@phdthesis{Schmider2021, author = {Schmider, Stephan}, title = {Was ist HipHop?}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-52375}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-523759}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {225}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Es handelt sich bei der vorliegenden Dissertation um eine investigative Forschungsarbeit, die sich mit dem dynamisch wandelnden HipHop-Ph{\"a}nomen befasst. Der Autor erl{\"a}utert hierbei die anhaltende Attraktivit{\"a}t des kulturellen Ph{\"a}nomens HipHop und versucht die Tatsache der stetigen Reproduzierbarkeit des HipHops genauer zu erkl{\"a}ren. Daher beginnt er mit einer historischen Diskursanalyse der HipHop-Kultur. Er analysiert hierf{\"u}r die Formen, die Protagonisten und die Diskurse des HipHops, um diesen besser verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen. Durch die Herausarbeitung der genuinen Eigenschaft der Mehrfachkodierbarkeit des HipHops werden g{\"a}ngige Erkl{\"a}rungsmuster aus Wissenschaft und Medien relativiert und kritisiert. Der Autor kombiniert in seiner Studie kultur- und erziehungswissenschaftliche Literatur mit diversen aktuellen und historischen Darstellungen und Bildern. Es werden vor allem bildbasierte Selbstinszenierungen von HipHoppern und Selbstzeugnisse aus narrativen Interviews, die er selbst mit verschiedenen HipHoppern in Deutschland gef{\"u}hrt hat, ausgewertet. Neben den narrativen Interviews dient vor allem die Bildinterpretation nach Bohnsack als Quelle zur Bildung der These der Mehrfachkodierbarkeit. Hierbei werden zwei Bilder der HipHopper Lady Bitch Ray und Kollegah nach Bohnsack (2014) interpretiert und gezeigt wie HipHop neben der lyrischen und der klanglichen Komponente auch visuell inszeniert und produziert wird. Hieraus wird geschlussfolgert, dass es im HipHop m{\"o}glich ist kontr{\"a}re Sichtweisen bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von typischen Kulturpraktiken wie zum Beispiel dem Boasting darzustellen und zu vermitteln. Die stetige Offenheit des HipHops wird durch Praktiken wie dem Sampling oder dem Battle deutlich und der Autor erkl{\"a}rt, dass durch diese Techniken die generative Eigenschaft der Mehrfachkodierbarkeit hergestellt wird. Damit vertritt er eine Art Baukasten-Theorie, die besagt, dass sich prinzipiell jeder aus dem Baukasten HipHop, je nach Vorliebe, Interesse und Affinit{\"a}t, bedienen kann. Durch die Vielfalt an Meinungen zu HipHop, die der Autor durch die Kodierung der gef{\"u}hrten narrativen Interviews erh{\"a}lt, wird diese These verdeutlicht und es wird klar, dass es sich bei HipHop um mehr als nur eine Mode handelt. HipHop besitzt die prinzipielle M{\"o}glichkeit durch die Offenheit, die er in sich tr{\"a}gt, sich stetig neu zu wandeln und damit an Beliebtheit und Popularit{\"a}t zuzunehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert damit die immer gr{\"o}ßer werdende Forschung in den HipHop-Studies und setzt wichtige Akzente um weiter zu forschen und HipHop besser verst{\"a}ndlich zu machen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{May2013, author = {May, Felix}, title = {Spatial models of plant diversity and plant functional traits : towards a better understanding of plant community dynamics in fragmented landscapes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68444}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The fragmentation of natural habitat caused by anthropogenic land use changes is one of the main drivers of the current rapid loss of biodiversity. In face of this threat, ecological research needs to provide predictions of communities' responses to fragmentation as a prerequisite for the effective mitigation of further biodiversity loss. However, predictions of communities' responses to fragmentation require a thorough understanding of ecological processes, such as species dispersal and persistence. Therefore, this thesis seeks an improved understanding of community dynamics in fragmented landscapes. In order to approach this overall aim, I identified key questions on the response of plant diversity and plant functional traits to variations in species' dispersal capability, habitat fragmentation and local environmental conditions. All questions were addressed using spatially explicit simulations or statistical models. In chapter 2, I addressed scale-dependent relationships between dispersal capability and species diversity using a grid-based neutral model. I found that the ratio of survey area to landscape size is an important determinant of scale-dependent dispersal-diversity relationships. With small ratios, the model predicted increasing dispersal-diversity relationships, while decreasing dispersal-diversity relationships emerged, when the ratio approached one, i.e. when the survey area approached the landscape size. For intermediate ratios, I found a U-shaped pattern that has not been reported before. With this study, I unified and extended previous work on dispersal-diversity relationships. In chapter 3, I assessed the type of regional plant community dynamics for the study area in the Southern Judean Lowlands (SJL). For this purpose, I parameterised a multi-species incidence-function model (IFM) with vegetation data using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). I found that the type of regional plant community dynamics in the SJL is best characterized as a set of isolated "island communities" with very low connectivity between local communities. Model predictions indicated a significant extinction debt with 33\% - 60\% of all species going extinct within 1000 years. In general, this study introduces a novel approach for combining a spatially explicit simulation model with field data from species-rich communities. In chapter 4, I first analysed, if plant functional traits in the SJL indicate trait convergence by habitat filtering and trait divergence by interspecific competition, as predicted by community assembly theory. Second, I assessed the interactive effects of fragmentation and the south-north precipitation gradient in the SJL on community-mean plant traits. I found clear evidence for trait convergence, but the evidence for trait divergence fundamentally depended on the chosen null-model. All community-mean traits were significantly associated with the precipitation gradient in the SJL. The trait associations with fragmentation indices (patch size and connectivity) were generally weaker, but statistically significant for all traits. Specific leaf area (SLA) and plant height were consistently associated with fragmentation indices along the precipitation gradient. In contrast, seed mass and seed number were interactively influenced by fragmentation and precipitation. In general, this study provides the first analysis of the interactive effects of climate and fragmentation on plant functional traits. Overall, I conclude that the spatially explicit perspective adopted in this thesis is crucial for a thorough understanding of plant community dynamics in fragmented landscapes. The finding of contrasting responses of local diversity to variations in dispersal capability stresses the importance of considering the diversity and composition of the metacommunity, prior to implementing conservation measures that aim at increased habitat connectivity. The model predictions derived with the IFM highlight the importance of additional natural habitat for the mitigation of future species extinctions. In general, the approach of combining a spatially explicit IFM with extensive species occupancy data provides a novel and promising tool to assess the consequences of different management scenarios. The analysis of plant functional traits in the SJL points to important knowledge gaps in community assembly theory with respect to the simultaneous consequences of habitat filtering and competition. In particular, it demonstrates the importance of investigating the synergistic consequences of fragmentation, climate change and land use change on plant communities. I suggest that the integration of plant functional traits and of species interactions into spatially explicit, dynamic simulation models offers a promising approach, which will further improve our understanding of plant communities and our ability to predict their dynamics in fragmented and changing landscapes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heise2017, author = {Heise, Janine}, title = {Phylogenetic and physiological characterization of deep-biosphere microorganisms in El'gygytgyn Crater Lake sediments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403436}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The existence of diverse and active microbial ecosystems in the deep subsurface - a biosphere that was originally considered devoid of life - was discovered in multiple microbiological studies. However, most of the studies are restricted to marine ecosystems, while our knowledge about the microbial communities in the deep subsurface of lake systems and their potentials to adapt to changing environmental conditions is still fragmentary. This doctoral thesis aims to build up a unique data basis for providing the first detailed high-throughput characterization of the deep biosphere of lacustrine sediments and to emphasize how important it is to differentiate between the living and the dead microbial community in deep biosphere studies. In this thesis, up to 3.6 Ma old sediments (up to 317 m deep) of the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake were examined, which represents the oldest terrestrial climate record of the Arctic. Combining next generation sequencing with detailed geochemical characteristics and other environmental parameters, the microbial community composition was analyzed in regard to changing climatic conditions within the last 3.6 Ma to 1.0 Ma (Pliocene and Pleistocene). DNA from all investigated sediments was successfully extracted and a surprisingly diverse (6,910 OTUs) and abundant microbial community in the El'gygytgyn deep sediments were revealed. The bacterial abundance (10³-10⁶ 16S rRNA copies g⁻¹ sediment) was up to two orders of magnitudes higher than the archaeal abundance (10¹-10⁵) and fluctuates with the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cyclicality. Interestingly, a strong increase in the microbial diversity with depth was observed (approximately 2.5 times higher diversity in Pliocene sediments compared to Pleistocene sediments). The increase in diversity with depth in the Lake El'gygytgyn is most probably caused by higher sedimentary temperatures towards the deep sediment layers as well as an enhanced temperature-induced intra-lake bioproductivity and higher input of allochthonous organic-rich material during Pliocene climatic conditions. Moreover, the microbial richness parameters follow the general trends of the paleoclimatic parameters, such as the paleo-temperature and paleo-precipitation. The most abundant bacterial representatives in the El'gygytgyn deep biosphere are affiliated with the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria, which are also commonly distributed in the surrounding permafrost habitats. The predominated taxon was the halotolerant genus Halomonas (in average 60\% of the total reads per sample). Additionally, this doctoral thesis focuses on the live/dead differentiation of microbes in cultures and environmental samples. While established methods (e.g., fluorescence in situ hybridization, RNA analyses) are not applicable to the challenging El'gygytgyn sediments, two newer methods were adapted to distinguish between DNA from live cells and free (extracellular, dead) DNA: the propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment and the cell separation adapted for low amounts of DNA. The applicability of the DNA-intercalating dye PMA was successfully evaluated to mask free DNA of different cultures of methanogenic archaea, which play a major role in the global carbon cycle. Moreover, an optimal procedure to simultaneously treat bacteria and archaea was developed using 130 µM PMA and 5 min of photo-activation with blue LED light, which is also applicable on sandy environmental samples with a particle load of ≤ 200 mg mL⁻¹. It was demonstrated that the soil texture has a strong influence on the PMA treatment in particle-rich samples and that in particular silt and clay-rich samples (e.g., El'gygytgyn sediments) lead to an insufficient shielding of free DNA by PMA. Therefore, a cell separation protocol was used to distinguish between DNA from live cells (intracellular DNA) and extracellular DNA in the El'gygytgyn sediments. While comparing these two DNA pools with a total DNA pool extracted with a commercial kit, significant differences in the microbial composition of all three pools (mean distance of relative abundance: 24.1\%, mean distance of OTUs: 84.0\%) was discovered. In particular, the total DNA pool covers significantly fewer taxa than the cell-separated DNA pools and only inadequately represents the living community. Moreover, individual redundancy analyses revealed that the microbial community of the intra- and extracellular DNA pool are driven by different environmental factors. The living community is mainly influenced by life-dependent parameters (e.g., sedimentary matrix, water availability), while the extracellular DNA is dependent on the biogenic silica content. The different community-shaping parameters and the fact, that a redundancy analysis of the total DNA pool explains significantly less variance of the microbial community, indicate that the total DNA represents a mixture of signals of the live and dead microbial community. This work provides the first fundamental data basis of the diversity and distribution of microbial deep biosphere communities of a lake system over several million years. Moreover, it demonstrates the substantial importance of extracellular DNA in old sediments. These findings may strongly influence future environmental community analyses, where applications of live/dead differentiation avoid incorrect interpretations due to a failed extraction of the living microbial community or an overestimation of the past community diversity in the course of total DNA extraction approaches.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tschoepe2007, author = {Tsch{\"o}pe, Okka}, title = {Managing open habitats for species conservation : the role of wild ungulate grazing, small-scale disturbances, and scale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13218}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {During the last decades, the global change of the environment has caused a dramatic loss of habitats and species. In Central Europe, open habitats are particularly affected. The main objective of this thesis was to experimentally test the suitability of wild megaherbivore grazing as a conservation tool to manage open habitats. We studied the effect of wild ungulates in a 160 ha game preserve in NE Germany in three successional stages (i) Corynephorus canescens-dominated grassland, (ii) ruderal tall forb vegetation dominated by Tanacetum vulgare and (iii) Pinus sylvestris-pioneer forest over three years. Our results demonstrate that wild megaherbivores considerably affected species composition and delayed successional pathways in open habitats. Grazing effects differed considerably between successional stages: species richness was higher in grazed ruderal and pioneer forest plots, but not in the Corynephorus sites. Species composition changed significantly in the Corynephorus and ruderal sites. Grazed ruderal sites had turned into sites with very short vegetation dominated by Agrostis spp. and the moss Brachythecium albicans, most species did not flower. Woody plant cover was significantly affected only in the pioneer forest sites. Young pine trees were severely damaged and tree height was considerably reduced, leading to a "Pinus-macchie"-appearance. Ecological patterns and processes are known to vary with spatial scale. Since grazing by megaherbivores has a strong spatial component, the scale of monitoring success of grazing may largely differ among and within different systems. Thus, the second aim of this thesis was to test whether grazing effects are consistent over different spatial scales, and to give recommendations for appropriate monitoring scales. For this purpose, we studied grazing effects on plant community structure using multi-scale plots that included three nested spatial scales (0.25 m2, 4 m2, and 40 m2). Over all vegetation types, the scale of observation directly affected grazing effects on woody plant cover and on floristic similarity, but not on the proportion of open soil and species richness. Grazing effects manifested at small scales regarding floristic similarity in pioneer forest and ruderal sites and regarding species richness in ruderal sites. The direction of scale-effects on similarity differed between vegetation types: Grazing effects on floristic similarity in the Corynephorus sites were significantly higher at the medium and large scale, while in the pioneer forest sites they were significantly higher at the smallest scale. Disturbances initiate vegetation changes by creating gaps and affecting colonization and extinction rates. The third intention of the thesis was to investigate the effect of small-scale disturbances on the species-level. In a sowing experiment, we studied early establishment probabilities of Corynephorus canescens, a key species of open sandy habitats. Applying two different regimes of mechanical ground disturbance (disturbed and undisturbed) in the three successional stages mentioned above, we focused on the interactive effects of small-scale disturbances, successional stage and year-to-year variation. Disturbance led to higher emergence in a humid and to lower emergence in a very dry year. Apparently, when soil moisture was sufficient, the main factor limiting C. canescens establishment was competition, while in the dry year water became the limiting factor. Survival rates were not affected by disturbance. In humid years, C. canescens emerged in higher numbers in open successional stages while in the dry year, emergence rates were higher in late stages, suggesting an important role of late successional stages for the persistence of C. canescens. We conclude that wild ungulate grazing is a useful tool to slow down succession and to preserve a species-rich, open landscape, because it does not only create disturbances, thereby supporting early successional stages, but at the same time efficiently controls woody plant cover. However, wild ungulate grazing considerably changed the overall appearance of the landscape. Additional measures like shifting exclosures might be necessary to allow vulnerable species to flower and reproduce. We further conclude that studying grazing impacts on a range of scales is crucial, since different parameters are affected at different spatial scales. Larger scales are suitable for assessing grazing impact on structural parameters like the proportion of open soil or woody plant cover, whereas species richness and floristic similarity are affected at smaller scales. Our results further indicate that the optimal strategy for promoting C. canescens is to apply disturbances just before seed dispersal and not during dry years. Further, at the landscape scale, facilitation by late successional species may be an important mechanism for the persistence of protected pioneer species.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MeyerLucht2009, author = {Meyer-Lucht, Yvonne}, title = {Does variability matter? Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) variation and its associations to parasitism in natural small mammal populations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-36419}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The adaptive evolutionary potential of a species or population to cope with omnipresent environmental challenges is based on its genetic variation. Variability at immune genes, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, is assumed to be a very powerful and effective tool to keep pace with diverse and rapidly evolving pathogens. In my thesis, I studied natural levels of variation at the MHC genes, which have a key role in immune defence, and parasite burden in different small mammal species. I assessed the importance of MHC variation for parasite burden in small mammal populations in their natural environment. To understand the processes shaping different patterns of MHC variation I focused on evidence of selection through pathogens upon the host. Further, I addressed the issue of low MHC diversity in populations or species, which could potentially arise as a result from habitat fragmentation and isolation. Despite their key role in the mammalian evolution the marsupial MHC has been rarely investigated. Studies on primarily captive or laboratory bred individuals indicated very little or even no polymorphism at the marsupial MHC class II genes. However, natural levels of marsupial MHC diversity and selection are unknown to date as studies on wild populations are virtually absent. I investigated MHC II variation in two Neotropical marsupial species endemic to the threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops incanus) to test whether the predicted low marsupial MHC class II polymorphism proves to be true under natural conditions. For the first time in marsupials I confirmed characteristics of MHC selection that were so far only known from eutherian mammals, birds, and fish: Positive selection on specific codon sites, recombination, and trans-species polymorphism. Beyond that, the two marsupial species revealed considerable differences in their MHC class II diversity. Diversity was rather low in M. incanus but tenfold higher in G. microtarsus, disproving the predicted general low marsupial MHC class II variation. As pathogens are believed to be very powerful drivers of MHC diversity, I studied parasite burden in both host species to understand the reasons for the remarkable differences in MHC diversity. In both marsupial species specific MHC class II variants were associated to either high or low parasite load highlighting the importance of the marsupial MHC class II in pathogen defence. I developed two alternative scenarios with regard to MHC variation, parasite load, and parasite diversity. In the 'evolutionary equilibrium' scenario I assumed the species with low MHC diversity, M. incanus, to be under relaxed pathogenic selection and expected low parasite diversity. Alternatively, low MHC diversity could be the result of a recent loss of genetic variation by means of a genetic bottleneck event. Under this 'unbalanced situation' scenario, I assumed a high parasite burden in M. incanus due to a lack of resistance alleles. Parasitological results clearly reject the first scenario and point to the second scenario, as M. incanus is distinctly higher parasitised but parasite diversity is relatively equal compared to G. microtarsus. Hence, I suggest that the parasite load in M. incanus is rather the consequence than the cause for its low MHC diversity. MHC variation and its associations to parasite burden have been typically studied within single populations but MHC variation between populations was rarely taken into account. To gain scientific insight on this issue, I chose a common European rodent species. In the yellow necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), I investigated the effects of genetic diversity on parasite load not on the individual but on the population level. I included populations, which possess different levels of variation at the MHC as well as at neutrally evolving genetic markers (microsatellites). I was able to show that mouse populations with a high MHC allele diversity are better armed against high parasite burdens highlighting the significance of adaptive genetic diversity in the field of conservation genetics. An individual itself will not directly benefit from its population's large MHC allele pool in terms of parasite resistance. But confronted with the multitude of pathogens present in the wild a population with a large MHC allele reservoir is more likely to possess individuals with resistance alleles. These results deepen our understanding of the complex causes and processes of evolutionary adaptations between hosts and pathogens.}, language = {en} }