@phdthesis{Kraft2018, author = {Kraft, Frederik}, title = {Be Creative, Now!}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-414009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 230}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Purpose - This thesis set out to explore, describe, and evaluate the reality behind the rhetoric of freedom and control in the context of creativity. The overarching subject is concerned with the relationship between creativity, freedom, and control, considering freedom is also seen as an element of control to manage creativity. Design/methodology/approach - In-depth qualitative data gathered from at two innovative start-ups. Two ethnographic studies were conducted. The data are based on participatory observations, interviews, and secondary sources, each of which included a three months field study and a total of 41 interviews from both organizations. Findings - The thesis provides explanations for the practice of freedom and the control of creativity within organizations and expands the existing theory of neo-normative control. The findings indicate that organizations use complex control systems that allow a high degree of freedom that paradoxically leads to more control. Freedom is a cover of control, which in turn leads to creativity. Covert control even results in the responsibility to be creative outside working hours. Practical implications - Organizations, which rely on creativity might use the results of this thesis. Positive workplace control of creativity provides both freedom and structure for creative work. While freedom leads to organizational members being more motivated and committing themselves more strongly to their and the organization's goals, and a specific structure also helps to provide the requirements for creativity. Originality/value - The thesis provides an insight into an approach to workplace control, which has mostly neglected in creativity research and proposes a modified concept of neo-normative control. It serves to provide a further understanding of freedom for creativity and to challenge the liberal claims of new control forms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{VillatoroLeal2018, author = {Villatoro Leal, Jos{\´e} Andr{\´e}s}, title = {A combined approach for the analysis of biomolecules using IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometry and molecular dynamics simulations of peptide ions in the gas phase}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-419723}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {133}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The aim of this doctoral thesis was to establish a technique for the analysis of biomolecules with infrared matrix-assisted laser dispersion (IR-MALDI) ion mobility (IM) spectrometry. The main components of the work were the characterization of the IR-MALDI process, the development and characterization of different ion mobility spectrometers, the use of IR-MALDI-IM spectrometry as a robust, standalone spectrometer and the development of a collision cross-section estimation approach for peptides based on molecular dynamics and thermodynamic reweighting. First, the IR-MALDI source was studied with atmospheric pressure ion mobility spectrometry and shadowgraphy. It consisted of a metal capillary, at the tip of which a self-renewing droplet of analyte solution was met by an IR laser beam. A relationship between peak shape, ion desolvation, diffusion and extraction pulse delay time (pulse delay) was established. First order desolvation kinetics were observed and related to peak broadening by diffusion, both influenced by the pulse delay. The transport mechanisms in IR-MALDI were then studied by relating different laser impact positions on the droplet surface to the corresponding ion mobility spectra. Two different transport mechanisms were determined: phase explosion due to the laser pulse and electrical transport due to delayed ion extraction. The velocity of the ions stemming from the phase explosion was then measured by ion mobility and shadowgraphy at different time scales and distances from the source capillary, showing an initially very high but rapidly decaying velocity. Finally, the anatomy of the dispersion plume was observed in detail with shadowgraphy and general conclusions over the process were drawn. Understanding the IR-MALDI process enabled the optimization of the different IM spectrometers at atmospheric and reduced pressure (AP and RP, respectively). At reduced pressure, both an AP and an RP IR-MALDI source were used. The influence of the pulsed ion extraction parameters (pulse delay, width and amplitude) on peak shape, resolution and area was systematically studied in both AP and RP IM spectrometers and discussed in the context of the IR-MALDI process. Under RP conditions, the influence of the closing field and of the pressure was also examined for both AP and RP sources. For the AP ionization RP IM spectrometer, the influence of the inlet field (IF) in the source region was also examined. All of these studies led to the determination of the optimal analytical parameters as well as to a better understanding of the initial ion cloud anatomy. The analytical performance of the spectrometer was then studied. Limits of detection (LOD) and linear ranges were determined under static and pulsed ion injection conditions and interpreted in the context of the IR-MALDI mechanism. Applications in the separation of simple mixtures were also illustrated, demonstrating good isomer separation capabilities and the advantages of singly charged peaks. The possibility to couple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to IR-MALDI-IM spectrometry was also demonstrated. Finally, the reduced pressure spectrometer was used to study the effect of high reduced field strength on the mobility of polyatomic ions in polyatomic gases. The last focus point was on the study of peptide ions. A dataset obtained with electrospray IM spectrometry was characterized and used for the calibration of a collision cross-section (CCS) determination method based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at high temperature. Instead of producing candidate structures which are evaluated one by one, this semi-automated method uses the simulation as a whole to determine a single average collision cross-section value by reweighting the CCS of a few representative structures. The method was compared to the intrinsic size parameter (ISP) method and to experimental results. Additional MD data obtained from the simulations was also used to further analyze the peptides and understand the experimental results, an advantage with regard to the ISP method. Finally, the CCS of peptide ions analyzed by IR-MALDI were also evaluated with both ISP and MD methods and the results compared to experiment, resulting in a first validation of the MD method. Thus, this thesis brings together the soft ionization technique that is IR-MALDI, which produces mostly singly charged peaks, with ion mobility spectrometry, which can distinguish between isomers, and a collision cross-section determination method which also provides structural information on the analyte at hand.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seyferth2018, author = {Seyferth, Lonny}, title = {Zum Reformengagement der Torhorst-Schwestern Adelheid (1884-1968) und Marie (1888-1989) im (Aus-)Bildungswesen der Weimarer Republik}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44520}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445204}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {343}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Im Fokus der bildungshistorischen und doppelbiografischen Dissertation steht die Darstellung des vielseitigen Reformengagements der Torhorst-Schwestern Adelheid und Marie im (Aus-) Bildungswesen der Weimarer Republik. Die Begriffe „Reform" und „Engagement" stellen tragende inhaltliche Signaturen der quellenbasierten Ann{\"a}herung an das Geschwisterpaar dar. Thematisiert werden ihre Berufsbiografien in ihren jeweiligen bildungspolitischen sowie bildungspraktischen Wirkungskreisen - inmitten der ersten „echten" deutschen Demokratie. Die Studie zielt insbesondere darauf ab, den Kreis der bildungshistorischen Repr{\"a}sentantinnen f{\"u}r eine konstruktive Ausgestaltung des (Fort-)Bildungswesens im Sinne eines notwendigen, aber nicht realisierten Modernisierungs- und Demokratisierungsprozesses in jenem Zeitraum zu erweitern. Die Aufarbeitung des bisher in der bildungsgeschichtlichen Forschung weitestgehend unbekannten Schaffens vermag es, den vielschichtigen Bedeutungsebenen von Schulreform(en) und Reformp{\"a}dagogik gerecht(er) zu werden. Die Arbeit intendiert zudem eine Horizonterweiterung des bildungshistorischen Blickfeldes - vor allem in Bezug auf bildungspolitische und schulpraktische Realisierungen von essenziellen Reformen in den Bereichen sekund{\"a}rer (Aus-)Bildungseinrichtungen. Die Schwestern bestimmten sowohl als kommunalpolitische als auch als schulpraktische Akteure die neue Praxis und die neuen Anforderungen der demokratischen Staatsform mit. Adelheid Torhorst k{\"a}mpfte - {\"u}ber ihren kommunalen Verantwortungsradius hinausreichend - aktiv im Rahmen ihrer von 1924-1931 andauernden Mitgliedschaft im Bund der Freien Schulgesellschaften (BFS) f{\"u}r eine gesamte Weltlichkeit des deutschen Schul- und (Aus-)Bildungswesens. Beide Frauen mussten auf ihren T{\"a}tigkeitsebenen erfahren, dass ihre immer st{\"a}rker werdenden sozialistisch gepr{\"a}gten Vorstellungen bez{\"u}glich der deutschen Bildungslandschaft Illusionen blieben. Vielmehr erkannten sie zunehmend einen Zusammenhang zwischen den etablierten Machtstrukturen; ein gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt, der sich in ihren Augen in einem sozial durchl{\"a}ssigen und weltlichen Bildungswesen formierte, erforderte vor allem strukturelle Ver{\"a}nderungen. F{\"u}r diese jedoch gab es keine gesellschaftlichen und politischen Mehrheiten. Die doppelbiografische Perspektive mit dem Fokus auf das Bleibende des Reformengagements sensibilisiert f{\"u}r gegenw{\"a}rtige bildungspolitische Streitfragen. Der kritisch-reflexive Blick geht zun{\"a}chst mit einer W{\"u}rdigung der qualifizierenden deutschen (Aus-) Bildungslandschaft einher; sch{\"a}tzt die liberalen Errungenschaften wie die Entscheidungsfreiheit der Eltern in Bezug zum Besuch des Religionsunterrichts ihrer Kinder als ein Privileg einer demokratischen, sozial offenen Gesellschaft. Es braucht in einer herausfordernden Zukunft mehr denn je mutige Akteure mit progressivem Reformpotenzial. Das wegweisende Engagement der Torhorst-Schwestern stand im Kontext eines schulischen sowie gesellschaftlichen Fortschrittgedankens, der sowohl die Moderne positiv pr{\"a}gt und tr{\"a}gt, der aber auch f{\"u}r deren Krisen und Konflikte steht. Im gegenw{\"a}rtigen (Aus-)Bildungswesen entstehen ebenso immer wieder neue Spannungen und Reformbedarfe, die es gilt, mit entsprechenden bildungspolitischen Richtlinien „von oben" gesetzlich neu zu reglementieren - mit Leben gef{\"u}llt werden sie mit dem Engagement „von unten".}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Groetzner2018, author = {Gr{\"o}tzner, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Nervous allies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47089}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-470894}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {537}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation untersucht die Entwicklung der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Frankreich, den USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Zeitraum von 1969-1980. Auf breiter multiarchivarischer Quellengrundlage rekonstruiert sie die interdependente Außenpolitik dieser drei Staaten im Kontext zentraler Themenkomplexe der 1970er Jahre: des Aufstiegs und Verfalls der Entspannungspolitik, des Streits um den Status quo in Europa, die Deutsche Frage und die Zukunft Berlins, der internationalen Wirtschafts- und W{\"a}hrungskrise, der Debatte um Sicherheit und Zukunft des westlichen B{\"u}ndnisses und des NATO-Doppelbeschlusses. Ebenso betrachtet werden eine Reihe von regionalen Ereignissen und Konflikten mit weitreichenden Auswirkungen wie der Jom-Kippur-Krieg, die Portugiesische Revolution oder die sowjetische Invasion Afghanistans. Die Untersuchung folgt der zentralen, theoretisch motivierten Fragestellung, in welchem Maß staatliche Außenpolitik und diplomatische Beziehungen von individuellen Akteuren an der Spitze der Regierungen, ihren Agenden, Sichtweisen und pers{\"o}nlichen Beziehungen zu internationalen Partnern gepr{\"a}gt wurden oder in welchem Maß deren Entscheidungsfindung andererseits durch strukturelle Faktoren geopolitischer, {\"o}konomischer oder politischer Natur definiert und limitiert wurde. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, fokussiert sich die Dissertation auf die Analyse von Regierungswechseln und deren Auswirkungen auf Kontinuit{\"a}t und Wandel der Außenpolitik. Die Narrative umfasst sieben solcher Regierungswechsel: von Bundeskanzler Kurt Georg Kiesinger zu Willy Brandt (1969) und von Brandt zu Helmut Schmidt (1974) in Bonn, von Pr{\"a}sident Charles de Gaulle zu Georges Pompidou (1969) und von Pompidou zu Val{\´e}ry Giscard d'Estaing (1974) in Paris sowie von Lyndon B. Johnson zu Richard M. Nixon (1969), von Nixon zu Gerald R. Ford (1974) und von Ford zu Jimmy Carter (1977) in Washington. Abseits eines Spektrums empirisch fundierter Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen der 1970er Jahre belegt diese Arbeit vor allem hochgradig personalisierte und exklusive außenpolitische Entscheidungsstrukturen und eine deutliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Qualit{\"a}t intergouvernementaler Beziehungen von den pers{\"o}nlichen Beziehungen außenpolitischer F{\"u}hrungspers{\"o}nlichkeiten. Zugleich werden jedoch strukturelle Grenzen ihres Handlungsspielraums im internationalen System deutlich, die von Faktoren wie milit{\"a}rischer Sicherheit und geopolitischer Lage, Zugang zu Ressourcen und {\"o}konomischer Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit sowie politischem Druck aus dem In- und Ausland abh{\"a}ngen. Die Dissertation kommt zu dem zentralen Ergebnis, dass Regierungswechsel zwar bisweilen drastische Einschnitte in Inhalt und Stil der ausw{\"a}rtigen Beziehungen nach sich zogen und Bonn, Paris und Washington im Laufe der Dekade mit vielerlei neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert wurden, dass in der Gesamtschau jedoch pfadabh{\"a}ngige strukturelle Druckszenarien zu h{\"o}herer politischer Kontinuit{\"a}t im internationalen System f{\"u}hrten, als oft mit den f{\"u}r tiefgreifenden historischen Wandel bekannten 1970er Jahren assoziiert wird.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Knospe2018, author = {Knospe, Gloria-Mona}, title = {Processing of pronouns and reflexives in Turkish-German bilinguals}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43644}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436442}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 410}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Previous studies on native language (L1) anaphor resolution have found that monolingual native speakers are sensitive to syntactic, pragmatic, and semantic constraints on pronouns and reflexive resolution. However, most studies have focused on English and other Germanic languages, and little is currently known about the online (i.e., real-time) processing of anaphors in languages with syntactically less restricted anaphors, such as Turkish. We also know relatively little about how 'non-standard' populations such as non-native (L2) speakers and heritage speakers (HSs) resolve anaphors. This thesis investigates the interpretation and real-time processing of anaphors in German and in a typologically different and as yet understudied language, Turkish. It compares hypotheses about differences between native speakers' (L1ers) and L2 speakers' (L2ers) sentence processing, looking into differences in processing mechanisms as well as the possibility of cross-linguistic influence. To help fill the current research gap regarding HS sentence comprehension, it compares findings for this group with those for L2ers. To investigate the representation and processing of anaphors in these three populations, I carried out a series of offline questionnaires and Visual-World eye-tracking experiments on the resolution of reflexives and pronouns in both German and Turkish. In the German experiments, native German speakers as well as L2ers of German were tested, while in the Turkish experiments, non-bilingual native Turkish speakers as well as HSs of Turkish with L2 German were tested. This allowed me to observe both cross-linguistic differences as well as population differences between monolinguals' and different types of bilinguals' resolution of anaphors. Regarding the comprehension of Turkish anaphors by L1ers, contrary to what has been previously assumed, I found that Turkish has no reflexive that follows Condition A of Binding theory (Chomsky, 1981). Furthermore, I propose more general cross-linguistic differences between Turkish and German, in the form of a stronger reliance on pragmatic information in anaphor resolution overall in Turkish compared to German. As for the processing differences between L1ers and L2ers of a language, I found evidence in support of hypotheses which propose that L2ers of German rely more strongly on non-syntactic information compared to L1ers (Clahsen \& Felser, 2006, 2017; Cunnings, 2016, 2017) independent of a potential influence of their L1. HSs, on the other hand, showed a tendency to overemphasize interpretational contrasts between different Turkish anaphors compared to monolingual native speakers. However, lower-proficiency HSs were likely to merge different forms for simplified representation and processing. Overall, L2ers and HSs showed differences from monolingual native speakers both in their final interpretation of anaphors and during online processing. However, these differences were not parallel between the two types of bilingual and thus do not support a unified model of L2 and HS processing (cf. Montrul, 2012). The findings of this thesis contribute to the field of anaphor resolution by providing data from a previously unexplored language, Turkish, as well as contributing to research on native and non-native processing differences. My results also illustrate the importance of considering individual differences in the acquisition process when studying bilingual language comprehension. Factors such as age of acquisition, language proficiency and the type of input a language learner receives may influence the processing mechanisms they develop and employ, both between and within different bilingual populations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siegmund2018, author = {Siegmund, Jonatan Frederik}, title = {Quantifying impacts of climate extreme events on vegetation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407095}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Together with the gradual change of mean values, ongoing climate change is projected to increase frequency and amplitude of temperature and precipitation extremes in many regions of Europe. The impacts of such in most cases short term extraordinary climate situations on terrestrial ecosystems are a matter of central interest of recent climate change research, because it can not per se be assumed that known dependencies between climate variables and ecosystems are linearly scalable. So far, yet, there is a high demand for a method to quantify such impacts in terms of simultaneities of event time series. In the course of this manuscript the new statistical approach of Event Coincidence Analysis (ECA) as well as it's R implementation is introduced, a methodology that allows assessing whether or not two types of event time series exhibit similar sequences of occurrences. Applications of the method are presented, analyzing climate impacts on different temporal and spacial scales: the impact of extraordinary expressions of various climatic variables on tree stem variations (subdaily and local scale), the impact of extreme temperature and precipitation events on the owering time of European shrub species (weekly and country scale), the impact of extreme temperature events on ecosystem health in terms of NDVI (weekly and continental scale) and the impact of El Ni{\~n}o and La Ni{\~n}a events on precipitation anomalies (seasonal and global scale). The applications presented in this thesis refine already known relationships based on classical methods and also deliver substantial new findings to the scientific community: the widely known positive correlation between flowering time and temperature for example is confirmed to be valid for the tails of the distributions while the widely assumed positive dependency between stem diameter variation and temperature is shown to be not valid for very warm and very cold days. The larger scale investigations underline the sensitivity of anthrogenically shaped landscapes towards temperature extremes in Europe and provide a comprehensive global ENSO impact map for strong precipitation events. Finally, by publishing the R implementation of the method, this thesis shall enable other researcher to further investigate on similar research questions by using Event Coincidence Analysis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ostrowski2018, author = {Ostrowski, Max}, title = {Modern constraint answer set solving}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407799}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a declarative problem solving approach, combining a rich yet simple modeling language with high-performance solving capabilities. Although this has already resulted in various applications, certain aspects of such applications are more naturally modeled using variables over finite domains, for accounting for resources, fine timings, coordinates, or functions. Our goal is thus to extend ASP with constraints over integers while preserving its declarative nature. This allows for fast prototyping and elaboration tolerant problem descriptions of resource related applications. The resulting paradigm is called Constraint Answer Set Programming (CASP). We present three different approaches for solving CASP problems. The first one, a lazy, modular approach combines an ASP solver with an external system for handling constraints. This approach has the advantage that two state of the art technologies work hand in hand to solve the problem, each concentrating on its part of the problem. The drawback is that inter-constraint dependencies cannot be communicated back to the ASP solver, impeding its learning algorithm. The second approach translates all constraints to ASP. Using the appropriate encoding techniques, this results in a very fast, monolithic system. Unfortunately, due to the large, explicit representation of constraints and variables, translation techniques are restricted to small and mid-sized domains. The third approach merges the lazy and the translational approach, combining the strength of both while removing their weaknesses. To this end, we enhance the dedicated learning techniques of an ASP solver with the inferences of the translating approach in a lazy way. That is, the important knowledge is only made explicit when needed. By using state of the art techniques from neighboring fields, we provide ways to tackle real world, industrial size problems. By extending CASP to reactive solving, we open up new application areas such as online planning with continuous domains and durations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Antić2018, author = {Antić, Andreas}, title = {Digitale {\"O}ffentlichkeiten und intelligente Kooperation}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-431-9}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410964}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 454}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Um die gegenw{\"a}rtige Transformation der {\"O}ffentlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter erfassen zu k{\"o}nnen, ist in der {\"O}ffentlichkeitstheorie eine erweiterte Perspektive notwendig, die nicht nur den massenmedialen Diskurs, sondern auch die Ver{\"a}nderung sozialer Praktiken und institutioneller Strukturen in den Blick nimmt. Das Ziel dieses Buches besteht darin, die Grundlagen einer solchen Perspektive auf die Theorie digitaler {\"O}ffentlichkeiten zu entwickeln. Im vorgeschlagenen Ansatz wird {\"O}ffentlichkeit im Anschluss an John Dewey als Prozess verstanden. In seiner prozessualen und funktionalen Bestimmung von {\"O}ffentlichkeit liegt eine besondere Originalit{\"a}t, die seinen Ansatz von anderen {\"O}ffentlichkeitskonzeptionen unterscheidet. Das Buch liefert sowohl eine systematische Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Philosophie John Deweys als auch einen Vorschlag zur gesellschaftstheoretischen Deutung des digitalen Wandels.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vogel2018, author = {Vogel, Thomas}, title = {Model-driven engineering of self-adaptive software}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409755}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 357}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The development of self-adaptive software requires the engineering of an adaptation engine that controls the underlying adaptable software by a feedback loop. State-of-the-art approaches prescribe the feedback loop in terms of numbers, how the activities (e.g., monitor, analyze, plan, and execute (MAPE)) and the knowledge are structured to a feedback loop, and the type of knowledge. Moreover, the feedback loop is usually hidden in the implementation or framework and therefore not visible in the architectural design. Additionally, an adaptation engine often employs runtime models that either represent the adaptable software or capture strategic knowledge such as reconfiguration strategies. State-of-the-art approaches do not systematically address the interplay of such runtime models, which would otherwise allow developers to freely design the entire feedback loop. This thesis presents ExecUtable RuntimE MegAmodels (EUREMA), an integrated model-driven engineering (MDE) solution that rigorously uses models for engineering feedback loops. EUREMA provides a domain-specific modeling language to specify and an interpreter to execute feedback loops. The language allows developers to freely design a feedback loop concerning the activities and runtime models (knowledge) as well as the number of feedback loops. It further supports structuring the feedback loops in the adaptation engine that follows a layered architectural style. Thus, EUREMA makes the feedback loops explicit in the design and enables developers to reason about design decisions. To address the interplay of runtime models, we propose the concept of a runtime megamodel, which is a runtime model that contains other runtime models as well as activities (e.g., MAPE) working on the contained models. This concept is the underlying principle of EUREMA. The resulting EUREMA (mega)models are kept alive at runtime and they are directly executed by the EUREMA interpreter to run the feedback loops. Interpretation provides the flexibility to dynamically adapt a feedback loop. In this context, EUREMA supports engineering self-adaptive software in which feedback loops run independently or in a coordinated fashion within the same layer as well as on top of each other in different layers of the adaptation engine. Moreover, we consider preliminary means to evolve self-adaptive software by providing a maintenance interface to the adaptation engine. This thesis discusses in detail EUREMA by applying it to different scenarios such as single, multiple, and stacked feedback loops for self-repairing and self-optimizing the mRUBiS application. Moreover, it investigates the design and expressiveness of EUREMA, reports on experiments with a running system (mRUBiS) and with alternative solutions, and assesses EUREMA with respect to quality attributes such as performance and scalability. The conducted evaluation provides evidence that EUREMA as an integrated and open MDE approach for engineering self-adaptive software seamlessly integrates the development and runtime environments using the same formalism to specify and execute feedback loops, supports the dynamic adaptation of feedback loops in layered architectures, and achieves an efficient execution of feedback loops by leveraging incrementality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Westbury2018, author = {Westbury, Michael V.}, title = {Unraveling evolution through Next Generation Sequencing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409981}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The sequencing of the human genome in the early 2000s led to an increased interest in cheap and fast sequencing technologies. This interest culminated in the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS). A number of different NGS platforms have arisen since then all promising to do the same thing, i.e. produce large amounts of genetic information for relatively low costs compared to more traditional methods such as Sanger sequencing. The capabilities of NGS meant that researchers were no longer bound to species for which a lot of previous work had already been done (e.g. model organisms and humans) enabling a shift in research towards more novel and diverse species of interest. This capability has greatly benefitted many fields within the biological sciences, one of which being the field of evolutionary biology. Researchers have begun to move away from the study of laboratory model organisms to wild, natural populations and species which has greatly expanded our knowledge of evolution. NGS boasts a number of benefits over more traditional sequencing approaches. The main benefit comes from the capability to generate information for drastically more loci for a fraction of the cost. This is hugely beneficial to the study of wild animals as, even when large numbers of individuals are unobtainable, the amount of data produced still allows for accurate, reliable population and species level results from a small selection of individuals. The use of NGS to study species for which little to no previous research has been carried out on and the production of novel evolutionary information and reference datasets for the greater scientific community were the focuses of this thesis. Two studies in this thesis focused on producing novel mitochondrial genomes from shotgun sequencing data through iterative mapping, bypassing the need for a close relative to serve as a reference sequence. These mitochondrial genomes were then used to infer species level relationships through phylogenetic analyses. The first of these studies involved reconstructing a complete mitochondrial genome of the bat eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial genome confidently placed the bat eared fox as sister to the clade consisting of the raccoon dog and true foxes within the canidae family. The next study also involved reconstructing a mitochondrial genome but in this case from the extinct Macrauchenia of South America. As this study utilised ancient DNA, it involved a lot of parameter testing, quality controls and strict thresholds to obtain a near complete mitochondrial genome devoid of contamination known to plague ancient DNA studies. Phylogenetic analyses confidently placed Macrauchenia as sister to all living representatives of Perissodactyla with a divergence time of ~66 million years ago. The third and final study of this thesis involved de novo assemblies of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes from brown and striped hyena and focussed on demographic, genetic diversity and population genomic analyses within the brown hyena. Previous studies of the brown hyena hinted at very low levels of genomic diversity and, perhaps due to this, were unable to find any notable population structure across its range. By incorporating a large number of genetic loci, in the form of complete nuclear genomes, population structure within the brown hyena was uncovered. On top of this, genomic diversity levels were compared to a number of other species. Results showed the brown hyena to have the lowest genomic diversity out of all species included in the study which was perhaps caused by a continuous and ongoing decline in effective population size that started about one million years ago and dramatically accelerated towards the end of the Pleistocene. The studies within this thesis show the power NGS sequencing has and its utility within evolutionary biology. The most notable capabilities outlined in this thesis involve the study of species for which no reference data is available and in the production of large amounts of data, providing evolutionary answers at the species and population level that data produced using more traditional techniques simply could not.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bazhenova2018, author = {Bazhenova, Ekaterina}, title = {Discovery of Decision Models Complementary to Process Models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410020}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Business process management is an acknowledged asset for running an organization in a productive and sustainable way. One of the most important aspects of business process management, occurring on a daily basis at all levels, is decision making. In recent years, a number of decision management frameworks have appeared in addition to existing business process management systems. More recently, Decision Model and Notation (DMN) was developed by the OMG consortium with the aim of complementing the widely used Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). One of the reasons for the emergence of DMN is the increasing interest in the evolving paradigm known as the separation of concerns. This paradigm states that modeling decisions complementary to processes reduces process complexity by externalizing decision logic from process models and importing it into a dedicated decision model. Such an approach increases the agility of model design and execution. This provides organizations with the flexibility to adapt to the ever increasing rapid and dynamic changes in the business ecosystem. The research gap, identified by us, is that the separation of concerns, recommended by DMN, prescribes the externalization of the decision logic of process models in one or more separate decision models, but it does not specify this can be achieved. The goal of this thesis is to overcome the presented gap by developing a framework for discovering decision models in a semi-automated way from information about existing process decision making. Thus, in this thesis we develop methodologies to extract decision models from: (1) control flow and data of process models that exist in enterprises; and (2) from event logs recorded by enterprise information systems, encapsulating day-to-day operations. Furthermore, we provide an extension of the methodologies to discover decision models from event logs enriched with fuzziness, a tool dealing with partial knowledge of the process execution information. All the proposed techniques are implemented and evaluated in case studies using real-life and synthetic process models and event logs. The evaluation of these case studies shows that the proposed methodologies provide valid and accurate output decision models that can serve as blueprints for executing decisions complementary to process models. Thus, these methodologies have applicability in the real world and they can be used, for example, for compliance checks, among other uses, which could improve the organization's decision making and hence it's overall performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ramos2018, author = {Ramos, Catalina}, title = {Structure and petrophysical properties of the Southern Chile subduction zone along 38.25°S from seismic data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409183}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 111}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Active and passive source data from two seismic experiments within the interdisciplinary project TIPTEQ (from The Incoming Plate to mega Thrust EarthQuake processes) were used to image and identify the structural and petrophysical properties (such as P- and S-velocities, Poisson's ratios, pore pressure, density and amount of fluids) within the Chilean seismogenic coupling zone at 38.25°S, where in 1960 the largest earthquake ever recorded (Mw 9.5) occurred. Two S-wave velocity models calculated using traveltime and noise tomography techniques were merged with an existing velocity model to obtain a 2D S-wave velocity model, which gathered the advantages of each individual model. In a following step, P- and S-reflectivity images of the subduction zone were obtained using different pre stack and post-stack depth migration techniques. Among them, the recent prestack line-drawing depth migration scheme yielded revealing results. Next, synthetic seismograms modelled using the reflectivity method allowed, through their input 1D synthetic P- and S-velocities, to infer the composition and rocks within the subduction zone. Finally, an image of the subduction zone is given, jointly interpreting the results from this work with results from other studies. The Chilean seismogenic coupling zone at 38.25°S shows a continental crust with highly reflective horizontal, as well as (steep) dipping events. Among them, the Lanalhue Fault Zone (LFZ), which is interpreted to be east-dipping, is imaged to very shallow depths. Some steep reflectors are observed for the first time, for example one near the coast, related to high seismicity and another one near the LFZ. Steep shallow reflectivity towards the volcanic arc could be related to a steep west-dipping reflector interpreted as fluids and/or melts, migrating upwards due to material recycling in the continental mantle wedge. The high resolution of the S-velocity model in the first kilometres allowed to identify several sedimentary basins, characterized by very low P- and S-velocities, high Poisson's ratios and possible steep reflectivity. Such high Poisson's ratios are also observed within the oceanic crust, which reaches the seismogenic zone hydrated due to bending-related faulting. It is interpreted to release water until reaching the coast and under the continental mantle wedge. In terms of seismic velocities, the inferred composition and rocks in the continental crust is in agreement with field geology observations at the surface along the proflle. Furthermore, there is no requirement to call on the existence of measurable amounts of present-day fluids above the plate interface in the continental crust of the Coastal Cordillera and the Central Valley in this part of the Chilean convergent margin. A large-scale anisotropy in the continental crust and upper mantle, previously proposed from magnetotelluric studies, is proposed from seismic velocities. However, quantitative studies on this topic in the continental crust of the Chilean seismogenic zone at 38.25°S do not exist to date.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muench2018, author = {M{\"u}nch, Thomas}, title = {Interpretation of temperature signals from ice cores}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-414963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 197}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Earth's climate varies continuously across space and time, but humankind has witnessed only a small snapshot of its entire history, and instrumentally documented it for a mere 200 years. Our knowledge of past climate changes is therefore almost exclusively based on indirect proxy data, i.e. on indicators which are sensitive to changes in climatic variables and stored in environmental archives. Extracting the data from these archives allows retrieval of the information from earlier times. Obtaining accurate proxy information is a key means to test model predictions of the past climate, and only after such validation can the models be used to reliably forecast future changes in our warming world. The polar ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are one major climate archive, which record information about local air temperatures by means of the isotopic composition of the water molecules embedded in the ice. However, this temperature proxy is, as any indirect climate data, not a perfect recorder of past climatic variations. Apart from local air temperatures, a multitude of other processes affect the mean and variability of the isotopic data, which hinders their direct interpretation in terms of climate variations. This applies especially to regions with little annual accumulation of snow, such as the Antarctic Plateau. While these areas in principle allow for the extraction of isotope records reaching far back in time, a strong corruption of the temperature signal originally encoded in the isotopic data of the snow is expected. This dissertation uses observational isotope data from Antarctica, focussing especially on the East Antarctic low-accumulation area around the Kohnen Station ice-core drilling site, together with statistical and physical methods, to improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal isotope variability across different scales, and thus to enhance the applicability of the proxy for estimating past temperature variability. The presented results lead to a quantitative explanation of the local-scale (1-500 m) spatial variability in the form of a statistical noise model, and reveal the main source of the temporal variability to be the mixture of a climatic seasonal cycle in temperature and the effect of diffusional smoothing acting on temporally uncorrelated noise. These findings put significant limits on the representativity of single isotope records in terms of local air temperature, and impact the interpretation of apparent cyclicalities in the records. Furthermore, to extend the analyses to larger scales, the timescale-dependency of observed Holocene isotope variability is studied. This offers a deeper understanding of the nature of the variations, and is crucial for unravelling the embedded true temperature variability over a wide range of timescales.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Codutti2018, author = {Codutti, Agnese}, title = {Behavior of magnetic microswimmers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42297}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-422976}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 142}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Microswimmers, i.e. swimmers of micron size experiencing low Reynolds numbers, have received a great deal of attention in the last years, since many applications are envisioned in medicine and bioremediation. A promising field is the one of magnetic swimmers, since magnetism is biocom-patible and could be used to direct or actuate the swimmers. This thesis studies two examples of magnetic microswimmers from a physics point of view. The first system to be studied are magnetic cells, which can be magnetic biohybrids (a swimming cell coupled with a magnetic synthetic component) or magnetotactic bacteria (naturally occurring bacteria that produce an intracellular chain of magnetic crystals). A magnetic cell can passively interact with external magnetic fields, which can be used for direction. The aim of the thesis is to understand how magnetic cells couple this magnetic interaction to their swimming strategies, mainly how they combine it with chemotaxis (the ability to sense external gradient of chemical species and to bias their walk on these gradients). In particular, one open question addresses the advantage given by these magnetic interactions for the magnetotactic bacteria in a natural environment, such as porous sediments. In the thesis, a modified Active Brownian Particle model is used to perform simulations and to reproduce experimental data for different systems such as bacteria swimming in the bulk, in a capillary or in confined geometries. I will show that magnetic fields speed up chemotaxis under special conditions, depending on parameters such as their swimming strategy (run-and-tumble or run-and-reverse), aerotactic strategy (axial or polar), and magnetic fields (intensities and orientations), but it can also hinder bacterial chemotaxis depending on the system. The second example of magnetic microswimmer are rigid magnetic propellers such as helices or random-shaped propellers. These propellers are actuated and directed by an external rotating magnetic field. One open question is how shape and magnetic properties influence the propeller behavior; the goal of this research field is to design the best propeller for a given situation. The aim of the thesis is to propose a simulation method to reproduce the behavior of experimentally-realized propellers and to determine their magnetic properties. The hydrodynamic simulations are based on the use of the mobility matrix. As main result, I propose a method to match the experimental data, while showing that not only shape but also the magnetic properties influence the propellers swimming characteristics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheng2018, author = {Cheng, Xiao}, title = {Controlled solvent vapor annealing of block copolymer films}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42417}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-424179}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 166}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This project was focused on exploring the phase behavior of poly(styrene)187000-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine)203000 (SV390) with high molecular weight (390 kg/mol) in thin films, in which the self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) was realized via thermo-solvent annealing. The advanced processing technique of solvent vapor treatment provides controlled and stable conditions. In Chapter 3, the factors to influence the annealing process and the swelling behavior of homopolymers are presented and discussed. The swelling behavior of BCP in films is controlled by the temperature of the vapor and of the substrate, on one hand, and variation of the saturation of the solvent vapor atmosphere (different solvents), on the other hand. Additional factors like the geometry and material of the chamber, the type of flow inside the chamber etc. also influence the reproducibility and stability of the processing. The slightly selective solvent vapor of chloroform gives 10\% more swelling of P2VP than PS in films with thickness of ~40 nm. The tunable morphology in ultrathin films of high molecular weight BCP (SV390) was investigated in Chapter 4. First, the swelling behavior can be precisely tuned by temperature and/or vapor flow separately, which provided information for exploring the multiple-parameter-influenced segmental chain mobility of polymer films. The equilibrium state of SV390 in thin films influenced by temperature was realized at various temperatures with the same degree of swelling. Various methods including characterization with SFM, metallization and RIE were used to identify the morphology of films as porous half-layer with PS dots and P2VP matrix. The kinetic investigations demonstrate that on substrates with either weak or strong interaction the original morphology of the BCP with high molecular weight is changed very fast within 5 min, and the further annealing serves for annihilation of defects. The morphological development of symmetric BCP in films with thickness increasing from half-layer to one-layer influenced by confinement factors of gradient film thicknesses and various surface properties of substrates was studied in Chapter 5. SV390 and SV99 films show bulk lamella-forming morphology after slightly selective solvent vapor (chloroform) treatment. SV99 films show cylinder-forming morphology under strongly selective solvent vapor (toluene) treatment since the asymmetric structure (caused by toluene uptake in PS blocks only) of SV99 block copolymer during annealing. Both kinds of morphology (lamella and cylinder) are influenced by the film thickness. The annealed morphology of SV390 and SV99 influenced by the combination of confined film and substrate property is similar to the morphology on flat silicon wafers. In this chapter the gradients in the film thickness and surface properties of the substrates with regard to their influence on the morphological development in thin BCP films are presented. Directed self-assembly (graphoepitaxy) of this SV390 was also investigated to compare with systematically reported SV99. In Chapter 6 an approach to induced oriented microphase separation in thick block copolymer films via treatment with the oriented vapor flow using mini-extruder is envisaged to be an alternative to existing methodologies, e.g. via non-solvent-induced phase separation. The preliminary tests performed in this study confirm potential perspective of this method, which alters the structure through the bulk of the film (as revealed by SAXS measurements), but more detailed studies have to be conducted in order to optimize the preparation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klimczak2018, author = {Klimczak, Franziska}, title = {Bildlichkeit und Metaphorik in sp{\"a}tmittelalterlichen Fastnachtspielen des 15. Jahrhunderts}, isbn = {978-3-86956-408-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-397320}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {208}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Dissertation untersucht die Sexualmetaphorik im N{\"u}rnberger Fastnachtspiel des 15. Jahrhunderts und w{\"a}hlt als Textgrundlage die Ausgabe der N{\"u}rnberger Fastnachtspiele von Adelbert von Keller als einzig vollst{\"a}ndige Sammlung. Anliegen der Dissertation ist es, die Einzigartigkeit des Wortschatzes des Fastnachtspiels herauszuarbeiten, indem mit Fokus auf die Bildhaftigkeit und die Metaphorik der obsz{\"o}nen Redeweise {\"u}ber deren Aussage- und Wirkkraft im historischen Fastnachtspielkontext reflektiert wird. Wie die Metapher gezielt tabuisierte, intime Inhalte zum Zwecke der Komik legitimiert, wird erst theoretisch ergr{\"u}ndet und dann in einer Interpretation der sprachlichen Gestaltung von Sexualit{\"a}t und Obsz{\"o}nit{\"a}t mit Blick auf den soziokulturellen Hintergrund des N{\"u}rnberger Fastnachtspiels kritisch reflektiert. In einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Ann{\"a}herung werden zun{\"a}chst sowohl Erkenntnisse und Theorien aus der Fastnachtspiel- und Mittelalterforschung als auch theoretische Ans{\"a}tze aus der Metaphorologie und der Komikforschung zusammengetragen und diskutiert. Im Rahmen des breitgef{\"a}cherten, wissenschaftlichen Diskurses zu den Fastnachtspielen wird das N{\"u}rnberger Fastnachtspiel aus inhaltlicher, funktionaler, genderbezogener, kulturgeschichtlicher und sprachlicher Perspektive beleuchtet, um ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis der Sprache des Fastnachtspiels zu erlangen. Im n{\"a}chsten Schritt werden das mittelalterliche Ehe- und Familienleben und die soziale und rechtliche Stellung von Mann und Frau analysiert, indem theologisch-normativer und literarischer Ehediskurs einander gegen{\"u}bergestellt und gattungsspezifisch untersucht werden. So k{\"o}nnen Logiken und Verfahrensweisen in der mittelalterlichen Alltags-, Glaubens- und Rechtspraxis aufgedeckt werden. Dadurch ist es m{\"o}glich, die Inszenierungen des K{\"o}rpers im Fastnachtspiel einzusch{\"a}tzen, die die mittelalterliche Sexualmoral verhandeln und so mannigfaltige Bilder und Vorstellungen von Mann und Frau entwerfen. Anschließend wird in der Diskussion relevanter Metapherntheorien ergr{\"u}ndet, wie die metaphorische Sprache dabei den obsz{\"o}nen Inhalten gleichzeitig die T{\"u}r {\"o}ffnet und sie auf Distanz h{\"a}lt. Bei der Betrachtung poststrukturalistischer, erkenntnistheoretischer, kognitiver, semantischer und philosophischer Theorien zur Beschreibung der Arbeits- und Wirkweise der Metapher erweisen sich insbesondere analogieorientierte und funktionale Ans{\"a}tze als gewinnbringend, weil sie die Kontextualisierung der Metapher als bindend voraussetzen und sie als komplexes, metakognitives Ph{\"a}nomen diskutieren, das auf Interaktions- und {\"U}bertragungsprozessen beruht. Sodann werden die vielf{\"a}ltigen Anl{\"a}sse, sozialen Formen und Funktionen des Lachens in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft n{\"a}her in den Blick genommen, um den komisch-derbsinnlichen Duktus der Fastnachtspiele nachvollziehen zu k{\"o}nnen. Mit der Bewusstmachung wiederkehrender Elemente und Muster des Komischen kann der Unterhaltungswert der Fastnachtspielsprache exemplarisch verdeutlicht werden. Die sich anschließende umfassende Interpretation der Fastnachtspiele wird methodisch angeleitet durch die Theorie der bildlichen Rede von Hans Georg Coenen. Er bleibt mit seinen Analogiedefinitionen der klassischen Rhetorik verpflichtet und unterscheidet unter anderem „kreative", „konventionalisierte" und „lexikalisierte" Metaphern. Bei der außerordentlichen Vielfalt sexualmetaphorischer Ausdrucksweisen liegt der Fokus auf den Darstellungen der Geschlechtsorgane von Mann und Frau und dem Koitus. Die Verfasserin gelangt zu folgenden Ergebnissen: Die Metapher sorgt durch ihre bildgestaltende Vermittlung jeweils daf{\"u}r, dass der sexuelle Inhalt darstellbar wird, ohne jedoch in unmissverst{\"a}ndlicher Direktheit auf den Betrachter zu treffen. Ob sie mit ihren allt{\"a}glichen, meist b{\"a}uerlichen Bildmotiven f{\"u}r die Schamsph{\"a}re {\"u}ber- oder untertreibt, abwertet oder aufwertet, verh{\"u}llt oder entlarvt - in jedweder Form und Gestalt kann die Metapher den sexuellen Inhalt {\"a}sthetisieren. Weil sie ihn unter neuer oder anderer Perspektive betrachtet, entr{\"u}ckt sie ihn formal. Damit erscheint das Sprechen {\"u}ber Sexualit{\"a}t in der metaphorischen Rede wie auf Abstand gerechtfertigt und das Ausmaß bzw. {\"U}bermaß der Inszenierung von Sexualit{\"a}t im Fastnachtspiel {\"u}berhaupt erst m{\"o}glich. H{\"a}ufig werden Bilder vom Penis als Esel, von der Vagina als Wiese und vom Koitus als Speerkampf entworfen. Die Metapher stellt damit gewohnte Vorstellungen von Mann und Frau mitsamt den normativ gesetzten Erwartungen und Strukturen im Eheleben auf den Kopf. Das kann als obsz{\"o}n und unanst{\"a}ndig, aber auch als am{\"u}sant empfunden worden sein und heute noch empfunden werden. Immer bleibt die Metapher dabei ambigue. In ihrer mehrkanaligen Wirkweise, ihrer innovativen Kraft und auch in ihrer Widerspr{\"u}chlichkeit liegen ihre dichterische Begabung und ihre Qualit{\"a}t zur Komisierung. Damit stellt sich die kunstfertige Sprache des Fastnachtspiels der K{\"o}rperlichkeit der Spielinhalte entgegen. Die Dissertation demonstriert das innovative, normkritische Potenzial der Fastnachtspielsprache, die sie als eine Poetik der Ambiguit{\"a}t lesbar und als einen Schatz an vielf{\"a}ltigen und differenzierten Ausdrucksweisen f{\"u}r die Schamsph{\"a}re wertsch{\"a}tzbar macht. Damit leistet die Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur sprach- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Analyse des N{\"u}rnberger Fastnachtsspiels und zu einem differenzierteren Verst{\"a}ndnis von dessen kulturgeschichtlicher Bedeutung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hain2018, author = {Hain, Gerrit}, title = {Onsets and dependencies of strenuous spine bending accelerations in drop landings}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42746}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427461}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 118}, year = {2018}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Physical activity involving high spinal load has been exposed to possess a crucial impact in the genesis of acute and chronic low back pain and disorder. Vigorous spinal loads are surmised in drop landings, for which strenuous bending loads were formerly evinced for the lower extremity structures. Thus far, clinical studies revealed that repetitive landing impacts can evoke benign structural adaptions or damage to the lumbar vertebrae. Though, causes for these observations are hitherto not conclusively evinced; since actual spinal load has to date not been experimentally documented. Moreover, it is yet undetermined how physiological activation of trunk musculature compensates for landing impact induced spinal loads, and to which extend trunk activity and spinal load are affected by landing demands and performer characteristics. AIMS of this study are 1. the localisation and quantification of spinal bending loads under various landing demands and 2. the identification of compensatory trunk muscular activity pattern, which potentially alleviate spinal load magnitudes. Three consecutive Hypotheses (H1 - H3) were hereto postulated: H1 posits that spinal bending loads in segregated motion planes can feasibly and reliably be evaluated from peak spine segmental angular accelerations. H2 furthermore assumes that vertical drop landings elicit highest spine bending load in sagittal flexion of the lumbar spine. Based on these verifications, a second study shall prove the successive hypothesis (H3) that diversified landing conditions, like performer's landing familiarity and gender, as an implementation of an instantaneous follow-up task, affect the emerging lumbar spinal bending load. Herein it is moreover surmised that lumbar spinal bending loads under distinct landing conditions are predominantly modulated by herewith disparately deployed conditioned pre-activations of trunk muscles. METHODS: To test the above arrayed hypothesis, two successive studies were carried out. In STUDY 1, 17 subjects were repetitively assessed performing various drop landings (heigth: 15, 30, 45, 60cm; unilateral, bilateral, blindfolded, catching a ball) in a test-retest-design. Herein individual peak angular accelerations [αMAX] were derived from three-dimensional motion data of four trunk-segments (upper thoracic, lower thoracic, lumbar, pelvis). αMAX was herein assessed in flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation of each spinal joint, formed by two adjacent segments. Reliability of αMAX within and between test-days was evaluated by CV\%, ICC 2.1, TRV\%, and Bland \& Altman Analysis (BIAS±LoA). Subsequently, peak flexion acceleration of the lumbo-pelvic joint [αFLEX[LS-PV]] was statistically compared to αMAX expressions of each other assessed spinal joint and motion plane (Mean ±SD, Independent Samples T-test). STUDY 2 deliberately assessed mere peak lumbo-pelvic flexion accelerations [αFLEX[LS-PV]] and electro-myographic trunk pre-activity prior to αFLEX[LS-PV] on 43 subjects performing varied landing tasks (height 45cm; with definite or indefinite predictability of a subsequent instant follow up jump). Subjects were contrasted with respect to their previous landing familiarity ( >1000 vs. <100 landings performed in the past 10 years) and gender. Differences of αFLEX[LS-PV] and muscular pre-activity between contrasted subject groups as between landing tasks were equally statistically tested by three-way mixed ANOVA with Post-hoc tests. Associations between αFLEX[LS-PV] and muscular pre-activity were factor-specifically assessed by Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient (rS). Complementarily, muscular pre-activity was subdivided by landing phases [DROP, IMPACT] and discretely assessed for phase specific associations to αFLEX[LS-PV]. Each muscular activity was moreover pairwise compared between DROP and IMPACT (Mean ±SD, Dependent Samples T-test). RESULTS: αMAX was presented with overall high variability within test-days (CV =36\%). Lowest intra-individual variability and highest reproducibility of αMAX between test-days was shown in flexion of the spine. αFLEX[LS-PV] showed largely consistent sig. higher magnitudes compared to αMAX presented in more cranial spinal joints and other motion planes. αFLEX[LS-PV] moreover gradually increased with escalations in landing heights. Landing unfamiliar subjects presented sig. higher αFLEX[LS-PV] in contrast to landing familiar ones (p=.016). M. Obliquus Int. with M. Transversus Abd. (66 ±32\%MVC) and M. Erector Spinae (47 ±15\%MVC) presented maredly highest activity in contrast to lowest activity of M. Rectus Abd. (10 ±4\%MVC). Landing unfamiliar subjects showed compared to landing familiar ones sig. higher activity of M. Obliquus Ext. (17 ±8\%MVC, 12 ±7\%MVC, p= .044). M. Obliquus Ext. and its co-contraction ratio with M. Erector Spinae moreover exhibited low but sig. positive correlations to αFLEX[LS-PV] (rs=.39, rs=.31). Each trunk muscule distributed larger shares of its activity to DROP, whereas peak activations of most muscles emerged in the proportionally shorter IMPACT phase. Commonly increased muscular pre-activation particularly at IMPACT was found in landings with a contrived follow up jump and in female subjects, whereby αFLEX[LS-PV] was hereof only marginally affected. DISCUSSION: Highest spine segmental angular accelerations in drop landings emerge in sagittal flexion of the lumbar spine. The compensatory stabilisation of the spine appears to be preponderantly provided by a dorso-ventral co-contraction of M. Obliquus Int., M. Transversus Abd. and M. Erector Spinae. Elevated pre-activity of M. Obliquuis Ext. supposably characterises poor landing experience, which might engender increased bending loads to the lumbar spine. A pervasive large variability of spinal angular accelerations measured across all landing types, suggests a multifarious utilisation of diverse mechanisms compensating for spinal impacts in landing performances. A standardised assessment and valid evaluation of landing evoked lumbar bending loads is hereof largley confined. CONCLUSION: Drop landings elicit most strenuous lumbo-pelvic flexion accelerations, which can be appraised as representatives for high energetic bending loads to the spine. Such entail the highest risk to overload the spinal tissue, when landing demands exceed the individual's landing skill. Previous landing experience and training appears to effectively improve muscular spine stabilisation pattern, diminishing spinal bending loads.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fer2018, author = {Fer, Istem}, title = {Modeling past, present and future climate induced vegetation changes in East Africa}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42777}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427777}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 156}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ostafrika ist ein nat{\"u}rliches Labor: Durch ein Studium seiner einzigartigen geologischen und biologischen Geschichte lassen sich unsere Theorien und Modelle {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen und verbessern. Ein Studium seiner Gegenwart und seiner Zukunft wiederum hilft uns dabei, die global bedeutende Artenvielfalt und die {\"o}kosystemaren Dienstleistungen Ostafrikas zu sch{\"u}tzen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei spielt die ostafrikanische Vegetation, deren Dynamiken in dieser Dissertation durch Computersimulationen quantifiziert werden sollen. {\"U}ber Computersimulationen lassen sich fr{\"u}here Rahmenbedingungen reproduzieren, Voraussagen treffen oder Simulationsexperimente durchf{\"u}hren, die durch Feldforschung nicht m{\"o}glich w{\"a}ren. Zuallererst muss jedoch ihre Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Die von dem Modell anhand der heutigen Inputs gelieferten Ergebnisse stimmten weitgehend mit heutigen Beobachtungen ostafrikanischer Vegetation {\"u}berein. Als n{\"a}chstes wurde die fr{\"u}here Vegetation simuliert, f{\"u}r die fossile Pollen-Daten zum Abgleich vorliegen. {\"U}ber Computermodelle lassen sich Wissensl{\"u}cken zwischen Standorten {\"u}berbr{\"u}cken, bei denen wir {\"u}ber fossile Pollen-Daten verf{\"u}gen, sodass ein vollst{\"a}ndigeres Bild der Vergangenheit entsteht. Zus{\"a}tzlich validiert wurde die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit des Modells durch die hohe {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen Modell und Pollen-Daten, wo sie im Raum {\"u}berlappen. Nachdem das Modell getestet und f{\"u}r die Region validiert war, konnte eine der seit langem offenen Fragen {\"u}ber die ostafrikanische Vegetation angegangen werden, n{\"a}mlich wie Ostafrika seines Tropenwaldes verlustig gehen konnte. In den Tropen wird die heutige Vegetation weltweit haupts{\"a}chlich von W{\"a}ldern dominiert, mit Ausnahme der Tropengebiete Ostafrikas, wo W{\"a}lder nur noch stellenweise an der K{\"u}ste und im Hochland vorkommen. Durch eine Reihe von Simulationsexperimenten konnte aufgezeigt werden, unter welchen Bedingungen jene Waldgebiete fr{\"u}her zusammenhingen und schließlich fragmentiert wurden. Die Studie hat erwiesen, wie empfindlich die ostafrikanische Vegetation f{\"u}r die Klimaschwankungen ist, die durch den k{\"u}nftigen Klimawandel zu erwarten sind. Weitere Auswirkungen auf das ostafrikanische Klima ergeben sich aus dem El Ni{\~n}o/Southern Oscillation-Ph{\"a}nomen (ENSO), das aus Temperaturfluktuationen zwischen dem Ozean und der Atmosph{\"a}re herr{\"u}hrt und k{\"u}nftig an Intensit{\"a}t zunehmen d{\"u}rfte. Die derzeitigen Klimamodelle sind allerdings noch nicht gut genug beim Erfassen solcher Ereignismuster. In einer Studie wurde der Einfluss des ENSO-Ph{\"a}nomens auf die ostafrikanische Vegetation quantifiziert und dabei aufgezeigt, wie sehr sich die k{\"u}nftige Vegetation von den heute simulierten Ergebnissen unterscheiden k{\"o}nnte, bei denen der genaue ENSO-Beitrag nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden kann. Bei der Berechnung der k{\"u}nftigen weltweiten CO2-Bilanz und den zu treffenden Entscheidungen stellt dies einen zus{\"a}tzlichen Unsicherheitsfaktor dar.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{TchoumbaKwamen2018, author = {Tchoumba Kwamen, Christelle Larodia}, title = {Investigating the dynamics of polarization reversal in ferroelectric thin films by time-resolved X-ray diffraction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42781}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 126, xxiii}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ferroic materials have attracted a lot of attention over the years due to their wide range of applications in sensors, actuators, and memory devices. Their technological applications originate from their unique properties such as ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity. In order to optimize these materials, it is necessary to understand the coupling between their nanoscale structure and transient response, which are related to the atomic structure of the unit cell. In this thesis, synchrotron X-ray diffraction is used to investigate the structure of ferroelectric thin film capacitors during application of a periodic electric field. Combining electrical measurements with time-resolved X-ray diffraction on a working device allows for visualization of the interplay between charge flow and structural motion. This constitutes the core of this work. The first part of this thesis discusses the electrical and structural dynamics of a ferroelectric Pt/Pb(Zr0.2,Ti0.8)O3/SrRuO3 heterostructure during charging, discharging, and polarization reversal. After polarization reversal a non-linear piezoelectric response develops on a much longer time scale than the RC time constant of the device. The reversal process is inhomogeneous and induces a transient disordered domain state. The structural dynamics under sub-coercive field conditions show that this disordered domain state can be remanent and can be erased with an appropriate voltage pulse sequence. The frequency-dependent dynamic characterization of a Pb(Zr0.52,Ti0.48)O3 layer, at the morphotropic phase boundary, shows that at high frequency, the limited domain wall velocity causes a phase lag between the applied field and both the structural and electrical responses. An external modification of the RC time constant of the measurement delays the switching current and widens the electromechanical hysteresis loop while achieving a higher compressive piezoelectric strain within the crystal. In the second part of this thesis, time-resolved reciprocal space maps of multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films were measured to identify the domain structure and investigate the development of an inhomogeneous piezoelectric response during the polarization reversal. The presence of 109° domains is evidenced by the splitting of the Bragg peak. The last part of this work investigates the effect of an optically excited ultrafast strain or heat pulse propagating through a ferroelectric BaTiO3 layer, where we observed an additional current response due to the laser pulse excitation of the metallic bottom electrode of the heterostructure.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mainka2018, author = {Mainka, Stefan}, title = {Wieder gehen lernen mit Musik}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-430049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {88}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Mehrzahl der Schlaganfallpatienten leidet unter St{\"o}rungen der Gehf{\"a}higkeit. Die Behandlung der Folgen des Schlaganfalls stellt eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Indikationen f{\"u}r die neurologische Rehabilitation dar. Dabei steht die Wiederherstellung von sensomotorischen Funktionen, insbesondere der Gehf{\"a}higkeit, und der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe im Vordergrund. In Deutschland wird in der Gangrehabilitation nach Schlaganfall oft das Neurophysiologische Gangtraining nach Bobath (NGB) angewandt, das jedoch in seiner Effektivit{\"a}t kritisch gesehen wird. In Behandlungsleitlinien wird zuerst das Laufbandtraining (LT) empfohlen. F{\"u}r diese Therapie liegen Wirknachweise f{\"u}r Verbesserungen in Gehgeschwindigkeit und Gehausdauer vor. Auch f{\"u}r die Rhythmisch-auditive Stimulation (RAS), dem ebenerdigen Gangtraining mit akustischer Stimulation liegt vergleichbare Evidenz f{\"u}r Schlaganfallpatienten vor. Ziel der durchgef{\"u}hrten Studie war es, zu kl{\"a}ren ob der Einsatz von RAS die Effektivit{\"a}t von LT verbessert. Es wurden die Auswirkungen eines 4-w{\"o}chigen musikgest{\"u}tzten Laufbandtrainings auf die Gangrehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten untersucht. F{\"u}r die Kombinationstherapie RAS mit Laufbandtraining (RAS-LT) wurde spezielle Trainingsmusik entwickelt. Diese wurde an die individuelle Laufbandkadenz des Patienten angepasst und in Abstimmung mit der Bandgeschwindigkeit systematisch gesteigert. Untersucht wurde, ob RAS-LT zu st{\"a}rkeren Verbesserungen der Gehf{\"a}higkeit bei Schlaganfallpatienten f{\"u}hrt als die Standardtherapien NGB und LT. Dazu wurde eine klinische Evaluation im prospektiven randomisierten und kontrollierten Parallelgruppendesign mit 45 Patienten nach Schlaganfall durchgef{\"u}hrt. 45 Patienten mit Hemiparese der unteren Extremit{\"a}t oder unsicherem und asymmetrischem Gangbild wurden in der Akutphase nach Schlaganfall eingeschlossen. Bei 10 Patienten wurde die Studie w{\"a}hrend der Interventionsphase abgebrochen, davon 1 Patient mit unerw{\"u}nschter Nebenwirkung in Folge des LT. Die verwendete Testbatterie umfasste neben Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Gehfunktion wie Fast Gait Speed Test, 3-min-Walking-Time-Test und der apparativen Ganganalyse mit dem Lokometer nach Bessou eine statische Posturographie und eine kinematische 2D-Ganganalyse auf dem Laufband. Diese Methode wurde in Erweiterung der bisherigen Studienlage in dieser Form erstmals f{\"u}r diese Fragestellung und dieses Patientenkollektiv konzipiert und eingesetzt. Sie erm{\"o}glichte eine differenzierte und seitenbezogene Beurteilung der Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t. Die prim{\"a}ren Endpunkte der Studie waren die longitudinalen Gangparameter Kadenz, Gehgeschwindigkeit und Schrittl{\"a}nge. Als sekund{\"a}re Endpunkte dienten die Schrittsymmetrie, die Gehausdauer, das statische Gleichgewicht und die Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t des Gehens. Pr{\"a}-Post-Effekte wurden f{\"u}r die gesamte Stichprobe und f{\"u}r jede Gruppe durch T-Tests und wenn Normalverteilung nicht gegeben war mit dem Wilcoxon-Vorzeichen-Rangtest errechnet. F{\"u}r die Ermittlung der Wirkungsunterschiede der 3 Interventionen wurde eine Kovarianzanalyse mit zwei Kovariaten durchgef{\"u}hrt: (1) der jeweilige Pr{\"a}-Interventionsparameter und (2) die Zeit zwischen Akutereignis und Studienbeginn. F{\"u}r einzelne Messparameter waren die Vorbedingungen der Kovarianzanalyse nicht erf{\"u}llt, sodass stattdessen ein Kruskal-Wallis H Test durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf p < 0,05 und f{\"u}r gruppenspezifische Pr{\"a}-Post-Effekte auf p > 0,016 gesetzt. Effektst{\"a}rken wurden mit Cohens d berechnet. Es wurden die Datens{\"a}tze von 35 Patienten (RAS-LT: N = 11, LT: N = 13, NGB: N = 11) mit einem Alter von 63.6 ±8.6 Jahren, und mit einer Zeit zwischen Akutereignis und Beginn der Studie von 42.1 ±23.7 Tagen ausgewertet. In der statistischen Auswertung zeigten sich in der Nachuntersuchung st{\"a}rkere Verbesserungen durch RAS-LT in der Kadenz (F(2,34) = 7.656, p = 0.002; partielles η2 = 0.338), wobei auch die Gruppenkontraste signifikante Unterschiede zugunsten von RAS-LT aufwiesen und eine Tendenz zu st{\"a}rkerer Verbesserung in der Gehgeschwindigkeit (F(2,34) = 3.864, p = 0.032; partielles η2 = 0.205). Auch die Ergebnisse zur Schrittsymmetrie und zur Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t deuteten auf eine {\"U}berlegenheit des neuen Therapieansatzes RAS-LT hin, obgleich dort keine statistischen Signifikanzen im Gruppenvergleich erreicht wurden. Die Parameter Schrittl{\"a}nge, Gehausdauer und die Werte zum statischen Gleichgewicht zeigten keine spezifischen Effekte von RAS-LT. Die Studie liefert erstmals Anhaltspunkte f{\"u}r eine klinische {\"U}berlegenheit von RAS-LT gegen{\"u}ber den Standardtherapien. Die weitere Entwicklung und Beforschung dieses innovativen Therapieansatzes k{\"o}nnen in Zukunft zu einer verbesserten Gangrehabilitation von Patienten nach Schlaganfall beitragen.}, language = {de} }