@misc{BaumannArndtMueller2013, author = {Baumann, Tobias and Arndt, Katja Maren and M{\"u}ller, Kristian M.}, title = {Directional cloning of DNA fragments using deoxyinosine-containing oligonucleotides and endonuclease V}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {983}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43108}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-431085}, pages = {13}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: DNA fragments carrying internal recognition sites for the restriction endonucleases intended for cloning into a target plasmid pose a challenge for conventional cloning. Results: A method for directional insertion of DNA fragments into plasmid vectors has been developed. The target sequence is amplified from a template DNA sample by PCR using two oligonucleotides each containing a single deoxyinosine base at the third position from the 5' end. Treatment of such PCR products with endonuclease V generates 3' protruding ends suitable for ligation with vector fragments created by conventional restriction endonuclease reactions. Conclusions: The developed approach generates terminal cohesive ends without the use of Type II restriction endonucleases, and is thus independent from the DNA sequence. Due to PCR amplification, minimal amounts of template DNA are required. Using the robust Taq enzyme or a proofreading Pfu DNA polymerase mutant, the method is applicable to a broad range of insert sequences. Appropriate primer design enables direct incorporation of terminal DNA sequence modifications such as tag addition, insertions, deletions and mutations into the cloning strategy. Further, the restriction sites of the target plasmid can be either retained or removed.}, language = {en} } @misc{EccardHerde2013, author = {Eccard, Jana and Herde, Antje}, title = {Seasonal variation in the behaviour of a short-lived rodent}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401370}, pages = {9}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Short lived, iteroparous animals in seasonal environments experience variable social and environmental conditions over their lifetime. Animals can be divided into those with a "young-of-the-year" life history (YY, reproducing and dying in the summer of birth) and an "overwinter" life history (OW, overwintering in a subadult state before reproducing next spring). We investigated how behavioural patterns across the population were affected by season and sex, and whether variation in behaviour reflects the variation in life history patterns of each season. Applications of pace-of-life (POL) theory would suggest that long-lived OW animals are shyer in order to increase survival, and YY are bolder in order to increase reproduction. Therefore, we expected that in winter and spring samples, when only OW can be sampled, the animals should be shyer than in summer and autumn, when both OW and YY animals can be sampled. We studied common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations, which express typical, intra-annual density fluctuation. We captured a total of 492 voles at different months over 3 years and examined boldness and activity level with two standardised behavioural experiments. Results: Behavioural variables of the two tests were correlated with each other. Boldness, measured as short latencies in both tests, was extremely high in spring compared to other seasons. Activity level was highest in spring and summer, and higher in males than in females. Conclusion: Being bold in laboratory tests may translate into higher risk-taking in nature by being more mobile while seeking out partners or valuable territories. Possible explanations include asset-protection, with OW animals being rather old with low residual reproductive value in spring. Therefore, OW may take higher risks during this season. Offspring born in spring encounter a lower population density and may have higher reproductive value than offspring of later cohorts. A constant connection between life history and animal personality, as suggested by the POL theory, however, was not found. Nevertheless, correlations of traits suggest the existence of animal personalities. In conclusion, complex patterns of population dynamics, seasonal variation in life histories, and variability of behaviour due to asset-protection may cause complex seasonal behavioural dynamics in a population.}, language = {en} } @misc{LiesenjohannLiesenjohannPalmeetal.2013, author = {Liesenjohann, Monique and Liesenjohann, Thilo and Palme, Rupert and Eccard, Jana}, title = {Differential behavioural and endocrine responses of common voles (Microtus arvalis) to nest predators and resource competitors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401184}, pages = {10}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Adaptive behavioural strategies promoting co-occurrence of competing species are known to result from a sympatric evolutionary past. Strategies should be different for indirect resource competition (exploitation, e.g., foraging and avoidance behaviour) than for direct interspecific interference (e.g., aggression, vigilance, and nest guarding). We studied the effects of resource competition and nest predation in sympatric small mammal species using semi-fossorial voles and shrews, which prey on vole offspring during their sensitive nestling phase. Experiments were conducted in caged outdoor enclosures. Focus common vole mothers (Microtus arvalis) were either caged with a greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) as a potential nest predator, with an herbivorous field vole (Microtus agrestis) as a heterospecific resource competitor, or with a conspecific resource competitor. Results: We studied behavioural adaptations of vole mothers during pregnancy, parturition, and early lactation, specifically modifications of the burrow architecture and activity at burrow entrances. Further, we measured pre- and postpartum faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCMs) of mothers to test for elevated stress hormone levels. Only in the presence of the nest predator were prepartum FCMs elevated, but we found no loss of vole nestlings and no differences in nestling body weight in the presence of the nest predator or the heterospecific resource competitor. Although the presence of both the shrew and the field vole induced prepartum modifications to the burrow architecture, only nest predators caused an increase in vigilance time at burrow entrances during the sensitive nestling phase. Conclusion: Voles displayed an adequate behavioural response for both resource competitors and nest predators. They modified burrow architecture to improve nest guarding and increased their vigilance at burrow entrances to enhance offspring survival chances. Our study revealed differential behavioural adaptations to resource competitors and nest predators.}, language = {en} } @misc{JeltschBontePe'eretal.2013, author = {Jeltsch, Florian and Bonte, Dries and Pe'er, Guy and Reineking, Bj{\"o}rn and Leimgruber, Peter and Balkenhol, Niko and Schr{\"o}der-Esselbach, Boris and Buchmann, Carsten M. and M{\"u}ller, Thomas and Blaum, Niels and Zurell, Damaris and B{\"o}hning-Gaese, Katrin and Wiegand, Thorsten and Eccard, Jana and Hofer, Heribert and Reeg, Jette and Eggers, Ute and Bauer, Silke}, title = {Integrating movement ecology with biodiversity research}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401177}, pages = {13}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Movement of organisms is one of the key mechanisms shaping biodiversity, e.g. the distribution of genes, individuals and species in space and time. Recent technological and conceptual advances have improved our ability to assess the causes and consequences of individual movement, and led to the emergence of the new field of 'movement ecology'. Here, we outline how movement ecology can contribute to the broad field of biodiversity research, i.e. the study of processes and patterns of life among and across different scales, from genes to ecosystems, and we propose a conceptual framework linking these hitherto largely separated fields of research. Our framework builds on the concept of movement ecology for individuals, and demonstrates its importance for linking individual organismal movement with biodiversity. First, organismal movements can provide 'mobile links' between habitats or ecosystems, thereby connecting resources, genes, and processes among otherwise separate locations. Understanding these mobile links and their impact on biodiversity will be facilitated by movement ecology, because mobile links can be created by different modes of movement (i.e., foraging, dispersal, migration) that relate to different spatiotemporal scales and have differential effects on biodiversity. Second, organismal movements can also mediate coexistence in communities, through 'equalizing' and 'stabilizing' mechanisms. This novel integrated framework provides a conceptual starting point for a better understanding of biodiversity dynamics in light of individual movement and space-use behavior across spatiotemporal scales. By illustrating this framework with examples, we argue that the integration of movement ecology and biodiversity research will also enhance our ability to conserve diversity at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchwarteBrustSteupetal.2013, author = {Schwarte, Sandra and Brust, Henrike and Steup, Martin and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Intraspecific sequence variation and differential expression in starch synthase genes of Arabidopsis thaliana}, series = {BMC Research Notes}, journal = {BMC Research Notes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401128}, pages = {14}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background Natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana are a well-known system to measure levels of intraspecific genetic variation. Leaf starch content correlates negatively with biomass. Starch is synthesized by the coordinated action of many (iso)enzymes. Quantitatively dominant is the repetitive transfer of glucosyl residues to the non-reducing ends of α-glucans as mediated by starch synthases. In the genome of A. thaliana, there are five classes of starch synthases, designated as soluble starch synthases (SSI, SSII, SSIII, and SSIV) and granule-bound synthase (GBSS). Each class is represented by a single gene. The five genes are homologous in functional domains due to their common origin, but have evolved individual features as well. Here, we analyze the extent of genetic variation in these fundamental protein classes as well as possible functional implications on transcript and protein levels. Findings Intraspecific sequence variation of the five starch synthases was determined by sequencing the entire loci including promoter regions from 30 worldwide distributed accessions of A. thaliana. In all genes, a considerable number of nucleotide polymorphisms was observed, both in non-coding and coding regions, and several amino acid substitutions were identified in functional domains. Furthermore, promoters possess numerous polymorphisms in potentially regulatory cis-acting regions. By realtime experiments performed with selected accessions, we demonstrate that DNA sequence divergence correlates with significant differences in transcript levels. Conclusions Except for AtSSII, all starch synthase classes clustered into two or three groups of haplotypes, respectively. Significant difference in transcript levels among haplotype clusters in AtSSIV provides evidence for cis-regulation. By contrast, no such correlation was found for AtSSI, AtSSII, AtSSIII, and AtGBSS, suggesting trans-regulation. The expression data presented here point to a regulation by common trans-regulatory transcription factors which ensures a coordinated action of the products of these four genes during starch granule biosynthesis. The apparent cis-regulation of AtSSIV might be related to its role in the initiation of de novo biosynthesis of granules.}, language = {en} } @misc{PavesiTiedemannDeMatthaeisetal.2013, author = {Pavesi, Laura and Tiedemann, Ralph and De Matthaeis, Elvira and Ketmaier, Valerio}, title = {Genetic connectivity between land and sea}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401110}, pages = {19}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Introduction: We examined patterns of genetic divergence in 26 Mediterranean populations of the semi-terrestrial beachflea Orchestia montagui using mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I), microsatellite (eight loci) and allozymic data. The species typically forms large populations within heaps of dead seagrass leaves stranded on beaches at the waterfront. We adopted a hierarchical geographic sampling to unravel population structure in a species living at the sea-land transition and, hence, likely subjected to dramatically contrasting forces. Results: Mitochondrial DNA showed historical phylogeographic breaks among Adriatic, Ionian and the remaining basins (Tyrrhenian, Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea) likely caused by the geological and climatic changes of the Pleistocene. Microsatellites (and to a lesser extent allozymes) detected a further subdivision between and within the Western Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian Sea due to present-day processes. A pattern of isolation by distance was not detected in any of the analyzed data set. Conclusions: We conclude that the population structure of O. montagui is the result of the interplay of two contrasting forces that act on the species population genetic structure. On one hand, the species semi-terrestrial life style would tend to determine the onset of local differences. On the other hand, these differences are partially counter-balanced by passive movements of migrants via rafting on heaps of dead seagrass leaves across sites by sea surface currents. Approximate Bayesian Computations support dispersal at sea as prevalent over terrestrial regionalism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bortfeld2013, author = {Bortfeld, Silvia}, title = {Analysis of Medicago truncatula transcription factors involved in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70664}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {For the first time the transcriptional reprogramming of distinct root cortex cells during the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis was investigated by combining Laser Capture Mirodissection and Affymetrix GeneChip® Medicago genome array hybridization. The establishment of cryosections facilitated the isolation of high quality RNA in sufficient amounts from three different cortical cell types. The transcript profiles of arbuscule-containing cells (arb cells), non-arbuscule-containing cells (nac cells) of Rhizophagus irregularis inoculated Medicago truncatula roots and cortex cells of non-inoculated roots (cor) were successfully explored. The data gave new insights in the symbiosis-related cellular reorganization processes and indicated that already nac cells seem to be prepared for the upcoming fungal colonization. The mycorrhizal- and phosphate-dependent transcription of a GRAS TF family member (MtGras8) was detected in arb cells and mycorrhizal roots. MtGRAS shares a high sequence similarity to a GRAS TF suggested to be involved in the fungal colonization processes (MtRAM1). The function of MtGras8 was unraveled upon RNA interference- (RNAi-) mediated gene silencing. An AM symbiosis-dependent expression of a RNAi construct (MtPt4pro::gras8-RNAi) revealed a successful gene silencing of MtGras8 leading to a reduced arbuscule abundance and a higher proportion of deformed arbuscules in root with reduced transcript levels. Accordingly, MtGras8 might control the arbuscule development and life-time. The targeting of MtGras8 by the phosphate-dependent regulated miRNA5204* was discovered previously (Devers et al., 2011). Since miRNA5204* is known to be affected by phosphate, the posttranscriptional regulation might represent a link between phosphate signaling and arbuscule development. In this work, the posttranscriptional regulation was confirmed by mis-expression of miRNA5204* in M. truncatula roots. The miRNA-mediated gene silencing affects the MtGras8 transcript abundance only in the first two weeks of the AM symbiosis and the mis-expression lines seem to mimic the phenotype of MtGras8-RNAi lines. Additionally, MtGRAS8 seems to form heterodimers with NSP2 and RAM1, which are known to be key regulators of the fungal colonization process (Hirsch et al., 2009; Gobbato et al., 2012). These data indicate that MtGras8 and miRNA5204* are linked to the sym pathway and regulate the arbuscule development in phosphate-dependent manner.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dethloff2013, author = {Dethloff, Frederik}, title = {In vivo 13C stable isotope tracing of single leaf development in the cold}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Measuring the metabolite profile of plants can be a strong phenotyping tool, but the changes of metabolite pool sizes are often difficult to interpret, not least because metabolite pool sizes may stay constant while carbon flows are altered and vice versa. Hence, measuring the carbon allocation of metabolites enables a better understanding of the metabolic phenotype. The main challenge of such measurements is the in vivo integration of a stable or radioactive label into a plant without perturbation of the system. To follow the carbon flow of a precursor metabolite, a method is developed in this work that is based on metabolite profiling of primary metabolites measured with a mass spectrometer preceded by a gas chromatograph (Wagner et al. 2003; Erban et al. 2007; Dethloff et al. submitted). This method generates stable isotope profiling data, besides conventional metabolite profiling data. In order to allow the feeding of a 13C sucrose solution into the plant, a petiole and a hypocotyl feeding assay are developed. To enable the processing of large numbers of single leaf samples, their preparation and extraction are simplified and optimised. The metabolite profiles of primary metabolites are measured, and a simple relative calculation is done to gain information on carbon allocation from 13C sucrose. This method is tested examining single leaves of one rosette in different developmental stages, both metabolically and regarding carbon allocation from 13C sucrose. It is revealed that some metabolite pool sizes and 13C pools are tightly associated to relative leaf growth, i.e. to the developmental stage of the leaf. Fumaric acid turns out to be the most interesting candidate for further studies because pool size and 13C pool diverge considerably. In addition, the analyses are also performed on plants grown in the cold, and the initial results show a different metabolite pool size pattern across single leaves of one Arabidopsis rosette, compared to the plants grown under normal temperatures. Lastly, in situ expression of REIL genes in the cold is examined using promotor-GUS plants. Initial results suggest that single leaf metabolite profiles of reil2 differ from those of the WT.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{May2013, author = {May, Felix}, title = {Spatial models of plant diversity and plant functional traits : towards a better understanding of plant community dynamics in fragmented landscapes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68444}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The fragmentation of natural habitat caused by anthropogenic land use changes is one of the main drivers of the current rapid loss of biodiversity. In face of this threat, ecological research needs to provide predictions of communities' responses to fragmentation as a prerequisite for the effective mitigation of further biodiversity loss. However, predictions of communities' responses to fragmentation require a thorough understanding of ecological processes, such as species dispersal and persistence. Therefore, this thesis seeks an improved understanding of community dynamics in fragmented landscapes. In order to approach this overall aim, I identified key questions on the response of plant diversity and plant functional traits to variations in species' dispersal capability, habitat fragmentation and local environmental conditions. All questions were addressed using spatially explicit simulations or statistical models. In chapter 2, I addressed scale-dependent relationships between dispersal capability and species diversity using a grid-based neutral model. I found that the ratio of survey area to landscape size is an important determinant of scale-dependent dispersal-diversity relationships. With small ratios, the model predicted increasing dispersal-diversity relationships, while decreasing dispersal-diversity relationships emerged, when the ratio approached one, i.e. when the survey area approached the landscape size. For intermediate ratios, I found a U-shaped pattern that has not been reported before. With this study, I unified and extended previous work on dispersal-diversity relationships. In chapter 3, I assessed the type of regional plant community dynamics for the study area in the Southern Judean Lowlands (SJL). For this purpose, I parameterised a multi-species incidence-function model (IFM) with vegetation data using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). I found that the type of regional plant community dynamics in the SJL is best characterized as a set of isolated "island communities" with very low connectivity between local communities. Model predictions indicated a significant extinction debt with 33\% - 60\% of all species going extinct within 1000 years. In general, this study introduces a novel approach for combining a spatially explicit simulation model with field data from species-rich communities. In chapter 4, I first analysed, if plant functional traits in the SJL indicate trait convergence by habitat filtering and trait divergence by interspecific competition, as predicted by community assembly theory. Second, I assessed the interactive effects of fragmentation and the south-north precipitation gradient in the SJL on community-mean plant traits. I found clear evidence for trait convergence, but the evidence for trait divergence fundamentally depended on the chosen null-model. All community-mean traits were significantly associated with the precipitation gradient in the SJL. The trait associations with fragmentation indices (patch size and connectivity) were generally weaker, but statistically significant for all traits. Specific leaf area (SLA) and plant height were consistently associated with fragmentation indices along the precipitation gradient. In contrast, seed mass and seed number were interactively influenced by fragmentation and precipitation. In general, this study provides the first analysis of the interactive effects of climate and fragmentation on plant functional traits. Overall, I conclude that the spatially explicit perspective adopted in this thesis is crucial for a thorough understanding of plant community dynamics in fragmented landscapes. The finding of contrasting responses of local diversity to variations in dispersal capability stresses the importance of considering the diversity and composition of the metacommunity, prior to implementing conservation measures that aim at increased habitat connectivity. The model predictions derived with the IFM highlight the importance of additional natural habitat for the mitigation of future species extinctions. In general, the approach of combining a spatially explicit IFM with extensive species occupancy data provides a novel and promising tool to assess the consequences of different management scenarios. The analysis of plant functional traits in the SJL points to important knowledge gaps in community assembly theory with respect to the simultaneous consequences of habitat filtering and competition. In particular, it demonstrates the importance of investigating the synergistic consequences of fragmentation, climate change and land use change on plant communities. I suggest that the integration of plant functional traits and of species interactions into spatially explicit, dynamic simulation models offers a promising approach, which will further improve our understanding of plant communities and our ability to predict their dynamics in fragmented and changing landscapes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duensing2013, author = {Duensing, Nina}, title = {Transport processes in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68210}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The nutrient exchange between plant and fungus is the key element of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis. The fungus improves the plant's uptake of mineral nutrients, mainly phosphate, and water, while the plant provides the fungus with photosynthetically assimilated carbohydrates. Still, the knowledge about the mechanisms of the nutrient exchange between the symbiotic partners is very limited. Therefore, transport processes of both, the plant and the fungal partner, are investigated in this study. In order to enhance the understanding of the molecular basis underlying this tight interaction between the roots of Medicago truncatula and the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis, genes involved in transport processes of both symbiotic partners are analysed here. The AM-specific regulation and cell-specific expression of potential transporter genes of M. truncatula that were found to be specifically regulated in arbuscule-containing cells and in non-arbusculated cells of mycorrhizal roots was confirmed. A model for the carbon allocation in mycorrhizal roots is suggested, in which carbohydrates are mobilized in non-arbusculated cells and symplastically provided to the arbuscule-containing cells. New insights into the mechanisms of the carbohydrate allocation were gained by the analysis of hexose/H+ symporter MtHxt1 which is regulated in distinct cells of mycorrhizal roots. Metabolite profiling of leaves and roots of a knock-out mutant, hxt1, showed that it indeed does have an impact on the carbohydrate balance in the course of the symbiosis throughout the whole plant, and on the interaction with the fungal partner. The primary metabolite profile of M. truncatula was shown to be altered significantly in response to mycorrhizal colonization. Additionally, molecular mechanisms determining the progress of the interaction in the fungal partner of the AM symbiosis were investigated. The R. irregularis transcriptome in planta and in extraradical tissues gave new insight into genes that are differentially expressed in these two fungal tissues. Over 3200 fungal transcripts with a significantly altered expression level in laser capture microdissection-collected arbuscules compared to extraradical tissues were identified. Among them, six previously unknown specifically regulated potential transporter genes were found. These are likely to play a role in the nutrient exchange between plant and fungus. While the substrates of three potential MFS transporters are as yet unknown, two potential sugar transporters are might play a role in the carbohydrate flow towards the fungal partner. In summary, this study provides new insights into transport processes between plant and fungus in the course of the AM symbiosis, analysing M. truncatula on the transcript and metabolite level, and provides a dataset of the R. irregularis transcriptome in planta, providing a high amount of new information for future works.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brothers2013, author = {Brothers, Soren M.}, title = {Carbon gains, losses, and feedbacks in shallow, eutrophic lakes of phytoplankton and macrophyte dominance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Lakes are increasingly being recognized as an important component of the global carbon cycle, yet anthropogenic activities that alter their community structure may change the way they transport and process carbon. This research focuses on the relationship between carbon cycling and community structure of primary producers in small, shallow lakes, which are the most abundant lake type in the world, and furthermore subject to intense terrestrial-aquatic coupling due to their high perimeter:area ratio. Shifts between macrophyte and phytoplankton dominance are widespread and common in shallow lakes, with potentially large consequences to regional carbon cycling. I thus compared a lake with clear-water conditions and a submerged macrophyte community to a turbid, phytoplankton-dominated lake, describing differences in the availability, processing, and export of organic and inorganic carbon. I furthermore examined the effects of increasing terrestrial carbon inputs on internal carbon cycling processes. Pelagic diel (24-hour) oxygen curves and independent fluorometric approaches of individual primary producers together indicated that the presence of a submerged macrophyte community facilitated higher annual rates of gross primary production than could be supported in a phytoplankton-dominated lake at similar nutrient concentrations. A simple model constructed from the empirical data suggested that this difference between regime types could be common in moderately eutrophic lakes with mean depths under three to four meters, where benthic primary production is a potentially major contributor to the whole-lake primary production. It thus appears likely that a regime shift from macrophyte to phytoplankton dominance in shallow lakes would typically decrease the quantity of autochthonous organic carbon available to lake food webs. Sediment core analyses indicated that a regime shift from macrophyte to phytoplankton dominance was associated with a four-fold increase in carbon burial rates, signalling a major change in lake carbon cycling dynamics. Carbon mass balances suggested that increasing carbon burial rates were not due to an increase in primary production or allochthonous loading, but instead were due to a higher carbon burial efficiency (carbon burial / carbon deposition). This, in turn, was associated with diminished benthic mineralization rates and an increase in calcite precipitation, together resulting in lower surface carbon dioxide emissions. Finally, a period of unusually high precipitation led to rising water levels, resulting in a feedback loop linking increasing concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to severely anoxic conditions in the phytoplankton-dominated system. High water levels and DOC concentrations diminished benthic primary production (via shading) and boosted pelagic respiration rates, diminishing the hypolimnetic oxygen supply. The resulting anoxia created redox conditions which led to a major release of nutrients, DOC, and iron from the sediments. This further transformed the lake metabolism, providing a prolonged summertime anoxia below a water depth of 1 m, and leading to the near-complete loss of fish and macroinvertebrates. Pelagic pH levels also decreased significantly, increasing surface carbon dioxide emissions by an order of magnitude compared to previous years. Altogether, this thesis adds an important body of knowledge to our understanding of the significance of the benthic zone to carbon cycling in shallow lakes. The contribution of the benthic zone towards whole-lake primary production was quantified, and was identified as an important but vulnerable site for primary production. Benthic mineralization rates were furthermore found to influence carbon burial and surface emission rates, and benthic primary productivity played an important role in determining hypolimnetic oxygen availability, thus controlling the internal sediment loading of nutrients and carbon. This thesis also uniquely demonstrates that the ecological community structure (i.e. stable regime) of a eutrophic, shallow lake can significantly influence carbon availability and processing. By changing carbon cycling pathways, regime shifts in shallow lakes may significantly alter the role of these ecosystems with respect to the global carbon cycle.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nitschke2013, author = {Nitschke, Felix}, title = {Phosphorylation of polyglycans, especially glycogen and starch}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-67396}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Functional metabolism of storage carbohydrates is vital to plants and animals. The water-soluble glycogen in animal cells and the amylopectin which is the major component of water-insoluble starch granules residing in plant plastids are chemically similar as they consist of α-1,6 branched α-1,4 glucan chains. Synthesis and degradation of transitory starch and of glycogen are accomplished by a set of enzymatic activities that to some extend are also similar in plants and animals. Chain elongation, branching, and debranching are achieved by synthases, branching enzymes, and debranching enzymes, respectively. Similarly, both types of polyglucans contain low amounts of phosphate esters whose abundance varies depending on species and organs. Starch is selectively phosphorylated by at least two dikinases (GWD and PWD) at the glucosyl carbons C6 and C3 and dephosphorylated by the phosphatase SEX4 and SEX4-like enzymes. In Arabidopsis insufficiency in starch phosphorylation or dephosphorylation results in largely impaired starch turnover, starch accumulation, and often in retardation of growth. In humans the progressive neurodegenerative epilepsy, Lafora disease, is the result of a defective enzyme (laforin) that is functional equivalent to the starch phosphatase SEX4 and capable of glycogen dephosphorylation. Patients lacking laforin progressively accumulate unphysiologically structured insoluble glycogen-derived particles (Lafora bodies) in many tissues including brain. Previous results concerning the carbon position of glycogen phosphate are contradictory. Currently it is believed that glycogen is esterified exclusively at the carbon positions C2 and C3 and that the monophosphate esters, being incorporated via a side reaction of glycogen synthase (GS), lack any specific function but are rather an enzymatic error that needs to be corrected. In this study a versatile and highly sensitive enzymatic cycling assay was established that enables quantification of very small G6P amounts in the presence of high concentrations of non-target compounds as present in hydrolysates of polysaccharides, such as starch, glycogen, or cytosolic heteroglycans in plants. Following validation of the G6P determination by analyzing previously characterized starches G6P was quantified in hydrolysates of various glycogen samples and in plant heteroglycans. Interestingly, glucosyl C6 phosphate is present in all glycogen preparations examined, the abundance varying between glycogens of different sources. Additionally, it was shown that carbon C6 is severely hyperphosphorylated in glycogen of Lafora disease mouse model and that laforin is capable of removing C6 phosphate from glycogen. After enrichment of phosphoglucans from amylolytically degraded glycogen, several techniques of two-dimensional NMR were applied that independently proved the existence of 6-phosphoglucosyl residues in glycogen and confirmed the recently described phosphorylation sites C2 and C3. C6 phosphate is neither Lafora disease- nor species-, or organ-specific as it was demonstrated in liver glycogen from laforin-deficient mice and in that of wild type rabbit skeletal muscle. The distribution of 6-phosphoglucosyl residues was analyzed in glycogen molecules and has been found to be uneven. Gradual degradation experiments revealed that C6 phosphate is more abundant in central parts of the glycogen molecules and in molecules possessing longer glucan chains. Glycogen of Lafora disease mice consistently contains a higher proportion of longer chains while most short chains were reduced as compared to wild type. Together with results recently published (Nitschke et al., 2013) the findings of this work completely unhinge the hypothesis of GS-mediated phosphate incorporation as the respective reaction mechanism excludes phosphorylation of this glucosyl carbon, and as it is difficult to explain an uneven distribution of C6 phosphate by a stochastic event. Indeed the results rather point to a specific function of 6-phosphoglucosyl residues in the metabolism of polysaccharides as they are present in starch, glycogen, and, as described in this study, in heteroglycans of Arabidopsis. In the latter the function of phosphate remains unclear but this study provides evidence that in starch and glycogen it is related to branching. Moreover a role of C6 phosphate in the early stages of glycogen synthesis is suggested. By rejecting the current view on glycogen phosphate to be a stochastic biochemical error the results permit a wider view on putative roles of glycogen phosphate and on alternative biochemical ways of glycogen phosphorylation which for many reasons are likely to be mediated by distinct phosphorylating enzymes as it is realized in starch metabolism of plants. Better understanding of the enzymology underlying glycogen phosphorylation implies new possibilities of Lafora disease treatment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rietsch2013, author = {Rietsch, Katrin}, title = {Body composition especially external skeletal robustness in association with physical activity and recreation in pre-pubertal children : a national and international investigation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66913}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In children the way of life, nutrition and recreation changed in recent years and as a consequence body composition shifted as well. It is established that overweight belongs to a global problem. In addition, German children exhibit a less robust skeleton than ten years ago. These developments may elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases and skeletal modifications. Heredity and environmental factors as nutrition, socioeconomic status, physical activity and inactivity influence fat accumulation and the skeletal system. Based on these negative developments associations between type of body shape, skeletal measures and physical activity; relations between external skeletal robustness, physical activity and inactivity, BMI and body fat and also the progress of body composition especially external skeletal robustness in comparison in Russian and German children were investigated. In a cross-sectional study 691 German boys and girls aged 6 to 10 years were examined. Anthropometric measurements were taken and questionnaires about physical activity and inactivity were answered by parents. Additionally, pedometers were worn to determinate the physical activity in children. To compare the body composition in Russian and German children data from the years 2000 and 2010 were used. The study has shown that pyknomorphic individuals exhibit the highest external skeletal robustness and leptomorphic ones the lowest. Leptomorphic children may have a higher risk for bone diseases in adulthood. Pyknomorphic boys are more physically active by tendency. This is assessed as positive because pyknomorphic types display the highest BMI and body fat. Results showed that physical activity may reduce BMI and body fat. In contrast physical inactivity may lead to an increase of BMI and body fat and may rise with increasing age. Physical activity encourages additionally a robust skeleton. Furthermore external skeletal robustness is associated with BMI in order that BMI as a measure of overweight should be consider critically. The international 10-year comparison has shown an increase of BMI in Russian children and German boys. Currently, Russian children exhibit a higher external skeletal robustness than the Germans. However, in Russian boys skeleton is less robust than ten years ago. This trend should be observed in the future as well in other countries. All in all, several measures should be used to describe health situation in children and adults. Furthermore, in children it is essential to support physical activity in order to reduce the risk of obesity and to maintain a robust skeleton. In this way diseases are able to prevent in adulthood.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Martin2013, author = {Martin, Benjamin}, title = {Linking individual-based models and dynamic energy budget theory : lessons for ecology and ecotoxicology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-67001}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the context of ecological risk assessment of chemicals, individual-based population models hold great potential to increase the ecological realism of current regulatory risk assessment procedures. However, developing and parameterizing such models is time-consuming and often ad hoc. Using standardized, tested submodels of individual organisms would make individual-based modelling more efficient and coherent. In this thesis, I explored whether Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is suitable for being used as a standard submodel in individual-based models, both for ecological risk assessment and theoretical population ecology. First, I developed a generic implementation of DEB theory in an individual-based modeling (IBM) context: DEB-IBM. Using the DEB-IBM framework I tested the ability of the DEB theory to predict population-level dynamics from the properties of individuals. We used Daphnia magna as a model species, where data at the individual level was available to parameterize the model, and population-level predictions were compared against independent data from controlled population experiments. We found that DEB theory successfully predicted population growth rates and peak densities of experimental Daphnia populations in multiple experimental settings, but failed to capture the decline phase, when the available food per Daphnia was low. Further assumptions on food-dependent mortality of juveniles were needed to capture the population dynamics after the initial population peak. The resulting model then predicted, without further calibration, characteristic switches between small- and large-amplitude cycles, which have been observed for Daphnia. We conclude that cross-level tests help detecting gaps in current individual-level theories and ultimately will lead to theory development and the establishment of a generic basis for individual-based models and ecology. In addition to theoretical explorations, we tested the potential of DEB theory combined with IBMs to extrapolate effects of chemical stress from the individual to population level. For this we used information at the individual level on the effect of 3,4-dichloroanailine on Daphnia. The individual data suggested direct effects on reproduction but no significant effects on growth. Assuming such direct effects on reproduction, the model was able to accurately predict the population response to increasing concentrations of 3,4-dichloroaniline. We conclude that DEB theory combined with IBMs holds great potential for standardized ecological risk assessment based on ecological models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FrankFahle2013, author = {Frank-Fahle, B{\´e}atrice A.}, title = {Methane-cycling microbial communities in permafrost affected soils on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast, Western Canadian Arctic}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Permafrost-affected ecosystems including peat wetlands are among the most obvious regions in which current microbial controls on organic matter decomposition are likely to change as a result of global warming. Wet tundra ecosystems in particular are ideal sites for increased methane production because of the waterlogged, anoxic conditions that prevail in seasonally increasing thawed layers. The following doctoral research project focused on investigating the abundance and distribution of the methane-cycling microbial communities in four different polygons on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast. Despite the relevance of the Canadian Western Arctic in the global methane budget, the permafrost microbial communities there have thus far remained insufficiently characterized. Through the study of methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial communities involved in the decomposition of permafrost organic matter and their potential reaction to rising environmental temperatures, the overarching goal of the ensuing thesis is to fill the current gap in understanding the fate of the organic carbon currently stored in Artic environments and its implications regarding the methane cycle in permafrost environments. To attain this goal, a multiproxy approach including community fingerprinting analysis, cloning, quantitative PCR and next generation sequencing was used to describe the bacterial and archaeal community present in the active layer of four polygons and to scrutinize the diversity and distribution of methane-cycling microorganisms at different depths. These methods were combined with soil properties analyses in order to identify the main physico-chemical variables shaping these communities. In addition a climate warming simulation experiment was carried-out on intact active layer cores retrieved from Herschel Island in order to investigate the changes in the methane-cycling communities associated with an increase in soil temperature and to help better predict future methane-fluxes from polygonal wet tundra environments in the context of climate change. Results showed that the microbial community found in the water-saturated and carbon-rich polygons on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast was diverse and showed a similar distribution with depth in all four polygons sampled. Specifically, the methanogenic community identified resembled the communities found in other similar Arctic study sites and showed comparable potential methane production rates, whereas the methane oxidizing bacterial community differed from what has been found so far, being dominated by type-II rather than type-I methanotrophs. After being subjected to strong increases in soil temperature, the active-layer microbial community demonstrated the ability to quickly adapt and as a result shifts in community composition could be observed. These results contribute to the understanding of carbon dynamics in Arctic permafrost regions and allow an assessment of the potential impact of climate change on methane-cycling microbial communities. This thesis constitutes the first in-depth study of methane-cycling communities in the Canadian Western Arctic, striving to advance our understanding of these communities in degrading permafrost environments by establishing an important new observatory in the Circum-Arctic.}, language = {en} }