@phdthesis{Topaj2001, author = {Topaj, Dmitri}, title = {Synchronization transitions in complex systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000367}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung generischer Synchronisierungsph{\"a}nomene in interagierenden komplexen Systemen. Diese Ph{\"a}nomene werden u.a. in gekoppelten deterministischen chaotischen Systemen beobachtet. Bei sehr schwachen Interaktionen zwischen individuellen Systemen kann ein {\"U}bergang zum schwach koh{\"a}renten Verhalten der Systeme stattfinden. In gekoppelten zeitkontinuierlichen chaotischen Systemen manifestiert sich dieser {\"U}bergang durch den Effekt der Phasensynchronisierung, in gekoppelten chaotischen zeitdiskreten Systemen durch den Effekt eines nichtverschwindenden makroskopischen Feldes. Der {\"U}bergang zur Koh{\"a}renz in einer Kette lokal gekoppelter Oszillatoren, beschrieben durch Phasengleichungen, wird im Bezug auf die Symmetrien des Systems untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß die durch die Symmetrien verursachte Reversibilit{\"a}t des Systems nichttriviale topologische Eigenschaften der Trajektorien bedingt, so daß das als dissipativ konstruierte System in einem ganzen Parameterbereich quasi-Hamiltonische Z{\"u}ge aufweist, d.h. das Phasenvolumen ist im Schnitt erhalten, und die Lyapunov-Exponenten sind paarweise symmetrisch. Der {\"U}bergang zur Koh{\"a}renz in einem Ensemble global gekoppelter chaotischer Abbildungen wird durch den Verlust der Stabilit{\"a}t des entkoppelten Zustandes beschrieben. Die entwickelte Methode besteht darin, die Selbstkonsistenz des makroskopischen Feldes aufzuheben, und das Ensemble in Analogie mit einem Verst{\"a}rkerschaltkreis mit R{\"u}ckkopplung durch eine komplexe lineare {\"U}bertragungssfunktion zu charakterisieren. Diese Theorie wird anschließend f{\"u}r einige theoretisch interessanten F{\"a}lle verallgemeinert.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahlers2001, author = {Ahlers, Volker}, title = {Scaling and synchronization in deterministic and stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000320}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung universeller Skalengesetze, die in gekoppelten chaotischen Systemen beobachtet werden. Ergebnisse werden erzielt durch das Ersetzen der chaotischen Fluktuationen in der St{\"o}rungsdynamik durch stochastische Prozesse. Zun{\"a}chst wird ein zeitkontinuierliches stochastisches Modell f{\"u}rschwach gekoppelte chaotische Systeme eingef{\"u}hrt, um die Skalierung der Lyapunov-Exponenten mit der Kopplungsst{\"a}rke (coupling sensitivity of chaos) zu untersuchen. Mit Hilfe der Fokker-Planck-Gleichung werden Skalengesetze hergeleitet, die von Ergebnissen numerischer Simulationen best{\"a}tigt werden. Anschließend wird der neuartige Effekt der vermiedenen Kreuzung von Lyapunov-Exponenten schwach gekoppelter ungeordneter chaotischer Systeme beschrieben, der qualitativ der Abstoßung zwischen Energieniveaus in Quantensystemen {\"a}hnelt. Unter Benutzung der f{\"u}r die coupling sensitivity of chaos gewonnenen Skalengesetze wird ein asymptotischer Ausdruck f{\"u}r die Verteilungsfunktion kleiner Abst{\"a}nde zwischen Lyapunov-Exponenten hergeleitet und mit Ergebnissen numerischer Simulationen verglichen. Schließlich wird gezeigt, dass der Synchronisations{\"u}bergang in starkgekoppelten r{\"a}umlich ausgedehnten chaotischen Systemen einem kontinuierlichen Phasen{\"u}bergang entspricht, mit der Kopplungsst{\"a}rke und dem Synchronisationsfehler als Kontroll- beziehungsweise Ordnungsparameter. Unter Benutzung von Ergebnissen numerischer Simulationen sowie theoretischen {\"U}berlegungen anhand einer partiellen Differentialgleichung mit multiplikativem Rauschen werden die Universalit{\"a}tsklassen der zwei beobachteten {\"U}bergangsarten bestimmt (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang-Gleichung mit S{\"a}ttigungsterm, gerichtete Perkolation).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rosenblum2003, author = {Rosenblum, Michael}, title = {Phase synchronization of chaotic systems : from theory to experimental applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000682}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {In einem klassischen Kontext bedeutet Synchronisierung die Anpassung der Rhythmen von selbst-erregten periodischen Oszillatoren aufgrund ihrer schwachen Wechselwirkung. Der Begriff der Synchronisierung geht auf den ber{\"u}hmten niederl{\"a}andischen Wissenschaftler Christiaan Huygens im 17. Jahrhundert zur{\"u}ck, der {\"u}ber seine Beobachtungen mit Pendeluhren berichtete. Wenn zwei solche Uhren auf der selben Unterlage plaziert wurden, schwangen ihre Pendel in perfekter {\"U}bereinstimmung. Mathematisch bedeutet das, daß infolge der Kopplung, die Uhren mit gleichen Frequenzen und engverwandten Phasen zu oszillieren begannen. Als wahrscheinlich {\"a}ltester beobachteter nichtlinearer Effekt wurde die Synchronisierung erst nach den Arbeiten von E. V. Appleton und B. Van der Pol gegen 1920 verstanden, die die Synchronisierung in Triodengeneratoren systematisch untersucht haben. Seitdem wurde die Theorie gut entwickelt, und hat viele Anwendungen gefunden. Heutzutage weiss man, dass bestimmte, sogar ziemlich einfache, Systeme, ein chaotisches Verhalten aus{\"u}ben k{\"o}nnen. Dies bedeutet, dass ihre Rhythmen unregelm{\"a}ßig sind und nicht durch nur eine einzige Frequenz charakterisiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Wie in der Habilitationsarbeit gezeigt wurde, kann man jedoch den Begriff der Phase und damit auch der Synchronisierung auf chaotische Systeme ausweiten. Wegen ihrer sehr schwachen Wechselwirkung treten Beziehungen zwischen den Phasen und den gemittelten Frequenzen auf und f{\"u}hren damit zur {\"U}bereinstimmung der immer noch unregelm{\"a}ßigen Rhythmen. Dieser Effekt, sogenannter Phasensynchronisierung, konnte sp{\"a}ter in Laborexperimenten anderer wissenschaftlicher Gruppen best{\"a}tigt werden. Das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Synchronisierung unregelm{\"a}ßiger Oszillatoren erlaubte es uns, wichtige Probleme der Datenanalyse zu untersuchen. Ein Hauptbeispiel ist das Problem der Identifikation schwacher Wechselwirkungen zwischen Systemen, die nur eine passive Messung erlauben. Diese Situation trifft h{\"a}ufig in lebenden Systemen auf, wo Synchronisierungsph{\"a}nomene auf jedem Niveau erscheinen - auf der Ebene von Zellen bis hin zu makroskopischen physiologischen Systemen; in normalen Zust{\"a}nden und auch in Zust{\"a}nden ernster Pathologie. Mit unseren Methoden konnten wir eine Anpassung in den Rhythmen von Herz-Kreislauf und Atmungssystem in Menschen feststellen, wobei der Grad ihrer Interaktion mit der Reifung zunimmt. Weiterhin haben wir unsere Algorithmen benutzt, um die Gehirnaktivit{\"a}t von an Parkinson Erkrankten zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Kollaboration mit Neurowissenschaftlern zeigen, dass sich verschiedene Gehirnbereiche genau vor Beginn des pathologischen Zitterns synchronisieren. Außerdem gelang es uns, die f{\"u}r das Zittern verantwortliche Gehirnregion zu lokalisieren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Allefeld2004, author = {Allefeld, Carsten}, title = {Phase synchronization analysis of event-related brain potentials in language processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Das Forschungsthema Synchronisation bildet einen Schnittpunkt von Nichtlinearer Dynamik und Neurowissenschaft. So hat zum einen neurobiologische Forschung gezeigt, daß die Synchronisation neuronaler Aktivit{\"a}t einen wesentlichen Aspekt der Funktionsweise des Gehirns darstellt. Zum anderen haben Fortschritte in der physikalischen Theorie zur Entdeckung des Ph{\"a}nomens der Phasensynchronisation gef{\"u}hrt. Eine dadurch motivierte Datenanalysemethode, die Phasensynchronisations-Analyse, ist bereits mit Erfolg auf empirische Daten angewandt worden. Die vorliegende Dissertation kn{\"u}pft an diese konvergierenden Forschungslinien an. Ihren Gegenstand bilden methodische Beitr{\"a}ge zur Fortentwicklung der Phasensynchronisations-Analyse, sowie deren Anwendung auf ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale, eine besonders in den Kognitionswissenschaften wichtige Form von EEG-Daten. Die methodischen Beitr{\"a}ge dieser Arbeit bestehen zum ersten in einer Reihe spezialisierter statistischer Tests auf einen Unterschied der Synchronisationsst{\"a}rke in zwei verschiedenen Zust{\"a}nden eines Systems zweier Oszillatoren. Zweitens wird im Hinblick auf den viel-kanaligen Charakter von EEG-Daten ein Ansatz zur multivariaten Phasensynchronisations-Analyse vorgestellt. Zur empirischen Untersuchung neuronaler Synchronisation wurde ein klassisches Experiment zur Sprachverarbeitung repliziert, in dem der Effekt einer semantischen Verletzung im Satzkontext mit demjenigen der Manipulation physischer Reizeigenschaften (Schriftfarbe) verglichen wird. Hier zeigt die Phasensynchronisations-Analyse eine Verringerung der globalen Synchronisationsst{\"a}rke f{\"u}r die semantische Verletzung sowie eine Verst{\"a}rkung f{\"u}r die physische Manipulation. Im zweiten Fall l{\"a}ßt sich der global beobachtete Synchronisationseffekt mittels der multivariaten Analyse auf die Interaktion zweier symmetrisch gelegener Gehirnareale zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren. Die vorgelegten Befunde zeigen, daß die physikalisch motivierte Methode der Phasensynchronisations-Analyse einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Untersuchung ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale in den Kognitionswissenschaften zu leisten vermag.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zemanova2007, author = {Zemanov{\´a}, Lucia}, title = {Structure-function relationship in hierarchical model of brain networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-18400}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The mammalian brain is, with its numerous neural elements and structured complex connectivity, one of the most complex systems in nature. Recently, large-scale corticocortical connectivities, both structural and functional, have received a great deal of research attention, especially using the approach of complex networks. Here, we try to shed some light on the relationship between structural and functional connectivities by studying synchronization dynamics in a realistic anatomical network of cat cortical connectivity. We model the cortical areas by a subnetwork of interacting excitable neurons (multilevel model) and by a neural mass model (population model). With weak couplings, the multilevel model displays biologically plausible dynamics and the synchronization patterns reveal a hierarchical cluster organization in the network structure. We can identify a group of brain areas involved in multifunctional tasks by comparing the dynamical clusters to the topological communities of the network. With strong couplings of multilevel model and by using neural mass model, the dynamics are characterized by well-defined oscillations. The synchronization patterns are mainly determined by the node intensity (total input strengths of a node); the detailed network topology is of secondary importance. The biologically improved multilevel model exhibits similar dynamical patterns in the two regimes. Thus, the study of synchronization in a multilevel complex network model of cortex can provide insights into the relationship between network topology and functional organization of complex brain networks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Toenjes2007, author = {T{\"o}njes, Ralf}, title = {Pattern formation through synchronization in systems of nonidentical autonomous oscillators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-15973}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This work is concerned with the spatio-temporal structures that emerge when non-identical, diffusively coupled oscillators synchronize. It contains analytical results and their confirmation through extensive computer simulations. We use the Kuramoto model which reduces general oscillatory systems to phase dynamics. The symmetry of the coupling plays an important role for the formation of patterns. We have studied the ordering influence of an asymmetry (non-isochronicity) in the phase coupling function on the phase profile in synchronization and the intricate interplay between this asymmetry and the frequency heterogeneity in the system. The thesis is divided into three main parts. Chapter 2 and 3 introduce the basic model of Kuramoto and conditions for stable synchronization. In Chapter 4 we characterize the phase profiles in synchronization for various special cases and in an exponential approximation of the phase coupling function, which allows for an analytical treatment. Finally, in the third part (Chapter 5) we study the influence of non-isochronicity on the synchronization frequency in continuous, reaction diffusion systems and discrete networks of oscillators.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bergner2011, author = {Bergner, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Synchronization in complex systems with multiple time scales}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the present work synchronization phenomena in complex dynamical systems exhibiting multiple time scales have been analyzed. Multiple time scales can be active in different manners. Three different systems have been analyzed with different methods from data analysis. The first system studied is a large heterogenous network of bursting neurons, that is a system with two predominant time scales, the fast firing of action potentials (spikes) and the burst of repetitive spikes followed by a quiescent phase. This system has been integrated numerically and analyzed with methods based on recurrence in phase space. An interesting result are the different transitions to synchrony found in the two distinct time scales. Moreover, an anomalous synchronization effect can be observed in the fast time scale, i.e. there is range of the coupling strength where desynchronization occurs. The second system analyzed, numerically as well as experimentally, is a pair of coupled CO₂ lasers in a chaotic bursting regime. This system is interesting due to its similarity with epidemic models. We explain the bursts by different time scales generated from unstable periodic orbits embedded in the chaotic attractor and perform a synchronization analysis of these different orbits utilizing the continuous wavelet transform. We find a diverse route to synchrony of these different observed time scales. The last system studied is a small network motif of limit cycle oscillators. Precisely, we have studied a hub motif, which serves as elementary building block for scale-free networks, a type of network found in many real world applications. These hubs are of special importance for communication and information transfer in complex networks. Here, a detailed study on the mechanism of synchronization in oscillatory networks with a broad frequency distribution has been carried out. In particular, we find a remote synchronization of nodes in the network which are not directly coupled. We also explain the responsible mechanism and its limitations and constraints. Further we derive an analytic expression for it and show that information transmission in pure phase oscillators, such as the Kuramoto type, is limited. In addition to the numerical and analytic analysis an experiment consisting of electrical circuits has been designed. The obtained results confirm the former findings.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Massie2011, author = {Massie, Thomas Michael}, title = {Dynamic behavior of phytoplankton populations far from steady state : chemostat experiments and mathematical modeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58102}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Nature changes continuously and is only seemingly at equilibrium. Environmental parameters like temperature, humidity or insolation may strongly fluctuate on scales ranging from seconds to millions of years. Being part of an ecosystem, species have to cope with these environmental changes. For ecologists, it is of special interest how individual responses to environmental changes affect the dynamics of an entire population - and, if this behavior is predictable. In this context, the demographic structure of a population plays a decisive role since it originates from processes of growth and mortality. These processes are fundamentally influenced by the environment. But, how exactly does the environment influence the behavior of populations? And what does the transient behavior look like? As a result from environmental influences on demography, so called cohorts form. They are age or size classes that are disproportionally represented in the demographic distribution of a population. For instance, if most old and young individuals die due to a cold spell, the population finally consists of mainly middle-aged individuals. Hence, the population got synchronized. Such a population tends to show regular fluctuations in numbers (denoted as oscillations) since the alternating phases of individual growth and population growth (due to reproduction) are now performed synchronously by the majority of the population.That is, one time the population growths, and the other time it declines due to mortality. Synchronous behavior is one of the most pervasive phenomena in nature. Gravitational synchrony in the solar system; fireflies flashing in unison; coordinate firing of pacemaker cells in the heart; electrons in a superconductor marching in lockstep. Whatever scale one looks at, in animate as well as inanimate systems, one is likely to encounter synchrony. In experiments with phytoplankton populations, I could show that this principle of synchrony (as used by physicists) could well-explain the oscillations observed in the experiments, too. The size of the fluctuations depended on the strength by which environmental parameters changed as well as on the demographic state of a population prior to this change. That is, two population living in different habitats can be equally influenced by an environmental change, however, the resulting population dynamics may be significantly different when both populations differed in their demographic state before. Moreover, specific mechanisms relevant for the dynamic behavior of populations, appear only when the environmental conditions change. In my experiments, the population density declined by 50\% after ressource supply was doubled. This counter-intuitive behavior can be explained by increasing ressource consumption. The phytoplankton cells grew larger and enhanced their individual constitution. But at the same time, reproduction was delayed and the population density declined due to the losses by mortality. Environmental influences can also synchronize two or more populations over large distances, which is denoted as Moran effect. Assume two populations living on two distant islands. Although there is no exchange of individuals between them, both populations show a high similarity when comparing their time series. This is because the globally acting climate synchronizes the regionally acting weather on both island. Since the weather fluctuations influence the population dynamics, the Moran effect states that the synchrony between the environment equals the one between the populations. My experiments support this theory and also explain deviations arising when accounting for differences in the populations and the habitats they are living in. Moreover, model simulations and experiments astonishingly show that the synchrony between the populations can be higher than between the environment, when accounting for differences in the environmental fluctuations ("noise color").}, language = {de} } @misc{Fischer2012, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Fischer, Jost}, title = {{\"U}ber Synchronisationsph{\"a}nomene nichtlinearer akustischer Oszillatoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden die Effekte der Synchronisation nichtlinearer, akustischer Oszillatoren am Beispiel zweier Orgelpfeifen untersucht. Aus vorhandenen, experimentellen Messdaten werden die typischen Merkmale der Synchronisation extrahiert und dargestellt. Es folgt eine detaillierte Analyse der {\"U}bergangsbereiche in das Synchronisationsplateau, der Ph{\"a}nomene w{\"a}hrend der Synchronisation, als auch das Austreten aus der Synchronisationsregion beider Orgelpfeifen, bei verschiedenen Kopplungsst{\"a}rken. Die experimentellen Befunde werfen Fragestellungen nach der Kopplungsfunktion auf. Dazu wird die Tonentstehung in einer Orgelpfeife untersucht. Mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen der Tonentstehung wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche fluiddynamischen und aero-akustischen Ursachen die Tonentstehung in der Orgelpfeife hat und inwiefern sich die Mechanismen auf das Modell eines selbsterregten akustischen Oszillators abbilden l{\"a}sst. Mit der Methode des Coarse Graining wird ein Modellansatz formuliert.}, language = {de} } @article{FrascaBergnerKurthsetal.2012, author = {Frasca, Mattia and Bergner, Andre and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Fortuna, Luigi}, title = {Bifurcations in a star-like network of Stuart-Landau oscillators}, series = {International journal of bifurcation and chaos : in applied sciences and engineering}, volume = {22}, journal = {International journal of bifurcation and chaos : in applied sciences and engineering}, number = {7}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapore}, issn = {0218-1274}, doi = {10.1142/S0218127412501738}, pages = {13}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In this paper, we analytically study a star motif of Stuart-Landau oscillators, derive the bifurcation diagram and discuss the different forms of synchronization arising in such a system. Despite the parameter mismatch between the central node and the peripheral ones, an analytical approach independent of the number of units in the system has been proposed. The approach allows to calculate the separatrices between the regions with distinct dynamical behavior and to determine the nature of the different transitions to synchronization appearing in the system. The theoretical analysis is supported by numerical results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2014, author = {Fischer, Jost Leonhardt}, title = {Nichtlineare Kopplungsmechanismen akustischer Oszillatoren am Beispiel der Synchronisation von Orgelpfeifen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden nichtlineare Kopplungsmechanismen von akustischen Oszillatoren untersucht, die zu Synchronisation f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Aufbauend auf die Fragestellungen vorangegangener Arbeiten werden mit Hilfe theoretischer und experimenteller Studien sowie mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen die Elemente der Tonentstehung in der Orgelpfeife und die Mechanismen der gegenseitigen Wechselwirkung von Orgelpfeifen identifiziert. Daraus wird erstmalig ein vollst{\"a}ndig auf den aeroakustischen und fluiddynamischen Grundprinzipien basierendes nichtlinear gekoppeltes Modell selbst-erregter Oszillatoren f{\"u}r die Beschreibung des Verhaltens zweier wechselwirkender Orgelpfeifen entwickelt. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten Modellrechnungen werden mit den experimentellen Befunden verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Tonentstehung und die Kopplungsmechanismen von Orgelpfeifen durch das entwickelte Oszillatormodell in weiten Teilen richtig beschrieben werden. Insbesondere kann damit die Ursache f{\"u}r den nichtlinearen Zusammenhang von Kopplungsst{\"a}rke und Synchronisation des gekoppelten Zwei-Pfeifen Systems, welcher sich in einem nichtlinearen Verlauf der Arnoldzunge darstellt, gekl{\"a}rt werden. Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wird der Einfluss des Raumes auf die Tonentstehung bei Orgelpfeifen betrachtet. Daf{\"u}r werden numerische Simulationen der Wechselwirkung einer Orgelpfeife mit verschiedenen Raumgeometrien, wie z. B. ebene, konvexe, konkave, und gezahnte Geometrien, exemplarisch untersucht. Auch der Einfluss von Schwellk{\"a}sten auf die Tonentstehung und die Klangbildung der Orgelpfeife wird studiert. In weiteren, neuartigen Synchronisationsexperimenten mit identisch gestimmten Orgelpfeifen, sowie mit Mixturen wird die Synchronisation f{\"u}r verschiedene, horizontale und vertikale Pfeifenabst{\"a}nde in der Ebene der Schallabstrahlung, untersucht. Die dabei erstmalig beobachteten r{\"a}umlich isotropen Unstetigkeiten im Schwingungsverhalten der gekoppelten Pfeifensysteme, deuten auf abstandsabh{\"a}ngige Wechsel zwischen gegen- und gleichphasigen Sychronisationsregimen hin. Abschließend wird die M{\"o}glichkeit dokumentiert, das Ph{\"a}nomen der Synchronisation zweier Orgelpfeifen durch numerische Simulationen, also der Behandlung der kompressiblen Navier-Stokes Gleichungen mit entsprechenden Rand- und Anfangsbedingungen, realit{\"a}tsnah abzubilden. Auch dies stellt ein Novum dar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yeldesbay2014, author = {Yeldesbay, Azamat}, title = {Complex regimes of synchronization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73348}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 60}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Synchronization is a fundamental phenomenon in nature. It can be considered as a general property of self-sustained oscillators to adjust their rhythm in the presence of an interaction. In this work we investigate complex regimes of synchronization phenomena by means of theoretical analysis, numerical modeling, as well as practical analysis of experimental data. As a subject of our investigation we consider chimera state, where due to spontaneous symmetry-breaking of an initially homogeneous oscillators lattice split the system into two parts with different dynamics. Chimera state as a new synchronization phenomenon was first found in non-locally coupled oscillators system, and has attracted a lot of attention in the last decade. However, the recent studies indicate that this state is also possible in globally coupled systems. In the first part of this work, we show under which conditions the chimera-like state appears in a system of globally coupled identical oscillators with intrinsic delayed feedback. The results of the research explain how initially monostable oscillators became effectivly bistable in the presence of the coupling and create a mean field that sustain the coexistence of synchronized and desynchronized states. Also we discuss other examples, where chimera-like state appears due to frequency dependence of the phase shift in the bistable system. In the second part, we make further investigation of this topic by modeling influence of an external periodic force to an oscillator with intrinsic delayed feedback. We made stability analysis of the synchronized state and constructed Arnold tongues. The results explain formation of the chimera-like state and hysteric behavior of the synchronization area. Also, we consider two sets of parameters of the oscillator with symmetric and asymmetric Arnold tongues, that correspond to mono- and bi-stable regimes of the oscillator. In the third part, we demonstrate the results of the work, which was done in collaboration with our colleagues from Psychology Department of University of Potsdam. The project aimed to study the effect of the cardiac rhythm on human perception of time using synchronization analysis. From our part, we made a statistical analysis of the data obtained from the conducted experiment on free time interval reproduction task. We examined how ones heartbeat influences the time perception and searched for possible phase synchronization between heartbeat cycles and time reproduction responses. The findings support the prediction that cardiac cycles can serve as input signals, and is used for reproduction of time intervals in the range of several seconds.}, language = {en} } @misc{EhrigGolasHabeletal.2014, author = {Ehrig, Hartmut and Golas, Ulrike and Habel, Annegret and Lambers, Leen and Orejas, Fernando}, title = {M-adhesive transformation systems with nested application conditions}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Digital Engineering Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Digital Engineering Reihe}, number = {001}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41565}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-415651}, pages = {50}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Nested application conditions generalise the well-known negative application conditions and are important for several application domains. In this paper, we present Local Church-Rosser, Parallelism, Concurrency and Amalgamation Theorems for rules with nested application conditions in the framework of M-adhesive categories, where M-adhesive categories are slightly more general than weak adhesive high-level replacement categories. Most of the proofs are based on the corresponding statements for rules without application conditions and two shift lemmas stating that nested application conditions can be shifted over morphisms and rules.}, language = {en} } @article{PollatosYeldesbayPikovskijetal.2014, author = {Pollatos, Olga and Yeldesbay, Azamat and Pikovskij, Arkadij and Rosenblum, Michael}, title = {How much time has passed? Ask your heart}, series = {Frontiers in neurorobotics}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in neurorobotics}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1662-5218}, doi = {10.3389/fnbot.2014.00015}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Internal signals like one's heartbeats are centrally processed via specific pathways and both their neural representations as well as their conscious perception (interoception) provide key information for many cognitive processes. Recent empirical findings propose that neural processes in the insular cortex, which are related to bodily signals, might constitute a neurophysiological mechanism for the encoding of duration. Nevertheless, the exact nature of such a proposed relationship remains unclear. We aimed to address this question by searching for the effects of cardiac rhythm on time perception by the use of a duration reproduction paradigm. Time intervals used were of 0.5, 2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 25, and 40s length. In a framework of synchronization hypothesis, measures of phase locking between the cardiac cycle and start/stop signals of the reproduction task were calculated to quantify this relationship. The main result is that marginally significant synchronization indices (Sls) between the heart cycle and the time reproduction responses for the time intervals of 2, 3, 10, 14, and 25s length were obtained, while results were not significant for durations of 0.5, 7, and 40s length. On the single participant level, several subjects exhibited some synchrony between the heart cycle and the time reproduction responses, most pronounced for the time interval of 25s (8 out of 23 participants for 20\% quantile). Better time reproduction accuracy was not related with larger degree of phase locking, but with greater vagal control of the heart. A higher interoceptive sensitivity (IS) was associated with a higher synchronization index (SI) for the 2s time interval only. We conclude that information obtained from the cardiac cycle is relevant for the encoding and reproduction of time in the time span of 2-25s. Sympathovagal tone as well as interoceptive processes mediate the accuracy of time estimation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2014, author = {Schaefer, Laura}, title = {Synchronisationsph{\"a}nomene myotendin{\"o}ser Oszillationen interagierender neuromuskul{\"a}rer Systeme}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Muskeln oszillieren nachgewiesener Weise mit einer Frequenz um 10 Hz. Doch was geschieht mit myofaszialen Oszillationen, wenn zwei neuromuskul{\"a}re Systeme interagieren? Die Dissertation widmet sich dieser Fragestellung bei isometrischer Interaktion. W{\"a}hrend der Testmessungen ergaben sich Hinweise f{\"u}r das Vorhandensein von m{\"o}glicherweise zwei verschiedenen Formen der Isometrie. Arbeiten zwei Personen isometrisch gegeneinander, k{\"o}nnen subjektiv zwei Modi eingenommen werden: man kann entweder isometrisch halten - der Kraft des Partners widerstehen - oder isometrisch dr{\"u}cken - gegen den isometrischen Widerstand des Partners arbeiten. Daher wurde zus{\"a}tzlich zu den Messungen zur Interaktion zweier Personen an einzelnen Individuen gepr{\"u}ft, ob m{\"o}glicherweise zwei Formen der Isometrie existieren. Die Promotion besteht demnach aus zwei inhaltlich und methodisch getrennten Teilen: I „Single-Isometrie" und II „Paar-Isometrie". F{\"u}r Teil I wurden mithilfe eines pneumatisch betriebenen Systems die hypothetischen Messmodi Halten und Dr{\"u}cken w{\"a}hrend isometrischer Aktion untersucht. Bei n = 10 Probanden erfolgte parallel zur Aufzeichnung des Drucksignals w{\"a}hrend der Messungen die Erfassung der Kraft (DMS) und der Beschleunigung sowie die Aufnahme der mechanischen Muskeloszillationen folgender myotendin{\"o}ser Strukturen via Mechanomyo- (MMG) bzw. Mechanotendografie (MTG): M. triceps brachii (MMGtri), Trizepssehne (MTGtri), M. obliquus externus abdominis (MMGobl). Pro Proband wurden bei 80 \% der MVC sowohl sechs 15-Sekunden-Messungen (jeweils drei im haltenden bzw. dr{\"u}ckenden Modus; Pause: 1 Minute) als auch vier Erm{\"u}dungsmessungen (jeweils zwei im haltenden bzw. dr{\"u}ckenden Modus; Pause: 2 Minuten) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zum Vergleich der Messmodi Halten und Dr{\"u}cken wurden die Amplituden der myofaszialen Oszillationen sowie die Kraftausdauer herangezogen. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen dem haltenden und dem dr{\"u}ckenden Modus zeigten sich insbesondere im Bereich der Erm{\"u}dungscharakteristik. So lassen Probanden im haltenden Modus signifikant fr{\"u}her nach als im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus (t(9) = 3,716; p = .005). Im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus macht das l{\"a}ngste isometrische Plateau durchschnittlich 59,4 \% der Gesamtdauer aus, im haltenden sind es 31,6 \% (t(19) = 5,265, p = .000). Die Amplituden der Single-Isometrie-Messungen unterscheiden sich nicht signifikant. Allerdings variieren die Amplituden des MMGobl zwischen den Messungen im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus signifikant st{\"a}rker als im haltenden Modus. Aufgrund dieser teils signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Messmodi wurde dieses Setting auch im zweiten Teil „Paar-Isometrie" ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Dort wurden n = 20 Probanden - eingeteilt in zehn gleichgeschlechtliche Paare - w{\"a}hrend isometrischer Interaktion untersucht. Die Sensorplatzierung erfolgte analog zu Teil I. Die Oszillationen der erfassten MTG- sowie MMG-Signale wurden u.a. mit Algorithmen der Nichtlinearen Dynamik auf ihre Koh{\"a}renz hin untersucht. Durch die Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zeigte sich, dass die Muskeln und die Sehnen beider neuromuskul{\"a}rer Systeme bei Interaktion im bekannten Frequenzbereich von 10 Hz oszillieren. Außerdem waren sie in der Lage, sich bei Interaktion so aufeinander abzustimmen, dass sich eine signifikante Koh{\"a}renz entwickelte, die sich von Zufallspaarungen signifikant unterscheidet (Patchanzahl: t(29) = 3,477; p = .002; Summe der 4 l{\"a}ngsten Patches: t(29) = 7,505; p = .000). Es wird der Schluss gezogen, dass neuromuskul{\"a}re Komplement{\"a}rpartner in der Lage sind, sich im Sinne koh{\"a}renten Verhaltens zu synchronisieren. Bez{\"u}glich der Parameter zur Untersuchung der m{\"o}glicherweise vorhandenen zwei Formen der Isometrie zeigte sich bei den Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zwischen Halten und Dr{\"u}cken ein signifikanter Unterschied bei der Erm{\"u}dungscharakteristik sowie bez{\"u}glich der Amplitude der MMGobl. Die Ergebnisse beider Teilstudien best{\"a}rken die Hypothese, dass zwei Formen der Isometrie existieren. Fraglich ist, ob man {\"u}berhaupt von Isometrie sprechen kann, da jede isometrische Muskelaktion aus feinen Oszillationen besteht, die eine per Definition postulierte Isometrie ausschließen. Es wird der Vorschlag unterbreitet, die Isometrie durch den Begriff der Hom{\"o}ometrie auszutauschen. Die Ergebnisse der Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zeigen u.a., dass neuromuskul{\"a}re Systeme in der Lage sind, ihre myotendin{\"o}sen Oszillationen so aufeinander abzustimmen, dass koh{\"a}rentes Verhalten entsteht. Es wird angenommen, dass hierzu beide neuromuskul{\"a}ren Systeme funktionell intakt sein m{\"u}ssen. Das Verfahren k{\"o}nnte f{\"u}r die Diagnostik funktioneller St{\"o}rungen relevant werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vlasov2015, author = {Vlasov, Vladimir}, title = {Synchronization of oscillatory networks in terms of global variables}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {82}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Synchronization of large ensembles of oscillators is an omnipresent phenomenon observed in different fields of science like physics, engineering, life sciences, etc. The most simple setup is that of globally coupled phase oscillators, where all the oscillators contribute to a global field which acts on all oscillators. This formulation of the problem was pioneered by Winfree and Kuramoto. Such a setup gives a possibility for the analysis of these systems in terms of global variables. In this work we describe nontrivial collective dynamics in oscillator populations coupled via mean fields in terms of global variables. We consider problems which cannot be directly reduced to standard Kuramoto and Winfree models. In the first part of the thesis we adopt a method introduced by Watanabe and Strogatz. The main idea is that the system of identical oscillators of particular type can be described by a low-dimensional system of global equations. This approach enables us to perform a complete analytical analysis for a special but vast set of initial conditions. Furthermore, we show how the approach can be expanded for some nonidentical systems. We apply the Watanabe-Strogatz approach to arrays of Josephson junctions and systems of identical phase oscillators with leader-type coupling. In the next parts of the thesis we consider the self-consistent mean-field theory method that can be applied to general nonidentical globally coupled systems of oscillators both with or without noise. For considered systems a regime, where the global field rotates uniformly, is the most important one. With the help of this approach such solutions of the self-consistency equation for an arbitrary distribution of frequencies and coupling parameters can be found analytically in the parametric form, both for noise-free and noisy cases. We apply this method to deterministic Kuramoto-type model with generic coupling and an ensemble of spatially distributed oscillators with leader-type coupling. Furthermore, with the proposed self-consistent approach we fully characterize rotating wave solutions of noisy Kuramoto-type model with generic coupling and an ensemble of noisy oscillators with bi-harmonic coupling. Whenever possible, a complete analysis of global dynamics is performed and compared with direct numerical simulations of large populations.}, language = {en} } @article{VlasovKomarovPikovskij2015, author = {Vlasov, Vladimir and Komarov, Maxim and Pikovskij, Arkadij}, title = {Synchronization transitions in ensembles of noisy oscillators with bi-harmonic coupling}, series = {Journal of physics : A, Mathematical and theoretical}, volume = {48}, journal = {Journal of physics : A, Mathematical and theoretical}, number = {10}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, issn = {1751-8113}, doi = {10.1088/1751-8113/48/10/105101}, pages = {16}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We describe synchronization transitions in an ensemble of globally coupled phase oscillators with a bi-harmonic coupling function, and two sources of disorder-diversity of the intrinsic oscillators' frequencies, and external independent noise forces. Based on the self-consistent formulation, we derive analytic solutions for different synchronous states. We report on various non-trivial transitions from incoherence to synchrony, with the following possible scenarios: simple supercritical transition (similar to classical Kuramoto model); subcritical transition with large area of bistability of incoherent and synchronous solutions; appearance of a symmetric two-cluster solution which can coexist with the regular synchronous state. We show that the interplay between relatively small white noise and finite-size fluctuations can lead to metastability of the asynchronous solution.}, language = {en} } @article{LaubrockKliegl2015, author = {Laubrock, Jochen and Kliegl, Reinhold}, title = {The eye-voice span during reading aloud}, series = {Frontiers in psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in psychology}, number = {1432}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01432}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Although eye movements during reading are modulated by cognitive processing demands, they also reflect visual sampling of the input, and possibly preparation of output for speech or the inner voice. By simultaneously recording eye movements and the voice during reading aloud, we obtained an output measure that constrains the length of time spent on cognitive processing. Here we investigate the dynamics of the eye-voice span (EVS), the distance between eye and voice. We show that the EVS is regulated immediately during fixation of a word by either increasing fixation duration or programming a regressive eye movement against the reading direction. EVS size at the beginning of a fixation was positively correlated with the likelihood of regressions and refixations. Regression probability was further increased if the EVS was still large at the end of a fixation: if adjustment of fixation duration did not sufficiently reduce the EVS during a fixation, then a regression rather than a refixation followed with high probability. We further show that the EVS can help understand cognitive influences on fixation duration during reading: in mixed model analyses, the EVS was a stronger predictor of fixation durations than either word frequency or word length. The EVS modulated the influence of several other predictors on single fixation durations (SFDs). For example, word-N frequency effects were larger with a large EVS, especially when word N-1 frequency was low. Finally, a comparison of SFDs during oral and silent reading showed that reading is governed by similar principles in both reading modes, although EVS maintenance and articulatory processing also cause some differences. In summary, the EVS is regulated by adjusting fixation duration and/or by programming a regressive eye movement when the EVS gets too large. Overall, the EVS appears to be directly related to updating of the working memory buffer during reading.}, language = {en} } @article{LaubrockKliegl2015, author = {Laubrock, Jochen and Kliegl, Reinhold}, title = {The eye-voice span during reading aloud}, series = {Frontiers in psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01437}, pages = {19}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Although eye movements during reading are modulated by cognitive processing demands, they also reflect visual sampling of the input, and possibly preparation of output for speech or the inner voice. By simultaneously recording eye movements and the voice during reading aloud, we obtained an output measure that constrains the length of time spent on cognitive processing. Here we investigate the dynamics of the eye-voice span (EVS), the distance between eye and voice. We show that the EVS is regulated immediately during fixation of a word by either increasing fixation duration or programming a regressive eye movement against the reading direction. EVS size at the beginning of a fixation was positively correlated with the likelihood of regressions and refixations. Regression probability was further increased if the EVS was still large at the end of a fixation: if adjustment of fixation duration did not sufficiently reduce the EVS during a fixation, then a regression rather than a refixation followed with high probability. We further show that the EVS can help understand cognitive influences on fixation duration during reading: in mixed model analyses, the EVS was a stronger predictor of fixation durations than either word frequency or word length. The EVS modulated the influence of several other predictors on single fixation durations (SFDs). For example, word-N frequency effects were larger with a large EVS, especially when word N-1 frequency was low. Finally, a comparison of SFDs during oral and silent reading showed that reading is governed by similar principles in both reading modes, although EVS maintenance and articulatory processing also cause some differences. In summary, the EVS is regulated by adjusting fixation duration and/or by programming a regressive eye movement when the EVS gets too large. Overall, the EVS appears to be directly related to updating of the working memory buffer during reading.}, language = {en} } @misc{LaubrockKliegl2015, author = {Laubrock, Jochen and Kliegl, Reinhold}, title = {The eye-voice span during reading aloud}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-86904}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Although eye movements during reading are modulated by cognitive processing demands, they also reflect visual sampling of the input, and possibly preparation of output for speech or the inner voice. By simultaneously recording eye movements and the voice during reading aloud, we obtained an output measure that constrains the length of time spent on cognitive processing. Here we investigate the dynamics of the eye-voice span (EVS), the distance between eye and voice. We show that the EVS is regulated immediately during fixation of a word by either increasing fixation duration or programming a regressive eye movement against the reading direction. EVS size at the beginning of a fixation was positively correlated with the likelihood of regressions and refixations. Regression probability was further increased if the EVS was still large at the end of a fixation: if adjustment of fixation duration did not sufficiently reduce the EVS during a fixation, then a regression rather than a refixation followed with high probability. We further show that the EVS can help understand cognitive influences on fixation duration during reading: in mixed model analyses, the EVS was a stronger predictor of fixation durations than either word frequency or word length. The EVS modulated the influence of several other predictors on single fixation durations (SFDs). For example, word-N frequency effects were larger with a large EVS, especially when word N-1 frequency was low. Finally, a comparison of SFDs during oral and silent reading showed that reading is governed by similar principles in both reading modes, although EVS maintenance and articulatory processing also cause some differences. In summary, the EVS is regulated by adjusting fixation duration and/or by programming a regressive eye movement when the EVS gets too large. Overall, the EVS appears to be directly related to updating of the working memory buffer during reading.}, language = {en} }