@phdthesis{MarimonTarter2019, author = {Marimon Tarter, Mireia}, title = {Word segmentation in German-learning infants and German-speaking adults}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43740}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437400}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {132}, year = {2019}, abstract = {There is evidence that infants start extracting words from fluent speech around 7.5 months of age (e.g., Jusczyk \& Aslin, 1995) and that they use at least two mechanisms to segment words forms from fluent speech: prosodic information (e.g., Jusczyk, Cutler \& Redanz, 1993) and statistical information (e.g., Saffran, Aslin \& Newport, 1996). However, how these two mechanisms interact and whether they change during development is still not fully understood. The main aim of the present work is to understand in what way different cues to word segmentation are exploited by infants when learning the language in their environment, as well as to explore whether this ability is related to later language skills. In Chapter 3 we pursued to determine the reliability of the method used in most of the experiments in the present thesis (the Headturn Preference Procedure), as well as to examine correlations and individual differences between infants' performance and later language outcomes. In Chapter 4 we investigated how German-speaking adults weigh statistical and prosodic information for word segmentation. We familiarized adults with an auditory string in which statistical and prosodic information indicated different word boundaries and obtained both behavioral and pupillometry responses. Then, we conducted further experiments to understand in what way different cues to word segmentation are exploited by 9-month-old German-learning infants (Chapter 5) and by 6-month-old German-learning infants (Chapter 6). In addition, we conducted follow-up questionnaires with the infants and obtained language outcomes at later stages of development. Our findings from this thesis revealed that (1) German-speaking adults show a strong weight of prosodic cues, at least for the materials used in this study and that (2) German-learning infants weight these two kind of cues differently depending on age and/or language experience. We observed that, unlike English-learning infants, 6-month-old infants relied more strongly on prosodic cues. Nine-month-olds do not show any preference for either of the cues in the word segmentation task. From the present results it remains unclear whether the ability to use prosodic cues to word segmentation relates to later language vocabulary. We speculate that prosody provides infants with their first window into the specific acoustic regularities in the signal, which enables them to master the specific stress pattern of German rapidly. Our findings are a step forwards in the understanding of an early impact of the native prosody compared to statistical learning in early word segmentation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LozadaGobilard2019, author = {Lozada Gobilard, Sissi Donna}, title = {From genes to communities: Assessing plant diversity and connectivity in kettle holes as metaecosystems in agricultural landscapes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43768}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437684}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 147}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Species assembly from a regional pool into local metacommunities and how they colonize and coexist over time and space is essential to understand how communities response to their environment including abiotic and biotic factors. In highly disturbed landscapes, connectivity of isolated habitat patches is essential to maintain biodiversity and the entire ecosystem functioning. In northeast Germany, a high density of the small water bodies called kettle holes, are good systems to study metacommunities due to their condition as "aquatic islands" suitable for hygrophilous species that are surrounded by in unsuitable matrix of crop fields. The main objective of this thesis was to infer the main ecological processes shaping plant communities and their response to the environment, from biodiversity patterns and key life-history traits involved in connectivity using ecological and genetic approaches; and to provide first insights of the role of kettle holes harboring wild-bee species as important mobile linkers connecting plant communities in this insular system. t a community level, I compared plant diversity patterns and trait composition in ephemeral vs. permanent kettle holes). My results showed that types of kettle holes act as environmental filers shaping plant diversity, community-composition and trait-distribution, suggesting species sorting and niche processes in both types of kettle holes. At a population level, I further analyzed the role of dispersal and reproductive strategies of four selected species occurring in permanent kettle holes. Using microsatellites, I found that breeding system (degree of clonality), is the main factor shaping genetic diversity and genetic divergence. Although, higher gene flow and lower genetic differentiation among populations in wind vs. insect pollinated species was also found, suggesting that dispersal mechanisms played a role related to gene flow and connectivity. For most flowering plants, pollinators play an important role connecting communities. Therefore, as a first insight of the potential mobile linkers of these plant communities, I investigated the diversity wild-bees occurring in these kettle holes. My main results showed that local habitat quality (flower resources) had a positive effect on bee diversity, while habitat heterogeneity (number of natural landscape elements surrounding kettle holes 100-300m), was negatively correlated. This thesis covers from genetic flow at individual and population level to plant community assembly. My results showed how patterns of biodiversity, dispersal and reproduction strategies in plant population and communities can be used to infer ecological processes. In addition, I showed the importance of life-history traits and the relationship between species and their abiotic and biotic interactions. Furthermore, I included a different level of mobile linkers (pollinators) for a better understanding of another level of the system. This integration is essential to understand how communities respond to their surrounding environment and how disturbances such as agriculture, land-use and climate change might affect them. I highlight the need to integrate many scientific areas covering from genes to ecosystems at different spatiotemporal scales for a better understanding, management and conservation of our ecosystems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brase2019, author = {Brase, Alexa Kristin}, title = {Spiele um Studium und Lehre? Zur mikropolitischen Nutzung von Qualit{\"a}tsmanagementsystemen an Hochschulen in Deutschland}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437377}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 228}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Wissenschaftsfreiheit ist ein Grundrecht, dessen Sinn und Auslegung im Rahmen von Reformen des Hochschulsystems nicht nur der Justiz, sondern auch der Wissenschaft selbst immer wieder Anlass zur Diskussion geben, so auch im Zuge der Einf{\"u}hrung des so genannten Qualit{\"a}tsmanagements von Studium und Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen. Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift stellt die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie vor, die mit einer soziologischen Betrachtung des Qualit{\"a}tsmanagements unterschiedlicher Hochschulen zu dieser Diskussion beitr{\"a}gt. Auf Grundlage der Pr{\"a}misse, dass Verlauf und Folgen einer organisationalen Innovation nur verstanden werden k{\"o}nnen, wenn der allt{\"a}gliche Umgang der Organisationsmitglieder mit den neuen Strukturen und Prozessen in die Analyse einbezogen wird, geht die Studie von der Frage aus, wie Akteurinnen und Akteure an deutschen Hochschulen die Qualit{\"a}tsmanagementsysteme ihrer Organisationen nutzen. Die qualitative inhaltsanalytische Auswertung von 26 Leitfaden-Interviews mit Prorektorinnen und -rektoren, Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement-Personal und Studiendekaninnen und -dekanen an neun Hochschulen ergibt, dass die Strategien der Akteursgruppen an den Hochschulen im Zusammenspiel mit strukturellen Aspekten unterschiedliche Dynamiken entstehen lassen, mit denen Implikationen f{\"u}r die Lehrfreiheit verbunden sind: W{\"a}hrend die Autonomie der Lehrenden durch das Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement an einigen Hochschulen unterst{\"u}tzt wird, sind sowohl Autonomie als auch Verantwortung f{\"u}r Studium und Lehre an anderen Hochschulen Gegenstand andauernder Konflikte, die auch das Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement einschließen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Numberger2019, author = {Numberger, Daniela}, title = {Urban wastewater and lakes as habitats for bacteria and potential vectors for pathogens}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43709}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437095}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 130}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Wasser ist lebensnotwendig und somit eine essentielle Ressource. Jedoch sind unsere S{\"u}ßwasser-Ressourcen begrenzt und ihre Erhaltung daher besonders wichtig. Verschmutzungen mit Chemikalien und Krankheitserregern, die mit einer wachsenden Bev{\"o}lkerung und Urbanisierung einhergehen, verschlechtern die Qualit{\"a}t unseres S{\"u}ßwassers. Außerdem kann Wasser als {\"U}bertragungsvektor f{\"u}r Krankheitserreger dienen und daher wasserb{\"u}rtige Krankheiten verursachen. Der Leibniz-Forschungsverbund INFECTIONS'21 untersuchte innerhalb der interdisziplin{\"a}ren Forschungsgruppe III - „Wasser", Gew{\"a}sser als zentralen Mittelpunkt f{\"u}r Krankheiterreger. Dabei konzentrierte man sich auf Clostridioides difficile sowie avi{\"a}re Influenza A-Viren, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie in die Gew{\"a}sser ausgeschieden werden. Ein weiteres Ziel bestand darin, die bakterielle Gemeinschaften eines Kl{\"a}rwerkes der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin zu charakterisieren, um anschließend eine Bewertung des potentiellen Gesundheitsrisikos geben zu k{\"o}nnen. Bakterielle Gemeinschaften des Roh- und Klarwassers aus dem Kl{\"a}rwerk unterschieden sich signifikant voneinander. Der Anteil an Darm-/F{\"a}kalbakterien war relativ niedrig und potentielle Darmpathogene wurden gr{\"o}ßtenteils aus dem Rohwasser entfernt. Ein potentielles Gesundheitsrisiko konnte allerdings von potentiell pathogenen Legionellen wie L. lytica festgestellt werden, deren relative Abundanz im Klarwasser h{\"o}her war als im Rohwasser. Es wurden außerdem drei C. difficile-Isolate aus den Kl{\"a}rwerk-Rohwasser und einem st{\"a}dtischen Badesee in Berlin (Weisser See) gewonnen und sequenziert. Die beiden Isolate aus dem Kl{\"a}rwerk tragen keine Toxin-Gene, wohingegen das Isolat aus dem See Toxin-Gene besitzt. Alle drei Isolate sind sehr nah mit humanen St{\"a}mmen verwandt. Dies deutet auf ein potentielles, wenn auch sporadisches Gesundheitsrisiko hin. (Avi{\"a}re) Influenza A-Viren wurden in 38.8\% der untersuchten Sedimentproben mittels PCR detektiert, aber die Virusisolierung schlug fehl. Ein Experiment mit beimpften Wasser- und Sedimentproben zeigte, dass f{\"u}r die Isolierung aus Sedimentproben eine relativ hohe Viruskonzentration n{\"o}tig ist. In Wasserproben ist jedoch ein niedriger Titer an Influenza A-Viren ausreichend, um eine Infektion auszul{\"o}sen. Es konnte zudem auch festgestellt werden, dass sich „Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK)―-Zellkulturen im Gegensatz zu embryonierten H{\"u}hnereiern besser eignen, um Influenza A-Viren aus Sediment zu isolieren. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass diese Arbeit m{\"o}gliche Gesundheitsrisiken aufgedeckt hat, wie etwa durch Legionellen im untersuchten Berliner Kl{\"a}rwerk, deren relative Abundanz in gekl{\"a}rtem Abwasser h{\"o}her ist als im Rohwasser. Desweiteren wird indiziert, dass Abwasser und Gew{\"a}sser als Reservoir und Vektor f{\"u}r pathogene Organismen dienen k{\"o}nnen, selbst f{\"u}r nicht-typische Wasser-Pathogene wie C. difficile.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thater2019, author = {Thater, Sabine}, title = {The interplay between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43757}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437570}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 186}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Supermassive black holes reside in the hearts of almost all massive galaxies. Their evolutionary path seems to be strongly linked to the evolution of their host galaxies, as implied by several empirical relations between the black hole mass (M BH ) and different host galaxy properties. The physical driver of this co-evolution is, however, still not understood. More mass measurements over homogeneous samples and a detailed understanding of systematic uncertainties are required to fathom the origin of the scaling relations. In this thesis, I present the mass estimations of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of one late-type and thirteen early-type galaxies. Our SMASHING sample extends from the intermediate to the massive galaxy mass regime and was selected to fill in gaps in number of galaxies along the scaling relations. All galaxies were observed at high spatial resolution, making use of the adaptive-optics mode of integral field unit (IFU) instruments on state-of-the-art telescopes (SINFONI, NIFS, MUSE). I extracted the stellar kinematics from these observations and constructed dynamical Jeans and Schwarzschild models to estimate the mass of the central black holes robustly. My new mass estimates increase the number of early-type galaxies with measured black hole masses by 15\%. The seven measured galaxies with nuclear light deficits ('cores') augment the sample of cored galaxies with measured black holes by 40\%. Next to determining massive black hole masses, evaluating the accuracy of black hole masses is crucial for understanding the intrinsic scatter of the black hole- host galaxy scaling relations. I tested various sources of systematic uncertainty on my derived mass estimates. The M BH estimate of the single late-type galaxy of the sample yielded an upper limit, which I could constrain very robustly. I tested the effects of dust, mass-to-light ratio (M/L) variation, and dark matter on my measured M BH . Based on these tests, the typically assumed constant M/L ratio can be an adequate assumption to account for the small amounts of dark matter in the center of that galaxy. I also tested the effect of a variable M/L variation on the M BH measurement on a second galaxy. By considering stellar M/L variations in the dynamical modeling, the measured M BH decreased by 30\%. In the future, this test should be performed on additional galaxies to learn how an as constant assumed M/L flaws the estimated black hole masses. Based on our upper limit mass measurement, I confirm previous suggestions that resolving the predicted BH sphere-of-influence is not a strict condition to measure black hole masses. Instead, it is only a rough guide for the detection of the black hole if high-quality, and high signal-to-noise IFU data are used for the measurement. About half of our sample consists of massive early-type galaxies which show nuclear surface brightness cores and signs of triaxiality. While these types of galaxies are typically modeled with axisymmetric modeling methods, the effects on M BH are not well studied yet. The massive galaxies of our presented galaxy sample are well suited to test the effect of different stellar dynamical models on the measured black hole mass in evidently triaxial galaxies. I have compared spherical Jeans and axisymmetric Schwarzschild models and will add triaxial Schwarzschild models to this comparison in the future. The constructed Jeans and Schwarzschild models mostly disagree with each other and cannot reproduce many of the triaxial features of the galaxies (e.g., nuclear sub-components, prolate rotation). The consequence of the axisymmetric-triaxial assumption on the accuracy of M BH and its impact on the black hole - host galaxy relation needs to be carefully examined in the future. In the sample of galaxies with published M BH , we find measurements based on different dynamical tracers, requiring different observations, assumptions, and methods. Crucially, different tracers do not always give consistent results. I have used two independent tracers (cold molecular gas and stars) to estimate M BH in a regular galaxy of our sample. While the two estimates are consistent within their errors, the stellar-based measurement is twice as high as the gas-based. Similar trends have also been found in the literature. Therefore, a rigorous test of the systematics associated with the different modeling methods is required in the future. I caution to take the effects of different tracers (and methods) into account when discussing the scaling relations. I conclude this thesis by comparing my galaxy sample with the compilation of galaxies with measured black holes from the literature, also adding six SMASHING galaxies, which were published outside of this thesis. None of the SMASHING galaxies deviates significantly from the literature measurements. Their inclusion to the published early-type galaxies causes a change towards a shallower slope for the M BH - effective velocity dispersion relation, which is mainly driven by the massive galaxies of our sample. More unbiased and homogenous measurements are needed in the future to determine the shape of the relation and understand its physical origin.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Batoulis2019, author = {Batoulis, Kimon}, title = {Sound integration of process and decision models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43738}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437386}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 155}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Business process management is an established technique for business organizations to manage and support their processes. Those processes are typically represented by graphical models designed with modeling languages, such as the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Since process models do not only serve the purpose of documentation but are also a basis for implementation and automation of the processes, they have to satisfy certain correctness requirements. In this regard, the notion of soundness of workflow nets was developed, that can be applied to BPMN process models in order to verify their correctness. Because the original soundness criteria are very restrictive regarding the behavior of the model, different variants of the soundness notion have been developed for situations in which certain violations are not even harmful. All of those notions do only consider the control-flow structure of a process model, however. This poses a problem, taking into account the fact that with the recent release and the ongoing development of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard, an increasing number of process models are complemented by respective decision models. DMN is a dedicated modeling language for decision logic and separates the concerns of process and decision logic into two different models, process and decision models respectively. Hence, this thesis is concerned with the development of decisionaware soundness notions, i.e., notions of soundness that build upon the original soundness ideas for process models, but additionally take into account complementary decision models. Similar to the various notions of workflow net soundness, this thesis investigates different notions of decision soundness that can be applied depending on the desired degree of restrictiveness. Since decision tables are a standardized means of DMN to represent decision logic, this thesis also puts special focus on decision tables, discussing how they can be translated into an unambiguous format and how their possible output values can be efficiently determined. Moreover, a prototypical implementation is described that supports checking a basic version of decision soundness. The decision soundness notions were also empirically evaluated on models from participants of an online course on process and decision modeling as well as from a process management project of a large insurance company. The evaluation demonstrates that violations of decision soundness indeed occur and can be detected with our approach.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Veh2019, author = {Veh, Georg}, title = {Outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43607}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436071}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The Himalayas are a region that is most dependent, but also frequently prone to hazards from changing meltwater resources. This mountain belt hosts the highest mountain peaks on earth, has the largest reserve of ice outside the polar regions, and is home to a rapidly growing population in recent decades. One source of hazard has attracted scientific research in particular in the past two decades: glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occurred rarely, but mostly with fatal and catastrophic consequences for downstream communities and infrastructure. Such GLOFs can suddenly release several million cubic meters of water from naturally impounded meltwater lakes. Glacial lakes have grown in number and size by ongoing glacial mass losses in the Himalayas. Theory holds that enhanced meltwater production may increase GLOF frequency, but has never been tested so far. The key challenge to test this notion are the high altitudes of >4000 m, at which lakes occur, making field work impractical. Moreover, flood waves can attenuate rapidly in mountain channels downstream, so that many GLOFs have likely gone unnoticed in past decades. Our knowledge on GLOFs is hence likely biased towards larger, destructive cases, which challenges a detailed quantification of their frequency and their response to atmospheric warming. Robustly quantifying the magnitude and frequency of GLOFs is essential for risk assessment and management along mountain rivers, not least to implement their return periods in building design codes. Motivated by this limited knowledge of GLOF frequency and hazard, I developed an algorithm that efficiently detects GLOFs from satellite images. In essence, this algorithm classifies land cover in 30 years (~1988-2017) of continuously recorded Landsat images over the Himalayas, and calculates likelihoods for rapidly shrinking water bodies in the stack of land cover images. I visually assessed such detected tell-tale sites for sediment fans in the river channel downstream, a second key diagnostic of GLOFs. Rigorous tests and validation with known cases from roughly 10\% of the Himalayas suggested that this algorithm is robust against frequent image noise, and hence capable to identify previously unknown GLOFs. Extending the search radius to the entire Himalayan mountain range revealed some 22 newly detected GLOFs. I thus more than doubled the existing GLOF count from 16 previously known cases since 1988, and found a dominant cluster of GLOFs in the Central and Eastern Himalayas (Bhutan and Eastern Nepal), compared to the rarer affected ranges in the North. Yet, the total of 38 GLOFs showed no change in the annual frequency, so that the activity of GLOFs per unit glacial lake area has decreased in the past 30 years. I discussed possible drivers for this finding, but left a further attribution to distinct GLOF-triggering mechanisms open to future research. This updated GLOF frequency was the key input for assessing GLOF hazard for the entire Himalayan mountain belt and several subregions. I used standard definitions in flood hydrology, describing hazard as the annual exceedance probability of a given flood peak discharge [m3 s-1] or larger at the breach location. I coupled the empirical frequency of GLOFs per region to simulations of physically plausible peak discharges from all existing ~5,000 lakes in the Himalayas. Using an extreme-value model, I could hence calculate flood return periods. I found that the contemporary 100-year GLOF discharge (the flood level that is reached or exceeded on average once in 100 years) is 20,600+2,200/-2,300 m3 s-1 for the entire Himalayas. Given the spatial and temporal distribution of historic GLOFs, contemporary GLOF hazard is highest in the Eastern Himalayas, and lower for regions with rarer GLOF abundance. I also calculated GLOF hazard for some 9,500 overdeepenings, which could expose and fill with water, if all Himalayan glaciers have melted eventually. Assuming that the current GLOF rate remains unchanged, the 100-year GLOF discharge could double (41,700+5,500/-4,700 m3 s-1), while the regional GLOF hazard may increase largest in the Karakoram. To conclude, these three stages-from GLOF detection, to analysing their frequency and estimating regional GLOF hazard-provide a framework for modern GLOF hazard assessment. Given the rapidly growing population, infrastructure, and hydropower projects in the Himalayas, this thesis assists in quantifying the purely climate-driven contribution to hazard and risk from GLOFs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Behm2019, author = {Behm, Laura Vera Johanna}, title = {Thermoresponsive Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r zeitlich-r{\"a}umlich gesteuertes Auswachsen neuronaler Zellen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43619}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436196}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 105}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ein wichtiges Ziel der Neurowissenschaften ist das Verst{\"a}ndnis der komplexen und zugleich faszinierenden, hochgeordneten Vernetzung der Neurone im Gehirn, welche neuronalen Prozessen, wie zum Beispiel dem Wahrnehmen oder Lernen wie auch Neuropathologien zu Grunde liegt. F{\"u}r verbesserte neuronale Zellkulturmodelle zur detaillierten Untersuchung dieser Prozesse ist daher die Rekonstruktion von geordneten neuronalen Verbindungen dringend erforderlich. Mit Oberfl{\"a}chenstrukturen aus zellattraktiven und zellabweisenden Beschichtungen k{\"o}nnen neuronale Zellen und ihre Neuriten in vitro strukturiert werden. Zur Kontrolle der neuronalen Verbindungsrichtung muss das Auswachsen der Axone zu benachbarten Zellen dynamisch gesteuert werden, zum Beispiel {\"u}ber eine ver{\"a}nderliche Zug{\"a}nglichkeit der Oberfl{\"a}che. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob mit thermoresponsiven Polymeren (TRP) beschichtete Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r eine dynamische Kontrolle des Auswachsens neuronaler Zellen geeignet sind. TRP k{\"o}nnen {\"u}ber die Temperatur von einem zellabweisenden in einen zellattraktiven Zustand geschaltet werden, womit die Zug{\"a}nglichkeit der Oberfl{\"a}che f{\"u}r Zellen dynamisch gesteuert werden kann. Die TRP-Beschichtung wurde mikrostrukturiert, um einzelne oder wenige neuronale Zellen zun{\"a}chst auf der Oberfl{\"a}che anzuordnen und das Auswachsen der Zellen und Neuriten {\"u}ber definierte TRP-Bereiche in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Temperatur zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich zu kontrollieren. Das Protokoll wurde mit der neuronalen Zelllinie SH-SY5Y etabliert und auf humane induzierte Neurone {\"u}bertragen. Die Anordnung der Zellen konnte bei Kultivierung im zellabweisenden Zustand des TRPs f{\"u}r bis zu 7 Tage aufrecht erhalten werden. Durch Schalten des TRPs in den zellattraktiven Zustand konnte das Auswachsen der Neuriten und Zellen zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich induziert werden. Immunozytochemische F{\"a}rbungen und Patch-Clamp-Ableitungen der Neurone demonstrierten die einfache Anwendbarkeit und Zellkompatibilit{\"a}t der TRP-Substrate. Eine pr{\"a}zisere r{\"a}umliche Kontrolle des Auswachsens der Zellen sollte durch lokales Schalten der TRP-Beschichtung erreicht werden. Daf{\"u}r wurden Mikroheizchips mit Mikroelektroden zur lokalen Jouleschen Erw{\"a}rmung der Substratoberfl{\"a}che entwickelt. Zur Evaluierung der generierten Temperaturprofile wurde eine Temperaturmessmethode entwickelt und die erhobenen Messwerte mit numerisch simulierten Werten abgeglichen. Die Temperaturmessmethode basiert auf einfach zu applizierenden Sol-Gel-Schichten, die den temperatursensitiven Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Rhodamin B enthalten. Sie erm{\"o}glicht oberfl{\"a}chennahe Temperaturmessungen in trockener und w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung mit hoher Orts- und Temperaturaufl{\"o}sung. Numerische Simulationen der Temperaturprofile korrelierten gut mit den experimentellen Daten. Auf dieser Basis konnten Geometrie und Material der Mikroelektroden hinsichtlich einer lokal stark begrenzten Temperierung optimiert werden. Ferner wurden f{\"u}r die Kultvierung der Zellen auf den Mikroheizchips eine Zellkulturkammer und Kontaktboard f{\"u}r die elektrische Kontaktierung der Mikroelektroden geschaffen. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse demonstrieren erstmalig das enorme Potential thermoresponsiver Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r die zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich gesteuerte Formation geordneter neuronaler Verbindungen in vitro. Zuk{\"u}nftig k{\"o}nnte dies detaillierte Studien zur neuronalen Informationsverarbeitung oder zu Neuropathologien an relevanten, humanen Zellmodellen erm{\"o}glichen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Angwenyi2019, author = {Angwenyi, David}, title = {Time-continuous state and parameter estimation with application to hyperbolic SPDEs}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43654}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 101}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Data assimilation has been an active area of research in recent years, owing to its wide utility. At the core of data assimilation are filtering, prediction, and smoothing procedures. Filtering entails incorporation of measurements' information into the model to gain more insight into a given state governed by a noisy state space model. Most natural laws are governed by time-continuous nonlinear models. For the most part, the knowledge available about a model is incomplete; and hence uncertainties are approximated by means of probabilities. Time-continuous filtering, therefore, holds promise for wider usefulness, for it offers a means of combining noisy measurements with imperfect model to provide more insight on a given state. The solution to time-continuous nonlinear Gaussian filtering problem is provided for by the Kushner-Stratonovich equation. Unfortunately, the Kushner-Stratonovich equation lacks a closed-form solution. Moreover, the numerical approximations based on Taylor expansion above third order are fraught with computational complications. For this reason, numerical methods based on Monte Carlo methods have been resorted to. Chief among these methods are sequential Monte-Carlo methods (or particle filters), for they allow for online assimilation of data. Particle filters are not without challenges: they suffer from particle degeneracy, sample impoverishment, and computational costs arising from resampling. The goal of this thesis is to:— i) Review the derivation of Kushner-Stratonovich equation from first principles and its extant numerical approximation methods, ii) Study the feedback particle filters as a way of avoiding resampling in particle filters, iii) Study joint state and parameter estimation in time-continuous settings, iv) Apply the notions studied to linear hyperbolic stochastic differential equations. The interconnection between It{\^o} integrals and stochastic partial differential equations and those of Stratonovich is introduced in anticipation of feedback particle filters. With these ideas and motivated by the variants of ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters founded on the structure of the innovation process, a feedback particle filter with randomly perturbed innovation is proposed. Moreover, feedback particle filters based on coupling of prediction and analysis measures are proposed. They register a better performance than the bootstrap particle filter at lower ensemble sizes. We study joint state and parameter estimation, both by means of extended state spaces and by use of dual filters. Feedback particle filters seem to perform well in both cases. Finally, we apply joint state and parameter estimation in the advection and wave equation, whose velocity is spatially varying. Two methods are employed: Metropolis Hastings with filter likelihood and a dual filter comprising of Kalman-Bucy filter and ensemble Kalman-Bucy filter. The former performs better than the latter.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noack2019, author = {Noack, Sebastian}, title = {Poly(lactide)-based amphiphilic block copolymers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43616}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 148}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Due to its bioavailability and (bio)degradability, poly(lactide) (PLA) is an interesting polymer that is already being used as packaging material, surgical seam, and drug delivery system. Dependent on various parameters such as polymer composition, amphiphilicity, sample preparation, and the enantiomeric purity of lactide, PLA in an amphiphilic block copolymer can affect the self-assembly behavior dramatically. However, sizes and shapes of aggregates have a critical effect on the interactions between biological and drug delivery systems, where the general understanding of these polymers and their ability to influence self-assembly is of significant interest in science. The first part of this thesis describes the synthesis and study of a series of linear poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and poly(D-lactide) (PDLA)-based amphiphilic block copolymers with varying PLA (hydrophobic), and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (hydrophilic) chain lengths and different block copolymer sequences (PEG-PLA and PLA-PEG). The PEG-PLA block copolymers were synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of lactide initiated by a PEG-OH macroinitiator. In contrast, the PLA-PEG block copolymers were produced by a Steglich-esterification of modified PLA with PEG-OH. The aqueous self-assembly at room temperature of the enantiomerically pure PLLA-based block copolymers and their stereocomplexed mixtures was investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Spherical micelles and worm-like structures were produced, whereby the obtained self-assembled morphologies were affected by the lactide weight fraction in the block copolymer and self-assembly time. The formation of worm-like structures increases with decreasing PLA-chain length and arises from spherical micelles, which become colloidally unstable and undergo an epitaxial fusion with other micelles. As shown by DSC experiments, the crystallinity of the corresponding PLA blocks increases within the self-assembly time. However, the stereocomplexed self-assembled structures behave differently from the parent polymers and result in irregular-shaped clusters of spherical micelles. Additionally, time-dependent self-assembly experiments showed a transformation, from already self-assembled morphologies of different shapes to more compact micelles upon stereocomplexation. In the second part of this thesis, with the objective to influence the self-assembly of PLA-based block copolymers and its stereocomplexes, poly(methyl phosphonate) (PMeP) and poly(isopropyl phosphonate) (PiPrP) were produced by ring-opening polymerization to implement an alternative to the hydrophilic block PEG. Although, the 1,8 diazabicyclo[5.4.0]unde 7 ene (DBU) or 1,5,7 triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD) mediated synthesis of the corresponding poly(alkyl phosphonate)s was successful, however, not so the polymerization of copolymers with PLA-based precursors (PLA-homo polymers, and PEG-PLA block copolymers). Transesterification, obtained by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, between the poly(phosphonate)- and PLA block caused a high-field shifted peak split of the methine proton in the PLA polymer chain, with split intensities depending on the used catalyst (DBU for PMeP, and TBD for PiPrP polymerization). An additional prepared block copolymer PiPrP-PLLA that wasn't affected in its polymer sequence was finally used for self-assembly experiments with PLA-PEG and PEG-PLA mixing. This work provides a comprehensive study of the self-assembly behavior of PLA-based block copolymers influenced by various parameters such as polymer block lengths, self-assembly time, and stereocomplexation of block copolymer mixtures.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jakobs2019, author = {Jakobs, Friedrich}, title = {Dubrovin-rings and their connection to Hughes-free skew fields of fractions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43556}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435561}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 62}, year = {2019}, abstract = {One method of embedding groups into skew fields was introduced by A. I. Mal'tsev and B. H. Neumann (cf. [18, 19]). If G is an ordered group and F is a skew field, the set F((G)) of formal power series over F in G with well-ordered support forms a skew field into which the group ring F[G] can be embedded. Unfortunately it is not suficient that G is left-ordered since F((G)) is only an F-vector space in this case as there is no natural way to define a multiplication on F((G)). One way to extend the original idea onto left-ordered groups is to examine the endomorphism ring of F((G)) as explored by N. I. Dubrovin (cf. [5, 6]). It is possible to embed any crossed product ring F[G; η, σ] into the endomorphism ring of F((G)) such that each non-zero element of F[G; η, σ] defines an automorphism of F((G)) (cf. [5, 10]). Thus, the rational closure of F[G; η, σ] in the endomorphism ring of F((G)), which we will call the Dubrovin-ring of F[G; η, σ], is a potential candidate for a skew field of fractions of F[G; η, σ]. The methods of N. I. Dubrovin allowed to show that specific classes of groups can be embedded into a skew field. For example, N. I. Dubrovin contrived some special criteria, which are applicable on the universal covering group of SL(2, R). These methods have also been explored by J. Gr{\"a}ter and R. P. Sperner (cf. [10]) as well as N.H. Halimi and T. Ito (cf. [11]). Furthermore, it is of interest to know if skew fields of fractions are unique. For example, left and right Ore domains have unique skew fields of fractions (cf. [2]). This is not the general case as for example the free group with 2 generators can be embedded into non-isomorphic skew fields of fractions (cf. [12]). It seems likely that Ore domains are the most general case for which unique skew fields of fractions exist. One approach to gain uniqueness is to restrict the search to skew fields of fractions with additional properties. I. Hughes has defined skew fields of fractions of crossed product rings F[G; η, σ] with locally indicable G which fulfill a special condition. These are called Hughes-free skew fields of fractions and I. Hughes has proven that they are unique if they exist [13, 14]. This thesis will connect the ideas of N. I. Dubrovin and I. Hughes. The first chapter contains the basic terminology and concepts used in this thesis. We present methods provided by N. I. Dubrovin such as the complexity of elements in rational closures and special properties of endomorphisms of the vector space of formal power series F((G)). To combine the ideas of N.I. Dubrovin and I. Hughes we introduce Conradian left-ordered groups of maximal rank and examine their connection to locally indicable groups. Furthermore we provide notations for crossed product rings, skew fields of fractions as well as Dubrovin-rings and prove some technical statements which are used in later parts. The second chapter focuses on Hughes-free skew fields of fractions and their connection to Dubrovin-rings. For that purpose we introduce series representations to interpret elements of Hughes-free skew fields of fractions as skew formal Laurent series. This 1 Introduction allows us to prove that for Conradian left-ordered groups G of maximal rank the statement "F[G; η, σ] has a Hughes-free skew field of fractions" implies "The Dubrovin ring of F [G; η, σ] is a skew field". We will also prove the reverse and apply the results to give a new prove of Theorem 1 in [13]. Furthermore we will show how to extend injective ring homomorphisms of some crossed product rings onto their Hughes-free skew fields of fractions. At last we will be able to answer the open question whether Hughes--free skew fields are strongly Hughes-free (cf. [17, page 53]).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jantzen2019, author = {Jantzen, Friederike}, title = {Genetic basis and adaptive significance of repeated scent loss in selfing Capsella species}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43525}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435253}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Floral scent is an important way for plants to communicate with insects, but scent emission has been lost or strongly reduced during the transition from pollinator-mediated outbreeding to selfing. The shift from outcrossing to selfing is not only accompanied by scent loss, but also by a reduction in other pollinator-attracting traits like petal size and can be observed multiple times among angiosperms. These changes are summarized by the term selfing syndrome and represent one of the most prominent examples of convergent evolution within the plant kingdom. In this work the genus Capsella was used as a model to study convergent evolution in two closely related selfers with separate transitions to self-fertilization. Compared to their outbreeding ancestor C. grandiflora, the emission of benzaldehyde as main compound of floral scent is lacking or strongly reduced in the selfing species C. rubella and C. orientalis. In C. rubella the loss of benzaldehyde was caused by mutations to cinnamate:CoA ligase CNL1, but the biochemical basis and evolutionary history of this loss remained unknown, together with the genetic basis of scent loss in C. orientalis. Here, a combination of plant transformations, in vitro enzyme assays, population genetics and quantitative genetics has been used to address these questions. The results indicate that CNL1 has been inactivated twice independently by point mutations in C. rubella, leading to a loss of benzaldehyde emission. Both inactivated haplotypes can be found around the Mediterranean Sea, indicating that they arose before the species´ geographical spread. This study confirmed CNL1 as a hotspot for mutations to eliminate benzaldehyde emission, as it has been suggested by previous studies. In contrast to these findings, CNL1 in C. orientalis remains active. To test whether similar mechanisms underlie the convergent evolution of scent loss in C. orientalis a QTL mapping approach was used and the results suggest that this closely related species followed a different evolutionary route to reduce floral scent, possibly reflecting that the convergent evolution of floral scent is driven by ecological rather than genetic factors. In parallel with studying the genetic basis of repeated scent loss a method for testing the adaptive value of individual selfing syndrome traits was established. The established method allows estimating outcrossing rates with a high throughput of samples and detects successfully insect-mediated outcrossing events, providing major advantages regarding time and effort compared to other approaches. It can be applied to correlate outcrossing rates with differences in individual traits by using quasi-isogenic lines as demonstrated here or with environmental or morphological parameters. Convergent evolution can not only be observed for scent loss in Capsella but also for the morphological evolution of petal size. Previous studies detected several QTLs underlying the petal size reduction in C. orientalis and C. rubella, some of them shared among both species. One shared QTL is PAQTL1 which might map to NUBBIN, a growth factor. To better understand the morphological evolution and genetic basis of petal size reduction, this QTL was studied. Mapping this QTL to a gene might identify another example for a hotspot gene, in this case for the convergent evolution of petal size.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Trautwein2019, author = {Trautwein, Jutta}, title = {The Mental lexicon in acquisition}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43431}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434314}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 177}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The individual's mental lexicon comprises all known words as well related infor-mation on semantics, orthography and phonology. Moreover, entries connect due to simi-larities in these language domains building a large network structure. The access to lexical information is crucial for processing of words and sentences. Thus, a lack of information in-hibits the retrieval and can cause language processing difficulties. Hence, the composition of the mental lexicon is essential for language skills and its assessment is a central topic of lin-guistic and educational research. In early childhood, measurement of the mental lexicon is uncomplicated, for example through parental questionnaires or the analysis of speech samples. However, with growing content the measurement becomes more challenging: With more and more words in the mental lexicon, the inclusion of all possible known words into a test or questionnaire be-comes impossible. That is why there is a lack of methods to assess the mental lexicon for school children and adults. For the same reason, there are only few findings on the courses of lexical development during school years as well as its specific effect on other language skills. This dissertation is supposed to close this gap by pursuing two major goals: First, I wanted to develop a method to assess lexical features, namely lexicon size and lexical struc-ture, for children of different age groups. Second, I aimed to describe the results of this method in terms of lexical development of size and structure. Findings were intended to help understanding mechanisms of lexical acquisition and inform theories on vocabulary growth. The approach is based on the dictionary method where a sample of words out of a dictionary is tested and results are projected on the whole dictionary to determine an indi-vidual's lexicon size. In the present study, the childLex corpus, a written language corpus for children in German, served as the basis for lexicon size estimation. The corpus is assumed to comprise all words children attending primary school could know. Testing a sample of words out of the corpus enables projection of the results on the whole corpus. For this purpose, a vocabulary test based on the corpus was developed. Afterwards, test performance of virtual participants was simulated by drawing different lexicon sizes from the corpus and comparing whether the test items were included in the lexicon or not. This allowed determination of the relation between test performance and total lexicon size and thus could be transferred to a sample of real participants. Besides lexicon size, lexical content could be approximated with this approach and analyzed in terms of lexical structure. To pursue the presented aims and establish the sampling method, I conducted three consecutive studies. Study 1 includes the development of a vocabulary test based on the childLex corpus. The testing was based on the yes/no format and included three versions for different age groups. The validation grounded on the Rasch Model shows that it is a valid instrument to measure vocabulary for primary school children in German. In Study 2, I estab-lished the method to estimate lexicon sizes and present results on lexical development dur-ing primary school. Plausible results demonstrate that lexical growth follows a quadratic function starting with about 6,000 words at the beginning of school and about 73,000 words on average for young adults. Moreover, the study revealed large interindividual differences. Study 3 focused on the analysis of network structures and their development in the mental lexicon due to orthographic similarities. It demonstrates that networks possess small-word characteristics and decrease in interconnectivity with age. Taken together, this dissertation provides an innovative approach for the assessment and description of the development of the mental lexicon from primary school onwards. The studies determine recent results on lexical acquisition in different age groups that were miss-ing before. They impressively show the importance of this period and display the existence of extensive interindividual differences in lexical development. One central aim of future research needs to address the causes and prevention of these differences. In addition, the application of the method for further research (e.g. the adaptation for other target groups) and teaching purposes (e.g. adaptation of texts for different target groups) appears to be promising.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Otte2019, author = {Otte, Fabian}, title = {C-Arylglykoside und Chalkone}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43430}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434305}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 201}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Im bis heute andauernden Zeitalter der wissenschaftlichen Medizin, konnte ein breites Spektrum von Wirkstoffen zur Behandlung diverser Krankheiten zusammengetragen werden. Dennoch hat es sich die organische Synthesechemie zur Aufgabe gemacht, dieses Spektrum auf neuen oder bekannten Wegen und aus verschiedenen Gr{\"u}nden zu erweitern. Zum einen ist das Vorkommen bestimmter Verbindungen in der Natur h{\"a}ufig limitiert, sodass synthetische Methoden immer {\"o}fter an Stelle eines weniger nachhaltigen Abbaus treten. Zum anderen kann durch Derivatisierung und Wirkstoffanpassung die physiologische Wirkung oder die Bioverf{\"u}gbarkeit eines Wirkstoffes erh{\"o}ht werden. In dieser Arbeit konnten einige Vertreter der bekannten Wirkstoffklassen C-Arylglykoside und Chalkone durch den Schl{\"u}sselschritt der Palladium-katalysierten MATSUDA-HECK-Reaktion synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurden im Fall der C-Arylglykoside zun{\"a}chst unges{\"a}ttigte Kohlenhydrate (Glykale) {\"u}ber eine Ruthenium-katalysierte Zyklisierungsreaktion dargestellt. Diese wurden im Anschluss mit unterschiedlich substituierten Diazoniumsalzen in der oben erw{\"a}hnten Palladium-katalysierten Kupplungsreaktion zur Reaktion gebracht. Bei der Auswertung der analytischen Daten konnte festgestellt werden, dass stets die trans-Diastereomere gebildet wurden. Im Anschluss konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Doppelbindungen dieser Verbindungen durch Hydrierung, Dihydroxylierung oder Epoxidierung funktionalisiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Auf diesem Wege konnte u. a. eine dem Diabetesmedikament Dapagliflozin {\"a}hnliche Verbindung hergestellt werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Arylallylchromanone durch die MATSUDA-HECK-Reaktion von verschiedenen 8-Allylchromanonen mit Diazoniumsalzen dargestellt. Dabei konnte beobachtet werden, dass eine MOM-Schutzgruppe in 7-Position der Molek{\"u}le die Darstellung von Produktgemischen unterdr{\"u}ckt und jeweils nur eine der m{\"o}glichen Verbindungen gebildet wird. Die Lage der Doppelbindung konnte mittels 2D-NMR-Untersuchungen lokalisiert werden. In Kooperation mit der theoretischen Chemie sollte durch Berechnungen untersucht werden, wie die beobachteten Verbindungen entstehen. Durch eine auftretende Wechselwirkung innerhalb des Molek{\"u}ls konnte allerdings keine explizite Aussage getroffen werden. Im Anschluss sollten die erhaltenen Verbindungen in einer allylischen Oxidation zu Chalkonen umgesetzt werden. Die Ruthenium-katalysierten Methoden zeigten u. a. keine Eignung. Es konnte allerdings eine metallfreie, Mikrowellen-unterst{\"u}tzte Methode erfolgreich erprobt werden, sodass die Darstellung einiger Vertreter dieser physiologisch aktiven Stoffklasse gelang.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Walczak2019, author = {Walczak, Ralf}, title = {Molecular design of nitrogen-doped nanoporous noble carbon materials for gas adsorption}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43524}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {II, 155}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In den modernen Gesellschaften f{\"u}hrt ein stetig steigender Energiebedarf zu dem zunehmenden Verbrauch fossiler Brennstoffe wie Kohle, {\"O}l, und Gas. Die Verbrennung dieser kohlenstoffbasierten Brennstoffe f{\"u}hrt unweigerlich zur Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen, vor allem von CO2. Die CO2 Aufnahme unmittelbar bei den Verbrennungsanlagen oder direkt aus der Luft, zusammen mit Regulierung von CO2 produzierenden Energiesektoren (z.B. K{\"u}hlanlagen), k{\"o}nnen den CO2 Ausstoß reduzieren. Allerdings f{\"u}hren insbesondere bei der CO2 Aufnahme die geringen CO2 Konzentrationen und die Aufnahme konkurrierender Gase zu niedrigen CO2 Kapazit{\"a}ten und Selektivit{\"a}ten. Das Zusammenspiel der Gastmolek{\"u}le mit por{\"o}sen Materialien ist dabei essentiell. Por{\"o}se Kohlenstoffmaterialien besitzen attraktive Eigenschaften, unter anderem elektrische Leitf{\"a}higkeit, einstellbare Porosit{\"a}t, als auch chemische und thermische Stabilit{\"a}t. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die zu geringe Polarisierbarkeit dieser Materialien zu einer geringen Affinit{\"a}t zu polaren Molek{\"u}len (z.B. CO2, H2O, oder NH3). Diese Affinit{\"a}t kann durch den Einbau von Stickstoff erh{\"o}ht werden. Solche Materialien sind oft „edler" als reine Kohlenstoffe, dies bedeutet, dass sie eher oxidierend wirken, als selbst oxidiert zu werden. Die Problematik besteht darin, einen hohen und gleichm{\"a}ßig verteilten Stickstoffgehalt in das Kohlenstoffger{\"u}st einzubauen. Die Zielsetzung dieser Dissertation ist die Erforschung neuer Synthesewege f{\"u}r stickstoffdotierte edle Kohlenstoffmaterialien und die Entwicklung eines grundlegenden Verst{\"a}ndnisses f{\"u}r deren Anwendung in Gasadsorption und elektrochemischer Energiespeicherung. Es wurde eine templatfreie Synthese f{\"u}r stickstoffreiche, edle, und mikropor{\"o}se Kohlenstoffmaterialien durch direkte Kondensation eines stickstoffreichen organischen Molek{\"u}ls als Vorl{\"a}ufer erarbeitet. Dadurch konnten Materialien mit hohen Adsorptionskapazit{\"a}ten f{\"u}r H2O und CO2 bei niedrigen Konzentrationen und moderate CO2/N2 Selektivit{\"a}ten erzielt werden. Um die CO2/N2 Selektivit{\"a}ten zu verbessern, wurden mittels der Einstellung des Kondensationsgrades die molekulare Struktur und Porosit{\"a}t der Kohlenstoffmaterialien kontrolliert. Diese Materialien besitzen die Eigenschaften eines molekularen Siebs f{\"u}r CO2 {\"u}ber N2, das zu herausragenden CO2/N2 Selektivit{\"a}ten f{\"u}hrt. Der ultrahydrophile Charakter der Porenoberfl{\"a}chen und die kleinen Mikroporen dieser Kohlenstoffmaterialien erm{\"o}glichen grundlegende Untersuchungen f{\"u}r die Wechselwirkungen mit Molek{\"u}len die polarer sind als CO2, n{\"a}mlich H2O und NH3. Eine weitere Reihe stickstoffdotierter Kohlenstoffmaterialien wurde durch Kondensation eines konjugierten mikropor{\"o}sen Polymers synthetisiert und deren strukturelle Besonderheiten als Anodenmaterial f{\"u}r die Natriumionen Batterie untersucht. Diese Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag zur Erforschung stickstoffdotierter Kohlenstoffmaterialien und deren Wechselwirkungen mit verschiedenen Gastmolek{\"u}len.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kagel2019, author = {Kagel, Heike}, title = {Light-induced pH cycle}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 118}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background Many biochemical reactions depend on the pH of their environment and some are strongly accelerated in an acidic surrounding. A classical approach to control biochemical reactions non-invasivly is by changing the temperature. However, if the pH could be controlled by optical means using photo-active chemicals, this would mean to be able to accelerate suitable biochemical reactions. Optically switching the pH can be achieved by using photoacids. A photoacid is a molecule with a functional group that releases a proton upon irradiation with the suitable wavelength, acidifying the environmental aqueous surrounding. A major goal of this work was to establish a non-invasive method of optically controlling the pH in aqueous solutions, offering the opportunity to enhance the known chemical reactions portfolio. To demonstrate the photo-switchable pH cycling we chose an enzymatic assay using acid phosphatase, which is an enzyme with a strong pH dependent activity. Results In this work we could demonstrate a light-induced, reversible control of the enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase non-invasivly. To successfully conduct those experiments a high power LED array was designed and built, suitable for a 96 well standard microtiter plate, not being commercially available. Heat management and a lateral ventilation system to avoid heat accumulation were established and a stable light intensity achieved. Different photoacids were characterised and their pH dependent absorption spectra recorded. By using the reversible photoacid G-acid as a proton donor, the pH can be changed reversibly using high power UV 365 nm LEDs. To demonstrate the pH cycling, acid phosphatase with hydrolytic activity under acidic conditions was chosen. An assay using the photoacid together with the enzyme was established, also providing that G-acid does not inhibit acid phosphatase. The feasibility of reversibly regulating the enzyme's pH dependent activity by optical means was demonstrated, by controlling the enzymatic activity with light. It was demonstrated that the enzyme activity depends on the light exposure time only. When samples are not illuminated and left in the dark, no enzymatic activity was recorded. The process can be rapidly controlled by simply switching the light on and off and should be applicable to a wide range of enzymes and biochemical reactions. Conclusions Reversible photoacids offer a light-dependent regulation of pH, making them extremely attractive for miniaturizable, non-invasive and time-resolved control of biochemical reactions. Many enzymes have a sharp pH dependent activity, thus the established setup in this thesis could be used for a versatile enzyme portfolio. Even though the demonstrated photo-switchable strategy could also be used for non-enzymatic assays, greatly facilitating the assay establishment. Photoacids have the potential for high throughput methods and automation. We demonstrated that it is possible to control photoacids using commonly available LEDs, making their use in highly integrated devices and instruments more attractive. The successfully designed 96 well high power UV LED array presents an opportunity for general combinatorial analysis in e.g. photochemistry, where a high light intensity is needed for the investigation of various reactions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Korges2019, author = {Korges, Maximilian}, title = {Constraining the hydrology of intrusion-related ore deposits with fluid inclusions and numerical modeling}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43484}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434843}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 99}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are responsible for numerous mineralization types, including porphyry copper and granite related tin-tungsten (Sn-W) deposits. Ore formation is dependent on various factors, including, the pressure and temperature regime of the intrusions, the chemical composition of the magma and hydrothermal fluids, and fluid rock interaction during the ascent. Fluid inclusions have potential to provide direct information on the temperature, salinity, pressure and chemical composition of fluids responsible for ore formation. Numerical modeling allows the parametrization of pluton features that cannot be analyzed directly via geological observations. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions from the Zinnwald Sn-W deposit, Erzgebirge, Germany / Czech Republic, provide evidence that the greisen mineralization is associated with a low salinity (2-10 wt.\% NaCl eq.) fluid with homogenization temperatures between 350°C and 400°C. Quartzes from numerous veins are host to inclusions with the same temperatures and salinities, whereas cassiterite- and wolframite-hosted assemblages with slightly lower temperatures (around 350°C) and higher salinities (ca. 15 wt. NaCl eq.). Further, rare quartz samples contained boiling assemblages consisting of coexisting brine and vapor phases. The formation of ore minerals within the greisen is driven by invasive fluid-rock interaction, resulting in the loss of complexing agents (Cl-) leading to precipitation of cassiterite. The fluid inclusion record in the veins suggests boiling as the main reason for cassiterite and wolframite mineralization. Ore and coexisting gangue minerals hosted different types of fluid inclusions where the beginning boiling processes are solely preserved by the ore minerals emphasizing the importance of microthermometry in ore minerals. Further, the study indicates that boiling as a precipitation mechanism can only occur in mineralization related to shallow intrusions whereas deeper plutons prevent the fluid from boiling and can therefore form tungsten mineralization in the distal regions. The tin mineralization in the H{\"a}mmerlein deposit, Erzgebirge, Germany, occurs within a skarn horizon and the underlying schist. Cassiterite within the skarn contains highly saline (30-50 wt\% NaCl eq.) fluid inclusions, with homogenization temperatures up to 500°C, whereas cassiterites from the schist and additional greisen samples contain inclusions of lower salinity (~5 wt\% NaCl eq.) and temperature (between 350 and 400°C). Inclusions in the gangue minerals (quartz, fluorite) preserve homogenization temperatures below 350°C and sphalerite showed the lowest homogenization temperatures (ca. 200°C) whereby all minerals (cassiterite from schist and greisen, gangue minerals and sphalerite) show similar salinity ranges (2-5 wt\% NaCl eq.). Similar trace element contents and linear trends in the chemistry of the inclusions suggest a common source fluid. The inclusion record in the H{\"a}mmerlein deposit documents an early exsolution of hot brines from the underlying granite which is responsible for the mineralization hosted by the skarn. Cassiterites in schist and greisen are mainly forming due to fluid-rock interaction at lower temperatures. The low temperature inclusions documented in the sphalerite mineralization as well as their generally low trace element composition in comparison to the other minerals suggests that their formation was induced by mixing with meteoric fluids. Numerical simulations of magma chambers and overlying copper distribution document the importance of incremental growth by sills. We analyzed the cooling behavior at variable injection intervals as well as sill thicknesses. The models suggest that magma accumulation requires volumetric injection rates of at least 4 x 10-4 km³/y. These injection rates are further needed to form a stable magmatic-hydrothermal fluid plume above the magma chamber to ensure a constant copper precipitation and enrichment within a confined location in order to form high-grade ore shells within a narrow geological timeframe between 50 and 100 kyrs as suggested for porphyry copper deposits. The highest copper enrichment can be found in regions with steep temperature gradients, typical of regions where the magmatic-hydrothermal fluid meets the cooler ambient fluids.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laudan2019, author = {Laudan, Jonas}, title = {Changing susceptibility of flood-prone residents in Germany}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43442}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {113}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Floods are among the most costly natural hazards that affect Europe and Germany, demanding a continuous adaptation of flood risk management. While social and economic development in recent years altered the flood risk patterns mainly with regard to an increase in flood exposure, different flood events are further expected to increase in frequency and severity in certain European regions due to climate change. As a result of recent major flood events in Germany, the German flood risk management shifted to more integrated approaches that include private precaution and preparation to reduce the damage on exposed assets. Yet, detailed insights into the preparedness decisions of flood-prone households remain scarce, especially in connection to mental impacts and individual coping strategies after being affected by different flood types. This thesis aims to gain insights into flash floods as a costly hazard in certain German regions and compares the damage driving factors to the damage driving factors of river floods. Furthermore, psychological impacts as well as the effects on coping and mitigation behaviour of flood-affected households are assessed. In this context, psychological models such as the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and methods such as regressions and Bayesian statistics are used to evaluate influencing factors on the mental coping after an event and to identify psychological variables that are connected to intended private flood mitigation. The database consists of surveys that were conducted among affected households after major river floods in 2013 and flash floods in 2016. The main conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis reveal that the damage patterns and damage driving factors of strong flash floods differ significantly from those of river floods due to a rapid flow origination process, higher flow velocities and flow forces. However, the effects on mental coping of people that have been affected by flood events appear to be weakly influenced by different flood types, but yet show a coherence to the event severity, where often thinking of the respective event is pronounced and also connected to a higher mitigation motivation. The mental coping and preparation after floods is further influenced by a good information provision and a social environment, which encourages a positive attitude towards private mitigation. As an overall recommendation, approaches for an integrated flood risk management in Germany should be followed that also take flash floods into account and consider psychological characteristics of affected households to support and promote private flood mitigation. Targeted information campaigns that concern coping options and discuss current flood risks are important to better prepare for future flood hazards in Germany.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krejca2019, author = {Krejca, Martin Stefan}, title = {Theoretical analyses of univariate estimation-of-distribution algorithms}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43487}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434870}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 243}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Optimization is a core part of technological advancement and is usually heavily aided by computers. However, since many optimization problems are hard, it is unrealistic to expect an optimal solution within reasonable time. Hence, heuristics are employed, that is, computer programs that try to produce solutions of high quality quickly. One special class are estimation-of-distribution algorithms (EDAs), which are characterized by maintaining a probabilistic model over the problem domain, which they evolve over time. In an iterative fashion, an EDA uses its model in order to generate a set of solutions, which it then uses to refine the model such that the probability of producing good solutions is increased. In this thesis, we theoretically analyze the class of univariate EDAs over the Boolean domain, that is, over the space of all length-n bit strings. In this setting, the probabilistic model of a univariate EDA consists of an n-dimensional probability vector where each component denotes the probability to sample a 1 for that position in order to generate a bit string. My contribution follows two main directions: first, we analyze general inherent properties of univariate EDAs. Second, we determine the expected run times of specific EDAs on benchmark functions from theory. In the first part, we characterize when EDAs are unbiased with respect to the problem encoding. We then consider a setting where all solutions look equally good to an EDA, and we show that the probabilistic model of an EDA quickly evolves into an incorrect model if it is always updated such that it does not change in expectation. In the second part, we first show that the algorithms cGA and MMAS-fp are able to efficiently optimize a noisy version of the classical benchmark function OneMax. We perturb the function by adding Gaussian noise with a variance of σ², and we prove that the algorithms are able to generate the true optimum in a time polynomial in σ² and the problem size n. For the MMAS-fp, we generalize this result to linear functions. Further, we prove a run time of Ω(n log(n)) for the algorithm UMDA on (unnoisy) OneMax. Last, we introduce a new algorithm that is able to optimize the benchmark functions OneMax and LeadingOnes both in O(n log(n)), which is a novelty for heuristics in the domain we consider.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arf2019, author = {Arf, Shelan Ali}, title = {Women's everyday reality of social insecurity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43433}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-434333}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {334}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since 1980 Iraq passed through various wars and conflicts including Iraq-Iran war, Saddam Hussein's the Anfals and Halabja campaigns against the Kurds and the killing campaigns against Shiite in 1986, Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the Gulf war in 1990, Iraq war in 2003 and the fall of Saddam, the conflicts and chaos in the transmission of power after the death of Saddam, and the war against ISIS . All these wars left severe impacts in most households in Iraq; on women and children in particular. The consequences of such long wars could be observed in all sectors including economic, social, cultural and religious sectors. The social structure, norms and attitudes are intensely affected. Many women specifically divorced women found them-selves in challenging different difficulties such as social as well as economic situations. Thus the divorced women in Iraqi Kurdistan are the focus of this research. Considering the fact that there is very few empirical researches on this topic, a constructivist grounded theory methodology (CGT) is viewed as reliable in order to come up with a comprehensive picture about the everyday life of divorced women in Iraqi Kurdistan. Data collected in Sulaimani city in Iraqi Kurdistan. The work of Kathy Charmaz was chosen to be the main methodological context of the research and the main data collection method was individual intensive narrative interviews with divorced women. Women generally and divorced women specifically in Iraqi Kurdistan are living in a patriarchal society that passing through many changes due to the above mentioned wars among many other factors. This research is trying to study the everyday life of divorced women in such situations and the forms of social insecurity they are experiencing. The social institutions starting from the family as a very significant institution for women to the governmental and non-governmental institutions that are working to support women, and the copying strategies, are in focus in this research. The main research argument is that the family is playing ambivalent roles in divorced women's life. For instance, on one side families are revealed to be an essential source of security to most respondents, on the other side families posed also many threats and restrictions on those women. This argument supported by what called by Suad joseph "the paradox of support and suppression" . Another important finding is that the stat institution(laws , constitutions ,Offices of combating violence against woman and family) are supporting women somehow and offering them protection from the insecurities but it is clear that the existence of the laws does not stop the violence against women in Iraqi Kurdistan, As explained by Pateman because the laws /the contract is a sexual-social contract that upholds the sex rights of males and grants them more privileges than females. The political instability, Tribal social norms also play a major role in influencing the rule of law. It is noteworthy to refer that analyzing the interviews in this research showed that in spite that divorced women living in insecurities and facing difficulties but most of the respondents try to find a coping strategies to tackle difficult situations and to deal with the violence they face; these strategies are bargaining, sometimes compromising or resisting …etc. Different theories used to explain these coping strategies such as bargaining with patriarchy. Kandiyoti who stated that women living under certain restraints struggle to find way and strategies to enhance their situations. The research finding also revealed that the western liberal feminist view of agency is limited this is agree with Saba Mahmood and what she explained about Muslim women agency. For my respondents, who are divorced women, their agency reveals itself in different ways, in resisting or compromising with or even obeying the power of male relatives, and the normative system in the society. Agency is also explained the behavior of women contacting formal state institutions in cases of violence like the police or Offices of combating violence against woman and family.}, language = {en} }