@phdthesis{Streitboerger2024, author = {Streitb{\"o}rger, Chiara}, title = {Preisalgorithmenkartelle}, series = {Datenrecht und neue Technologien}, volume = {9}, journal = {Datenrecht und neue Technologien}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-0838-4}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {325}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Mithilfe von Preisalgorithmen sind Unternehmen in der Lage, automatische und wechselseitige Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen. Dadurch k{\"o}nnen klassische Kartellkonstellationen mangels konspirativer Treffen in den Hintergrund treten. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, unter welchen Voraussetzungen der Einsatz von Preisalgorithmen einen Verstoß gegen das europ{\"a}ische Kartellverbot begr{\"u}nden kann. Dazu werden Fallkonstellationen beleuchtet, die ein algorithmisches Zusammenwirken sowohl unmittelbar zwischen Wettbewerbern als auch mittelbar {\"u}ber einen Dritten begr{\"u}nden. Ferner wird auch auf algorithmenspezifische Compliance-Maßnahmen eingegangen. Schließlich werden die praktischen Herausforderungen bei der Aufdeckung und dem Nachweis solcher Kartelle aufgezeigt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Offizier2024, author = {Offizier, Frederike}, title = {The biosecurity individual}, series = {American Culture Studies}, volume = {43}, journal = {American Culture Studies}, publisher = {Transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8376-7145-2}, issn = {2747-4380}, doi = {10.14361/9783839471456}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2023121004164930640876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {294}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Discoveries in biomedicine and biotechnology, especially in diagnostics, have made prevention and (self)surveillance increasingly important in the context of health practices. Frederike Offizier offers a cultural critique of the intersection between health, security and identity, and explores how the focus on risk and security changes our understanding of health and transforms our relationship to our bodies. Analyzing a wide variety of texts, from life writing to fiction, she offers a critical intervention on how this shift in the medical gaze produces new paradigms of difference and new biomedically facilitated identities: biosecurity individuals.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Woebbeking2024, author = {W{\"o}bbeking, Cordula}, title = {K{\"o}rper - Karte - Text}, series = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7329-1016-8}, issn = {2193-9985}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {280}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Rabelais' Pentalogie um die Riesen Gargantua und Pantagruel spiegelt Aspekte des sich ver{\"a}ndernden Weltbildes ihrer Entstehungszeit. Diese Studie untersucht auf der Folie der Theorie des Simulakrum Schrift, wie K{\"o}rpermodellierungen und kartographisches imaginaire durch den Autor als Strategien der Verh{\"u}llung verborgener Botschaften eingesetzt werden. Sie zeigt an ausgew{\"a}hlten Beispielen des Quart Livre die Aufweichung der Grenzen von K{\"o}rper, Karte und Text und deren Durchdringung. Die Metaphorizit{\"a}t des Textes gibt Aufschluss {\"u}ber seine Autoreflexivit{\"a}t und bewirkt eine gleichsam ganzheitliche Lekt{\"u}reerfahrung. Schließlich avanciert die Fiktion in ihrer Trugbildhaftigkeit als grotesk-sinnlicher K{\"o}rper und polysemantische Karte zum Welterkl{\"a}rungsmodell, das jedoch erst dechiffriert werden muss.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rehtmeyer2024, author = {Rehtmeyer, Marcus}, title = {Die Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}ge Preußens 1929 und 1931}, series = {Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen}, volume = {4}, journal = {Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-1369-2}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {734}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die umfangreiche rechtswissenschaftliche Studie befasst sich mit den preußischen Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}gen aus der Zeit der Weimarer Republik. Diese Vertr{\"a}ge waren H{\"o}hepunkte einer Entwicklung in Richtung gr{\"o}ßerer Freiheit und Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kirchen vom Staat, die den Vorg{\"a}ngen im Reich und in anderen deutschen L{\"a}ndern teils entsprach, teils zuwiderlief. Die Entwicklung folgte keiner unverr{\"u}ckbaren Idealvorstellung {\"u}ber das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Staat und Kirche, sondern stellte sich stets als pragmatische Reaktion auf realpolitische Probleme dar. Die Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}ge selbst pr{\"a}gten die weiteren Entwicklungen in Ost und West bis zur Gegenwart.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{You2024, author = {You, Lili}, title = {Chloroplast engineering for recombinant protein production and stress protection}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {133}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaumburg2024, author = {Schaumburg, Josephine}, title = {Men are not better negotiators after all!}, series = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, volume = {24}, journal = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, publisher = {Kovac}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-339-13798-2}, issn = {2365-7898}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {284}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the lack of clarity in the scientific literature regarding gender and negotiation performance. It is often claimed that men negotiate better than women, yet it is simultaneously emphasized that results strongly depend on context. Through the use of qualitative methods such as content analysis and critical mixed-methods review, the research question: "Are women truly inferior negotiators compared to men?" is addressed. The study comprises a descriptive and an interpretive part. The descriptive section illuminates various interpretations of gender-specific negotiation theory among citing authors, with 67\% arguing for a general superiority of men. However, given the high variance in gender-specific differences, the focus should instead be on the context-dependency of negotiation performance. Generalized statements can be made within contexts, but not across them. In the interpretive section, several factors contributing to this misinterpretation are highlighted, including discrepancies in the definition of negotiation performance and distortions in research communication.. From a scientific perspective, this study underscores the need for a nuanced sociological analysis and warns against the one-sided acceptance of inaccurate scientific interpretations. From a practical standpoint, it amplifies the voices of women affected by biased research paradigms. Overall, the dissertation clarifies the theory of gender-specific negotiation performance and advocates for the elimination of biases in scientific discourse.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Melliger2024, author = {Melliger, Marc Andr{\´e}}, title = {Effects of exposing renewables to the market}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 139}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Electricity production contributes to a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and is thus an important driver of climate change. To fulfil the Paris Agreement, the European Union (EU) needs a rapid transition to a fully decarbonised power production system. Presumably, such a system will be largely based on renewables. So far, many EU countries have supported a shift towards renewables such as solar and wind power using support schemes, but the economic and political context is changing. Renewables are now cheaper than ever before and have become cost-competitive with conventional technologies. Therefore, European policymakers are striving to better integrate renewables into a competitive market and to increase the cost-effectiveness of the expansion of renewables. The first step was to replace previous fixed-price schemes with competitive auctions. In a second step, these auctions have become more technology-open. Finally, some governments may phase out any support for renewables and fully expose them to the competitive power market. However, such policy changes may be at odds with the need to rapidly expand renewables and meet national targets due to market characteristics and investors' risk perception. Without support, price risks are higher, and it may be difficult to meet an investor's income expectations. Furthermore, policy changes across different countries could have unexpected effects if power markets are interconnected and investors able to shift their investments. Finally, in multi-technology auctions, technologies may dominate, which can be a risk for long-term power system reliability. Therefore, in my thesis, I explore the effects of phasing out support policies for renewables, of coordinating these phase-outs across countries, and of using multi-technology designs. I expand the public policy literature about investment behaviour and policy design as well as policy change and coordination, and I further develop an agent-based model. The main questions of my thesis are what the cost and deployment effects of gradually exposing renewables to market forces would be and how coordination between countries affects investors' decisions and market prices.. In my three contributions to the academic literature, I use different methods and come to the following results. In the first contribution, I use a conjoint analysis and market simulation to evaluate the effects of phasing out support or reintroducing feed-in tariffs from the perspective of investors. I find that a phase-out leads to investment shifts, either to other still-supported technologies or to other countries that continue to offer support. I conclude that the coordination of policy changes avoids such shifts.. In the second contribution, I integrate the empirically-derived preferences from the first contribution in to an agent-based power system model of two countries to simulate the effects of ending auctions for renewables. I find that this slows the energy transition, and that cross-border effects are relevant. Consequently, continued support is necessary to meet the national renewables targets. In the third contribution, I analyse the outcome of past multi-technology auctions using descriptive statistics, regression analysis as well as case study comparisons. I find that the outcomes are skewed towards single technologies. This cannot be explained by individual design elements of the auctions, but rather results from context-specific and country-specific characteristics. Based on this, I discuss potential implications for long-term power system reliability. The main conclusions of my thesis are that a complete phase-out of renewables support would slow down the energy transition and thus jeopardize climate targets, and that multi-technology auctions may pose a risk for some countries, especially those that cannot regulate an unbalanced power plant portfolio in the long term. If policymakers decide to continue supporting renewables, they may consider adopting technology-specific auctions to better steer their portfolio. In contrast, if policymakers still want to phase out support, they should coordinate these policy changes with other countries. Otherwise, overall transition costs can be higher, because investment decisions shift to still-supported but more expensive technologies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Szekely2024, author = {Sz{\´e}kely, Andr{\´a}s Csaba}, title = {Long-distance circadian coordination via a phloem-delivered mobile transcript}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {105}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Martin2024, author = {Martin, Katja}, title = {Beerdigen oder verbrennen?}, publisher = {arijeh-verlag}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-944693-04-0}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {398}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kaneza2024, author = {Kaneza, Elisabeth}, title = {Rassische Diskriminierung in Deutschland}, series = {Schriften des MenschenRechtsZentrums der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, volume = {49}, journal = {Schriften des MenschenRechtsZentrums der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-1461-3}, doi = {10.5771/9783748919988}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {417}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie historisch und rechtlich eine Ungleichheit zwischen Schwarzen und Weißen in Deutschland gewachsen ist und geht der Frage nach, welche Anforderungen das Verfassungsrecht, die Rechtspraxis und die Politik erf{\"u}llen m{\"u}ssen, um sie auszugleichen. Eingangs wird die Entwicklung des Verbots der rassischen Diskriminierung im internationalen und nationalen Recht dargelegt. Folglich zeichnet die Verfasserin die Diskriminierungsgeschichte von Schwarzen Menschen nach. Zur {\"U}berwindung der nach wie vor bestehenden strukturellen Diskriminierung schl{\"a}gt sie ein positives Recht vor, das sich auf Menschenrechtsstandards und L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tzen aus Rechtsvergleichen st{\"u}tzt und die Gleichberechtigung von Schwarzen Menschen bewirken soll.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Henning2024, author = {Henning, Thorsten}, title = {Cross-sectional associations of dietary biomarker patterns with health and nutritional status}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {111}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kersting2024, author = {Kersting, Katerina}, title = {Development of a CRISPR/Cas gene editing technique for the coccolithophore Chrysotila carterae}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {137}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tomović2024, author = {Tomović, Jelena}, title = {Sexualit{\"a}t in der Geschichte}, series = {Schriften des Fr{\"u}hneuzeitzentrums Potsdam}, volume = {12}, journal = {Schriften des Fr{\"u}hneuzeitzentrums Potsdam}, publisher = {V\&R unipress - Brill Deutschland GmbH}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-8471-1686-8}, issn = {2198-5251}, doi = {10.14220/9783737016865}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {336}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Jelena Tomović f{\"u}hrt in diesem Band durch die Entwicklungen unserer sexuellen Sprache und Praktiken. Sie zeigt, dass die Art und Weise, wie {\"u}ber Sexualit{\"a}t gesprochen wird, nicht nur ein Spiegelbild, sondern auch ein treibender Faktor f{\"u}r soziale Ver{\"a}nderungen ist. Die Studie stellt die konventionelle Vorstellung von Sexualit{\"a}t in Frage und f{\"u}hrt die Lesenden in eine Welt der subtilen Nuancen und kulturellen Ver{\"a}nderungen. Mit kommunikationstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tzen, dem praxeologischen Ansatz, ihrer sozialkonstruktivistischen Grundannahme und einem klaren Fokus auf Akteur*innen bietet die Autorin eine frische Perspektive auf die Geschichte der Sexualit{\"a}t. Das Buch er{\"o}ffnet neue Wege f{\"u}r die Erforschung und das Verst{\"a}ndnis von Intimit{\"a}t und sozialer Kommunikation.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jaentsch2024, author = {J{\"a}ntsch, Christian}, title = {Lehrerinnen und Lehrer auf dem Weg zur Inklusion}, publisher = {Julius Klinkhardt}, address = {Bad Heilbrunn}, isbn = {978-3-7815-6095-6}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {189}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grohmann2024, author = {Grohmann, Nils-Hendrik}, title = {Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies}, series = {Jus Internationale et Europaeum}, journal = {Jus Internationale et Europaeum}, number = {202}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-16-162825-2}, issn = {1861-1893}, doi = {10.1628/978-3-16-162826-9}, pages = {XV, 315}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Nils-Hendrik Grohmann besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem noch andauernden St{\"a}rkungsprozess der UN-Menschenrechtsvertragsorgane. Er analysiert, welche rechtlichen Befugnisse die Aussch{\"u}sse haben, ob sie von sich aus Vorschl{\"a}ge einbringen k{\"o}nnen und inwieweit sie ihre Verfahrensweisen bisher aufeinander abgestimmt haben. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Aussch{\"u}ssen und der Frage, welche Rolle das Treffen der Vorsitzenden bei der St{\"a}rkung spielen kann.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ronneberger2024, author = {Ronneberger, Sebastian}, title = {Nanolayer Fused Deposition Modelin (NanaFDM)}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {170}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Artins2023, author = {Artins, Anthony}, title = {Crosstalk between Target Of Rapamycin (TOR) and sugar signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {125}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Günther2023, author = {G{\"u}nther, Claudia-Susanne}, title = {Das Eigene und das Fremde}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {245}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Untersuchung des Fremdverstehens von Lehrkr{\"a}ften im Mathematikunterricht dar. Mit ‚Fremdverstehen' soll dabei - in Anlehnung an den Soziologen Alfred Sch{\"u}tz - der Prozess bezeichnet werden, in welchem eine Lehrkraft versucht, das Verhalten einer Sch{\"u}lerin oder eines Sch{\"u}lers zu verstehen, indem sie dieses Verhalten auf ein Erleben zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrt, das ihm zugrunde gelegen haben k{\"o}nnte. Als ein wesentliches Merkmal des Prozesses stellt Sch{\"u}tz in seiner Theorie des Fremdverstehens heraus, dass das Fremdverstehen eines Menschen immer auch auf seinen eigenen Erlebnissen basiert. Aus diesem Grund wird in der Arbeit ein methodischer Zweischritt vorgenommen: Es werden zun{\"a}chst die mathematikbezogenen Erlebnisse zweier Lehrkr{\"a}fte nachgezeichnet, bevor dann ihr Fremdverstehen in konkreten Situationen im Mathematikunterricht rekonstruiert wird. In der ersten Teiluntersuchung (= der Rekonstruktion eigener Erlebnisse der untersuchten Lehrkr{\"a}fte) erfolgt die Datenerhebung mit Hilfe biographisch-narrativer Interviews, in denen die untersuchten Lehrkr{\"a}fte angeregt werden, ihre mathematikbezogene Lebensgeschichte zu erz{\"a}hlen. Die Analyse dieser Interviews wird im Sinne der rekonstruktiven Fallanalyse vorgenommen. Insgesamt f{\"u}hrt die erste Teiluntersuchung zu textlichen Darstellungen der rekonstruierten mathematikbezogenen Lebensgeschichte der untersuchten Mathematiklehrkr{\"a}fte. In der zweiten Teiluntersuchung (= der Rekonstruktion des Fremdverstehens der untersuchten Lehrkr{\"a}fte) werden dann narrative Interviews gef{\"u}hrt, in denen die untersuchten Lehrkr{\"a}fte von ihrem Fremdverstehen in konkreten Situationen im Mathematikunterricht erz{\"a}hlen. Die Analyse dieser Interviews erfolgt mit Hilfe eines dreischrittigen Analyseverfahrens, welches die Autorin eigens zum Zweck der Rekonstruktion von Fremdverstehen entwickelte. Am Ende dieser zweiten Teiluntersuchung werden sowohl das rekonstruierte Fremdverstehen der Lehrkr{\"a}fte in verschiedenen Unterrichtssituationen dargestellt als auch Strukturen, die sich in ihrem Fremdverstehen abzeichnen. Mit Hilfe einer theoretischen Verallgemeinerung werden schließlich - auf Basis der Ergebnisse der zweiten Teiluntersuchung - Aussagen {\"u}ber f{\"u}nf Merkmale des Fremdverstehens von Lehrkr{\"a}ften im Mathematikunterricht im Allgemeinen gewonnen. Mit diesen Aussagen vermag die Arbeit eine erste Beschreibung davon hervorzubringen, wie sich das Ph{\"a}nomen des Fremdverstehens von Lehrkr{\"a}ften im Mathematikunterricht ausgestalten kann.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Amen2023, author = {Amen, Rahma}, title = {Adaptive radiation in African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 155}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus includes 15 described species mostly native to the Congo River and its tributaries. They are considered sympatric species, because their distribution area overlaps. These species generate species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs) varying in waveform characteristics, including duration, polarity, and phase number. They exhibit also pronounced divergence in their snout, i.e. the length, thickness, and curvature. The diversifications in these two phenotypical traits (EOD and snout) have been proposed as key factors promoting adaptive radiation in Campylomormyrus. The role of EODs as a pre-zygotic isolation mechanism driving sympatric speciation by promoting assortative mating has been examined using behavioral, genetical, and histological approaches. However, the evolutionary effects of the snout morphology and its link to species divergence have not been closely examined. Hence, the main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of snout morphology diversification and its correlated EOD to better understand their sympatric speciation and evolutionary drivers. Moreover, I aim to utilize the intragenus and intergenus hybrids of Campylomormyrus to better understand trait divergence as well as underlying molecular/genetic mechanisms involved in the radiation scenario. To this end, I utilized three different approaches: feeding behavior analysis, diet assessment, and geometric morphometrics analysis. I performed feeding behavior experiments to evaluate the concept of the phenotype-environment correlation by testing whether Campylomormyrus species show substrate preferences. The behavioral experiments showed that the short snout species exhibits preference to sandy substrate, the long snout species prefers a stone substrate, and the species with intermediate snout size does not exhibit any substrate preference. The experiments suggest that the diverse feeding apparatus in the genus Campylomormyrus may have evolved in adaptation to their microhabitats. I also performed diet assessments of sympatric Campylomormyrus species and a sister genus species (Gnathonemus petersii) with markedly different snout morphologies and EOD using NGS-based DNA metabarcoding of their stomach contents. The diet of each species was documented showing that aquatic insects such as dipterans, coleopterans and trichopterans represent the major diet component. The results showed also that all species are able to exploit diverse food niches in their habitats. However, comparing the diet overlap indices showed that different snout morphologies and the associated divergence in the EOD translated into different prey spectra. These results further support the idea that the EOD could be a 'magic trait' triggering both adaptation and reproductive isolation. Geometric morphometrics method was also used to compare the phenotypical shape traits of the F1 intragenus (Campylomormyrus) and intergenus (Campylomormyrus species and Gnathonemus petersii) hybrids relative to their parents. The hybrids of these species were well separated based on the morphological traits, however the hybrid phenotypic traits were closer to the short-snouted species. In addition, the likelihood that the short snout expressed in the hybrids increases with increasing the genetic distance of the parental species. The results confirmed that additive effects produce intermediate phenotypes in F1-hybrids. It seems, therefore, that morphological shape traits in hybrids, unlike the physiological traits, were not expressed straightforward.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steinhuber2023, author = {Steinhuber, Merle}, title = {Das datenschutzrechtliche Medienprivileg}, series = {Studien zum Medienrecht}, journal = {Studien zum Medienrecht}, number = {3}, publisher = {Duncker \& Humblot}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-428-58779-7}, issn = {2702-0517}, doi = {10.3790/978-3-428-58779-7}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {267}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Media Privilege under Data Protection Law: Journalism and data protection are fundamentally at odds with each other. In view of current developments, the need for a functioning regulatory concept for both legal positions is probably more important than ever. This conceptual balance is provided by the journalistic exemption in data protection law. The thesis focuses on the scope of the exception. It also identifies existing coherence problems between European and national law.}, language = {de} }