@phdthesis{Hess2011, author = {Hess, Markus}, title = {Soziale Partizipation und Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsentwicklung im Vorschulalter : Begriffskl{\"a}rung und Ergebnisse einer L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66979}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet Partizipation aus einer interaktionalen Perspektive und nimmt zun{\"a}chst eine interdisziplin{\"a}r orientierte Begriffsbestimmung vor. Daran anschließend werden anhand einer L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie Entwicklungsbedingungen sozialer Partizipationskompetenzen im Vorschulalter untersucht und F{\"o}rderempfehlungen abgeleitet. Partizipation (Teilhabe) soll in Kontexten wie Schule oder Arbeitswelt Entscheidungen demokratisch legitimieren, individuelle Ressourcen aussch{\"o}pfen und soziale Grundbed{\"u}rfnisse des Menschen befriedigen. Ein engeres Verst{\"a}ndnis von sozialer Partizipation aus einer interaktionalen Perspektive erfordert die Beteiligung an den Aktivit{\"a}ten einer bereits bestehenden Gruppe und die Aushandlung eigener Interessen innerhalb dieser Gruppe und wird in der Arbeit als Prozess anhand dreier Phasen (Anbahnung, Projektierung und Realisierung) dargestellt. Im Vorschulalter werden wichtige Grundsteine f{\"u}r eine erfolgreiche soziale Entwicklung und f{\"u}r den Erwerb von sozialen Partizipationskompetenzen gelegt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden deshalb die Zusammenh{\"a}nge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozialen Partizipationskompetenzen (Bereitschaft und F{\"a}higkeit) und (1) kognitiven Leistungsparametern (Intelligenz und Perspektiven{\"u}bernahme), (2) dem Selbstkonzept und (3) dem Konfliktverhalten (Aggression und Sch{\"u}chternheit) mit 5- bis 7j{\"a}hrigen Kindern mit Hilfe von Kreuzpfadanalysen untersucht. Zudem wurde die Situationsgebundenheit sozialer Partizipationskompetenzen und die Bedeutung struktureller Parameter der Familie und der Kindertageseinrichtung auf explorativer Ebene analysiert. Die Stichprobe bestand aus 334 Kindern (51,5 \% weiblich, Altersdurchschnitt zum ersten Messzeitpunkt 5,4 Jahre) in 71 Kindergartengruppen in 21 Kindertageseinrichtungen in vier Bundesl{\"a}ndern. Die l{\"a}ngsschnittliche Datenanalyse basiert auf drei Messzeitpunkten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass soziale Partizipationskompetenzen {\"u}ber verschiedene Situationen hinweg bedeutsame, aber nur m{\"a}ßig ausgepr{\"a}gte, Zusammenh{\"a}nge aufweisen. Hohe Auspr{\"a}gungen kognitiver Leistungsparameter gehen mit hohen Erziehereinsch{\"a}tzungen sozialer Partizipationskompetenzen einher. {\"U}ber die Zusammenh{\"a}nge hinaus zeigen sich im L{\"a}ngsschnitt bedeutsame Wechselwirkungen zwischen kognitiver Entwicklung und sozialen Partizipationskompetenzen im Vorschulalter. Selbsteinsch{\"a}tzungen zur eigenen Kompetenz h{\"a}ngen im Vorschulalter hingegen nur gering mit Erziehereinsch{\"a}tzungen der sozialen Partizipationskompetenz zusammen. Im L{\"a}ngsschnitt zeigt sich, dass junge Kinder bei der Beurteilung ihrer Kompetenzen zun{\"a}chst auf soziale Partizipationserfolge zur{\"u}ckgreifen. Sp{\"a}ter hingegen scheint der Partizipationserfolg dann umgekehrt eher durch das Selbstbild bedingt zu sein. Geringe Partizipationskompetenzen gehen mit hohen Erziehereinsch{\"a}tzungen beim aggressiven (schwach signifikant) und sch{\"u}chternen Verhalten (m{\"a}ßig signifikant) einher. Hinsichtlich der Aggression und des sch{\"u}chternen Verhaltens ergaben sich l{\"a}ngsschnittlich betrachtet nur schwache Wechselwirkungen zur sozialen Partizipationskompetenz. Die Kumulation famili{\"a}rer Belastungssituationen (z.B. Krankheit und akute Finanznot) stellen eine gr{\"o}ßere Bedrohung f{\"u}r die kindliche Entwicklung dar als der sozio-{\"o}konomische Status der Familie. Mit Blick auf die F{\"o}rderung sozialer Partizipationskompetenzen lassen sich die Ergebnisse mit einem sozial-konstruktivistischen Ansatz verbinden. Dessen Ziel ist es, intra- und interpersonelle Konflikte auszul{\"o}sen, deren erfolgreiche Bew{\"a}ltigung produktive Lernprozesse auf kognitiver, emotionaler und behavioraler Ebene anstoßen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Graeff2011, author = {Gr{\"a}ff, Thomas}, title = {Soil moisture dynamics and soil moisture controlled runoff processes at different spatial scales : from observation to modelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-54470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Soil moisture is a key state variable that controls runoff formation, infiltration and partitioning of radiation into latent and sensible heat. However, the experimental characterisation of near surface soil moisture patterns and their controls on runoff formation remains a challenge. This subject was one aspect of the BMBF-funded OPAQUE project (operational discharge and flooding predictions in head catchments). As part of that project the focus of this dissertation is on: (1) testing the methodology and feasibility of the Spatial TDR technology in producing soil moisture profiles along TDR probes, including an inversion technique of the recorded signal in heterogeneous field soils, (2) the analysis of spatial variability and temporal dynamics of soil moisture at the field scale including field experiments and hydrological modelling, (3) the application of models of different complexity for understanding soil moisture dynamics and its importance for runoff generation as well as for improving the prediction of runoff volumes. To fulfil objective 1, several laboratory experiments were conducted to understand the influence of probe rod geometry and heterogeneities in the sampling volume under different wetness conditions. This includes a detailed analysis on how these error sources affect retrieval of soil moisture profiles in soils. Concerning objective 2 a sampling strategy of two TDR clusters installed in the head water of the Wilde Weißeritz catchment (Eastern Ore Mountains, Germany) was used to investigate how well "the catchment state" can be characterised by means of distributed soil moisture data observed at the field scale. A grassland site and a forested site both located on gentle slopes were instrumented with two Spatial TDR clusters that consist of up to 39 TDR probes. Process understanding was gained by modelling the interaction of evapotranspiration and soil moisture with the hydrological process model CATFLOW. A field scale irrigation experiment was carried out to investigate near subsurface processes at the hillslope scale. The interactions of soil moisture and runoff formation were analysed using discharge data from three nested catchments: the Becherbach with a size of 2 km², the Rehefeld catchment (17 km²) and the superordinate Ammelsdorf catchment (49 km²). Statistical analyses including observations of pre-event runoff, soil moisture and different rainfall characteristics were employed to predict stream flow volume. On the different scales a strong correlation between the average soil moisture and the runoff coefficients of rainfall-runoff events could be found, which almost explains equivalent variability as the pre-event runoff. Furthermore, there was a strong correlation between surface soil moisture and subsurface wetness with a hysteretic behaviour between runoff soil moisture. To fulfil objective 3 these findings were used in a generalised linear model (GLM) analysis which combines state variables describing the catchments antecedent wetness and variables describing the meteorological forcing in order to predict event runoff coefficients. GLM results were compared to simulations with the catchment model WaSiM ETH. Hereby were the model results of the GLMs always better than the simulations with WaSiM ETH. The GLM analysis indicated that the proposed sampling strategy of clustering TDR probes in typical functional units is a promising technique to explore soil moisture controls on runoff generation and can be an important link between the scales. Long term monitoring of such sites could yield valuable information for flood warning and forecasting by identifying critical soil moisture conditions for the former and providing a better representation of the initial moisture conditions for the latter.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoyanov2011, author = {Stoyanov, Hristiyan}, title = {Soft nanocomposites with enhanced electromechanical response for dielectric elastomer actuators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51194}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Electromechanical transducers based on elastomer capacitors are presently considered for many soft actuation applications, due to their large reversible deformation in response to electric field induced electrostatic pressure. The high operating voltage of such devices is currently a large drawback, hindering their use in applications such as biomedical devices and biomimetic robots, however, they could be improved with a careful design of their material properties. The main targets for improving their properties are increasing the relative permittivity of the active material, while maintaining high electric breakdown strength and low stiffness, which would lead to enhanced electrostatic storage ability and hence, reduced operating voltage. Improvement of the functional properties is possible through the use of nanocomposites. These exploit the high surface-to-volume ratio of the nanoscale filler, resulting in large effects on macroscale properties. This thesis explores several strategies for nanomaterials design. The resulting nanocomposites are fully characterized with respect to their electrical and mechanical properties, by use of dielectric spectroscopy, tensile mechanical analysis, and electric breakdown tests. First, nanocomposites consisting of high permittivity rutile TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in thermoplastic block copolymer SEBS (poly-styrene-coethylene-co-butylene-co-styrene) are shown to exhibit permittivity increases of up to 3.7 times, leading to 5.6 times improvement in electrostatic energy density, but with a trade-off in mechanical properties (an 8-fold increase in stiffness). The variation in both electrical and mechanical properties still allows for electromechanical improvement, such that a 27 \% reduction of the electric field is found compared to the pure elastomer. Second, it is shown that the use of nanofiller conductive particles (carbon black (CB)) can lead to a strong increase of relative permittivity through percolation, however, with detrimental side effects. These are due to localized enhancement of the electric field within the composite, which leads to sharp reductions in electric field strength. Hence, the increase in permittivity does not make up for the reduction in breakdown strength in relation to stored electrical energy, which may prohibit their practical use. Third, a completely new approach for increasing the relative permittivity and electrostatic energy density of a polymer based on 'molecular composites' is presented, relying on chemically grafting soft π-conjugated macromolecules to a flexible elastomer backbone. Polarization caused by charge displacement along the conjugated backbone is found to induce a large and controlled permittivity enhancement (470 \% over the elastomer matrix), while chemical bonding, encapsulates the PANI chains manifesting in hardly any reduction in electric breakdown strength, and hence resulting in a large increase in stored electrostatic energy. This is shown to lead to an improvement in the sensitivity of the measured electromechanical response (83 \% reduction of the driving electric field) as well as in the maximum actuation strain (250 \%). These results represent a large step forward in the understanding of the strategies which can be employed to obtain high permittivity polymer materials with practical use for electro-elastomer actuation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klinkusch2011, author = {Klinkusch, Stefan}, title = {Simulations of laser-induced correlated many-electron dynamics in molecular systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis, simulations of laser-driven many-electron dynamics in molecules are presented, i.e., the interaction between molecules and an electromagnetic field is demonstrated. When a laser field is applied to a molecular system, a population of higher electronic states takes place as well as other processes, e.g. photoionization, which is described by an appropriate model. Also, a finite lifetime of an excited state can be described by such a model. In the second part, a method is postulated that is capable of describing electron correlation in a time-dependent scheme. This is done by introducing a single-electron entropy that is at least temporarily minimized in a further step.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Polanski2011, author = {Polanski, Stefan}, title = {Simulation der indischen Monsunzirkulation mit dem Regionalen Klimamodell HIRHAM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52508}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wird das regionale Klimamodell HIRHAM mit einer horizontalen Aufl{\"o}sung von 50 km und 19 vertikalen Schichten erstmals auf den asiatischen Kontinent angewendet, um die indische Monsunzirkulation unter rezenten und pal{\"a}oklimatischen Bedingungen zu simulieren. Das Integrationsgebiet des Modells erstreckt sich von etwa 0ºN - 50ºN und 42ºE - 110ºE und bedeckt dabei sowohl die hohe Topographie des Himalajas und Tibet Plateaus als auch den n{\"o}rdlichen Indischen Ozean. Das Ziel besteht in der Beschreibung der regionalen Kopplung zwischen der Monsunzirkulation und den orographischen sowie diabatischen Antriebsmechanismen. Eine 44-j{\"a}hrige Modellsimulation von 1958-2001, die am seitlichen und unteren Rand von ECMWF Reanalysen (ERA40) angetrieben wird, bildet die Grundlage f{\"u}r die Validierung der Modellergebnisse mit Beobachtungen auf der Basis von Stations- und Gitterdatens{\"a}tzen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der atmosph{\"a}rischen Zirkulation, der Temperatur und dem Niederschlag im Sommer- und Wintermonsun, wobei die Qualit{\"a}t des Modells sowohl in Bezug zur langfristigen und dekadischen Klimatologie als auch zur interannuellen Variabilit{\"a}t evaluiert wird. Im Zusammenhang mit einer realistischen Reproduktion der Modelltopographie kann f{\"u}r die Muster der Zirkulation und Temperatur eine gute {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen Modell und Daten nachgewiesen werden. Der simulierte Niederschlag zeigt eine bessere {\"U}bereinstimmung mit einem hoch aufgel{\"o}sten Gitterdatensatz {\"u}ber der Landoberfl{\"a}che Zentralindiens und in den Hochgebirgsregionen, der den Vorteil des Regionalmodells gegen{\"u}ber der antreibenden Reanalyse hervorhebt. In verschiedenen Fall- und Sensitivit{\"a}tsstudien werden die wesentlichen Antriebsfaktoren des indischen Monsuns (Meeresoberfl{\"a}chentemperaturen, St{\"a}rke des winterlichen Sibirischen Hochs und Anomalien der Bodenfeuchte) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die Simulation dieser Mechanismen auch mit einem Regionalmodell sehr schwierig ist, da die Komplexit{\"a}t des Monsunsystems hochgradig nichtlinear ist und die vor allem subgridskalig wirkenden Prozesse im Modell noch nicht ausreichend parametrisiert und verstanden sind. Ein pal{\"a}oklimatisches Experiment f{\"u}r eine 44-j{\"a}hrige Zeitscheibe im mittleren Holoz{\"a}n (etwa 6000 Jahre vor heute), die am Rand von einer globalen ECHAM5 Simulation angetrieben wird, zeigt markante Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Intensit{\"a}t des Monsuns durch die unterschiedliche solare Einstrahlung, die wiederum Einfl{\"u}sse auf die SST, die Zirkulation und damit auf die Niederschlagsmuster hat.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{tenBrummelhuis2011, author = {ten Brummelhuis, Niels}, title = {Self-assembly of cross-linked polymer micelles into complex higher-order aggregates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52320}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The creation of complex polymer structures has been one of the major research topics over the last couple of decades. This work deals with the synthesis of (block co-)polymers, the creation of complex and stimuli-responsive aggregates by self-assembly, and the cross-linking of these structures. Also the higher-order self-assembly of the aggregates is investigated. The formation of poly-2-oxazoline based micelles in aqueous solution and their simultaneous functionalization and cross-linking using thiol-yne chemistry is e.g. presented. By introducing pH responsive thiols in the core of the micelles the influence of charged groups in the core of micelles on the entire structure can be studied. The charging of these groups leads to a swelling of the core and a decrease in the local concentration of the corona forming block (poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)). This decrease in concentration yields a shift in the cloud point temperature to higher temperatures for this Type I thermoresponsive polymer. When the swelling of the core is prohibited, e.g. by the introduction of sufficient amounts of salt, this behavior disappears. Similar structures can be prepared using complex coacervate core micelles (C3Ms) built through the interaction of weakly acidic and basic polymer blocks. The advantage of these structures is that two different stabilizing blocks can be incorporated, which allows for more diverse and complex structures and behavior of the micelles. Using block copolymers with either a polyanionic or a polycationic block C3Ms could be created with a corona which contains two different soluble nonionic polymers, which either have a mixed corona or a Janus type corona, depending on the polymers that were chosen. Using NHS and EDC the micelles could easily be cross-linked by the formation of amide bonds in the core of the micelles. The higher-order self-assembly behavior of these core cross-linked complex coacervate core micelles (C5Ms) was studied. Due to the cross-linking the micelles are stabilized towards changes in pH and ionic strength, but polymer chains are also no longer able to rearrange. For C5Ms with a mixed corona likely network structures were formed upon the collapse of the thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm), whereas for Janus type C5Ms well defined spherical aggregates of micelles could be obtained, depending on the pH of the solution. Furthermore it could be shown that Janus micelles can adsorb onto inorganic nanoparticles such as colloidal silica (through a selective interaction between PEO and the silica surface) or gold nanoparticles (by the binding of thiol end-groups). Asymmetric aggregates were also formed using the streptavidin-biotin binding motive. This is achieved by using three out of the four binding sites of streptavidin for the binding of one three-arm star polymer, end-functionalized with biotin groups. A homopolymer with one biotin end-group can be used to occupy the last position. This binding of two different polymers makes it possible to create asymmetric complexes. This phase separation is theoretically independent of the kind of polymer since the structure of the protein is the driving force, not the intrinsic phase separation between polymers. Besides Janus structures also specific cross-linking can be achieved by using other mixing ratios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ValverdeSerrano2011, author = {Valverde Serrano, Clara}, title = {Self-assembly behavior in hydrophilic block copolymers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-54163}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Block copolymers are receiving increasing attention in the literature. Reports on amphiphilic block copolymers have now established the basis of their self-assembly behavior: aggregate sizes, morphologies and stability can be explained from the absolute and relative block lengths, the nature of the blocks, the architecture and also solvent selectiveness. In water, self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers is assumed to be driven by the hydrophobic. The motivation of this thesis is to study the influence on the self-assembly in water of A b B type block copolymers (with A hydrophilic) of the variation of the hydrophilicity of B from non-soluble (hydrophobic) to totally soluble (hydrophilic). Glucose-modified polybutadiene-block-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymers were prepared and their self-assembly behavior in water studied. The copolymers formed vesicles with an asymmetric membrane with a glycosylated exterior and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) on the inside. Above the low critical solution temperature (LCST) of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), the structure collapsed into micelles with a hydrophobic PNIPAM core and glycosylated exterior. This collapse was found to be reversible. As a result, the structures showed a temperature-dependent interaction with L-lectin proteins and were shown to be able to encapsulate organic molecules. Several families of double hydrophilic block copolymers (DHBC) were prepared. The blocks of these copolymers were biopolymers or polymer chimeras used in aqueous two-phase partition systems. Copolymers based on dextran and poly(ethylene glycol) blocks were able to form aggregates in water. Dex6500-b-PEG5500 copolymer spontaneously formed vesicles with PEG as the "less hydrophilic" barrier and dextran as the solubilizing block. The aggregates were found to be insensitive to the polymer's architecture and concentration (in the dilute range) and only mildly sensitive to temperature. Variation of the block length, yielded different morphologies. A longer PEG chain seemed to promote more curved aggregates following the inverse trend usually observed in amphiphilic block copolymers. A shorter dextran promoted vesicular structures as usually observed for the amphiphilic counterparts. The linking function was shown to have an influence of the morphology but not on the self-assembly capability in itself. The vesicles formed by dex6500-b-PEG5500 showed slow kinetics of clustering in the presence of Con A lectin. In addition both dex6500-b-PEG5500 and its crosslinked derivative were able to encapsulate fluorescent dyes. Two additional dextran-based copolymers were synthesized, dextran-b-poly(vinyl alcohol) and dextran-b-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). The study of their self-assembly allowed to conclude that aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) is a valid source of inspiration to conceive DHBCs capable of self-assembling. In the second part the principle was extended to polypeptide systems with the synthesis of a poly(N-hydroxyethylglutamine)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymer. The copolymer that had been previously reported to have emulsifying properties was able to form vesicles by direct dissolution of the solid in water. Last, a series of thermoresponsive copolymers were prepared, dextran-b-PNIPAMm. These polymers formed aggregates below the LCST. Their structure could not be unambiguously elucidated but seemed to correspond to vesicles. Above the LCST, the collapse of the PNIPAM chains induced the formation of stable objects of several hundreds of nanometers in radius that evolved with increasing temperature. The cooling of these solution below LCST restored the initial aggregates. This self-assembly of DHBC outside any stimuli of pH, ionic strength, or temperature has only rarely been described in the literature. This work constituted the first formal attempt to frame the phenomenon. Two reasons were accounted for the self-assembly of such systems: incompatibility of the polymer pairs forming the two blocks (enthalpic) and a considerable solubility difference (enthalpic and entropic). The entropic contribution to the positive Gibbs free energy of mixing is believed to arise from the same loss of conformational entropy that is responsible for "the hydrophobic effect" but driven by a competition for water of the two blocks. In that sense this phenomenon should be described as the "hydrophilic effect".}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stahl2011, author = {Stahl, Silvester}, title = {Selbstorganisation von Migranten im deutschen Vereinssport : eine soziologische Ann{\"a}herung}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-151-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53788}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {341}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Diese von der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam angenommene Dissertation thematisiert die Selbstorganisation von Migranten in eigenen Sportvereinen und auf anderen Ebenen des Vereinssports. Sie beruht auf den Ergebnissen eines vom Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Sportwissenschaft gef{\"o}rderten Forschungsprojekts der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam. Mit mehreren hundert Migrantensportvereinen in ganz Deutschland stellt der Sport einen der wichtigsten Gesellschaftsbereiche f{\"u}r die Selbstorganisation von Zuwanderern dar. Doch obwohl sich Migranten in der Bundesrepublik schon seit den 1960er Jahren in eigenen Sportvereinen zusammenschließen, ist das Thema zuvor noch nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Um diese Forschungsl{\"u}cke zu schließen, stellt die Arbeit Basisinformationen {\"u}ber verschiedene Organisationsformen, typische Entstehungszusammenh{\"a}nge, spezifische Problemfelder sowie wiederkehrende Konfliktmuster bereit und pr{\"a}sentiert darauf aufbauende Annahmen {\"u}ber die Wirkungen der sportbezogenen Selbstorganisation auf das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Einheimischen und Zuwanderern im Sport, auf die allgemeinen interethnischen Beziehungen und auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Integrationsprozess. Daran ankn{\"u}pfend werden m{\"o}gliche Konsequenzen aufgezeigt, die die verschiedenen Akteure des Sportsystems aus den dargestellten Forschungsbefunden ziehen k{\"o}nnen. Die Arbeit basiert auf den Befunden einer in den Jahren 2006 bis 2009 durchgef{\"u}hrten empirischen Untersuchung, in der verschiedene qualitative Methoden eingesetzt wurden, um das Forschungsfeld explorativ, ergebnisoffen und in einer m{\"o}glichst weiten Perspektive zu beleuchten. In erster Linie bestand diese Feldstudie in einer Interviewreihe, f{\"u}r die 25 Vertreter von Migrantensportvereinen sowie 15 Feldexperten aus verschiedenen Berufsgruppen und Organisationen in Leitfaden-Interviews befragt wurden. Erg{\"a}nzt wurde die Interviewstudie durch eine Zeitungsanalyse, f{\"u}r die sieben Tages- und Wochenzeitungen nach Artikeln zum Thema durchsucht wurden, sowie gezielte Feldbeobachtungen, etwa beim Besuch von Fußballspielen, bei Versammlungen und Festen sowie in Vereinsheimen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde eine umfangreiche Internetrecherche durchgef{\"u}hrt, bei der vor allem die Webseiten von {\"u}ber 65 Migrantensportvereinen in Augenschein genommen wurden. In allen Untersuchungsteilen war das Vorgehen des Verfassers stark an der Grounded-Theory-Methode orientiert. Die so gewonnenen Forschungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eigenst{\"a}ndige Migrantensportvereine, die als vorherrschende Form der sportbezogenen Selbstorganisation von Zuwanderern im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen, aus komplexen gesellschaftlichen Inklusions-, Schließungs- sowie Segmentationsprozessen resultieren und interindividuell unterschiedliche Beteiligungsmotive ihrer Mitglieder aufnehmen. Sie stellen typischerweise multifunktionale Hybridorganisationen dar und erbringen f{\"u}r die beteiligten Migranten und deren lokale Gemeinschaften spezifische Integrations-, Repr{\"a}sentations- und Solidarleistungen, durch die sie sich signifikant von deutschen Sportvereinen und Migrantenorganisationen in anderen Sektoren abheben. Zugleich unterscheiden sich die Migrantensportvereine untereinander hinsichtlich Vereinst{\"a}tigkeit, Selbstverst{\"a}ndnis und Konfliktbeteiligung sehr stark. Ihre R{\"u}ckwirkung auf den Vereinssport als organisationales Feld, auf die interethnischen Beziehungen in anderen Gesellschaftsbereichen und auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Integrationsprozess ist den pr{\"a}sentierten Forschungsergebnissen zufolge gleichfalls sehr ambivalent. Einerseits erbringen Migrantenvereine nicht nur die gleichen gemeinn{\"u}tzigen Leistungen im Bereich der sozialen Integration wie andere Sportvereine auch, sondern entfalten dar{\"u}ber hinaus, indem sie die Integrationsf{\"a}higkeit ihrer Mitglieder erh{\"o}hen und Personen in den organisierten Sport einbeziehen, die sonst gar keinem Sportverein beitreten w{\"u}rden, spezifische Integrationswirkungen, die andere Sportvereine nicht aufweisen. Andererseits erh{\"o}ht die Selbstorganisation von Migranten in eigenen Sportvereinen soziale Distanzen und Spannungen zwischen Einheimischen und Zuwanderern, zumal Migrantensportvereine vor allem an den manchmal gewaltvollen Konflikten im Amateurfußball {\"u}berproportional h{\"a}ufig beteiligt sind. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus stellt ein relativ kleiner Teil der Migrantensportvereine wegen Organisationsdefiziten eine ernste Belastung f{\"u}r die T{\"a}tigkeit der Sportverb{\"a}nde dar. Pauschalisierende Negativbewertungen der Vereine werden vom Verfasser jedoch als ungerechtfertigt und nicht sachangemessen zur{\"u}ckgewiesen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wulf2011, author = {Wulf, Hendrik}, title = {Seasonal precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the western Himalaya}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57905}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Rainfall, snow-, and glacial melt throughout the Himalaya control river discharge, which is vital for maintaining agriculture, drinking water and hydropower generation. However, the spatiotemporal contribution of these discharge components to Himalayan rivers is not well understood, mainly because of the scarcity of ground-based observations. Consequently, there is also little known about the triggers and sources of peak sediment flux events, which account for extensive hydropower reservoir filling and turbine abrasion. We therefore lack basic information on the distribution of water resources and controls of erosion processes. In this thesis, I employ various methods to assess and quantify general characteristics of and links between precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the Sutlej Valley. First, I analyze daily precipitation data (1998-2007) from 80 weather stations in the western Himalaya, to decipher the distribution of rain- and snowfall. Rainfall magnitude frequency analyses indicate that 40\% of the summer rainfall budget is attributed to monsoonal rainstorms, which show higher variability in the orogenic interior than in frontal regions. Combined analysis of rainstorms and sediment flux data of a major Sutlej River tributary indicate that monsoonal rainfall has a first order control on erosion processes in the orogenic interior, despite the dominance of snowfall in this region. Second, I examine the contribution of rainfall, snow and glacial melt to river discharge in the Sutlej Valley (s55,000 km2), based on a distributed hydrological model, which covers the period 2000-2008. To achieve high spatial and daily resolution despite limited ground-based observations the hydrological model is forced by daily remote sensing data, which I adjusted and calibrated with ground station data. The calibration shows that the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall product systematically overestimates rainfall in semi-arid and arid regions, increasing with aridity. The model results indicate that snowmelt-derived discharge (74\%) is most important during the pre-monsoon season (April to June) whereas rainfall (56\%) and glacial melt (17\%) dominate the monsoon season (July-September). Therefore, climate change most likely causes a reduction in river discharge during the pre-monsoon season, which especially affects the orogenic interior. Third, I investigate the controls on suspended sediment flux in different parts of the Sutlej catchments, based on daily gauging data from the past decade. In conjunction with meteorological data, earthquake records, and rock strength measurements I find that rainstorms are the most frequent trigger of high-discharge events with peaks in suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) that account for the bulk of the suspended sediment flux. The suspended sediment flux increases downstream, mainly due to increases in runoff. Pronounced erosion along the Himalayan Front occurs throughout the monsoon season, whereas efficient erosion of the orogenic interior is confined to single extreme events. The results of this thesis highlight the importance of snow and glacially derived melt waters in the western Himalaya, where extensive regions receive only limited amounts of monsoonal rainfall. These regions are therefore particularly susceptible to global warming with major implications on the hydrological cycle. However, the sediment discharge data show that infrequent monsoonal rainstorms that pass the orographic barrier of the Higher Himalaya are still the primary trigger of the highest-impact erosion events, despite being subordinate to snow and glacially-derived discharge. These findings may help to predict peak sediment flux events and could underpin the strategic development of preventative measures for hydropower infrastructures.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laux2011, author = {Laux, Anna}, title = {Schulleitung im Mittelpunkt schulischer Gesundheit : eine Studie zu der Gesundheit schulischer F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte und ihrer Rolle f{\"u}r die Lehrergesundheit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59771}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die neuen Anforderungen an Schulleitungen im Zuge gesellschaftlicher, schulpolitischer und schulinterner Entwicklungen sind erheblich (Huber, 2008). Diese in der Literatur breit geteilte Einsch{\"a}tzung schl{\"a}gt sich bislang nicht ausreichend in Forschungsaktivit{\"a}ten zur Gesundheit schulischer F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte nieder - im Unterschied zu der ausgiebigen Forschung zur Lehrergesundheit, die f{\"u}r die Lehrer durchg{\"a}ngig eine kritische Gesundheitslage feststellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erzielte dabei die Potsdamer Lehrerstudie (Schaarschmidt, 2004). Sie belegte unter anderem auch die Einflussm{\"o}glichkeiten der Schulleitung auf die Lehrergesundheit. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens wird die aktuelle Schulleitungsforschung um empirische Daten zur gesundheitlichen Situation von n = 484 Schulleitungen aus Brandenburg und Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg erg{\"a}nzt. Zweitens wird die Bedeutung der Schulleitung f{\"u}r die Lehrergesundheit n{\"a}her untersucht, indem empirische Daten aus F{\"u}hrungsfeedbackverfahren mit n = 12 Schulleitungen und n = 332 Lehrern in Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg und Hessen herangezogen werden. Das diagnostische Verfahren AVEM ("Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster", Schaarschmidt \& Fischer, 1996/2003) dient als methodische Grundlage. Es erhebt Selbsteinsch{\"a}tzungen zum arbeitsbezogenen Verhalten und Erleben und weist auf m{\"o}gliche Risiken im Sinne psychischer oder psychosomatischer Gef{\"a}hrdung hin. Das Instrument erfasst mit 66 Items 11 Dimensionen (z.B. Distanzierungsf{\"a}higkeit). Auf diese Weise ist es m{\"o}glich, die befragte Person einem von vier arbeitsbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern zuzuordnen: Muster G (Gesundheitsideal), Muster S (Schonungstendenz gegen{\"u}ber beruflichen Anforderungen), Risikomuster A ({\"u}berh{\"o}htes Engagement), Risikomuster B (Resignation). Zudem werden Fragen zu schulischer F{\"u}hrung eingesetzt, die sich aus vorhandenen Frageb{\"o}gen speisen. Mit Hilfe einer exploratorischen Faktorenanalyse k{\"o}nnen sechs Faktoren identifiziert werden: Pers{\"o}nliche emotionale Wertsch{\"a}tzung und F{\"u}rsorge, optimistische Zukunftsorientierung, konstruktives Management des Schulbetriebs, F{\"o}rderung von Weiterbildung und p{\"a}dagogischem Diskurs, Pr{\"a}senz/Ansprechbarkeit und Partizipationsorientierung. Zu der ersten Fragestellung zeigt sich f{\"u}r die befragten Schulleitungen im Mittel ein gesundheitlich recht positives Bild - gerade im Kontrast zu den befragten Lehrern. F{\"u}r die befragten Schulleitungen wird eine signifikant g{\"u}nstigere AVEM-Musterkonstellation festgestellt: Der Anteil des Musters G ist bei den Schulleitungen deutlich h{\"o}her, der Anteil des Musters B deutlich niedriger und der Anteil des Musters A in etwa gleich groß. Die AVEM-Ergebnisse schlagen sich bei den befragten Schulleitungen in unmittelbaren Gesundheitsindikatoren nieder. F{\"u}r bestimmte Untergruppen herrscht allerdings ein gesundheitlich vergleichsweise kritisches Bild vor, n{\"a}mlich tendenziell f{\"u}r Schulleitungen in Brandenburg, f{\"u}r weibliche Schulleitungen und Schulleitungen an Grund- und F{\"o}rderschulen. Eine hohe Unterrichtsverpflichtung ist mit einem gr{\"o}ßeren Anteil an Risikomustern verbunden. Ein hohes Maß an erlebter Autonomie - insbesondere im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern (d.h. bei Auswahl, Einstellung und Beurteilung von Lehrern sowie bei der innerschulischen Arbeitsorganisation und kollegialen Zusammenarbeit) - geht dagegen mit jeweils g{\"u}nstigeren AVEM-Musterkonstellationen einher. Zur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung wird eine methodisch anspruchsvolle Mehrebenenanalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt, die die hierarchische Anordnung der Daten angemessen behandelt. F{\"u}r die wahrgenommene soziale Unterst{\"u}tzung durch die Schulleitung wird dabei eine negative Beziehung zur subjektiven Bedeutsamkeit der Arbeit und der Verausgabungsbereitschaft der befragten Lehrer gefunden. Hingegen ergibt sich ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der erlebten F{\"o}rderung von Weiterbildung und p{\"a}dagogischem Diskurs und dem Erfolgserleben der befragten Lehrer. Ebenso h{\"a}ngt die wahrgenommene F{\"u}hrung durch die Schulleitung in ihrer Gesamtheit in positiver Weise mit der Lebenszufriedenheit der befragten Lehrer zusammen. Es sei betont, dass ausschließlich Effekte nachgewiesen werden, die auf die individuelle Ebene der Lehrer zur{\"u}ckgehen, d.h. es scheint - was den Zusammenhang zwischen erlebter F{\"u}hrung und Lehrergesundheit angeht - auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung des F{\"u}hrungsverhaltens der Schulleitung durch den/die jeweilige(n) Lehrer/in anzukommen. Eine erste theoretische Skizze zu wesentlichen Determinanten von Schulleitungsgesundheit wird vorgeschlagen. Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die Schulleitungspraxis umfassen die Reduzierung der Unterrichtsverpflichtung, die Erweiterung von Autonomie im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern und die systematische Etablierung von Mitarbeitergespr{\"a}chen zur Ausgestaltung individueller F{\"u}hrungsbeziehungen zwischen Schulleitungen und Lehrern.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schumacher2011, author = {Schumacher, Soeren}, title = {Saccharide recognition : boronic acids as receptors in polymeric networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis entitled "Saccharide Recognition - Boronic acids as Receptors in Polymeric Networks" different aspects of boronic acid synthesis, their analysis and incorporation or attachment to different polymeric networks and characterisation thereof were investigated. The following key aspects were considered: • Provision of a variety of different characterised arylboronic acids and benzoboroxoles • Attachment of certain derivatives to nanoparticles and the characterisation of saccharide binding by means of isothermal titration calorimetry and displacement assay (ARS) to enhance the association constant to saccharides at pH 7.4 • Enhancement of selectivity in polymeric systems by means of molecular imprinting using fructose as template and a polymerisable benzoboroxole as functional monomer for the recognition at pH 7.4 (Joined by a diploma thesis of F. Gr{\"u}neberger) • Development of biomimetic saccharide structures and the development of saccharide (especially glucose and fructose) binding MIPs by using these structures as template molecules. In the first part of the thesis different arylboronic acid derivatives were synthesised and their binding to glucose or fructose was investigated by means of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). It could be derived, which is in parallel to the literature, that derivatives bearing a methylhydroxyl-group in ortho-position to the boron (benzoboroxole) exhibit in most cases a two-fold higher association constant compared to the corresponding phenylboronic acid derivative. To gain a deeper understanding NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry with the benzoboroxole and glucose or fructose was performed. It could be shown that the exchange rate in terms of NMR time scale is quite slow since in titration experiments new peaks appeared. Via mass spectrometry of a mixture between benzoboroxole and glucose or fructose, different binding stoichiometries could be detected showing that the binding of saccharides is comparable with their binding to phenylboronic acid. In addition, the use of Alizarin Red S as an electrochemical reporter was described for the first time to monitor the saccharide binding to arylboronic acids not only with spectroscopy. Here, the redox behaviour and the displacement were recorded by cyclic voltammograms. In the second part different applications of boronic acids in polymeric networks were investigated. The attachment of benzoboroxoles to nanoparticles was investigated and monitored by means of isothermal titration calorimetry and a colourimetric assay with Alizarin Red S as the report dye. The investigations by isothermal titration calorimetry compared the fructose binding of arylboronic acids and benzoboroxoles coupled to these nanoparticles and "free" in solution. It could be shown that the attached derivatives showed a higher binding constant due to an increasing entropy term. This states for possible multivalent binding combined with a higher water release. Since ITC could not characterise the binding of glucose to these nanoparticles due to experimental restrictions the glucose binding at pH 7.4 was shown with ARS. Here, the displacement of ARS by fructose and also glucose could be followed and consequently these nanoparticles can be used for saccharide determination. Within this investigation also the temperature stability of these nanoparticles was examined and after normal sterilisation procedures (121°C, 20 min.) the binding behaviour was still unchanged. To target the selectivity of the used polymeric networks, molecular imprinting was used as a technique for creating artificial binding pockets on a molecular scale. As functional monomer 3-methacrylamidobenzoboroxole was introduced for the recognition of fructose. In comparison to polymers prepared with vinylphenylboronic acid the benzoboroxole containing polymer had a stronger binding at pH 7.4 which was shown for the first time. In addition, another imprinted polymer was synthesised especially for the recognition of glucose and fructose employing biomimetic saccharide analogues as template molecule. The advantage to use the saccharide analogues is the defined template-functional monomer complex during the polymerisation which is not the case, for example, for glucose-boronic acid interaction. The biomimetic character was proven through structural superimposition of crystal structures of the analogues with already described crystal structures of boronic acid esters of glucose and fructose. A molecularly imprinted polymer was synthesised with vinylphenylboronic acid as the functional monomer to show that both glucose and fructose are able to bind to the polymer which was predicted by the structural similarity of the analogues. The major scientific contributions of this thesis are • the determination of binding constants for some, not yet reported saccharide - boronic acid / benzoboroxole pairs, • the use of ARS as electrochemical reporter for saccharide detection, • the thermodynamic characterisation of a saccharide binding nanoparticle system containing benzoboroxole and functioning at pH 7.4, • the use of a polymerisable benzoboroxole as functional monomer for saccharide recognition in neutral, aqueous environments • and the synthesis and utilisation of biomimetic saccharide analogues as template molecules especially for the development of a glucose binding MIP.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Giesewetter2011, author = {Giesewetter, Stefan}, title = {Resolute readings of later Wittgenstein and the challenge of avoiding hierarchies in philosophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This dissertation addresses the question: How did later Wittgenstein aim to achieve his goal of putting forward a way of dissolving philosophical problems which centered on asking ourselves what we mean by our words - yet which did not entail any claims about the essence of language and meaning? This question is discussed with reference to "resolute" readings of Wittgenstein. I discuss the readings of James Conant, Oskari Kuusela, and Martin Gustafsson. I follow Oskari Kuusela's claim that in order to fully appreciate how later Wittgenstein meant to achieve his goal, we need to clearly see how he aimed to do away with hierarchies in philosophy: Not only is the dissolution of philosophical problems via the method of clarifying the grammar of expressions to be taken as independent from any theses about what meaning must be - but furthermore, it is to be taken as independent from the dissolution of any particular problem via this method. As Kuusela stresses, this also holds for the problems involving rule-following and meaning: the clarification of the grammar of "rule" and "meaning" has no foundational status - it is nothing on which the method of clarifying the grammar of expressions as such were meant to in any way rely on. The lead question of this dissertation then is: What does it mean to come to see that the method of dissolving philosophical problems by asking "How is this word actually used?" does not in any way rely on the results of our having investigated the grammar of the particular concepts "rule" and "meaning"? What is the relation of such results - results such as "To follow a rule, [...], to obey an order, [...] are customs (uses, institutions)" or "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" - to this method? From this vantage point, I concern myself with two aspects of the readings of Gustafsson and Kuusela. In Gustafsson, I concern myself with his idea that the dissolution of philosophical problems in general "relies on" the very agreement which - during the dissolution of the rule-following problem - comes out as a presupposition for our talk of "meaning" in terms of rules. In Kuusela, I concern myself with his idea that Wittgenstein, in adopting a way of philosophical clarification which investigates the actual use of expressions, is following the model of "meaning as use" - which model he had previously introduced in order to perspicuously present an aspect of the actual use of the word "meaning". This dissertation aims to show how these two aspects of Gustafsson's and Kuusela's readings still fail to live up to the vision of Wittgenstein as a philosopher who aimed to do away with any hierarchies in philosophy. I base this conclusion on a detailed analysis of which of the occasions where Wittgenstein invokes the notions of "use" and "application" (as also "agreement") have to do with the dissolution of a specific problem only, and which have to do with the dissolution of philosophical problems in general. I discuss Wittgenstein's remarks on rule-following, showing how in the dissolution of the rule-following paradox, notions such as "use", "application", and "practice" figure on two distinct logical levels. I then discuss an example of what happens when this distinction is not duly heeded: Gordon Baker and Peter Hacker's idea that the rule-following remarks have a special significance for his project of dissolving philosophical problems as such. I furnish an argument to the effect that their idea that the clarification of the rules of grammar of the particular expression "following a rule" could answer a question about rules of grammar in general rests on a conflation of the two logical levels on which "use" occurs in the rule-following remarks, and that it leads into a regress. I then show that Gustafsson's view - despite its decisive advance over Baker and Hacker - contains a version of that same idea, and that it likewise leads into a regress. Finally, I show that Kuusela's idea of a special significance of the model "meaning as use" for the whole of the method of stating rules for the use of words is open to a regress argument of a similar kind as that he himself advances against Baker and Hacker. I conclude that in order to avoid such a regress, we need to reject the idea that the grammatical remark "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" - because of the occurrence of "use" in it - stood in any special relation to the method of dissolving philosophical problems by describing the use of words. Rather, we need to take this method as independent from this outcome of the investigation of the use of the particular word "meaning".}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wischnewski2011, author = {Wischnewski, Juliane}, title = {Reconstructing climate variability on the Tibetan Plateau : comparing aquatic and terrestrial signals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52453}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Spatial and temporal temperature and moisture patterns across the Tibetan Plateau are very complex. The onset and magnitude of the Holocene climate optimum in the Asian monsoon realm, in particular, is a subject of considerable debate as this time period is often used as an analogue for recent global warming. In the light of contradictory inferences regarding past climate and environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau, I have attempted to explain mismatches in the timing and magnitude of change. Therefore, I analysed the temporal variation of fossil pollen and diatom spectra and the geochemical record from palaeo-ecological records covering different time scales (late Quaternary and the last 200 years) from two core regions in the NE and SE Tibetan Plateau. For interpretation purposes I combined my data with other available palaeo-ecological data to set up corresponding aquatic and terrestrial proxy data sets of two lake pairs and two sets of sites. I focused on the direct comparison of proxies representing lacustrine response to climate signals (e.g., diatoms, ostracods, geochemical record) and proxies representing changes in the terrestrial environment (i.e., terrestrial pollen), in order to asses whether the lake and its catchments respond at similar times and magnitudes to environmental changes. Therefore, I introduced the established numerical technique procrustes rotation as a new approach in palaeoecology to quantitatively compare raw data of any two sedimentary records of interest in order to assess their degree of concordance. Focusing on the late Quaternary, sediment cores from two lakes (Kuhai Lake 35.3°N; 99.2°E; 4150 m asl; and Koucha Lake 34.0°N; 97.2°E; 4540 m asl) on the semi-arid northeastern Tibetan Plateau were analysed to identify post-glacial vegetation and environmental changes, and to investigate the responses of lake ecosystems to such changes. Based on the pollen record, five major vegetation and climate changes could be identified: (1) A shift from alpine desert to alpine steppe indicates a change from cold, dry conditions to warmer and more moist conditions at 14.8 cal. ka BP, (2) alpine steppe with tundra elements points to conditions of higher effective moisture and a stepwise warming climate at 13.6 cal. ka BP, (3) the appearance of high-alpine meadow vegetation indicates a further change towards increased moisture, but with colder temperatures, at 7.0 cal. ka BP, (4) the reoccurrence of alpine steppe with desert elements suggests a return to a significantly colder and drier phase at 6.3 cal. ka BP, and (5) the establishment of alpine steppe-meadow vegetation indicates a change back to relatively moist conditions at 2.2 cal. ka BP. To place the reconstructed climate inferences from the NE Tibetan Plateau into the context of Holocene moisture evolution across the Tibetan Plateau, I applied a five-scale moisture index and average link clustering to all available continuous pollen and non-pollen palaeoclimate records from the Tibetan Plateau, in an attempt to detect coherent regional and temporal patterns of moisture evolution on the Plateau. However, no common temporal or spatial pattern of moisture evolution during the Holocene could be detected, which can be assigned to the complex responses of different proxies to environmental changes in an already very heterogeneous mountain landscape, where minor differences in elevation can result in marked variations in microenvironments. Focusing on the past 200 years, I analysed the sedimentary records (LC6 Lake 29.5°N, 94.3°E, 4132 m asl; and Wuxu Lake 29.9°N, 101.1°E, 3705 m asl) from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. I found that despite presumed significant temperature increases over that period, pollen and diatom records from the SE Tibetan Plateau reveal only very subtle changes throughout their profiles. The compositional species turnover investigated over the last 200 years appears relatively low in comparison to the species reorganisations during the Holocene. The results indicate that climatically induced ecological thresholds are not yet crossed, but that human activity has an increasing influence, particularly on the terrestrial ecosystem. Forest clearances and reforestation have not caused forest decline in our study area, but a conversion of natural forests to semi-natural secondary forests. The results from the numerical proxy comparison of the two sets of two pairs of Tibetan lakes indicate that the use of different proxies and the work with palaeo-ecological records from different lake types can cause deviant stories of inferred change. Irrespective of the timescale (Holocene or last 200 years) or region (SE or NE Tibetan Plateau) analysed, the agreement in terms of the direction, timing, and magnitude of change between the corresponding terrestrial data sets is generally better than the match between the corresponding lacustrine data sets, suggesting that lacustrine proxies may partly be influenced by in-lake or local catchment processes whereas the terrestrial proxy reflects a more regional climatic signal. The current disaccord on coherent temporal and spatial climate patterns on the Tibetan Plateau can partly be ascribed to the complexity of proxy response and lake systems on the Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, a multi-proxy, multi-site approach is important in order to gain a reliable climate interpretation for the complex mountain landscape of the Tibetan Plateau.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kluth2011, author = {Kluth, Stephan}, title = {Quantitative modeling and analysis with FMC-QE}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52987}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The modeling and evaluation calculus FMC-QE, the Fundamental Modeling Concepts for Quanti-tative Evaluation [1], extends the Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) for performance modeling and prediction. In this new methodology, the hierarchical service requests are in the main focus, because they are the origin of every service provisioning process. Similar to physics, these service requests are a tuple of value and unit, which enables hierarchical service request transformations at the hierarchical borders and therefore the hierarchical modeling. Through reducing the model complexity of the models by decomposing the system in different hierarchical views, the distinction between operational and control states and the calculation of the performance values on the assumption of the steady state, FMC-QE has a scalable applica-bility on complex systems. According to FMC, the system is modeled in a 3-dimensional hierarchical representation space, where system performance parameters are described in three arbitrarily fine-grained hierarchi-cal bipartite diagrams. The hierarchical service request structures are modeled in Entity Relationship Diagrams. The static server structures, divided into logical and real servers, are de-scribed as Block Diagrams. The dynamic behavior and the control structures are specified as Petri Nets, more precisely Colored Time Augmented Petri Nets. From the structures and pa-rameters of the performance model, a hierarchical set of equations is derived. The calculation of the performance values is done on the assumption of stationary processes and is based on fundamental laws of the performance analysis: Little's Law and the Forced Traffic Flow Law. Little's Law is used within the different hierarchical levels (horizontal) and the Forced Traffic Flow Law is the key to the dependencies among the hierarchical levels (vertical). This calculation is suitable for complex models and allows a fast (re-)calculation of different performance scenarios in order to support development and configuration decisions. Within the Research Group Zorn at the Hasso Plattner Institute, the work is embedded in a broader research in the development of FMC-QE. While this work is concentrated on the theoretical background, description and definition of the methodology as well as the extension and validation of the applicability, other topics are in the development of an FMC-QE modeling and evaluation tool and the usage of FMC-QE in the design of an adaptive transport layer in order to fulfill Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements in volatile service based environments. This thesis contains a state-of-the-art, the description of FMC-QE as well as extensions of FMC-QE in representative general models and case studies. In the state-of-the-art part of the thesis in chapter 2, an overview on existing Queueing Theory and Time Augmented Petri Net models and other quantitative modeling and evaluation languages and methodologies is given. Also other hierarchical quantitative modeling frameworks will be considered. The description of FMC-QE in chapter 3 consists of a summary of the foundations of FMC-QE, basic definitions, the graphical notations, the FMC-QE Calculus and the modeling of open queueing networks as an introductory example. The extensions of FMC-QE in chapter 4 consist of the integration of the summation method in order to support the handling of closed networks and the modeling of multiclass and semaphore scenarios. Furthermore, FMC-QE is compared to other performance modeling and evaluation approaches. In the case study part in chapter 5, proof-of-concept examples, like the modeling of a service based search portal, a service based SAP NetWeaver application and the Axis2 Web service framework will be provided. Finally, conclusions are given by a summary of contributions and an outlook on future work in chapter 6. [1] Werner Zorn. FMC-QE - A New Approach in Quantitative Modeling. In Hamid R. Arabnia, editor, Procee-dings of the International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV 2007) within WorldComp '07, pages 280 - 287, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2007. CSREA Press. ISBN 1-60132-029-9.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herold2011, author = {Herold, Birgit}, title = {Prosodische Verarbeitung und lexikalische Entwicklung sehr untergewichtiger Fr{\"u}hgeborener w{\"a}hrend des ersten Lebensjahres}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-107-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 244}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Fragestellung, ob die Fr{\"u}hgeburtlichkeit eine Auswirkung auf den Spracherwerb im ersten Lebensjahr hat. Insbesondere wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich die Verarbeitung der rhythmisch-prosodischen Eigenschaften von Sprache im ersten Lebensjahr und deren weitere Ausnutzung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung des Lexikons bei sehr untergewichtigen Deutsch lernenden Fr{\"u}hgeborenen im Vergleich zu Reifgeborenen unterscheidet. Die besondere Spracherwerbssituation Fr{\"u}hgeborener liefert weitere Erkenntnisse bez{\"u}glich der Frage, inwieweit der fr{\"u}he Spracherwerb durch pr{\"a}determinierte reifungsbedingte Mechanismen und Abl{\"a}ufe bestimmt wird und inwieweit dessen Verlauf und die relevanten Erwerbsmechanismen durch individuelle erfahrungsabh{\"a}ngige Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Damit liefern die Ergebnisse auch einen weiteren Beitrag zur Nature-Nurture-Diskussion.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gebser2011, author = {Gebser, Martin}, title = {Proof theory and algorithms for answer set programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55425}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Answer Set Programming (ASP) is an emerging paradigm for declarative programming, in which a computational problem is specified by a logic program such that particular models, called answer sets, match solutions. ASP faces a growing range of applications, demanding for high-performance tools able to solve complex problems. ASP integrates ideas from a variety of neighboring fields. In particular, automated techniques to search for answer sets are inspired by Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solving approaches. While the latter have firm proof-theoretic foundations, ASP lacks formal frameworks for characterizing and comparing solving methods. Furthermore, sophisticated search patterns of modern SAT solvers, successfully applied in areas like, e.g., model checking and verification, are not yet established in ASP solving. We address these deficiencies by, for one, providing proof-theoretic frameworks that allow for characterizing, comparing, and analyzing approaches to answer set computation. For another, we devise modern ASP solving algorithms that integrate and extend state-of-the-art techniques for Boolean constraint solving. We thus contribute to the understanding of existing ASP solving approaches and their interconnections as well as to their enhancement by incorporating sophisticated search patterns. The central idea of our approach is to identify atomic as well as composite constituents of a propositional logic program with Boolean variables. This enables us to describe fundamental inference steps, and to selectively combine them in proof-theoretic characterizations of various ASP solving methods. In particular, we show that different concepts of case analyses applied by existing ASP solvers implicate mutual exponential separations regarding their best-case complexities. We also develop a generic proof-theoretic framework amenable to language extensions, and we point out that exponential separations can likewise be obtained due to case analyses on them. We further exploit fundamental inference steps to derive Boolean constraints characterizing answer sets. They enable the conception of ASP solving algorithms including search patterns of modern SAT solvers, while also allowing for direct technology transfers between the areas of ASP and SAT solving. Beyond the search for one answer set of a logic program, we address the enumeration of answer sets and their projections to a subvocabulary, respectively. The algorithms we develop enable repetition-free enumeration in polynomial space without being intrusive, i.e., they do not necessitate any modifications of computations before an answer set is found. Our approach to ASP solving is implemented in clasp, a state-of-the-art Boolean constraint solver that has successfully participated in recent solver competitions. Although we do here not address the implementation techniques of clasp or all of its features, we present the principles of its success in the context of ASP solving.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Risse2011, author = {Risse, Sarah}, title = {Processing in the perceptual span : investigations with the n+2-boundary paradigm}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60414}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Cognitive psychology is traditionally interested in the interaction of perception, cognition, and behavioral control. Investigating eye movements in reading constitutes a field of research in which the processes and interactions of these subsystems can be studied in a well-defined environment. Thereby, the following questions are pursued: How much information is visually perceived during a fixation, how is processing achieved and temporally coordinated from visual letter encoding to final sentence comprehension, and how do such processes reflect on behavior such as the control of the eyes' movements during reading. Various theoretical models have been proposed to account for the specific eye-movement behavior in reading (for a review see Reichle, Rayner, \& Pollatsek, 2003). Some models are based on the idea of shifting attention serially from one word to the next within the sentence whereas others propose distributed attention allocating processing resources to more than one word at a time. As attention is assumed to drive word recognition processes one major difference between these models is that word processing must either occur in strict serial order, or that word processing is achieved in parallel. In spite of this crucial difference in the time course of word processing, both model classes perform well on explaining many of the benchmark effects in reading. In fact, there seems to be not much empirical evidence that challenges the models to a point at which their basic assumptions could be falsified. One issue often perceived as being decisive in the debate on serial and parallel word processing is how not-yet-fixated words to the right of fixation affect eye movements. Specifically, evidence is discussed as to what spatial extent such parafoveal words are previewed and how this influences current and subsequent word processing. Four experiments investigated parafoveal processing close to the spatial limits of the perceptual span. The present work aims to go beyond mere existence proofs of previewing words at such spatial distances. Introducing a manipulation that dissociates the sources of long-range preview effects, benefits and costs of parafoveal processing can be investigated in a single analysis and the differing impact is tracked across a three-word target region. In addition, the same manipulation evaluates the role of oculomotor error as the cause of non-local distributed effects. In this respect, the results contribute to a better understanding of the time course of word processing inside the perceptual span and attention allocation during reading.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BarbosaPfannes2011, author = {Barbosa Pfannes, Eva Katharina}, title = {Probing the regulatory mechanisms of the actomyosin system in motile cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Actin-based directional motility is important for embryonic development, wound healing, immune responses, and development of tissues. Actin and myosin are essential players in this process that can be subdivided into protrusion, adhesion, and traction. Protrusion is the forward movement of the membrane at the leading edge of the cell. Adhesion is required to enable movement along a substrate, and traction finally leads to the forward movement of the entire cell body, including its organelles. While actin polymerization is the main driving force in cell protrusions, myosin motors lead to the contraction of the cell body. The goal of this work was to study the regulatory mechanisms of the motile machinery by selecting a representative key player for each stage of the signaling process: the regulation of Arp2/3 activity by WASP (actin system), the role of cGMP in myosin II assembly (myosin system), and the influence of phosphoinositide signaling (upstream receptor pathway). The model organism chosen for this work was the social ameba Dictyostelium discoideum, due to the well-established knowledge of its cytoskeletal machinery, the easy handling, and the high motility of its vegetative and starvation developed cells. First, I focused on the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton by modulating the activity of one of its key players, the Arp2/3 complex. This was achieved using the carbazole derivative Wiskostatin, an inhibitor of the Arp2/3 activator WASP. Cells treated with Wiskostatin adopted a round shape, with no of few pseudopodia. With the help of a microfluidic cell squeezer device, I could show that Wiskostatin treated cells display a reduced mechanical stability, comparable to cells treated with the actin disrupting agent Latrunculin A. Furthermore, the WASP inhibited cells adhere stronger to a surface and show a reduced motility and chemotactic performance. However, the overall F-actin content in the cells was not changed. Confocal microscopy and TIRF microscopy imaging showed that the cells maintained an intact actin cortex. Localized dynamic patches of increased actin polymerization were observed that, however, did not lead to membrane deformation. This indicated that the mechanisms of actin-driven force generation were impaired in Wiskostatin treated cells. It is concluded that in these cells, an altered architecture of the cortical network leads to a reduced overall stiffness of the cell, which is insufficient to support the force generation required for membrane deformation and pseudopod formation. Second, the role of cGMP in myosin II dynamics was investigated. Cyclic GMP is known to regulate the association of myosin II with the cytoskeleton. In Dictyostelium, intracellular cGMP levels increase when cells are exposed to chemoattractants, but also in response to osmotic stress. To study the influence of cyclic GMP on actin and myosin II dynamics, I used the laser-induced photoactivation of a DMACM-caged-Br-cGMP to locally release cGMP inside the cell. My results show that cGMP directly activates the myosin II machinery, but is also able to induce an actin response independently of cAMP receptor activation and signaling. The actin response was observed in both vegetative and developed cells. Possible explanations include cGMP-induced actin polymerization through VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein) or through binding of cGMP to cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases. Finally, I investigated the role of phosphoinositide signaling using the Polyphosphoinositide-Binding Peptide (PBP10) that binds preferentially to PIP2. Phosphoinositides can recruit actin-binding proteins to defined subcellular sites and alter their activity. Neutrophils, as well as developed Dictyostelium cells produce PIP3 in the plasma membrane at their leading edge in response to an external chemotactic gradient. Although not essential for chemotaxis, phosphoinositides are proposed to act as an internal compass in the cell. When treated with the peptide PBP10, cells became round, with fewer or no pseudopods. PH-CRAC translocation to the membrane still occurs, even at low cAMP stimuli, but cell motility (random and directional) was reduced. My data revealed that the decrease in the pool of available PIP2 in the cell is sufficient to impair cell motility, but enough PIP2 remains so that PIP3 is formed in response to chemoattractant stimuli. My data thus highlights how sensitive cell motility and morphology are to changes in the phosphoinositide signaling. In summary, I have analyzed representative regulatory mechanisms that govern key parts of the motile machinery and characterized their impact on cellular properties including mechanical stability, adhesion and chemotaxis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jiang2011, author = {Jiang, Yuan}, title = {Precursor phases in non-classical crystallization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52460}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The main objective of this thesis is to understand molecular crystallization as a multistep process with or without polymeric additives, including transient liquid-liquid phase separation, nanocrystal nucleation within the dense phase, and subsequent nanocrystal self-assembly or self-organization in sequence. The thesis starts with a quaternary model system, containing DL-Glutamic acid (Glu), polyethyleneimine (PEI), water, and EtOH, for the understanding of multistep precipitation of Glu with PEI as an additive. The experiments were performed by mixing Glu-PEI aqueous solution with a non-solvent EtOH. First, the phase diagram of the quaternary system is determined, obtaining precipitate, coacervates, or homogeneous mixtures by varying Glu/PEI w/w and water/EtOH v/v. Coacervation is observed to occur over a wide range of Glu/PEI with various volumes. The composition of coacervates is conveniently characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The observed coacervates are thermodynamically stable phases rich in solute, which is different from metastable polymer-induced liquid precursors. The combination of atomic force microscopy, small angle scattering, and ξ-potential measurements confirms the coexistence of monomers and Glu/PEI complexes and the aggregation of complexes in Glu-PEI-water systems. This suggests that there might be a direct structural transformation between the Glu-PEI complexes in aqueous solution and the metastable liquid precursors in a water-EtOH mixture. The multistep mechanism of Glu precipitation with PEI as an additive is investigated thereafter. The combination of stopped flow and small angle scattering demonstrates that the initially formed liquid precursors pass through an alteration of growth and coalescence. Combined with results from optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the nucleation of nanoplatelets happens within each liquid precursor droplet, and nanoplatelets reorient themselves and self-organize into a radial orientation in the crystalline microspheres. The recipe was then extended to the precipitation of organics in other oppositely charged amino acid-polyelectrolyte systems. After the success in preparing hierarchical microspheres in solution, the similar recipe can be extended to the preparation of patterned thin films on substrate. By dipping a quaternary DL-Lys·HCl (Lys)-polyacrylic acid (PAA)-water-EtOH dispersion on a hydrophilic slide, the fast evaporation process of the volatile solvent EtOH is responsible for the homogeneous nucleation of NPs. Then, the following complete evaporation causes the mesocrystallization of a continuous spherulitic thin film along the receding line of the liquid, which again transforms into a mesocrystalline thin film. Furthermore, annealing is used to optimize the property of mesocrystalline thin films. As evaporation is a non-equilibrium process, it can be used to tune the kinetics of crystallization. Therefore, hierarchical or periodical thin films are obtainable by starting the evaporation from microspheres recrystallization, obtaining mesocrystalline thin films with 4 hierarchy levels. The results reveal that evaporation provides an easy but effective way for the formation of patterned structures via the positioning of NPs after their fast nucleation, resulting in different kinds of patterns by controlling the concentration of NPs, solvent evaporation rate, and other physical forces. Non-classical crystallization is not limited to crystallizations with polymeric additives. We also observed the nucleation and growth of a new molecular layer on the growing DL-Glu·H2O crystals from a supersaturated mother liquor by using an in-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM), where the nucleation and growth of a molecular layer proceed via amorphous nanoparticle (NP) attachment and relaxation process before the observation of the growth of a newly formed molecular layer. NP attachment to the crystal surface is too fast to observe by using in-situ AFM. The height shrinkage of NPs, combined to the structural transformation from 3D amorphous NPs to 2D crystalline layer, is observed during the relaxation process. The nucleation and growth of a newly formed molecular layer from NP relaxation is contradictory to the classical nucleation theory, which hypothesizes that nuclei show the same crystallographic properties as a bulk crystal. The formation of a molecular layer by NP attachment and relaxation rather than attachment of single molecules provides a different picture from the currently held classical nucleation and growth theory regarding the growth of single crystals from solution.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Devers2011, author = {Devers, Emanuel}, title = {Phosphate homeostasis and novel microRNAs are involved in the regulation of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in Medicago truncatula}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55572}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die arbuskul{\"a}re Mykorrhiza ist die wahrscheinlich {\"a}lteste Form der Wurzelsymbiosen zwischen Pflanzen und Pilzen und hat sich vor 420 Millionen Jahren entwickelt. In dieser Symbiose, die zwischen nahezu allen Landpflanzen und Pilzen des Reiches Glomeromycota ausgebildet wird, versorgt der Pilz die Pflanze mit N{\"a}hrstoffen, wobei die verbesserte Versorgung mit Phosphat f{\"u}r die Pflanze sicher den gr{\"o}ßten Vorteil darstellt. Im Gegenzug erh{\"a}lt der Pilz Zucker, welche die Pflanze aus der Photosynthese bereitstellt. Zu hohe Phosphatkonzentrationen im Boden oder D{\"u}nger f{\"u}hren allerdings zu einer Verringerung in der Auspr{\"a}gung der arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza. Diese Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Symbiose wird nicht durch eine lokale Reaktion der Wurzeln ausgel{\"o}st, sondern in erster Linie durch einen hohen Phosphatgehalt im Pflanzenspross. Somit handelt es sich also um eine systemische, also dem Gesamtsystem „Pflanze" betreffende Antwort. Die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Anpassung sind noch wenig bekannt und sind vor allem f{\"u}r die Agrarwirtschaft von besonderem Interesse. Eine Mikro-RNA (miRNA) des bereits bekannten Phosphathom{\"o}ostasesignalwegs (PHR1-miRNA399-PHO2 Signalweg) akkumuliert verst{\"a}rkt in mykorrhizierten Wurzeln. Das deutet daraufhin, dass dieser Signalweg und diese miRNA eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation der arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza spielen. Ziel dieser Studie war es neue Einblicke in die molekularen Mechanismen, die zur Unterdr{\"u}ckung der arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza bei hohen Phosphatkonzentrationen f{\"u}hren, zu gewinnen. Dabei sollte der Einfluss von PHO2, sowie von miRNAs in dieser Symbiose genauer untersucht werden. Ein funktionelles Ortholog von PHO2, MtPho2, wurde in der Pflanze Medicago truncatula identifiziert. MtPho2-Mutanten, welche nicht mehr in der Lage waren ein funktionales PHO2 Protein zu exprimieren, zeigten schnellere Kolonisierung durch den AM-Pilz. Jedoch wurde auch in den mtpho2-Mutanten die Symbiose durch hohe Phosphatkonzentrationen unterdr{\"u}ckt. Dies bedeutet, dass PHO2 und somit der PHR1-miRNA399-PHO2 Signalweg eine wichtige Funktion w{\"a}hrend der fortschreitenden Kolonisierung der Wurzel durch den Pilz hat, aber und weitere Mechanismen in der Unterd{\"u}ckung der Symbiose bei hohen Phosphatkonzentrationen beteiligt sein m{\"u}ssen. Die Analyse von Transkriptionsprofilen von Spross- und Wurzeln mittels Microarrays zeigte, dass die Unterdr{\"u}ckung der AM Symbiose durch hohe Phosphatkonzentrationen m{\"o}glicherweise auf eine Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Expression einer Reihe symbiosespezifischer Gene im Spross der Pflanze beruht. Um die Rolle weiterer miRNA in der AM Symbiose zu untersuchen, wurden mittels einer Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung 243 neue und 181 aus anderen Pflanzen bekannte miRNAs in M. truncatula entdeckt. Zwei dieser miRNAs, miR5229 und miR160f*, sind ausschließlich w{\"a}hrend der arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza zu finden und weitere miRNAs werden w{\"a}hrend dieser Symbiose verst{\"a}rkt gebildet. Interessanterweise f{\"u}hren einige dieser miRNAs zum Abbau von Transkripten, die eine wichtige Funktion in der arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza und Wurzelkn{\"o}llchensymbiose besitzen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie liefern eine neue Grundlage f{\"u}r die Untersuchung von regulatorischen Netzwerken, die zur zellul{\"a}ren Umprogrammierung w{\"a}hrend der Interaktion zwischen Pflanzen und arbuskul{\"a}ren Mykorrhiza-Pilzen bei verschiedenen Phosphatbedingungen f{\"u}hren.}, language = {en} }