@phdthesis{Nazaran2008, author = {Nazaran, Pantea}, title = {Nucleation in emulsion polymerization : steps towards a non-micellar nucleation theory}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-17521}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {For more than 70 years, understanding of the mechanism of particle nucleation in emulsion polymerization has been one of the most challenging issues in heterophase polymerization research. Within this work a comprehensive experimental study of particle nucleation in emulsion polymerization of styrene at 70 °C and variety of conditions has been performed. To follow the onset of nucleation, on-line conductivity measurements were applied. This technique is highly sensitive to the mobility of conducting species and hence, it can be employed to follow aggregation processes leading to particle formation. On the other hand, by recording the optical transmission (turbidity) of the reaction mixture particle growth was followed. Complementary to the on-line investigations, off-line characterizations of the particle morphology and the molecular weight have been performed. The aim was to achieve a better insight in the processes taking place after starting the reaction via particle nucleation until formation of colloidally stable latex particles. With this experimental protocol the initial period of styrene emulsion polymerization in the absence as well as in the presence of various surfactants (concentrations above and below the critical micellization concentration) and also in the presence of seed particles has been investigated. Ionic and non-ionic initiators (hydrophilic and hydrophobic types) have been applied to start the polymerizations. Following the above algorithm, experimental evidence has been obtained showing the possibility of performing surfactant-free emulsion polymerization of styrene with oil-soluble initiators. The duration of the pre-nucleation period (that is the time between starting the polymerization and nucleation) can be precisely adjusted with the initiator hydrophobicity, the equilibration time of styrene in water, and the surfactant concentration. Spontaneous emulsification of monomer in water, as soon as both phases are brought into contact, is a key factor to explain the experimental results. The equilibration time of monomer in water as well as the type and concentration of other materials in water (surfactants, seed particles, etc.) control the formation rate and the size of the emulsified droplets and thus, have a strong influence on the particle nucleation and the particle morphology. One of the main tasks was to investigate the effect of surfactant molecules and especially micelles on the nucleation mechanism. Experimental results revealed that in the presence of emulsifier micelles the conductivity pattern does not change essentially. This means that the presence of emulsifiers does not change the mechanism of particle formation qualitatively. However, surfactants assist in the nucleation process as they lower the activation free energy of particle formation. Contrary, seed particles influence particle nucleation, substantially. In the presence of seed particles above a critical volume fraction the formation of new particles can be suppressed. However, micelles and seed particles as absorbers exhibit a common behavior under conditions where monomer equilibration is not allowed. Results prove that the nucleation mechanism comprises the initiation of water soluble oligomers in the aqueous phase followed by their aggregation. The process is heterogeneous in nature due to the presence of monomer droplets.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lazar2005, author = {Lazar, Paul}, title = {Transport mechanisms and wetting dynamics in molecularly thin films of long-chain alkanes at solid/vapour interface : relation to the solid-liquid phase transition}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5275}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Wetting and phase transitions play a very important role our daily life. Molecularly thin films of long-chain alkanes at solid/vapour interfaces (e.g. C30H62 on silicon wafers) are very good model systems for studying the relation between wetting behaviour and (bulk) phase transitions. Immediately above the bulk melting temperature the alkanes wet partially the surface (drops). In this temperature range the substrate surface is covered with a molecularly thin ordered, solid-like alkane film ("surface freezing"). Thus, the alkane melt wets its own solid only partially which is a quite rare phenomenon in nature. The thesis treats about how the alkane melt wets its own solid surface above and below the bulk melting temperature and about the corresponding melting and solidification processes. Liquid alkane drops can be undercooled to few degrees below the bulk melting temperature without immediate solidification. This undercooling behaviour is quite frequent and theoretical quite well understood. In some cases, slightly undercooled drops start to build two-dimensional solid terraces without bulk solidification. The terraces grow radially from the liquid drops on the substrate surface. They consist of few molecular layers with the thickness multiple of all-trans length of the molecule. By analyzing the terrace growth process one can find that, both below and above the melting point, the entire substrate surface is covered with a thin film of mobile alkane molecules. The presence of this film explains how the solid terrace growth is feeded: the alkane molecules flow through it from the undercooled drops to the periphery of the terrace. The study shows for the first time the coexistence of a molecularly thin film ("precursor") with partially wetting bulk phase. The formation and growth of the terraces is observed only in a small temperature interval in which the 2D nucleation of terraces is more likely than the bulk solidification. The nucleation mechanisms for 2D solidification are also analyzed in this work. More surprising is the terrace behaviour above bulk the melting temperature. The terraces can be slightly overheated before they melt. The melting does not occur all over the surface as a single event; instead small drops form at the terrace edge. Subsequently these drops move on the surface "eating" the solid terraces on their way. By this they grow in size leaving behind paths from were the material was collected. Both overheating and droplet movement can be explained by the fact that the alkane melt wets only partially its own solid. For the first time, these results explicitly confirm the supposed connection between the absence of overheating in solid and "surface melting": the solids usually start to melt without an energetic barrier from the surface at temperatures below the bulk melting point. Accordingly, the surface freezing of alkanes give rise of an energetic barrier which leads to overheating.}, subject = {Benetzung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kozempel2005, author = {Kozempel, Steffen}, title = {Emulgatorfreie Emulsionspolymerisation : Monomerl{\"o}sungszustand und Teilchenbildung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-6106}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Polymere sind zweifelsohne der Werkstoff in unserer Zeit. Ein bedeutender Anteil der heute industriell produzierten Polymere wird durch Emulsionspolymerisation hergestellt. Obwohl die Emulsionspolymerisation breite Anwendung findet, sind die involvierten Mechanismen von Teilchenbildung und -wachstum noch heute Gegenstand heftiger Kontroversen. Ein Spezialfall der Emulsionspolymerisation ist die emulgatorfreie Emulsionspolymerisation. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein scheinbar einfacheres System der Emulsionspolymerisation, weil diese Methode ohne Zusatz von Emulgatoren auskommt. Die Teilchenbildung ist ein fundamentaler Vorgang im Verlauf der Emulsionspolymerisation, da sie zur Ausbildung der polymeren Latexphase f{\"u}hrt. Detaillierte Kenntnisse zum Mechanismus der Nukleierung erm{\"o}glichen eine bessere Kontrolle des Reaktionsverlaufes und damit der Eigenschaften des Endproduktes der Emulsionspolymerisation, dem Polymer-Latex. Wie bereits vorangegangene Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisation von Styrol sowie Methylmethacrylat und Vinylacetat zeigen konnten, verl{\"a}uft die Teilchenbildung in diesen Systemen {\"u}ber den Mechanismus der aggregativen Nukleierung. Im Zusammenhang mit den Ergebnissen der genannten Arbeiten tauchte dabei immer wieder ein interessanter Effekt im Bereich der Partikelnukleierung auf. Dieses als JUMBO-Effekt bezeichnete Ph{\"a}nomen zeigte sich reproduzierbar in einem Anstieg der Transmission im Bereich der Teilchenbildung von emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisationen von Styrol, MMA und VAc. Nach der Initiierung der Polymerisation in einer w{\"a}ssrigen Monomerl{\"o}sung durch Kaliumperoxodisulfat steigt die Durchl{\"a}ssigkeit bei 546 nm auf {\"u}ber 100 \% an. F{\"u}r diese „Abnahme der optischen Dichte" wurden verschiedene Erkl{\"a}rungsm{\"o}glichkeiten vorgeschlagen, jedoch blieb ein Nachweis der Ursache f{\"u}r den JUMBO-Effekt bisher aus. Dieser Mangel an Aufkl{\"a}rung eines offenbar grundlegenden Ph{\"a}nomens in der emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisation bildet den „Nukleus" f{\"u}r die vorlie¬gende Arbeit. Durch die vorliegende Dissertation konnte das Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r Ph{\"a}nomene der Teilchenbildung in der emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisation von Styrol mit KPS erweitert werden. In diesem Rahmen wurde das Online-Monitoring des Polymerisationsvorganges verbessert und um verschiedene Methoden erweitert: Zur simultanen Erfassung von Tr{\"u}bungsdaten bei verschiedenen Wellenl{\"a}ngen konnte ein modernes Spektrometer in Kombination mit einer Lichtleitersonde in die Reaktionsapparatur integriert werden. Es wurde ein verbesserter Algorithmus zur Datenbearbeitung f{\"u}r die Partikelgr{\"o}ßenbestimmung mittels faseroptischer dynamischer Lichtstreuung entwickelt. Es wurden Online-Partikelgr{\"o}ßenanalysen mittels statischer Vielwinkellichtstreuung bei Polymerisationen direkt in entsprechenden Lichtstreuk{\"u}vetten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese zur Beschreibung des untersuchten Systems eingef{\"u}hrten Methoden sowie ein zeitlich vollst{\"a}ndiges Monitoring des gesamten Polymerisationsverlaufes, beginnend mit der Zugabe von Monomer zu Wasser, f{\"u}hrten zu neuen Erkenntnissen zur emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisation. Es wurden große Monomeraggregate, die sog. Nanotr{\"o}pfchen, in w{\"a}ssriger L{\"o}sung (emulgatorfrei) nachgewiesen. Diese Aggregate bilden sich spontan und treten verst{\"a}rkt in entgastem Wasser auf. Die Existenz von Nanotr{\"o}pfchen in Verbindung mit Tr{\"u}bungs- und gaschromatografischen Messungen l{\"a}sst auf eine molekular gel{\"o}ste „Wirkkonzentration" von Styrol in Wasser schließen, die bedeutend geringer ist als die absolute S{\"a}ttigungskonzentration. Es konnten Hinweise auf eine Reaktion h{\"o}herer Ordnung im System Wasser/Styrol/KPS gefunden werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine pr{\"a}zise Einstellung der Nukleierungsdauer {\"u}ber die Zeit der Equilibrierung von Wasser mit Styrol m{\"o}glich ist. Der JUMBO-Effekt, dem in dieser Arbeit ein besonderes Interesse galt, konnte in gewisser Weise entmystifiziert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Durchl{\"a}ssigkeit der Reaktionsmischung bereits beim L{\"o}sen von Styrol in Wasser durch Bildung von Styrolaggregaten abnimmt. Der darauf folgende kurzzeitige Transmissionsanstieg im Zusammenhang mit der Nukleierung erreicht dabei nicht mehr 100 \% des Referenzwertes von reinem Wasser. Alle experimentellen Daten sprechen f{\"u}r die Nanotr{\"o}pfchen als Ursache des JUMBO-Effekts. Wie die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, ist selbst das relativ „einfache" System der emulgatorfreien Emulsionspolymerisation komplizierter als angenommen. Die Existenz von großen Styrolaggregaten in w{\"a}ssriger L{\"o}sung erfordert eine neue Betrachtungsweise des Reaktionssystems, in die auch der L{\"o}sungszustand des Monomers mit einbezogen werden muss.}, subject = {Emulsionspolymerisation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gebauer2008, author = {Gebauer, Denis}, title = {A novel view on the early stage of crystallization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-19818}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This thesis provides a novel view on the early stage of crystallization utilizing calcium carbonate as a model system. Calcium carbonate is of great economical, scientific and ecological importance, because it is a major part of water hardness, the most abundant Biomineral and forms huge amounts of geological sediments thus binding large amounts of carbon dioxide. The primary experiments base on the evolution of supersaturation via slow addition of dilute calcium chloride solution into dilute carbonate buffer. The time-dependent measurement of the Ca2+ potential and concurrent pH = constant titration facilitate the calculation of the amount of calcium and carbonate ions bound in pre-nucleation stage clusters, which have never been detected experimentally so far, and in the new phase after nucleation, respectively. Analytical Ultracentrifugation independently proves the existence of pre-nucleation stage clusters, and shows that the clusters forming at pH = 9.00 have a proximately time-averaged size of altogether 70 calcium and carbonate ions. Both experiments show that pre-nucleation stage cluster formation can be described by means of equilibrium thermodynamics. Effectively, the cluster formation equilibrium is physico-chemically characterized by means of a multiple-binding equilibrium of calcium ions to a 'lattice' of carbonate ions. The evaluation gives GIBBS standard energy for the formation of calcium/carbonate ion pairs in clusters, which exhibits a maximal value of approximately 17.2 kJ mol^-1 at pH = 9.75 and relates to a minimal binding strength in clusters at this pH-value. Nucleated calcium carbonate particles are amorphous at first and subsequently become crystalline. At high binding strength in clusters, only calcite (the thermodynamically stable polymorph) is finally obtained, while with decreasing binding strength in clusters, vaterite (the thermodynamically least stable polymorph) and presumably aragonite (the thermodynamically intermediate stable polymorph) are obtained additionally. Concurrently, two different solubility products of nucleated amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) are detected at low binding strength and high binding strength in clusters (ACC I 3.1EE-8 M^2, ACC II 3.8EE-8 M^2), respectively, indicating the precipitation of at least two different ACC species, while the clusters provide the precursor species of ACC. It is proximate that ACC I may relate to calcitic ACC -i.e. ACC exhibiting short range order similar to the long range order of calcite and that ACC II may relate to vateritic ACC, which will subsequently transform into the particular crystalline polymorph as discussed in the literature, respectively. Detailed analysis of nucleated particles forming at minimal binding strength in clusters (pH = 9.75) by means of SEM, TEM, WAXS and light microscopy shows that predominantly vaterite with traces of calcite forms. The crystalline particles of early stages are composed of nano-crystallites of approximately 5 to 10 nm size, respectively, which are aligned in high mutual order as in mesocrystals. The analyses of precipitation at pH = 9.75 in presence of additives -polyacrylic acid (pAA) as a model compound for scale inhibitors and peptides exhibiting calcium carbonate binding affinity as model compounds for crystal modifiers- shows that ACC I and ACC II are precipitated in parallel: pAA stabilizes ACC II particles against crystallization leading to their dissolution for the benefit of crystals that form from ACC I and exclusively calcite is finally obtained. Concurrently, the peptide additives analogously inhibit the formation of calcite and exclusively vaterite is finally obtained in case of one of the peptide additives. These findings show that classical nucleation theory is hardly applicable for the nucleation of calcium carbonate. The metastable system is stabilized remarkably due to cluster formation, while clusters forming by means of equilibrium thermodynamics are the nucleation relevant species and not ions. Most likely, the concept of cluster formation is a common phenomenon occurring during the precipitation of hardly soluble compounds as qualitatively shown for calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. This finding is important for the fundamental understanding of crystallization and nucleation-inhibition and modification by additives with impact on materials of huge scientific and industrial importance as well as for better understanding of the mass transport in crystallization. It can provide a novel basis for simulation and modelling approaches. New mechanisms of scale formation in Bio- and Geomineralization and also in scale inhibition on the basis of the newly reported reaction channel need to be considered.}, language = {en} }