@phdthesis{Abouserie2018, author = {Abouserie, Ahed}, title = {Ionic liquid precursors for multicomponent inorganic nanomaterials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 193}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Health effects, attributed to the environmental pollution resulted from using solvents such as benzene, are relatively unexplored among petroleum workers, personal use, and laboratory researchers. Solvents can cause various health problems, such as neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. As such it can be absorbed via epidermal or respiratory into the human body resulting in interacting with molecules that are responsible for biochemical and physiological processes of the brain. Owing to the ever-growing demand for finding a solution, an Ionic liquid can use as an alternative solvent. Ionic liquids are salts in a liquid state at low temperature (below 100 C), or even at room temperature. Ionic liquids impart a unique architectural platform, which has been interesting because of their unusual properties that can be tuned by simple ways such as mixing two ionic liquids. Ionic liquids not only used as reaction solvents but they became a key developing for novel applications based on their thermal stability, electric conductivity with very low vapor pressure in contrast to the conventional solvents. In this study, ionic liquids were used as a solvent and reactant at the same time for the novel nanomaterials synthesis for different applications including solar cells, gas sensors, and water splitting. The field of ionic liquids continues to grow, and become one of the most important branches of science. It appears to be at a point where research and industry can work together in a new way of thinking for green chemistry and sustainable production.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Agarwal2018, author = {Agarwal, Ankit}, title = {Unraveling spatio-temporal climatic patterns via multi-scale complex networks}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42395}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423956}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxix, 153}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The climate is a complex dynamical system involving interactions and feedbacks among different processes at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Although numerous studies have attempted to understand the climate system, nonetheless, the studies investigating the multiscale characteristics of the climate are scarce. Further, the present set of techniques are limited in their ability to unravel the multi-scale variability of the climate system. It is completely plausible that extreme events and abrupt transitions, which are of great interest to climate community, are resultant of interactions among processes operating at multi-scale. For instance, storms, weather patterns, seasonal irregularities such as El Ni{\~n}o, floods and droughts, and decades-long climate variations can be better understood and even predicted by quantifying their multi-scale dynamics. This makes a strong argument to unravel the interaction and patterns of climatic processes at different scales. With this background, the thesis aims at developing measures to understand and quantify multi-scale interactions within the climate system. In the first part of the thesis, I proposed two new methods, viz, multi-scale event synchronization (MSES) and wavelet multi-scale correlation (WMC) to capture the scale-specific features present in the climatic processes. The proposed methods were tested on various synthetic and real-world time series in order to check their applicability and replicability. The results indicate that both methods (WMC and MSES) are able to capture scale-specific associations that exist between processes at different time scales in a more detailed manner as compared to the traditional single scale counterparts. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed multi-scale similarity measures were used in constructing climate networks to investigate the evolution of spatial connections within climatic processes at multiple timescales. The proposed methods WMC and MSES, together with complex network were applied to two different datasets. In the first application, climate networks based on WMC were constructed for the univariate global sea surface temperature (SST) data to identify and visualize the SSTs patterns that develop very similarly over time and distinguish them from those that have long-range teleconnections to other ocean regions. Further investigations of climate networks on different timescales revealed (i) various high variability and co-variability regions, and (ii) short and long-range teleconnection regions with varying spatial distance. The outcomes of the study not only re-confirmed the existing knowledge on the link between SST patterns like El Ni{\~n}o Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but also suggested new insights into the characteristics and origins of long-range teleconnections. In the second application, I used the developed non-linear MSES similarity measure to quantify the multivariate teleconnections between extreme Indian precipitation and climatic patterns with the highest relevance for Indian sub-continent. The results confirmed significant non-linear influences that were not well captured by the traditional methods. Further, there was a substantial variation in the strength and nature of teleconnection across India, and across time scales. Overall, the results from investigations conducted in the thesis strongly highlight the need for considering the multi-scale aspects in climatic processes, and the proposed methods provide robust framework for quantifying the multi-scale characteristics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aktan2018, author = {Aktan, Oktay}, title = {Turkish football clubs in Berlin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-413616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {221}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Es gibt in Berlin eine einzigartige Vereinslandschaft im Amateur - und semiprofessionellen Fußballsport, in der einst von t{\"u}rkischen Migranten gegr{\"u}ndete Vereine einen festen Platz einnehmen. Fußballsport bietet einen sozialen Raum f{\"u}r Jugendliche verschiedener kultureller, ethnischer und religi{\"o}ser Herkunft, in dem Gruppen gebildet werden, um gegen einander zu konkurrieren. Ebenso er{\"o}ffnet Fußball dem Einzelnen die M{\"o}glichkeit, die G{\"u}ltigkeit und Relevanz von Vorurteilen und von g{\"a}ngigen Stereotypisierungen anderer Gruppen im Spielalltag einer st{\"a}ndigen Pr{\"u}fung zu unterziehen. Fußballspieler k{\"o}nnen sich sowohl zwischen multi-kulturellen als auch mono-ethnischen Gruppenkonstellationen, in einigen F{\"a}llen auch in transnationalen Konstellationen bewegen, womit sie dabei wesentlich an der Sinngebung ihrer eigenen sozialen Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit mitwirken, die sich aus dem Spannungsfeld von Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungsmustern ergibt. In Folge dessen werden in diesem Raum Anerkennungsmechanismen konstituiert. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit dem allt{\"a}glichen Leben von t{\"u}rkisch-st{\"a}mmigen, jugendlichen Amateur- und semiprofessionellen Fußballspielern (delikanli), sowie von anderen sozialen Akteuren der t{\"u}rkischen Fußballwelt, wie zum Beispiel „{\"a}ltere" Fußballspieler (agbi) und Fußballtrainer (hoca). Hauptanliegen der Arbeit war die Rekonstruktion kollektiver Wahrnehmungs-, Deutungs - und Handlungsmuster von Mitgliedern t{\"u}rkischer Fußballvereine im allgemeinen und ihrer Selbstdarstellung aber auch ihrer Wahrnehmung der „Anderen" im besonderen. Mittels dieser Studie sollte nachvollzogen werden, ob und inwiefern sich traditionelle soziale Verhaltensmuster der gew{\"a}hlten Gruppe im technisch regulierten und stark Konkurrenz-orientierten Handlungsraum widerspiegeln und die reziproken Beziehungen zwischen dem „Selbst" und den „Anderen" regulieren. Dabei wurde die Relevanz von herkunftsbezogenen Stereotypisierungen und Vorurteilen in der kollektiven Konstitution von Selbstwahrnehmungen und Fremdverstehen im partikularen sozialen Feld (Bourdieu, 2001) des Fußballs rekonstruiert. In dieser Arbeit wurde dar{\"u}ber hinaus beleuchtet, welche Rolle t{\"u}rkische Fußballvereine auf der einen Seite bei der Entstehung sozialer Raumzugeh{\"o}rigkeit zu den Stadtquartieren in Berlin einnehmen und welche Art von Mechanismen der sozialen Integration sie in diesen Vereinen herstellen. Auf der anderen Seite wurde hinterfragt, inwiefern sie zur sozialen Koh{\"a}sion zwischen diversen Kulturen beitragen. Daher wurde gepr{\"u}ft, ob und inwiefern die negativ konnotierte ethnozentrische Wahrnehmung von „Differenz" (Bielefeld, 1998), die als soziales Konstrukt zwischen autochthonen und allochthonen Gruppen hergestellt wird, durch das Engagement der Vereinsakteure einen konstruktiven Wandel erf{\"a}hrt. {\"U}bergeordnetes Ziel all dieser Forschungsfragen war es, ein fundiertes Verst{\"a}ndnis {\"u}ber die Rolle von t{\"u}rkischen Fußballvereinen als soziale Mechanismen zu erlangen und deren Funktionsweise bei der Konstitution von Anpassungsstrategien in diesem sozialen Feld untersuchen. Detailliert wurde diese Rolle unter der Konzeptualisierung von sozialen Positionierungsmuster betrachtet, die als Gef{\"u}ge von Deutungen des Allt{\"a}glichen verstanden werden, das individuelle und kollektive Handlungsmuster und implizit Muster des Fremdverstehens sowie des othering im Migrationskontext reguliert. Eine Rekonstruktion der sozialen Positionierungsmuster bietet eine eingehende soziologische Untersuchung dieser Teilnehmergruppe, die zudem Aufschluss {\"u}ber die Bedeutung und das Verst{\"a}ndnis von ethnischer Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit f{\"u}r letztere gibt. Neben umfangreicher Feldbeobachtung wurden in dieser qualitativen Studie mit Spielern verschiedener Vereine insgesamt zehn Gruppendiskussionen (Bohnsack, 2004) innerhalb ihrer Mannschaften zu gemeinsamen allt{\"a}glichen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen durchgef{\"u}hrt, aufgezeichnet und mittels sozialwissenschaftlichem hermeneutischem Verfahren (Soeffner, 2004) interpretiert. Auch mit anderen Vereinsmitgliedern, d. h. mit Trainern bzw. hoca, Vorsitzenden, Managern und Sponsoren wurden jeweils zehn narrative und sieben biographische Einzelinterviews sowie sieben Experteninterviews durchgef{\"u}hrt. Deren Analyse erlaubt es, die Rolle dieser Mitglieder sowie wirkende Autorit{\"a}tsmechanismen und kollektiv konstituierte Verhaltensmuster innerhalb der gesamten Vereinsgruppe zu rekonstruieren. Dabei wurde bezweckt, die Gesamtheit des sozialen Netzwerkes bzw. die Beziehungsschemata innerhalb der t{\"u}rkischen Fußballvereine Berlins zu verdeutlichen. In der Arbeit werden zwei Standpunkte der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung verwendet. Auf der einen Seite wird die Lebensweltanalyse (Sch{\"u}tz und Luckmann, 1979, 1990) angewendet, um das soziale Erbe der in der Vergangenheit gesellschaftlich konstituierten Titulierung „Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund" zu rekonstruieren, bzw. den Einfluss dieser sozialen Reproduktion auf die Wahrnehmungs-, Deutungs- und Handlungsmuster der Akteure zu untersuchen. Auf der anderen Seite wird die soziale Wirkung der tats{\"a}chlichen, allt{\"a}glichen Erfahrungsschemata im sozialen Feld des Fußballs auf die Selbstpositionierungen der Akteure mittels Goffmanscher Rahmenanalyse (Goffman, 1980) herausgearbeitet.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alhajturki2018, author = {Alhajturki, Dema}, title = {Characterization of altered inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana BG-5 x Kro-0 hybrid}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-420934}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A reciprocal cross between two A. thaliana accessions, Kro-0 (Krotzenburg, Germany) and BG-5 (Seattle, USA), displays purple rosette leaves and dwarf bushy phenotype in F1 hybrids when grown at 17 °C and a parental-like phenotype when grown at 21 °C. This F1 temperature-dependent-dwarf-bushy phenotype is characterized by reduced growth of the primary stem together with an increased number of branches. The reduced stem growth was the strongest at the first internode. In addition, we found that a temperature switch from 21 °C to 17 °C induced the phenotype only before the formation of the first internode of the stem. Similarly, the F1 dwarf-bushy phenotype could not be reversed when plants were shifted from 17 °C to 21 °C after the first internode was formed. Metabolic analysis showed that the F1 phenotype was associated with a significant upregulation of anthocyanin(s), kaempferol(s), salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and abscisic acid. As it has been previously shown that the dwarf-bushy phenotype is linked to two loci, one on chromosome 2 from Kro-0 and one on chromosome 3 from BG-5, an artificial micro-RNA approach was used to investigate the necessary genes on these intervals. From the results obtained, it was found that two genes, AT2G14120 that encodes for a DYNAMIN RELATED PROTEIN3B and AT2G14100 that encodes a member of the Cytochrome P450 family protein CYP705A13, were necessary for the appearance of the F1 phenotype on chromosome 2. It was also discovered that AT3G61035 that encodes for another cytochrome P450 family protein CYP705A13 and AT3G60840 that encodes for a MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN65-4 on chromosome 3 were both necessary for the induction of the F1 phenotype. To prove the causality of these genes, genomic constructs of the Kro-0 candidate genes on chromosome 2 were transferred to BG-5 and genomic constructs of the chromosome 3 candidate genes from BG-5 were transferred to Kro-0. The T1 lines showed that these genes are not sufficient alone to induce the phenotype. In addition to the F1 phenotype, more severe phenotypes were observed in the F2 generations that were grouped into five different phenotypic classes. Whilst seed yield was comparable between F1 hybrids and parental lines, three phenotypic classes in the F2 generation exhibited hybrid breakdown in the form of reproductive failure. This F2 hybrid breakdown was less sensitive to temperature and showed a dose-dependent effect of the loci involved in F1 phenotype. The severest class of hybrid breakdown phenotypes was observed only in the population of backcross with the parent Kro-0, which indicates a stronger contribution of the BG-5 allele when compared to the Kro-0 allele on the hybrid breakdown phenotypes. Overall, the findings of my thesis provide a further understanding of the genetic and metabolic factors underlying altered shoot architecture in hybrid dysfunction.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{anHaack2018, author = {an Haack, Jan}, title = {Market and affect in evangelical mission}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42469}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-424694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 240}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This text is a contribution to the research on the worldwide success of evangelical Christianity and offers a new perspective on the relationship between late modern capitalism and evangelicalism. For this purpose, the utilization of affect and emotion in evangelicalism towards the mobilization of its members will be examined in order to find out what similarities to their employment in late modern capitalism can be found. Different examples from within the evangelical spectrum will be analyzed as affective economies in order to elaborate how affective mobilization is crucial for evangelicalism's worldwide success. Pivotal point of this text is the exploration of how evangelicalism is able to activate the voluntary commitment of its members, financiers, and missionaries. Gathered here are examples where both spheres—evangelicalism and late modern capitalism—overlap and reciprocate, followed by a theoretical exploration of how the findings presented support a view of evangelicalism as an inner-worldly narcissism that contributes to an assumed re-enchantment of the world.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Angermann2018, author = {Angermann, Lisa}, title = {Hillslope-stream connectivity across scales}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42454}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-424542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 193}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The concept of hydrologic connectivity summarizes all flow processes that link separate regions of a landscape. As such, it is a central theme in the field of catchment hydrology, with influence on neighboring disciplines such as ecology and geomorphology. It is widely acknowledged to be an important key in understanding the response behavior of a catchment and has at the same time inspired research on internal processes over a broad range of scales. From this process-hydrological point of view, hydrological connectivity is the conceptual framework to link local observations across space and scales. This is the context in which the four studies this thesis comprises of were conducted. The focus was on structures and their spatial organization as important control on preferential subsurface flow. Each experiment covered a part of the conceptualized flow path from hillslopes to the stream: soil profile, hillslope, riparian zone, and stream. For each study site, the most characteristic structures of the investigated domain and scale, such as slope deposits and peat layers were identified based on preliminary or previous investigations or literature reviews. Additionally, further structural data was collected and topographical analyses were carried out. Flow processes were observed either based on response observations (soil moisture changes or discharge patterns) or direct measurement (advective heat transport). Based on these data, the flow-relevance of the characteristic structures was evaluated, especially with regard to hillslope to stream connectivity. Results of the four studies revealed a clear relationship between characteristic spatial structures and the hydrological behavior of the catchment. Especially the spatial distribution of structures throughout the study domain and their interconnectedness were crucial for the establishment of preferential flow paths and their relevance for large-scale processes. Plot and hillslope-scale irrigation experiments showed that the macropores of a heterogeneous, skeletal soil enabled preferential flow paths at the scale of centimeters through the otherwise unsaturated soil. These flow paths connected throughout the soil column and across the hillslope and facilitated substantial amounts of vertical and lateral flow through periglacial slope deposits. In the riparian zone of the same headwater catchment, the connectivity between hillslopes and stream was controlled by topography and the dualism between characteristic subsurface structures and the geomorphological heterogeneity of the stream channel. At the small scale (1 m to 10 m) highest gains always occurred at steps along the longitudinal streambed profile, which also controlled discharge patterns at the large scale (100 m) during base flow conditions (number of steps per section). During medium and high flow conditions, however, the impact of topography and parafluvial flow through riparian zone structures prevailed and dominated the large-scale response patterns. In the streambed of a lowland river, low permeability peat layers affected the connectivity between surface water and groundwater, but also between surface water and the hyporheic zone. The crucial factor was not the permeability of the streambed itself, but rather the spatial arrangement of flow-impeding peat layers, causing increased vertical flow through narrow "windows" in contrast to predominantly lateral flow in extended areas of high hydraulic conductivity sediments. These results show that the spatial organization of structures was an important control for hydrological processes at all scales and study areas. In a final step, the observations from different scales and catchment elements were put in relation and compared. The main focus was on the theoretical analysis of the scale hierarchies of structures and processes and the direction of causal dependencies in this context. Based on the resulting hierarchical structure, a conceptual framework was developed which is capable of representing the system's complexity while allowing for adequate simplifications. The resulting concept of the parabolic scale series is based on the insight that flow processes in the terrestrial part of the catchment (soil and hillslopes) converge. This means that small-scale processes assemble and form large-scale processes and responses. Processes in the riparian zone and the streambed, however, are not well represented by the idea of convergence. Here, the large-scale catchment signal arrives and is modified by structures in the riparian zone, stream morphology, and the small-scale interactions between surface water and groundwater. Flow paths diverge and processes can better be represented by proceeding from large scales to smaller ones. The catchment-scale representation of processes and structures is thus the conceptual link between terrestrial hillslope processes and processes in the riparian corridor.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Antić2018, author = {Antić, Andreas}, title = {Digitale {\"O}ffentlichkeiten und intelligente Kooperation}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-431-9}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410964}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 454}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Um die gegenw{\"a}rtige Transformation der {\"O}ffentlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter erfassen zu k{\"o}nnen, ist in der {\"O}ffentlichkeitstheorie eine erweiterte Perspektive notwendig, die nicht nur den massenmedialen Diskurs, sondern auch die Ver{\"a}nderung sozialer Praktiken und institutioneller Strukturen in den Blick nimmt. Das Ziel dieses Buches besteht darin, die Grundlagen einer solchen Perspektive auf die Theorie digitaler {\"O}ffentlichkeiten zu entwickeln. Im vorgeschlagenen Ansatz wird {\"O}ffentlichkeit im Anschluss an John Dewey als Prozess verstanden. In seiner prozessualen und funktionalen Bestimmung von {\"O}ffentlichkeit liegt eine besondere Originalit{\"a}t, die seinen Ansatz von anderen {\"O}ffentlichkeitskonzeptionen unterscheidet. Das Buch liefert sowohl eine systematische Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Philosophie John Deweys als auch einen Vorschlag zur gesellschaftstheoretischen Deutung des digitalen Wandels.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{AriasAndres2018, author = {Arias Andr{\´e}s, Mar{\´i}a de Jes{\´u}s}, title = {Microbial gene exchange on microplastic particles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-417241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {94}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Plastic pollution is ubiquitous on the planet since several millions of tons of plastic waste enter aquatic ecosystems each year. Furthermore, the amount of plastic produced is expected to increase exponentially shortly. The heterogeneity of materials, additives and physical characteristics of plastics are typical of these emerging contaminants and affect their environmental fate in marine and freshwaters. Consequently, plastics can be found in the water column, sediments or littoral habitats of all aquatic ecosystems. Most of this plastic debris will fragment as a product of physical, chemical and biological forces, producing particles of small size. These particles (< 5mm) are known as "microplastics" (MP). Given their high surface-to-volume ratio, MP stimulate biofouling and the formation of biofilms in aquatic systems. As a result of their unique structure and composition, the microbial communities in MP biofilms are referred to as the "Plastisphere." While there is increasing data regarding the distinctive composition and structure of the microbial communities that form part of the plastisphere, scarce information exists regarding the activity of microorganisms in MP biofilms. This surface-attached lifestyle is often associated with the increase in horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among bacteria. Therefore, this type of microbial activity represents a relevant function worth to be analyzed in MP biofilms. The horizontal exchange of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) is an essential feature of bacteria. It accounts for the rapid evolution of these prokaryotes and their adaptation to a wide variety of environments. The process of HGT is also crucial for spreading antibiotic resistance and for the evolution of pathogens, as many MGEs are known to contain antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and genetic determinants of pathogenicity. In general, the research presented in this Ph.D. thesis focuses on the analysis of HGT and heterotrophic activity in MP biofilms in aquatic ecosystems. The primary objective was to analyze the potential of gene exchange between MP bacterial communities vs. that of the surrounding water, including bacteria from natural aggregates. Moreover, the thesis addressed the potential of MP biofilms for the proliferation of biohazardous bacteria and MGEs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and associated with antibiotic resistance. Finally, it seeks to prove if the physiological profile of MP biofilms under different limnological conditions is divergent from that of the water communities. Accordingly, the thesis is composed of three independent studies published in peer-reviewed journals. The two laboratory studies were performed using both model and environmental microbial communities. In the field experiment, natural communities from freshwater ecosystems were examined. In Chapter I, the inflow of treated wastewater into a temperate lake was simulated with a concentration gradient of MP particles. The effects of MP on the microbial community structure and the occurrence of integrase 1 (int 1) were followed. The int 1 is a marker associated with mobile genetic elements and known as a proxy for anthropogenic effects on the spread of antimicrobial resistance genes. During the experiment, the abundance of int1 increased in the plastisphere with increasing MP particle concentration, but not in the surrounding water. In addition, the microbial community on MP was more similar to the original wastewater community with increasing microplastic concentrations. Our results show that microplastic particles indeed promote persistence of standard indicators of microbial anthropogenic pollution in natural waters. In Chapter II, the experiments aimed to compare the permissiveness of aquatic bacteria towards model antibiotic resistance plasmid pKJK5, between communities that form biofilms on MP vs. those that are free-living. The frequency of plasmid transfer in bacteria associated with MP was higher when compared to bacteria that are free-living or in natural aggregates. Moreover, comparison increased gene exchange occurred in a broad range of phylogenetically-diverse bacteria. The results indicate a different activity of HGT in MP biofilms, which could affect the ecology of aquatic microbial communities on a global scale and the spread of antibiotic resistance. Finally, in Chapter III, physiological measurements were performed to assess whether microorganisms on MP had a different functional diversity from those in water. General heterotrophic activity such as oxygen consumption was compared in microcosm assays with and without MP, while diversity and richness of heterotrophic activities were calculated by using Biolog® EcoPlates. Three lakes with different nutrient statuses presented differences in MP-associated biomass build up. Functional diversity profiles of MP biofilms in all lakes differed from those of the communities in the surrounding water, but only in the oligo-mesotrophic lake MP biofilms had a higher functional richness compared to the ambient water. The results support that MP surfaces act as new niches for aquatic microorganisms and can affect global carbon dynamics of pelagic environments. Overall, the experimental works presented in Chapters I and II support a scenario where MP pollution affects HGT dynamics among aquatic bacteria. Among the consequences of this alteration is an increase in the mobilization and transfer efficiency of ARGs. Moreover, it supposes that changes in HGT can affect the evolution of bacteria and the processing of organic matter, leading to different catabolic profiles such as demonstrated in Chapter III. The results are discussed in the context of the fate and magnitude of plastic pollution and the importance of HGT for bacterial evolution and the microbial loop, i.e., at the base of aquatic food webs. The thesis supports a relevant role of MP biofilm communities for the changes observed in the aquatic microbiome as a product of intense human intervention.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arora2018, author = {Arora, Ashima}, title = {Optical and electric field control of magnetism}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-421479}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 126}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Future magnetic recording industry needs a high-density data storage technology. However, switching the magnetization of small bits requires high magnetic fields that cause excessive heat dissipation. Therefore, controlling magnetism without applying external magnetic field is an important research topic for potential applications in data storage devices with low power consumption. Among the different approaches being investigated, two of them stand out, namely i) all-optical helicity dependent switching (AO-HDS) and ii) ferroelectric control of magnetism. This thesis aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the physical processes behinds these effects as well as reporting new and exciting possibility for the optical and/or electric control of magnetic properties. Hence, the thesis contains two differentiated chapters of results; the first devoted to AO-HDS on TbFe alloys and the second to the electric field control of magnetism in an archetypal Fe/BaTiO3 system. In the first part, the scalability of the AO-HDS to small laser spot-sizes of few microns in the ferrimagnetic TbFe alloy is investigated by spatially resolving the magnetic contrast with photo-emission electron microscopy (PEEM) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The results show that the AO-HDS is a local effect within the laser spot size that occurs in the ring-shaped region in the vicinity of thermal demagnetization. Within the ring region, the helicity dependent switching occurs via thermally activated domain wall motion. Further, the thesis reports on a novel effect of thickness dependent inversion of the switching orientation. It addresses some of the important questions like the role of laser heating and the microscopic mechanism driving AO-HDS. The second part of the thesis focuses on the electric field control of magnetism in an artificial multiferroic heterostructure. The sample consists of an Fe wedge with thickness varying between 0:5 nm and 3 nm, deposited on top of a ferroelectric and ferroelastic BaTiO3 [001]-oriented single crystal substrate. Here, the magnetic contrast is imaged via PEEM and XMCD as a function of out-of-plane voltage. The results show the evidence of the electric field control of superparamagnetism mediated by a ferroelastic modification of the magnetic anisotropy. The changes in the magnetoelastic anisotropy drive the transition from the superparamagnetic to superferromagnetic state at localized sample positions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bazhenova2018, author = {Bazhenova, Ekaterina}, title = {Discovery of Decision Models Complementary to Process Models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410020}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Business process management is an acknowledged asset for running an organization in a productive and sustainable way. One of the most important aspects of business process management, occurring on a daily basis at all levels, is decision making. In recent years, a number of decision management frameworks have appeared in addition to existing business process management systems. More recently, Decision Model and Notation (DMN) was developed by the OMG consortium with the aim of complementing the widely used Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). One of the reasons for the emergence of DMN is the increasing interest in the evolving paradigm known as the separation of concerns. This paradigm states that modeling decisions complementary to processes reduces process complexity by externalizing decision logic from process models and importing it into a dedicated decision model. Such an approach increases the agility of model design and execution. This provides organizations with the flexibility to adapt to the ever increasing rapid and dynamic changes in the business ecosystem. The research gap, identified by us, is that the separation of concerns, recommended by DMN, prescribes the externalization of the decision logic of process models in one or more separate decision models, but it does not specify this can be achieved. The goal of this thesis is to overcome the presented gap by developing a framework for discovering decision models in a semi-automated way from information about existing process decision making. Thus, in this thesis we develop methodologies to extract decision models from: (1) control flow and data of process models that exist in enterprises; and (2) from event logs recorded by enterprise information systems, encapsulating day-to-day operations. Furthermore, we provide an extension of the methodologies to discover decision models from event logs enriched with fuzziness, a tool dealing with partial knowledge of the process execution information. All the proposed techniques are implemented and evaluated in case studies using real-life and synthetic process models and event logs. The evaluation of these case studies shows that the proposed methodologies provide valid and accurate output decision models that can serve as blueprints for executing decisions complementary to process models. Thus, these methodologies have applicability in the real world and they can be used, for example, for compliance checks, among other uses, which could improve the organization's decision making and hence it's overall performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beck2018, author = {Beck, Christoph}, title = {Geschichtsphilosophie als Provokation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410977}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {316}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In einer verschr{\"a}nkten Lekt{\"u}re von Curtius, Auerbach und Bachtin macht die Dissertation sichtbar, wie die Autoren mit ihren Arbeiten zur europ{\"a}ischen Literaturgeschichte nach einer ethischen Orientierung in der Krise der Moderne suchen. Ihr Konzept einer philologisch fundierten Geschichtsphilosophie in praktischer Absicht wird sowohl kultur- und theoriegeschichtlich aufbereitet, als auch anhand detaillierter Textanalysen nachvollzogen. Der Blick auf den geschichtsphilosophischen Aspekt ihrer Forschungsarbeit erweist sich hierbei nicht nur insoweit als fruchtbar, als er sich als Schl{\"u}ssel offenbart, philologische Mikrologie und breite Zusammenschau sowie ideengeschichtliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen zu verkn{\"u}pfen. Ihr Ansatz offenbart sich auch als wesentlich differenzierter, als es die g{\"a}ngigen Vorbehalte gegen{\"u}ber der Geschichtsphilosophie vermuten lassen. Die Untersuchung erweitert aus diesem Grund den methodischen Diskurshorizont, indem sie die M{\"o}glichkeiten einer kritischen Geschichtsphilosophie f{\"u}r gegenw{\"a}rtige Fragen der Literaturgeschichte neu justiert. Dies geschieht {\"u}ber den Zugang so unterschiedlicher Rezeptionen wie der von Anselm Haverkamp, Edward Said, Terry Eagleton und Homi Bhabha, die einen Diskussionsraum er{\"o}ffnen, welcher den eigenen historischen Standpunkt der Dissertation im Kontext von Postmoderne und Postkolonialismus reflektiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Behrendt2018, author = {Behrendt, Felix Nicolas}, title = {New bio-based polymers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418316}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 153}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Redox-responsive polymers, such as poly(disulfide)s, are a versatile class of polymers with potential applications including gene- and drug-carrier systems. Their degradability under reductive conditions allows for a controlled response to the different redox states that are present throughout the body. Poly(disulfide)s are typically synthesized by step growth polymerizations. Step growth polymerizations, however, may suffer from low conversions and therefore low molar masses, limiting potential applications. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to find and investigate new synthetic routes towards the synthesis of amino acid-based poly(disulfide)s. The different routes in this thesis include entropy-driven ring opening polymerizations of novel macrocyclic monomers, derived from cystine derivatives. These monomers were obtained with overall yields of up to 77\% and were analyzed by mass spectrometry as well as by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. The kinetics of the entropy-driven ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ED-ROMP) were thoroughly investigated in dependence of temperature, monomer concentration, and catalyst concentration. The polymerization was optimized to yield poly(disulfide)s with weight average molar masses of up to 80 kDa and conversions of ~80\%, at the thermodynamic equilibrium. Additionally, an alternative metal free polymerization, namely the entropy-driven ring-opening disulfide metathesis polymerization (ED-RODiMP) was established for the polymerization of the macrocyclic monomers. The effect of different solvents, concentrations and catalyst loadings on the polymerization process and its kinetics were studied. Polymers with very high weight average molar masses of up to 177 kDa were obtained. Moreover, various post-polymerization reactions were successfully performed. This work provides the first example of the homopolymerization of endo-cyclic disulfides by ED-ROMP and the first substantial study into the kinetics of the ED-RODiMP process.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Behrens2018, author = {Behrens, Ricarda}, title = {Causes for slow weathering and erosion in the steep, warm, monsoon-subjected Highlands of Sri Lanka}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-408503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 107, XXIV}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the Highlands of Sri Lanka, erosion and chemical weathering rates are among the lowest for global mountain denudation. In this tropical humid setting, highly weathered deep saprolite profiles have developed from high-grade metamorphic charnockite during spheroidal weathering of the bedrock. The spheroidal weathering produces rounded corestones and spalled rindlets at the rock-saprolite interface. I used detailed textural, mineralogical, chemical, and electron-microscopic (SEM, FIB, TEM) analyses to identify the factors limiting the rate of weathering front advance in the profile, the sequence of weathering reactions, and the underlying mechanisms. The first mineral attacked by weathering was found to be pyroxene initiated by in situ Fe oxidation, followed by in situ biotite oxidation. Bulk dissolution of the primary minerals is best described with a dissolution - re-precipitation process, as no chemical gradients towards the mineral surface and sharp structural boundaries are observed at the nm scale. Only the local oxidation in pyroxene and biotite is better described with an ion by ion process. The first secondary phases are oxides and amorphous precipitates from which secondary minerals (mainly smectite and kaolinite) form. Only for biotite direct solid state transformation to kaolinite is likely. The initial oxidation of pyroxene and biotite takes place in locally restricted areas and is relatively fast: log J = -11 molmin/(m2 s). However, calculated corestone-scale mineral oxidation rates are comparable to corestone-scale mineral dissolution rates: log R = -13 molpx/(m2 s) and log R = -15 molbt/(m2 s). The oxidation reaction results in a volume increase. Volumetric calculations suggest that this observed oxidation leads to the generation of porosity due to the formation of micro-fractures in the minerals and the bedrock allowing for fluid transport and subsequent dissolution of plagioclase. At the scale of the corestone, this fracture reaction is responsible for the larger fractures that lead to spheroidal weathering and to the formation of rindlets. Since these fractures have their origin from the initial oxidational induced volume increase, oxidation is the rate limiting parameter for weathering to take place. The ensuing plagioclase weathering leads to formation of high secondary porosity in the corestone over a distance of only a few cm and eventually to the final disaggregation of bedrock to saprolite. As oxidation is the first weathering reaction, the supply of O2 is a rate-limiting factor for chemical weathering. Hence, the supply of O2 and its consumption at depth connects processes at the weathering front with erosion at the surface in a feedback mechanism. The strength of the feedback depends on the relative weight of advective versus diffusive transport of O2 through the weathering profile. The feedback will be stronger with dominating diffusive transport. The low weathering rate ultimately depends on the transport of O2 through the whole regolith, and on lithological factors such as low bedrock porosity and the amount of Fe-bearing primary minerals. In this regard the low-porosity charnockite with its low content of Fe(II) bearing minerals impedes fast weathering reactions. Fresh weatherable surfaces are a pre-requisite for chemical weathering. However, in the case of the charnockite found in the Sri Lankan Highlands, the only process that generates these surfaces is the fracturing induced by oxidation. Tectonic quiescence in this region and low pre-anthropogenic erosion rate (attributed to a dense vegetation cover) minimize the rejuvenation of the thick and cohesive regolith column, and lowers weathering through the feedback with erosion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bergholz2018, author = {Bergholz, Kolja}, title = {Trait-based understanding of plant species distributions along environmental gradients}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42634}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {128}, year = {2018}, abstract = {For more than two centuries, plant ecologists have aimed to understand how environmental gradients and biotic interactions shape the distribution and co-occurrence of plant species. In recent years, functional trait-based approaches have been increasingly used to predict patterns of species co-occurrence and species distributions along environmental gradients (trait-environment relationships). Functional traits are measurable properties at the individual level that correlate well with important processes. Thus, they allow us to identify general patterns by synthesizing studies across specific taxonomic compositions, thereby fostering our understanding of the underlying processes of species assembly. However, the importance of specific processes have been shown to be highly dependent on the spatial scale under consideration. In particular, it remains uncertain which mechanisms drive species assembly and allow for plant species coexistence at smaller, more local spatial scales. Furthermore, there is still no consensus on how particular environmental gradients affect the trait composition of plant communities. For example, increasing drought because of climate change is predicted to be a main threat to plant diversity, although it remains unclear which traits of species respond to increasing aridity. Similarly, there is conflicting evidence of how soil fertilization affects the traits related to establishment ability (e.g., seed mass). In this cumulative dissertation, I present three empirical trait-based studies that investigate specific research questions in order to improve our understanding of species distributions along environmental gradients. In the first case study, I analyze how annual species assemble at the local scale and how environmental heterogeneity affects different facets of biodiversity—i.e. taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity—at different spatial scales. The study was conducted in a semi-arid environment at the transition zone between desert and Mediterranean ecosystems that features a sharp precipitation gradient (Israel). Different null model analyses revealed strong support for environmentally driven species assembly at the local scale, since species with similar traits tended to co-occur and shared high abundances within microsites (trait convergence). A phylogenetic approach, which assumes that closely related species are functionally more similar to each other than distantly related ones, partly supported these results. However, I observed that species abundances within microsites were, surprisingly, more evenly distributed across the phylogenetic tree than expected (phylogenetic overdispersion). Furthermore, I showed that environmental heterogeneity has a positive effect on diversity, which was higher on functional than on taxonomic diversity and increased with spatial scale. The results of this case study indicate that environmental heterogeneity may act as a stabilizing factor to maintain species diversity at local scales, since it influenced species distribution according to their traits and positively influenced diversity. All results were constant along the precipitation gradient. In the second case study (same study system as case study one), I explore the trait responses of two Mediterranean annuals (Geropogon hybridus and Crupina crupinastrum) along a precipitation gradient that is comparable to the maximum changes in precipitation predicted to occur by the end of this century (i.e., -30\%). The heterocarpic G. hybridus showed strong trends in seed traits, suggesting that dispersal ability increased with aridity. By contrast, the homocarpic C. crupinastrum showed only a decrease in plant height as aridity increased, while leaf traits of both species showed no consistent pattern along the precipitation gradient. Furthermore, variance decomposition of traits revealed that most of the trait variation observed in the study system was actually found within populations. I conclude that trait responses towards aridity are highly species-specific and that the amount of precipitation is not the most striking environmental factor at this particular scale. In the third case study, I assess how soil fertilization mediates—directly by increased nutrient addition and indirectly by increased competition—the effect of seed mass on establishment ability. For this experiment, I used 22 species differing in seed mass from dry grasslands in northeastern Germany and analyzed the interacting effects of seed mass with nutrient availability and competition on four key components of seedling establishment: seedling emergence, time of seedling emergence, seedling survival, and seedling growth. (Time of) seedling emergence was not affected by seed mass. However, I observed that the positive effect of seed mass on seedling survival is lowered under conditions of high nutrient availability, whereas the positive effect of seed mass on seedling growth was only reduced by competition. Based on these findings, I developed a conceptual model of how seed mass should change along a soil fertility gradient in order to reconcile conflicting findings from the literature. In this model, seed mass shows a U-shaped pattern along the soil fertility gradient as a result of changing nutrient availability and competition. Overall, the three case studies highlight the role of environmental factors on species distribution and co-occurrence. Moreover, the findings of this thesis indicate that spatial heterogeneity at local scales may act as a stabilizing factor that allows species with different traits to coexist. In the concluding discussion, I critically debate intraspecific trait variability in plant community ecology, the use of phylogenetic relationships and easily measured key functional traits as a proxy for species' niches. Finally, I offer my outlook for the future of functional plant community research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bertz2018, author = {Bertz, Martin}, title = {Funktion von Selenoproteinen  w{\"a}hrend der kolorektalen Karzinogenese}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Kolorektalkrebs (CRC) ist die dritth{\"a}ufigste Tumorerkrankung weltweit. Neben dem Alter spielt auch die Ern{\"a}hrung eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung der Krankheit. Eine vermutlich krebspr{\"a}ventive Wirkung wird dabei dem Spurenelement Selen zugeschrieben, das fast ausschließlich {\"u}ber Lebensmittel aufgenommen wird. So h{\"a}ngt beispielsweise ein niedriger Selenstatus mit dem Risiko, im Laufe des Lebens an CRC zu erkranken, zusammen. Seine Funktionen vermittelt Selen dabei {\"u}berwiegend durch Selenoproteine, in denen es in Form von Selenocystein eingebaut wird. Zu den bisher am besten untersuchten Selenoproteinen mit m{\"o}glicher Funktion w{\"a}hrend CRC z{\"a}hlen die Glutathionperoxidasen (GPXen). Die Mitglieder dieser Familie tragen aufgrund ihrer Hydroperoxid-reduzierenden Eigenschaften entscheidend zum Schutz der Zellen vor oxidativem Stress bei. Dies kann je nach Art und Stadium des Tumors entweder krebshemmend oder -f{\"o}rdernd wirken, da auch transformierte Zellen von dieser Schutzfunktion profitieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde die GPX2 in HT29-Darmkrebszellen mithilfe stabil-transfizierter shRNA herunterreguliert, um die Funktion des Enzyms vor allem in Hinblick auf regulierte Signalwege zu untersuchen. Ein Knockdowns (KD) der strukturell {\"a}hnlichen GPX1 kam ebenfalls zum Einsatz, um gezielt Isoform-spezifische Funktionen unterscheiden zu k{\"o}nnen. Anhand eines PCR-Arrays wurden Signalwege identifiziert, die auf einen Einfluss der beiden Proteine im Zellwachstum hindeuteten. Anschließende Untersuchungen ließen auf einen verminderten Differenzierungsstatus in den GPX1- und GPX2-KDs aufgrund einer geringeren Aktivit{\"a}t der Alkalischen Phosphatase schließen. Zudem war die Zellviabilit{\"a}t im Neutralrot-Assay (NRU) bei Fehlen der GPX1 bzw. GPX2 im Vergleich zur Kontrolle reduziert. Die Ergebnisse des PCR-Arrays, und speziell f{\"u}r die GPX2 fr{\"u}here Untersuchungen der Arbeitsgruppe, wiesen weiterhin auf eine Rolle der beiden Proteine in der entz{\"u}ndungsgetriebenen Karzinogenese hin. Daher wurden auch m{\"o}gliche Interaktionen mit dem NFκB-Signalweg analysiert. Eine Stimulation der Zellen mit dem proinflammatorischen Zytokin IL1β ging mit einer verst{\"a}rkten Aktivierung der MAP-Kinasen ERK1/2 in den Zellen mit GPX1- bzw. GPX2-KD einher. Die gleichzeitige Behandlung mit dem Antioxidans NAC f{\"u}hrte nicht zur R{\"u}cknahme der Effekte in den KDs, sodass m{\"o}glicherweise nicht nur die antioxidativen Eigenschaften der Enzyme bei der Interaktion mit diesen Signalwegsproteinen relevant sind. Weiterhin wurden Analysen zum Substratspektrum der GPX2 in HCT116-Zellen mit einer {\"U}berexpression des Proteins durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dabei zeigte sich mittels NRU-Assay und DNA-Laddering, dass die GPX2 besonders vor den proapoptotischen Effekten einer Behandlung mit den Lipidhydroperoxiden HPODE und HPETE sch{\"u}tzt. Im Gegensatz zur GPX2 l{\"a}sst sich Selenoprotein H (SELENOH) st{\"a}rker durch die aliment{\"a}re Selenzufuhr beeinflussen. Einer m{\"o}glichen Nutzung als Biomarker oder gar als Ansatzpunkt bei der Pr{\"a}vention bzw. Behandlung von CRC steht allerdings unvollst{\"a}ndiges Wissen {\"u}ber die Funktion des Proteins gegen{\"u}ber. Zur genaueren Charakterisierung von SELENOH wurden daher stabil-transfizierte KD-Klone in HT29- und Caco2-Zellen hergestellt und zun{\"a}chst auf ihre Tumorigenit{\"a}t untersucht. Zellen mit SELENOH-KD bildeten mehr und gr{\"o}ßere Kolonien im Soft Agar und zeigten ein erh{\"o}htes Proliferations- und Migrationspotenzial im Vergleich zur Kontrolle. Ein Xenograft in Nacktm{\"a}usen resultierte zudem in einer st{\"a}rkeren Tumorbildung nach Injektion von KD-Zellen. Untersuchungen zur Beteiligung von SELENOH an der Zellzyklusregulation deuten auf eine hemmende Rolle des Proteins in der G1/S-Phase hin. Die weiterhin beobachtete Hochregulation von SELENOH in humanen Adenokarzinomen und pr{\"a}kanzer{\"o}sem Mausgewebe l{\"a}sst sich m{\"o}glicherweise mit der postulierten Schutzfunktion vor oxidativen Zell- und DNA-Sch{\"a}den erkl{\"a}ren. In gesunden Darmepithelzellen war das Protein vorrangig am Kryptengrund lokalisiert, was zu einer potenziellen Rolle w{\"a}hrend der gastrointestinalen Differenzierung passt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Biewener2018, author = {Biewener, Ann-Kathrin}, title = {S{\"a}kularisierung im Heiligen Land?}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42491}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-424916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {241}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Von einer S{\"a}kularisierung in einem Land wie Israel zu sprechen, wo die Religion offensichtlich einen wichtigen Teil des {\"o}ffentlichen Lebens darstellt, scheint widerspr{\"u}chlich zu sein. Doch Israel befindet sich bedingt durch Globalisierung, Pluralisierung und Modernisierung an einem Scheideweg. Teile der israelischen Gesellschaft s{\"a}kularisieren sich bereits. Die religi{\"o}se orthodoxe Vorherrschaft scheint zu br{\"o}ckeln. Kann jedoch deswegen von einem Mentalit{\"a}tswandel oder einer S{\"a}kularisierung des Staates gesprochen werden? Kann ein S{\"a}kularisierungsprozess in Israel erfolgreich sein? Wie muss ein s{\"a}kularer Staat beschaffen sein, um den unterschiedlichen religi{\"o}sen Denominationen die gleichen M{\"o}glichkeiten zu bieten? Welche Rolle spielen dabei die j{\"u}dische Diaspora, Einwanderungen und gesellschaftliche Minderheiten? Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es diese Fragen zu er{\"o}rtern. Auch wenn die enge Verkn{\"u}pfung von Nation und Religion im Judentum eine S{\"a}kularisierung scheinbar unm{\"o}glich macht, so erlaubt unter Bezugnahme der Konzepte von S{\"a}kularismus und Nationalismus im Kontext der historischen Entwicklungen des Judentums eine differenziertere Betrachtung dieser Verkn{\"u}pfung. Durch die Nutzung von unterschiedlichen qualitativen Methoden, wie der hermeneutischen Methode zur Betrachtung der verschiedenen theoretischen Begriffe und der Analyse des Verh{\"a}ltnisses von Nation und Religion im Judentum; der Nutzung von Zeitungsartikel zur Aufarbeitung der aktuellen Debatten in der israelischen Gesellschaft; der Auswertung von Statistiken; sowie der Durchf{\"u}hrung von Experteninterviews erlauben einen vielseitigen Zugang zum Forschungsgegenstand. Letztendlich soll aufgezeigt werden, dass sich Israel zwar zunehmend s{\"a}kularisiert, aber vor verschiedenen Herausforderungen, wie dem gesellschaftlichen Pluralismus, der instabilen Sicherheitslage, sowie einem zunehmenden religi{\"o}sen Nationalismus steht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buschmann2018, author = {Buschmann, Stefan}, title = {A software framework for GPU-based geo-temporal visualization techniques}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44340}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-443406}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 99}, year = {2018}, abstract = {R{\"a}umlich-zeitliche Daten sind Daten, welche sowohl einen Raum- als auch einen Zeitbezug aufweisen. So k{\"o}nnen beispielsweise Zeitreihen von Geodaten, thematische Karten die sich {\"u}ber die Zeit ver{\"a}ndern, oder Bewegungsaufzeichnungen von sich bewegenden Objekten als r{\"a}umlich-zeitliche Daten aufgefasst werden. In der heutigen automatisierten Welt gibt es eine wachsende Anzahl von Datenquellen, die best{\"a}ndig r{\"a}umlich-zeitliche Daten generieren. Hierzu geh{\"o}ren beispielsweise Verkehrs{\"u}berwachungssysteme, die Bewegungsdaten von Menschen oder Fahrzeugen aufzeichnen, Fernerkundungssysteme, welche regelm{\"a}ßig unsere Umgebung scannen und digitale Abbilder wie z.B. Stadt- und Landschaftsmodelle erzeugen, sowie Sensornetzwerke in unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsgebieten, wie z.B. der Logistik, der Verhaltensforschung von Tieren, oder der Klimaforschung. Zur Analyse r{\"a}umlich-zeitlicher Daten werden neben der automatischen Analyse mittels statistischer Methoden und Data-Mining auch explorative Methoden angewendet, welche auf der interaktiven Visualisierung der Daten beruhen. Diese Methode der Analyse basiert darauf, dass Anwender in Form interaktiver Visualisierung die Daten explorieren k{\"o}nnen, wodurch die menschliche Wahrnehmung sowie das Wissen der User genutzt werden, um Muster zu erkennen und dadurch einen Einblick in die Daten zu erlangen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein Software-Framework f{\"u}r die Visualisierung r{\"a}umlich-zeitlicher Daten, welches GPU-basierte Techniken beinhaltet, um eine interaktive Visualisierung und Exploration großer r{\"a}umlich-zeitlicher Datens{\"a}tze zu erm{\"o}glichen. Die entwickelten Techniken umfassen Datenhaltung, Prozessierung und Rendering und erm{\"o}glichen es, große Datenmengen in Echtzeit zu prozessieren und zu visualisieren. Die Hauptbeitr{\"a}ge der Arbeit umfassen: - Konzept und Implementierung einer GPU-zentrierten Visualisierungspipeline. Die beschriebenen Techniken basieren auf dem Konzept einer GPU-zentrierten Visualisierungspipeline, in welcher alle Stufen -- Prozessierung,Mapping, Rendering -- auf der GPU ausgef{\"u}hrt werden. Bei diesem Konzept werden die r{\"a}umlich-zeitlichen Daten direkt im GPU-Speicher abgelegt. W{\"a}hrend des Rendering-Prozesses werden dann mittels Shader-Programmen die Daten prozessiert, gefiltert, ein Mapping auf visuelle Attribute vorgenommen, und schließlich die Geometrien f{\"u}r die Visualisierung erzeugt. Datenprozessierung, Filtering und Mapping k{\"o}nnen daher in Echtzeit ausgef{\"u}hrt werden. Dies erm{\"o}glicht es Usern, die Mapping-Parameter sowie den gesamten Visualisierungsprozess interaktiv zu steuern und zu kontrollieren. - Interaktive Visualisierung attributierter 3D-Trajektorien. Es wurde eine Visualisierungsmethode f{\"u}r die interaktive Exploration einer großen Anzahl von 3D Bewegungstrajektorien entwickelt. Die Trajektorien werden dabei innerhalb einer virtuellen geographischen Umgebung in Form von einfachen Geometrien, wie Linien, B{\"a}ndern, Kugeln oder R{\"o}hren dargestellt. Durch interaktives Mapping k{\"o}nnen Attributwerte der Trajektorien oder einzelner Messpunkte auf visuelle Eigenschaften abgebildet werden. Hierzu stehen Form, H{\"o}he, Gr{\"o}ße, Farbe, Textur, sowie Animation zur Verf{\"u}gung. Mithilfe dieses dynamischen Mappings wurden außerdem verschiedene Visualisierungsmethoden implementiert, wie z.B. eine Focus+Context-Visualisierung von Trajektorien mithilfe von interaktiven Dichtekarten, sowie einer Space-Time-Cube-Visualisierung zur Darstellung des zeitlichen Ablaufs einzelner Bewegungen. - Interaktive Visualisierung geographischer Netzwerke. Es wurde eine Visualisierungsmethode zur interaktiven Exploration geo-referenzierter Netzwerke entwickelt, welche die Visualisierung von Netzwerken mit einer großen Anzahl von Knoten und Kanten erm{\"o}glicht. Um die Analyse von Netzwerken verschiedener Gr{\"o}ßen und in unterschiedlichen Kontexten zu erm{\"o}glichen, stehen mehrere virtuelle geographische Umgebungen zur Verf{\"u}gung, wie bspw. ein virtueller 3D-Globus, als auch 2D-Karten mit unterschiedlichen geographischen Projektionen. Zur interaktiven Analyse dieser Netzwerke stehen interaktive Tools wie Filterung, Mapping und Selektion zur Verf{\"u}gung. Des weiteren wurden Visualisierungsmethoden f{\"u}r verschiedene Arten von Netzwerken, wie z.B. 3D-Netzwerke und zeitlich ver{\"a}nderliche Netzwerke, implementiert. Zur Demonstration des Konzeptes wurden interaktive Tools f{\"u}r zwei unterschiedliche Anwendungsf{\"a}lle entwickelt. Das erste beinhaltet die Visualisierung attributierter 3D-Trajektorien, welche die Bewegungen von Flugzeugen um einen Flughafen beschreiben. Es erm{\"o}glicht Nutzern, die Trajektorien von ankommenden und startenden Flugzeugen {\"u}ber den Zeitraum eines Monats interaktiv zu explorieren und zu analysieren. Durch Verwendung der interaktiven Visualisierungsmethoden f{\"u}r 3D-Trajektorien und interaktiven Dichtekarten k{\"o}nnen Einblicke in die Daten gewonnen werden, wie beispielsweise h{\"a}ufig genutzte Flugkorridore, typische sowie untypische Bewegungsmuster, oder ungew{\"o}hnliche Vorkommnisse wie Fehlanfl{\"u}ge. Der zweite Anwendungsfall beinhaltet die Visualisierung von Klimanetzwerken, welche geographischen Netzwerken in der Klimaforschung darstellen. Klimanetzwerke repr{\"a}sentieren die Dynamiken im Klimasystem durch eine Netzwerkstruktur, die die statistische Beziehungen zwischen Orten beschreiben. Das entwickelte Tool erm{\"o}glicht es Analysten, diese großen Netzwerke interaktiv zu explorieren und dadurch die Struktur des Netzwerks zu analysieren und mit den geographischen Daten in Beziehung zu setzen. Interaktive Filterung und Selektion erm{\"o}glichen es, Muster in den Daten zu identifizieren, und so bspw. Cluster in der Netzwerkstruktur oder Str{\"o}mungsmuster zu erkennen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Carstensen2018, author = {Carstensen, Janet}, title = {Modellentwicklung f{\"u}r eine wirtschaftsorientierte Ausbildung vor dem Hintergrund des Generationenwandels am Beispiel Potsdam}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-417542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 217, L}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die deutsche Berufsausbildung hat in den vergangenen Jahren stark an Zuspruch verloren. Dies trifft insbesondere auch auf die duale kaufm{\"a}nnische Berufsausbildung zu. Galt sie vor einigen Jahren noch als ein m{\"o}glicher Ausbildungsweg f{\"u}r leistungsstarke Sch{\"u}ler/-innen, pr{\"a}ferieren diese heute zum großen Teil das Studium. Die wachsende Anzahl an Studienabbrechern belegt jedoch, dass dadurch auch Potenzial verloren geht, weil sich Jugendliche mit dem Studium f{\"u}r einen Ausbildungsweg entscheiden, der f{\"u}r sie nicht geeignet ist. Bisherige Bem{\"u}hungen zur Etablierung alternativer Bildungswege wie zum Beispiel Berufsakademien weisen zwar Erfolge auf, basieren jedoch auf einem Konzept, das sich ausschließlich am Bedarf der Wirtschaft orientiert. Es ist jedoch die {\"U}berzeugung der Autorin, dass neue innovative Bildungswege auch die Bed{\"u}rfnisse und Vorstellungen derjenigen ber{\"u}cksichtigen m{\"u}ssen, f{\"u}r die sie entworfen werden. Denn die Generation der heutigen Jugendlichen zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie ein anderes Wertekonzept als ihre Vorg{\"a}ngergenerationen aufweist. Die Dissertation entwickelt daher ein Modell einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung, welches sich aus unterschiedlichen motivationstheoretischen Elementen ableitet und zugleich die Werte der Generation der heutigen Jugend-lichen ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Es umfasst sowohl die Anreiz-Beitrags-Theorie nach Barnard als auch die Inhalts-Erwartungstheorie nach Vroom. Zudem liegt ein Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit auf der Anpassung der Zwei-Faktoren-Theorie nach Herzberg auf die heutige Zeit. Empirisch basiert die Dissertation auf einem dreistufigen Untersuchungsdesign. Die erste Stufe umfasst eine quantitative Befragung von insgesamt 459 Abiturienten/-innen und 100 Studierenden. In der zweiten Stufe wurden 10 Studieren-de und 12 Abiturienten/-innen qualitativ befragt. Eine Validierung der Ergebnis-se erfolgte in der dritten Stufe mittels Experteninterviews. Das Ziel der empirischen Untersuchung bestand in der {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung von vier Hypothesen als Basis zur Modellableitung: Hypothese H1 - Flexibilit{\"a}t erh{\"o}ht die Attraktivit{\"a}t einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung: Der Faktor Flexibilit{\"a}t wurde als ein relevanter Motivator f{\"u}r die Wahl eines Ausbildungsweges identifiziert. Jugendliche wollen sich heutzutage nicht sofort bzw. nicht zu fr{\"u}h festlegen m{\"u}ssen. Hypothese H2 - Auslandsaufenthalte erh{\"o}hen die Attraktivit{\"a}t einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung: Es wurde best{\"a}tigt, dass Auslandsaufenthalte die Attraktivit{\"a}t einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung steigert, es besteht jedoch eine Reihe von Barrieren, die Jugendliche (obwohl sie den grunds{\"a}tzlichen Vor-teil sehen) davon abhalten, einen Auslandsaufenthalt f{\"u}r sich selbst in Betracht zu ziehen. Hypothese H3 - Das Aufzeigen einer Karriereperspektive erh{\"o}ht die Attraktivit{\"a}t einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung: F{\"u}r die Generation der heutigen Jugendlichen steht bez{\"u}glich der Wahl ihres Ausbildungsweges die Aussicht auf eine T{\"a}tigkeit im Vordergrund, die ein gesichertes Einkommen und somit ein gutes Leben erm{\"o}glicht und zudem aus ihrer Sicht eine gewisse Sinnhaftigkeit hat. F{\"u}hrungspositionen, in denen auch h{\"o}here Verantwortung {\"u}bernommen wird, strebt nur eine Minderheit an. Hypothese H4 - Zus{\"a}tzliche monet{\"a}re Anreize erh{\"o}hen die Attraktivit{\"a}t einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung: Verg{\"u}tungsbestandteile werden grunds{\"a}tzlich nicht abgelehnt (das w{\"a}re auch irrational), haben jedoch auch nicht die Anreizfunktion, die ihr auf Basis der Voruntersuchung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit h{\"a}tte unterstellt werden k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Entscheidungsfindung bez{\"u}glich eines Ausbildungsweges spielen sie nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Dennoch tr{\"a}gt die Verg{\"u}tung zur Attraktivit{\"a}t eines Ausbildungsweges bei. Basierend auf den zuvor genannten Ergebnissen wurde das Modell einer wirtschaftsorientieren Ausbildung abgeleitet, das sowohl horizontal als auch vertikal flexibel ist. Horizontale Flexibilit{\"a}t ist dadurch gegeben, dass innerhalb eines Ausbildungsjahres unterschiedliche Unternehmen und Branchen kennengelernt werden (Jahr 1 und Jahr 2). Eine Spezialisierung erfolgt erst in den sp{\"a}teren Ausbildungsjahren. Durch die M{\"o}glichkeit, nach jedem Ausbildungsjahr mit einem Abschluss ins Berufsleben zu wechseln und die Ausbildung gegebenenfalls zu einem sp{\"a}teren Zeitpunkt fortzusetzen, ist auch eine vertikale Flexibilit{\"a}t gegeben. Zudem bietet das Modell Studienabbrechern/-innen die M{\"o}glichkeit, im Ausbildungsjahr 2 bzw. 3 in die Ausbildung einzusteigen. Im Jahr 2 und/oder Jahr 3 sind Auslandsaufenthalte integriert. Diese werden fakultativ an-geboten. Bereits ab dem Jahr 1 besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit, Vorbereitungskurse zu belegen. Der hohen Bedeutung der Karriereperspektive wird im abgeleiteten Modell auf mehreren Ebenen Rechnung getragen. So werden nach jedem Ausbildungsjahr anerkannte Abschl{\"u}sse erreicht. W{\"a}hrend diese in den Jahren 1 und 2 mit IHK-Abschl{\"u}ssen gleichzusetzen sind, beginnen ab Jahr 3 die akademischen Graduierungen (Jahr 3 Bachelor, Jahr 4 Master). Die Verg{\"u}tung wird Bestandteil einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung, wobei ihre H{\"o}he mit Dauer der Ausbildung zunimmt. Da mit der Einf{\"u}hrung des Modells einer wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung die {\"U}berwindung von institutionellen Paradigmen und Schranken verbunden sind, erfolgte im Rahmen des Ausblicks der Arbeit eine weitere Expertenbefragung bez{\"u}glich seiner Umsetzbarkeit. Es setzt eine Beweglichkeit von institutioneller Seite voraus (hierbei insbesondere auch von den Kammern), die von der Mehr-zahl der Experten derzeit skeptisch gesehen wird. Die konzeptionelle Ausgestaltung findet grunds{\"a}tzlichen Zuspruch, wobei in einigen Details, zum Beispiel in der Dauer der Ausbildung, noch Kl{\"a}rungsbedarf besteht. Grunds{\"a}tzlich schließen sich die Experten/-innen der Meinung der Autorin an, dass ein Sinneswandel in der deutschen Ausbildungslandschaft gew{\"u}nscht und gefordert wird. Dies betrifft insbesondere auch den kaufm{\"a}nnischen Bereich. Diese Arbeit liefert mit dem Modell der wirtschaftsorientierten Ausbildung einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Diskussion {\"u}ber neue Ausbildungswege.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{ChaleawlertUmpon2018, author = {Chaleawlert-Umpon, Saowaluk}, title = {Sustainable electrode materials based on lignin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-411793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {114}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The utilization of lignin as renewable electrode material for electrochemical energy storage is a sustainable approach for future batteries and supercapacitors. The composite electrode was fabricated from Kraft lignin and conductive carbon and the charge storage contribution was determined in terms of electrical double layer (EDL) and redox reactions. The important factors at play for achieving high faradaic charge storage capacity contribute to high surface area, accessibility of redox sites in lignin and their interaction with conductive additives. A thinner layer of lignin covering the high surface area of carbon facilitates the electron transfer process with a shorter pathway from the active sites of nonconductive lignin to the current collector leading to the improvement of faradaic charge storage capacity. Composite electrodes from lignin and carbon would be even more sustainable if the fluorinated binder can be omitted. A new route to fabricate a binder-free composite electrode from Kraft lignin and high surface area carbon has been proposed by crosslinking lignin with glyoxal. A high molecular weight of lignin is obtained to enhance both electroactivity and binder capability in composite electrodes. The order of the processing step of crosslinking lignin on the composite electrode plays a crucial role in achieving a stable electrode and high charge storage capacity. The crosslinked lignin based electrodes are promising since they allow for more stable, sustainable, halogen-free and environmentally benign devices for energy storage applications. Furthermore, improvement of the amount of redox active groups (quinone groups) in lignin is useful to enhance the capacity in lithium battery applications. Direct oxidative demethylation by cerium ammonium nitrate has been carried out under mild conditions. This proves that an increase of quinone groups is able to enhance the performance of lithium battery. Thus, lignin is a promising material and could be a good candidate for application in sustainable energy storage devices.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheng2018, author = {Cheng, Lung-Pan}, title = {Human actuation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418371}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 85}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ever since the conception of the virtual reality headset in 1968, many researchers have argued that the next step in virtual reality is to allow users to not only see and hear, but also feel virtual worlds. One approach is to use mechanical equipment to provide haptic feedback, e.g., robotic arms, exoskeletons and motion platforms. However, the size and the weight of such mechanical equipment tends to be proportional to its target's size and weight, i.e., providing human-scale haptic feedback requires human-scale equipment, often restricting them to arcades and lab environments. The key idea behind this dissertation is to bypass mechanical equipment by instead leveraging human muscle power. We thus create software systems that orchestrate humans in doing such mechanical labor—this is what we call human actuation. A potential benefit of such systems is that humans are more generic, flexible, and versatile than machines. This brings a wide range of haptic feedback to modern virtual reality systems. We start with a proof-of-concept system—Haptic Turk, focusing on delivering motion experiences just like a motion platform. All Haptic Turk setups consist of a user who is supported by one or more human actuators. The user enjoys an interactive motion simulation such as a hang glider experience, but the motion is generated by those human actuators who manually lift, tilt, and push the user's limbs or torso. To get the timing and force right, timed motion instructions in a format familiar from rhythm games are generated by the system. Next, we extend the concept of human actuation from 3-DoF to 6-DoF virtual reality where users have the freedom to walk around. TurkDeck tackles this problem by orchestrating a group of human actuators to reconfigure a set of passive props on the fly while the user is progressing in the virtual environment. TurkDeck schedules human actuators by their distances from the user, and instructs them to reconfigure the props to the right place on the right time using laser projection and voice output. Our studies in Haptic Turk and TurkDeck showed that human actuators enjoyed the experience but not as much as users. To eliminate the need of dedicated human actuators, Mutual Turk makes everyone a user by exchanging mechanical actuation between two or more users. Mutual Turk's main functionality is that it orchestrates the users so as to actuate props at just the right moment and with just the right force to produce the correct feedback in each other's experience. Finally, we further eliminate the need of another user, making human actuation applicable to single-user experiences. iTurk makes the user constantly reconfigure and animate otherwise passive props. This allows iTurk to provide virtual worlds with constantly varying or even animated haptic effects, even though the only animate entity present in the system is the user. Our demo experience features one example each of iTurk's two main types of props, i.e., reconfigurable props (the foldable board from TurkDeck) and animated props (the pendulum). We conclude this dissertation by summarizing the findings of our explorations and pointing out future directions. We discuss the development of human actuation compare to traditional machine actuation, the possibility of combining human and machine actuators and interaction models that involve more human actuators.}, language = {en} }