@techreport{ThiekenOttoHauptetal.2022, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Otto, Antje and Haupt, Wolfgang and Eckersley, Peter and Kern, Kristine and Ullrich, Susann and Hautz, Timo and Rocker, Philipp and Schulz, Rabea and Sausen, Hannah and Dillenardt, Lisa and Rose, Claudia and Schmidt, Katja and Huber, Bettina and Sterzel, Till and Marken, Marieke and Miechielsen, Milena}, title = {Urbane Resilienz gegen{\"u}ber extremen Wetterereignissen}, editor = {Otto, Antje and Thieken, Annegret}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55542}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-555427}, pages = {IX, 99}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Aufgrund der hohen Konzentration von Bev{\"o}lkerung, {\"o}konomischen Werten und Infrastrukturen k{\"o}nnen St{\"a}dte stark von extremen Wetterereignissen getroffen werden. Insbesondere Hitzewellen und {\"U}berflutungen in Folge von Starkregen verursachen in St{\"a}dten immense gesundheitliche und finanzielle Sch{\"a}den. Um Sch{\"a}den zu verringern oder gar zu vermeiden, ist es notwendig, entsprechende Vorsorge- und Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen zu implementieren. Im Projekt „Urbane Resilienz gegen{\"u}ber extremen Wetterereignissen - Typologien und Transfer von Anpassungsstrategien in kleinen Großst{\"a}dten und Mittelst{\"a}dten" (ExTrass) lag der Fokus auf den beiden extremen Wetterereignissen Hitze und Starkregen sowie auf kleineren Großst{\"a}dten (100.000 bis 500.000 Einwohner:innen) und kreisfreien Mittelst{\"a}dten mit mehr als 50.000 Einwohner:innen. Im Projekt wurde die St{\"a}rkung der Klimaresilienz als Verbesserung der F{\"a}higkeiten von St{\"a}dten, aus vergangenen Ereignissen zu lernen sowie sich an antizipierte Gefahren anzupassen, verstanden. Klimaanpassung wurde demnach als ein Prozess aufgefasst, der durch die Umsetzung von potenziell schadensreduzierenden Maßnahmen beschreib- und operationalisierbar wird. Das Projekt hatte zwei Ziele: Erstens sollte die Klimaresilienz in den drei Fallstudienst{\"a}dten Potsdam, Remscheid und W{\"u}rzburg messbar gest{\"a}rkt werden. Zweitens sollten Transferpotenziale zwischen Groß- und Mittelst{\"a}dten in Deutschland identifiziert und besser nutzbar gemacht werden, damit die Wirkung von Pilotvorhaben {\"u}ber die direkt involvierten St{\"a}dte hinausgehen kann. Im Projekt standen folgende vier Leitfragen im Fokus: • Wie verbreitet sind Klimaanpassungsaktivit{\"a}ten in Großst{\"a}dten und gr{\"o}ßeren kreisfreien Mittelst{\"a}dten in Deutschland? • Welche hemmenden und beg{\"u}nstigenden Faktoren beeinflussen die Klimaanpassung? • Welche Maßnahmen der Klimaanpassung werden tats{\"a}chlich umgesetzt, und wie kann die Umsetzung verbessert werden? Was behindert? • Inwiefern lassen sich Beispiele guter Praxis auf andere St{\"a}dte {\"u}bertragen, adaptieren oder weiterentwickeln? Die Hauptergebnisse zu diesen Fragestellungen sind im vorliegenden Bericht zusammengefasst.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Egli2021, author = {Egli, Lukas}, title = {Stabilizing agricultural systems through diversity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-49684}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-496848}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 125}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the light of climate change, rising demands for agricultural products and the intensification and specialization of agricultural systems, ensuring an adequate and reliable supply of food is fundamental for food security. Maintaining diversity and redundancy has been postulated as one generic principle to increase the resilience of agricultural production and other ecosystem services. For example, if one crop fails due to climate instability and extreme events, others can compensate the losses. Crop diversity might be particularly important if different crops show asynchronous production trends. Furthermore, spatial heterogeneity has been suggested to increase stability at larger scales as production losses in some areas can be buffered by surpluses in undisturbed ones. Besides systematically investigating the mechanisms underlying stability, identifying transformative pathways that foster them is important. In my thesis, I aim at answering the following questions: (i) How does yield stability differ between nations, regions and farms, and what is the effect of crop diversity on yield stability in relation to agricultural inputs, climate heterogeneity, climate instability and time at the national, regional or farm level? (ii) Is asynchrony between crops a better predictor of production stability than crop diversity? (iii) What is the effect of asynchrony between and within crops on stability and how is it related to crop diversity and space, respectively? (iv) What is the state of the art and what are knowledge gaps in exploring resilience and its multidimensionality in ecological and social-ecological systems with agent-based models and what are potential ways forward? In the first chapter, I provide the theoretical background for the subsequent analyses. I stress the need to better understand the resilience of social-ecological systems and particularly the stability of agricultural production. Moreover, I introduce diversity and spatial heterogeneity as two prominently discussed resilience mechanisms and describe approaches to assess resilience. In the second chapter, I combined agriculture and climate data at three levels of organization and spatial extents to investigate yield stability patterns and their relation to crop diversity, fertilizer, irrigation, climate heterogeneity and instability and time of nations globally, regions in Europe and farms in Germany using statistical analyses. Yield stability decreased from the national to the farm level. Several nations and regions substantially contributed to larger-scale stability. Crop diversity was positively associated with yield stability across all three levels of organization. This effect was typically more profound at smaller scales and in variable climates. In addition to crop diversity, climate heterogeneity was an important stabilizing mechanism especially at larger scales. These results confirm the stabilizing effect of crop diversity and spatial heterogeneity, yet their importance depends on the scale and agricultural management. Building on the findings of the second chapter, I deepened in the third chapter my research on the effect of crop diversity at the national level. In particular, I tested if asynchrony between crops, i.e. between the temporal production patterns of different crops, better predicts agricultural production stability than crop diversity. The stabilizing effect of asynchrony was multiple times higher than the effect of crop diversity, i.e. asynchrony is one important property that can explain why a higher diversity supports the stability of national food production. Therefore, strategies to stabilize agricultural production through crop diversification also need to account for the asynchrony of the crops considered. The previous chapters suggest that both asynchrony between crops and spatial heterogeneity are important stabilizing mechanisms. In the fourth chapter, I therefore aimed at better understanding the relative importance of asynchrony between and within crops, i.e. between the temporal production patterns of different crops and between the temporal production patterns of different cultivation areas of the same crop. Better understanding their relative importance is important to inform agricultural management decisions, but so far this has been hardly assessed. To address this, I used crop production data to study the effect of asynchrony between and within crops on the stability of agricultural production in regions in Germany and nations in Europe. Both asynchrony between and within crops consistently stabilized agricultural production. Adding crops increased asynchrony between crops, yet this effect levelled off after eight crops in regions in Germany and after four crops in nations in Europe. Combining already ten farms within a region led to high asynchrony within crops, indicating distinct production patters, while this effect was weaker when combining multiple regions within a nation. The results suggest, that both mechanisms need to be considered in agricultural management strategies that strive for more resilient farming systems. The analyses in the foregoing chapters focused at different levels of organization, scales and factors potentially influencing agricultural stability. However, these statistical analyses are restricted by data availability and investigate correlative relationships, thus they cannot provide a mechanistic understanding of the actual processes underlying resilience. In this regard, agent-based models (ABM) are a promising tool. Besides their ability to measure different properties and to integrate multiple situations through extensive manipulation in a fully controlled system, they can capture the emergence of system resilience from individual interactions and feedbacks across different levels of organization. In the fifth chapter, I therefore reviewed the state of the art and potential knowledge gaps in exploring resilience and its multidimensionality in ecological and social-ecological systems with ABMs. Next, I derived recommendations for a more effective use of ABMs in resilience research. The review suggests that the potential of ABMs is not utilized in most models as they typically focus on a single dimension of resilience and are mostly limited to one reference state, disturbance type and scale. Moreover, only few studies explicitly test the ability of different mechanisms to support resilience. To solve real-world problems related to the resilience of complex systems, ABMs need to assess multiple stability properties for different situations and under consideration of the mechanisms that are hypothesized to render a system resilient. In the sixth chapter, I discuss the major conclusions that can be drawn from the previous chapters. Moreover, I showcase the use of simulation models to identify management strategies to enhance asynchrony and thus stability, and the potential of ABMs to identify pathways to implement such strategies. The results of my thesis confirm the stabilizing effect of crop diversity, yet its importance depends on the scale, agricultural management and climate. Moreover, strategies to stabilize agricultural production through crop diversification also need to account for the asynchrony of the crops considered. As spatial heterogeneity and particularly asynchrony within crops strongly enhances stability, integrated management approaches are needed that simultaneously address multiple resilience mechanisms at different levels of organization, scales and time horizons. For example, the simulation suggests that only increasing the number of crops at both the pixel and landscape level avoids trade-offs between asynchrony between and within crops. If their potential is better exploited, agent-based models have the capacity to systematically assess resilience and to identify comprehensive pathways towards resilient farming systems.}, language = {en} } @article{Rojahn2023, author = {Rojahn, Marcel}, title = {Professionelle Personalzeiterfassung}, series = {Factory Innovation : agil und smart mit Industrie 4.0}, volume = {4}, journal = {Factory Innovation : agil und smart mit Industrie 4.0}, number = {2}, publisher = {GITO mbH - Verlag f{\"u}r Industrielle Informationstechnik und Organisation}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2749-7593}, pages = {74 -- 74}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der Einsatz digitaler Personalzeiterfassungssysteme bietet Unternehmen zahlreiche Vorteile, z. B. effizientere Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen, mehr Transparenz und {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber die Arbeitszeiten der Mitarbeiter sowie flexiblere Erfassungsm{\"o}glichkeiten. In der Testreihe werden neun L{\"o}sungen auf Funktionen, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Kosten, Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit, Kompatibilit{\"a}t, Implementierung und Barrierefreiheit getestet. Erfahren Sie, welche L{\"o}sungen am besten abschneiden und ob eine davon f{\"u}r Ihr Unternehmen geeignet ist.}, language = {de} } @article{Kayser2023, author = {Kayser, Daniela Niesta}, title = {Lehrkr{\"a}ftegesundheit und Umgang mit Beanspruchungsfolgen im Praxissemester}, series = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, journal = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-568-2}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61864}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618643}, pages = {375 -- 393}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mit Blick auf den Schuldienst existieren viele Studien zur Arbeitsbelastung und Arbeitsbeanspruchung von Lehrkr{\"a}ften. Bereits die Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium sind gepr{\"a}gt von zahlreichen Anforderungen f{\"u}r Lehramtsanw{\"a}rter:innen, weshalb Wissen und Kenntnisse um eigene Ressourcen eine erhebliche Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Ressourcennutzung zur Bew{\"a}ltigung der Anforderungen und zur Gesunderhaltung darstellen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt den Gesundheitsbegriff sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen der Ressourcen zur Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung anhand repr{\"a}sentativer Studien innerhalb sowie außerhalb des Potsdamer Praxissemesters vor. Insbesondere wird sich den Anforderungen im Praxissemester, die durch die Corona-Pandemie gepr{\"a}gt waren, gewidmet. Ziel ist es, angehenden Lehrkr{\"a}ften die wichtigsten Methoden bzw. Strategien der Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung zu vermitteln und sie damit zur St{\"a}rkung ihrer eigenen Gesundheit auch in Zeiten erh{\"o}hter Belastung bzw. in Krisenzeiten zu bef{\"a}higen. Erste empirische Ergebnisse aus einer qualitativen Erhebung zeigen, dass die Teilnehmenden in Bezug auf innere Ressourcen die zentrale Rolle von produktiven {\"U}berzeugungssystemen und produktiven Bew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien betonen. Ein Mentoringprogramm, angelegt analog zur Potsdamer AG der Mentor:innenqualifzierung, k{\"o}nnte dazu dienen, inhaltliche Eckpunkte zur Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung im Unterricht des Praxissemesters zu verankern und angehende Lehrkr{\"a}fte zu begleiten.}, language = {de} }