@phdthesis{Goethe2009, author = {G{\"o}the, Katrin}, title = {The limits of parallel processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-46063}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Trying to do two things at once decreases performance of one or both tasks in many cases compared to the situation when one performs each task by itself. The present thesis deals with the question why and in which cases these dual-task costs emerge and moreover, whether there are cases in which people are able to process two cognitive tasks at the same time without costs. In four experiments the influence of stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility, S-R modality pairings, interindividual differences, and practice on parallel processing ability of two tasks are examined. Results show that parallel processing is possible. Nevertheless, dual-task costs emerge when: the personal processing strategy is serial, the two tasks have not been practiced together, S-R compatibility of both tasks is low (e.g. when a left target has to be responded with a right key press and in the other task an auditorily presented "A" has to be responded by saying "B"), and modality pairings of both tasks are Non Standard (i.e., visual-spatial stimuli are responded vocally whereas auditory-verbal stimuli are responded manually). Results are explained with respect to executive-based (S-R compatibility) and content-based crosstalk (S-R modality pairings) between tasks. Finally, an alternative information processing account with respect to the central stage of response selection (i.e., the translation of the stimulus to the response) is presented.}, language = {en} } @misc{KroellerWarschburger2009, author = {Kr{\"o}ller, Katja and Warschburger, Petra}, title = {Maternal feeding strategies and child's food intake : considering weight and demographic influences using structural equation modeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45023}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Background: Research concerning child's food intake have considered various influencing factors, for example parental feeding strategies, demographic and weight factors. At this time, however, there are few findings that explore these factors simultaneously. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to test a structural equation model regarding the associations between maternal feeding strategies and child's food intake. Methods: 556 mothers and their children between 1 and 10 years of age participated in this crosssectional study. Besides socio-demographic and weight data, the mothers were asked about their feeding strategies as well as their child's food intake. Results: The well-fitting model explained 73\% of the variance in the child's consumption of healthy and 34\% of unhealthy food. In addition to the effect of the mother's social status and the child's age, a rewarding and modeling feeding behavior significantly influenced the child's food intake. Conclusion: The results highlight the relevance of maternal feeding behavior on the child's food intake. In terms of preventing eating- or weight-related problems, the findings indicate the usefulness of training parents in explicit modeling behavior and avoiding food as a reward.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kroeller2009, author = {Kr{\"o}ller, Katja}, title = {M{\"u}tterliche Steuerung in der Essenssituation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-33682}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Etablierung eines gesunden Ern{\"a}hrungsverhaltens unserer Kinder ist die wichtigste Voraussetzung f{\"u}r ihre k{\"o}rperliche, kognitive und emotionale Entwicklung. Dabei sind neben einer genetischen Disposition und kulturellen Gegebenheiten vor allem die Einfl{\"u}sse der jeweiligen Betreuungspersonen ausschlaggebend. Die Eltern steuern sowohl direkt (durch Aufforderungen, Verbote u.{\"a}.) als auch indirekt (durch die F{\"o}rderung eigenverantwortlicher Entscheidungen u.{\"a}.) das Ern{\"a}hrungsverhalten ihres Kindes. Untersuchungen zum m{\"u}tterlichen Steuerungsverhalten konzentrierten sich bisher vorwiegend auf die Betrachtung direkter Strategien sowie auf altershomogene und sozial besser gestellte Gruppen. Aufgrund m{\"o}glicher Verzerrungen durch die Betrachtung einzelner Ausschnitte des Zusammenhangs zwischen Steuerung und Ern{\"a}hrung wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Gesamtmodell spezifiziert, welches den Zusammenhang zwischen elterlicher Steuerung und kindlicher Ern{\"a}hrung unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Sozial- und Gewichtsfaktoren abbildet. Dazu wurden drei Erhebungen mit insgesamt {\"u}ber 900 M{\"u}ttern 1 - 10-j{\"a}hriger Kinder durchgef{\"u}hrt. Innerhalb dieser Untersuchungen ist es gelungen, erstmalig ein deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Messung elterlicher Steuerungsstrategien in der Essenssituation (ISS) zu entwickeln. Die Analysen zeigten, dass bisher nur selten untersuchte Strategien, wie das explizite Bem{\"u}hen um Vorbildwirkung und das Erlauben von eigenverantwortlichen Entscheidungen des Kindes, von den M{\"u}ttern h{\"a}ufig angewandt werden. Die Analyse des komplexen Wirkungsgef{\"u}ge von Steuerung, kindlicher Ern{\"a}hrung sowie sozialer und gewichtsbezogener Faktoren zeigte weiterhin, dass neben stabilen Faktoren, wie dem m{\"u}tterlichen Status und dem Alter des Kindes, ein entscheidender Anteil der m{\"u}tterlichen Steuerungsstrategien f{\"u}r die kindliche Ern{\"a}hrung verantwortlich ist. Die berichteten Ergebnisse zeigen auf, wie relevant die gemeinsame Betrachtung von gesunden und problematischen Nahrungsmitteln sowie die den Zusammenhang zwischen Steuerung und Ern{\"a}hrung beeinflussenden Faktoren innerhalb eines Modells ist. Zusammengefasst scheint vor allem die Steuerung durch Belohnung von und mit bestimmten Nahrungsmitteln eine f{\"u}r das kindliche Ern{\"a}hrungsverhalten und das {\"U}bergewichtsrisiko besonders kritische Strategie zu sein. Dies ist umso bedeutender, als bisherige Untersuchungen dieses Verhalten h{\"a}ufig in restriktive Strategien integriert betrachteten. Die separate Analyse wies jedoch darauf hin, dass vor allem die belohnenden Verhaltensanteile relevant sind. Dies zeigt, dass es f{\"u}r die Entwicklung einer gesunden kindlichen Ern{\"a}hrung tats{\"a}chlich ver{\"a}nderbare Verhaltensweisen gibt, die Eltern in Pr{\"a}ventionsprogrammen oder anderen mit Kursen zum kindlichen Wohl assoziierten Einrichtungen vermittelt werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @article{NuthmannEngbert2009, author = {Nuthmann, Antje and Engbert, Ralf}, title = {Mindless reading revisited : an analysis based on the SWIFT model of eye-movement control}, issn = {0042-6989}, doi = {10.1016/j.visres.2008.10.022}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In this article, we revisit the mindless reading paradigm from the perspective of computational modeling. In the standard version of the paradigm, participants read sentences in both their normal version as well as the transformed (or mindless) version where each letter is replaced with a z. z-String scanning shares the oculomotor requirements with reading but none of the higher-level lexical and semantic processes. Here we use the z-string scanning task to validate the SWIFT model of saccade generation [Engbert, R., Nuthmann, A., Richter, E., \& Kliegl, R. (2005). SWIFT: A dynamical model of saccade generation during reading. Psychological Review, 112(4), 777-813] as an example for an advanced theory of eye-movement control in reading. We test the central assumption of spatially distributed processing across an attentional gradient proposed by the SWIFT model. Key experimental results like prolonged average fixation durations in z-string scanning compared to normal reading and the existence of a string-length effect on fixation durations and probabilities were reproduced by the model, which lends support to the model's assumptions on visual processing. Moreover, simulation results for patterns of regressive saccades in z-string scanning confirm SWIFT's concept of activation field dynamics for the selection of saccade targets.}, language = {en} } @article{HommelElsner2009, author = {Hommel, Bernhard and Elsner, Birgit}, title = {Acquisition, represention, and control of action}, isbn = {978-0-19-530998-0}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{BrandSchweizerPlessner2009, author = {Brand, Ralf and Schweizer, Geoffrey and Plessner, Henning}, title = {Conceptual considerations about the development of a decision-making training method for expert soccer referees}, isbn = {978-1-60692-390-0}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{KrentzEsser2009, author = {Krentz, Eva Maria and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Muth-Seidel, D., Petermann, F., Training f{\"u}r Kinder mit r{\"a}umlich-konstruktiven St{\"o}rungen; G{\"o}ttingen, Hogrefe, 2008}, issn = {1616-3443}, doi = {10.1026/1616-3443.38.2.146}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Esser2009, author = {Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Umschriebene Entwicklungsst{\"o}rungen}, isbn = {9788-3-642-01476-5}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{MillerUlrichSchwarz2009, author = {Miller, Jeff and Ulrich, Rolf and Schwarz, Wolfgang}, title = {Why jackknifing yields good latency estimates}, issn = {0048-5772}, doi = {10.1111/j.1469-8986.2008.00761.x}, year = {2009}, abstract = {We compared individual-participant and jackknife-based methods for scoring the onset latencies of event-related potential (ERP) components using a diffusion process as a model for an ERP. We studied "ramp-like" components in which the true ERP increases or decreases monotonically, except for noise. If the growth rates of such components vary across participants, the jackknife-based measure can easily have only 10\%-20\% as much error variance as the traditional method, and this advantage is magnified with more participants. We also studied boolean AND-shaped or "bump-like" components. Jackknifing generally yielded smaller error variances with these components too, especially when the component's peak amplitude varied across participants, but less so if the component's peak latency varied. These results help illuminate the reasons for the superiority of jackknife-based onset latency measures over traditional measures in recent simulations.}, language = {en} } @article{KuehnElsnerPrinzetal.2009, author = {Kuehn, Simone and Elsner, Birgit and Prinz, Wolfgang and Brass, Marcel}, title = {Busy doing nothing : evidence for nonaction-effect binding}, issn = {1069-9384}, doi = {10.3758/Pbr.16.3.542}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Research on voluntary action has focused on the question of how we represent our behavior on a motor and cognitive level. However, the question of how we represent voluntary not acting has been completely neglected. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cognitive and motor representation of intentionally not acting. By using an action-effect binding approach, we demonstrate similarities of action and nonaction. In particular, our results reveal that voluntary nonactions can be bound to an effect tone. This finding suggests that effect binding is not restricted to an association between a motor representation and a successive effect (action-effect binding) but can also occur for an intended nonaction and its effect (nonaction-effect binding). Moreover, we demonstrate that nonactions have to be initiated voluntarily in order to elicit nonaction-effect binding.}, language = {en} } @article{LangeVerhaeghen2009, author = {Lange, Elke B. and Verh{\"a}ghen, Paul}, title = {No age differences in complex memory search : older adults search as efficiently as younger adults}, issn = {0882-7974}, doi = {10.1037/A0013751}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In 2 experiments, the authors investigated age differences in memory search under 4 conditions: forward search, backward search, random search, and fixed irregular search. Both search slopes and serial position curves were investigated. Mixing conditions led to smaller age differences than blocking conditions, suggesting that younger adults have an advantage over older adults when strategies can be applied to memory scanning. All age differences in scanning rates, however, disappeared when age differences in a magnitude-judgment control task were controlled for, showing that age differences in memory scanning tasks are not because of the scanning process per se, but because of attention, sensorimotor speed, and decision processes. In both experiments, the serial position curves of older adults echoed those of younger adults closely, demonstrating that younger and older adults use the same scanning processes.}, language = {en} } @article{LotzKinderLachnit2009, author = {Lotz, Anja and Kinder, Annette and Lachnit, Harald}, title = {Multiple regression analyses in artificial-grammar learning : the importance of control groups}, issn = {1747-0218}, doi = {10.1080/17470210802103739}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In artificial-grammar learning, it is crucial to ensure that above-chance performance in the test stage is due to learning in the training stage but not due to judgemental biases. Here we argue that multiple regression analysis call be successfully combined with the use of control groups to assess whether participants were able to transfer knowledge acquired during training where making judgements about test stimuli. We compared the regression weights of judgements in a transfer condition (training and test strings were constructed by the same grammar but with different letters) with those in a control condition. Predictors were identical in both conditions-judgements of control participants were treated as if they were based oil knowledge gained in a standard training stage. The results of this experiment as well as reanalyses of a former study support the usefulness of our approach.}, language = {en} } @article{KroellerWarschburger2009, author = {Kr{\"o}ller, Katja and Warschburger, Petra}, title = {ISS : ein Instrument zur Erfassung elterlicher Steuerungsstrategien in der Essenssituation}, issn = {0012-1924}, doi = {10.1026/0012-1924.55.3.135}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Vorgestellt wird ein Instrument zur Erhebung muetterlicher Steuerungsstrategien in der Essenssituation (ISS), fuer deren Erfassung bislang kein deutschsprachiges, ueberprueftes Instrument vorliegt. Dazu wurde an 163 Muettern mit Vorschulkindern ein auf Grundlage bereits existierender englischsprachiger Instrumente (CFQ, CFSQ) sowie Fokusinterviews mit Experten und Muettern entstandener Itempool ueberprueft. Die Studie berichtet ueber die faktoren- und itemanalytischen Ergebnisse, nach denen sich 21 Items als trennscharf und verstaendlich erwiesen. Eine explorative Faktorenanalyse ergab sechs Faktoren, die zusammen 68\% der Varianz aufklaerten. Sie umfassen aktive Strategien, wie Restriktion, Draengen und Belohnung, aber auch passive Steuerung durch Vorbild, Monitoring und die Staerkung der Eigenverantwortung des Kindes. Analysen zu Unterschieden im Steuerungsverhalten der Mutter bestaetigten die Faehigkeit des Instrumentes zur Differenzierung zwischen Muettern mit verschiedenem soziooekonomischen Status und Kindern unterschiedlichen Gewichts.}, language = {de} } @article{KroellerWarschburger2009, author = {Kr{\"o}ller, Katja and Warschburger, Petra}, title = {Maternal feeding strategies and child's food intake : considering weight and demographic influences using structural equation modeling}, issn = {1479-5868}, doi = {10.1186/1479-5868-6-78}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Background: Research concerning child's food intake have considered various influencing factors, for example parental feeding strategies, demographic and weight factors. At this time, however, there are few findings that explore these factors simultaneously. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to test a structural equation model regarding the associations between maternal feeding strategies and child's food intake. Methods: 556 mothers and their children between 1 and 10 years of age participated in this cross-sectional study. Besides socio-demographic and weight data, the mothers were asked about their feeding strategies as well as their child's food intake. Results: The well-fitting model explained 73\% of the variance in the child's consumption of healthy and 34\% of unhealthy food. In addition to the effect of the mother's social status and the child's age, a rewarding and modeling feeding behavior significantly influenced the child's food intake. Conclusion: The results highlight the relevance of maternal feeding behavior on the child's food intake. In terms of preventing eating- or weight-related problems, the findings indicate the usefulness of training parents in explicit modeling behavior and avoiding food as a reward.}, language = {en} } @article{LauchtTreutleinBlomeyeretal.2009, author = {Laucht, Manfred and Treutlein, Jens and Blomeyer, Dorothea and Buchmann, Arlette F. and Schmid, Brigitte and Becker, Katja and Zimmermann, Ulrich S. and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Rietschel, Marcella and Banaschewski, Tobias}, title = {Interaction between the 5-HTTLPR serotonin transporter polymorphism and environmental adversity for mood and anxiety psychopathology : evidence from a high-risk community sample of young adults}, issn = {1461-1457}, doi = {10.1017/S1461145708009875}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Previous research examining gene-environment interaction (G x E) with regard to vulnerability to depression and anxiety has yielded conflicting results. The present study was designed to further investigate G x F between 5-HTTLPR and exposure to environmental adversity, using different phenotypic and genotypic characterizations as well as different types of adversity within a prospective study design. Data were available from an ongoing epidemiological cohort Study following the outcome of early risk factors from birth to adulthood. At age 19 yr, 309 participants (142 males, 167 females) were characterized on measures of depression and anxiety through interview and questionnaire (DSM-IV diagnosis, Beck Depression Inventory, Harm Avoidance). Environmental adversity was assessed at birth (family adversity), and at age 19 yr (stressful life events). Bi- and tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR genotypes were obtained from genomic DNA. Results indicated that depression and anxiety in 19-yr-olds were strongly associated with both family adversity and stressful life events. Individuals with the LL genotype of 5-HTTLPR who were exposed to high family adversity displayed significantly higher rates of depressive or anxiety disorders and had more depressive symptoms than those without either condition. This G x E replicates recent findings from an epidemiological cohort study of adolescents but is in contrast to many previous reports suggesting an interaction with the S allele. No evidence for G x E was obtained with regard to current stressful life events and trait anxiety. One possible source for the conflicting findings might be attributed to heterogeneity in depression phenotypes and environmental adversity.}, language = {en} } @article{LauchtTreutleinSchmidetal.2009, author = {Laucht, Manfred and Treutlein, Jens and Schmid, Brigitte and Blomeyer, Dorothea and Becker, Katja and Buchmann, Arlette F. and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Jennen-Steinmetz, Christine and Rietschel, Marcella and Zimmermann, Ulrich S. and Banaschewski, Tobias}, title = {Impact of psychosocial adversity on alcohol intake in young adults : moderation by the LL genotype of the serotonin transporter polymorphism}, issn = {0006-3223}, doi = {10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.02.010}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Background: Evidence from animal studies supports a role for serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) gene-environment interaction (G X E) in the development of excessive alcohol intake. Few studies in humans have been conducted on this topic, yielding inconsistent results. The present study aims to further explore G x E between 5-HTTLPR and exposure to psychosocial adversity on alcohol consumption in a high-risk community sample of young adults. Methods: Data were collected as part of the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk, an ongoing epidemiological cohort study following the outcome of early risk factors from birth into young adulthood. At age 19 years, 309 participants (142 male participants, 167 female participants) were genotyped for the biallelic and triallelic 5-HTTLPR and were administered a 45-day alcohol timeline follow-back interview, providing measures of the total number of drinks and the number of binge drinking days. Psychosocial adversity was assessed at birth (family adversity) and at age 19 (negative life events). Results: In contrast to various previous reports, a significant G x E emerged, indicating that, when exposed to high psychosocial adversity, individuals with the LL genotype of 5-HTTLPR exhibited more hazardous drinking than those carrying the S allele or those without exposure to adversity. This effect, which was confined to male participants, held both for different classifications of 5-HTTLPR and different types of adversity. Conclusions: One explanation for the discrepant results might be heterogeneity in alcohol phenotypes. While the L allele relates more strongly to early-onset alcoholism, the S allele may be linked more closely to alcohol use associated with anxiety and depression.}, language = {en} } @article{OberauerLange2009, author = {Oberauer, Klaus and Lange, Elke B.}, title = {Activation and binding in verbal working memory : a dual-process model for the recognition of nonwords}, issn = {0010-0285}, doi = {10.1016/j.cogpsych.2008.05.003}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The article presents a mathematical model of short-term recognition based on dual-process models and the three- component theory of working memory [Oberauer, K. (2002). Access to information in working memory: Exploring the focus of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28, 411-421]. Familiarity arises from activated representations in long-term memory, ignoring their relations; recollection retrieves bindings in the capacity- limited component of working memory. In three experiments participants encoded two short lists of nonwords for immediate recognition, one of which was then cued as irrelevant. Probes from the irrelevant list were rejected more slowly than new probes; this was also found with probes recombining letters of irrelevant nonwords, suggesting that familiarity arises from individual letters independent of their relations. When asked to accept probes whose letters were all in the relevant list, regardless of their conjunction, participants accepted probes preserving the original conjunctions faster than recombinations, showing that recollection accessed feature bindings automatically. The model fit the data best when familiarity depended only on matching letters, whereas recollection used binding information.}, language = {en} } @article{OberauerMeyer2009, author = {Oberauer, Klaus and Meyer, Nadine}, title = {The contributions of encoding, retention, and recall to the Hebb effect}, issn = {0965-8211}, doi = {10.1080/09658210903107861}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The article reports an experiment testing whether the Hebb repetition effectthe gradual improvement of immediate serial recall when the same list is repeated several timesdepends on overt recall of the repeated lists. Previous reports which suggest that recall is critical confound the recall manipulation with retention interval. The present experiment orthogonally varies retention interval (0 or 9 s) and whether the list is to be recalled after the retention interval. Hebb repetition learning is assessed in a final test phase. A repetition effect was obtained in all four experimental conditions; it was larger for recalled than non-recalled lists, whereas retention interval had no effect. The results show that encoding is sufficient to generate cumulative long-term learning, which is strengthened by recall. Rehearsal, if it takes place in the retention interval at all, does not have the same effect on long-term learning as overt recall.}, language = {en} } @article{OberauerVockenberg2009, author = {Oberauer, Klaus and Vockenberg, Kerstin}, title = {Updating of working memory : lingering bindings}, issn = {1747-0218}, doi = {10.1080/17470210802372912}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Three experiments investigated proactive interference and proactive facilitation in a memory-updating paradigm. Participants remembered several letters or spatial patterns, distinguished by their spatial positions, and updated them by new stimuli up to 20 times per trial. Self-paced updating times were shorter when an item previously remembered and then replaced reappeared in the same location than when it reappeared in a different location. This effect demonstrates residual memory for no-longer-relevant bindings of items to locations. The effect increased with the number of items to be remembered. With one exception, updating times did not increase, and recall of final values did not decrease, over successive updating steps, thus providing little evidence for proactive interference building up cumulatively.}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-29586, title = {Beratungspsychologie}, editor = {Warschburger, Petra}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-79060-0}, pages = {XI, 277 S.}, year = {2009}, language = {de} }