@phdthesis{Werner2002, author = {Werner, Deljana}, title = {Versuche zur Gewinnung von katalytischen Antik{\"o}rpern zur Hydrolyse von Arylcarbamaten und Arylharnstoffen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000463}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gelang es, katalytische Antik{\"o}rper zur Hydrolyse von Benzylphenylcarbamaten sowie zahlreiche monoklonale Antik{\"o}rper gegen Haptene herzustellen. Es wurden verschiedene Hapten-Protein-Konjugate unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Kopplungsmethoden hergestellt und charakterisiert. Zur Generierung der hydrolytisch aktiven Antik{\"o}rper wurden Inzuchtm{\"a}use mit KLH-Konjugaten von 4 {\"U}bergangszustandsanaloga ({\"U}ZA) immunisiert. Mit Hilfe der Hybridomtechnik wurden verschiedene monoklonale Antik{\"o}rper gegen diese {\"U}ZA gewonnen. Dabei wurden sowohl verschiedene Immunisierungsschemata als auch verschiedene Inzuchtmausst{\"a}mme und Fusionstechniken verwendet. Insgesamt wurden 32 monoklonale Antik{\"o}rper gegen die verwendeten {\"U}ZA selektiert. Diese Antik{\"o}rper wurden in großen Mengen hergestellt und gereinigt. Zum Nachweis der Antik{\"o}rper-vermittelten Katalyse wurden verschiedene Methoden entwickelt und eingesetzt, darunter immunologische Nachweismethoden mit Anti-Substrat- und Anti-Produkt-Antik{\"o}rpern und eine photometrische Methode mit Dimethylaminozimtaldehyd. Der Nachweis der hydrolytischen Aktivit{\"a}t gelang mit Hilfe eines Enzymsensors, basierend auf immobilisierter Tyrosinase. Die Antik{\"o}rper N1-BC1-D11, N1-FA7-C4, N1-FA7-D12 und R3-LG2-F9 hydrolysierten die Benzylphenylcarbamate POCc18, POCc19 und Substanz 27. Der Nachweis der hydrolytischen Aktivit{\"a}t dieser Antik{\"o}rper gelang auch mit Hilfe der HPLC. Der katalytische Antik{\"o}rper N1-BC1-D11 wurde kinetisch und thermodynamisch untersucht. Es wurde eine Michaelis-Menten-Kinetik mit Km von 210 \&\#181;M, vmax von 3 mM/min und kcat von 222 min-1 beobachtet. Diese Werte korrelieren mit den Werten der wenigen bekannten Diphenylcarbamat-spaltenden Abzyme. Die Beschleunigungsrate des Antik{\"o}rpers N1-BC1-D11 betrug 10. Das {\"U}ZA Hei3 hemmte die hydrolytische Aktivit{\"a}t. Dies beweist, dass die Hydrolyse in der Antigenbindungsstelle stattfindet. Weiter wurde zwischen der Antik{\"o}rperkonzentration und der Umsatzgeschwindigkeit eine lineare Abh{\"a}ngigkeit festgestellt. Die thermodynamische Gleichtgewichtsdissoziationskonstante KD des Abzyms von 2,6 nM zeugt von einer sehr guten Affinit{\"a}t zum {\"U}ZA. Hydrolytisch aktiv waren nur Antik{\"o}rper, die gegen das {\"U}bergangszustandsanalogon Hei3 hergestellt worden waren. Es wird vermutet, dass die Hydrolyse der Benzylphenylcarbamate {\"u}ber einen Additions-Eliminierungsmechanismus unter Ausbildung eines tetraedrischen {\"U}bergangszustandes verl{\"a}uft, dessen analoge Verbindung Hei3 ist. Im Rahmen der Generierung von Nachweisantik{\"o}rpern zur Detektion der Substratabnahme bei der Hydrolyse wurden Anti-Diuron-Antik{\"o}rper hergestellt. Einer der Antik{\"o}rper (B91-CG5) ist spezifisch f{\"u}r das Herbizid Diuron und hat einen IC50-Wert von 0,19 \&\#181;g/l und eine untere Nachweisgrenze von 0,04 \&\#181;g/l. Ein anderer Antik{\"o}rper (B91-KF5) reagiert kreuz mit einer Palette {\"a}hnlicher Herbizide. Mit diesen Antik{\"o}rpern wurde ein empfindlicher Labortest, der ein Monitoring von Diuron auf Grundlage des durch die Trinkwasserverordnung festgeschriebenen Wertes f{\"u}r Pflanzenschutzmittel von 0,1 \&\#181;g/l erlaubt, aufgebaut. Der Effekt der Anti-Diuron-Antik{\"o}rper auf die Diuron-inhibierte Photosynthese wurde in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass sowohl in isolierten Thylakoiden, als auch in intakten Algen eine Vorinkubation der Anti-Diuron-Antik{\"o}rper mit Diuron zur Inaktivierung seiner Photosynthese-hemmenden Wirkung f{\"u}hrt. Wurde der Elektronentransport in den isolierten Thylakoiden oder in Algen durch Diuron unterbrochen, so f{\"u}hrte die Zugabe der Anti-Diuron-Antik{\"o}rper zur Reaktivierung der Elektronen{\"u}bertragung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Guislain2019, author = {Guislain, Alexis}, title = {Eco-physiological consequences of fluctuating light on phytoplankton}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-46927}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-469272}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {161}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Phytoplankton growth depends not only on the mean intensity but also on the dynamics of the light supply. The nonlinear light-dependency of growth is characterized by a small number of basic parameters: the compensation light intensity PARcompμ, where production and losses are balanced, the growth efficiency at sub-saturating light αµ, and the maximum growth rate at saturating light µmax. In surface mixed layers, phytoplankton may rapidly move between high light intensities and almost darkness. Because of the different frequency distribution of light and/or acclimation processes, the light-dependency of growth may differ between constant and fluctuating light. Very few studies measured growth under fluctuating light at a sufficient number of mean light intensities to estimate the parameters of the growth-irradiance relationship. Hence, the influence of light dynamics on µmax, αµ and PARcompμ are still largely unknown. By extension, accurate modelling predictions of phytoplankton development under fluctuating light exposure remain difficult to make. This PhD thesis does not intend to directly extrapolate few experimental results to aquatic systems - but rather improving the mechanistic understanding of the variation of the light-dependency of growth under light fluctuations and effects on phytoplankton development. In Lake TaiHu and at the Three Gorges Reservoir (China), we incubated phytoplankton communities in bottles placed either at fixed depths or moved vertically through the water column to mimic vertical mixing. Phytoplankton at fixed depths received only the diurnal changes in light (defined as constant light regime), while phytoplankton received rapidly fluctuating light by superimposing the vertical light gradient on the natural sinusoidal diurnal sunlight. The vertically moved samples followed a circular movement with 20 min per revolution, replicating to some extent the full overturn of typical Langmuir cells. Growth, photosynthesis, oxygen production and respiration of communities (at Lake TaiHu) were measured. To complete these investigations, a physiological experiment was performed in the laboratory on a toxic strain of Microcystis aeruginosa (FACBH 1322) incubated under 20 min period fluctuating light. Here, we measured electron transport rates and net oxygen production at a much higher time resolution (single minute timescale). The present PhD thesis provides evidence for substantial effects of fluctuating light on the eco-physiology of phytoplankton. Both experiments performed under semi-natural conditions in Lake TaiHu and at the Three Gorges Reservoir gave similar results. The significant decline in community growth efficiencies αµ under fluctuating light was caused for a great share by different frequency distribution of light intensities that shortened the effective daylength for production. The remaining gap in community αµ was attributed to species-specific photoacclimation mechanisms and to light-dependent respiratory losses. In contrast, community maximal growth rates µmax were similar between incubations at constant and fluctuating light. At daily growth saturating light supply, differences in losses for biosynthesis between the two light regimes were observed. Phytoplankton experiencing constant light suffered photo-inhibition - leading to photosynthesis foregone and additional respiratory costs for photosystems repair. On the contrary, intermittent exposure to low and high light intensities prevented photo-inhibition of mixed algae but forced them to develop alternative light strategy. They better harvested and exploited surface irradiance by enhancing their photosynthesis. In the laboratory, we showed that Microcystis aeruginosa increased its oxygen consumption by dark respiration in the light few minutes only after exposure to increasing light intensities. More, we proved that within a simulated Langmuir cell, the net production at saturating light and the compensation light intensity for production at limiting light are positively related. These results are best explained by an accumulation of photosynthetic products at increasing irradiance and mobilization of these fresh resources by rapid enhancement of dark respiration for maintenance and biosynthesis at decreasing irradiance. At the daily timescale, we showed that the enhancement of photosynthesis at high irradiance for biosynthesis of species increased their maintenance respiratory costs at limiting light. Species-specific growth at saturating light µmax and compensation light intensity for growth PARcompμ of species incubated in Lake TaiHu were positively related. Because of this species-specific physiological tradeoff, species displayed different light affinities to limiting and saturating light - thereby exhibiting a gleaner-opportunist tradeoff. In Lake TaiHu, we showed that inter-specific differences in light acquisition traits (µmax and PARcompμ) allowed coexis¬tence of species on a gradient of constant light while avoiding competitive exclusion. More interestingly we demonstrated for the first time that vertical mixing (inducing fluctuating light supply for phytoplankton) may alter or even reverse the light utilization strategies of species within couple of days. The intra-specific variation in traits under fluctuating light increased the niche space for acclimated species, precluding competitive exclusion. Overall, this PhD thesis contributes to a better understanding of phytoplankton eco-physiology under fluctuating light supply. This work could enhance the quality of predictions of phytoplankton development under certain weather conditions or climate change scenarios.}, language = {en} } @misc{CleggWackerSpijkerman2021, author = {Clegg, Mark R. and Wacker, Alexander and Spijkerman, Elly}, title = {Phenotypic Diversity and Plasticity of Photoresponse Across an Environmentally Contrasting Family of Phytoflagellates}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1219}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53617}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-536174}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Organisms often employ ecophysiological strategies to exploit environmental conditions and ensure bio-energetic success. However, the many complexities involved in the differential expression and flexibility of these strategies are rarely fully understood. Therefore, for the first time, using a three-part cross-disciplinary laboratory experimental analysis, we investigated the diversity and plasticity of photoresponsive traits employed by one family of environmentally contrasting, ecologically important phytoflagellates. The results demonstrated an extensive inter-species phenotypic diversity of behavioural, physiological, and compositional photoresponse across the Chlamydomonadaceae, and a multifaceted intra-species phenotypic plasticity, involving a broad range of beneficial photoacclimation strategies, often attributable to environmental predisposition and phylogenetic differentiation. Deceptively diverse and sophisticated strong (population and individual cell) behavioural photoresponses were observed, with divergence from a general preference for low light (and flexibility) dictated by intra-familial differences in typical habitat (salinity and trophy) and phylogeny. Notably, contrasting lower, narrow, and flexible compared with higher, broad, and stable preferences were observed in freshwater vs. brackish and marine species. Complex diversity and plasticity in physiological and compositional photoresponses were also discovered. Metabolic characteristics (such as growth rates, respiratory costs and photosynthetic capacity, efficiency, compensation and saturation points) varied elaborately with species, typical habitat (often varying more in eutrophic species, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), and culture irradiance (adjusting to optimise energy acquisition and suggesting some propensity for low light). Considerable variations in intracellular pigment and biochemical composition were also recorded. Photosynthetic and accessory pigments (such as chlorophyll a, xanthophyll-cycle components, chlorophyll a:b and chlorophyll a:carotenoid ratios, fatty acid content and saturation ratios) varied with phylogeny and typical habitat (to attune photosystem ratios in different trophic conditions and to optimise shade adaptation, photoprotection, and thylakoid architecture, particularly in freshwater environments), and changed with irradiance (as reaction and harvesting centres adjusted to modulate absorption and quantum yield). The complex, concomitant nature of the results also advocated an integrative approach in future investigations. Overall, these nuanced, diverse, and flexible photoresponsive traits will greatly contribute to the functional ecology of these organisms, addressing environmental heterogeneity and potentially shaping individual fitness, spatial and temporal distribution, prevalence, and ecosystem dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnold2014, author = {Arnold, Anne}, title = {Modeling photosynthesis and related metabolic processes : from detailed examination to consideration of the metabolic context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72277}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Mathematical modeling of biological systems is a powerful tool to systematically investigate the functions of biological processes and their relationship with the environment. To obtain accurate and biologically interpretable predictions, a modeling framework has to be devised whose assumptions best approximate the examined scenario and which copes with the trade-off of complexity of the underlying mathematical description: with attention to detail or high coverage. Correspondingly, the system can be examined in detail on a smaller scale or in a simplified manner on a larger scale. In this thesis, the role of photosynthesis and its related biochemical processes in the context of plant metabolism was dissected by employing modeling approaches ranging from kinetic to stoichiometric models. The Calvin-Benson cycle, as primary pathway of carbon fixation in C3 plants, is the initial step for producing starch and sucrose, necessary for plant growth. Based on an integrative analysis for model ranking applied on the largest compendium of (kinetic) models for the Calvin-Benson cycle, those suitable for development of metabolic engineering strategies were identified. Driven by the question why starch rather than sucrose is the predominant transitory carbon storage in higher plants, the metabolic costs for their synthesis were examined. The incorporation of the maintenance costs for the involved enzymes provided a model-based support for the preference of starch as transitory carbon storage, by only exploiting the stoichiometry of synthesis pathways. Many photosynthetic organisms have to cope with processes which compete with carbon fixation, such as photorespiration whose impact on plant metabolism is still controversial. A systematic model-oriented review provided a detailed assessment for the role of this pathway in inhibiting the rate of carbon fixation, bridging carbon and nitrogen metabolism, shaping the C1 metabolism, and influencing redox signal transduction. The demand of understanding photosynthesis in its metabolic context calls for the examination of the related processes of the primary carbon metabolism. To this end, the Arabidopsis core model was assembled via a bottom-up approach. This large-scale model can be used to simulate photoautotrophic biomass production, as an indicator for plant growth, under so-called optimal, carbon-limiting and nitrogen-limiting growth conditions. Finally, the introduced model was employed to investigate the effects of the environment, in particular, nitrogen, carbon and energy sources, on the metabolic behavior. This resulted in a purely stoichiometry-based explanation for the experimental evidence for preferred simultaneous acquisition of nitrogen in both forms, as nitrate and ammonium, for optimal growth in various plant species. The findings presented in this thesis provide new insights into plant system's behavior, further support existing opinions for which mounting experimental evidences arise, and posit novel hypotheses for further directed large-scale experiments.}, language = {en} }