@phdthesis{Berner2016, author = {Berner, Nadine}, title = {Deciphering multiple changes in complex climate time series using Bayesian inference}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 135}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Change points in time series are perceived as heterogeneities in the statistical or dynamical characteristics of the observations. Unraveling such transitions yields essential information for the understanding of the observed system's intrinsic evolution and potential external influences. A precise detection of multiple changes is therefore of great importance for various research disciplines, such as environmental sciences, bioinformatics and economics. The primary purpose of the detection approach introduced in this thesis is the investigation of transitions underlying direct or indirect climate observations. In order to develop a diagnostic approach capable to capture such a variety of natural processes, the generic statistical features in terms of central tendency and dispersion are employed in the light of Bayesian inversion. In contrast to established Bayesian approaches to multiple changes, the generic approach proposed in this thesis is not formulated in the framework of specialized partition models of high dimensionality requiring prior specification, but as a robust kernel-based approach of low dimensionality employing least informative prior distributions. First of all, a local Bayesian inversion approach is developed to robustly infer on the location and the generic patterns of a single transition. The analysis of synthetic time series comprising changes of different observational evidence, data loss and outliers validates the performance, consistency and sensitivity of the inference algorithm. To systematically investigate time series for multiple changes, the Bayesian inversion is extended to a kernel-based inference approach. By introducing basic kernel measures, the weighted kernel inference results are composed into a proxy probability to a posterior distribution of multiple transitions. The detection approach is applied to environmental time series from the Nile river in Aswan and the weather station Tuscaloosa, Alabama comprising documented changes. The method's performance confirms the approach as a powerful diagnostic tool to decipher multiple changes underlying direct climate observations. Finally, the kernel-based Bayesian inference approach is used to investigate a set of complex terrigenous dust records interpreted as climate indicators of the African region of the Plio-Pleistocene period. A detailed inference unravels multiple transitions underlying the indirect climate observations, that are interpreted as conjoint changes. The identified conjoint changes coincide with established global climate events. In particular, the two-step transition associated to the establishment of the modern Walker-Circulation contributes to the current discussion about the influence of paleoclimate changes on the environmental conditions in tropical and subtropical Africa at around two million years ago.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roers2016, author = {Roers, Michael}, title = {Methoden zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98844}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 141}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Elbe und ihr Einzugsgebiet sind vom Klimawandel betroffen. Um die Wirkkette von projizierten Klimaver{\"a}nderungen auf den Wasserhaushalt und die daraus resultierenden N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten f{\"u}r große Einzugsgebiete wie das der Elbe zu analysieren, k{\"o}nnen integrierte Umweltmodellsysteme eingesetzt werden. Fallstudien, die mit diesen Modellsystemen ad hoc durchgef{\"u}hrt werden, repr{\"a}sentieren den Istzustand von Modellentwicklungen und -unsicherheiten und sind damit statisch. Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Einstieg in die Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet. Dies umfasst zum einen eine Plausibilit{\"a}tspr{\"u}fung von Auswirkungsrechnungen, die mit Szenarien des statistischen Szenariengenerators STARS durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, durch den Vergleich mit den Auswirkungen neuerer Klimaszenarien aus dem ISI-MIP Projekt, die dem letzten Stand der Klimamodellierung entsprechen. Hierf{\"u}r wird ein integriertes Modellsystem mit "eingefrorenem Entwicklungsstand" verwendet. Die Klimawirkungsmodelle bleiben dabei unver{\"a}ndert. Zum anderen wird ein Bestandteil des integrierten Modellsystems - das {\"o}kohydrologische Modell SWIM - zu einer "live"-Version weiterentwickelt. Diese wird durch punktuelle Testung an langj{\"a}hrigen Versuchsreihen eines Lysimeterstandorts sowie an aktuellen Abflussreihen validiert und verbessert. Folgende Forschungsfragen werden bearbeitet: (i) Welche Effekte haben unterschiedliche Klimaszenarien auf den Wasserhaushalt im Elbegebiet und ist eine Neubewertung der Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf den Wasserhaushalt notwendig?, (ii) Was sind die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten im Elbegebiet sowie die Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge?, (iii) Ist unter der Nutzung (selbst einer sehr geringen Anzahl) verf{\"u}gbarer tagesaktueller Witterungsdaten in einem stark heterogenen Einzugsgebiet eine valide Ansprache der aktuellen {\"o}kohydrologischen Situation des Elbeeinzugsgebiets m{\"o}glich? Die aktuellen Szenarien best{\"a}tigen die Richtung, jedoch nicht das Ausmaß der Klimafolgen: Die R{\"u}ckg{\"a}nge des mittleren j{\"a}hrlichen Gesamtabflusses und der monatlichen Abfl{\"u}sse an den Pegeln bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts betragen f{\"u}r das STARS-Szenario ca. 30 \%. Die R{\"u}ckg{\"a}nge bei den auf dem ISI-MIP-Szenario basierenden Modellstudien liegen hingegen nur bei ca. 10 \%. Hauptursachen f{\"u}r diese Divergenz sind die Unterschiede in den Niederschlagsprojektionen sowie die Unterschiede in der jahreszeitlichen Verteilung der Erw{\"a}rmung. Im STARS-Szenario gehen methodisch bedingt die Niederschl{\"a}ge zur{\"u}ck und der Winter erw{\"a}rmt sich st{\"a}rker als der Sommer. In dem ISI-MIP-Szenario bleiben die Niederschl{\"a}ge nahezu stabil und die Erw{\"a}rmung im Sommer und Winter unterscheidet sich nur geringf{\"u}gig. Generell nehmen die N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten mit den Abfl{\"u}ssen in beiden Szenarien unterproportional ab, wobei die Frachten jeweils st{\"a}rker als die Eintr{\"a}ge zur{\"u}ckgehen. Die konkreten Effekte der Abfluss{\"a}nderungen sind gering und liegen im einstelligen Prozentbereich. Gleiches gilt f{\"u}r die Unterschiede zwischen den Szenarien. Der Effekt von zwei ausgew{\"a}hlten Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten unterscheidet sich bei verschiedenen Abflussverh{\"a}ltnissen, repr{\"a}sentiert durch unterschiedliche Klimaszenarien in unterschiedlich feuchter Auspr{\"a}gung, ebenfalls nur geringf{\"u}gig. Die Beantwortung der ersten beiden Forschungsfragen zeigt, dass die Aktualisierung von Klimaszenarien in einem ansonsten "eingefrorenen" Verbund von {\"o}kohydrologischen Daten und Modellen eine wichtige Pr{\"u}foption f{\"u}r die Plausibilisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen darstellt. Sie bildet die methodische Grundlage f{\"u}r die Schlussfolgerung, dass bei der Wassermenge eine Neubewertung der Klimafolgen notwendig ist, w{\"a}hrend dies bei den N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}gen und -frachten nicht der Fall ist. Die zur Beantwortung der dritten Forschungsfrage mit SWIM-live durchgef{\"u}hrten Validierungsstudien ergeben Diskrepanzen am Lysimeterstandort und bei den Abfl{\"u}ssen aus den Teilgebieten Saale und Spree. Sie lassen sich zum Teil mit der notwendigen Interpolationsweite der Witterungsdaten und dem Einfluss von Wasserbewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen erkl{\"a}ren. Insgesamt zeigen die Validierungsergebnisse, dass schon die Pilotversion von SWIM-live f{\"u}r eine {\"o}kohydrologische Ansprache des Gebietswasserhaushaltes im Elbeeinzugsgebiet genutzt werden kann. SWIM-live erm{\"o}glicht eine unmittelbare Betrachtung und Beurteilung simulierter Daten. Dadurch werden Unsicherheiten bei der Modellierung direkt offengelegt und k{\"o}nnen infolge dessen reduziert werden. Zum einen f{\"u}hrte die Verdichtung der meteorologischen Eingangsdaten durch die Verwendung von nun ca. 700 anstatt 19 Klima- bzw. Niederschlagstationen zu einer Verbesserung der Ergebnisse. Zum anderen wurde SWIM-live beispielhaft f{\"u}r einen Zyklus aus punktueller Modellverbesserung und fl{\"a}chiger {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Simulationsergebnisse genutzt. Die einzelnen Teilarbeiten tragen jeweils zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet bei. Der Anlass hierf{\"u}r war durch die fehlerhaften methodischen Grundlagen von STARS gegeben. Die Sinnf{\"a}lligkeit der Dynamisierung ist jedoch nicht an diesen konkreten Anlass gebunden, sondern beruht auf der grundlegenden Einsicht, dass Ad-hoc-Szenarienanalysen immer auch pragmatische Vereinfachungen zugrunde liegen, die fortlaufend {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden m{\"u}ssen.}, language = {de} } @article{Berner2016, author = {Berner, Elisabeth}, title = {Ein Blick zur{\"u}ck}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100008}, pages = {157 -- 185}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Einleitung, 2 Die Entstehung des organisierten Turnens in Deutschland, 3 Vom Turnen zum Sport, 4 Friedrich Ludwig Jahn und die Herausbildung der deutschen Turnersprache, 5 Sportsprache in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, 6 Didaktische Anregungen, 7 Materialien und Diskussionsanregungen, 8 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Muehlbauer2016, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Evelyn}, title = {Mit Korbmachern zum Sieg}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99998}, pages = {129 -- 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Hinf{\"u}hrung, 2 Zum Buch, 3 Arbeit am Wortschatz: integrativ im wortschatzdidaktischen Dreischritt, 4 Wortschatz lehren und lernen mit dem Buch „Spielmacher", 5 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Siehr2016, author = {Siehr, Karl-Heinz}, title = {Der Live-Ticker als Gegenstand von Sprach- und Medientextreflexion}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99986}, pages = {101 -- 128}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Hinf{\"u}hrung, 2 Vom Nachrichtenticker zum Live-Ticker, 3 M{\"o}glichkeiten der fachdidaktischen Nutzung im Deutschunterricht, 4 Kommentierung der Aufgaben und Materialien, 5 Literatur, 6 Aufgaben}, language = {de} } @article{Hoffmann2016, author = {Hoffmann, Michael}, title = {Wie Schlagzeilen zum Schl{\"u}ssel f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis von Texten werden}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99972}, pages = {71 -- 99}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Was Schlagzeilen von {\"U}berschriften unterscheidet, 2 Wie sich Schlagzeilen in ein Kommunikationssystem einf{\"u}gen, 3 Was Schlagzeilen verraten, 4 Materialien, 5 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{KernGrossbroehmer2016, author = {Kern, Friederike and Großbr{\"o}hmer, Christoph}, title = {Ol{\´e}! Fanges{\"a}nge im Deutschunterricht}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99961}, pages = {49 -- 69}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Einleitung, 2 Linguistische Grundlagen: Die Kommunikationsmodelle von B{\"u}hler und Schulz von Thun, 3 Fanges{\"a}nge sprachlich-kommunikativ gesehen, 4 Unterrichtsanregungen, 5 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Hoffmann2016, author = {Hoffmann, Michael}, title = {Sport, Sportsprache, Sportberichterstattung}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99952}, pages = {31 -- 47}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Ausgangs{\"u}berlegungen, 2 Sport als Kommunikationsgegenstand, 3 Sportsprache als Kommunikationsmittel, 4 Sportberichterstattung als Kommunikationssystem, 5 Abschließend: Sportberichterstattung und Medientextkompetenz, 6 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{SiehrKern2016, author = {Siehr, Karl-Heinz and Kern, Friederike}, title = {Deutschunterricht und „Sport" in deutschdidaktischer Perspektive}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99945}, pages = {11 -- 29}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Hinf{\"u}hrung, 2. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{HoefnerSchepe2016, author = {H{\"o}fner, Marion and Schepe, Kerstin}, title = {Ein Fußballer-Roman als Pr{\"u}fungsgegenstand}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100040}, pages = {267 -- 290}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Hinf{\"u}hrung und Zielstellung, 2 Angestrebte Ergebnisse der Entwicklung lexikalischer Kompetenz - vernetzt mit der Entwicklung von Lese-/Textverstehenskompetenz, 3 Arbeit am Wortschatz und Textverstehen - Textanalyse als das Erschließen eines Feldes von M{\"o}glichkeiten, 4 Die T{\"a}tigkeit des Sch{\"u}lers optimal in Gang setzen - handlungs-regulierende Aufgaben stellen, 5 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{PreisJosting2016, author = {Preis, Matthias and Josting, Petra}, title = {„Nur im Spiel sind wir ganz wir selbst"}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100024}, pages = {235 -- 265}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Thema und Problemstellung, 2 Zum Jugendroman Mandela \& Nelson, 3 Bausteine f{\"u}r den Unterricht, 4 Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Leubner2016, author = {Leubner, Martin}, title = {„Ode an Kahn" und zehn ‚Mitspieler-Texte'}, series = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, journal = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht : Fachliche Grundlagen - Unterrichtsanregungen - Unterrichtsmaterialien}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100015}, pages = {187 -- 233}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Hinf{\"u}hrung, 2 Fußball, Lyrik und Textverstehen, 3 Sequenz „Kontextorientierte Gedichterschließung am Beispiel von Fußball-Lyrik", 4 Verlaufsplanung und Verfahren, 5 Literatur und Medien}, language = {de} } @misc{Groezinger2016, author = {Gr{\"o}zinger, Elvira}, title = {Jan Schwarz: Survivors and Exiles. Yiddish Culture after the Holocaust / rezensiert von Elvira Gr{\"o}zinger}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99929}, pages = {259 -- 262}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Jan Schwarz: Survivors and Exiles. Yiddish Culture after the Holocaust, Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2015. 355 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Walter2016, author = {Walter, Simon}, title = {Dan Diner: Rituelle Distanz. Israels deutsche Frage / rezensiert von Simon Walter}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99916}, pages = {255 -- 259}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Dan Diner: Rituelle Distanz. Israels deutsche Frage, M{\"u}nchen: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 2015. 176 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Denz2016, author = {Denz, Rebekka}, title = {Anne-Katrin Henkel / Thomas Rahe (Hrsg.): Publizistik in j{\"u}dischen Displaced- Persons-Camps. Charakteristika, Medien und bibliothekarische {\"U}berlieferung / rezensiert von Rebekka Denz}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99894}, pages = {252 -- 255}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Anne-Katrin Henkel / Thomas Rahe (Hrsg.): Publizistik in j{\"u}dischen Displaced-Persons-Camps. Charakteristika, Medien und bibliothekarische {\"U}berlieferung, Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. Sonderb{\"a}nde, Bd. 112, Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann Verlag 2014. 194 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Stellmacher2016, author = {Stellmacher, Martha}, title = {Rachel L. Greenblatt: To Tell Their Children. Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern Prague / rezensiert von Martha Stellmacher}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99888}, pages = {249 -- 251}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rachel L. Greenblatt: To Tell Their Children. Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern Prague, Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press 2014. 320 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Rasumny2016, author = {Rasumny, Wiebke}, title = {Clemens P. Sidorko: Basel und der jiddische Buchdruck (1557-1612). Kulturexport in der Fr{\"u}hen Neuzeit / rezensiert von Wiebke Rasumny}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99878}, pages = {245 -- 248}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Clemens P. Sidorko: Basel und der jiddische Buchdruck (1557-1612). Kulturexport in der Fr{\"u}hen Neuzeit, Schriften der Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Basel, Bd. 8, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2014. 487 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Talabardon2016, author = {Talabardon, Susanne}, title = {Karl Erich Gr{\"o}zinger: J{\"u}disches Denken. Theologie - Philosophie - Mystik / rezensiert von Susanne Talabardon}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99860}, pages = {241 -- 245}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Karl Erich Gr{\"o}zinger: J{\"u}disches Denken. Theologie - Philosophie - Mystik, Bd. 4: Zionismus und Schoah, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag 2015. 660 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Haussig2016, author = {Haußig, Hans-Michael}, title = {Ottfried Fraisse: Ign{\´a}c Goldzihers monotheistische Wissenschaft. Zur Historisierung des Islam / rezensiert von Hans-Michael Haußig}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99856}, pages = {235 -- 241}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Ottfried Fraisse: Ign{\´a}c Goldzihers monotheistische Wissenschaft. Zur Historisierung des Islam, toldot. Essays zur j{\"u}dischen Geschichte und Kultur, Bd. 12, G{\"o}ttingen: Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht 2014. 212 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Schuster2016, author = {Schuster, Dirk}, title = {Benigna Sch{\"o}nhagen (Hrsg.): „Ma Tovu…". „Wie sch{\"o}n sind deine Zelte, Jakob…". Synagogen in Schwaben / rezensiert von Dirk Schuster}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99846}, pages = {233 -- 235}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Benigna Sch{\"o}nhagen (Hrsg.): „Ma Tovu…". „Wie sch{\"o}n sind deine Zelte, Jakob…". Synagogen in Schwaben, M{\"u}nchen: Franz Schiermeier 2014. 204 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{GeisslerGruenberg2016, author = {Geißler-Gr{\"u}nberg, Anke}, title = {Erwin Bosch / Esther Bloch / Ralph Bloch: Der j{\"u}dische Friedhof von Krumbach-H{\"u}rben / rezensiert von Anke Geißler}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99832}, pages = {230 -- 233}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Erwin Bosch / Esther Bloch / Ralph Bloch: Der j{\"u}dische Friedhof von Krumbach-H{\"u}rben, Quellen und Darstellungen zur j{\"u}dischen Geschichte Schwabens, Bd. 4, Augsburg: Wißner 2015. 624 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Arnold2016, author = {Arnold, Rafael D.}, title = {Margarethe Boockmann: Schrift als Stigma. Hebr{\"a}ische und hebraisierende Inschriften auf Gem{\"a}lden der Sp{\"a}tgotik / rezensiert von: Rafael D. Arnold}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99828}, pages = {225 -- 229}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Margarethe Boockmann: Schrift als Stigma. Hebr{\"a}ische und hebraisierende Inschriften auf Gem{\"a}lden der Sp{\"a}tgotik, Schriften der Hochschule f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien Heidelberg, Bd. 16, Heidelberg: Universit{\"a}tsverlag Winter 2013. 698 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Schulz2016, author = {Schulz, Michael Karl}, title = {Agnieszka Jagodzińska / Marcin Wodziński (Hrsg.): Izraelita 1866-1915. Wyb{\´o}r {\'{z}}r{\´o}deł [Izraelita 1866-1915. Quellenauswahl] / rezensiert von Michał Szulc}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99810}, pages = {221 -- 225}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Agnieszka Jagodzińska / Marcin Wodziński (Hrsg.): Izraelita 1866-1915. Wyb{\´o}r {\'{z}}r{\´o}deł [Izraelita 1866-1915. Quellenauswahl], מקור / Źr{\´o}dła, Bd. 3, Krak{\´o}w / Budapeszt: Austeria 2015. 540 S.}, language = {de} } @misc{Salzer2016, author = {Salzer, Dorothea M.}, title = {Naphtali Herz Wessely: Worte des Friedens und der Wahrheit. Dokumente einer Kontroverse {\"u}ber Erziehung in der europ{\"a}ischen Sp{\"a}taufkl{\"a}rung. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Ingrid Lohmann, mitherausgegeben von Rainer Wenzel / Uta Lohmann. Aus dem Hebr{\"a}ischen {\"u}bersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Rainer Wenzel / rezensiert von Dorothea Salzer}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99807}, pages = {218 -- 221}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Naphtali Herz Wessely: Worte des Friedens und der Wahrheit. Dokumente einer Kontroverse {\"u}ber Erziehung in der europ{\"a}ischen Sp{\"a}taufkl{\"a}rung. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Ingrid Lohmann, mitherausgegeben von Rainer Wenzel / Uta Lohmann. Aus dem Hebr{\"a}ischen {\"u}bersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Rainer Wenzel, J{\"u}dische Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland, Bd. 8, M{\"u}nster: Waxmann 2014. 800 S.}, language = {de} } @article{Arnold2016, author = {Arnold, Rafael D.}, title = {Duldung und Diskriminierung}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99791}, pages = {209 -- 215}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{PohlmannSchulz2016, author = {Pohlmann, Julia and Schulz, Michael Karl}, title = {Konferenz zur Er{\"o}ffnung der Dauerausstellung des Museums der Geschichte der polnischen Juden POLIN unter dem Titel „From Ibrahim ibn Yakub to 6 Anielewicz Street", Warschau, 11.-14. Mai 2015}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99782}, pages = {203 -- 207}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{BlumStuerman2016, author = {Blum, Rahel and St{\"u}rman, Jakob}, title = {Vierte Nachwuchstagung Judaistik/J{\"u}dische Studien, Frankfurt am Main, 15.-17. November 2015}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99771}, pages = {199 -- 202}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Langer2016, author = {Langer, Armin}, title = {Die Salaam-Schalom-Initiative}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99762}, pages = {195 -- 198}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{SchmidtSchuster2016, author = {Schmidt, Daniela and Schuster, Dirk}, title = {„Entjudung" - Wort, Ph{\"a}nomen, Programm}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99757}, pages = {167 -- 191}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Worte „entjuden" und „Entjudung" sind sprachlicher Ausdruck zumeist judenfeindlicher Haltungen und Taten in der deutschen Geschichte. Der Beitrag zeichnet die Entwicklung des Begriffs anhand seiner Verwendungszusammenh{\"a}nge nach. Im Kontext der Assimilation des beginnenden 19. Jahrhunderts meinte der Terminus, dass man sich jener j{\"u}dischen „Eigenheit" zu entkleiden habe, welche als Postulat gemeinhin Konsens war. Innerhalb der innerj{\"u}dischen Diskussion wird „Entjudung" zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zum diagnostischen Ausdruck des Identit{\"a}tsverlustes. Als politischer Kampfbegriff der Nationalsozialisten ist er wiederum zum Synonym f{\"u}r die Entrechtung und Vernichtung j{\"u}discher Menschen geworden. Protestantische Theologen verwendeten diesen Begriff in der Debatte um die Erneuerung des Christentums, was durch die Entfernung j{\"u}discher Einfl{\"u}sse geschehen sollte. Bereits Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts formuliert, findet diese Forderung in der 1939 erfolgten Gr{\"u}ndung des Instituts zur Erforschung und Beseitigung des j{\"u}dischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben seine programmatische Umsetzung.}, language = {de} } @article{Merkur2016, author = {Merkur, Lianne}, title = {Contentious and Communal Cultural Heritage}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99665}, pages = {151 -- 164}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Arch{\"a}ologie kann als ein in den Prozess der Identit{\"a}tsbildung involviertes Werkzeug verstanden werden. Als solches tr{\"a}gt sie zur Schaffung von Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit und Einheit innerhalb einer vielf{\"a}ltigen Reihe von Gemeinden bei. Die Forschung wurde aufgrund des breiten Wahrnehmungsspektrums und Analysepotentials mit Absicht in der gemischten Stadt Lod in Israel durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Autorin untersuchte die Auswirkungen des st{\"a}dtischen Kulturerbes auf die identit{\"a}re Entwicklung der j{\"u}dischen und arabischen Kinder vor Ort. Als j{\"u}ngste aktive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft in der Stadt wurden sie ausgew{\"a}hlt, um an den Grabungen der Saison 2013 im Khan al-Hilu teilzunehmen. Israel ist f{\"u}r solche Forschungen aufgrund seiner Natur, dem gleichzeitig umfangreichen Schwerpunkt der Ausgrabungen und dem anhaltenden, scheinbar unl{\"o}sbaren Nahostkonflikt der ideale Ort. Die generationenalte Bindung an das Land dient als Grundlage f{\"u}r die kollektive Identit{\"a}t von Arabern und Juden. Doch jede Gemeinschaft und jedes Individuum bezieht sich auf unterschiedliche arch{\"a}ologische St{\"a}tten, die durch ihre Bedeutung als kulturelles Erbe und ihren Wert f{\"u}r die jeweilige Gruppe gepr{\"a}gt sind.}, language = {en} } @article{Anzi2016, author = {Anzi, Menashe}, title = {ʿAgunot and Converts to Islam}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99658}, pages = {135 -- 149}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Nach der Massenemigration der jemenitischen Juden nach Israel zwischen 1948 und 1950 sind ca. 2000 Juden im Jemen zur{\"u}ckgeblieben. Viele sind danach mit Hilfe der Jewish Agency und des JDC nach Israel eingewandert. Die wenigen Zur{\"u}ckgebliebenen lebten in kleinen Gemeinden, behielten jedoch ihre religi{\"o}sen Br{\"a}uche bei. Deren Verteilung unter der muslimischen Bev{\"o}lkerung f{\"u}hrte jedoch zur Ann{\"a}herung zwischen Juden und Muslimen. Rund zehn Prozent sind zum Islam {\"u}bergetreten, teils als Einzelpersonen, teils als Gruppen. Dabei gab es etwa zwanzig F{\"a}lle von M{\"a}nnern, die zum Islam {\"u}bertraten, deren Frauen aber nach Israel auswanderten und das Judentum beibehielten. Aufgrund des Abbruchs der ehelichen Beziehung nach islamischem Recht haben sich einige Konvertiten geweigert ihren Frauen die Scheidung zu gew{\"a}hren. Dieser Beitrag geht den Bem{\"u}hungen zur Befreiung der ʿAgunot nach. Es wird gezeigt, wie j{\"u}dische und muslimische Gelehrte gemeinsam nach L{\"o}sungen suchten und Br{\"u}cken zwischen ihren Religionsgemeinschaften schlugen.}, language = {en} } @article{TarabiehYeshaya2016, author = {Tarabieh, Abdallah and Yeshaya, Joachim}, title = {The Themes of Calling for Help and Redemption in Arabic and Hebrew Poems from Medieval Spain during the Eleventh and Twelfth Century}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99645}, pages = {121 -- 133}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this article we will present a few examples of the theme of "calling for help and redemption" in Arabic and Hebrew poetry, with particular focus on eleventh and twelfth century Muslim Spain. More particularly, we will offer a glimpse into the life and oeuvre of two medieval poets (one Muslim, one Jewish); both were active in Muslim Spain in the same period and shared a similar fate of exile and wandering: on the one hand, the Sicilian Arabic poet Ibn Ḥamdīs (c. 1056-c. 1133) and on the other hand, the Spanish Jewish poet Moses ibn Ezra (1055-1138). We will take into account the impact of exile and wandering on the profusion of the theme of "calling for help and redemption" as well as the related theme of "yearning for one's homeland" through an analysis and comparison of poetic fragments by the two aforementioned poets as well as additional Andalusian Jewish (Judah ha-Levi) and Muslim (Ibn Khafāja, al-Rundī and Ibn al-Abbār) poets.}, language = {en} } @article{Zoref2016, author = {Zoref, Arye}, title = {Journeys for God in Ṣūfī and Judeo Arabic Literature}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99635}, pages = {109 -- 119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Konzept der drei Reisen als einen Weg zur spirituellen Entwicklung wurde von einem der Gr{\"u}nderv{\"a}ter der islamischen Mystik, Dhu al-Nun, eingef{\"u}hrt. Sp{\"a}ter wurde die Anwendung des Konzepts verfeinert, indem es mit der sufischen Technik verschiedene Pr{\"a}positionen hinzuzuf{\"u}gen kombiniert wurde, um dadurch zwischen den spirituellen Stufen zu unterscheiden. Mit der Verwendung der W{\"o}rter Reise (Safar) und Gott (Allah) und dem Hinzuf{\"u}gen einer Pr{\"a}position zum Wort Gott konnten sufische Schriftsteller die verschiedenen Wege zu Gott oder die Stationen (Maqamat) auf diesem Weg aufzeichnen. Ibn al-'Arabi spricht Anfang des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts von drei verschiedenen Wegen: von Gott, zu Gott und in Gott. Am Ende des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts spricht der j{\"u}disch-arabische Bibelkommentator Tanchum ha-Yerushalmi von den drei Reisen als drei Stationen eines kontinuierlichen Weges. Eine nahezu identische Beschreibung ist eine Generation danach beim muslimischen Gelehrten Qayyim al-Jawziyya zu finden. Aus den drei Reisen werden im vierzehnten Jahrhundert in den Schriften des sufischen Schriftstellers al-Qashani vier, wobei das Schema der drei Pr{\"a}positionen beibehalten wurde. Kurz vor dem Ende des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts sind in den Schriften von R. David ha-Nagid nur noch zwei Reisen zu finden: zu Gott und in Gott. All dies zeigt uns, dass uns die j{\"u}disch-arabische Literatur dabei helfen kann die geschichtliche Entwicklung der sufischen Ideen genauer nachzuzeichnen.}, language = {en} } @article{Arslan2016, author = {Arslan, Hakki}, title = {Normative Ratgebung in Islam und Judentum}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99623}, pages = {87 -- 108}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In diesem Artikel wird ein vergleichender Einblick in die j{\"u}dische Responsen Literatur und in die muslimische Fatwa-Literatur gegeben und herausgearbeitet, welche Fragen sich f{\"u}r weiterf{\"u}hrende Studien ergeben. Beide Religionen haben ein normatives Bezugssystem (halacha und fiqh), das sich auf alle Bereiche des Lebens erstreckt. Die klassische Position beider Religionen sieht in der Aus{\"u}bung dieser Normen den authentischsten Weg, Gottes Willen n{\"a}herzukommen. Nach traditioneller Auffassung ben{\"o}tigen religi{\"o}se Menschen dabei eine permanente Supervision durch vertrauensw{\"u}rdige Gelehrte, die sie bei Bedarf um Rat bitten k{\"o}nnen. Die große Zahl der Fragen, die Gelehrten - {\"u}ber das Internet, den Briefverkehr oder das Telefon - gestellt werden, zeigt einen auch in der Gegenwart ungebrochenen Bedarf an fachkundigen Ausk{\"u}nften im Bereich religi{\"o}ser Normen. Im vorliegenden Artikel sollen die Grundz{\"u}ge dieses Prozesses religi{\"o}ser Rechtsausk{\"u}nfte im Judentum und Islam vergleichend dargestellt werden. Dabei k{\"o}nnen an dieser Stelle nur die bedeutendsten Momente festgehalten und auf Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hin betrachtet werden. Als Methode dient die historische Analyse, bei der die Fatwa- und die Responsen-Literatur in ihrer klassischen Form und in Grundz{\"u}gen dargestellt wird, so wie sie sich vom 7. bis ins 19. Jahrhundert gezeigt hat.}, language = {de} } @article{Turan2016, author = {Turan, Hakan}, title = {{\"U}ber die milit{\"a}rischen Konflikte des Propheten mit den Juden von Medina}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99617}, pages = {49 -- 85}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden einige zentrale Berichte und Motive aus den fr{\"u}hen Quellen des Islam {\"u}ber die milit{\"a}rischen Konflikte des Propheten Muhammad mit den Juden von Medina beleuchtet. Als Grundlage der Untersuchung dient die Prophetenbiografie des Gelehrten Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq (gest. 150 nach der Hedschra), die auch heute noch maßgeblich ist. Im Beitrag wird unter anderem aufgezeigt, dass es sowohl innerhalb der Gattung der Sīra-Literatur, der Ibn Isḥāqs Werk angeh{\"o}rt, als auch in den fr{\"u}hen Traditionen der islamischen Rechtswissenschaft, der Koranexegese sowie im Korantext selbst zahlreiche Hinweise auf alternative Darstellungen dieser Konflikte gibt. Diese gerieten in den ersten Jahrhunderten des Islam infolge des Siegeszuges von Ibn Isḥāqs Werk zunehmend aus dem Blickfeld, sind aber f{\"u}r zeitgen{\"o}ssische Diskurse um das Verh{\"a}ltnis des Islam zu Nichtmuslimen durchaus von Interesse. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es die normative Aussagekraft der unterschiedlichen Szenarien f{\"u}r Grundsatzfragen insbesondere f{\"u}r das Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Muslimen und Juden herauszuarbeiten. Einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt im Beitrag bilden dabei unterschiedliche Zug{\"a}nge zum ber{\"u}hmten Bericht {\"u}ber die Vernichtung des j{\"u}dischen Stammes der Banū Qurayza im Anschluss an die Grabenschlacht.}, language = {de} } @article{Vorpahl2016, author = {Vorpahl, Daniel}, title = {Vom Voraussetzen und Wiederentdecken des Narrativ}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99601}, pages = {31 -- 48}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Rezeption des Propheten Jona im Koran setzt dessen biblischen Narrativ im Wesentlichen voraus und deutet diesen vor allem dort aus, wo man um eine Korrektur seines Prophetenbildes bem{\"u}ht ist. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Buße, Umkehr und Erl{\"o}sung Yūnus' und seines Volkes. Nachkoranische Prophetenerz{\"a}hlungen (qisas alanbiyā') f{\"u}llen die narrativen Leerstellen der ‚Jona-Suren' wiederum mit erkl{\"a}rendem Erz{\"a}hlmaterial auf und sch{\"o}pfen daf{\"u}r auch aus dem umfangreichen Fundus biblischer und rabbinischer Traditionen, die sie sich im {\"a}ußeren Rahmen der koranischen Yūnus {\"U}berlieferung sch{\"o}pferisch zu eigen machen. So entstehen Erz{\"a}hlkompositionen, die sich als dialogische Auseinandersetzung mit religi{\"o}sen Themen von gemeinsamer Relevanz lesen lassen. Der Artikel reflektiert gezielt Entwicklung und Verh{\"a}ltnis der Rezeptionen Jonas im Koran sowie in den Prophetenerz{\"a}hlungen von Ibn-Muhammad at-Ta‛labī und Muhammad ibn ‛Abd Allāh al-Kisā'i, in stetiger Auseinandersetzung mit der j{\"u}dischen Jona-Tradition.}, language = {de} } @article{Saritoprak2016, author = {Saritoprak, Zeki}, title = {The Place of Moses in the Qurʼan and Its Significance for a Jewish-Muslim Dialogue}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, volume = {22}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association of Jewish Studies [22 (2016)] = Muslim-Jewish Dialogue}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99581}, pages = {17 -- 29}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Figur des Moses konstituiert eine wichtige Verbindung zwischen j{\"u}dischen und muslimischen Traditionen. Im islamischen Sinne ist Moses einer der f{\"u}nf Hauptpropheten Gottes. Seine Geschichte bestimmt daher einen maßgeblichen Stellenwert im Koran und obwohl kleinere Unterschiede vorherrschen, ist es die koranische Geschichte des Moses, die die der Tora best{\"a}tigt. Sein Leben ist daher als Vorbild f{\"u}r Muslime zu sehen. Einzelne Elemente seiner Geschichte finden sich an verschiedenen Stellen des Korans; es ist jedoch das siebte Kapitel, welches das Leben Moses im Detail beschreibt. Der Text wird sich daher auf dieses Kapitel konzentrieren, da es jene Ereignisse im Leben des Moses beschreibt, die zum einen essentiell f{\"u}r Muslime und Juden sind und zum anderen die Signifikanz und Fr{\"o}mmigkeit des Moses aufzeigt. Auch bringt dieses Kapitel die {\"A}hnlichkeiten des islamischen Moses und des j{\"u}dischen Moses zum Vorschein. Anhand einer Untersuchung der im Koran aufgef{\"u}hrten Ereignisse im Leben des Moses wird er zu einer Schl{\"u}sselfigur um Freundschaft, Harmonie und Frieden zwischen Juden und Muslime zu schaffen. Moses wird somit zum gemeinsamen Nenner um einen Dialog zwischen den beiden Religionen zu kreieren und ihrer Hingabe den ‚Einen Gott' zu huldigen voran zu treiben.}, language = {en} } @misc{SaritoprakVorpahlTuranetal.2016, author = {Saritoprak, Zeki and Vorpahl, Daniel and Turan, Hakan and Arslan, Hakki and Zoref, Arye and Tarabieh, Abdallah and Yeshaya, Joachim and Anzi, Menashe and Merkur, Lianne and Schmidt, Daniela and Schuster, Dirk and Langer, Armin and Blum, Rahel and St{\"u}rmann, Jakob and Pohlmann, Julia and Schulz, Michael Karl and Arnold, Rafael D. and Salzer, Dorothea M. and Geißler-Gr{\"u}nberg, Anke and Talabardon, Susanne and Rasumny, Wiebke and Stellmacher, Martha and Denz, Rebekka and Walter, Simon and Gr{\"o}zinger, Elvira}, title = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien = Muslimisch-J{\"u}discher Dialog}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, number = {22}, editor = {Riemer, Nathanael and Sanci, Kadir and Schulz, Michael Karl}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-370-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95416}, pages = {280}, year = {2016}, abstract = {PaRDeS. Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V., m{\"o}chte die fruchtbare und facettenreiche Kultur des Judentums sowie seine Ber{\"u}hrungspunkte zur Umwelt in den unterschiedlichen Bereichen dokumentieren. Daneben dient die Zeitschrift als Forum zur Positionierung der F{\"a}cher J{\"u}dische Studien und Judaistik innerhalb des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses sowie zur Diskussion ihrer historischen und gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung.}, language = {de} } @book{SiehrKernHoffmannetal.2016, author = {Siehr, Karl-Heinz and Kern, Friederike and Hoffmann, Michael and Großbr{\"o}hmer, Christoph and M{\"u}hlbauer, Evelyn and Berner, Elisabeth and Leubner, Martin and Friese, Antonia and Preis, Matthias and Josting, Petra and H{\"o}fner, Marion and Schepe, Kerstin}, title = {Sport als Thema im Deutschunterricht}, editor = {Kern, Friederike and Siehr, Karl-Heinz}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-381-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95307}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ein Deutschunterricht, der die Alltags- und Medienkultur der Sch{\"u}ler und Sch{\"u}lerinnen ernst nimmt, darf Sporttexte nicht unber{\"u}cksichtigt lassen. Zu sehr ist der Sport in all seinen Facetten Teil der Lebenswelt vieler Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler geworden. Die Frage ist nicht mehr, ob der Deutschunterricht darauf zu reagieren hat, die Frage ist vielmehr, wie er dies tun und welche Sporttexte er dabei nutzen kann. Auch wenn die Suche nach sinnvollen Bez{\"u}gen zwischen Sport und Deutschunterricht schon seit l{\"a}ngerem intensiv betrieben wird, offenbart das vielschichtige Kulturph{\"a}nomen „Sport" immer wieder neue interessante Seiten, die es lohnen, fachdidaktisch behandelt zu werden. Die zehn Beitr{\"a}ge in diesem Band verstehen sich als Unterrichtsanregungen f{\"u}r den kompetenzorientierten Deutschunterricht. Sie bedienen Betrachtungen zum Sport aus literarischer, sprachlicher und medialer Perspektive. Die theoretisch-begrifflichen Aspekte der jeweiligen Themen werden soweit behandelt, wie sie f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis erforderlich sind. Im Zentrum vieler Beitr{\"a}ge stehen Unterrichtsszenarien mit kommentierten Texten und Aufgaben, die f{\"u}r die Unterrichtsvorbereitung oder f{\"u}r den Unterricht selbst genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nietzsche2016, author = {Nietzsche, Madlen}, title = {Identifizierung und Charakterisierung neuer Komponenten der SnRK1-Signaltransduktion in Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98678}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 182}, year = {2016}, abstract = {F{\"u}r alle Organismen ist die Aufrechterhaltung ihres energetischen Gleichgewichts unter fluktuierenden Umweltbedingungen lebensnotwendig. In Eukaryoten steuern evolution{\"a}r konservierte Proteinkinasen, die in Pflanzen als SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE1 (SnRK1) bezeichnet werden, die Adaption an Stresssignale aus der Umwelt und an die Limitierung von N{\"a}hrstoffen und zellul{\"a}rer Energie. Die Aktivierung von SnRK1 bedingt eine umfangreiche transkriptionelle Umprogrammierung, die allgemein zu einer Repression energiekonsumierender Prozesse wie beispielsweise Zellteilung und Proteinbiosynthese und zu einer Induktion energieerzeugender, katabolischer Stoffwechselwege f{\"u}hrt. Wie unterschiedliche Signale zu einer generellen sowie teilweise gewebe- und stressspezifischen SnRK1-vermittelten Antwort f{\"u}hren ist bisher noch nicht ausreichend gekl{\"a}rt, auch weil bislang nur wenige Komponenten der SnRK1-Signaltransduktion identifiziert wurden. In dieser Arbeit konnte ein Protein-Protein-Interaktionsnetzwerk um die SnRK1αUntereinheiten aus Arabidopsis AKIN10/AKIN11 etabliert werden. Dadurch wurden zun{\"a}chst Mitglieder der pflanzenspezifischen DUF581-Proteinfamilie als Interaktionspartner der SnRK1α-Untereinheiten identifiziert. Diese Proteine sind {\"u}ber ihre konservierte DUF581Dom{\"a}ne, in der ein Zinkfinger-Motiv lokalisiert ist, f{\"a}hig mit AKIN10/AKIN11 zu interagieren. In planta Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass die DUF581-Proteine eine Verschiebung der nucleo-cytoplasmatischen Lokalisierung von AKIN10 hin zu einer nahezu ausschließlichen zellkernspezifischen Lokalisierung beg{\"u}nstigen sowie die Ko-Lokalisierung von AKIN10 und DUF581-Proteinen im Nucleus. In Bimolekularen Fluoreszenzkomplementations-Analysen konnte die zellkernspezifische Interaktion von DUF581-Proteinen mit SnRK1α-Untereinheiten in planta best{\"a}tigt werden. Außerhalb der DUF581-Dom{\"a}ne weisen die Proteine einander keine große Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit auf. Aufgrund ihrer F{\"a}higkeit mit SnRK1 zu interagieren, dem Fehlen von SnRK1Phosphorylierungsmotiven sowie ihrer untereinander sehr variabler gewebs-, entwicklungs- und stimulusspezifischer Expression wurde f{\"u}r DUF581-Proteine eine Funktion als Adaptoren postuliert, die unter bestimmten physiologischen Bedingungen spezifische Substratproteine in den SnRK1-Komplex rekrutieren. Auf diese Weise k{\"o}nnten DUF581Proteine die Interaktion von SnRK1 mit deren Zielproteinen modifizieren und eine Feinjustierung der SnRK1-Signalweiterleitung erm{\"o}glichen. Durch weiterf{\"u}hrende Interaktionsstudien konnten DUF581-interagierende Proteine darunter Transkriptionsfaktoren, Proteinkinasen sowie regulatorische Proteine gefunden werden, die teilweise ebenfalls Wechselwirkungen mit SnRK1α-Untereinheiten aufzeigten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eines dieser Proteine f{\"u}r das eine Beteiligung an der SnRK1Signalweiterleitung als Transkriptionsregulator vermutet wurde n{\"a}her charakterisiert. STKR1 (STOREKEEPER RELATED 1), ein spezifischer Interaktionspartner von DUF581-18, geh{\"o}rt zu einer pflanzenspezifischen Leucin-Zipper-Transkriptionsfaktorfamilie und interagiert in Hefe sowie in planta mit SnRK1. Die zellkernspezifische Interaktion von STKR1 und AKIN10 in Pflanzen unterst{\"u}tzt die Vermutung der kooperativen Regulation von Zielgenen. Weiterhin stabilisierte die Anwesenheit von AKIN10 die Proteingehalte von STKR1, das wahrscheinlich {\"u}ber das 26S Proteasom abgebaut wird. Da es sich bei STKR1 um ein Phosphoprotein mit SnRK1-Phosphorylierungsmotiv handelt, stellt es sehr wahrscheinlich ein SnRK1-Substrat dar. Allerdings konnte eine SnRK1-vermittelte Phosphorylierung von STKR1 in dieser Arbeit nicht gezeigt werden. Der Verlust von einer Phosphorylierungsstelle beeinflusste die Homo- und Heterodimerisierungsf{\"a}higkeit von STKR1 in Hefeinteraktionsstudien, wodurch eine erh{\"o}hte Spezifit{\"a}t der Zielgenregulation erm{\"o}glicht werden k{\"o}nnte. Außerdem wurden Arabidopsis-Pflanzen mit einer ver{\"a}nderten STKR1-Expression ph{\"a}notypisch, physiologisch und molekularbiologisch charakterisiert. W{\"a}hrend der Verlust der STKR1-Expression zu Pflanzen f{\"u}hrte, die sich kaum von Wildtyp-Pflanzen unterschieden, bedingte die konstitutive {\"U}berexpression von STKR1 ein stark vermindertes Pflanzenwachstum sowie Entwicklungsverz{\"o}gerungen hinsichtlich der Bl{\"u}hinduktion und Seneszenz {\"a}hnlich wie sie auch bei SnRK1α-{\"U}berexpression beschrieben wurden. Pflanzen dieser Linien waren nicht in der Lage Anthocyane zu akkumulieren und enthielten geringere Gehalte an Chlorophyll und Carotinoiden. Neben einem erh{\"o}hten n{\"a}chtlichen St{\"a}rkeumsatz waren die Pflanzen durch geringere Saccharosegehalte im Vergleich zum Wildtyp gekennzeichnet. Eine Transkriptomanalyse ergab, dass in den STKR1-{\"u}berexprimierenden Pflanzen unter Energiemangelbedingungen, hervorgerufen durch eine verl{\"a}ngerte Dunkelphase, eine gr{\"o}ßere Anzahl an Genen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp differentiell reguliert war als w{\"a}hrend der Lichtphase. Dies spricht f{\"u}r eine Beteiligung von STKR1 an Prozessen, die w{\"a}hrend der verl{\"a}ngerten Dunkelphase aktiv sind. Ein solcher ist beispielsweise die SnRK1-Signaltransduktion, die unter energetischem Stress aktiviert wird. Die STKR1{\"U}berexpression f{\"u}hrte zudem zu einer verst{\"a}rkten transkriptionellen Induktion von Abwehrassoziierten Genen sowie NAC- und WRKY-Transkriptionsfaktoren nach verl{\"a}ngerter Dunkelphase. Die Transkriptomdaten deuteten auf eine stimulusunabh{\"a}ngige Induktion von Abwehrprozessen hin und konnten eine Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die ph{\"a}notypischen und physiologischen Auff{\"a}lligkeiten der STKR1-{\"U}berexprimierer liefern.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{КононенкоCalabrettoMayeretal.2016, author = {Кононенко, Наталия and Calabretto, Roberto and Mayer, Michael and Киршбаум, Генрих and Salvestroni, Simonetta and Zehnder, Christian and Булгакова, Oксана and Vassilieva, Ekaterina and Paperny, Vladimir and Engel, Christine and Christians, Heiko and Petzer, Tatjana and Pellanda, Marina and Вардиц, Владислава}, title = {Andrej Tarkovskij: Klassiker - Классик - Classic - Classico}, editor = {Franz, Norbert P.}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-352-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90975}, pages = {313}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Vom 18. bis 20. September 2014 versammelten sich an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam kultur- und filmwissenschaftlich arbeitende Wissenschaftler zu einem Andrej Tarkovskij gewidmeten Symposium, dem ersten internationalen. Die 25 Teilnehmer kamen n{\"a}mlich aus neun L{\"a}ndern. Dadurch, dass nicht wenige auch eine - wie man heute sagt - „Migrationsbiographie" haben, potenzierte sich die durch die jeweils unterschiedliche Herkunft bedingte Multiperspektivik, zu der jedoch der Modus der Wissenschaftlichkeit ein deutlich relativierendes Korrektiv bildet. Der vorliegende Band enth{\"a}lt im Wesentlichen die dort vorgestellten Beitr{\"a}ge, aber auch die der Fachleute, die nicht pers{\"o}nlich hatten nach Potsdam kommen k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Daschewski2016, author = {Daschewski, Maxim}, title = {Thermophony in real gases}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {79}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A thermophone is an electrical device for sound generation. The advantages of thermophones over conventional sound transducers such as electromagnetic, electrostatic or piezoelectric transducers are their operational principle which does not require any moving parts, their resonance-free behavior, their simple construction and their low production costs. In this PhD thesis, a novel theoretical model of thermophonic sound generation in real gases has been developed. The model is experimentally validated in a frequency range from 2 kHz to 1 MHz by testing more then fifty thermophones of different materials, including Carbon nano-wires, Titanium, Indium-Tin-Oxide, different sizes and shapes for sound generation in gases such as air, argon, helium, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur hexafluoride. Unlike previous approaches, the presented model can be applied to different kinds of thermophones and various gases, taking into account the thermodynamic properties of thermophone materials and of adjacent gases, degrees of freedom and the volume occupied by the gas atoms and molecules, as well as sound attenuation effects, the shape and size of the thermophone surface and the reduction of the generated acoustic power due to photonic emission. As a result, the model features better prediction accuracy than the existing models by a factor up to 100. Moreover, the new model explains previous experimental findings on thermophones which can not be explained with the existing models. The acoustic properties of the thermophones have been tested in several gases using unique, highly precise experimental setups comprising a Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer combined with a thin polyethylene film which acts as a broadband and resonance-free sound-pressure detector. Several outstanding properties of the thermophones have been demonstrated for the first time, including the ability to generate arbitrarily shaped acoustic signals, a greater acoustic efficiency compared to conventional piezoelectric and electrostatic airborne ultrasound transducers, and applicability as powerful and tunable sound sources with a bandwidth up to the megahertz range and beyond. Additionally, new applications of thermophones such as the study of physical properties of gases, the thermo-acoustic gas spectroscopy, broad-band characterization of transfer functions of sound and ultrasound detection systems, and applications in non-destructive materials testing are discussed and experimentally demonstrated.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Won2016, author = {Won, Jooyoung}, title = {Dynamic and equilibrium adsorption behaviour of ß-lactoglobulin at the solution/tetradecane interface: Effect of solution concentration, pH and ionic strength}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99167}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 106}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are amphiphilic and adsorb at liquid interfaces. Therefore, they can be efficient stabilizers of foams and emulsions. β-lactoglobulin (BLG) is one of the most widely studied proteins due to its major industrial applications, in particular in food technology. In the present work, the influence of different bulk concentration, solution pH and ionic strength on the dynamic and equilibrium pressures of BLG adsorbed layers at the solution/tetradecane (W/TD) interface has been investigated. Dynamic interfacial pressure (Π) and interfacial dilational elastic modulus (E') of BLG solutions for various concentrations at three different pH values of 3, 5 and 7 at a fixed ionic strength of 10 mM and for a selected fixed concentration at three different ionic strengths of 1 mM, 10 mM and 100 mM are measured by Profile Analysis Tensiometer PAT-1 (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany). A quantitative data analysis requires additional consideration of depletion due to BLG adsorption at the interface at low protein bulk concentrations. This fact makes experiments more efficient when oil drops are studied in the aqueous protein solutions rather than solution drops formed in oil. On the basis of obtained experimental data, concentration dependencies and the effect of solution pH on the protein surface activity was qualitatively analysed. In the presence of 10 mM buffer, we observed that generally the adsorbed amount is increasing with increasing BLG bulk concentration for all three pH values. The adsorption kinetics at pH 5 result in the highest Π values at any time of adsorption while it exhibits a less active behaviour at pH 3. Since the experimental data have not been in a good agreement with the classical diffusion controlled model due to the conformational changes which occur when the protein molecules get in contact with the hydrophobic oil phase in order to adapt to the interfacial environment, a new theoretical model is proposed here. The adsorption kinetics data were analysed with the newly proposed model, which is the classical diffusion model but modified by assuming an additional change in the surface activity of BLG molecules when adsorbing at the interface. This effect can be expressed through the adsorption activity constant in the corresponding equation of state. The dilational visco-elasticity of the BLG adsorbed interfacial layers is determined from measured dynamic interfacial tensions during sinusoidal drop area variations. The interfacial tension responses to these harmonic drop oscillations are interpreted with the same thermodynamic model which is used for the corresponding adsorption isotherm. At a selected BLG concentration of 2×10-6 mol/l, the influence of the ionic strength using different buffer concentration of 1, 10 and 100 mM on the interfacial pressure was studied. It is affected weakly at pH 5, whereas it has a strong impact by increasing buffer concentration at pH 3 and 7. In conclusion, the structure formation of BLG adsorbed layer in the early stage of adsorption at the W/TD interface is similar to those of the solution/air (W/A) surface. However, the equation of state at the W/TD interface provides an adsorption activity constant which is almost two orders of magnitude higher than that for the solution/air surface. At the end of this work, a new experimental tool called Drop and Bubble Micro Manipulator DBMM (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany) has been introduced to study the stability of protein covered bubbles against coalescence. Among the available protocols the lifetime between the moment of contact and coalescence of two contacting bubble is determined for different BLG concentrations. The adsorbed amount of BLG is determined as a function of time and concentration and correlates with the observed coalescence behaviour of the contacting bubbles.}, language = {en} } @article{KruscheNetzebandtFrank2016, author = {Krusche, Lisa and Netzebandt, Jonka and Frank, Ulrike}, title = {SEE-DT: Screening f{\"u}r die Evaluation sEMG-gest{\"u}tzter Dysphagietherapie}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99142}, pages = {259 -- 269}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund, 3. Aufbau des Screenings, 4. Methoden, 5. Ergebnisse, 6. Diskussion, 7. Ausblick, 8. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{LoppnowNetzebandtFranketal.2016, author = {Loppnow, Anna and Netzebandt, Jonka and Frank, Ulrike and Huckabee, Maggie-Lee}, title = {Skill-Training in der Dysphagietherapie}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99139}, pages = {243 -- 258}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. sEMG-Biofeedback in der Dysphagietherapie, 3. Fragestellung, 4. Methodisches Vorgehen, 5. Ergebnisse, 6. Diskussion, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{BykovaFrank2016, author = {Bykova, Ksenia and Frank, Ulrike}, title = {Spielend Lernen}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99124}, pages = {235 -- 242}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Hintergrund, 2. Das Dysphagia Game, 3. Methode, 4. Ergebnisse, 5. Diskussion, 6. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{WeilandNetzebandtFrank2016, author = {Weiland, Linda and Netzebandt, Jonka and Frank, Ulrike}, title = {Schluckst{\"o}rungen bei HNO-Tumorpatienten}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99115}, pages = {219 -- 234}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund, 3. Fragestellung und Hypothesen, 4. Methoden, 5. Ergebnisse, 6. Diskussion, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{ButtlerFrankStadie2016, author = {Buttler, Rahel and Frank, Luis and Stadie, Nicole}, title = {Studium trifft Praxis}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99106}, pages = {215 -- 218}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Informationen zu Probanden, 3. Informationen zur Behandlung, 4. Informationen zur Evaluation, 5. Fazit, 6. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{SchumacherBurchertAblinger2016, author = {Schumacher, Rebecca and Burchert, Frank and Ablinger, Irene}, title = {Erworbene Dyslexien bei deutschsprachigen Patienten}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99090}, pages = {207 -- 213}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Hintergrund, 2. Kognitives Zwei-Routen-Modell des Lesens und diagnostische Tests, 3. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick, 4. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{WotschackKlassertFestman2016, author = {Wotschack, Christiane and Klassert, Annegret and Festman, Julia}, title = {Rapid Automatized Writing (RAW)}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99081}, pages = {195 -- 206}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Die Effizienz der Handschrift, RAN und RAW, 2. Methode, 3. Ergebnisse, 4. Diskussion, 5. Ausblick, 6. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{StegenwallnerSchuetzLassottaFerchlandetal.2016, author = {Stegenwallner-Sch{\"u}tz, Maja Henny Katherine and Lassotta, Romy and Ferchland, Lisa and Adani, Flavia}, title = {Numerus erleichtert das Verst{\"a}ndnis nicht-kanonischer S{\"a}tze}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99075}, pages = {187 -- 194}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung und Fragestellungen, 2. Experimentelle Studien, 3. Diskussion, 4. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{DuesterhoeftPosseTopajetal.2016, author = {D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Stefanie and Posse, Dorothea and Topaj, Nathalie and Golcher, Felix and Gagarina, Natalʹja Vladimirovna}, title = {Der Einfluss von Sprachf{\"o}rdermaßnahmen auf das Sprachverst{\"a}ndnis bilingualer Kinder}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99069}, pages = {171 -- 185}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Methodik, 3. Ergebnisse, 4. Diskussion, 5. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{PuratEulerBreitenstein2016, author = {Purat, Patricia and Euler, Harald A. and Breitenstein, Sarah}, title = {Beeinflusst die Behandlung mit Fluency-Shaping die Komplexit{\"a}t der sprachlichen {\"A}ußerungen bei stotternden Kindern?}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99055}, pages = {159 -- 170}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Theoretischer Hintergrund, 2. Fragestellung, 3. Methode, 4. Ergebnisse, 5. Diskussion, 6. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Machleb2016, author = {Machleb, Franziska}, title = {Ein Methodenvergleich in der Sprachtherapie bei juveniler und adulter Moyamoya-Erkrankung}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99041}, pages = {133 -- 158}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund, 3. Probanden, 4. Methodik, 5. Ergebnisse, 6. Diskussion, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{KoesterkeBuchardt2016, author = {K{\"o}sterke-Buchardt, Antje}, title = {St{\"o}rungsspezifische Therapie der auditiven und phonologischen Informationsverarbeitung}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99036}, pages = {113 -- 132}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Vorstellung des Patienten, 3. Modellorientierte Einordnung der Diagnostikergebnisse, 4. Therapieableitung und -umsetzung, 5. Evaluierung, 6. Fazit, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Schoeppe2016, author = {Sch{\"o}ppe, Doreen}, title = {Effekte phonologischer F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen bei mehrsprachigen Vorschulkindern}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99027}, pages = {89 -- 111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund, 2.1 Phonologische Bewusstheit, 2.2 F{\"o}rderung der phonologischen Bewusstheit, 3. Zielsetzung, 4. Methode, 4.1 Stichprobe, 4.2 Durchf{\"u}hrung, 5. Ergebnisse, 6. Diskussion, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Rott2016, author = {Rott, Anke}, title = {Therapie der auditiven Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsst{\"o}rungen (AVWS) bei Kindern im Vorschulalter}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99018}, pages = {77 -- 87}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Teilleistungsbereiche der auditiven Verarbeitung und Wahrnehmung, 2. Therapie- und F{\"o}rderm{\"o}glichkeiten, 3. Praxisnahe Darstellung der Therapieinhalte einzelner Teilleistungsbereiche der AVWS, 3.1 H{\"o}raufmerksamkeit (auditive Aufmerksamkeit), 3.2 Entdecken, 3.3 Lokalisation (Richtungsh{\"o}ren), 3.4 Diskrimination, 3.5 Verstehen, 3.6 Selektion (Figur-Grund Wahrnehmung), 3.7 Auditive Merkf{\"a}higkeit, 3.8 Erg{\"a}nzung zur auditiven Merkf{\"a}higkeit, 3.9 Separation (dichotisches H{\"o}ren), 3.10 Lautheitsempfinden, 3.11 Auditive Erg{\"a}nzung, 3.12 Auditive Analyse, 3.13 Auditive Synthese, 3.14 Qualit{\"a}tsmanagment, 4. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Floether2016, author = {Fl{\"o}ther, Manfred}, title = {Entstehung und Diagnostik der AVWS}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99003}, pages = {57 -- 75}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. AVWS - ein neues Ph{\"a}nomen?, 2. Terminologie, 3. Modell der AVWS, 4. Ursachen, 5. Diagnostik, 5.1 Anamnese, 5.2 Screening, 5.3 Diagnostik im engeren Sinne, 5.3.1 Zentrale H{\"o}rdiagnostik, 5.3.2 Ergebnisse und Wertung, 6. Diskussion und Ausblick, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{GuentherNieslony2016, author = {G{\"u}nther, Thomas and Nieslony, Julia}, title = {Steigerung der Effektivit{\"a}t von Therapie bei Kindern mit Aussprachest{\"o}rungen}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98991}, pages = {27 -- 55}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1. Einleitung, 2. Tim (7 Jahre), 3. Beste externe Evidenz, 4. Individuelle Expertise des Therapeuten, 4.1 Kontingenzmanagement, 4.2 Zielsetzungstheorie, 5. Patientenperspektive, 6. Fazit, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @article{Corsten2016, author = {Corsten, Sabine}, title = {Modellorientierte Therapie phonologischer St{\"o}rungen bei Aphasie}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-9085}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98987}, pages = {1 -- 26}, year = {2016}, abstract = {1 Einleitung, 2 Phonologische Symptome im Sprachverstehen und in der Sprachproduktion, 3 Theoretische Einordnung der Symptome, 3.1 Phonologisches Dekodieren, 3.2 Phonologisches Enkodieren, 4. Therapeutische Intervention, 5. Wirksamkeitsbelege, 6. Fazit, 7. Literatur}, language = {de} } @misc{CorstenGuentherNieslonyetal.2016, author = {Corsten, Sabine and G{\"u}nther, Thomas and Nieslony, Julia and Fl{\"o}ther, Manfred and Rott, Anke and Sch{\"o}ppe, Doreen and K{\"o}sterke-Buchardt, Antje and Machleb, Franziska and Purat, Patricia and Euler, Harald A. and Breitenstein, Sarah and D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Stefanie and Posse, Dorothea and Topaj, Nathalie and Golcher, Felix and Gagarina, Natalʹja Vladimirovna and Stegenwallner-Sch{\"u}tz, Maja Henny Katherine and Lassotta, Romy and Ferchland, Lisa and Adani, Flavia and Wotschack, Christiane and Klassert, Annegret and Festman, Julia and Schumacher, Rebecca and Burchert, Frank and Ablinger, Irene and Buttler, Rahel and Frank, Luis and Stadie, Nicole and Weiland, Linda and Netzebandt, Jonka and Frank, Ulrike and Bykova, Ksenia and Loppnow, Anna and Huckabee, Maggie-Lee and Krusche, Lisa}, title = {Spektrum Patholinguistik Band 9. Schwerpunktthema: Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik}, editor = {Fritzsche, Tom and Yetim, {\"O}zlem and Otto, Constanze and Adelt, Anne}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-385-5}, issn = {1866-9085}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-9665}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96653}, pages = {vi, 269}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das 9. Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik mit dem Schwerpunktthema "Lauter Laute: Phonologische Verarbeitung und Lautwahrnehmung in der Sprachtherapie" fand am 14.11.2015 in Potsdam statt. Das Herbsttreffen wird seit 2007 j{\"a}hrlich vom Verband f{\"u}r Patholinguistik e.V. (vpl) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Der vorliegende Tagungsband beinhaltet die vier Hauptvortr{\"a}ge zum Schwerpunktthema, die drei Kurzvortr{\"a}ge aus dem Spektrum Patholinguisitk sowie die Beitr{\"a}ge der Posterpr{\"a}sentationen zu weiteren Themen aus der sprachtherapeutischen Forschung und Praxis.}, language = {de} } @book{SteinbrinkBuningLegantetal.2016, author = {Steinbrink, Malte and Buning, Michael and Legant, Martin and Schauwinhold, Berenike and S{\"u}ßenguth, Tore}, title = {Touring Katutura!}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-384-8}, issn = {2194-1599}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95917}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Guided sightseeing tours of the former township of Katutura have been offered in Windhoek since the mid-1990s. City tourism in the Namibian capital had thus become, at quite an early point in time, part of the trend towards utilising poor urban areas for purposes of tourism - a trend that set in at the beginning of the same decade. Frequently referred to as "slum tourism" or "poverty tourism", the phenomenon of guided tours around places of poverty has not only been causing some media sensation and much public outrage since its emergence; in the past few years, it has developed into a vital field of scientific research, too. "Global Slumming" provides the grounds for a rethinking of the relationship between poverty and tourism in world society. This book is the outcome of a study project of the Institute of Geography at the School of Cultural Studies and Social Science of the University of Osnabrueck, Germany. It represents the first empirical case study on township tourism in Namibia. It focuses on four aspects: 1. Emergence, development and (market) structure of township tourism in Windhoek 2. Expectations/imaginations, representations as well as perceptions of the township and its inhabitants from the tourist's perspective 3. Perception and assessment of township tourism from the residents' perspective 4. Local economic effects and the poverty-alleviating impact of township tourism The aim is to make an empirical contribution to the discussion around the tourism-poverty nexus and to an understanding of the global phenomenon of urban poverty tourism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlSaffar2016, author = {Al-Saffar, Loay Talib Ahmed}, title = {Analysing prerequisites, expectations, apprehensions, and attitudes of university students studying Computer science}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98437}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse prerequisites, expectations, apprehensions, and attitudes of students studying computer science, who are willing to gain a bachelor degree. The research will also investigate in the students' learning style according to the Felder-Silverman model. These investigations fall in the attempt to make an impact on reducing the "dropout"/shrinkage rate among students, and to suggest a better learning environment. The first investigation starts with a survey that has been made at the computer science department at the University of Baghdad to investigate the attitudes of computer science students in an environment dominated by women, showing the differences in attitudes between male and female students in different study years. Students are accepted to university studies via a centrally controlled admission procedure depending mainly on their final score at school. This leads to a high percentage of students studying subjects they do not want. Our analysis shows that 75\% of the female students do not regret studying computer science although it was not their first choice. And according to statistics over previous years, women manage to succeed in their study and often graduate on top of their class. We finish with a comparison of attitudes between the freshman students of two different cultures and two different university enrolment procedures (University of Baghdad, in Iraq, and the University of Potsdam, in Germany) both with opposite gender majority. The second step of investigation took place at the department of computer science at the University of Potsdam in Germany and analyzes the learning styles of students studying the three major fields of study offered by the department (computer science, business informatics, and computer science teaching). Investigating the differences in learning styles between the students of those study fields who usually take some joint courses is important to be aware of which changes are necessary to be adopted in the teaching methods to address those different students. It was a two stage study using two questionnaires; the main one is based on the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire of B. A. Solomon and R. M. Felder, and the second questionnaire was an investigation on the students' attitudes towards the findings of their personal first questionnaire. Our analysis shows differences in the preferences of learning style between male and female students of the different study fields, as well as differences between students with the different specialties (computer science, business informatics, and computer science teaching). The third investigation looks closely into the difficulties, issues, apprehensions and expectations of freshman students studying computer science. The study took place at the computer science department at the University of Potsdam with a volunteer sample of students. The goal is to determine and discuss the difficulties and issues that they are facing in their study that may lead them to think in dropping-out, changing the study field, or changing the university. The research continued with the same sample of students (with business informatics students being the majority) through more than three semesters. Difficulties and issues during the study were documented, as well as students' attitudes, apprehensions, and expectations. Some of the professors and lecturers opinions and solutions to some students' problems were also documented. Many participants had apprehensions and difficulties, especially towards informatics subjects. Some business informatics participants began to think of changing the university, in particular when they reached their third semester, others thought about changing their field of study. Till the end of this research, most of the participants continued in their studies (the study they have started with or the new study they have changed to) without leaving the higher education system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klier2016, author = {Klier, Dennis Tobias}, title = {Upconversion luminescence in Er-codoped NaYF4 nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 89}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the context of an increasing population of aging people and a shift of medical paradigm towards an individualized medicine in health care, nanostructured lanthanides doped sodium yttrium fluoride (NaYF4) represents an exciting class of upconversion nanomaterials (UCNM) which are suitable to bring forward developments in biomedicine and -biodetection. Despite the fact that among various fluoride based upconversion (UC) phosphors lanthanide doped NaYF4 is one of the most studied upconversion nanomaterial, many open questions are still remaining concerning the interplay of the population routes of sensitizer and activator electronic states involved in different luminescence upconversion photophysics as well as the role of phonon coupling. The collective work aims to explore a detailed understanding of the upconversion mechanism in nanoscaled NaYF4 based materials co-doped with several lanthanides, e.g. Yb3+ and Er3+ as the "standard" type upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) up to advanced UCNP with Gd3+ and Nd3+. Especially the impact of the crystal lattice structure as well as the resulting lattice phonons on the upconversion luminescence was investigated in detail based on different mixtures of cubic and hexagonal NaYF4 nanoscaled crystals. Three synthesis methods, depending on the attempt of the respective central spectroscopic questions, could be accomplished in the following work. NaYF4 based upconversion nanoparticles doped with several combination of lanthanides (Yb3+, Er3+, Gd3+ and Nd3+) were synthesized successfully using a hydrothermal synthesis method under mild conditions as well as a co-precipitation and a high temperature co-precipitation technique. Structural information were gathered by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), Raman spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results were discussed in detail with relation to the spectroscopic results. A variable spectroscopic setup was developed for multi parameter upconversion luminescence studies at various temperature 4 K to 328 K. Especially, the study of the thermal behavior of upconversion luminescence as well as time resolved area normalized emission spectra were a prerequisite for the detailed understanding of intramolecular deactivation processes, structural changes upon annealing or Gd3+ concentration, and the role of phonon coupling for the upconversion efficiency. Subsequently it became possible to synthesize UCNP with tailored upconversion luminescence properties. In the end, the potential of UCNP for life science application should be enunciated in context of current needs and improvements of a nanomaterial based optical sensors, whereas the "standard" UCNP design was attuned according to the special conditions in the biological matrix. In terms of a better biocompatibility due to a lower impact on biological tissue and higher penetrability for the excitation light. The first step into this direction was to use Nd3+ ions as a new sensitizer in tridoped NaYF4 based UCNP, whereas the achieved absolute and relative temperature sensitivity is comparable to other types of local temperature sensors in the literature.}, language = {en} } @misc{ReppertPuddellKocetal.2016, author = {Reppert, Alexander von and Puddell, J. and Koc, A. and Reinhardt, M. and Leitenberger, Wolfram and Dumesnil, K. and Zamponi, Flavio and Bargheer, Matias}, title = {Persistent nonequilibrium dynamics of the thermal energies in the spin and phonon systems of an antiferromagnet}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98710}, pages = {11}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We present a temperature and fluence dependent Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction study of a laser-heated antiferromagnetic dysprosium thin film. The loss of antiferromagnetic order is evidenced by a pronounced lattice contraction. We devise a method to determine the energy flow between the phonon and spin system from calibrated Bragg peak positions in thermal equilibrium. Reestablishing the magnetic order is much slower than the cooling of the lattice, especially around the N{\´e}el temperature. Despite the pronounced magnetostriction, the transfer of energy from the spin system to the phonons in Dy is slow after the spin-order is lost.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grewe2016, author = {Grewe, Sina}, title = {Hydro- and biogeochemical investigations of lake sediments in the Kenyan Rift Valley}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98342}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {110}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Seen im kenianischen Riftsystem bieten die einmalige Gelegenheit eine große Bandbreite an hydrochemischen Umweltbedingungen zu studieren, die von S{\"u}ßwasserseen bis hin zu hochsalinen und alkalinen Seen reichen. Da wenig {\"u}ber die hydro- und biogeochemischen Bedingungen in den darunterliegenden Seesedimenten bekannt ist, war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, bereits existierende Datens{\"a}tze mit Daten aus der Porenwasser- und Biomarker-Analyse zu erweitern. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden reduzierte Schwefelkomponenten und Sulfatreduktionsraten in den Sedimenten bestimmt. Mit den neu gewonnenen Daten wurde der anthropogene und mikrobielle Einfluss auf die Seesedimente untersucht sowie der Einfluss der Wasserchemie auf den Abbau und den Erhalt von organischem Material im Sediment. Zu den untersuchten Seen geh{\"o}rten: Logipi, Eight (ein kleiner Kratersee in der Region Kangirinyang), Baringo, Bogoria, Naivasha, Oloiden und Sonachi. Die Biomarker-Zusammensetzungen in den untersuchten Seesedimenten waren {\"a}hnlich; allerdings gab es einige Unterschiede zwischen den salinen Seen und den S{\"u}ßwasserseen. Einer dieser Unterschiede war das Vorkommen eines mit β-Carotin verwandten Molek{\"u}ls, das nur in den salinen Seen gefunden wurde. Dieses Molek{\"u}l stammt wahrscheinlich von Cyanobakterien, Einzellern die in großer Anzahl in salinen Seen vorkommen. In den beiden S{\"u}ßwasserseen wurde Stigmasterol gefunden, ein f{\"u}r S{\"u}ßwasseralgen charakteristisches Sterol. In dieser Studie hat sich gezeigt, dass Bogoria und Sonachi f{\"u}r Umweltrekonstruktionen mit Biomarkern besonders gut geeignet sind, da die Abwesenheit von Sauerstoff an deren Seegr{\"u}nden den Abbau von organischem Material verlangsamt. Andere Seen, wie zum Beispiel Naivasha, sind aufgrund des großen anthropogenen Einflusses weniger gut f{\"u}r solche Rekonstruktionen geeignet. Die Biomarker-Analyse bot jedoch die M{\"o}glichkeit, den menschlichen Einfluss auf den See zu studieren. Desweiteren zeigte diese Studie, dass sich Horizonte mit einem hohen Anteil an elementarem Schwefel als temporale Marker nutzen lassen. Diese Horizonte wurden zu einer Zeit abgelagert, als die Wasserpegel sehr niedrig waren. Der Schwefel wurde von Mikroorganismen abgelagert, die zu anoxygener Photosynthese oder Sulfidoxidation f{\"a}hig sind.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{ShlapunovTarkhanov2016, author = {Shlapunov, Alexander and Tarkhanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich}, title = {An open mapping theorem for the Navier-Stokes equations}, volume = {5}, number = {10}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2193-6943}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98687}, pages = {80}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We consider the Navier-Stokes equations in the layer R^n x [0,T] over R^n with finite T > 0. Using the standard fundamental solutions of the Laplace operator and the heat operator, we reduce the Navier-Stokes equations to a nonlinear Fredholm equation of the form (I+K) u = f, where K is a compact continuous operator in anisotropic normed H{\"o}lder spaces weighted at the point at infinity with respect to the space variables. Actually, the weight function is included to provide a finite energy estimate for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for all t in [0,T]. On using the particular properties of the de Rham complex we conclude that the Fr{\´e}chet derivative (I+K)' is continuously invertible at each point of the Banach space under consideration and the map I+K is open and injective in the space. In this way the Navier-Stokes equations prove to induce an open one-to-one mapping in the scale of H{\"o}lder spaces.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Couturier2016, author = {Couturier, Jean-Philippe}, title = {New inverse opal hydrogels as platform for detecting macromolecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98412}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 132, XXXVIII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this thesis, a route to temperature-, pH-, solvent-, 1,2-diol-, and protein-responsive sensors made of biocompatible and low-fouling materials is established. These sensor devices are based on the sensitivemodulation of the visual band gap of a photonic crystal (PhC), which is induced by the selective binding of analytes, triggering a volume phase transition. The PhCs introduced by this work show a high sensitivity not only for small biomolecules, but also for large analytes, such as glycopolymers or proteins. This enables the PhC to act as a sensor that detects analytes without the need of complex equipment. Due to their periodical dielectric structure, PhCs prevent the propagation of specific wavelengths. A change of the periodicity parameters is thus indicated by a change in the reflected wavelengths. In the case explored, the PhC sensors are implemented as periodically structured responsive hydrogels in formof an inverse opal. The stimuli-sensitive inverse opal hydrogels (IOHs) were prepared using a sacrificial opal template of monodispersed silica particles. First, monodisperse silica particles were assembled with a hexagonally packed structure via vertical deposition onto glass slides. The obtained silica crystals, also named colloidal crystals (CCs), exhibit structural color. Subsequently, the CCs templates were embedded in polymer matrix with low-fouling properties. The polymer matrices were composed of oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate derivatives (OEGMAs) that render the hydrogels thermoresponsive. Finally, the silica particles were etched, to produce highly porous hydrogel replicas of the CC. Importantly, the inner structure and thus the ability for light diffraction of the IOHs formed was maintained. The IOH membrane was shown to have interconnected pores with a diameter as well as interconnections between the pores of several hundred nanometers. This enables not only the detection of small analytes, but also, the detection of even large analytes that can diffuse into the nanostructured IOH membrane. Various recognition unit - analyte model systems, such as benzoboroxole - 1,2-diols, biotin - avidin and mannose - concanavalin A, were studied by incorporating functional comonomers of benzoboroxole, biotin and mannose into the copolymers. The incorporated recognition units specifically bind to certain low and highmolar mass biomolecules, namely to certain saccharides, catechols, glycopolymers or proteins. Their specific binding strongly changes the overall hydrophilicity, thus modulating the swelling of the IOH matrices, and in consequence, drastically changes their internal periodicity. This swelling is amplified by the thermoresponsive properties of the polymer matrix. The shift of the interference band gap due to the specific molecular recognition is easily visible by the naked eye (up to 150 nm shifts). Moreover, preliminary trial were attempted to detect even larger entities. Therefore anti-bodies were immobilized on hydrogel platforms via polymer-analogous esterification. These platforms incorporate comonomers made of tri(ethylene glycol) methacrylate end-functionalized with a carboxylic acid. In these model systems, the bacteria analytes are too big to penetrate into the IOH membranes, but can only interact with their surfaces. The selected model bacteria, as Escherichia coli, show a specific affinity to anti-body-functionalized hydrogels. Surprisingly in the case functionalized IOHs, this study produced weak color shifts, possibly opening a path to detect directly living organism, which will need further investigations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sauermann2016, author = {Sauermann, Antje}, title = {Impact of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-330-5}, issn = {1869-3822}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89409}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the impact of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation in German-speaking preschoolers. A puzzle in the area of language acquisition concerns the production-comprehension asymmetry for non-canonical sentences like "Den Affen f{\"a}ngt die Kuh." ("The monkey, the cow chases."), that is, preschoolers usually have difficulties in accurately understanding non-canonical sentences approximately until age six (e.g., Dittmar et al., 2008) although they produce non-canonical sentences already around age three (e.g., Poeppel \& Wexler, 1993; Weissenborn, 1990). This dissertation investigated the production and comprehension of non-canonical sentences to address this issue. Three corpus analyses were conducted to investigate the impact of givenness, topic status and the type of referring expression on word order in the spontaneous speech of two- to four-year-olds and the child-directed speech produced by their mothers. The positioning of the direct object in ditransitive sentences was examined; in particular, sentences in which the direct object occurred before or after the indirect object in the sentence-medial positions and sentences in which it occurred in the sentence-initial position. The results reveal similar ordering patterns for children and adults. Word order variation was to a large extent predictable from the type of referring expression, especially with respect to the word order involving the sentence-medial positions. Information structure (e.g., topic status) had an additional impact only on word order variation that involved the sentence-initial position. Two comprehension experiments were conducted to investigate whether the type of referring expression and topic status influences the comprehension of non-canonical transitive sentences in four- and five-year-olds. In the first experiment, the topic status of the one of the sentential arguments was established via a preceding context sentence, and in the second experiment, the type of referring expression for the sentential arguments was additionally manipulated by using either a full lexical noun phrase (NP) or a personal pronoun. The results demonstrate that children's comprehension of non-canonical sentences improved when the topic argument was realized as a personal pronoun and this improvement was independent of the grammatical role of the arguments. However, children's comprehension was not improved when the topic argument was realized as a lexical NP. In sum, the results of both production and comprehension studies support the view that referring expressions may be seen as a sentence-level cue to word order and to the information status of the sentential arguments. The results highlight the important role of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation and indicate that the production-comprehension asymmetry is reduced when the type of referring expression is considered.}, language = {en} } @book{Brekhov2016, author = {Brekhov, Boryslav}, title = {Demokratischer Wirtschaftsfrieden}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-380-0}, issn = {2197-8069}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94726}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Diese empirische Studie untersucht den Einfluss der Staatsform auf den Einsatz und das Ausmaß von Wirtschaftssanktionen unter Verwendung von Regressionsanalysen. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf ein friedliches Wirtschaftsverh{\"a}ltnis zwischen den Demokratien hin. Die bisherige Forschung hat den demokratischen Wirtschaftsfrieden mithilfe der institutionellen Theorie erkl{\"a}rt, die das Sanktionsverhalten auf ein rationalistisches Kosten-Nutzen-Kalk{\"u}l zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrt. Demgegen{\"u}ber vertritt die konstruktivistische Theorie die Auffassung, dass die friedvollere Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigung unter Demokratien auf die Ausbildung einer gemeinsamen Identit{\"a}t, sowie auf gemeinsame Werte und Normen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sei.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Prokopović2016, author = {Prokopović, Vladimir Z.}, title = {Light-triggered release of bioactive compounds from HA/PLL multilayer films for stimulation of cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97927}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {91}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The concept of targeting cells and tissues by controlled delivery of molecules is essential in the field of biomedicine. The layer-by-layer (LbL) technology for the fabrication of polymer multilayer films is widely implemented as a powerful tool to assemble tailor-made materials for controlled drug delivery. The LbL films can as well be engineered to act as mimics of the natural cellular microenvironment. Thus, due to the myriad possibilities such as controlled cellular adhesion and drug delivery offered by LbL films, it becomes easily achievable to direct the fate of cells by growing them on the films. The aim of this work was to develop an approach for non-invasive and precise control of the presentation of bioactive molecules to cells. The strategy is based on employment of the LbL films, which function as support for cells and at the same time as reservoirs for bioactive molecules to be released in a controlled manner. UV light is used to trigger the release of the stored ATP with high spatio-temporal resolution. Both physico-chemical (competitive intermolecular interactions in the film) and biological aspects (cellular response and viability) are addressed in this study. Biopolymers hyaluronic acid (HA) and poly-L-lysine (PLL) were chosen as the building blocks for the LbL film assembly. Poor cellular adhesion to native HA/PLL films as well as significant degradation by cells within a few days were shown. However, coating the films with gold nanoparticles not only improved cellular adhesion and protected the films from degradation, but also formed a size-exclusion barrier with adjustable cut-off in the size range of a few tens of kDa. The films were shown to have high reservoir capacity for small charged molecules (reaching mM levels in the film). Furthermore, they were able to release the stored molecules in a sustained manner. The loading and release are explained by a mechanism based on interactions between charges of the stored molecules and uncompensated charges of the biopolymers in the film. Charge balance and polymer dynamics in the film play the pivotal role. Finally, the concept of light-triggered release from the films has been proven using caged ATP loaded into the films from which ATP was released on demand. ATP induces a fast cellular response, i.e. increase in intracellular [Ca2+], which was monitored in real-time. Limitations of the cellular stimulation by the proposed approach are highlighted by studying the stimulation as a function of irradiation parameters (time, distance, light power). Moreover, caging molecules bind to the film stronger than ATP does, which opens new perspectives for the use of the most diverse chemical compounds as caging molecules. Employment of HA/PLL films as a nouvelle support for cellular growth and hosting of bioactive molecules, along with the possibility to stimulate individual cells using focused light renders this approach highly efficient and unique in terms of precision and spatio-temporal resolution among those previously described. With its high potential, the concept presented herein provides the foundation for the design of new intelligent materials for single cell studies, with the focus on tissue engineering, diagnostics, and other cell-based applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Waetzoldt2016, author = {W{\"a}tzoldt, Sebastian}, title = {Modeling collaborations in adaptive systems of systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 380}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Recently, due to an increasing demand on functionality and flexibility, beforehand isolated systems have become interconnected to gain powerful adaptive Systems of Systems (SoS) solutions with an overall robust, flexible and emergent behavior. The adaptive SoS comprises a variety of different system types ranging from small embedded to adaptive cyber-physical systems. On the one hand, each system is independent, follows a local strategy and optimizes its behavior to reach its goals. On the other hand, systems must cooperate with each other to enrich the overall functionality to jointly perform on the SoS level reaching global goals, which cannot be satisfied by one system alone. Due to difficulties of local and global behavior optimizations conflicts may arise between systems that have to be solved by the adaptive SoS. This thesis proposes a modeling language that facilitates the description of an adaptive SoS by considering the adaptation capabilities in form of feedback loops as first class entities. Moreover, this thesis adopts the Models@runtime approach to integrate the available knowledge in the systems as runtime models into the modeled adaptation logic. Furthermore, the modeling language focuses on the description of system interactions within the adaptive SoS to reason about individual system functionality and how it emerges via collaborations to an overall joint SoS behavior. Therefore, the modeling language approach enables the specification of local adaptive system behavior, the integration of knowledge in form of runtime models and the joint interactions via collaboration to place the available adaptive behavior in an overall layered, adaptive SoS architecture. Beside the modeling language, this thesis proposes analysis rules to investigate the modeled adaptive SoS, which enables the detection of architectural patterns as well as design flaws and pinpoints to possible system threats. Moreover, a simulation framework is presented, which allows the direct execution of the modeled SoS architecture. Therefore, the analysis rules and the simulation framework can be used to verify the interplay between systems as well as the modeled adaptation effects within the SoS. This thesis realizes the proposed concepts of the modeling language by mapping them to a state of the art standard from the automotive domain and thus, showing their applicability to actual systems. Finally, the modeling language approach is evaluated by remodeling up to date research scenarios from different domains, which demonstrates that the modeling language concepts are powerful enough to cope with a broad range of existing research problems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Osudar2016, author = {Osudar, Roman}, title = {Methane distribution and oxidation across aquatic interfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96799}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 170}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The increase in atmospheric methane concentration, which is determined by an imbalance between its sources and sinks, has led to investigations of the methane cycle in various environments. Aquatic environments are of an exceptional interest due to their active involvement in methane cycling worldwide and in particular in areas sensitive to climate change. Furthermore, being connected with each other aquatic environments form networks that can be spread on vast areas involving marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, aquatic systems have a high potential to translate local or regional environmental and subsequently ecosystem changes to a bigger scale. Many studies neglect this connectivity and focus on individual aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. The current study focuses on environmental controls of the distribution and aerobic oxidation of methane at the example of two aquatic ecosystems. These ecosystems are Arctic fresh water bodies and the Elbe estuary which represent interfaces between freshwater-terrestrial and freshwater-marine environments, respectively. Arctic water bodies are significant atmospheric sources of methane. At the same time the methane cycle in Arctic water bodies is strongly affected by the surrounding permafrost environment, which is characterized by high amounts of organic carbon. The results of this thesis indicate that the methane concentrations in Arctic lakes and streams substantially vary between each other being regulated by local landscape features (e.g. floodplain area) and the morphology of the water bodies (lakes, streams and river). The highest methane concentrations were detected in the lake outlets and in a floodplain lake complex. In contrast, the methane concentrations measured at different sites of the Lena River did not vary substantially. The lake complexes in comparison to the Lena River, thus, appear as more individual and heterogeneous systems with a pronounced imprint of the surrounding soil environment. Furthermore, connected with each other Arctic aquatic environments have a large potential to transport methane from methane-rich water bodies such as streams and floodplain lakes to aquatic environments relatively poor in methane such as the Lena River. Estuaries represent hot spots of oceanic methane emissions. Also, estuaries are intermediate zones between methane-rich river water and methane depleted marine water. Substantiated through this thesis at the example of the Elbe estuary, the methane distribution in estuaries, however, cannot entirely be described by the conservative mixing model i.e. gradual decrease from the freshwater end-member to the marine water end-member. In addition to the methane-rich water from the Elbe River mouth substantial methane input occurs from tidal flats, areas of significant interaction between aquatic and terrestrial environments. Thus, this study demonstrates the complex interactions and their consequences for the methane distribution within estuaries. Also it reveals how important it is to investigate estuaries at larger spatial scales. Methane oxidation (MOX) rates are commonly correlated with methane concentrations. This was shown in previous research studies and was substantiated by the present thesis. In detail, the highest MOX rates in the Arctic water bodies were detected in methane-rich streams and in the floodplain area while in the Elbe estuary the highest MOX rates were observed at the coastal stations. However, in these bordering environments, MOX rates are affected not only via the regulation through methane concentrations. The MOX rates in the Arctic lakes were shown to be also dependent on the abundance and community composition of methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB), that in turn are controlled by local landscape features (regardless of the methane concentrations) and by the transport of MOB between neighbouring environments. In the Elbe estuary, the MOX rates in addition to the methane concentrations are largely affected by the salinity, which is in turn regulated by the mixing of fresh- and marine waters. The magnitude of the salinity impact on MOX rates thereby depends on the MOB community composition and on the rate of the salinity change. This study extends our knowledge of environmental controls of methane distribution and aerobic methane oxidation in aquatic environments. It also illustrates how important it is to investigate complex ecosystems rather than individual ecosystems to better understand the functioning of whole biomes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Olonscheck2016, author = {Olonscheck, Mady}, title = {Climate change impacts on electricity and residential energy demand}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98378}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXIV, 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The energy sector is both affected by climate change and a key sector for climate protection measures. Energy security is the backbone of our modern society and guarantees the functioning of most critical infrastructure. Thus, decision makers and energy suppliers of different countries should be familiar with the factors that increase or decrease the susceptibility of their electricity sector to climate change. Susceptibility means socioeconomic and structural characteristics of the electricity sector that affect the demand for and supply of electricity under climate change. Moreover, the relevant stakeholders are supposed to know whether the given national energy and climate targets are feasible and what needs to be done in order to meet these targets. In this regard, a focus should be on the residential building sector as it is one of the largest energy consumers and therefore emitters of anthropogenic CO 2 worldwide. This dissertation addresses the first aspect, namely the susceptibility of the electricity sector, by developing a ranked index which allows for quantitative comparison of the electricity sector susceptibility of 21 European countries based on 14 influencing factors. Such a ranking has not been completed to date. We applied a sensitivity analysis to test the relative effect of each influencing factor on the susceptibility index ranking. We also discuss reasons for the ranking position and thus the susceptibility of selected countries. The second objective, namely the impact of climate change on the energy demand of buildings, is tackled by means of a new model with which the heating and cooling energy demand of residential buildings can be estimated. We exemplarily applied the model to Germany and the Netherlands. It considers projections of future changes in population, climate and the insulation standards of buildings, whereas most of the existing studies only take into account fewer than three different factors that influence the future energy demand of buildings. Furthermore, we developed a comprehensive retrofitting algorithm with which the total residential building stock can be modeled for the first time for each year in the past and future. The study confirms that there is no correlation between the geographical location of a country and its position in the electricity sector susceptibility ranking. Moreover, we found no pronounced pattern of susceptibility influencing factors between countries that ranked higher or lower in the index. We illustrate that Luxembourg, Greece, Slovakia and Italy are the countries with the highest electricity sector susceptibility. The electricity sectors of Norway, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Denmark were found to be least susceptible to climate change. Knowledge about the most important factors for the poor and good ranking positions of these countries is crucial for finding adequate adaptation measures to reduce the susceptibility of the electricity sector. Therefore, these factors are described within this study. We show that the heating energy demand of residential buildings will strongly decrease in both Germany and the Netherlands in the future. The analysis for the Netherlands focused on the regional level and a finer temporal resolution which revealed strong variations in the future heating energy demand changes by province and by month. In the German study, we additionally investigated the future cooling energy demand and could demonstrate that it will only slightly increase up to the middle of this century. Thus, increases in the cooling energy demand are not expected to offset reductions in heating energy demand. The main factor for substantial heating energy demand reductions is the retrofitting of buildings. We are the first to show that the given German and Dutch energy and climate targets in the building sector can only be met if the annual retrofitting rates are substantially increased. The current rate of only about 1 \% of the total building stock per year is insufficient for reaching a nearly zero-energy demand of all residential buildings by the middle of this century. To reach this target, it would need to be at least tripled. To sum up, this thesis emphasizes that country-specific characteristics are decisive for the electricity sector susceptibility of European countries. It also shows for different scenarios how much energy is needed in the future to heat and cool residential buildings. With this information, existing climate mitigation and adaptation measures can be justified or new actions encouraged.}, language = {en} } @misc{RaelingHanneSchroederetal.2016, author = {R{\"a}ling, Romy and Hanne, Sandra and Schr{\"o}der, Astrid and Keßler, Carla and Wartenburger, Isabell}, title = {Judging the animacy of words}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98402}, pages = {11}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The age at which members of a semantic category are learned (age of acquisition), the typicality they demonstrate within their corresponding category, and the semantic domain to which they belong (living, non-living) are known to influence the speed and accuracy of lexical/semantic processing. So far, only a few studies have looked at the origin of age of acquisition and its interdependence with typicality and semantic domain within the same experimental design. Twenty adult participants performed an animacy decision task in which nouns were classified according to their semantic domain as being living or non-living. Response times were influenced by the independent main effects of each parameter: typicality, age of acquisition, semantic domain, and frequency. However, there were no interactions. The results are discussed with respect to recent models concerning the origin of age of acquisition effects.}, language = {en} } @misc{Eckstein2016, author = {Eckstein, Lars}, title = {Sound matters}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, number = {119}, issn = {1866-8380}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98393}, pages = {13}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This essay proposes a reorientation in postcolonial studies that takes account of the transcultural realities of the viral twenty-first century. This reorientation entails close attention to actual performances, their specific medial embeddedness, and their entanglement in concrete formal or informal material conditions. It suggests that rather than a focus on print and writing favoured by theories in the wake of the linguistic turn, performed lyrics and sounds may be better suited to guide the conceptual work. Accordingly, the essay chooses a classic of early twentieth-century digital music - M.I.A.'s 2003/2005 single "Galang" - as its guiding example. It ultimately leads up to a reflection on what Ravi Sundaram coined as "pirate modernity," which challenges us to rethink notions of artistic authorship and authority, hegemony and subversion, culture and theory in the postcolonial world of today.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchulzeKoetz2016, author = {Schulze, Nicole and Koetz, Joachim}, title = {Kinetically Controlled Growth of Gold Nanotriangles in a Vesicular Template Phase by Adding a Strongly Alternating Polyampholyte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98380}, pages = {22}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper is focused on the temperature dependent synthesis of gold nanotriangles in a vesicular template phase, containing phosphatidylcholin and AOT, by adding the strongly alternating polyampholyte PalPhBisCarb. UV-vis absorption spectra in combination with TEM micrographs show that flat gold nanoplatelets are formed predominantly in presence of the polyampholyte at 45 °C. The formation of triangular and hexagonal nanoplatelets can be directly influenced by the kinetic approach, i.e., by varying the polyampholyte dosage rate at 45 °C. Corresponding zeta potential measurements indicate that a temperature dependent adsorption of the polyampholyte on the {111} faces will induce the symmetry breaking effect, which is responsible for the kinetically controlled hindered vertical and preferred lateral growth of the nanoplatelets.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rolke2016, author = {Rolke, Daniel}, title = {R{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Expressionsmuster sowie Funktionen der Serotonin-Rezeptor-Subtypen der Honigbiene, Apis mellifera L., 1758}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96667}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 125}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das biogene Amin Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamin, 5-HT) agiert als wichtiger chemischer Botenstoff bei einer Vielzahl von Organismen. Das durch 5 HT vermittelte Signal wird dabei durch spezifische Rezeptoren wahrgenommen und in eine zellul{\"a}re Reaktion umgesetzt. Diese 5 HT Rezeptoren geh{\"o}ren {\"u}berwiegend zur Familie der G Protein gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCRs). Die Honigbiene Apis mellifera bietet unter anderem aufgrund ihrer eusozialen Lebensweise vielf{\"a}ltige Ansatzpunkte zur Erforschung der Funktionen des serotonergen Systems in Insekten. Bei A. mellifera wurden bereits vier 5-HT-Rezeptor-Subtypen beschrieben und molekular sowie pharmakologisch charakterisiert: Am5 HT1A, Am5 HT2α, Am5 HT2β und Am5 HT7. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, gewebespezifische sowie alters- und tageszeitabh{\"a}ngige Expressionsmuster der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen zu untersuchen, um zu einem umfassenden Verst{\"a}ndnis des serotonergen Systems der Honigbiene beizutragen und eine Basis zur Hypothesenentwicklung f{\"u}r m{\"o}gliche physiologische Funktionen zu schaffen. Es wurde die Expression der 5 HT Rezeptorgene sowohl im zentralen Nervensystem, als auch in Teilen des Verdauungs-, Exkretions- und Speicheldr{\"u}sensystems gemessen. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchten 5-HT-Rezeptor-Subtypen generell weit im Organismus der Honigbiene verbreitet sind. Interessanterweise unterschieden sich die untersuchten Gewebe hinsichtlich der mRNA-Expressionsmuster der untersuchten Rezeptoren. W{\"a}hrend beispielsweise im Gehirn Am5 ht1A und Am5 ht7 st{\"a}rker als Am5 ht2α und Am5 ht2β exprimiert wurden, zeigte sich in Darmgewebe ein umgekehrtes Muster. Es war bereits bekannt, dass es bei der Expression der Am5-ht2-Gene zu alternativem Spleißen kommt. Dies f{\"u}hrt zur Entstehung der verk{\"u}rzten mRNA-Varianten Am5 ht2αΔIII und Am5 ht2βΔII. Die daraus resultierenden Proteine k{\"o}nnen nicht als funktionelle GPCRs agieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese verk{\"u}rzten Spleißvarianten dennoch ubiquit{\"a}r in der Honigbiene exprimiert werden. Bemerkenswerterweise wurden gewebe{\"u}bergreifende {\"A}hnlichkeiten der Expressionsmuster der Spleißvarianten gegen{\"u}ber deren zugeh{\"o}rigen Volll{\"a}ngenvarianten festgestellt, welche auf Funktionen der verk{\"u}rzten Varianten in vivo hindeuten. Im Hinblick auf die bei A. mellifera haupts{\"a}chlich altersbedingte Arbeitsteilung wurde die Expression der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen in Gehirnen von unterschiedlich alten Arbeiterinnen mit unterschiedlichen sozialen Rollen verglichen. W{\"a}hrend auf mRNA-Ebene keines der vier 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen eine altersabh{\"a}ngig unterschiedliche Expression zeigte, konnte f{\"u}r das Am5-HT1A-Protein eine h{\"o}here Konzentration in den Gehirnen {\"a}lterer Tiere gefunden werden. Dies deutet auf eine posttranskriptionale Regulation der 5 HT1A Rezeptorexpression hin, welche im Zusammenhang mit der Arbeitsteilung stehen k{\"o}nnte. Es erfolgte die Untersuchung tageszeitlicher {\"A}nderungen sowohl der Expression der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen, als auch des biogenen Amins 5 HT selbst. W{\"a}hrend es in den Gehirnen von Arbeiterinnen, welche unter nat{\"u}rlichen Bedingungen gehalten wurden, zu keiner tageszeitabh{\"a}ngigen Ver{\"a}nderung des 5 HT-Titers kam, zeigte die mRNA-Expression von Am5-ht2α und Am5-ht2β eine periodische Oszillation mit Zunahme w{\"a}hrend des Tages und Abnahme w{\"a}hrend der Nacht. Diese Regulation wird durch externe Faktoren hervorgerufen und ist nicht auf einen endogenen circadianen Rhythmus zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Dies ging aus der Wiederholung der Expressionsmessungen an Gehirnen von Bienen, welche unter konstanten Laborbedingungen gehalten wurden, hervor. Weiterhin wurde die Beteiligung des serotonergen Systems an der Steuerung von Aspekten des circadianen lokomotorischen Aktivit{\"a}tsrhythmus anhand von Verhaltensexperimenten untersucht. Mit 5 HT gef{\"u}tterte Arbeiterinnen zeigten dabei unter konstanten Bedingungen eine l{\"a}ngere Periode des Aktivit{\"a}tsrhythmus als Kontrolltiere. Dies deutet auf einen Einfluss von 5 HT auf die Modulation der Synchronisation der inneren Uhr hin. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse tragen wesentlich zum tieferen Verst{\"a}ndnis des serotonergen Systems der Honigbiene bei und bieten Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r weitergehende Studien zur Funktion von 5 HT im Zusammenhang mit der Modulation von physiologischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung und circadianen Rhythmen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Bosch2016, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bosch, Daniel}, title = {Zersplitterung statt Einheit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97417}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {III, 40, X}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das fr{\"u}he 20. Jahrhundert brachte in Europa eine politische Ideologie hervor, die sich rasch auf dem Kontinent ausbreitete und ihn nachhaltig pr{\"a}gte: den Faschismus. In den Fokus der Geschichtswissenschaft, aber auch der Medien und der Unterhaltungsindustrie r{\"u}ckten dabei vor allem der italienische Faschismus und der deutsche Nationalsozialismus. Doch auch in anderen europ{\"a}ischen Staaten formierten sich in der Zwischenkriegszeit faschistische Bewegungen, die in einigen F{\"a}llen mehr, in anderen F{\"a}llen weniger Erfolg hatten. Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem Ph{\"a}nomen Faschismus in einem dieser Staaten, der oft als Vorreiter der modernen Demokratie angesehen wird: Großbritannien. Den Untersuchungen liegt die zentrale Frage zugrunde, warum der britische Faschismus in den turbulenten Jahren zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen nicht denselben Erfolg wie in Deutschland oder Italien erringen und zu einer bestimmenden politischen Kraft aufsteigen konnte. Zur Kl{\"a}rung dieser Frage werden zwei Aspekte betrachtet. Zum einen untersucht die Arbeit eine Auswahl an faschistischen Bewegungen, die sich in dieser Zeit gebildet hatten und politisch aktiv wurden. Die pers{\"o}nlichen Einstellungen, politischen Ambitionen und gegenseitigen Differenzen der jeweiligen F{\"u}hrungsfiguren spielen dabei ebenso eine Rolle wie das politische Programm und die Erfolgsgeschichte ihrer Bewegungen. Der zweite Teil fokussiert die britische Gesellschaft und beleuchtet die Rolle der Bev{\"o}lkerung sowie die politischen und soziokulturellen Umst{\"a}nde in Großbritannien. Mithilfe dieser personenbezogenen sowie politik- und gesellschaftszentrierten Analyse sollen die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r den Misserfolg des britischen Faschismus in der Zwischenkriegszeit ermittelt werden. Neben einschl{\"a}giger Sekund{\"a}rliteratur st{\"u}tzt sich die Arbeit auch auf ausgew{\"a}hltes Quellenmaterial. Zeitgen{\"o}ssische Zeitungsartikel sowie die von den zu untersuchenden Personen verfassten Werke sollen einen detaillierteren Einblick in die politischen Absichten und pers{\"o}nlichen Intentionen der Bewegungen und ihrer Protagonisten liefern.}, language = {de} } @book{TessenowFelgentreffBrachaetal.2016, author = {Tessenow, Philipp and Felgentreff, Tim and Bracha, Gilad and Hirschfeld, Robert}, title = {Extending a dynamic programming language and runtime environment with access control}, number = {107}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-373-2}, issn = {1613-5652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92560}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {83}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Complexity in software systems is a major factor driving development and maintenance costs. To master this complexity, software is divided into modules that can be developed and tested separately. In order to support this separation of modules, each module should provide a clean and concise public interface. Therefore, the ability to selectively hide functionality using access control is an important feature in a programming language intended for complex software systems. Software systems are increasingly distributed, adding not only to their inherent complexity, but also presenting security challenges. The object-capability approach addresses these challenges by defining language properties providing only minimal capabilities to objects. One programming language that is based on the object-capability approach is Newspeak, a dynamic programming language designed for modularity and security. The Newspeak specification describes access control as one of Newspeak's properties, because it is a requirement for the object-capability approach. However, access control, as defined in the Newspeak specification, is currently not enforced in its implementation. This work introduces an access control implementation for Newspeak, enabling the security of object-capabilities and enhancing modularity. We describe our implementation of access control for Newspeak. We adapted the runtime environment, the reflective system, the compiler toolchain, and the virtual machine. Finally, we describe a migration strategy for the existing Newspeak code base, so that our access control implementation can be integrated with minimal effort.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Uhr2016, author = {Uhr, Linda}, title = {Technische Enzyme in Backwaren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96432}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {180}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die sensorisch einwandfreie, konstant gute Qualit{\"a}t von Backprodukten, die beim Verbraucher einen hohen Stellenwert hat, wird maßgeblich durch den Gehalt endogener Getreideenzyme beeinflusst. Seit dem Auftreten z{\"u}chtungsbedingter Enzymdefizite ist der Einsatz technischer Enzyme zur Gew{\"a}hrleistung dieser geforderten Qualit{\"a}t eine feste Gr{\"o}ße in der Backwarenindustrie. Lebensmittelrechtlich werden technische Enzyme nicht als Zutat betrachtet, da sie theoretisch w{\"a}hrend des Backprozesses umgesetzt werden und im Endprodukt keine technologische Wirkung mehr zeigen. Vor allem in gebackenen Produkten bedarf es der Pr{\"u}fung, dass die eingesetzten technischen Enzyme nicht mehr als Zutat vorliegen und sich somit einer potentiellen Deklarationspflicht entziehen. Zur Gew{\"a}hrleistung der Wirtschaftlichkeit muss der quantitative Einsatz technischer Enzyme in der Backwarenindustrie gesteuert werden, um optimale Effekte zu erzielen und Kosten zu sparen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Entwicklung eines Analysenverfahrens, das den simultanen Nachweis verschiedener technischer Enzyme und deren Quantifizierung im Spurenbereich auch in gebackenen Produkten erm{\"o}glicht. F{\"u}r die Einsch{\"a}tzung der Wirkung der technischen Enzyme Fungamyl (Novozymes), Amylase TXL (ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH) sowie Lipase FE-01 (ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH) wurden Backversuche durchgef{\"u}hrt, die zeigten, dass Fungamyl und Amylase TXL zu einer verbesserten Brotqualit{\"a}t (Volumenausbeute, Feuchtegehalt, Sensorik) beitrugen. Die Zugabe der Lipase FE-01 f{\"u}hrte zu einer vermehrten Bildung freier Fetts{\"a}uren und wirkte sich negativ auf die sensorische Brotqualit{\"a}t aus. Dieser bisher nicht beschriebene Effekt konnte auf die Nutzung eines Spezial{\"o}ls als Backzutat zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, welches ausschließlich aus ges{\"a}ttigten Fetts{\"a}uren besteht. Dies best{\"a}tigt die Bedeutung der Auswahl eines geeigneten Fettes beim Zusatz technischer Lipase zum Backprozess. Um die in Fungamyl und Lipase FE-01 enthaltenen Enzyme zu identifizieren, wurden SDS-PAGE und anschließender In-Gel-Verdau angewendet um die Analyse proteolytisch gespaltener Proteine mit MALDI-TOF-MS zu erm{\"o}glichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fungamyl ein Gemisch aus 9,8 \% alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) und 5,2 \% Endo-1,4-Xylanase (Thermomyces lanuginosus) enth{\"a}lt. Lipase FE-01 besteht aus der Lipase (Thermomyces lanuginosus), Amylase TXL wurde als alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) identifiziert. Zur Analyse der technischen Enzyme in Backwaren wurde aufgrund seiner Robustheit und Sensitivit{\"a}t das Verfahren der LC-MS/MS gew{\"a}hlt. Die Entwicklung einer solchen Methode zur Detektion spezifischer Peptide erm{\"o}glichte den qualitativen Nachweis der 3 Enzyme alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae), Endo-1,4-Xylanase (Thermomyces lanuginosus) und Lipase (Thermomyces lanuginosus). Durch eine lineare Kalibrierung aus synthetisch hergestellten Peptiden unter Einbeziehung eines Protein-Internen-Standards sowie isotopenmarkierter Peptidstandards erfolgte dar{\"u}ber hinaus die quantitative Bestimmung in selbst hergestellten Referenzmaterialien (Weizenmehl, Toastbrot und Biskuitkeks). In weniger als 20 Minuten Messzeit kann das Enzym alpha-Amylase ab einer Konzentration von 2,58 mg/kg (Mehl, Keks), bzw. 7,61 mg/kg (Brot) quantitativ nachgewiesen werden. Zeitgleich k{\"o}nnen die Enzyme Endo-1,4-Xylanase ab einer Konzentration von 7,75 mg/kg (Brot), 3,64 mg/kg (Keks) bzw. 15,60 mg/kg (Mehl) sowie Lipase ab einer Konzentration von 1,26 mg/kg (Mehl, Keks), bzw. 2,68 mg/kg (Brot) quantifiziert werden. Die Methode wurde nach allgemein verwendeten Richtlinien im Zuge einer Validierung statistisch gepr{\"u}ft und lieferte sehr robuste und reproduzierbare quantitative Werte mit Wiederfindungsraten zwischen 50 \% und 122 \%. Das prim{\"a}re Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Entwicklung eines quantitativen Multiparameterverfahrens zum Nachweis technischer Enzyme in Backwaren, wurde somit erfolgreich umgesetzt.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-9471, title = {Der Universit{\"a}tscampus Griebnitzsee}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, organization = {Juristische Fakult{\"a}t}, isbn = {978-3-86956-379-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94718}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Vor 120 Jahren wurde das Gel{\"a}nde s{\"u}dlich des damaligen Bahnhofs Neubabelsberg erstmals bebaut. Aus dem 1896 errichteten Depot f{\"u}r Lazarett-Baracken entwickelte sich bis 1938 die logistische Zentrale des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, das ab 1939 auch sein Pr{\"a}sidium nach Babelsberg verlegte. Nach einer Zwischennutzung ab 1945 durch die sowjetische Besatzungsarmee war von 1952 bis zur Wende die Akademie f{\"u}r Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften als „Kaderschmiede" der Hausherr des nun im Grenzgebiet zu Westberlin liegenden Areals. Heute nutzen die Universit{\"a}t Potsdam und das Hasso-Plattner-Institut f{\"u}r Software-Systemtechnik den Campus, dessen Geschichte mit dieser Publikation erstmals umfassend dokumentiert wird.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Marc2016, author = {Marc, Odin}, title = {Earthquake-induced landsliding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 171}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Earthquakes deform Earth's surface, building long-lasting topographic features and contributing to landscape and mountain formation. However, seismic waves produced by earthquakes may also destabilize hillslopes, leading to large amounts of soil and bedrock moving downslope. Moreover, static deformation and shaking are suspected to damage the surface bedrock and therefore alter its future properties, affecting hydrological and erosional dynamics. Thus, earthquakes participate both in mountain building and stimulate directly or indirectly their erosion. Moreover, the impact of earthquakes on hillslopes has important implications for the amount of sediment and organic matter delivered to rivers, and ultimately to oceans, during episodic catastrophic seismic crises, the magnitude of life and property losses associated with landsliding, the perturbation and recovery of landscape properties after shaking, and the long term topographic evolution of mountain belts. Several of these aspects have been addressed recently through individual case studies but additional data compilation as well as theoretical or numerical modelling are required to tackle these issues in a more systematic and rigorous manner. This dissertation combines data compilation of earthquake characteristics, landslide mapping, and seismological data interpretation with physically-based modeling in order to address how earthquakes impact on erosional processes and landscape evolution. Over short time scales (10-100 s) and intermediate length scales (10 km), I have attempted to improve our understanding and ability to predict the amount of landslide debris triggered by seismic shaking in epicentral areas. Over long time scales (1-100 ky) and across a mountain belt (100 km) I have modeled the competition between erosional unloading and building of topography associated with earthquakes. Finally, over intermediate time scales (1-10 y) and at the hillslope scale (0.1-1 km) I have collected geomorphological and seismological data that highlight persistent effects of earthquakes on landscape properties and behaviour. First, I compiled a database on earthquakes that produced significant landsliding, including an estimate of the total landslide volume and area, and earthquake characteristics such as seismic moment and source depth. A key issue is the accurate conversion of landslide maps into volume estimates. Therefore I also estimated how amalgamation - when mapping errors lead to the bundling of multiple landslide into a single polygon - affects volume estimates from various earthquake-induced landslide inventories and developed an algorithm to automatically detect this artifact. The database was used to test a physically-based prediction of the total landslide area and volume caused by earthquakes, based on seismological scaling relationships and a statistical description of the landscape properties. The model outperforms empirical fits in accuracy, with 25 out of 40 cases well predicted, and allows interpretation of many outliers in physical terms. Apart from seismological complexities neglected by the model I found that exceptional rock strength properties or antecedent conditions may explain most outliers. Second, I assessed the geomorphic effects of large earthquakes on landscape dynamics by surveying the temporal evolution of precipitation-normalized landslide rate. I found strongly elevated landslide rates following earthquakes that progressively recover over 1 to 4 years, indicating that regolith strength drops and recovers. The relaxation is clearly non-linear for at least one case, and does not seem to correlate with coseismic landslide reactivation, water table level increase or tree root-system recovery. I suggested that shallow bedrock is damaged by the earthquake and then heals on annual timescales. Such variations in ground strength must be translated into shallow subsurface seismic velocities that are increasingly surveyed with ambient seismic noise correlations. With seismic noise autocorrelation I computed the seismic velocity in the epicentral areas of three earthquakes where I constrained a change in landslide rate. We found similar recovery dynamics and timescales, suggesting that seismic noise correlation techniques could be further developed to meaningfully assess ground strength variations for landscape dynamics. These two measurements are also in good agreement with the temporal dynamics of post-seismic surface displacement measured by GPS. This correlation suggests that the surface healing mechanism may be driven by tectonic deformation, and that the surface regolith and fractured bedrock may behave as a granular media that slowly compacts as it is sheared or vibrated. Last, I compared our model of earthquake-induced landsliding with a standard formulation of surface deformation caused by earthquakes to understand which parameters govern the competition between the building and destruction of topography caused by earthquakes. In contrast with previous studies I found that very large (Mw>8) earthquakes always increase the average topography, whereas only intermediate (Mw ~ 7) earthquakes in steep landscapes may reduce topography. Moreover, I illustrated how the net effect of earthquakes varies with depth or landscape steepness implying a complex and ambivalent role through the life of a mountain belt. Further I showed that faults producing a Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake sizes, will limit topography over a larger range of fault sizes than faults producing repeated earthquakes with a characteristic size.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gutsch2016, author = {Gutsch, Martin}, title = {Model-based analysis of climate change impacts on the productivity of oak-pine forests in Brandenburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 148}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The relationship between climate and forest productivity is an intensively studied subject in forest science. This Thesis is embedded within the general framework of future forest growth under climate change and its implications for the ongoing forest conversion. My objective is to investigate the future forest productivity at different spatial scales (from a single specific forest stand to aggregated information across Germany) with focus on oak-pine forests in the federal state of Brandenburg. The overarching question is: how are the oak-pine forests affected by climate change described by a variety of climate scenarios. I answer this question by using a model based analysis of tree growth processes and responses to different climate scenarios with emphasis on drought events. In addition, a method is developed which considers climate change uncertainty of forest management planning. As a first 'screening' of climate change impacts on forest productivity, I calculated the change in net primary production on the base of a large set of climate scenarios for different tree species and the total area of Germany. Temperature increases up to 3 K lead to positive effects on the net primary production of all selected tree species. But, in water-limited regions this positive net primary production trend is dependent on the length of drought periods which results in a larger uncertainty regarding future forest productivity. One of the regions with the highest uncertainty of net primary production development is the federal state of Brandenburg. To enhance the understanding and ability of model based analysis of tree growth sensitivity to drought stress two water uptake approaches in pure pine and mixed oak-pine stands are contrasted. The first water uptake approach consists of an empirical function for root water uptake. The second approach is more mechanistic and calculates the differences of soil water potential along a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. I assumed the total root resistance to vary at low, medium and high total root resistance levels. For validation purposes three data sets on different tree growth relevant time scales are used. Results show that, except the mechanistic water uptake approach with high total root resistance, all transpiration outputs exceeded observed values. On the other hand high transpiration led to a better match of observed soil water content. The strongest correlation between simulated and observed annual tree ring width occurred with the mechanistic water uptake approach and high total root resistance. The findings highlight the importance of severe drought as a main reason for small diameter increment, best supported by the mechanistic water uptake approach with high root resistance. However, if all aspects of the data sets are considered no approach can be judged superior to the other. I conclude that the uncertainty of future productivity of water-limited forest ecosystems under changing environmental conditions is linked to simulated root water uptake. Finally my study aimed at the impacts of climate change combined with management scenarios on an oak-pine forest to evaluate growth, biomass and the amount of harvested timber. The pine and the oak trees are 104 and 9 years old respectively. Three different management scenarios with different thinning intensities and different climate scenarios are used to simulate the performance of management strategies which explicitly account for the risks associated with achieving three predefined objectives (maximum carbon storage, maximum harvested timber, intermediate). I found out that in most cases there is no general management strategy which fits best to different objectives. The analysis of variance in the growth related model outputs showed an increase of climate uncertainty with increasing climate warming. Interestingly, the increase of climate-induced uncertainty is much higher from 2 to 3 K than from 0 to 2 K.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zimmer2016, author = {Zimmer, Sophie}, title = {Le renouveau juif {\`a} Berlin depuis 1989 : aspects culturels et religieux}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96920}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {589}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Untersuchung verfolgt das Ziel, kulturelle und religi{\"o}se Aspekte der Erneuerung j{\"u}dischen Lebens in Berlin seit 1989 zu erforschen. Die Entwicklungen der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft in der Hauptstadt seit dem Fall der Mauer und dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion f{\"u}hren zur Wiederann{\"a}herung eines Teils der j{\"u}dischen Bev{\"o}lkerung in Deutschland an die eigene Kultur, Religion und Geschichte. Dabei kommt die Pluralit{\"a}t der kulturellen, literarischen und religi{\"o}sen Ausdrucksformen der j{\"u}dischen Identit{\"a}ten zum Vorschein. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht diese in Berlin nach 1989 einsetzende kulturelle und religi{\"o}se „Renaissance". Vier wichtige Punkte kennzeichnen das j{\"u}dische Leben in Berlin nach 1989. Erstens gewinnt Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung eine neue Rolle als m{\"o}gliches Einwanderungsland f{\"u}r Juden. Vor allem mit der massiven j{\"u}dischen Einwanderung aus den Staaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion seit den 1990er Jahren wird Deutschland allm{\"a}hlich als wichtiges Zentrum in der europ{\"a}ischen Diaspora anerkannt. Zweitens bleibt zwar die Shoah tief verankert im Ged{\"a}chtnis der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft; die meisten Kinder oder Enkelkinder von {\"U}berlebenden der Shoah weigern sich jedoch, ihre j{\"u}dische Identit{\"a}t exklusiv durch die Shoah zu definieren. Sie gr{\"u}nden zur Wiederentdeckung und Forderung ihres kulturellen, religi{\"o}sen und historischen Erbes j{\"u}dische Gruppen und Einrichtungen in Berlin, die in den meisten F{\"a}llen alternativ zur J{\"u}dischen Gemeinde entstehen: K{\"u}nstlergruppen, j{\"u}dische Kulturvereine, Konferenzen und Podiumsdiskussionen, religi{\"o}se Kongregationen und Lernh{\"a}user. Damit - und dies ist der dritte Punkt - verliert zwar die offizielle J{\"u}dische Gemeinde an Bedeutung als einzige Vertreterin der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft Berlins; diese kulturelle und religi{\"o}se „Renaissance" außerhalb der offiziellen Strukturen der Gemeinde bedeutet aber auch eine wachsende Pluralit{\"a}t und Diversifizierung der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft in Berlin. Viertens spielt Berlin die Hauptrolle in diesem Prozess. Heute werden viele ehemalige j{\"u}dische Orte neu belebt: Synagogen werden wiederentdeckt und renoviert, Denk- und Mahnmale gebaut, Stadtf{\"u}hrungen auf der Spur des „j{\"u}dischen Berlins" organisiert, Rabbinerseminare neu gegr{\"u}ndet. Die Topographie Berlins bildet auch eine Inspirationsquelle f{\"u}r j{\"u}dische (und nichtj{\"u}dische) Schriftsteller und K{\"u}nstler. Die Analyse dieser nach 1989 entstandenen religi{\"o}sen Initiativen, literarischen Werke und kulturellen Produktionen dient dazu, Aspekte der kulturellen und religi{\"o}sen „Renaissance" in Berlin n{\"a}her zu verdeutlichen.}, language = {fr} } @phdthesis{Teshebaeva2016, author = {Teshebaeva, Kanayim}, title = {SAR interferometry analysis of surface processes in the Pamir - Tien Shan active orogens - emphasis on coseismic deformation and landslides}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96743}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {128}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This thesis presents new approaches of SAR methods and their application to tectonically active systems and related surface deformation. With 3 publications two case studies are presented: (1) The coseismic deformation related to the Nura earthquake (5th October 2008, magnitude Mw 6.6) at the eastern termination of the intramontane Alai valley. Located between the southern Tien Shan and the northern Pamir the coseismic surface displacements are analysed using SAR (Synthetic Aperture RADAR) data. The results show clear gradients in the vertical and horizontal directions along a complex pattern of surface ruptures and active faults. To integrate and to interpret these observations in the context of the regional active tectonics a SAR data analysis is complemented with seismological data and geological field observations. The main moment release of the Nura earthquake appears to be on the Pamir Frontal thrust, while the main surface displacements and surface rupture occurred in the footwall and along of the NE-SW striking Irkeshtam fault. With InSAR data from ascending and descending satellite tracks along with pixel offset measurements the Nura earthquake source is modelled as a segmented rupture. One fault segment corresponds to high-angle brittle faulting at the Pamir Frontal thrust and two more fault segments show moderate-angle and low-friction thrusting at the Irkeshtam fault. The integrated analysis of the coseismic deformation argues for a rupture segmentation and strain partitioning associated to the earthquake. It possibly activated an orogenic wedge in the easternmost segment of the Pamir-Alai collision zone. Further, the style of the segmentation may be associated with the presence of Paleogene evaporites. (2) The second focus is put on slope instabilities and consequent landslides in the area of prominent topographic transition between the Fergana basin and high-relief Alai range. The Alai range constitutes an active orogenic wedge of the Pamir - Tien Shan collision zone that described as a progressively northward propagating fold-and-thrust belt. The interferometric analysis of ALOS/PALSAR radar data integrates a period of 4 years (2007-2010) based on the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) time-series technique to assess surface deformation with millimeter surface change accuracy. 118 interferograms are analyzed to observe spatially-continuous movements with downslope velocities up to 71 mm/yr. The obtained rates indicate slow movement of the deep-seated landslides during the observation time. We correlated these movements with precipitation and seismic records. The results suggest that the deformation peaks correlate with rainfall in the 3 preceding months and with one earthquake event. In the next step, to understand the spatial pattern of landslide processes, the tectonic morphologic and lithologic settings are combined with the patterns of surface deformation. We demonstrate that the lithological and tectonic structural patterns are the main controlling factors for landslide occurrence and surface deformation magnitudes. Furthermore active contractional deformation in the front of the orogenic wedge is the main mechanism to sustain relief. Some of the slower but continuously moving slope instabilities are directly related to tectonically active faults and unconsolidated young Quaternary syn-orogenic sedimentary sequences. The InSAR observed slow moving landslides represent active deep-seated gravitational slope deformation phenomena which is first time observed in the Tien Shan mountains. Our approach offers a new combination of InSAR techniques and tectonic aspects to localize and understand enhanced slope instabilities in tectonically active mountain fronts in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan.}, language = {en} } @misc{Scharrer2016, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Scharrer, Christian}, title = {Relating diameter and mean curvature for varifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97013}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {42}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The main results of this thesis are formulated in a class of surfaces (varifolds) generalizing closed and connected smooth submanifolds of Euclidean space which allows singularities. Given an indecomposable varifold with dimension at least two in some Euclidean space such that the first variation is locally bounded, the total variation is absolutely continuous with respect to the weight measure, the density of the weight measure is at least one outside a set of weight measure zero and the generalized mean curvature is locally summable to a natural power (dimension of the varifold minus one) with respect to the weight measure. The thesis presents an improved estimate of the set where the lower density is small in terms of the one dimensional Hausdorff measure. Moreover, if the support of the weight measure is compact, then the intrinsic diameter with respect to the support of the weight measure is estimated in terms of the generalized mean curvature. This estimate is in analogy to the diameter control for closed connected manifolds smoothly immersed in some Euclidean space of Peter Topping. Previously, it was not known whether the hypothesis in this thesis implies that two points in the support of the weight measure have finite geodesic distance.}, language = {en} } @misc{ThiekenBesselKienzleretal.2016, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Bessel, Tina and Kienzler, Sarah and Kreibich, Heidi and M{\"u}ller, Meike and Pisi, Sebastian and Schr{\"o}ter, Kai}, title = {The flood of June 2013 in Germany}, series = {National Hazards Earth System Science}, journal = {National Hazards Earth System Science}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97207}, pages = {21}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In June 2013, widespread flooding and consequent damage and losses occurred in Central Europe, especially in Germany. This paper explores what data are available to investigate the adverse impacts of the event, what kind of information can be retrieved from these data and how well data and information fulfil requirements that were recently proposed for disaster reporting on the European and international levels. In accordance with the European Floods Directive (2007/60/EC), impacts on human health, economic activities (and assets), cultural heritage and the environment are described on the national and sub-national scale. Information from governmental reports is complemented by communications on traffic disruptions and surveys of flood-affected residents and companies. Overall, the impacts of the flood event in 2013 were manifold. The study reveals that flood-affected residents suffered from a large range of impacts, among which mental health and supply problems were perceived more seriously than financial losses. The most frequent damage type among affected companies was business interruption. This demonstrates that the current scientific focus on direct (financial) damage is insufficient to describe the overall impacts and severity of flood events. The case further demonstrates that procedures and standards for impact data collection in Germany are widely missing. Present impact data in Germany are fragmentary, heterogeneous, incomplete and difficult to access. In order to fulfil, for example, the monitoring and reporting requirements of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 that was adopted in March 2015 in Sendai, Japan, more efforts on impact data collection are needed.}, language = {en} } @misc{Guehr2016, author = {G{\"u}hr, Markus}, title = {Ultrafast Soft X-ray Probing of Gas Phase Molecular Dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97215}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The molecular ability to selectively and efficiently convert sunlight into other forms of energy like heat, bond change, or charge separation is truly remarkable. The decisive steps in these transformations often happen on a femtosecond timescale and require transitions among different electronic states that violate the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (BOA). Non-BOA transitions pose challenges to both theory and experiment. From a theoretical point of view, excited state dynamics and nonadiabatic transitions both are difficult problems (see Figure 1(a)). However, the theory on non-BOA dynamics has advanced significantly over the last two decades. Full dynamical simulations for molecules of the size of nucleobases have been possible for a couple of years and allow predictions of experimental observables like photoelectron energy or ion yield. The availability of these calculations for isolated molecules has spurred new experimental efforts to develop methods that are sufficiently different from all optical techniques. For determination of transient molecular structure, femtosecond X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction have been implemented on optically excited molecules.}, language = {en} } @misc{BodrovaChechkinCherstvyetal.2016, author = {Bodrova, Anna S. and Chechkin, Aleksei V. and Cherstvy, Andrey G. and Safdari, Hadiseh and Sokolov, Igor M. and Metzler, Ralf}, title = {Underdamped scaled Brownian motion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97158}, pages = {16}, year = {2016}, abstract = {It is quite generally assumed that the overdamped Langevin equation provides a quantitative description of the dynamics of a classical Brownian particle in the long time limit. We establish and investigate a paradigm anomalous diffusion process governed by an underdamped Langevin equation with an explicit time dependence of the system temperature and thus the diffusion and damping coefficients. We show that for this underdamped scaled Brownian motion (UDSBM) the overdamped limit fails to describe the long time behaviour of the system and may practically even not exist at all for a certain range of the parameter values. Thus persistent inertial effects play a non-negligible role even at significantly long times. From this study a general questions on the applicability of the overdamped limit to describe the long time motion of an anomalously diffusing particle arises, with profound consequences for the relevance of overdamped anomalous diffusion models. We elucidate our results in view of analytical and simulations results for the anomalous diffusion of particles in free cooling granular gases.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Raeling2016, author = {R{\"a}ling, Romy}, title = {Age of acquisition and semantic typicality effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 133}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Age of acquisition (AOA) is a psycholinguistic variable that significantly influences behavioural measures (response times and accuracy rates) in tasks that require lexical and semantic processing. Its origin is - unlike the origin of semantic typicality (TYP), which is assumed at the semantic level - controversially discussed. Different theories propose AOA effects to originate either at the semantic level or at the link between semantics and phonology (lemma-level). The dissertation aims at investigating the influence of AOA and its interdependence with the semantic variable TYP on particularly semantic processing in order to pinpoint the origin of AOA effects. Therefore, three studies have been conducted that considered the variables AOA and TYP in semantic processing tasks (category verifications and animacy decisions) by means of behavioural and partly electrophysiological (ERP) data and in different populations (healthy young and elderly participants and in semantically impaired individuals with aphasia (IWA)). The behavioural and electrophysiological data of the three studies provide evidence for distinct processing levels of the variables AOA and TYP. The data further support previous assumptions on a semantic origin for TYP but question the same for AOA. The findings, however, support an origin of AOA effects at the transition between the word form (phonology) and the semantic level that can be captured at the behavioural but not at the electrophysiological level.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchwanghartWorniHuggeletal.2016, author = {Schwanghart, Wolfgang and Worni, Raphael and Huggel, Christian and Stoffel, Markus and Korup, Oliver}, title = {Uncertainty in the Himalayan energy-water nexus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97136}, pages = {9}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Himalayan water resources attract a rapidly growing number of hydroelectric power projects (HPP) to satisfy Asia's soaring energy demands. Yet HPP operating or planned in steep, glacier-fed mountain rivers face hazards of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) that can damage hydropower infrastructure, alter water and sediment yields, and compromise livelihoods downstream. Detailed appraisals of such GLOF hazards are limited to case studies, however, and a more comprehensive, systematic analysis remains elusive. To this end we estimate the regional exposure of 257 Himalayan HPP to GLOFs, using a flood-wave propagation model fed by Monte Carlo-derived outburst volumes of >2300 glacial lakes. We interpret the spread of thus modeled peak discharges as a predictive uncertainty that arises mainly from outburst volumes and dam-breach rates that are difficult to assess before dams fail. With 66\% of sampled HPP are on potential GLOF tracks, up to one third of these HPP could experience GLOF discharges well above local design floods, as hydropower development continues to seek higher sites closer to glacial lakes. We compute that this systematic push of HPP into headwaters effectively doubles the uncertainty about GLOF peak discharge in these locations. Peak discharges farther downstream, in contrast, are easier to predict because GLOF waves attenuate rapidly. Considering this systematic pattern of regional GLOF exposure might aid the site selection of future Himalayan HPP. Our method can augment, and help to regularly update, current hazard assessments, given that global warming is likely changing the number and size of Himalayan meltwater lakes.}, language = {en} } @misc{ZhuSchluppTiedemann2016, author = {Zhu, Fangjun and Schlupp, Ingo and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Sequence Evolution and Expression of the Androgen Receptor and Other Pathway-Related Genes in a Unisexual Fish, the Amazon Molly, Poecilia formosa, and Its Bisexual Ancestors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97119}, pages = {19}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The all-female Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) originated from a single hybridization of two bisexual ancestors, Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana) and sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). As a gynogenetic species, the Amazon molly needs to copulate with a heterospecific male, but the genetic information of the sperm-donor does not contribute to the next generation, as the sperm only acts as the trigger for the diploid eggs' embryogenesis. Here, we study the sequence evolution and gene expression of the duplicated genes coding for androgen receptors (ars) and other pathway-related genes, i.e., the estrogen receptors (ers) and cytochrome P450, family19, subfamily A, aromatase genes (cyp19as), in the Amazon molly, in comparison to its bisexual ancestors. Mollies possess-as most other teleost fish—two copies of the ar, er, and cyp19a genes, i.e., arα/arβ, erα/erβ1, and cyp19a1 (also referred as cyp19a1a)/cyp19a2 (also referred to as cyp19a1b), respectively. Non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among the ancestral bisexual species were generally predicted not to alter protein function. Some derived substitutions in the P. mexicana and one in P. formosa are predicted to impact protein function. We also describe the gene expression pattern of the ars and pathway-related genes in various tissues (i.e., brain, gill, and ovary) and provide SNP markers for allele specific expression research. As a general tendency, the levels of gene expression were lowest in gill and highest in ovarian tissues, while expression levels in the brain were intermediate in most cases. Expression levels in P. formosa were conserved where expression did not differ between the two bisexual ancestors. In those cases where gene expression levels significantly differed between the bisexual species, P. formosa expression was always comparable to the higher expression level among the two ancestors. Interestingly, erβ1 was expressed neither in brain nor in gill in the analyzed three molly species, which implies a more important role of erα in the estradiol synthesis pathway in these tissues. Furthermore, our data suggest that interactions of steroid-signaling pathway genes differ across tissues, in particular the interactions of ars and cyp19as.}, language = {en} } @misc{MeilingCywińskiBald2016, author = {Meiling, Till Thomas and Cywiński, Piotr J. and Bald, Ilko}, title = {White carbon: Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles with tunable quantum yield in a reproducible green synthesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97087}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this study, a new reliable, economic, and environmentally-friendly one-step synthesis is established to obtain carbon nanodots (CNDs) with well-defined and reproducible photoluminescence (PL) properties via the microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment of starch and Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) buffer as carbon sources. Three kinds of CNDs are prepared using different sets of above mentioned starting materials. The as-synthesized CNDs: C-CND (starch only), N-CND 1 (starch in TAE) and N-CND 2 (TAE only) exhibit highly homogenous PL and are ready to use without need for further purification. The CNDs are stable over a long period of time (>1 year) either in solution or as freeze-dried powder. Depending on starting material, CNDs with PL quantum yield (PLQY) ranging from less than 1\% up to 28\% are obtained. The influence of the precursor concentration, reaction time and type of additives on the optical properties (UV-Vis absorption, PL emission spectrum and PLQY) is carefully investigated, providing insight into the chemical processes that occur during CND formation. Remarkably, upon freeze-drying the initially brown CND-solution turns into a non-fluorescent white/slightly brown powder which recovers PL in aqueous solution and can potentially be applied as fluorescent marker in bio-imaging, as a reduction agent or as a photocatalyst.}, language = {en} } @misc{AntoniewiczBrand2016, author = {Antoniewicz, Franziska and Brand, Ralf}, title = {Dropping Out or Keeping Up?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97060}, pages = {8}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The aim of this study was to examine how automatic evaluations of exercising (AEE) varied according to adherence to an exercise program. Eighty-eight participants (24.98 years ± 6.88; 51.1\% female) completed a Brief-Implicit Association Task assessing their AEE, positive and negative associations to exercising at the beginning of a 3-month exercise program. Attendance data were collected for all participants and used in a cluster analysis of adherence patterns. Three different adherence patterns (52 maintainers, 16 early dropouts, 20 late dropouts; 40.91\% overall dropouts) were detected using cluster analyses. Participants from these three clusters differed significantly with regard to their positive and negative associations to exercising before the first course meeting (η2p = 0.07). Discriminant function analyses revealed that positive associations to exercising was a particularly good discriminating factor. This is the first study to provide evidence of the differential impact of positive and negative associations on exercise behavior over the medium term. The findings contribute to theoretical understanding of evaluative processes from a dual-process perspective and may provide a basis for targeted interventions.}, language = {en} } @misc{BatsiosRenBaumannetal.2016, author = {Batsios, Petros and Ren, Xiang and Baumann, Otto and Larochelle, Denis A. and Gr{\"a}f, Ralph}, title = {Src1 is a Protein of the Inner Nuclear Membrane Interacting with the Dictyostelium Lamin NE81}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97033}, pages = {15}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The nuclear envelope (NE) consists of the outer and inner nuclear membrane (INM), whereby the latter is bound to the nuclear lamina. Src1 is a Dictyostelium homologue of the helix-extension-helix family of proteins, which also includes the human lamin-binding protein MAN1. Both endogenous Src1 and GFP-Src1 are localized to the NE during the entire cell cycle. Immuno-electron microscopy and light microscopy after differential detergent treatment indicated that Src1 resides in the INM. FRAP experiments with GFP-Src1 cells suggested that at least a fraction of the protein could be stably engaged in forming the nuclear lamina together with the Dictyostelium lamin NE81. Both a BioID proximity assay and mis-localization of soluble, truncated mRFP-Src1 at cytosolic clusters consisting of an intentionally mis-localized mutant of GFP-NE81 confirmed an interaction of Src1 and NE81. Expression GFP-Src11-646, a fragment C-terminally truncated after the first transmembrane domain, disrupted interaction of nuclear membranes with the nuclear lamina, as cells formed protrusions of the NE that were dependent on cytoskeletal pulling forces. Protrusions were dependent on intact microtubules but not actin filaments. Our results indicate that Src1 is required for integrity of the NE and highlight Dictyostelium as a promising model for the evolution of nuclear architecture.}, language = {en} } @misc{BeurskensHaegerKliegletal.2016, author = {Beurskens, Rainer and Haeger, Matthias and Kliegl, Reinhold and Roecker, Kai and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Postural Control in Dual-Task Situations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96638}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Postural control is important to cope with demands of everyday life. It has been shown that both attentional demand (i.e., cognitive processing) and fatigue affect postural control in young adults. However, their combined effect is still unresolved. Therefore, we investigated the effects of fatigue on single- (ST) and dual-task (DT) postural control. Twenty young subjects (age: 23.7 ± 2.7) performed an all-out incremental treadmill protocol. After each completed stage, one-legged-stance performance on a force platform under ST (i.e., one-legged-stance only) and DT conditions (i.e., one-legged-stance while subtracting serial 3s) was registered. On a second test day, subjects conducted the same balance tasks for the control condition (i.e., non-fatigued). Results showed that heart rate, lactate, and ventilation increased following fatigue (all p < 0.001; d = 4.2-21). Postural sway and sway velocity increased during DT compared to ST (all p < 0.001; d = 1.9-2.0) and fatigued compared to non-fatigued condition (all p < 0.001; d = 3.3-4.2). In addition, postural control deteriorated with each completed stage during the treadmill protocol (all p < 0.01; d = 1.9-3.3). The addition of an attention-demanding interference task did not further impede one-legged-stance performance. Although both additional attentional demand and physical fatigue affected postural control in healthy young adults, there was no evidence for an overadditive effect (i.e., fatigue-related performance decrements in postural control were similar under ST and DT conditions). Thus, attentional resources were sufficient to cope with the DT situations in the fatigue condition of this experiment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rohlf2016, author = {Rohlf, Helena L.}, title = {The development of aggression in middle childhood}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {242}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: The engagement in aggressive behavior in middle childhood is linked to the development of severe problems in later life. Thus, identifying factors and processes that con-tribute to the continuity and increase of aggression in middle childhood is essential in order to facilitate the development of intervention programs. The present PhD thesis aimed at expand-ing the understanding of the development of aggression in middle childhood by examining risk factors in the intrapersonal and interpersonal domains as well as the interplay between these factors: Maladaptive anger regulation was examined as an intrapersonal risk factor; processes that occur in the peer context (social rejection and peer socialization) were included as interpersonal risk factors. In addition, in order to facilitate the in situ assessment of anger regulation strategies, an observational measure of anger regulation was developed and validated. Method: The research aims were addressed within the scope of four articles. Data from two measurement time points about ten months apart were available for the analyses. Participants were elementary school children aged from 6 to 10 years at T1 and 7 to 11 years at T2. The first article was based on cross-sectional analyses including only the first time point; in the remaining three articles longitudinal associations across the two time points were analyzed. The first two articles were concerned with the development and cross-sectional as well as longitudinal validation of observational measure of anger regulation in middle childhood in a sample of 599 children. Using the same sample, the third article investigated the longitudinal link between maladaptive anger regulation and aggression considering social rejection as a mediating variable. The frequency as well as different functions of aggression (reactive and proactive) were included as outcomes measures. The fourth article examined the influence of class-level aggression on the development of different forms of aggression (relational and physical) over time under consideration of differences in initial individual aggression in a sample of 1,284 children. In addition, it was analyzed if the path from aggression to social rejection varies as a function of class-level aggression. Results: The first two articles revealed that the observational measure of anger regulation developed for the purpose of this research was cross-sectionally related to anger reactivity, aggression and social rejection as well as longitudinally related to self-reported anger regula-tion. In the third article it was found that T1 maladaptive anger regulation showed no direct link to T2 aggression, but an indirect link through T1 social rejection. This indirect link was found for the frequency of aggression as well as for reactive and proactive aggression. The fourth article revealed that with regard to relational aggression, a high level of classroom ag-gression predicted an increase of individual aggression only among children with initially low levels of aggression. For physical aggression, it was found that the overall level of aggression in the class affected all children equally. In addition, physical aggression increased the likelihood of social rejection irrespective of the class-level of aggression whereas relational aggression caused social rejection only in classes with a generally low level of relational aggression. The analyses of gender-specific effects showed that children were mainly influenced by their same-gender peers and that the effect on the opposite gender was higher if children engaged in gender-atypical forms of aggressive behavior. Conclusion: The results provided evidence for the construct and criterion validity of the observational measure of maladaptive anger regulation that was developed within the scope of this research. Furthermore, the findings indicated that maladaptive anger regulation constitutes an important risk factor of aggression through the influence of social rejection. Finally, the results demonstrated that the level of aggression among classmates is relevant for the development of individual aggression over time and that the children´s evaluation of relationally aggressive behavior varies as a function of the normativity of relational aggression in the class. The study findings have implications for the measurement of anger regulation in middle childhood as well as for the prevention of aggression and social rejection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peter2016, author = {Peter, Tatjana}, title = {Molekulare Charakterisierung von CP75, einem neuen centrosomalen Protein in Dictyostelium discoideum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96472}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {III, 93}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Centrosom ist ein Zellkern-assoziiertes Organell, das nicht von einer Membran umschlossen ist. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle in vielen Mikrotubuli- abhängigen Prozessen wie Organellenpositionierung, Zellpolarität oder die Organisation der mitotischen Spindel. Das Centrosom von Dictyostelium besteht aus einer dreischichtigen Core-Struktur umgeben von einer Corona, die Mikrotubuli-nukleierende Komplexe enthält. Die Verdoppelung des Centrosoms in Dictyostelium findet zu Beginn der Mitose statt. In der Prophase vergrößert sich die geschichtete Core-Struktur und die Corona löst sich auf. Anschließend trennen sich die beiden äußeren Lagen der Core-Struktur und bilden in der Metaphase die beiden Spindelpole, die in der Telophase zu zwei vollständigen Centrosomen heranreifen. Das durch eine Proteom-Analyse identifizierte Protein CP75 lokalisiert am Centrosom abhängig von den Mitosephasen. Es dissoziiert von der Core-Struktur in der Prometaphase und erscheint an den Spindelpolen in der Telophase wieder. Dieses Verhalten korreliert mit dem Verhalten der mittleren Lage der Core-Struktur in der Mitose, was darauf hinweist, dass CP75 eine Komponente dieser Schicht sein könnte. Die FRAP-Experimente am Interphase- Centrosom zeigen, dass GFP-CP75 dort nicht mobil ist. Das deutet darauf hin, dass das Protein wichtige Funktionen im Strukturerhalt der centrosomalen Core- Struktur {\"u}bernehmen könnte. Sowohl die C- als auch die N-terminale Domäne von CP75 enthalten centrosomale Targeting-Domäne. Als GFP-Fusionsproteine (GFP-CP75-N und -C) lokalisieren die beiden Fragmente am Centrosom in der Interphase. Während GFP-CP75-C in der Mitose am Centrosom verbleibt, verschwindet GFP-CP75-N in der Metaphase und kehrt erst in der späten Telophase zur{\"u}ck. GFP-CP75-C und GFP-CP75O/E kolokalisieren mit F-Aktin am Zellcortex, zeigen aber keine Interaktion mit Aktin mit der BioID-Methode. Die N-terminale Domäne von CP75 enthält eine potentielle Plk1- Phosphorylierungssequenz. Die Überexpression der nichtphosphorylierbaren Punktmutante (GFP-CP75-Plk-S143A) ruft verschiedene Phänotypen wie verlängerte oder {\"u}berzählige Centrosomen, vergrößerte Zellkerne und Anreicherung von detyrosinierten Mikrotubuli hervor. Die ähnlichen Phänotypen konnten auch bei GFP-CP75-N und CP75-RNAi beobachtet werden. Der Phänotyp der detyrosinierten Mikrotubuli bringt erstmals den Beweis daf{\"u}r, dass I in Dictyostelium posttranslationale Modifikation an Tubulinen stattfindet. Außerdem zeigten CP75-RNAi-Zellen Defekte in der Organisation der mitotischen Spindel. Mittels BioID-Methode konnten drei potentielle Interaktionspartner von CP75 identifiziert werden. Diese drei Proteine CP39, CP91 und Cep192 sind ebenfalls Bestandteile des Centrosoms.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bojahr2016, author = {Bojahr, Andre}, title = {Hypersound interaction studied by time-resolved inelastic light and x-ray scattering}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93860}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxiii, 201}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This publications-based thesis summarizes my contribution to the scientific field of ultrafast structural dynamics. It consists of 16 publications, about the generation, detection and coupling of coherent gigahertz longitudinal acoustic phonons, also called hypersonic waves. To generate such high frequency phonons, femtosecond near infrared laser pulses were used to heat nanostructures composed of perovskite oxides on an ultrashort timescale. As a consequence the heated regions of such a nanostructure expand and a high frequency acoustic phonon pulse is generated. To detect such coherent acoustic sound pulses I use ultrafast variants of optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Here an incident optical or x-ray photon is scattered by the excited sound wave in the sample. The scattered light intensity measures the occupation of the phonon modes. The central part of this work is the investigation of coherent high amplitude phonon wave packets which can behave nonlinearly, quite similar to shallow water waves which show a steepening of wave fronts or solitons well known as tsunamis. Due to the high amplitude of the acoustic wave packets in the solid, the acoustic properties can change significantly in the vicinity of the sound pulse. This may lead to a shape change of the pulse. I have observed by time-resolved Brillouin scattering, that a single cycle hypersound pulse shows a wavefront steepening. I excited hypersound pulses with strain amplitudes until 1\% which I have calibrated by ultrafast x-ray diffraction (UXRD). On the basis of this first experiment we developed the idea of the nonlinear mixing of narrowband phonon wave packets which we call "nonlinear phononics" in analogy with the nonlinear optics, which summarizes a kaleidoscope of surprising optical phenomena showing up at very high electric fields. Such phenomena are for instance Second Harmonic Generation, four-wave-mixing or solitons. But in case of excited coherent phonons the wave packets have usually very broad spectra which make it nearly impossible to look at elementary scattering processes between phonons with certain momentum and energy. For that purpose I tested different techniques to excite narrowband phonon wave packets which mainly consist of phonons with a certain momentum and frequency. To this end epitaxially grown metal films on a dielectric substrate were excited with a train of laser pulses. These excitation pulses drive the metal film to oscillate with the frequency given by their inverse temporal displacement and send a hypersonic wave of this frequency into the substrate. The monochromaticity of these wave packets was proven by ultrafast optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Using the excitation of such narrowband phonon wave packets I was able to observe the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of coherent phonons as a first example of nonlinear wave mixing of nanometric phonon wave packets.}, language = {en} }