@phdthesis{Şener2016, author = {Şener, Ula{\c{s}}}, title = {Die relative Autonomie der Zentralbank}, series = {Potsdam Economic Studies}, volume = {5}, journal = {Potsdam Economic Studies}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-362-6}, issn = {2196-8691}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88856}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 375}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Politik der Zentralbankunabh{\"a}ngigkeit (ZBU) am Beispiel der T{\"u}rkei. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen theoretische und empirische Fragen und Probleme, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der ZBU stellen und anhand der t{\"u}rkischen Geldpolitik diskutiert werden. Ein zentrales Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, zu untersuchen, ob und inwiefern die t{\"u}rkische Zentralbank nach Erlangung der de jure institutionellen Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit tats{\"a}chlich als unabh{\"a}ngig und entpolitisiert eingestuft werden kann. Um diese Forschungsfrage zu beantworten, werden die institutionellen Bedingungen, die Ziele und die Regeln, nach denen sich die t{\"u}rkische Geldpolitik richtet, gekl{\"a}rt. Anschließend wird empirisch {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, ob die geldpolitische Praxis der CBRT sich an dem offiziell vorgegebenen Regelwerk orientiert. Die Hauptthese dieser Arbeit lautet, dass die formelle Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der CBRT und die regelorientierte Geldpolitik nicht mit einer Entpolitisierung der Geldpolitik in der T{\"u}rkei gleichzusetzen ist. Als Alternative schl{\"a}gt die vorliegende Studie vor, den institutionellen Status der CBRT als einen der relativen Autonomie zu untersuchen. Auch eine de jure unabh{\"a}ngige Zentralbank kann sich nicht von politischen Eingriffen abkoppeln, wie das Fallbeispiel T{\"u}rkei zeigen wird.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zimmer2016, author = {Zimmer, Sophie}, title = {Le renouveau juif {\`a} Berlin depuis 1989 : aspects culturels et religieux}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96920}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {589}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Untersuchung verfolgt das Ziel, kulturelle und religi{\"o}se Aspekte der Erneuerung j{\"u}dischen Lebens in Berlin seit 1989 zu erforschen. Die Entwicklungen der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft in der Hauptstadt seit dem Fall der Mauer und dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion f{\"u}hren zur Wiederann{\"a}herung eines Teils der j{\"u}dischen Bev{\"o}lkerung in Deutschland an die eigene Kultur, Religion und Geschichte. Dabei kommt die Pluralit{\"a}t der kulturellen, literarischen und religi{\"o}sen Ausdrucksformen der j{\"u}dischen Identit{\"a}ten zum Vorschein. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht diese in Berlin nach 1989 einsetzende kulturelle und religi{\"o}se „Renaissance". Vier wichtige Punkte kennzeichnen das j{\"u}dische Leben in Berlin nach 1989. Erstens gewinnt Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung eine neue Rolle als m{\"o}gliches Einwanderungsland f{\"u}r Juden. Vor allem mit der massiven j{\"u}dischen Einwanderung aus den Staaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion seit den 1990er Jahren wird Deutschland allm{\"a}hlich als wichtiges Zentrum in der europ{\"a}ischen Diaspora anerkannt. Zweitens bleibt zwar die Shoah tief verankert im Ged{\"a}chtnis der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft; die meisten Kinder oder Enkelkinder von {\"U}berlebenden der Shoah weigern sich jedoch, ihre j{\"u}dische Identit{\"a}t exklusiv durch die Shoah zu definieren. Sie gr{\"u}nden zur Wiederentdeckung und Forderung ihres kulturellen, religi{\"o}sen und historischen Erbes j{\"u}dische Gruppen und Einrichtungen in Berlin, die in den meisten F{\"a}llen alternativ zur J{\"u}dischen Gemeinde entstehen: K{\"u}nstlergruppen, j{\"u}dische Kulturvereine, Konferenzen und Podiumsdiskussionen, religi{\"o}se Kongregationen und Lernh{\"a}user. Damit - und dies ist der dritte Punkt - verliert zwar die offizielle J{\"u}dische Gemeinde an Bedeutung als einzige Vertreterin der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft Berlins; diese kulturelle und religi{\"o}se „Renaissance" außerhalb der offiziellen Strukturen der Gemeinde bedeutet aber auch eine wachsende Pluralit{\"a}t und Diversifizierung der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft in Berlin. Viertens spielt Berlin die Hauptrolle in diesem Prozess. Heute werden viele ehemalige j{\"u}dische Orte neu belebt: Synagogen werden wiederentdeckt und renoviert, Denk- und Mahnmale gebaut, Stadtf{\"u}hrungen auf der Spur des „j{\"u}dischen Berlins" organisiert, Rabbinerseminare neu gegr{\"u}ndet. Die Topographie Berlins bildet auch eine Inspirationsquelle f{\"u}r j{\"u}dische (und nichtj{\"u}dische) Schriftsteller und K{\"u}nstler. Die Analyse dieser nach 1989 entstandenen religi{\"o}sen Initiativen, literarischen Werke und kulturellen Produktionen dient dazu, Aspekte der kulturellen und religi{\"o}sen „Renaissance" in Berlin n{\"a}her zu verdeutlichen.}, language = {fr} } @phdthesis{Waetzoldt2016, author = {W{\"a}tzoldt, Sebastian}, title = {Modeling collaborations in adaptive systems of systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 380}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Recently, due to an increasing demand on functionality and flexibility, beforehand isolated systems have become interconnected to gain powerful adaptive Systems of Systems (SoS) solutions with an overall robust, flexible and emergent behavior. The adaptive SoS comprises a variety of different system types ranging from small embedded to adaptive cyber-physical systems. On the one hand, each system is independent, follows a local strategy and optimizes its behavior to reach its goals. On the other hand, systems must cooperate with each other to enrich the overall functionality to jointly perform on the SoS level reaching global goals, which cannot be satisfied by one system alone. Due to difficulties of local and global behavior optimizations conflicts may arise between systems that have to be solved by the adaptive SoS. This thesis proposes a modeling language that facilitates the description of an adaptive SoS by considering the adaptation capabilities in form of feedback loops as first class entities. Moreover, this thesis adopts the Models@runtime approach to integrate the available knowledge in the systems as runtime models into the modeled adaptation logic. Furthermore, the modeling language focuses on the description of system interactions within the adaptive SoS to reason about individual system functionality and how it emerges via collaborations to an overall joint SoS behavior. Therefore, the modeling language approach enables the specification of local adaptive system behavior, the integration of knowledge in form of runtime models and the joint interactions via collaboration to place the available adaptive behavior in an overall layered, adaptive SoS architecture. Beside the modeling language, this thesis proposes analysis rules to investigate the modeled adaptive SoS, which enables the detection of architectural patterns as well as design flaws and pinpoints to possible system threats. Moreover, a simulation framework is presented, which allows the direct execution of the modeled SoS architecture. Therefore, the analysis rules and the simulation framework can be used to verify the interplay between systems as well as the modeled adaptation effects within the SoS. This thesis realizes the proposed concepts of the modeling language by mapping them to a state of the art standard from the automotive domain and thus, showing their applicability to actual systems. Finally, the modeling language approach is evaluated by remodeling up to date research scenarios from different domains, which demonstrates that the modeling language concepts are powerful enough to cope with a broad range of existing research problems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Won2016, author = {Won, Jooyoung}, title = {Dynamic and equilibrium adsorption behaviour of ß-lactoglobulin at the solution/tetradecane interface: Effect of solution concentration, pH and ionic strength}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99167}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 106}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are amphiphilic and adsorb at liquid interfaces. Therefore, they can be efficient stabilizers of foams and emulsions. β-lactoglobulin (BLG) is one of the most widely studied proteins due to its major industrial applications, in particular in food technology. In the present work, the influence of different bulk concentration, solution pH and ionic strength on the dynamic and equilibrium pressures of BLG adsorbed layers at the solution/tetradecane (W/TD) interface has been investigated. Dynamic interfacial pressure (Π) and interfacial dilational elastic modulus (E') of BLG solutions for various concentrations at three different pH values of 3, 5 and 7 at a fixed ionic strength of 10 mM and for a selected fixed concentration at three different ionic strengths of 1 mM, 10 mM and 100 mM are measured by Profile Analysis Tensiometer PAT-1 (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany). A quantitative data analysis requires additional consideration of depletion due to BLG adsorption at the interface at low protein bulk concentrations. This fact makes experiments more efficient when oil drops are studied in the aqueous protein solutions rather than solution drops formed in oil. On the basis of obtained experimental data, concentration dependencies and the effect of solution pH on the protein surface activity was qualitatively analysed. In the presence of 10 mM buffer, we observed that generally the adsorbed amount is increasing with increasing BLG bulk concentration for all three pH values. The adsorption kinetics at pH 5 result in the highest Π values at any time of adsorption while it exhibits a less active behaviour at pH 3. Since the experimental data have not been in a good agreement with the classical diffusion controlled model due to the conformational changes which occur when the protein molecules get in contact with the hydrophobic oil phase in order to adapt to the interfacial environment, a new theoretical model is proposed here. The adsorption kinetics data were analysed with the newly proposed model, which is the classical diffusion model but modified by assuming an additional change in the surface activity of BLG molecules when adsorbing at the interface. This effect can be expressed through the adsorption activity constant in the corresponding equation of state. The dilational visco-elasticity of the BLG adsorbed interfacial layers is determined from measured dynamic interfacial tensions during sinusoidal drop area variations. The interfacial tension responses to these harmonic drop oscillations are interpreted with the same thermodynamic model which is used for the corresponding adsorption isotherm. At a selected BLG concentration of 2×10-6 mol/l, the influence of the ionic strength using different buffer concentration of 1, 10 and 100 mM on the interfacial pressure was studied. It is affected weakly at pH 5, whereas it has a strong impact by increasing buffer concentration at pH 3 and 7. In conclusion, the structure formation of BLG adsorbed layer in the early stage of adsorption at the W/TD interface is similar to those of the solution/air (W/A) surface. However, the equation of state at the W/TD interface provides an adsorption activity constant which is almost two orders of magnitude higher than that for the solution/air surface. At the end of this work, a new experimental tool called Drop and Bubble Micro Manipulator DBMM (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany) has been introduced to study the stability of protein covered bubbles against coalescence. Among the available protocols the lifetime between the moment of contact and coalescence of two contacting bubble is determined for different BLG concentrations. The adsorbed amount of BLG is determined as a function of time and concentration and correlates with the observed coalescence behaviour of the contacting bubbles.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wittenberg2016, author = {Wittenberg, Eva}, title = {With Light Verb Constructions from Syntax to Concepts}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-329-9}, issn = {2190-4545}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-82361}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 139}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This dissertation uses a common grammatical phenomenon, light verb constructions (LVCs) in English and German, to investigate how syntax-semantics mapping defaults influence the relationships between language processing, representation and conceptualization. LVCs are analyzed as a phenomenon of mismatch in the argument structure. The processing implication of this mismatch are experimentally investigated, using ERPs and a dual task. Data from these experiments point to an increase in working memory. Representational questions are investigated using structural priming. Data from this study suggest that while the syntax of LVCs is not different from other structures', the semantics and mapping are represented differently. This hypothesis is tested with a new categorization paradigm, which reveals that the conceptual structure that LVC evoke differ in interesting, and predictable, ways from non-mismatching structures'.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wichitsanguan2016, author = {Wichitsa-nguan, Korakot}, title = {Modifications and extensions of the logistic regression and Cox model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90033}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In many statistical applications, the aim is to model the relationship between covariates and some outcomes. A choice of the appropriate model depends on the outcome and the research objectives, such as linear models for continuous outcomes, logistic models for binary outcomes and the Cox model for time-to-event data. In epidemiological, medical, biological, societal and economic studies, the logistic regression is widely used to describe the relationship between a response variable as binary outcome and explanatory variables as a set of covariates. However, epidemiologic cohort studies are quite expensive regarding data management since following up a large number of individuals takes long time. Therefore, the case-cohort design is applied to reduce cost and time for data collection. The case-cohort sampling collects a small random sample from the entire cohort, which is called subcohort. The advantage of this design is that the covariate and follow-up data are recorded only on the subcohort and all cases (all members of the cohort who develop the event of interest during the follow-up process). In this thesis, we investigate the estimation in the logistic model for case-cohort design. First, a model with a binary response and a binary covariate is considered. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is described and its asymptotic properties are established. An estimator for the asymptotic variance of the estimator based on the maximum likelihood approach is proposed; this estimator differs slightly from the estimator introduced by Prentice (1986). Simulation results for several proportions of the subcohort show that the proposed estimator gives lower empirical bias and empirical variance than Prentice's estimator. Then the MLE in the logistic regression with discrete covariate under case-cohort design is studied. Here the approach of the binary covariate model is extended. Proving asymptotic normality of estimators, standard errors for the estimators can be derived. The simulation study demonstrates the estimation procedure of the logistic regression model with a one-dimensional discrete covariate. Simulation results for several proportions of the subcohort and different choices of the underlying parameters indicate that the estimator developed here performs reasonably well. Moreover, the comparison between theoretical values and simulation results of the asymptotic variance of estimator is presented. Clearly, the logistic regression is sufficient for the binary outcome refers to be available for all subjects and for a fixed time interval. Nevertheless, in practice, the observations in clinical trials are frequently collected for different time periods and subjects may drop out or relapse from other causes during follow-up. Hence, the logistic regression is not appropriate for incomplete follow-up data; for example, an individual drops out of the study before the end of data collection or an individual has not occurred the event of interest for the duration of the study. These observations are called censored observations. The survival analysis is necessary to solve these problems. Moreover, the time to the occurence of the event of interest is taken into account. The Cox model has been widely used in survival analysis, which can effectively handle the censored data. Cox (1972) proposed the model which is focused on the hazard function. The Cox model is assumed to be λ(t|x) = λ0(t) exp(β^Tx) where λ0(t) is an unspecified baseline hazard at time t and X is the vector of covariates, β is a p-dimensional vector of coefficient. In this thesis, the Cox model is considered under the view point of experimental design. The estimability of the parameter β0 in the Cox model, where β0 denotes the true value of β, and the choice of optimal covariates are investigated. We give new representations of the observed information matrix In(β) and extend results for the Cox model of Andersen and Gill (1982). In this way conditions for the estimability of β0 are formulated. Under some regularity conditions, ∑ is the inverse of the asymptotic variance matrix of the MPLE of β0 in the Cox model and then some properties of the asymptotic variance matrix of the MPLE are highlighted. Based on the results of asymptotic estimability, the calculation of local optimal covariates is considered and shown in examples. In a sensitivity analysis, the efficiency of given covariates is calculated. For neighborhoods of the exponential models, the efficiencies have then been found. It is appeared that for fixed parameters β0, the efficiencies do not change very much for different baseline hazard functions. Some proposals for applicable optimal covariates and a calculation procedure for finding optimal covariates are discussed. Furthermore, the extension of the Cox model where time-dependent coefficient are allowed, is investigated. In this situation, the maximum local partial likelihood estimator for estimating the coefficient function β(·) is described. Based on this estimator, we formulate a new test procedure for testing, whether a one-dimensional coefficient function β(·) has a prespecified parametric form, say β(·; ϑ). The score function derived from the local constant partial likelihood function at d distinct grid points is considered. It is shown that the distribution of the properly standardized quadratic form of this d-dimensional vector under the null hypothesis tends to a Chi-squared distribution. Moreover, the limit statement remains true when replacing the unknown ϑ0 by the MPLE in the hypothetical model and an asymptotic α-test is given by the quantiles or p-values of the limiting Chi-squared distribution. Finally, we propose a bootstrap version of this test. The bootstrap test is only defined for the special case of testing whether the coefficient function is constant. A simulation study illustrates the behavior of the bootstrap test under the null hypothesis and a special alternative. It gives quite good results for the chosen underlying model. References P. K. Andersen and R. D. Gill. Cox's regression model for counting processes: a large samplestudy. Ann. Statist., 10(4):1100{1120, 1982. D. R. Cox. Regression models and life-tables. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 34:187{220, 1972. R. L. Prentice. A case-cohort design for epidemiologic cohort studies and disease prevention trials. Biometrika, 73(1):1{11, 1986.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2016, author = {Wang, Victor-C.}, title = {Injury and illness risk factors for elite athletes in training environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100925}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 84, ix}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Since 1998, elite athletes' sport injuries have been monitored in single sport event, which leads to the development of first comprehensive injury surveillance system in multi-sport Olympic Games in 2008. However, injury and illness occurred in training phases have not been systematically studied due to its multi-facets, potentially interactive risk related factors. The present thesis aim to address issues of feasibility of establishing a validated measure for injury/illness, training environment and psychosocial risk factors by creating the evaluation tool namely risk of injury questionnaire (Risk-IQ) for elite athletes, which based on IOC consensus statement 2009 recommended content of preparticipation evaluation(PPE) and periodic health exam (PHE). A total of 335 top level athletes and a total of 88 medical care providers from Germany and Taiwan participated in tow "cross-sectional plus longitudinal" Risk-IQ and MCPQ surveys respectively. Four categories of injury/illness related risk factors questions were asked in Risk-IQ for athletes while injury risk and psychological related questions were asked in MCPQ for MCP cohorts. Answers were quantified scales wise/subscales wise before analyzed with other factors/scales. In addition, adapted variables such as sport format were introduced for difference task of analysis. Validated with 2-wyas translation and test-retest reliabilities, the Risk-IQ was proved to be in good standard which were further confirmed by analyzed results from official surveys in both Germany and Taiwan. The result of Risk-IQ revealed that elite athletes' accumulated total injuries, in general, were multi-factor dependent; influencing factors including but not limited to background experiences, medical history, PHE and PPE medical resources as well as stress from life events. Injuries of different body parts were sport format and location specific. Additionally, medical support of PPE and PHE indicated significant difference between German and Taiwan. The result of the present thesis confirmed that it is feasible to construct a comprehensive evalua-tion instrument for heterogeneous elite athletes cohorts' risk factor analysis for injury/illness oc-curred during their non-competition periods. In average and with many moderators involved, Ger-man elite athletes have superior medical care support yet suffered more severe injuries than Tai-wanese counterparts. Opinions of injury related psychological issues reflected differently on vari-ous MCP groups irrespective of different nationalities. In general, influencing factors and interac-tions existed among relevant factors in both studies which implied further investigation with multiple regression analysis is needed for better understanding.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogel2016, author = {Vogel, Dominik}, title = {F{\"u}hrung im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-363-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 256}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit F{\"u}hrungsverhalten im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor sowie mit Einflussfaktoren auf dieses F{\"u}hrungsverhalten. Hierzu wurde eine Taxonomie, bestehend aus sechs Metakategorien von F{\"u}hrungsverhalten, entwickelt. Die Metakategorien umfassen Aufgaben-, Beziehungs-, Ver{\"a}nderungs-, Außen-, Ethik- und Sachbearbeitungsorientierung. Eine Analyse von Umfragedaten, die f{\"u}r diese Arbeit bei Mitarbeitern und unteren F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}ften dreier Beh{\"o}rden erhoben wurden, zeigt, dass diese Taxonomie sehr gut geeignet ist, die F{\"u}hrungsrealit{\"a}t in der {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltung abzubilden. Eine deskriptive Auswertung der Daten zeigt außerdem, dass es eine relativ große Differenz zwischen der Selbsteinsch{\"a}tzung der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte und der Fremdeinsch{\"a}tzung durch ihre Mitarbeiter gibt. Diese Differenz ist bei der Beziehungs- und Ver{\"a}nderungsorientierung besonders hoch. Der deskriptiven Auswertung schließt sich eine Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten an. Die Einflussfaktoren k{\"o}nnen den vier Kategorien "Charakteristika und Eigenschaften der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte", "Erwartungen und Interesse von Vorgesetzten", "Charakteristika und Einstellungen von Gef{\"u}hrten" und "Managementinstrumente und -rahmenbedingungen" zugeordnet werden. Eine Analyse mit Hilfe von hierarchischen linearen Modellen zeigt, dass vor allem die F{\"u}hrungsmotivation und die Managementorientierung der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte, die Gemeinwohlorientierung und die Art der Aufgabe der Gef{\"u}hrten sowie die strategische F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fteauswahl und die Leistungsmessung durch die F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte anhand konkreter Ziele einen Einfluss auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten haben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit erg{\"a}nzen die Literatur zu F{\"u}hrungsverhalten im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor um die Perspektive der Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten und leisten zus{\"a}tzlich mit Hilfe der verwendeten Taxonomie einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Diskussion von F{\"u}hrungsverhalten in der Public-Management-Forschung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bieten die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse der Verwaltungspraxis Hinweise zu relevanten Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten sowie auf beachtliche Differenzen zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung des F{\"u}hrungsverhaltens.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vacogne2016, author = {Vacogne, Charlotte D.}, title = {New synthetic routes towards well-defined polypeptides, morphologies and hydrogels}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are natural polypeptides produced by cells; they can be found in both animals and plants, and possess a variety of functions. One of these functions is to provide structural support to the surrounding cells and tissues. For example, collagen (which is found in skin, cartilage, tendons and bones) and keratin (which is found in hair and nails) are structural proteins. When a tissue is damaged, however, the supporting matrix formed by structural proteins cannot always spontaneously regenerate. Tailor-made synthetic polypeptides can be used to help heal and restore tissue formation. Synthetic polypeptides are typically synthesized by the so-called ring opening polymerization (ROP) of α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCA). Such synthetic polypeptides are generally non-sequence-controlled and thus less complex than proteins. As such, synthetic polypeptides are rarely as efficient as proteins in their ability to self-assemble and form hierarchical or structural supramolecular assemblies in water, and thus, often require rational designing. In this doctoral work, two types of amino acids, γ-benzyl-L/D-glutamate (BLG / BDG) and allylglycine (AG), were selected to synthesize a series of (co)polypeptides of different compositions and molar masses. A new and versatile synthetic route to prepare polypeptides was developed, and its mechanism and kinetics were investigated. The polypeptide properties were thoroughly studied and new materials were developed from them. In particular, these polypeptides were able to aggregate (or self-assemble) in solution into microscopic fibres, very similar to those formed by collagen. By doing so, they formed robust physical networks and organogels which could be processed into high water-content, pH-responsive hydrogels. Particles with highly regular and chiral spiral morphologies were also obtained by emulsifying these polypeptides. Such polypeptides and the materials derived from them are, therefore, promising candidates for biomedical applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ulaganathan2016, author = {Ulaganathan, Vamseekrishna}, title = {Molecular fundamentals of foam fractionation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94263}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 136}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Foam fractionation of surfactant and protein solutions is a process dedicated to separate surface active molecules from each other due to their differences in surface activities. The process is based on forming bubbles in a certain mixed solution followed by detachment and rising of bubbles through a certain volume of this solution, and consequently on the formation of a foam layer on top of the solution column. Therefore, systematic analysis of this whole process comprises of at first investigations dedicated to the formation and growth of single bubbles in solutions, which is equivalent to the main principles of the well-known bubble pressure tensiometry. The second stage of the fractionation process includes the detachment of a single bubble from a pore or capillary tip and its rising in a respective aqueous solution. The third and final stage of the process is the formation and stabilization of the foam created by these bubbles, which contains the adsorption layers formed at the growing bubble surface, carried up and gets modified during the bubble rising and finally ends up as part of the foam layer. Bubble pressure tensiometry and bubble profile analysis tensiometry experiments were performed with protein solutions at different bulk concentrations, solution pH and ionic strength in order to describe the process of accumulation of protein and surfactant molecules at the bubble surface. The results obtained from the two complementary methods allow understanding the mechanism of adsorption, which is mainly governed by the diffusional transport of the adsorbing protein molecules to the bubble surface. This mechanism is the same as generally discussed for surfactant molecules. However, interesting peculiarities have been observed for protein adsorption kinetics at sufficiently short adsorption times. First of all, at short adsorption times the surface tension remains constant for a while before it decreases as expected due to the adsorption of proteins at the surface. This time interval is called induction time and it becomes shorter with increasing protein bulk concentration. Moreover, under special conditions, the surface tension does not stay constant but even increases over a certain period of time. This so-called negative surface pressure was observed for BCS and BLG and discussed for the first time in terms of changes in the surface conformation of the adsorbing protein molecules. Usually, a negative surface pressure would correspond to a negative adsorption, which is of course impossible for the studied protein solutions. The phenomenon, which amounts to some mN/m, was rather explained by simultaneous changes in the molar area required by the adsorbed proteins and the non-ideality of entropy of the interfacial layer. It is a transient phenomenon and exists only under dynamic conditions. The experiments dedicated to the local velocity of rising air bubbles in solutions were performed in a broad range of BLG concentration, pH and ionic strength. Additionally, rising bubble experiments were done for surfactant solutions in order to validate the functionality of the instrument. It turns out that the velocity of a rising bubble is much more sensitive to adsorbing molecules than classical dynamic surface tension measurements. At very low BLG or surfactant concentrations, for example, the measured local velocity profile of an air bubble is changing dramatically in time scales of seconds while dynamic surface tensions still do not show any measurable changes at this time scale. The solution's pH and ionic strength are important parameters that govern the measured rising velocity for protein solutions. A general theoretical description of rising bubbles in surfactant and protein solutions is not available at present due to the complex situation of the adsorption process at a bubble surface in a liquid flow field with simultaneous Marangoni effects. However, instead of modelling the complete velocity profile, new theoretical work has been started to evaluate the maximum values in the profile as characteristic parameter for dynamic adsorption layers at the bubble surface more quantitatively. The studies with protein-surfactant mixtures demonstrate in an impressive way that the complexes formed by the two compounds change the surface activity as compared to the original native protein molecules and therefore lead to a completely different retardation behavior of rising bubbles. Changes in the velocity profile can be interpreted qualitatively in terms of increased or decreased surface activity of the formed protein-surfactant complexes. It was also observed that the pH and ionic strength of a protein solution have strong effects on the surface activity of the protein molecules, which however, could be different on the rising bubble velocity and the equilibrium adsorption isotherms. These differences are not fully understood yet but give rise to discussions about the structure of protein adsorption layer under dynamic conditions or in the equilibrium state. The third main stage of the discussed process of fractionation is the formation and characterization of protein foams from BLG solutions at different pH and ionic strength. Of course a minimum BLG concentration is required to form foams. This minimum protein concentration is a function again of solution pH and ionic strength, i.e. of the surface activity of the protein molecules. Although at the isoelectric point, at about pH 5 for BLG, the hydrophobicity and hence the surface activity should be the highest, the concentration and ionic strength effects on the rising velocity profile as well as on the foamability and foam stability do not show a maximum. This is another remarkable argument for the fact that the interfacial structure and behavior of BLG layers under dynamic conditions and at equilibrium are rather different. These differences are probably caused by the time required for BLG molecules to adapt respective conformations once they are adsorbed at the surface. All bubble studies described in this work refer to stages of the foam fractionation process. Experiments with different systems, mainly surfactant and protein solutions, were performed in order to form foams and finally recover a solution representing the foamed material. As foam consists to a large extent of foam lamella - two adsorption layers with a liquid core - the concentration in a foamate taken from foaming experiments should be enriched in the stabilizing molecules. For determining the concentration of the foamate, again the very sensitive bubble rising velocity profile method was applied, which works for any type of surface active materials. This also includes technical surfactants or protein isolates for which an accurate composition is unknown.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Uhr2016, author = {Uhr, Linda}, title = {Technische Enzyme in Backwaren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96432}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {180}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die sensorisch einwandfreie, konstant gute Qualit{\"a}t von Backprodukten, die beim Verbraucher einen hohen Stellenwert hat, wird maßgeblich durch den Gehalt endogener Getreideenzyme beeinflusst. Seit dem Auftreten z{\"u}chtungsbedingter Enzymdefizite ist der Einsatz technischer Enzyme zur Gew{\"a}hrleistung dieser geforderten Qualit{\"a}t eine feste Gr{\"o}ße in der Backwarenindustrie. Lebensmittelrechtlich werden technische Enzyme nicht als Zutat betrachtet, da sie theoretisch w{\"a}hrend des Backprozesses umgesetzt werden und im Endprodukt keine technologische Wirkung mehr zeigen. Vor allem in gebackenen Produkten bedarf es der Pr{\"u}fung, dass die eingesetzten technischen Enzyme nicht mehr als Zutat vorliegen und sich somit einer potentiellen Deklarationspflicht entziehen. Zur Gew{\"a}hrleistung der Wirtschaftlichkeit muss der quantitative Einsatz technischer Enzyme in der Backwarenindustrie gesteuert werden, um optimale Effekte zu erzielen und Kosten zu sparen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Entwicklung eines Analysenverfahrens, das den simultanen Nachweis verschiedener technischer Enzyme und deren Quantifizierung im Spurenbereich auch in gebackenen Produkten erm{\"o}glicht. F{\"u}r die Einsch{\"a}tzung der Wirkung der technischen Enzyme Fungamyl (Novozymes), Amylase TXL (ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH) sowie Lipase FE-01 (ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH) wurden Backversuche durchgef{\"u}hrt, die zeigten, dass Fungamyl und Amylase TXL zu einer verbesserten Brotqualit{\"a}t (Volumenausbeute, Feuchtegehalt, Sensorik) beitrugen. Die Zugabe der Lipase FE-01 f{\"u}hrte zu einer vermehrten Bildung freier Fetts{\"a}uren und wirkte sich negativ auf die sensorische Brotqualit{\"a}t aus. Dieser bisher nicht beschriebene Effekt konnte auf die Nutzung eines Spezial{\"o}ls als Backzutat zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, welches ausschließlich aus ges{\"a}ttigten Fetts{\"a}uren besteht. Dies best{\"a}tigt die Bedeutung der Auswahl eines geeigneten Fettes beim Zusatz technischer Lipase zum Backprozess. Um die in Fungamyl und Lipase FE-01 enthaltenen Enzyme zu identifizieren, wurden SDS-PAGE und anschließender In-Gel-Verdau angewendet um die Analyse proteolytisch gespaltener Proteine mit MALDI-TOF-MS zu erm{\"o}glichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fungamyl ein Gemisch aus 9,8 \% alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) und 5,2 \% Endo-1,4-Xylanase (Thermomyces lanuginosus) enth{\"a}lt. Lipase FE-01 besteht aus der Lipase (Thermomyces lanuginosus), Amylase TXL wurde als alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) identifiziert. Zur Analyse der technischen Enzyme in Backwaren wurde aufgrund seiner Robustheit und Sensitivit{\"a}t das Verfahren der LC-MS/MS gew{\"a}hlt. Die Entwicklung einer solchen Methode zur Detektion spezifischer Peptide erm{\"o}glichte den qualitativen Nachweis der 3 Enzyme alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae), Endo-1,4-Xylanase (Thermomyces lanuginosus) und Lipase (Thermomyces lanuginosus). Durch eine lineare Kalibrierung aus synthetisch hergestellten Peptiden unter Einbeziehung eines Protein-Internen-Standards sowie isotopenmarkierter Peptidstandards erfolgte dar{\"u}ber hinaus die quantitative Bestimmung in selbst hergestellten Referenzmaterialien (Weizenmehl, Toastbrot und Biskuitkeks). In weniger als 20 Minuten Messzeit kann das Enzym alpha-Amylase ab einer Konzentration von 2,58 mg/kg (Mehl, Keks), bzw. 7,61 mg/kg (Brot) quantitativ nachgewiesen werden. Zeitgleich k{\"o}nnen die Enzyme Endo-1,4-Xylanase ab einer Konzentration von 7,75 mg/kg (Brot), 3,64 mg/kg (Keks) bzw. 15,60 mg/kg (Mehl) sowie Lipase ab einer Konzentration von 1,26 mg/kg (Mehl, Keks), bzw. 2,68 mg/kg (Brot) quantifiziert werden. Die Methode wurde nach allgemein verwendeten Richtlinien im Zuge einer Validierung statistisch gepr{\"u}ft und lieferte sehr robuste und reproduzierbare quantitative Werte mit Wiederfindungsraten zwischen 50 \% und 122 \%. Das prim{\"a}re Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Entwicklung eines quantitativen Multiparameterverfahrens zum Nachweis technischer Enzyme in Backwaren, wurde somit erfolgreich umgesetzt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Toele2016, author = {T{\"o}le, Nadine}, title = {Molekulare und histologische Untersuchungen zur gustatorischen Fettwahrnehmung des Menschen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93180}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 107, LVII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die hohe Energieaufnahme durch Fette ist ein Hauptfaktor f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Adipositas, was zu weltweiten Bestrebungen f{\"u}hrte, die Fettaufnahme zu verringern. Fettreduzierte Lebensmittel erreichen jedoch, trotz ihrer Weiterentwicklung, nicht die Schmackhaftigkeit ihrer Originale. Die traditionelle Sichtweise, dass die Attraktivit{\"a}t von Fetten allein durch Textur, Geruch, Aussehen und postingestive Effekte bestimmt wird, wird nun durch das Konzept einer gustatorischen Wahrnehmung erg{\"a}nzt. Bei Nagetieren zeigte sich, dass Lipide unabh{\"a}ngig von den vorgenannten Eigenschaften erkannt werden, sowie, dass Fetts{\"a}uren, freigesetzt durch linguale Lipasen, als gustatorische Stimuli fungieren und Fetts{\"a}uresensoren in Geschmackszellen exprimiert sind. Die Datenlage f{\"u}r den Menschen erwies sich jedoch als sehr begrenzt, daher war es Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit molekulare und histologische Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r eine gustatorische Fettwahrnehmung beim Menschen zu untersuchen. Zun{\"a}chst wurde humanes Geschmacksgewebe mittels RT-PCR und immunhistochemischen Methoden auf die Expression von Fetts{\"a}uresensoren untersucht, sowie exprimierende Zellen in Kof{\"a}rbeexperimenten charakterisiert und quantifiziert. Es wurde die Expression fetts{\"a}uresensitiver Rezeptoren nachgewiesen, deren Agonisten das gesamte Spektrum an kurz- bis langkettigen Fetts{\"a}uren abdecken (GPR43, GPR84, GPR120, CD36, KCNA5). Ein zweifelsfreier Nachweis des Proteins konnte f{\"u}r den auf langkettige Fetts{\"a}uren spezialisierten Rezeptor GPR120 in Typ-I- und Typ-III-Geschmackszellen der Wallpapillen erbracht werden. Etwa 85 \% dieser GPR120-exprimierenden Zellen enthielten keine der ausgew{\"a}hlten Rezeptoren der Geschmacksqualit{\"a}ten s{\"u}ß (TAS1R2/3), umami (TAS1R1/3) oder bitter (TAS2R38). Somit findet sich in humanen Geschmackspapillen nicht nur mindestens ein Sensor, sondern m{\"o}glicherweise auch eine spezifische, fetts{\"a}uresensitive Zellpopulation. Weitere RT-PCR-Experimente und Untersuchungen mittels In-situ-Hybridisierung wurden zur Kl{\"a}rung der Frage durchgef{\"u}hrt, ob Lipasen in den Von-Ebner-Speicheldr{\"u}sen (VED) existieren, die freie Fetts{\"a}uren aus Triglyceriden als gustatorischen Stimulus freisetzen k{\"o}nnen. Es zeigte sich zwar keine Expression der bei Nagetieren gefundenen Lipase F (LIPF), jedoch der eng verwandten Lipasen K, M und N in den ser{\"o}sen Zellen der VED. In-silico-Untersuchungen der Sekund{\"a}r- und Terti{\"a}rstrukturen zeigten die hohe {\"A}hnlichkeit zu LIPF, erwiesen aber auch Unterschiede in den Bindungstaschen der Enzyme, welche auf ein differenziertes Substratspektrum hinweisen. Die Anwesenheit eines spezifischen Signalpeptids macht eine Sekretion der Lipasen in den die Geschmacksporen umsp{\"u}lenden Speichel wahrscheinlich und damit auch eine Bereitstellung von Fetts{\"a}uren als Stimuli f{\"u}r Fetts{\"a}uresensoren. Die {\"U}bertragung des durch diese Stimuli hervorgerufenen Signals von Geschmackszellen auf gustatorische Nervenfasern {\"u}ber P2X-Rezeptormultimere wurde mit Hilfe einer vorherigen Intervention mit einem P2X3 /P2X2/3-spezifischen Antagonisten an der Maus als Modellorganismus im Kurzzeit-Pr{\"a}ferenztest untersucht. Es zeigte sich weder eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung der Wahrnehmung einer Fetts{\"a}urel{\"o}sung, noch einer zuckerhaltigen Kontrolll{\"o}sung, wohingegen die Wahrnehmung einer Bitterstoffl{\"o}sung reduziert wurde. Somit ist anhand der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit eine Beteiligung des P2X3-Homomers bzw. des P2X2/3-Heteromers unwahrscheinlich, jedoch die des P2X2-Homomers und damit der gustatorischen Nervenfasern nicht ausgeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit weisen auf die Erf{\"u}llung grundlegender Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r die gustatorische Fett(s{\"a}ure)wahrnehmung hin und tragen zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der sensorischen Fettwahrnehmung und der Regulation der Fettaufnahme bei. Das Wissen um die Regulation dieser Mechanismen stellt eine Grundlage zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der Ursachen und damit der Bek{\"a}mpfung von Adipositas und assoziierten Krankheiten dar.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Teshebaeva2016, author = {Teshebaeva, Kanayim}, title = {SAR interferometry analysis of surface processes in the Pamir - Tien Shan active orogens - emphasis on coseismic deformation and landslides}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96743}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {128}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This thesis presents new approaches of SAR methods and their application to tectonically active systems and related surface deformation. With 3 publications two case studies are presented: (1) The coseismic deformation related to the Nura earthquake (5th October 2008, magnitude Mw 6.6) at the eastern termination of the intramontane Alai valley. Located between the southern Tien Shan and the northern Pamir the coseismic surface displacements are analysed using SAR (Synthetic Aperture RADAR) data. The results show clear gradients in the vertical and horizontal directions along a complex pattern of surface ruptures and active faults. To integrate and to interpret these observations in the context of the regional active tectonics a SAR data analysis is complemented with seismological data and geological field observations. The main moment release of the Nura earthquake appears to be on the Pamir Frontal thrust, while the main surface displacements and surface rupture occurred in the footwall and along of the NE-SW striking Irkeshtam fault. With InSAR data from ascending and descending satellite tracks along with pixel offset measurements the Nura earthquake source is modelled as a segmented rupture. One fault segment corresponds to high-angle brittle faulting at the Pamir Frontal thrust and two more fault segments show moderate-angle and low-friction thrusting at the Irkeshtam fault. The integrated analysis of the coseismic deformation argues for a rupture segmentation and strain partitioning associated to the earthquake. It possibly activated an orogenic wedge in the easternmost segment of the Pamir-Alai collision zone. Further, the style of the segmentation may be associated with the presence of Paleogene evaporites. (2) The second focus is put on slope instabilities and consequent landslides in the area of prominent topographic transition between the Fergana basin and high-relief Alai range. The Alai range constitutes an active orogenic wedge of the Pamir - Tien Shan collision zone that described as a progressively northward propagating fold-and-thrust belt. The interferometric analysis of ALOS/PALSAR radar data integrates a period of 4 years (2007-2010) based on the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) time-series technique to assess surface deformation with millimeter surface change accuracy. 118 interferograms are analyzed to observe spatially-continuous movements with downslope velocities up to 71 mm/yr. The obtained rates indicate slow movement of the deep-seated landslides during the observation time. We correlated these movements with precipitation and seismic records. The results suggest that the deformation peaks correlate with rainfall in the 3 preceding months and with one earthquake event. In the next step, to understand the spatial pattern of landslide processes, the tectonic morphologic and lithologic settings are combined with the patterns of surface deformation. We demonstrate that the lithological and tectonic structural patterns are the main controlling factors for landslide occurrence and surface deformation magnitudes. Furthermore active contractional deformation in the front of the orogenic wedge is the main mechanism to sustain relief. Some of the slower but continuously moving slope instabilities are directly related to tectonically active faults and unconsolidated young Quaternary syn-orogenic sedimentary sequences. The InSAR observed slow moving landslides represent active deep-seated gravitational slope deformation phenomena which is first time observed in the Tien Shan mountains. Our approach offers a new combination of InSAR techniques and tectonic aspects to localize and understand enhanced slope instabilities in tectonically active mountain fronts in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tamasi2016, author = {Tamasi, Katalin}, title = {Measuring children's sensitivity to phonological detail using eye tracking and pupillometry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 165}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Infants' lexical processing is modulated by featural manipulations made to words, suggesting that early lexical representations are sufficiently specified to establish a match with the corresponding label. However, the precise degree of detail in early words requires further investigation due to equivocal findings. We studied this question by assessing children's sensitivity to the degree of featural manipulation (Chapters 2 and 3), and sensitivity to the featural makeup of homorganic and heterorganic consonant clusters (Chapter 4). Gradient sensitivity on the one hand and sensitivity to homorganicity on the other hand would suggest that lexical processing makes use of sub-phonemic information, which in turn would indicate that early words contain sub-phonemic detail. The studies presented in this thesis assess children's sensitivity to sub-phonemic detail using minimally demanding online paradigms suitable for infants: single-picture pupillometry and intermodal preferential looking. Such paradigms have the potential to uncover lexical knowledge that may be masked otherwise due to cognitive limitations. The study reported in Chapter 2 obtained a differential response in pupil dilation to the degree of featural manipulation, a result consistent with gradient sensitivity. The study reported in Chapter 3 obtained a differential response in proportion of looking time and pupil dilation to the degree of featural manipulation, a result again consistent with gradient sensitivity. The study reported in Chapter 4 obtained a differential response to the manipulation of homorganic and heterorganic consonant clusters, a result consistent with sensitivity to homorganicity. These results suggest that infants' lexical representations are not only specific, but also detailed to the extent that they contain sub-phonemic information.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Synodinos2016, author = {Synodinos, Alexios D.}, title = {Savanna dynamics under extreme conditions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395000}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 168}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Savannas cover a broad geographical range across continents and are a biome best described by a mix of herbaceous and woody plants. The former create a more or less continuous layer while the latter should be sparse enough to leave an open canopy. What has long intrigued ecologists is how these two competing plant life forms of vegetation coexist. Initially attributed to resource competition, coexistence was considered the stable outcome of a root niche differentiation between trees and grasses. The importance of environmental factors became evident later, when data from moister environments demonstrated that tree cover was often lower than what the rainfall conditions would allow for. Our current understanding relies on the interaction of competition and disturbances in space and time. Hence, the influence of grazing and fire and the corresponding feedbacks they generate have been keenly investigated. Grazing removes grass cover, initiating a self-reinforcing process propagating tree cover expansion. This is known as the encroachment phenomenon. Fire, on the other hand, imposes a bottleneck on the tree population by halting the recruitment of young trees into adulthood. Since grasses fuel fires, a feedback linking grazing, grass cover, fire, and tree cover is created. In African savannas, which are the focus of this dissertation, these feedbacks play a major role in the dynamics. The importance of these feedbacks came into sharp focus when the notion of alternative states began to be applied to savannas. Alternative states in ecology arise when different states of an ecosystem can occur under the same conditions. According to this an open savanna and a tree-dominated savanna can be classified as alternative states, since they can both occur under the same climatic conditions. The aforementioned feedbacks are critical in the creation of alternative states. The grass-fire feedback can preserve an open canopy as long as fire intensity and frequency remain above a certain threshold. Conversely, crossing a grazing threshold can force an open savanna to shift to a tree-dominated state. Critically, transitions between such alternative states can produce hysteresis, where a return to pre-transition conditions will not suffice to restore the ecosystem to its original state. In the chapters that follow, I will cover aspects relating to the coexistence mechanisms and the role of feedbacks in tree-grass interactions. Coming back to the coexistence question, due to the overwhelming focus on competition and disturbance another important ecological process was neglected: facilitation. Therefore, in the first study within this dissertation I examine how facilitation can expand the tree-grass coexistence range into drier conditions. For the second study I focus on another aspect of savanna dynamics which remains underrepresented in the literature: the impacts of inter-annual rainfall variability upon savanna trees and the resilience of the savanna state. In the third and final study within this dissertation I approach the well-researched encroachment phenomenon from a new perspective: I search for an early warning indicator of the process to be used as a prevention tool for savanna conservation. In order to perform all this work I developed a mathematical ecohydrological model of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) with three variables: soil moisture content, grass cover and tree cover. Facilitation: Results showed that the removal of grass cover through grazing was detrimental to trees under arid conditions, contrary to expectation based on resource competition. The reason was that grasses preserved moisture in the soil through infiltration and shading, thus ameliorating the harsh conditions for trees in accordance with the Stress Gradient Hypothesis. The exclusion of grasses from the model further demonstrated this: tree cover was lower in the absence of grasses, indicating that the benefits of grass facilitation outweighed the costs of grass competition for trees. Thus, facilitation expanded the climatic range where savannas persisted into drier conditions. Rainfall variability: By adjusting the model to current rainfall patterns in East Africa, I simulated conditions of increasing inter-annual rainfall variability for two distinct mean rainfall scenarios: semi-arid and mesic. Alternative states of tree-less grassland and tree-dominated savanna emerged in both cases. Increasing variability reduced semi-arid savanna tree cover to the point that at high variability the savanna state was eliminated, because variability intensified resource competition and strengthened the fire disturbance during high rainfall years. Mesic savannas, on the other hand, became more resilient along the variability gradient: increasing rainfall variability created more opportunities for the rapid growth of trees to overcome the fire disturbance, boosting the chances of savannas persisting and thus increasing mesic savanna resilience. Preventing encroachment: The breakdown in the grass-fire feedback caused by heavy grazing promoted the expansion of woody cover. This could be irreversible due to the presence of alternative states of encroached and open savanna, which I found along a simulated grazing gradient. When I simulated different short term heavy grazing treatments followed by a reduction to the original grazing conditions, certain cases converged to the encroached state. Utilising woody cover changes only during the heavy grazing treatment, I developed an early warning indicator which identified these cases with a high risk of such hysteresis and successfully distinguished them from those with a low risk. Furthermore, after validating the indicator on encroachment data, I demonstrated that it appeared early enough for encroachment to be prevented through realistic grazing-reduction treatments. Though this dissertation is rooted in the theory of savanna dynamics, its results can have significant applications in savanna conservation. Facilitation has only recently become a topic of interest within savanna literature. Given the threat of increasing droughts and a general anticipation of drier conditions in parts of Africa, insights stemming from this research may provide clues for preserving arid savannas. The impacts of rainfall variability on savannas have not yet been thoroughly studied, either. Conflicting results appear as a result of the lack of a robust theoretical understanding of plant interactions under variable conditions. . My work and other recent studies argue that such conditions may increase the importance of fast resource acquisition creating a 'temporal niche'. Woody encroachment has been extensively studied as phenomenon, though not from the perspective of its early identification and prevention. The development of an encroachment forecasting tool, as the one presented in this work, could protect both the savanna biome and societies dependent upon it for (economic) survival. All studies which follow are bound by the attempt to broaden the horizons of savanna-related research in order to deal with extreme conditions and phenomena; be it through the enhancement of the coexistence debate or the study of an imminent external threat or the development of a management-oriented tool for the conservation of savannas.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stolzenburg2016, author = {Stolzenburg, Antje}, title = {Bittergeschmacksrezeptoren des peripheren und zentralen Nervensystems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92397}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Der Bittergeschmack warnt den Organismus vor potentiell verdorbener oder giftiger Nahrung und ist somit ein wichtiger Kontrollmechanismus. Die initiale Detektion der zahlreich vorkommenden Bitterstoffe erfolgt bei der Maus durch 35 Bitterrezeptoren (Tas2rs), die sich im Zungengewebe befinden. Die Geschmacksinformation wird anschließend von der Zunge {\"u}ber das periphere (PNS) ins zentrale Nervensystem (ZNS) geleitet, wo deren Verarbeitung stattfindet. Die Verarbeitung der Geschmacksinformation konnte bislang nicht g{\"a}nzlich aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Neue Studien deuten auf eine Expression von Tas2rs auch im PNS und ZNS entlang der Geschmacksbahn hin. {\"U}ber Vorkommen und Aufgaben dieser Rezeptoren bzw. Rezeptorzellen im Nervensystem ist bislang wenig bekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Tas2r-Expression in verschiedenen Mausmodellen untersucht, Tas2r-exprimierende Zellen identifiziert und deren Funktionen bei der {\"U}bertragung der Geschmacksinformationen analysiert. Im Zuge der Expressionsanalysen mittels qRT-PCR konnte die Expression von 25 der 35 bekannten Bittergeschmacksrezeptoren im zentralen Nervensystem der Maus nachgewiesen werden. Die Expressionsmuster im PNS sowie im ZNS lassen dar{\"u}ber hinaus Vermutungen zu Funktionen in verschiedenen Bereichen des Nervensystems zu. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Expressionsanalysen war es m{\"o}glich, stark exprimierte Tas2rs mittels In-situ-Hybridisierung in verschiedenen Zelltypen zu visualisieren. Des Weiteren konnten immunhistochemische F{\"a}rbungen unter Verwendung eines genetisch modifizierten Mausmodells die Ergebnisse der Expressionsanalysen best{\"a}tigen. Sie zeigten eine Expression von Tas2rs, am Beispiel des Tas2r131-Rezeptors, in cholinergen, dopaminergen, GABAergen, noradrenergen und glycinerg-angesteuerten Projektionsneuronen sowie in Interneuronen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen daher erstmals das Vorkommen von Tas2rs in verschiedenen neuronalen Zelltypen in weiten Teilen des ZNS. Dies l{\"a}sst den Schluss zu, dass Tas2r-exprimierende Zellen potentiell multiple Funktionen innehaben. Anhand von Verhaltensexperimenten in genetisch modifizierten M{\"a}usen wurde die m{\"o}gliche Funktion von Tas2r131-exprimierenden Neuronen (Tas2r131-Neurone) bei der Geschmackswahrnehmung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Beteiligung von Tas2r131-Neuronen an der Signalweiterleitung bzw. -verarbeitung der Geschmacksinformation f{\"u}r eine Auswahl von Bittersubstanzen hin. Die Analysen zeigen dar{\"u}ber hinaus, dass Tas2r131-Neuronen nicht an der Geschmackswahrnehmung anderer Bitterstoffe sowie Geschmacksstimuli anderer Qualit{\"a}ten (s{\"u}ß, umami, sauer, salzig), beteiligt sind. Eine spezifische „Tas2r131-Bittergeschmacksbahn", die mit anderen potentiellen „Bitterbahnen" teils unabh{\"a}ngige, teils {\"u}berlappende Signalwege bzw. Verarbeitungsbereiche besitzt, bildet eine m{\"o}gliche zellul{\"a}re Grundlage zur Unterscheidung von Bitterstoffen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entstandene Hypothese einer potentiellen Diskriminierung von Bitterstoffen soll daher in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Studien durch die Etablierung eines Verhaltenstest mit M{\"a}usen gepr{\"u}ft werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Steeples2016, author = {Steeples, Elliot}, title = {Amino acid-derived imidazolium salts: platform molecules for N-Heterocyclic carbene metal complexes and organosilica materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101861}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the interest of producing functional catalysts from sustainable building-blocks, 1, 3-dicarboxylate imidazolium salts derived from amino acids were successfully modified to be suitable as N-Heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands within metal complexes. Complexes of Ag(I), Pd(II), and Ir(I) were successfully produced using known procedures using ligands derived from glycine, alanine, β-alanine and phenylalanine. The complexes were characterized in solid state using X-Ray crystallography, which allowed for the steric and electronic comparison of these ligands to well-known NHC ligands within analogous metal complexes. The palladium complexes were tested as catalysts for aqueous-phase Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling. Water-solubility could be induced via ester hydrolysis of the N-bound groups in the presence of base. The mono-NHC-Pd complexes were seen to be highly active in the coupling of aryl bromides with phenylboronic acid; the active catalyst of which was determined to be mostly Pd(0) nanoparticles. Kinetic studies determined that reaction proceeds quickly in the coupling of bromoacetophenone, for both pre-hydrolyzed and in-situ hydrolysis catalyst dissolution. The catalyst could also be recycled for an extra run by simply re-using the aqueous layer. The imidazolium salts were also used to produce organosilica hybrid materials. This was attempted via two methods: by post-grafting onto a commercial organosilica, and co-condensation of the corresponding organosilane. The co-condensation technique harbours potential for the production of solid-support catalysts.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stahlhut2016, author = {Stahlhut, Frank}, title = {Entwicklung neuer triphiler, fluorkohlenstofffreier Blockcopolymere und Untersuchung ihrer Eigenschaften f{\"u}r Multikompartiment-Mizellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96299}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 191}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Neue Systeme f{\"u}r triphile, fluorkohlenstofffreie Blockcopolymere in Form von Acrylat-basierten thermoresponsiven Blockcopolymeren sowie Acrylat- bzw. Styrol-basierten Terblock-Polyelektrolyten mit unterschiedlich chaotropen Kationen des jeweiligen polyanionischen Blocks wurden entwickelt. Multikompartiment-Mizellen, mizellare Aggregate mit ultrastrukturiertem hydrophobem Mizellkern die biologischen Strukturen wie dem Humanalbumin nachempfunden sind, sollten bei der Selbstorganisation in w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung entstehen. Durch Verwendung apolarer und polarer Kohlenwasserstoff-Dom{\"a}nen anstelle von fluorophilen Fluorkohlenstoff-Dom{\"a}nen sollte erstmals anhand solcher triphilen Systeme nachgewiesen werden, ob diese in der Lage zur selektiven Aufnahme hydrophober Substanzen in unterschiedliche Dom{\"a}nen des Mizellkerns sind. Mit Hilfe von sequentieller RAFT-Polymerisation wurden diese neuen triphilen Systeme hergestellt, die {\"u}ber einen permanent hydrophilen, eine permanent stark hydrophoben und einen dritten Block verf{\"u}gen, der durch externe Einfl{\"u}sse, speziell die Induzierung eines thermischen Coil-to-globule-{\"U}bergangs bzw. die Zugabe von organischen, hydrophoben Gegenionen von einem wasserl{\"o}slichen in einen polar-hydrophoben Block umgewandelt werden kann. Als RAFT-Agens wurde 4-(Trimethylsilyl)benzyl(3-(trimethylsilyl)-propyl)-trithiocarbonat mit zwei unterschiedlichen TMS-Endgruppen verwendet, das kontrollierte Reaktions-bedingungen sowie die molekulare Charakterisierung der komplexen Copolymere erm{\"o}glichte. Die beiden Grundtypen der linearen tern{\"a}ren Blockcopolymere wurden jeweils in zwei 2 Modell-Systeme, die geringf{\"u}gig in ihren chemischen Eigenschaften sowie in dem Blockl{\"a}ngenverh{\"a}ltnis von hydrophilen und hydrophoben Polymersegmenten variierten, realisiert und unterschiedliche Permutation der Bl{\"o}cke aufwiesen. Als ersten Polymertyp wurden amphiphile thermoresponsive Blockcopolymere verwendet. Modell-System 1 bestand aus dem permanent hydrophoben Block Poly(1,3-Bis(butylthio)-prop-2-yl-acrylat), permanent hydrophilen Block Poly(Oligo(ethylenglykol)monomethyletheracrylat) und den thermoresponsiven Block Poly(N,N'-Diethylacrylamid), dessen Homopolymer eine LCST-Phasen{\"u}bergang (LCST, engl.: lower critical solution temperature) bei ca. 36°C aufweist. Das Modell-System 2 bestand aus dem permanent hydrophilen Block Poly(2-(Methylsulfinyl)ethylacrylat), dem permanent hydrophoben Block Poly(2-Ethylhexylacrylat) und wiederum Poly(N,N'-Diethylacrylamid). Im tern{\"a}ren Blockcopolymer erh{\"o}hte sich, je nach Blocksequenz und relativen Blockl{\"a}ngen, der LCST-{\"U}bergang auf 50 - 65°C. Bei der Untersuchung der Selbstorganisation f{\"u}r die Polymer-Systeme dieses Typs wurde die Temperatur variiert, um verschieden mizellare {\"U}berstrukturen in w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung zu erzeugen bzw. oberhalb des LCST-{\"U}bergangs Multikompartiment-Mizellen nachzuweisen. Die Unterschiede in der Hydrophilie bzw. den sterischen Anspr{\"u}che der gew{\"a}hlten hydrophilen Bl{\"o}cke sowie die Variation der jeweiligen Blocksequenzen erm{\"o}glichte dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Bildung verschiedenster Morphologien mizellarer Aggregate. Der zweite Typ basierte auf ein Terblock-Polyelektrolyt-System mit Polyacrylaten bzw. Polystyrolen als Polymerr{\"u}ckgrat. Polymere ionische Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten wurden als Vorlage der Entwicklung zweier Modell-Systeme genommen. Eines der beiden Systeme bestand aus dem permanent hydrophilen Block Poly(Oligo(ethylenglykol)monomethyletheracrylat, dem permanent hydrophoben Block Poly(2-Ethylhexylacrylat) sowie dem Polyanion-Block Poly(3-Sulfopropylacrylat). Die Hydrophobie des Polyanion-Blocks variierte durch Verwendung großer organischer Gegenionen, n{\"a}mlich Tetrabutylammonium, Tetraphenylphosphonium und Tetraphenylstibonium. Analog wurde in einem weiteren System aus dem permanent hydrophilen Block Poly(4-Vinylbenzyltetrakis(ethylenoxy)methylether), dem permanent hydrophoben Block Poly(para-Methylstyrol) und Poly(4-Styrolsulfonat) mit den entsprechenden Gegenionen gebildet. Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Kettensteifigkeit in beiden Modell-Systemen sollte es bei der Selbstorganisation der mizellarer Aggregate zu unterschiedlichen {\"U}berstrukturen kommen. Mittels DSC-Messungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass f{\"u}r alle Modell-Systeme die Bl{\"o}cke in Volumen-Phase miteinander inkompatibel waren, was eine Voraussetzung f{\"u}r Multikompartimentierung von mizellaren Aggregaten ist. Die Gr{\"o}ße mizellarer Aggregate sowie der Einfluss externer Einfl{\"u}sse wie der Ver{\"a}nderung der Temperatur bzw. der Hydrophobie und Gr{\"o}ße von Gegenionen auf den hydrodynamischen Durchmesser mittels DLS-Untersuchungen wurden f{\"u}r alle Modell-Systeme untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zu den thermoresponsiven tern{\"a}ren Blockcopolymeren belegten , dass sich oberhalb der Phasen{\"u}bergangstemperatur des thermoresponsiven Blocks die Struktur der mizellaren Aggregate {\"a}nderte, indem der p(DEAm)-Block scheinbar kollabierte und so zusammen mit den permanent hydrophoben Block den jeweiligen Mizellkern bildete. Nach gewisser Equilibrierungszeit konnten bei Raumtemperatur dir urspr{\"u}nglichen mizellaren Strukturen regeneriert werden. Hingegen konnte f{\"u}r die Terblock-Polyelektrolyt-Systeme bei Verwendung der unterschiedlich hydrophoben Gegenionen kein signifikanter Unterschied in der Gr{\"o}ße der mizellaren Aggregate beobachtet werden. Zur Abbildung der mizellaren Aggregate mittels kryogene Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (cryo-TEM) der mizellaren Aggregate war mit Poly(1,3-Bis(butylthio)-prop-2-yl-acrylat) ein Modell-System so konzipiert, dass ein erh{\"o}hter Elektronendichtekontrast durch Schwefel-Atome die Visualisierung ultrastrukturierter hydrophober Mizellkerne erm{\"o}glichte. Dieser Effekt sollte in den Terblock-Polyelektrolyt-Systemen auch durch die Gegenionen Tetraphenylphosphonium und Tetraphenylstibonium nachgestellt werden. W{\"a}hrend bei den thermoresponsiven Systemen auch oberhalb des Phasen{\"u}bergangs kein Hinweis auf Ultrastrukturierung beobachtet wurde, waren f{\"u}r die Polyelektrolyt-Systeme, insbesondere im Fall von Tetraphenylstibonium als Gegenion {\"U}berstrukturen zu erkennen. Der Nachweis der Bildung von Multikompartiment-Mizellen war f{\"u}r beide Polymertypen mit dieser abbildenden Methode nicht m{\"o}glich. Die Unterschiede in der Elektronendichte einzelner Bl{\"o}cke m{\"u}sste m{\"o}glicherweise weiter erh{\"o}ht werden um Aussagen diesbez{\"u}glich zu treffen. Die Untersuchung von ortsspezifischen Solubilisierungsexperimenten mit solvatochromen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen mittels „steady-state"-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie durch Vergleich der Solubilisierungsorte der Terblockcopolymere bzw. -Polyelektrolyte mit den jeweiligen Solubilisierungsorten von Homopolymer- und Diblock-Vorstufen sollten den qualitativen Nachweis der Multikompartimentierung erbringen. Aufgrund der geringen Mengen an Farbstoff, die f{\"u}r die Solubilisierungsexperimente eingesetzt wurden zeigten DLS-Untersuchungen keine st{\"o}renden Effekte der Sonden auf die Gr{\"o}ße der mizellaren Aggregate. Jedoch erschwerten Quench-Effekte im Falle der Polyelektrolyt Modell-Systeme eine klare Interpretation der Daten. Im Falle der Modell-Systeme der thermoresponsiven Blockcopolymere waren dagegen deutliche solvatochrome Effekte zwischen der Solubilisierung in den mizellaren Aggregaten unterhalb und oberhalb des Phasen{\"u}bergangs zu erkennen. Dies k{\"o}nnte ein Hinweis auf Multikompartimentierung oberhalb des LCST-{\"U}bergangs sein. Ohne die Informationen einer Strukturanalyse wie z.B. der R{\"o}ntgen- oder Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung (SAXS oder SANS), kann nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob die Solubilisierung in mizellaren hydrophoben Dom{\"a}nen des kollabierten Poly(N,N'-Diethylacrylamid) erfolgt oder in einer Mischform von mizellaren Aggregaten mit gemittelter Polarit{\"a}t.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sin2016, author = {Sin, Celine}, title = {Post-transcriptional control of gene expression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxv, 238}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Gene expression describes the process of making functional gene products (e.g. proteins or special RNAs) from instructions encoded in the genetic information (e.g. DNA). This process is heavily regulated, allowing cells to produce the appropriate gene products necessary for cell survival, adapting production as necessary for different cell environments. Gene expression is subject to regulation at several levels, including transcription, mRNA degradation, translation and protein degradation. When intact, this system maintains cell homeostasis, keeping the cell alive and adaptable to different environments. Malfunction in the system can result in disease states and cell death. In this dissertation, we explore several aspects of gene expression control by analyzing data from biological experiments. Most of the work following uses a common mathematical model framework based on Markov chain models to test hypotheses, predict system dynamics or elucidate network topology. Our work lies in the intersection between mathematics and biology and showcases the power of statistical data analysis and math modeling for validation and discovery of biological phenomena.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2016, author = {Simon, Sebastian}, title = {Der Einfluss der Koordination von Spurenelementen in silikatischen und aluminosilikatischen Schmelzen auf Elementverteilungsprozesse in magmatischen Systemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 138}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Wissen um die lokale Struktur von Seltenen Erden Elementen (SEE) in silikatischen und aluminosilikatischen Schmelzen ist von fundamentalem Interesse f{\"u}r die Geochemie der magmatischen Prozesse, speziell wenn es um ein umfassendes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Verteilungsprozesse von SEE in magmatischen Systemen geht. Es ist allgemein akzeptiert, dass die SEE-Verteilungsprozesse von Temperatur, Druck, Sauerstofffugazit{\"a}t (im Fall von polyvalenten Kationen) und der Kristallchemie kontrolliert werden. Allerdings ist wenig {\"u}ber den Einfluss der Schmelzzusammensetzung selbst bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine Beziehung zwischen der Variation der SEE-Verteilung mit der Schmelzzusammensetzung und der Koordinationschemie dieser SEE in der Schmelze zu schaffen. Dazu wurden Schmelzzusammensetzungen von Prowatke und Klemme (2005), welche eine deutliche {\"A}nderung der Verteilungskoeffizienten zwischen Titanit und Schmelze ausschließlich als Funktion der Schmelzzusammensetzung zeigen, sowie haplogranitische bzw. haplobasaltische Schmelzzusammensetzungen als Vertreter magmatischer Systeme mit La, Gd, Yb und Y dotiert und als Glas synthetisiert. Die Schmelzen variierten systematisch im Aluminiums{\"a}ttigungsindex (ASI), welcher bei den Prowatke und Klemme (2005) Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.115 bis 0.768, bei den haplogranitischen Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.935 bis 1.785 und bei den haplobasaltischen Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.368 bis 1.010 abdeckt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden die haplogranitischen Zusammensetzungen mit 4 \% H2O synthetisiert, um den Einfluss von Wasser auf die lokale Umgebung von SEE zu studieren. Um Informationen {\"u}ber die lokalen Struktur von Gd, Yb und Y zu erhalten wurde die R{\"o}ntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie angewendet. Dabei liefert die Untersuchung der Feinstruktur mittels der EXAFS-Spektroskopie (engl. Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure) quantitative Informationen {\"u}ber die lokale Umgebung, w{\"a}hrend RIXS (engl. resonant inelastic X-ray scattering), sowie die daraus extrahierte hoch aufgel{\"o}ste Nahkantenstruktur, XANES (engl. X-ray absorption near edge structure) qualitative Informationen {\"u}ber m{\"o}gliche Koordinations{\"a}nderungen von La, Gd und Yb in den Gl{\"a}sern liefert. Um m{\"o}gliche Unterschiede der lokalen Struktur oberhalb der Glastransformationstemperatur (TG) zur Raumtemperatur zu untersuchen, wurden exemplarisch Hochtemperatur Y-EXAFS Untersuchungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. F{\"u}r die Auswertung der EXAFS-Messungen wurde ein neu eingef{\"u}hrter Histogramm-Fit verwendet, der auch nicht-symmetrische bzw. nichtgaußf{\"o}rmige Paarverteilungsfunktionen beschreiben kann, wie sie bei einem hohen Grad der Polymerisierung bzw. bei hohen Temperaturen auftreten k{\"o}nnen. Die Y-EXAFS-Spektren f{\"u}r die Prowatke und Klemme (2005) Zusammensetzungen zeigen mit Zunahme des ASI, eine Zunahme der Asymmetrie und Breite der Y-O Paarverteilungsfunktion, welche sich in sich in der {\"A}nderung der Koordinationszahl von 6 nach 8 und einer Zunahme des Y-O Abstand um 0.13{\AA} manifestiert. Ein {\"a}hnlicher Trend l{\"a}sst sich auch f{\"u}r die Gd- und Yb-EXAFS-Spektren beobachten. Die hoch aufgel{\"o}sten XANESSpektren f{\"u}r La, Gd und Yb zeigen, dass sich die strukturellen Unterschiede zumindest halb-quantitativ bestimmen lassen. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r {\"A}nderungen im mittleren Abstand zu den Sauerstoffatomen. Im Vergleich zur EXAFS-Spektroskopie liefert XANES jedoch keine Informationen {\"u}ber die Form und Breite von Paarverteilungsfunktionen. Die Hochtemperatur EXAFS-Untersuchungen von Y zeigen {\"A}nderungen der lokalen Struktur oberhalb der Glas{\"u}bergangstemperatur an, welche sich vordergr{\"u}ndig auf eine thermisch induzierte Erh{\"o}hung des mittleren Y-O Abstandes zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren lassen. Allerdings zeigt ein Vergleich der Y-O Abst{\"a}nde f{\"u}r Zusammensetzungen mit einem ASI von 0.115 bzw. 0.755, ermittelt bei Raumtemperatur und TG, dass der im Glas beobachtete strukturelle Unterschied entlang der Zusammensetzungsserie in der Schmelze noch st{\"a}rker ausfallen kann, als bisher f{\"u}r die Gl{\"a}ser angenommen wurde. Die direkte Korrelation der Verteilungsdaten von Prowatke und Klemme (2005) mit den strukturellen {\"A}nderungen der Schmelzen offenbart f{\"u}r Y eine lineare Korrelation, wohingegen Yb und Gd eine nicht lineare Beziehung zeigen. Aufgrund seines Ionenradius und seiner Ladung wird das 6-fach koordinierte SEE in den niedriger polymerisierten Schmelzen bevorzugt durch nicht-br{\"u}ckenbildende Sauerstoffatome koordiniert, um stabile Konfigurationen zu bilden. In den h{\"o}her polymerisierten Schmelzen mit ASI-Werten in der N{\"a}he von 1 ist 6-fache Koordination nicht m{\"o}glich, da fast nur noch br{\"u}ckenbildende Sauerstoffatome zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Die {\"U}berbindung von br{\"u}ckenbildenden Sauerstoffatomen um das SEE wird durch Erh{\"o}hung der Koordinationszahl und des mittleren SEE-O Abstandes ausgeglichen. Dies bedeutet eine energetisch g{\"u}nstigere Konfiguration in den st{\"a}rker depolymerisierten Zusammensetzungen, aus welcher die beobachtete Variation des Verteilungskoeffizienten resultiert, welcher sich jedoch f{\"u}r jedes Element stark unterscheidet. F{\"u}r die haplogranitischen und haplobasaltischen Zusammensetzungen wurde mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung auch eine Zunahme der Koordinationszahl und des durchschnittlichen Bindungsabstands, einhergehend mit der Zunahme der Schiefe und der Asymmetrie der Paarverteilungsfunktion, beobachtet. Dies impliziert, dass das jeweilige SEE mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung auch inkompatibler in diesen Zusammensetzungen wird. Weiterhin zeigt die Zugabe von Wasser, dass die Schmelzen depolymerisieren, was in einer symmetrischeren Paarverteilungsfunktion resultiert, wodurch die Kompatibilit{\"a}t wieder zunimmt. Zusammenfassend zeigt sich, dass die Ver{\"a}nderungen der Schmelzzusammensetzungen in einer {\"A}nderung der Polymerisierung der Schmelzen resultieren, die dann einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die lokale Umgebung der SEE hat. Die strukturellen {\"A}nderungen lassen sich direkt mit Verteilungsdaten korrelieren, die Trends unterscheiden sich aber stark zwischen leichten, mittleren und schweren SEE. Allerdings konnte diese Studie zeigen, in welcher Gr{\"o}ßenordnung die {\"A}nderungen liegen m{\"u}ssen, um einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Verteilungskoeffizenten zu haben. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass der Einfluss der Schmelzzusammensetzung auf die Verteilung der Spurenelemente mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung steigt und daher nicht vernachl{\"a}ssigt werden darf.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Shikangalah2016, author = {Shikangalah, Rosemary Ndawapeka}, title = {An ecohydrological impact assessment in urban areas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 105}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Over the last decades, the world's population has been growing at a faster rate, resulting in increased urbanisation, especially in developing countries. More than half of the global population currently lives in urbanised areas with an increasing tendency. The growth of cities results in a significant loss of vegetation cover, soil compaction and sealing of the soil surface which in turn results in high surface runoff during high-intensity storms and causes the problem of accelerated soil water erosion on streets and building grounds. Accelerated soil water erosion is a serious environmental problem in cities as it gives rise to the contamination of aquatic bodies, reduction of ground water recharge and increase in land degradation, and also results in damages to urban infrastructures, including drainage systems, houses and roads. Understanding the problem of water erosion in urban settings is essential for the sustainable planning and management of cities prone to water erosion. However, in spite of the vast existence of scientific literature on water erosion in rural regions, a concrete understanding of the underlying dynamics of urban erosion still remains inadequate for the urban dryland environments. This study aimed at assessing water erosion and the associated socio-environmental determinants in a typical dryland urban area and used the city of Windhoek, Namibia, as a case study. The study used a multidisciplinary approach to assess the problem of water erosion. This included an in depth literature review on current research approaches and challenges of urban erosion, a field survey method for the quantification of the spatial extent of urban erosion in the dryland city of Windhoek, and face to face interviews by using semi-structured questionnaires to analyse the perceptions of stakeholders on urban erosion. The review revealed that around 64\% of the literatures reviewed were conducted in the developed world, and very few researches were carried out in regions with extreme climate, including dryland regions. Furthermore, the applied methods for erosion quantification and monitoring are not inclusive of urban typical features and they are not specific for urban areas. The reviewed literature also lacked aspects aimed at addressing the issues of climate change and policies regarding erosion in cities. In a field study, the spatial extent and severity of an urban dryland city, Windhoek, was quantified and the results show that nearly 56\% of the city is affected by water erosion showing signs of accelerated erosion in the form of rills and gullies, which occurred mainly in the underdeveloped, informal and semi-formal areas of the city. Factors influencing the extent of erosion in Windhoek included vegetation cover and type, socio-urban factors and to a lesser extent slope estimates. A comparison of an interpolated field survey erosion map with a conventional erosion assessment tool (the Universal Soil Loss Equation) depicted a large deviation in spatial patterns, which underlines the inappropriateness of traditional non-urban erosion tools to urban settings and emphasises the need to develop new erosion assessment and management methods for urban environments. It was concluded that measures for controlling water erosion in the city need to be site-specific as the extent of erosion varied largely across the city. The study also analysed the perceptions and understanding of stakeholders of urban water erosion in Windhoek, by interviewing 41 stakeholders using semi-structured questionnaires. The analysis addressed their understanding of water erosion dynamics, their perceptions with regards to the causes and the seriousness of erosion damages, and their attitudes towards the responsibilities for urban erosion. The results indicated that there is less awareness of the process as a phenomenon, instead there is more awareness of erosion damages and the factors contributing to the damages. About 69\% of the stakeholders considered erosion damages to be ranging from moderate to very serious. However, there were notable disparities between the private householders and public authority groups. The study further found that the stakeholders have no clear understanding of their responsibilities towards the management of the control measures and payment for the damages. The private householders and local authority sectors pointed fingers at each other for the responsibilities for erosion damage payments and for putting up prevention measures. The reluctance to take responsibility could create a predicament for areas affected, specifically in the informal settlements where land management is not carried out by the local authority and land is not owned by the occupants. The study concluded that in order to combat urban erosion, it is crucial to understand diverse dynamics aggravating the process of urbanisation from different scales. Accordingly, the study suggests that there is an urgent need for the development of urban-specific approaches that aim at: (a) incorporating the diverse socio-economic-environmental aspects influencing erosion, (b) scientifically improving natural cycles that influence water storages and nutrients for plants in urbanised dryland areas in order to increase the amount of vegetation cover, (c) making use of high resolution satellite images to improve the adopted methods for assessing urban erosion, (d) developing water erosion policies, and (e) continuously monitoring the impact of erosion and the influencing processes from local, national and international levels.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Semmo2016, author = {Semmo, Amir}, title = {Design and implementation of non-photorealistic rendering techniques for 3D geospatial data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99525}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Geospatial data has become a natural part of a growing number of information systems and services in the economy, society, and people's personal lives. In particular, virtual 3D city and landscape models constitute valuable information sources within a wide variety of applications such as urban planning, navigation, tourist information, and disaster management. Today, these models are often visualized in detail to provide realistic imagery. However, a photorealistic rendering does not automatically lead to high image quality, with respect to an effective information transfer, which requires important or prioritized information to be interactively highlighted in a context-dependent manner. Approaches in non-photorealistic renderings particularly consider a user's task and camera perspective when attempting optimal expression, recognition, and communication of important or prioritized information. However, the design and implementation of non-photorealistic rendering techniques for 3D geospatial data pose a number of challenges, especially when inherently complex geometry, appearance, and thematic data must be processed interactively. Hence, a promising technical foundation is established by the programmable and parallel computing architecture of graphics processing units. This thesis proposes non-photorealistic rendering techniques that enable both the computation and selection of the abstraction level of 3D geospatial model contents according to user interaction and dynamically changing thematic information. To achieve this goal, the techniques integrate with hardware-accelerated rendering pipelines using shader technologies of graphics processing units for real-time image synthesis. The techniques employ principles of artistic rendering, cartographic generalization, and 3D semiotics—unlike photorealistic rendering—to synthesize illustrative renditions of geospatial feature type entities such as water surfaces, buildings, and infrastructure networks. In addition, this thesis contributes a generic system that enables to integrate different graphic styles—photorealistic and non-photorealistic—and provide their seamless transition according to user tasks, camera view, and image resolution. Evaluations of the proposed techniques have demonstrated their significance to the field of geospatial information visualization including topics such as spatial perception, cognition, and mapping. In addition, the applications in illustrative and focus+context visualization have reflected their potential impact on optimizing the information transfer regarding factors such as cognitive load, integration of non-realistic information, visualization of uncertainty, and visualization on small displays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulz2016, author = {Schulz, Alexander}, title = {Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung synoptisch-skaliger mit orographisch bedingten Prozessen in der arktischen Grenzschicht {\"u}ber Spitzbergen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-400058}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 194}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die planetare Grenzschicht in Ny-{\AA}lesund, Spitzbergen, sowohl bez{\"u}glich kleinskaliger („mikrometeorologischer") Effekte als auch in ihrer Kopplung mit der Synoptik untersucht. Dazu werden verschiedene Beobachtungsdaten aus der S{\"a}ule und in Bodenn{\"a}he zusammengezogen und bewertet. Die so gewonnenen Datens{\"a}tze werden dann zur Validierung eines nicht-hydrostatischen, regionalen Klimamodells genutzt. Weiterhin werden orographisch bedingte Einfl{\"u}sse, die Untergrundbeschaffenheit und die lokale Heterogenit{\"a}t der Unterlage untersucht. Hierzu werden meteorologische Gr{\"o}ßen, wie die Variabilit{\"a}t der Temperatur und insbesondere die j{\"a}hrliche Windverteilung in Bodenn{\"a}he untersucht und es erfolgt ein Vergleich von in-situ gemessenen turbulenten Fl{\"u}ssen von den Eddy-Kovarianz-Messkomplexen bei Ny-{\AA}lesund und im Bayelva-Tal unter demselben Aspekt. Es zeigt sich, dass der Eddy-Kovarianz-Messkomplex im Bayelva-Tal sehr stark durch eine orographisch bedingte Kanalisierung der Str{\"o}mung beeinflusst ist und sich nicht f{\"u}r Vergleiche mit regionalen Klimamodellen mit horizontalen Aufl{\"o}sungen von <1km eignet. Die hohe Bodenfeuchte im Bayelva-Tal f{\"u}hrt zudem zu einem deutlich kleineren Bowen-Verh{\"a}ltnis, als es f{\"u}r diese Region zu erwarten ist. Der Eddy-Kovarianz-Messkomplex bei Ny-{\AA}lesund erweist sich hingegen als geeigneter f{\"u}r solche Modellvergleiche, aufgrund der typischen, k{\"u}stennahen Windverteilung und des repr{\"a}sentativen Footprints. Letzteres wird durch die Bestimmung der Footprint-Klimatologie des Jahres 2013 mit einem aktuellen Footprint-Modell erarbeitet. Weiterhin wird die Auswirkung von (Anti-) Zyklonen {\"u}ber den Archipel auf die zeitliche Variabilit{\"a}t der lokalen Grenzschichteigenschaften untersucht und bewertet. Dazu wird ein Zyklonen-Detektions-Algorithmus auf ERA-Interim-Reanalysedatens{\"a}tze angewendet, wodurch die H{\"a}ufigkeit von nahezu ideal konzentrischen Hoch- und die Tiefdruckgebieten f{\"u}r drei Jahre bestimmt wird. Aus dieser Verteilung werden insgesamt drei interessante Zeitr{\"a}ume zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten ausgew{\"a}hlt und im Rahmen von Prozessstudien die lokalen bodennahen meteorologischen Messungen, der turbulente Austausch an der Oberfl{\"a}che und die Grenzschichtdynamik in der S{\"a}ule untersucht. Die zeitliche Variabilit{\"a}t der dynamischen Grenzschichtstabilit{\"a}t in der S{\"a}ule wird anhand von zeitlich hoch aufgel{\"o}sten vertikalen Profilen der Bulk-Richardson-Zahl aus Kompositprofilen aus Fernerkundungsinstrumenten (Radiometer, Wind-LIDAR) sowie Mastdaten (BSRN-Mast) untersucht und die Grenzschichth{\"o}he ermittelt. Aus diesen Analysen ergibt sich eine deutliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der thermischen Stabilit{\"a}t beim Durchzug von Fronten, eine damit einhergehende erhebliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Grenzschichtdynamik und der Grenzschichth{\"o}he sowie des turbulenten Austauschs von der zeitlichen Variabilit{\"a}t der Windgeschwindigkeit in der S{\"a}ule. Auf Grundlage der Standortanalysen und Prozessstudien erfolgt ein Vergleich der bodennahen Messungen und den Beobachtungen aus der S{\"a}ule, sowohl von den genannten Fernerkundungsinstrumenten als auch von In-situ-Messungen (Radiosonden) f{\"u}r den Zeitraum einer Radiosondierungskampagne mit dem nicht-hydrostatischen, regionalen Klimamodel WRF (ARW). Auf Grundlage der Fragestellung, inwieweit aktuelle Schemata die Grenzschichtcharakteristika in orographisch stark gegliedertem Gel{\"a}nde in der Arktis reproduzieren k{\"o}nnen, werden zwei Grenzschichtparametrisierungsschemata mit verschiedenen Ordnungen der Schließung validiert. Hierzu wird die zeitliche Variabilit{\"a}t der Temperatur, der Feuchte und des Windfeldes in der S{\"a}ule bis 2000m in den Simulationen mit den Beobachtungsdaten vergleichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch Modifikation der Initialwertfelder eine sehr gute {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen den Simulationen und den Beobachtungen bereits bei einer horizontalen Aufl{\"o}sung von 1km erreicht werden kann und die Wahl des Grenzschichtschemas nur untergeordneten Einfluss hat. Hieraus werden Ans{\"a}tze der Weiterentwicklung der Parametrisierungen, aber auch Empfehlungen bez{\"u}glich der Initialwertfelder, wie der Landmaske und der Orographie, vorgeschlagen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schroen2016, author = {Schr{\"o}n, Martin}, title = {Cosmic-ray neutron sensing and its applications to soil and land surface hydrology}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-8439-3139-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395433}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {223}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Water scarcity, adaption on climate change, and risk assessment of droughts and floods are critical topics for science and society these days. Monitoring and modeling of the hydrological cycle are a prerequisite to understand and predict the consequences for weather and agriculture. As soil water storage plays a key role for partitioning of water fluxes between the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere, measurement techniques are required to estimate soil moisture states from small to large scales. The method of cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) promises to close the gap between point-scale and remote-sensing observations, as its footprint was reported to be 30 ha. However, the methodology is rather young and requires highly interdisciplinary research to understand and interpret the response of neutrons to soil moisture. In this work, the signal of nine detectors has been systematically compared, and correction approaches have been revised to account for meteorological and geomagnetic variations. Neutron transport simulations have been consulted to precisely characterize the sensitive footprint area, which turned out to be 6--18 ha, highly local, and temporally dynamic. These results have been experimentally confirmed by the significant influence of water bodies and dry roads. Furthermore, mobile measurements on agricultural fields and across different land use types were able to accurately capture the various soil moisture states. It has been further demonstrated that the corresponding spatial and temporal neutron data can be beneficial for mesoscale hydrological modeling. Finally, first tests with a gyrocopter have proven the concept of airborne neutron sensing, where increased footprints are able to overcome local effects. This dissertation not only bridges the gap between scales of soil moisture measurements. It also establishes a close connection between the two worlds of observers and modelers, and further aims to combine the disciplines of particle physics, geophysics, and soil hydrology to thoroughly explore the potential and limits of the CRNS method.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schroeder2016, author = {Schr{\"o}der, Henning}, title = {Ultrafast electron dynamics in Fe(CO)5 and Cr(CO)6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94589}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 87}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this thesis, the two prototype catalysts Fe(CO)₅ and Cr(CO)₆ are investigated with time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at a high harmonic setup. In both of these metal carbonyls, a UV photon can induce the dissociation of one or more ligands of the complex. The mechanism of the dissociation has been debated over the last decades. The electronic dynamics of the first dissociation occur on the femtosecond timescale. For the experiment, an existing high harmonic setup was moved to a new location, was extended, and characterized. The modified setup can induce dynamics in gas phase samples with photon energies of 1.55eV, 3.10eV, and 4.65eV. The valence electronic structure of the samples can be probed with photon energies between 20eV and 40eV. The temporal resolution is 111fs to 262fs, depending on the combination of the two photon energies. The electronically excited intermediates of the two complexes, as well as of the reaction product Fe(CO)₄, could be observed with photoelectron spectroscopy in the gas phase for the first time. However, photoelectron spectroscopy gives access only to the final ionic states. Corresponding calculations to simulate these spectra are still in development. The peak energies and their evolution in time with respect to the initiation pump pulse have been determined, these peaks have been assigned based on literature data. The spectra of the two complexes show clear differences. The dynamics have been interpreted with the assumption that the motion of peaks in the spectra relates to the movement of the wave packet in the multidimensional energy landscape. The results largely confirm existing models for the reaction pathways. In both metal carbonyls, this pathway involves a direct excitation of the wave packet to a metal-to-ligand charge transfer state and the subsequent crossing to a dissociative ligand field state. The coupling of the electronic dynamics to the nuclear dynamics could explain the slower dissociation in Fe(CO)₅ as compared to Cr(CO)₆.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schroth2016, author = {Schroth, Maximilian}, title = {Microfinance and the enhancement of economic development in less developed countries}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94735}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 287}, year = {2016}, abstract = {It is the intention of this study to contribute to further rethinking and innovating in the Microcredit business which stands at a turning point - after around 40 years of practice it is endangered to fail as a tool for economic development and to become a doubtful finance product with a random scope instead. So far, a positive impact of Microfinance on the improvement of the lives of the poor could not be confirmed. Over-indebtment of borrowers due to the pre-dominance of consumption Microcredits has become a widespread problem. Furthermore, a rising number of abusive and commercially excessive practices have been reported. In fact, the Microfinance sector appears to suffer from a major underlying deficit: there does not exist a coherent and transparent understanding of its meaning and objectives so that Microfinance providers worldwide follow their own approaches of Microfinance which tend to differ considerably from each other. In this sense the study aims at consolidating the multi-faced and very often confusingly different Microcredit profiles that exist nowadays. Subsequently, in this study, the Microfinance spectrum will be narrowed to one clear-cut objective, in fact away from the mere monetary business transactions to poor people it has gradually been reduced to back towards a tool for economic development as originally envisaged by its pioneers. Hence, the fundamental research question of this study is whether, and under which conditions, Microfinance may attain a positive economic impact leading to an improvement of the living of the poor. The study is structured in five parts: the three main parts (II.-IV.) are surrounded by an introduction (I.) and conclusion (V.). In part II., the Microfinance sector is analysed critically aiming to identify the challenges persisting as well as their root causes. In the third part, a change to the macroeconomic perspective is undertaken in oder to learn about the potential and requirements of small-scale finance to enhance economic development, particularly within the economic context of less developed countries. By consolidating the insights gained in part IV., the elements of a new concept of Microfinance with the objecitve to achieve economic development of its borrowers are elaborated. Microfinance is a rather sensitive business the great fundamental idea of which is easily corruptible and, additionally, the recipients of which are predestined victims of abuse due to their limited knowledge in finance. It therefore needs to be practiced responsibly, but also according to clear cut definitions of its meaning and objectives all institutions active in the sector should be devoted to comply with. This is especially relevant as the demand for Microfinance services is expected to rise further within the years coming. For example, the recent refugee migration movement towards Europe entails a vast potential for Microfinance to enable these people to make a new start into economic life. This goes to show that Microfinance may no longer mainly be associated with a less developed economic context, but that it will gain importance as a financial instrument in the developed economies, too.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schoellner2016, author = {Schoellner, Karsten}, title = {Towards a Wittgensteinian metaethics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409288}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {309}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This doctoral thesis seeks to elaborate how Wittgenstein's very sparse writings on ethics and ethical thought, together with his later work on the more general problem of normativity and his approach to philosophical problems as a whole, can be applied to contemporary meta-ethical debates about the nature of moral thought and language and the sources of moral obligation. I begin with a discussion of Wittgenstein's early "Lecture on Ethics", distinguishing the thesis of a strict fact/value dichotomy that Wittgenstein defends there from the related thesis that all ethical discourse is essentially and intentionally nonsensical, an attempt to go beyond the limits of sense. The first chapter discusses and defends Wittgenstein's argument that moral valuation always goes beyond any ascertaining of fact; the second chapter seeks to draw out the valuable insights from Wittgenstein's (early) insistence that value discourse is nonsensical while also arguing that this thesis is ultimately untenable and also incompatible with later Wittgensteinian understanding of language. On the basis of this discussion I then take up the writings of the American philosopher Cora Diamond, who has worked out an ethical approach in a very closely Wittgensteinian spirit, and show how this approach shares many of the valuable insights of the moral expressivism and constructivism of contemporary authors such as Blackburn and Korsgaard while suggesting a way to avoid some of the problems and limitations of their approaches. Subsequently I turn to a criticism of the attempts by Lovibond and McDowell to enlist Wittgenstein in the support for a non-naturalist moral realism. A concluding chapter treats the ways that a broadly Wittgensteinian conception expands the subject of metaethics itself by questioning the primacy of discursive argument in moral thought and of moral propositions as the basic units of moral belief.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2016, author = {Schmidt, Peter}, title = {Contributions to EU regional policy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90837}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 137}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This cumulative dissertation contains four self-contained articles which are related to EU regional policy and its structural funds as the overall research topic. In particular, the thesis addresses the question if EU regional policy interventions can at all be scientifically justified and legitimated on theoretical and empirical grounds from an economics point of view. The first two articles of the thesis ("The EU structural funds as a means to hamper migration" and "Internal migration and EU regional policy transfer payments: a panel data analysis for 28 EU member countries") enter into one particular aspect of the debate regarding the justification and legitimisation of EU regional policy. They theoretically and empirically analyse as to whether regional policy or the market force of the free flow of labour (migration) in the internal European market is the better instrument to improve and harmonise the living and working conditions of EU citizens. Based on neoclassical market failure theory, the first paper argues that the structural funds of the EU are inhibiting internal migration, which is one of the key measures in achieving convergence among the nations in the single European market. It becomes clear that European regional policy aiming at economic growth and cohesion among the member states cannot be justified and legitimated if the structural funds hamper instead of promote migration. The second paper, however, shows that the empirical evidence on the migration and regional policy nexus is not unambiguous, i.e. different empirical investigations show that EU structural funds hamper and promote EU internal migration. Hence, the question of the scientific justification and legitimisation of EU regional policy cannot be readily and unambiguously answered on empirical grounds. This finding is unsatisfying but is in line with previous theoretical and empirical literature. That is why, I take a step back and reconsider the theoretical beginnings of the thesis, which took for granted neoclassical market failure theory as the starting point for the positive explanation as well as the normative justification and legitimisation of EU regional policy. The third article of the thesis ("EU regional policy: theoretical foundations and policy conclusions revisited") deals with the theoretical explanation and legitimisation of EU regional policy as well as the policy recommendations given to EU regional policymakers deduced from neoclassical market failure theory. The article elucidates that neoclassical market failure is a normative concept, which justifies and legitimates EU regional policy based on a political and thus subjective goal or value-judgement. It can neither be used, therefore, to give a scientifically positive explanation of the structural funds nor to obtain objective and practically applicable policy instruments. Given this critique of neoclassical market failure theory, the third paper consequently calls into question the widely prevalent explanation and justification of EU regional policy given in static neoclassical equilibrium economics. It argues that an evolutionary non-equilibrium economics perspective on EU regional policy is much more appropriate to provide a realistic understanding of one of the largest policies conducted by the EU. However, this does neither mean that evolutionary economic theory can be unreservedly seen as the panacea to positively explain EU regional policy nor to derive objective policy instruments for EU regional policymakers. This issue is discussed in the fourth article of the thesis ("Market failure vs. system failure as a rationale for economic policy? A critique from an evolutionary perspective"). This article reconsiders the explanation of economic policy from an evolutionary economics perspective. It contrasts the neoclassical equilibrium notions of market and government failure with the dominant evolutionary neo-Schumpeterian and Austrian-Hayekian perceptions. Based on this comparison, the paper criticises the fact that neoclassical failure reasoning still prevails in non-equilibrium evolutionary economics when economic policy issues are examined. This is surprising, since proponents of evolutionary economics usually view their approach as incompatible with its neoclassical counterpart. The paper therefore argues that in order to prevent the otherwise fruitful and more realistic evolutionary approach from undermining its own criticism of neoclassical economics and to create a consistent as well as objective evolutionary policy framework, it is necessary to eliminate the equilibrium spirit. Taken together, the main finding of this thesis is that European regional policy and its structural funds can neither theoretically nor empirically be justified and legitimated from an economics point of view. Moreover, the thesis finds that the prevalent positive and instrumental explanation of EU regional policy given in the literature needs to be reconsidered, because these theories can neither scientifically explain the emergence and development of this policy nor are they appropriate to derive objective and scientific policy instruments for EU regional policymakers.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schintgen2016, author = {Schintgen, Tom Vincent}, title = {The geothermal potential of Luxembourg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXII, 313}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The aim of this work is the evaluation of the geothermal potential of Luxembourg. The approach consists in a joint interpretation of different types of information necessary for a first rather qualitative assessment of deep geothermal reservoirs in Luxembourg and the adjoining regions in the surrounding countries of Belgium, France and Germany. For the identification of geothermal reservoirs by exploration, geological, thermal, hydrogeological and structural data are necessary. Until recently, however, reliable information about the thermal field and the regional geology, and thus about potential geothermal reservoirs, was lacking. Before a proper evaluation of the geothermal potential can be performed, a comprehensive survey of the geology and an assessment of the thermal field are required. As a first step, the geology and basin structure of the Mesozoic Trier-Luxembourg Basin (TLB) is reviewed and updated using recently published information on the geology and structures as well as borehole data available in Luxembourg and the adjoining regions. A Bouguer map is used to get insight in the depth, morphology and structures in the Variscan basement buried beneath the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. The geological section of the old Cessange borehole is reinterpreted and provides, in combination with the available borehole data, consistent information for the production of isopach maps. The latter visualize the synsedimentary evolution of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. Complementary, basin-wide cross sections illustrate the evolution and structure of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. The knowledge gained does not support the old concept of the Weilerbach Mulde. The basin-wide cross sections, as well as the structural and sedimentological observations in the Trier-Luxembourg Basin suggest that the latter probably formed above a zone of weakness related to a buried Rotliegend graben. The inferred graben structure designated by SE-Luxembourg Graben (SELG) is located in direct southwestern continuation of the Wittlicher Rotliegend-Senke. The lack of deep boreholes and subsurface temperature prognosis at depth is circumnavigated by using thermal modelling for inferring the geothermal resource at depth. For this approach, profound structural, geological and petrophysical input data are required. Conceptual geological cross sections encompassing the entire crust are constructed and further simplified and extended to lithospheric scale for their utilization as thermal models. The 2-D steady state and conductive models are parameterized by means of measured petrophysical properties including thermal conductivity, radiogenic heat production and density. A surface heat flow of 75 ∓ 7 (2δ) mW m-2 for verification of the thermal models could be determined in the area. The models are further constrained by the geophysically-estimated depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) defined by the 1300 °C isotherm. A LAB depth of 100 km, as seismically derived for the Ardennes, provides the best fit with the measured surface heat flow. The resulting mantle heat flow amounts to ∼40 mW m-2. Modelled temperatures are in the range of 120-125 °C at 5 km depth and of 600-650 °C at the crust/mantle discontinuity (Moho). Possible thermal consequences of the 10-20 Ma old Eifel plume, which apparently caused upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle to 50-60 km depth, were modelled in a steady-state thermal scenario resulting in a surface heat flow of at least 91 mW m-2 (for the plume top at 60 km) in the Eifel region. Available surface heat-flow values are significantly lower (65-80 mW m-2) and indicate that the plume-related heating has not yet entirely reached the surface. Once conceptual geological models are established and the thermal regime is assessed, the geothermal potential of Luxembourg and the surrounding areas is evaluated by additional consideration of the hydrogeology, the stress field and tectonically active regions. On the one hand, low-enthalpy hydrothermal reservoirs in Mesozoic reservoirs in the Trier-Luxembourg Embayment (TLE) are considered. On the other hand, petrothermal reservoirs in the Lower Devonian basement of the Ardennes and Eifel regions are considered for exploitation by Enhanced/Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS). Among the Mesozoic aquifers, the Buntsandstein aquifer characterized by temperatures of up to 50 °C is a suitable hydrothermal reservoir that may be exploited by means of heat pumps or provide direct heat for various applications. The most promising area is the zone of the SE-Luxembourg Graben. The aquifer is warmest underneath the upper Alzette River valley and the limestone plateau in Lorraine, where the Buntsandstein aquifer lies below a thick Mesozoic cover. At the base of an inferred Rotliegend graben in the same area, temperatures of up to 75 °C are expected. However, geological and hydraulic conditions are uncertain. In the Lower Devonian basement, thick sandstone-/quartzite-rich formations with temperatures >90 °C are expected at depths >3.5 km and likely offer the possibility of direct heat use. The setting of the S{\"u}deifel (South Eifel) region, including the M{\"u}llerthal region near Echternach, as a tectonically active zone may offer the possibility of deep hydrothermal reservoirs in the fractured Lower Devonian basement. Based on the recent findings about the structure of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin, the new concept presents the M{\"u}llerthal-S{\"u}deifel Depression (MSD) as a Cenozoic structure that remains tectonically active and subsiding, and therefore is relevant for geothermal exploration. Beyond direct use of geothermal heat, the expected modest temperatures at 5 km depth (about 120 °C) and increased permeability by EGS in the quartzite-rich Lochkovian could prospectively enable combined geothermal heat production and power generation in Luxembourg and the western realm of the Eifel region.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sauermann2016, author = {Sauermann, Antje}, title = {Impact of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-330-5}, issn = {1869-3822}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89409}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the impact of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation in German-speaking preschoolers. A puzzle in the area of language acquisition concerns the production-comprehension asymmetry for non-canonical sentences like "Den Affen f{\"a}ngt die Kuh." ("The monkey, the cow chases."), that is, preschoolers usually have difficulties in accurately understanding non-canonical sentences approximately until age six (e.g., Dittmar et al., 2008) although they produce non-canonical sentences already around age three (e.g., Poeppel \& Wexler, 1993; Weissenborn, 1990). This dissertation investigated the production and comprehension of non-canonical sentences to address this issue. Three corpus analyses were conducted to investigate the impact of givenness, topic status and the type of referring expression on word order in the spontaneous speech of two- to four-year-olds and the child-directed speech produced by their mothers. The positioning of the direct object in ditransitive sentences was examined; in particular, sentences in which the direct object occurred before or after the indirect object in the sentence-medial positions and sentences in which it occurred in the sentence-initial position. The results reveal similar ordering patterns for children and adults. Word order variation was to a large extent predictable from the type of referring expression, especially with respect to the word order involving the sentence-medial positions. Information structure (e.g., topic status) had an additional impact only on word order variation that involved the sentence-initial position. Two comprehension experiments were conducted to investigate whether the type of referring expression and topic status influences the comprehension of non-canonical transitive sentences in four- and five-year-olds. In the first experiment, the topic status of the one of the sentential arguments was established via a preceding context sentence, and in the second experiment, the type of referring expression for the sentential arguments was additionally manipulated by using either a full lexical noun phrase (NP) or a personal pronoun. The results demonstrate that children's comprehension of non-canonical sentences improved when the topic argument was realized as a personal pronoun and this improvement was independent of the grammatical role of the arguments. However, children's comprehension was not improved when the topic argument was realized as a lexical NP. In sum, the results of both production and comprehension studies support the view that referring expressions may be seen as a sentence-level cue to word order and to the information status of the sentential arguments. The results highlight the important role of the type of referring expression on the acquisition of word order variation and indicate that the production-comprehension asymmetry is reduced when the type of referring expression is considered.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Samaras2016, author = {Samaras, Stefanos}, title = {Microphysical retrieval of non-spherical aerosol particles using regularized inversion of multi-wavelength lidar data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 190}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Numerous reports of relatively rapid climate changes over the past century make a clear case of the impact of aerosols and clouds, identified as sources of largest uncertainty in climate projections. Earth's radiation balance is altered by aerosols depending on their size, morphology and chemical composition. Competing effects in the atmosphere can be further studied by investigating the evolution of aerosol microphysical properties, which are the focus of the present work. The aerosol size distribution, the refractive index, and the single scattering albedo are commonly used such properties linked to aerosol type, and radiative forcing. Highly advanced lidars (light detection and ranging) have reduced aerosol monitoring and optical profiling into a routine process. Lidar data have been widely used to retrieve the size distribution through the inversion of the so-called Lorenz-Mie model (LMM). This model offers a reasonable treatment for spherically approximated particles, it no longer provides, though, a viable description for other naturally occurring arbitrarily shaped particles, such as dust particles. On the other hand, non-spherical geometries as simple as spheroids reproduce certain optical properties with enhanced accuracy. Motivated by this, we adapt the LMM to accommodate the spheroid-particle approximation introducing the notion of a two-dimensional (2D) shape-size distribution. Inverting only a few optical data points to retrieve the shape-size distribution is classified as a non-linear ill-posed problem. A brief mathematical analysis is presented which reveals the inherent tendency towards highly oscillatory solutions, explores the available options for a generalized solution through regularization methods and quantifies the ill-posedness. The latter will improve our understanding on the main cause fomenting instability in the produced solution spaces. The new approach facilitates the exploitation of additional lidar data points from depolarization measurements, associated with particle non-sphericity. However, the generalization of LMM vastly increases the complexity of the problem. The underlying theory for the calculation of the involved optical cross sections (T-matrix theory) is computationally so costly, that would limit a retrieval analysis to an unpractical point. Moreover the discretization of the model equation by a 2D collocation method, proposed in this work, involves double integrations which are further time consuming. We overcome these difficulties by using precalculated databases and a sophisticated retrieval software (SphInX: Spheroidal Inversion eXperiments) especially developed for our purposes, capable of performing multiple-dataset inversions and producing a wide range of microphysical retrieval outputs. Hybrid regularization in conjunction with minimization processes is used as a basis for our algorithms. Synthetic data retrievals are performed simulating various atmospheric scenarios in order to test the efficiency of different regularization methods. The gap in contemporary literature in providing full sets of uncertainties in a wide variety of numerical instances is of major concern here. For this, the most appropriate methods are identified through a thorough analysis on an overall-behavior basis regarding accuracy and stability. The general trend of the initial size distributions is captured in our numerical experiments and the reconstruction quality depends on data error level. Moreover, the need for more or less depolarization points is explored for the first time from the point of view of the microphysical retrieval. Finally, our approach is tested in various measurement cases giving further insight for future algorithm improvements.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Raeling2016, author = {R{\"a}ling, Romy}, title = {Age of acquisition and semantic typicality effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 133}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Age of acquisition (AOA) is a psycholinguistic variable that significantly influences behavioural measures (response times and accuracy rates) in tasks that require lexical and semantic processing. Its origin is - unlike the origin of semantic typicality (TYP), which is assumed at the semantic level - controversially discussed. Different theories propose AOA effects to originate either at the semantic level or at the link between semantics and phonology (lemma-level). The dissertation aims at investigating the influence of AOA and its interdependence with the semantic variable TYP on particularly semantic processing in order to pinpoint the origin of AOA effects. Therefore, three studies have been conducted that considered the variables AOA and TYP in semantic processing tasks (category verifications and animacy decisions) by means of behavioural and partly electrophysiological (ERP) data and in different populations (healthy young and elderly participants and in semantically impaired individuals with aphasia (IWA)). The behavioural and electrophysiological data of the three studies provide evidence for distinct processing levels of the variables AOA and TYP. The data further support previous assumptions on a semantic origin for TYP but question the same for AOA. The findings, however, support an origin of AOA effects at the transition between the word form (phonology) and the semantic level that can be captured at the behavioural but not at the electrophysiological level.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rolke2016, author = {Rolke, Daniel}, title = {R{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Expressionsmuster sowie Funktionen der Serotonin-Rezeptor-Subtypen der Honigbiene, Apis mellifera L., 1758}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96667}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 125}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das biogene Amin Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamin, 5-HT) agiert als wichtiger chemischer Botenstoff bei einer Vielzahl von Organismen. Das durch 5 HT vermittelte Signal wird dabei durch spezifische Rezeptoren wahrgenommen und in eine zellul{\"a}re Reaktion umgesetzt. Diese 5 HT Rezeptoren geh{\"o}ren {\"u}berwiegend zur Familie der G Protein gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCRs). Die Honigbiene Apis mellifera bietet unter anderem aufgrund ihrer eusozialen Lebensweise vielf{\"a}ltige Ansatzpunkte zur Erforschung der Funktionen des serotonergen Systems in Insekten. Bei A. mellifera wurden bereits vier 5-HT-Rezeptor-Subtypen beschrieben und molekular sowie pharmakologisch charakterisiert: Am5 HT1A, Am5 HT2α, Am5 HT2β und Am5 HT7. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, gewebespezifische sowie alters- und tageszeitabh{\"a}ngige Expressionsmuster der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen zu untersuchen, um zu einem umfassenden Verst{\"a}ndnis des serotonergen Systems der Honigbiene beizutragen und eine Basis zur Hypothesenentwicklung f{\"u}r m{\"o}gliche physiologische Funktionen zu schaffen. Es wurde die Expression der 5 HT Rezeptorgene sowohl im zentralen Nervensystem, als auch in Teilen des Verdauungs-, Exkretions- und Speicheldr{\"u}sensystems gemessen. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchten 5-HT-Rezeptor-Subtypen generell weit im Organismus der Honigbiene verbreitet sind. Interessanterweise unterschieden sich die untersuchten Gewebe hinsichtlich der mRNA-Expressionsmuster der untersuchten Rezeptoren. W{\"a}hrend beispielsweise im Gehirn Am5 ht1A und Am5 ht7 st{\"a}rker als Am5 ht2α und Am5 ht2β exprimiert wurden, zeigte sich in Darmgewebe ein umgekehrtes Muster. Es war bereits bekannt, dass es bei der Expression der Am5-ht2-Gene zu alternativem Spleißen kommt. Dies f{\"u}hrt zur Entstehung der verk{\"u}rzten mRNA-Varianten Am5 ht2αΔIII und Am5 ht2βΔII. Die daraus resultierenden Proteine k{\"o}nnen nicht als funktionelle GPCRs agieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese verk{\"u}rzten Spleißvarianten dennoch ubiquit{\"a}r in der Honigbiene exprimiert werden. Bemerkenswerterweise wurden gewebe{\"u}bergreifende {\"A}hnlichkeiten der Expressionsmuster der Spleißvarianten gegen{\"u}ber deren zugeh{\"o}rigen Volll{\"a}ngenvarianten festgestellt, welche auf Funktionen der verk{\"u}rzten Varianten in vivo hindeuten. Im Hinblick auf die bei A. mellifera haupts{\"a}chlich altersbedingte Arbeitsteilung wurde die Expression der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen in Gehirnen von unterschiedlich alten Arbeiterinnen mit unterschiedlichen sozialen Rollen verglichen. W{\"a}hrend auf mRNA-Ebene keines der vier 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen eine altersabh{\"a}ngig unterschiedliche Expression zeigte, konnte f{\"u}r das Am5-HT1A-Protein eine h{\"o}here Konzentration in den Gehirnen {\"a}lterer Tiere gefunden werden. Dies deutet auf eine posttranskriptionale Regulation der 5 HT1A Rezeptorexpression hin, welche im Zusammenhang mit der Arbeitsteilung stehen k{\"o}nnte. Es erfolgte die Untersuchung tageszeitlicher {\"A}nderungen sowohl der Expression der 5 HT Rezeptor-Subtypen, als auch des biogenen Amins 5 HT selbst. W{\"a}hrend es in den Gehirnen von Arbeiterinnen, welche unter nat{\"u}rlichen Bedingungen gehalten wurden, zu keiner tageszeitabh{\"a}ngigen Ver{\"a}nderung des 5 HT-Titers kam, zeigte die mRNA-Expression von Am5-ht2α und Am5-ht2β eine periodische Oszillation mit Zunahme w{\"a}hrend des Tages und Abnahme w{\"a}hrend der Nacht. Diese Regulation wird durch externe Faktoren hervorgerufen und ist nicht auf einen endogenen circadianen Rhythmus zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Dies ging aus der Wiederholung der Expressionsmessungen an Gehirnen von Bienen, welche unter konstanten Laborbedingungen gehalten wurden, hervor. Weiterhin wurde die Beteiligung des serotonergen Systems an der Steuerung von Aspekten des circadianen lokomotorischen Aktivit{\"a}tsrhythmus anhand von Verhaltensexperimenten untersucht. Mit 5 HT gef{\"u}tterte Arbeiterinnen zeigten dabei unter konstanten Bedingungen eine l{\"a}ngere Periode des Aktivit{\"a}tsrhythmus als Kontrolltiere. Dies deutet auf einen Einfluss von 5 HT auf die Modulation der Synchronisation der inneren Uhr hin. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse tragen wesentlich zum tieferen Verst{\"a}ndnis des serotonergen Systems der Honigbiene bei und bieten Ansatzpunkte f{\"u}r weitergehende Studien zur Funktion von 5 HT im Zusammenhang mit der Modulation von physiologischen Prozessen, Arbeitsteilung und circadianen Rhythmen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rohlf2016, author = {Rohlf, Helena L.}, title = {The development of aggression in middle childhood}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {242}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: The engagement in aggressive behavior in middle childhood is linked to the development of severe problems in later life. Thus, identifying factors and processes that con-tribute to the continuity and increase of aggression in middle childhood is essential in order to facilitate the development of intervention programs. The present PhD thesis aimed at expand-ing the understanding of the development of aggression in middle childhood by examining risk factors in the intrapersonal and interpersonal domains as well as the interplay between these factors: Maladaptive anger regulation was examined as an intrapersonal risk factor; processes that occur in the peer context (social rejection and peer socialization) were included as interpersonal risk factors. In addition, in order to facilitate the in situ assessment of anger regulation strategies, an observational measure of anger regulation was developed and validated. Method: The research aims were addressed within the scope of four articles. Data from two measurement time points about ten months apart were available for the analyses. Participants were elementary school children aged from 6 to 10 years at T1 and 7 to 11 years at T2. The first article was based on cross-sectional analyses including only the first time point; in the remaining three articles longitudinal associations across the two time points were analyzed. The first two articles were concerned with the development and cross-sectional as well as longitudinal validation of observational measure of anger regulation in middle childhood in a sample of 599 children. Using the same sample, the third article investigated the longitudinal link between maladaptive anger regulation and aggression considering social rejection as a mediating variable. The frequency as well as different functions of aggression (reactive and proactive) were included as outcomes measures. The fourth article examined the influence of class-level aggression on the development of different forms of aggression (relational and physical) over time under consideration of differences in initial individual aggression in a sample of 1,284 children. In addition, it was analyzed if the path from aggression to social rejection varies as a function of class-level aggression. Results: The first two articles revealed that the observational measure of anger regulation developed for the purpose of this research was cross-sectionally related to anger reactivity, aggression and social rejection as well as longitudinally related to self-reported anger regula-tion. In the third article it was found that T1 maladaptive anger regulation showed no direct link to T2 aggression, but an indirect link through T1 social rejection. This indirect link was found for the frequency of aggression as well as for reactive and proactive aggression. The fourth article revealed that with regard to relational aggression, a high level of classroom ag-gression predicted an increase of individual aggression only among children with initially low levels of aggression. For physical aggression, it was found that the overall level of aggression in the class affected all children equally. In addition, physical aggression increased the likelihood of social rejection irrespective of the class-level of aggression whereas relational aggression caused social rejection only in classes with a generally low level of relational aggression. The analyses of gender-specific effects showed that children were mainly influenced by their same-gender peers and that the effect on the opposite gender was higher if children engaged in gender-atypical forms of aggressive behavior. Conclusion: The results provided evidence for the construct and criterion validity of the observational measure of maladaptive anger regulation that was developed within the scope of this research. Furthermore, the findings indicated that maladaptive anger regulation constitutes an important risk factor of aggression through the influence of social rejection. Finally, the results demonstrated that the level of aggression among classmates is relevant for the development of individual aggression over time and that the children´s evaluation of relationally aggressive behavior varies as a function of the normativity of relational aggression in the class. The study findings have implications for the measurement of anger regulation in middle childhood as well as for the prevention of aggression and social rejection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roers2016, author = {Roers, Michael}, title = {Methoden zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98844}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 141}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Elbe und ihr Einzugsgebiet sind vom Klimawandel betroffen. Um die Wirkkette von projizierten Klimaver{\"a}nderungen auf den Wasserhaushalt und die daraus resultierenden N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten f{\"u}r große Einzugsgebiete wie das der Elbe zu analysieren, k{\"o}nnen integrierte Umweltmodellsysteme eingesetzt werden. Fallstudien, die mit diesen Modellsystemen ad hoc durchgef{\"u}hrt werden, repr{\"a}sentieren den Istzustand von Modellentwicklungen und -unsicherheiten und sind damit statisch. Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Einstieg in die Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet. Dies umfasst zum einen eine Plausibilit{\"a}tspr{\"u}fung von Auswirkungsrechnungen, die mit Szenarien des statistischen Szenariengenerators STARS durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, durch den Vergleich mit den Auswirkungen neuerer Klimaszenarien aus dem ISI-MIP Projekt, die dem letzten Stand der Klimamodellierung entsprechen. Hierf{\"u}r wird ein integriertes Modellsystem mit "eingefrorenem Entwicklungsstand" verwendet. Die Klimawirkungsmodelle bleiben dabei unver{\"a}ndert. Zum anderen wird ein Bestandteil des integrierten Modellsystems - das {\"o}kohydrologische Modell SWIM - zu einer "live"-Version weiterentwickelt. Diese wird durch punktuelle Testung an langj{\"a}hrigen Versuchsreihen eines Lysimeterstandorts sowie an aktuellen Abflussreihen validiert und verbessert. Folgende Forschungsfragen werden bearbeitet: (i) Welche Effekte haben unterschiedliche Klimaszenarien auf den Wasserhaushalt im Elbegebiet und ist eine Neubewertung der Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf den Wasserhaushalt notwendig?, (ii) Was sind die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten im Elbegebiet sowie die Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge?, (iii) Ist unter der Nutzung (selbst einer sehr geringen Anzahl) verf{\"u}gbarer tagesaktueller Witterungsdaten in einem stark heterogenen Einzugsgebiet eine valide Ansprache der aktuellen {\"o}kohydrologischen Situation des Elbeeinzugsgebiets m{\"o}glich? Die aktuellen Szenarien best{\"a}tigen die Richtung, jedoch nicht das Ausmaß der Klimafolgen: Die R{\"u}ckg{\"a}nge des mittleren j{\"a}hrlichen Gesamtabflusses und der monatlichen Abfl{\"u}sse an den Pegeln bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts betragen f{\"u}r das STARS-Szenario ca. 30 \%. Die R{\"u}ckg{\"a}nge bei den auf dem ISI-MIP-Szenario basierenden Modellstudien liegen hingegen nur bei ca. 10 \%. Hauptursachen f{\"u}r diese Divergenz sind die Unterschiede in den Niederschlagsprojektionen sowie die Unterschiede in der jahreszeitlichen Verteilung der Erw{\"a}rmung. Im STARS-Szenario gehen methodisch bedingt die Niederschl{\"a}ge zur{\"u}ck und der Winter erw{\"a}rmt sich st{\"a}rker als der Sommer. In dem ISI-MIP-Szenario bleiben die Niederschl{\"a}ge nahezu stabil und die Erw{\"a}rmung im Sommer und Winter unterscheidet sich nur geringf{\"u}gig. Generell nehmen die N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten mit den Abfl{\"u}ssen in beiden Szenarien unterproportional ab, wobei die Frachten jeweils st{\"a}rker als die Eintr{\"a}ge zur{\"u}ckgehen. Die konkreten Effekte der Abfluss{\"a}nderungen sind gering und liegen im einstelligen Prozentbereich. Gleiches gilt f{\"u}r die Unterschiede zwischen den Szenarien. Der Effekt von zwei ausgew{\"a}hlten Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge und -frachten unterscheidet sich bei verschiedenen Abflussverh{\"a}ltnissen, repr{\"a}sentiert durch unterschiedliche Klimaszenarien in unterschiedlich feuchter Auspr{\"a}gung, ebenfalls nur geringf{\"u}gig. Die Beantwortung der ersten beiden Forschungsfragen zeigt, dass die Aktualisierung von Klimaszenarien in einem ansonsten "eingefrorenen" Verbund von {\"o}kohydrologischen Daten und Modellen eine wichtige Pr{\"u}foption f{\"u}r die Plausibilisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen darstellt. Sie bildet die methodische Grundlage f{\"u}r die Schlussfolgerung, dass bei der Wassermenge eine Neubewertung der Klimafolgen notwendig ist, w{\"a}hrend dies bei den N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}gen und -frachten nicht der Fall ist. Die zur Beantwortung der dritten Forschungsfrage mit SWIM-live durchgef{\"u}hrten Validierungsstudien ergeben Diskrepanzen am Lysimeterstandort und bei den Abfl{\"u}ssen aus den Teilgebieten Saale und Spree. Sie lassen sich zum Teil mit der notwendigen Interpolationsweite der Witterungsdaten und dem Einfluss von Wasserbewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen erkl{\"a}ren. Insgesamt zeigen die Validierungsergebnisse, dass schon die Pilotversion von SWIM-live f{\"u}r eine {\"o}kohydrologische Ansprache des Gebietswasserhaushaltes im Elbeeinzugsgebiet genutzt werden kann. SWIM-live erm{\"o}glicht eine unmittelbare Betrachtung und Beurteilung simulierter Daten. Dadurch werden Unsicherheiten bei der Modellierung direkt offengelegt und k{\"o}nnen infolge dessen reduziert werden. Zum einen f{\"u}hrte die Verdichtung der meteorologischen Eingangsdaten durch die Verwendung von nun ca. 700 anstatt 19 Klima- bzw. Niederschlagstationen zu einer Verbesserung der Ergebnisse. Zum anderen wurde SWIM-live beispielhaft f{\"u}r einen Zyklus aus punktueller Modellverbesserung und fl{\"a}chiger {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Simulationsergebnisse genutzt. Die einzelnen Teilarbeiten tragen jeweils zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet bei. Der Anlass hierf{\"u}r war durch die fehlerhaften methodischen Grundlagen von STARS gegeben. Die Sinnf{\"a}lligkeit der Dynamisierung ist jedoch nicht an diesen konkreten Anlass gebunden, sondern beruht auf der grundlegenden Einsicht, dass Ad-hoc-Szenarienanalysen immer auch pragmatische Vereinfachungen zugrunde liegen, die fortlaufend {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden m{\"u}ssen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Riebe2016, author = {Riebe, Daniel}, title = {Experimental and theoretical investigations of molecular ions by spectroscopy as well as ion mobility and mass spectrometry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94632}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The aim of this thesis was the elucidation of different ionization methods (resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization - REMPI, electrospray ionization - ESI, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization - APCI) in ion mobility (IM) spectrometry. In order to gain a better understanding of the ionization processes, several spectroscopic, mass spectrometric and theoretical methods were also used. Another focus was the development of experimental techniques, including a high resolution spectrograph and various combinations of IM and mass spectrometry. The novel high resolution 2D spectrograph facilitates spectroscopic resolutions in the range of commercial echelle spectrographs. The lowest full width at half maximum of a peak achieved was 25 pm. The 2D spectrograph is based on the wavelength separation of light by the combination of a prism and a grating in one dimension, and an etalon in the second dimension. This instrument was successfully employed for the acquisition of Raman and laser-induced breakdown spectra. Different spectroscopic methods (light scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy) permitting a spatial as well as spectral resolution, were used to investigate the release of ions in the electrospray. The investigation is based on the 50 nm shift of the fluorescence band of rhodamine 6G ions of during the transfer from the electrospray droplets to the gas phase. A newly developed ionization chamber operating at reduced pressure (0.5 mbar) was coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. After REMPI of H2S, an ionization chemistry analogous to H2O was observed with this instrument. Besides H2S+ and its fragments, H3S+ and protonated analyte ions could be observed as a result of proton-transfer reactions. For the elucidation of the peaks in IM spectra, a combination of IM spectrometer and linear quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer was developed. The instrument can be equipped with various ionization sources (ESI, REMPI, APCI) and was used for the characterization of the peptide bradykinin and the neuroleptic promazine. The ionization of explosive compounds in an APCI source based on soft x-radiation was investigated in a newly developed ionization chamber attached to the ion trap mass spectrometer. The major primary and secondary reactions could be characterized and explosive compound ions could be identified and assigned to the peaks in IM spectra. The assignment is based on the comparison of experimentally determined and calculated IM. The methods of calculation currently available exhibit large deviations, especially in the case of anions. Therefore, on the basis of an assessment of available methods, a novel hybrid method was developed and characterized.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richter2016, author = {Richter, Robert}, title = {Physiotherapie und Wissenschaft}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94704}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {339}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die empirische Studie hat die Verwissenschaftlichung der Physiotherapie und deren Relevanz f{\"u}r die berufliche Praxis in Deutschland zum Gegenstand. Unter Verwissenschaftlichung werden Prozesse der wissenschaftlichen Disziplinbildung und Akademisierung verstanden. Die Praxisrelevanz dr{\"u}ckt sich in Ver{\"a}nderungsbestrebungen der Physiotherapie vom Beruf hin zur Profession aus. Ausgehend von wissenschaftstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tzen zur Disziplinbildung, Akademisierung und Professionalisierung sowie dem diesbez{\"u}glichen physiotherapeutischen Forschungsstand wendet sich die Arbeit aus den Perspektiven historischer und gegenw{\"a}rtiger wissenschaftlicher Formierungsprozesse der empirischen Analyse des beschriebenen Gegenstandes zu. Die zentralen Fragestellungen der vorliegenden Arbeit sind: Auf welcher theoretischen Basis werden welche der Physiotherapie impliziten Gegenst{\"a}nde im Kontext welchen Theorie-Praxis-Verst{\"a}ndnisses konstituiert? Und: Gibt es ein theoretisches Fundament in Form von Theorien und Modellen, aus welchem sich forschungsmethodologische und wissenschaftstheoretische Zug{\"a}nge begr{\"u}nden lassen und inwieweit zeigt sich hier das Potential zur Heranbildung einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin? Wie bezieht sich die Wissenschaft dabei auf eine professionelle Praxis und umgekehrt? Der empirische Zugang zum Gegenstand erfolgte auf zwei Wegen: 1. Fachzeitschriftenanalyse zur Erfassung der Historizit{\"a}t, 2. Experteninterviews zur Erfassung der Kontextualit{\"a}t der Verwissenschaftlichung. Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sich als Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs in der Physiotherapie. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, eine empirisch belastbare Aussage bez{\"u}glich des Gelingens einer Disziplinbildung sowie des Akademisierungsprozesses in Deutschland zu treffen und diese in Beziehung zum Praxisfeld zu setzen. Empirisch relevant ist hierf{\"u}r die Analyse der Historie. Letztere wiederum definiert den Weg zu einer ebenfalls zu analysierenden gegenw{\"a}rtigen gesellschaftlichen Verortung. Die vorliegenden Analysen rekonstruieren die Emanzipation der Physiotherapie in Deutschland von einem Heilhilfsberuf hin zu einer eigenst{\"a}ndigen Profession mit dem Fokus auf Prozesse der Disziplinbildung und Akademisierung. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit sind vielf{\"a}ltig und zeigen, dass die deutsche Physiotherapie sich unter anderem durch die Akademisierung auf dem Weg zu einer Wissenschaft sowie einer Profession befindet. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die Parallelit{\"a}t von Theoriebildung und Praxishandeln im Sinne einer kaum nachweisbaren Verschr{\"a}nkung beider Handlungsebenen zu dem Schluss, dass die untersuchten Prozesse bislang nicht zwangsl{\"a}ufig zu wissenschaftlich emanzipatorischem Erfolg f{\"u}hren m{\"u}ssen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reschke2016, author = {Reschke, Antje}, title = {Effectiveness of a foot orthosis on muscular activity in functional ankle instability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-104366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 155, XXXVIII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A majority of studies documented a reduced ankle muscle activity, particularly of the peroneus longus muscle (PL), in patients with functional ankle instability (FI). It is considered valid that foot orthoses as well as sensorimotor training have a positive effect on ankle muscle activity in healthy individuals and those with lower limb overuse injuries or flat arched feet (reduced reaction time by sensorimotor exercises; increased ankle muscle amplitude by orthoses use). However, the acute- and long-term influence of foot orthoses on ankle muscle activity in individuals with FI is unknown. AIMS: The present thesis addressed (1a) acute- and (1b) long-term effects of foot orthoses compared to sensorimotor training on ankle muscle activity in patients with FI. (2) Further, it was investigated if the orthosis intervention group demonstrate higher ankle muscle activity by additional short-term use of a measurement in-shoe orthosis (compared to short-term use of "shoe only") after intervention. (3) As prerequisite, it was evaluated if ankle muscle activity can be tested reliably and (4) if this differs between healthy individuals and those with FI. METHODS: Three intervention groups (orthosis group [OG], sensorimotor training group [SMTG], control group [CG]), consisting of both, healthy individuals and those with FI, underwent one longitudinal investigation (randomised controlled trial). Throughout 6 weeks of intervention, OG wore an in-shoe orthosis with a specific "PL stimulation module", whereas SMTG conducted home-based exercises. CG served to measure test-retest reliability of ankle muscle activity (PL, M. tibialis anterior [TA] and M. gastrocnemius medialis [GM]). Pre- and post-intervention, ankle muscle activity (EMG amplitude) was recorded during "normal" unperturbed (NW) and perturbed walking (PW) on a split-belt treadmill (stimulus 200 ms post initial heel contact [IC]) as well as during side cutting (SC), each while wearing "shoes only" and additional measurement in-shoe orthoses (randomized order). Normalized RMS values (100\% MVC, mean±SD) were calculated pre- (100-50 ms) and post (200-400 ms) - IC. RESULTS: (3) Test-retest reliability showed a high range of values in healthy individuals and those with FI. (4) Compared to healthy individuals, patients with FI demonstrated lower PL pre-activity during SC, however higher PL pre-activity for NW and PW. (1a) Acute orthoses use did not influence ankle muscle activity. (1b) For most conditions, sensorimotor training was more effective in individuals with FI than long-term orthotic intervention (increased: PL and GM pre-activity and TA reflex-activity for NW, PL pre-activity and TA, PL and GM reflex-activity for SC, PL reflex-activity for PW). However, prolonged orthoses use was more beneficial in terms of an increase in GM pre-activity during SC. For some conditions, long-term orthoses intervention was as effective as sensorimotor training for individuals with FI (increased: PL pre-activity for PW, TA pre-activity for SC, PL and GM reflex-activity for NW). Prolonged orthoses use was also advantageous in healthy individuals (increased: PL and GM pre-activity for NW and PW, PL pre-activity for SC, TA and PL reflex-activity for NW, PL and GM reflex-activity for PW). (2) The orthosis intervention group did not present higher ankle muscle activity by the additional short-term use of a measurement in-shoe orthosis at re-test after intervention. CONCLUSION: High variations of reproducibility reflect physiological variability in muscle activity during gait and therefore deemed acceptable. The main findings confirm the presence of sensorimotor long-term effects of specific foot orthoses in healthy individuals (primary preventive effect) and those with FI (therapeutic effect). Neuromuscular compensatory feedback- as well as anticipatory feedforward adaptation mechanism to prolonged orthoses use, specifically of the PL muscle, underpins the key role of PL in providing essential dynamic ankle joint stability. Due to its advantages over sensorimotor training (positive subjective feedback in terms of comfort, time-and-cost-effectiveness), long-term foot orthoses use can be recommended as an applicable therapy alternative in the treatment of FI. Long-term effect of foot orthoses in a population with FI must be validated in a larger sample size with longer follow-up periods to substantiate the generalizability of the existing outcomes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Renans2016, author = {Renans, Agata Maria}, title = {Exhaustivity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89501}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {221}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The dissertation proposes an answer to the question of how to model exhaustive inferences and what the meaning of the linguistic material that triggers these inferences is. In particular, it deals with the semantics of exclusive particles, clefts, and progressive aspect in Ga, an under-researched language spoken in Ghana. Based on new data coming from the author's original fieldwork in Accra, the thesis points to a previously unattested variation in the semantics of exclusives in a cross-linguistic perspective, analyzes the connections between exhaustive interpretation triggered by clefts and the aspectual interpretation of the sentence, and identifies a cross-categorial definite determiner. By that it sheds new light on several exhaustivity-related phenomena in both the nominal and the verbal domain and shows that both domains are closely connected.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reisinger2016, author = {Reisinger, Susanne}, title = {Formen religi{\"o}sen Wandels: Die Bildung muslimischer Frauengruppen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {328}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende explorative empirische Untersuchung muslimischer Frauengruppen leistet einen Beitrag zur Erforschung des religi{\"o}sen Wandels im religi{\"o}sen Feld in Deutschland. Zum einen werden damit erstmals qualitative Daten zu religi{\"o}sen Gruppen muslimischer Frauen erhoben. Zum anderen liefern die analysierten Anl{\"a}sse der Gruppengr{\"u}ndung und die Gruppenziele Einblicke in die relevanten Themen des religi{\"o}s-muslimischen Engagements im Zeitverlauf. Gem{\"a}ß der explorativen Konzeption interessiert sich diese Studie insbesondere f{\"u}r die Vielfalt muslimischer Frauengruppen in Deutschland. Es wurde gefragt, welche Selbstbeschreibungen als muslimische Frauengruppen sich derzeit erkennen lassen? Dazu wurden thematische Leitfadeninterviews mit Ansprechpartnerinnen muslimischer Frauengruppen im religi{\"o}sen Feld (2006-2011) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Gr{\"u}ndungen der zw{\"o}lf untersuchten muslimischen Frauengruppen lagen im Zeitraum von 1978 bis 2009. Dies umfasst im Hinblick auf das muslimisch-religi{\"o}se Engagement Phasen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten, die von der Verfestigung der religi{\"o}sen Strukturen {\"u}ber den Kampf um rechtliche Gleichstellung als religi{\"o}se Minderheit bis zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit der staatlichen Islampolitik reichen. Die {\"a}ltesten der untersuchten Gruppen reflektieren in ihrem historischen Verlauf den Aufbau der religi{\"o}sen Strukturen, indem sie zun{\"a}chst R{\"a}ume f{\"u}r sich in den Gemeinden schufen. Diese f{\"u}llten sie in Form von religi{\"o}sen Bildungsprozessen und zwar indem sie einander an ihren Kenntnissen teilhaben ließen und gemeinsam die religi{\"o}se Quelle erschlossen. Andere Gruppen schlossen sich zusammen, um von den Kenntnissen religi{\"o}ser Expertinnen zu profitieren, wieder andere etablierten Angebote, die {\"u}ber den eigenen Gruppenzusammenhang hinausreichten. Mit dieser Ausrichtung der Weltgestaltung ging auch die Gr{\"u}ndung einer Organisation, d.h. ein Wandel der Sozialform einher. Die Ergebnisse konstatieren eine Kontingenz hinsichtlich der Selbstzuordnung muslimische Frauengruppe. Es handelt sich um historisch spezifische Selbstzuschreibungen, die Ausdruck eines religi{\"o}sen Wandels im muslimisch-religi{\"o}sen Feld initiiert von muslimischen Frauen sind. Zentrales Ergebnis ist hier, dass die Gruppen zwar hinsichtlich ihrer Formen heterogen sind, allerdings eine Verbindungslinie in ihren Kernideen als Frauengruppen- und Organisationen besteht. Es zeigt sich durch alle Phasen des muslimisch-religi{\"o}sen Engagements im religi{\"o}sen Feld ein hohes Interesse an religi{\"o}sen Bildungsthemen seitens muslimischer Frauen. Diese sind verbunden mit der Auseinandersetzung mit dem religi{\"o}sen Geschlechterverh{\"a}ltnis. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die das religi{\"o}se Geschlechterverh{\"a}ltnis im Kontext des Institutionalisierungs- und Partizipationsprozess des Islam im politischen Feld derzeit besitzt, kann einerseits als spezifisch gelten. Andererseits zeigen historische Kontextualisierungen mit der religi{\"o}sen Frauenbewegung im 19. Jahrhundert, dass auch hier {\"u}ber religi{\"o}se Geschlechterbilder Partizipationsfragen verhandelt wurden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie belegen die Relevanz von religi{\"o}sen Gruppen innerhalb religi{\"o}ser Wandlungsprozesse. Weiterhin liefern sie neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Verh{\"a}ltnisses von religi{\"o}ser Individualisierung und Gruppenbindung: Muslimische Frauen vergemeinschaften sich aus religi{\"o}sen Bildungszwecken innerhalb von religi{\"o}sen Gruppen und behandeln dabei Themen ihre weibliche religi{\"o}se Identit{\"a}t und die religi{\"o}se Lebensf{\"u}hrung als Frau betreffend und dies st{\"a}rkt ihre individuelle religi{\"o}se Bindung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Putzler2016, author = {Putzler, Sascha}, title = {Molekulare Charakterisierung des Centrosom-assoziierten Proteins CP91 in Dictyostelium discoideum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394689}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Dictyostelium-Centrosom ist ein Modell f{\"u}r acentriol{\"a}re Centrosomen. Es besteht aus einer dreischichtigen Kernstruktur und ist von einer Corona umgeben, welche Nukleationskomplexe f{\"u}r Mikrotubuli beinhaltet. Die Verdoppelung der Kernstruktur wird einmal pro Zellzyklus am {\"U}bergang der G2 zur M-Phase gestartet. Durch eine Proteomanalyse isolierter Centrosomen konnte CP91 identifiziert werden, ein 91 kDa großes Coiled-Coil Protein, das in der centrosomalen Kernstruktur lokalisiert. GFP-CP91 zeigte fast keine Mobilit{\"a}t in FRAP-Experimenten w{\"a}hrend der Interphase, was darauf hindeutet, dass es sich bei CP91 um eine Strukturkomponente des Centrosoms handelt. In der Mitose hingegen dissoziieren das GFP-CP91 als auch das endogene CP91 ab und fehlen an den Spindelpolen von der sp{\"a}ten Prophase bis zur Anaphase. Dieses Verhalten korreliert mit dem Verschwinden der zentralen Schicht der Kernstruktur zu Beginn der Centrosomenverdopplung. Somit ist CP91 mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Bestandteil dieser Schicht. CP91-Fragmente der N-terminalen bzw. C-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne (GFP-CP91 N-Terminus, GFP-CP91 C-Terminus) lokalisieren als GFP-Fusionsproteine exprimiert auch am Centrosom, zeigen aber nicht die gleiche mitotische Verteilung des Volll{\"a}ngenproteins. Das CP91-Fragment der zentralen Coiled-Coil Dom{\"a}ne (GFP-CP91cc) lokalisiert als GFP-Fusionsprotein exprimiert, als ein diffuser cytosolische Cluster, in der N{\"a}he des Centrosoms. Es zeigt eine partiell {\"a}hnliche mitotische Verteilung wie das Volll{\"a}ngenprotein. Dies l{\"a}sst eine regulatorische Dom{\"a}ne innerhalb der Coiled-Coil Dom{\"a}ne vermuten. Die Expression der GFP-Fusionsproteine unterdr{\"u}ckt die Expression des endogenen CP91 und bringt {\"u}berz{\"a}hlige Centrosomen hervor. Dies war auch eine markante Eigenschaft nach der Unterexpression von CP91 durch RNAi. Zus{\"a}tzlich zeigte sich in CP91-RNAi Zellen eine stark erh{\"o}hte Ploidie verursacht durch schwere Defekte in der Chromosomensegregation verbunden mit einer erh{\"o}hten Zellgr{\"o}ße und Defekten im Abschn{\"u}rungsprozess w{\"a}hrend der Cytokinese. Die Unterexpression von CP91 durch RNAi hatte auch einen direkten Einfluss auf die Menge an den centrosomalen Proteinen CP39, CP55 und CEP192 und dem Centromerprotein Cenp68 in der Interphase. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass CP91 eine zentrale centrosomale Kernkomponente ist und f{\"u}r den Zusammenhalt der beiden {\"a}ußeren Schichten der Kernstruktur ben{\"o}tigt wird. Zudem spielt CP91 eine wichtige Rolle f{\"u}r eine ordnungsgem{\"a}ße Centrosomenbiogenese und, unabh{\"a}ngig davon, bei dem Abschn{\"u}rungsprozess der Tochterzellen w{\"a}hrend der Cytokinese.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Punz2016, author = {Punz, Elisabeth}, title = {Effektivit{\"a}t fr{\"u}hzeitiger Interventionen zur Pr{\"a}vention von Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {453}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Studie besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der F{\"o}rderung der Lese- und Schreibkompetenz in der Anfangsphase des Schriftspracherwerbs. Ziel der Untersuchung ist die Erprobung und Evaluierung fr{\"u}hzeitiger, diagnosegeleiteter Interventionen zur Pr{\"a}vention von Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Im Unterschied zu vielen Studien in diesem Bereich werden alle Maßnahmen unter realen schulischen Bedingungen im Rahmen des Erstlese- und Schreibunterrichts durch die Klassenlehrer selbst durchgef{\"u}hrt, wobei diese von der Autorin unterst{\"u}tzt und begleitet werden. F{\"o}rder- und Prozessdiagnose sowie Elemente diagnosegeleiteter F{\"o}rderung werden aus Theorien und Forschungslage abgeleitet und zu einem Interventionsset verbunden. Die Effektivit{\"a}t der evidenzbasierten Maßnahmen wird durch Parallelgruppenvergleiche {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. An der empirischen Untersuchung nahmen insgesamt 25 Schulklassen mit 560 Erstkl{\"a}sslern teil, geteilt in Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe. Mit der Eingangsdiagnose am Schulbeginn wurden Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r den Schriftspracherwerb erhoben und mit der Evaluierungsdiagnose am Ende der ersten Schulstufe entwicklungsad{\"a}quate schriftsprachliche Kompetenzen auf der Wortebene {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfasst wurden internale und externale Einflussfaktoren, deren Wirkung in der statistischen Auswertung ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurde. Alle Datenerhebungen wurden in Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe durchgef{\"u}hrt, w{\"a}hrend die evidenzbasierten Treatments nur in der Versuchsgruppe stattfanden. Die Auswertung best{\"a}tigt mit signifikanten Ergebnissen den engen Zusammenhang zwischen der Phonologischen Bewusstheit zu Beginn des Schriftspracherwerbs und der Lese- und Rechtschreibf{\"a}higkeit am Ende der ersten Schulstufe sowie zwischen Famili{\"a}rer Literalit{\"a}t und Lesefertigkeit. Schriftsprachliche Vorkenntnisse weisen eine Tendenz zur Signifikanz hinsichtlich ihrer positiven Wirkung auf die Basale Lesefertigkeit auf. Eine h{\"o}chst signifikante positive Wirkung auf die Basale Lesefertigkeit zeigt die Druckschrift als Ausgangsschrift. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine {\"U}berlegenheit vorschulischer pr{\"a}literaler Fertigkeiten hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf die Lese- und Rechtschreibfertigkeit am Ende der ersten Schulstufe gegen{\"u}ber F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen unter realen schulischen Bedingungen hin. Die positive Wirkung einer unverbundenen Ausgangsschrift auf den Leseerwerb betont die Wichtigkeit der Wahl der Ausgangsschrift. Im fr{\"u}hen Schriftspracherwerb sollte die Druckschrift f{\"u}r das Lesen und Schreiben verwendet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Prokopović2016, author = {Prokopović, Vladimir Z.}, title = {Light-triggered release of bioactive compounds from HA/PLL multilayer films for stimulation of cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97927}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {91}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The concept of targeting cells and tissues by controlled delivery of molecules is essential in the field of biomedicine. The layer-by-layer (LbL) technology for the fabrication of polymer multilayer films is widely implemented as a powerful tool to assemble tailor-made materials for controlled drug delivery. The LbL films can as well be engineered to act as mimics of the natural cellular microenvironment. Thus, due to the myriad possibilities such as controlled cellular adhesion and drug delivery offered by LbL films, it becomes easily achievable to direct the fate of cells by growing them on the films. The aim of this work was to develop an approach for non-invasive and precise control of the presentation of bioactive molecules to cells. The strategy is based on employment of the LbL films, which function as support for cells and at the same time as reservoirs for bioactive molecules to be released in a controlled manner. UV light is used to trigger the release of the stored ATP with high spatio-temporal resolution. Both physico-chemical (competitive intermolecular interactions in the film) and biological aspects (cellular response and viability) are addressed in this study. Biopolymers hyaluronic acid (HA) and poly-L-lysine (PLL) were chosen as the building blocks for the LbL film assembly. Poor cellular adhesion to native HA/PLL films as well as significant degradation by cells within a few days were shown. However, coating the films with gold nanoparticles not only improved cellular adhesion and protected the films from degradation, but also formed a size-exclusion barrier with adjustable cut-off in the size range of a few tens of kDa. The films were shown to have high reservoir capacity for small charged molecules (reaching mM levels in the film). Furthermore, they were able to release the stored molecules in a sustained manner. The loading and release are explained by a mechanism based on interactions between charges of the stored molecules and uncompensated charges of the biopolymers in the film. Charge balance and polymer dynamics in the film play the pivotal role. Finally, the concept of light-triggered release from the films has been proven using caged ATP loaded into the films from which ATP was released on demand. ATP induces a fast cellular response, i.e. increase in intracellular [Ca2+], which was monitored in real-time. Limitations of the cellular stimulation by the proposed approach are highlighted by studying the stimulation as a function of irradiation parameters (time, distance, light power). Moreover, caging molecules bind to the film stronger than ATP does, which opens new perspectives for the use of the most diverse chemical compounds as caging molecules. Employment of HA/PLL films as a nouvelle support for cellular growth and hosting of bioactive molecules, along with the possibility to stimulate individual cells using focused light renders this approach highly efficient and unique in terms of precision and spatio-temporal resolution among those previously described. With its high potential, the concept presented herein provides the foundation for the design of new intelligent materials for single cell studies, with the focus on tissue engineering, diagnostics, and other cell-based applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prinz2016, author = {Prinz, Julia}, title = {DNA origami substrates as a versatile tool for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-104089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 184 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a promising tool to obtain rich chemical information about analytes at trace levels. However, in order to perform selective experiments on individual molecules, two fundamental requirements have to be fulfilled. On the one hand, areas with high local field enhancement, so-called "hot spots", have to be created by positioning the supporting metal surfaces in close proximity to each other. In most cases hot spots are formed in the gap between adjacent metal nanoparticles (NPs). On the other hand, the analyte has to be positioned directly in the hot spot in order to profit from the highest signal amplification. The use of DNA origami substrates provides both, the arrangement of AuNPs with nm precision as well as the ability to bind analyte molecules at predefined positions. Consequently, the present cumulative doctoral thesis aims at the development of a novel SERS substrate based on a DNA origami template. To this end, two DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are attached to one DNA origami substrate resulting in the formation of a AuNP dimer and thus in a hot spot within the corresponding gap. The obtained structures are characterized by correlated atomic force microscopy (AFM) and SERS imaging which allows for the combination of structural and chemical information. Initially, the proof-of principle is presented which demonstrates the potential of the novel approach. It is shown that the Raman signal of 15 nm AuNPs coated with dye-modified DNA (dye: carboxytetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA)) is significantly higher for AuNP dimers arranged on a DNA origami platform in comparison to single AuNPs. Furthermore, by attaching single TAMRA molecules in the hot spot between two 5 nm AuNPs and optimizing the size of the AuNPs by electroless gold deposition, SERS experiments at the few-molecule level are presented. The initially used DNA origami-AuNPs design is further optimized in many respects. On the one hand, larger AuNPs up to a diameter of 60 nm are used which are additionally treated with a silver enhancement solution to obtain Au-Ag-core-shell NPs. On the other hand, the arrangement of both AuNPs is altered to improve the position of the dye molecule within the hot spot as well as to decrease the gap size between the two particles. With the optimized design the detection of single dye molecules (TAMRA and cyanine 3 (Cy3)) by means of SERS is demonstrated. Quantitatively, enhancement factors up to 10^10 are estimated which is sufficiently high to detect single dye molecules. In the second part, the influence of graphene as an additional component of the SERS substrate is investigated. Graphene is a two-dimensional material with an outstanding combination of electronical, mechanical and optical properties. Here, it is demonstrated that single layer graphene (SLG) replicates the shape of underlying non-modified DNA origami substrates very well, which enables the monitoring of structural alterations by AFM imaging. In this way, it is shown that graphene encapsulation significantly increases the structural stability of bare DNA origami substrates towards mechanical force and prolonged exposure to deionized water. Furthermore, SLG is used to cover DNA origami substrates which are functionalized with a 40 nm AuNP dimer. In this way, a novel kind of hybrid material is created which exhibits several advantages compared to the analogue non-covered SERS substrates. First, the fluorescence background of dye molecules that are located in between the AuNP surface and SLG is efficiently reduced. Second, the photobleaching rate of the incorporated dye molecules is decreased up to one order of magnitude. Third, due to the increased photostability of the investigated dye molecules, the performance of polarization-dependent series measurements on individual structures is enabled. This in turn reveals extensive information about the dye molecules in the hot spot as well as about the strain induced within the graphene lattice. Although SLG can significantly influence the SERS substrate in the aforementioned ways, all those effects are strongly related to the extent of contact with the underlying AuNP dimer.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prasse2016, author = {Prasse, Paul}, title = {Pattern recognition for computer security}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 75}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Computer Security deals with the detection and mitigation of threats to computer networks, data, and computing hardware. This thesis addresses the following two computer security problems: email spam campaign and malware detection. Email spam campaigns can easily be generated using popular dissemination tools by specifying simple grammars that serve as message templates. A grammar is disseminated to nodes of a bot net, the nodes create messages by instantiating the grammar at random. Email spam campaigns can encompass huge data volumes and therefore pose a threat to the stability of the infrastructure of email service providers that have to store them. Malware -software that serves a malicious purpose- is affecting web servers, client computers via active content, and client computers through executable files. Without the help of malware detection systems it would be easy for malware creators to collect sensitive information or to infiltrate computers. The detection of threats -such as email-spam messages, phishing messages, or malware- is an adversarial and therefore intrinsically difficult problem. Threats vary greatly and evolve over time. The detection of threats based on manually-designed rules is therefore difficult and requires a constant engineering effort. Machine-learning is a research area that revolves around the analysis of data and the discovery of patterns that describe aspects of the data. Discriminative learning methods extract prediction models from data that are optimized to predict a target attribute as accurately as possible. Machine-learning methods hold the promise of automatically identifying patterns that robustly and accurately detect threats. This thesis focuses on the design and analysis of discriminative learning methods for the two computer-security problems under investigation: email-campaign and malware detection. The first part of this thesis addresses email-campaign detection. We focus on regular expressions as a syntactic framework, because regular expressions are intuitively comprehensible by security engineers and administrators, and they can be applied as a detection mechanism in an extremely efficient manner. In this setting, a prediction model is provided with exemplary messages from an email-spam campaign. The prediction model has to generate a regular expression that reveals the syntactic pattern that underlies the entire campaign, and that a security engineers finds comprehensible and feels confident enough to use the expression to blacklist further messages at the email server. We model this problem as two-stage learning problem with structured input and output spaces which can be solved using standard cutting plane methods. Therefore we develop an appropriate loss function, and derive a decoder for the resulting optimization problem. The second part of this thesis deals with the problem of predicting whether a given JavaScript or PHP file is malicious or benign. Recent malware analysis techniques use static or dynamic features, or both. In fully dynamic analysis, the software or script is executed and observed for malicious behavior in a sandbox environment. By contrast, static analysis is based on features that can be extracted directly from the program file. In order to bypass static detection mechanisms, code obfuscation techniques are used to spread a malicious program file in many different syntactic variants. Deobfuscating the code before applying a static classifier can be subjected to mostly static code analysis and can overcome the problem of obfuscated malicious code, but on the other hand increases the computational costs of malware detection by an order of magnitude. In this thesis we present a cascaded architecture in which a classifier first performs a static analysis of the original code and -based on the outcome of this first classification step- the code may be deobfuscated and classified again. We explore several types of features including token \$n\$-grams, orthogonal sparse bigrams, subroutine-hashings, and syntax-tree features and study the robustness of detection methods and feature types against the evolution of malware over time. The developed tool scans very large file collections quickly and accurately. Each model is evaluated on real-world data and compared to reference methods. Our approach of inferring regular expressions to filter emails belonging to an email spam campaigns leads to models with a high true-positive rate at a very low false-positive rate that is an order of magnitude lower than that of a commercial content-based filter. Our presented system -REx-SVMshort- is being used by a commercial email service provider and complements content-based and IP-address based filtering. Our cascaded malware detection system is evaluated on a high-quality data set of almost 400,000 conspicuous PHP files and a collection of more than 1,00,000 JavaScript files. From our case study we can conclude that our system can quickly and accurately process large data collections at a low false-positive rate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peter2016, author = {Peter, Tatjana}, title = {Molekulare Charakterisierung von CP75, einem neuen centrosomalen Protein in Dictyostelium discoideum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96472}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {III, 93}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Centrosom ist ein Zellkern-assoziiertes Organell, das nicht von einer Membran umschlossen ist. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle in vielen Mikrotubuli- abhängigen Prozessen wie Organellenpositionierung, Zellpolarität oder die Organisation der mitotischen Spindel. Das Centrosom von Dictyostelium besteht aus einer dreischichtigen Core-Struktur umgeben von einer Corona, die Mikrotubuli-nukleierende Komplexe enthält. Die Verdoppelung des Centrosoms in Dictyostelium findet zu Beginn der Mitose statt. In der Prophase vergrößert sich die geschichtete Core-Struktur und die Corona löst sich auf. Anschließend trennen sich die beiden äußeren Lagen der Core-Struktur und bilden in der Metaphase die beiden Spindelpole, die in der Telophase zu zwei vollständigen Centrosomen heranreifen. Das durch eine Proteom-Analyse identifizierte Protein CP75 lokalisiert am Centrosom abhängig von den Mitosephasen. Es dissoziiert von der Core-Struktur in der Prometaphase und erscheint an den Spindelpolen in der Telophase wieder. Dieses Verhalten korreliert mit dem Verhalten der mittleren Lage der Core-Struktur in der Mitose, was darauf hinweist, dass CP75 eine Komponente dieser Schicht sein könnte. Die FRAP-Experimente am Interphase- Centrosom zeigen, dass GFP-CP75 dort nicht mobil ist. Das deutet darauf hin, dass das Protein wichtige Funktionen im Strukturerhalt der centrosomalen Core- Struktur {\"u}bernehmen könnte. Sowohl die C- als auch die N-terminale Domäne von CP75 enthalten centrosomale Targeting-Domäne. Als GFP-Fusionsproteine (GFP-CP75-N und -C) lokalisieren die beiden Fragmente am Centrosom in der Interphase. Während GFP-CP75-C in der Mitose am Centrosom verbleibt, verschwindet GFP-CP75-N in der Metaphase und kehrt erst in der späten Telophase zur{\"u}ck. GFP-CP75-C und GFP-CP75O/E kolokalisieren mit F-Aktin am Zellcortex, zeigen aber keine Interaktion mit Aktin mit der BioID-Methode. Die N-terminale Domäne von CP75 enthält eine potentielle Plk1- Phosphorylierungssequenz. Die Überexpression der nichtphosphorylierbaren Punktmutante (GFP-CP75-Plk-S143A) ruft verschiedene Phänotypen wie verlängerte oder {\"u}berzählige Centrosomen, vergrößerte Zellkerne und Anreicherung von detyrosinierten Mikrotubuli hervor. Die ähnlichen Phänotypen konnten auch bei GFP-CP75-N und CP75-RNAi beobachtet werden. Der Phänotyp der detyrosinierten Mikrotubuli bringt erstmals den Beweis daf{\"u}r, dass I in Dictyostelium posttranslationale Modifikation an Tubulinen stattfindet. Außerdem zeigten CP75-RNAi-Zellen Defekte in der Organisation der mitotischen Spindel. Mittels BioID-Methode konnten drei potentielle Interaktionspartner von CP75 identifiziert werden. Diese drei Proteine CP39, CP91 und Cep192 sind ebenfalls Bestandteile des Centrosoms.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Persello2016, author = {Persello, Mara}, title = {Subcultures creating culture}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-104891}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {300}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The purpose of this work is to apply the methods of textual semiotics to subcultures, in particular to the little known glam subculture. Subcultures have been the main research field of the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, known for its interdisciplinary approach, and for its focus on the creative aspects of subculture. Hebdige, in particular, introduced many semiotic elements in his work, as the aberrant decoding after Eco and the cultural creativity via bricolage after L{\´e}vi-Strauss. His definition of subculture as symbolic resistance has been criticized by the following post-subcultural researchers for its abstractness and lack of cohesion. Semiotics eventually have been expelled from the set of tools used in sociology for the analysis of subcultures. Nowadays, the studies on subcultures have a strong ethnographic focus. Due to terminological proliferation and a descriptive approach, it is difficult to compare them on a common basis. Textual semiotics, through the concept of semiosphere developed by Lotman, allows to go back to the intuitions of Hebdige, organizing the semiotic elements already present in his work into a wider system of interpretation. The semiosphere offers a coherent theoretical horizon as a basis for further analysis, and a new methodological perspective focusing on the cultural. In this thesis for the first time the work of Lotman is applied to the study of a subculture.}, language = {it} } @phdthesis{PazSotoRiveros2016, author = {Paz Soto Riveros, Paulina}, title = {Mujeres de apocalipsis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90435}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {271}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Mujeres del Apocalipsis address new readings on gender in Colonial Latin-American Culture. The study is based on inquisition records of Beatas: pious woman, commonly accused of heretical behaviour. Women who gained freedom and a partial share of power through religion imaginary. A citical approach to the reading of her life and imageneries shows the apperance of a new concept of womanhood in the era.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Pavlenko2016, author = {Pavlenko, Elena}, title = {Hybrid nanolayer architectures for ultrafast acousto-plasmonics in soft matter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The goal of the presented work is to explore the interaction between gold nanorods (GNRs) and hyper-sound waves. For the generation of the hyper-sound I have used Azobenzene-containing polymer transducers. Multilayer polymer structures with well-defined thicknesses and smooth interfaces were built via layer-by-layer deposition. Anionic polyelectrolytes with Azobenzene side groups (PAzo) were alternated with cationic polymer PAH, for the creation of transducer films. PSS/PAH multilayer were built for spacer layers, which do not absorb in the visible light range. The properties of the PAzo/PAH film as a transducer are carefully characterized by static and transient optical spectroscopy. The optical and mechanical properties of the transducer are studied on the picosecond time scale. In particular the relative change of the refractive index of the photo-excited and expanded PAH/PAzo is Δn/n = - 2.6*10-4. Calibration of the generated strain is performed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction calibrated the strain in a Mica substrate, into which the hyper-sound is transduced. By simulating the X-ray data with a linear-chain-model the strain in the transducer under the excitation is derived to be Δd/d ~ 5*10-4. Additional to the investigation of the properties of the transducer itself, I have performed a series of experiments to study the penetration of the generated strain into various adjacent materials. By depositing the PAzo/PAH film onto a PAH/PSS structure with gold nanorods incorporated in it, I have shown that nanoscale impurities can be detected via the scattering of hyper-sound. Prior to the investigation of complex structures containing GNRs and the transducer, I have performed several sets of experiments on GNRs deposited on a small buffer of PSS/PAH. The static and transient response of GNRs is investigated for different fluence of the pump beam and for different dielectric environments (GNRs covered by PSS/PAH). A systematic analysis of sample architectures is performed in order to construct a sample with the desired effect of GNRs responding to the hyper-sound strain wave. The observed shift of a feature related to the longitudinal plasmon resonance in the transient reflection spectra is interpreted as the event of GNRs sensing the strain wave. We argue that the shift of the longitudinal plasmon resonance is caused by the viscoelastic deformation of the polymer around the nanoparticle. The deformation is induced by the out of plane difference in strain in the area directly under a particle and next to it. Simulations based on the linear chain model support this assumption. Experimentally this assumption is proven by investigating the same structure, with GNRs embedded in a PSS/PAH polymer layer. The response of GNRs to the hyper-sound wave is also observed for the sample structure with GNRs embedded in PAzo/PAH films. The response of GNRs in this case is explained to be driven by the change of the refractive index of PAzo during the strain propagation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pampel2016, author = {Pampel, Jonas}, title = {Ionothermal carbon materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {122, xlv}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Alternative concepts for energy storage and conversion have to be developed, optimized and employed to fulfill the dream of a fossil-independent energy economy. Porous carbon materials play a major role in many energy-related devices. Among different characteristics, distinct porosity features, e.g., specific surface area (SSA), total pore volume (TPV), and the pore size distribution (PSD), are important to maximize the performance in the final device. In order to approach the aim to synthesize carbon materials with tailor-made porosity in a sustainable fashion, the present thesis focused on biomass-derived precursors employing and developing the ionothermal carbonization. During the ionothermal carbonization, a salt melt simultaneously serves as solvent and porogen. Typically, eutectic mixtures containing zinc chloride are employed as salt phase. The first topic of the present thesis addressed the possibility to precisely tailor the porosity of ionothermal carbon materials by an experimentally simple variation of the molar composition of the binary salt mixture. The developed pore tuning tool allowed the synthesis of glucose derived carbon materials with predictable SSAs in the range of ~ 900 to ~ 2100 m2 g-1. Moreover, the nucleobase adenine was employed as precursor introducing nitrogen functionalities in the final material. Thereby, the chemical properties of the carbon materials are varied leading to new application fields. Nitrogen doped carbons (NDCs) are able to catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) which takes place on the cathodic site of a fuel cell. The herein developed porosity tailoring allowed the synthesis of adenine derived NDCs with outstanding SSAs of up to 2900 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 5.19 cm3 g-1. Furthermore, the influence of the porosity on the ORR could be directly investigated enabling the precise optimization of the porosity characteristics of NDCs for this application. The second topic addressed the development of a new method to investigate the not-yet unraveled mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction using a rotating disc electrode setup. The focus was put on noble-metal free catalysts. The results showed that the reaction pathway of the investigated catalysts is pH-dependent indicating different active species at different pH-values. The third topic addressed the expansion of the used salts for the ionothermal approach towards hydrated calcium and magnesium chloride. It was shown that hydrated salt phases allowed the introduction of a secondary templating effect which was connected to the coexistence of liquid and solid salt phases. The method enabled the synthesis of fibrous NDCs with SSAs of up to 2780 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 3.86 cm3 g-1. Moreover, the concept of active site implementation by a facile low-temperature metalation employing the obtained NDCs as solid ligands could be shown for the first time in the context of ORR. Overall, the thesis may pave the way towards highly porous carbon with tailor-made porosity materials prepared by an inexpensive and sustainable pathway, which can be applied in energy related field thereby supporting the needed expansion of the renewable energy sector.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Osudar2016, author = {Osudar, Roman}, title = {Methane distribution and oxidation across aquatic interfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96799}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 170}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The increase in atmospheric methane concentration, which is determined by an imbalance between its sources and sinks, has led to investigations of the methane cycle in various environments. Aquatic environments are of an exceptional interest due to their active involvement in methane cycling worldwide and in particular in areas sensitive to climate change. Furthermore, being connected with each other aquatic environments form networks that can be spread on vast areas involving marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, aquatic systems have a high potential to translate local or regional environmental and subsequently ecosystem changes to a bigger scale. Many studies neglect this connectivity and focus on individual aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. The current study focuses on environmental controls of the distribution and aerobic oxidation of methane at the example of two aquatic ecosystems. These ecosystems are Arctic fresh water bodies and the Elbe estuary which represent interfaces between freshwater-terrestrial and freshwater-marine environments, respectively. Arctic water bodies are significant atmospheric sources of methane. At the same time the methane cycle in Arctic water bodies is strongly affected by the surrounding permafrost environment, which is characterized by high amounts of organic carbon. The results of this thesis indicate that the methane concentrations in Arctic lakes and streams substantially vary between each other being regulated by local landscape features (e.g. floodplain area) and the morphology of the water bodies (lakes, streams and river). The highest methane concentrations were detected in the lake outlets and in a floodplain lake complex. In contrast, the methane concentrations measured at different sites of the Lena River did not vary substantially. The lake complexes in comparison to the Lena River, thus, appear as more individual and heterogeneous systems with a pronounced imprint of the surrounding soil environment. Furthermore, connected with each other Arctic aquatic environments have a large potential to transport methane from methane-rich water bodies such as streams and floodplain lakes to aquatic environments relatively poor in methane such as the Lena River. Estuaries represent hot spots of oceanic methane emissions. Also, estuaries are intermediate zones between methane-rich river water and methane depleted marine water. Substantiated through this thesis at the example of the Elbe estuary, the methane distribution in estuaries, however, cannot entirely be described by the conservative mixing model i.e. gradual decrease from the freshwater end-member to the marine water end-member. In addition to the methane-rich water from the Elbe River mouth substantial methane input occurs from tidal flats, areas of significant interaction between aquatic and terrestrial environments. Thus, this study demonstrates the complex interactions and their consequences for the methane distribution within estuaries. Also it reveals how important it is to investigate estuaries at larger spatial scales. Methane oxidation (MOX) rates are commonly correlated with methane concentrations. This was shown in previous research studies and was substantiated by the present thesis. In detail, the highest MOX rates in the Arctic water bodies were detected in methane-rich streams and in the floodplain area while in the Elbe estuary the highest MOX rates were observed at the coastal stations. However, in these bordering environments, MOX rates are affected not only via the regulation through methane concentrations. The MOX rates in the Arctic lakes were shown to be also dependent on the abundance and community composition of methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB), that in turn are controlled by local landscape features (regardless of the methane concentrations) and by the transport of MOB between neighbouring environments. In the Elbe estuary, the MOX rates in addition to the methane concentrations are largely affected by the salinity, which is in turn regulated by the mixing of fresh- and marine waters. The magnitude of the salinity impact on MOX rates thereby depends on the MOB community composition and on the rate of the salinity change. This study extends our knowledge of environmental controls of methane distribution and aerobic methane oxidation in aquatic environments. It also illustrates how important it is to investigate complex ecosystems rather than individual ecosystems to better understand the functioning of whole biomes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Opel2016, author = {Opel, Kim-Holger}, title = {Faktor Mensch}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-404767}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {395}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eine Krisensituation ist eine Umbruchssituation. Sie kann als Chance, als Herausforderung sowie im Sinne einer SCHUMPETER'SCHEN „sch{\"o}pferischen Zerst{\"o}rung" als Ausgangspunkt von bedeutsamen Ver{\"a}nderungen und neuen Entwicklungsm{\"o}glichkeiten begriffen werden. Die Krisensituation der 1970er und 1980er Jahre bildet dahingehend durch ihre Einzigartigkeit einen herausragenden wirtschaftshistorischen Untersuchungsgegenstand. F{\"u}r die westeurop{\"a}ischen Staaten waren es nicht nur Jahre einer, nach der außergew{\"o}hnlich langen Boomzeit der „Wirtschaftswunderjahre", problematischen sozialen und wirtschaftliche Situation. Es war auch eine Zeit eines bedeutungsvollen und beschleunigten Wandels. Die Gleichzeitigkeit vieler Ver{\"a}nderungen, das zeitliche Zusammentreffen von konjunkturellen und strukturellen Problemlagen sowie die {\"a}ußerst kritische Situation an den westeurop{\"a}ischen Arbeitsm{\"a}rkten bildete eine multiple Krisensituation. Deren Auswirkungen waren weitreichender, als es von den Zeitgenossen erahnt werden konnte. Es gab nicht nur {\"A}nderungen im (wirtschafts-)politischen Makrogef{\"u}ge vieler Volkswirtschaften, auch bedeutende Einfl{\"u}sse waren auf der Mikroebene feststellbar. Marktorientierte Unternehmen mussten sich auf die neue Situation einstellen und im Rahmen einer Neupositionierung von Betriebsstrategien, organisatorischen Umgestaltungen und einer st{\"a}rkeren Ressourcenorientierung betriebswirtschaftlich handeln. Das schien letztlich zu einer st{\"a}rkeren Beachtung und Entwicklung der in den Unternehmen vorhandenen humanen und sozialen Ressourcen zu f{\"u}hren. Diese Arbeit stellt die Hypothese auf, dass umfassende organisatorische Ver{\"a}nderungen und strategische Neupositionierungen, insbesondere die effektivere Nutzung sowie der intensive Auf- und Ausbau betriebsinterner Personalressourcen Unternehmen maßgeblich halfen, die Krisensituation der 1970er und 1980er Jahre besser und nachhaltiger {\"u}berwinden zu k{\"o}nnen. Anders als die bisherige wirtschaftshistorische Forschungsliteratur nimmt diese Dissertation nicht die makro{\"o}konomisch Perspektive in den Fokus, sondern untersucht die Hypothese anhand mehrerer Unternehmensfallstudien. Ausgew{\"a}hlt sind drei Großunternehmen der westeurop{\"a}ischen Elektroindustrie. Diese Arbeit liefert mit dieser Untersuchung einen weiteren Baustein zur wirtschaftshistorischen Ann{\"a}herung an die 1970er und 1980er Jahre und leistet ebenso einen Beitrag zur Fortschreibung der Firmengeschichte der drei Unternehmen. Die Elektrobranche fand bisher wirtschaftshistorisch nur wenig Beachtung, dennoch ist sie ein gutes Beispiel f{\"u}r die umfassende Ver{\"a}nderungssituation jener Jahre. Entsprechende Sekund{\"a}rquellen sind f{\"u}r diesen Zeitraum f{\"u}r die drei Unternehmen kaum vorhanden. Aus diesem Grund bildet eine Vielzahl von Archivalien das Fundament dieser Arbeit. Sie werden als Prim{\"a}rquellen aus den jeweiligen Unternehmensarchiven als Basis der Fallanalyse herangezogen. Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Dokumente des betrieblichen „Alltagsgesch{\"a}fts", wie beispielsweise Daten des betrieblichen Personal- und Rechnungswesens, Protokolle von Sitzungen der Arbeitsnehmervertreter, des Aufsichtsrats oder des Vorstands sowie interne Strategiepapiere und Statistiken, wird nicht nur der anfangs aufgestellten Hypothese nachgegangen, sondern auch mehrerer sich aus ihr ergebende Fragenkomplexe. Im Rahmen derer wird untersucht, wie die Unternehmen - die Besch{\"a}ftigten, die Leitungsebenen und die Aufsichtsr{\"a}te - auf die Krisensituation reagierten, ob sie ggf. ihrerseits Einfluss darauf zu nehmen versuchten und welche betriebswirtschaftlichen Schl{\"u}sse daraus gezogen wurden. Es wird hinterfragt, ob eine st{\"a}rkere Ressourcenorientierung wirklich eine neue Strategieperspektive bot und es diesbez{\"u}glich zu einer st{\"a}rkeren Beachtung humaner und sozialer Ressourcen im Unternehmen kam. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob gezielt zur Krisen{\"u}berwindung in diese Ressourcen investiert wurde und diese Investitionen halfen, die Krisensituation erfolgreich zu {\"u}berstehen und nachhaltig den Unternehmenserfolg zu sichern.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Olonscheck2016, author = {Olonscheck, Mady}, title = {Climate change impacts on electricity and residential energy demand}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98378}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXIV, 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The energy sector is both affected by climate change and a key sector for climate protection measures. Energy security is the backbone of our modern society and guarantees the functioning of most critical infrastructure. Thus, decision makers and energy suppliers of different countries should be familiar with the factors that increase or decrease the susceptibility of their electricity sector to climate change. Susceptibility means socioeconomic and structural characteristics of the electricity sector that affect the demand for and supply of electricity under climate change. Moreover, the relevant stakeholders are supposed to know whether the given national energy and climate targets are feasible and what needs to be done in order to meet these targets. In this regard, a focus should be on the residential building sector as it is one of the largest energy consumers and therefore emitters of anthropogenic CO 2 worldwide. This dissertation addresses the first aspect, namely the susceptibility of the electricity sector, by developing a ranked index which allows for quantitative comparison of the electricity sector susceptibility of 21 European countries based on 14 influencing factors. Such a ranking has not been completed to date. We applied a sensitivity analysis to test the relative effect of each influencing factor on the susceptibility index ranking. We also discuss reasons for the ranking position and thus the susceptibility of selected countries. The second objective, namely the impact of climate change on the energy demand of buildings, is tackled by means of a new model with which the heating and cooling energy demand of residential buildings can be estimated. We exemplarily applied the model to Germany and the Netherlands. It considers projections of future changes in population, climate and the insulation standards of buildings, whereas most of the existing studies only take into account fewer than three different factors that influence the future energy demand of buildings. Furthermore, we developed a comprehensive retrofitting algorithm with which the total residential building stock can be modeled for the first time for each year in the past and future. The study confirms that there is no correlation between the geographical location of a country and its position in the electricity sector susceptibility ranking. Moreover, we found no pronounced pattern of susceptibility influencing factors between countries that ranked higher or lower in the index. We illustrate that Luxembourg, Greece, Slovakia and Italy are the countries with the highest electricity sector susceptibility. The electricity sectors of Norway, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Denmark were found to be least susceptible to climate change. Knowledge about the most important factors for the poor and good ranking positions of these countries is crucial for finding adequate adaptation measures to reduce the susceptibility of the electricity sector. Therefore, these factors are described within this study. We show that the heating energy demand of residential buildings will strongly decrease in both Germany and the Netherlands in the future. The analysis for the Netherlands focused on the regional level and a finer temporal resolution which revealed strong variations in the future heating energy demand changes by province and by month. In the German study, we additionally investigated the future cooling energy demand and could demonstrate that it will only slightly increase up to the middle of this century. Thus, increases in the cooling energy demand are not expected to offset reductions in heating energy demand. The main factor for substantial heating energy demand reductions is the retrofitting of buildings. We are the first to show that the given German and Dutch energy and climate targets in the building sector can only be met if the annual retrofitting rates are substantially increased. The current rate of only about 1 \% of the total building stock per year is insufficient for reaching a nearly zero-energy demand of all residential buildings by the middle of this century. To reach this target, it would need to be at least tripled. To sum up, this thesis emphasizes that country-specific characteristics are decisive for the electricity sector susceptibility of European countries. It also shows for different scenarios how much energy is needed in the future to heat and cool residential buildings. With this information, existing climate mitigation and adaptation measures can be justified or new actions encouraged.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{OlivaresJara2016, author = {Olivares Jara, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Mito y Modernidad en la obra de Rosamel del Valle}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-357-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-86539}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {462}, year = {2016}, abstract = {La siguiente investigaci{\´o}n aborda la relaci{\´o}n entre mito y modernidad en la obra literaria (poemas, cuentos, novelas y cr{\´o}nicas) del autor chileno Rosamel del Valle (Curacav{\´i}, 1901 - Santiago de Chile, 1965). En sus distintos textos existe una tensi{\´o}n entre un proyecto po{\´e}tico basado en una visi{\´o}n m{\´i}tica del mundo y un contexto hist{\´o}rico que privilegia posturas m{\´a}s racionalistas, relegando lo po{\´e}tico y lo m{\´i}tico. Ya en el siglo XIX la modernidad y los fen{\´o}menos asociados de la modernizaci{\´o}n producen el desplazamiento de la poes{\´i}a como discurso y del poeta como persona a una situaci{\´o}n deficitaria dentro de la sociedad, lo que se extiende en el siglo XX. Debido a este conflicto Rosamel del Valle cuestiona en su obra los alcances de sus propios postulados, tanto est{\´e}ticos como vitales. Esto conlleva una vacilaci{\´o}n entre la reafirmaci{\´o}n de su proyecto po{\´e}tico-vital y la consciencia del fracaso. Es por esto que la obra del poeta chileno contiene un Lebenswissen, que concibe a la poes{\´i}a como una forma privilegiada de vida. Sin embargo, debido a las dificultades de las condiciones hist{\´o}ricas es posible entender este Lebenswissen tambi{\´e}n como un {\"U}berLebenswissen (Ette). En la primera parte del texto se estudia la concepci{\´o}n m{\´i}tica de la poes{\´i}a de del Valle y se analiza los distintos niveles en los que aparece el mito en su obra literaria: como pensamiento, como lenguaje y como narraci{\´o}n tradicional. La identificaci{\´o}n de la poes{\´i}a como mito muestra las principales caracter{\´i}sticas de la po{\´e}tica de del Valle: una concepci{\´o}n ontol{\´o}gica que diferencia entre una dimensi{\´o}n visible y otra invisible de la realidad; la tendencia m{\´i}stica de la poes{\´i}a; una concepci{\´o}n c{\´i}clica del tiempo que funda una relaci{\´o}n con los discursos de la memoria y de la muerte, as{\´i} como la idea de un pasado ut{\´o}pico que por medio de la poes{\´i}a podr{\´i}a revivir en el presente; adem{\´a}s de la figura de la mujer c{\´o}mo s{\´i}mbolo del amor y de la poes{\´i}a. En la segunda parte se investiga la relaci{\´o}n y las consecuencias de esta "poes{\´i}a m{\´i}tica" en el contexto de la modernidad. Se aborda especialmente el efecto en la po{\´e}tica de Rosamel del Valle de la Entzauberung der Welt (Weber), como experiencia espec{\´i}fica de la {\´e}poca. Para esto se destaca ante todo sus impresiones sobre Nueva York. Esta ciudad en la que vivi{\´o} y trabaj{\´o} entre 1946 y 1963, se transforma en sus textos en un lugar en el que ser{\´i}a posible el "habitar po{\´e}tico del hombre" en la modernidad.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Olen2016, author = {Olen, Stephanie M.}, title = {Understanding Himalayan denudation at the catchment and orogen scale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91423}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 174}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Understanding the rates and processes of denudation is key to unraveling the dynamic processes that shape active orogens. This includes decoding the roles of tectonic and climate-driven processes in the long-term evolution of high- mountain landscapes in regions with pronounced tectonic activity and steep climatic and surface-process gradients. Well-constrained denudation rates can be used to address a wide range of geologic problems. In steady-state landscapes, denudation rates are argued to be proportional to tectonic or isostatic uplift rates and provide valuable insight into the tectonic regimes underlying surface denudation. The use of denudation rates based on terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) such as 10Beryllium has become a widely-used method to quantify catchment-mean denudation rates. Because such measurements are averaged over timescales of 102 to 105 years, they are not as susceptible to stochastic changes as shorter-term denudation rate estimates (e.g., from suspended sediment measurements) and are therefore considered more reliable for a comparison to long-term processes that operate on geologic timescales. However, the impact of various climatic, biotic, and surface processes on 10Be concentrations and the resultant denudation rates remains unclear and is subject to ongoing discussion. In this thesis, I explore the interaction of climate, the biosphere, topography, and geology in forcing and modulating denudation rates on catchment to orogen scales. There are many processes in highly dynamic active orogens that may effect 10Be concentrations in modern river sands and therefore impact 10Be-derived denudation rates. The calculation of denudation rates from 10Be concentrations, however, requires a suite of simplifying assumptions that may not be valid or applicable in many orogens. I investigate how these processes affect 10Be concentrations in the Arun Valley of Eastern Nepal using 34 new 10Be measurements from the main stem Arun River and its tributaries. The Arun Valley is characterized by steep gradients in climate and topography, with elevations ranging from <100 m asl in the foreland basin to >8,000 asl in the high sectors to the north. This is coupled with a five-fold increase in mean annual rainfall across strike of the orogen. Denudation rates from tributary samples increase toward the core of the orogen, from <0.2 to >5 mm/yr from the Lesser to Higher Himalaya. Very high denudation rates (>2 mm/yr), however, are likely the result of 10Be TCN dilution by surface and climatic processes, such as large landsliding and glaciation, and thus may not be representative of long-term denudation rates. Mainstem Arun denudation rates increase downstream from ~0.2 mm/yr at the border with Tibet to 0.91 mm/yr at its outlet into the Sapt Kosi. However, the downstream 10Be concentrations may not be representative of the entire upstream catchment. Instead, I document evidence for downstream fining of grains from the Tibetan Plateau, resulting in an order-of-magnitude apparent decrease in the measured 10Be concentration. In the Arun Valley and across the Himalaya, topography, climate, and vegetation are strongly interrelated. The observed increase in denudation rates at the transition from the Lesser to Higher Himalaya corresponds to abrupt increases in elevation, hillslope gradient, and mean annual rainfall. Thus, across strike (N-S), it is difficult to decipher the potential impacts of climate and vegetation cover on denudation rates. To further evaluate these relationships I instead took advantage of an along-strike west-to-east increase of mean annual rainfall and vegetation density in the Himalaya. An analysis of 136 published 10Be denudation rates from along strike of the revealed that median denudation rates do not vary considerably along strike of the Himalaya, ~1500 km E-W. However, the range of denudation rates generally decreases from west to east, with more variable denudation rates in the northwestern regions of the orogen than in the eastern regions. This denudation rate variability decreases as vegetation density increases (R=- 0.90), and increases proportionately to the annual seasonality of vegetation (R=0.99). Moreover, rainfall and vegetation modulate the relationship between topographic steepness and denudation rates such that in the wet, densely vegetated regions of the Himalaya, topography responds more linearly to changes in denudation rates than in dry, sparsely vegetated regions, where the response of topographic steepness to denudation rates is highly nonlinear. Understanding the relationships between denudation rates, topography, and climate is also critical for interpreting sedimentary archives. However, there is a lack of understanding of how terrestrial organic matter is transported out of orogens and into sedimentary archives. Plant wax lipid biomarkers derived from terrestrial and marine sedimentary records are commonly used as paleo- hydrologic proxy to help elucidate these problems. I address the issue of how to interpret the biomarker record by using the plant wax isotopic composition of modern suspended and riverbank organic matter to identify and quantify organic matter source regions in the Arun Valley. Topographic and geomorphic analysis, provided by the 10Be catchment-mean denudation rates, reveals that a combination of topographic steepness (as a proxy for denudation) and vegetation density is required to capture organic matter sourcing in the Arun River. My studies highlight the importance of a rigorous and careful interpretation of denudation rates in tectonically active orogens that are furthermore characterized by strong climatic and biotic gradients. Unambiguous information about these issues is critical for correctly decoding and interpreting the possible tectonic and climatic forces that drive erosion and denudation, and the manifestation of the erosion products in sedimentary archives.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nietzsche2016, author = {Nietzsche, Madlen}, title = {Identifizierung und Charakterisierung neuer Komponenten der SnRK1-Signaltransduktion in Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98678}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 182}, year = {2016}, abstract = {F{\"u}r alle Organismen ist die Aufrechterhaltung ihres energetischen Gleichgewichts unter fluktuierenden Umweltbedingungen lebensnotwendig. In Eukaryoten steuern evolution{\"a}r konservierte Proteinkinasen, die in Pflanzen als SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE1 (SnRK1) bezeichnet werden, die Adaption an Stresssignale aus der Umwelt und an die Limitierung von N{\"a}hrstoffen und zellul{\"a}rer Energie. Die Aktivierung von SnRK1 bedingt eine umfangreiche transkriptionelle Umprogrammierung, die allgemein zu einer Repression energiekonsumierender Prozesse wie beispielsweise Zellteilung und Proteinbiosynthese und zu einer Induktion energieerzeugender, katabolischer Stoffwechselwege f{\"u}hrt. Wie unterschiedliche Signale zu einer generellen sowie teilweise gewebe- und stressspezifischen SnRK1-vermittelten Antwort f{\"u}hren ist bisher noch nicht ausreichend gekl{\"a}rt, auch weil bislang nur wenige Komponenten der SnRK1-Signaltransduktion identifiziert wurden. In dieser Arbeit konnte ein Protein-Protein-Interaktionsnetzwerk um die SnRK1αUntereinheiten aus Arabidopsis AKIN10/AKIN11 etabliert werden. Dadurch wurden zun{\"a}chst Mitglieder der pflanzenspezifischen DUF581-Proteinfamilie als Interaktionspartner der SnRK1α-Untereinheiten identifiziert. Diese Proteine sind {\"u}ber ihre konservierte DUF581Dom{\"a}ne, in der ein Zinkfinger-Motiv lokalisiert ist, f{\"a}hig mit AKIN10/AKIN11 zu interagieren. In planta Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass die DUF581-Proteine eine Verschiebung der nucleo-cytoplasmatischen Lokalisierung von AKIN10 hin zu einer nahezu ausschließlichen zellkernspezifischen Lokalisierung beg{\"u}nstigen sowie die Ko-Lokalisierung von AKIN10 und DUF581-Proteinen im Nucleus. In Bimolekularen Fluoreszenzkomplementations-Analysen konnte die zellkernspezifische Interaktion von DUF581-Proteinen mit SnRK1α-Untereinheiten in planta best{\"a}tigt werden. Außerhalb der DUF581-Dom{\"a}ne weisen die Proteine einander keine große Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit auf. Aufgrund ihrer F{\"a}higkeit mit SnRK1 zu interagieren, dem Fehlen von SnRK1Phosphorylierungsmotiven sowie ihrer untereinander sehr variabler gewebs-, entwicklungs- und stimulusspezifischer Expression wurde f{\"u}r DUF581-Proteine eine Funktion als Adaptoren postuliert, die unter bestimmten physiologischen Bedingungen spezifische Substratproteine in den SnRK1-Komplex rekrutieren. Auf diese Weise k{\"o}nnten DUF581Proteine die Interaktion von SnRK1 mit deren Zielproteinen modifizieren und eine Feinjustierung der SnRK1-Signalweiterleitung erm{\"o}glichen. Durch weiterf{\"u}hrende Interaktionsstudien konnten DUF581-interagierende Proteine darunter Transkriptionsfaktoren, Proteinkinasen sowie regulatorische Proteine gefunden werden, die teilweise ebenfalls Wechselwirkungen mit SnRK1α-Untereinheiten aufzeigten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eines dieser Proteine f{\"u}r das eine Beteiligung an der SnRK1Signalweiterleitung als Transkriptionsregulator vermutet wurde n{\"a}her charakterisiert. STKR1 (STOREKEEPER RELATED 1), ein spezifischer Interaktionspartner von DUF581-18, geh{\"o}rt zu einer pflanzenspezifischen Leucin-Zipper-Transkriptionsfaktorfamilie und interagiert in Hefe sowie in planta mit SnRK1. Die zellkernspezifische Interaktion von STKR1 und AKIN10 in Pflanzen unterst{\"u}tzt die Vermutung der kooperativen Regulation von Zielgenen. Weiterhin stabilisierte die Anwesenheit von AKIN10 die Proteingehalte von STKR1, das wahrscheinlich {\"u}ber das 26S Proteasom abgebaut wird. Da es sich bei STKR1 um ein Phosphoprotein mit SnRK1-Phosphorylierungsmotiv handelt, stellt es sehr wahrscheinlich ein SnRK1-Substrat dar. Allerdings konnte eine SnRK1-vermittelte Phosphorylierung von STKR1 in dieser Arbeit nicht gezeigt werden. Der Verlust von einer Phosphorylierungsstelle beeinflusste die Homo- und Heterodimerisierungsf{\"a}higkeit von STKR1 in Hefeinteraktionsstudien, wodurch eine erh{\"o}hte Spezifit{\"a}t der Zielgenregulation erm{\"o}glicht werden k{\"o}nnte. Außerdem wurden Arabidopsis-Pflanzen mit einer ver{\"a}nderten STKR1-Expression ph{\"a}notypisch, physiologisch und molekularbiologisch charakterisiert. W{\"a}hrend der Verlust der STKR1-Expression zu Pflanzen f{\"u}hrte, die sich kaum von Wildtyp-Pflanzen unterschieden, bedingte die konstitutive {\"U}berexpression von STKR1 ein stark vermindertes Pflanzenwachstum sowie Entwicklungsverz{\"o}gerungen hinsichtlich der Bl{\"u}hinduktion und Seneszenz {\"a}hnlich wie sie auch bei SnRK1α-{\"U}berexpression beschrieben wurden. Pflanzen dieser Linien waren nicht in der Lage Anthocyane zu akkumulieren und enthielten geringere Gehalte an Chlorophyll und Carotinoiden. Neben einem erh{\"o}hten n{\"a}chtlichen St{\"a}rkeumsatz waren die Pflanzen durch geringere Saccharosegehalte im Vergleich zum Wildtyp gekennzeichnet. Eine Transkriptomanalyse ergab, dass in den STKR1-{\"u}berexprimierenden Pflanzen unter Energiemangelbedingungen, hervorgerufen durch eine verl{\"a}ngerte Dunkelphase, eine gr{\"o}ßere Anzahl an Genen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp differentiell reguliert war als w{\"a}hrend der Lichtphase. Dies spricht f{\"u}r eine Beteiligung von STKR1 an Prozessen, die w{\"a}hrend der verl{\"a}ngerten Dunkelphase aktiv sind. Ein solcher ist beispielsweise die SnRK1-Signaltransduktion, die unter energetischem Stress aktiviert wird. Die STKR1{\"U}berexpression f{\"u}hrte zudem zu einer verst{\"a}rkten transkriptionellen Induktion von Abwehrassoziierten Genen sowie NAC- und WRKY-Transkriptionsfaktoren nach verl{\"a}ngerter Dunkelphase. Die Transkriptomdaten deuteten auf eine stimulusunabh{\"a}ngige Induktion von Abwehrprozessen hin und konnten eine Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die ph{\"a}notypischen und physiologischen Auff{\"a}lligkeiten der STKR1-{\"U}berexprimierer liefern.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nied2016, author = {Nied, Manuela}, title = {The role of soil moisture and weather patterns for flood occurrence and characteristics at the river basin scale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 86}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Flood generation at the scale of large river basins is triggered by the interaction of the hydrological pre-conditions and the meteorological event conditions at different spatial and temporal scales. This interaction controls diverse flood generating processes and results in floods varying in magnitude and extent, duration as well as socio-economic consequences. For a process-based understanding of the underlying cause-effect relationships, systematic approaches are required. These approaches have to cover the complete causal flood chain, including the flood triggering meteorological event in combination with the hydrological (pre-)conditions in the catchment, runoff generation, flood routing, possible floodplain inundation and finally flood losses. In this thesis, a comprehensive probabilistic process-based understanding of the causes and effects of floods is advanced. The spatial and temporal dynamics of flood events as well as the geophysical processes involved in the causal flood chain are revealed and the systematic interconnections within the flood chain are deciphered by means of the classification of their associated causes and effects. This is achieved by investigating the role of the hydrological pre-conditions and the meteorological event conditions with respect to flood occurrence, flood processes and flood characteristics as well as their interconnections at the river basin scale. Broadening the knowledge about flood triggers, which up to now has been limited to linking large-scale meteorological conditions to flood occurrence, the influence of large-scale pre-event hydrological conditions on flood initiation is investigated. Using the Elbe River basin as an example, a classification of soil moisture, a key variable of pre-event conditions, is developed and a probabilistic link between patterns of soil moisture and flood occurrence is established. The soil moisture classification is applied to continuously simulated soil moisture data which is generated using the semi-distributed conceptual rainfall-runoff model SWIM. Applying successively a principal component analysis and a cluster analysis, days of similar soil moisture patterns are identified in the period November 1951 to October 2003. The investigation of flood triggers is complemented by including meteorological conditions described by a common weather pattern classification that represents the main modes of atmospheric state variability. The newly developed soil moisture classification thereby provides the basis to study the combined impact of hydrological pre-conditions and large-scale meteorological event conditions on flood occurrence at the river basin scale. A process-based understanding of flood generation and its associated probabilities is attained by classifying observed flood events into process-based flood types such as snowmelt floods or long-rain floods. Subsequently, the flood types are linked to the soil moisture and weather patterns. Further understanding of the processes is gained by modeling of the complete causal flood chain, incorporating a rainfall-runoff model, a 1D/2D hydrodynamic model and a flood loss model. A reshuffling approach based on weather patterns and the month of their occurrence is developed to generate synthetic data fields of meteorological conditions, which drive the model chain, in order to increase the flood sample size. From the large number of simulated flood events, the impact of hydro-meteorological conditions on various flood characteristics is detected through the analysis of conditional cumulative distribution functions and regression trees. The results show the existence of catchment-scale soil moisture patterns, which comprise of large-scale seasonal wetting and drying components as well as of smaller-scale variations related to spatially heterogeneous catchment processes. Soil moisture patterns frequently occurring before the onset of floods are identified. In winter, floods are initiated by catchment-wide high soil moisture, whereas in summer the flood-initiating soil moisture patterns are diverse and the soil moisture conditions are less stable in time. The combined study of both soil moisture and weather patterns shows that the flood favoring hydro-meteorological patterns as well as their interactions vary seasonally. In the analysis period, 18 \% of the weather patterns only result in a flood in the case of preceding soil saturation. The classification of 82 past events into flood types reveals seasonally varying flood processes that can be linked to hydro-meteorological patterns. For instance, the highest flood potential for long-rain floods is associated with a weather pattern that is often detected in the presence of so-called 'Vb' cyclones. Rain-on-snow and snowmelt floods are associated with westerly and north-westerly wind directions. The flood characteristics vary among the flood types and can be reproduced by the applied model chain. In total, 5970 events are simulated. They reproduce the observed event characteristics between September 1957 and August 2002 and provide information on flood losses. A regression tree analysis relates the flood processes of the simulated events to the hydro-meteorological (pre-)event conditions and highlights the fact that flood magnitude is primarily controlled by the meteorological event, whereas flood extent is primarily controlled by the soil moisture conditions. Describing flood occurrence, processes and characteristics as a function of hydro-meteorological patterns, this thesis is part of a paradigm shift towards a process-based understanding of floods. The results highlight that soil moisture patterns as well as weather patterns are not only beneficial to a probabilistic conception of flood initiation but also provide information on the involved flood processes and the resulting flood characteristics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {M{\"u}ller, Maximilian}, title = {Organisationsmodelle f{\"u}r Beschaffung, Betrieb und Finanzierung von Lufttransportkapazit{\"a}ten in der internationalen Katastrophenhilfe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 229}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Organisation von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten bei internationalen Katastrophen. Diese Fl{\"u}ge finden immer dann statt, wenn die eigene Hilfeleistungsf{\"a}higkeit der von Katastrophen betroffenen Regionen {\"u}berfordert ist und Hilfe aus dem Ausland angefordert wird. Bei jedem der darauffolgenden Hilfseins{\"a}tze stehen Hilfsorganisationen und weitere mit der Katastrophenhilfe beteiligte Akteure erneut vor der Herausforderung, in k{\"u}rzester Zeit eine logistische Kette aufzubauen, damit die G{\"u}ter zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der richtigen Menge am richtigen Ort eintreffen. Humanit{\"a}re Lufttransporte werden in der Regel als Charterfl{\"u}ge organisiert und finden auf langen Strecken zu Zielen statt, die nicht selten abseits der hochfrequentierten Warenstr{\"o}me liegen. Am Markt ist das Angebot f{\"u}r derartige Transportdienstleistungen nicht gesichert verf{\"u}gbar und unter Umst{\"a}nden m{\"u}ssen Hilfsorganisationen warten bis Kapazit{\"a}ten mit geeigneten Flugzeugen zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Auch qualitativ sind die Anforderungen von Hilfsorganisationen an die Hilfsg{\"u}tertransporte h{\"o}her als im regul{\"a}ren Linientransport. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird ein alternatives Organisationsmodell f{\"u}r die Beschaffung und den Betrieb sowie die Finanzierung von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten aufgebaut. Dabei wird die gesicherte Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von besonders flexibel einsetzbaren Flugzeugen in Betracht gezogen, mit deren Hilfe die Qualit{\"a}t und insbesondere die Planbarkeit der Hilfeleistung verbessert werden k{\"o}nnte. Ein idealtypisches Modell wird hier durch die Kopplung der Kollektivg{\"u}tertheorie, die der Finanzwissenschaft zuzuordnen ist, mit der Vertragstheorie als Bestandteil der Neuen Institutionen{\"o}konomik erarbeitet. Empirische Beitr{\"a}ge zur Vertragstheorie bem{\"a}ngeln, dass es bei der Beschaffung von transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern, wie etwa Flugzeugen mit besonderen Eigenschaften, aufgrund von Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten zu ineffizienten L{\"o}sungen zwischen Vertragspartnern kommt. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt eine M{\"o}glichkeit auf, wie durch Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Informationsbasis ex-ante, also vor Vertragsschluss, Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten reduziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies geschieht durch eine temporale Erweiterung eines empirischen Modells zur Bestimmung der Organisationsform bei transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern aus der Regulierungs{\"o}konomik. Die Arbeitet leistet dar{\"u}ber hinaus einen Beitrag zur Steigerung der Effizienz in der humanit{\"a}ren Logistik durch die fallspezifische Betrachtung von horizontalen Kooperationen und Professionalisierung der Hilfeleistung im Bereich der humanit{\"a}ren Luftfahrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {Mueller, Stefanie}, title = {Interacting with personal fabrication devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100908}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 108}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Personal fabrication tools, such as 3D printers, are on the way of enabling a future in which non-technical users will be able to create custom objects. However, while the hardware is there, the current interaction model behind existing design tools is not suitable for non-technical users. Today, 3D printers are operated by fabricating the object in one go, which tends to take overnight due to the slow 3D printing technology. Consequently, the current interaction model requires users to think carefully before printing as every mistake may imply another overnight print. Planning every step ahead, however, is not feasible for non-technical users as they lack the experience to reason about the consequences of their design decisions. In this dissertation, we propose changing the interaction model around personal fabrication tools to better serve this user group. We draw inspiration from personal computing and argue that the evolution of personal fabrication may resemble the evolution of personal computing: Computing started with machines that executed a program in one go before returning the result to the user. By decreasing the interaction unit to single requests, turn-taking systems such as the command line evolved, which provided users with feedback after every input. Finally, with the introduction of direct-manipulation interfaces, users continuously interacted with a program receiving feedback about every action in real-time. In this dissertation, we explore whether these interaction concepts can be applied to personal fabrication as well. We start with fabricating an object in one go and investigate how to tighten the feedback-cycle on an object-level: We contribute a method called low-fidelity fabrication, which saves up to 90\% fabrication time by creating objects as fast low-fidelity previews, which are sufficient to evaluate key design aspects. Depending on what is currently being tested, we propose different conversions that enable users to focus on different parts: faBrickator allows for a modular design in the early stages of prototyping; when users move on WirePrint allows quickly testing an object's shape, while Platener allows testing an object's technical function. We present an interactive editor for each technique and explain the underlying conversion algorithms. By interacting on smaller units, such as a single element of an object, we explore what it means to transition from systems that fabricate objects in one go to turn-taking systems. We start with a 2D system called constructable: Users draw with a laser pointer onto the workpiece inside a laser cutter. The drawing is captured with an overhead camera. As soon as the the user finishes drawing an element, such as a line, the constructable system beautifies the path and cuts it--resulting in physical output after every editing step. We extend constructable towards 3D editing by developing a novel laser-cutting technique for 3D objects called LaserOrigami that works by heating up the workpiece with the defocused laser until the material becomes compliant and bends down under gravity. While constructable and LaserOrigami allow for fast physical feedback, the interaction is still best described as turn-taking since it consists of two discrete steps: users first create an input and afterwards the system provides physical output. By decreasing the interaction unit even further to a single feature, we can achieve real-time physical feedback: Input by the user and output by the fabrication device are so tightly coupled that no visible lag exists. This allows us to explore what it means to transition from turn-taking interfaces, which only allow exploring one option at a time, to direct manipulation interfaces with real-time physical feedback, which allow users to explore the entire space of options continuously with a single interaction. We present a system called FormFab, which allows for such direct control. FormFab is based on the same principle as LaserOrigami: It uses a workpiece that when warmed up becomes compliant and can be reshaped. However, FormFab achieves the reshaping not based on gravity, but through a pneumatic system that users can control interactively. As users interact, they see the shape change in real-time. We conclude this dissertation by extrapolating the current evolution into a future in which large numbers of people use the new technology to create objects. We see two additional challenges on the horizon: sustainability and intellectual property. We investigate sustainability by demonstrating how to print less and instead patch physical objects. We explore questions around intellectual property with a system called Scotty that transfers objects without creating duplicates, thereby preserving the designer's copyright.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mey2016, author = {Mey, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Intermontane valley fills}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103158}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Sedimentary valley fills are a widespread characteristic of mountain belts around the world. They transiently store material over time spans ranging from thousands to millions of years and therefore play an important role in modulating the sediment flux from the orogen to the foreland and to oceanic depocenters. In most cases, their formation can be attributed to specific fluvial conditions, which are closely related to climatic and tectonic processes. Hence, valley-fill deposits constitute valuable archives that offer fundamental insight into landscape evolution, and their study may help to assess the impact of future climate change on sediment dynamics. In this thesis I analyzed intermontane valley-fill deposits to constrain different aspects of the climatic and tectonic history of mountain belts over multiple timescales. First, I developed a method to estimate the thickness distribution of valley fills using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Based on the assumption of geometrical similarity between exposed and buried parts of the landscape, this novel and highly automated technique allows reconstructing fill thickness and bedrock topography on the scale of catchments to entire mountain belts. Second, I used the new method for estimating the spatial distribution of post-glacial sediments that are stored in the entire European Alps. A comparison with data from exploratory drillings and from geophysical surveys revealed that the model reproduces the measurements with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 70m and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.81. I used the derived sediment thickness estimates in combination with a model of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) icecap to infer the lithospheric response to deglaciation, erosion and deposition, and deduce their relative contribution to the present-day rock-uplift rate. For a range of different lithospheric and upper mantle-material properties, the results suggest that the long-wavelength uplift signal can be explained by glacial isostatic adjustment with a small erosional contribution and a substantial but localized tectonic component exceeding 50\% in parts of the Eastern Alps and in the Swiss Rh{\^o}ne Valley. Furthermore, this study reveals the particular importance of deconvolving the potential components of rock uplift when interpreting recent movements along active orogens and how this can be used to constrain physical properties of the Earth's interior. In a third study, I used the ANN approach to estimate the sediment thickness of alluviated reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, upstream of the rapidly uplifting Namche Barwa massif. This allowed my colleagues and me to reconstruct the ancient river profile of the Yarlung Tsangpo, and to show that in the past, the river had already been deeply incised into the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Dating of basal sediments from drill cores that reached the paleo-river bed to 2-2.5 Ma are consistent with mineral cooling ages from the Namche Barwa massif, which indicate initiation of rapid uplift at ~4 Ma. Hence, formation of the Tsangpo gorge and aggradation of the voluminous valley fill was most probably a consequence of rapid uplift of the Namche Barwa massif and thus tectonic activity. The fourth and last study focuses on the interaction of fluvial and glacial processes at the southeastern edge of the Karakoram. Paleo-ice-extent indicators and remnants of a more than 400-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine valley fill point to blockage of the Shyok River, a main tributary of the upper Indus, by the Siachen Glacier, which is the largest glacier in the Karakoram Range. Field observations and 10Be exposure dating attest to a period of recurring lake formation and outburst flooding during the penultimate glaciation prior to ~110 ka. The interaction of Rivers and Glaciers all along the Karakorum is considered a key factor in landscape evolution and presumably promoted headward erosion of the Indus-Shyok drainage system into the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The results of this thesis highlight the strong influence of glaciation and tectonics on valley-fill formation and how this has affected the evolution of different mountain belts. In the Alps valley-fill deposition influenced the magnitude and pattern of rock uplift since ice retreat approximately 17,000 years ago. Conversely, the analyzed valley fills in the Himalaya are much older and reflect environmental conditions that prevailed at ~110 ka and ~2.5 Ma, respectively. Thus, the newly developed method has proven useful for inferring the role of sedimentary valley-fill deposits in landscape evolution on timescales ranging from 1,000 to 10,000,000 years.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mazzonetto2016, author = {Mazzonetto, Sara}, title = {On the exact simulation of (skew) Brownian diffusions with discontinuous drift}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 100}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This thesis is focused on the study and the exact simulation of two classes of real-valued Brownian diffusions: multi-skew Brownian motions with constant drift and Brownian diffusions whose drift admits a finite number of jumps. The skew Brownian motion was introduced in the sixties by It{\^o} and McKean, who constructed it from the reflected Brownian motion, flipping its excursions from the origin with a given probability. Such a process behaves as the original one except at the point 0, which plays the role of a semipermeable barrier. More generally, a skew diffusion with several semipermeable barriers, called multi-skew diffusion, is a diffusion everywhere except when it reaches one of the barriers, where it is partially reflected with a probability depending on that particular barrier. Clearly, a multi-skew diffusion can be characterized either as solution of a stochastic differential equation involving weighted local times (these terms providing the semi-permeability) or by its infinitesimal generator as Markov process. In this thesis we first obtain a contour integral representation for the transition semigroup of the multiskew Brownian motion with constant drift, based on a fine analysis of its complex properties. Thanks to this representation we write explicitly the transition densities of the two-skew Brownian motion with constant drift as an infinite series involving, in particular, Gaussian functions and their tails. Then we propose a new useful application of a generalization of the known rejection sampling method. Recall that this basic algorithm allows to sample from a density as soon as one finds an - easy to sample - instrumental density verifying that the ratio between the goal and the instrumental densities is a bounded function. The generalized rejection sampling method allows to sample exactly from densities for which indeed only an approximation is known. The originality of the algorithm lies in the fact that one finally samples directly from the law without any approximation, except the machine's. As an application, we sample from the transition density of the two-skew Brownian motion with or without constant drift. The instrumental density is the transition density of the Brownian motion with constant drift, and we provide an useful uniform bound for the ratio of the densities. We also present numerical simulations to study the efficiency of the algorithm. The second aim of this thesis is to develop an exact simulation algorithm for a Brownian diffusion whose drift admits several jumps. In the literature, so far only the case of a continuous drift (resp. of a drift with one finite jump) was treated. The theoretical method we give allows to deal with any finite number of discontinuities. Then we focus on the case of two jumps, using the transition densities of the two-skew Brownian motion obtained before. Various examples are presented and the efficiency of our approach is discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MartinezValdes2016, author = {Mart{\´i}nez Vald{\´e}s, Eduardo Andr{\´e}s}, title = {Neuromuscular adaptations of either endurance or high-intensity interval training}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 140, XII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {During the last decade, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been used as an alternative to endurance (END) exercise, since it requires less time to produce similar physiological adaptations. Previous literature has focused on HIIT changes in aerobic metabolism and cardiorespiratory fitness, however, there are currently no studies focusing on its neuromuscular adaptations. Therefore, this thesis aimed to compare the neuromuscular adaptations of both HIIT and END after a two-week training intervention, by using a novel technology called high-density surface electromyography (HDEMG) motor unit decomposition. This project consisted in two experiments, where healthy young men were recruited (aged between 18 to 35 years). In experiment one, the reliability of HDEMG motor unit variables (mean discharge rate, peak-to-peak amplitude, conduction velocity and discharge rate variability) was tested (Study 1), a new method to track the same motor units longitudinally was proposed (Study 2), and the level of low (<5Hz) and high (>5Hz) frequency motor unit coherence between vastus medialis (VM) and lateralis (VL) knee extensor muscles was measured (Study 4). In experiment two, a two-week HIIT and END intervention was conducted where cardiorespiratory fitness parameters (e.g. peak oxygen uptake) and motor unit variables from the VM and VL muscles were assessed pre and post intervention (Study 3). The results showed that HDEMG is reliable to monitor changes in motor unit activity and also allows the tracking of the same motor units across different testing sessions. As expected, both HIIT and END improved cardiorespiratory fitness parameters similarly. However, the neuromuscular adaptations of both types of training differed after the intervention, with HIIT showing a significant increase in knee extensor muscle strength that was accompanied by increased VM and VL motor unit discharge rates and HDEMG amplitude at the highest force levels [(50 and 70\% of the maximum voluntary contraction force (MVC)], while END training induced a marked increase in time to task failure at lower force levels (30\% MVC), without any influence on HDEMG amplitude and discharge rates. Additionally, the results showed that VM and VL muscles share most of their synaptic input since they present a large amount of low and high frequency motor unit coherence, which can explain the findings of the training intervention where both muscles showed similar changes in HDEMG amplitude and discharge rates. Taken together, the findings of the current thesis show that despite similar improvements in cardiopulmonary fitness, HIIT and END induced opposite adjustments in motor unit behavior. These results suggest that HIIT and END show specific neuromuscular adaptations, possibly related to their differences in exercise load intensity and training volume.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Markova2016, author = {Markova, Mariya}, title = {Metabolic and molecular effects of two different isocaloric high protein diets in subjects with type 2 diabetes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394310}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ern{\"a}hrung stellt ein wichtiger Faktor in der Pr{\"a}vention und Therapie von Typ-2-Diabetes dar. Fr{\"u}here Studien haben gezeigt, dass Hochproteindi{\"a}ten sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf den Metabolismus hervorrufen. Jedoch ist unklar, ob die Herkunft des Proteins dabei eine Rolle spielt. In der LeguAN-Studie wurden die Effekte von zwei unterschiedlichen Hochproteindi{\"a}ten, entweder tierischer oder pflanzlicher Herkunft, bei Typ-2-Diabetes Patienten untersucht. Beide Di{\"a}ten enthielten 30 EN\% Proteine, 40 EN\% Kohlenhydrate und 30 EN\% Fette. Der Anteil an Ballaststoffen, der glyk{\"a}mischer Index und die Fettkomposition waren in beiden Di{\"a}ten {\"a}hnlich. Die Proteinaufnahme war h{\"o}her, w{\"a}hrend die Fettaufnahme niedriger im Vergleich zu den fr{\"u}heren Ern{\"a}hrungsgewohnheiten der Probanden war. Insgesamt f{\"u}hrten beide Di{\"a}tinterventionen zu einer Verbesserung der glyk{\"a}mischen Kontrolle, der Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t, des Leberfettgehalts und kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikomarkern ohne wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen den Proteintypen. In beiden Interventionsgruppen wurden die n{\"u}chternen Glukosewerte zusammen mit Indizes von Insulinresistenz in einem unterschiedlichen Ausmaß, jedoch ohne signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Di{\"a}ten verbessert. Die Reduktion von HbA1c war ausgepr{\"a}gter in der pflanzlichen Gruppe, w{\"a}hrend sich die Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t mehr in der tierischen Gruppe erh{\"o}hte. Die Hochproteindi{\"a}ten hatten nur einen geringf{\"u}gigen Einfluss auf den postprandialen Metabolismus. Dies zeigte sich durch eine leichte Verbesserung der Indizes f{\"u}r Insulinsekretion, -sensitivit{\"a}t und -degradation sowie der Werte der freien Fetts{\"a}uren. Mit Ausnahme des Einflusses auf die GIP-Sekretion riefen die tierische und die pflanzliche Testmahlzeit {\"a}hnliche metabolische und hormonelle Antworten, trotz unterschiedlicher Aminos{\"a}urenzusammensetzung. Die tierische Hochproteindi{\"a}t f{\"u}hrte zu einer selektiven Zunahme der fettfreien Masse und Abnahme der Fettmasse, was nicht signifikant unterschiedlich von der pflanzlichen Gruppe war. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus reduzierten die Hochproteindi{\"a}ten den Leberfettgehalt um durchschnittlich 42\%. Die Reduktion des Leberfettgehaltes ging mit einer Verminderung der Lipogenese, der Lipolyse und des freien Fetts{\"a}ure Flux einher. Beide Interventionen induzierten einen moderaten Abfall von Leberenzymen im Blut. Die Reduktion des Leberfetts war mit einer verbesserten Glukosehom{\"o}ostase und Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t assoziiert. Blutlipide sanken in allen Probanden, was eventuell auf die niedrigere Fettaufnahme zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren war. Weiterhin waren die Spiegel an Harns{\"a}ure und Inflammationsmarkern erniedrigt unabh{\"a}ngig von der Proteinquelle. Die Werte des systolischen und diastolischen Blutdrucks sanken nur in der pflanzlichen Gruppe, was auf eine potentielle Rolle von Arginin hinweist. Es wurden keine Hinweise auf eine beeintr{\"a}chtigte Nierenfunktion durch die 6-w{\"o}chige Hochproteindi{\"a}ten beobachtet unabh{\"a}ngig von der Herkunft der Proteine. Serumkreatinin war nur in der pflanzlichen Gruppe signifikant reduziert, was eventuell an dem geringen Kreatingehalt der pflanzlichen Nahrungsmittel liegen k{\"o}nnte. Jedoch sind l{\"a}ngere Studien n{\"o}tig, um die Sicherheit von Hochproteindi{\"a}ten vollkommen aufkl{\"a}ren zu k{\"o}nnen. Des Weiteren verursachte keine der Di{\"a}ten eine Induktion des mTOR Signalwegs weder im Fettgewebe noch in Blutzellen. Die Verbesserung der Ganzk{\"o}rper-Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t deutete auch auf keine Aktivierung von mTOR und keine Verschlechterung der Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t im Skeletmuskel hin. Ein nennenswerter Befund war die erhebliche Reduktion von FGF21, einem wichtigen Regulator metabolischer Prozesse, um ungef{\"a}hr 50\% bei beiden Proteinarten. Ob hepatischer ER-Stress, Ammoniumniveau oder die Makron{\"a}hrstoffpr{\"a}ferenz hinter dem paradoxen Ergebnis stehen, sollte weiter im Detail untersucht werden. Entgegen der anf{\"a}nglichen Erwartung und der bisherigen Studienlage zeigte die pflanzlich-betonte Hochproteindi{\"a}t keine klaren Vorteile gegen{\"u}ber der tierischen Di{\"a}t. Der ausgepr{\"a}gte g{\"u}nstige Effekt des tierischen Proteins auf Insulinhom{\"o}ostase trotz des hohen BCAA-Gehaltes war sicherlich unerwartet und deutet darauf hin, dass bei dem l{\"a}ngeren Verzehr andere komplexe metabolische Adaptationen stattfinden. Einen weiteren Aspekt stellt der niedrigere Fettverzehr dar, der eventuell auch zu den Verbesserungen in beiden Gruppen beigetragen hat. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass eine 6-w{\"o}chige Di{\"a}t mit 30 EN\% Proteinen (entweder pflanzlich oder tierisch), 40 EN\% Kohlenhydraten und 30 EN\% Fetten mit weniger ges{\"a}ttigten Fetten zu metabolischen Verbesserungen bei Typ-2-Diabetes Patienten unabh{\"a}ngig von Proteinherkunft f{\"u}hrt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marc2016, author = {Marc, Odin}, title = {Earthquake-induced landsliding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 171}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Earthquakes deform Earth's surface, building long-lasting topographic features and contributing to landscape and mountain formation. However, seismic waves produced by earthquakes may also destabilize hillslopes, leading to large amounts of soil and bedrock moving downslope. Moreover, static deformation and shaking are suspected to damage the surface bedrock and therefore alter its future properties, affecting hydrological and erosional dynamics. Thus, earthquakes participate both in mountain building and stimulate directly or indirectly their erosion. Moreover, the impact of earthquakes on hillslopes has important implications for the amount of sediment and organic matter delivered to rivers, and ultimately to oceans, during episodic catastrophic seismic crises, the magnitude of life and property losses associated with landsliding, the perturbation and recovery of landscape properties after shaking, and the long term topographic evolution of mountain belts. Several of these aspects have been addressed recently through individual case studies but additional data compilation as well as theoretical or numerical modelling are required to tackle these issues in a more systematic and rigorous manner. This dissertation combines data compilation of earthquake characteristics, landslide mapping, and seismological data interpretation with physically-based modeling in order to address how earthquakes impact on erosional processes and landscape evolution. Over short time scales (10-100 s) and intermediate length scales (10 km), I have attempted to improve our understanding and ability to predict the amount of landslide debris triggered by seismic shaking in epicentral areas. Over long time scales (1-100 ky) and across a mountain belt (100 km) I have modeled the competition between erosional unloading and building of topography associated with earthquakes. Finally, over intermediate time scales (1-10 y) and at the hillslope scale (0.1-1 km) I have collected geomorphological and seismological data that highlight persistent effects of earthquakes on landscape properties and behaviour. First, I compiled a database on earthquakes that produced significant landsliding, including an estimate of the total landslide volume and area, and earthquake characteristics such as seismic moment and source depth. A key issue is the accurate conversion of landslide maps into volume estimates. Therefore I also estimated how amalgamation - when mapping errors lead to the bundling of multiple landslide into a single polygon - affects volume estimates from various earthquake-induced landslide inventories and developed an algorithm to automatically detect this artifact. The database was used to test a physically-based prediction of the total landslide area and volume caused by earthquakes, based on seismological scaling relationships and a statistical description of the landscape properties. The model outperforms empirical fits in accuracy, with 25 out of 40 cases well predicted, and allows interpretation of many outliers in physical terms. Apart from seismological complexities neglected by the model I found that exceptional rock strength properties or antecedent conditions may explain most outliers. Second, I assessed the geomorphic effects of large earthquakes on landscape dynamics by surveying the temporal evolution of precipitation-normalized landslide rate. I found strongly elevated landslide rates following earthquakes that progressively recover over 1 to 4 years, indicating that regolith strength drops and recovers. The relaxation is clearly non-linear for at least one case, and does not seem to correlate with coseismic landslide reactivation, water table level increase or tree root-system recovery. I suggested that shallow bedrock is damaged by the earthquake and then heals on annual timescales. Such variations in ground strength must be translated into shallow subsurface seismic velocities that are increasingly surveyed with ambient seismic noise correlations. With seismic noise autocorrelation I computed the seismic velocity in the epicentral areas of three earthquakes where I constrained a change in landslide rate. We found similar recovery dynamics and timescales, suggesting that seismic noise correlation techniques could be further developed to meaningfully assess ground strength variations for landscape dynamics. These two measurements are also in good agreement with the temporal dynamics of post-seismic surface displacement measured by GPS. This correlation suggests that the surface healing mechanism may be driven by tectonic deformation, and that the surface regolith and fractured bedrock may behave as a granular media that slowly compacts as it is sheared or vibrated. Last, I compared our model of earthquake-induced landsliding with a standard formulation of surface deformation caused by earthquakes to understand which parameters govern the competition between the building and destruction of topography caused by earthquakes. In contrast with previous studies I found that very large (Mw>8) earthquakes always increase the average topography, whereas only intermediate (Mw ~ 7) earthquakes in steep landscapes may reduce topography. Moreover, I illustrated how the net effect of earthquakes varies with depth or landscape steepness implying a complex and ambivalent role through the life of a mountain belt. Further I showed that faults producing a Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake sizes, will limit topography over a larger range of fault sizes than faults producing repeated earthquakes with a characteristic size.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Makower2016, author = {Makower, Katharina}, title = {The roles of secondary metabolites in microcystis inter-strain interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Among the bloom-forming and potentially harmful cyanobacteria, the genus Microcystis represents a most diverse taxon, on the genomic as well as on morphological and secondary metabolite levels. Microcystis communities are composed of a variety of diversified strains. The focus of this study lies on potential interactions between Microcystis representatives and the roles of secondary metabolites in these interaction processes. The role of secondary metabolites functioning as signaling molecules in the investigated interactions is demonstrated exemplary for the prevalent hepatotoxin microcystin. The extracellular and intracellular roles of microcystin are tested in microarray-based transcriptomic approaches. While an extracellular effect of microcystin on Microcystis transcription is confirmed and connected to a specific gene cluster of another secondary metabolite in this study, the intracellularly occurring microcystin is related with several pathways of the primary metabolism. A clear correlation of a microcystin knockout and the SigE-mediated regulation of carbon metabolism is found. According to the acquired transcriptional data, a model is proposed that postulates the regulating effect of microcystin on transcriptional regulators such as the alternative sigma factor SigE, which in return captures an essential role in sugar catabolism and redox-state regulation. For the purpose of simulating community conditions as found in the field, Microcystis colonies are isolated from the eutrophic lakes near Potsdam, Germany and established as stably growing under laboratory conditions. In co-habitation simulations, the recently isolated field strain FS2 is shown to specifically induce nearly immediate aggregation reactions in the axenic lab strain Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806. In transcriptional studies via microarrays, the induced expression program in PCC 7806 after aggregation induction is shown to involve the reorganization of cell envelope structures, a highly altered nutrient uptake balance and the reorientation of the aggregating cells to a heterotrophic carbon utilization, e.g. via glycolysis. These transcriptional changes are discussed as mechanisms of niche adaptation and acclimation in order to prevent competition for resources.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mai2016, author = {Mai, Tobias}, title = {Polymerunterst{\"u}tzte Calciumphosphatmineralisation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89056}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Im Verlauf dieser Arbeit sind Blockcopolymere verschiedener Ladung auf Basis von PEO mit hohen Molekulargewichten durch lebendende freie radikalische Polymerisation hergestellt worden. Die Polymere sind einfach im Grammmaßstab herstellbar. Sie zeigen sowohl einen großen Einfluss auf die Nukleation als auch auf die Aufl{\"o}sung von Calciumphosphat. Gleichwohl scheint das Vorhandensein von positiven Gruppen (Kationen, Ampholyten und Betainen) keinen dramatischen Einfluss auf die Nukleation zu haben. So verursachen Polymere mit positiven Ladungen die gleiche Retentionwirkung wie solche, die ausschließlich anionische Gruppen enthalten. Aus der Verwendung der kationischen, ampholytischen und betainischen Copolymere resultiert allerdings eine andersartige Morphologie der Niederschl{\"a}ge, als aus der Verwendung der Anionischen hervorgeht. Bei der Stabilisierung einer HAP-Oberfl{\"a}che setzt sich dieser Trend fort, das heißt, rein anionische Copolymere wirken st{\"a}rker stabilisierend als solche, die positive Ladungen enthalten. Durch Inkubation von menschlichem Zahnschmelz mit anionischen Copolymeren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Biofilmbildung verglichen mit einer unbehandelten Zahnoberfl{\"a}che eingeschr{\"a}nkt abl{\"a}uft. All dies macht die Polymere zu interessanten Additiven f{\"u}r Zahnpflegeprodukte. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnten auf Basis dieser rein anionischen Copolymere Polymerb{\"u}rsten, ebenfalls {\"u}ber lebendende freie radikalische Polymerisation, hergestellt werden. Diese zeichnen sich durch einen großen Einfluss auf die Kristallphase aus und bilden mit dem CHAP des AB-Types das Material, welches auch in Knochen und Z{\"a}hnen vorkommt. Erste Cytotoxizit{\"a}tstests lassen auf das große Potential dieser Polymerb{\"u}rsten f{\"u}r Beschichtungen in der Medizintechnik schließen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Luettig2016, author = {L{\"u}ttig, Julia}, title = {Protektiver Effekt von 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe auf die intestinale epitheliale Barriere}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102571}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 108}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Viele bioaktive Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe bzw. Pflanzenmetabolite besitzen antiinflammatorische Eigenschaften. Diese versprechen ein hohes Potential f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Phytotherapie bzw. Pr{\"a}vention von chronisch-entz{\"u}ndlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED). Eine intestinale Barrieredysfunktion ist ein typisches Charakteristikum von CED Patienten, die dadurch an akuter Diarrhoe leiden. In dieser Arbeit werden die Pflanzenkomponenten 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe an den intestinalen Kolonepithelzellmodellen HT-29/B6 und Caco-2 auf ihr Potential hin, die intestinale Barriere zu st{\"a}rken bzw. eine Barrieredysfunktion zu verhindern, untersucht. Hauptschwerpunkt der Analysen ist die parazellul{\"a}re Barrierefunktion und die Regulation der daf{\"u}r entscheidenden Proteinfamilie der Tight Junctions (TJs), der Claudine. Die Barrierefunktion wird durch Messung des transepithelialen Widerstands (TER) und der Fluxmessung in der Ussing-Kammer bestimmt. Dazu werden die HT-29/B6- und Caco-2-Monolayer mit den Pflanzenkomponenten (6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure, Myrrhe), dem proinflammatorischen Zytokin TNF-α oder der Kombination von beiden Subsztanzen f{\"u}r 24 oder 48 h behandelt. Außerdem wurden zur weiteren Charakterisierung die Expression sowie die Lokalisation der f{\"u}r die parazellul{\"a}re Barriere relevanten Claudine, die TJ-Ultrastruktur und verschiedene Signalwege analysiert. In Caco-2-Monolayern f{\"u}hrten Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe, nicht aber 6-Shogaol, allein zu einem TER-Anstieg bedingt durch eine verringerte Permeabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r Natriumionen. Myrrhe verminderte die Expression des Kationenkanal-bildenden TJ-Proteins Claudin-2 {\"u}ber die Inhibierung des PI3K/Akt-Signalweges, w{\"a}hrend Ellags{\"a}ure die Expression der TJ-Proteine Claudin-4 und -7 reduzierte. Alle Pflanzenkomponenten sch{\"u}tzten in den Caco-2-Zellen vor einer TNF-α-induzierten Barrieredysfunktion. An den HT-29/B6-Monolayern {\"a}nderte keine der Pflanzenkomponenten allein die Barrierefunktion. Die HT-29/B6-Zellen reagierten auf TNF-α mit einer deutlichen Verminderung des TER und einer erh{\"o}hten Fluoreszein-Permeabilit{\"a}t. Die TER-Abnahme war durch eine PI3K/Akt-vermittelte gesteigerte Claudin-2-Expression sowie eine NFκB-vermittelte Umverteilung des abdichtenden TJ-Proteins Claudin-1 gekennzeichnet. 6-Shogaol konnte den TER-Abfall partiell hemmen sowie die PI3K/Akt-induzierte Claudin-2-Expression und die NFκB-bedingte Claudin-1-Umverteilung verhindern. Ebenso inhibierte Myrrhe, nicht aber Ellags{\"a}ure, den TNF-α-induzierten TER-Abfall. Dabei konnte Myrrhe zwar den Claudin-2-Expressionsanstieg und die Claudin-1-Umverteilung unterbinden, jedoch weder die NFκB- noch die PI3K/Akt-Aktivierung hemmen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass auch STAT6 an dem Claudin-2-Expressionsanstieg durch TNF-α in HT-29/B6-Zellen beteiligt ist. So wurde durch Myrrhe die TNF-α-induzierte Phosphorylierung von STAT6 und die erh{\"o}hte Claudin-2-Expression inhibiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Pflanzenkomponenten 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe mit unterschiedlichen Mechanismen st{\"a}rkend auf die Barriere einwirken. Zur Behandlung von intestinalen Erkrankungen mit Barrieredysfunktion k{\"o}nnten daher Kombinationspr{\"a}parate aus verschiedenen Pflanzen effektiver sein als Monopr{\"a}parate.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lyu2016, author = {Lyu, Xiaojing}, title = {Operators on singular manifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We study the interplay between analysis on manifolds with singularities and complex analysis and develop new structures of operators based on the Mellin transform and tools for iterating the calculus for higher singularities. We refer to the idea of interpreting boundary value problems (BVPs) in terms of pseudo-differential operators with a principal symbolic hierarchy, taking into account that BVPs are a source of cone and edge operator algebras. The respective cone and edge pseudo-differential algebras in turn are the starting point of higher corner theories. In addition there are deep relationships between corner operators and complex analysis. This will be illustrated by the Mellin symbolic calculus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ludewig2016, author = {Ludewig, Matthias}, title = {Path integrals on manifolds with boundary and their asymptotic expansions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94387}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {146}, year = {2016}, abstract = {It is "scientific folklore" coming from physical heuristics that solutions to the heat equation on a Riemannian manifold can be represented by a path integral. However, the problem with such path integrals is that they are notoriously ill-defined. One way to make them rigorous (which is often applied in physics) is finite-dimensional approximation, or time-slicing approximation: Given a fine partition of the time interval into small subintervals, one restricts the integration domain to paths that are geodesic on each subinterval of the partition. These finite-dimensional integrals are well-defined, and the (infinite-dimensional) path integral then is defined as the limit of these (suitably normalized) integrals, as the mesh of the partition tends to zero. In this thesis, we show that indeed, solutions to the heat equation on a general compact Riemannian manifold with boundary are given by such time-slicing path integrals. Here we consider the heat equation for general Laplace type operators, acting on sections of a vector bundle. We also obtain similar results for the heat kernel, although in this case, one has to restrict to metrics satisfying a certain smoothness condition at the boundary. One of the most important manipulations one would like to do with path integrals is taking their asymptotic expansions; in the case of the heat kernel, this is the short time asymptotic expansion. In order to use time-slicing approximation here, one needs the approximation to be uniform in the time parameter. We show that this is possible by giving strong error estimates. Finally, we apply these results to obtain short time asymptotic expansions of the heat kernel also in degenerate cases (i.e. at the cut locus). Furthermore, our results allow to relate the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel to a formal asymptotic expansion of the infinite-dimensional path integral, which gives relations between geometric quantities on the manifold and on the loop space. In particular, we show that the lowest order term in the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel is essentially given by the Fredholm determinant of the Hessian of the energy functional. We also investigate how this relates to the zeta-regularized determinant of the Jacobi operator along minimizing geodesics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lorenz2016, author = {Lorenz, Kathrin}, title = {Interessen und Ideen in der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {252}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Ann{\"a}herung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre gilt in Teilen der Fach{\"o}ffentlichkeit als wesentliches Merkmal einer zunehmenden Eigennutz- und Interessenorientierung der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik nach Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts. Den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung bildete die Skepsis gegen{\"u}ber diesem Befund eines Wandels deutscher Entwicklungspolitik weg von moralischen Begr{\"u}ndungszusammenh{\"a}ngen und hin zu nationaler Interessenpolitik seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre. Diese Skepsis begr{\"u}ndet sich in der Annahme, dass die bisherige Kritik gegen{\"u}ber einer m{\"o}glichen Versicherheitlichung von Entwicklungspolitik die Rolle von eigennutzorientierten Interessen als erkl{\"a}rendem Faktor {\"u}berbetont und gleichzeitig ideellen Strukturen und deren m{\"o}glichem Wandel als konstitutivem Faktor f{\"u}r politische Prozesse zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit schenkt. Die Forschungsfrage lautet dementsprechend: Kann die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik im Lichte der Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit als zunehmend interessenorientiert gedeutet werden und hat sich damit ein grundlegender Politikwandel vollzogen? Theoretisch kn{\"u}pft die Arbeit an die konstruktivistisch-orientierte Forschung im Thema Entwicklung und Sicherheit an und entwickelt diese weiter. F{\"u}r die Herleitung der theoretischen Position wird auf konstruktivistische {\"U}berlegungen in den Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen rekurriert. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei jene Ans{\"a}tze der Internationalen Beziehungen, die die konstruktivistische Wende nicht nur ontologisch, sondern auch epistemologisch vollziehen und der Rolle von Sprache besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken. In empirischer Hinsicht wird die Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit in der deutschen staatlichen Entwicklungspolitik anhand von Interpretationen dieser Verkn{\"u}pfung im Agenda-Setting und in der Politikformulierung untersucht. Der Untersuchungszeitraum der empirischen Analyse bel{\"a}uft sich auf die Amtsjahre der SPD-Politikerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul als Bundesministerin f{\"u}r wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, n{\"a}mlich 1998 2009. Der Datenkorpus der Untersuchung in Agenda-Setting und Politikformulierung umfasst {\"u}ber 50 Reden von Mitgliedern der Bundesregierung sowie ausgew{\"a}hlte offizielle Politikdokumente, in denen relevante Textpassagen enthalten sind. Die beispielhafte Untersuchung der Institutionalisierung im Lichte der Verkn{\"u}pfungen von Entwicklung und Sicherheit bezieht sich auf weitere Prim{\"a}r- und Sekund{\"a}rquellen. Auf der Grundlage der empirischen Analyse wird deutlich, dass unterschiedliche Interpretationen in der staatlichen deutschen Entwicklungspolitik hinsichtlich der Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit {\"u}ber den Untersuchungszeitraum 1998 - 2009 nachgezeichnet werden k{\"o}nnen. Bemerkenswert ist dabei insbesondere die diffuse Vielfalt der Konstruktionen des Sicherheitsbegriffs. Außerdem wird anhand der empirischen Untersuchung nachgezeichnet, dass zum Teil erhebliche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen den Verkn{\"u}pfungen von Entwicklung und Sicherheit auf der ressort{\"u}bergreifenden Ebene einerseits und der entwicklungspolitischen Ebene andererseits. Auch die beispielhafte Diskussion von Meilensteinen der institutionalisierten Entwicklungspolitik best{\"a}tigt diese Varianzen, die durch die nuancierte Analyse sprachlicher Konstruktionen sichtbar gemacht werden konnte. Ausgehend vom empirischen Ergebnis der Varianz und Variabilit{\"a}t der Begr{\"u}ndungsmuster f{\"u}r die Verkn{\"u}pfungen von Entwicklung und Sicherheit ist es nunmehr m{\"o}glich, Schlussfolgerungen im Hinblick auf die Forschungsfrage zu ziehen: Ist deutsche Entwicklungspolitik im Lichte der Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit zunehmend eigennutz- und interessenorientiert? In den Anfangsjahren von Wieczorek-Zeul spielen normative Aspekte wie Gerechtigkeit und Frieden im Zusammenhang mit der Genese des Themenfelds Frieden und Sicherheit eine wichtige Rolle. Pr{\"a}gend f{\"u}r die Politikformulierung sind dabei vor allem die Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Globalisierung, die den Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r die Formulierung der von Wieczorek-Zeul gepr{\"a}gten Globalen Strukturpolitik bilden. Eine Eigennutzorientierung im realistischen Sinne scheint nur dann pr{\"a}sent, wenn es um unser Interesse der Wohlstandssicherung geht. Entwicklungspolitische Friedenf{\"o}rderung und Krisenpr{\"a}ventionen dienen dazu, die {\"o}konomischen Kosten von Kriegen zu verringern und leisten einen Beitrag zur Vermeidung von wohlstandsgef{\"a}hrdender Migration. Es wird auf einen Sicherheitsbegriff rekurriert, der die Menschliche Sicherheit der Bev{\"o}lkerung in den Entwicklungs- und Transformationsl{\"a}ndern in den Vordergrund stellt. Nach 9/11 verschieben sich die sprachlichen Konstruktionen weg von unserem Wohlstand und dem Frieden weltweit in Richtung unsere Sicherheit. Artikulierte Eigennutzorientierung mit Bezug auf Sicherheit gewinnt an Dominanz gegen{\"u}ber moralischen Begr{\"u}ndungszusammenh{\"a}ngen. Diese Entwicklung l{\"a}sst sich vor allem im Rahmen der ressort{\"u}bergreifenden Interpretationen des Zusammenhangs von Entwicklung und Sicherheit nachzeichnen. Auch bei dieser ressort{\"u}bergreifenden Verschiebung l{\"a}sst sich die Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit auf der Ebene des f{\"u}r die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik federf{\"u}hrenden Bundesministeriums f{\"u}r wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) hingegen weiterhin als vorwiegend verpflichtungsorientiert deuten. Erst mit der Großen Koalition ab 2005 kann von umfassenderer Neu-Interpretation der Verkn{\"u}pfung von Entwicklung und Sicherheit ausgegangen werden: Wohlstand und Sicherheit in der Welt werden nunmehr gleichermaßen als in unserem Interesse artikuliert, die neben der internationalen Verpflichtung zur Friedenssicherung als gleichwertig eingesch{\"a}tzt werden k{\"o}nnen Zusammenfassend bringen diese empirischen Ergebnisse im Lichte der theoretischen Deutung ein nuancierter es Bild hervor als in der bisherigen Forschung mit ihrem meist einseitigen Fokus auf einer zunehmenden Interessenorientierung angenommen wurde. Die ideellen Bez{\"u}ge waren immer pr{\"a}sent als pr{\"a}gender Faktor f{\"u}r die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik, sie haben sich allerdings im Zeitverlauf ver{\"a}ndert. Der theoretische Ertrag der Studie und die Policy-Relevanz liegen auf mehreren Ebenen. Erstens wird mit der differenzierten Untersuchung und Deutung deutscher Entwicklungspolitik im Lichte der Verkn{\"u}pfungen von Entwicklung und Sicherheit die Forschung zum Thema Versicherheitlichung von Entwicklungspolitik angereichert und deren theoretische Pr{\"a}missen weiterentwickelt. Zweitens leistet die Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Forschung zur deutschen Entwicklungspolitik. Mit der vorliegenden Studie wird diese oft an der Umsetzung und Praxis interessierte Forschung durch die theoretische Besch{\"a}ftigung mit der Deutung deutscher Entwicklungspolitik angereichert. Dieser Beitrag ergibt sich konkret aus der Anwendung theoretischer {\"U}berlegungen der Sicherheitsstudien, aus dem konstruktivistischen Strang der Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen (IB) sowie konzeptionellen {\"U}berlegungen aus der Policy-Forschung, die miteinander verkn{\"u}pft werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lontsi2016, author = {Lontsi, Agostiny Marrios}, title = {1D shallow sedimentary subsurface imaging using ambient noise and active seismic data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Earth's shallow subsurface with sedimentary cover acts as a waveguide to any incoming wavefield. Within the framework of my thesis, I focused on the characterization of this shallow subsurface within tens to few hundreds of meters of sediment cover. I imaged the seismic 1D shear wave velocity (and possibly the 1D compressional wave velocity). This information is not only required for any seismic risk assessment, geotechnical engineering or microzonation activities, but also for exploration and global seismology where site effects are often neglected in seismic waveform modeling. First, the conventional frequency-wavenumber (f - k) technique is used to derive the dispersion characteristic of the propagating surface waves recorded using distinct arrays of seismometers in 1D and 2D configurations. Further, the cross-correlation technique is applied to seismic array data to estimate the Green's function between receivers pairs combination assuming one is the source and the other the receiver. With the consideration of a 1D media, the estimated cross-correlation Green's functions are sorted with interstation distance in a virtual 1D active seismic experiment. The f - k technique is then used to estimate the dispersion curves. This integrated analysis is important for the interpretation of a large bandwidth of the phase velocity dispersion curves and therefore improving the resolution of the estimated 1D Vs profile. Second, the new theoretical approach based on the Diffuse Field Assumption (DFA) is used for the interpretation of the observed microtremors H/V spectral ratio. The theory is further extended in this research work to include not only the interpretation of the H/V measured at the surface, but also the H/V measured at depths and in marine environments. A modeling and inversion of synthetic H/V spectral ratio curves on simple predefined geological structures shows an almost perfect recovery of the model parameters (mainly Vs and to a lesser extent Vp). These results are obtained after information from a receiver at depth has been considered in the inversion. Finally, the Rayleigh wave phase velocity information, estimated from array data, and the H/V(z, f) spectral ratio, estimated from a single station data, are combined and inverted for the velocity profile information. Obtained results indicate an improved depth resolution in comparison to estimations using the phase velocity dispersion curves only. The overall estimated sediment thickness is comparable to estimations obtained by inverting the full micortremor H/V spectral ratio.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Linnik2016, author = {Linnik, Anastasia}, title = {Coherence and structure in aphasic and non-aphasic spoken discourse}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42320}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 106}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Discourse production is crucial for communicative success and is in the core of aphasia assessment and treatment. Coherence differentiates discourse from a series of utterances/sentences; it is internal unity and connectedness, and, as such, perhaps the most inherent property of discourse. It is unclear whether people with aphasia, who experience various language production difficulties, preserve the ability to produce coherent discourse. A more general question of how coherence is established and represented linguistically has been addressed in the literature, yet remains unanswered. This dissertation presents an investigation of discourse production in aphasia and the linguistic mechanisms of establishing coherence.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lenz2016, author = {Lenz, Josefine}, title = {Thermokarst dynamics in central-eastern Beringia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101364}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 128, A-47}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Widespread landscape changes are presently observed in the Arctic and are most likely to accelerate in the future, in particular in permafrost regions which are sensitive to climate warming. To assess current and future developments, it is crucial to understand past environmental dynamics in these landscapes. Causes and interactions of environmental variability can hardly be resolved by instrumental records covering modern time scales. However, long-term environmental variability is recorded in paleoenvironmental archives. Lake sediments are important archives that allow reconstruction of local limnogeological processes as well as past environmental changes driven directly or indirectly by climate dynamics. This study aims at reconstructing Late Quaternary permafrost and thermokarst dynamics in central-eastern Beringia, the terrestrial land mass connecting Eurasia and North America during glacial sea-level low stands. In order to investigate development, processes and influence of thermokarst dynamics, several sediment cores from extant lakes and drained lake basins were analyzed to answer the following research questions: 1. When did permafrost degradation and thermokarst lake development take place and what were enhancing and inhibiting environmental factors? 2. What are the dominant processes during thermokarst lake development and how are they reflected in proxy records? 3. How did, and still do, thermokarst dynamics contribute to the inventory and properties of organic matter in sediments and the carbon cycle? Methods applied in this study are based upon a multi-proxy approach combining sedimentological, geochemical, geochronological, and micropaleontological analyses, as well as analyses of stable isotopes and hydrochemistry of pore-water and ice. Modern field observations of water quality and basin morphometrics complete the environmental investigations. The investigated sediment cores reveal permafrost degradation and thermokarst dynamics on different time scales. The analysis of a sediment core from GG basin on the northern Seward Peninsula (Alaska) shows prevalent terrestrial accumulation of yedoma throughout the Early to Mid Wisconsin with intermediate wet conditions at around 44.5 to 41.5 ka BP. This first wetland development was terminated by the accumulation of a 1-meter-thick airfall tephra most likely originating from the South Killeak Maar eruption at 42 ka BP. A depositional hiatus between 22.5 and 0.23 ka BP may indicate thermokarst lake formation in the surrounding of the site which forms a yedoma upland till today. The thermokarst lake forming GG basin initiated 230 ± 30 cal a BP and drained in Spring 2005 AD. Four years after drainage the lake talik was still unfrozen below 268 cm depth. A permafrost core from Mama Rhonda basin on the northern Seward Peninsula preserved a full lacustrine record including several lake phases. The first lake generation developed at 11.8 cal ka BP during the Lateglacial-Early Holocene transition; its old basin (Grandma Rhonda) is still partially preserved at the southern margin of the study basin. Around 9.0 cal ka BP a shallow and more dynamic thermokarst lake developed with actively eroding shorelines and potentially intermediate shallow water or wetland phases (Mama Rhonda). Mama Rhonda lake drainage at 1.1 cal ka BP was followed by gradual accumulation of terrestrial peat and top-down refreezing of the lake talik. A significant lower organic carbon content was measured in Grandma Rhonda deposits (mean TOC of 2.5 wt\%) than in Mama Rhonda deposits (mean TOC of 7.9 wt\%) highlighting the impact of thermokarst dynamics on biogeochemical cycling in different lake generations by thawing and mobilization of organic carbon into the lake system. Proximal and distal sediment cores from Peatball Lake on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska revealed young thermokarst dynamics since about 1,400 years along a depositional gradient based on reconstructions from shoreline expansion rates and absolute dating results. After its initiation as a remnant pond of a previous drained lake basin, a rapidly deepening lake with increasing oxygenation of the water column is evident from laminated sediments, and higher Fe/Ti and Fe/S ratios in the sediment. The sediment record archived characterizing shifts in depositional regimes and sediment sources from upland deposits and re-deposited sediments from drained thaw lake basins depending on the gradually changing shoreline configuration. These changes are evident from alternating organic inputs into the lake system which highlights the potential for thermokarst lakes to recycle old carbon from degrading permafrost deposits of its catchment. The lake sediment record from Herschel Island in the Yukon (Canada) covers the full Holocene period. After its initiation as a thermokarst lake at 11.7 cal ka BP and intense thermokarst activity until 10.0 cal ka BP, the steady sedimentation was interrupted by a depositional hiatus at 1.6 cal ka BP which likely resulted from lake drainage or allochthonous slumping due to collapsing shore lines. The specific setting of the lake on a push moraine composed of marine deposits is reflected in the sedimentary record. Freshening of the maturing lake is indicated by decreasing electrical conductivity in pore-water. Alternation of marine to freshwater ostracods and foraminifera confirms decreasing salinity as well but also reflects episodical re-deposition of allochthonous marine sediments. Based on permafrost and lacustrine sediment records, this thesis shows examples of the Late Quaternary evolution of typical Arctic permafrost landscapes in central-eastern Beringia and the complex interaction of local disturbance processes, regional environmental dynamics and global climate patterns. This study confirms that thermokarst lakes are important agents of organic matter recycling in complex and continuously changing landscapes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leiendecker2016, author = {Leiendecker, Mai-Thi}, title = {Physikalische Hydrogele auf Polyurethan-Basis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103917}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {109}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Physical hydrogels have gained recent attention as cell substrates, since viscoelasticity or stress relaxation is a powerful parameter in mechanotransduction, which has long been neglected. We designed multi-functional polyurethanes to form physical hydrogels via a unique tunable gelation mechanism. The anionic polyurethanes spontaneously form aggregates in water that are kept in a soluble state through electrostatic repulsion. Fast subsequent gelation can be triggered by charge shielding which allows the aggregation and network building to proceed. This can be induced by adding either acids or salts, resulting in acidic (pH 4-5) or pH-neutral hydrogels, respectively. Whereas conventional polyurethane-based hydrogels are commonly prepared from toxic isocyanate precursors, the physical hydrogelation mechanism described here does not involve chemically reactive species which is ideal for in situ applications in sensitive environments. Both stiffness and stress relaxation can be tuned independently over a broad range and the gels exhibit excellent stress recovery behavior.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ledendecker2016, author = {Ledendecker, Marc}, title = {En route towards advanced catalyst materials for the electrocatalytic water splitting reaction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93296}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {II, 148}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The thesis on hand deals with the development of new types of catalysts based on pristine metals and ceramic materials and their application as catalysts for the electrocatalytic water splitting reaction. In order to breathe life into this technology, cost-efficient, stable and efficient catalysts are imploringly desired. In this manner, the preparation of Mn-, N-, S-, P-, and C-containing nickel materials has been investigated together with the theoretical and electrochemical elucidation of their activity towards the hydrogen (and oxygen) evolution reaction. The Sabatier principle has been used as the principal guideline towards successful tuning of catalytic sites. Furthermore, two pathways have been chosen to ameliorate the electrocatalytic performance, namely, the direct improvement of intrinsic properties through appropriate material selection and secondly the increase of surface area of the catalytic material with an increased amount of active sites. In this manner, bringing materials with optimized hydrogen adsorption free energy onto high surface area support, catalytic performances approaching the golden standards of noble metals were feasible. Despite varying applied synthesis strategies (wet chemistry in organic solvents, ionothermal reaction, gas phase reaction), one goal has been systematically pursued: to understand the driving mechanism of the growth. Moreover, deeper understanding of inherent properties and kinetic parameters of the catalytic materials has been gained.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laux2016, author = {Laux, Eva-Maria}, title = {Electric field-assisted immobilization and alignment of biomolecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90271}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 120}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this dissertation, an electric field-assisted method was developed and applied to achieve immobilization and alignment of biomolecules on metal electrodes in a simple one-step experiment. Neither modifications of the biomolecule nor of the electrodes were needed. The two major electrokinetic effects that lead to molecule motion in the chosen electrode configurations used were identified as dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmotic flow. To minimize AC electroosmotic flow, a new 3D electrode configuration was designed. Thus, the influence of experimental parameters on the dielectrophoretic force and the associated molecule movement could be studied. Permanent immobilization of proteins was examined and quantified absolutely using an atomic force microscope. By measuring the volumes of the immobilized protein deposits, a maximal number of proteins contained therein was calculated. This was possible since the proteins adhered to the tungsten electrodes even after switching off the electric field. The permanent immobilization of functional proteins on surfaces or electrodes is one crucial prerequisite for the fabrication of biosensors. Furthermore, the biofunctionality of the proteins must be retained after immobilization. Due to the chemical or physical modifications on the proteins caused by immobilization, their biofunctionality is sometimes hampered. The activity of dielectrophoretically immobilized proteins, however, was proven here for an enzyme for the first time. The enzyme horseradish peroxidase was used exemplarily, and its activity was demonstrated with the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123, a non-fluorescent precursor of the fluorescence dye rhodamine 123. Molecular alignment and immobilization - reversible and permanent - was achieved under the influence of inhomogeneous AC electric fields. For orientational investigations, a fluorescence microscope setup, a reliable experimental procedure and an evaluation protocol were developed and validated using self-made control samples of aligned acridine orange molecules in a liquid crystal. Lambda-DNA strands were stretched and aligned temporarily between adjacent interdigitated electrodes, and the orientation of PicoGreen molecules, which intercalate into the DNA strands, was determined. Similarly, the aligned immobilization of enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein was demonstrated exploiting the protein's fluorescence and structural properties. For this protein, the angle of the chromophore with respect to the protein's geometrical axis was determined in good agreement with X-ray crystallographic data. Permanent immobilization with simultaneous alignment of the proteins was achieved along the edges, tips and on the surface of interdigitated electrodes. This was the first demonstration of aligned immobilization of proteins by electric fields. Thus, the presented electric field-assisted immobilization method is promising with regard to enhanced antibody binding capacities and enzymatic activities, which is a requirement for industrial biosensor production, as well as for general interaction studies of proteins.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuehn2016, author = {K{\"u}hn, Jane}, title = {Functionally-driven language change}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42207}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-422079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {369}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Since the 1960ies, Germany has been host to a large Turkish immigrant community. While migrant communities often shift to the majority language over the course of time, Turkish is a very vital minority language in Germany and bilingualism in this community is an obvious fact which has been subject to several studies. The main focus usually is on German, the second language (L2) of these speakers (e.g. Hinnenkamp 2000, Keim 2001, Auer 2003, Cindark \& Aslan (2004), Kern \& Selting 2006, Selting 2009, Kern 2013). Research on the Turkish spoken by Turkish bilinguals has also attracted attention although to a lesser extend mainly in the framework of so called heritage language research (cf. Polinski 2011). Bilingual Turkish has been investigated under the perspective of code-switching and codemixing (e.g. Kallmeyer \& Keim 2003, Keim 2003, 2004, Keim \& Cindark 2003, Hinnenkamp 2003, 2005, 2008, Dirim \& Auer 2004), and with respect to changes in the morphologic, the syntactic and the orthographic system (e.g. Rehbein \& Karako{\c{c}} 2004, Schroeder 2007). Attention to the changes in the prosodic system of bilingual Turkish on the other side has been exceptional so far (Queen 2001, 2006). With the present dissertation, I provide a study on contact induced linguistic changes on the prosodic level in the Turkish heritage language of adult early German-Turkish bilinguals. It describes structural changes in the L1 Turkish intonation of yes/no questions of a representative sample of bilingual Turkish speakers. All speakers share a similar sociolinguistic background. All acquired Turkish as their first language from their families and the majority language German as an early L2 at latest in the kinder garden by the age of 3. A study of changes in bilingual varieties requires a previous cross-linguistic comparison of both of the involved languages in language contact in order to draw conclusions on the contact-induced language change in delimitation to language-internal development. While German is one of the best investigated languages with respect to its prosodic system, research on Turkish intonational phonology is not as progressed. To this effect, the analysis of bilingual Turkish, as elicited for the present dissertation, is preceded by an experimental study on monolingual Turkish. In this regard an additional experiment with 11 monolingual university students of non-linguistic subjects was conducted at the Ege University in Izmir in 2013. On these grounds the present dissertation additionally contributes new insights with respect to Turkish intonational phonology and typology. The results of the contrastive analysis of German and Turkish bring to light that the prosodic systems of both languages differ with respect to the use of prosodic cues in the marking of information structure (IS) and sentence type. Whereas German distinguishes in the prosodic marking between explicit categories for focus and givenness, Turkish uses only one prosodic cue to mark IS. Furthermore it is shown that Turkish in contrast to German does not use a prosodic correlate to mark yes/no questions, but a morphological question marker. To elicit Turkish yes/no questions in a bilingual context which differ with respect to their information structure in a further step the methodology of Xu (1999) to elicit in-situ focus on different constituents was adapted in the experimental study. A data set of 400 Turkish yes/no questions of 20 bilingual Turkish speakers was compiled at the Zentrum f{\"u}r Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) in Berlin and at the University of Potsdam in 2013. The prosodic structure of the yes/no questions was phonologically and phonetically analyzed with respect to changes in the f0 contour according to IS modifications and the use of prosodic cues to indicate sentence type. The results of the analyses contribute surprising observations to the research of bilingual prosody. Studies on bilingual language change and language acquisition have repeatedly shown that the use of prosodic features that are considered as marked by means of lower and implicational use across and within a language cause difficulties in language contact and second language acquisition. Especially, they are not expected to pass from one language to another through language contact. However, this structurally determined expectation on language development is refuted by the results of the present study. Functionally related prosody, such as the cues to indicate IS, are transferred from German L2 to the Turkish L1 of German-Turkish bilingual speakers. This astonishing observation provides the base for an approach to language change centered on functional motivation. Based on Matras' (2007, 2010) assumption of functionality in language change, Paradis' (1993, 2004, 2008) approach of Language Activation and the Subsystem Theory and the Theory of Language as a Dynamic System (Heredina \& Jessner 2002), it will be shown that prosodic features which are absent in one of the languages of bilingual speech communities are transferred from the respective language to the other when they contribute to the contextualization of a pragmatic concept which is not expressed by other linguistic means in the target language. To this effect language interaction is based on language activation and inhibition mechanisms dealing with differences in the implicit pragmatic knowledge between bilinguals and monolinguals. The motivator for this process of language change is the contextualization of the message itself and not the structure of the respective feature on the surface. It is shown that structural consideration may influence language change but that bilingual language change does not depend on structural restrictions nor does the structure cause a change. The conclusions drawn on the basis of empirical facts can especially contribute to a better understanding of the processes of bilingual language development as it combines methodologies and theoretical aspects of different linguistic subfields.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaethner2016, author = {K{\"a}thner, Jana}, title = {Interaction of spatial variability characterized by soil electrical conductivity and plant water status related to generative growth of fruit trees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-397666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 104, IV}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Precision horticulture beschreibt ein neues Bewirtschaftungskonzept im Gartenbau, bei dem teilfl{\"a}chenspezifisch oder an den Einzelbaum angepasste Maßnahmen eine ressourcenschonende, intensitve Produktion erm{\"o}glichen. Die Datengrundlage wird aus r{\"a}umlich aufgel{\"o}sten Messungen aus der Produktionsanlage gewonnen, wobei sowohl kurzfristige Faktoren wie der effektive Pflanzenwasserzustand als auch langfristige Faktoren wie die Bodenvariabilit{\"a}t zur Informationsgewinnung genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst eine Untersuchung der scheinbaren elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeit des Bodens (ECa), des Pflanzenwasserzustandes und der Fruchtqualit{\"a}t (zum Beispiel: Fruchtgr{\"o}ße) bei Prunus domestica L. (Pflaume) und Citrus x aurantium, Syn. Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit). Zielsetzungen der vorliegenden Arbeit waren (i) die Charakterisierung der 3D-Verteilung der scheinbaren elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeit des Bodens und Variabilit{\"a}t des Pflanzenwasserzustandes; (ii) die Untersuchung der Interaktion zwischen ECa, kumulativer Wassernutzungseffizienz (WUEc) und des crop water stress index (CWSI) bezogen auf die Fruchtqualit{\"a}t sowie (iii) eine M{\"o}glichkeit zur Einteilung von einzelnen B{\"a}umen hinsichtlich der Bew{\"a}sserung. Dazu fanden die Hauptuntersuchungen in der Pflaumenanlage statt. Diese Obstanlage befindet sich in Hanglage (3°) auf pleistoz{\"a}nen und postpleistoz{\"a}nen Substraten in semi-humiden Klima (Potsdam, Deutschland) und umfasst eine Fl{\"a}che von 0,37 ha mit 156 B{\"a}umen der Kultursorte ˈTophit Plusˈ auf der Unterlage Wavit. Die Anlage wurde 2009 mit ein und zwei-j{\"a}hrigen B{\"a}umen in einem Pflanzabstand von 4 m entlang der Bew{\"a}sserung und 5 m zwischen den Reihen angelegt. Dreimal pro Woche wurden die B{\"a}ume mit einer 50 cm {\"u}ber dem Boden installierten Tr{\"o}pfchenbew{\"a}sserung mit 1,6 l pro Baum bew{\"a}ssert. Mit Hilfe geoelektrischer Messungen wurde die scheinbare elektrische Leitf{\"a}higkeit des Oberbodens (0,25 m) mit einem Elektrodenabstand von 0,5 m (4-point light hp) an jedem Baum gemessen. Dadurch wurde die Anlage hinsichtlich ECa r{\"a}umlich charakterisiert. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfolgten Tomographiemessungen zur 3D-Charakterisierung der ECa und punktuell die Beprobung von Bohrlochprofilen bis 1 m Tiefe. Die vegetativen, generativen und Fruchtqualit{\"a}tsdaten wurden an jedem Baum erhoben. Der momentane Pflanzenwasserzustand wurde mit der etablierten Scholander-Methode zur Wasserpotentialanalyse (Scholander Bombe) punktuell und mit Thermalaufnahmen fl{\"a}chendeckend bestimmt. Die Thermalaufnahmen erfolgten mit einer Infrarot-Kamera (ThermaCam SC 500), die auf einem Traktor in 3,3 m H{\"o}he {\"u}ber dem Boden montiert war. Die Thermalaufnahmen (320 x 240 Pixel) der Kronenoberfl{\"a}che wurden mit einem {\"O}ffnungswinkel von 45° und einer geometrischen Aufl{\"o}sung von 6,41 mm x 8,54 mm aufgenommen. Mit Hilfe der Kronentemperatur aus den Thermalbildern und den Temperaturen eines nassen und trockenen Referenzblattes wurde der CWSI berechnet. Es wurde die Anpassung des CWSI f{\"u}r die Messung in semi-humidem Klima erarbeitet, wobei die Erhebung der Referenztemperaturen automatisiert aus den Thermalbildern erfolgte. Die Boniturdaten wurden mit Hilfe eines Varianz-Stabilisierungsverfahrens in eine Normalverteilung transformiert. Die statistischen Analysen sowie die automatisierte Auswertungsroutine erfolgten mit eigenen Skripten in MATLAB® (R2010b sowie R2016a) und einem freien Programm (spatialtoolbox). Die Hot-spot Analysen dienten der Pr{\"u}fung, ob ein beobachtetes Muster statistisch signifikant ist. Evaluiert wurde die Methode mit der etablierten k-mean Analyse. Zum Testen der Hot-spot Analyse wurden ECa, Stammumfang und Ertrag Daten aus einer Grapefruitanlage (Adana, T{\"u}rkei) mit 179 B{\"a}umen auf einem Boden vom Typ Xerofkuvent mit toniger und tonig-lehmiger Textur herangezogen. Die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Interaktion zwischen den kritischen Werten aus den Boden- und Pflanzenwasserzustandsinformationen zu den vegetativen und generativen Pflanzenwachtumsvariablen erfolgte durch die Anwendung der ANOVA und die Ermittlung des Korrelationskoeffizienten. In der Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Variabilit{\"a}t der Boden- und Pflanzeninformationen in Obstanlagen auch kleinr{\"a}umig hoch ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die r{\"a}umlich gefundenen Muster in den ECa {\"u}ber die Jahre zwischen 2011-2012 (r = 0.88) beziehungsweise 2012-2013 (r = 0.71) stabil geblieben sind. Zum anderen wurde gezeigt, dass eine CWSI-Bestimmung auch im semi-humiden Klima m{\"o}glich ist. Es wurde ein Zusammenhang (r = - 0.65, p < 0.0001) mit der etablierten Methode der Blattwasser-potentialanalyse ermittelt. Die Interaktion zwischen der ECa aus verschiedenen Tiefen und den Pflanzenvariablen ergab einen hoch signifikanten Zusammenhang mit dem Oberboden, in dem das Bew{\"a}sserungswasser zu finden war. Es wurde eine Korrelation zwischen Ertrag und ECatopsoil von r = 0.52 ermittelt. Durch die Anwendung der Hot-spot Analyse konnten Extremwerte in den r{\"a}umlichen Daten ermittelt werden. Diese Extrema dienten zur Einteilung der Zonen in cold-spot, random und hot-spot. Die random Zone weist die h{\"o}chsten Korrelationen zu den Pflanzenvariablen auf. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass bereits im semi-humiden Klima der Pflanzenwasserstatus entscheidend zur Fruchtqualit{\"a}t beitr{\"a}gt. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass die r{\"a}umliche Variabilit{\"a}t der Fruchtqualit{\"a}t durch die Interaktion von Wassernutzungseffizienz und CWSI sowie in geringerem Maße durch den ECa des Bodens. In der Pflaumenanlage im semi-humiden Klima war die Bew{\"a}sserung ausschlaggebend f{\"u}r die Produktion von qualitativ hochwertigen Fr{\"u}chten.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krohmer2016, author = {Krohmer, Anton}, title = {Structures \& algorithms in hyperbolic random graphs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395974}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 102}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Complex networks are ubiquitous in nature and society. They appear in vastly different domains, for instance as social networks, biological interactions or communication networks. Yet in spite of their different origins, these networks share many structural characteristics. For instance, their degree distribution typically follows a power law. This means that the fraction of vertices of degree k is proportional to k^(-β) for some constant β; making these networks highly inhomogeneous. Furthermore, they also typically have high clustering, meaning that links between two nodes are more likely to appear if they have a neighbor in common. To mathematically study the behavior of such networks, they are often modeled as random graphs. Many of the popular models like inhomogeneous random graphs or Preferential Attachment excel at producing a power law degree distribution. Clustering, on the other hand, is in these models either not present or artificially enforced. Hyperbolic random graphs bridge this gap by assuming an underlying geometry to the graph: Each vertex is assigned coordinates in the hyperbolic plane, and two vertices are connected if they are nearby. Clustering then emerges as a natural consequence: Two nodes joined by an edge are close by and therefore have many neighbors in common. On the other hand, the exponential expansion of space in the hyperbolic plane naturally produces a power law degree sequence. Due to the hyperbolic geometry, however, rigorous mathematical treatment of this model can quickly become mathematically challenging. In this thesis, we improve upon the understanding of hyperbolic random graphs by studying its structural and algorithmical properties. Our main contribution is threefold. First, we analyze the emergence of cliques in this model. We find that whenever the power law exponent β is 2 < β < 3, there exists a clique of polynomial size in n. On the other hand, for β >= 3, the size of the largest clique is logarithmic; which severely contrasts previous models with a constant size clique in this case. We also provide efficient algorithms for finding cliques if the hyperbolic node coordinates are known. Second, we analyze the diameter, i. e., the longest shortest path in the graph. We find that it is of order O(polylog(n)) if 2 < β < 3 and O(logn) if β > 3. To complement these findings, we also show that the diameter is of order at least Ω(logn). Third, we provide an algorithm for embedding a real-world graph into the hyperbolic plane using only its graph structure. To ensure good quality of the embedding, we perform extensive computational experiments on generated hyperbolic random graphs. Further, as a proof of concept, we embed the Amazon product recommendation network and observe that products from the same category are mapped close together.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopinski2016, author = {Kopinski, Stephan}, title = {The neuromuscular efficiency of lower back muscles in low back pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: The etiology of low back pain (LBP), one of the most prevalent and costly diseases of our time, is accepted to be multi-causal, placing functional factors in the focus of research. Thereby, pain models suggest a centrally controlled strategy of trunk stiffening in LBP. However, supporting biomechanical evidence is mostly limited to static measurements during maximum voluntary contractions (MVC), probably influenced by psychological factors in LBP. Alternatively, repeated findings indicate that the neuromuscular efficiency (NME), characterized by the strength-to-activation relationship (SAR), of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP. Therefore, a dynamic SAR protocol, consisting of normalized trunk muscle activation recordings during submaximal loads (SMVC) seems to be relevant. This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of LBP on the NME and activation pattern of trunk muscles during dynamic trunk extensions. METHODS: The SAR protocol consisted of an initial MVC reference trial (MVC1), followed by SMVCs at 20, 40, 60 and 80\% of MVC1 load. An isokinetic trunk dynamometer (Con-Trex TP, ROM: 45° flexion to 10° extension, velocity: 45°/s) and a trunk surface EMG setup (myon, up to 12 leads) was used. Extension torque output [Nm] and muscular activation [V] were assessed in all trials. Finally, another MVC trial was performed (MVC2) for reliability analysis. For SAR evaluation the SMVC trial values were normalized [\%MVC1] and compared inter- and intra-individually. The methodical validity of the approach was tested in an isometric SAR single-case pilot study (S1a: N = 2, female LBP patient vs. healthy male). In addition, the validity of the MVC reference method was verified by comparing different contraction modes (S1b: N = 17, healthy individuals). Next, the isokinetic protocol was validated in terms of content for its applicability to display known physiological differences between sexes in a cross-sectional study (S2: each n = 25 healthy males/females). Finally, the influence of acute pain on NME was investigated longitudinally by comparing N = 8 acute LBP patients with the retest after remission of pain (S3). The SAR analysis focused on normalized agonistic extensor activation and abdominal and synergistic extensor co-activation (t-tests, ANOVA, α = .05) as well as on reliability of MVC1/2 outcomes. RESULTS: During the methodological validation of the protocol (S1a), the isometric SAR was found to be descriptively different between individuals. Whereas torque output was highest during eccentric MVC, no relevant difference in peak EMG activation was found between contraction modes (S1b). The isokinetic SAR sex comparison (S2), though showing no significant overall effects, revealed higher normalized extensor activation at moderate submaximal loads in females (13 ± 4\%), primarily caused by pronounced thoracic activation. Similarly, co-activation analysis resulted in significantly higher antagonistic activation at moderate loads compared to males (33 ± 9\%). During intra-individual analysis of SAR in LBP patients (S3), a significant effect of pain status on the SAR has been identified, manifesting as increased normalized EMG activation of extensors during acute LBP (11 ± 8\%) particularly at high load. Abdominal co-activation tended to be elevated (27 ± 11\%) just as the thoracic extensor parts seemed to take over proportions of lumbar activation. All together, the M. erector spinae behaviour during the SAR protocol was rather linear with the tendency to rise exponentially during high loads. For the level of normalized EMG activation during SMVCs, a clear increasing trend from healthy males to females over to non-acute and acute LBP patients was discovered. This was associated by elevated antagonistic activation and a shift of synergistic towards lumbar extensor activation. The MVC data revealed overall good reliability, with clearly higher variability during acute LBP. DISCUSSION: The present thesis demonstrates that the NME of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP patients, especially during an acute pain episode. A new dynamic protocol has been developed that makes it possible to display the underlying SAR using normalized trunk muscle EMG during submaximal isokinetic loads. The protocol shows promise as a biomechanical tool for diagnostic analysis of NME in LBP patients and monitoring of rehabilitation progress. Furthermore, reliability not of maximum strength but rather of peak EMG of MVC measurements seems to be decreased in LBP patients. Meanwhile, the findings of this thesis largely substantiate the assumptions made by the recently presented 'motor adaptation to pain' model, suggesting a pain-related intra- and intermuscular activation redistribution affecting movement and stiffness of the trunk. Further research is needed to distinguish the grade of NME impairment between LBP subgroups.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knoop2016, author = {Knoop, Mats Timothy}, title = {Neue Polyacrylnitril-basierte, schmelzspinnbare Pr{\"a}kursoren f{\"u}r Carbonfasern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103972}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 143, XV}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit zu Grunde liegenden Forschung zielte darauf ab, neue schmelzbare Acrylnitril-Copolymere zu entwickeln. Diese sollten im Anschluss {\"u}ber ein Schmelzspinnverfahren zur Chemiefaser geformt und im letzten Schritt zur Carbonfaser konvertiert werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zun{\"a}chst orientierende Untersuchungen an unterschiedlichen Copolymeren des Acrylnitril aus L{\"o}sungspolymerisation durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen besser als sterische Abschirmung dazu geeignet sind, Schmelzbarkeit unterhalb der Zersetzungstemperatur von Polyacrylnitril zu bewirken. Aus der Vielzahl untersuchter Copolymere stellten sich jene mit Methoxyethylacrylat (MEA) als am effektivsten heraus. F{\"u}r diese Copolymere wurden sowohl die Copolymerisationsparameter bestimmt als auch die grundlegende Kinetik der L{\"o}sungspolymerisation untersucht. Die Copolymere mit MEA wurden {\"u}ber Schmelzspinnen zur Faser umgeformt und diese dann untersucht. Hierbei wurden auch Einfl{\"u}sse verschiedener Parameter, wie z.B. die der Molmasse, auf die Fasereigenschaften und -herstellung untersucht. Zuletzt wurde ein Heterophasenpolymerisationsverfahren zur Herstellung von Copolymeren aus AN/MEA entwickelt; dadurch konnten die Materialeigenschaften weiter verbessert werden. Zur Unterdr{\"u}ckung der thermoplastischen Eigenschaften der Fasern wurde ein geeignetes Verfahren entwickelt und anschließend die Konversion zu Carbonfasern durchgef{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Klier2016, author = {Klier, Dennis Tobias}, title = {Upconversion luminescence in Er-codoped NaYF4 nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 89}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the context of an increasing population of aging people and a shift of medical paradigm towards an individualized medicine in health care, nanostructured lanthanides doped sodium yttrium fluoride (NaYF4) represents an exciting class of upconversion nanomaterials (UCNM) which are suitable to bring forward developments in biomedicine and -biodetection. Despite the fact that among various fluoride based upconversion (UC) phosphors lanthanide doped NaYF4 is one of the most studied upconversion nanomaterial, many open questions are still remaining concerning the interplay of the population routes of sensitizer and activator electronic states involved in different luminescence upconversion photophysics as well as the role of phonon coupling. The collective work aims to explore a detailed understanding of the upconversion mechanism in nanoscaled NaYF4 based materials co-doped with several lanthanides, e.g. Yb3+ and Er3+ as the "standard" type upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) up to advanced UCNP with Gd3+ and Nd3+. Especially the impact of the crystal lattice structure as well as the resulting lattice phonons on the upconversion luminescence was investigated in detail based on different mixtures of cubic and hexagonal NaYF4 nanoscaled crystals. Three synthesis methods, depending on the attempt of the respective central spectroscopic questions, could be accomplished in the following work. NaYF4 based upconversion nanoparticles doped with several combination of lanthanides (Yb3+, Er3+, Gd3+ and Nd3+) were synthesized successfully using a hydrothermal synthesis method under mild conditions as well as a co-precipitation and a high temperature co-precipitation technique. Structural information were gathered by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), Raman spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results were discussed in detail with relation to the spectroscopic results. A variable spectroscopic setup was developed for multi parameter upconversion luminescence studies at various temperature 4 K to 328 K. Especially, the study of the thermal behavior of upconversion luminescence as well as time resolved area normalized emission spectra were a prerequisite for the detailed understanding of intramolecular deactivation processes, structural changes upon annealing or Gd3+ concentration, and the role of phonon coupling for the upconversion efficiency. Subsequently it became possible to synthesize UCNP with tailored upconversion luminescence properties. In the end, the potential of UCNP for life science application should be enunciated in context of current needs and improvements of a nanomaterial based optical sensors, whereas the "standard" UCNP design was attuned according to the special conditions in the biological matrix. In terms of a better biocompatibility due to a lower impact on biological tissue and higher penetrability for the excitation light. The first step into this direction was to use Nd3+ ions as a new sensitizer in tridoped NaYF4 based UCNP, whereas the achieved absolute and relative temperature sensitivity is comparable to other types of local temperature sensors in the literature.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaltschew2016, author = {Kaltschew, Kristian}, title = {Die politische Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103930}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {237}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Empirie des beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts weist mehr autorit{\"a}re Regime aus als am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts angenommen. Die gegenw{\"a}rtige Autoritarismusforschung versucht die Fortdauer dieses Regimetyps in Hinblick auf die politischen Institutionen zu erkl{\"a}ren - dabei bleiben politische Akteure, die nicht zum Herrschaftszentrum geh{\"o}ren, außen vor. Das vorliegende Projekt untersucht die Rolle und Funktion politischer Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich an der Opposition eine signifikante Charakteristik autorit{\"a}rer Regime manifestiert. Das akteurszentrierte Projekt ist der qualitativ orientierten Politikwissenschaft zuzurechnen und verkn{\"u}pft das Autoritarismuskonzept von Juan Linz mit klassischen Ans{\"a}tzen der Oppositionsforschung und macht diese Theorien f{\"u}r die gegenw{\"a}rtige Autoritarismusforschung nutzbar. Die eigens entwickelte elitenorientierte Oppositionstypologie wird am Beispiel Kenias im Zeitraum 1990-2005 angewendet. Die Oppositionsgruppen werden im Institutionengef{\"u}ge autorit{\"a}rer Regime verortet und ihr politisches Agieren in den Dimensionen Handlungsstatus, Handlungs{\"u}berzeugung und Handlungsstrategie analysiert. Unter Beachtung der historisch gewachsenen regionalen und kulturellen Spezifika wird angenommen, dass generelle, Regionen {\"u}bergreifende Aussagen zur Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen getroffen werden k{\"o}nnen: Kein Oppositionstyp kann allein einen Herrschaftswechsel bewirken. Der Wechsel bzw. die Fortdauer der Herrschaft h{\"a}ngt von der Dominanz bestimmter Oppositionstypen im Oppositionsgeflecht sowie der gleichzeitigen Schw{\"a}che anderer Oppositionstypen ab. Durch die konzeptionelle Besch{\"a}ftigung mit Opposition sowie deren empirische Erschließung soll ein substantieller Beitrag f{\"u}r die notwendige Debatte um autorit{\"a}re Regime im 21. Jahrhundert geleistet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jung2016, author = {Jung, Janis Moritz}, title = {The role of dysfunctional peer relationships and academic failure in the development and progression of aggression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {163}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: Aggression is a severe behavioral problem that interferes with many developmental challenges individuals face in middle childhood and adolescence. Particularly in the peer and in the academic domain, aggression inhibits the individual from making important learning experiences that are predictive for a healthy transition into adulthood. Furthermore, the resulting developmental deficits have the propensity to feedback and to promote aggression at later developmental stages. The aim of the present PhD thesis was to investigate pathways and processes involved in the etiology of aggression by examining the interrelation between multiple developmental problems in the peer and in the academic domain. More specifically, the relevance of affiliation with deviant peers as a driving mechanism for the development of aggression, factors promoting the affiliation with deviant peers (social rejection; academic failure), and mechanisms by which affiliation with deviant peers leads to aggression (external locus of control) were investigated. Method: The research questions were addressed by three studies. Three data waves were available for the first study, the second and third study were based on two data waves. The first study specified pathways to antisocial behavior by investigating the temporal interrelation between social rejection, academic failure, and affiliation with deviant peers in a sample of 1,657 male and female children and adolescents aged between 6 and 15 years. The second study examined the role of external control beliefs as a potential mediator in the link between affiliation with deviant peers and aggression in a sample of 1,466 children and adolescents in the age of 9 to 19 years, employing a half-longitudinal design. The third study aimed to expand the findings of Study 1 and Study 2 by examining the differential predictivity of combinations of developmental risks for different functions of aggression, using a sample of 1,479 participants in the age between 9 and 19 years. First, profiles of social rejection, academic failure, and affiliation with deviant peers were identified, using latent profile analysis. Second, prospective pathways between risk-profiles and reactive and proactive aggression were investigated, using latent path analysis. Results: The first study revealed that antisocial behavior at T1 was associated with social rejection and academic failure at T2. Both mechanisms promoted affiliation with deviant peers at the same data wave, which predicted deviancy at T3. Furthermore, both an indirect pathway via social rejection and affiliation with deviant peers and an indirect pathway via academic failure and affiliation with deviant peers significantly mediated the link between antisocial behavior at the first and the third data wave. Additionally, the proposed pathways generalized across genders and different age groups. The second study yielded that external control beliefs significantly mediated the link between affiliation with deviant peers and aggression, with affiliation with deviant peers at T1 predicting external control beliefs at T2 and external control beliefs at T1 predicting aggressive behavior at T2. Again, the analyses provided no evidence for gender and age specific variations in the proposed pathways. In the third study, three distinct risk groups were identified, made up of a large non-risk group, with low scores on all risk measures, a group characterized by high scores on social rejection (SR group), and a group with the highest scores on measures of affiliation with deviant peers and academic failure (APAF group). Importantly, risk group membership was differentially associated with reactive and proactive aggression. Only membership in the SR group at T1 was associated with the development of reactive aggression at T2 and only membership in the APAF group at T1 predicted proactive aggression at T2. Additionally, proactive aggression at T1 predicted membership in the APAF group at T2, indicating a reciprocal relationship between both constructs. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that aggression causes severe behavioral deficits in social and academic domains which promote future aggression by increasing individuals' tendency to affiliate with deviant peers. The stimulation of external control beliefs provides an explanation for deviant peers' effect on the progression and intensification of aggression. Finally, multiple developmental risks were shown to co-occur within individuals and to be differentially predictive of reactive and proactive aggression. The findings of this doctoral dissertation have possible implications for the conceptualization of prevention and intervention programs aimed to reduce aggression in middle childhood and adolescence.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JaraMunoz2016, author = {Jara Mu{\~n}oz, Julius}, title = {Quantifying forearc deformation patterns using coastal geomorphic markers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102652}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXV, 213}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rapidly uplifting coastlines are frequently associated with convergent tectonic boundaries, like subduction zones, which are repeatedly breached by giant megathrust earthquakes. The coastal relief along tectonically active realms is shaped by the effect of sea-level variations and heterogeneous patterns of permanent tectonic deformation, which are accumulated through several cycles of megathrust earthquakes. However, the correlation between earthquake deformation patterns and the sustained long-term segmentation of forearcs, particularly in Chile, remains poorly understood. Furthermore, the methods used to estimate permanent deformation from geomorphic markers, like marine terraces, have remained qualitative and are based on unrepeatable methods. This contrasts with the increasing resolution of digital elevation models, such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and high-resolution bathymetric surveys. Throughout this thesis I study permanent deformation in a holistic manner: from the methods to assess deformation rates, to the processes involved in its accumulation. My research focuses particularly on two aspects: Developing methodologies to assess permanent deformation using marine terraces, and comparing permanent deformation with seismic cycle deformation patterns under different spatial scales along the M8.8 Maule earthquake (2010) rupture zone. Two methods are developed to determine deformation rates from wave-built and wave-cut terraces respectively. I selected an archetypal example of a wave-built terrace at Santa Maria Island studying its stratigraphy and recognizing sequences of reoccupation events tied with eleven radiocarbon sample ages (14C ages). I developed a method to link patterns of reoccupation with sea-level proxies by iterating relative sea level curves for a range of uplift rates. I find the best fit between relative sea-level and the stratigraphic patterns for an uplift rate of 1.5 +- 0.3 m/ka. A Graphical User Interface named TerraceM® was developed in Matlab®. This novel software tool determines shoreline angles in wave-cut terraces under different geomorphic scenarios. To validate the methods, I select test sites in areas of available high-resolution LiDAR topography along the Maule earthquake rupture zone and in California, USA. The software allows determining the 3D location of the shoreline angle, which is a proxy for the estimation of permanent deformation rates. The method is based on linear interpolations to define the paleo platform and cliff on swath profiles. The shoreline angle is then located by intersecting these interpolations. The accuracy and precision of TerraceM® was tested by comparing its results with previous assessments, and through an experiment with students in a computer lab setting at the University of Potsdam. I combined the methods developed to analyze wave-built and wave-cut terraces to assess regional patterns of permanent deformation along the (2010) Maule earthquake rupture. Wave-built terraces are tied using 12 Infra Red Stimulated luminescence ages (IRSL ages) and shoreline angles in wave-cut terraces are estimated from 170 aligned swath profiles. The comparison of coseismic slip, interseismic coupling, and permanent deformation, leads to three areas of high permanent uplift, terrace warping, and sharp fault offsets. These three areas correlate with regions of high slip and low coupling, as well as with the spatial limit of at least eight historical megathrust ruptures (M8-9.5). I propose that the zones of upwarping at Arauco and Topocalma reflect changes in frictional properties of the megathrust, which result in discrete boundaries for the propagation of mega earthquakes. To explore the application of geomorphic markers and quantitative morphology in offshore areas I performed a local study of patterns of permanent deformation inferred from hitherto unrecognized drowned shorelines at the Arauco Bay, at the southern part of the (2010) Maule earthquake rupture zone. A multidisciplinary approach, including morphometry, sedimentology, paleontology, 3D morphoscopy, and a landscape Evolution Model is used to recognize, map, and assess local rates and patterns of permanent deformation in submarine environments. Permanent deformation patterns are then reproduced using elastic models to assess deformation rates of an active submarine splay fault defined as Santa Maria Fault System. The best fit suggests a reverse structure with a slip rate of 3.7 m/ka for the last 30 ka. The register of land level changes during the earthquake cycle at Santa Maria Island suggest that most of the deformation may be accrued through splay fault reactivation during mega earthquakes, like the (2010) Maule event. Considering a recurrence time of 150 to 200 years, as determined from historical and geological observations, slip between 0.3 and 0.7 m per event would be required to account for the 3.7 m/ka millennial slip rate. However, if the SMFS slips only every ~1000 years, representing a few megathrust earthquakes, then a slip of ~3.5 m per event would be required to account for the long- term rate. Such event would be equivalent to a magnitude ~6.7 earthquake capable to generate a local tsunami. The results of this thesis provide novel and fundamental information regarding the amount of permanent deformation accrued in the crust, and the mechanisms responsible for this accumulation at millennial time-scales along the M8.8 Maule earthquake (2010) rupture zone. Furthermore, the results of this thesis highlight the application of quantitative geomorphology and the use of repeatable methods to determine permanent deformation, improve the accuracy of marine terrace assessments, and estimates of vertical deformation rates in tectonically active coastal areas. This is vital information for adequate coastal-hazard assessments and to anticipate realistic earthquake and tsunami scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Janetschek2016, author = {Janetschek, Hannah}, title = {Water development programs in India}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401337}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {279}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the past decades, development cooperation (DC) led by conventional bi- and multilateral donors has been joined by a large number of small, private or public-private donors. This pluralism of actors raises questions as to whether or not these new donors are able to implement projects more or less effectively than their conventional counterparts. In contrast to their predecessors, the new donors have committed themselves to be more pragmatic, innovative and flexible in their development cooperation measures. However, they are also criticized for weakening the function of local civil society and have the reputation of being an intransparent and often controversial alternative to public services. With additional financial resources and their new approach to development, the new donors have been described in the literature as playing a controversial role in transforming development cooperation. This dissertation compares the effectiveness of initiatives by new and conventional donors with regard to the provision of public goods and services to the poor in the water and sanitation sector in India. India is an emerging country but it is experiencing high poverty rates and poor water supply in predominantly rural areas. It lends itself for analyzing this research theme as it is currently being confronted by a large number of actors and approaches that aim to find solutions for these challenges . In the theoretical framework of this dissertation, four governance configurations are derived from the interaction of varying actor types with regard to hierarchical and non-hierarchical steering of their interactions. These four governance configurations differ in decision-making responsibilities, accountability and delegation of tasks or direction of information flow. The assumption on actor relationships and steering is supplemented by possible alternative explanations in the empirical investigation, such as resource availability, the inheritance of structures and institutions from previous projects in a project context, gaining acceptance through beneficiaries (local legitimacy) as a door opener, and asymmetries of power in the project context. Case study evidence from seven projects reveals that the actors' relationship is important for successful project delivery. Additionally, the results show that there is a systematic difference between conventional and new donors. Projects led by conventional donors were consistently more successful, due to an actor relationship that placed the responsibility in the hands of the recipient actors and benefited from the trust and reputation of a long-term cooperation. The trust and reputation of conventional donors always went along with a back-up from federal level and trickled down as reputation also at local level implementation. Furthermore, charismatic leaders, as well as the acquired structures and institutions of predecessor projects, also proved to be a positive influencing factor for successful project implementation. Despite the mixed results of the seven case studies, central recommendations for action can be derived for the various actors involved in development cooperation. For example, new donors could fulfill a supplementary function with conventional donors by developing innovative project approaches through pilot studies and then implementing them as a supplement to the projects of conventional donors on the ground. In return, conventional donors would have to make room the new donors by integrating their approaches into already programs in order to promote donor harmonization. It is also important to identify and occupy niches for activities and to promote harmonization among donors on state and federal sides. The empirical results demonstrate the need for a harmonization strategy of different donor types in order to prevent duplication, over-experimentation and the failure of development programs. A transformation to successful and sustainable development cooperation can only be achieved through more coordination processes and national self-responsibility.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ittner2016, author = {Ittner, Helmut}, title = {Das Widerspenstige b{\"a}ndigen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395066}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {365}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Dem Handeln von Lehrkr{\"a}ften wird in der schulischen Praxis wie in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur ein wesentlicher Einfluss auf die Qualit{\"a}t von schulischem Unterricht zugesprochen. Auch wenn umfangreiche normative Vorstellungen {\"u}ber ein gutes Lehr-Handeln bestehen, so gibt es wenig Erkenntnis dar{\"u}ber, welche Gr{\"u}nde Lehrkr{\"a}fte f{\"u}r ihr p{\"a}dagogisches Handeln haben. Das Handeln von Lehrkr{\"a}ften kann nur dann ad{\"a}quat erfasst werden, wenn Bildung einerseits als Weitergabe von Kultur an die nachfolgende Generation und andererseits als eine vom sich bildenden Subjekt ausgehende Selbst- und Weltverst{\"a}ndigung verstanden wird. Damit einhergehende Anforderungen an die Lehrkraft stehen notwendigerweise in Widerspruch zueinander; dies gilt besonders f{\"u}r eine Gesellschaft mit großer kultureller und sozialer Heterogenit{\"a}t. Bei der Suche nach Zusammenh{\"a}ngen zwischen Pers{\"o}nlichkeit, p{\"a}dagogischem Wissen oder Kompetenzen und einem unterrichtlichen Handeln wird h{\"a}ufig von einer Bedingtheit dieses Handelns ausgegangen und dieses auf kognitive Aspekte und an externen Normen orientierte Merkmale verk{\"u}rzt. Ertragreicher f{\"u}r eine Antwort auf die Frage nach den Begr{\"u}ndungen sind wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die Professionalit{\"a}t als eine Bezugnahme auf einen besonderen strukturellen Rahmen beschreiben, der durch Widerspr{\"u}che gepr{\"a}gt ist und Entscheidungen zu den Spannungsfeldern p{\"a}dagogischer Verh{\"a}ltnisse erfordert. Die subjektwissenschaftliche Lerntheorie bietet eine Basis f{\"u}r ein Verst{\"a}ndnis eines Lernens in institutionellen Kontexten ausgehend von den Lerninteressen der Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler. Lehren kann darauf bezugnehmend als Unterst{\"u}tzung von Selbst- und Weltverst{\"a}ndigungsprozessen durch Wertsch{\"a}tzung, Verstehen und Angebote alternativer Bedeutungshorizonte verstanden werden. Das Handeln von Lehrkr{\"a}ften ist als sinngebende Bezugnahme auf daraus resultierende sowie institutionelle Anforderungen mittels gesellschaftlicher Bedeutungsstrukturen verstehbar. Das handelnde Subjekt erschließt sich selbst und die Welt mit Hilfe von Bedeutungen. Diese k{\"o}nnen verstanden werden als der Besonderheit der Biographie, der gesellschaftlichen Position sowie der Lebenslage geschuldete Reinterpretationen gesellschaftlicher Bedeutungsstrukturen. Im empirischen Verfahren k{\"o}nnen mittels eines {\"U}bergangs von sequentiellen zu komparativen Analysen Positionierungen als thematisch spezifische und {\"u}ber die konkrete Handlungssituation hinausreichende Bedeutungs-Begr{\"u}ndungs-Zusammenh{\"a}nge rekonstruiert werden. Daraus werden situationsunabh{\"a}ngige Strukturmomente des Gegenstands Lehren an beruflichen Schulen aber auch komplexe, situationsbezogene subjektive Bedeutungs-Begr{\"u}ndungs-Muster abgeleitet. Als wesentliche strukturelle Merkmale lassen sich die Schl{\"u}sselkategorien ‚Deutungsmacht' und ‚instrumentelle p{\"a}dagogische Beziehung' aus dem empirischen Material unter Zuhilfenahme weiterer theoretischer Folien entwickeln. Da Deutungsmacht auf Akzeptanz angewiesen ist und in instrumentellen Beziehungen eine kooperative Bezugnahme auf den Lehr-Lern-Gegenstand allenfalls punktuell erfolgt, k{\"o}nnen damit asymmetrische metastabile Arrangements zwischen einer Lehrkraft und Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}lern verstanden werden. Als empirische Auspr{\"a}gungen weist Deutungsmacht die Varianten ‚absoluter Anspruch', ‚Akzeptanz der Fragilit{\"a}t' und ‚Akzeptanz der Legitimit{\"a}t eines Infragestellens' auf. Bei der zweiten Schl{\"u}sselkategorie treten die Varianten ‚strukturelle Pr{\"a}gung', ‚unspezifischer allgemein-menschlicher Charakter' und ‚Außenpr{\"a}gung' der instrumentellen p{\"a}dagogischen Beziehung auf. Die Bedeutungs-Begr{\"u}ndungs-Musters weisen teilweise Inkonsistenzen und {\"U}berg{\"a}nge in den Positionierungen bezogen auf die dargestellten Varianten auf. Nur bei einem Teil der Muster sind Bem{\"u}hungen um Wertsch{\"a}tzung und Verstehen der Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler plausibel ableitbar, gleiches gilt in Hinblick auf eine Offenheit f{\"u}r eine Revision der Muster. Die Muster, wie etwa ‚Durchsetzend-ertragendes Nachsteuern', ‚Direktiv-personalisierendes Praktizieren' oder ‚Regulierend-flexibles Managen' sind zu verstehen als Bew{\"a}ltigungsmodi der kontingenten p{\"a}dagogischen (Konflikt-)Situationen, auf die sich die Fallschilderungen beziehen. Die jeweilige Lehrkraft hat dieses Muster in dem beschriebenen Fall genutzt, was allerdings keine Aussage dar{\"u}ber zul{\"a}sst, auf welche Muster die Lehrkraft in anderen F{\"a}llen zugreifen w{\"u}rde. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit eignen sich als eine heuristische bzw. theoretische Folie, die Lehrkr{\"a}fte beim Erschließen ihres eigenen p{\"a}dagogischen Handelns - etwa in einer als Fallberatung konzipierten Fortbildung - unterst{\"u}tzen kann. M{\"o}glich sind Anschl{\"u}sse an andere theoretische Ans{\"a}tze zum Handeln von Lehrkr{\"a}ften aber auch deren ver{\"a}nderte Einordnung. Erweitert werden die Optionen, dieses Handeln {\"u}ber wissenschaftliche Zug{\"a}nge zu erfassen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Intziegianni2016, author = {Intziegianni, Konstantina}, title = {Influence of age and pathology on Achilles tendon properties under functional tasks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 85, xii}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Prevalence of Achilles tendinopathy increases with age, leading to a weaker tendon with predisposition to rupture. Previous studies, investigating Achilles tendon (AT) properties, are restricted to standardized isometric conditions. Knowledge regarding the influence of age and pa-thology on AT response under functional tasks remains limited. Therefore, the aim of the thesis was to investigate the influence of age and pathology on AT properties during a single-leg vertical jump. Healthy children, asymptomatic adults and patients with Achilles tendinopathy participated. Ultrasonography was used to assess AT-length, AT-cross-sectional area and AT-elongation. The reliability of the methodology used was evaluated both Intra- and inter-rater at rest and at maximal isometric plantar-flexion contraction and was further implemented to investigate tendon properties during functional task. During the functional task a single-leg vertical jump on a force plate was performed while simultaneously AT elongation and vertical ground reaction forces were recorded. AT compliance [mm/N] (elongation/force) and AT strain [\%] (elongation/length) were calculated. Differences between groups were evaluated with respect to age (children vs. adults) and pathology (asymptomatic adults vs. patients). Good to excellent reliability with low levels of variability was achieved in the assessment of AT properties. During the jumps AT elongation was found to be statistical significant higher in children. However, no statistical significant difference was found for force among the groups. AT compliance and strain were found to be statistical significant higher only in children. No significant differences were found between asymptomatic adults and patients with tendinopathy. The methodology used to assess AT properties is reliable, allowing its implementation into further investigations. Higher AT-compliance in children might be considered as a protective factor against load-related injuries. During functional task, when higher forces are acting on the AT, tendinopathy does not result in a weaker tendon.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoellerer2016, author = {H{\"o}llerer, Reinhard}, title = {Modellierung und Optimierung von B{\"u}rgerdiensten am Beispiel der Stadt Landshut}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-425986}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 244}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Projektierung und Abwicklung sowie die statische und dynamische Analyse von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen im Bereich des Verwaltens und Regierens auf kommunaler, L{\"a}nder- wie auch Bundesebene mit Hilfe von Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken besch{\"a}ftigen Politiker und Strategen f{\"u}r Informationstechnologie ebenso wie die {\"O}ffentlichkeit seit Langem. Der hieraus entstandene Begriff E-Government wurde in der Folge aus den unterschiedlichsten technischen, politischen und semantischen Blickrichtungen beleuchtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich dabei auf zwei Schwerpunktthemen: • Das erste Schwerpunktthema behandelt den Entwurf eines hierarchischen Architekturmodells, f{\"u}r welches sieben hierarchische Schichten identifiziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Diese erscheinen notwendig, aber auch hinreichend, um den allgemeinen Fall zu beschreiben. Den Hintergrund hierf{\"u}r liefert die langj{\"a}hrige Prozess- und Verwaltungserfahrung als Leiter der EDV-Abteilung der Stadtverwaltung Landshut, eine kreisfreie Stadt mit rund 69.000 Einwohnern im Nordosten von M{\"u}nchen. Sie steht als Repr{\"a}sentant f{\"u}r viele Verwaltungsvorg{\"a}nge in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ist dennoch als Analyseobjekt in der Gesamtkomplexit{\"a}t und Prozessquantit{\"a}t {\"u}berschaubar. Somit k{\"o}nnen aus der Analyse s{\"a}mtlicher Kernabl{\"a}ufe statische und dynamische Strukturen extrahiert und abstrakt modelliert werden. Die Schwerpunkte liegen in der Darstellung der vorhandenen Bedienabl{\"a}ufe in einer Kommune. Die Transformation der Bedienanforderung in einem hierarchischen System, die Darstellung der Kontroll- und der Operationszust{\"a}nde in allen Schichten wie auch die Strategie der Fehlererkennung und Fehlerbehebung schaffen eine transparente Basis f{\"u}r umfassende Restrukturierungen und Optimierungen. F{\"u}r die Modellierung wurde FMC-eCS eingesetzt, eine am Hasso-Plattner-Institut f{\"u}r Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH (HPI) im Fachgebiet Kommunikationssysteme entwickelte Methodik zur Modellierung zustandsdiskreter Systeme unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung m{\"o}glicher Inkonsistenzen (Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Zorn [ZW07a, ZW07b]). • Das zweite Schwerpunktthema widmet sich der quantitativen Modellierung und Optimierung von E-Government-Bediensystemen, welche am Beispiel des B{\"u}rgerb{\"u}ros der Stadt Landshut im Zeitraum 2008 bis 2015 durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Dies erfolgt auf Basis einer kontinuierlichen Betriebsdatenerfassung mit aufwendiger Vorverarbeitung zur Extrahierung mathematisch beschreibbarer Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen. Der hieraus entwickelte Dienstplan wurde hinsichtlich der erzielbaren Optimierungen im dauerhaften Echteinsatz verifiziert. [ZW07a] Zorn, Werner: «FMC-QE A New Approach in Quantitative Modeling», Vortrag anl{\"a}sslich: MSV'07- The 2007 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods WorldComp2007, Las Vegas, 28.6.2007. [ZW07b] Zorn, Werner: «FMC-QE, A New Approach in Quantitative Modeling», Ver{\"o}ffentlichung, Hasso-Plattner-Institut f{\"u}r Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, 28.6.2007.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoxtell2016, author = {Hoxtell, Annette}, title = {Entscheidungsgr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r den Ausbildungsbetrieb}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93377}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 215, XXVII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die schulische Berufswahlvorbereitung vers{\"a}umt es, Jugendliche auf die Wahl des Ausbildungsbetriebs vorzubereiten. Sie thematisiert nur die Berufswahl, obwohl die Entscheidung f{\"u}r eine betriebliche Ausbildung immer auch die Entscheidung f{\"u}r einen Ausbildungsbetrieb voraussetzt. F{\"u}r die Ausbildungszufriedenheit und den -erfolg ist diese Betriebswahl zentral. Angesichts des Mismatchs am Ausbildungsmarkt ist das Thema hochrelevant. Aus welchen Gr{\"u}nden entscheiden sich Jugendliche f{\"u}r einen Ausbildungsbetrieb? Diese Frage untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit aus prospektiver Sicht in narrativen Einzelinterviews mit 52 Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}lern der 9. und 10. Klassenstufen verschiedener Schultypen und aus retrospektiver Sicht in vier multipel eingebetteten Mehrfallstudien mit 17 Auszubildenden aus vier Betrieben und in acht Berufen - jeweils in Brandenburg und Berlin. Theoretisch n{\"a}hert sich diese Arbeit dem Thema {\"u}ber psychologische, soziologische und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche sowie interdisziplin{\"a}re Berufswahltheorien an, dem operativen Modell der Betriebswahl sowie dem hier neu entwickelten Modell der Ausbildungswahl als Entscheidungsprozess, das die beiden Wahlkomponenten Betrieb und Beruf vereint. Drei zentrale Erkenntnisse kennzeichnen das Ergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit: 1. Jugendliche besch{\"a}ftigen sich mit der Wahl des Ausbildungsbetriebs und ber{\"u}cksichtigen vor allem emotionale Gr{\"u}nde. Diese variieren von Person zu Person. 2. Wichtigste Entscheidungsgr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r den Ausbildungsbetrieb sind der pers{\"o}nliche Eindruck, die inhaltliche Solidit{\"a}t, der Ort, das Betriebsklima, Kontakte ins Unternehmen, Perspektiven und die Bezahlung. 3. Jugendliche mit Mittlerem Schulabschluss achten besonders auf die Perspektiven nach Ausbildungsende. Die wenigen anderen Studien zur Entscheidung f{\"u}r den Ausbildungsbetrieb gehen auf den am h{\"a}ufigsten genannten Entscheidungsgrund pers{\"o}nlicher Eindruck nicht ein. Auch kommen sie zu uneinheitlichen Schl{\"u}ssen, f{\"u}r welche Personengruppe der Entscheidungsgrund Perspektiven besonders relevant ist. Es bedarf zus{\"a}tzlicher Studien, um die Ergebnisse zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen und ihre statistische Verteilung in gr{\"o}ßeren Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen zu untersuchen sowie eine belastbare, ganzheitliche Theorie zur Ausbildungswahl zu entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hohenbrink2016, author = {Hohenbrink, Tobias Ludwig}, title = {Turning a problem into a solution: heterogeneities in soil hydrology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101485}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 123}, year = {2016}, abstract = {It is commonly recognized that soil moisture exhibits spatial heterogeneities occurring in a wide range of scales. These heterogeneities are caused by different factors ranging from soil structure at the plot scale to land use at the landscape scale. There is an urgent need for effi-cient approaches to deal with soil moisture heterogeneity at large scales, where manage-ment decisions are usually made. The aim of this dissertation was to test innovative ap-proaches for making efficient use of standard soil hydrological data in order to assess seep-age rates and main controls on observed hydrological behavior, including the role of soil het-erogeneities. As a first step, the applicability of a simplified Buckingham-Darcy method to estimate deep seepage fluxes from point information of soil moisture dynamics was assessed. This was done in a numerical experiment considering a broad range of soil textures and textural het-erogeneities. The method performed well for most soil texture classes. However, in pure sand where seepage fluxes were dominated by heterogeneous flow fields it turned out to be not applicable, because it simply neglects the effect of water flow heterogeneity. In this study a need for new efficient approaches to handle heterogeneities in one-dimensional water flux models was identified. As a further step, an approach to turn the problem of soil moisture heterogeneity into a solu-tion was presented: Principal component analysis was applied to make use of the variability among soil moisture time series for analyzing apparently complex soil hydrological systems. It can be used for identifying the main controls on the hydrological behavior, quantifying their relevance, and describing their particular effects by functional averaged time series. The ap-proach was firstly tested with soil moisture time series simulated for different texture classes in homogeneous and heterogeneous model domains. Afterwards, it was applied to 57 mois-ture time series measured in a multifactorial long term field experiment in Northeast Germa-ny. The dimensionality of both data sets was rather low, because more than 85 \% of the total moisture variance could already be explained by the hydrological input signal and by signal transformation with soil depth. The perspective of signal transformation, i.e. analyzing how hydrological input signals (e.g., rainfall, snow melt) propagate through the vadose zone, turned out to be a valuable supplement to the common mass flux considerations. Neither different textures nor spatial heterogeneities affected the general kind of signal transfor-mation showing that complex spatial structures do not necessarily evoke a complex hydro-logical behavior. In case of the field measured data another 3.6\% of the total variance was unambiguously explained by different cropping systems. Additionally, it was shown that dif-ferent soil tillage practices did not affect the soil moisture dynamics at all. The presented approach does not require a priori assumptions about the nature of physical processes, and it is not restricted to specific scales. Thus, it opens various possibilities to in-corporate the key information from monitoring data sets into the modeling exercise and thereby reduce model uncertainties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoffmann2016, author = {Hoffmann, Bernd}, title = {Plant organic matter mobilization and export in fluvial systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99336}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The global carbon cycle is closely linked to Earth's climate. In the context of continuously unchecked anthropogenic CO₂ emissions, the importance of natural CO₂ bond and carbon storage is increasing. An important biogenic mechanism of natural atmospheric CO₂ drawdown is the photosynthetic carbon fixation in plants and the subsequent longterm deposition of plant detritus in sediments. The main objective of this thesis is to identify factors that control mobilization and transport of plant organic matter (pOM) through rivers towards sedimentation basins. I investigated this aspect in the eastern Nepalese Arun Valley. The trans-Himalayan Arun River is characterized by a strong elevation gradient (205 - 8848 m asl) that is accompanied by strong changes in ecology and climate ranging from wet tropical conditions in the Himalayan forelad to high alpine tundra on the Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, the Arun is an excellent natural laboratory, allowing the investigation of the effect of vegetation cover, climate, and topography on plant organic matter mobilization and export in tributaries along the gradient. Based on hydrogen isotope measurements of plant waxes sampled along the Arun River and its tributaries, I first developed a model that allows for an indirect quantification of pOM contributed to the mainsetm by the Arun's tributaries. In order to determine the role of climatic and topographic parameters of sampled tributary catchments, I looked for significant statistical relations between the amount of tributary pOM export and tributary characteristics (e.g. catchment size, plant cover, annual precipitation or runoff, topographic measures). On one hand, I demonstrated that pOMsourced from the Arun is not uniformly derived from its entire catchment area. On the other, I showed that dense vegetation is a necessary, but not sufficient, criterion for high tributary pOM export. Instead, I identified erosion and rainfall and runoff as key factors controlling pOM sourcing in the Arun Valley. This finding is supported by terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide concentrations measured on river sands along the Arun and its tributaries in order to quantify catchment wide denudation rates. Highest denudation rates corresponded well with maximum pOM mobilization and export also suggesting the link between erosion and pOM sourcing. The second part of this thesis focusses on the applicability of stable isotope records such as plant wax n-alkanes in sediment archives as qualitative and quantitative proxy for the variability of past Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) strength. First, I determined how ISM strength affects the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic composition (reported as δD and δ18O values vs. Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) of precipitation in the Arun Valley and if this amount effect (Dansgaard, 1964) is strong enough to be recorded in potential paleo-ISM isotope proxies. Second, I investigated if potential isotope records across the Arun catchment reflect ISM strength dependent precipitation δD values only, or if the ISM isotope signal is superimposed by winter precipitation or glacial melt. Furthermore, I tested if δD values of plant waxes in fluvial deposits reflect δD values of environmental waters in the respective catchments. I showed that surface water δD values in the Arun Valley and precipitation δD from south of the Himalaya both changed similarly during two consecutive years (2011 \& 2012) with distinct ISM rainfall amounts (~20\% less in 2012). In order to evaluate the effect of other water sources (Winter-Westerly precipitation, glacial melt) and evapotranspiration in the Arun Valley, I analysed satellite remote sensing data of rainfall distribution (TRMM 3B42V7), snow cover (MODIS MOD10C1), glacial coverage (GLIMSdatabase, Global Land Ice Measurements from Space), and evapotranspiration (MODIS MOD16A2). In addition to the predominant ISM in the entire catchment I found through stable isotope analysis of surface waters indications for a considerable amount of glacial melt derived from high altitude tributaries and the Tibetan Plateau. Remotely sensed snow cover data revealed that the upper portion of the Arun also receives considerable winter precipitation, but the effect of snow melt on the Arun Valley hydrology could not be evaluated as it takes place in early summer, several months prior to our sampling campaigns. However, I infer that plant wax records and other potential stable isotope proxy archives below the snowline are well-suited for qualitative, and potentially quantitative, reconstructions of past changes of ISM strength.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hildebrand2016, author = {Hildebrand, Viet}, title = {Twofold switchable block copolymers based on new polyzwitterions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 170, LXXX}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In complement to the well-established zwitterionic monomers 3-((2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPE") and 3-((3-methacrylamidopropyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPP"), the closely related sulfobetaine monomers were synthesized and polymerized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, using a fluorophore labeled RAFT agent. The polyzwitterions of systematically varied molar mass were characterized with respect to their solubility in water, deuterated water, and aqueous salt solutions. These poly(sulfobetaine)s show thermoresponsive behavior in water, exhibiting upper critical solution temperatures (UCST). Phase transition temperatures depend notably on the molar mass and polymer concentration, and are much higher in D2O than in H2O. Also, the phase transition temperatures are effectively modulated by the addition of salts. The individual effects can be in parts correlated to the Hofmeister series for the anions studied. Still, they depend in a complex way on the concentration and the nature of the added electrolytes, on the one hand, and on the detailed structure of the zwitterionic side chain, on the other hand. For the polymers with the same zwitterionic side chain, it is found that methacrylamide-based poly(sulfobetaine)s exhibit higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their methacrylate analogs. The extension of the distance between polymerizable unit and zwitterionic groups from 2 to 3 methylene units decreases the UCST-type transition temperatures. Poly(sulfobetaine)s derived from aliphatic esters show higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their analogs featuring cyclic ammonium cations. The UCST-type transition temperatures increase markedly with spacer length separating the cationic and anionic moieties from 3 to 4 methylene units. Thus, apparently small variations of their chemical structure strongly affect the phase behavior of the polyzwitterions in specific aqueous environments. Water-soluble block copolymers were prepared from the zwitterionic monomers and the non-ionic monomer N-isopropylmethacrylamide ("NIPMAM") by the RAFT polymerization. Such block copolymers with two hydrophilic blocks exhibit twofold thermoresponsive behavior in water. The poly(sulfobetaine) block shows an UCST, whereas the poly(NIPMAM) block exhibits a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). This constellation induces a structure inversion of the solvophobic aggregate, called "schizophrenic micelle". Depending on the relative positions of the two different phase transitions, the block copolymer passes through a molecularly dissolved or an insoluble intermediate regime, which can be modulated by the polymer concentration or by the addition of salt. Whereas, at low temperature, the poly(sulfobetaine) block forms polar aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(NIPMAM) block, at high temperature, the poly(NIPMAM) block forms hydrophobic aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(sulfobetaine) block. Thus, aggregates can be prepared in water, which switch reversibly their "inside" to the "outside", and vice versa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heybl2016, author = {Heybl, Christine}, title = {Der Klimawandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102442}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {293}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Was ist Gerechtigkeit? Wie k{\"o}nnten gerechte Regelungen aussehen f{\"u}r die Katastrophen und Leiden, die der Klimawandel ausl{\"o}st bzw. ausl{\"o}sen wird? Diese sind h{\"a}ufig ungerecht, weil sie oft deutlich st{\"a}rker diejenigen treffen, die am wenigsten zur Klimaver{\"a}nderung beigetragen haben. Doch was genau verstehen wir unter dem Schlagwort: ‚Klimawandel'? Und kann dieser wirklich den Menschen direkt treffen? Ein kurzer naturwissenschaftlicher Abriss kl{\"a}rt hier die wichtigsten Fragen. Da es sich hierbei um eine philosophische Arbeit handelt, muss zun{\"a}chst gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob der Mensch {\"u}berhaupt die Ursache von so etwas sein kann wie z.B. der Klimaerw{\"a}rmung. Robert Spaemanns These dazu ist, dass der Mensch durch seinen freien Willen mit seinen Einzelhandlungen das Weltgeschehen ver{\"a}ndern kann. Hans Jonas f{\"u}gt dem hinzu, dass wir durch diese F{\"a}higkeit, verantwortlich sind f{\"u}r die gewollten und ungewollten Folgen unserer Handlungen. Damit w{\"a}re aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht (1. Teil der Arbeit) und aus philosophischer Sicht (Anfang 2. Teil) gekl{\"a}rt, dass der Mensch mit gr{\"o}ßter Wahrscheinlichkeit die Ursache des Klimawandels ist und diese Verursachung moralische Konsequenzen f{\"u}r ihn hat. Ein philosophischer Gerechtigkeitsbegriff wird aus der Kantischen Rechts- und Moralphilosophie entwickelt, weil diese die einzige ist, die dem Menschen {\"u}berhaupt ein Recht auf Rechte zusprechen kann. Diese entspringt der transzendentalen Freiheitsf{\"a}higkeit des Menschen, weshalb jedem das Recht auf Rechte absolut und immer zukommt. Gleichzeitig m{\"u}ndet Kants Philosophie wiederum in dem Freiheitsgedanken, indem Gerechtigkeit nur existiert, wenn alle Menschen gleichermaßen frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Was heißt das konkret? Wie k{\"o}nnte Gerechtigkeit in der Realit{\"a}t wirklich umgesetzt werden? Die Realisierung schl{\"a}gt zwei Grundrichtungen ein. John Rawls und Stefan Gosepath besch{\"a}ftigen sich u.a. eingehend mit der prozeduralen Gerechtigkeit, was bedeutet, dass gerechte Verfahren gefunden werden, die das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben regeln. Das leitende Prinzip hierf{\"u}r ist vor allem: ein Mitbestimmungsrecht aller, so dass sich im Prinzip alle B{\"u}rger ihre Gesetze selbst geben und damit frei handeln. In Bezug auf den Klimawandel steht die zweite Ausrichtung im Vordergrund - die distributive oder auch Verteilungs-Gerechtigkeit. Materielle G{\"u}ter m{\"u}ssen so aufgeteilt werden, dass auch trotz empirischer Unterschiede alle Menschen als moralische Subjekte anerkannt werden und frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Doch sind diese philosophischen Schlussfolgerungen nicht viel zu abstrakt, um auf ein ebenso schwer fassbares und globales Problem wie den Klimawandel angewendet zu werden? Was k{\"o}nnte daher eine Klimagerechtigkeit sein? Es gibt viele Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien, die vorgeben, eine gerechte Grundlage f{\"u}r die Klimaprobleme zu bieten wie z.B. das Verursacherprinzip, das F{\"a}higkeitsprinzip oder das Grandfathering-Prinzip, bei dem die Hauptverursacher nach wie vor am meisten emittieren d{\"u}rfen (dieses Prinzip leitete die bisherigen internationalen Verhandlungen). Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, herauszufinden, wie die Klimaprobleme gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen, so dass f{\"u}r alle Menschen unter allen Umst{\"a}nden die universellen Menschenrechte her- und sichergestellt werden und diese frei und moralisch handeln k{\"o}nnen. Die Schlussfolgerung dieser Arbeit ist, dass Kants Gerechtigkeitsbegriff durch eine Kombination des Subsistenzemissions-Rechts, des Greenhouse-Development-Rights-Principles (GDR-Prinzip) und einer internationalen Staatlichkeit durchgesetzt werden k{\"o}nnte. Durch das Subsistenzemissions-Recht hat jeder Mensch das Recht, so viel Energie zu verbrauchen und damit zusammenh{\"a}ngende Emissionen zu produzieren, dass er ein menschenw{\"u}rdiges Leben f{\"u}hren kann. Das GDR-Prinzip errechnet den Anteil an der weltweiten Gesamtverantwortung zum Klimaschutz eines jeden Landes oder sogar eines jeden Weltb{\"u}rgers, indem es die historischen Emissionen (Klimaschuld) zu der jetzigen finanziellen Kapazit{\"a}t des Landes/ des Individuums (Verantwortungsf{\"a}higkeit) hinzuaddiert. Die Implementierung von internationalen Gremien wird verteidigt, weil es ein globales, grenz{\"u}berschreitendes Problem ist, dessen Effekte und dessen Verantwortung globale Ausmaße haben. Ein schlagendes Argument f{\"u}r fast alle Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ist, dass sie Synergien aufweisen zu anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen aufweisen wie z.B. Gesundheit und Armutsbek{\"a}mpfung, in denen auch noch um die Durchsetzung unserer Menschenrechte gerungen wird. Ist dieser L{\"o}sungsansatz nicht v{\"o}llig utopisch? Dieser Vorschlag stellt f{\"u}r die internationale Gemeinschaft eine große Herausforderung dar, w{\"a}re jedoch die einzig gerechte L{\"o}sung unserer Klimaprobleme. Des Weiteren wird an dem Kantischen Handlungsgrundsatz festgehalten, dass das ewige Streben auf ideale Ziele hin, die beste Verwirklichung dieser durch menschliche, fehlbare Wesen ist.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Herenz2016, author = {Herenz, Edmund Christian}, title = {Detecting and understanding extragalactic Lyman α emission using 3D spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this thesis we use integral-field spectroscopy to detect and understand of Lyman α (Lyα) emission from high-redshift galaxies. Intrinsically the Lyα emission at λ = 1216 {\AA} is the strongest recombination line from galaxies. It arises from the 2p → 1s transition in hydrogen. In star-forming galaxies the line is powered by ionisation of the interstellar gas by hot O- and B- stars. Galaxies with star-formation rates of 1 - 10 Msol/year are expected to have Lyα luminosities of 42 dex - 43 dex (erg/s), corresponding to fluxes ~ -17 dex - -18 dex (erg/s/cm²) at redshifts z~3, where Lyα is easily accessible with ground-based telescopes. However, star-forming galaxies do not show these expected Lyα fluxes. Primarily this is a consequence of the high-absorption cross-section of neutral hydrogen for Lyα photons σ ~ -14 dex (cm²). Therefore, in typical interstellar environments Lyα photons have to undergo a complex radiative transfer. The exact conditions under which Lyα photons can escape a galaxy are poorly understood. Here we present results from three observational projects. In Chapter 2, we show integral field spectroscopic observations of 14 nearby star-forming galaxies in Balmer α radiation (Hα, λ = 6562.8 {\AA}). These observations were obtained with the Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer at the Calar-Alto 3.5m Telescope}. Hα directly traces the intrinsic Lyα radiation field. We present Hα velocity fields and velocity dispersion maps spatially registered onto Hubble Space Telescope Lyα and Hα images. From our observations, we conjecture a causal connection between spatially resolved Hα kinematics and Lyα photometry for individual galaxies. Statistically, we find that dispersion-dominated galaxies are more likely to emit Lyα photons than galaxies where ordered gas-motions dominate. This result indicates that turbulence in actively star-forming systems favours an escape of Lyα radiation. Not only massive stars can power Lyα radiation, but also non-thermal emission from an accreting super-massive black hole in the galaxy centre. If a galaxy harbours such an active galactic nucleus, the rate of hydrogen-ionising photons can be more than 1000 times higher than that of a typical star-forming galaxy. This radiation can potentially ionise large regions well outside the main stellar body of galaxies. Therefore, it is expected that the neutral hydrogen from these circum-galactic regions shines fluorescently in Lyα. Circum-galactic gas plays a crucial role in galaxy formation. It may act as a reservoir for fuelling star formation, and it is also subject to feedback processes that expel galactic material. If Lyα emission from this circum-galactic medium (CGM) was detected, these important processes could be studied in-situ around high-z galaxies. In Chapter 3, we show observations of five radio-quiet quasars with PMAS to search for possible extended CGM emission in the Lyα line. However, in four of the five objects, we find no significant traces of this emission. In the fifth object, there is evidence for a weak and spatially quite compact Lyα excess at several kpc outside the nucleus. The faintness of these structures is consistent with the idea that radio-quiet quasars typically reside in dark matter haloes of modest masses. While we were not able to detect Lyα CGM emission, our upper limits provide constraints for the new generation of IFS instruments at 8--10m class telescopes. The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at ESOs Very Large Telescopeis such an unique instrument. One of the main motivating drivers in its construction was the use as a survey instrument for Lyα emitting galaxies at high-z. Currently, we are conducting such a survey that will cover a total area of ~100 square arcminutes with 1 hour exposures for each 1 square arcminute MUSE pointing. As a first result from this survey we present in Chapter 5 a catalogue of 831 emission-line selected galaxies from a 22.2 square arcminute region in the Chandra Deep Field South. In order to construct the catalogue, we developed and implemented a novel source detection algorithm -- LSDCat -- based on matched filtering for line emission in 3D spectroscopic datasets (Chapter 4). Our catalogue contains 237 Lyα emitting galaxies in the redshift range 3 ≲ z ≲ 6. Only four of those previously had spectroscopic redshifts in the literature. We conclude this thesis with an outlook on the construction of a Lyα luminosity function based on this unique sample (Chapter 6).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harding2016, author = {Harding, Eleanor Elizabeth}, title = {Neurocognitive entrainment to meter influences syntactic comprehension in music and language}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 318}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Meter and syntax have overlapping elements in music and speech domains, and individual differences have been documented in both meter perception and syntactic comprehension paradigms. Previous evidence insinuated but never fully explored the relationship that metrical structure has to syntactic comprehension, the comparability of these processes across music and language domains, and the respective role of individual differences. This dissertation aimed to investigate neurocognitive entrainment to meter in music and language, the impact that neurocognitive entrainment had on syntactic comprehension, and whether individual differences in musical expertise, temporal perception and working memory played a role during these processes. A theoretical framework was developed, which linked neural entrainment, cognitive entrainment, and syntactic comprehension while detailing previously documented effects of individual differences on meter perception and syntactic comprehension. The framework was developed in both music and language domains and was tested using behavioral and EEG methods across three studies (seven experiments). In order to satisfy empirical evaluation of neurocognitive entrainment and syntactic aspects of the framework, original melodies and sentences were composed. Each item had four permutations: regular and irregular metricality, based on the hierarchical organization of strong and weak notes and syllables, and preferred and non-preferred syntax, based on structurally alternate endings. The framework predicted — for both music and language domains — greater neurocognitive entrainment in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions, and accordingly, better syntactic integration in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions. Individual differences among participants were expected for both entrainment and syntactic processes. Altogether, the dissertation was able to support a holistic account of neurocognitive entrainment to musical meter and its subsequent influence on syntactic integration of melodies, with musician participants. The theoretical predictions were not upheld in the language domain with musician participants, but initial behavioral evidence in combination with previous EEG evidence suggest that perhaps non-musician language EEG data would support the framework's predictions. Musicians' deviation from hypothesized results in the language domain were suspected to reflect heightened perception of acoustic features stemming from musical training, which caused current 'overly' regular stimuli to distract the cognitive system. The individual-differences approach was vindicated by the surfacing of two factors scores, Verbal Working Memory and Time and Pitch Discrimination, which in turn correlated with multiple experimental data across the three studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halecker2016, author = {Halecker, Bastian}, title = {New perspective and insights on business model innovation using systems thinking and action case studies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90404}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 239}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In recent years, entire industries and their participants have been affected by disruptive technologies, resulting in dramatic market changes and challenges to firm's business logic and thus their business models (BMs). Firms from mature industries are increasingly realizing that BMs that worked successfully for years have become insufficient to stay on track in today's "move fast and break things" economy. Firms must scrutinize the core logic that informs how they do business, which means exploring novel ways to engage customers and get them to pay. This can lead to a complete renewal of existing BMs or innovating completely new BMs. BMs have emerged as a popular object of research within the last decade. Despite the popularity of the BM, the theoretical and empirical foundation underlying the concept is still weak. In particular, the innovation process for BMs has been developed and implemented in firms, but understanding of the mechanisms behind it is still lacking. Business model innovation (BMI) is a complex and challenging management task that requires more than just novel ideas. Systematic studies to generate a better understanding of BMI and support incumbents with appropriate concepts to improve BMI development are in short supply. Further, there is a lack of knowledge about appropriate research practices for studying BMI and generating valid data sets in order to meet expectations in both practice and academia. This paper-based dissertation aims to contribute to research practice in the field of BM and BMI and foster better understanding of the BM concept and BMI processes in incumbent firms from mature industries. The overall dissertation presents three main results. The first result is a new perspective, or the systems thinking view, on the BM and BMI. With the systems thinking view, the fuzzy BM concept is clearly structured and a BMI framework is proposed. The second result is a new research strategy for studying BMI. After analyzing current research practice in the areas of BMs and BMI, it is obvious that there is a need for better research on BMs and BMI in terms of accuracy, transparency, and practical orientation. Thus, the action case study approach combined with abductive methodology is proposed and proven in the research setting of this thesis. The third result stems from three action case studies in incumbent firms from mature industries employed to study how BMI occurs in practice. The new insights and knowledge gained from the action case studies help to explain BMI in such industries and increase understanding of the core of these processes. By studying these issues, the articles complied in this thesis contribute conceptually and empirically to the recently consolidated but still increasing literature on the BM and BMI. The conclusions and implications made are intended to foster further research and improve managerial practices for achieving BMI in a dramatically changing business environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hajasch2016, author = {Hajasch, Lydia}, title = {M{\"o}glichkeiten der Mittelstandsf{\"o}rderung durch Vergaberechtsgestaltung und Vergaberechtspraxis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395946}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXIII, 311}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die F{\"o}rderungsw{\"u}rdigkeit und die F{\"o}rderungsf{\"a}higkeit mittelst{\"a}ndischer Unternehmen ist ein gesamteurop{\"a}isches, wirtschaftspolitisches Anliegen. Hiervon zeugen zum einen zahlreiche Regelungen im Prim{\"a}r-, Sekund{\"a}r-, Verfassungs- und einfachgesetzlichem Recht, zum anderen auch die Bedeutung der mittelst{\"a}ndischen Unternehmen im wirtschaftlichen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Gef{\"u}ge. So herrscht innerhalb der Europ{\"a}ischen Union nicht nur der Slogan „Vorfahrt f{\"u}r KMU", sondern auch die im Fr{\"u}hjahr 2014 verabschiedeten Vergaberichtlinien legten ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die F{\"o}rderung des Zugangs der KMU zum {\"o}ffentlichen Beschaffungsmarkt. Denn gemessen am Steuerungs- und Lenkungspotenzial der Auftragsvergabe, deren Einfluss auf die Innovationst{\"a}tigkeit der Wirtschaft sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschafts- und Wettbewerbst{\"a}tigkeit auf der einen Seite und dem gesamtwirtschaftlichen Stellenwert der mittelst{\"a}ndischen Unternehmen auf der anderen Seite, sind mittelst{\"a}ndische Unternehmen trotz zahlreicher europ{\"a}ischer und nationaler Initiativen im Vergabeverfahren unterrepr{\"a}sentiert. Neben der undurchsichtigen Regelungsstruktur des deutschen Vergaberechts, unterliegen die mittelst{\"a}ndischen Unternehmen vom Beginn bis zum Ende des Vergabeverfahrens besonderen Schwierigkeiten. Dieser Ausgangsbefund wurde zum Anlass genommen, um die M{\"o}glichkeiten der Mittelstandsf{\"o}rderung durch Vergaberechtsgestaltung und Vergaberechtspraxis erneut auf den Pr{\"u}fstand zu stellen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Haendler2016, author = {Haendler, Yair}, title = {Effects of embedded pronouns on relative clause processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396883}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 186}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Difficulties with object relative clauses (ORC), as compared to subject relative clauses (SR), are widely attested across different languages, both in adults and in children. This SR-ORC asymmetry is reduced, or even eliminated, when the embedded constituent in the ORC is a pronoun, rather than a lexical noun phrase. The studies included in this thesis were designed to explore under what circumstances the pronoun facilitation occurs; whether all pronouns have the same effect; whether SRs are also affected by embedded pronouns; whether children perform like adults on such structures; and whether performance is related to cognitive abilities such as memory or grammatical knowledge. Several theoretical approaches that explain the pronoun facilitation in relative clauses are evaluated. The experimental data have been collected in three languages-German, Italian and Hebrew-stemming from both children and adults. In the German study (Chapter 2), ORCs with embedded 1st- or 3rd-person pronouns are compared to ORCs with an embedded lexical noun phrase. Eye-movement data from 5-year-old children show that the 1st-person pronoun facilitates processing, but not the 3rd-person pronoun. Moreover, children's performance is modulated by additive effects of their memory and grammatical skills. In the Italian study (Chapter 3), the 1st-person pronoun advantage over the 3rd-person pronoun is tested in ORCs and SRs that display a similar word order. Eye-movement data from 5-year-olds and adult controls and reading times data from adults are pitted against the outcome of a corpus analysis, showing that the 1st-/3rd-person pronoun asymmetry emerges in the two relative clause types to an equal extent. In the Hebrew study (Chapter 4), the goal is to test the effect of a special kind of pronoun-a non-referential arbitrary subject pronoun-on ORC comprehension, in the light of potential confounds in previous studies that used this pronoun. Data from a referent-identification task with 4- to 5-year-olds indicate that, when the experimental material is controlled, the non-referential pronoun does not necessarily facilitate ORC comprehension. Importantly, however, children have even more difficulties when the embedded constituent is a referential pronoun. The non-referentiality / referentiality asymmetry is emphasized by the relation between children's performance on the experimental task and their memory skills. Together, the data presented in this thesis indicate that sentence processing is not only driven by structural (or syntactic) factors, but also by discourse-related ones, like pronouns' referential properties or their discourse accessibility mechanism, which is defined as the level of ease or difficulty with which referents of pronouns are identified and retrieved from the discourse model. Although independent in essence, these structural and discourse factors can in some cases interact in a way that affects sentence processing. Moreover, both types of factors appear to be strongly related to memory. The data also support the idea that, from early on, children are sensitive to the same factors that affect adults' sentence processing, and that the processing strategies of both populations are qualitatively similar. In sum, this thesis suggests that a comprehensive theory of human sentence processing needs to account for effects that are due to both structural and discourse-related factors, which operate as a function of memory capacity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gutsch2016, author = {Gutsch, Martin}, title = {Model-based analysis of climate change impacts on the productivity of oak-pine forests in Brandenburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-97241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 148}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The relationship between climate and forest productivity is an intensively studied subject in forest science. This Thesis is embedded within the general framework of future forest growth under climate change and its implications for the ongoing forest conversion. My objective is to investigate the future forest productivity at different spatial scales (from a single specific forest stand to aggregated information across Germany) with focus on oak-pine forests in the federal state of Brandenburg. The overarching question is: how are the oak-pine forests affected by climate change described by a variety of climate scenarios. I answer this question by using a model based analysis of tree growth processes and responses to different climate scenarios with emphasis on drought events. In addition, a method is developed which considers climate change uncertainty of forest management planning. As a first 'screening' of climate change impacts on forest productivity, I calculated the change in net primary production on the base of a large set of climate scenarios for different tree species and the total area of Germany. Temperature increases up to 3 K lead to positive effects on the net primary production of all selected tree species. But, in water-limited regions this positive net primary production trend is dependent on the length of drought periods which results in a larger uncertainty regarding future forest productivity. One of the regions with the highest uncertainty of net primary production development is the federal state of Brandenburg. To enhance the understanding and ability of model based analysis of tree growth sensitivity to drought stress two water uptake approaches in pure pine and mixed oak-pine stands are contrasted. The first water uptake approach consists of an empirical function for root water uptake. The second approach is more mechanistic and calculates the differences of soil water potential along a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. I assumed the total root resistance to vary at low, medium and high total root resistance levels. For validation purposes three data sets on different tree growth relevant time scales are used. Results show that, except the mechanistic water uptake approach with high total root resistance, all transpiration outputs exceeded observed values. On the other hand high transpiration led to a better match of observed soil water content. The strongest correlation between simulated and observed annual tree ring width occurred with the mechanistic water uptake approach and high total root resistance. The findings highlight the importance of severe drought as a main reason for small diameter increment, best supported by the mechanistic water uptake approach with high root resistance. However, if all aspects of the data sets are considered no approach can be judged superior to the other. I conclude that the uncertainty of future productivity of water-limited forest ecosystems under changing environmental conditions is linked to simulated root water uptake. Finally my study aimed at the impacts of climate change combined with management scenarios on an oak-pine forest to evaluate growth, biomass and the amount of harvested timber. The pine and the oak trees are 104 and 9 years old respectively. Three different management scenarios with different thinning intensities and different climate scenarios are used to simulate the performance of management strategies which explicitly account for the risks associated with achieving three predefined objectives (maximum carbon storage, maximum harvested timber, intermediate). I found out that in most cases there is no general management strategy which fits best to different objectives. The analysis of variance in the growth related model outputs showed an increase of climate uncertainty with increasing climate warming. Interestingly, the increase of climate-induced uncertainty is much higher from 2 to 3 K than from 0 to 2 K.}, language = {en} }