@phdthesis{Waha2012, author = {Waha, Katharina}, title = {Climate change impacts on agricultural vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64717}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Agriculture is one of the most important human activities providing food and more agricultural goods for seven billion people around the world and is of special importance in sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of people depends on the agricultural sector for their livelihoods and will suffer from negative climate change impacts on agriculture until the middle and end of the 21st century, even more if weak governments, economic crises or violent conflicts endanger the countries' food security. The impact of temperature increases and changing precipitation patterns on agricultural vegetation motivated this thesis in the first place. Analyzing the potentials of reducing negative climate change impacts by adapting crop management to changing climate is a second objective of the thesis. As a precondition for simulating climate change impacts on agricultural crops with a global crop model first the timing of sowing in the tropics was improved and validated as this is an important factor determining the length and timing of the crops´ development phases, the occurrence of water stress and final crop yield. Crop yields are projected to decline in most regions which is evident from the results of this thesis, but the uncertainties that exist in climate projections and in the efficiency of adaptation options because of political, economical or institutional obstacles have to be considered. The effect of temperature increases and changing precipitation patterns on crop yields can be analyzed separately and varies in space across the continent. Southern Africa is clearly the region most susceptible to climate change, especially to precipitation changes. The Sahel north of 13° N and parts of Eastern Africa with short growing seasons below 120 days and limited wet season precipitation of less than 500 mm are also vulnerable to precipitation changes while in most other part of East and Central Africa, in contrast, the effect of temperature increase on crops overbalances the precipitation effect and is most pronounced in a band stretching from Angola to Ethiopia in the 2060s. The results of this thesis confirm the findings from previous studies on the magnitude of climate change impact on crops in sub-Saharan Africa but beyond that helps to understand the drivers of these changes and the potential of certain management strategies for adaptation in more detail. Crop yield changes depend on the initial growing conditions, on the magnitude of climate change, and on the crop, cropping system and adaptive capacity of African farmers which is only now evident from this comprehensive study for sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore this study improves the representation of tropical cropping systems in a global crop model and considers the major food crops cultivated in sub-Saharan Africa and climate change impacts throughout the continent.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jaiser2013, author = {Jaiser, Ralf}, title = {Dreidimensionale Diagnostik der großskaligen Zirkulation der Tropo- und Stratosph{\"a}re}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte f{\"u}r die Diagnostik der großskaligen Zirkulation in der Troposph{\"a}re und Stratosph{\"a}re entwickelt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Energiehaushalt, auf der Wellenausbreitung und auf der Interaktion der atmosph{\"a}rischen Wellen mit dem Grundstrom. Die Konzepte werden hergeleitet, wobei eine neue Form des lokalen Eliassen-Palm-Flusses unter Einbeziehung der Feuchte eingef{\"u}hrt wird. Angewendet wird die Diagnostik dann auf den Reanalysedatensatz ERA-Interim und einen durch beobachtete Meerestemperatur- und Eisdaten angetriebenen Lauf des ECHAM6 Atmosph{\"a}renmodells. Die diagnostischen Werkzeuge zur Analyse der großskaligen Zirkulation sind einerseits n{\"u}tzlich, um das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Dynamik des Klimasystems weiter zu f{\"o}rdern. Andererseits kann das gewonnene Verst{\"a}ndnis des Zusammenhangs von Energiequellen und -senken sowie deren Verkn{\"u}pfung mit synoptischen und planetaren Wellensystemen und dem resultierenden Antrieb des Grundstroms auch verwendet werden, um Klimamodelle auf die korrekte Wiedergabe dieser Beobachtungen zu pr{\"u}fen. Hier zeigt sich, dass die Abweichungen im untersuchten ECHAM6-Modelllauf bez{\"u}glich des Energiehaushalts klein sind, jedoch teils starke Abweichungen bez{\"u}glich der Ausbreitung von atmosph{\"a}rischen Wellen existieren. Planetare Wellen zeigen allgemein zu große Intensit{\"a}ten in den Eliassen-Palm-Fl{\"u}ssen, w{\"a}hrend innerhalb der Strahlstr{\"o}me der oberen Troposph{\"a}re der Antrieb des Grundstroms durch synoptische Wellen verf{\"a}lscht ist, da deren vertikale Ausbreitung gegen{\"u}ber den Beobachtungen verschoben ist. Untersucht wird auch der Einfluss von arktischen Meereis{\"a}nderungen ausgehend vom Bedeckungsminimum im August/September bis in den Winter. Es werden starke positive Temperaturanomalien festgestellt, welche an der Oberfl{\"a}che am gr{\"o}ßten sind. Diese f{\"u}hren vor allem im Herbst zur Intensivierung von synoptischen Systemen in den arktischen Breiten, da die Stabilit{\"a}t der troposph{\"a}rischen Schichtung verringert ist. Im darauffolgenden Winter stellen sich barotrope bis in die Stratosph{\"a}re reichende {\"A}nderungen der großskaligen Zirkulation ein, welche auf Meereis{\"a}nderungen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Der meridionale Druckgradient sinkt und f{\"u}hrt so zu einem Muster {\"a}hnlich einer negativen Phase der arktischen Oszillation in der Troposph{\"a}re und einem geschw{\"a}chten Polarwirbel in der Stratosph{\"a}re. Diese Zusammenh{\"a}nge werden ebenfalls in einem ECHAM6-Modelllauf untersucht, wobei vor allem der Erw{\"a}rmungstrend in der Arktis zu gering ist. Die großskaligen Ver{\"a}nderungen im Winter k{\"o}nnen zum Teil auch im Modelllauf festgestellt werden, jedoch zeigen sich insbesondere in der Stratosph{\"a}re Abweichungen f{\"u}r die Periode mit der geringsten Eisausdehnung. Die vertikale Ausbreitung planetarer Wellen von der Troposph{\"a}re in die Stratosph{\"a}re ist in ECHAM6 mit sehr großen Abweichungen wiedergegeben. Somit stellt die Wellenausbreitung insgesamt den gr{\"o}ßten in dieser Arbeit festgestellten Mangel in ECHAM6 dar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fuerstenau2008, author = {F{\"u}rstenau, Cornelia}, title = {The impact of silvicultural strategies and climate change on carbon sequestration and other forest ecosystem functions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-27657}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Forests are a key resource serving a multitude of functions such as providing income to forest owners, supplying industries with timber, protecting water resources, and maintaining biodiversity. Recently much attention has been given to the role of forests in the global carbon cycle and their management for increased carbon sequestration as a possible mitigation option against climate change. Furthermore, the use of harvested wood can contribute to the reduction of atmospheric carbon through (i) carbon sequestration in wood products, (ii) the substitution of non-wood products with wood products, and (iii) through the use of wood as a biofuel to replace fossil fuels. Forest resource managers are challenged by the task to balance these multiple while simultaneously meeting economic requirements and taking into consideration the demands of stakeholder groups. Additionally, risks and uncertainties with regard to uncontrollable external variables such as climate have to be considered in the decision making process. In this study a scientific stakeholder dialogue with forest-related stakeholder groups in the Federal State of Brandenburg was accomplished. The main results of this dialogue were the definition of major forest functions (carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) and priority setting among them by the stakeholders using the pair-wise comparison technique. The impact of different forest management strategies and climate change scenarios on the main functions of forest ecosystems were evaluated at the Kleinsee management unit in south-east Brandenburg. Forest management strategies were simulated over 100 years using the forest growth model 4C and a wood product model (WPM). A current climate scenario and two climate change scenarios based on global circulation models (GCMs) HadCM2 and ECHAM4 were applied. The climate change scenario positively influenced stand productivity, carbon sequestration, and income. The impact on the other forest functions was small. Furthermore, the overall utility of forest management strategies were compared under the priority settings of stakeholders by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. Significant differences in priority setting and the choice of an adequate management strategy were found for the environmentalists on one side and the more economy-oriented forest managers of public and private owned forests on the other side. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions. The analysis served as an example for the combined application of simulation tools and a MCA method for the evaluation of management strategies under multi-purpose and multi-user settings with changing climatic conditions. Another focus was set on quantifying the overall effect of forest management on carbon sequestration in the forest sector and the wood industry sector plus substitution effects. To achieve this objective, the carbon emission reduction potential of material and energy substitution (Smat and Sen) was estimated based on a literature review. On average, for each tonne of dry wood used in a wood product substituting a non-wood product, 0.71 fewer tonnes of fossil carbon are emitted into to the atmosphere. Based on Smat and Sen, the calculation of the carbon emission reduction through substitution was implemented in the WPM. Carbon sequestration and substitution effects of management strategies were simulated at three local scales using the WPM and the forest growth models 4C (management unit level) or EFISCEN (federal state of Brandenburg and Germany). An investigation was conducted on the influence of uncertainties in the initialisation of the WPM, Smat, and basic conditions of the wood product sector on carbon sequestration. Results showed that carbon sequestration in the wood industry sector plus substitution effects exceeded sequestration in the forest sector. In contrast to the carbon pools in the forest sector, which acted as sink or source, the substitution effects continually reduced carbon emission as long as forests are managed and timber is harvested. The main climate protection function was investigated for energy substitution which accounted for about half of the total carbon sequestration, followed by carbon storage in landfills. In Germany, the absolute annual carbon sequestration in the forest and wood industry sector plus substitution effects was 19.9 Mt C. Over 50 years the wood industry sector contributed 70\% of the total carbon sequestration plus substitution effects.}, language = {en} }