@book{OPUS4-59430, title = {Alexander von Humboldt}, editor = {Falk, Gregor C. and Strecker, Manfred and Schneider, Simon}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-94007-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-94008-9}, pages = {xiv, 273}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This book aims to view and to understand Alexander von Humboldt from different perspectives and in varying disciplinary contexts. His contributions addressed numerous topics in the earth but also life sciences—spanning from geo-botany, climatology, paleontology, oceanography, mineralogy, resources, and hydrogeology to links between the environmental impact of humans, erosion, and climate change. From the very beginning, he paved the way for a modern, integrated earth system science approach to decipher, characterize, and model the different forcing factors and their feedback mechanisms. It becomes obvious that Humboldt's holistic approach is far beyond simple description and empiric data collection. As documented and analyzed in the different texts of this volume, he combines observation and analysis with emotions and subjective perceptions in a very affectionate way. However, this publication does not intend to add another encyclopedic text compilation but to observe and critically analyze this unique personality´s relevance in a modern context, particularly in discussing environmental and social key issues in the twenty-first century.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RibeiroMartins2017, author = {Ribeiro Martins, Renata Filipa}, title = {Deciphering evolutionary histories of Southeast Asian Ungulates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-404669}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 115}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Im Verlauf von Jahrmillionen gestalteten evolution{\"a}re Kr{\"a}fte die Verbreitung und genetische Variabilit{\"a}t von Arten, indem sie die Anpassungsf{\"a}higkeit und {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit dieser Arten beeinflussten. Da S{\"u}dostasien eine außerordentlich artenreiche Region darstellt, eignet sie sich besonders, um den Einfluss dieser Kr{\"a}fte zu untersuchen. Historische Klimaver{\"a}nderungen hatten dramatische Auswirkungen auf die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit sowie die Verbreitung von Habitaten in S{\"u}dostasien, weil hierdurch wiederholt das Festland mit sonst isolierten Inseln verbunden wurde. Dies beeinflusste nicht nur, wie Arten in dieser Region verbreitet sind, sondern erm{\"o}glichte auch eine zunehmende genetische Variabilit{\"a}t. Zwar ist es bekannt, dass Arten mit {\"a}hnlicher Evolutionsgeschichte unterschiedliche phylogeographische Muster aufweisen k{\"o}nnen. Die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen sind jedoch nur gering verstanden. Diese Dissertation behandelt die Phylogeographie von drei Gruppen von Huftieren, welche im S{\"u}den und S{\"u}dosten Asiens vorkommen. Dabei war das vornehmliche Ziel, zu verstehen, wie es zur Ausbildung verschiedener Arten sowie zu einer regionalen Verteilung von genetischer Variabilit{\"a}t kam. Hierf{\"u}r untersuchte ich die mitochondrialen Genome alter Proben. Dadurch war es m{\"o}glich, Populationen des gesamten Verbreitungsgebietes der jeweiligen Arten zu untersuchen - auch solche Populationen, die heutzutage nicht mehr existieren. Entsprechend der einzelnen Huftiergruppen ist diese Arbeit in drei Kapitel unterteilt: Muntjaks (Muntiacus sp.), Hirsche der Gattung Rusa und asiatische Nash{\"o}rner. Alle drei Gruppen weisen eine Aufteilung in unterschiedliche Linien auf, was jeweils direkt auf Ereignisse des Pleistoz{\"a}ns zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Muntjaks sind eine weit verbreitete Art, die in verschiedensten Habitaten vorkommen kann. Ich wies nach, dass es in der Vergangenheit zu genetischem Austausch zwischen Populationen von verschiedenen Inseln des Sundalandes kam. Dies deutet auf die F{\"a}higkeit von Muntjaks hin, sich an die ehemaligen Landbr{\"u}cken anzupassen. Jedoch zeige ich auch, dass mindestens zwei Hindernisse bei ihrer Verbreitung existierten, wodurch es zu einer Differenzierung von Populationen kam: eine Barriere trennte Populationen des asiatischen Festlands von denen der Sundainseln, die andere isolierte sri-lankische von restlichen Muntjaks. Die zwei untersuchten Rusa-Arten weisen ein anderes Muster auf, was wiederum eine weitere Folge der pleistoz{\"a}nen Landbr{\"u}cken darstellt. Beide Arten sind ausschließlich monophyletisch. Allerdings gibt es Anzeichen f{\"u}r die Hybridisierung dieser Arten auf Java, was durch eine fr{\"u}here Ausbreitung des sambar (R. unicolor) gef{\"o}rdert wurde. Aufgrund dessen fand ich zudem, dass all jene Individuen der anderen Art, R. timorensis, die durch den Menschen auf die {\"o}stlichen Sundainseln gebracht wurden, in Wahrheit Hybride sind. F{\"u}r den dritten Teil war es mir m{\"o}glich, Proben von Vertretern ausgestorbener Populationen vom asiatischen Festland des Sumatra- und des Java-Nashorns (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis und Rhinoceros sondaicus) zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse meiner Arbeit belegen, dass die genetische Vielfalt dieser historischen Populationen bedeutend gr{\"o}ßer war als die der heutigen Nachkommen. Ihre jeweilige Evolutionsgeschichte korreliert stark mit pleistoz{\"a}nen Prozessen. Außerdem betonen meine Ergebnisse das enorme Ausmaß von verlorener genetischer Diversit{\"a}t dieser stark bedrohten Arten. Jede Art besitzt eine individuelle phylogeographische Geschichte. Ebenso fand ich aber auch allgemeing{\"u}ltige Muster von genetischer Differenzierung in allen Gruppen, welche direkt mit Ereignissen des Pleistoz{\"a}ns assoziiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Vergleicht man jedoch die einzelnen Ergebnisse der Arten, wird deutlich, dass die gleichen geologischen Prozesse nicht zwangsl{\"a}ufig in gleiche evolutive Ergebnisse resultieren. Einer der Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r k{\"o}nnte zum Beispiel die unterschiedliche Durchl{\"a}ssigkeit der entstandenen Landkorridore des Sundaschelfs sein. Die M{\"o}glichkeit diese neuen Habitate zu nutzen und somit auch zu passieren steht im direkten Bezug zu den spezifischen {\"o}kologischen Bed{\"u}rfnissen der Arten.Zusammenfassend leisten meine Erkenntnisse einen wichtigen Beitrag, die Evolution und geographische Aufteilung der genetischen Vielfalt in diesem Hotspot an Biodiversit{\"a}t zu verstehen. Obendrein k{\"o}nnen sie aber auch Auswirkungen auf die Erhaltung und systematische Klassifikation der untersuchten Arten haben.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wen2020, author = {Wen, Xi}, title = {Distribution patterns and environmental drivers of methane-cycling microorganisms in natural environments and restored wetlands}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47177}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-471770}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, iii, 152}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Methane is an important greenhouse gas contributing to global climate change. Natural environments and restored wetlands contribute a large proportion to the global methane budget. Methanogenic archaea (methanogens) and methane oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs), the biogenic producers and consumers of methane, play key roles in the methane cycle in those environments. A large number of studies revealed the distribution, diversity and composition of these microorganisms in individual habitats. However, uncertainties exist in predicting the response and feedback of methane-cycling microorganisms to future climate changes and related environmental changes due to the limited spatial scales considered so far, and due to a poor recognition of the biogeography of these important microorganisms combining global and local scales. With the aim of improving our understanding about whether and how methane-cycling microbial communities will be affected by a series of dynamic environmental factors in response to climate change, this PhD thesis investigates the biogeographic patterns of methane-cycling communities, and the driving factors which define these patterns at different spatial scales. At the global scale, a meta-analysis was performed by implementing 94 globally distributed public datasets together with environmental data from various natural environments including soils, lake sediments, estuaries, marine sediments, hydrothermal sediments and mud volcanos. In combination with a global biogeographic map of methanogenic archaea from multiple natural environments, this thesis revealed that biogeographic patterns of methanogens exist. The terrestrial habitats showed higher alpha diversities than marine environments. Methanoculleus and Methanosaeta (Methanothrix) are the most frequently detected taxa in marine habitats, while Methanoregula prevails in terrestrial habitats. Estuary ecosystems, the transition zones between marine and terrestrial/limnic ecosystems, have the highest methanogenic richness but comparably low methane emission rates. At the local scale, this study compared two rewetted fens with known high methane emissions in northeastern Germany, a coastal brackish fen (H{\"u}telmoor) and a freshwater riparian fen (Polder Zarnekow). Consistent with different geochemical conditions and land-use history, the two rewetted fens exhibit dissimilar methanogenic and, especially, methanotrophic community compositions. The methanotrophic community was generally under-represented among the prokaryotic communities and both fens show similarly low ratios of methanotrophic to methanogenic abundances. Since few studies have characterized methane-cycling microorganisms in rewetted fens, this study provides first evidence that the rapid and well re-established methanogenic community in combination with the low and incomplete re-establishment of the methanotrophic community after rewetting contributes to elevated sustained methane fluxes following rewetting. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that dispersal limitation only slightly regulates the biogeographic distribution patterns of methanogenic microorganisms in natural environments and restored wetlands. Instead, their existence, adaption and establishment are more associated with the selective pressures under different environmental conditions. Salinity, pH and temperature are identified as the most important factors in shaping microbial community structure at different spatial scales (global versus terrestrial environments). Predicted changes in climate, such as increasing temperature, changes in precipitation patterns and increasing frequency of flooding events, are likely to induce a series of environmental alterations, which will either directly or indirectly affect the driving environmental forces of methanogenic communities, leading to changes in their community composition and thus potentially also in methane emission patterns in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{FerreraSarmentoPriscuetal.2017, author = {Ferrera, Isabel and Sarmento, Hugo and Priscu, John C. and Chiuchiolo, Amy and Gonzalez, Jose M. and Grossart, Hans-Peter}, title = {Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria across a Wide Latitudinal Gradient}, series = {Frontiers in microbiology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in microbiology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-302X}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2017.00175}, pages = {12}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs (AAPs) have been shown to exist in numerous marine and brackish environments where they are hypothesized to play important ecological roles. Despite their potential significance, the study of freshwater AAPs is in its infancy and limited to local investigations. Here, we explore the occurrence, diversity and distribution of AAPs in lakes covering a wide latitudinal gradient: Mongolian and German lakes located in temperate regions of Eurasia, tropical Great East African lakes, and polar permanently ice-covered Antarctic lakes. Our results show a widespread distribution of AAPs in lakes with contrasting environmental conditions and confirm that this group is composed of different members of the Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria. While latitude does not seem to strongly influence AAP abundance, clear patterns of community structure and composition along geographic regions were observed as indicated by a strong macro-geographical signal in the taxonomical composition of AAPs. Overall, our results suggest that the distribution patterns of freshwater AAPs are likely driven by a combination of small-scale environmental conditions (specific of each lake and region) and large-scale geographic factors (climatic regions across a latitudinal gradient).}, language = {en} } @article{EsslDawsonKreftetal.2019, author = {Essl, Franz and Dawson, Wayne and Kreft, Holger and Pergl, Jan and Pysek, Petr and van Kleunen, Mark and Weigelt, Patrick and Mang, Thomas and Dullinger, Stefan and Lenzner, Bernd and Moser, Dietmar and Maurel, Noelie and Seebens, Hanno and Stein, Anke and Weber, Ewald and Chatelain, Cyrille and Inderjit, and Genovesi, Piero and Kartesz, John and Morozova, Olga and Nishino, Misako and Nowak, Pauline M. and Pagad, Shyama and Shu, Wen-sheng and Winter, Marten}, title = {Drivers of the relative richness of naturalized and invasive plant species on Earth}, series = {AoB PLANTS}, volume = {11}, journal = {AoB PLANTS}, number = {5}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {2041-2851}, doi = {10.1093/aobpla/plz051}, pages = {13}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Biological invasions are a defining feature of the Anthropocene, but the factors that determine the spatially uneven distribution of alien plant species are still poorly understood. Here, we present the first global analysis of the effects of biogeographic factors, the physical environment and socio-economy on the richness of naturalized and invasive alien plants. We used generalized linear mixed-effects models and variation partitioning to disentangle the relative importance of individual factors, and, more broadly, of biogeography, physical environment and socio-economy. As measures of the magnitude of permanent anthropogenic additions to the regional species pool and of species with negative environmental impacts, we calculated the relative richness of naturalized (= RRN) and invasive (= RRI) alien plant species numbers adjusted for the number of native species in 838 terrestrial regions. Socio-economic factors (per-capita gross domestic product (GDP), population density, proportion of agricultural land) were more important in explaining RRI (similar to 50 \% of the explained variation) than RRN (similar to 40 \%). Warm-temperate and (sub)tropical regions have higher RRN than tropical or cooler regions. We found that socio-economic pressures are more relevant for invasive than for naturalized species richness. The expectation that the southern hemisphere is more invaded than the northern hemisphere was confirmed only for RRN on islands, but not for mainland regions nor for RRI. On average, islands have similar to 6-fold RRN, and >3-fold RRI compared to mainland regions. Eighty-two islands (=26 \% of all islands) harbour more naturalized alien than native plants. Our findings challenge the widely held expectation that socio-economic pressures are more relevant for plant naturalization than for invasive plants. To meet international biodiversity targets and halt the detrimental consequences of plant invasions, it is essential to disrupt the connection between socio-economic development and plant invasions by improving pathway management, early detection and rapid response.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzerJoshi2019, author = {Schwarzer, Christian and Joshi, Jasmin Radha}, title = {Ecotypic differentiation, hybridization and clonality facilitate the persistence of a cold-adapted sedge in European bogs}, series = {Biological journal of the Linnean Society : a journal of evolution}, volume = {128}, journal = {Biological journal of the Linnean Society : a journal of evolution}, number = {4}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0024-4066}, doi = {10.1093/biolinnean/blz141}, pages = {909 -- 925}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Recent research has shown that many cold-adapted species survived the last glacial maximum (LGM) in northern refugia. Whether this evolutionary history has had consequences for their genetic diversity and adaptive potential remains unknown. We sampled 14 populations of Carex limosa, a sedge specialized to bog ecosystems, along a latitudinal gradient from its Scandinavian core to the southern lowland range-margin in Germany. Using microsatellite and experimental common-garden data, we evaluated the impacts of global climate change along this gradient and assessed the conservation status of the southern marginal populations. Microsatellite data revealed two highly distinct genetic groups and hybrid individuals. In our common-garden experiment, the two groups showed divergent responses to increased nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) availability, suggesting ecotypic differentiation. Each group formed genetically uniform populations at both northern and southern sampling areas. Mixed populations occurred throughout our sampling area, an area that was entirely glaciated during the LGM. The fragmented distribution implies allopatric divergence at geographically separated refugia that putatively differed in N/P availability. Molecular data and an observed low hybrid fecundity indicate the importance of clonal reproduction for hybrid populations. At the southern range-margin, however, all populations showed effects of clonality, lowered fecundity and low competitiveness, suggesting abiotic and biotic constraints to population persistence.}, language = {en} } @article{WiltingPatelPfestorfetal.2016, author = {Wilting, A. and Patel, R. and Pfestorf, Hans and Kern, C. and Sultan, K. and Ario, A. and Penaloza, F. and Kramer-Schadt, S. and Radchuk, Viktoriia and Foerster, D. W. and Fickel, J{\"o}rns}, title = {Evolutionary history and conservation significance of the Javan leopard Panthera pardus melas}, series = {Journal of zoology : proceedings of the Zoological Society of London}, volume = {299}, journal = {Journal of zoology : proceedings of the Zoological Society of London}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {0952-8369}, doi = {10.1111/jzo.12348}, pages = {239 -- 250}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The leopard Panthera pardus is widely distributed across Africa and Asia; however, there is a gap in its natural distribution in Southeast Asia, where it occurs on the mainland and on Java but not on the interjacent island of Sumatra. Several scenarios have been proposed to explain this distribution gap. Here, we complemented an existing dataset of 68 leopard mtDNA sequences from Africa and Asia with mtDNA sequences (NADH5+ ctrl, 724bp) from 19 Javan leopards, and hindcasted leopard distribution to the Pleistocene to gain further insights into the evolutionary history of the Javan leopard. Our data confirmed that Javan leopards are evolutionarily distinct from other Asian leopards, and that they have been present on Java since the Middle Pleistocene. Species distribution projections suggest that Java was likely colonized via a Malaya-Java land bridge that by-passed Sumatra, as suitable conditions for leopards during Pleistocene glacial periods were restricted to northern and western Sumatra. As fossil evidence supports the presence of leopards on Sumatra at the beginning of the Late Pleistocene, our projections are consistent with a scenario involving the extinction of leopards on Sumatra as a consequence of the Toba super volcanic eruption (similar to 74kya). The impact of this eruption was minor on Java, suggesting that leopards managed to survive here. Currently, only a few hundred leopards still live in the wild and only about 50 are managed in captivity. Therefore, this unique and distinctive subspecies requires urgent, concerted conservation efforts, integrating insitu and ex situ conservation management activities in a One Plan Approach to species conservation management.}, language = {en} } @misc{SammlerKetmaierHavensteinetal.2017, author = {Sammler, Svenja and Ketmaier, Valerio and Havenstein, Katja and Krause, Ulrike and Curio, Eberhard and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Mitochondrial control region I and microsatellite analyses of endangered Philippine hornbill species (Aves; Bucerotidae) detect gene flow between island populations and genetic diversity loss}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401108}, pages = {14}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: The Visayan Tarictic Hornbill (Penelopides panini) and the Walden's Hornbill (Aceros waldeni) are two threatened hornbill species endemic to the western islands of the Visayas that constitute - between Luzon and Mindanao - the central island group of the Philippine archipelago. In order to evaluate their genetic diversity and to support efforts towards their conservation, we analyzed genetic variation in similar to 600 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial control region I and at 12-19 nuclear microsatellite loci. The sampling covered extant populations, still occurring only on two islands (P. panini: Panay and Negros, A. waldeni: only Panay), and it was augmented with museum specimens of extinct populations from neighboring islands. For comparison, their less endangered (= more abundant) sister taxa, the Luzon Tarictic Hornbill (P. manillae) from the Luzon and Polillo Islands and the Writhed Hornbill (A. leucocephalus) from Mindanao Island, were also included in the study. We reconstructed the population history of the two Penelopides species and assessed the genetic population structure of the remaining wild populations in all four species. Results: Mitochondrial and nuclear data concordantly show a clear genetic separation according to the island of origin in both Penelopides species, but also unravel sporadic over-water movements between islands. We found evidence that deforestation in the last century influenced these migratory events. Both classes of markers and the comparison to museum specimens reveal a genetic diversity loss in both Visayan hornbill species, P. panini and A. waldeni, as compared to their more abundant relatives. This might have been caused by local extinction of genetically differentiated populations together with the dramatic decline in the abundance of the extant populations. Conclusions: We demonstrated a loss in genetic diversity of P. panini and A. waldeni as compared to their sister taxa P. manillae and A. leucocephalus. Because of the low potential for gene flow and population exchange across islands, saving of the remaining birds of almost extinct local populations - be it in the wild or in captivity - is particularly important to preserve the species' genetic potential.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hagemann2024, author = {Hagemann, Justus}, title = {On the molecular evolution of sengis (Macroscelidea)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-641975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 144}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis focuses on the molecular evolution of Macroscelidea, commonly referred to as sengis. Sengis are a mammalian order belonging to the Afrotherians, one of the four major clades of placental mammals. Sengis currently consist of twenty extant species, all of which are endemic to the African continent. They can be separated in two families, the soft-furred sengis (Macroscelididae) and the giant sengis (Rhynchocyonidae). While giant sengis can be exclusively found in forest habitats, the different soft-furred sengi species dwell in a broad range of habitats, from tropical rain-forests to rocky deserts. Our knowledge on the evolutionary history of sengis is largely incomplete. The high level of superficial morphological resemblance among different sengi species (especially the soft-furred sengis) has for example led to misinterpretations of phylogenetic relationships, based on morphological characters. With the rise of DNA based taxonomic inferences, multiple new genera were defined and new species described. Yet, no full taxon molecular phylogeny exists, hampering the answering of basic taxonomic questions. This lack of knowledge can be to some extent attributed to the limited availability of fresh-tissue samples for DNA extraction. The broad African distribution, partly in political unstable regions and low population densities complicate contemporary sampling approaches. Furthermore, the DNA information available usually covers only short stretches of the mitochondrial genome and thus a single genetic locus with limited informational content. Developments in DNA extraction and library protocols nowadays offer the opportunity to access DNA from museum specimens, collected over the past centuries and stored in natural history museums throughout the world. Thus, the difficulties in fresh-sample acquisition for molecular biological studies can be overcome by the application of museomics, the research field which emerged from those laboratory developments. This thesis uses fresh-tissue samples as well as a vast collection museum specimens to investigate multiple aspects about the macroscelidean evolutionary history. Chapter 4 of this thesis focuses on the phylogenetic relationships of all currently known sengi species. By accessing DNA information from museum specimens in combination of fresh tissue samples and publicly available genetic resources it produces the first full taxon molecular phylogeny of sengis. It confirms the monophyly of the genus Elephantulus and discovers multiple deeply divergent lineages within different species, highlighting the need for species specific approaches. The study furthermore focuses on the evolutionary time frame of sengis by evaluating the impact of commonly varied parameters on tree dating. The results of the study show, that the mitochondrial information used in previous studies to temporal calibrate the Macroscelidean phylogeny led to an overestimation of node ages within sengis. Especially soft-furred sengis are thus much younger than previously assumed. The refined knowledge of nodes ages within sengis offer the opportunity to link e.g. speciation events to environmental changes. Chapter 5 focuses on the genus Petrodromus with its single representative Petrodromus tetradactylus. It again exploits the opportunities of museomics and gathers a comprehensive, multi-locus genetic dataset of P. tetradactylus individuals, distributed across most the known range of this species. It reveals multiple deeply divergent lineages within Petrodromus, whereby some could possibly be associated to previously described sub-species, at least one was formerly unknown. It underscores the necessity for a revision of the genus Petrodromus through the integration of both molecular and morphological evidence. The study, furthermore identifies changing forest distributions through climatic oscillations as main factor shaping the genetic structure of Petrodromus. Chapter 6 uses fresh tissue samples to extent the genomic resources of sengis by thirteen new nuclear genomes, of which two were de-novo assembled. An extensive dataset of more than 8000 protein coding one-to-one orthologs allows to further refine and confirm the temporal time frame of sengi evolution found in Chapter 4. This study moreover investigates the role of gene-flow and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) in sengi evolution. In addition it identifies clade specific genes of possible outstanding evolutionary importance and links them to potential phenotypic traits affected. A closer investigation of olfactory receptor proteins reveals clade specific differences. A comparison of the demographic past of sengis to other small African mammals does not reveal a sengi specific pattern.}, language = {en} } @article{GaubertPatelVeronetal.2016, author = {Gaubert, Philippe and Patel, Riddhi P. and Veron, Geraldine and Goodman, Steven M. and Willsch, Maraike and Vasconcelos, Raquel and Lourenco, Andre and Sigaud, Marie and Justy, Fabienne and Joshi, Bheem Dutt and Fickel, J{\"o}rns and Wilting, Andreas}, title = {Phylogeography of the Small Indian Civet and Origin of Introductions to Western Indian Ocean Islands}, series = {The journal of heredity : official journal of the American Genetic Association}, volume = {108}, journal = {The journal of heredity : official journal of the American Genetic Association}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Cary}, issn = {0022-1503}, doi = {10.1093/jhered/esw085}, pages = {270 -- 279}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The biogeographic dynamics affecting the Indian subcontinent, East and Southeast Asia during the Plio-Pleistocene has generated complex biodiversity patterns. We assessed the molecular biogeography of the small Indian civet (Viverricula indica) through mitogenome and cytochrome b + control region sequencing of 89 historical and modern samples to (1) establish a time-calibrated phylogeography across the species' native range and (2) test introduction scenarios to western Indian Ocean islands. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses identified 3 geographic lineages (East Asia, sister-group to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent + northern Indochina) diverging 3.2-2.3 million years ago (Mya), with no clear signature of past demographic expansion. Within Southeast Asia, Balinese populations separated from the rest 2.6-1.3 Mya. Western Indian Ocean populations were assigned to the Indian subcontinent + northern Indochina lineage and had the lowest mitochondrial diversity. Approximate Bayesian computation did not distinguish between single versus multiple introduction scenarios. The early diversification of the small Indian civet was likely shaped by humid periods in the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene that created evergreen rainforest barriers, generating areas of intra-specific endemism in the Indian subcontinent, East, and Southeast Asia. Later, Pleistocene dispersals through drier conditions in South and Southeast Asia were likely, giving rise to the species' current natural distribution. Our molecular data supported the delineation of only 4 subspecies in V. indica, including an endemic Balinese lineage. Our study also highlighted the influence of prefirst millennium AD introductions to western Indian Ocean islands, with Indian and/or Arab traders probably introducing the species for its civet oil.}, language = {en} } @article{HorreoPelaezSuarezetal.2018, author = {Horreo, Jose L. and Pelaez, Maria L. and Suarez, Teresa and Breedveld, Merel Cathelijne and Heulin, Benoit and Surget-Groba, Yann and Oksanen, Tuula A. and Fitze, Patrick S.}, title = {Phylogeography, evolutionary history and effects of glaciations in a species (Zootoca vivipara) inhabiting multiple biogeographic regions}, series = {Journal of biogeography}, volume = {45}, journal = {Journal of biogeography}, number = {7}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {0305-0270}, doi = {10.1111/jbi.13349}, pages = {1616 -- 1627}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Location Eurasia. Methods We generated the largest molecular dataset to date of Z. vivipara, ran phylogenetic analyses, reconstructed its evolutionary history, determined the location of glacial refuges and reconstructed ancestral biogeographic regions. Results The phylogenetic analyses revealed a complex evolutionary history, driven by expansions and contractions of the distribution due to glacials and interglacials, and the colonization of new biogeographic regions by all lineages of Z. vivipara. Many glacial refugia were detected, most were located close to the southern limit of the Last Glacial Maximum. Two subclades recolonized large areas covered by permafrost during the last glaciation: namely, Western and Northern Europe and North-Eastern Europe and Asia.}, language = {en} } @article{PagelAndersonCrameretal.2014, author = {Pagel, J{\"o}rn and Anderson, Barbara J. and Cramer, Wolfgang and Fox, Richard and Jeltsch, Florian and Roy, David B. and Thomas, Chris D. and Schurr, Frank Martin}, title = {Quantifying range-wide variation in population trends from local abundance surveys and widespread opportunistic occurrence records}, series = {Methods in ecology and evolution : an official journal of the British Ecological Society}, volume = {5}, journal = {Methods in ecology and evolution : an official journal of the British Ecological Society}, number = {8}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {2041-210X}, doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.12221}, pages = {751 -- 760}, year = {2014}, abstract = {2. We present a hierarchical model that integrates observations from multiple sources to estimate spatio-temporal abundance trends. The model links annual population densities on a spatial grid to both long-term count data and to opportunistic occurrence records from a citizen science programme. Specific observation models for both data types explicitly account for differences in data structure and quality. 3. We test this novel method in a virtual study with simulated data and apply it to the estimation of abundance dynamics across the range of a butterfly species (Pyronia tithonus) in Great Britain between 1985 and 2004. The application to simulated and real data demonstrates how the hierarchical model structure accommodates various sources of uncertainty which occur at different stages of the link between observational data and the modelled abundance, thereby it accounts for these uncertainties in the inference of abundance variations. 4. We show that by using hierarchical observation models that integrate different types of commonly available data sources, we can improve the estimates of variation in species abundances across space and time. This will improve our ability to detect regional trends and can also enhance the empirical basis for understanding range dynamics.}, language = {en} } @misc{SenczukHavensteinMilanaetal.2018, author = {Senczuk, Gabriele and Havenstein, Katja and Milana, Valentina and Ripa, Chiara and De Simone, Emanuela and Tiedemann, Ralph and Castiglia, Riccardo}, title = {Spotlight on islands}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {991}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44636}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-446360}, pages = {14}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Groups of proximate continental islands may conceal more tangled phylogeographic patterns than oceanic archipelagos as a consequence of repeated sea level changes, which allow populations to experience gene flow during periods of low sea level stands and isolation by vicariant mechanisms during periods of high sea level stands. Here, we describe for the first time an ancient and diverging lineage of the Italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus from the western Pontine Islands. We used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences of 156 individuals with the aim of unraveling their phylogenetic position, while microsatellite loci were used to test several a priori insular biogeographic models of migration with empirical data. Our results suggest that the western Pontine populations colonized the islands early during their Pliocene volcanic formation, while populations from the eastern Pontine Islands seem to have been introduced recently. The inter-island genetic makeup indicates an important role of historical migration, probably due to glacial land bridges connecting islands followed by a recent vicariant mechanism of isolation. Moreover, the most supported migration model predicted higher gene flow among islands which are geographically arranged in parallel. Considering the threatened status of small insular endemic populations, we suggest this new evolutionarily independent unit be given priority in conservation efforts.}, language = {en} } @article{KehlmaierBarlowHastingsetal.2017, author = {Kehlmaier, Christian and Barlow, Axel and Hastings, Alexander K. and Vamberger, Melita and Paijmans, Johanna L. A. and Steadman, David W. and Albury, Nancy A. and Franz, Richard and Hofreiter, Michael and Fritz, Uwe}, title = {Tropical ancient DNA reveals relationships of the extinct bahamian giant tortoise Chelonoidis alburyorum}, series = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Series B, Biological sciences}, volume = {284}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Series B, Biological sciences}, publisher = {The Royal Society}, address = {London}, issn = {0962-8452}, doi = {10.1098/rspb.2016.2235}, pages = {8}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Ancient DNA of extinct species from the Pleistocene and Holocene has provided valuable evolutionary insights. However, these are largely restricted to mammals and high latitudes because DNA preservation in warm climates is typically poor. In the tropics and subtropics, non-avian reptiles constitute a significant part of the fauna and little is known about the genetics of the many extinct reptiles from tropical islands. We have reconstructed the near-complete mitochondrial genome of an extinct giant tortoise from the Bahamas (Chelonoidis alburyorum) using an approximately 1000-year-old humerus from a water-filled sinkhole (blue hole) on Great Abaco Island. Phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses place this extinct species as closely related to Galapagos (C. niger complex) and Chaco tortoises (C. chilensis), and provide evidence for repeated overseas dispersal in this tortoise group. The ancestors of extant Chelonoidis species arrived in South America from Africa only after the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and dispersed from there to the Caribbean and the Galapagos Islands. Our results also suggest that the anoxic, thermally buffered environment of blue holes may enhance DNA preservation, and thus are opening a window for better understanding evolution and population history of extinct tropical species, which would likely still exist without human impact.}, language = {en} }