@phdthesis{Vitagliano2024, author = {Vitagliano, Gerardo}, title = {Modeling the structure of tabular files for data preparation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 114}, year = {2024}, abstract = {To manage tabular data files and leverage their content in a given downstream task, practitioners often design and execute complex transformation pipelines to prepare them. The complexity of such pipelines stems from different factors, including the nature of the preparation tasks, often exploratory or ad-hoc to specific datasets; the large repertory of tools, algorithms, and frameworks that practitioners need to master; and the volume, variety, and velocity of the files to be prepared. Metadata plays a fundamental role in reducing this complexity: characterizing a file assists end users in the design of data preprocessing pipelines, and furthermore paves the way for suggestion, automation, and optimization of data preparation tasks. Previous research in the areas of data profiling, data integration, and data cleaning, has focused on extracting and characterizing metadata regarding the content of tabular data files, i.e., about the records and attributes of tables. Content metadata are useful for the latter stages of a preprocessing pipeline, e.g., error correction, duplicate detection, or value normalization, but they require a properly formed tabular input. Therefore, these metadata are not relevant for the early stages of a preparation pipeline, i.e., to correctly parse tables out of files. In this dissertation, we turn our focus to what we call the structure of a tabular data file, i.e., the set of characters within a file that do not represent data values but are required to parse and understand the content of the file. We provide three different approaches to represent file structure, an explicit representation based on context-free grammars; an implicit representation based on file-wise similarity; and a learned representation based on machine learning. In our first contribution, we use the grammar-based representation to characterize a set of over 3000 real-world csv files and identify multiple structural issues that let files deviate from the csv standard, e.g., by having inconsistent delimiters or containing multiple tables. We leverage our learnings about real-world files and propose Pollock, a benchmark to test how well systems parse csv files that have a non-standard structure, without any previous preparation. We report on our experiments on using Pollock to evaluate the performance of 16 real-world data management systems. Following, we characterize the structure of files implicitly, by defining a measure of structural similarity for file pairs. We design a novel algorithm to compute this measure, which is based on a graph representation of the files' content. We leverage this algorithm and propose Mondrian, a graphical system to assist users in identifying layout templates in a dataset, classes of files that have the same structure, and therefore can be prepared by applying the same preparation pipeline. Finally, we introduce MaGRiTTE, a novel architecture that uses self-supervised learning to automatically learn structural representations of files in the form of vectorial embeddings at three different levels: cell level, row level, and file level. We experiment with the application of structural embeddings for several tasks, namely dialect detection, row classification, and data preparation efforts estimation. Our experimental results show that structural metadata, either identified explicitly on parsing grammars, derived implicitly as file-wise similarity, or learned with the help of machine learning architectures, is fundamental to automate several tasks, to scale up preparation to large quantities of files, and to provide repeatable preparation pipelines.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ghahremani2024, author = {Ghahremani, Sona}, title = {Incremental self-adaptation of dynamic architectures attaining optimality and scalability}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62423}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624232}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 285}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The landscape of software self-adaptation is shaped in accordance with the need to cost-effectively achieve and maintain (software) quality at runtime and in the face of dynamic operation conditions. Optimization-based solutions perform an exhaustive search in the adaptation space, thus they may provide quality guarantees. However, these solutions render the attainment of optimal adaptation plans time-intensive, thereby hindering scalability. Conversely, deterministic rule-based solutions yield only sub-optimal adaptation decisions, as they are typically bound by design-time assumptions, yet they offer efficient processing and implementation, readability, expressivity of individual rules supporting early verification. Addressing the quality-cost trade-of requires solutions that simultaneously exhibit the scalability and cost-efficiency of rulebased policy formalism and the optimality of optimization-based policy formalism as explicit artifacts for adaptation. Utility functions, i.e., high-level specifications that capture system objectives, support the explicit treatment of quality-cost trade-off. Nevertheless, non-linearities, complex dynamic architectures, black-box models, and runtime uncertainty that makes the prior knowledge obsolete are a few of the sources of uncertainty and subjectivity that render the elicitation of utility non-trivial. This thesis proposes a twofold solution for incremental self-adaptation of dynamic architectures. First, we introduce Venus, a solution that combines in its design a ruleand an optimization-based formalism enabling optimal and scalable adaptation of dynamic architectures. Venus incorporates rule-like constructs and relies on utility theory for decision-making. Using a graph-based representation of the architecture, Venus captures rules as graph patterns that represent architectural fragments, thus enabling runtime extensibility and, in turn, support for dynamic architectures; the architecture is evaluated by assigning utility values to fragments; pattern-based definition of rules and utility enables incremental computation of changes on the utility that result from rule executions, rather than evaluating the complete architecture, which supports scalability. Second, we introduce HypeZon, a hybrid solution for runtime coordination of multiple off-the-shelf adaptation policies, which typically offer only partial satisfaction of the quality and cost requirements. Realized based on meta-self-aware architectures, HypeZon complements Venus by re-using existing policies at runtime for balancing the quality-cost trade-off. The twofold solution of this thesis is integrated in an adaptation engine that leverages state- and event-based principles for incremental execution, therefore, is scalable for large and dynamic software architectures with growing size and complexity. The utility elicitation challenge is resolved by defining a methodology to train utility-change prediction models. The thesis addresses the quality-cost trade-off in adaptation of dynamic software architectures via design-time combination (Venus) and runtime coordination (HypeZon) of rule- and optimization-based policy formalisms, while offering supporting mechanisms for optimal, cost-effective, scalable, and robust adaptation. The solutions are evaluated according to a methodology that is obtained based on our systematic literature review of evaluation in self-healing systems; the applicability and effectiveness of the contributions are demonstrated to go beyond the state-of-the-art in coverage of a wide spectrum of the problem space for software self-adaptation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Limberger2024, author = {Limberger, Daniel}, title = {Concepts and techniques for 3D-embedded treemaps and their application to software visualization}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63201}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-632014}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 118}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis addresses concepts and techniques for interactive visualization of hierarchical data using treemaps. It explores (1) how treemaps can be embedded in 3D space to improve their information content and expressiveness, (2) how the readability of treemaps can be improved using level-of-detail and degree-of-interest techniques, and (3) how to design and implement a software framework for the real-time web-based rendering of treemaps embedded in 3D. With a particular emphasis on their application, use cases from software analytics are taken to test and evaluate the presented concepts and techniques. Concerning the first challenge, this thesis shows that a 3D attribute space offers enhanced possibilities for the visual mapping of data compared to classical 2D treemaps. In particular, embedding in 3D allows for improved implementation of visual variables (e.g., by sketchiness and color weaving), provision of new visual variables (e.g., by physically based materials and in situ templates), and integration of visual metaphors (e.g., by reference surfaces and renderings of natural phenomena) into the three-dimensional representation of treemaps. For the second challenge—the readability of an information visualization—the work shows that the generally higher visual clutter and increased cognitive load typically associated with three-dimensional information representations can be kept low in treemap-based representations of both small and large hierarchical datasets. By introducing an adaptive level-of-detail technique, we cannot only declutter the visualization results, thereby reducing cognitive load and mitigating occlusion problems, but also summarize and highlight relevant data. Furthermore, this approach facilitates automatic labeling, supports the emphasis on data outliers, and allows visual variables to be adjusted via degree-of-interest measures. The third challenge is addressed by developing a real-time rendering framework with WebGL and accumulative multi-frame rendering. The framework removes hardware constraints and graphics API requirements, reduces interaction response times, and simplifies high-quality rendering. At the same time, the implementation effort for a web-based deployment of treemaps is kept reasonable. The presented visualization concepts and techniques are applied and evaluated for use cases in software analysis. In this domain, data about software systems, especially about the state and evolution of the source code, does not have a descriptive appearance or natural geometric mapping, making information visualization a key technology here. In particular, software source code can be visualized with treemap-based approaches because of its inherently hierarchical structure. With treemaps embedded in 3D, we can create interactive software maps that visually map, software metrics, software developer activities, or information about the evolution of software systems alongside their hierarchical module structure. Discussions on remaining challenges and opportunities for future research for 3D-embedded treemaps and their applications conclude the thesis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlhosseiniAlmodarresiYasin2024, author = {Alhosseini Almodarresi Yasin, Seyed Ali}, title = {Classification, prediction and evaluation of graph neural networks on online social media platforms}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62642}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 78}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The vast amount of data generated on social media platforms have made them a valuable source of information for businesses, governments and researchers. Social media data can provide insights into user behavior, preferences, and opinions. In this work, we address two important challenges in social media analytics. Predicting user engagement with online content has become a critical task for content creators to increase user engagement and reach larger audiences. Traditional user engagement prediction approaches rely solely on features derived from the user and content. However, a new class of deep learning methods based on graphs captures not only the content features but also the graph structure of social media networks. This thesis proposes a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) approach to predict user interaction with tweets. The proposed approach combines the features of users, tweets and their engagement graphs. The tweet text features are extracted using pre-trained embeddings from language models, and a GNN layer is used to embed the user in a vector space. The GNN model then combines the features and graph structure to predict user engagement. The proposed approach achieves an accuracy value of 94.22\% in classifying user interactions, including likes, retweets, replies, and quotes. Another major challenge in social media analysis is detecting and classifying social bot accounts. Social bots are automated accounts used to manipulate public opinion by spreading misinformation or generating fake interactions. Detecting social bots is critical to prevent their negative impact on public opinion and trust in social media. In this thesis, we classify social bots on Twitter by applying Graph Neural Networks. The proposed approach uses a combination of both the features of a node and an aggregation of the features of a node's neighborhood to classify social bot accounts. Our final results indicate a 6\% improvement in the area under the curve score in the final predictions through the utilization of GNN. Overall, our work highlights the importance of social media data and the potential of new methods such as GNNs to predict user engagement and detect social bots. These methods have important implications for improving the quality and reliability of information on social media platforms and mitigating the negative impact of social bots on public opinion and discourse.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Benson2024, author = {Benson, Lawrence}, title = {Efficient state management with persistent memory}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62563}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-625637}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 124}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Efficiently managing large state is a key challenge for data management systems. Traditionally, state is split into fast but volatile state in memory for processing and persistent but slow state on secondary storage for durability. Persistent memory (PMem), as a new technology in the storage hierarchy, blurs the lines between these states by offering both byte-addressability and low latency like DRAM as well persistence like secondary storage. These characteristics have the potential to cause a major performance shift in database systems. Driven by the potential impact that PMem has on data management systems, in this thesis we explore their use of PMem. We first evaluate the performance of real PMem hardware in the form of Intel Optane in a wide range of setups. To this end, we propose PerMA-Bench, a configurable benchmark framework that allows users to evaluate the performance of customizable database-related PMem access. Based on experimental results obtained with PerMA-Bench, we discuss findings and identify general and implementation-specific aspects that influence PMem performance and should be considered in future work to improve PMem-aware designs. We then propose Viper, a hybrid PMem-DRAM key-value store. Based on PMem-aware access patterns, we show how to leverage PMem and DRAM efficiently to design a key database component. Our evaluation shows that Viper outperforms existing key-value stores by 4-18x for inserts while offering full data persistence and achieving similar or better lookup performance. Next, we show which changes must be made to integrate PMem components into larger systems. By the example of stream processing engines, we highlight limitations of current designs and propose a prototype engine that overcomes these limitations. This allows our prototype to fully leverage PMem's performance for its internal state management. Finally, in light of Optane's discontinuation, we discuss how insights from PMem research can be transferred to future multi-tier memory setups by the example of Compute Express Link (CXL). Overall, we show that PMem offers high performance for state management, bridging the gap between fast but volatile DRAM and persistent but slow secondary storage. Although Optane was discontinued, new memory technologies are continuously emerging in various forms and we outline how novel designs for them can build on insights from existing PMem research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marx2024, author = {Marx, Carolin Valerie}, title = {Escalation of commitment in information systems projects: a cognitive-affective perspective}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62696}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626969}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {174}, year = {2024}, abstract = {While information systems (IS) projects are pivotal in guiding organizational strategies and sustaining competitive advantages, they frequently overrun budgets, extend beyond timelines, and experience high failure rates. This dissertation delves into the psychological micro-foundations of human behavior - specifically cognition and emotion - in relation to a prevalent issue in IS project management: the tendency to persist with failing courses of action, also called escalation of commitment (EoC). Through a mixed-methods research approach, this study investigates the emotional and cognitive bases of decision-making during IS project escalation and its evolution over time. The results of a psychophysiological laboratory experiment provide evidence for the predictions on the role of negative and complex situational integral emotions of Cognitive Dissonance over Coping Theory and add to a better understanding of how escalation tendencies change during sequential decision-making due to cognitive learning effects. Using psychophysiological measures, including data triangulation between electrodermal and cardiovascular activity and AI-based analysis of facial micro-expressions, this research reveals physiological markers of behavioral escalation tendencies. Complementing the experiment, a qualitative analysis using free-form narration during decision-making simulations shows that decision-makers employ varied cognitive reasoning patterns to justify escalating behaviors, suggesting a sequence of four distinct cognitive phases. By integrating both qualitative and quantitative findings, this dissertation offers a comprehensive theoretical framework of how cognition and emotion shape behavioral EoC over time. I propose that escalation is a cyclical adaptation of mental models, distinguished by shifts in cognitive reasoning patterns, temporal cognition mode variations, and interactions with situational emotions and their anticipation. The primary contribution of this dissertation lies in disentangling the emotional and cognitive mechanisms that drive IS project escalation. The findings provide the basis for developing de-escalation strategies, thereby helping to improve decision-making under uncertainty. Stakeholders involved in IS projects that get "off track" should be aware of the tendency to persist with failing courses of action and the importance of the underlying emotional and cognitive dynamics.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Halfpap2024, author = {Halfpap, Stefan}, title = {Integer linear programming-based heuristics for partially replicated database clusters and selecting indexes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63361}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-633615}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 185}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Column-oriented database systems can efficiently process transactional and analytical queries on a single node. However, increasing or peak analytical loads can quickly saturate single-node database systems. Then, a common scale-out option is using a database cluster with a single primary node for transaction processing and read-only replicas. Using (the naive) full replication, queries are distributed among nodes independently of the accessed data. This approach is relatively expensive because all nodes must store all data and apply all data modifications caused by inserts, deletes, or updates. In contrast to full replication, partial replication is a more cost-efficient implementation: Instead of duplicating all data to all replica nodes, partial replicas store only a subset of the data while being able to process a large workload share. Besides lower storage costs, partial replicas enable (i) better scaling because replicas must potentially synchronize only subsets of the data modifications and thus have more capacity for read-only queries and (ii) better elasticity because replicas have to load less data and can be set up faster. However, splitting the overall workload evenly among the replica nodes while optimizing the data allocation is a challenging assignment problem. The calculation of optimized data allocations in a partially replicated database cluster can be modeled using integer linear programming (ILP). ILP is a common approach for solving assignment problems, also in the context of database systems. Because ILP is not scalable, existing approaches (also for calculating partial allocations) often fall back to simple (e.g., greedy) heuristics for larger problem instances. Simple heuristics may work well but can lose optimization potential. In this thesis, we present optimal and ILP-based heuristic programming models for calculating data fragment allocations for partially replicated database clusters. Using ILP, we are flexible to extend our models to (i) consider data modifications and reallocations and (ii) increase the robustness of allocations to compensate for node failures and workload uncertainty. We evaluate our approaches for TPC-H, TPC-DS, and a real-world accounting workload and compare the results to state-of-the-art allocation approaches. Our evaluations show significant improvements for varied allocation's properties: Compared to existing approaches, we can, for example, (i) almost halve the amount of allocated data, (ii) improve the throughput in case of node failures and workload uncertainty while using even less memory, (iii) halve the costs of data modifications, and (iv) reallocate less than 90\% of data when adding a node to the cluster. Importantly, we can calculate the corresponding ILP-based heuristic solutions within a few seconds. Finally, we demonstrate that the ideas of our ILP-based heuristics are also applicable to the index selection problem.}, language = {en} } @article{KuehneHerboldBendeletal.2024, author = {K{\"u}hne, Katharina and Herbold, Erika and Bendel, Oliver and Zhou, Yuefang and Fischer, Martin H.}, title = {"Ick bin een Berlina"}, series = {Frontiers in robotics and AI}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in robotics and AI}, publisher = {Frontiers Media S.A.}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {2296-9144}, doi = {10.3389/frobt.2023.1241519}, pages = {15}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Background: Robots are increasingly used as interaction partners with humans. Social robots are designed to follow expected behavioral norms when engaging with humans and are available with different voices and even accents. Some studies suggest that people prefer robots to speak in the user's dialect, while others indicate a preference for different dialects. Methods: Our study examined the impact of the Berlin dialect on perceived trustworthiness and competence of a robot. One hundred and twenty German native speakers (Mage = 32 years, SD = 12 years) watched an online video featuring a NAO robot speaking either in the Berlin dialect or standard German and assessed its trustworthiness and competence. Results: We found a positive relationship between participants' self-reported Berlin dialect proficiency and trustworthiness in the dialect-speaking robot. Only when controlled for demographic factors, there was a positive association between participants' dialect proficiency, dialect performance and their assessment of robot's competence for the standard German-speaking robot. Participants' age, gender, length of residency in Berlin, and device used to respond also influenced assessments. Finally, the robot's competence positively predicted its trustworthiness. Discussion: Our results inform the design of social robots and emphasize the importance of device control in online experiments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huegle2024, author = {Huegle, Johannes}, title = {Causal discovery in practice: Non-parametric conditional independence testing and tooling for causal discovery}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63582}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-635820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 156}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Knowledge about causal structures is crucial for decision support in various domains. For example, in discrete manufacturing, identifying the root causes of failures and quality deviations that interrupt the highly automated production process requires causal structural knowledge. However, in practice, root cause analysis is usually built upon individual expert knowledge about associative relationships. But, "correlation does not imply causation", and misinterpreting associations often leads to incorrect conclusions. Recent developments in methods for causal discovery from observational data have opened the opportunity for a data-driven examination. Despite its potential for data-driven decision support, omnipresent challenges impede causal discovery in real-world scenarios. In this thesis, we make a threefold contribution to improving causal discovery in practice. (1) The growing interest in causal discovery has led to a broad spectrum of methods with specific assumptions on the data and various implementations. Hence, application in practice requires careful consideration of existing methods, which becomes laborious when dealing with various parameters, assumptions, and implementations in different programming languages. Additionally, evaluation is challenging due to the lack of ground truth in practice and limited benchmark data that reflect real-world data characteristics. To address these issues, we present a platform-independent modular pipeline for causal discovery and a ground truth framework for synthetic data generation that provides comprehensive evaluation opportunities, e.g., to examine the accuracy of causal discovery methods in case of inappropriate assumptions. (2) Applying constraint-based methods for causal discovery requires selecting a conditional independence (CI) test, which is particularly challenging in mixed discrete-continuous data omnipresent in many real-world scenarios. In this context, inappropriate assumptions on the data or the commonly applied discretization of continuous variables reduce the accuracy of CI decisions, leading to incorrect causal structures. Therefore, we contribute a non-parametric CI test leveraging k-nearest neighbors methods and prove its statistical validity and power in mixed discrete-continuous data, as well as the asymptotic consistency when used in constraint-based causal discovery. An extensive evaluation of synthetic and real-world data shows that the proposed CI test outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in the accuracy of CI testing and causal discovery, particularly in settings with low sample sizes. (3) To show the applicability and opportunities of causal discovery in practice, we examine our contributions in real-world discrete manufacturing use cases. For example, we showcase how causal structural knowledge helps to understand unforeseen production downtimes or adds decision support in case of failures and quality deviations in automotive body shop assembly lines.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lorson2024, author = {Lorson, Annalena}, title = {Understanding early stage evolution of digital innovation units in manufacturing companies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63914}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-639141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 149}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The dynamic landscape of digital transformation entails an impact on industrial-age manufacturing companies that goes beyond product offerings, changing operational paradigms, and requiring an organization-wide metamorphosis. An initiative to address the given challenges is the creation of Digital Innovation Units (DIUs) - departments or distinct legal entities that use new structures and practices to develop digital products, services, and business models and support or drive incumbents' digital transformation. With more than 300 units in German-speaking countries alone and an increasing number of scientific publications, DIUs have become a widespread phenomenon in both research and practice. This dissertation examines the evolution process of DIUs in the manufacturing industry during their first three years of operation, through an extensive longitudinal single-case study and several cross-case syntheses of seven DIUs. Building on the lenses of organizational change and development, time, and socio-technical systems, this research provides insights into the fundamentals, temporal dynamics, socio-technical interactions, and relational dynamics of a DIU's evolution process. Thus, the dissertation promotes a dynamic understanding of DIUs and adds a two-dimensional perspective to the often one-dimensional view of these units and their interactions with the main organization throughout the startup and growth phases of a DIU. Furthermore, the dissertation constructs a phase model that depicts the early stages of DIU evolution based on these findings and by incorporating literature from information systems research. As a result, it illustrates the progressive intensification of collaboration between the DIU and the main organization. After being implemented, the DIU sparks initial collaboration and instigates change within (parts of) the main organization. Over time, it adapts to the corporate environment to some extent, responding to changing circumstances in order to contribute to long-term transformation. Temporally, the DIU drives the early phases of cooperation and adaptation in particular, while the main organization triggers the first major evolutionary step and realignment of the DIU. Overall, the thesis identifies DIUs as malleable organizational structures that are crucial for digital transformation. Moreover, it provides guidance for practitioners on the process of building a new DIU from scratch or optimizing an existing one.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lagodzinski2024, author = {Lagodzinski, Julius Albert Gregor}, title = {Counting homomorphisms over fields of prime order}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64603}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-646037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 240}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Homomorphisms are a fundamental concept in mathematics expressing the similarity of structures. They provide a framework that captures many of the central problems of computer science with close ties to various other fields of science. Thus, many studies over the last four decades have been devoted to the algorithmic complexity of homomorphism problems. Despite their generality, it has been found that non-uniform homomorphism problems, where the target structure is fixed, frequently feature complexity dichotomies. Exploring the limits of these dichotomies represents the common goal of this line of research. We investigate the problem of counting homomorphisms to a fixed structure over a finite field of prime order and its algorithmic complexity. Our emphasis is on graph homomorphisms and the resulting problem \#_{p}Hom[H] for a graph H and a prime p. The main research question is how counting over a finite field of prime order affects the complexity. In the first part of this thesis, we tackle the research question in its generality and develop a framework for studying the complexity of counting problems based on category theory. In the absence of problem-specific details, results in the language of category theory provide a clear picture of the properties needed and highlight common ground between different branches of science. The proposed problem \#Mor^{C}[B] of counting the number of morphisms to a fixed object B of C is abstract in nature and encompasses important problems like constraint satisfaction problems, which serve as a leading example for all our results. We find explanations and generalizations for a plethora of results in counting complexity. Our main technical result is that specific matrices of morphism counts are non-singular. The strength of this result lies in its algebraic nature. First, our proofs rely on carefully constructed systems of linear equations, which we know to be uniquely solvable. Second, by exchanging the field that the matrix is defined by to a finite field of order p, we obtain analogous results for modular counting. For the latter, cancellations are implied by automorphisms of order p, but intriguingly we find that these present the only obstacle to translating our results from exact counting to modular counting. If we restrict our attention to reduced objects without automorphisms of order p, we obtain results analogue to those for exact counting. This is underscored by a confluent reduction that allows this restriction by constructing a reduced object for any given object. We emphasize the strength of the categorial perspective by applying the duality principle, which yields immediate consequences for the dual problem of counting the number of morphisms from a fixed object. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on graphs and the problem \#_{p}Hom[H]. We conjecture that automorphisms of order p capture all possible cancellations and that, for a reduced graph H, the problem \#_{p}Hom[H] features the complexity dichotomy analogue to the one given for exact counting by Dyer and Greenhill. This serves as a generalization of the conjecture by Faben and Jerrum for the modulus 2. The criterion for tractability is that H is a collection of complete bipartite and reflexive complete graphs. From the findings of part one, we show that the conjectured dichotomy implies dichotomies for all quantum homomorphism problems, in particular counting vertex surjective homomorphisms and compactions modulo p. Since the tractable cases in the dichotomy are solved by trivial computations, the study of the intractable cases remains. As an initial problem in a series of reductions capable of implying hardness, we employ the problem of counting weighted independent sets in a bipartite graph modulo prime p. A dichotomy for this problem is shown, stating that the trivial cases occurring when a weight is congruent modulo p to 0 are the only tractable cases. We reduce the possible structure of H to the bipartite case by a reduction to the restricted homomorphism problem \#_{p}Hom^{bip}[H] of counting modulo p the number of homomorphisms between bipartite graphs that maintain a given order of bipartition. This reduction does not have an impact on the accessibility of the technical results, thanks to the generality of the findings of part one. In order to prove the conjecture, it suffices to show that for a connected bipartite graph that is not complete, \#_{p}Hom^{bip}[H] is \#_{p}P-hard. Through a rigorous structural study of bipartite graphs, we establish this result for the rich class of bipartite graphs that are (K_{3,3}\{e}, domino)-free. This overcomes in particular the substantial hurdle imposed by squares, which leads us to explore the global structure of H and prove the existence of explicit structures that imply hardness.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haskamp2024, author = {Haskamp, Thomas}, title = {Products design organizations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64695}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-646954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 148}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The automotive industry is a prime example of digital technologies reshaping mobility. Connected, autonomous, shared, and electric (CASE) trends lead to new emerging players that threaten existing industrial-aged companies. To respond, incumbents need to bridge the gap between contrasting product architecture and organizational principles in the physical and digital realms. Over-the-air (OTA) technology, that enables seamless software updates and on-demand feature additions for customers, is an example of CASE-driven digital product innovation. Through an extensive longitudinal case study of an OTA initiative by an industrial- aged automaker, this dissertation explores how incumbents accomplish digital product innovation. Building on modularity, liminality, and the mirroring hypothesis, it presents a process model that explains the triggers, mechanisms, and outcomes of this process. In contrast to the literature, the findings emphasize the primacy of addressing product architecture challenges over organizational ones and highlight the managerial implications for success.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Taleb2024, author = {Taleb, Aiham}, title = {Self-supervised deep learning methods for medical image analysis}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-644089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 171}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Deep learning has seen widespread application in many domains, mainly for its ability to learn data representations from raw input data. Nevertheless, its success has so far been coupled with the availability of large annotated (labelled) datasets. This is a requirement that is difficult to fulfil in several domains, such as in medical imaging. Annotation costs form a barrier in extending deep learning to clinically-relevant use cases. The labels associated with medical images are scarce, since the generation of expert annotations of multimodal patient data at scale is non-trivial, expensive, and time-consuming. This substantiates the need for algorithms that learn from the increasing amounts of unlabeled data. Self-supervised representation learning algorithms offer a pertinent solution, as they allow solving real-world (downstream) deep learning tasks with fewer annotations. Self-supervised approaches leverage unlabeled samples to acquire generic features about different concepts, enabling annotation-efficient downstream task solving subsequently. Nevertheless, medical images present multiple unique and inherent challenges for existing self-supervised learning approaches, which we seek to address in this thesis: (i) medical images are multimodal, and their multiple modalities are heterogeneous in nature and imbalanced in quantities, e.g. MRI and CT; (ii) medical scans are multi-dimensional, often in 3D instead of 2D; (iii) disease patterns in medical scans are numerous and their incidence exhibits a long-tail distribution, so it is oftentimes essential to fuse knowledge from different data modalities, e.g. genomics or clinical data, to capture disease traits more comprehensively; (iv) Medical scans usually exhibit more uniform color density distributions, e.g. in dental X-Rays, than natural images. Our proposed self-supervised methods meet these challenges, besides significantly reducing the amounts of required annotations. We evaluate our self-supervised methods on a wide array of medical imaging applications and tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate the obtained gains in both annotation-efficiency and performance; our proposed methods outperform many approaches from related literature. Additionally, in case of fusion with genetic modalities, our methods also allow for cross-modal interpretability. In this thesis, not only we show that self-supervised learning is capable of mitigating manual annotation costs, but also our proposed solutions demonstrate how to better utilize it in the medical imaging domain. Progress in self-supervised learning has the potential to extend deep learning algorithms application to clinical scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richly2024, author = {Richly, Keven}, title = {Memory-efficient data management for spatio-temporal applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63547}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-635473}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 181}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The wide distribution of location-acquisition technologies means that large volumes of spatio-temporal data are continuously being accumulated. Positioning systems such as GPS enable the tracking of various moving objects' trajectories, which are usually represented by a chronologically ordered sequence of observed locations. The analysis of movement patterns based on detailed positional information creates opportunities for applications that can improve business decisions and processes in a broad spectrum of industries (e.g., transportation, traffic control, or medicine). Due to the large data volumes generated in these applications, the cost-efficient storage of spatio-temporal data is desirable, especially when in-memory database systems are used to achieve interactive performance requirements. To efficiently utilize the available DRAM capacities, modern database systems support various tuning possibilities to reduce the memory footprint (e.g., data compression) or increase performance (e.g., additional indexes structures). By considering horizontal data partitioning, we can independently apply different tuning options on a fine-grained level. However, the selection of cost and performance-balancing configurations is challenging, due to the vast number of possible setups consisting of mutually dependent individual decisions. In this thesis, we introduce multiple approaches to improve spatio-temporal data management by automatically optimizing diverse tuning options for the application-specific access patterns and data characteristics. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We introduce a novel approach to determine fine-grained table configurations for spatio-temporal workloads. Our linear programming (LP) approach jointly optimizes the (i) data compression, (ii) ordering, (iii) indexing, and (iv) tiering. We propose different models which address cost dependencies at different levels of accuracy to compute optimized tuning configurations for a given workload, memory budgets, and data characteristics. To yield maintainable and robust configurations, we further extend our LP-based approach to incorporate reconfiguration costs as well as optimizations for multiple potential workload scenarios. (2) To optimize the storage layout of timestamps in columnar databases, we present a heuristic approach for the workload-driven combined selection of a data layout and compression scheme. By considering attribute decomposition strategies, we are able to apply application-specific optimizations that reduce the memory footprint and improve performance. (3) We introduce an approach that leverages past trajectory data to improve the dispatch processes of transportation network companies. Based on location probabilities, we developed risk-averse dispatch strategies that reduce critical delays. (4) Finally, we used the use case of a transportation network company to evaluate our database optimizations on a real-world dataset. We demonstrate that workload-driven fine-grained optimizations allow us to reduce the memory footprint (up to 71\% by equal performance) or increase the performance (up to 90\% by equal memory size) compared to established rule-based heuristics. Individually, our contributions provide novel approaches to the current challenges in spatio-temporal data mining and database research. Combining them allows in-memory databases to store and process spatio-temporal data more cost-efficiently.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Katzmann2023, author = {Katzmann, Maximilian}, title = {About the analysis of algorithms on networks with underlying hyperbolic geometry}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58296}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582965}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 191}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Many complex systems that we encounter in the world can be formalized using networks. Consequently, they have been in the focus of computer science for decades, where algorithms are developed to understand and utilize these systems. Surprisingly, our theoretical understanding of these algorithms and their behavior in practice often diverge significantly. In fact, they tend to perform much better on real-world networks than one would expect when considering the theoretical worst-case bounds. One way of capturing this discrepancy is the average-case analysis, where the idea is to acknowledge the differences between practical and worst-case instances by focusing on networks whose properties match those of real graphs. Recent observations indicate that good representations of real-world networks are obtained by assuming that a network has an underlying hyperbolic geometry. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the connection between networks and hyperbolic space can be utilized as a powerful tool for average-case analysis. To this end, we first introduce strongly hyperbolic unit disk graphs and identify the famous hyperbolic random graph model as a special case of them. We then consider four problems where recent empirical results highlight a gap between theory and practice and use hyperbolic graph models to explain these phenomena theoretically. First, we develop a routing scheme, used to forward information in a network, and analyze its efficiency on strongly hyperbolic unit disk graphs. For the special case of hyperbolic random graphs, our algorithm beats existing performance lower bounds. Afterwards, we use the hyperbolic random graph model to theoretically explain empirical observations about the performance of the bidirectional breadth-first search. Finally, we develop algorithms for computing optimal and nearly optimal vertex covers (problems known to be NP-hard) and show that, on hyperbolic random graphs, they run in polynomial and quasi-linear time, respectively. Our theoretical analyses reveal interesting properties of hyperbolic random graphs and our empirical studies present evidence that these properties, as well as our algorithmic improvements translate back into practice.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roumen2023, author = {Roumen, Thijs}, title = {Portable models for laser cutting}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57814}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-578141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 170}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Laser cutting is a fast and precise fabrication process. This makes laser cutting a powerful process in custom industrial production. Since the patents on the original technology started to expire, a growing community of tech-enthusiasts embraced the technology and started sharing the models they fabricate online. Surprisingly, the shared models appear to largely be one-offs (e.g., they proudly showcase what a single person can make in one afternoon). For laser cutting to become a relevant mainstream phenomenon (as opposed to the current tech enthusiasts and industry users), it is crucial to enable users to reproduce models made by more experienced modelers, and to build on the work of others instead of creating one-offs. We create a technological basis that allows users to build on the work of others—a progression that is currently held back by the use of exchange formats that disregard mechanical differences between machines and therefore overlook implications with respect to how well parts fit together mechanically (aka engineering fit). For the field to progress, we need a machine-independent sharing infrastructure. In this thesis, we outline three approaches that together get us closer to this: (1) 2D cutting plans that are tolerant to machine variations. Our initial take is a minimally invasive approach: replacing machine-specific elements in cutting plans with more tolerant elements using mechanical hacks like springs and wedges. The resulting models fabricate on any consumer laser cutter and in a range of materials. (2) sharing models in 3D. To allow building on the work of others, we build a 3D modeling environment for laser cutting (kyub). After users design a model, they export their 3D models to 2D cutting plans optimized for the machine and material at hand. We extend this volumetric environment with tools to edit individual plates, allowing users to leverage the efficiency of volumetric editing while having control over the most detailed elements in laser-cutting (plates) (3) converting legacy 2D cutting plans to 3D models. To handle legacy models, we build software to interactively reconstruct 3D models from 2D cutting plans. This allows users to reuse the models in more productive ways. We revisit this by automating the assembly process for a large subset of models. The above-mentioned software composes a larger system (kyub, 140,000 lines of code). This system integration enables the push towards actual use, which we demonstrate through a range of workshops where users build complex models such as fully functional guitars. By simplifying sharing and re-use and the resulting increase in model complexity, this line of work forms a small step to enable personal fabrication to scale past the maker phenomenon, towards a mainstream phenomenon—the same way that other fields, such as print (postscript) and ultimately computing itself (portable programming languages, etc.) reached mass adoption.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bano2023, author = {Bano, Dorina}, title = {Discovering data models from event logs}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58542}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585427}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 137}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the last two decades, process mining has developed from a niche discipline to a significant research area with considerable impact on academia and industry. Process mining enables organisations to identify the running business processes from historical execution data. The first requirement of any process mining technique is an event log, an artifact that represents concrete business process executions in the form of sequence of events. These logs can be extracted from the organization's information systems and are used by process experts to retrieve deep insights from the organization's running processes. Considering the events pertaining to such logs, the process models can be automatically discovered and enhanced or annotated with performance-related information. Besides behavioral information, event logs contain domain specific data, albeit implicitly. However, such data are usually overlooked and, thus, not utilized to their full potential. Within the process mining area, we address in this thesis the research gap of discovering, from event logs, the contextual information that cannot be captured by applying existing process mining techniques. Within this research gap, we identify four key problems and tackle them by looking at an event log from different angles. First, we address the problem of deriving an event log in the absence of a proper database access and domain knowledge. The second problem is related to the under-utilization of the implicit domain knowledge present in an event log that can increase the understandability of the discovered process model. Next, there is a lack of a holistic representation of the historical data manipulation at the process model level of abstraction. Last but not least, each process model presumes to be independent of other process models when discovered from an event log, thus, ignoring possible data dependencies between processes within an organization. For each of the problems mentioned above, this thesis proposes a dedicated method. The first method provides a solution to extract an event log only from the transactions performed on the database that are stored in the form of redo logs. The second method deals with discovering the underlying data model that is implicitly embedded in the event log, thus, complementing the discovered process model with important domain knowledge information. The third method captures, on the process model level, how the data affects the running process instances. Lastly, the fourth method is about the discovery of the relations between business processes (i.e., how they exchange data) from a set of event logs and explicitly representing such complex interdependencies in a business process architecture. All the methods introduced in this thesis are implemented as a prototype and their feasibility is proven by being applied on real-life event logs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sakizloglou2023, author = {Sakizloglou, Lucas}, title = {Evaluating temporal queries over history-aware architectural runtime models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60439}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-604396}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In model-driven engineering, the adaptation of large software systems with dynamic structure is enabled by architectural runtime models. Such a model represents an abstract state of the system as a graph of interacting components. Every relevant change in the system is mirrored in the model and triggers an evaluation of model queries, which search the model for structural patterns that should be adapted. This thesis focuses on a type of runtime models where the expressiveness of the model and model queries is extended to capture past changes and their timing. These history-aware models and temporal queries enable more informed decision-making during adaptation, as they support the formulation of requirements on the evolution of the pattern that should be adapted. However, evaluating temporal queries during adaptation poses significant challenges. First, it implies the capability to specify and evaluate requirements on the structure, as well as the ordering and timing in which structural changes occur. Then, query answers have to reflect that the history-aware model represents the architecture of a system whose execution may be ongoing, and thus answers may depend on future changes. Finally, query evaluation needs to be adequately fast and memory-efficient despite the increasing size of the history---especially for models that are altered by numerous, rapid changes. The thesis presents a query language and a querying approach for the specification and evaluation of temporal queries. These contributions aim to cope with the challenges of evaluating temporal queries at runtime, a prerequisite for history-aware architectural monitoring and adaptation which has not been systematically treated by prior model-based solutions. The distinguishing features of our contributions are: the specification of queries based on a temporal logic which encodes structural patterns as graphs; the provision of formally precise query answers which account for timing constraints and ongoing executions; the incremental evaluation which avoids the re-computation of query answers after each change; and the option to discard history that is no longer relevant to queries. The query evaluation searches the model for occurrences of a pattern whose evolution satisfies a temporal logic formula. Therefore, besides model-driven engineering, another related research community is runtime verification. The approach differs from prior logic-based runtime verification solutions by supporting the representation and querying of structure via graphs and graph queries, respectively, which is more efficient for queries with complex patterns. We present a prototypical implementation of the approach and measure its speed and memory consumption in monitoring and adaptation scenarios from two application domains, with executions of an increasing size. We assess scalability by a comparison to the state-of-the-art from both related research communities. The implementation yields promising results, which pave the way for sophisticated history-aware self-adaptation solutions and indicate that the approach constitutes a highly effective technique for runtime monitoring on an architectural level.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Afifi2023, author = {Afifi, Haitham}, title = {Wireless In-Network Processing for Multimedia Applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60437}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-604371}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 233}, year = {2023}, abstract = {With the recent growth of sensors, cloud computing handles the data processing of many applications. Processing some of this data on the cloud raises, however, many concerns regarding, e.g., privacy, latency, or single points of failure. Alternatively, thanks to the development of embedded systems, smart wireless devices can share their computation capacity, creating a local wireless cloud for in-network processing. In this context, the processing of an application is divided into smaller jobs so that a device can run one or more jobs. The contribution of this thesis to this scenario is divided into three parts. In part one, I focus on wireless aspects, such as power control and interference management, for deciding which jobs to run on which node and how to route data between nodes. Hence, I formulate optimization problems and develop heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms to allocate wireless and computation resources. Additionally, to deal with multiple applications competing for these resources, I develop a reinforcement learning (RL) admission controller to decide which application should be admitted. Next, I look into acoustic applications to improve wireless throughput by using microphone clock synchronization to synchronize wireless transmissions. In the second part, I jointly work with colleagues from the acoustic processing field to optimize both network and application (i.e., acoustic) qualities. My contribution focuses on the network part, where I study the relation between acoustic and network qualities when selecting a subset of microphones for collecting audio data or selecting a subset of optional jobs for processing these data; too many microphones or too many jobs can lessen quality by unnecessary delays. Hence, I develop RL solutions to select the subset of microphones under network constraints when the speaker is moving while still providing good acoustic quality. Furthermore, I show that autonomous vehicles carrying microphones improve the acoustic qualities of different applications. Accordingly, I develop RL solutions (single and multi-agent ones) for controlling these vehicles. In the third part, I close the gap between theory and practice. I describe the features of my open-source framework used as a proof of concept for wireless in-network processing. Next, I demonstrate how to run some algorithms developed by colleagues from acoustic processing using my framework. I also use the framework for studying in-network delays (wireless and processing) using different distributions of jobs and network topologies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lindinger2023, author = {Lindinger, Jakob}, title = {Variational inference for composite Gaussian process models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60444}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-604441}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 122}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Most machine learning methods provide only point estimates when being queried to predict on new data. This is problematic when the data is corrupted by noise, e.g. from imperfect measurements, or when the queried data point is very different to the data that the machine learning model has been trained with. Probabilistic modelling in machine learning naturally equips predictions with corresponding uncertainty estimates which allows a practitioner to incorporate information about measurement noise into the modelling process and to know when not to trust the predictions. A well-understood, flexible probabilistic framework is provided by Gaussian processes that are ideal as building blocks of probabilistic models. They lend themself naturally to the problem of regression, i.e., being given a set of inputs and corresponding observations and then predicting likely observations for new unseen inputs, and can also be adapted to many more machine learning tasks. However, exactly inferring the optimal parameters of such a Gaussian process model (in a computationally tractable manner) is only possible for regression tasks in small data regimes. Otherwise, approximate inference methods are needed, the most prominent of which is variational inference. In this dissertation we study models that are composed of Gaussian processes embedded in other models in order to make those more flexible and/or probabilistic. The first example are deep Gaussian processes which can be thought of as a small network of Gaussian processes and which can be employed for flexible regression. The second model class that we study are Gaussian process state-space models. These can be used for time-series modelling, i.e., the task of being given a stream of data ordered by time and then predicting future observations. For both model classes the state-of-the-art approaches offer a trade-off between expressive models and computational properties (e.g. speed or convergence properties) and mostly employ variational inference. Our goal is to improve inference in both models by first getting a deep understanding of the existing methods and then, based on this, to design better inference methods. We achieve this by either exploring the existing trade-offs or by providing general improvements applicable to multiple methods. We first provide an extensive background, introducing Gaussian processes and their sparse (approximate and efficient) variants. We continue with a description of the models under consideration in this thesis, deep Gaussian processes and Gaussian process state-space models, including detailed derivations and a theoretical comparison of existing methods. Then we start analysing deep Gaussian processes more closely: Trading off the properties (good optimisation versus expressivity) of state-of-the-art methods in this field, we propose a new variational inference based approach. We then demonstrate experimentally that our new algorithm leads to better calibrated uncertainty estimates than existing methods. Next, we turn our attention to Gaussian process state-space models, where we closely analyse the theoretical properties of existing methods.The understanding gained in this process leads us to propose a new inference scheme for general Gaussian process state-space models that incorporates effects on multiple time scales. This method is more efficient than previous approaches for long timeseries and outperforms its comparison partners on data sets in which effects on multiple time scales (fast and slowly varying dynamics) are present. Finally, we propose a new inference approach for Gaussian process state-space models that trades off the properties of state-of-the-art methods in this field. By combining variational inference with another approximate inference method, the Laplace approximation, we design an efficient algorithm that outperforms its comparison partners since it achieves better calibrated uncertainties.}, language = {en} }