@phdthesis{Veh2019, author = {Veh, Georg}, title = {Outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43607}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436071}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The Himalayas are a region that is most dependent, but also frequently prone to hazards from changing meltwater resources. This mountain belt hosts the highest mountain peaks on earth, has the largest reserve of ice outside the polar regions, and is home to a rapidly growing population in recent decades. One source of hazard has attracted scientific research in particular in the past two decades: glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occurred rarely, but mostly with fatal and catastrophic consequences for downstream communities and infrastructure. Such GLOFs can suddenly release several million cubic meters of water from naturally impounded meltwater lakes. Glacial lakes have grown in number and size by ongoing glacial mass losses in the Himalayas. Theory holds that enhanced meltwater production may increase GLOF frequency, but has never been tested so far. The key challenge to test this notion are the high altitudes of >4000 m, at which lakes occur, making field work impractical. Moreover, flood waves can attenuate rapidly in mountain channels downstream, so that many GLOFs have likely gone unnoticed in past decades. Our knowledge on GLOFs is hence likely biased towards larger, destructive cases, which challenges a detailed quantification of their frequency and their response to atmospheric warming. Robustly quantifying the magnitude and frequency of GLOFs is essential for risk assessment and management along mountain rivers, not least to implement their return periods in building design codes. Motivated by this limited knowledge of GLOF frequency and hazard, I developed an algorithm that efficiently detects GLOFs from satellite images. In essence, this algorithm classifies land cover in 30 years (~1988-2017) of continuously recorded Landsat images over the Himalayas, and calculates likelihoods for rapidly shrinking water bodies in the stack of land cover images. I visually assessed such detected tell-tale sites for sediment fans in the river channel downstream, a second key diagnostic of GLOFs. Rigorous tests and validation with known cases from roughly 10\% of the Himalayas suggested that this algorithm is robust against frequent image noise, and hence capable to identify previously unknown GLOFs. Extending the search radius to the entire Himalayan mountain range revealed some 22 newly detected GLOFs. I thus more than doubled the existing GLOF count from 16 previously known cases since 1988, and found a dominant cluster of GLOFs in the Central and Eastern Himalayas (Bhutan and Eastern Nepal), compared to the rarer affected ranges in the North. Yet, the total of 38 GLOFs showed no change in the annual frequency, so that the activity of GLOFs per unit glacial lake area has decreased in the past 30 years. I discussed possible drivers for this finding, but left a further attribution to distinct GLOF-triggering mechanisms open to future research. This updated GLOF frequency was the key input for assessing GLOF hazard for the entire Himalayan mountain belt and several subregions. I used standard definitions in flood hydrology, describing hazard as the annual exceedance probability of a given flood peak discharge [m3 s-1] or larger at the breach location. I coupled the empirical frequency of GLOFs per region to simulations of physically plausible peak discharges from all existing ~5,000 lakes in the Himalayas. Using an extreme-value model, I could hence calculate flood return periods. I found that the contemporary 100-year GLOF discharge (the flood level that is reached or exceeded on average once in 100 years) is 20,600+2,200/-2,300 m3 s-1 for the entire Himalayas. Given the spatial and temporal distribution of historic GLOFs, contemporary GLOF hazard is highest in the Eastern Himalayas, and lower for regions with rarer GLOF abundance. I also calculated GLOF hazard for some 9,500 overdeepenings, which could expose and fill with water, if all Himalayan glaciers have melted eventually. Assuming that the current GLOF rate remains unchanged, the 100-year GLOF discharge could double (41,700+5,500/-4,700 m3 s-1), while the regional GLOF hazard may increase largest in the Karakoram. To conclude, these three stages-from GLOF detection, to analysing their frequency and estimating regional GLOF hazard-provide a framework for modern GLOF hazard assessment. Given the rapidly growing population, infrastructure, and hydropower projects in the Himalayas, this thesis assists in quantifying the purely climate-driven contribution to hazard and risk from GLOFs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eugster2018, author = {Eugster, Patricia}, title = {Landscape evolution in the western Indian Himalaya since the Miocene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-420329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXI, 208}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The Himalayan arc stretches >2500 km from east to west at the southern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, representing one of the most important Cenozoic continent-continent collisional orogens. Internal deformation processes and climatic factors, which drive weathering, denudation, and transport, influence the growth and erosion of the orogen. During glacial times wet-based glaciers sculpted the mountain range and left overdeepend and U-shaped valleys, which were backfilled during interglacial times with paraglacial sediments over several cycles. These sediments partially still remain within the valleys because of insufficient evacuation capabilities into the foreland. Climatic processes overlay long-term tectonic processes responsible for uplift and exhumation caused by convergence. Possible processes accommodating convergence within the orogenic wedge along the main Himalayan faults, which divide the range into four major lithologic units, are debated. In this context, the identification of processes shaping the Earth's surface on short- and on long-term are crucial to understand the growth of the orogen and implications for landscape development in various sectors along the arc. This thesis focuses on both surface and tectonic processes that shape the landscape in the western Indian Himalaya since late Miocene. In my first study, I dated well-preserved glacially polished bedrock on high-elevated ridges and valley walls in the upper of the Chandra Valley the by means of 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclides (TCN). I used these ages and mapped glacial features to reconstruct the extent and timing of Pleistocene glaciation at the southern front of the Himalaya. I was able to reconstruct an extensive valley glacier of ~200 km length and >1000 m thickness. Deglaciation of the Chandra Valley glacier started subsequently to insolation increase on the Northern Hemisphere and thus responded to temperature increase. I showed that the timing this deglaciation onset was coeval with retreat of further midlatitude glaciers on the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. These comparisons also showed that the post-LGM deglaciation very rapid, occurred within a few thousand years, and was nearly finished prior to the B{\o}lling/Aller{\o}d interstadial. A second study (co-authorship) investigates how glacial advances and retreats in high mountain environments impact the landscape. By 10Be TCN dating and geomorphic mapping, we obtained maximal length and height of the Siachen Glacier within the Nubra Valley. Today the Shyok and Nubra confluence is backfilled with sedimentary deposits, which are attributed to the valley blocking of the Siachen Glacier 900 m above the present day river level. A glacial dam of the Siachen Glacier blocked the Shyok River and lead to the evolution of a more than 20 km long lake. Fluvial and lacustrine deposits in the valley document alternating draining and filling cycles of the lake dammed by the Siachen Glacier. In this study, we can show that glacial incision was outpacing fluvial incision. In the third study, which spans the million-year timescale, I focus on exhumation and erosion within the Chandra and Beas valleys. In this study the position and discussed possible reasons of rapidly exhuming rocks, several 100-km away from one of the main Himalayan faults (MFT) using Apatite Fission Track (AFT) thermochronometry. The newly gained AFT ages indicate rapid exhumation and confirm earlier studies in the Chandra Valley. I assume that the rapid exhumation is most likely related to uplift over subsurface structures. I tested this hypothesis by combining further low-temperature thermochronometers from areas east and west of my study area. By comparing two transects, each parallel to the Beas/Chandra Valley transect, I demonstrate similarities in the exhumation pattern to transects across the Sutlej region, and strong dissimilarities in the transect crossing the Dhauladar Range. I conclude that the belt of rapid exhumation terminates at the western end of the Kullu-Rampur window. Therewith, I corroborate earlier studies suggesting changes in exhumation behavior in the western Himalaya. Furthermore, I discussed several causes responsible for the pronounced change in exhumation patterns along strike: 1) the role of inherited pre-collisional features such as the Proterozoic sedimentary cover of the Indian basement, former ridges and geological structures, and 2) the variability of convergence rates along the Himalayan arc due to an increased oblique component towards the syntaxis. The combination of field observations (geological and geomorphological mapping) and methods to constrain short- and long-term processes (10Be, AFT) help to understand the role of the individual contributors to exhumation and erosion in the western Indian Himalaya. With the results of this thesis, I emphasize the importance of glacial and tectonic processes in shaping the landscape by driving exhumation and erosion in the studied areas.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scherler2010, author = {Scherler, Dirk}, title = {Climate variability and glacial dynamics in the Himalaya}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49871}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In den Hochgebirgen Asiens bedecken Gletscher eine Fl{\"a}che von ungef{\"a}hr 115,000 km² und ergeben damit, neben Gr{\"o}nland und der Antarktis, eine der gr{\"o}ßten Eisakkumulationen der Erde. Die Sensibilit{\"a}t der Gletscher gegen{\"u}ber Klimaschwankungen macht sie zu wertvollen pal{\"a}oklimatischen Archiven in Hochgebirgen, aber gleichzeitig auch anf{\"a}llig gegen{\"u}ber rezenter und zuk{\"u}nftiger globaler Erw{\"a}rmung. Dies kann vor allem in dicht besiedelten Gebieten S{\"u}d-, Ost- und Zentralasiens zu großen Problem f{\"u}hren, in denen Gletscher- und Schnee-Schmelzw{\"a}sser eine wichtige Ressource f{\"u}r Landwirtschaft und Stromerzeugung darstellen. Eine erfolgreiche Prognose des Gletscherverhaltens in Reaktion auf den Klimawandel und die Minderung der sozio{\"o}konomischen Auswirkungen erfordert fundierte Kenntnisse der klimatischen Steuerungsfaktoren und der Dynamik asiatischer Gletscher. Aufgrund ihrer Abgeschiedenheit und dem erschwerten Zugang gibt es nur wenige glaziologische Gel{\"a}ndestudien, die zudem r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich sehr begrenzt sind. Daher fehlen bisher grundlegende Informationen {\"u}ber die Mehrzahl asiatischer Gletscher. In dieser Arbeit benutze ich verschiedene Methoden, um die Dynamik asiatischer Gletscher auf mehreren Zeitskalen zu untersuchen. Erstens teste ich eine Methode zur pr{\"a}zisen satelliten-gest{\"u}tzten Messung von Gletscheroberfl{\"a}chen-Geschwindigkeiten. Darauf aufbauend habe ich eine umfassende regionale Erhebung der Fliessgeschwindigkeiten und Frontdynamik asiatischer Gletscher f{\"u}r die Jahre 2000 bis 2008 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Der gewonnene Datensatz erlaubt einmalige Einblicke in die topographischen und klimatischen Steuerungsfaktoren der Gletscherfließgeschwindigkeiten in den Gebirgsregionen Hochasiens. Insbesondere dokumentieren die Daten rezent ungleiches Verhalten der Gletscher im Karakorum und im Himalaja, welches ich auf die konkurrierenden klimatischen Einfl{\"u}sse der Westwinddrift im Winter und des Indischen Monsuns im Sommer zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hre. Zweitens untersuche ich, ob klimatisch bedingte Ost-West Unterschiede im Gletscherverhalten auch auf l{\"a}ngeren Zeitskalen eine Rolle spielen und gegebenenfalls f{\"u}r dokumentierte regional asynchrone Gletschervorst{\"o}ße relevant sind. Dazu habe ich mittels kosmogener Nuklide Oberfl{\"a}chenalter von erratischen Bl{\"o}cken auf Mor{\"a}nen ermittelt und eine glaziale Chronologie f{\"u}r das obere Tons Tal, in den Quellgebieten des Ganges, erstellt. Dieses Gebiet befindet sich in der {\"U}bergangszone von monsunaler zu Westwind beeinflusster Feuchtigkeitszufuhr und ist damit ideal gelegen, um die Auswirkungen dieser beiden atmosph{\"a}rischen Zirkulationssysteme auf Gletschervorst{\"o}ße zu untersuchen. Die ermittelte glaziale Chronologie dokumentiert mehrere Gletscherschwankungen w{\"a}hrend des Endstadiums der letzten Pleistoz{\"a}nen Vereisung und w{\"a}hrend des Holz{\"a}ns. Diese weisen darauf hin, dass Gletscherschwankungen im westlichen Himalaja weitestgehend synchron waren und auf graduelle glaziale-interglaziale Temperaturver{\"a}nderungen, {\"u}berlagert von monsunalen Niederschlagsschwankungen h{\"o}herer Frequenz, zur{\"u}ck zu f{\"u}hren sind. In einem dritten Schritt kombiniere ich Satelliten-Klimadaten mit Eisfluss-Absch{\"a}tzungen und topographischen Analysen, um den Einfluss der Gletscher Hochasiens auf die Reliefentwicklung im Hochgebirge zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dokumentieren ausgepr{\"a}gte meridionale Unterschiede im Grad und im Stil der Vergletscherung und glazialen Erosion in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von topographischen und klimatischen Faktoren. Gegens{\"a}tzlich zu bisherigen Annahmen deuten die Daten darauf hin, dass das monsunale Klima im zentralen Himalaja die glaziale Erosion schw{\"a}cht und durch den Erhalt einer steilen orographischen Barriere das Tibet Plateau vor lateraler Zerschneidung bewahrt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dokumentieren, wie klimatische und topographische Gradienten die Gletscherdynamik in den Hochgebirgen Asiens auf Zeitskalen von 10^0 bis 10^6 Jahren beeinflussen. Die Reaktionszeit der Gletscher auf Klimaver{\"a}nderungen sind eng an Eigenschaften wie Schuttbedeckung und Neigung gekoppelt, welche ihrerseits von den topographischen Verh{\"a}ltnissen bedingt sind. Derartige Einflussfaktoren m{\"u}ssen bei pal{\"a}oklimatischen Rekonstruktion und Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die Entwicklung asiatischer Gletscher ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Desweiteren gehen die regionalen topographischen Unterschiede der vergletscherten Gebiete Asiens teilweise auf klimatische Gradienten und den langfristigen Einfluss der Gletscher auf die topographische Entwicklung des Gebirgssystems zur{\"u}ck.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Skiba2024, author = {Skiba, Vanessa}, title = {Alpine speleothems as recorders of glacier evolution}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65537}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-655379}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 238}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The European Alps are amongst the regions with highest glacier mass loss rates over the last decades. Under the threat of ongoing climate change, the ability to predict glacier mass balance changes for water and risk management purposes has become imperative. This raises an urgent need for reliable glacier models. The European Alps do not only host glaciers, but also numerous caves containing carbonate formations, called speleothems. Previous studies have shown that those speleothems also grew during times when the cave was covered by a warm-based glacier. In this thesis, I utilise speleothems from the European Alps as archives of local, environmental conditions related to mountain glacier evolution. Previous studies have shown that speleothem isotope data from the Alps can be strongly affected by in-cave processes. Therefore, part of this thesis focusses on developing an isotope evolution model, which successfully reproduces differences between contemporaneous growing speleothems. The model is used to propose correction approaches for prior calcite precipitation effects on speleothem oxygen isotopes (δ18O). Applications on speleothem records from caves outside of the Alps demonstrate that corrected δ18O agrees better with other records and climate model simulations. Existing speleothem growth histories and carbon isotope (δ13C) records from Alpine caves located at different elevations are used to infer soil vs. glacier cover and the thermal regime of the glacier over the last glacial cycle. The compatibility with glacier evolution models is statistically assessed. A general agreement between speleothem δ13C-derived information on soil vs. glacier presence and modelled glacier coverage is found. However, glacier retreat during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 seems to be underestimated by the model. Furthermore, speleothem data provides evidence of surface temperature above the freezing point which is, however, not fully reproduced by the simulations. History of glacier cover and their thermal regime is explored for the high-elevation cave system Melchsee-Frutt in the Swiss Alps. Based on new (MIS 9b - MIS 7b, MIS 2) and available speleothem δ13C (MIS 7a - 5d) data, warm-based glacier cover is inferred for MIS 8, 7d, 6, and 2. Also a short period of cold-based ice coverage is found for early MIS 6. In a detailed multi-proxy analysis (δ18O, δ13C, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca), millennial-scale changes in the glacier-related source of the water infiltrating in the karst during MIS 8 and 7d are found and linked to Northern Hemisphere climate variability. While speleothem records from high-elevation cave sites in the Alps exhibit huge potential for glacier reconstruction, several limitations remain, which are discussed throughout this thesis. Ultimately, recommendations are given to further leverage subglacial speleothems as an archive of glacier dynamics.}, language = {en} }