@phdthesis{Schoenheit2011, author = {Sch{\"o}nheit, J{\"o}rg}, title = {A phagocyte-specific Irf8 gene enhancer establishes early conventional dendritic cell commitment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55482}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Haematopoietic development is a complex process that is strictly hierarchically organized. Here, the phagocyte lineages are a very heterogeneous cell compartment with specialized functions in innate immunity and induction of adaptive immune responses. Their generation from a common precursor must be tightly controlled. Interference within lineage formation programs for example by mutation or change in expression levels of transcription factors (TF) is causative to leukaemia. However, the molecular mechanisms driving specification into distinct phagocytes remain poorly understood. In the present study I identify the transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor 8 (IRF8) as the specification factor of dendritic cell (DC) commitment in early phagocyte precursors. Employing an IRF8 reporter mouse, I showed the distinct Irf8 expression in haematopoietic lineage diversification and isolated a novel bone marrow resident progenitor which selectively differentiates into CD8α+ conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) in vivo. This progenitor strictly depends on Irf8 expression to properly establish its transcriptional DC program while suppressing a lineage-inappropriate neutrophile program. Moreover, I demonstrated that Irf8 expression during this cDC commitment-step depends on a newly discovered myeloid-specific cis-enhancer which is controlled by the haematopoietic transcription factors PU.1 and RUNX1. Interference with their binding leads to abrogation of Irf8 expression, subsequently to disturbed cell fate decisions, demonstrating the importance of these factors for proper phagocyte cell development. Collectively, these data delineate a transcriptional program establishing cDC fate choice with IRF8 in its center.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andorf2011, author = {Andorf, Sandra}, title = {A systems biological approach towards the molecular basis of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Heterosis is defined as the superiority in performance of heterozygous genotypes compared to their corresponding genetically different homozygous parents. This phenomenon is already known since the beginning of the last century and it has been widely used in plant breeding, but the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. In this work, a systems biological approach based on molecular network structures is proposed to contribute to the understanding of heterosis. Hybrids are likely to contain additional regulatory possibilities compared to their homozygous parents and, therefore, they may be able to correctly respond to a higher number of environmental challenges, which leads to a higher adaptability and, thus, the heterosis phenomenon. In the network hypothesis for heterosis, presented in this work, more regulatory interactions are expected in the molecular networks of the hybrids compared to the homozygous parents. Partial correlations were used to assess this difference in the global interaction structure of regulatory networks between the hybrids and the homozygous genotypes. This network hypothesis for heterosis was tested on metabolite profiles as well as gene expression data of the two parental Arabidopsis thaliana accessions C24 and Col-0 and their reciprocal crosses. These plants are known to show a heterosis effect in their biomass phenotype. The hypothesis was confirmed for mid-parent and best-parent heterosis for either hybrid of our experimental metabolite as well as gene expression data. It was shown that this result is influenced by the used cutoffs during the analyses. Too strict filtering resulted in sets of metabolites and genes for which the network hypothesis for heterosis does not hold true for either hybrid regarding mid-parent as well as best-parent heterosis. In an over-representation analysis, the genes that show the largest heterosis effects according to our network hypothesis were compared to genes of heterotic quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions. Separately for either hybrid regarding mid-parent as well as best-parent heterosis, a significantly larger overlap between the resulting gene lists of the two different approaches towards biomass heterosis was detected than expected by chance. This suggests that each heterotic QTL region contains many genes influencing biomass heterosis in the early development of Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, this integrative analysis led to a confinement and an increased confidence in the group of candidate genes for biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana identified by both approaches.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kellermann2011, author = {Kellermann, Thorsten}, title = {Accurate numerical relativity simulations of non-vacuumspace-times in two dimensions and applications to critical collapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59578}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This Thesis puts its focus on the physics of neutron stars and its description with methods of numerical relativity. In the first step, a new numerical framework the Whisky2D code will be developed, which solves the relativistic equations of hydrodynamics in axisymmetry. Therefore we consider an improved formulation of the conserved form of these equations. The second part will use the new code to investigate the critical behaviour of two colliding neutron stars. Considering the analogy to phase transitions in statistical physics, we will investigate the evolution of the entropy of the neutron stars during the whole process. A better understanding of the evolution of thermodynamical quantities, like the entropy in critical process, should provide deeper understanding of thermodynamics in relativity. More specifically, we have written the Whisky2D code, which solves the general-relativistic hydrodynamics equations in a flux-conservative form and in cylindrical coordinates. This of course brings in 1/r singular terms, where r is the radial cylindrical coordinate, which must be dealt with appropriately. In the above-referenced works, the flux operator is expanded and the 1/r terms, not containing derivatives, are moved to the right-hand-side of the equation (the source term), so that the left hand side assumes a form identical to the one of the three-dimensional (3D) Cartesian formulation. We call this the standard formulation. Another possibility is not to split the flux operator and to redefine the conserved variables, via a multiplication by r. We call this the new formulation. The new equations are solved with the same methods as in the Cartesian case. From a mathematical point of view, one would not expect differences between the two ways of writing the differential operator, but, of course, a difference is present at the numerical level. Our tests show that the new formulation yields results with a global truncation error which is one or more orders of magnitude smaller than those of alternative and commonly used formulations. The second part of the Thesis uses the new code for investigations of critical phenomena in general relativity. In particular, we consider the head-on-collision of two neutron stars in a region of the parameter space where two final states a new stable neutron star or a black hole, lay close to each other. In 1993, Choptuik considered one-parameter families of solutions, S[P], of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations for a massless scalar field in spherical symmetry, such that for every P > P⋆, S[P] contains a black hole and for every P < P⋆, S[P] is a solution not containing singularities. He studied numerically the behavior of S[P] as P → P⋆ and found that the critical solution, S[P⋆], is universal, in the sense that it is approached by all nearly-critical solutions regardless of the particular family of initial data considered. All these phenomena have the common property that, as P approaches P⋆, S[P] approaches a universal solution S[P⋆] and that all the physical quantities of S[P] depend only on |P - P⋆|. The first study of critical phenomena concerning the head-on collision of NSs was carried out by Jin and Suen in 2007. In particular, they considered a series of families of equal-mass NSs, modeled with an ideal-gas EOS, boosted towards each other and varied the mass of the stars, their separation, velocity and the polytropic index in the EOS. In this way they could observe a critical phenomenon of type I near the threshold of black-hole formation, with the putative solution being a nonlinearly oscillating star. In a successive work, they performed similar simulations but considering the head-on collision of Gaussian distributions of matter. Also in this case they found the appearance of type-I critical behaviour, but also performed a perturbative analysis of the initial distributions of matter and of the merged object. Because of the considerable difference found in the eigenfrequencies in the two cases, they concluded that the critical solution does not represent a system near equilibrium and in particular not a perturbed Tolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) solution. In this Thesis we study the dynamics of the head-on collision of two equal-mass NSs using a setup which is as similar as possible to the one considered above. While we confirm that the merged object exhibits a type-I critical behaviour, we also argue against the conclusion that the critical solution cannot be described in terms of equilibrium solution. Indeed, we show that, in analogy with what is found in, the critical solution is effectively a perturbed unstable solution of the TOV equations. Our analysis also considers fine-structure of the scaling relation of type-I critical phenomena and we show that it exhibits oscillations in a similar way to the one studied in the context of scalar-field critical collapse.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoehne2011, author = {H{\"o}hne, Janet}, title = {Aktivit{\"a}ts- und Herzfrequenz-Monitoring zur Erfassung der Bewegungszeit und der Bewegungsintensit{\"a}t im schulischen und außerschulischen Kontext von Grundsch{\"u}lern im Land Brandenburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57937}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {"Kinderwelt ist Bewegungswelt" (Schmidt, 1997, S. 156, zitiert nach Schmidt, Hartmann-Tews \& Brettschneider, 2003, S. 31). Das kindliche Bewegungsverhalten hat sich bereits im Grundschulalter ver{\"a}ndert, so dass sich Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}ten von Kindern erheblich unterscheiden und keineswegs mehr verallgemeinert werden k{\"o}nnen. Richtet man den Fokus auf die Frage „Wie bewegt sind unsere Kinder?" so scheint diese von den Medien bereits beantwortet zu sein, da dort von ansteigendem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder gegen{\"u}ber fr{\"u}heren Generationen berichtet wird. Wenn es in den Diskussionen um den Gesundheitszustand unserer Kinder geht, nimmt die k{\"o}rperlich-sportliche Aktivit{\"a}t eine entscheidende Rolle ein. Bewegungsmangel ist hierbei ein zentraler Begriff der in der {\"O}ffentlichkeit diskutiert wird. Bei der Betrachtung der einzelnen Studien f{\"a}llt auf, dass deutliche Defizite in der Messung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t bestehen. Zentraler Kritikpunkt in den meisten Studien ist die subjektive Erfassung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t. Ein Großteil bisheriger Untersuchungen zum Bewegungsverhalten basiert auf Beobachtungen, Befragungen oder Bewegungstageb{\"u}chern. Diese liefern ausschließlich zum Teil subjektive Einsch{\"a}tzungen der Kinder oder Eltern {\"u}ber die tats{\"a}chliche Bewegungszeit und -intensit{\"a}t. Das objektive Erfassen der Aktivit{\"a}t bzw. Inaktivit{\"a}t ist zwar seit einigen Jahren zentraler Gegenstand vieler Studien, dennoch gilt es, dieses noch sachkundiger zu l{\"o}sen, um subjektive und objektive Daten zu vergleichen. Um dem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder entgegenzuwirken, sind empirisch abgesicherte Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Bedingungsfaktoren und die Folgen des ver{\"a}nderten Bewegungsverhaltens dringend n{\"o}tig. Die Quer- und L{\"a}ngsschnittuntersuchung umfasst die Bereiche Anthropometrie, die Erfassung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t und die Herzfrequenzmessung {\"u}ber 24h. F{\"u}r die Studie konnten 106 Jungen und M{\"a}dchen im Zeitraum von Januar 2007 bis April 2009 rekrutiert und {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Die physiologischen Parameter wurden mit Hilfe des ACTIHEART-Messsytems aufgezeichnet und berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zur k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t wurden in die Untersuchungsabschnitte Schulzeit gesamt, Pause, Sportunterricht, Nachmittag und 24h unterteilt. Durch das Messsystem werden die Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t und die Herzfrequenz synchron aufgezeichnet. Das System nimmt die Beschleunigungswerte des K{\"o}rpers auf und speichert sie im frei w{\"a}hlbaren Zeitintervall, Short oder Long Term, in Form von „activity counts" ab. Das Messsytem berechnet weiterhin die Intensit{\"a}t k{\"o}rperlicher Aktivit{\"a}t.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gomolka2011, author = {Gomolka, Johannes}, title = {Algorithmic Trading}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-125-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {383}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Elektronisierung der Finanzm{\"a}rkte ist in den letzten Jahren weit vorangeschritten. Praktisch jede B{\"o}rse verf{\"u}gt {\"u}ber ein elektronisches Handelssystem. In diesem Kontext beschreibt der Begriff Algorithmic Trading ein Ph{\"a}nomen, bei dem Computerprogramme den Menschen im Wertpapierhandel ersetzen. Sie helfen dabei Investmententscheidungen zu treffen oder Transaktionen durchzuf{\"u}hren. Algorithmic Trading selbst ist dabei nur eine unter vielen Innovationen, welche die Entwicklung des B{\"o}rsenhandels gepr{\"a}gt haben. Hier sind z.B. die Erfindung der Telegraphie, des Telefons, des FAX oder der elektronische Wertpapierabwicklung zu nennen. Die Frage ist heute nicht mehr, ob Computerprogramme im B{\"o}rsenhandel eingesetzt werden. Sondern die Frage ist, wo die Grenze zwischen vollautomatischem B{\"o}rsenhandel (durch Computer) und manuellem B{\"o}rsenhandel (von Menschen) verl{\"a}uft. Bei der Erforschung von Algorithmic Trading wird die Wissenschaft mit dem Problem konfrontiert, dass keinerlei Informationen {\"u}ber diese Computerprogramme zug{\"a}nglich sind. Die Idee dieser Dissertation bestand darin, dieses Problem zu umgehen und Informationen {\"u}ber Algorithmic Trading indirekt aus der Analyse von (Fonds-)Renditen zu extrahieren. Johannes Gomolka untersucht daher die Forschungsfrage, ob sich Aussagen {\"u}ber computergesteuerten Wertpapierhandel (kurz: Algorithmic Trading) aus der Analyse von (Fonds-)Renditen ziehen lassen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Forschungsfrage formuliert der Autor eine neue Definition von Algorithmic Trading und unterscheidet mit Buy-Side und Sell-Side Algorithmic Trading zwei grundlegende Funktionen der Computerprogramme (die Entscheidungs- und die Transaktionsunterst{\"u}tzung). F{\"u}r seine empirische Untersuchung greift Gomolka auf das Multifaktorenmodell zur Style-Analyse von Fung und Hsieh (1997) zur{\"u}ck. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells ist es m{\"o}glich, die Zeitreihen von Fondsrenditen in interpretierbare Grundbestandteile zu zerlegen und den einzelnen Regressionsfaktoren eine inhaltliche Bedeutung zuzuordnen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen, dass man mit Hilfe der Style-Analyse Aussagen {\"u}ber Algorithmic Trading aus der Analyse von (Fonds-)Renditen machen kann. Die Aussagen sind jedoch keiner technischen Natur, sondern auf die Analyse von Handelsstrategien (Investment-Styles) begrenzt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kristen2011, author = {Kristen, Juliane Ute}, title = {Amphiphilic BAB-triblock copolymers bearing fluorocarbon groups : synthesis and self-organization in aqueous media}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61782}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this work new fluorinated and non-fluorinated mono- and bifunctional trithiocarbonates of the structure Z-C(=S)-S-R and Z-C(=S)-S-R-S-C(=S)-Z were synthesized for the use as chain transfer agents (CTAs) in the RAFT-process. All newly synthesized CTAs were tested for their efficiency to moderate the free radical polymerization process by polymerizing styrene (M3). Besides characterization of the homopolymers by GPC measurements, end- group analysis of the synthesized block copolymers via 1H-, 19F-NMR, and in some cases also UV-vis spectroscopy, were performed attaching suitable fluorinated moieties to the Z- and/or R-groups of the CTAs. Symmetric triblock copolymers of type BAB and non-symmetric fluorine end- capped polymers were accessible using the RAFT process in just two or one polymerization step. In particular, the RAFT-process enabled the controlled polymerization of hydrophilic monomers such as N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) (M1) as well as N-acryloylpyrrolidine (NAP) (M2) for the A-blocks and of the hydrophobic monomers styrene (M3), 2-fluorostyrene (M4), 3-fluorostyrene (M5), 4-fluorostyrene (M6) and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorostyrene (M7) for the B-blocks. The properties of the BAB-triblock copolymers were investigated in dilute, concentrated and highly concentrated aqueous solutions using DLS, turbidimetry, 1H- and 19F-NMR, rheology, determination of the CMC, foam height- and surface tension measurements and microscopy. Furthermore, their ability to stabilize emulsions and microemulsions and the wetting behaviour of their aqueous solutions on different substrates was investigated. The behaviour of the fluorine end-functionalized polymers to form micelles was studied applying DLS measurements in diluted organic solution. All investigated BAB-triblock copolymers were able to form micelles and show surface activity at room temperature in dilute aqueous solution. The aqueous solutions displayed moderate foam formation. With different types and concentrations of oils, the formation of emulsions could be detected using a light microscope. A boosting effect in microemulsions could not be found adding BAB-triblock copolymers. At elevated polymer concentrations, the formation of hydrogels was proved applying rheology measurements.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krause2011, author = {Krause, Jette}, title = {An expert-based Bayesian investigation of greenhouse gas emission reduction options for German passenger vehicles until 2030}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present thesis introduces an iterative expert-based Bayesian approach for assessing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the 2030 German new vehicle fleet and quantifying the impacts of their main drivers. A first set of expert interviews has been carried out in order to identify technologies which may help to lower car GHG emissions and to quantify their emission reduction potentials. Moreover, experts were asked for their probability assessments that the different technologies will be widely adopted, as well as for important prerequisites that could foster or hamper their adoption. Drawing on the results of these expert interviews, a Bayesian Belief Network has been built which explicitly models three vehicle types: Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (which include mild and full Hybrid Electric Vehicles), Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and Battery Electric Vehicles. The conditional dependencies of twelve central variables within the BBN - battery energy, fuel and electricity consumption, relative costs, and sales shares of the vehicle types - have been quantified by experts from German car manufacturers in a second series of interviews. For each of the seven second-round interviews, an expert's individually specified BBN results. The BBN have been run for different hypothetical 2030 scenarios which differ, e.g., in regard to battery development, regulation, and fuel and electricity GHG intensities. The present thesis delivers results both in regard to the subject of the investigation and in regard to its method. On the subject level, it has been found that the different experts expect 2030 German new car fleet emission to be at 50 to 65\% of 2008 new fleet emissions under the baseline scenario. They can be further reduced to 40 to 50\% of the emissions of the 2008 fleet though a combination of a higher share of renewables in the electricity mix, a larger share of biofuels in the fuel mix, and a stricter regulation of car CO\$_2\$ emissions in the European Union. Technically, 2030 German new car fleet GHG emissions can be reduced to a minimum of 18 to 44\% of 2008 emissions, a development which can not be triggered by any combination of measures modeled in the BBN alone but needs further commitment. Out of a wealth of existing BBN, few have been specified by individual experts through elicitation, and to my knowledge, none of them has been employed for analyzing perspectives for the future. On the level of methods, this work shows that expert-based BBN are a valuable tool for making experts' expectations for the future explicit and amenable to the analysis of different hypothetical scenarios. BBN can also be employed for quantifying the impacts of main drivers. They have been demonstrated to be a valuable tool for iterative stakeholder-based science approaches.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Avila2011, author = {Avila, Gast{\´o}n}, title = {Asymptotic staticity and tensor decompositions with fast decay conditions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-54046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Corvino, Corvino and Schoen, Chruściel and Delay have shown the existence of a large class of asymptotically flat vacuum initial data for Einstein's field equations which are static or stationary in a neighborhood of space-like infinity, yet quite general in the interior. The proof relies on some abstract, non-constructive arguments which makes it difficult to calculate such data numerically by using similar arguments. A quasilinear elliptic system of equations is presented of which we expect that it can be used to construct vacuum initial data which are asymptotically flat, time-reflection symmetric, and asymptotic to static data up to a prescribed order at space-like infinity. A perturbation argument is used to show the existence of solutions. It is valid when the order at which the solutions approach staticity is restricted to a certain range. Difficulties appear when trying to improve this result to show the existence of solutions that are asymptotically static at higher order. The problems arise from the lack of surjectivity of a certain operator. Some tensor decompositions in asymptotically flat manifolds exhibit some of the difficulties encountered above. The Helmholtz decomposition, which plays a role in the preparation of initial data for the Maxwell equations, is discussed as a model problem. A method to circumvent the difficulties that arise when fast decay rates are required is discussed. This is done in a way that opens the possibility to perform numerical computations. The insights from the analysis of the Helmholtz decomposition are applied to the York decomposition, which is related to that part of the quasilinear system which gives rise to the difficulties. For this decomposition analogous results are obtained. It turns out, however, that in this case the presence of symmetries of the underlying metric leads to certain complications. The question, whether the results obtained so far can be used again to show by a perturbation argument the existence of vacuum initial data which approach static solutions at infinity at any given order, thus remains open. The answer requires further analysis and perhaps new methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wist2011, author = {Wist, Dominic}, title = {Attacking complexity in logic synthesis of asynchronous circuits}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59706}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Most of the microelectronic circuits fabricated today are synchronous, i.e. they are driven by one or several clock signals. Synchronous circuit design faces several fundamental challenges such as high-speed clock distribution, integration of multiple cores operating at different clock rates, reduction of power consumption and dealing with voltage, temperature, manufacturing and runtime variations. Asynchronous or clockless design plays a key role in alleviating these challenges, however the design and test of asynchronous circuits is much more difficult in comparison to their synchronous counterparts. A driving force for a widespread use of asynchronous technology is the availability of mature EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools which provide an entire automated design flow starting from an HDL (Hardware Description Language) specification yielding the final circuit layout. Even though there was much progress in developing such EDA tools for asynchronous circuit design during the last two decades, the maturity level as well as the acceptance of them is still not comparable with tools for synchronous circuit design. In particular, logic synthesis (which implies the application of Boolean minimisation techniques) for the entire system's control path can significantly improve the efficiency of the resulting asynchronous implementation, e.g. in terms of chip area and performance. However, logic synthesis, in particular for asynchronous circuits, suffers from complexity problems. Signal Transitions Graphs (STGs) are labelled Petri nets which are a widely used to specify the interface behaviour of speed independent (SI) circuits - a robust subclass of asynchronous circuits. STG decomposition is a promising approach to tackle complexity problems like state space explosion in logic synthesis of SI circuits. The (structural) decomposition of STGs is guided by a partition of the output signals and generates a usually much smaller component STG for each partition member, i.e. a component STG with a much smaller state space than the initial specification. However, decomposition can result in component STGs that in isolation have so-called irreducible CSC conflicts (i.e. these components are not SI synthesisable anymore) even if the specification has none of them. A new approach is presented to avoid such conflicts by introducing internal communication between the components. So far, STG decompositions are guided by the finest output partitions, i.e. one output per component. However, this might not yield optimal circuit implementations. Efficient heuristics are presented to determine coarser partitions leading to improved circuits in terms of chip area. For the new algorithms correctness proofs are given and their implementations are incorporated into the decomposition tool DESIJ. The presented techniques are successfully applied to some benchmarks - including 'real-life' specifications arising in the context of control resynthesis - which delivered promising results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidlich2011, author = {Weidlich, Matthias}, title = {Behavioural profiles : a relational approach to behaviour consistency}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55590}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Business Process Management (BPM) emerged as a means to control, analyse, and optimise business operations. Conceptual models are of central importance for BPM. Most prominently, process models define the behaviour that is performed to achieve a business value. In essence, a process model is a mapping of properties of the original business process to the model, created for a purpose. Different modelling purposes, therefore, result in different models of a business process. Against this background, the misalignment of process models often observed in the field of BPM is no surprise. Even if the same business scenario is considered, models created for strategic decision making differ in content significantly from models created for process automation. Despite their differences, process models that refer to the same business process should be consistent, i.e., free of contradictions. Apparently, there is a trade-off between strictness of a notion of consistency and appropriateness of process models serving different purposes. Existing work on consistency analysis builds upon behaviour equivalences and hierarchical refinements between process models. Hence, these approaches are computationally hard and do not offer the flexibility to gradually relax consistency requirements towards a certain setting. This thesis presents a framework for the analysis of behaviour consistency that takes a fundamentally different approach. As a first step, an alignment between corresponding elements of related process models is constructed. Then, this thesis conducts behavioural analysis grounded on a relational abstraction of the behaviour of a process model, its behavioural profile. Different variants of these profiles are proposed, along with efficient computation techniques for a broad class of process models. Using behavioural profiles, consistency of an alignment between process models is judged by different notions and measures. The consistency measures are also adjusted to assess conformance of process logs that capture the observed execution of a process. Further, this thesis proposes various complementary techniques to support consistency management. It elaborates on how to implement consistent change propagation between process models, addresses the exploration of behavioural commonalities and differences, and proposes a model synthesis for behavioural profiles.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Flotyńska2011, author = {Flotyńska, Anna}, title = {Besteuerung von Unternehmensgewinnen im Licht des Konzepts der konsumorientierten Einkommensteuer}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-138-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52493}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 222}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Dissertation widmet sich dem Problem der fiskalischen Konsequenzen der konsumorientierten Steuern, die die unternehmerischen Gewinne unabh{\"a}ngig von der Rechtsform belasten. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand auf die zinsbereinigte Gewinnsteuer (allowance for corporate equity) eingegrenzt. Die Untersuchung beruht auf theoretischen {\"U}berlegungen sowie einer eigenen Simulationsanalyse. Den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei zwei Kategorien, zwischen denen ein kausaler Zusammenhang vorliegt: die Gestaltung der Bemessungsgrundlage einerseits und die Erf{\"u}llung der Fiskalfunktion andererseits. Das Hauptziel der Arbeit ist es, die fiskalischen Konsequenzen einer nach dem Konzept der Konsumorientierung modifizierten Bemessungsgrundlage der Gewinnsteuern zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen. Die Absch{\"a}tzung der fiskalischen Konsequenzen wird aufgrund der vier folgenden Bereiche vorgenommen: (1) theoretische Konzepte der konsumorientierten Einkommensteuer, (2) bisherige Umsetzungen der Konzepte der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer, (3) bisherige Untersuchungen der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer, (4) eine eigene Simulation der fiskalischen Konsequenzen der konsumorientierten Gewinnsteuer. Um das Hauptziel der Arbeit zu erreichen, werden acht in Form von Teilfragen ausformulierte Untersuchungsprobleme gel{\"o}st. Sie betreffen sowohl die theoretischen Ausf{\"u}hrungen, als auch die empirische Untersuchung. Dabei entsprechen sie den einzelnen Untersuchungsschritten, die in den aufeinander folgenden Kapiteln der Arbeit durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Anhand der Analyse der bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und der praktischen Umsetzungen des Konzepts der konsumorientierten Steuern wurde die folgende Haupthypothese aufgestellt: Der Ausfall des Steueraufkommens, der ein direkter Effekt der Gestaltung der Bemessungsgrundlage nach dem Konzept der Konsumorientierung ist, schließt die Fiskalfunktion der Gewinnsteuern nicht aus. Das Verfahren, das eine Verifizierung der Haupthypothese zum Ziel hat, erfolgt durch eine Untersuchung von drei Teilhypothesen: der Hypothese {\"u}ber die Nullsteuer, der Hypothese {\"u}ber den differenzierten Aufkommensausfall und der Hypothese {\"u}ber die Konzentration der Steuerschuld. In der Dissertation werden empirische Daten aus drei Quellen benutzt. Sie umfassen einen Teil der in Polen in den Jahren 2004-2008 t{\"a}tigen Unternehmen und erm{\"o}glichen es, eine Simulationsanalyse des Aufkommensausfalls durchzuf{\"u}hren. Diese bedient sich der Methodik der Mikro- und Gruppensimulation, was in den bisherigen Untersuchungen zur Unternehmensbesteuerung ein eher selten anzutreffender Ansatz ist. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Steuereinnahmen aus der Einkommensteuer und der K{\"o}rperschaftsteuer durch die Modifizierung der Bemessungsgrundlage deutlich reduziert werden. Die relativ große fiskalische Bedeutung der beiden Steuern bleibt jedoch erhalten und der Ausfall des Steueraufkommens, der direkt nach der Einf{\"u}hrung einer konsumorientierten Steuerreform eintreten w{\"u}rde, w{\"a}re der „Preis" f{\"u}r eine bessere, weniger verzerrende Bemessungsgrundlage. Die Dissertation liefert Ergebnisse, die f{\"u}r die Gestaltung der Steuerpolitik in Polen wie auch in anderen L{\"a}ndern relevant sind. Dies scheint insbesondere im Kontext des h{\"a}ufig diskutierten Umbaus des Systems der Einkommen- und Gewinnbesteuerung bedeutsam. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bildet die Arbeit einen Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r weitere, vertiefte Untersuchungen zu den m{\"o}glichen Gestaltungsformen der Einkommen- und Gewinnsteuern wie auch zu deren Folgen. Die Methode der Steuersimulation kann weiterentwickelt werden und in anderen Analysen der potenziellen Konsequenzen von Steuerreformen Anwendung finden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Smirnov2011, author = {Smirnov, Sergey}, title = {Business process model abstraction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Business process models are used within a range of organizational initiatives, where every stakeholder has a unique perspective on a process and demands the respective model. As a consequence, multiple process models capturing the very same business process coexist. Keeping such models in sync is a challenge within an ever changing business environment: once a process is changed, all its models have to be updated. Due to a large number of models and their complex relations, model maintenance becomes error-prone and expensive. Against this background, business process model abstraction emerged as an operation reducing the number of stored process models and facilitating model management. Business process model abstraction is an operation preserving essential process properties and leaving out insignificant details in order to retain information relevant for a particular purpose. Process model abstraction has been addressed by several researchers. The focus of their studies has been on particular use cases and model transformations supporting these use cases. This thesis systematically approaches the problem of business process model abstraction shaping the outcome into a framework. We investigate the current industry demand in abstraction summarizing it in a catalog of business process model abstraction use cases. The thesis focuses on one prominent use case where the user demands a model with coarse-grained activities and overall process ordering constraints. We develop model transformations that support this use case starting with the transformations based on process model structure analysis. Further, abstraction methods considering the semantics of process model elements are investigated. First, we suggest how semantically related activities can be discovered in process models-a barely researched challenge. The thesis validates the designed abstraction methods against sets of industrial process models and discusses the method implementation aspects. Second, we develop a novel model transformation, which combined with the related activity discovery allows flexible non-hierarchical abstraction. In this way this thesis advocates novel model transformations that facilitate business process model management and provides the foundations for innovative tool support.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schiefele2011, author = {Schiefele, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Casimir-Polder interaction in second quantization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-54171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The Casimir-Polder interaction between a single neutral atom and a nearby surface, arising from the (quantum and thermal) fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, is a cornerstone of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED), and theoretically well established. Recently, Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of ultracold atoms have been used to test the predictions of cQED. The purpose of the present thesis is to upgrade single-atom cQED with the many-body theory needed to describe trapped atomic BECs. Tools and methods are developed in a second-quantized picture that treats atom and photon fields on the same footing. We formulate a diagrammatic expansion using correlation functions for both the electromagnetic field and the atomic system. The formalism is applied to investigate, for BECs trapped near surfaces, dispersion interactions of the van der Waals-Casimir-Polder type, and the Bosonic stimulation in spontaneous decay of excited atomic states. We also discuss a phononic Casimir effect, which arises from the quantum fluctuations in an interacting BEC.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AndradeLinares2011, author = {Andrade Linares, Diana Roc{\´i}o}, title = {Characterization of tomato root-endophytic fungi and analysis of their effects on plant development, on fruit yield and quality and on interaction with the pathogen Verticillium dahliae}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes are able to colonize internally roots without causing visible disease symptoms establishing neutral or mutualistic associations with plants. These fungi known as non-clavicipitaceous endophytes have a broad host range of monocot and eudicot plants and are highly diverse. Some of them promote plant growth and confer increased abiotic-stress tolerance and disease resistance. According to such possible effects on host plants, it was aimed to isolate and to characterize native fungal root endophytes from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and to analyze their effects on plant development, plant resistance and fruit yield and quality together with the model endophyte Piriformospora indica. Fifty one new fungal strains were isolated from desinfected tomato roots of four different crop sites in Colombia. These isolates were roughly characterized and fourteen potential endophytes were further analyzed concerning their taxonomy, their root colonization capacity and their impact on plant growth. Sequencing of the ITS region from the ribosomal RNA gene cluster and in-depth morphological characterisation revealed that they correspond to different phylogenetic groups among the phylum Ascomycota. Nine different morphotypes were described including six dark septate endophytes (DSE) that did not correspond to the Phialocephala group. Detailed confocal microscopy analysis showed various colonization patterns of the endophytes inside the roots ranging from epidermal penetration to hyphal growth through the cortex. Tomato pot experiments under glass house conditions showed that they differentially affect plant growth depending on colonization time and inoculum concentration. Three new isolates (two unknown fungal endophyte DSE48, DSE49 and one identified as Leptodontidium orchidicola) with neutral or positiv effects were selected and tested in several experiments for their influence on vegetative growth, fruit yield and quality and their ability to diminish the impact of the pathogen Verticillium dahliae on tomato plants. Although plant growth promotion by all three fungi was observed in young plants, vegetative growth parameters were not affected after 22 weeks of cultivation except a reproducible increase of root diameter by the endophyte DSE49. Additionally, L. orchidicola increased biomass and glucose content of tomato fruits, but only at an early date of harvest and at a certain level of root colonization. Concerning bioprotective effects, the endophytes DSE49 and L. orchidicola decreased significantly disease symptoms caused by the pathogen V. dahliae, but only at a low dosis of the pathogen. In order to analyze, if the model root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica could be suitable for application in production systems, its impact on tomato was evaluated. Similarly to the new fungal isolates, significant differences for vegetative growth parameters were only observable in young plants and, but protection against V. dahliae could be seen in one experiment also at high dosage of the pathogen. As the DSE L. orchidicola, P. indica increased the number and biomass of marketable tomatoes only at the beginning of fruit setting, but this did not lead to a significant higher total yield. If the effects on growth are due to a better nutrition of the plant with mineral element was analyzed in barley in comparison to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. While the mycorrhizal fungus increased nitrogen and phosphate uptake of the plant, no such effect was observed for P. indica. In summary this work shows that many different fungal endophytes can be also isolated from roots of crops and, that these isolates can have positive effects on early plant development. This does, however, not lead to an increase in total yield or in improvement of fruit quality of tomatoes under greenhouse conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boeche2011, author = {Boeche, Corrado}, title = {Chemical gradients in the Milky Way from unsupervised chemical abundances measurements of the RAVE spectroscopic data set}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52478}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present thesis was born and evolved within the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) with the goal of measuring chemical abundances from the RAVE spectra and exploit them to investigate the chemical gradients along the plane of the Galaxy to provide constraints on possible Galactic formation scenarios. RAVE is a large spectroscopic survey which aims to observe spectroscopically ~10^6 stars by the end of 2012 and measures their radial velocities, atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances. The project makes use of the UK Schmidt telescope at Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) in Siding Spring, Australia, equipped with the multiobject spectrograph 6dF. To date, RAVE collected and measured more than 450,000 spectra. The precision of the chemical abundance estimations depends on the reliability of the atomic and atmosphere parameters adopted (in particular the oscillator strengths of the absorption lines and the effective temperature, gravity, and metallicity of the stars measured). Therefore we first identified 604 absorption lines in the RAVE wavelength range and refined their oscillator strengths with an inverse spectral analysis. Then, we improved the RAVE stellar parameters by modifying the RAVE pipeline and the spectral library the pipeline rely on. The modifications removed some systematic errors in stellar parameters discovered during this work. To obtain chemical abundances, we developed two different processing pipelines. Both of them perform chemical abundances measurements by assuming stellar atmospheres in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). The first one determines elements abundances from equivalent widths of absorption lines. Since this pipeline showed poor sensibility on abundances relative to iron, it has been superseded. The second one exploits the chi^2 minimization technique between observed and model spectra. Thanks to its precision, it has been adopted for the creation of the RAVE chemical catalogue. This pipeline provides abundances with uncertains of about ~0.2dex for spectra with signal-to-noise ratio S/N>40 and ~0.3dex for spectra with 20>S/N>40. For this work, the pipeline measured chemical abundances up to 7 elements for 217,358 RAVE stars. With these data we investigated the chemical gradients along the Galactic radius of the Milky Way. We found that stars with low vertical velocities |W| (which stay close to the Galactic plane) show an iron abundance gradient in agreement with previous works (~-0.07\$ dex kpc^-1) whereas stars with larger |W| which are able to reach larger heights above the Galactic plane, show progressively flatter gradients. The gradients of the other elements follow the same trend. This suggests that an efficient radial mixing acts in the Galaxy or that the thick disk formed from homogeneous interstellar matter. In particular, we found hundreds of stars which can be kinetically classified as thick disk stars exhibiting a chemical composition typical of the thin disk. A few stars of this kind have already been detected by other authors, and their origin is still not clear. One possibility is that they are thin disk stars kinematically heated, and then underwent an efficient radial mixing process which blurred (and so flattened) the gradient. Alternatively they may be a transition population" which represents an evolutionary bridge between thin and thick disk. Our analysis shows that the two explanations are not mutually exclusive. Future follow-up high resolution spectroscopic observations will clarify their role in the Galactic disk evolution.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bierbaum2011, author = {Bierbaum, Veronika}, title = {Chemomechanical coupling and motor cycles of the molecular motor myosin V}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53614}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In the living cell, the organization of the complex internal structure relies to a large extent on molecular motors. Molecular motors are proteins that are able to convert chemical energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into mechanical work. Being about 10 to 100 nanometers in size, the molecules act on a length scale, for which thermal collisions have a considerable impact onto their motion. In this way, they constitute paradigmatic examples of thermodynamic machines out of equilibrium. This study develops a theoretical description for the energy conversion by the molecular motor myosin V, using many different aspects of theoretical physics. Myosin V has been studied extensively in both bulk and single molecule experiments. Its stepping velocity has been characterized as a function of external control parameters such as nucleotide concentration and applied forces. In addition, numerous kinetic rates involved in the enzymatic reaction of the molecule have been determined. For forces that exceed the stall force of the motor, myosin V exhibits a 'ratcheting' behaviour: For loads in the direction of forward stepping, the velocity depends on the concentration of ATP, while for backward loads there is no such influence. Based on the chemical states of the motor, we construct a general network theory that incorporates experimental observations about the stepping behaviour of myosin V. The motor's motion is captured through the network description supplemented by a Markov process to describe the motor dynamics. This approach has the advantage of directly addressing the chemical kinetics of the molecule, and treating the mechanical and chemical processes on equal grounds. We utilize constraints arising from nonequilibrium thermodynamics to determine motor parameters and demonstrate that the motor behaviour is governed by several chemomechanical motor cycles. In addition, we investigate the functional dependence of stepping rates on force by deducing the motor's response to external loads via an appropriate Fokker-Planck equation. For substall forces, the dominant pathway of the motor network is profoundly different from the one for superstall forces, which leads to a stepping behaviour that is in agreement with the experimental observations. The extension of our analysis to Markov processes with absorbing boundaries allows for the calculation of the motor's dwell time distributions. These reveal aspects of the coordination of the motor's heads and contain direct information about the backsteps of the motor. Our theory provides a unified description for the myosin V motor as studied in single motor experiments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pourteau2011, author = {Pourteau, Amaury}, title = {Closure of the Neotethys Ocean in Anatolia : structural, petrologic and geochronologic insights from low-grade high-pressure metasediments, Afyon Zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57803}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The complete consumption of the oceanic domain of a tectonic plate by subduction into the upper mantle results in continent subduction, although continental crust is typically of lower density than the upper mantle. Thus, the sites of former oceanic domains (named suture zones) are generally decorated with stratigraphic sequences deposited along continental passive margins that were metamorphosed under low-grade, high-pressure conditions, i.e., low temperature/depth ratios (< 15°C/km) with respect to geothermal gradients in tectonically stable regions. Throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (i.e., since ca. 250 Ma), the Mediterranean realm was shaped by the closure of the Tethyan Ocean, which likely consisted in numerous oceanic domains and microcontinents. However, the exact number and position of Tethyan oceans and continents (i.e., the Tethyan palaeogeography) remains debated. This is particularly the case of Western and Central Anatolia, where a continental fragment was accreted to the southern composite margin of the Eurasia sometime between the Late Cretaceous and the early Cenozoic. The most frontal part of this microcontinent experienced subduction-related metamorphism around 85-80 Ma, and collision-related metamorphism affected more external parts around 35 Ma. This unsually-long period between subduction- and collision-related metamorphisms (ca. 50 Ma) in units ascribed to the same continental edge constitutes a crucial issue to address in order to unravel how Anatolia was assembled. The Afyon Zone is a tectono-sedimentary unit exposed south and structurally below the front high-pressure belt. It is composed of a Mesozoic sedimentary sequence deposited on top of a Precambrian to Palaeozoic continental substratum, which can be traced from Northwestern to southern Central Anatolia, along a possible Tethyan suture. Whereas the Afyon Zone was defined as a low-pressure metamorphic unit, high-pressure minerals (mainly Fe-Mg-carpholite in metasediments) were recently reported from its central part. These findings shattered previous conceptions on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Afyon Zone in particular, and of the entire region in general, and shed light on the necessity to revise the regional extent of subduction-related metamorphism by re-inspecting the petrology of poorly-studied metasediments. In this purpose, I re-evaluated the metamorphic evolution of the entire Afyon Zone starting from field observations. Low-grade, high-pressure mineral assemblages (Fe-Mg-carpholite and glaucophane) are reported throughout the unit. Well-preserved carpholite-chloritoid assemblages are useful to improve our understanding of mineral relations and transitions in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system during rocks' travel down to depth (prograde metamorphism). Inspection of petrographic textures, minute variations in mineral composition and Mg-Fe distribution among carpholite-chloritoid assemblages documents multistage mineral growth, accompanied by a progressive enrichment in Mg, and strong element partitioning. Using an updated database of mineral thermodynamic properties, I modelled the pressure and temperature conditions that are consistent with textural and chemical observations. Carpholite-bearing assemblages in the Afyon Zone account for a temperature increase from 280 to 380°C between 0.9 and 1.1 GPa (equivalent to a depth of 30-35 km). In order to further constrain regional geodynamics, first radiometric ages were determined in close association with pressure-temperature estimates for the Afyon Zone, as well as two other tectono-sedimentary units from the same continental passive margin (the {\"O}ren and Kurudere-Nebiler Units from SW Anatolia). For age determination, I employed 40Ar-39Ar geochronology on white mica in carpholite-bearing rocks. For thermobarometry, a multi-equilibrium approach was used based on quartz-chlorite-mica and quartz-chlorite-chloritoid associations formed at the expense of carpholite-bearing assemblages, i.e., during the exhumation from the subduction zone. This combination allows deciphering the significance of the calculated radiometric ages in terms of metamorphic conditions. Results show that the Afyon Zone and the {\"O}ren Unit represent a latest Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphic belt, and the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit was affected by subduction-related metamorphism around 45 Ma and cooled down after collision-related metamorphism around 26 Ma. The results provided in the present thesis and from the literature allow better understanding continental amalgamation in Western Anatolia. It is shown that at least two distinct oceanic branches, whereas only one was previously considered, have closed during continuous north-dipping subduction between 92 and 45 Ma. Between 85-80 and 70-65 Ma, a narrow continental domain (including the Afyon Zone) was buried into a subduction zone within the northern oceanic strand. Parts of the subducted continent crust were exhumed while the upper oceanic plate was transported southwards. Subduction of underlying lithosphere persisted, leading to the closure of the southern oceanic branch and to subduct the front of a second continental domain (including the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit). This followed by a continental collisional stage characterized by the cease of subduction, crustal thicknening and the detachment of the subducting oceanic slab from the accreted continent lithosphere. The present study supports that in the late Mesozoic the East Mediterranean realm had a complex tectonic configuration similar to present Southeast Asia or the Caribbean, with multiple, coexisting oceanic basins, microcontinents and subduction zones.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reusser2011, author = {Reusser, Dominik Edwin}, title = {Combining smart model diagnostics and effective data collection for snow catchments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Complete protection against flood risks by structural measures is impossible. Therefore flood prediction is important for flood risk management. Good explanatory power of flood models requires a meaningful representation of bio-physical processes. Therefore great interest exists to improve the process representation. Progress in hydrological process understanding is achieved through a learning cycle including critical assessment of an existing model for a given catchment as a first step. The assessment will highlight deficiencies of the model, from which useful additional data requirements are derived, giving a guideline for new measurements. These new measurements may in turn lead to improved process concepts. The improved process concepts are finally summarized in an updated hydrological model. In this thesis I demonstrate such a learning cycle, focusing on the advancement of model evaluation methods and more cost effective measurements. For a successful model evaluation, I propose that three questions should be answered: 1) when is a model reproducing observations in a satisfactory way? 2) If model results deviate, of what nature is the difference? And 3) what are most likely the relevant model components affecting these differences? To answer the first two questions, I developed a new method to assess the temporal dynamics of model performance (or TIGER - TIme series of Grouped Errors). This method is powerful in highlighting recurrent patterns of insufficient model behaviour for long simulation periods. I answered the third question with the analysis of the temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity (TEDPAS). For calculating TEDPAS, an efficient method for sensitivity analysis is necessary. I used such an efficient method called Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test, which has a smart sampling scheme. Combining the two methods TIGER and TEDPAS provided a powerful tool for model assessment. With WaSiM-ETH applied to the Weisseritz catchment as a case study, I found insufficient process descriptions for the snow dynamics and for the recession during dry periods in late summer and fall. Focusing on snow dynamics, reasons for poor model performance can either be a poor representation of snow processes in the model, or poor data on snow cover, or both. To obtain an improved data set on snow cover, time series of snow height and temperatures were collected with a cost efficient method based on temperature measurements on multiple levels at each location. An algorithm was developed to simultaneously estimate snow height and cold content from these measurements. Both, snow height and cold content are relevant quantities for spring flood forecasting. Spatial variability was observed at the local and the catchment scale with an adjusted sampling design. At the local scale, samples were collected on two perpendicular transects of 60 m length and analysed with geostatistical methods. The range determined from fitted theoretical variograms was within the range of the sampling design for 80\% of the plots. No patterns were found, that would explain the random variability and spatial correlation at the local scale. At the watershed scale, locations of the extensive field campaign were selected according to a stratified sample design to capture the combined effects of elevation, aspect and land use. The snow height is mainly affected by the plot elevation. The expected influence of aspect and land use was not observed. To better understand the deficiencies of the snow module in WaSiM-ETH, the same approach, a simple degree day model was checked for its capability to reproduce the data. The degree day model was capable to explain the temporal variability for plots with a continuous snow pack over the entire snow season, if parameters were estimated for single plots. However, processes described in the simple model are not sufficient to represent multiple accumulation-melt-cycles, as observed for the lower catchment. Thus, the combined spatio-temporal variability at the watershed scale is not captured by the model. Further tests on improved concepts for the representation of snow dynamics at the Weißeritz are required. From the data I suggest to include at least rain on snow and redistribution by wind as additional processes to better describe spatio-temporal variability. Alternatively an energy balance snow model could be tested. Overall, the proposed learning cycle is a useful framework for targeted model improvement. The advanced model diagnostics is valuable to identify model deficiencies and to guide field measurements. The additional data collected throughout this work helps to get a deepened understanding of the processes in the Weisseritz catchment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoffmann2011, author = {Hoffmann, Anne}, title = {Comparative aerosol studies based on multi-wavelength Raman LIDAR at Ny-{\AA}lesund, Spitsbergen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52426}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The Arctic is a particularly sensitive area with respect to climate change due to the high surface albedo of snow and ice and the extreme radiative conditions. Clouds and aerosols as parts of the Arctic atmosphere play an important role in the radiation budget, which is, as yet, poorly quantified and understood. The LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) measurements presented in this PhD thesis contribute with continuous altitude resolved aerosol profiles to the understanding of occurrence and characteristics of aerosol layers above Ny-{\AA}lesund, Spitsbergen. The attention was turned to the analysis of periods with high aerosol load. As the Arctic spring troposphere exhibits maximum aerosol optical depths (AODs) each year, March and April of both the years 2007 and 2009 were analyzed. Furthermore, stratospheric aerosol layers of volcanic origin were analyzed for several months, subsequently to the eruptions of the Kasatochi and Sarychev volcanoes in summer 2008 and 2009, respectively. The Koldewey Aerosol Raman LIDAR (KARL) is an instrument for the active remote sensing of atmospheric parameters using pulsed laser radiation. It is operated at the AWIPEV research base and was fundamentally upgraded within the framework of this PhD project. It is now equipped with a new telescope mirror and new detection optics, which facilitate atmospheric profiling from 450m above sea level up to the mid-stratosphere. KARL provides highly resolved profiles of the scattering characteristics of aerosol and cloud particles (backscattering, extinction and depolarization) as well as water vapor profiles within the lower troposphere. Combination of KARL data with data from other instruments on site, namely radiosondes, sun photometer, Micro Pulse LIDAR, and tethersonde system, resulted in a comprehensive data set of scattering phenomena in the Arctic atmosphere. The two spring periods March and April 2007 and 2009 were at first analyzed based on meteorological parameters, like local temperature and relative humidity profiles as well as large scale pressure patterns and air mass origin regions. Here, it was not possible to find a clear correlation between enhanced AOD and air mass origin. However, in a comparison of two cloud free periods in March 2007 and April 2009, large AOD values in 2009 coincided with air mass transport through the central Arctic. This suggests the occurrence of aerosol transformation processes during the aerosol transport to Ny-{\AA}lesund. Measurements on 4 April 2009 revealed maximum AOD values of up to 0.12 and aerosol size distributions changing with altitude. This and other performed case studies suggest the differentiation between three aerosol event types and their origin: Vertically limited aerosol layers in dry air, highly variable hygroscopic boundary layer aerosols and enhanced aerosol load across wide portions of the troposphere. For the spring period 2007, the available KARL data were statistically analyzed using a characterization scheme, which is based on optical characteristics of the scattering particles. The scheme was validated using several case studies. Volcanic eruptions in the northern hemisphere in August 2008 and June 2009 arose the opportunity to analyze volcanic aerosol layers within the stratosphere. The rate of stratospheric AOD change was similar within both years with maximum values above 0.1 about three to five weeks after the respective eruption. In both years, the stratospheric AOD persisted at higher rates than usual until the measurements were stopped in late September due to technical reasons. In 2008, up to three aerosol layers were detected, the layer structure in 2009 was characterized by up to six distinct and thin layers which smeared out to one broad layer after about two months. The lowermost aerosol layer was continuously detected at the tropopause altitude. Three case studies were performed, all revealed rather large indices of refraction of m = (1.53-1.55) - 0.02i, suggesting the presence of an absorbing carbonaceous component. The particle radius, derived with inversion calculations, was also similar in both years with values ranging from 0.16 to 0.19 μm. However, in 2009, a second mode in the size distribution was detected at about 0.5 μm. The long term measurements with the Koldewey Aerosol Raman LIDAR in Ny-{\AA}lesund provide the opportunity to study Arctic aerosols in the troposphere and the stratosphere not only in case studies but on longer time scales. In this PhD thesis, both, tropospheric aerosols in the Arctic spring and stratospheric aerosols following volcanic eruptions have been described qualitatively and quantitatively. Case studies and comparative studies with data of other instruments on site allowed for the analysis of microphysical aerosol characteristics and their temporal evolution.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mohamed2011, author = {Mohamed, Rasha}, title = {Das Programm "Gesunde D{\"o}rfer" in Syrien : eine empirische Analyse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55545}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Der Begriff Gesundheit wurde von der WHO definiert als „nicht nur die Abwesenheit von Krankheit, sondern, positiv als Naturrecht formuliert, vollst{\"a}ndiges k{\"o}rperliches, seelisches und soziales Wohlbefinden". Deswegen hat die WHO mit dem Gesundheitsministerium in Syrien das Programm „Gesunde D{\"o}rfer" seit 1996 gestaltet. Es zielt darauf, den wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und gesundheitlichen Zustand der Landbev{\"o}lkerung zu verbessern, insbesondere soll es den großen Unterschied zwischen Stadt und Land vermindern. Das Projekt stellt sich die Aufgabe, den Einfluss des Programms auf Wirtschafts- und Gesundheitsparameter im Vergleich mit anderen Kontrolled{\"o}rfern zu analysieren. Hierzu werden Umfragedaten in Syrien ausgewertet. Die Auswertung der Befragung in der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigte, dass das Programm seine Ziele bez{\"u}glich der Verbesserung der Gesundheits- und Lebensqualit{\"a}t erreicht Erfolgreich war das Programm „Gesunde D{\"o}rfer" auch, mit Ausnahme der n{\"o}rdlichen und {\"o}stlichen Region, in der Verringerung der Anzahl arbeitender Kinder, in der F{\"o}rderung der Frauen eine Besch{\"a}ftigung aufzunehmen bzw. ein Studium zu absolvieren sowie in der Reduzierung der Analphabetenrate.}, language = {de} }