@phdthesis{Hodapp2024, author = {Hodapp, Alice}, title = {Error-based learning in predictive language processing at the level of meaning}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65717}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-657179}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 68}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Prediction is often regarded as a central and domain-general aspect of cognition. This proposal extends to language, where predictive processing might enable the comprehension of rapidly unfolding input by anticipating upcoming words or their semantic features. To make these predictions, the brain needs to form a representation of the predictive patterns in the environment. Predictive processing theories suggest a continuous learning process that is driven by prediction errors, but much is still to be learned about this mechanism in language comprehension. This thesis therefore combined three electroencephalography (EEG) experiments to explore the relationship between prediction and implicit learning at the level of meaning. Results from Study 1 support the assumption that the brain constantly infers und updates probabilistic representations of the semantic context, potentially across multiple levels of complexity. N400 and P600 brain potentials could be predicted by semantic surprise based on a probabilistic estimate of previous exposure and a more complex probability representation, respectively. Subsequent work investigated the influence of prediction errors on the update of semantic predictions during sentence comprehension. In line with error-based learning, unexpected sentence continuations in Study 2 ¬- characterized by large N400 amplitudes ¬- were associated with increased implicit memory compared to expected continuations. Further, Study 3 indicates that prediction errors not only strengthen the representation of the unexpected word, but also update specific predictions made from the respective sentence context. The study additionally provides initial evidence that the amount of unpredicted information as reflected in N400 amplitudes drives this update of predictions, irrespective of the strength of the original incorrect prediction. Together, these results support a central assumption of predictive processing theories: A probabilistic predictive representation at the level of meaning that is updated by prediction errors. They further propose the N400 ERP component as a possible learning signal. The results also emphasize the need for further research regarding the role of the late positive ERP components in error-based learning. The continuous error-based adaptation described in this thesis allows the brain to improve its predictive representation with the aim to make better predictions in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Toenjes2024, author = {T{\"o}njes, Ralf}, title = {On the effects of disorder on the ability of oscillatory or directional dynamics to synchronize}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65194}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651942}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 124}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this thesis I present a collection of publications of my work, containing analytic results and observations in numerical experiments on the effects of various inhomogeneities, on the ability of coupled oscillators to synchronize their collective dynamics. Most of these works are concerned with the effects of Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise acting on the phase of autonomous oscillators (Secs. 2.1-2.4) or on the direction of higher dimensional state vectors (Secs. 2.5,2.6). I obtain exact and approximate solutions to the non-linear equations governing the distributions of phases, or perform linear stability analysis of the uniform distribution to obtain the transition point from a completely disordered state to partial order or more complicated collective behavior. Other inhomogeneities, that can affect synchronization of coupled oscillators, are irregular, chaotic oscillations or a complex, and possibly random structure in the coupling network. In Section 2.9 I present a new method to define the phase- and frequency linear response function for chaotic oscillators. In Sections 2.4, 2.7 and 2.8 I study synchronization in complex networks of coupled oscillators. Each section in Chapter 2 - Manuscripts, is devoted to one research paper and begins with a list of the main results, a description of my contributions to the work and a short account of the scientific context, i.e. the questions and challenges which started the research and the relation of the work to my other research projects. The manuscripts in this thesis are reproductions of the arXiv versions, i.e. preprints under the creative commons licence.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hameed2024, author = {Hameed, Mazhar}, title = {Structural preparation of raw data files}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65567}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-655678}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 117}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Data preparation stands as a cornerstone in the landscape of data science workflows, commanding a significant portion—approximately 80\%—of a data scientist's time. The extensive time consumption in data preparation is primarily attributed to the intricate challenge faced by data scientists in devising tailored solutions for downstream tasks. This complexity is further magnified by the inadequate availability of metadata, the often ad-hoc nature of preparation tasks, and the necessity for data scientists to grapple with a diverse range of sophisticated tools, each presenting its unique intricacies and demands for proficiency. Previous research in data management has traditionally concentrated on preparing the content within columns and rows of a relational table, addressing tasks, such as string disambiguation, date standardization, or numeric value normalization, commonly referred to as data cleaning. This focus assumes a perfectly structured input table. Consequently, the mentioned data cleaning tasks can be effectively applied only after the table has been successfully loaded into the respective data cleaning environment, typically in the later stages of the data processing pipeline. While current data cleaning tools are well-suited for relational tables, extensive data repositories frequently contain data stored in plain text files, such as CSV files, due to their adaptable standard. Consequently, these files often exhibit tables with a flexible layout of rows and columns, lacking a relational structure. This flexibility often results in data being distributed across cells in arbitrary positions, typically guided by user-specified formatting guidelines. Effectively extracting and leveraging these tables in subsequent processing stages necessitates accurate parsing. This thesis emphasizes what we define as the "structure" of a data file—the fundamental characters within a file essential for parsing and comprehending its content. Concentrating on the initial stages of the data preprocessing pipeline, this thesis addresses two crucial aspects: comprehending the structural layout of a table within a raw data file and automatically identifying and rectifying any structural issues that might hinder its parsing. Although these issues may not directly impact the table's content, they pose significant challenges in parsing the table within the file. Our initial contribution comprises an extensive survey of commercially available data preparation tools. This survey thoroughly examines their distinct features, the lacking features, and the necessity for preliminary data processing despite these tools. The primary goal is to elucidate the current state-of-the-art in data preparation systems while identifying areas for enhancement. Furthermore, the survey explores the encountered challenges in data preprocessing, emphasizing opportunities for future research and improvement. Next, we propose a novel data preparation pipeline designed for detecting and correcting structural errors. The aim of this pipeline is to assist users at the initial preprocessing stage by ensuring the correct loading of their data into their preferred systems. Our approach begins by introducing SURAGH, an unsupervised system that utilizes a pattern-based method to identify dominant patterns within a file, independent of external information, such as data types, row structures, or schemata. By identifying deviations from the dominant pattern, it detects ill-formed rows. Subsequently, our structure correction system, TASHEEH, gathers the identified ill-formed rows along with dominant patterns and employs a novel pattern transformation algebra to automatically rectify errors. Our pipeline serves as an end-to-end solution, transforming a structurally broken CSV file into a well-formatted one, usually suitable for seamless loading. Finally, we introduce MORPHER, a user-friendly GUI integrating the functionalities of both SURAGH and TASHEEH. This interface empowers users to access the pipeline's features through visual elements. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our data preparation systems, requiring no user involvement. Both SURAGH and TASHEEH outperform existing state-of-the-art methods significantly in both precision and recall.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Dera2024, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Dera, Tom}, title = {Spectant victores ruinam naturae}, series = {Copia - Potsdamer Anregungen f{\"u}r den Lateinunterricht}, journal = {Copia - Potsdamer Anregungen f{\"u}r den Lateinunterricht}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-6621}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63591}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-635916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {62, 34}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Anliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Vermittlung des antiken Verh{\"a}ltnisses zwischen Mensch und nat{\"u}rlicher Umgebung im Lateinunterricht sowie ein Vergleich mit der heutigen Situation. Die Ergr{\"u}ndung jenes Verh{\"a}ltnisses erfolgt am Beispiel des antiken Bergbaus, eines besonders anschaulichen Feldes der Umweltgeschichte. Denn es weist ein hohes Maß an Aktualit{\"a}t auf sowie ein großes Potential, aus der Besch{\"a}ftigung mit ihm Erkenntnisse f{\"u}r die Gegenwart zu gewinnen. Vorgelegt wird eine Unterrichtskonzeption, die zugleich eine Analyse der menschlichen Naturwahrnehmung vornimmt. Zun{\"a}chst wird dabei die Heterogenit{\"a}t dieser Wahrnehmung in der Antike aufgezeigt und in Bezug zur damals ge{\"a}ußerten Kritik am Bergbau gesetzt. Anschließend werden folgende Teilaspekte behandelt: 1. die antike bergbauliche Technik und Praxis, 2. die damals herrschenden Arbeitsbedingungen, 3. die gewonnenen Rohstoffe und ihre Verwendung sowie 4. die Folgen des Bergbaus f{\"u}r Mensch und Umwelt. Der didaktische Teil besteht aus einem Entwurf f{\"u}r drei Doppelstunden. Er enth{\"a}lt die Lehrmaterialien, die jeweiligen Erl{\"a}uterungen und den Erwartungshorizont.}, language = {de} } @misc{Schenk2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Schenk, Johanna}, title = {Das Professionswissen von Studierenden des Lehramts Primarstufe im Bereich „Haus der Vierecke"}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65493}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-654937}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 88}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkr{\"a}fte als bedeutende Steuerungsgr{\"o}ße f{\"u}r die Schulbildung ist eine wesentliche Aufgabe der Lehre an Universit{\"a}ten. Sie stellt eine S{\"a}ule des universit{\"a}ren Reformprojekts „PSI-Potsdam" im Rahmen der „Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung" dar. Ziel ist die Qualit{\"a}tssicherung durch Evaluation und Weiterentwicklung von Lehrveranstaltungen mithilfe von Gestaltungsprinzipien zur Vermittlung des Professionswissens. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert die Wirksamkeit der Lehrveranstaltung „Geometrie und ihre Didaktik 1 und 2" und untersucht exemplarisch, inwiefern Studierende des Lehramts Primarstufe Mathematik das dort angestrebte Fach- und fachdidaktische Wissen zur Begriffsbildung am Beispiel des Hauses der Vierecke erlangt haben. Angemessene mentale Modelle verschiedener Vierecksarten aufzubauen und diese hierarchisch zueinander in Beziehung zu setzen, erfordert einen aktiven Prozess gem{\"a}ß dem didaktischen Modell zum Lernen geometrischer Begriffe und stellt somit eine Schwierigkeit f{\"u}r Lernende an Schule und Universit{\"a}t gleichermaßen dar. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage wurden in einer qualitativen Studie mit Mixed-Methods-Design zun{\"a}chst 95 Studierende schriftlich zu ihrem Wissen hinsichtlich des genannten Themas befragt. Anschließend wurde zur Identifikation von Lernh{\"u}rden und Schwierigkeiten ein Fokusgruppeninterview durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte computergest{\"u}tzt mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine große Vielfalt verschiedener Kompetenzst{\"a}nde in allen relevanten Facetten ab. Im Rahmen der geforderten Perspektiv{\"u}bernahme, Ursachenfindung und modellgeleiteten Vorschl{\"a}gen zu deren Vorbeugung zeigten sich insbesondere Defizite in Form von Fehlvorstellungen. Weiterhin gab es Schwierigkeiten bei der Anwendung und Integration des geforderten Professionswissens in allen betrachteten Wissenskomponenten. Hieraus werden zum einen Entwicklungsvorschl{\"a}ge bez{\"u}glich der Lehrveranstaltung abgeleitet, um die fachwissenschaftliche Basis der zuk{\"u}nftigen Lehrkr{\"a}fte zu st{\"a}rken. Hierunter f{\"a}llt es, sensibler mit prototypischen Darstellungen umzugehen und den Begriffsaufbau bei den Studierenden zu st{\"a}rken, indem unter anderem auf einer Metaebene Zusammenh{\"a}nge des Hauses der Vierecke im Spiralcurriculum explizit gemacht werden. Zum anderen beziehen sich Vorschl{\"a}ge auf das Studiendesign, speziell den Aufbau der Befragung zur zielf{\"u}hrenden Erhebung des fokussierten Professionswissens. Hierf{\"u}r werden unter anderem eine explizite Erhebung der eigenen Vorstellungen sowie eine Umformulierung der Wissenstestaufgabe mittels Operatoren angeregt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Peisker2024, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Peisker, Gina-Marie}, title = {Imkern als Zugang einer ganzheitlichen Bildung im Sachunterricht}, series = {Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Innovation des Sachunterrichts}, journal = {Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Innovation des Sachunterrichts}, number = {3}, editor = {Egbert, Bj{\"o}rn and Kohl, Caroline and Erdmann, Julius}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-575-0}, issn = {2939-9890}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62735}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-627356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2024}, abstract = {„{\"U}ber die vergangenen Jahrzehnte wurde der Ruf nach einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung aufgrund zahlreicher globaler, die gesamte Menschheit betreffender Herausforderungen immer lauter (Kropp, 2019, S. 4)." Bildung f{\"u}r nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) verfolgt das Ziel, Menschen dazu zu bef{\"a}higen, diesen globalen Herausforderungen aktiv zu begegnen, ihre eigene Zukunft mitzugestalten sowie Verantwortung f{\"u}r die Zukunft nachfolgender Generationen zu {\"u}bernehmen. Auch der Sachunterricht in der Grundschule sieht sich vor der Aufgabe, die Prinzipien der BNE in die schulische Praxis zu {\"u}bertragen. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage nach geeigneten Zug{\"a}ngen zu diesem perspektivenvernetzenden Thema, die f{\"u}r die Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler motivierend und zugleich bildungswirksam sein sollen. Einen derartigen Zugang innerhalb des Schulunterrichts kann bei angemessener Umsetzung das Imkern darstellen. Der auf die schulische Praxis ausgerichtete Band 3 der Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Innovation des Sachunterrichts pr{\"a}sentiert daher am Beispiel des Imkerns ein Konzept, wie im Rahmen des Sachunterrichts der Grundschule eine praktische Lernt{\"a}tigkeit der Kinder im Einklang mit den Zielen, Dimensionen und Kompetenzerwartungen der Bildung f{\"u}r nachhaltige Entwicklung erm{\"o}glicht werden kann. Der Band richtet sich als Grundlagenwerk an alle Lehrkr{\"a}fte des Sachunterrichts und dessen Bezugsf{\"a}cher sowie an andere interessierte Leserinnen und Leser.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wolf2024, author = {Wolf, Alexander Karsten}, title = {Pfadbrechende und pfadbest{\"a}tigende Dienstleistungspotenziale in der deutschen Gesundheitswirtschaft durch Quantified-Self-Applikationen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65138}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651384}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 666}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Quantified Self, die pro-aktive Selbstvermessung von Menschen, hat sich in den letzten Jahren von einer Nischenanwendung zu einem Massenph{\"a}nomen entwickelt. Dabei stehen den Nutzern heute vielf{\"a}ltige technische Unterst{\"u}tzungsm{\"o}glichkeiten, beispielsweise in Form von Smartphones, Fitness-Trackern oder Gesundheitsapps zur Verf{\"u}gung, welche eine ann{\"a}hernd l{\"u}ckenlose {\"U}berwachung unterschiedlicher Kontextfaktoren einer individuellen Lebenswirklichkeit erlauben. In der Folge widmet sich diese Arbeit unter anderem der Fragestellung, inwieweit diese intensive und eigen-initiierte Besch{\"a}ftigung, insbesondere mit gesundheitsbezogenen Daten, die weitgehend als objektiviert und damit belastbar gelten, die Gesundheitskompetenz derart aktiver Menschen erh{\"o}hen kann. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden Aspekte untersucht, inwieweit die neuen Technologien in der Lage sind, spezifische medizinische Erkenntnisse zu vertiefen und in der Konsequenz die daraus resultierenden Behandlungsprozesse zu ver{\"a}ndern. W{\"a}hrend der Ursprung des Quantified Self im 2. Gesundheitsmarkt liegt, geht die vorliegende Arbeit der Frage nach, welche strukturellen, personellen und prozessualen Ankn{\"u}pfungspunkte perspektivisch im 1. Gesundheitsmarkt existieren werden, wenn ein potentieller Patient in einer st{\"a}rker emanzipierten Weise den Wunsch versp{\"u}rt, oder eine entsprechende Forderung stellt, seine gesammelten Gesundheitsdaten in m{\"o}glichst umfassender Form in eine medizinische Behandlung zu integrieren. Dabei werden auf der einen Seite aktuelle Entwicklungen im 2. Gesundheitsmarkt untersucht, die gekennzeichnet sind von einer hohen Dynamik und einer großen Intransparenz. Auf der anderen Seite steht der als stark reguliert und wenig digitalisiert geltende 1. Gesundheitsmarkt mit seinen langen Entwicklungszyklen und ausgepr{\"a}gten Partikularinteressen der verschiedenen Stakeholder. In diesem Zuge werden aktuelle Entwicklungen des zugrunde liegenden Rechtsrahmens, speziell im Hinblick auf st{\"a}rker patientenzentrierte und digitalisierte Normen untersucht, wobei insbesondere das Digitale Versorgung Gesetz eine wichtige Rolle einnimmt. Ziel der Arbeit ist die st{\"a}rkere Durchdringung von Wechselwirkungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen den beiden Gesundheitsm{\"a}rkten in Bezug auf die Verwendung von Technologien der Selbstvermessung, um in der Folge zuk{\"u}nftige Gesch{\"a}ftspotentiale f{\"u}r existierende oder neu in den Markt dr{\"a}ngende Dienstleister zu eruieren. Als zentrale Methodik kommt hier eine Delphi-Studie zum Einsatz, die in einem interprofessionellen Ansatz versucht, ein Zukunftsbild dieser derzeit noch sehr jungen Entwicklungen f{\"u}r das Jahr 2030 aufzuzeigen. Eingebettet werden die Ergebnisse in die Untersuchung einer allgemeinen gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz der skizzierten Ver{\"a}nderungen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Brinkmann2024, author = {Brinkmann, Charlotte}, title = {Molecular characterisation of the Xanthomonas type III effector XopM}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64898}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-648985}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 96}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Due to their sessile lifestyle, plants are constantly exposed to pathogens and possess a multi-layered immune system that prevents infection. The first layer of immunity called pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), enables plants to recognise highly conserved molecules that are present in pathogens, resulting in immunity from non-adaptive pathogens. Adapted pathogens interfere with PTI, however the second layer of plant immunity can recognise these virulence factors resulting in a constant evolutionary battle between plant and pathogen. Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) is the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot disease in tomato and pepper plants. Like many Gram-negative bacteria, Xcv possesses a type-III secretion system, which it uses to translocate type-III effectors (T3E) into plant cells. Xcv has over 30 T3Es that interfere with the immune response of the host and are important for successful infection. One such effector is the Xanthomonas outer protein M (XopM) that shows no similarity to any other known protein. Characterisation of XopM and its role in virulence was the focus of this work. While screening a tobacco cDNA library for potential host target proteins, the vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)-associated protein 1-2 like (VAP12) was identified. The interaction between XopM and VAP12 was confirmed in the model species Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis as well as in tomato, a Xcv host. As plants possess multiple VAP proteins, it was determined that the interaction of XopM and VAP is isoform specific. It could be confirmed that the major sperm protein (MSP) domain of NtVAP12 is sufficient for binding XopM and that binding can be disrupted by substituting one amino acid (T47) within this domain. Most VAP interactors have at least one FFAT (two phenylalanines [FF] in an acidic tract) related motif, screening the amino acid sequence of XopM showed that XopM has two FFAT-related motifs. Substitution of the second residue of each FFAT motif (Y61/F91) disrupts NtVAP12 binding, suggesting that these motifs cooperatively mediate this interaction. Structural modelling using AlphaFold further confirmed that the unstructured N-terminus of XopM binds NtVAP12 at its MSP domain, which was further confirmed by the generation of truncated XopM variants. Infection of pepper leaves, with a XopM deficient Xcv strain did not result in a reduction of virulence in comparison to the Xcv wildtype, showing that the function of XopM during infection is redundant. Virus-induced gene silencing of NbVAP12 in N. benthamiana plants also did not affect Xcv virulence, which further indicated that interaction with VAP12 is also non-essential for Xcv virulence. Despite such findings, ectopic expression of wildtype XopM and XopMY61A/F91A in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings enhanced the growth of a non-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 strain. XopM was found to interfere with the PTI response allowing Pst growth independent of its binding to VAP. Furthermore, transiently expressed XopM could suppress reactive oxygen species (ROS; one of the earliest PTI responses) production in N. benthamiana leaves. The FFAT double mutant XopMY61A/F91A as well as the C-terminal truncation variant XopM106-519 could still suppress the ROS response while the N-terminal variant XopM1-105 did not. Suppression of ROS production is therefore independent of VAP binding. In addition, tagging the C-terminal variant of XopM with a nuclear localisation signal (NLS; NLS-XopM106-519) resulted in significantly higher ROS production than the membrane localising XopM106-519 variant, indicating that XopM-induced ROS suppression is localisation dependent. To further characterise XopM, mass spectrometry techniques were used to identify post-translational modifications (PTM) and potential interaction partners. PTM analysis revealed that XopM contains up to 21 phosphorylation sites, which could influence VAP binding. Furthermore, proteins of the Rab family were identified as potential plant protein interaction partners. Rab proteins serve a multitude of functions including vesicle trafficking and have been previously identified as T3E host targets. Taking this into account, a model of virulence of XopM was proposed, with XopM anchoring itself to VAP proteins to potentially access plasma membrane associated proteins. XopM possibly interferes with vesicle trafficking, which in turn suppresses ROS production through an unknown mechanism. In this work it was shown that XopM targets VAP proteins. The data collected suggests that this T3E uses VAP12 to anchor itself into the right place to carry out its function. While more work is needed to determine how XopM contributes to virulence of Xcv, this study sheds light onto how adapted pathogens overcome the immune response of their hosts. It is hoped that such knowledge will contribute to the development of crops resistant to Xcv in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bauer2024, author = {Bauer, Stephan}, title = {Efraim Frisch und Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-577-4}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62984}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-629846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {826}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Efraim Frisch (1873-1942) und Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1874-1936) waren im klassischen Zeitalter der Intellektuellen (neben anderem) Zeitschriftenentrepeneure und Gr{\"u}nder der kleinen Zeitschriften Der Neue Merkur (1914-1916/1919-1925) und Europ{\"a}ische Gespr{\"a}che (1923-1933). Sie stehen (nicht nur mit ihren Zeitschriften) f{\"u}r einen der wiederholt in der Moderne unternommenen Versuche, die in der Aufkl{\"a}rung erschlossenen Ressourcen - demokratischer Republikanismus und universelle und gleiche Rechte f{\"u}r alle Menschen - im Vertrauen auf ihre globale Umsetzbarkeit zu aktivieren. In der Zeit der Weimarer Republik geh{\"o}rten sie zu den Republikanern, „die Weimar als Symbol ernst nahmen und z{\"a}h und mutig bem{\"u}ht waren, dem Ideal konkreten Inhalt zu verleihen" (Peter Gay). Ihr bislang un{\"u}berliefert gebliebenes Beispiel f{\"u}gt sich ein in die Demokratiegeschichte der europ{\"a}ischen Moderne, in die Geschichte internationaler Gesellschaftsbeziehungen und die Geschichte der Selbstbehauptung intellektueller Autonomie. Die z{\"a}suren{\"u}bergreifend den Zeitraum von 1900 bis ca. 1940 untersuchende Studie erm{\"o}glicht wesentliche Einblicke in die Biografien Frischs und Mendelssohn Bartholdys, in die deutsch-franz{\"o}sische/europ{\"a}isch-transatlantische Welt der kleinen (literarisch-politischen) Zeitschriften des fr{\"u}hen 20. Jahrhunderts sowie in das medien-intellektuelle Feld des sp{\"a}ten Kaiserreiches und der Weimarer Republik in seiner humanistisch-demokratisch-republikanischen Tendenz. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus beinhaltet sie neue Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte der ‚Heidelberger Vereinigung' - der Arbeitsgemeinschaft f{\"u}r eine Politik des Rechts - um Prinz Max von Baden, zur deutschen Friedensdelegation in Versailles 1919 und ihrem Hamburger Nachleben, zum Handbuch der Politik sowie zur ersten amtlichen Aktenpublikation des Ausw{\"a}rtigen Amtes - der Großen Politik der Europ{\"a}ischen Kabinette 1871-1914. Schließlich zu den Bem{\"u}hungen der ‚Internationalists' der 1920er Jahre, eine effektive {\"A}chtung des Angriffskrieges herbeizuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @misc{Moehrle2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {M{\"o}hrle, Fiona}, title = {Archive als Orte des kulturellen Ged{\"a}chtnisses}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65343}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-653433}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {78, xliv}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Archive haben die Aufgabe, Wissen zu bewahren und zug{\"a}nglich zu machen. Die Sammlungen des Museums f{\"u}r Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) wuchsen w{\"a}hrend der Zeit der europ{\"a}ischen Kolonialexpansion stark an. Naturalien aus der ganzen Welt gelangten nach Berlin und gleichzeitig fand ein wissenschaftlicher Austausch zu denselben statt. Die Spuren dieser Objekte und der Korrespondenzen k{\"o}nnen im Archiv des Museums nachverfolgt werden. Heute gelten koloniale Kontexte weitestgehend als Unrechtskontexte, deren Aufarbeitung gefordert wird. Um Provenienzforschung betreiben zu k{\"o}nnen, ist es daher unerl{\"a}sslich, dass Museen und Archive ihre Sammlungen offenlegen (soweit rechtlich und ethisch m{\"o}glich) und Außenstehenden den Zugriff erm{\"o}glichen. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit soll der respektvolle Umgang mit Archivgut aus kolonialen Kontexten kritisch reflektiert und Handlungsfelder f{\"u}r einen kulturell angemessenen Umgang mit sensiblen Inhalten aufgezeigt werden. Konkret beziehen sich die Handlungsoptionen auf Archivgut aus kolonialen Kontexten mit Bezug zu Australien. Dabei werden Provenienzforschung, Sensibilit{\"a}t, Mehrsprachigkeit, indigenes kulturelles Wissen (ICIP) sowie Plattform- und Schnittstellenoptionen f{\"u}r die Vernetzung von Daten und Inhalten bedacht. Ziel ist es, vor dem Hintergrund der Archive als Orte kulturellen Ged{\"a}chtnisses den Umgang mit Archivgut aus kolonialen Kontexten zu reflektieren.}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-64958, title = {Erkl{\"a}rung Potsdamer B{\"u}rgerinnen und B{\"u}rger zur Robotik in der Altenpflege}, editor = {Bubeck, Marc and Haltaufderheide, Joschka and Sakowsky, Ruben Andreas and Ranisch, Robert}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64958}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-649589}, pages = {53}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die bedarfsgerechte Versorgung im Alter zuk{\"u}nftig sicherzustellen, geh{\"o}rt zu den entscheidenden Aufgaben unserer Zeit. Der in Deutschland bestehende Fachkr{\"a}ftemangel sowie der demografische Wandel belasten das Pflegesystem in mehrfacher Hinsicht: In einer alternden Gesellschaft sind immer mehr Menschen auf eine anhaltende Unterst{\"u}tzung angewiesen. Niedrige Geburtenraten und damit verbunden ein sinkender Bev{\"o}lkerungs-anteil von Menschen im erwerbsf{\"a}higen Alter bringen einen bereits heute sp{\"u}rbaren Mangel an beruflich Pflegenden mit sich. Um eine menschenw{\"u}rdige Pflege anhaltend zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, m{\"u}ssen vorhandene Ressourcen gezielter eingesetzt und zus{\"a}tzliche Reserven freigelegt werden. Viele Hoffnungen liegen hier auf technologischen Innovationen. Die Digitalisierung soll das Gesundheitswesen effizienter gestalten und beispielsweise durch K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz zeitraubende Prozesse vereinfachen oder sogar automatisieren. Im Kontext der Pflege wird der Einsatz von robotischen Assistenzsystemen diskutiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde die die Potsdamer B{\"u}rger:innenkonferenz „Robotik in der Altenpflege?" initiiert. Um die Zukunft der Pflege gemeinsam zu gestalten, wurden 3.500 Potsdamer B{\"u}rgerinnen und B{\"u}rger kontaktiert und schließlich f{\"u}nfundzwanzig Teilnehmende ausgew{\"a}hlt. Im Fr{\"u}hjahr 2024 kamen sie zusammen, um den verantwortlichen Einsatz von Robotik in der Pflege zu diskutieren. Die hier vorliegende Erkl{\"a}rung ist das Ergebnis der B{\"u}rger:innenkonferenz. Sie enth{\"a}lt die zentralen Positionen der Teilnehmenden. Die B{\"u}rger:innenkonferenz ist Teil des Projekts E-cARE („Ethics Guidelines for Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly Care: An Empirical-Participatory Approach"), welches die Juniorprofessur f{\"u}r Medizinische Ethik mit Schwerpunkt auf Digitalisierung der Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg, Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, durchgef{\"u}hrt hat.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pauli2024, author = {Pauli, Daniel}, title = {Unraveling massive star and binary physics in the nearby low-metallicity galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, as a proxy for high-redshift galaxies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65318}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-653184}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {169}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Massive stars (Mini > 8 Msol) are the key feedback agents within galaxies, as they shape their surroundings via their powerful winds, ionizing radiation, and explosive supernovae. Most massive stars are born in binary systems, where interactions with their companions significantly alter their evolution and the feedback they deposit in their host galaxy. Understanding binary evolution, particularly in the low-metallicity environments as proxies for the Early Universe, is crucial for interpreting the rest-frame ultraviolet spectra observed in high-redshift galaxies by telescopes like Hubble and James Webb. This thesis aims to tackle this challenge by investigating in detail massive binaries within the low-metallicity environment of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy. From ultraviolet and multi-epoch optical spectroscopic data, we uncovered post-interaction binaries. To comprehensively characterize these binary systems, their stellar winds, and orbital parameters, we use a multifaceted approach. The Potsdam Wolf-Rayet stellar atmosphere code is employed to obtain the stellar and wind parameters of the stars. Additionally, we perform consistent light and radial velocity fitting with the Physics of Eclipsing Binaries software, allowing for the independent determination of orbital parameters and component masses. Finally, we utilize these results to challenge the standard picture of stellar evolution and improve our understanding of low-metallicity stellar populations by calculating our binary evolution models with the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics code. We discovered the first four O-type post-interaction binaries in the SMC (Chapters 2, 5, and 6). Their primary stars have temperatures similar to other OB stars and reside far from the helium zero-age main sequence, challenging the traditional view of binary evolution. Our stellar evolution models suggest this may be due to enhanced mixing after core-hydrogen burning. Furthermore, we discovered the so-far most massive binary system undergoing mass transfer (Chapter 3), offering a unique opportunity to test mass-transfer efficiency in extreme conditions. Our binary evolution calculations revealed unexpected evolutionary pathways for accreting stars in binaries, potentially providing the missing link to understanding the observed Wolf-Rayet population within the SMC (Chapter 4). The results presented in this thesis unveiled the properties of massive binaries at low-metallicity which challenge the way the spectra of high-redshift galaxies are currently being analyzed as well as our understanding of massive-star feedback within galaxies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fulat2024, author = {Fulat, Karol}, title = {Electron acceleration at quasi-perpendicular shocks in supernova remnants}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65136}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651365}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 94}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Astrophysical shocks, driven by explosive events such as supernovae, efficiently accelerate charged particles to relativistic energies. The majority of these shocks occur in collisionless plasmas where the energy transfer is dominated by particle-wave interactions.Strong nonrelativistic shocks found in supernova remnants are plausible sites of galactic cosmic ray production, and the observed emission indicates the presence of nonthermal electrons. To participate in the primary mechanism of energy gain - Diffusive Shock Acceleration - electrons must have a highly suprathermal energy, implying a need for very efficient pre-acceleration. This poorly understood aspect of the shock acceleration theory is known as the electron injection problem. Studying electron-scale phenomena requires the use of fully kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, which describe collisionless plasma from first principles. Most published studies consider a homogenous upstream medium, but turbulence is ubiquitous in astrophysical environments and is typically driven at magnetohydrodynamic scales, cascading down to kinetic scales. For the first time, I investigate how preexisting turbulence affects electron acceleration at nonrelativistic shocks using the fully kinetic approach. To accomplish this, I developed a novel simulation framework that allows the study of shocks propagating in turbulent media. It involves simulating slabs of turbulent plasma separately, which are further continuously inserted into a shock simulation. This demands matching of the plasma slabs at the interface. A new procedure of matching electromagnetic fields and currents prevents numerical transients, and the plasma evolves self-consistently. The versatility of this framework has the potential to render simulations more consistent with turbulent systems in various astrophysical environments. In this Thesis, I present the results of 2D3V PIC simulations of high-Mach-number nonrelativistic shocks with preexisting compressive turbulence in an electron-ion plasma. The chosen amplitudes of the density fluctuations (\$\lesssim15\\%\$) concord with \textit{in situ} measurements in the heliosphere and the local interstellar medium. I explored how these fluctuations impact the dynamics of upstream electrons, the driving of the plasma instabilities, electron heating and acceleration. My results indicate that while the presence of the turbulence enhances variations in the upstream magnetic field, their levels remain too low to influence the behavior of electrons at perpendicular shocks significantly. However, the situation is different at oblique shocks. The external magnetic field inclined at an angle between \$50^\circ \lesssim \theta_\text{Bn} \lesssim 75^\circ\$ relative to the shock normal allows the escape of fast electrons toward the upstream region. An extended electron foreshock region is formed, where these particles drive various instabilities. Results of an oblique shock with \$\theta_\text{Bn}=60^\circ\$ propagating in preexisting compressive turbulence show that the foreshock becomes significantly shorter, and the shock-reflected electrons have higher temperatures. Furthermore, the energy spectrum of downstream electrons shows a well-pronounced nonthermal tail that follows a power law with an index up to -2.3. The methods and results presented in this Thesis could serve as a starting point for more realistic modeling of interactions between shocks and turbulence in plasmas from first principles.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ValenciaSanmiguel2003, author = {Valencia Sanmiguel, Antonio}, title = {Condensation and crystallization on patterned surfaces}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {102, XXII}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Condensation and crystallization are omnipresent phenomena in nature. The formation of droplets or crystals on a solid surface are familiar processes which, beyond their scientific interest, are required in many technological applications. In recent years, experimental techniques have been developed which allow patterning a substrate with surface domains of molecular thickness, surface area in the mesoscopic scale, and different wettabilities (i.e., different degrees of preference for a substance that is in contact with the substrate). The existence of new patterned surfaces has led to increased theoretical efforts to understand wetting phenomena in such systems. In this thesis, we deal with some problems related to the equilibrium of phases (e.g., liquid-vapor coexistence) and the kinetics of phase separation in the presence of chemically patterned surfaces. Two different cases are considered: (i) patterned surfaces in contact with liquid and vapor, and (ii) patterned surfaces in contact with a crystalline phase. One of the problems that we have studied is the following: It is widely believed that if air containing water vapor is cooled to its dew point, droplets of water are immediately formed. Although common experience seems to support this view, it is not correct. It is only when air is cooled well below its dew point that the phase transition occurs immediately. A vapor cooled slightly below its dew point is in a metastable state, meaning that the liquid phase is more stable than the vapor, but the formation of droplets requires some time to occur, which can be very long. It was first pointed out by J. W. Gibbs that the metastability of a vapor depends on the energy necessary to form a nucleus (a droplet of a critical size). Droplets smaller than the critical size will tend to disappear, while droplets larger than the critical size will tend to grow. This is consistent with an energy barrier that has its maximum at the critical size, as is the case for droplets formed directly in the vapor or in contact with a chemically uniform planar wall. Classical nucleation theory describes the time evolution of the condensation in terms of the random process of droplet growth through this energy barrier. This process is activated by thermal fluctuations, which eventually will form a droplet of the critical size. We consider nucleation of droplets from a vapor on a substrate patterned with easily wettable (lyophilic) circular domains. Under certain conditions of pressure and temperature, the condensation of a droplet on a lyophilic circular domain proceeds through a barrier with two maxima (a double barrier). We have extended classical nucleation theory to account for the kinetics of nucleation through a double barrier, and applied this extension to nucleation on lyophilic circular domains.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arend2024, author = {Arend, Marius}, title = {Comparing genome-scale models of protein-constrained metabolism in heterotrophic and photosynthetic microorganisms}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65147}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {150}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Genome-scale metabolic models are mathematical representations of all known reactions occurring in a cell. Combined with constraints based on physiological measurements, these models have been used to accurately predict metabolic fluxes and effects of perturbations (e.g. knock-outs) and to inform metabolic engineering strategies. Recently, protein-constrained models have been shown to increase predictive potential (especially in overflow metabolism), while alleviating the need for measurement of nutrient uptake rates. The resulting modelling frameworks quantify the upkeep cost of a certain metabolic flux as the minimum amount of enzyme required for catalysis. These improvements are based on the use of in vitro turnover numbers or in vivo apparent catalytic rates of enzymes for model parameterization. In this thesis several tools for the estimation and refinement of these parameters based on in vivo proteomics data of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been developed and applied. The difference between in vitro and in vivo catalytic rate measures for the three microorganisms was systematically analyzed. The results for the facultatively heterotrophic microalga C. reinhardtii considerably expanded the apparent catalytic rate estimates for photosynthetic organisms. Our general finding pointed at a global reduction of enzyme efficiency in heterotrophy compared to other growth scenarios. Independent of the modelled organism, in vivo estimates were shown to improve accuracy of predictions of protein abundances compared to in vitro values for turnover numbers. To further improve the protein abundance predictions, machine learning models were trained that integrate features derived from protein-constrained modelling and codon usage. Combining the two types of features outperformed single feature models and yielded good prediction results without relying on experimental transcriptomic data. The presented work reports valuable advances in the prediction of enzyme allocation in unseen scenarios using protein constrained metabolic models. It marks the first successful application of this modelling framework in the biotechnological important taxon of green microalgae, substantially increasing our knowledge of the enzyme catalytic landscape of phototrophic microorganisms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mayer2024, author = {Mayer, Selina}, title = {Understanding the impact of design thinking on organizations and individuals}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651541}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 125}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Organizations are investing billions on innovation and agility initiatives to stay competitive in their increasingly uncertain business environments. Design Thinking, an innovation approach based on human-centered exploration, ideation and experimentation, has gained increasing popularity. The market for Design Thinking, including software products and general services, is projected to reach 2.500 million \$ (US-Dollar) by 2028. A dispersed set of positive outcomes have been attributed to Design Thinking. However, there is no clear understanding of what exactly comprises the impact of Design Thinking and how it is created. To support a billion-dollar market, it is essential to understand the value Design Thinking is bringing to organizations not only to justify large investments, but to continuously improve the approach and its application. Following a qualitative research approach combined with results from a systematic literature review, the results presented in this dissertation offer a structured understanding of Design Thinking impact. The results are structured along two main perspectives of impact: the individual and the organizational perspective. First, insights from qualitative data analysis demonstrate that measuring and assessing the impact of Design Thinking is currently one central challenge for Design Thinking practitioners in organizations. Second, the interview data revealed several effects Design Thinking has on individuals, demonstrating how Design Thinking can impact boundary management behaviors and enable employees to craft their jobs more actively. Contributing to innovation management research, the work presented in this dissertation systematically explains the Design Thinking impact, allowing other researchers to both locate and integrate their work better. The results of this research advance the theoretical rigor of Design Thinking impact research, offering multiple theoretical underpinnings explaining the variety of Design Thinking impact. Furthermore, this dissertation contains three specific propositions on how Design Thinking creates an impact: Design Thinking creates an impact through integration, enablement, and engagement. Integration refers to how Design Thinking enables organizations through effectively combining things, such as for example fostering balance between exploitation and exploration activities. Through Engagement, Design Thinking impacts organizations involving users and other relevant stakeholders in their work. Moreover, Design Thinking creates impact through Enablement, making it possible for individuals to enact a specific behavior or experience certain states. By synthesizing multiple theoretical streams into these three overarching themes, the results of this research can help bridge disciplinary boundaries, for example between business, psychology and design, and enhance future collaborative research. Practitioners benefit from the results as multiple desirable outcomes are detailed in this thesis, such as successful individual job crafting behaviors, which can be expected from practicing Design Thinking. This allows practitioners to enact more evidence-based decision-making concerning Design Thinking implementation. Overall, considering multiple levels of impact as well as a broad range of theoretical underpinnings are paramount to understanding and fostering Design Thinking impact.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heckenbach2024, author = {Heckenbach, Esther Lina}, title = {Geodynamic modeling of process interactions at continental plate boundaries}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64750}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-647500}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Plate tectonic boundaries constitute the suture zones between tectonic plates. They are shaped by a variety of distinct and interrelated processes and play a key role in geohazards and georesource formation. Many of these processes have been previously studied, while many others remain unaddressed or undiscovered. In this work, the geodynamic numerical modeling software ASPECT is applied to shed light on further process interactions at continental plate boundaries. In contrast to natural data, geodynamic modeling has the advantage that processes can be directly quantified and that all parameters can be analyzed over the entire evolution of a structure. Furthermore, processes and interactions can be singled out from complex settings because the modeler has full control over all of the parameters involved. To account for the simplifying character of models in general, I have chosen to study generic geological settings with a focus on the processes and interactions rather than precisely reconstructing a specific region of the Earth. In Chapter 2, 2D models of continental rifts with different crustal thicknesses between 20 and 50 km and extension velocities in the range of 0.5-10 mm/yr are used to obtain a speed limit for the thermal steady-state assumption, commonly employed to address the temperature fields of continental rifts worldwide. Because the tectonic deformation from ongoing rifting outpaces heat conduction, the temperature field is not in equilibrium, but is characterized by a transient, tectonically-induced heat flow signal. As a result, I find that isotherm depths of the geodynamic evolution models are shallower than a temperature distribution in equilibrium would suggest. This is particularly important for deep isotherms and narrow rifts. In narrow rifts, the magnitude of the transient temperature signal limits a well-founded applicability of the thermal steady-state assumption to extension velocities of 0.5-2 mm/yr. Estimation of the crustal temperature field affects conclusions on all temperature-dependent processes ranging from mineral assemblages to the feasible exploitation of a geothermal reservoir. In Chapter 3, I model the interactions of different rheologies with the kinematics of folding and faulting using the example of fault-propagation folds in the Andean fold-and-thrust belt. The evolution of the velocity fields from geodynamic models are compared with those from trishear models of the same structure. While the latter use only geometric and kinematic constraints of the main fault, the geodynamic models capture viscous, plastic, and elastic deformation in the entire model domain. I find that both models work equally well for early, and thus relatively simple stages of folding and faulting, while results differ for more complex situations where off-fault deformation and secondary faulting are present. As fault-propagation folds can play an important role in the formation of reservoirs, knowledge of fluid pathways, for example via fractures and faults, is crucial for their characterization. Chapter 4 deals with a bending transform fault and the interconnections between tectonics and surface processes. In particular, the tectonic evolution of the Dead Sea Fault is addressed where a releasing bend forms the Dead Sea pull-apart basin, while a restraining bend further to the North resulted in the formation of the Lebanese mountains. I ran 3D coupled geodynamic and surface evolution models that included both types of bends in a single setup. I tested various randomized initial strain distributions, showing that basin asymmetry is a consequence of strain localization. Furthermore, by varying the surface process efficiency, I find that the deposition of sediment in the pull-apart basin not only controls basin depth, but also results in a crustal flow component that increases uplift at the restraining bend. Finally, in Chapter 5, I present the computational basis for adding further complexity to plate boundary models in ASPECT with the implementation of earthquake-like behavior using the rate-and-state friction framework. Despite earthquakes happening on a relatively small time scale, there are many interactions between the seismic cycle and the long time spans of other geodynamic processes. Amongst others, the crustal state of stress as well as the presence of fluids or changes in temperature may alter the frictional behavior of a fault segment. My work provides the basis for a realistic setup of involved structures and processes, which is therefore important to obtain a meaningful estimate for earthquake hazards. While these findings improve our understanding of continental plate boundaries, further development of geodynamic software may help to reveal even more processes and interactions in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mirzaee2024, author = {Mirzaee, Zohreh}, title = {Ecology and phylogeny of Mantodea of Iran and adjacent areas}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65273}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-652739}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {187}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Mantodea, commonly known as mantids, have captivated researchers owing to their enigmatic behavior and ecological significance. This order comprises a diverse array of predatory insects, boasting over 2,400 species globally and inhabiting a wide spectrum of ecosystems. In Iran, the mantid fauna displays remarkable diversity, yet numerous facets of this fauna remain poorly understood, with a significant dearth of systematic and ecological research. This substantial knowledge gap underscores the pressing need for a comprehensive study to advance our understanding of Mantodea in Iran and its neighboring regions. The principal objective of this investigation was to delve into the ecology and phylogeny of Mantodea within these areas. To accomplish this, our research efforts concentrated on three distinct genera within Iranian Mantodea. These genera were selected due to their limited existing knowledge base and feasibility for in-depth study. Our comprehensive methodology encompassed a multifaceted approach, integrating morphological analysis, molecular techniques, and ecological observations. Our research encompassed a comprehensive revision of the genus Holaptilon, resulting in the description of four previously unknown species. This extensive effort substantially advanced our understanding of the ecological roles played by Holaptilon and refined its systematic classification. Furthermore, our investigation into Nilomantis floweri expanded its known distribution range to include Iran. By conducting thorough biological assessments, genetic analyses, and ecological niche modeling, we obtained invaluable insights into distribution patterns and genetic diversity within this species. Additionally, our research provided a thorough comprehension of the life cycle, behaviors, and ecological niche modeling of Blepharopsis mendica, shedding new light on the distinctive characteristics of this mantid species. Moreover, we contributed essential knowledge about parasitoids that infect mantid ootheca, laying the foundation for future studies aimed at uncovering the intricate mechanisms governing ecological and evolutionary interactions between parasitoids and Mantodea.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shigeyama2024, author = {Shigeyama, Jotaro}, title = {Virtual reality at 1:1 scale in small physical spaces}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64900}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-649000}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {115}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Virtual Reality (VR) leads to the highest level of immersion if presented using a 1:1 mapping of virtual space to physical space—also known as real walking. The advent of inexpensive consumer virtual reality (VR) headsets, all capable of running inside-out position tracking, has brought VR to the home. However, many VR applications do not feature full real walking, but instead, feature a less immersive space-saving technique known as instant teleportation. Given that only 0.3\% of home users run their VR experiences in spaces more than 4m2, the most likely explanation is the lack of the physical space required for meaningful use of real walking. In this thesis, we investigate how to overcome this hurdle. We demonstrate how to run 1:1-mapped VR experiences in small physical spaces and we explore the trade-off between space and immersion. (1) We start with a space limit of 15cm. We present DualPanto, a device that allows (blind) VR users to experience the virtual world from a 1:1 mapped bird's eye perspective—by leveraging haptics. (2) We then relax our space constraints to 50cm, which is what seated users (e.g., on an airplane or train ride) have at their disposal. We leverage the space to represent a standing user in 1:1 mapping, while only compressing the user's arm movement. We demonstrate our 4 prototype VirtualArms at the example of VR experiences limited to arm movement, such as boxing. (3) Finally, we relax our space constraints further to 3m2 of walkable space, which is what 75\% of home users have access to. As well- established in the literature, we implement real walking with the help of portals, also known as "impossible spaces". While impossible spaces on such dramatic space constraints tend to degenerate into incomprehensible mazes (as demonstrated, for example, by "TraVRsal"), we propose plausibleSpaces: presenting meaningful virtual worlds by adapting various visual elements to impossible spaces. Our techniques push the boundary of spatially meaningful VR interaction in various small spaces. We see further future challenges for new design approaches to immersive VR experiences for the smallest physical spaces in our daily life.}, language = {en} } @book{JuizBermejoCalleetal.2024, author = {Juiz, Carlos and Bermejo, Belen and Calle, Alejandro and Sidorova, Julia and Lundberg, Lars and Weidmann, Vera and Lowitzki, Leon and Mirtschin, Marvin and Hoorn, Andr{\´e} van and Frank, Markus and Schulz, Henning and Stojanovic, Dragan and Stojanovic, Natalija and Stojnev Ilic, Aleksandra and Friedrich, Tobias and Lenzner, Pascal and Weyand, Christopher and Wagner, Markus and Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas and Nowicki, Marek and Seth, Sugandh and Kaur Chahal, Kuljit and Singh, Gurwinder and Speth, Sandro and Janes, Andrea and Camilli, Matteo and Ziegler, Erik and Schmidberger, Marcel and P{\"o}rschke, Mats and Bartz, Christian and Lorenz, Martin and Meinel, Christoph and Beilich, Robert and Bertazioli, Dario and Carlomagno, Cristiano and Bedoni, Marzia and Messina, Vincenzina}, title = {HPI Future SOC Lab}, series = {Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts f{\"u}r Digital Engineering an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, journal = {Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts f{\"u}r Digital Engineering an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, number = {159}, editor = {Meinel, Christoph and Polze, Andreas and Beins, Karsten and Strotmann, Rolf and Seibold, Ulrich and R{\"o}dszus, Kurt and M{\"u}ller, J{\"u}rgen and Sommer, J{\"u}rgen}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-565-1}, issn = {1613-5652}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59801}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-598014}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 142}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The "HPI Future SOC Lab" is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners. The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies. This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2020. Selected projects have presented their results on April 21st and November 10th 2020 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.}, language = {en} }