@article{Grote2021, author = {Grote, Mathias}, title = {„Aus dem Kleinen bauen sich die Welten" - Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergs {\"o}kologische Mikrobiologie avant la lettre}, series = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, volume = {XXII}, journal = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, number = {42}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1617-5239}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.18443/318}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-515016}, pages = {19 -- 32}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Geschichte der Mikrobiologie als Laborwissenschaft des sp{\"a}ten 19. Jahrhunderts hat f{\"u}r Ehrenberg keinen Platz. Unmodern, ja fehlerhaft scheinen die Befunde dieses „Humboldt en miniature", der die Belebtheit von Wasser oder Luft mikroskopisch untersuchte, der Proben aus aller Welt sammelte und so zahlreiche „Infusorien" genannte Mikroben sowie deren Effekte etwa bei Blutwundern beschrieb, deren Beteiligung an Infektionskrankheiten aber verneinte. Zugleich scheint sein {\"o}kologischer Blick auf den Mikrokosmos die Gegenwart auf {\"u}berraschende Weise anzusprechen - einerseits weil Mikroben omnipr{\"a}sentes Faszinosum wie Bedrohung bleiben, andererseits weil viele der Pr{\"a}missen von Pasteur und Koch im Zeitalter der Genomik {\"u}berholt erscheinen. Ausgehend von der zwiesp{\"a}ltigen Position Ehrenbergs fragt dieser Artikel, warum er m{\"o}glicherweise gerade deswegen spannender ist, als ihn die Historiographie bislang hat erscheinen lassen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rausch2023, author = {Rausch, Theresa}, title = {Role of intestinal bacteria in the conversion of dietary sulfonates}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57403}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-574036}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXI, 98, LXIV}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Over the last decades, interest in the impact of the intestinal microbiota on host health has steadily increased. Diet is a major factor that influences the gut microbiota and thereby indirectly affects human health. For example, a high fat diet rich in saturated fatty acids led to an intestinal proliferation of the colitogenic bacterium Bilophila (B.) wadsworthia by stimulating the release of the bile acid taurocholate (TC). TC contains the sulfonated head group taurine, which undergoes conversion to sulfide (H2S) by B. wadsworthia. In a colitis prone murine animal model (IL10 / mice), the bloom of B. wadsworthia was accompanied by an exacerbation of intestinal inflammation. B. wadsworthia is able to convert taurine and also other sulfonates to H2S, indicating the potential association of sulfonate utilization and the stimulation of colitogenic bacteria. This potential link raised the question, whether dietary sulfonates or their sulfonated metabolites stimulate the growth of colitogenic bacteria such as B. wadsworthia and whether these bacteria convert sulfonates to H2S. Besides taurine, which is present in meat, fish and life-style beverages, other dietary sulfonates are part of daily human nutrition. Sulfolipids such as sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDG) are highly abundant in salad, parsley and the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina). Based on previous findings, Escherichia (E.) coli releases the polar headgroup sulfoquinovose (SQ) from SQDG. Moreover, E. coli is able to convert SQ to 2,3 dihydroxypropane 1 sulfonate (DHPS) under anoxic conditions. DHPS is also converted to H2S by B. wadsworthia or by other potentially harmful gut bacteria such as members of the genus Desulfovibrio. However, only few studies report the conversion of sulfonates to H2S by bacteria directly isolated from the human intestinal tract. Most sulfonate utilizing bacteria were obtained from environmental sources such as soil or lake sediment or from potentially intestinal sources such as sewage. In the present study, fecal slurries from healthy human subjects were incubated with sulfonates under strictly anoxic conditions, using formate and lactate as electron donors. Fecal slurries that converted sulfonates to H2S, were used as a source for the isolation of H2S forming bacteria. Isolates were identified based on their 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequence. In addition, conventional C57BL/6 mice were fed a semisynthetic diet supplemented with the SQDG rich Spirulina (SD) or a Spirulina free control diet (CD). During the intervention, body weight, water and food intake were monitored and fecal samples were collected. After three weeks, mice were killed and organ weight and size were measured, intestinal sulfonate concentrations were quantified, gut microbiota composition was determined and parameters of intestinal and hepatic fat metabolism were analyzed. Human fecal slurries converted taurine, isethionate, cysteate, 3 sulfolacate, SQ and DHPS to H2S. However, inter individual differences in the degradation of these sulfonates were observed. Taurine, isethionate, and 3 sulfolactate were utilized by fecal microbiota of all donors, while SQ, DHPS and cysteate were converted to H2S only by microbiota from certain individuals. Bacterial isolates from human feces able to convert sulfonates to H2S were identified as taurine-utilizing Desulfovibrio strains, taurine- and isethionate-utilizing B. wadsworthia, or as SQ- and 3-sulfolactate- utilizing E. coli. In addition, a co culture of E. coli and B. wadsworthia led to complete degradation of SQ to H2S, with DHPS as an intermediate. Of the human fecal isolates, B. wadsworthia and Desulfovibrio are potentially harmful. E. coli strains might be also pathogenic, but isolated E. coli strains from human feces were identified as commensal gut bacteria. Feeding SD to mice increased the cecal and fecal SQ concentration and altered the microbiota composition, but the relative abundance of SQDG or SQ converting bacteria and colitogenic bacteria was not enriched in mice fed SD for 21 days. SD did not affect the relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae, to which the SQDG- and SQ-utilizing E. coli strain belong to. Furthermore, the abundance of B. wadsworthia decreased from day 2 to day 9 in feces, but recovered afterwards in the same mice. In cecum, the family Desulfovibrionaceae, to which B. wadsworthia and Desulfovibrio belong to, were reduced. No changes in the number of B. wadsworthia in cecal contents or of Desulfovibrionaceae in feces were observed. SD led to a mild activation of the immune system, which was not observed in control mice fed CD. Mice fed SD had an increased body weight, a higher adipose tissue weight, and a decreased liver weight compared to the control mice, suggesting an impact of Spirulina supplementation on fat metabolism. However, expression levels of genes involved in intestinal and hepatic intracellular lipid uptake and availability were reduced. Further investigations on the lipid metabolism at protein level could help to clarify these discrepancies. In summary, humans differ in the ability of their fecal microbiota to utilize dietary sulfonates. While sulfonates stimulated the proliferation of potentially colitogenic isolates from human fecal slurries, the increased availability of SQ in Spirulina fed conventional mice did not lead to an enrichment of such bacteria. Presence or absence of these bacteria may explain the inter individual differences in sulfonate conversion observed for fecal slurries. This work provides new insights in the ability of intestinal bacteria to utilize sulfonates and thus, contributes to a better understanding of microbiota-mediated effects on dietary sulfonate utilization. Interestingly, feeding of the Spirulina-supplemented diet led to body-weight gain in mice in the first two days of intervention, the reasons for which are unknown.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heise2017, author = {Heise, Janine}, title = {Phylogenetic and physiological characterization of deep-biosphere microorganisms in El'gygytgyn Crater Lake sediments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403436}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The existence of diverse and active microbial ecosystems in the deep subsurface - a biosphere that was originally considered devoid of life - was discovered in multiple microbiological studies. However, most of the studies are restricted to marine ecosystems, while our knowledge about the microbial communities in the deep subsurface of lake systems and their potentials to adapt to changing environmental conditions is still fragmentary. This doctoral thesis aims to build up a unique data basis for providing the first detailed high-throughput characterization of the deep biosphere of lacustrine sediments and to emphasize how important it is to differentiate between the living and the dead microbial community in deep biosphere studies. In this thesis, up to 3.6 Ma old sediments (up to 317 m deep) of the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake were examined, which represents the oldest terrestrial climate record of the Arctic. Combining next generation sequencing with detailed geochemical characteristics and other environmental parameters, the microbial community composition was analyzed in regard to changing climatic conditions within the last 3.6 Ma to 1.0 Ma (Pliocene and Pleistocene). DNA from all investigated sediments was successfully extracted and a surprisingly diverse (6,910 OTUs) and abundant microbial community in the El'gygytgyn deep sediments were revealed. The bacterial abundance (10³-10⁶ 16S rRNA copies g⁻¹ sediment) was up to two orders of magnitudes higher than the archaeal abundance (10¹-10⁵) and fluctuates with the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cyclicality. Interestingly, a strong increase in the microbial diversity with depth was observed (approximately 2.5 times higher diversity in Pliocene sediments compared to Pleistocene sediments). The increase in diversity with depth in the Lake El'gygytgyn is most probably caused by higher sedimentary temperatures towards the deep sediment layers as well as an enhanced temperature-induced intra-lake bioproductivity and higher input of allochthonous organic-rich material during Pliocene climatic conditions. Moreover, the microbial richness parameters follow the general trends of the paleoclimatic parameters, such as the paleo-temperature and paleo-precipitation. The most abundant bacterial representatives in the El'gygytgyn deep biosphere are affiliated with the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria, which are also commonly distributed in the surrounding permafrost habitats. The predominated taxon was the halotolerant genus Halomonas (in average 60\% of the total reads per sample). Additionally, this doctoral thesis focuses on the live/dead differentiation of microbes in cultures and environmental samples. While established methods (e.g., fluorescence in situ hybridization, RNA analyses) are not applicable to the challenging El'gygytgyn sediments, two newer methods were adapted to distinguish between DNA from live cells and free (extracellular, dead) DNA: the propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment and the cell separation adapted for low amounts of DNA. The applicability of the DNA-intercalating dye PMA was successfully evaluated to mask free DNA of different cultures of methanogenic archaea, which play a major role in the global carbon cycle. Moreover, an optimal procedure to simultaneously treat bacteria and archaea was developed using 130 µM PMA and 5 min of photo-activation with blue LED light, which is also applicable on sandy environmental samples with a particle load of ≤ 200 mg mL⁻¹. It was demonstrated that the soil texture has a strong influence on the PMA treatment in particle-rich samples and that in particular silt and clay-rich samples (e.g., El'gygytgyn sediments) lead to an insufficient shielding of free DNA by PMA. Therefore, a cell separation protocol was used to distinguish between DNA from live cells (intracellular DNA) and extracellular DNA in the El'gygytgyn sediments. While comparing these two DNA pools with a total DNA pool extracted with a commercial kit, significant differences in the microbial composition of all three pools (mean distance of relative abundance: 24.1\%, mean distance of OTUs: 84.0\%) was discovered. In particular, the total DNA pool covers significantly fewer taxa than the cell-separated DNA pools and only inadequately represents the living community. Moreover, individual redundancy analyses revealed that the microbial community of the intra- and extracellular DNA pool are driven by different environmental factors. The living community is mainly influenced by life-dependent parameters (e.g., sedimentary matrix, water availability), while the extracellular DNA is dependent on the biogenic silica content. The different community-shaping parameters and the fact, that a redundancy analysis of the total DNA pool explains significantly less variance of the microbial community, indicate that the total DNA represents a mixture of signals of the live and dead microbial community. This work provides the first fundamental data basis of the diversity and distribution of microbial deep biosphere communities of a lake system over several million years. Moreover, it demonstrates the substantial importance of extracellular DNA in old sediments. These findings may strongly influence future environmental community analyses, where applications of live/dead differentiation avoid incorrect interpretations due to a failed extraction of the living microbial community or an overestimation of the past community diversity in the course of total DNA extraction approaches.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FrankFahle2013, author = {Frank-Fahle, B{\´e}atrice A.}, title = {Methane-cycling microbial communities in permafrost affected soils on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast, Western Canadian Arctic}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Permafrost-affected ecosystems including peat wetlands are among the most obvious regions in which current microbial controls on organic matter decomposition are likely to change as a result of global warming. Wet tundra ecosystems in particular are ideal sites for increased methane production because of the waterlogged, anoxic conditions that prevail in seasonally increasing thawed layers. The following doctoral research project focused on investigating the abundance and distribution of the methane-cycling microbial communities in four different polygons on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast. Despite the relevance of the Canadian Western Arctic in the global methane budget, the permafrost microbial communities there have thus far remained insufficiently characterized. Through the study of methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial communities involved in the decomposition of permafrost organic matter and their potential reaction to rising environmental temperatures, the overarching goal of the ensuing thesis is to fill the current gap in understanding the fate of the organic carbon currently stored in Artic environments and its implications regarding the methane cycle in permafrost environments. To attain this goal, a multiproxy approach including community fingerprinting analysis, cloning, quantitative PCR and next generation sequencing was used to describe the bacterial and archaeal community present in the active layer of four polygons and to scrutinize the diversity and distribution of methane-cycling microorganisms at different depths. These methods were combined with soil properties analyses in order to identify the main physico-chemical variables shaping these communities. In addition a climate warming simulation experiment was carried-out on intact active layer cores retrieved from Herschel Island in order to investigate the changes in the methane-cycling communities associated with an increase in soil temperature and to help better predict future methane-fluxes from polygonal wet tundra environments in the context of climate change. Results showed that the microbial community found in the water-saturated and carbon-rich polygons on Herschel Island and the Yukon Coast was diverse and showed a similar distribution with depth in all four polygons sampled. Specifically, the methanogenic community identified resembled the communities found in other similar Arctic study sites and showed comparable potential methane production rates, whereas the methane oxidizing bacterial community differed from what has been found so far, being dominated by type-II rather than type-I methanotrophs. After being subjected to strong increases in soil temperature, the active-layer microbial community demonstrated the ability to quickly adapt and as a result shifts in community composition could be observed. These results contribute to the understanding of carbon dynamics in Arctic permafrost regions and allow an assessment of the potential impact of climate change on methane-cycling microbial communities. This thesis constitutes the first in-depth study of methane-cycling communities in the Canadian Western Arctic, striving to advance our understanding of these communities in degrading permafrost environments by establishing an important new observatory in the Circum-Arctic.}, language = {en} } @misc{MarkschiesPaesslerGroteetal.2021, author = {Markschies, Christoph and P{\"a}ßler, Ulrich and Grote, Mathias and Greenwood MacKinney, Anne and Kusber, Wolf-Henning and Jahn, Regine and Damaschun, Ferdinand and B{\"o}hme, Katrin}, title = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, volume = {XXII}, number = {42}, editor = {Ette, Ottmar and Knobloch, Eberhard and P{\"a}ßler, Ulrich}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2568-3543}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50141}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-501413}, pages = {169}, year = {2021}, abstract = {-Christoph Markschies: Geleitwort -Ulrich P{\"a}ßler: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg: Lebensbilder eines Naturforschers -Mathias Grote: „Aus dem Kleinen bauen sich die Welten" - Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergs {\"o}kologische Mikrobiologie avant la lettre -Anne Greenwood MacKinney: Die Inszenierung naturforschender Gelehrsamkeit beim Sammeln: Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergs und Wilhelm Hemprichs nordafrikanische Forschungsreise (1820 - 1825) -Ulrich P{\"a}ßler: Reisen im Nahen Osten. Zeichnungen -Ulrich P{\"a}ßler: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg und die Biogeographie: Die russisch-sibirische Reise mit Alexander von Humboldt (1829) -Ulrich P{\"a}ßler: Russisch-Sibirische Reise. Zeichnungen -Wolf-Henning Kusber, Regine Jahn: Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergs Zeichnungen: Eine fr{\"u}he wissenschaftliche Dokumentation mikroskopischer Organismen -Ferdinand Damaschun: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg und die Entwicklung der Mikroskop-Technik im 19. Jahrhundert -Ulrich P{\"a}ßler: Die Reise ins Kleinste der Natur. Zeichnungen -Katrin B{\"o}hme: Das große Ganze: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg und die Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin}, language = {de} } @article{Markschies2021, author = {Markschies, Christoph}, title = {Geleitwort}, series = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, volume = {XXII}, journal = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, number = {42}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1617-5239}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.18443/325}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-515452}, pages = {5 -- 13}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{Paessler2021, author = {P{\"a}ßler, Ulrich}, title = {Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg und die Biogeographie: Die russisch-sibirische Reise mit Alexander von Humboldt (1829)}, series = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, volume = {XXII}, journal = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz = Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg}, number = {42}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1617-5239}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-515034}, pages = {75 -- 87}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Russian-Siberian journey, carried out with Alexander von Humboldt and Gustav Rose in 1829 coincided with a decisive phase in Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg's scientific career. His field diary and the drawings he made on the trip document his intensified focus on the study of microorganisms. The numerous observations on plant and animal geography show how Ehrenberg tested a combination of micro- and macro-perspectives that would shape his research on infusoria in the following decades: In addition to the task of classification at the microscope, Ehrenberg carried out worldwide comparative research on the distribution of microorganisms.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kobabe2005, author = {Kobabe, Svenja}, title = {Charakterisierung der mikrobiellen Lebensgemeinschaft eines sibirischen Permafrostbodens}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5467}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des multidisziplin{\"a}ren Deutsch-Russischen Verbundprojektes "Laptev See 2000" erstellt. Die dargestellten bodenkundlichen und mikro-biologischen Untersuchungen verfolgten das Ziel die mikrobielle Lebensgemeinschaft eines Permafrostbodens im sibirischen Lena Delta zu charakterisieren, wobei den methanogenen Archaea besondere Beachtung zukam. Die Probennahme wurde im August 2001 im zentralen Lenadelta, auf der Insel Samoylov durchgef{\"u}hrt. Das Delta liegt im Bereich des kontinuierlichen Permafrostes, was bedeutet, dass nur eine flache saisonale Auftauschicht w{\"a}hrend der Sommermonate auftaut. Das untersuchte Bodenprofil lag im Zentrum eines f{\"u}r die Landschaft repr{\"a}sentativen Low Center Polygons. Zum Zeitpunkt der Beprobung betrug die Auftautiefe des untersuchten Bodens 45 cm.. Der Wasserstand lag zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt 18 cm unter der Gel{\"a}ndeoberfl{\"a}che, so dass alle tiefer liegenden Horizonte durch anaerobe Verh{\"a}ltnisse charakterisiert waren. Die Untersuchung der bodenkundlichen Parameter ergab unter anderem eine mit zunehmender Tiefe abnehmende Konzentration von Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff, sowie eine Abnahme von Temperatur und Wurzeldichte. Um die Auswirkungen der sich mit der Tiefe ver{\"a}ndernden Bodeneigenschaften auf die Mikroorganismen zu ermitteln, wurden die Mikroorganismenpopulationen der verschiedenen Bodentiefen mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung hinsichtlich ihrer Anzahl, Aktivit{\"a}t und Zusammensetzung beschrieben. F{\"u}r die Charakterisierung des physiologischen Profils dieser Gemeinschaften, bez{\"u}glich der von ihr umsetzbaren Kohlenstoffverbindungen, wurden BIOLOG Mikrotiterplatten unter den in situ Bedingungen angepassten Bedingungen eingesetzt. Die sich im Profil ver{\"a}ndernden Bodenparameter, vor allem die abnehmende Substratversorgung, die geringe Temperatur und die anaeroben Verh{\"a}ltnisse in den unteren Bodenschichten f{\"u}hrten zu einer Ver{\"a}nderung der Mikroorganismenpopulation im Bodenprofil. So nahm von oben nach unten die Gesamtanzahl der ermittelten Mikroorganismen von 23,0 × 108 auf 1,2 × 108 Zellen g-1 ab. Gleichzeitig sank der Anteil der aktiven Zellen von 59\% auf 33\%. Das bedeutet, dass im Bereich von 0-5 cm 35mal mehr aktive Zellen g-1 als im Bereich von 40-45 cm gefunden wurden. Durch den Einsatz spezieller rRNS-Sonden konn-te zus{\"a}tzlich eine Abnahme der Diversit{\"a}t mit zunehmender Bodentiefe nachgewiesen werden. Die geringere Aktivit{\"a}t der Population in den unteren Horizonten sowie die Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung wirkten sich auf den Abbau der organischen Substanz aus. So wur-den die mit Hilfe der BIOLOG Mikrotiterplatten angebotenen Substanzen in gr{\"o}ßerer Tiefe langsamer und unvollst{\"a}ndiger abgebaut. Insbesondere in den oberen 5 cm konnten einige der angebotenen Polymere und Kohlehydrate deutlich besser als im restlichen Profil umge-setzt werden. Das außerdem unter anaeroben Versuchsbedingungen diese Substrate deutlich schlechter umgesetzt wurden, kann so interpretiert werden, dass die konstant anaeroben Bedingungen in den unteren Horizonten ein Auftreten der Arten, die diese Substrate umset-zen, erschweren. Die in den oberen, aeroben Bodenabschnitten wesentlich h{\"o}heren Zellzahlen und Aktivit{\"a}ten und die dadurch schnellere C-Umsetzung f{\"u}hren auch zu einer besseren Substratversorgung der methanogenen Archaea in den makroskopisch aeroben Horizonten. Die erh{\"o}hte Substratverf{\"u}gbarkeit erkl{\"a}rt die Tatsache, dass im Bereich von 0-5 cm die meisten methanogenen Archaea gefunden wurden, obwohl sich dieser Bereich zum Zeitpunkt der Probennahme oberhalb des wasserges{\"a}ttigten Bodenbereichs befand. Trotz der aeroben Bedingungen in, liegt im Bereich von 5 10 cm die f{\"u}r die methanogenen Archaea am besten geeignete Kombination aus Substratangebot und anaeroben Nischen vor. Hinzu kommt, dass in diesen Tiefen die Sommertemperaturen etwas h{\"o}her liegen als in den tieferen Horizonten, was wiederum die Aktivit{\"a}t positiv beeinflusst. Bei zusammenfassender Betrachtung der Untersuchungsergebnisse von Anzahl, Aktivit{\"a}t, Zusammensetzung und Leistung der gesamten, aber im besonderen auch der methanogenen Mikroorganismenpopulation wird deutlich, dass in dem untersuchten Bodenprofil unter {\"o}kologischen Gesichtspunkten die oberen 15-20 cm den f{\"u}r den C-Umsatz relevantesten Bereich darstellen. Das Zusammenspiel wichtiger Bodenparameter wie Bodentemperatur, Wasserstand, N{\"a}hrstoffversorgung und Durchwurzelung f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass in dem untersuchten Tundraboden in den oberen 15-20 cm eine wesentlich gr{\"o}ßere und diversere Anzahl an Mikroorganismen existiert, die f{\"u}r einen schnelleren und umfassenderen Kohlenstoffumsatz in diesem Bereich des active layers sorgt.}, subject = {Mikrobiologie}, language = {de} }