regime at the ecosystem scale. The consistently high predation pressure on phytoplankton prevented that Schulzensee switched from the clear-water to the turbid state. Further mechanisms, which potentially stabilized the clear-water state, were allelopathic effects by macrophytes and nutrient limitation in summer. The pelagic autotrophic and bacterial production was an order of magnitude more efficient transferred to animal consumers than the respective benthic production, despite the alterations of the food web structure after the partial winterkill of fish. Thus, the compiled mass-balanced whole-lake food webs suggested that the benthic bacterial and autotrophic production, which exceeded those of the pelagic habitat, was not used by animal consumers. This holds even true if the food quality, additional consumers such as ciliates, benthic protozoa and meiobenthos, the pelagic-benthic link and the potential oxygen limitation of macrobenthos were considered. Therefore, low benthic efficiencies suggest that lakes are primarily pelagic systems at least at the animal consumer level. Overall, this dissertation gives insights into the regulation of organism groups in the pelagic and benthic habitat at each trophic level under two different forcing regimes and displays the efficiency of the carbon transfer in both habitats. The results underline that the alterations of external forcing regimes affect all hierarchical level including the ecosystem.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borschewski2015, author = {Borschewski, Aljona}, title = {Bedeutung der Interaktion von Calcineurin und SORLA f{\"u}r die Regulation des Na⁺,K⁺,2Cl⁻-Kotransporters (NKCC2) in der Niere}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89205}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {II, 86}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Na⁺-K⁺-2Cl⁻-Kotransporter (NKCC2) wird im distalen Nephron der Niere exprimiert. Seine Verteilung umfasst die Epithelien der medull{\"a}ren und kortikalen Teile der dicken aufsteigenden Henle-Schleife (Thick ascending limb, TAL) und die Macula densa. Resorptiver NaCl-Transport {\"u}ber den NKCC2 dient dem renalen Konzentrierungsmechanismus und reguliert systemisch auch Volumenstatus und Blutdruck. Die Aktivit{\"a}t des NKCC2 ist mit der Phosphorylierung seiner N-terminalen Aminos{\"a}urereste Serin 126 und Threonin 96/101 verbunden. Vermittelt wird diese durch die homologen Kinasen SPAK (SPS-related proline/alanine-rich kinase) und OSR1 (Oxidative stress responsive kinase 1), die hierzu ihrerseits phosphoryliert werden m{\"u}ssen. Der regulatorische Kontext dieser Kinasen ist mittlerweile gut charakterisiert. {\"U}ber Mechanismen und Produkte, die den NKCC2 deaktivieren, war hingegen weniger bekannt. Ziel der Arbeit war daher zu untersuchen, welche Wege zur Deaktivierung des Transporters f{\"u}hren. Der intrazellul{\"a}re Sortierungsrezeptor SORLA (Sorting-protein-related receptor with A-type repeats) war zuvor in seiner Bedeutung f{\"u}r das Nephron charakterisiert worden. Ein SORLA-defizientes Mausmodell weist unter anderem eine stark verringerte NKCC2-Phosphorylierung auf. Unter osmotischem Stress k{\"o}nnen SORLA-defiziente M{\"a}use ihren Urin weniger effizient konzentrieren. Meine Resultate zeigen mit hochaufl{\"o}sender Technik, dass SORLA apikal im TAL lokalisiert ist und dass mit NKCC2 eine anteilige Kolokalisation besteht. Unter SORLA Defizienz war die f{\"u}r die NKCC2 Aktivit{\"a}t maßgebliche SPAK/OSR1-Phosphorylierung gegen{\"u}ber dem Wildtyp nicht ver{\"a}ndert. Jedoch war die ebenfalls im TAL exprimierte Phosphatase Calcineurin Aβ (CnAβ) per Western blot um das zweifache gesteigert. Parallel hierzu wurde immunhistochemisch die Kolokalisation von verst{\"a}rktem CnAβ-Signal und NKCC2 best{\"a}tigt. Beide Befunde geben zusammen den Hinweis auf einen Bezug zwischen der reduzierten NKCC2-Phosphorylierung und der gesteigerten Pr{\"a}senz von CnAβ bei SORLA Defizienz. Die parallel induzierte {\"U}berexpression von SORLA in HEK-Zellen zeigte entsprechend eine Halbierung der CnAβ Proteinmenge. SORLA steuert demzufolge sowohl die Abundanz als auch die zellul{\"a}re Verteilung der Phosphatase. Weiterhin ließ sich die Interaktion zwischen CnAβ und SORLA (intrazellul{\"a}re Dom{\"a}ne) mittels Co-Immunpr{\"a}zipitation bzw. GST-pulldown assay nachweisen. Auch die Interaktion zwischen CnAβ und NKCC2 wurde auf diesem Weg belegt. Da allerdings weder SORLA noch NKCC2 ein spezifisches Bindungsmuster f{\"u}r CnAβ aufweisen, sind vermutlich intermedi{\"a}re Adapterproteine bei ihrer Bindung involviert. Die pharmakologische Inhibition von CnAβ mittels Cyclosporin A (CsA; 1 h) f{\"u}hrte bei SORLA Defizienz zur Normalisierung der NKCC2-Phosphorylierung. Entsprechend f{\"u}hrte in vitro die Gabe von CsA bei TAL Zellen zu einer 7-fach gesteigerten NKCC2-Phosphorylierung. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Phosphatase CnAβ {\"u}ber ihre Assoziation mit NKCC2 diesen im adluminalen Zellkompartiment deaktivieren kann. Gesteuert wird dieser Vorgang durch die Eigenschaft von SORLA, CnAβ apikal zu reduzieren und damit die adluminale Phosphorylierung und Aktivit{\"a}t von NKCC2 zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Da Calcineurin-Inhibitoren derzeit die Grundlage der immunsupprimierenden Therapie darstellen, haben die Ergebnisse eine klinische Relevanz. Angesichts der Co-Expression von SORLA und CnAβ in verschiedenen anderen Organen k{\"o}nnen die Ergebnisse auch {\"u}ber die Niere hinaus Bedeutung erlangen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cattania2015, author = {Cattania, Camilla}, title = {Improvement of aftershock models based on Coulomb stress changes and rate-and-state dependent friction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 123}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Earthquake clustering has proven the most useful tool to forecast changes in seismicity rates in the short and medium term (hours to months), and efforts are currently being made to extend the scope of such models to operational earthquake forecasting. The overarching goal of the research presented in this thesis is to improve physics-based earthquake forecasts, with a focus on aftershock sequences. Physical models of triggered seismicity are based on the redistribution of stresses in the crust, coupled with the rate-and-state constitutive law proposed by Dieterich to calculate changes in seismicity rate. This type of models are known as Coulomb- rate and-state (CRS) models. In spite of the success of the Coulomb hypothesis, CRS models typically performed poorly in comparison to statistical ones, and they have been underepresented in the operational forecasting context. In this thesis, I address some of these issues, and in particular these questions: (1) How can we realistically model the uncertainties and heterogeneity of the mainshock stress field? (2) What is the effect of time dependent stresses in the postseismic phase on seismicity? I focus on two case studies from different tectonic settings: the Mw 9.0 Tohoku megathrust and the Mw 6.0 Parkfield strike slip earthquake. I study aleatoric uncertainties using a Monte Carlo method. I find that the existence of multiple receiver faults is the most important source of intrinsic stress heterogeneity, and CRS models perform better when this variability is taken into account. Epistemic uncertainties inherited from the slip models also have a significant impact on the forecast, and I find that an ensemble model based on several slip distributions outperforms most individual models. I address the role of postseismic stresses due to aseismic slip on the mainshock fault (afterslip) and to the redistribution of stresses by previous aftershocks (secondary triggering). I find that modeling secondary triggering improves model performance. The effect of afterslip is less clear, and difficult to assess for near-fault aftershocks due to the large uncertainties of the afterslip models. Off-fault events, on the other hand, are less sensitive to the details of the slip distribution: I find that following the Tohoku earthquake, afterslip promotes seismicity in the Fukushima region. To evaluate the performance of the improved CRS models in a pseudo-operational context, I submitted them for independent testing to a collaborative experiment carried out by CSEP for the 2010-2012 Canterbury sequence. Preliminary results indicate that physical models generally perform well compared to statistical ones, suggesting that CRS models may have a role to play in the future of operational forecasting. To facilitate efforts in this direction, and to enable future studies of earthquake triggering by time dependent processes, I have made the code open source. In the final part of this thesis I summarize the capabilities of the program and outline technical aspects regarding performance and parallelization strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jehannin2015, author = {Jehannin, Marie}, title = {About the role of physico-chemical properties and hydrodynamics on the progress of a precipitation reaction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88364}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 130}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The size and morphology control of precipitated solid particles is a major economic issue for numerous industries. For instance, it is interesting for the nuclear industry, concerning the recovery of radioactive species from used nuclear fuel. The precipitates features, which are a key parameter from the post-precipitate processing, depend on the process local mixing conditions. So far, the relationship between precipitation features and hydrodynamic conditions have not been investigated. In this study, a new experimental configuration consisting of coalescing drops is set to investigate the link between reactive crystallization and hydrodynamics. Two configurations of aqueous drops are examined. The first one corresponds to high contact angle drops (>90°) in oil, as a model system for flowing drops, the second one correspond to sessile drops in air with low contact angle (<25°). In both cases, one reactive is dissolved in each drop, namely oxalic acid and cerium nitrate. When both drops get into contact, they may coalesce; the dissolved species mix and react to produce insoluble cerium oxalate. The precipitates features and effect on hydrodynamics are investigated depending on the solvent. In the case of sessile drops in air, the surface tension difference between the drops generates a gradient which induces a Marangoni flow from the low surface tension drop over the high surface tension drop. By setting the surface tension difference between the two drops and thus the Marangoni flow, the hydrodynamics conditions during the drop coalescence could be modified. Diols/water mixtures are used as solvent, in order to fix the surface tension difference between the liquids of both drops regardless from the reactant concentration. More precisely, the used diols, 1,2-propanediol and 1,3-propanediol, are isomer with identical density and close viscosity. By keeping the water volume fraction constant and playing with the 1,2-propanediol and 1,3-propanediol volume fractions of the solvents, the mixtures surface tensions differ up to 10 mN/m for identical/constant reactant concentration, density and viscosity. 3 precipitation behaviors were identified for the coalescence of water/diols/recatants drops depending on the oxalic excess. The corresponding precipitates patterns are visualized by optical microscopy and the precipitates are characterized by confocal microscopy SEM, XRD and SAXS measurements. In the intermediate oxalic excess regime, formation of periodic patterns can be observed. These patterns consist in alternating cerium oxalate precipitates with distinct morphologies, namely needles and "microflowers". Such periodic fringes can be explained by a feedback mechanism between convection, reaction and the diffusion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bora2015, author = {Bora, Sanjay Singh}, title = {Regionally adaptable ground-motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) for seismic hazard analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 138}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Adjustment of empirically derived ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), from a data- rich region/site where they have been derived to a data-poor region/site, is one of the major challenges associated with the current practice of seismic hazard analysis. Due to the fre- quent use in engineering design practices the GMPEs are often derived for response spectral ordinates (e.g., spectral acceleration) of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) oscillator. The functional forms of such GMPEs are based upon the concepts borrowed from the Fourier spectral representation of ground motion. This assumption regarding the validity of Fourier spectral concepts in the response spectral domain can lead to consequences which cannot be explained physically. In this thesis, firstly results from an investigation that explores the relationship between Fourier and response spectra, and implications of this relationship on the adjustment issues of GMPEs, are presented. The relationship between the Fourier and response spectra is explored by using random vibration theory (RVT), a framework that has been extensively used in earthquake engineering, for instance within the stochastic simulation framework and in the site response analysis. For a 5\% damped SDOF oscillator the RVT perspective of response spectra reveals that no one-to-one correspondence exists between Fourier and response spectral ordinates except in a limited range (i.e., below the peak of the response spectra) of oscillator frequencies. The high oscillator frequency response spectral ordinates are dominated by the contributions from the Fourier spectral ordinates that correspond to the frequencies well below a selected oscillator frequency. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) is found to be related with the integral over the entire Fourier spectrum of ground motion which is in contrast to the popularly held perception that PGA is a high-frequency phenomenon of ground motion. This thesis presents a new perspective for developing a response spectral GMPE that takes the relationship between Fourier and response spectra into account. Essentially, this frame- work involves a two-step method for deriving a response spectral GMPE: in the first step two empirical models for the FAS and for a predetermined estimate of duration of ground motion are derived, in the next step, predictions from the two models are combined within the same RVT framework to obtain the response spectral ordinates. In addition to that, a stochastic model based scheme for extrapolating the individual acceleration spectra beyond the useable frequency limits is also presented. To that end, recorded acceleration traces were inverted to obtain the stochastic model parameters that allow making consistent extrapola- tion in individual (acceleration) Fourier spectra. Moreover an empirical model, for a dura- tion measure that is consistent within the RVT framework, is derived. As a next step, an oscillator-frequency-dependent empirical duration model is derived that allows obtaining the most reliable estimates of response spectral ordinates. The framework of deriving the response spectral GMPE presented herein becomes a self-adjusting model with the inclusion of stress parameter (∆σ) and kappa (κ0) as the predictor variables in the two empirical models. The entire analysis of developing the response spectral GMPE is performed on recently compiled RESORCE-2012 database that contains recordings made from Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The presented GMPE for response spectral ordinates should be considered valid in the magnitude range of 4 ≤ MW ≤ 7.6 at distances ≤ 200 km.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wallenta2015, author = {Wallenta, Daniel}, title = {Sequences of compact curvature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87489}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 73}, year = {2015}, abstract = {By perturbing the differential of a (cochain-)complex by "small" operators, one obtains what is referred to as quasicomplexes, i.e. a sequence whose curvature is not equal to zero in general. In this situation the cohomology is no longer defined. Note that it depends on the structure of the underlying spaces whether or not an operator is "small." This leads to a magical mix of perturbation and regularisation theory. In the general setting of Hilbert spaces compact operators are "small." In order to develop this theory, many elements of diverse mathematical disciplines, such as functional analysis, differential geometry, partial differential equation, homological algebra and topology have to be combined. All essential basics are summarised in the first chapter of this thesis. This contains classical elements of index theory, such as Fredholm operators, elliptic pseudodifferential operators and characteristic classes. Moreover we study the de Rham complex and introduce Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order as well as the concept of operator ideals. In the second chapter, the abstract theory of (Fredholm) quasicomplexes of Hilbert spaces will be developed. From the very beginning we will consider quasicomplexes with curvature in an ideal class. We introduce the Euler characteristic, the cone of a quasiendomorphism and the Lefschetz number. In particular, we generalise Euler's identity, which will allow us to develop the Lefschetz theory on nonseparable Hilbert spaces. Finally, in the third chapter the abstract theory will be applied to elliptic quasicomplexes with pseudodifferential operators of arbitrary order. We will show that the Atiyah-Singer index formula holds true for those objects and, as an example, we will compute the Euler characteristic of the connection quasicomplex. In addition to this we introduce geometric quasiendomorphisms and prove a generalisation of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem of Atiyah and Bott.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hogenacker2015, author = {Hogenacker, Jens}, title = {Essays on the transition from unemployment to employment with a special emphasis on start-up subsidies in Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87464}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 272}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The promotion of self-employment as part of active labor market policies is considered to be one of the most important unemployment support schemes in Germany. Against this background the main part of this thesis contributes to the evaluation of start-up support schemes within ALMP. Chapter 2 and 4 focus on the evaluation of the New Start-up Subsidy (NSUS, Gr{\"u}ndungszuschuss) in its first version (from 2006 to the end of 2011). The chapters offer an advancement of the evaluation of start-up subsidies in Germany, and are based on a novel data set of administrative data from the Federal Employment Agency that was enriched with information from a telephone survey. Chapter 2 provides a thorough descriptive analysis of the NSUS that consists of two parts. First, the participant structure of the program is compared with the one of two former programs. In a second step, the study conducts an in-depth characterization of the participants of the NSUS focusing on founding motives, the level of start-up capital and equity used as well as the sectoral distribution of the new business. Furthermore, the business survival, income situation of founders and job creation by the new businesses is analyzed during a period of 19 months after start-up. The contribution of Chapter 4 is to introduce a new explorative data set that allows comparing subsidized start-ups out of unemployment with non-subsidized business start-ups that were founded by individuals who were not unemployed at the time of start-up. Because previous evaluation studies commonly used eligible non-participants amongst the unemployed as control group to assess the labor market effects of the start-up subsidies, the corresponding results hence referred to the effectiveness of the ALMP measure, but could not address the question whether the subsidy leads to similarly successful and innovative businesses compared to non-subsidized businesses. An assessment of this economic/growth aspect is also important, since the subsidy might induce negative effects that may outweigh the positive effects from an ALMP perspective. The main results of Chapter 4 indicate that subsidized founders seem to have no shortages in terms of formal education, but exhibit less employment and industry-specific experience, and are less likely to benefit from intergenerational transmission of start-ups. Moreover, the study finds evidence that necessity start-ups are over-represented among subsidized business founders, which suggests disadvantages in terms of business preparation due to possible time restrictions right before start-up. Finally, the study also detects more capital constraints among the unemployed, both in terms of the availability of personal equity and access to loans. With respect to potential differences between both groups in terms of business development over time, the results indicate that subsidized start-ups out of unemployment face higher business survival rates 19 months after start-up. However, they lag behind regular business founders in terms of income, business growth, and innovation. The arduous data collection process for start-up activities of non-subsidized founders for Chapter 4 made apparent that Germany is missing a central reporting system for business formations. Additionally, the different start-up reporting systems that do exist exhibit substantial discrepancies in data processing procedures, and therefore also in absolute numbers concerning the overall start-up activity. Chapter 3 is therefore placed in front of Chapter 4 and has the aim to provide a comprehensive review of the most important German start-up reporting systems. The second part of the thesis consists of Chapter 5 which contributes to the literature on determinants of job search behavior of the unemployed individuals by analyzing the effectiveness of internet search with regard to search behavior of unemployed individuals and subsequent job quality. The third and final part of the thesis outlines why the German labor market reacted in a very mild fashion to the Great Recession 2008/09, especially compared to other countries. Chapter 6 describes current economic trends of the labor market in light of general trends in the European Union, and reveals some of the main associated challenges. Thereafter, recent reforms of the main institutional settings of the labor market which influence labor supply are analyzed. Finally, based on the status quo of these institutional settings, the chapter gives a brief overview of strategies to adequately combat the challenges in terms of labor supply and to ensure economic growth in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zajnulina2015, author = {Zajnulina, Marina}, title = {Optical frequency comb generation in optical fibres}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88776}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 103}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Optical frequency combs (OFC) constitute an array of phase-correlated equidistant spectral lines with nearly equal intensities over a broad spectral range. The adaptations of combs generated in mode-locked lasers proved to be highly efficient for the calibration of high-resolution (resolving power > 50000) astronomical spectrographs. The observation of different galaxy structures or the studies of the Milky Way are done using instruments in the low- and medium resolution range. To such instruments belong, for instance, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) being developed for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) being in development for the ESO VISTA 4.1 m Telescope. The existing adaptations of OFC from mode-locked lasers are not resolvable by these instruments. Within this work, a fibre-based approach for generation of OFC specifically in the low- and medium resolution range is studied numerically. This approach consists of three optical fibres that are fed by two equally intense continuous-wave (CW) lasers. The first fibre is a conventional single-mode fibre, the second one is a suitably pumped amplifying Erbium-doped fibre with anomalous dispersion, and the third one is a low-dispersion highly nonlinear optical fibre. The evolution of a frequency comb in this system is governed by the following processes: as the two initial CW-laser waves with different frequencies propagate through the first fibre, they generate an initial comb via a cascade of four-wave mixing processes. The frequency components of the comb are phase-correlated with the original laser lines and have a frequency spacing that is equal to the initial laser frequency separation (LFS), i.e. the difference in the laser frequencies. In the time domain, a train of pre-compressed pulses with widths of a few pico-seconds arises out of the initial bichromatic deeply-modulated cosine-wave. These pulses undergo strong compression in the subsequent amplifying Erbium-doped fibre: sub-100 fs pulses with broad OFC spectra are formed. In the following low-dispersion highly nonlinear fibre, the OFC experience a further broadening and the intensity of the comb lines are fairly equalised. This approach was mathematically modelled by means of a Generalised Nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger Equation (GNLS) that contains terms describing the nonlinear optical Kerr effect, the delayed Raman response, the pulse self-steepening, and the linear optical losses as well as the wavelength-dependent Erbium gain profile for the second fibre. The initial condition equation being a deeply-modulated cosine-wave mimics the radiation of the two initial CW lasers. The numerical studies are performed with the help of Matlab scripts that were specifically developed for the integration of the GNLS and the initial condition according to the proposed approach for the OFC generation. The scripts are based on the Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta in the Interaction Picture Method (RK4IP) in combination with the local error method. This work includes the studies and results on the length optimisation of the first and the second fibre depending on different values of the group-velocity dispersion of the first fibre. Such length optimisation studies are necessary because the OFC have the biggest possible broadband and exhibit a low level of noise exactly at the optimum lengths. Further, the optical pulse build-up in the first and the second fibre was studied by means of the numerical technique called Soliton Radiation Beat Analysis (SRBA). It was shown that a common soliton crystal state is formed in the first fibre for low laser input powers. The soliton crystal continuously dissolves into separated optical solitons as the input power increases. The pulse formation in the second fibre is critically dependent on the features of the pulses formed in the first fibre. I showed that, for low input powers, an adiabatic soliton compression delivering low-noise OFC occurs in the second fibre. At high input powers, the pulses in the first fibre have more complicated structures which leads to the pulse break-up in the second fibre with a subsequent degradation of the OFC noise performance. The pulse intensity noise studies that were performed within the framework of this thesis allow making statements about the noise performance of an OFC. They showed that the intensity noise of the whole system decreases with the increasing value of LFS.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Otto2015, author = {Otto, Katharina Alexandra}, title = {Mass wasting and the Coriolis effect on asteroid Vesta}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 251}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This work investigates the influence of the Coriolis force on mass motion related to the Rheasilvia impact basin on asteroid (4) Vesta's southern hemisphere. The giant basin is 500km in diameter, with a centre which nearly coincides with the rotation axis of Vesta. The Rheasilvia basin partially overlaps an earlier, similarly large impact basin, Veneneia. Mass motion within and in the vicinity of the Rheasilvia basin includes slumping and landslides, which, primarily due to their small linear extents, have not been noticeably affected by the Coriolis force. However, a series of ridges related to the basin exhibit significant curvature, which may record the effect of the Coriolis force on the mass motion which generated them. In this thesis 32 of these curved ridges, in three geologically distinct regions, were examined. The mass motion velocities from which the ridge curvatures may have resulted during the crater modification stage were investigated. Velocity profiles were derived by fitting inertial circles along the curved ridges and considering both the current and past rotation states of Vesta. An iterative, statistical approach was used, whereby the radii of inertial circles were obtained through repeated fitting to triplets of points across the ridges. The most frequently found radius for each central point was then used for velocity derivation at that point. The results of the velocity analysis are strongly supportive of a Coriolis force origin for the curved ridges. Derived velocities (29.6 ± 24.6 m/s) generally agree well with previously published predictions from numerical simulations of mass motion during the impact process. Topographical features such as local slope gradient and mass deposition regions on the curved ridges also independently agree with regions in which the calculated mass motion accelerates or decelerates. Sections of constant acceleration, deceleration and constant velocity are found, showing that mass motion is being governed by varying conditions of topography, regolith structure and friction. Estimates of material properties such as the effective viscosities (1.9-9.0·10⁶ Pa·s) and coefficients of friction (0.02-0.81) are derived from the velocity profile information in these sections. From measured accelerations of mass motions on the crater wall, it is also shown that the crater walls must have been locally steeper at the time of the mass motion. Together with these novel insights into the state and behaviour of material moving during the modification stage of Rheasilvia's formation, this work represents the first time that the Coriolis Effect on mass motions during crater formation has been shown to result in diagnostic features preserved until today.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kulikova2015, author = {Kulikova, Galina}, title = {Source parameters of the major historical earthquakes in the Tien-Shan region from the late 19th to the early 20th century}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 164}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Tien-Shan and the neighboring Pamir region are two of the largest mountain belts in the world. Their deformation is dominated by intermontane basins bounded by active thrust and reverse faulting. The Tien-Shan mountain belt is characterized by a very high rate of seismicity along its margins as well as within the Tien-Shan interior. The study area of the here presented thesis, the western part of the Tien-Shan region, is currently seismically active with small and moderate sized earthquakes. However, at the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th century, this region was struck by a remarkable series of large magnitude (M>7) earthquakes, two of them reached magnitude 8. Those large earthquakes occurred prior to the installation of the global digital seismic network and therefore were recorded only by analog seismic instruments. The processing of the analog data brings several difficulties, for example, not always the true parameters of the recording system are known. Another complicated task is the digitization of those records - a very time-consuming and delicate part. Therefore a special set of techniques is developed and modern methods are adapted for the digitized instrumental data analysis. The main goal of the presented thesis is to evaluate the impact of large magnitude M≥7.0 earthquakes, which occurred at the turn of 19th to 20th century in the Tien-Shan region, on the overall regional tectonics. A further objective is to investigate the accuracy of previously estimated source parameters for those earthquakes, which were mainly based on macroseismic observations, and re-estimate them based on the instrumental data. An additional aim of this study is to develop the tools and methods for faster and more productive usage of analog seismic data in modern seismology. In this thesis, the ten strongest and most interesting historical earthquakes in Tien-Shan region are analyzed. The methods and tool for digitizing and processing the analog seismic data are presented. The source parameters of the two major M≥8.0 earthquakes in the Northern Tien-Shan are re-estimated in individual case studies. Those studies are published as peer-reviewed scientific articles in reputed journals. Additionally, the Sarez-Pamir earthquake and its connection with one of the largest landslides in the world, Usoy landslide, is investigated by seismic modeling. These results are also published as a research paper. With the developed techniques, the source parameters of seven more major earthquakes in the region are determined and their impact on the regional tectonics was investigated. The large magnitudes of those earthquakes are confirmed by instrumental data. The focal mechanism of these earthquakes were determined providing evidence for responsible faults or fault systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaempf2015, author = {K{\"a}mpf, Lucas}, title = {Extreme events in geoarchives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85961}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 94}, year = {2015}, abstract = {A main limitation in the field of flood hydrology is the short time period covered by instrumental flood time series, rarely exceeding more than 50 to 100 years. However, climate variability acts on short to millennial time scales and identifying causal linkages to extreme hydrological events requires longer datasets. To extend instrumental flood time series back in time, natural geoarchives are increasingly explored as flood recorders. Therefore, annually laminated (varved) lake sediments seem to be the most suitable archives since (i) lake basins act as natural sediment traps in the landscape continuously recording land surface processes including floods and (ii) individual flood events are preserved as detrital layers intercalated in the varved sediment sequence and can be dated with seasonal precision by varve counting. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding about hydrological and sedimentological processes leading to the formation of detrital flood layers and therewith to contribute to an improved interpretation of lake sediments as natural flood archives. This goal was achieved in two ways: first, by comparing detrital layers in sediments of two dissimilar peri-Alpine lakes, Lago Maggiore in Northern Italy and Mondsee in Upper Austria, with local instrumental flood data and, second, by tracking detrital layer formation during floods by a combined hydro-sedimentary monitoring network at Lake Mondsee spanning from the rain fall to the deposition of detrital sediment at the lake floor. Successions of sub-millimetre to 17 mm thick detrital layers were detected in sub-recent lake sediments of the Pallanza Basin in the western part of Lago Maggiore (23 detrital layers) and Lake Mondsee (23 detrital layers) by combining microfacies and high-resolution micro X-ray fluorescence scanning techniques (µ-XRF). The detrital layer records were dated by detailed intra-basin correlation to a previously dated core sequence in Lago Maggiore and varve counting in Mondsee. The intra-basin correlation of detrital layers between five sediment cores in Lago Maggiore and 13 sediment cores in Mondsee allowed distinguishing river runoff events from local erosion. Moreover, characteristic spatial distribution patterns of detrital flood layers revealed different depositional processes in the two dissimilar lakes, underflows in Lago Maggiore as well as under- and interflows in Mondsee. Comparisons with runoff data of the main tributary streams, the Toce River at Lago Maggiore and the Griesler Ache at Mondsee, revealed empirical runoff thresholds above which the deposition of a detrital layer becomes likely. Whereas this threshold is the same for the whole Pallanza Basin in Lago Maggiore (600 m3s-1 daily runoff), it varies within Lake Mondsee. At proximal locations close to the river inflow detrital layer deposition requires floods exceeding a daily runoff of 40 m3s-1, whereas at a location 2 km more distal an hourly runoff of 80 m3s-1 and at least 2 days with runoff above 40 m3s-1 are necessary. A relation between the thickness of individual deposits and runoff amplitude of the triggering events is apparent for both lakes but is obviously further influenced by variable influx and lake internal distribution of detrital sediment. To investigate processes of flood layer formation in lake sediments, hydro-sedimentary dynamics in Lake Mondsee and its main tributary stream, Griesler Ache, were monitored from January 2011 to December 2013. Precipitation, discharge and turbidity were recorded continuously at the rivers outlet to the lake and compared to sediment fluxes trapped close to the lake bottom on a basis of three to twelve days and on a monthly basis in three different water depths at two locations in the lake basin, in a distance of 0.9 (proximal) and 2.8 km (distal) to the Griesler Ache inflow. Within the three-year observation period, 26 river floods of different amplitude (10-110 m3s-1) were recorded resulting in variable sediment fluxes to the lake (4-760 g m-2d-1). Vertical and lateral variations in flood-related sedimentation during the largest floods indicate that interflows are the main processes of lake internal sediment transport in Lake Mondsee. The comparison of hydrological and sedimentological data revealed (i) a rapid sedimentation within three days after the peak runoff in the proximal and within six to ten days in the distal lake basin, (ii) empirical runoff thresholds for triggering sediment flux at the lake floor increasing from the proximal (20 m3s-1) to the distal lake basin (30 m3s-1) and (iii) factors controlling the amount of detrital sediment deposition at a certain location in the lake basin. The total influx of detrital sediment is mainly driven by runoff amplitude, catchment sediment availability and episodic sediment input by local sediment sources. A further role plays the lake internal sediment distribution which is not the same for each event but is favoured by flood duration and the existence of a thermocline and, therewith, the season in which a flood occurred. In summary, the studies reveal a high sensitivity of lake sediments to flood events of different intensity. Certain runoff amplitudes are required to supply enough detrital material to form a visible detrital layer at the lake floor. Reasonable are positive feedback mechanisms between rainfall, runoff, erosion, fluvial sediment transport capacity and lake internal sediment distribution. Therefore, runoff thresholds for detrital layer formation are site-specific due to different lake-catchment characteristics. However, the studies also reveal that flood amplitude is not the only control for the amount of deposited sediment at a certain location in the lake basin even for the strongest flood events. The sediment deposition is rather influenced by a complex interaction of catchment and in-lake processes. This means that the coring location within a lake basin strongly determines the significance of a flood layer record. Moreover, the results show that while lake sediments provide ideal archives for reconstructing flood frequencies, the reconstruction of flood amplitudes is a more complex issue and requires detailed knowledge about relevant catchment and in-lake sediment transport and depositional processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feldbusch2015, author = {Feldbusch, Elvira}, title = {Geochemische Charakterisierung eines Formationsfluids im Unteren Perm}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87402}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 116, XIII}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der ganzheitlichen Betrachtung der Fluideigenschaften eines unterpermischen Reservoirs am Geothermie Forschungsstandort Groß Sch{\"o}nebeck (GrSk) bei Reservoirbedingungen und im Betrieb der Geothermieanlage. Die Untersuchungen zur Fluidherkunft ergeben, dass es sich um ein konnates Wasser meteorischen Ursprungs ohne den Einfluss der dar{\"u}berliegenden Zechsteinw{\"a}sser handelt. Die Ionen und Isotopenverh{\"a}ltnisse im Formationswasser gel{\"o}ster Komponenten in GrSk belegen einen gemeinsamen Genesepfad mit W{\"a}ssern anderer Rotliegend-Reservoire des Nordostdeutschen Beckens (NEGB). Die Isotopenverh{\"a}ltnisse von ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ≈ 0,7158 und von δ³⁴SV CDT ≈ 4,1 per mille des Sulfats weisen auf die Anreicherung des Fluids mit schweren Isotopen durch die Fluid Gestein-Wechselwirkung mit Vulkaniten und Rotliegend Sandsteinen des Unteren Perms hin. Das im Formationswasser bei Reservoirbedingungen gel{\"o}ste Gas (Gas/Wasser ≤ 2 bei STP) enth{\"a}lt Stickstoff (δ¹⁵NAir ≈ 0,6 per mille) und thermogenes Methan (δ¹³CV-PDB ≈ - 18 per mille) aus organischen Karbonablagerungen (Kerogen Typ - III Kohlen) hoher Reife. Die Isotopenverh{\"a}ltnisse der Edelgase belegen eine krustale Herkunft des Gasgemisches. Die berechnete Verweilzeit τ (⁴He) der Gase im Reservoir liegt zwischen 275 und 317 Ma und {\"u}berschreitet damit bei gegebener Konzentration von Mutternukliden im Reservoirgestein das allgemein angenommene Zeitalter der Sedimentgruppe. Das l{\"a}sst sich durch eine Zuwanderung von Gasen aus {\"a}lteren Sedimentfolgen erkl{\"a}ren. Die Ver{\"a}nderungen der physikochemischen Fluidparameter w{\"a}hrend des Anlagenbetriebs sind haupts{\"a}chlich temperaturbedingt. Bei stabilen Produktionsbedingungen und einer Temperatur von ca. 100 °C stabilisieren sich auch die Fluideigenschaften. Bei In situ Bedingungen {\"u}bertage betr{\"a}gt die Dichte ρ = 1,1325 ± 0,0002 g ∙ mL⁻¹, das Redoxpotential Eh = -105,5 ± 1,3 mV und der pH = 6,61 ± 0,002. Die relative Zusammensetzung der Gasphase bei stabilen Produktionsbedingungen zeigt dagegen eine geringe Erh{\"o}hung des Stickstoffanteils sowie des Anteils der Kohlenwasserstoffe (Ethan, Propan, usw.) und Abnahme des relativen Methananteils im Laufe des Betriebs. Die quantitative Untersuchung der sekund{\"a}ren mineralischen Ausf{\"a}llungen im Fluid mittels sequentieller Extraktion zeigte, dass Schwermetalle als eine Hauptkomponente der Fluidfestphase gr{\"o}ßtenteils in Verbindung mit organischen Molek{\"u}len vorliegen. Experimente zum Einfluss organischer Verbindungen unterschiedlicher Substanzklassen auf eine Mobilisierung der Schwermetalle aus dem Reservoirgestein ergaben, dass die Verbindungen wie Fetts{\"a}uren und PAK (polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe) die Freisetzung von Kupfer, Nickel, Chrom und Blei verhindern bzw. zu derer Immobilisierung beitragen. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die Mobilit{\"a}t von Zink in Anwesenheit von diesen Verbindungen erh{\"o}ht. Niedermolekulare Monocarbons{\"a}uren und stickstoffhaltige Heteroaromaten tragen, mit Ausnahme von Blei, zur Freisetzung bzw. Mobilisierung von Schwermetallen aus dem Reservoirgestein bei. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit best{\"a}tigen das Risiko massiver Ausf{\"a}llungen auf der kalten Seite der Geothermieanlage bei Inbetriebnahme des Kraftwerks, wenn keine an den Fluidchemismus angepassten Pr{\"a}ventionsmethoden eingesetzt werden. Die Isotopenzusammensetzung der Fluidkomponenten sowie geringf{\"u}gige Schwankungen der Gaszusammensetzung im kontinuierlichen Anlagenbetrieb l{\"a}sst eine Kommunikation des unterpermischen Reservoirs mit dem darunter liegenden Oberkarbon vermuten, was eine nachtr{\"a}gliche Ver{\"a}nderung der Fluidzusammensetzung beim Dauerbetrieb der Anlage bedeuten kann.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Papendiek2015, author = {Papendiek, Franka}, title = {Fodder legumes for Green Biorefineries}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 111}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Peak oil is forcing our society to shift from fossil to renewable resources. However, such renewable resources are also scarce, and they too must be used in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. Biorefining is a concept that represents both resource efficiency and sustainability. This approach initiates a cascade use, which means food and feed production before material use, and an energy-related use at the end of the value-added chain. However, sustainability should already start in the fields, on the agricultural side, where the industrially-used biomass is produced. Therefore, the aim of my doctoral thesis is to analyse the sustainable feedstock supply for biorefineries. In contrast to most studies on biorefineries, I focus on the sustainable provision of feedstock and not on the bioengineering processing of whatever feedstock is available. Grasslands provide a high biomass potential. They are often inefficiently used, so a new utilisation concept based on the biorefining approach can increase the added value from grasslands. Fodder legumes from temporary and permanent grasslands were chosen for this study. Previous research shows that they are a promising feedstock for industrial uses, and their positive environmental impact is an important byproduct to promote sustainable agricultural production systems. Green Biorefineries are a class of biorefineries that use fresh green biomass, such as grasses or fodder legumes, as feedstock. After fractionation, an organic solution (press juice) forms; this is used for the production of organic acids, chemicals and extracts, as well as fertilisers. A fibre component (press cake) is also created to produce feed, biomaterials and biogas. This thesis examines a specific value chain, using alfalfa and clover/grass as feedstock and generating lactic acid and one type of cattle feed from it. The research question is if biomass production needs to be adapted for the utilisation of fodder legumes in the Green Biorefinery approach. I have attempted to give a holistic analysis of cultivation, processing and utilisation of two specific grassland crops. Field trials with alfalfa and clover/grass at different study sites were carried out to obtain information on biomass quality and quantity depending on the crop, study site and harvest time. The fresh biomass was fractionated with a screw press and the composition of press juices and cakes was analysed. Fermentation experiments took place to determine the usability of press juices for lactic acid production. The harvest time is not of high importance for the quality of press juices as a fermentation medium. For permanent grasslands, late cuts, often needed for reasons of nature conservation, are possible without a major influence on feedstock quality. The press cakes were silaged for feed-value determination. Following evidence that both intermediate products are suitable feedstocks in the Green Biorefinery approach, I developed a cost-benefit analysis, comparing different production scenarios on a farm. Two standard crop rotations for Brandenburg, producing either only market crops or market crops and fodder legumes for ruminant feed production, were compared to a system that uses the cultivated fodder legumes for the Green Biorefinery value chain instead of only feed production. Timely processing of the raw material is important to maintain quality for industrial uses, so on-site processing at the farm is assumed in Green Biorefinery scenario. As a result, more added value stays in the rural area. Two farm sizes, common for many European regions, were chosen to examine the influence of scale. The cost site of farmers has also been analysed in detail to assess which farm characteristics make production of press juices for biochemical industries viable. Results show that for large farm sizes in particular, the potential profits are high. Additionally, the wider spectrum of marketable products generates new sources of income for farmers. The holistic analysis of the supply chain provides evidence that the cultivation processes for fodder legumes do not need to be adapted for use in Green Biorefineries. In fact, the new utilisation approach even widens the cultivation and processing spectrum and can increase economic viability of fodder legume production in conventional farming.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mai2015, author = {Mai, Michael}, title = {Migrationsdiskurse in der deutschen Grenzregion zu Polen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {294}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Migrationsdiskurse in der deutschen Grenzregion zu Polen im Vorfeld der EU-Erweiterung zum 1. Mai 2004 exemplarisch in drei deutschen Grenzst{\"a}dten, der jeweils westliche Teil der ehemals gemeinsamen, seit 1945 durch eine nationalstaatliche Grenze mit dem jeweils zeitspezifischen Grenzregime geteilten, deutsch-polnischen Zwillingsst{\"a}dte Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice, Guben - Gubin und G{\"o}rlitz - Zgorzelec, analysiert. Ausgew{\"a}hlt wurde der Untersuchungsraum mit Blick auf die tiefgreifenden europ{\"a}ischen Transformationsprozesse seit den sp{\"a}ten 1980er Jahren, die f{\"u}r die {\"o}rtliche Bev{\"o}lkerung gravierende lebensweltliche Strukturumbr{\"u}che zur Folge hatten. Die Region wurde mit der Vereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten {\"u}berdies zu einem zentralen Aktionsraum nationaler und internationaler Migrationspolitik; ihr wurde eine wichtige stellvertretende Funktion betreffend die Zutrittsregelung zugewiesen. Mit der EU-Erweiterung waren f{\"u}r die Region neuerliche, unmittelbare Ver{\"a}nderungen verbunden, die vor Ort gerade auch aufgrund damit (mutmaßlich) einhergehender Migration eher als Bedrohung denn als Chance gedeutet wurden. Den diskurstheoretischen Hintergrund der Untersuchungen stellen in erster Linie die Arbeiten von Michel Foucault und die von Siegfried J{\"a}ger darauf aufruhend konzipierte Kritische Diskursanalyse bereit. Diskurs wird - grob vereinfacht - als Fluss von sozialen Wissensbest{\"a}nden und Bewusstseinsinhalten durch die Zeit verstanden, der individuelles und kollektives Handeln von Menschen bestimmt; Diskurse sind der Ort, an dem (Be-)Deutungen von Menschen ausgehandelt, ver{\"a}ndert und der Wirklichkeit zugewiesen werden. Der Forschungszugang versteht sich als Teil der Neuen Kulturgeographie, die konsequent nicht-essentialistisch und erkenntnistheoretisch nicht-fundamentalistisch ist. Die Datenbasis der empirischen Analysen repr{\"a}sentieren zwei Ebenen bzw. Teilsektoren des Diskurses. Zum einen die Berichterstattung der jeweils monopolartigen regionalen Tageszeitung in Frankfurt (Oder), Guben und G{\"o}rlitz (M{\"a}rkische Oderzeitung/Frankfurter Stadtbote, Lausitzer Rundschau/Lokalausgabe Guben, S{\"a}chsische Zeitung/G{\"o}rlitzer Zeitung). Zum anderen ein Sample von insgesamt 17 Experteninterviews mit lokalen Funktionstr{\"a}gern, die mit Blick auf ihr, an ihre spezifische professionelle und/oder ehrenamtliche T{\"a}tigkeit gebundenes, praxisges{\"a}ttigtes Sonder- bzw. Insiderwissen zum Thema Migration ausgew{\"a}hlt und befragt wurden. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten Analysen verdeutlichen unter anderem die Bedeutung diskurssemantischer Grundfiguren des deutschen Migrationsdiskurses im Sinne politisch und alltagskulturell konservierter migrationskritischer Vorstellungsinhalte und Bedeutungszuweisungen zu Kategorien des Fremden und Konstruktionen von Wir und/vs. Sie. Ebenso explizieren sie eine gravierende Diskrepanz zwischen dem lokalen Staat und der Lebenswelt der lokalen Bev{\"o}lkerung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Golle2015, author = {Golle, Kathleen}, title = {Physical fitness in school-aged children}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85949}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 147, xii}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Physical fitness is an important marker of health that enables people to carry out activities of daily living with vigour and alertness but without undue fatigue and with sufficient reserve to enjoy active leisure pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies. Especially, due to scientific findings that the onset of civilization diseases (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disease) begins in childhood and that physical fitness tracks (at least) into young adulthood, the regular monitoring and promotion of physical fitness in children is risen up to a public health issue. In relation to the evaluation of a child's physical fitness over time (i.e., development) the use of longitudinally-based percentile values is of particular interest due to their underlined dedication of true physical fitness development within subjects (i.e., individual changes in timing and tempo of growth and maturation). Besides its genetic determination (e.g., sex, body height), physical fitness is influenced by factors that refer to children's environment and behaviour. For instance, disparities in physical fitness according to children's living area are frequently reported concerning the fact that living in rural areas as compared to urban areas seems to be more favourable for children's physical fitness. In addition, cross-sectional studies found higher fitness values in children participating in sports clubs as compared to non-participants. However, up to date, the observed associations between both (i.e., living area and sports club participating) and children's physical fitness are unresolved concerning a long-term effect. In addition, social inequality as determined by the socioeconomic status (SES) extends through many areas of children's life. While evidence indicates that the SES is inversely related to various indices of child's daily life and behaviour like educational success, nutritional habits, and sedentary- and physical activity behaviour, a potential relationship between child's physical fitness and the SES is hardly investigated and indicated inconsistent results. The present thesis addressed three objectives: (1) to generate physical fitness percentiles for 9- to 12- year-old boys and girls using a longitudinal approach and to analyse the age- and sex-specific development of physical fitness, (2) to investigate the long-term effect of living area and sports club participation on physical fitness in third- to sixth-grade primary school students, and (3) to examine associations between the SES and physical fitness in a large and representative (i.e., for a German federal state) sample of third grade primary school students. Methods (i/ii) Healthy third graders were followed over four consecutive years (up to grade 6), including annually assessment of physical fitness and parental questionnaire (i.e., status of sports club participation and living area). Six tests were conducted to estimate various components of physical fitness: speed (50-m sprint test), upper body muscular power (1-kg ball push test), lower body muscular power (triple hop test), flexibility (stand-and-reach test), agility (star agility run test), and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) (9-min run test). (iii) Within a cross-sectional study (i.e., third objective), physical fitness of third graders was assessed by six physical fitness tests including: speed (20-m sprint test), upper body muscular power (1-kg ball push test), lower body muscular power (standing long jump [SLJ] test), flexibility (stand-and-reach test), agility (star agility run test), and CRF (6-min run test). By means of questionnaire, students reported their status of organized sports participation (OSP). Results (i) With respect to percentiles of physical fitness development, test performances increased in boys and girls from age 9 to 12, except for males' flexibility (i.e., stable performance over time). Girls revealed significantly better performance in flexibility, whereas boys scored significantly higher in the remaining physical fitness tests. In girls as compared to boys, physical fitness development was slightly faster for upper body muscular power but substantially faster for flexibility. Generated physical fitness percentile curves indicated a timed and capacity-specific physical fitness development (curvilinear) for upper body muscular power, agility, and CRF. (ii) Concerning the effect of living area and sports club participation on physical fitness development, children living in urban areas showed a significantly faster performance development in physical fitness components of upper and lower body muscular power as compared to peers from rural areas. The same direction was noted as a trend in CRF. Additionally, children that regularly participated in a sports club, when compared to those that not continuously participated in a sports club demonstrated a significantly faster performance development in lower body muscular power. A trend of faster performance development in sports club participants occurred in CRF too. (iii) Regarding the association of SES with physical fitness, the percentage of third graders that achieved a high physical fitness level in lower body muscular power and CRF was significantly higher in students attending schools in communities with high SES as compared to middle and low SES, irrespective of sex. Similar, students from the high SES-group performed significantly better in lower body muscular power and CRF than students from the middle and/or the low SES-group. Conclusion (i) The generated percentile values provide an objective tool to estimate childrenʼs physical fitness within the frame of physical education (e.g., age- and sex-specific grading of motor performance) and further to detect children with specific fitness characteristics (low fit or high fit) that may be indicative for the necessity of preventive health promotion or long term athlete development. (ii) It is essential to consider variables of different domains (e.g., environment and behavior) in order to improve knowledge of potential factors which influence physical fitness during childhood. In this regard, the present thesis provide a first input to clarify the causality of living area and sports club participation on physical fitness development in school-aged children. Living in urban areas as well as a regular participation in sports clubs positively affected children´s physical fitness development (i.e., muscular power and CRF). Herein, sports club participation seems to be a key factor within the relationship between living area and physical fitness. (iii) The findings of the present thesis imply that attending schools in communities with high SES refers to better performance in specific physical fitness test items (i.e., muscular power, CRF) in third graders. Extra-curricular physical education classes may represent an important equalizing factor for physical activity opportunities in children of different SES backgrounds. In regard to strong evidence of a positive relationship between physical fitness - in particular muscular fitness/ CRF - and health, more emphasis should be laid on establishing sports clubs and extra-curricular physical education classes as an easy and attractive means to promote fitness-, and hence health- enhancing daily physical activity for all children (i.e. public health approach).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zakharova2015, author = {Zakharova, Olga}, title = {Analysis and modeling of transient earthquake patterns and their dependence on local stress regimes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-86455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 94}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Investigations in the field of earthquake triggering and associated interactions, which includes aftershock triggering as well as induced seismicity, is important for seismic hazard assessment due to earthquakes destructive power. One of the approaches to study earthquake triggering and their interactions is the use of statistical earthquake models, which are based on knowledge of the basic seismicity properties, in particular, the magnitude distribution and spatiotemporal properties of the triggered events. In my PhD thesis I focus on some specific aspects of aftershock properties, namely, the relative seismic moment release of the aftershocks with respect to the mainshocks; the spatial correlation between aftershock occurrence and fault deformation; and on the influence of aseismic transients on the aftershock parameter estimation. For the analysis of aftershock sequences I choose a statistical approach, in particular, the well known Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model, which accounts for the input of background and triggered seismicity. For my specific purposes, I develop two ETAS model modifications in collaboration with Sebastian Hainzl. By means of this approach, I estimate the statistical aftershock parameters and performed simulations of aftershock sequences as well. In the case of seismic moment release of aftershocks, I focus on the ratio of cumulative seismic moment release with respect to the mainshocks. Specifically, I investigate the ratio with respect to the focal mechanism of the mainshock and estimate an effective magnitude, which represents the cumulative aftershock energy (similar to Bath's law, which defines the average difference between mainshock and the largest aftershock magnitudes). Furthermore, I compare the observed seismic moment ratios with the results of the ETAS simulations. In particular, I test a restricted ETAS (RETAS) model which is based on results of a clock advanced model and static stress triggering. To analyze spatial variations of triggering parameters I focus in my second approach on the aftershock occurrence triggered by large mainshocks and the study of the aftershock parameter distribution and their spatial correlation with the coseismic/postseismic slip and interseismic locking. To invert the aftershock parameters I improve the modified ETAS (m-ETAS) model, which is able to take the extension of the mainshock rupture into account. I compare the results obtained by the classical approach with the output of the m-ETAS model. My third approach is concerned with the temporal clustering of seismicity, which might not only be related to earthquake-earthquake interactions, but also to a time-dependent background rate, potentially biasing the parameter estimations. Thus, my coauthors and I also applied a modification of the ETAS model, which is able to take into account time-dependent background activity. It can be applicable for two different cases: when an aftershock catalog has a temporal incompleteness or when the background seismicity rate changes with time, due to presence of aseismic forces. An essential part of any research is the testing of the developed models using observational data sets, which are appropriate for the particular study case. Therefore, in the case of seismic moment release I use the global seismicity catalog. For the spatial distribution of triggering parameters I exploit two aftershock sequences of the Mw8.8 2010 Maule (Chile) and Mw 9.0 2011 Tohoku (Japan) mainshocks. In addition, I use published geodetic slip models of different authors. To test our ability to detect aseismic transients my coauthors and I use the data sets from Western Bohemia (Central Europe) and California. Our results indicate that: (1) the seismic moment of aftershocks with respect to mainshocks depends on the static stress changes and is maximal for the normal, intermediate for thrust and minimal for strike-slip stress regimes, where the RETAS model shows a good correspondence with the results; (2) The spatial distribution of aftershock parameters, obtained by the m-ETAS model, shows anomalous values in areas of reactivated crustal fault systems. In addition, the aftershock density is found to be correlated with coseismic slip gradient, afterslip, interseismic coupling and b-values. Aftershock seismic moment is positively correlated with the areas of maximum coseismic slip and interseismically locked areas. These correlations might be related to the stress level or to material properties variations in space; (3) Ignoring aseismic transient forcing or temporal catalog incompleteness can lead to the significant under- or overestimation of the underlying trigger parameters. In the case when a catalog is complete, this method helps to identify aseismic sources.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kieling2015, author = {Kieling, Katrin}, title = {Quantification of ground motions by broadband simulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 118}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In many procedures of seismic risk mitigation, ground motion simulations are needed to test systems or improve their effectiveness. For example they may be used to estimate the level of ground shaking caused by future earthquakes. Good physical models for ground motion simulation are also thought to be important for hazard assessment, as they could close gaps in the existing datasets. Since the observed ground motion in nature shows a certain variability, part of which cannot be explained by macroscopic parameters such as magnitude or position of an earthquake, it would be desirable that a good physical model is not only able to produce one single seismogram, but also to reveal this natural variability. In this thesis, I develop a method to model realistic ground motions in a way that is computationally simple to handle, permitting multiple scenario simulations. I focus on two aspects of ground motion modelling. First, I use deterministic wave propagation for the whole frequency range - from static deformation to approximately 10 Hz - but account for source variability by implementing self-similar slip distributions and rough fault interfaces. Second, I scale the source spectrum so that the modelled waveforms represent the correct radiated seismic energy. With this scaling I verify whether the energy magnitude is suitable as an explanatory variable, which characterises the amount of energy radiated at high frequencies - the advantage of the energy magnitude being that it can be deduced from observations, even in real-time. Applications of the developed method for the 2008 Wenchuan (China) earthquake, the 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Japan) earthquake and the 1994 Northridge (California, USA) earthquake show that the fine source discretisations combined with the small scale source variability ensure that high frequencies are satisfactorily introduced, justifying the deterministic wave propagation approach even at high frequencies. I demonstrate that the energy magnitude can be used to calibrate the high-frequency content in ground motion simulations. Because deterministic wave propagation is applied to the whole frequency range, the simulation method permits the quantification of the variability in ground motion due to parametric uncertainties in the source description. A large number of scenario simulations for an M=6 earthquake show that the roughness of the source as well as the distribution of fault dislocations have a minor effect on the simulated variability by diminishing directivity effects, while hypocenter location and rupture velocity more strongly influence the variability. The uncertainty in energy magnitude, however, leads to the largest differences of ground motion amplitude between different events, resulting in a variability which is larger than the one observed. For the presented approach, this dissertation shows (i) the verification of the computational correctness of the code, (ii) the ability to reproduce observed ground motions and (iii) the validation of the simulated ground motion variability. Those three steps are essential to evaluate the suitability of the method for means of seismic risk mitigation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vossenkuhl2015, author = {Vossenkuhl, Birgit}, title = {Transmission of MRSA along the meat supply chain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85918}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {141}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) z{\"a}hlen zu den bedeutendsten antibiotikaresistenten Pathogenen, die vor allem in Krankenh{\"a}usern aber auch außerhalb von Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens weit verbreitet sind. Seit einigen Jahren ist eine neue Generation von MRSA auf dem Vormarsch, die vor allem Nutztierbest{\"a}nde als neue Nische besiedelt. Diese sogenannten Nutztier-assoziierten MRSA wurden wiederholt bei wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Nutztieren sowie daraus gewonnenem Fleisch nachgewiesen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein methodischer Ansatz verfolgt, um die Hypothese einer m{\"o}glichen {\"U}bertragung von Nutztier-assoziierten MRSA entlang der Lebensmittelkette vom Tier auf dessen Fleisch zu best{\"a}tigen. Angepasst an die Unterschiede in den verf{\"u}gbaren Daten wurden daf{\"u}r zwei neue Konzepte erstellt. Zur Analyse der {\"U}bertragung von MRSA entlang der Schlachtkette wurde ein mathematisches Modell des Schweineschlachtprozesses entwickelt, welches dazu geeignet ist, den Verlauf der MRSA-Pr{\"a}valenz entlang der Schlachtkette zu quantifizieren sowie kritische Prozessschritte f{\"u}r eine MRSA-{\"U}bertragung zu identifizieren. Anhand von Pr{\"a}valenzdaten ist es dem Modell m{\"o}glich, die durchschnittlichen MRSA-Eliminations- und Kontaminationsraten jedes einzelnen Prozessschrittes zu sch{\"a}tzen, die anschließend in eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation einfließen. Im Ergebnis konnte gezeigt werden, dass es generell m{\"o}glich ist, die MRSA Pr{\"a}valenz im Laufe des Schlachtprozesses auf ein niedriges finales Niveau zwischen 0,15 bis 1,15\% zu reduzieren. Vor allem das Br{\"u}hen und Abfl{\"a}mmen der Schlachtk{\"o}rper wurden als kritische Prozesse im Hinblick auf eine MRSA-Dekontamination identifiziert. In Deutschland werden regelm{\"a}ßig MRSA-Pr{\"a}valenz und Typisierungsdaten auf allen Stufen der Lebensmittelkette verschiedener Nutztiere erfasst. Um die MRSA-Daten dieser Querschnittstudie hinsichtlich einer m{\"o}glichen {\"U}bertragung entlang der Kette zu analysieren, wurde ein neuer statistischer Ansatz entwickelt. Hierf{\"u}r wurde eine Chi-Quadrat-Statistik mit der Berechnung des Czekanowski-{\"A}hnlichkeitsindex kombiniert, um Unterschiede in der Verteilung stammspezifischer Eigenschaften zwischen MRSA aus dem Stall, von Karkassen nach der Schlachtung und aus Fleisch im Einzelhandel zu quantifizieren. Die Methode wurde am Beispiel der Putenfleischkette implementiert und zudem bei der Analyse der Kalbfleischkette angewendet. Die durchgehend hohen {\"A}hnlichkeitswerte zwischen den einzelnen Proben weisen auf eine m{\"o}gliche {\"U}bertragung von MRSA entlang der Lebensmittelkette hin. Die erarbeiteten Methoden sind nicht spezifisch bez{\"u}glich Prozessketten und Pathogenen. Sie bieten somit einen großen Anwendungsbereich und erweitern das Methodenspektrum zur Bewertung bakterieller {\"U}bertragungswege.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krause2015, author = {Krause, Tobias Alexander}, title = {Erkl{\"a}rungsfaktoren f{\"u}r die Managementautonomie in kommunalen Mehrheitsbeteiligungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-86503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 214, XL}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist der Trend der Verselbstst{\"a}ndigung in vielen Kommunen zu beobachten. Ein Großteil der {\"o}ffentlichen Leistungserbringer wird mittlerweile als privatrechtliche Gesellschaften in einem wettbewerbsorientierten Umfeld gef{\"u}hrt. W{\"a}hrend viele Forscher Ausgliederungen in Form von nachgeordneten Beh{\"o}rden auf Bundesebene untersuchen und diese Reformwelle als einen faktischen Autonomisierungsprozess beschreiben, gibt es nur einige wenige Studien, die sich explizit mit den Autonomisierungstendenzen auf Kommunalebene auseinandersetzen. Daher fehlt es an empirischen Erkenntnissen zur Steuerung der kommunalen Beteiligungen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Steuerungsarrangements deutscher Großst{\"a}dte erstmals aus Sicht der Gesteuerten beleuchtet. Das Untersuchungsziel der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit besteht darin, Flexibilisierungstendenzen in mehrheitlich kommunalen Unternehmen zu identifizieren und hierf{\"u}r Erkl{\"a}rungsfaktoren zu identifizieren. Die Forschungsfrage lautet: Welche instrumentellen und relationalen Faktoren beeinflussen die Managementautonomie in kommunalen Mehrheitsbeteiligungen? Dabei interessiert insbesondere die Einflussnahme der Kommunen auf verschiedene T{\"a}tigkeitsbereiche ihrer Ausgliederungen. {\"U}ber diese unternehmensspezifischen Sachverhalte ist in Deutschland fast nichts und international nur sehr wenig Empirisches bekannt. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage hat der Autor auf Basis der Transaktionskosten- und der Social-Exchange-Theorie einen Analyserahmen erstellt. Die aufgestellten Hypothesen wurden mit einer großfl{\"a}chigen Umfrage bei 243 Unternehmen in den 39 gr{\"o}ßten deutschen St{\"a}dten empirisch getestet. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich mehrere empirische Erkenntnisse: Erstens konnten mittels Faktorenanalyse vier unabh{\"a}ngige Faktoren von Managementautonomie in kommunalen Unternehmen identifiziert werden: Personalautonomie, Generelles Management, Preisautonomie und Strategische Fragen. W{\"a}hrend die Kommunen ihren Beteiligungen einen hohen Grad an Personalautonomie zugestehen, unterliegen vor allem strategische Investitionsentscheidungen wie die finanzielle Beteiligung an Tochterfirmen, große Projektvorhaben, Diversifikationsentscheidungen oder Kreditautfnahmen einem starken politischen Einfluss. Zweitens f{\"u}hrt eine Rechtsform{\"a}nderung und die Platzierung in einem Wettbewerbsumfeld (auch bekannt als Corporatisation) vor allem zu einer gr{\"o}ßeren Flexibilisierung der Personal- und Preispolitik, wirkt sich allerdings wenig auf die weiteren Faktoren der Managementautonomie, Generelles Management und Strategische Entscheidungen, aus. Somit behalten die Kommunen ihre M{\"o}glichkeit, auf wichtige Unternehmensfragen der Beteiligung Einfluss zu nehmen, auch im Fall einer Formalprivatisierung bei. Letztlich k{\"o}nnen zur Erkl{\"a}rung der Autonomiefaktoren transaktionskostenbasierte und relationale Faktoren erg{\"a}nzend herangezogen werden. In den Transaktionsspezifika wirken vor allem der wahrgenommene Wettbewerb in der Branche, die Messbarkeit der Leistung, Branchenvariablen, die Anzahl der Politiker im Aufsichtsrat und die eingesetzten Steuerungsmechanismen. In den relationalen Faktoren setzen sich die Variablen gegenseitiges Vertrauen, Effektivit{\"a}t der Aufsichtsr{\"a}te, Informationsaustausch, Rollenkonflikte, Rollenambivalenzen und Gesch{\"a}ftsf{\"u}hrererfahrung im Sektor durch.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lamanna2015, author = {Lamanna, Francesco}, title = {Adaptive radiation and speciation in African weakly-electric fish}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {114}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The rise of evolutionary novelties is one of the major drivers of evolutionary diversification. African weakly-electric fishes (Teleostei, Mormyridae) have undergone an outstanding adaptive radiation, putatively owing to their ability to communicate through species-specific Electric Organ Discharges (EODs) produced by a novel, muscle-derived electric organ. Indeed, such EODs might have acted as effective pre-zygotic isolation mechanisms, hence favoring ecological speciation in this group of fishes. Despite the evolutionary importance of this organ, genetic investigations regarding its origin and function have remained limited. The ultimate aim of this study is to better understand the genetic basis of EOD production by exploring the transcriptomic profiles of the electric organ and of its ancestral counterpart, the skeletal muscle, in the genus Campylomormyrus. After having established a set of reference transcriptomes using "Next-Generation Sequencing" (NGS) technologies, I performed in silico analyses of differential expression, in order to identify sets of genes that might be responsible for the functional differences observed between these two kinds of tissues. The results of such analyses indicate that: i) the loss of contractile activity and the decoupling of the excitation-contraction processes are reflected by the down-regulation of the corresponding genes in the electric organ; ii) the metabolic activity of the electric organ might be specialized towards the production and turnover of membrane structures; iii) several ion channels are highly expressed in the electric organ in order to increase excitability, and iv) several myogenic factors might be down-regulated by transcription repressors in the EO. A secondary task of this study is to improve the genus level phylogeny of Campylomormyrus by applying new methods of inference based on the multispecies coalescent model, in order to reduce the conflict among gene trees and to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree as closest as possible to the actual species-tree. By using 1 mitochondrial and 4 nuclear markers, I was able to resolve the phylogenetic relationships among most of the currently described Campylomormyrus species. Additionally, I applied several coalescent-based species delimitation methods, in order to test the hypothesis that putatively cryptic species, which are distinguishable only from their EOD, belong to independently evolving lineages. The results of this analysis were additionally validated by investigating patterns of diversification at 16 microsatellite loci. The results suggest the presence of a new, yet undescribed species of Campylomormyrus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mucha2015, author = {Mucha, Anne}, title = {Temporal interpretation and cross-linguistic variation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 249}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis investigates temporal and aspectual reference in the typologically unrelated African languages Hausa (Chadic, Afro-Asiatic) and Medumba (Grassfields Bantu). It argues that Hausa is a genuinely tenseless language and compares the interpretation of temporally unmarked sentences in Hausa to that of morphologically tenseless sentences in Medumba, where tense marking is optional and graded. The empirical behavior of the optional temporal morphemes in Medumba motivates an analysis as existential quantifiers over times and thus provides new evidence suggesting that languages vary in whether their (past) tense is pronominal or quantificational (see also Sharvit 2014). The thesis proposes for both Hausa and Medumba that the alleged future tense marker is a modal element that obligatorily combines with a prospective future shifter (which is covert in Medumba). Cross-linguistic variation in whether or not a future marker is compatible with non-future interpretation is proposed to be predictable from the aspectual architecture of the given language.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Neugebauer2015, author = {Neugebauer, Ina}, title = {Reconstructing climate from the Dead Sea sediment record using high-resolution micro-facies analyses}, series = {Dissertation}, journal = {Dissertation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 97, XXIII}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The sedimentary record of the Dead Sea is a key archive for reconstructing climate in the eastern Mediterranean region, as it stores the environmental and tectonic history of the Levant for the entire Quaternary. Moreover, the lake is located at the boundary between Mediterranean sub-humid to semi-arid and Saharo-Arabian hyper-arid climates, so that even small shifts in atmospheric circulation are sensitively recorded in the sediments. This DFG-funded doctoral project was carried out within the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP) that intended to gain the first long, continuous and high-resolution sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin. The drilling campaign was performed in winter 2010-11 and more than 700 m of sediments were recovered. The main aim of this thesis was (1) to establish the lithostratigraphic framework for the ~455 m long sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin and (2) to apply high-resolution micro-facies analyses for reconstructing and better understanding climate variability from the Dead Sea sediments. Addressing the first aim, the sedimentary facies of the ~455 m long deep-basin core 5017-1 were described in great detail and characterised through continuous overview-XRF element scanning and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Three facies groups were classified: (1) the marl facies group, (2) the halite facies group and (3) a group involving different expressions of massive, graded and slumped deposits including coarse clastic detritus. Core 5017-1 encompasses a succession of four main lithological units. Based on first radiocarbon and U-Th ages and correlation of these units to on-shore stratigraphic sections, the record comprises the last ca 220 ka, i.e. the upper part of the Amora Formation (parts of or entire penultimate interglacial and glacial), the last interglacial Samra Fm. (~135-75 ka), the last glacial Lisan Fm. (~75-14 ka) and the Holocene Ze'elim Formation. A major advancement of this record is that, for the first time, also transitional intervals were recovered that are missing in the exposed formations and that can now be studied in great detail. Micro-facies analyses involve a combination of high-resolution microscopic thin section analysis and µXRF element scanning supported by magnetic susceptibility measurements. This approach allows identifying and characterising micro-facies types, detecting event layers and reconstructing past climate variability with up to seasonal resolution, given that the analysed sediments are annually laminated. Within this thesis, micro-facies analyses, supported by further sedimentological and geochemical analyses (grain size, X-ray diffraction, total organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents) and palynology, were applied for two time intervals: (1) The early last glacial period ~117-75 ka was investigated focusing on millennial-scale hydroclimatic variations and lake level changes recorded in the sediments. Thereby, distinguishing six different micro-facies types with distinct geochemical and sedimentological characteristics allowed estimating relative lake level and water balance changes of the lake. Comparison of the results to other records in the Mediterranean region suggests a close link of the hydroclimate in the Levant to North Atlantic and Mediterranean climates during the time of the build-up of Northern hemisphere ice sheets during the early last glacial period. (2) A mostly annually laminated late Holocene section (~3700-1700 cal yr BP) was analysed in unprecedented detail through a multi-proxy, inter-site correlation approach of a shallow-water core (DSEn) and its deep-basin counterpart (5017-1). Within this study, a ca 1500 years comprising time series of erosion and dust deposition events was established and anchored to the absolute time-scale through 14C dating and age modelling. A particular focus of this study was the characterisation of two dry periods, from ~3500 to 3300 and from ~3000 to 2400 cal yr BP, respectively. Thereby, a major outcome was the coincidence of the latter dry period with a period of moist and cold climate in Europe related to a Grand Solar Minimum around 2800 cal yr BP and an increase in flood events despite overall dry conditions in the Dead Sea region during that time. These contrasting climate signatures in Europe and at the Dead Sea were likely linked through complex teleconnections of atmospheric circulation, causing a change in synoptic weather patterns in the eastern Mediterranean. In summary, within this doctorate the lithostratigraphic framework of a unique long sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin is established, which serves as a base for any further high-resolution investigations on this core. It is demonstrated in two case studies that micro-facies analyses are an invaluable tool to understand the depositional processes in the Dead Sea and to decipher past climate variability in the Levant on millennial to seasonal time-scales. Hence, this work adds important knowledge helping to establish the deep Dead Sea record as a key climate archive of supra-regional significance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reibis2015, author = {Reibis, Robert Alexander}, title = {Regionale Versorgungsaspekte des aktuten Myokardinfarktes im Nordosten Deutschlands}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85713}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 92}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Hintergrund: In Deutschland stellt der akute Myokardinfarkt (MI) eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Todesursachen dar. Als Ursache f{\"u}r regionale Unterschiede bei den Mortalit{\"a}tsraten werden divergente Versorgungsstrukturen vermutet. Ziel der Untersuchung war, diese Fragestellung anhand anonymisierter krankenkassenbasierter Abrechnungsdaten zu evaluieren. Methodik: Standardisierte Hospitalisierungs- sowie Krankenhaus- und Ein-Jahres-Mortalit{\"a}tsraten nach MI wurden anhand anonymisierter Versichertendaten einer gesetzlichen Krankenkasse f{\"u}r das Jahr 2012 und die Bundesl{\"a}nder Berlin, Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ermittelt (n=1.387.084, 46.3\% male, 60.9 ± 18,2 years). Weiterhin wurden pr{\"a}diktive Einflussfaktoren auf die Ein-Jahres-Mortalit{\"a}t, auf die Durchf{\"u}hrung invasiver Prozeduren und auf eine leitliniengerechte pharmakotherapeutische Sekund{\"a}rpr{\"a}vention analysiert. Ergebnisse: 6.733 Patienten (73,7 ±13,0 Jahre, 56,7\% m{\"a}nnlich) wurden identifiziert. Obwohl f{\"u}r das Bundesland Berlin eine h{\"o}here Hospitalisierungsrate als in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ermittelt werden konnte, ließen sich bei der Krankenhaus- und 1-Jahres-Mortalit{\"a}t keine signifikant abweichenden Raten zwischen den Bundesl{\"a}ndern beobachten. Die Durchf{\"u}hrung einer Koronarangiographie (OR: 0,42 [0,35-0,51]) und eine leitliniengerechte Pharmakotherapie (OR: 0,14 [0,12-0,17] waren mit einer geringeren 1-Jahres-Mortalit{\"a}t assoziiert. Die Durchf{\"u}hrung einer Koronarangiographie und eine leitliniengerechte Pharmakotherapie von Patienten nach Myokardinfarkt wurde hingegen prim{\"a}r durch Alter und Geschlecht, nicht aber durch das Bundesland determiniert. Folgerung: Eine regional divergierende station{\"a}re und postinfarzielle Versorgung auf Bundesland-Ebene kann anhand der vorliegenden Daten nicht nachgewiesen werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{TabaresJimenez2015, author = {Tabares Jim{\´e}nez, Adri{\´a}n de Jes{\´u}s}, title = {Palabras de fundadores, forasteros y cachacos}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85630}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {227}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Dissertation analysiert die Mentalit{\"a}ten der b{\"u}rgerlichen Bewohner Bogotas 19. Jahrhundert. Einblicke in die Fremd- und Eigenperspektiven der Bogotaner werden durch die Analyse von Reiseliteratur gewonnen. Methodologisch st{\"u}tzt sich die Arbeit auf den Vergleich zwischen europ{\"a}ischen Reiseberichten aus dem 19. Jh., Chroniken aus dem 16. Jh. sowie zwei kolumbianische Romane aus dem fr{\"u}hen 20.. Jh. Die Texte werden historiographisch behandelt; obwohl sie unterschiedlichen literarischen Genres angeh{\"o}ren, weisen sie einen gemeinsamen autobiographischen Charakter auf. Aus den Erfahrungen und Gedanken der Reisenden werden v.a. die Auswirkungen der geographischen und sozialen Isolation thematisiert, sowie die Einfl{\"u}sse von politischen und religi{\"o}sen Diskursen auf die Bildung von b{\"u}rgerlichem Gedankengut.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Sommerfeld2015, author = {Sommerfeld, Anja}, title = {Quantification of internal variability of the arctic summer atmosphere based on HIRHAM5 ensemble simulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85347}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 110, vi}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The non-linear behaviour of the atmospheric dynamics is not well understood and makes the evaluation and usage of regional climate models (RCMs) difficult. Due to these non-linearities, chaos and internal variability (IV) within the RCMs are induced, leading to a sensitivity of RCMs to their initial conditions (IC). The IV is the ability of RCMs to realise different solutions of simulations that differ in their IC, but have the same lower and lateral boundary conditions (LBC), hence can be defined as the across-member spread between the ensemble members. For the investigation of the IV and the dynamical and diabatic contributions generating the IV four ensembles of RCM simulations are performed with the atmospheric regional model HIRHAM5. The integration area is the Arctic and each ensemble consists of 20 members. The ensembles cover the time period from July to September for the years 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2012. The ensemble members have the same LBC and differ in their IC only. The different IC are arranged by an initialisation time that shifts successively by six hours. Within each ensemble the first simulation starts on 1st July at 00 UTC and the last simulation starts on 5th July at 18 UTC and each simulation runs until 30th September. The analysed time period ranges from 6th July to 30th September, the time period that is covered by all ensemble members. The model runs without any nudging to allow a free development of each simulation to get the full internal variability within the HIRHAM5. As a measure of the model generated IV, the across-member standard deviation and the across-member variance is used and the dynamical and diabatic processes influencing the IV are estimated by applying a diagnostic budget study for the IV tendency of the potential temperature developed by Nikiema and Laprise [2010] and Nikiema and Laprise [2011]. The diagnostic budget study is based on the first law of thermodynamics for potential temperature and the mass-continuity equation. The resulting budget equation reveals seven contributions to the potential temperature IV tendency. As a first study, this work analyses the IV within the HIRHAM5. Therefore, atmospheric circulation parameters and the potential temperature for all four ensemble years are investigated. Similar to previous studies, the IV fluctuates strongly in time. Further, due to the fact that all ensemble members are forced with the same LBC, the IV depends on the vertical level within the troposphere, with high values in the lower troposphere and at 500 hPa and low values in the upper troposphere and at the surface. By the same reason, the spatial distribution shows low values of IV at the boundaries of the model domain. The diagnostic budget study for the IV tendency of potential temperature reveals that the seven contributions fluctuate in time like the IV. However, the individual terms reach different absolute magnitudes. The budget study identifies the horizontal and vertical 'baroclinic' terms as the main contributors to the IV tendency, with the horizontal 'baroclinic' term producing and the vertical 'baroclinic' term reducing the IV. The other terms fluctuate around zero, because they are small in general or are balanced due to the domain average. The comparison of the results obtained for the four different ensembles (summers 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2012) reveals that on average the findings for each ensemble are quite similar concerning the magnitude and the general pattern of IV and its contributions. However, near the surface a weaker IV is produced with decreasing sea ice extent. This is caused by a smaller impact of the horizontal 'baroclinic' term over some regions and by the changing diabatic processes, particularly a more intense reducing tendency of the IV due to condensative heating. However, it has to be emphasised that the behaviour of the IV and its dynamical and diabatic contributions are influenced mainly by complex atmospheric feedbacks and large-scale processes and not by the sea ice distribution. Additionally, a comparison with a second RCM covering the Arctic and using the same LBCs and IC is performed. For both models very similar results concerning the IV and its dynamical and diabatic contributions are found. Hence, this investigation leads to the conclusion that the IV is a natural phenomenon and is independent from the applied RCM.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kappel2015, author = {Kappel, David}, title = {Multi-spectrum retrieval of maps of Venus' surface emissivity in the infrared}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85301}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 226}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The main goal of this cumulative thesis is the derivation of surface emissivity data in the infrared from radiance measurements of Venus. Since these data are diagnostic of the chemical composition and grain size of the surface material, they can help to improve knowledge of the planet's geology. Spectrally resolved images of nightside emissions in the range 1.0-5.1 μm were recently acquired by the InfraRed Mapping channel of the Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS-M-IR) aboard ESA's Venus EXpress (VEX). Surface and deep atmospheric thermal emissions in this spectral range are strongly obscured by the extremely opaque atmosphere, but three narrow spectral windows at 1.02, 1.10, and 1.18 μm allow the sounding of the surface. Additional windows between 1.3 and 2.6 μm provide information on atmospheric parameters that is required to interpret the surface signals. Quantitative data on surface and atmosphere can be retrieved from the measured spectra by comparing them to simulated spectra. A numerical radiative transfer model is used in this work to simulate the observable radiation as a function of atmospheric, surface, and instrumental parameters. It is a line-by-line model taking into account thermal emissions by surface and atmosphere as well as absorption and multiple scattering by gases and clouds. The VIRTIS-M-IR measurements are first preprocessed to obtain an optimal data basis for the subsequent steps. In this process, a detailed detector responsivity analysis enables the optimization of the data consistency. The measurement data have a relatively low spectral information content, and different parameter vectors can describe the same measured spectrum equally well. A usual method to regularize the retrieval of the wanted parameters from a measured spectrum is to take into account a priori mean values and standard deviations of the parameters to be retrieved. This decreases the probability to obtain unreasonable parameter values. The multi-spectrum retrieval algorithm MSR is developed to additionally consider physically realistic spatial and temporal a priori correlations between retrieval parameters describing different measurements. Neglecting geologic activity, MSR also allows the retrieval of an emissivity map as a parameter vector that is common to several spectrally resolved images that cover the same surface target. Even applying MSR, it is difficult to obtain reliable emissivity maps in absolute values. A detailed retrieval error analysis based on synthetic spectra reveals that this is mainly due to interferences from parameters that cannot be derived from the spectra themselves, but that have to be set to assumed values to enable the radiative transfer simulations. The MSR retrieval of emissivity maps relative to a fixed emissivity is shown to effectively avoid most emissivity retrieval errors. Relative emissivity maps at 1.02, 1.10, and 1.18 μm are finally derived from many VIRTIS-M-IR measurements that cover a surface target at Themis Regio. They are interpreted as spatial variations relative to an assumed emissivity mean of the target. It is verified that the maps are largely independent of the choice of many interfering parameters as well as the utilized measurement data set. These are the first Venus IR emissivity data maps based on a consistent application of a full radiative transfer simulation and a retrieval algorithm that respects a priori information. The maps are sufficiently reliable for future geologic interpretations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hunke2015, author = {Hunke, Philip Paul}, title = {The Brazilian Cerrado: ecohydrological assessment of water and soil degradation in heavily modified meso-scale catchments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 124}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Brazilian Cerrado is recognised as one of the most threatened biomes in the world, as the region has experienced a striking change from natural vegetation to intense cash crop production. The impacts of rapid agricultural expansion on soil and water resources are still poorly understood in the region. Therefore, the overall aim of the thesis is to improve our understanding of the ecohydrological processes causing water and soil degradation in the Brazilian Cerrado. I first present a metaanalysis to provide quantitative evidence and identifying the main impacts of soil and water alterations resulting from land use change. Second, field studies were conducted to (i) examine the effects of land use change on soils of natural cerrado transformed to common croplands and pasture and (ii) indicate how agricultural production affects water quality across a meso-scale catchment. Third, the ecohydrological process-based model SWAT was tested with simple scenario analyses to gain insight into the impacts of land use and climate change on the water cycling in the upper S{\~a}o Louren{\c{c}}o catchment which experienced decreasing discharges in the last 40 years. Soil and water quality parameters from different land uses were extracted from 89 soil and 18 water studies in different regions across the Cerrado. Significant effects on pH, bulk density and available P and K for croplands and less-pronounced effects on pastures were evident. Soil total N did not differ between land uses because most of the cropland sites were N-fixing soybean cultivations, which are not artificially fertilized with N. By contrast, water quality studies showed N enrichment in agricultural catchments, indicating fertilizer impacts and potential susceptibility to eutrophication. Regardless of the land use, P is widely absent because of the high-fixing capacities of deeply weathered soils and the filtering capacity of riparian vegetation. Pesticides, however, were consistently detected throughout the entire aquatic system. In several case studies, extremely high-peak concentrations exceeded Brazilian and EU water quality limits, which pose serious health risks. My field study revealed that land conversion caused a significant reduction in infiltration rates near the soil surface of pasture (-96 \%) and croplands (-90 \% to -93 \%). Soil aggregate stability was significantly reduced in croplands than in cerrado and pasture. Soybean crops had extremely high extractable P (80 mg kg-1), whereas pasture N levels declined. A snapshot water sampling showed strong seasonality in water quality parameters. Higher temperature, oxi-reduction potential (ORP), NO2-, and very low oxygen concentrations (<5 mg•l-1) and saturation (<60 \%) were recorded during the rainy season. By contrast, remarkably high PO43- concentrations (up to 0.8 mg•l-1) were measured during the dry season. Water quality parameters were affected by agricultural activities at all sampled sub-catchments across the catchment, regardless of stream characteristic. Direct NO3- leaching appeared to play a minor role; however, water quality is affected by topsoil fertiliser inputs with impact on small low order streams and larger rivers. Land conversion leaving cropland soils more susceptible to surface erosion by increased overland flow events. In a third study, the field data were used to parameterise SWAT. The model was tested with different input data and calibrated in SWAT-CUP using the SUFI-2 algorithm. The model was judged reliable to simulate the water balance in the Cerrado. A complete cerrado, pasture and cropland cover was used to analyse the impact of land use on water cycling as well as climate change projections (2039-2058) according to the projections of the RCP 8.5 scenario. The actual evapotranspiration (ET) for the cropland scenario was higher compared to the cerrado cover (+100 mm a-1). Land use change scenarios confirmed that deforestation caused higher annual ET rates explaining partly the trend of decreased streamflow. Taking all climate change scenarios into account, the most likely effect is a prolongation of the dry season (by about one month), with higher peak flows in the rainy season. Consequently, potential threats for crop production with lower soil moisture and increased erosion and sediment transport during the rainy season are likely and should be considered in adaption plans. From the three studies of the thesis I conclude that land use intensification is likely to seriously limit the Cerrado's future regarding both agricultural productivity and ecosystem stability. Because only limited data are available for the vast biome, we recommend further field studies to understand the interaction between terrestrial and aquatic systems. This thesis may serve as a valuable database for integrated modelling to investigate the impact of land use and climate change on soil and water resources and to test and develop mitigation measures for the Cerrado in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baier2015, author = {Baier, Thomas}, title = {Matching events and activities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84548}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 213}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Nowadays, business processes are increasingly supported by IT services that produce massive amounts of event data during process execution. Aiming at a better process understanding and improvement, this event data can be used to analyze processes using process mining techniques. Process models can be automatically discovered and the execution can be checked for conformance to specified behavior. Moreover, existing process models can be enhanced and annotated with valuable information, for example for performance analysis. While the maturity of process mining algorithms is increasing and more tools are entering the market, process mining projects still face the problem of different levels of abstraction when comparing events with modeled business activities. Mapping the recorded events to activities of a given process model is essential for conformance checking, annotation and understanding of process discovery results. Current approaches try to abstract from events in an automated way that does not capture the required domain knowledge to fit business activities. Such techniques can be a good way to quickly reduce complexity in process discovery. Yet, they fail to enable techniques like conformance checking or model annotation, and potentially create misleading process discovery results by not using the known business terminology. In this thesis, we develop approaches that abstract an event log to the same level that is needed by the business. Typically, this abstraction level is defined by a given process model. Thus, the goal of this thesis is to match events from an event log to activities in a given process model. To accomplish this goal, behavioral and linguistic aspects of process models and event logs as well as domain knowledge captured in existing process documentation are taken into account to build semiautomatic matching approaches. The approaches establish a pre--processing for every available process mining technique that produces or annotates a process model, thereby reducing the manual effort for process analysts. While each of the presented approaches can be used in isolation, we also introduce a general framework for the integration of different matching approaches. The approaches have been evaluated in case studies with industry and using a large industry process model collection and simulated event logs. The evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the approaches and their robustness towards nonconforming execution logs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meyer2015, author = {Meyer, Andreas}, title = {Data perspective in business process management}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 362}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessmanagement ist ein strukturierter Ansatz zur Modellierung, Analyse, Steuerung und Ausf{\"u}hrung von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen, um Gesch{\"a}ftsziele zu erreichen. Es st{\"u}tzt sich dabei auf konzeptionelle Modelle, von denen Prozessmodelle am weitesten verbreitet sind. Prozessmodelle beschreiben wer welche Aufgabe auszuf{\"u}hren hat, um das Gesch{\"a}ftsziel zu erreichen, und welche Informationen daf{\"u}r ben{\"o}tigt werden. Damit beinhalten Prozessmodelle Informationen {\"u}ber den Kontrollfluss, die Zuweisung von Verantwortlichkeiten, den Datenfluss und Informationssysteme. Die Automatisierung von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen erh{\"o}ht die Effizienz der Arbeitserledigung und wird durch Process Engines unterst{\"u}tzt. Daf{\"u}r werden jedoch Informationen {\"u}ber den Kontrollfluss, die Zuweisung von Verantwortlichkeiten f{\"u}r Aufgaben und den Datenfluss ben{\"o}tigt. W{\"a}hrend aktuelle Process Engines die ersten beiden Informationen weitgehend automatisiert verarbeiten k{\"o}nnen, m{\"u}ssen Daten manuell implementiert und gewartet werden. Dem entgegen verspricht ein modell-getriebenes Behandeln von Daten eine vereinfachte Implementation in der Process Engine und verringert gleichzeitig die Fehleranf{\"a}lligkeit dank einer graphischen Visualisierung und reduziert den Entwicklungsaufwand durch Codegenerierung. Die vorliegende Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Modellierung, der Analyse und der Ausf{\"u}hrung von Daten in Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen. Als formale Basis f{\"u}r die Prozessausf{\"u}hrung wird ein konzeptuelles Framework f{\"u}r die Integration von Prozessen und Daten eingef{\"u}hrt. Dieses Framework wird durch operationelle Semantik erg{\"a}nzt, die mittels einem um Daten erweiterten Petrinetz-Mapping vorgestellt wird. Die modellgetriebene Ausf{\"u}hrung von Daten muss komplexe Datenabh{\"a}ngigkeiten, Prozessdaten und den Datenaustausch ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Letzterer tritt bei der Kommunikation zwischen mehreren Prozessteilnehmern auf. Diese Arbeit nutzt Konzepte aus dem Bereich der Datenbanken und {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt diese ins Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessmanagement, um Datenoperationen zu unterscheiden, um Abh{\"a}ngigkeiten zwischen Datenobjekten des gleichen und verschiedenen Typs zu spezifizieren, um modellierte Datenknoten sowie empfangene Nachrichten zur richtigen laufenden Prozessinstanz zu korrelieren und um Nachrichten f{\"u}r die Prozess{\"u}bergreifende Kommunikation zu generieren. Der entsprechende Ansatz ist nicht auf eine bestimmte Prozessbeschreibungssprache begrenzt und wurde prototypisch implementiert. Die Automatisierung der Datenbehandlung in Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen erfordert entsprechend annotierte und korrekte Prozessmodelle. Als Unterst{\"u}tzung zur Datenannotierung f{\"u}hrt diese Arbeit einen Algorithmus ein, welcher Informationen {\"u}ber Datenknoten, deren Zust{\"a}nde und Datenabh{\"a}ngigkeiten aus Kontrollflussinformationen extrahiert und die Prozessmodelle entsprechend annotiert. Allerdings k{\"o}nnen gew{\"o}hnlich nicht alle erforderlichen Informationen aus Kontrollflussinformationen extrahiert werden, da detaillierte Angaben {\"u}ber m{\"o}gliche Datenmanipulationen fehlen. Deshalb sind weitere Prozessmodellverfeinerungen notwendig. Basierend auf einer Menge von Objektlebenszyklen kann ein Prozessmodell derart verfeinert werden, dass die in den Objektlebenszyklen spezifizierten Datenmanipulationen automatisiert in ein Prozessmodell {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Prozessmodelle stellen eine Abstraktion dar. Somit fokussieren sie auf verschiedene Teilbereiche und stellen diese im Detail dar. Solche Detailbereiche sind beispielsweise die Kontrollflusssicht und die Datenflusssicht, welche oft durch Aktivit{\"a}ts-zentrierte beziehungsweise Objekt-zentrierte Prozessmodelle abgebildet werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Algorithmen zur Transformation zwischen diesen Sichten beschrieben. Zur Sicherstellung der Modellkorrektheit wird das Konzept der „weak conformance" zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Konsistenz zwischen Objektlebenszyklen und dem Prozessmodell eingef{\"u}hrt. Dabei darf das Prozessmodell nur Datenmanipulationen enthalten, die auch in einem Objektlebenszyklus spezifiziert sind. Die Korrektheit wird mittels Soundness-{\"U}berpr{\"u}fung einer hybriden Darstellung ermittelt, so dass Kontrollfluss- und Datenkorrektheit integriert {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Um eine korrekte Ausf{\"u}hrung des Prozessmodells zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, m{\"u}ssen gefundene Inkonsistenzen korrigiert werden. Daf{\"u}r werden f{\"u}r jede Inkonsistenz alternative Vorschl{\"a}ge zur Modelladaption identifiziert und vorgeschlagen. Zusammengefasst, unter Einsatz der Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation k{\"o}nnen Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse modellgetrieben ausgef{\"u}hrt werden unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung sowohl von Daten als auch den zuvor bereits unterst{\"u}tzten Perspektiven bez{\"u}glich Kontrollfluss und Verantwortlichkeiten. Dabei wird die Modellerstellung teilweise mit automatisierten Algorithmen unterst{\"u}tzt und die Modellkonsistenz durch Datenkorrektheits{\"u}berpr{\"u}fungen gew{\"a}hrleistet.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{TorresAcosta2015, author = {Torres Acosta, Ver{\´o}nica}, title = {Denudation processes in a tectonically active rift on different time scales}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, ix, 183}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Continental rifts are excellent regions where the interplay between extension, the build-up of topography, erosion and sedimentation can be evaluated in the context of landscape evolution. Rift basins also constitute important archives that potentially record the evolution and migration of species and the change of sedimentary conditions as a result of climatic change. Finally, rifts have increasingly become targets of resource exploration, such as hydrocarbons or geothermal systems. The study of extensional processes and the factors that further modify the mainly climate-driven surface process regime helps to identify changes in past and present tectonic and geomorphic processes that are ultimately recorded in rift landscapes. The Cenozoic East African Rift System (EARS) is an exemplary continental rift system and ideal natural laboratory to observe such interactions. The eastern and western branches of the EARS constitute first-order tectonic and topographic features in East Africa, which exert a profound influence on the evolution of topography, the distribution and amount of rainfall, and thus the efficiency of surface processes. The Kenya Rift is an integral part of the eastern branch of the EARS and is characterized by high-relief rift escarpments bounded by normal faults, gently tilted rift shoulders, and volcanic centers along the rift axis. Considering the Cenozoic tectonic processes in the Kenya Rift, the tectonically controlled cooling history of rift shoulders, the subsidence history of rift basins, and the sedimentation along and across the rift, may help to elucidate the morphotectonic evolution of this extensional province. While tectonic forcing of surface processes may play a minor role in the low-strain rift on centennial to millennial timescales, it may be hypothesized that erosion and sedimentation processes impacted by climate shifts associated with pronounced changes in the availability in moisture may have left important imprints in the landscape. In this thesis I combined thermochronological, geomorphic field observations, and morphometry of digital elevation models to reconstruct exhumation processes and erosion rates, as well as the effects of climate on the erosion processes in different sectors of the rift. I present three sets of results: (1) new thermochronological data from the northern and central parts of the rift to quantitatively constrain the Tertiary exhumation and thermal evolution of the Kenya Rift. (2) 10Be-derived catchment-wide mean denudation rates from the northern, central and southern rift that characterize erosional processes on millennial to present-day timescales; and (3) paleo-denudation rates in the northern rift to constrain climatically controlled shifts in paleoenvironmental conditions during the early Holocene (African Humid Period). Taken together, my studies show that time-temperature histories derived from apatite fission track (AFT) analysis, zircon (U-Th)/He dating, and thermal modeling bracket the onset of rifting in the Kenya Rift between 65-50 Ma and about 15 Ma to the present. These two episodes are marked by rapid exhumation and, uplift of the rift shoulders. Between 45 and 15 Ma the margins of the rift experienced very slow erosion/exhumation, with the accommodation of sediments in the rift basin. In addition, I determined that present-day denudation rates in sparsely vegetated parts of the Kenya Rift amount to 0.13 mm/yr, whereas denudation rates in humid and more densely vegetated sectors of the rift flanks reach a maximum of 0.08 mm/yr, despite steeper hillslopes. I inferred that hillslope gradient and vegetation cover control most of the variation in denudation rates across the Kenya Rift today. Importantly, my results support the notion that vegetation cover plays a fundamental role in determining the voracity of erosion of hillslopes through its stabilizing effects on the land surface. Finally, in a pilot study I highlighted how paleo-denudation rates in climatic threshold areas changed significantly during times of transient hydrologic conditions and involved a sixfold increase in erosion rates during increased humidity. This assessment is based on cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) dating of quartzitic deltaic sands that were deposited in the northern Kenya Rift during a highstand of Lake Suguta, which was associated with the Holocene African Humid Period. Taken together, my new results document the role of climate variability in erosion processes that impact climatic threshold environments, which may provide a template for potential future impacts of climate-driven changes in surface processes in the course of Global Change.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuenstler2015, author = {K{\"u}nstler, Andreas}, title = {Spot evolution on the red giant star XX Triangulum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Spots on stellar surfaces are thought to be stellar analogues of sunspots. Thus, starspots are direct manifestations of strong magnetic fields. Their decay rate is directly related to the magnetic diffusivity, which itself is a key quantity for the deduction of an activity cycle length. So far, no single starspot decay has been observed, and thus no stellar activity cycle was inferred from its corresponding turbulent diffusivity. We investigate the evolution of starspots on the rapidly-rotating K0 giant XX Triangulum. Continuous high-resolution and phase-resolved spectroscopy was obtained with the robotic 1.2-m STELLA telescope on Tenerife over a timespan of six years. With our line-profile inversion code iMap we reconstruct a total of 36 consecutive Doppler maps. To quantify starspot area decay and growth, we match the observed images with simplified spot models based on a Monte-Carlo approach. It is shown that the surface of XX Tri is covered with large high-latitude and even polar spots and with occasional small equatorial spots. Just over the course of six years, we see a systematically changing spot distribution with various time scales and morphology such as spot fragmentation and spot merging as well as spot decay and formation. For the first time, a starspot decay rate on another star than the Sun is determined. From our spot-decay analysis we determine an average linear decay rate of D = -0.067±0.006 Gm^2/day. From this decay rate, we infer a turbulent diffusivity of η_τ = (6.3±0.5) x 10^14 cm^2/s and consequently predict an activity cycle of 26±6 years. The obtained cycle length matches very well with photometric observations. Our time-series of Doppler maps further enables to investigate the differential rotation of XX Tri. We therefore applied a cross-correlation analysis. We detect a weak solar-like differential rotation with a surface shear of α = 0.016±0.003. This value agrees with similar studies of other RS CVn stars. Furthermore, we found evidence for active longitudes and flip-flops. Whereas the more active longitude is located in phase towards the (unseen) companion star, the weaker active longitude is located at the opposite stellar hemisphere. From their periodic appearance, we infer a flip-flop cycle of ~2 years. Both activity phenomena are common on late-type binary stars. Last but not least we redetermine several astrophysical properties of XX Tri and its binary system, as large datasets of photometric and spectroscopic observations are available since its last determination in 1999. Additionally, we compare the rotational spot-modulation from photometric and spectroscopic studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuetter2015, author = {K{\"u}tter, Sissy}, title = {Magnetotelluric measurements across the southern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-83198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 156}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Barberton Gr{\"u}nsteing{\"u}rtel (BGB) in S{\"u}dafrika geh{\"o}rt zu den wenigen Regionen mit noch gut erhaltener Archaischer Kruste. Seit Jahrhunderten wurde der BGB eingehend untersucht und seine geologischen und tektonischen Strukturen detailliert kartiert. {\"U}ber die tiefere Struktur des BGB ist hingegen wenig bekannt. Zahlreiche Evolutionsmodelle, die auf Altersbestimmungsdaten und strukturellen Informationen beruhen wurden {\"u}ber die Jahre aufgestellt. Diese Theorien sind zumeist widerspr{\"u}chlich. Sie konzentrieren sich im Wesentlichen auf die Frage, ob plattentektonische Prozesse bereits bei der Entwicklung der fr{\"u}hen Erde eine Rolle spielten oder ob vertikale Tektonik, angetrieben durch die im Archaikum h{\"o}heren Temperaturen, die Bildung der heutigen Kontinente bestimmt hat. Um neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die interne Struktur und Entwicklungsgeschichte des BGB zu erhalten, wurden im Rahmen der Deutsch-S{\"u}dafrikanischen Forschungsinitiative Inkaba yeAfrica magnetotellurische (MT) Messungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Entlang von sechs Profilen, die den gesamten s{\"u}dlichen Teil des BGB's {\"u}berdecken, wurden nahezu 200 MT-Stationen installiert. Tektonische Strukturen wie z. B. (fossile) Verwerfungszonen k{\"o}nnen erh{\"o}hte Leitf{\"a}higigkeiten haben, wenn sich leitf{\"a}hige Mineralisationen innerhalb der Scherzonen gebildet haben. Durch die Abbildung der elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeitsverteilung des Untergrundes mit Hilfe von MT Messungen kann der Verlauf tektonischer Strukturen nachvollzogen werden, woraus Schl{\"u}sse {\"u}ber m{\"o}glicherweise abgelaufene tektonische Prozesse gezogen werden k{\"o}nnen. Der gesamte MT Datensatz weist starke St{\"o}reinfl{\"u}sse durch k{\"u}nstliche elektromagnetische Signale auf, die bspw. von Stromleitungen und elektrischen Z{\"a}unen stammen. Insbesondere langperiodische Daten (>1 s) sind davon betroffen, die f{\"u}r die Aufl{\"o}sung tieferer Strukturen notwendig sind. Die Anwendung etablierter Ans{\"a}tze wie Verschiebungsfiltern und der Remote Reference-Methode, f{\"u}hrte zu Verbesserungen vorrangig f{\"u}r Perioden < 1 s. Der langperiodische Bereich ist durch impulsartige St{\"o}rsignale in den magnetischen und dazugeh{\"o}rigen Stufen in den elektrischen Feldkomponenten gepr{\"a}gt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Zeitbereichs-Filter entwickelt, welcher auf einer abgewandelten Form des Wiener Filters beruht und diese Art von St{\"o}rsignalen aus den Daten entfernt. Durch den Vergleich der Datenvarianz einer lokalen Station mit der einer Referenzstation k{\"o}nnen gest{\"o}rte Zeitsegmente identifiziert werden. Anschließend wird ein Wiener-Filter-Algorithmus angewendet, um f{\"u}r diese Segmente mithilfe der Referenzdaten physikalisch sinnvolle Zeitreihen zu berechnen, mit denen die Daten der lokalen Station ersetzt werden. W{\"a}hrend impulsartige St{\"o}rsignale in den magnetischen Datenkan{\"a}len relativ einfach erfasst werden k{\"o}nnen, ist die Detektion von Vers{\"a}tzen in den elektrischen Zeitreihen je nach Versatzh{\"o}he problematischer. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, habe ich einen Algorithmus entwickelt, bei dem die Zeitreihen differenziert, gefiltert und im letzten Schritt integriert werden. In einer zweiten von mir entwickelten Filtermethode werden die St{\"o}rsignale durch den Vergleich des kurzzeitigen und des langzeitigen Datenmittelwerts ausfindig gemacht. Bei diesem Filter werden die St{\"o}rsignale aus den Zeitreihen entfernt und durch eine lineare Interpolation ersetzt. Durch die beiden Filtermethoden wurde eine deutliche Verbesserung der Datenqualit{\"a}t bis zu 10 und teilweise 100 s erreicht. Zur Interpretation des MT-Datensatzes wurden 2D und 3D Inversionen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die so erhaltenen elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeitsmodelle zeigen eine gute {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den kartierten, geologischen Strukturen. Die Gesteine des BGB weisen in den Modellen hohe Widerst{\"a}nde auf und sind deutlich von leitf{\"a}higen benachbarten geologischen Strukturen abgegrenzt. Verwerfungszonen korrelieren mit leitf{\"a}higen Strukturen, die sich bis in eine Tiefe von 5 bis 10 km erstrecken. Eine Fortsetzung der Verwerfungszonen {\"u}ber die s{\"u}dliche Grenze des BGB wird in den 2D-Ergebnissen angedeutet. Insgesamt zeigen die Inversionsmodelle, dass vermutlich sowohl plattentektonische als auch vertikaltektonische Prozesse bei der Entstehung des BGB eine wichtige Rolle spielten.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brosinsky2015, author = {Brosinsky, Arlena}, title = {Spectral fingerprinting}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-83369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 117}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Current research on runoff and erosion processes, as well as an increasing demand for sustainable watershed management emphasize the need for an improved understanding of sediment dynamics. This involves the accurate assessment of erosion rates and sediment transfer, yield and origin. A variety of methods exist to capture these processes at the catchment scale. Among these, sediment fingerprinting, a technique to trace back the origin of sediment, has attracted increasing attention by the scientific community in recent years. It is a two-step procedure, based on the fundamental assumptions that potential sources of sediment can be reliably discriminated based on a set of characteristic 'fingerprint' properties, and that a comparison of source and sediment fingerprints allows to quantify the relative contribution of each source. This thesis aims at further assessing the potential of spectroscopy to assist and improve the sediment fingerprinting technique. Specifically, this work focuses on (1) whether potential sediment sources can be reliably identified based on spectral features ('fingerprints'), whether (2) these spectral fingerprints permit the quantification of relative source contribution, and whether (3) in situ derived source information is sufficient for this purpose. Furthermore, sediment fingerprinting using spectral information is applied in a study catchment to (4) identify major sources and observe how relative source contributions change between and within individual flood events. And finally, (5) spectral fingerprinting results are compared and combined with simultaneous sediment flux measurements to study sediment origin, transport and storage behaviour. For the sediment fingerprinting approach, soil samples were collected from potential sediment sources within the Is{\´a}bena catchment, a meso-scale basin in the central Spanish Pyrenees. Undisturbed samples of the upper soil layer were measured in situ using an ASD spectroradiometer and subsequently sampled for measurements in the laboratory. Suspended sediment was sampled automatically by means of ISCO samplers at the catchment as well as at the five major subcatchment outlets during flood events, and stored fine sediment from the channel bed was collected from 14 cross-sections along the main river. Artificial mixtures of known contributions were produced from source soil samples. Then, all source, sediment and mixture samples were dried and spectrally measured in the laboratory. Subsequently, colour coefficients and physically based features with relation to organic carbon, iron oxide, clay content and carbonate, were calculated from all in situ and laboratory spectra. Spectral parameters passing a number of prerequisite tests were submitted to principal component analyses to study natural clustering of samples, discriminant function analyses to observe source differentiation accuracy, and a mixing model for source contribution assessment. In addition, annual as well as flood event based suspended sediment fluxes from the catchment and its subcatchments were calculated from rainfall, water discharge and suspended sediment concentration measurements using rating curves and Quantile Regression Forests. Results of sediment flux monitoring were interpreted individually with respect to storage behaviour, compared to fingerprinting source ascriptions and combined with fingerprinting to assess their joint explanatory potential. In response to the key questions of this work, (1) three source types (land use) and five spatial sources (subcatchments) could be reliably discriminated based on spectral fingerprints. The artificial mixture experiment revealed that while (2) laboratory parameters permitted source contribution assessment, (3) the use of in situ derived information was insufficient. Apparently, high discrimination accuracy does not necessarily imply good quantification results. When applied to suspended sediment samples of the catchment outlet, the spectral fingerprinting approach was able to (4) quantify the major sediment sources: badlands and the Villacarli subcatchment, respectively, were identified as main contributors, which is consistent with field observations and previous studies. Thereby, source contribution was found to vary both, within and between individual flood events. Also sediment flux was found to vary considerably, annually as well as seasonally and on flood event base. Storage was confirmed to play an important role in the sediment dynamics of the studied catchment, whereas floods with lower total sediment yield tend to deposit and floods with higher yield rather remove material from the channel bed. Finally, a comparison of flux measurements with fingerprinting results highlighted the fact that (5) immediate transport from sources to the catchment outlet cannot be assumed. A combination of the two methods revealed different aspects of sediment dynamics that none of the techniques could have uncovered individually. In summary, spectral properties provide a fast, non-destructive, and cost-efficient means to discriminate and quantify sediment sources, whereas, unfortunately, straight-forward in situ collected source information is insufficient for the approach. Mixture modelling using artificial mixtures permits valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of the method and similar experiments are strongly recommended to be performed in the future. Furthermore, a combination of techniques such as e.g. (spectral) sediment fingerprinting and sediment flux monitoring can provide comprehensive understanding of sediment dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bettenbuehl2015, author = {Bettenb{\"u}hl, Mario}, title = {Microsaccades}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-122-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72622}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 126}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The first thing we do upon waking is open our eyes. Rotating them in our eye sockets, we scan our surroundings and collect the information into a picture in our head. Eye movements can be split into saccades and fixational eye movements, which occur when we attempt to fixate our gaze. The latter consists of microsaccades, drift and tremor. Before we even lift our eye lids, eye movements - such as saccades and microsaccades that let the eyes jump from one to another position - have partially been prepared in the brain stem. Saccades and microsaccades are often assumed to be generated by the same mechanisms. But how saccades and microsaccades can be classified according to shape has not yet been reported in a statistical manner. Research has put more effort into the investigations of microsaccades' properties and generation only since the last decade. Consequently, we are only beginning to understand the dynamic processes governing microsaccadic eye movements. Within this thesis, the dynamics governing the generation of microsaccades is assessed and the development of a model for the underlying processes. Eye movement trajectories from different experiments are used, recorded with a video-based eye tracking technique, and a novel method is proposed for the scale-invariant detection of saccades (events of large amplitude) and microsaccades (events of small amplitude). Using a time-frequency approach, the method is examined with different experiments and validated against simulated data. A shape model is suggested that allows for a simple estimation of saccade- and microsaccade related properties. For sequences of microsaccades, in this thesis a time-dynamic Markov model is proposed, with a memory horizon that changes over time and which can best describe sequences of microsaccades.}, language = {en} }