@article{ShklyaevStraube2010, author = {Shklyaev, Sergey and Straube, Arthur V.}, title = {Superexponential droplet fractalization as a hierarchical formation of dissipative compactons}, issn = {1539-3755}, doi = {10.1103/Physreve.82.020601}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We study the dynamics of a thin film over a substrate heated from below in a framework of a strongly nonlinear one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation. The evolution leads to a fractalization into smaller and smaller scales. We demonstrate that a primitive element in the appearing hierarchical structure is a dissipative compacton. Both direct simulations and the analysis of a self-similar solution show that the compactons appear at superexponentially decreasing scales, which means vanishing dimension of the fractal.}, language = {en} } @article{SchulzOrgzallDiezetal.2010, author = {Schulz, Burkhard and Orgzall, Ingo and Diez, Isabel and Dietzel, Birgit and Tauer, Klaus}, title = {Template mediated formation of shaped polypyrrole particles}, issn = {0927-7757}, doi = {10.1016/j.colsurfa.2009.11.034}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The formation of different micro- and nanostructures during the chemical synthesis of polypyrrole is reviewed shortly based on the conceptions of hard- and soft-templating models. Contrary to other models that emphasize the role of micelles it is found here that during the oxidative polymerization of pyrole using sulfonic acid dopants a crystalline hard template is found in the first steps of the reaction before the addition of the oxidant. This template is formed by a complex consisting of 2,5-bis(pyrrole-2-yl)pyrrolidine and the sulfonic acid anion. The acid catalyzed formation of this specific tripyrrole is discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{SkoczowskyJechowMenzeletal.2010, author = {Skoczowsky, Danilo and Jechow, Andreas and Menzel, Ralf and Paschke, Katrin and Erbert, G{\"o}tz}, title = {Efficient second-harmonic generation using a semiconductor tapered amplifier in a coupled ring-resonator geometry}, issn = {0146-9592}, doi = {10.1364/OL.35.000232}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A new approach for efficient second-harmonic generation using diode lasers is presented. The experimental setup is based on a tapered amplifier operated in a ring resonator that is coupled to a miniaturized enhancement ring resonator containing a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. Frequency locking of the diode laser emission to the resonance frequency of the enhancement cavity is realized purely optically, resulting in stable, single-frequency operation. Blue light at 488 nm with an output power of 310 mW is generated with an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 18\%.}, language = {en} } @article{SeissSpahnSchmidt2010, author = {Seiß, Martin and Spahn, Frank and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Moonlet induced wakes in planetary rings : analytical model including eccentric orbits of moon and ring particles}, issn = {0019-1035}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2010.06.013}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Saturn's rings host two known moons, Pan and Daphnis, which are massive enough to clear circumferential gaps in the ring around their orbits. Both moons create wake patterns at the gap edges by gravitational deflection of the ring material (Cuzzi, J.N., Scargle, J.D. [1985]. Astrophys. J. 292, 276-290; Showalter, MR., Cuzzi, J.N., Marouf, E.A., Esposito, LW. [1986]. Icarus 66, 297-323). New Cassini observations revealed that these wavy edges deviate from the sinusoidal waveform, which one would expect from a theory that assumes a circular orbit of the perturbing moon and neglects particle interactions. Resonant perturbations of the edges by moons outside the ring system, as well as an eccentric orbit of the embedded moon, may partly explain this behavior (Porco, CC., and 34 colleagues [2005]. Science 307, 1226-1236; Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Hedman, MM., Spitale, J.N., Porco, CC., Murray, C.D., and the Cassini Imaging team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767; Weiss, J.W., Porco, CC., Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Dones, L [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767; Weiss, J.W., Porco, CC., Tiscareno, M.S. [2009]. Astron. J. 138, 272-286). Here we present an extended non-collisional streamline model which accounts for both effects. We describe the resulting variations of the density structure and the modification of the nonlinearity parameter q. Furthermore, an estimate is given for the applicability of the model. We use the streamwire model introduced by Stewart (Stewart, G.R. [1991]. Icarus 94, 436-450) to plot the perturbed ring density at the gap edges. We apply our model to the Keeler gap edges undulated by Daphnis and to a faint ringlet in the Encke gap close to the orbit of Pan. The modulations of the latter ringlet, induced by the perturbations of Pan (Burns, J.A., Hedman, M.M., Tiscareno, M.S., Nicholson, P.D., Streetman, B.J., Colwell, J.E., Showalter, M.R., Murray, C.D., Cuzzi, J.N., Porco, CC., and the Cassini ISS team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 766), can be well described by our analytical model. Our analysis yields a Hill radius of Pan of 17.5 km, which is 9\% smaller than the value presented by Porco (Porco, CC., and 34 colleagues [2005]. Science 307, 1226- 1236), but fits well to the radial semi-axis of Pan of 17.4 km. This supports the idea that Pan has filled its Hill sphere with accreted material (Porco, C.C., Thomas, P.C., Weiss, J.W., Richardson, D.C. [2007]. Science 318, 1602-1607). A numerical solution of a streamline is used to estimate the parameters of the Daphnis-Keeler gap system, since the close proximity of the gap edge to the moon induces strong perturbations, not allowing an application of the analytic streamline model. We obtain a Hill radius of 5.1 km for Daphnis, an inner edge variation of 8 km, and an eccentricity for Daphnis of 1.5 x 10(-5). The latter two quantities deviate by a factor of two from values gained by direct observations (Jacobson, R.A., Spitale, J., Porco, C.C., Beurle, K., Cooper, N.J., Evans, M.W., Murray, C.D. [2008]. Astron. J. 135, 261-263; Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Hedman, M.M., Spitale, J.N., Porco, C.C., Murray, C.D., and the Cassini Imaging team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767), which might be attributed to the neglect of particle interactions and vertical motion in our model.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blessmann2010, author = {Bleßmann, Daniela}, title = {Der Einfluss der Dynamik auf die stratosph{\"a}rische Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t {\"u}ber der Arktis im Fr{\"u}hwinter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der fr{\"u}hwinterliche Ozongehalt ist ein Indikator f{\"u}r den Ozongehalt im Sp{\"a}twinter/Fr{\"u}hjahr. Jedoch weist dieser aufgrund von Absinkprozessen, chemisch bedingten Ozonabbau und Wellenaktivit{\"a}t von Jahr zu Jahr starke Schwankungen auf. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass diese Variabilit{\"a}t weitestgehend auf dynamische Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase des arktischen Polarwirbels zur{\"u}ckgeht. Ferner wird der bisher noch ausstehende Zusammenhang zwischen dem fr{\"u}h- und sp{\"a}twinterlichen Ozongehalt bez{\"u}glich Dynamik und Chemie aufgezeigt. F{\"u}r die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der im Polarwirbel eingeschlossenen Luftmassenzusammensetzung und Ozonmenge wurden Beobachtungsdaten von Satellitenmessinstrumenten und Ozonsonden sowie Modellsimulationen des Lagrangschen Chemie/Transportmodells ATLAS verwandt. Die {\"u}ber die Fl{\"a}che (45-75°N) und Zeit (August-November) gemittelte Vertikalkomponente des Eliassen-Palm-Flussvektors durch die 100hPa-Fl{\"a}che zeigt eine Verbindung zwischen der fr{\"u}hwinterlichen wirbelinneren Luftmassenzusammensetzung und der Wirbelbildungsphase auf. Diese ist jedoch nur f{\"u}r die untere Stratosph{\"a}re g{\"u}ltig, da die Vertikalkomponente die sich innerhalb der Stratosph{\"a}re {\"a}ndernden Wellenausbreitungsbedingungen nicht erfasst. F{\"u}r eine verbesserte H{\"o}hendarstellung des Signals wurde eine neue integrale auf der Wellenamplitude und dem Charney-Drazin-Kriterium basierende Gr{\"o}ße definiert. Diese neue Gr{\"o}ße verbindet die Wellenaktivit{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase sowohl mit der Luftmassenzusammensetzung im Polarwirbel als auch mit der Ozonverteilung {\"u}ber die Breite. Eine verst{\"a}rkte Wellenaktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt zu mehr Luft aus niedrigeren ozonreichen Breiten im Polarwirbel. Aber im Herbst und Fr{\"u}hwinter zerst{\"o}ren chemische Prozesse, die das Ozon ins Gleichgewicht bringen, die interannuale wirbelinnere Ozonvariablit{\"a}t, die durch dynamische Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der arktischen Polarwirbelbildungsphase hervorgerufen wird. Eine Analyse in Hinblick auf den Fortbestand einer dynamisch induzierten Ozonanomalie bis in den Mittwinter erm{\"o}glicht eine Absch{\"a}tzung des Einflusses dieser dynamischen Prozesse auf den arktischen Ozongehalt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden f{\"u}r den Winter 1999-2000 Modelll{\"a}ufe mit dem Lagrangesche Chemie/Transportmodell ATLAS gerechnet, die detaillierte Informationen {\"u}ber den Erhalt der k{\"u}nstlichen Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t hinsichtlich Zeit, H{\"o}he und Breite liefern. Zusammengefasst, besteht die dynamisch induzierte Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase l{\"a}nger im Inneren als im {\"A}ußeren des Polarwirbels und verliert oberhalb von 750K potentieller Temperatur ihre signifikante Wirkung auf die mittwinterliche Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t. In darunterliegenden H{\"o}henbereichen ist der Anteil an der urspr{\"u}nglichen St{\"o}rung groß, bis zu 90\% auf der 450K. Innerhalb dieses H{\"o}henbereiches {\"u}ben die dynamischen Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Ozongehalt im Mittwinter aus.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Chirvasa2010, author = {Chirvasa, Mihaela}, title = {Finite difference methods for 1st Order in time, 2nd order in space, hyperbolic systems used in numerical relativity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42135}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with the development of numerical methods using finite difference techniques for the discretization of initial value problems (IVPs) and initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) of certain hyperbolic systems which are first order in time and second order in space. This type of system appears in some formulations of Einstein equations, such as ADM, BSSN, NOR, and the generalized harmonic formulation. For IVP, the stability method proposed in [14] is extended from second and fourth order centered schemes, to 2n-order accuracy, including also the case when some first order derivatives are approximated with off-centered finite difference operators (FDO) and dissipation is added to the right-hand sides of the equations. For the model problem of the wave equation, special attention is paid to the analysis of Courant limits and numerical speeds. Although off-centered FDOs have larger truncation errors than centered FDOs, it is shown that in certain situations, off-centering by just one point can be beneficial for the overall accuracy of the numerical scheme. The wave equation is also analyzed in respect to its initial boundary value problem. All three types of boundaries - outflow, inflow and completely inflow that can appear in this case, are investigated. Using the ghost-point method, 2n-accurate (n = 1, 4) numerical prescriptions are prescribed for each type of boundary. The inflow boundary is also approached using the SAT-SBP method. In the end of the thesis, a 1-D variant of BSSN formulation is derived and some of its IBVPs are considered. The boundary procedures, based on the ghost-point method, are intended to preserve the interior 2n-accuracy. Numerical tests show that this is the case if sufficient dissipation is added to the rhs of the equations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stock2010, author = {Stock, Maria}, title = {Charakterisierung der troposph{\"a}rischen Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49203}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Auf der Grundlage von Sonnenphotometermessungen an drei Messstationen (AWIPEV/ Koldewey in Ny-{\AA}lesund (78.923 °N, 11.923 °O) 1995-2008, 35. Nordpol Driftstation - NP-35 (84.3-85.5 °N, 41.7-56.6 °O) M{\"a}rz/April 2008, Sodankyl{\"a} (67.37 °N, 26.65 °O) 2004-2007) wird die Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis und deren Ursachen untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Frage des Zusammenhanges zwischen den an den Stationen gemessenen Aerosolparametern (Aerosol optische Dicke, Angstr{\"o}m Koeffizient, usw.) und dem Transport des Aerosols sowohl auf kurzen Zeitskalen (Tagen) als auch auf langen Zeitskalen (Monate, Jahre). Um diesen Zusammenhang herzustellen, werden f{\"u}r die kurzen Zeitskalen mit dem Trajektorienmodell PEP-Tracer 5-Tage R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtstrajektorien in drei Starth{\"o}hen (850 hPa, 700 hPa, 500 hPa) f{\"u}r die Uhrzeiten 00, 06, 12 und 18 Uhr berechnet. Mit Hilfe der nicht-hierarchischen Clustermethode k-means werden die berechneten R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtstrajektorien dann zu Gruppen zusammengefasst und bestimmten Quellgebieten und den gemessenen Aerosol optischen Dicken zugeordnet. Die Zuordnung von Aerosol optischer Dicke und Quellregion ergibt keinen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Transport verschmutzter Luftmassen aus Europa oder Russland bzw. Asien und erh{\"o}hter Aerosol optischer Dicke. Dennoch ist f{\"u}r einen konkreten Einzelfall (M{\"a}rz 2008) ein direkter Zusammenhang von Aerosoltransport und hohen Aerosol optischen Dicken nachweisbar. In diesem Fall gelangte Waldbrandaerosol aus S{\"u}dwestrussland in die Arktis und konnte sowohl auf der NP-35 als auch in Ny-{\AA}lesund beobachtet werden. In einem weiteren Schritt wird mit Hilfe der EOF-Analyse untersucht, inwieweit großskalige atmosph{\"a}rische Zirkulationsmuster f{\"u}r die Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis verantwortlich sind. {\"A}hnlich wie bei der Trajektorienanalyse ist auch die Verbindung der atmosph{\"a}rischen Zirkulation zu den Photometermessungen an den Stationen in der Regel nur schwach ausgepr{\"a}gt. Eine Ausnahme findet sich bei der Betrachtung des Jahresganges des Bodendruckes und der Aerosol optischen Dicke. Hohe Aerosol optische Dicken treten im Fr{\"u}hjahr zum einen dann auf, wenn durch das Islandtief und das sibirische Hochdruckgebiet Luftmassen aus Europa oder Russland/Asien in die Arktis gelangen, und zum anderen, wenn sich ein kr{\"a}ftiges Hochdruckgebiet {\"u}ber Gr{\"o}nland und weiten Teilen der Arktis befindet. Ebenso zeigt sich, dass der {\"U}bergang zwischen Fr{\"u}hjahr und Sommer zumindest teilweise bedingt ist durch denWechsel vom stabilen Polarhoch im Winter und Fr{\"u}hjahr zu einer st{\"a}rker von Tiefdruckgebieten bestimmten arktischen Atmosph{\"a}re im Sommer. Die geringere Aerosolkonzentration im Sommer kann zum Teil mit einer Zunahme der nassen Deposition als Aerosolsenke begr{\"u}ndet werden. F{\"u}r Ny-{\AA}lesund wird neben den Transportmustern auch die chemische Zusammensetzung des Aerosols mit Hilfe von Impaktormessungen an der Zeppelinstation auf dem Zeppelinberg (474m {\"u}.NN) nahe Ny-{\AA}lesund abgeleitet. Dabei ist die positive Korrelation der Aerosoloptischen Dicke mit der Konzentration von Sulfationen und Ruß sehr deutlich. Beide Stoffe gelangen zu einem Großteil durch anthropogene Emissionen in die Atmosph{\"a}re. Die damit nachweisbar anthropogen gepr{\"a}gte Zusammensetzung des arktischen Aerosols steht im Widerspruch zum nicht eindeutig herstellbaren Zusammenhang mit dem Transport des Aerosols aus Industrieregionen. Dies kann nur durch einen oder mehrere gleichzeitig stattfindende Transformationsprozesse (z. B. Nukleation von Schwefels{\"a}urepartikeln) w{\"a}hrend des Transportes aus den Quellregionen (Europa, Russland) erkl{\"a}rt werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yin2010, author = {Yin, Fan}, title = {Mathematic approaches for the calibration of the CHAMP satellite magnetic field measurements}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload) is a German small satellite mission to study the earth's gravity field, magnetic field and upper atmosphere. Thanks to the good condition of the satellite so far, the planned 5 years mission is extended to year 2009. The satellite provides continuously a large quantity of measurement data for the purpose of Earth study. The measurements of the magnetic field are undertaken by two Fluxgate Magnetometers (vector magnetometer) and one Overhauser Magnetometer (scalar magnetometer) flown on CHAMP. In order to ensure the quality of the data during the whole mission, the calibration of the magnetometers has to be performed routinely in orbit. The scalar magnetometer serves as the magnetic reference and its readings are compared with the readings of the vector magnetometer. The readings of the vector magnetometer are corrected by the parameters that are derived from this comparison, which is called the scalar calibration. In the routine processing, these calibration parameters are updated every 15 days by means of scalar calibration. There are also magnetic effects coming from the satellite which disturb the measurements. Most of them have been characterized during tests before launch. Among them are the remanent magnetization of the spacecraft and fields generated by currents. They are all considered to be constant over the mission life. The 8 years of operation experience allow us to investigate the long-term behaviors of the magnetometers and the satellite systems. According to the investigation, it was found that for example the scale factors of the FGM show obvious long-term changes which can be described by logarithmic functions. The other parameters (offsets and angles between the three components) can be considered constant. If these continuous parameters are applied for the FGM data processing, the disagreement between the OVM and the FGM readings is limited to \pm1nT over the whole mission. This demonstrates, the magnetometers on CHAMP exhibit a very good stability. However, the daily correction of the parameter Z component offset of the FGM improves the agreement between the magnetometers markedly. The Z component offset plays a very important role for the data quality. It exhibits a linear relationship with the standard deviation of the disagreement between the OVM and the FGM readings. After Z offset correction, the errors are limited to \pm0.5nT (equivalent to a standard deviation of 0.2nT). We improved the corrections of the spacecraft field which are not taken into account in the routine processing. Such disturbance field, e.g. from the power supply system of the satellite, show some systematic errors in the FGM data and are misinterpreted in 9-parameter calibration, which brings false local time related variation of the calibration parameters. These corrections are made by applying a mathematical model to the measured currents. This non-linear model is derived from an inversion technique. If the disturbance field of the satellite body are fully corrected, the standard deviation of scalar error \triangle B remains about 0.1nT. Additionally, in order to keep the OVM readings a reliable standard, the imperfect coefficients of the torquer current correction for the OVM are redetermined by solving a minimization problem. The temporal variation of the spacecraft remanent field is investigated. It was found that the average magnetic moment of the magneto-torquers reflects well the moment of the satellite. This allows for a continuous correction of the spacecraft field. The reasons for the possible unknown systemic error are discussed in this thesis. Particularly, both temperature uncertainties and time errors have influence on the FGM data. Based on the results of this thesis the data processing of future magnetic missions can be designed in an improved way. In particular, the upcoming ESA mission Swarm can take advantage of our findings and provide all the auxiliary measurements needed for a proper recovery of the ambient magnetic field.}, language = {en} } @article{KliemRustSeehafer2010, author = {Kliem, Bernhard and Rust, S. and Seehafer, Norbert}, title = {Helicity transport in a simulated coronal mass ejection}, series = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, journal = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, publisher = {International Astronomical Union}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {1743-9213}, doi = {10.1017/S1743921311006715}, pages = {125 -- 128}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{VotrubaFeldmeierKrtickaetal.2010, author = {Votruba, Viktor and Feldmeier, Achim and Krticka, Jiri and Kub{\´a}t, Jiř{\´i}}, title = {Multicomponent stellar wind from hot subdwarfs stars}, issn = {0004-640X}, doi = {10.1007/s10509-010-0402-2}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Stellar wind from hot subdwarf stars is mainly accelerated by the interaction of ultraviolet photospheric radiation with metals, mainly oxygen. Absorbing ions share momentum through Coulombic collisions with the remaining passive part of the plasma (namely protons). We found that in the case of the winds from hot subdwarfs, interactions could be so small that they stop the momentum transfer between the passive bulk of plasma and absorbing ions. As a result wind decouples at a certain point.}, language = {en} } @article{BimonteHaakhHenkeletal.2010, author = {Bimonte, Giuseppe and Haakh, Harald Richard and Henkel, Carsten and Intravaia, Francesco}, title = {Optical BCS conductivity at imaginary frequencies and dispersion energies of superconductors}, issn = {1751-8113}, doi = {10.1088/1751-8113/43/14/145304}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We present an efficient expression for the analytic continuation to arbitrary complex frequencies of the complex optical and ac conductivity of a homogeneous superconductor with an arbitrary mean free path. Knowledge of this quantity is fundamental in the calculation of thermodynamic potentials and dispersion energies involving type-I superconducting bodies. When considered for imaginary frequencies, our formula evaluates faster than previous schemes involving Kramers-Kronig transforms. A number of applications illustrate its efficiency: a simplified low-frequency expansion of the conductivity, the electromagnetic bulk self-energy due to longitudinal plasma oscillations, and the Casimir free energy of a superconducting cavity.}, language = {en} } @article{HaakhIntravaiaHenkel2010, author = {Haakh, Harald Richard and Intravaia, Francesco and Henkel, Carsten}, title = {Temperature dependence of the plasmonic Casimir interaction}, issn = {1050-2947}, doi = {10.1103/Physreva.82.012507}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We investigate the role of surface plasmons in the electromagnetic Casimir effect at finite temperature, including situations out of global thermal equilibrium. The free energy is calculated analytically and expanded for different regimes of distances and temperatures. Similar to the zero-temperature case, the interaction changes from attraction to repulsion with distance. Thermal effects are shown to be negligible for small plate separations and at room temperature but become dominant and repulsive at large values of these parameters. In configurations out of global thermal equilibrium, we show that the selective excitation of surface plasmons can create a repulsive Casimir force between metal plates.}, language = {en} } @article{HenkelIntravaia2010, author = {Henkel, Carsten and Intravaia, Francesco}, title = {On the Casimir entropy between "perfect crystals"}, issn = {0217-751X}, doi = {10.1142/S0217751x10049608}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We give a re-interpretation of an 'entropy defect' in the electromagnetic Casimir effect. The electron gas in a perfect crystal is an electromagnetically disordered system whose entropy contains a finite Casimir- like contribution. The Nernst theorem (third law of thermodynamics) is not applicable.}, language = {en} } @article{WangFruebingWirgesetal.2010, author = {Wang, Feipeng and Fr{\"u}bing, Peter and Wirges, Werner and Gerhard, Reimund and Wegener, Michael}, title = {Enhanced Polarization in Melt-quenched and Stretched Poly(vinylidene Fluoride-Hexafluoropropylene) Films}, issn = {1070-9878}, doi = {10.1109/TDEI.2010.5539679}, year = {2010}, abstract = {beta-phase poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) (P(VDF-HFP)) copolymer films were prepared by uniaxially stretching solution-cast or melt-quenched samples. Different preparation routes lead to different amounts of the crystalline alpha and beta phases in the films, as detected by means of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The beta phase is significantly enhanced in melt-quenched and stretched films in comparison to solution-cast and stretched films. This is particularly true for copolymer samples with higher HFP content. The beta- phase enhancement is also observed in ferroelectric-hysteresis experiments where a rather high polarization of 58 mC/ m(2) was found on melt-quenched and stretched samples after poling at electric fields of 140 MV/m. After poling at 160 MV/m, one of these samples exhibited a piezoelectric d(33) coefficient as high as 21 pC/N. An electric-field-induced partial transition from the alpha to the beta phase was also observed on the melt-quenched and stretched samples. This effect leads to a further increase in the applications-relevant dipole polarization. Uniaxially stretched ferroelectric- polymer films are highly anisotropic. Dielectric resonance spectroscopy reveals a strong increase of the transverse piezoelectric d(32) coefficient and a strong decrease of the transverse elastic modulus c(32) upon heating from 20 to 50 degrees C.}, language = {en} } @article{TobieGieseHurfordetal.2010, author = {Tobie, Gabriel and Giese, Bernd and Hurford, Terry Anthony and Lopes, Rosaly M. and Nimmo, Francis and Postberg, Frank and Retherford, Kurt D. and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen and Spencer, John R. and Tokano, Tetsuya and Turtle, Elizabeth P.}, title = {Surface, subsurface and atmosphere exchanges on the satellites of the outer solar system}, issn = {0038-6308}, doi = {10.1007/s11214-010-9641-3}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The surface morphology of icy moons is affected by several processes implicating exchanges between their subsurfaces and atmospheres (if any). The possible exchange of material between the subsurface and the surface is mainly determined by the mechanical properties of the lithosphere, which isolates the deep, warm and ductile ice material from the cold surface conditions. Exchanges through this layer occur only if it is sufficiently thin and/or if it is fractured owing to tectonic stresses, melt intrusion or impact cratering. If such conditions are met, cryomagma can be released, erupting fresh volatile-rich materials onto the surface. For a very few icy moons (Titan, Triton, Enceladus), the emission of gas associated with cryovolcanic activity is sufficiently large to generate an atmosphere, either long- lived or transient. For those moons, atmosphere-driven processes such as cryovolcanic plume deposition, phase transitions of condensable materials and wind interactions continuously re-shape their surfaces, and are able to transport cryovolcanically generated materials on a global scale. In this chapter, we discuss the physics of these different exchange processes and how they affect the evolution of the satellites' surfaces.}, language = {en} } @article{ShklyaevStraube2010, author = {Shklyaev, Sergey and Straube, Arthur V.}, title = {Formation and evolution of bubbly screens in confined oscillating bubbly liquids}, issn = {1539-3755}, doi = {10.1103/Physreve.81.016321}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We consider the dynamics of dilute monodisperse bubbly liquid confined by two plane solid walls and subject to small-amplitude high-frequency oscillations normal to the walls. The initial state corresponds to the uniform distribution of bubbles and motionless liquid. The period of external driving is assumed much smaller than typical relaxation times for a single bubble but larger than the period of volume eigenoscillations. The time-averaged description accounting for the two-way coupling between the liquid and the bubbles is applied. We show that the model predicts accumulation of bubbles in thin sheets parallel to the walls. These singular structures, which are formally characterized by infinitely thin width and infinitely high concentration, are referred to as bubbly screens. The formation of a bubbly screen is described analytically in terms of a self-similar solution, which is in agreement with numerical simulations. We study the evolution of bubbly screens and detect a one-dimensional stationary state, which is shown to be unconditionally unstable.}, language = {en} } @article{SkoczowskyJechowStuermeretal.2010, author = {Skoczowsky, Danilo and Jechow, Andreas and St{\"u}rmer, Herbert and Poßner, Torsten and Sacher, Joachim and Menzel, Ralf}, title = {Quasi-monolithic ring resonator for efficient frequency doubling of an external cavity diode laser}, issn = {0946-2171}, doi = {10.1007/s00340-009-3802-7}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A quasi-monolithic second-harmonic-generation ring resonator assembled with miniaturized components is presented. The ring contains a 10-mm-long bulk periodically poled lithium niobate crystal for second-harmonic generation, four plane mirrors and two gradient-index lenses. All parts are mounted on a glass substrate with an overall size of 19.5 mmx8.5 mmx4 mm. As pump source a broad-area laser diode operated in an external resonator with Littrow arrangement is utilized. This external cavity diode laser provides near diffraction limited, narrow-bandwidth emission with an optical output power of 450 mW at a wavelength of 976 nm. Locking of the diode laser emission to the resonance frequency of the ring cavity was achieved by an optical self-injection locking technique. With this setup more than 126 mW of diffraction-limited blue light at 488 nm could be generated. The opto-optical conversion efficiency was 28\% and a wall plug efficiency better than 5.5\% could be achieved.}, language = {en} } @article{VitaglianoRieraLatorre2010, author = {Vitagliano, Giuseppe and Riera, Arnau and Latorre, Jos{\´e} Ignacio}, title = {Volume-law scaling for the entanglement entropy in spin-1/2 chains}, issn = {1367-2630}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/12/11/113049}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Entanglement entropy obeys area law scaling for typical physical quantum systems. This may naively be argued to follow from the locality of interactions. We show that this is not the case by constructing an explicit simple spin chain Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor interactions that presents an entanglement volume scaling law. This non- translational model is contrived to have couplings that force the accumulation of singlet bonds across the half-chain. This configuration of the couplings is suggested by real-space renormalization group arguments. Computation of the entanglement entropy is performed by mapping the system to free fermions and diagonalizing numerically its correlation matrix. An analytical relationship between the entanglement entropy and the Frobenius norm of the correlation matrix is also established. Our result is complementary to the known relationship between non-translational invariant, nearest- neighbor interacting Hamiltonians and quantum Merlin-Arthur (QMA)complete problems.}, language = {en} } @article{VladkovaKoynovaTeuchneretal.2010, author = {Vladkova, Radka and Koynova, Rumiana and Teuchner, Klaus and Tenchov, Boris}, title = {Bilayer structural destabilization by low amounts of chlorophyll a}, issn = {0005-2736}, doi = {10.1016/j.bbamem.2010.05.008}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The present study shows that small admixtures of one chlorophyll a (Chla) molecule per several hundred lipid molecules have strong destabilizing effect on lipid bilayers. This effect is clearly displayed in the properties of the L-alpha-H-II transformations and results from a Chla preference for the H-II relative to the L-alpha phase. Chla disfavors the lamellar liquid crystalline phase L-alpha and induces its replacement with inverted hexagonal phase H-II, as is consistently demonstrated by DSC and X-ray diffraction measurements on phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) dispersions. Chla lowers the L-alpha-H-II transition temperature (42 degrees C) of the fully hydrated dipalmitoleoyl PE (DPoPE) by similar to 8 degrees C and similar to 17 degrees C at Chla/DPoPE molar ratios of 1:500 and 1:100, respectively. Similar Chla effect was recorded also for dielaidoyl PE dispersions. The lowering of the transition temperature and the accompanying significant loss of transition cooperativity reflect the Chla repartitioning and preference for the H-II phase. The reduction of the H-II phase lattice constant in the presence of Chla is an indication that Chla favors v phase formation by decreasing the radius of spontaneous monolayer curvature, and not by filling up the interstitial spaces between the H-II phase cylinders. The observed Chla preference for H-II phase and the substantial bilayer destabilization in the vicinity of a bilayer-to-nonbilayer phase transformation caused by low Chla concentrations can be of interest as a potential regulatory or membrane-damaging factor.}, language = {en} } @article{StoyanovKolloscheMcCarthyetal.2010, author = {Stoyanov, Hristiyan and Kollosche, Matthias and McCarthy, Denis N. and Kofod, Guggi}, title = {Molecular composites with enhanced energy density for electroactive polymers}, issn = {0959-9428}, doi = {10.1039/C0jm00519c}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Actuators based on soft dielectric elastomers deform due to electric field induced Maxwell's stress, interacting with the mechanical properties of the material. The relatively high operating voltages of such actuators can be reduced by increasing the permittivity of the active material, while maintaining the mechanical properties and high electrical breakdown strength. Approaches relying on the use of highly polarizable molecules or conjugated polymers have so far provided the best results, however it has been difficult to maintain high breakdown strengths. In this work, a new approach for increasing the electrostatic energy density of a soft polymer based on molecular composites is presented, relying on chemically grafting soft gel-state pi-conjugated conducting macromolecules (polyaniline (PANI)) to a flexible elastomer backbone SEBS-g-MA (poly-styrene-co-ethylene-co-butylene-co-styrene-g-maleic anhydride). The approach was found to result in composites of increased permittivity (470\% over the elastomer matrix) with hardly any reduction in breakdown strength (from 140 to 120 V mu m(-1)), resulting in a large increase in stored electrostatic energy. This led to an improvement in the measured electromechanical response as well as in the maximum actuation strain. A transition was observed when amounts of PANI exceeded 2 vol\%, which was ascribed to the exhaustion of the MA- functionality of the SEBS-g-MA. The transition led to drastic increases in permittivity and conductivity, and a sharp drop in electrical breakdown strength. Although the transition caused further improvement of the electromechanical response, the reduction in electrical breakdown strength caused a limitation of the maximum achievable actuation strain.}, language = {en} } @article{SunYang2010, author = {Sun, Zong Kui and Yang, Xiao Li}, title = {Parameters identification and synchronization of chaotic delayed systems containing uncertainties and time- varying delay}, issn = {1024-123X}, doi = {10.1155/2010/105309}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Time delays are ubiquitous in real world and are often sources of complex behaviors of dynamical systems. This paper addresses the problem of parameters identification and synchronization of uncertain chaotic delayed systems subject to time-varying delay. Firstly, a novel and systematic adaptive scheme of synchronization is proposed for delayed dynamical systems containing uncertainties based on Razumikhin condition and extended invariance principle for functional differential equations. Then, the proposed adaptive scheme is used to estimate the unknown parameters of nonlinear delayed systems from time series, and a sufficient condition is given by virtue of this scheme. The delayed system under consideration is a very generic one that includes almost all well-known delayed systems (neural network, complex networks, etc.). Two classical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive scheme.}, language = {en} } @book{Wisotki2010, author = {Wisotki, Lutz}, title = {Galaxien, Schwarze L{\"o}cher, Quasare : Antrittsvorlesung 2010-12-08}, publisher = {Univ.-Bibl.}, address = {Potsdam}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{EisertCramerPlenio2010, author = {Eisert, Jens and Cramer, Marcus and Plenio, Martin B.}, title = {Colloquium : area laws for the entanglement entropy}, issn = {0034-6861}, doi = {10.1103/RevModPhys.82.277}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Physical interactions in quantum many-body systems are typically local: Individual constituents interact mainly with their few nearest neighbors. This locality of interactions is inherited by a decay of correlation functions, but also reflected by scaling laws of a quite profound quantity: the entanglement entropy of ground states. This entropy of the reduced state of a subregion often merely grows like the boundary area of the subregion, and not like its volume, in sharp contrast with an expected extensive behavior. Such "area laws" for the entanglement entropy and related quantities have received considerable attention in recent years. They emerge in several seemingly unrelated fields, in the context of black hole physics, quantum information science, and quantum many-body physics where they have important implications on the numerical simulation of lattice models. In this Colloquium the current status of area laws in these fields is reviewed. Center stage is taken by rigorous results on lattice models in one and higher spatial dimensions. The differences and similarities between bosonic and fermionic models are stressed, area laws are related to the velocity of information propagation in quantum lattice models, and disordered systems, nonequilibrium situations, and topological entanglement entropies are discussed. These questions are considered in classical and quantum systems, in their ground and thermal states, for a variety of correlation measures. A significant proportion is devoted to the clear and quantitative connection between the entanglement content of states and the possibility of their efficient numerical simulation. Matrix-product states, higher-dimensional analogs, and variational sets from entanglement renormalization are also discussed and the paper is concluded by highlighting the implications of area laws on quantifying the effective degrees of freedom that need to be considered in simulations of quantum states.}, language = {en} } @article{CramerEisert2010, author = {Cramer, Marcus and Eisert, Jens}, title = {A quantum central limit theorem for non-equilibrium systems : exact local relaxation of correlated states}, issn = {1367-2630}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/12/5/055020}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We prove that quantum many-body systems on a one-dimensional lattice locally relax to Gaussian states under non- equilibrium dynamics generated by a bosonic quadratic Hamiltonian. This is true for a large class of initial states-pure or mixed-which have to satisfy merely weak conditions concerning the decay of correlations. The considered setting is a proven instance of a situation where dynamically evolving closed quantum systems locally appear as if they had truly relaxed, to maximum entropy states for fixed second moments. This furthers the understanding of relaxation in suddenly quenched quantum many-body systems. The proof features a non-commutative central limit theorem for non-i.i.d. random variables, showing convergence to Gaussian characteristic functions, giving rise to trace-norm closeness. We briefly link our findings to the ideas of typicality and concentration of measure.}, language = {en} } @article{CuzziBurnsCharnozetal.2010, author = {Cuzzi, Jeff N. and Burns, Joseph A. and Charnoz, S{\´e}bastien and Clark, Roger N. and Colwell, Josh E. and Dones, Luke and Esposito, Larry W. and Filacchione, Gianrico and French, Richard G. and Hedman, Matthew M. and Kempf, Sascha and Marouf, Essam A. and Murray, Carl D. and Nicholson, Phillip D. and Porco, Carolyn C. and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen and Showalter, Mark R. and Spilker, Linda J. and Spitale, Joseph N. and Srama, Ralf and Sremcević, Miodrag and Tiscareno, Matthew Steven and Weiss, John}, title = {An evolving view of Saturn's dynamic rings}, issn = {0036-8075}, doi = {10.1126/science.1179118}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We review our understanding of Saturn's rings after nearly 6 years of observations by the Cassini spacecraft. Saturn's rings are composed mostly of water ice but also contain an undetermined reddish contaminant. The rings exhibit a range of structure across many spatial scales; some of this involves the interplay of the fluid nature and the self-gravity of innumerable orbiting centimeter- to meter-sized particles, and the effects of several peripheral and embedded moonlets, but much remains unexplained. A few aspects of ring structure change on time scales as short as days. It remains unclear whether the vigorous evolutionary processes to which the rings are subject imply a much younger age than that of the solar system. Processes on view at Saturn have parallels in circumstellar disks.}, language = {en} } @article{EisertPlenio2010, author = {Eisert, Jens and Plenio, Martin B.}, title = {Focus on quantum information and many-body theory}, issn = {1367-2630}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/12/2/025001}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Quantum many-body models describing natural systems or materials and physical systems assembled piece by piece in the laboratory for the purpose of realizing quantum information processing share an important feature: intricate correlations that originate from the coherent interaction between a large number of constituents. In recent years it has become manifest that the cross-fertilization between research devoted to quantum information science and to quantum many- body physics leads to new ideas, methods, tools, and insights in both fields. Issues of criticality, quantum phase transitions, quantum order and magnetism that play a role in one field find relations to the classical simulation of quantum systems, to error correction and fault tolerance thresholds, to channel capacities and to topological quantum computation, to name but a few. The structural similarities of typical problems in both fields and the potential for pooling of ideas then become manifest. Notably, methods and ideas from quantum information have provided fresh approaches to long-standing problems in strongly correlated systems in the condensed matter context, including both numerical methods and conceptual insights.}, language = {en} } @article{deBeaudrap2010, author = {de Beaudrap, Niel}, title = {On restricted unitary Cayley graphs and symplectic transformations modulo n}, issn = {1077-8926}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We present some observations on a restricted variant of unitary Cayley graphs modulo n, and implications for a decomposition of elements of symplectic operators over the integers modulo n. We define quadratic unitary Cayley graphs G(n), whose vertex set is the ring Z(n), and where residues a, b modulo n are adjacent if and only if their difference is a quadratic residue. By bounding the diameter of such graphs, we show an upper bound on the number of elementary operations (symplectic scalar multiplications, symplectic row swaps, and row additions or subtractions) required to decompose a symplectic matrix over Z(n). We also characterize the conditions on n for G(n) to be a perfect graph.}, language = {en} } @article{deBeaudrap2010, author = {de Beaudrap, Niel}, title = {Unitary-circuit semantics for measurement-based computations}, issn = {0219-7499}, doi = {10.1142/S0219749910006113}, year = {2010}, abstract = {One-way measurement based quantum computations (1WQC) may describe unitary transformations, via a composition of CPTP maps which are not all unitary themselves. This motivates the following decision problems. Is it possible to determine whether a "quantum-to-quantum" 1WQC procedure (having non-trivial input and output subsystems) performs a unitary transformation? Is it possible to describe precisely how such computations transform quantum states, by translation to a quantum circuit of comparable complexity? In this article, we present an efficient algorithm for transforming certain families of measurement-based computations into a reasonable unitary circuit model, in particular without employing the principle of deferred measurement.}, language = {en} } @article{deBeaudrapOhligerOsborneetal.2010, author = {de Beaudrap, Niel and Ohliger, Matthias and Osborne, Tobias J. and Eisert, Jens}, title = {Solving frustration-free spin systems}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/Physrevlett.105.060504}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We identify a large class of quantum many-body systems that can be solved exactly: natural frustration-free spin-1/2 nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians on arbitrary lattices. We show that the entire ground-state manifold of such models can be found exactly by a tensor network of isometries acting on a space locally isomorphic to the symmetric subspace. Thus, for this wide class of models, real-space renormalization can be made exact. Our findings also imply that every such frustration-free spin model satisfies an area law for the entanglement entropy of the ground state, establishing a novel large class of models for which an area law is known. Finally, we show that our approach gives rise to an ansatz class useful for the simulation of almost frustration-free models in a simple fashion, outperforming mean- field theory.}, language = {en} } @article{deBeaudrapOsborneEisert2010, author = {de Beaudrap, Niel and Osborne, Tobias J. and Eisert, Jens}, title = {Ground states of unfrustrated spin Hamiltonians satisfy an area law}, issn = {1367-2630}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/12/9/095007}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We show that ground states of unfrustrated quantum spin-1/2 systems on general lattices satisfy an entanglement area law, provided that the Hamiltonian can be decomposed into nearest-neighbor interaction terms that have entangled excited states. The ground state manifold can be efficiently described as the image of a low-dimensional subspace of low Schmidt measure, under an efficiently contractible tree-tensor network. This structure gives rise to the possibility of efficiently simulating the complete ground space (which is in general degenerate). We briefly discuss 'non- generic' cases, including highly degenerate interactions with product eigenbases, using a relationship to percolation theory. We finally assess the possibility of using such tree tensor networks to simulate almost frustration- free spin models.}, language = {en} } @article{Mikelskis2010, author = {Mikelskis, Helmut F.}, title = {Physics schoolbooks - their history and future}, isbn = {978-3-8309-2018-2}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Neumeyer2010, author = {Neumeyer, Steffen}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Lernortes Praktikum f{\"u}r die Schule}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {253 Bl. : Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Tambornino2010, author = {Tambornino, Johannes}, title = {An analysis of the low energy regime of loop quantum gravity}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 169 S.}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lara2010, author = {Lara, Luc{\´i}a Santamar{\´i}a}, title = {Coalescence of black-hole binaries : from theoretical source models to applications in gravitational-wave astronomy}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 172 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krobath2010, author = {Krobath, Heinrich}, title = {Binding cooperativity and domain energies of membrane adhesion receptors}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {106 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{BlakesleyClubbGreenham2010, author = {Blakesley, James C. and Clubb, Helen S. and Greenham, Neil C.}, title = {Temperature-dependent electron and hole transport in disordered semiconducting polymers : analysis of energetic disorder}, issn = {1098-0121}, doi = {10.1103/Physrevb.81.045210}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We have used space-charge limited current measurements to study the mobility of holes and electrons in two fluorene-based copolymers for temperatures from 100 to 300 K. Interpreting the results using the standard analytical model produced an Arrhenius-type temperature dependence for a limited temperature range only and mobility was found to be apparently dependent on the thickness of the polymer film. To improve on this, we have interpreted our data using a numerical model that takes into account the effects of the carrier concentration and energetic disorder on transport. This accounted for the thickness dependence and gave a more consistent temperature dependence across the full range of temperatures, giving support to the extended Gaussian disorder model for transport in disordered polymers. Furthermore, we find that the same model adequately describes both electron and hole transport without the need to explicitly include a distribution of electron traps. Room-temperature mobilities were found to be in the region of 4 x 10(-8) and 2 x 10(- 8) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) in the limit of zero field and zero carrier density with disorders of 110+/-10 and 100+/-10 meV for polymers poly{9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-bis[N,N'-(4-butylphenyl)]bis(N, N'-phenyl-1,4-phenylene)diamine} and poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole), respectively.}, language = {en} } @article{BoedekerBetaFranketal.2010, author = {Boedeker, Hendrik Ulrich and Beta, Carsten and Frank, Till D. and Bodenschatz, Eberhard}, title = {Quantitative analysis of random ameboid motion}, issn = {0295-5075}, doi = {10.1209/0295-5075/90/28005}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We quantify random migration of the social ameba Dictyostelium discoideum. We demonstrate that the statistics of cell motion can be described by an underlying Langevin-type stochastic differential equation. An analytic expression for the velocity distribution function is derived. The separation into deterministic and stochastic parts of the movement shows that the cells undergo a damped motion with multiplicative noise. Both contributions to the dynamics display a distinct response to external physiological stimuli. The deterministic component depends on the developmental state and ambient levels of signaling substances, while the stochastic part does not.}, language = {en} } @article{BordyugovFischerEngeletal.2010, author = {Bordyugov, Grigory and Fischer, Nils and Engel, Harald and Manz, Niklas and Steinbock, Oliver}, title = {Anomalous dispersion in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction : experiments and modeling}, issn = {0167-2789}, doi = {10.1016/j.physd.2009.10.022}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We report results on dispersion relations and instabilities of traveling waves in excitable systems. Experiments employ solutions of the 1,4-cyclohexanedione Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction confined to thin capillary tubes which create a pseudo-one-dimensional system. Theoretical analyses focus on a three-variable reaction-diffusion model that is known to reproduce qualitatively many of the experimentally observed dynamics. Using continuation methods, we show that the transition from normal, monotonic to anomalous, single-overshoot dispersion curves is due to an orbit flip bifurcation of the solitary pulse homoclinics. In the case of "wave stacking", this anomaly induces attractive pulse interaction, slow solitary pulses, and faster wave trains. For "wave merging", wave trains break up in the wake of the slow solitary pulse due to an instability of wave trains at small wavelength. A third case, "wave tracking" is characterized by the non-existence of solitary waves but existence of periodic wave trains. The corresponding dispersion curve is a closed curve covering a finite band of wavelengths.}, language = {en} } @article{BalažVidanovicBogojevićetal.2010, author = {Balaž, Antun and Vidanovic, Ivana and Bogojević, Aleksandar and Pelster, Axel}, title = {Ultra-fast converging path-integral approach for rotating ideal Bose-Einstein condensates}, issn = {0375-9601}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2010.01.034}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A recently developed efficient recursive approach for analytically calculating the short-time evolution of the one-particle propagator to extremely high orders is applied here for numerically studying the thermodynamical and dynamical properties of a rotating ideal Bose gas of Rb-87 atoms in an anharmonic trap. At first, the one-particle energy spectrum of the system is obtained by diagonalizing the discretized short-time propagator. Using this, many-boson properties such as the condensation temperature, the ground-state occupancy, density profiles, and time-of-flight absorption pictures are calculated for varying rotation frequencies. The obtained results improve previous semiclassical calculations, in particular for smaller particle numbers. Furthermore, we find that typical time scales for a free expansion are increased by an order of magnitude for the delicate regime of both critical and overcritical rotation.}, language = {en} } @article{BarthelKlieschEisert2010, author = {Barthel, Thomas and Kliesch, Martin and Eisert, Jens}, title = {Real-space renormalization yields finite correlations}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/Physrevlett.105.010502}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Real-space renormalization approaches for quantum lattice systems generate certain hierarchical classes of states that are subsumed by the multiscale entanglement renormalization Ansatz (MERA). It is shown that, with the exception of one spatial dimension, MERA states are actually states with finite correlations, i.e., projected entangled pair states (PEPS) with a bond dimension independent of the system size. Hence, real-space renormalization generates states which can be encoded with local effective degrees of freedom, and MERA states form an efficiently contractible class of PEPS that obey the area law for the entanglement entropy. It is further pointed out that there exist other efficiently contractible schemes violating the area law.}, language = {en} } @article{WinterWinterFernandesGuimaraesetal.2010, author = {Winter, Silvia Maria Giuliatti and Winter, Othon Cabo and Fernandes Guimar{\~a}es, Ana Helena and Silva, Maria Rita}, title = {Exploring S-type orbits in the Pluto-Charon binary system}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16302.x}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This work generates, through a sample of numerical simulations of the restricted three-body problem, diagrams of semimajor axis and eccentricity which defines stable and unstable zones for particles in S-type orbits around Pluto and Charon. Since we consider initial conditions with 0 <= e <= 0.99, we found several new stable regions. We also identified the nature of each one of these newly found stable regions. They are all associated to families of periodic orbits derived from the planar circular restricted three-body problem. We have shown that a possible eccentricity of the Pluto-Charon system slightly reduces, but does not destroy, any of the stable regions.}, language = {en} } @article{SenthilkumarMuruganandamLakshmanan2010, author = {Senthilkumar, Dharmapuri Vijayan and Muruganandam, Paulsamy and Lakshmanan, Muthusamy}, title = {Scaling and synchronization in a ring of diffusively coupled nonlinear oscillators}, issn = {1539-3755}, doi = {10.1103/Physreve.81.066219}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Chaos synchronization in a ring of diffusively coupled nonlinear oscillators driven by an external identical oscillator is studied. Based on numerical simulations we show that by introducing additional couplings at (mN(c) + 1)-th oscillators in the ring, where m is an integer and N-c is the maximum number of synchronized oscillators in the ring with a single coupling, the maximum number of oscillators that can be synchronized can be increased considerably beyond the limit restricted by size instability. We also demonstrate that there exists an exponential relation between the number of oscillators that can support stable synchronization in the ring with the external drive and the critical coupling strength epsilon(c) with a scaling exponent gamma. The critical coupling strength is calculated by numerically estimating the synchronization error and is also confirmed from the conditional Lyapunov exponents of the coupled systems. We find that the same scaling relation exists for m couplings between the drive and the ring. Further, we have examined the robustness of the synchronous states against Gaussian white noise and found that the synchronization error exhibits a power-law decay as a function of the noise intensity indicating the existence of both noise-enhanced and noise-induced synchronizations depending on the value of the coupling strength epsilon. In addition, we have found that epsilon(c) shows an exponential decay as a function of the number of additional couplings. These results are demonstrated using the paradigmatic models of Rossler and Lorenz oscillators.}, language = {en} } @article{ZhuStoyanovKofodetal.2010, author = {Zhu, Jian and Stoyanov, Hristiyan and Kofod, Guggi and Suo, Zhigang}, title = {Large deformation and electromechanical instability of a dielectric elastomer tube actuator}, issn = {0021-8979}, doi = {10.1063/1.3490186}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This paper theoretically analyzes a dielectric elastomer tube actuator (DETA). Subject to a voltage difference between the inner and outer surfaces, the actuator reduces in thickness and expands in length, so that the same voltage will induce an even higher electric field. This positive feedback may cause the actuator to thin down drastically, resulting in electrical breakdown. We obtain an analytical solution of the actuator undergoing finite deformation when the elastomer obeys the neo-Hookean model. The critical strain of actuation is calculated in terms of various parameters of design. We also discuss the effect of the strain-stiffening on electromechanical behavior of DETAs by using the model of freely joined links. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3490186]}, language = {en} } @article{ZunkovicProsen2010, author = {Zunkovic, Bojan and Prosen, Tomaz}, title = {Explicit solution of the Lindblad equation for nearly isotropic boundary driven XY spin 1/2 chain}, issn = {1742-5468}, doi = {10.1088/1742-5468/2010/08/P08016}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Explicit solution for the two-point correlation function in a non-equilibrium steady state of a nearly isotropic boundary driven open XY spin 1/2 chain in the Lindblad formulation is provided. A non-equilibrium quantum phase transition from exponentially decaying correlations to long range order is discussed analytically. In the regime of long range order a new phenomenon of correlation resonances is reported, where the correlation response of the system is unusually high for certain discrete values of the external bulk parameter, e.g. the magnetic field.}, language = {en} } @article{ZykovBordyugovLentzetal.2010, author = {Zykov, Vladimir and Bordyugov, Grigory and Lentz, Hartmut and Engel, Harald}, title = {Hysteresis phenomenon in the dynamics of spiral waves rotating around a hole}, issn = {0167-2789}, doi = {10.1016/j.physd.2009.07.018}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Hysteresis in the pinning-depinning transitions of spiral waves rotating around a hole in a circular shaped two- dimensional excitable medium is studied both by use of the continuation software AUTO and by direct numerical integration of the reaction-diffusion equations for the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. In order to clarify the role of different factors in this phenomenon, a kinematical description is applied. It is found that the hysteresis phenomenon computed for the reaction-diffusion model can be reproduced qualitatively only when a nonlinear eikonal equation (i.e. velocity- curvature relationship) is assumed. However, to obtain quantitative agreement, the dispersion relation has to be taken into account.}, language = {en} } @article{Hamann2010, author = {Hamann, Wolf-Rainer}, title = {Stellar winds from hot low-mass stars}, issn = {0004-640X}, doi = {10.1007/s10509-010-0344-8}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Stellar winds appear as a persistent feature of hot stars, irrespective of their wide range of different luminosities, masses, and chemical composition. Among the massive stars, the Wolf-Rayet types show considerably stronger mass loss than the O stars. Among hot low-mass stars, stellar winds are seen at central stars of planetary nebulae, where again the hydrogen-deficient stars show much stronger winds than those central stars with "normal" composition. We also studied mass-loss from a few extreme helium stars and sdOs. Their mass-loss rate roughly follows the same proportionality with luminosity to the power 1.5 as the massive O stars. This relation roughly marks a lower limit for the mass loss from hot stars of all kinds, and provides evidence that radiation pressure on spectral lines is the basic mechanism at work. For certain classes of stars the mass-loss rates lie significantly above this relation, for reasons that are not yet fully understood. Mass loss from low-mass stars may affect their evolution, by reducing the envelope mass, and can easily prevent diffusion from establishing atmospheric abundance patterns. In close binary systems, their winds can feed the accretion onto a companion.}, language = {en} } @article{GrossEisert2010, author = {Gross, David and Eisert, Jens}, title = {Quantum computational webs}, issn = {1050-2947}, doi = {10.1103/Physreva.82.040303}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We discuss the notion of quantum computational webs: These are quantum states universal for measurement-based computation, which can be built up from a collection of simple primitives. The primitive elements-reminiscent of building blocks in a construction kit-are (i) one-dimensional states (computational quantum wires) with the power to process one logical qubit and (ii) suitable couplings, which connect the wires to a computationally universal web. All elements are preparable by nearest-neighbor interactions in a single pass, of the kind accessible in a number of physical architectures. We provide a complete classification of qubit wires, a physically well-motivated class of universal resources that can be fully understood. Finally, we sketch possible realizations in superlattices and explore the power of coupling mechanisms based on Ising or exchange interactions.}, language = {en} } @article{GrossLiuFlammiaetal.2010, author = {Gross, David and Liu, Yi-Kai and Flammia, Steven T. and Becker, Stephen and Eisert, Jens}, title = {Quantum state tomography via compressed sensing}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/Physrevlett.105.150401}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We establish methods for quantum state tomography based on compressed sensing. These methods are specialized for quantum states that are fairly pure, and they offer a significant performance improvement on large quantum systems. In particular, they are able to reconstruct an unknown density matrix of dimension d and rank r using O(rdlog(2)d) measurement settings, compared to standard methods that require d(2) settings. Our methods have several features that make them amenable to experimental implementation: they require only simple Pauli measurements, use fast convex optimization, are stable against noise, and can be applied to states that are only approximately low rank. The acquired data can be used to certify that the state is indeed close to pure, so no a priori assumptions are needed.}, language = {en} } @article{GrossMuellerColbecketal.2010, author = {Gross, David and Mueller, Markus and Colbeck, Roger and Dahlsten, Oscar C. O.}, title = {All reversible dynamics in maximally nonlocal theories are trivial}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/Physrevlett.104.080402}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A remarkable feature of quantum theory is nonlocality ( Bell inequality violations). However, quantum correlations are not maximally nonlocal, and it is natural to ask whether there are compelling reasons for rejecting theories in which stronger violations are possible. To shed light on this question, we consider post-quantum theories in which maximally nonlocal states ( nonlocal boxes) occur. We show that reversible transformations in such theories are trivial: they consist solely of local operations and permutations of systems. In particular, no correlations can be created; nonlocal boxes cannot be prepared from product states and classical computers can efficiently simulate all such processes.}, language = {en} } @article{GvaramadzeKniazevHamannetal.2010, author = {Gvaramadze, Vasily V. and Kniazev, Alexei Y. and Hamann, Wolf-Rainer and Berdnikov, Leonid N. and Fabrika, Sergei Nikolaevich and Valeev, Azamat F.}, title = {A new Wolf-Rayet star and its circumstellar nebula in Aquila}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.16126.x}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We report the discovery of a new Wolf-Rayet star in Aquila via detection of its circumstellar nebula (reminiscent of ring nebulae associated with late WN stars) using the Spitzer Space Telescope archival data. Our spectroscopic follow-up of the central point source associated with the nebula showed that it is a WN7h star (we named it WR121b). We analysed the spectrum of WR 121b by using the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet model atmospheres, obtaining a stellar temperature of similar or equal to 50 kK. The stellar wind composition is dominated by helium with similar to 20 per cent of hydrogen. The stellar spectrum is highly reddened [E(B - V) = 2.85 mag]. Adopting an absolute magnitude of M-v = 5.7, the star has a luminosity of log L/L-circle dot = 5.75 and a mass-loss rate of 10(-4.7)M(circle dot)yr(-1), and resides at a distance of 6.3 kpc. We searched for a possible parent cluster of WR 121b and found that this star is located at similar or equal to 1 degrees from the young star cluster embedded in the giant HII region W43 (containing a WN7+a/OB? star - WR121a). We also discovered a bow shock around the O9.5III star ALS 9956, located at similar or equal to 0 degrees.5 from the cluster. We discuss the possibility that WR121b and ALS 9956 are runaway stars ejected from the cluster in W43.}, language = {en} }