@article{Russell2022, author = {Russell, Eric-John}, title = {Nada es ya lo contrario de nada : la sociedad del espect{\´a}culo de Guy Debord hoy}, series = {Constelaciones : Revista de Teor{\´i}a Cr{\´i}tica}, volume = {14}, journal = {Constelaciones : Revista de Teor{\´i}a Cr{\´i}tica}, publisher = {Departament de Filosof{\´i}a, Universitat de les Illes Balears}, address = {Palma, Spanien}, issn = {2172-9506}, pages = {426 -- 434}, year = {2022}, language = {es} } @article{Kay2023, author = {Kay, Alex James}, title = {El exterminio de los cautivos del Ej{\´e}rcito Rojo}, series = {Desperta Ferro: Contempor{\´a}nea}, volume = {56}, journal = {Desperta Ferro: Contempor{\´a}nea}, publisher = {Desperta Ferro}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {2340-8820}, pages = {57 -- 60}, year = {2023}, abstract = {La Wehrmacht ten{\´i}a muy claro a qu{\´e} escala pod{\´i}a esperar capturar a las tropas sovi{\´e}ticas, pero aun as{\´i} descuid{\´o} los preparativos necesarios para alimentar y alojar a unos hombres que los planificadores econ{\´o}micos y los jefes militares consideraron que ser{\´i}an competidores directos de las fuerzas armadas en lo que a v{\´i}veres se refiere. Las obvias limitaciones a su libertad de movimiento y la relativa facilidad con la que grandes cantidades de ellos pudieron ser segregados y sus raciones controladas fueron factores cruciales a la hora de explicar la muerte de m{\´a}s de tres millones de prisioneros de guerra sovi{\´e}ticos, la inmensa mayor{\´i}a de ellos como consecuencia directa o indirecta del hambre y la desnutrici{\´o}n. El proceso se inici{\´o} con un claro desinter{\´e}s por encargarse debidamente de aquella gente, pero con la llegada del oto{\~n}o deriv{\´o} en la decisi{\´o}n clara y meditada de matar de hambre a todos los que no pudieran aportar su trabajo a la econom{\´i}a de guerra o a los ej{\´e}rcitos alemanes.}, language = {es} } @article{CarlaUhinkGarciaMorcillo2024, author = {Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Garc{\´i}a Morcillo, Marta}, title = {Problemas y desaf{\´i}os de la investigaci{\´o}n hist{\´o}rica sobre la corrupci{\´o}n}, series = {Eunom{\´i}a : Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad}, volume = {26}, journal = {Eunom{\´i}a : Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad}, publisher = {Madrid}, address = {Universidad Carlos III de Madrid}, issn = {2253-6655}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.20318/eunomia.2024.8506}, pages = {146 -- 164}, year = {2024}, abstract = {El art{\´i}culo analiza la corrupci{\´o}n como un fen{\´o}meno complejo y con frecuencia ambiguo, relacionado con comportamientos y mentalidades individuales y colectivas, que son percibidos como ileg{\´i}timos o inmorales y, por lo tanto, desviados de normas establecidas. M{\´a}s all{\´a} de un acercamiento reduccionista u objetivista a lugares comunes de la corrupci{\´o}n pol{\´i}tica, o a delitos tipificados por la ley, esta contribuci{\´o}n pretende destacar la relevancia del an{\´a}lisis hist{\´o}rico del discurso en el estudio del tema. Este enfoque nos permite reconstruir contextos en los que se identifica la corrupci{\´o}n, as{\´i} como analizar relatos, no siempre un{\´a}nimes, sobre estas pr{\´a}cticas. El trabajo se adentra en una {\´e}poca lejana, pero a la vez cercana a nuestro tiempo, el {\´u}ltimo siglo la Rep{\´u}blica romana. La evidencia nos permite evaluar cr{\´i}ticamente aspectos fundamentales de la construcci{\´o}n ret{\´o}rica de la corrupci{\´o}n y de sus zonas grises, como la distinci{\´o}n, a menudo borrosa, entre regalo y soborno.}, language = {es} } @article{UthVanrell2023, author = {Uth, Melanie and Vanrell, Maria del Mar}, title = {Multiling{\"u}ismo y turismo}, series = {Energeia : online journal for linguistics, language philosophy and history of linguistics}, volume = {VIII}, journal = {Energeia : online journal for linguistics, language philosophy and history of linguistics}, publisher = {Romanisches Seminar der Universit{\"a}t Z{\"u}rich}, address = {Z{\"u}rich}, issn = {1869-4233}, pages = {104 -- 130}, year = {2023}, abstract = {El turismo es un fen{\´o}meno territorial de contacto ling{\"u}{\´i}stico-cultural que tiene impactos significativos tanto en las sociedades receptoras como, aunque en menor medida, en las sociedades de origen de los turistas. Adem{\´a}s de las repercusiones territoriales y medioambientales, la pr{\´a}ctica tur{\´i}stica deja su huella en la cultura, la sociodemograf{\´i}a y la identidad de los destinos tur{\´i}sticos. Este trabajo aborda la relaci{\´o}n entre el turismo y el multiling{\"u}ismo, comparando el litoral del estado de Quintana Roo, en la pen{\´i}nsula de Yucat{\´a}n, M{\´e}xico, con la isla de Mallorca. Nuestro objetivo principal es identificar tanto los puntos en com{\´u}n como las diferencias entre las dos regiones en el marco de los aspectos socioling{\"u}{\´i}sticos mencionados anteriormente. Esto nos permitir{\´a} distinguir las din{\´a}micas ling{\"u}{\´i}sticas regionales relacionadas con el turismo, por un lado, de aquellas din{\´a}micas que operan a nivel global o transatl{\´a}ntico, por el otro. De esta manera, esperamos contribuir a un entendimiento m{\´a}s profundo de las din{\´a}micas socioling{\"u}{\´i}sticas caracter{\´i}sticas de cada uno de los dos contextos y establecer las bases para futuros trabajos de tipo emp{\´i}rico.}, language = {es} } @article{UthBlestelSanchezMoreano2024, author = {Uth, Melanie and Blestel, {\´E}lodie and S{\´a}nchez Moreano, Santiago}, title = {Labialization of final nasals}, series = {Forma y funci{\´o}n}, volume = {37}, journal = {Forma y funci{\´o}n}, number = {1}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas}, address = {Bogot{\´a}}, issn = {2256-5469}, doi = {10.15446/fyf.v37n1.104644}, pages = {1 -- 25}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Comparamos la labializaci{\´o}n no asimiladora de nasales finales en espa{\~n}ol en tres corpus de espa{\~n}ol americano (mexicano, colombiano y paraguayo). Si bien es conocida la labializaci{\´o}n no asimiladora en espa{\~n}ol yucateco, es en gran parte desconocida en otras regiones de habla hispana, por lo que a menudo se atribuye a la influencia maya. Ahora bien, se han se{\~n}alado casualmente h{\´a}bitos de pronunciaci{\´o}n similares tanto en Paraguay como en Colombia. Comparando emp{\´i}ricamente la labializaci{\´o}n en tres corpus constituidos sobre la misma base metodol{\´o}gica, concluimos que la evidencia a favor del contacto ling{\"u}{\´i}stico es como mucho sumamente indirecta. Independientemente de esto, encontramos que la diferencia m{\´a}s marcada es que la tasa de labializaci{\´o}n parece ser determinada por la duraci{\´o}n de la pausa subsiguiente en los datos de la pen{\´i}nsula yucateca, mas no en aquellos de Colombia y Paraguay. Argumentamos que es cierto que el contacto puede eventualmente haber desencadenado el desarrollo de este rasgo en el espa{\~n}ol yucateco, puesto que el espa{\~n}ol actual casi no conoce nasales labiales finales, pero el maya s{\´i}. Sin embargo, el perfil ling{\"u}{\´i}stico (hablantes monoling{\"u}es vs. biling{\"u}es) no tiene ning{\´u}n efecto en nuestros datos yucatecos y paraguayos, y en el total de nuestros datos tampoco encontramos evidencia en favor de la hip{\´o}tesis que el contacto ling{\"u}{\´i}stico hubiera jugado un rol (importante) en el desarrollo de las labiales nasales en las tres variedades.}, language = {es} } @article{WachsWettsteinBilzetal.2022, author = {Wachs, Sebastian and Wettstein, Alexander and Bilz, Ludwig and Gamez-Guadix, Manuel}, title = {Motivos del discurso de odio en la adolescencia y su relaci{\´o}n con las normas sociales}, series = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, volume = {30}, journal = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, number = {71}, publisher = {Grupo Comunicar}, address = {Huelva}, issn = {1134-3478}, doi = {10.3916/C71-2022-01}, pages = {9 -- 20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Hate speech has become a widespread phenomenon, however, it remains largely unclear why adolescents engage in it and which factors are associated with their motivations for perpetrating hate speech. To this end, we developed the multidimensional "Motivations for Hate Speech Perpetration Scale" (MHATE) and evaluated the psychometric properties. We also explored the associations between social norms and adolescents' motivations for hate speech perpetration. The sample consisted of 346 adolescents from Switzerland (54.6\% boys; Mage=14; SD=0.96) who reported engagement in hate speech as perpetrators. The analyses revealed good psychometric properties for the MHATE, including good internal consistency. The most frequently endorsed subscale was revenge, followed by ideology, group conformity, status enhancement, exhilaration, and power. The results also showed that descriptive norms and peer pressure were related to a wide range of different motivations for perpetrating hate speech. Injunctive norms, however, were only associated with power. In conclusion, findings indicate that hate speech fulfills various functions. We argue that knowing the specific motivations that underlie hate speech could help us derive individually tailored prevention strategies (e.g., anger management, promoting an inclusive classroom climate). Furthermore, we suggest that practitioners working in the field of hate speech prevention give special attention to social norms surrounding adolescents.}, language = {es} } @article{WrightWachsGamezGuadix2021, author = {Wright, Michelle F. and Wachs, Sebastian and G{\´a}mez-Guadix, Manuel}, title = {J{\´o}venes ante el ciberodio}, series = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, volume = {29}, journal = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, number = {67}, publisher = {Grupo Comunicar}, address = {Huelva}, issn = {1134-3478}, doi = {10.3916/C67-2021-02}, pages = {21 -- 33}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adolescents around the world are increasingly exposed to cyberhate. More knowledge is needed to understand how adolescents cope with cyberhate and how they can be supported when exposed. To this end, the present study investigated the associations between parental mediation of Internet use and adolescents' problem-focused coping strategies for hypothetical cyberhate victimization while considering family support as a moderator of these relationships. The sample consisted of self-reports of 5,960 adolescents between 12-18 years old (M=14.94; SD=1.61; females: 50.7\%) from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, India, Spain, South Korea, and Thailand. A structural equation model was used to investigate the relationship among parental mediation, family support, and coping with cyberhate. Findings showed a positive relationship between instructive parental mediation and adolescents' problem-focused coping strategies, and a negative relationship between restrictive parental mediation and adolescents' capability to cope productively with cyberhate. In addition, family support strengthened the positive relationship between instructive parental mediation and adolescents' use of coping strategies and attenuated the negative relationship between restrictive parental mediation and adolescents' use of coping strategies. The findings highlight the need for parental education training and underscore the importance of family support for increasing adolescents' ability to cope productively with cyberhate.}, language = {es} } @article{SanchezGarcia2020, author = {Sanchez Garcia, Maria Clemencia}, title = {Las unidades fraseol{\´o}gicas del parlache como elementos evocadores de la oralidad ficcional en la novela Rosario Tijeras, de Jorge Franco y su traducci{\´o}n al alem{\´a}n}, series = {Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica y literatura}, volume = {41}, journal = {Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica y literatura}, number = {77}, publisher = {Universidad de Antioquia}, address = {Medell{\´i}n}, issn = {0120-5587}, doi = {10.17533/udea.lyl.n77a17}, pages = {385 -- 409}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Este estudioanaliz{\´o}c{\´o}mose evoca la oralidad ficcional en la novela Rosario Tijerasa trav{\´e}s de la variaci{\´o}n ling{\"u}{\´i}stica. Para ello, se analiz{\´o}un corpus de veinteunidades fraseol{\´o}gicas presentes en la novela y su traducci{\´o}n al alem{\´a}n. En esta novela negra, el autor recurri{\´o}a un lenguaje coloquial llamado parlache. Este art{\´i}culo, por tanto,se pretender{\´a} establecer c{\´o}mo estas unidades fraseol{\´o}gicas t{\´i}picas del parlachecontribuyerona la construcci{\´o}n de un di{\´a}logo hablado veros{\´i}mil, adem{\´a}s de determinar las divergencias de traducci{\´o}n y profundizar en la descripci{\´o}n de la variaci{\´o}n ling{\"u}{\´i}stica a trav{\´e}s de las unidades fraseol{\´o}gicas.}, language = {es} } @article{FaberBarcelo2011, author = {Faber, Eike and Barcelo, Pedro}, title = {Sobre los or{\´i}genes y la evaluaci{\´o}n de los Germanos en la literatura alemana de los siglos XVI}, series = {Revista de historiograf{\´i}a : rivista semestral}, volume = {15}, journal = {Revista de historiograf{\´i}a : rivista semestral}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universidad Carlos III}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1885-2718}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Los conceptos que ten{\´i}an los habitantes del Sacro Imperio Romano sobre la naci{\´o}n germana respecto a su filiaci{\´o}n {\´e}tnica y sus or{\´i}genes cambian a partir del inicio de la historia moderna. A trav{\´e}s del an{\´a}lisis de los ejemplos m{\´a}s relevantes el presente estudio traza las l{\´i}neas maestras de este proceso de apropiaci{\´o}n e interpretci{\´o}n del pasado que empieza con la recepci{\´o}n de la Germania de T{\´a}cito por los escritores humanistas y se prolonga a lo largo de los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX.}, language = {es} } @article{Minnes2020, author = {Minnes, Mark}, title = {M{\´a}s all{\´a} de la oscuridad}, series = {RILCE : revista de filolog{\´i}a hisp{\´a}nica obalizaci{\´o}n moderna}, volume = {36}, journal = {RILCE : revista de filolog{\´i}a hisp{\´a}nica obalizaci{\´o}n moderna}, number = {1}, publisher = {Ediciones Universidad de Navarra}, address = {Pamplona}, issn = {0213-2370}, doi = {10.15581/}, pages = {387 -- 406}, year = {2020}, abstract = {En los {\´u}ltimos a{\~n}os, la cr{\´i}tica ha vuelto a enfatizar el v{\´i}nculo de la escritura gongorina la {\´e}pica y los subg{\´e}neros denominados "heroicos" (Mercedes Blanco, Jes{\´u}s Ponce C{\´a}rdenas). Esta nueva perspectiva significa un cambio importante respecto a la recepci{\´o}n del poeta instaurada por la Generaci{\´o}n del 27 y en particular por D{\´a}maso Alonso. Limit{\´a}ndose a las Soledades de G{\´o}ngora, el presente art{\´i}culo explora las consecuencias de este nuevo paradigma, m{\´a}s all{\´a} de un G{\´o}ngora puramente l{\´i}rico. Metodol{\´o}gicamente, proponemos dejar atr{\´a}s la dial{\´e}ctica idealista o marxista de forma-contenido (la ideolog{\´i}a de la forma de Fredric Jameson), por considerarla un enfoque anacr{\´o}nico en el caso de G{\´o}ngora. Sin embargo, encontramos un acercamiento filol{\´o}gico viable en el compromiso de la forma del temprano Barthes, que trata de esquivar la dial{\´e}ctica de forma-contenido y volver a un gesto de escritura ({\´e}criture). La hip{\´o}tesis del presente art{\´i}culo ser{\´i}a, pues, que no se ha reflexionado suficientemente sobre el gesto de la escritura gongorina en las Soledades: una escritura que piratea el lenguaje {\´e}pico.}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2020, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Mi primera lectura acad{\´e}mica}, series = {{\´A}labe : Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n sobre Lectura y Escritura}, journal = {{\´A}labe : Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n sobre Lectura y Escritura}, number = {22}, publisher = {Universidad de Almer{\´i}a}, address = {Almer{\´i}a}, issn = {2171-9624}, doi = {10.15645/Alabe2020.22.13}, pages = {4}, year = {2020}, language = {es} } @article{Prieto2021, author = {Prieto, Julio}, title = {Un dandy de zapatos gastados}, series = {Chasqui : revista de literatura latinoamericana}, volume = {51}, journal = {Chasqui : revista de literatura latinoamericana}, number = {1}, publisher = {Arizona State University}, address = {Tempe}, issn = {0145-8973}, pages = {389 -- 407}, year = {2021}, abstract = {El comienzo podr{\´i}an ser dos im{\´a}genes de Vallejo en Par{\´i}s. La primera la extraigo de la m{\´a}s reciente biograf{\´i}a del escritor peruano, C{\´e}sar Vallejo: A Literary Biography, obra del hispanista brit{\´a}nico Stephen Hart. Refiere Hart que en sus primeros a{\~n}os en Par{\´i}s la situaci{\´o}n de Vallejo era tan precaria que cuando viajaba en tren evitaba descender del vag{\´o}n hasta que no se hubiera detenido del todo para no desgastar su {\´u}nico par de zapatos. En cierta ocasi{\´o}n, yendo con unos amigos y top{\´a}ndose con una acera encharcada por la ruptura de una boca de riego, Vallejo prefiri{\´o} dar media vuelta y despedirse de sus amigos antes que arriesgarse a arruinar sus zapatos atravesando el charco (108). Quisiera contrastar esta imagen, que sintetiza la penuria econ{\´o}mica que marc{\´o} la vida de Vallejo en Par{\´i}s y en general los quince a{\~n}os que pas{\´o} en Europa desde que abandon{\´o} el Per{\´u} en 1923 hasta su muerte en 1938, con la imagen que propone una fotograf{\´i}a (v{\´e}ase Fig. 1). Es una fotograf{\´i}a muy conocida: tomada en 1929 por Juan Domingo C{\´o}rdoba en el curso de un paseo veraniego por Versalles, se ha convertido en una suerte de imagen emblem{\´a}tica, reproducida en numerosas reediciones de la obra de Vallejo. De hecho, lo que a m{\´i} siempre me llam{\´o} la atenci{\´o}n en esta imagen es la pose. La pose, y la elegancia del atuendo. Consideremos por un momento lo atildado del traje, el coqueto pa{\~n}uelo que asoma del bolsillo superior de la chaqueta, el anillo con un {\´a}gata negra engastada en el dedo coraz{\´o}n, el sombrero de fieltro dejado al desgaire en la pierna, el se{\~n}orial bast{\´o}n—o la corbata anudada en pajarita con que aparece en otra fotograf{\´i}a contempor{\´a}nea (v{\´e}ase Fig. 2). Si hubiera que definir en una palabra la elegancia de esa pose, yo dir{\´i}a que es la pose de un dandy. Un dandy de zapatos gastados. En los m{\´u}ltiples transtierros de Vallejo, y en particular en los quince a{\~n}os que vivi{\´o} en Par{\´i}s, coexisten as{\´i} pues la precariedad econ{\´o}mica del emigrante y el cosmopolitismo del viajero culto.}, language = {es} } @article{Leon2020, author = {Le{\´o}n, Ena Mercedes Matienzo}, title = {Observaciones sobre el clima de Lima y sus influencias en los seres organizados, en especial el hombre}, series = {Iberoamericana}, volume = {20}, journal = {Iberoamericana}, number = {74}, publisher = {Vervuert}, address = {Frankfurt, Main}, issn = {1577-3388}, doi = {10.18441/ibam.20.2020.74.279-394}, pages = {305 -- 308}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Una extraordinaria edici{\´o}n actualizada de Observaciones sobre el clima de Lima y sus influencias en los seres organizados, en especial el hombre de Jos{\´e} Hip{\´o}lito Unanue y Pav{\´o}n ha sido publicado en el 2018 y merece ser anunciado a la comunidad acad{\´e}mica peruana e internacional. Este libro incluye un exhaustivo estudio in troductorio del destacado historiador Lizardo Seiner Liz{\´a}rraga. Esta introducci{\´o}n est{\´a} conformada de tres partes encabezadas por los siguientes t{\´i}tulos: a) Unanue: una historiograf{\´i}a de amplio espectro b) Textos, registros y referencias: una indagaci{\´o}n en la biblioteca de Unanue y c) Observaciones sobre el clima de Lima: una obra en dos tiempos.}, language = {es} } @article{CuadrovonHagenCostaBall2017, author = {Cuadro, Ariel and von Hagen, Alexa and Costa Ball, Daniel}, title = {Procedural differences in the calculation of the prevalence of reading difficulties in Spanish-speaking school children}, series = {Studies in psychology}, volume = {38}, journal = {Studies in psychology}, number = {1}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {0210-9395}, doi = {10.1080/02109395.2016.1268388}, pages = {169 -- 197}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The prevalence of reading difficulties (RD) reflects controversial data ranging from 3.1-3.2\% to 17.5\%. Possible explanations are partly based on the incidence of orthography-specific factors influencing the reading process, but also on methodological differences that hinder comparison of the reported results. For this reason, the present study aims to analyse the prevalence of RD in a sample of 1,408 Spanish-speaking school children by comparing different ways of calculating the prevalence rate. The results reflect a prevalence of 2.2-5.3\%, consistent with data reported for predominantly transparent orthographies. Some of the procedures used to identify RD are more accurate in early school years than at more advanced moments of schooling. Furthermore, the consideration of students' sex when calculating the prevalence of RD seems to represent a more sensitive way of identifying students with RD.}, language = {es} } @article{Genazzano2020, author = {Genazzano, Pablo}, title = {Rezension zu: Rogozinski, Jacob: Kanten. Esbozos kantianos Trad. Francisco Caja y Nemrod Carrasco. - Barcelona: Los Libros del T{\´a}bano, 2016. - 257 p. - ISBN: 978-84-615-4918-4}, series = {Convivium : revista de filosof{\´i}a}, volume = {33}, journal = {Convivium : revista de filosof{\´i}a}, number = {33}, publisher = {Universitat de Barcelona}, address = {Barcelona}, issn = {0010-8235}, pages = {201 -- 206}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Los Libros del T{\´a}bano estrena su carrera editorial con la traducci{\´o}n de Kanten. Esbozos kantianos , un conjunto de ensayos escritos por Jacob Ro - gozinski entre los a{\~n}os ochenta y noventa que se remontan a los aspectos menos estudiados, pero que, ir{\´o}nicamente, resultan ser los m{\´a}s problem{\´a} - ticos de la filosof{\´i}a de Kant. Rogozinski va a los Kanten (palabra alemana que designa los cantos, las esquinas o los bordes de un objeto) para elabo - rar el camino de un «retorno a Kant». Pero este retorno corre en direcci{\´o}n inversa a la de una cl{\´a}sica reconstrucci{\´o}n o estudio, siempre determinado por la intenci{\´o}n de dar una «imagen global» del pensamiento kantiano; lo que tenemos enfrente es una lectura a contrapelo.}, language = {es} } @article{Prieto2021, author = {Prieto, Julio}, title = {'La poes{\´i}a no da para tanto'}, series = {Bulletin of Hispanic studies : a record and review of their progress / The University of Liverpool}, volume = {98}, journal = {Bulletin of Hispanic studies : a record and review of their progress / The University of Liverpool}, number = {1}, publisher = {Liverpool Univ. Press}, address = {Liverpool}, issn = {1475-3839}, doi = {10.3828/bhs.2021.5}, pages = {67 -- 86}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article focuses on the unique combination of poetry, fiction and autobiography that distinguishes Lorenzo Garcia Vega's recent work. Through a reading of this work and, in particular, of the 'bad novel', Devastacion del Hotel San Luis (2007), a rethinking of the concept of autofiction is proposed, based on Benveniste's linguistic analysis of enunciation modes and on a revision of Kate Hamburger's theory of literary genres. My reading situates the question of autofiction in this author in the context of his conflictive dialogue with the group Origenes, tracing the mixture of narrative and lyrical modes of autofiguration in Garcia Vega's unique project: rewriting both Proust's autobiographic narrative and Lezama's neobaroque poetics.}, language = {es} } @article{UncetaGomezCarlaUhinkFreitag2022, author = {Unceta G{\´o}mez, Luis and Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Freitag, Florian}, title = {De h{\´e}roes y efebos. El mundo cl{\´a}sico en la fotograf{\´i}a de desnudo masculino contempor{\´a}neo. Entrevista a Carmelo Bl{\´a}zquez}, series = {thersites 14}, volume = {2022}, journal = {thersites 14}, number = {14}, editor = {Amb{\"u}hl, Annemarie and Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Rollinger, Christian and Walde, Christine}, issn = {2364-7612}, doi = {10.34679/thersites.vol14.208}, pages = {103 -- 120}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Entrevista a Carmelo Bl{\´a}zquez, fot{\´o}grafo especializado en fotograf{\´i}a de desnudo masculino, que trabaja con motivos y modelos procedentes de la Antig{\"u}edad grecolatina.}, language = {es} } @article{Soto2018, author = {Soto, Paulina}, title = {Una reeducaci{\´o}n cr{\´i}tica: emergencia de revistas literarias digitales chilenas en el transcurso de la primera d{\´e}cada del siglo XXI}, series = {Estudios Avanzados}, journal = {Estudios Avanzados}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH)}, address = {Santiago}, issn = {0718-5022}, pages = {121 -- 137}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Para inicios del siglo XXI se instalan nuevos medios de cr{\´i}tica literaria a trav{\´e}s de soportes digitales. Estas publicaciones tensionan un campo letrado chileno que enfrenta cuestionamientos. Gestionadas mayoritariamente por creadores precedentes de la generaci{\´o}n del 90, producen reaproximaciones a la cultura letrada. El objetivo es desafiar din{\´a}micas de interacci{\´o}n lectora heredadas vinculadas a las luces patria, desarrollistas, de tipo linear y ciegas a la heterogeneidad cultural vivida en la {\´e}poca. El proceso comprende, de tal modo, una reeducaci{\´o}n cr{\´i}tica centrada en ensayar po{\´e}ticas de productividad anal{\´i}tico-literarias heter{\´o}clitas. Se trata de una interacci{\´o}n lectora diversa, sujeta a ret{\´o}ricas {\´i}ntimas de apreciaci{\´o}n est{\´e}tica, que ponen en cuesti{\´o}n las nociones tradicionales mayoritariamente instructiva de la cultura chilena.}, language = {es} } @article{RodriguezQuilesyGarcia2018, author = {Rodr{\´i}guez-Quiles y Garc{\´i}a, Jose A.}, title = {Music as a rhizome}, series = {Revista musical chilena}, volume = {72}, journal = {Revista musical chilena}, number = {229}, publisher = {Universidad de Chile, Faculty of Arts}, address = {Santiago}, issn = {0716-2790}, doi = {10.4067/s0716-27902018000100139}, pages = {139 -- 150}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This work seeks to lay the foundations for a new music education epistemology inspired by the text A Thousand Plateaus by the Frenchmen Deleuze and Guattari. Contemplating music as a rhizome and the music classroom as a rhizomorphic system allows the properties of music making to be analyzed as part of a decentralized system of interactions between performative forces that transcend the music score (in the traditional sense of the score being the principal and only monument considered as part of the curriculum). In this way it distances itself from the imaginary museum and its ideologists. Understanding the music classroom as a social performative space permits the characteristics of rhizomorphic systems to be studied in this field. With the help of the principles of connection, heterogeneity, multiplicity, asignifying ruptures and map making, the universals of classical musicology are confirmed to not be valid when used as a single reference point applied in educational contexts.}, language = {es} } @article{Hennemann2020, author = {Hennemann, Anja}, title = {Tal vez es x vs. Tal ves sea X. Construcciones de probabilidad y el uso de los modos}, series = {Romanica Olomucensia}, volume = {32}, journal = {Romanica Olomucensia}, number = {1}, publisher = {Univerzita Palack{\´e}ho v Olomouci}, address = {Olomouc}, issn = {1803-4136}, doi = {10.5507/ro.2020.003}, pages = {51 -- 71}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper is concerned with constructions that express probability and their interaction with the indicative and subjunctive mood, as well as with other contextual elements. In detail, the paper deals with the constructions [sin duda + indicative/subjunctive], [tal vez + indicative/subjunctive], [probablemente + indicative/subjunctive] and [posiblemente + indicative/subjunctive]. In their interaction with mood, the constructions are understood as different microconstructions. For example, [sin duda + indicative] and [sin duda + subjunctive] are seen as different microconstructions of the superordinate mesoconstruction [modal construction (of probability) + verb]. In a qualitative analysis examples from the CREA, CORPES XXI, and CdE corpora are examined regarding the interaction of [expression of probability] + [mood]. Following the Principle of No Synonymy of Grammatical Forms, the analysis confirms that the use of mood additionally influences the expressed degree of probability of the constructions. For instance, while probablemente generally expresses a slightly higher probability than posiblemente, a fine-tuned analysis shows that the expressed degrees of probability of [probablemente + subjunctive] and [posiblemente + indicative] are highly similar. This is also often confirmed by further contextual information. In summary, the paper shows that Cognitive Construction Grammar is a very suitable background against which to investigate modal phenomena, as cognitive approaches generally deal with the ways in which language users conceptualize the world from their own point of view, and as expressions of modality, more precisely, probability, are also closely related to speakers' attitudes or perspectives.}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2020, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Siempre me ha ispirado horror pensar el mundo desde una sola perspectiva}, series = {Chuy : revista de estudios literarios latinoamericanos}, volume = {8}, journal = {Chuy : revista de estudios literarios latinoamericanos}, number = {julio}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional}, address = {Buenos Aires}, pages = {170 -- 176}, year = {2020}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2020, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Escritura breve y estructura relacional}, series = {Vivir lo breve : nanofilolog{\´i}a y microformatos en las letras y culturas hisp{\´a}nicas contempor{\´a}neas}, journal = {Vivir lo breve : nanofilolog{\´i}a y microformatos en las letras y culturas hisp{\´a}nicas contempor{\´a}neas}, editor = {Ette, Ottmar and S{\´a}nchez, Yvette}, publisher = {Iberoamericana}, address = {Madrid}, isbn = {978-3-96869-038-4}, pages = {303 -- 339}, year = {2020}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2020, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Mi primera lectura acad{\´e}mica: "Mimesis", de Erich Auerbach}, series = {Alabe : Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n sobre Lectura y Escritura}, volume = {22}, journal = {Alabe : Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n sobre Lectura y Escritura}, number = {julio-diciembre}, issn = {2171-9624}, pages = {4}, year = {2020}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2017, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Entre Mundos. Cornelius de Pauw, Federico II. y el Nuevo Mundo o: El sentidodel poder, el poder sobre el sentido y el poder de los sentidos}, series = {Entre los mundos: homenaje a Pedro Barcel{\´o} = Zwischen den Welten : Festschrift f{\"u}r Pedro Barcel{\´o}}, journal = {Entre los mundos: homenaje a Pedro Barcel{\´o} = Zwischen den Welten : Festschrift f{\"u}r Pedro Barcel{\´o}}, publisher = {Presses universitaires de Franche-Comt{\´e}}, address = {Besan{\c{c}}on}, isbn = {978-2-84867-578-7}, pages = {615 -- 654}, year = {2017}, language = {es} } @article{FerrerMaestroKunstHernandezdelaFuenteetal.2017, author = {Ferrer-Maestro, Juan Jos{\´e} and Kunst, Christiane and Hern{\´a}ndez de la Fuente, David and Faber, Eike}, title = {Pr{\´o}logo}, series = {Entre los mundos: homenaje a Pedro Barcel{\´o} = Zwischen den Welten : Festschrift f{\"u}r Pedro Barcel{\´o}}, journal = {Entre los mundos: homenaje a Pedro Barcel{\´o} = Zwischen den Welten : Festschrift f{\"u}r Pedro Barcel{\´o}}, publisher = {Presses universitaires de Franche-Comt{\´e}}, address = {Besan{\c{c}}on}, isbn = {978-2-84867-578-7}, pages = {13 -- 17}, year = {2017}, language = {es} } @article{Garcia2017, author = {Garcia, Francisca}, title = {Imaginer{\´i}a fotosensible: guadalupe santa cruz y la escritura con grabado}, series = {Pasavento : revista de estudios hisp{\´a}nicos}, volume = {5}, journal = {Pasavento : revista de estudios hisp{\´a}nicos}, publisher = {Universidad de Alcal{\´a}, Servicio Publicaciones}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {2255-4505}, pages = {53 -- 62}, year = {2017}, abstract = {A partir de la met{\´a}fora "imaginer{\´i}a fotosensible", el ensayo explora c{\´o}mo el fotograbado afecta la escritura de la autora chilena guadalupe santa Cruz. el grabado no solo implica aqu{\´i} una t{\´e}cnica art{\´i}stica, sino tambi{\´e}n una imaginaci{\´o}n cr{\´i}tica sobre el movimiento, las huellas y la memoria colectiva. la revisi{\´o}n del programa literario de la autora (ars poetica), permite afirmar que el grabado brinda la principal estrategia para activar la prosa y arraigar la palabra en el contexto de alienaci{\´o}n social generalizada en la post-dictadura chilena (d{\´e}cada del 90). Si bien planteo que la influencia de esta imaginaci{\´o}n del gra-bado est{\´a} presente en todo el proyecto literario de la autora, me centro en la revisi{\´o}n de dos novelas: Quebrada: las cordilleras en andas (2007) y la reciente-mente publicada y p{\´o}stuma Esta parcela (2015), las cuales incorporan una serie de im{\´a}genes impresas.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2020, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Pasigraf{\´i}a y antipasigraf{\´i}a a finales del siglo XVIII y a principios del siglo XIX}, volume = {41}, editor = {Calero Vaquerao, Mar{\´i}a Luisa}, publisher = {Infoling}, address = {Barcelona}, issn = {1139-8736}, pages = {169 -- 192}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In 1797 a rather short work appeared in Paris in two volumes, under the title Pasigraphie in both its French and German versions. The author, Joseph de Maimieux (1753-1820), is said to have coined the term pasigraphie. With the invention of pasigraphy, Maimieux pursued the goal of creating a conceptually based writing system that could be applied to all languages. In this way, a text written in this script could be read in all languages. The pasigraphic system is based on an a priori system of conceptual classification to which written characters are assigned. It is therefore initially an exclusively written language, on which Maimieux two years later also built a spoken language with the Pasilalie. The first arguments against the endeavour represented by the Pasigraphie were brought forward by Maimieux' immediate contemporaries, the ideologues. These objections were re-affirmed in particular by Johann Severin Vater. The decisive difference between Maimieux and his critics lies in the determination of the role of signs in the formation of concepts. While for Maimieux the signs only name the finished concepts, his critics argued that signs have a function in the constitution of the concepts. A universal language is therefore ultimately not possible, since there are no universal concepts and the individual languages lead to different conceptual structures.}, language = {es} } @article{Lenz2016, author = {Lenz, Markus Alexander}, title = {THINKING THE CONTEMPORARY BY THE LYRICAL: THE WORK OF NICANOR PARRA AND ROBERT BOLANO}, series = {Alea : estudos neolatinos}, volume = {18}, journal = {Alea : estudos neolatinos}, publisher = {Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Letras}, address = {Rio de Janeiro RJ}, issn = {1517-106X}, doi = {10.1590/1517-106X/182-313}, pages = {313 -- 328}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Two Chilean poets with equal and yet different conceptions of poetry: While Nicanor Parra is considered one of the most important Latin American lyricists of the 20th century, the poetry of novelist Roberto Bola{\~n}o only finds little attention in comparison to his highly successful prose. Yet both authors give constructive answers to the possible functions of contemporary poetry under an epistemology based upon materialism that affects language as emancipatory capacity of each human individual. A comparative reading of two volumes of their poetry, Parra's well known Poemas y antipoemas (1954) and Bola{\~n}o's last 'collection of poems' Tres (2000), does not only demonstrate some structural links. The urgent question concerning the benefits of literature among globalized societies, involving highly complex cultural and linguistic identities, could benefit from a revived awareness towards poetry as historically relative formalization of language, but also as an efficient instrument to reflect the restrictions of language in times of its economic and cultural-industrial standardization.}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2018, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Texto-isla y escritura archipi{\´e}lica}, series = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz ; International Review for Humboldtian Studies}, volume = {XVIII}, journal = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz ; International Review for Humboldtian Studies}, number = {35}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1617-5239}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-419270}, pages = {13 -- 24}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Alexander von Humboldts Manuskript „Isle de Cube. Antilles en g{\´e}n{\´e}ral" l{\"a}sst sich als Titel f{\"u}r ein ganzes Text-Archipel begreifen. Es fasziniert durch seine radikal offene Strukturierung und liefert uns eine Vorstellung vom Schreib- wie vielleicht mehr noch vom Denkmodell des Kultur- und Naturforschers. Die politische und soziale Komplexit{\"a}t der karibischen Inselwelt erfassen seine Textminiaturen relational und viellogisch. Sie machen ihn - zusammen mit seinen kubanischen Karten und dem Essai politique sur l'{\^i}le de Cuba - zu einem bedeutenden kubanischen Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2017, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {La semi{\´o}tica al inicio del siglo XX: condiciones de un cambio en la metodolog{\´i}a ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, series = {Bolet{\´i}n de la Sociedad Espa{\~n}ola de Historiograf{\´i}a Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica : BSEHL}, volume = {2017}, journal = {Bolet{\´i}n de la Sociedad Espa{\~n}ola de Historiograf{\´i}a Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica : BSEHL}, number = {11}, publisher = {SEHL}, address = {Valladolid}, issn = {1695-2030}, pages = {105 -- 121}, year = {2017}, abstract = {El centenario de la publicaci{\´o}n del Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general (1916) de Saussure nos ha invitado a reexaminar la importancia de esta obra para instaurar una ling{\"u}{\´i}stica integrada en la semiolog{\´i}a. Indudablemente la simplificaci{\´o}n de las ideas de Saussure y la exageraci{\´o}n de su concepto sist{\´e}mico del lenguaje llevadas a cabo por los editores Bally y Sechehaye han contribuido a la acogida exitosa de la obra. En esta contribuci{\´o}n, se propone, primero, introducir el concepto de 'series de textos', antes de analizar una serie "olvidada" y una nueva serie de obras por medio de las cuales se introdujeron conceptos semi{\´o}ticos en la {\´e}poca dominante de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica hist{\´o}rica. En el an{\´a}lisis de estas dos series se pondr{\´a} el foco en el concepto de la arbitrariedad del signo.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2017, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Intersecci{\´o}n entre la evidencialidad y la atenuaci{\´o}n: el pret{\´e}rito imperfecto evidencial y el futuro narrativo}, series = {Normas. Revista de estudios ling{\"u}{\´i}sticos hisp{\´a}nicos}, volume = {7}, journal = {Normas. Revista de estudios ling{\"u}{\´i}sticos hisp{\´a}nicos}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universidad de Valencia}, address = {Valencia}, issn = {2174-7245}, doi = {10.7203/normas.v7i2.9276}, pages = {19 -- 32}, year = {2017}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2017, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Saussure y su importancia en el desarrollo de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural}, series = {Revista Entornos}, volume = {29}, journal = {Revista Entornos}, number = {2}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, address = {Colombia}, issn = {0124-7905}, pages = {235 -- 255}, year = {2017}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2016, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {La inversiones del orden de palabras}, series = {Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, volume = {19}, journal = {Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, issn = {1989-4554}, pages = {35 -- 60}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Las teor{\´i}as sobre el orden de las palabras del siglo XVII han encontrado mucha repercusi{\´o}n en las investigaciones actuales sobre la estructura de la informaci{\´o}n. No obstante, estas alusiones tienden a ser inconscientes. ?'C{\´o}mo deben evaluar los histori{\´o}grafos tales similitudes, mucho m{\´a}s all{\´a} de determinar su continuidad? ?'Se pueden derivar tal vez conclusiones sobre este tema complejo, que es relevante en la discusi{\´o}n de hoy en d{\´i}a, tomando en cuenta las diversas posiciones opuestas y el intenso discurso del siglo XVIII?}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2016, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Saussure y su importancia en el desarrollo de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural}, series = {Revista Entornos : {\´O}rgano de divulgaci{\´o}n cient{\´i}fico, tecnol{\´o}gico y cultural de la Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, volume = {29}, journal = {Revista Entornos : {\´O}rgano de divulgaci{\´o}n cient{\´i}fico, tecnol{\´o}gico y cultural de la Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, number = {2}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, address = {Neiva}, issn = {0124-7905}, pages = {235 -- 255}, year = {2016}, abstract = {En esta contribuci{\´o}n se explicar{\´a} la influencia que tuvo el Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Ferdinand de Saussure en la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural, as{\´i} como el desarrollo de algunos conceptos prominentes en esta obra antes y despu{\´e}s de Saussure. El estructuralismo es un fen{\´o}meno que se ha caracterizado por ser una corriente importante de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica europea y americana del siglo XX. Se demostrar{\´a} que la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural no hace m{\´a}s que acentuar una actitud que ya se encontraba presente anteriormente en la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica y que todav{\´i}a sigue estando presente. Esto tambi{\´e}n se puede ver en Espa{\~n}a donde la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural no se puede explicar solamente como una importaci{\´o}n tard{\´i}a. Tambi{\´e}n se observar{\´a}, por el otro lado, que el pensamiento de Ferdinand de Saussure, considerado el fundador del estructuralismo, es menos opuesto a todo lo que se considera ajeno al estructuralismo. En esta contribuci{\´o}n me propongo hacer una revisi{\´o}n de los conceptos que se consideran iniciadores del estructuralismo. La publicaci{\´o}n de los manuscritos de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Saussure (2002) permite adquirir una visi{\´o}n m{\´a}s amplia y m{\´a}s detallada de los conceptos de las teor{\´i}as ling{\"u}{\´i}sticas en cuesti{\´o}n.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2015, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Ram{\´o}n Campos P{\´e}rez: un te{\´o}rico del lenguaje dejado en el olvido}, series = {Censuras, exclusiones y silencios en la historia de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica hisp{\´a}nica}, volume = {36}, journal = {Censuras, exclusiones y silencios en la historia de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica hisp{\´a}nica}, editor = {Calero Vaquero, Mar{\´i}a Luisa and Subirats R{\"u}ggeberg, Carlos}, issn = {1139-8736}, pages = {73 -- 94}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ram{\´o}n Campos was very much influenced by the sensationist views current in French linguistic theory and developed these further, even to the point of drawing radical conclusions. In his opinion, abstraction is solely possible by using words. According to his ideas, articulated spoken language is the essential prerequisite for higher thought processes. Furthermore, the adjectives which name characteristics are derived from nouns. Memory and the formation of general ideas are the result of the "gift of the word" and by no means are actions of the human mind. Sign language, which was accepted in French linguistic theory as a precursor of spoken language, is not enough for carrying out abstractions. The tendency of thought to concretise contributes to the dissemination of abstractions. No dependent or referential word can be understood as the original word. He also developed these ideas in his treatise De la desigualdad personal en la sociedad civil ('On personal inequality in civil society'), where they became the basis of a new ethics of communication. This paper intends to explore the concept of the "gift of the word", which according to Campos is the only instrument of abstraction and analysis. Applying this concept, human thought can be divided into two capacities or powers: imagination and memory.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2014, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Los tiempos verbales y sus denominaciones en las gram{\´a}ticas espa{\~n}olas desde el siglo XVII hasta el siglo XX}, series = {M{\´e}todos y resultados actuales en Historiograf{\´i}a de la Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, volume = {1}, journal = {M{\´e}todos y resultados actuales en Historiograf{\´i}a de la Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, publisher = {Nodus Publikationen}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, isbn = {978-3-89323-020-4}, pages = {349 -- 360}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this paper, the names of the Spanish verb forms are examined with emphasis on the forms of the so-called past tense and the relationship of their conceptual potential to the function of these forms. The names of the verb forms in Spanish grammars from the 17th to the 20th century are determined by Latin grammar, but also by theoretical positions of their authors.}, language = {es} } @article{Mackenbach2015, author = {Mackenbach, Werner}, title = {History, memory and fiction. Tyrant memory by Horacio Castellanos Moya}, series = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, journal = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, number = {97}, publisher = {Asociaci{\´o}n de Historia Contempor{\´a}nea}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1134-2277}, pages = {83 -- 111}, year = {2015}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2015, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Excellence(s), velociferina(s). On the bestiary of deceptive elites of Bologna}, series = {Literatura : teor{\´i}a, historia, cr{\´i}tica ; revista del Departamento de Literatura}, volume = {17}, journal = {Literatura : teor{\´i}a, historia, cr{\´i}tica ; revista del Departamento de Literatura}, number = {2}, publisher = {Departamento de Literatura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia}, address = {Bogota}, issn = {0123-5931}, pages = {237 -- 242}, year = {2015}, language = {es} } @article{Miller2014, author = {Miller, Nicholas}, title = {Spaces of thought: transnational history, intellectual history and the enlightenment}, series = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, journal = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, number = {94}, publisher = {Asociaci{\´o}n de Historia Contempor{\´a}nea}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1134-2277}, pages = {97 -- 120}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This article offers a theoretical overview of transnational history in relation to the history of ideas, a field that certain specialists of transnational history have singled out as a promising field of future transnational research. Recent historiographical discussions within Enlightenment studies are offered to throw light about the actual novelty that a transnational perspective would offer for the history of ideas. Rather than being an entirely new outlook, transnational types of analysis can be understood as lying at the heart of classical, universalistic Enlightened scholarship, a perspective that was challenged according to the fundamental problem of context.}, language = {es} } @article{D'Aprile2014, author = {D'Aprile, Iwan-Michelangelo}, title = {Mediums of communication and the development of an European constitutional discourse at the dawn of the nineteenth century}, series = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, journal = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, number = {94}, publisher = {Asociaci{\´o}n de Historia Contempor{\´a}nea}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1134-2277}, pages = {49 -- 69}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this article, entangled media history is presented as an approach to combine recent methodological developments towards an international turn in intellectual history on the one hand with the social history of ideas on the other. By concentrating on press networks, publishers, and media formats the various processes of constitutionalization and nationalization in the aftermath of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic period can be reconstructed as part of an emerging European public sphere. This is exemplified by the example of the political discourse of that time in Germany. In a first step, the international networks around the two most important German publishers, Johann Friedrich Cotta and Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, are reconstructed. In the second part, the crucial role of translations and adaptations of political articles in two decisive media formats of the political discourse, the historical-political journals and the "Conversationslexikon" is examined. And finally in a third step, the specific significance of the reception of the Spanish revolution of the "trienio liberal" for the development of a constitutional vocabulary in Germany is sketched.}, language = {es} } @article{Simal2014, author = {Simal, Juan Luis}, title = {Exile, nation and liberalism (1776-1848): a transnational approach}, series = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, journal = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, number = {94}, publisher = {Asociaci{\´o}n de Historia Contempor{\´a}nea}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1134-2277}, pages = {23 -- 48}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This article interrogates the application of a transnational perspective to the study of exile in the Age of Revolutions. The purpose is two-fold: 1) to acknowledge the benefits of the transnational approach for studying the phenomenon of exile in Europe and the Americas in this period, especially in order to understand the parallel formation of international liberalism and European counterrevolution; 2) to question some of the limitations of this approach, especially if it means neglecting the national framework in a context of intense nation-building, like the late 18th- and early 19th-centuries. An interpretation that understands exiles merely as transnational agents misses how important for them the nation was, for it shaped both their politics and their identities.}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2011, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {Memory, history, knowledges of the living together on to know living together of the literature}, series = {Isegor{\´i}a : revista de filosof{\´i}a moral y pol{\´i}tica}, journal = {Isegor{\´i}a : revista de filosof{\´i}a moral y pol{\´i}tica}, number = {45}, publisher = {Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1130-2097}, pages = {545 -- 573}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Cultures and societies develop in a certain moment and within a certain context an awareness of how to live together, which not only has to be enriched continuously, but can also be lost or destroyed to a greater or smaller measure. Literature is, in its capacity as highly dynamic and interactive heritage and generator of life knowledge, that multilingual wisdom, which in dense form can find basic gnosemes of a good living, knowing how to survive and how to live together, which are crucial for the future of our planet and its very different manifestations of life.}, language = {es} } @article{BernaschinaSchuermann2011, author = {Bernaschina Sch{\"u}rmann, Vicente}, title = {II. Notes on the spanish literature the last tears of sancho powerstruggles and the internalization of morality by Don Quixote(1)}, series = {Revista chilena de literatura}, journal = {Revista chilena de literatura}, number = {78}, publisher = {Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosof{\´i}a y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura}, address = {Santiago}, issn = {0718-2295}, pages = {205 -- 222}, year = {2011}, language = {es} } @article{IroumeCareyBronstertetal.2011, author = {Iroume, Andres and Carey, Patricio and Bronstert, Axel and Huber, Anton and Palacios, Hardin}, title = {GIS application of USLE and MUSLE to estimate erosion and suspended sediment load in experimental catchments, Valdivia, Chile}, series = {Revista t{\´e}cnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria}, volume = {34}, journal = {Revista t{\´e}cnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria}, number = {2}, publisher = {Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia}, address = {Maracaibo}, issn = {0254-0770}, pages = {119 -- 128}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This paper presents the results of a research aimed to quantify suspended sediment transport in three experimental catchments in southern Chile, to compare measured suspended sediment load with estimated erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) applied in a GIS environment and to validate de Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) used to estimate suspended sediment loads from forest catchments. The catchments are Los Pinos (94.2 ha), Los Ulmos 1 (12.6 ha) and Los Ulmos 2 (17.7 ha). Soil losses estimated with USLE for the three catchments are higher than those measured in runoff experimental lots under bare soil conditions, which could indicate an overestimation of the LS calculated in GIS and the fact that the USLE model does not compute sediment deposit and storage within the catchment. A statistical significant relation was found between measured and estimated (MUSLE) suspended sediment load, which would indicate that this model could be applied to estimate suspended sediment load from small catchments in southern Chile.}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2011, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {A snapshot of life of traveller painters evil literature and summary writing in cesar aira}, series = {Insula : revista de letras y ciencias humanas}, volume = {66}, journal = {Insula : revista de letras y ciencias humanas}, number = {777}, publisher = {Insula}, address = {Pozuelo de Alarcon}, issn = {0020-4536}, pages = {9 -- 12}, year = {2011}, language = {es} } @article{Prieto2011, author = {Prieto, Julio}, title = {Regarding illegibility and poor writing in spanish america}, series = {Insula : revista de letras y ciencias humanas}, volume = {66}, journal = {Insula : revista de letras y ciencias humanas}, number = {777}, publisher = {Insula}, address = {Pozuelo de Alarcon}, issn = {0020-4536}, pages = {2 -- 4}, year = {2011}, language = {es} } @article{SotoBaeuerleArriagadaGonzalezCastroCorreaetal.2011, author = {Soto Baeuerle, Maria Victoria and Arriagada Gonzalez, Joselyn and Castro Correa, Carmen Paz and Maerker, Michael and Rodolfi, Giuliano}, title = {Relationship between the change in land use in the Aconcagua basin and its correlative sandy coastal. Central Chile}, series = {Revista de geograf{\´i}a Norte Grande}, journal = {Revista de geograf{\´i}a Norte Grande}, number = {50}, publisher = {Instituto de Geograf{\´i}a, Pontificia Universidad Cat{\´o}lica de Chile}, address = {Santiago}, issn = {0718-3402}, pages = {187 -- 202}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the Aconcagua basin the modernization and intensification of land use have resulted both in an agricultural conversion, and the increase in area cultivated. This process has been very intense as far that have entered new areas beyond the limits of the valley and towards sloping ground. This signals changes in land use over the vegetation coverage models. The analysis of the geomorphology of the coastline in detail, accounts for the occurrence of transformations on the beach and dunes that are spatially less significant, but evolutionarily important, since they show a sediment feeding, which could be correlated with changes in vegetation cover in the basin}, language = {es} } @article{SimalDuran2013, author = {Simal Duran, Juan Luis}, title = {An Atlantic perspective for Spanish history in the age of revolutions}, series = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, journal = {Ayer : revista de historia contempor{\´a}nea}, number = {89}, publisher = {Asociaci{\´o}n de Historia Contempor{\´a}nea}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {1134-2277}, pages = {199 -- 212}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This bibliographical essay seeks to evaluate the impact that the historiographical trend known as Atlantic history, which emerged in the Anglo-Saxon academia, has had on the Spanish-American one. It also considers the criticisms and reticence that it has triggered. The analysis focuses on the applicability and relevance as an analytical tool for the Spanish case of the concept of Atlantic revolutions. It also wants to assess the benefits that geographically broad approaches -even beyond the Atlantic- present to nineteenth-century Spanish historiography.}, language = {es} } @article{Mackenbach2013, author = {Mackenbach, Werner}, title = {The recolution as novel - the revolution novel? on the metaphorizationof the sandinist revolution in the Nicaraguan Narrative}, series = {Revista iberoamericana : organo del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana}, volume = {79}, journal = {Revista iberoamericana : organo del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana}, number = {242}, publisher = {University Library System, University of Pittsburgh}, address = {Pittsburgh}, issn = {0034-9631}, pages = {75 -- 94}, year = {2013}, language = {es} } @article{Ette2012, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {EntreMundos o la relacionalidad transarchipi{\´e}lica de Nueva Espa{\~n}a}, issn = {1577-3388}, year = {2012}, language = {es} }