@article{RieseVogelsangSchroederetal.2022, author = {Riese, Josef and Vogelsang, Christoph and Schr{\"o}der, Jan and Borowski, Andreas and Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Reinhold, Peter and Schecker, Horst}, title = {The development of lesson planning skills in the subject of physics}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer VS/Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1434-663X}, doi = {10.1007/s11618-022-01112-0}, pages = {843 -- 867}, year = {2022}, abstract = {One main goal of university teacher education is the first acquisition of skills for theory-driven lesson planning. According to models of teachers' professional competence, it is assumed that the acquired professional knowledge represents an essential basis for the development of planning skills. Learning opportunities to apply this professional knowledge often occur in school internships, usually in advanced semesters of teacher education programs. It is also assumed that practical experience within lesson planning supports the formation of professional knowledge. However, the relationship between the extent of professional knowledge and the development of skills to plan a lesson lacks evidence. There is a particular challenge in measuring lesson planning skills both authentically and standardized. To evaluate the mentioned relationship, a longitudinal pre-post-study with prospective physics-teachers (N = 68 in the longitudinal section) was conducted at four German universities. Pre-service physics teachers' skills to plan a lesson were assessed with a standardized performance assessment at the beginning and at the end of a longterm-internship. This assessment consists of planning a physics lesson, conveying Newton's third Law, in a simulated and standardized way with limited time. In addition, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge has been assessed using standardized instruments. Furthermore, additional information about the internship and the amount of learning opportunities was collected at the end of the internship. During the internship, both lesson planning skills and all components of professional knowledge increased. Cross-Lagged-Panel-Analyses reveal that in particular pre-service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge as well as pedagogical knowledge at the beginning of the internship influences the development of lesson planning skills.}, language = {de} } @article{AbramovaWagnerOltetal.2022, author = {Abramova, Olga and Wagner, Amina and Olt, Christian M. and Buxmann, Peter}, title = {One for all, all for one}, series = {International Journal of Information Management}, volume = {64}, journal = {International Journal of Information Management}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Kidlington}, issn = {0268-4012}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2022.102473}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We propose a conceptual model of acceptance of contact tracing apps based on the privacy calculus perspective. Moving beyond the duality of personal benefits and privacy risks, we theorize that users hold social considerations (i.e., social benefits and risks) that underlie their acceptance decisions. To test our propositions, we chose the context of COVID-19 contact tracing apps and conducted a qualitative pre-study and longitudinal quantitative main study with 589 participants from Germany and Switzerland. Our findings confirm the prominence of individual privacy calculus in explaining intention to use and actual behavior. While privacy risks are a significant determinant of intention to use, social risks (operationalized as fear of mass surveillance) have a notably stronger impact. Our mediation analysis suggests that social risks represent the underlying mechanism behind the observed negative link between individual privacy risks and contact tracing apps' acceptance. Furthermore, we find a substantial intention-behavior gap.}, language = {en} } @article{SchulzSchoellgenWendscheetal.2021, author = {Schulz, Anika D. and Sch{\"o}llgen, Ina and Wendsche, Johannes and Fay, Doris and Wegge, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {The dynamics of social stressors and detachment}, series = {International journal of stress management}, volume = {28}, journal = {International journal of stress management}, number = {3}, publisher = {American Psychological Association}, address = {Washington}, issn = {1072-5245}, doi = {10.1037/str0000216}, pages = {207 -- 219}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study examines the long-term dynamics of social stressors at work, psychological detachment, and their impact on employee well-being. Previous research has shown that social stressors are detrimental for employee well-being and the ability to mentally detach from work. However, longitudinal studies in this field are scarce, and typically, they only explore whether the level of stressors, or of detachment, at a given point in time has an effect on outcomes. That stressors and detachment may change over time, and that this change may have an independent effect in the process, has rarely been taken into consideration. Thus, it is unclear to what extent long-term dynamic effects also play a role in these relations. To address this question, we investigated whether change in detachment explains the long-term indirect relationship of change in perceived social stressors with change in emotional exhaustion and mental well-being. Data were taken from a longitudinal study of N = 246 registered nurses with up to 3 measurements over 1 year. Analyses were conducted with latent difference scores using a proportional change model. Results revealed that a decline in psychological detachment mediated the long-term effects of increases in social stressors at the workplace on subsequent change in emotional exhaustion and mental well-being. Thus, our study provides initial evidence for the underlying long-term dynamic nature of relationships among social stressors, detachment, and employee well-being, highlighting the incremental explanatory power of change in social stressors and in detachment, above and beyond their respective levels, in predicting change in well-being.}, language = {en} } @article{MeyerRichterRichteretal.2020, author = {Meyer, Andr{\´e} and Richter, Eric and Richter, Dirk and Gronostaj, Anna}, title = {Professionalisierung von Schulleitungen am Beispiel der Werkstatt „Schule leiten"}, series = {Die deutsche Schule}, volume = {112}, journal = {Die deutsche Schule}, number = {3}, publisher = {Waxmann}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, issn = {0012-0731}, doi = {10.31244/dds.2020.03.03}, pages = {277 -- 295}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Empirische Studien und schulische Rechtsvorschriften betonen die Relevanz von Schulleiter*innen f{\"u}r die Schulentwicklung. Auf diese Aufgabe m{\"u}ssen Schulleiter*innen in Aus- und Fortbildungen vorbereitet werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht in einem l{\"a}ngsschnittlichen Design Effekte der Fortbildungsreihe Werkstatt „Schule leiten". Die Teilnehmer*innen bewerten die Werkstatt zumeist positiv und es zeigen sich geringe bis moderate Ver{\"a}nderungen in ihrem selbstberichteten beruflichen Handeln. Schulleiter*innen mit wenigen Jahren Leitungserfahrung berichten dabei {\"u}ber die gr{\"o}ßten Zuw{\"a}chse. Der Beitrag diskutiert Implikationen f{\"u}r die Forschung und Fortbildung von Schulleiter*innen.}, language = {de} } @article{JaeutheLambrechtBosseetal.2020, author = {Jaeuthe, Jessica and Lambrecht, Jennifer and Bosse, Stefanie and Bogda, Katja and Sp{\"o}rer, Nadine}, title = {Entwicklung der Rechtschreibkompetenz im zweiten und dritten Schuljahr}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, volume = {23}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1434-663X}, doi = {10.1007/s11618-020-00959-5}, pages = {823 -- 846}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Im deutschsprachigen Raum existiert eine Vielzahl von Modellen zur Entwicklung der Rechtschreibkompetenz von Grundschulkindern. Es zeigen sich starke {\"U}bereinstimmungen in der Vorstellung von aufeinanderfolgenden Kompetenzniveaus, wobei in allen Modellen drei Niveaus auftreten: 1) noch nicht lautgetreue Schreibungen, 2) lautgetreue Schreibungen und 3) orthographisch korrekte Schreibungen. Die Kriterien, auf Basis derer ein Kind dem jeweiligen Niveau zugeordnet wird, bleiben jedoch vage. Ebenso fehlt eine umfassende empirische {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Modelle. Die vorliegende L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie untersuchte zu drei Messzeitpunkten (Anfang Klasse 2, Ende Klasse 2, Ende Klasse 3) die Schreibungen von N = 697 Grundschulkinder mit standardisierten Rechtschreibtests. Mittels latenter Transitionsanalyse wurden drei Profile identifiziert: 1) {\"U}berwiegend nicht lautgetreu 2) {\"U}berwiegend lautgetreu und 3) {\"U}berwiegend korrekt. Auch die durchlaufenen Pfade und {\"U}bergangswahrscheinlichkeiten st{\"u}tzen die angenommene hierarchische Struktur der Modelle.}, language = {de} } @article{JaeutheLenkeitBosseetal.2020, author = {Jaeuthe, Jessica and Lenkeit, Jenny and Bosse, Stefanie and Bogda, Katja and Sp{\"o}rer, Nadine}, title = {Die Bedeutsamkeit individueller Merkmale f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Rechtschreibkompetenzen in der Grundschule}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Entwicklungspsychologie und p{\"a}dagogische Psychologie}, volume = {52}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Entwicklungspsychologie und p{\"a}dagogische Psychologie}, number = {1-2}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0049-8637}, doi = {10.1026/0049-8637/a000223}, pages = {12 -- 24}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Aus theoretischer Sicht existieren verschiedene Merkmale, die einen Einfluss auf die individuelle Entwicklung der Rechtschreibkompetenz von Grundschulkindern aus{\"u}ben k{\"o}nnen. Um diese zu analysieren, wurden in der vorliegenden Studie Schreibungen von 607 Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}lern zu drei Messzeitpunkten (Anfang Klasse 2, Ende Klasse 2, Ende Klasse 3) untersucht. Zur Bestimmung des Rechtschreibkompetenzniveaus wurden Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler mittels latenter Profilanalyse zu den drei Profilen Buchstabenentdeckende ({\"u}berwiegend nicht lautgetreue Schreibungen), Phonemprofis ({\"u}berwiegend lautgetreue Schreibungen) und Rechtschreibspezialisten (vor allem korrekte Schreibungen) zugeordnet. Mittels logistischer Regressionen wurde gepr{\"u}ft, welche Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen den individuellen Merkmalen Geschlecht, kognitive Grundf{\"a}higkeiten und Arbeitsverhalten und den Zuordnungen zu einem Profil sowie den Wechseln zwischen den Profilen bestehen. Unter Kontrolle des Arbeitsverhaltens zeigten sich keine signifikanten Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit dem Geschlecht oder der kognitiven Grundf{\"a}higkeit. Hingegen konnten bedeutsame Zusammenh{\"a}nge des Arbeitsverhaltens sowohl mit der Zuordnung zu den Profilen als auch mit den Wechseln zwischen den Profilen Phonemprofis und Rechtschreibspezialisten gefunden werden.}, language = {de} } @article{KraheBerger2017, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Berger, Anja}, title = {Longitudinal pathways of sexual victimization, sexual self-esteem, and depression in women and men}, series = {Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy}, volume = {9}, journal = {Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy}, number = {2}, publisher = {American Psychological Association}, address = {Washington}, issn = {1942-9681}, doi = {10.1037/tra0000198}, pages = {147 -- 155}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Objective: This article presents a longitudinal analysis of the links between sexual assault victimization, depression, and sexual self-esteem by examining their cross-lagged paths among both men and women. Method: Male and female college students (N = 2,425) in Germany participated in the study that comprised 3 data waves in their first, second, and third year of university, separated by 12-month intervals. Sexual assault victimization was assessed at Time 1 (T1) since the age of 14 and at Time 2 (T2) and Time 3 (T3) for the last 12 months. Depression and sexual self-esteem were measured at each wave. Results: Random-intercept cross-lagged panel analyses, controlling for individual differences in depression and sexual self-esteem, showed that sexual assault at T1 predicted depression and lower sexual self-esteem at T2, and depression and lower self-esteem at T2 predicted sexual assault victimization at T3. In addition, significant paths were found from T1 depression to T2 sexual assault victimization and from T2 sexual assault victimization to depression at T3. Sexual victimization at T1 was indirectly linked to sexual victimization at T3 via depression at T2. Both depression and sexual self-esteem at T1 were indirectly linked to sexual victimization at T3. The paths did not differ significantly between men and women. Conclusion: Sexual assault victimization was shown to be a risk factor for both depression as a general mental health indicator and lowered sexual self-esteem as a specific outcome in the domain of sexuality. Moreover, depression and sexual self-esteem increased the vulnerability for sexual assault victimization, which has implications for prevention and intervention efforts. This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.}, language = {en} } @article{HollKirschRohlfetal.2017, author = {Holl, Anna Katharina and Kirsch, Fabian and Rohlf, Helena L. and Krahe, Barbara and Elsner, Birgit}, title = {Longitudinal reciprocity between theory of mind and aggression in middle childhood}, series = {International Journal of Behavioral Development}, volume = {42}, journal = {International Journal of Behavioral Development}, number = {2}, publisher = {Sage Publ.}, address = {London}, issn = {0165-0254}, doi = {10.1177/0165025417727875}, pages = {257 -- 266}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Theory of mind is one of the most important cognitive factors in social information-processing, and deficits in theory of mind have been linked to aggressive behavior in childhood. The present longitudinal study investigated reciprocal links between theory of mind and two forms of aggression - physical and relational - in middle childhood with three data waves over 3 years. Theory of mind was assessed by participants' responses to cartoons, and physical and relational aggression were assessed through teacher reports in a community sample of 1657 children (mean age at Time 1: 8 years). Structural equation modeling analyses showed that theory of mind was a negative predictor of subsequent physical and relational aggression, both from Time 1 to Time 2 as well as from Time 2 to Time 3. Moreover, relational aggression was a negative predictor of theory of mind from Time 1 to Time 2. There were no significant gender or age differences in the tested pathways. The results suggest that reciprocal and negative longitudinal relations exist between children's theory of mind and aggressive behavior. Our study extends current knowledge about the development of such relations across middle childhood.}, language = {en} } @article{HohmLauchtZohseletal.2017, author = {Hohm, Erika and Laucht, Manfred and Zohsel, Katrin and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias}, title = {Resilienz und Ressourcen im Verlauf der Entwicklung}, series = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, volume = {26}, journal = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0942-5403}, doi = {10.1026/0942-5403/a000236}, pages = {230 -- 239}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Anhand von Daten der Mannheimer Risikokinderstudie, die sich mit der langfristigen Entwicklung von Kindern mit unterschiedlichen Risikobelastungen besch{\"a}ftigt, wird gezeigt, wie Schutzfaktoren aufseiten des Kindes und seines famili{\"a}ren Umfelds im Verlauf der Entwicklung wirksam werden und zur Entstehung von Resilienz beitragen k{\"o}nnen. Eine besondere Rolle kommt dabei positiven fr{\"u}hen Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen zu (sowohl Mutter- als auch Vater-Kind-Interaktionen). Daneben spielen auch Interaktionserfahrungen im Alter von zwei Jahren des Kindes eine bedeutsame Rolle; diese sch{\"u}tzen Risikokinder davor, eine ung{\"u}nstige Entwicklung zu nehmen und tragen dazu bei, dass sich Kinder, die in psychosozialen Hochrisikofamilien aufwachsen, trotz ung{\"u}nstiger „Startbedingungen" positiv entwickeln. Neben Merkmalen der sozialen Umwelt nehmen auch sprachliche, sozial-emotionale und internale Kompetenzen des Kindes im Entwicklungsverlauf eine wichtige Rolle ein. Diese Kompetenzen erm{\"o}glichen es Risikokindern auch unter widrigen Lebensumst{\"a}nden (psychosoziale Hochrisikofamilien, Aufwachsen in Armutsverh{\"a}ltnissen) erfolgreich zu bestehen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigt die Arbeit, dass Resilienz ein Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsmerkmal ist, das ab dem fr{\"u}hen Erwachsenenalter eine hohe Stabilit{\"a}t besitzt. Mit diesen Befunden verweist die Arbeit auf die große Bedeutung der Resilienz bei der Vorhersage der langfristigen Entwicklung von Risikokindern.}, language = {de} } @article{ZohselHohmSchmidtetal.2017, author = {Zohsel, Katrin and Hohm, Erika and Schmidt, Martin H. and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Fr{\"u}hgeburtlichkeit auf kognitive Entwicklung und Schulerfolg}, series = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, volume = {26}, journal = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0942-5403}, doi = {10.1026/0942-5403/a000235}, pages = {221 -- 229}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In einer prospektiven L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen fr{\"u}her Responsivit{\"a}t der Mutter und kognitiver Entwicklung ihrer fr{\"u}h- bzw. reifgeborenen Kinder untersucht. Im Alter von drei Monaten wurde daf{\"u}r die Mutter-Kind-Interaktion mittels Verhaltensbeobachtung erfasst. Bei n=351 der teilnehmenden Kinder (101 fr{\"u}hgeboren) wurde die allgemeine Intelligenz (IQ) im Alter von 11 Jahren und bei n=313 (85 fr{\"u}hgeboren) zus{\"a}tzlich der h{\"o}chste erreichte Schulabschluss bis 25 Jahren erhoben. Fr{\"u}hgeborene wiesen mit 11 Jahren einen signifikant niedrigeren IQ als Reifgeborene auf, nachdem f{\"u}r m{\"o}gliche konfundierende Faktoren kontrolliert worden war. Nur bei Fr{\"u}h-, nicht aber bei Reifgeborenen zeigte sich ein signifikanter positiver Zusammenhang zwischen m{\"u}tterlicher Responsivit{\"a}t und IQ. F{\"u}r die Wahrscheinlichkeit einen h{\"o}heren Schulabschluss (mind. Fachabitur) zu erreichen, fand sich weder ein signifikanter Effekt von Fr{\"u}hgeburtlichkeit noch von m{\"u}tterlicher Responsivit{\"a}t.}, language = {de} } @article{HohmZohselSchmidtetal.2017, author = {Hohm, Erika and Zohsel, Katrin and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Beeintr{\"a}chtigter Start ins Leben}, series = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, volume = {26}, journal = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0942-5403}, doi = {10.1026/0942-5403/a000234}, pages = {210 -- 220}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Postpartale Depressionen sind h{\"a}ufige und schwerwiegende psychische Erkrankungen mit ung{\"u}nstigem Einfluss auf die kindliche Entwicklung. Als Haupttransmissionsweg gilt die fr{\"u}he Mutter-Kind-Interaktion. {\"U}ber die langfristigen Auswirkungen auf die Kinder im Erwachsenenalter und die Rolle der Interaktion liegen kaum Ergebnisse vor. Im Rahmen der Mannheimer Risikokinderstudie wurden postpartale Depressionen bis zwei Jahre nach der Geburt erfasst. Die kindliche Entwicklung wurde fortlaufend und die Mutter-Kind-Interaktion im Alter von 3 Monaten standardisiert erhoben. 28 Kinder postpartal depressiver und 107 Kinder gesunder M{\"u}tter konnten mit 25 Jahren untersucht werden. Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen der kognitiven und psychischen Entwicklung bei Kindern postpartal depressiver M{\"u}tter waren bis ins Erwachsenenalter nachweisbar. Responsives bzw. sensitives m{\"u}tterliches Verhalten wirkte der negativen Entwicklung entgegen. Dies betont die Bedeutung einer hohen Qualit{\"a}t der Mutter-Kind-Interaktion f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Risikokindern.}, language = {de} } @article{ZohselHohmSchmidtetal.2017, author = {Zohsel, Katrin and Hohm, Erika and Schmidt, Martin H. and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Long-Term Consequences of Early Psychosocial Risks}, series = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, volume = {26}, journal = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, number = {4}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0942-5403}, doi = {10.1026/0942-5403/a000233}, pages = {203 -- 209}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In einer prospektiven L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie wurden Auswirkungen fr{\"u}her psychosozialer Risiken bis ins junge Erwachsenenalter untersucht und dabei die Rolle von affektiver und behavioraler Dysregulation im Kindesalter als vermittelndem Faktor {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Drei Monate nach der Geburt wurde das Vorliegen von 11 psychosozialen Belastungsfaktoren erfasst. Im Alter von 8 - 15 Jahren wurde dreimal das Child Behavior Checklist-Dysregulationsprofil (CBCL-DP) erhoben. Mit 25 Jahren wurde ein Strukturiertes Klinisches Interview durchgef{\"u}hrt und 309 der Teilnehmer f{\"u}llten den Young Adult Self-Report aus. Fr{\"u}he psychosoziale Risiken gingen mit einem erh{\"o}hten Risiko f{\"u}r das Vorliegen eines Substanzmissbrauchs im jungen Erwachsenenalter sowie mit erh{\"o}htem externalisierendem und internalisierendem Problemverhalten einher. Der Zusammenhang zwischen fr{\"u}hen psychosozialen Risiken und sp{\"a}terem externalisierendem bzw. internalisierendem Problemverhalten wurde durch das CBCL-DP vermittelt.}, language = {de} } @article{RohlfHollKirschetal.2018, author = {Rohlf, Helena L. and Holl, Anna K. and Kirsch, Fabian and Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Elsner, Birgit}, title = {Longitudinal Links between Executive Function, Anger, and Aggression in Middle Childhood}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {27}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1662-5153}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00027}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Previous research has indicated that executive function (EF) is negatively associated with aggressive behavior in childhood. However, there is a lack of longitudinal studies that have examined the effect of deficits in EF on aggression over time and taken into account different forms and functions of aggression at the same time. Furthermore, only few studies have analyzed the role of underlying variables that may explain the association between EF and aggression. The present study examined the prospective paths between EF and different forms (physical and relational) and functions (reactive and proactive) of aggression. The habitual experience of anger was examined as a potential underlying mechanism of the link between EF and aggression, because the tendency to get angry easily has been found to be both a consequence of deficits in EF and a predictor of aggression. The study included 1,652 children (between 6 and 11 years old at the first time point), who were followed over three time points (T1, T2, and T3) covering 3 years. At T1, a latent factor of EF comprised measures of planning, rated via teacher reports, as well as inhibition, set shifting, and working-memory updating, assessed experimentally. Habitual anger experience was assessed via parent reports at T1 and T2. The forms and functions of aggression were measured via teacher reports at all three time points. Structural equation modeling revealed that EF at T1 predicted physical, relational, and reactive aggression at T3, but was unrelated to proactive aggression at T3. Furthermore, EF at T1 was indirectly linked to physical aggression at T3, mediated through habitual anger experience at T2. The results indicate that deficits in EF influence the later occurrence of aggression in middle childhood, and the tendency to get angry easily mediates this relation.}, language = {en} } @article{TetznerBecker2015, author = {Tetzner, Julia and Becker, Michael}, title = {How Being an Optimist Makes a Difference: The Protective Role of Optimism in Adolescents' Adjustment to Parental Separation}, series = {Social psychological and personality science}, volume = {6}, journal = {Social psychological and personality science}, number = {3}, publisher = {Sage Publ.}, address = {Thousand Oaks}, issn = {1948-5506}, doi = {10.1177/1948550614559605}, pages = {325 -- 333}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This longitudinal study of N = 1,566 adolescents investigated the protective role of optimism in adjustment to parental separation, focusing on two salient challenges faced by adolescents, namely academic achievement and self-esteem. Based on latent change models, the results indicated associations between parental separation and short-term declines in academic achievement as well as short-term and longer term declines in self-esteem. Although optimism in general showed positive associations with academic achievement and self-esteem, its role as a protective factor proved to be particularly important for academic achievement in adjustment following parental separation.}, language = {en} } @article{KraheBusching2015, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Busching, Robert}, title = {Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Media Violence Use and Aggression: A Test of Intervention Effects Over 30 Months}, series = {Psychology of violence}, volume = {5}, journal = {Psychology of violence}, number = {2}, publisher = {American Psychological Association}, address = {Washington}, issn = {2152-0828}, doi = {10.1037/a0036627}, pages = {217 -- 226}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Objective: This study examined the sustained efficacy of a media violence intervention in reducing media violence use, normative acceptance of aggression, and aggressive behavior in adolescents. It used an experimental design to evaluate the effects of the intervention over a period of 30 months. Method: N = 627 German 7th and 8th graders were assigned to a 5-week school-based intervention to reduce media violence use or to a no-intervention control group. Media violence use, normative acceptance of aggression, and aggressive behavior were measured 3 months before the intervention (T1), 7 months post intervention (T2), and at 2 follow-ups 18 (T3) and 30 (T4) months after the intervention. This article focuses on the findings from the 2 follow-ups. Results: Controlling for baseline levels and various demographic covariates, media violence use at T2, T3, and T4 and self-reported physical aggression at T3 were significantly lower in the intervention group, and the indirect path from the intervention to T3 aggression via T2 media violence use was significant. Lower T2 media violence use predicted lower T3 normative acceptance of aggression among participants with lower initial aggression. No effects on nonviolent media use and relational aggression were observed. Conclusion: The findings show that a short class-based intervention can produce lasting changes in media violence use that are linked to a decrease in aggression.}, language = {en} } @article{KirschRohlfKrahe2015, author = {Kirsch, Fabian and Rohlf, Helena L. and Krah{\´e}, Barbara}, title = {Measuring anger regulation in middle childhood through behavioural observation: a longitudinal validation}, series = {European journal of developmental psychology}, volume = {12}, journal = {European journal of developmental psychology}, number = {6}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {1740-5629}, doi = {10.1080/17405629.2015.1101375}, pages = {718 -- 727}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Learning to regulate anger is an important task in childhood development, as maladaptive anger regulation has been linked to a variety of problems, including aggression and social rejection. To assess anger regulation in situ, in a previous study we developed a behavioural observation measure and demonstrated its cross-sectional construct and criterion validity in a sample of 599 children with a mean age of 8.1years. The present study further validated the measure by demonstrating its predictive validity. About 10months after the behavioural observation, participants were asked to imagine two anger-eliciting situations and report what they would do to get rid of their anger. Observed anger regulation strategies at T1 correlated significantly with self-reported regulatory behaviour at T2, suggesting that the behavioural observation measure is an ecologically valid approach for assessing anger regulation in middle childhood.}, language = {en} } @article{KraheBusching2014, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Busching, Robert}, title = {Interplay of normative beliefs and behavior in developmental patterns of physical and relational aggression in adolescence: a four-wave longitudinal study}, series = {Frontiers in psychology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01146}, pages = {11}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In a longitudinal study with N = 1,854 adolescents from Germany, we investigated patterns of change and gender differences in physical and relational aggression in relation to normative beliefs about these two forms of aggression. Participants, whose mean age was 13 years at T1, completed self-report measures of physically and relationally aggressive behavior and indicated their normative approval of both forms of aggression at four data waves separated by 12-month intervals. Boys scored higher than did girls on both forms of aggression, but the gender difference was more pronounced for physical aggression. Physical aggression decreased and relational aggression increased over the four data waves in both gender groups. The normative acceptance of both forms of aggression decreased over time, with a greater decrease for the approval of physical aggression. In both gender groups, normative approval of relational aggression prospectively predicted relational aggression across all data waves, and the normative approval of physical aggression predicted physically aggressive behavior at the second and third data waves. A reciprocal reinforcement of aggressive norms and behavior was found for both forms of aggression. The findings are discussed as supporting a social information processing perspective on developmental patterns of change in physical and relational aggression in adolescence.}, language = {en} } @article{MoellerKraheBusching2013, author = {M{\"o}ller, Ingrid and Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Busching, Robert}, title = {Consumption of media violence and aggressive behavior a longitudinal study of German adolescents with and without migration background}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Entwicklungspsychologie und p{\"a}dagogische Psychologie}, volume = {45}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Entwicklungspsychologie und p{\"a}dagogische Psychologie}, number = {3}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0049-8637}, doi = {10.1026/0049-8637/a000086}, pages = {121 -- 130}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The consumption of media violence and aggressive behavior were assessed three times in a sample of N=1,052 German adolescents with and without migration background over a period of two years with 12-month intervals. The adolescents in the two groups, who were in grades 7 and 8 at T1, were matched by gender, age, type of school, and academic achievement. Students in the migrant group reported higher consumption of violent media. At T3, they showed more physical but less relational aggression than their peers of German background. Cross-lagged panel analyses showed parallel associations between media violence use and aggression in both groups: Media violence consumption at T1 and T2 predicted physical aggression at T2 and T3 independent of ethnic background. The reverse path from physical aggression to media violence consumption was nonsignificant. No link was found between media violence use and relational aggression over time.}, language = {de} } @article{BuchmannBlomeyerJennenSteinmetzetal.2013, author = {Buchmann, Arlette F. and Blomeyer, Dorothea and Jennen-Steinmetz, Christine and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Early smoking onset may promise initial pleasurable sensations and later addiction}, series = {Addiction biology}, volume = {18}, journal = {Addiction biology}, number = {6}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {1369-1600}, doi = {10.1111/j.1369-1600.2011.00377.x}, pages = {947 -- 954}, year = {2013}, abstract = {There is converging evidence suggesting a particular susceptibility to the addictive properties of nicotine among adolescents. The aim of the current study was to prospectively ascertain the relationship between age at first cigarette and initial smoking experiences, and to examine the combined effects of these characteristics of adolescent smoking behavior on adult smoking. It was hypothesized that the association between earlier age at first cigarette and later development of nicotine dependence may, at least in part, be attributable to differences in experiencing pleasurable early smoking sensations. Data were drawn from the participants of the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk, an ongoing epidemiological cohort study from birth to adulthood. Structured interviews at age 15, 19 and 22 years were conducted to assess the age at first cigarette, early smoking experiences and current smoking behavior in 213 young adults. In addition, the participants completed the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence. Adolescents who smoked their first cigarette at an earlier age reported more pleasurable sensations from the cigarette, and they were more likely to be regular smokers at age 22. The age at first cigarette also predicted the number of cigarettes smoked and dependence at age 22. Thus, both the age of first cigarette and the pleasure experienced from the cigarette independently predicted aspects of smoking at age 22.}, language = {en} }