@phdthesis{Zona2024, author = {Zona, Carlotta Isabella}, title = {Visuo-linguistic integration for thematic-role assignment across speakers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63185}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-631857}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {147}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the integration of incongruent visual-scene and morphological-case information ("cues") in building thematic-role representations of spoken relative clauses in German. Addressing the mutual influence of visual and linguistic processing, the Coordinated Interplay Account (CIA) describes a mechanism in two steps supporting visuo-linguistic integration (Knoeferle \& Crocker, 2006, Cog Sci). However, the outcomes and dynamics of integrating incongruent thematic-role representations from distinct sources have been investigated scarcely. Further, there is evidence that both second-language (L2) and older speakers may rely on non-syntactic cues relatively more than first-language (L1)/young speakers. Yet, the role of visual information for thematic-role comprehension has not been measured in L2 speakers, and only limitedly across the adult lifespan. Thematically unambiguous canonically ordered (subject-extracted) and noncanonically ordered (object-extracted) spoken relative clauses in German (see 1a-b) were presented in isolation and alongside visual scenes conveying either the same (congruent) or the opposite (incongruent) thematic relations as the sentence did. 1 a Das ist der Koch, der die Braut verfolgt. This is the.NOM cook who.NOM the.ACC bride follows This is the cook who is following the bride. b Das ist der Koch, den die Braut verfolgt. This is the.NOM cook whom.ACC the.NOM bride follows This is the cook whom the bride is following. The relative contribution of each cue to thematic-role representations was assessed with agent identification. Accuracy and latency data were collected post-sentence from a sample of L1 and L2 speakers (Zona \& Felser, 2023), and from a sample of L1 speakers from across the adult lifespan (Zona \& Reifegerste, under review). In addition, the moment-by-moment dynamics of thematic-role assignment were investigated with mouse tracking in a young L1 sample (Zona, under review). The following questions were addressed: (1) How do visual scenes influence thematic-role representations of canonical and noncanonical sentences? (2) How does reliance on visual-scene, case, and word-order cues vary in L1 and L2 speakers? (3) How does reliance on visual-scene, case, and word-order cues change across the lifespan? The results showed reliable effects of incongruence of visually and linguistically conveyed thematic relations on thematic-role representations. Incongruent (vs. congruent) scenes yielded slower and less accurate responses to agent-identification probes presented post-sentence. The recently inspected agent was considered as the most likely agent ~300ms after trial onset, and the convergence of visual scenes and word order enabled comprehenders to assign thematic roles predictively. L2 (vs. L1) participants relied more on word order overall. In response to noncanonical clauses presented with incongruent visual scenes, sensitivity to case predicted the size of incongruence effects better than L1-L2 grouping. These results suggest that the individual's ability to exploit specific cues might predict their weighting. Sensitivity to case was stable throughout the lifespan, while visual effects increased with increasing age and were modulated by individual interference-inhibition levels. Thus, age-related changes in comprehension may stem from stronger reliance on visually (vs. linguistically) conveyed meaning. These patterns represent evidence for a recent-role preference - i.e., a tendency to re-assign visually conveyed thematic roles to the same referents in temporally coordinated utterances. The findings (i) extend the generalizability of CIA predictions across stimuli, tasks, populations, and measures of interest, (ii) contribute to specifying the outcomes and mechanisms of detecting and indexing incongruent representations within the CIA, and (iii) speak to current efforts to understand the sources of variability in sentence comprehension.}, language = {en} } @misc{ZimmermannKampeScholzetal.2024, author = {Zimmermann, Matthias and Kampe, Heike and Scholz, Jana and Aust, Sarah-Madeleine and Horn-Conrad, Antje and Engel, Silke and Agrofylax, Luisa and Schlegel, Theresa and Mikulla, Stefanie and Albrecht, Anna Helena and Neher, Dieter and Himmler, Lena}, title = {Bildung:digital}, series = {Portal Wissen: Das Forschungsmagazin der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, journal = {Portal Wissen: Das Forschungsmagazin der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, number = {01/2024}, issn = {2194-4245}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63129}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-631291}, pages = {98}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Heute Morgen schon im Bett geswiped, geliked oder gepostet? Auf Arbeit an einer Video-Konferenz teilgenommen, eine Datenbank benutzt oder programmiert? Auf dem Heimweg schnell noch im Laden mit dem Smartphone bezahlt, Podcasts geh{\"o}rt und die Ausleihe der Bibliotheksb{\"u}cher verl{\"a}ngert? Und abends auf der Couch mit dem Tablet auf ELSTER.de die Steuererkl{\"a}rung ausgef{\"u}llt, online geshoppt oder Rechnungen bezahlt, ehe die Streaming-Plattform mit einer Serie lockt? Unser Leben ist durch und durch digitalisiert. Diese Ver{\"a}nderungen machen vieles schneller, leichter, effizienter. Doch damit Schritt zu halten, verlangt uns einiges ab und gelingt beileibe nicht allen. Es gibt Menschen, die f{\"u}r eine {\"U}berweisung lieber zur Bank gehen, das Programmieren den Experten {\"u}berlassen, die Steuererkl{\"a}rung per Post schicken und das Smartphone nur zum Telefonieren benutzen. Sie wollen nicht, vielleicht k{\"o}nnen sie auch nicht. Haben es nicht gelernt. Andere, j{\"u}ngere Menschen, wachsen als „Digital Natives" inmitten digitaler Ger{\"a}te, Tools und Prozesse auf. Aber k{\"o}nnen sie deshalb wirklich damit umgehen? Oder brauchen auch sie digitale Bildung? Aber wie sieht erfolgreiche digitale Bildung eigentlich aus? Lernen wir dabei ein Tablet zu bedienen, richtig zu googeln und Excel-Tabellen zu schreiben? M{\"o}glicherweise geht es um mehr: darum, den umfassenden Wandel zu verstehen, der unsere Welt erfasst, seitdem sie in Einsen und Nullen zerlegt und virtuell neu aufgebaut wird. Aber wie lernen wir, in einer Welt der Digitalit{\"a}t zu leben - mit allem, was dazu geh{\"o}rt und zu unserem Nutzen? F{\"u}r die aktuelle Ausgabe der „Portal Wissen" haben wir uns an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam umgeschaut, welche Rolle die Verbindung von Digitalisierung und Lernen in der Forschung der verschiedenen Disziplinen spielt: Wir haben mit Katharina Scheiter, Professorin f{\"u}r digitale Bildung, {\"u}ber die Zukunft in deutschen Schulen gesprochen und uns gleich von mehreren Expert*innen Beispiele daf{\"u}r zeigen lassen, wie digitale Instrumente schulisches Lernen, aber auch Weiterbildung im Berufsleben verbessern k{\"o}nnen. Außerdem haben uns Forschende aus Informatik und Agrarforschung vorgef{\"u}hrt, wie auch gestandene Landwirte dank digitaler Hilfsmittel noch viel {\"u}ber ihr Land und ihre Arbeit lernen k{\"o}nnen. Wir haben mit Bildungsforschenden gesprochen, die mithilfe von Big Data analysieren, wie Jungen und M{\"a}dchen lernen und wo m{\"o}gliche Ursachen f{\"u}r Unterschiede zu suchen sind. Die Bildungsund Politikwissenschaftlerin Nina Kolleck wiederum schaut auf Bildung vor dem Hintergrund der Globalisierung und setzt dabei auf die Auswertung von großen Mengen Social-Media- Daten. Dabei verlieren wir nat{\"u}rlich die Vielfalt der Forschung an der Uni Potsdam nicht aus den Augen: Wir stellen der Strafrechtlerin Anna Albrecht 33 Fragen, begleiten eine Gruppe von Geoforschenden in den Himalaya und lassen uns erkl{\"a}ren, welche Alternativen es bald zu Antibiotika geben k{\"o}nnte. Außerdem geht es in diesem Magazin um Stress und wie er uns krankmacht, die Forschung zu nachhaltiger Erzgewinnung und neue Ans{\"a}tze in der Schulentwicklung. Neu ist auch eine ganze Reihe k{\"u}rzerer Beitr{\"a}ge, die zum Bl{\"a}ttern und Schm{\"o}kern einladen: von Forschungsnews und Personalia- Infos {\"u}ber fotografische Einblicke in Labore, einfache Erkl{\"a}rungen komplexer Ph{\"a}nomene und Ausblicke in die weite Forschungswelt bis hin zu einer kleinen Wissenschaftsutopie, einem pers{\"o}nlichen Dank an die Forschung und einem Wissenschaftscomic. All das im Namen der Bildung, versteht sich. Viel Vergn{\"u}gen bei der Lekt{\"u}re!}, language = {de} } @misc{Ziemann2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Ziemann, Felix}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluation einer prototypischen Lernumgebung f{\"u}r das systematische Debugging logischer Fehler in Quellcode}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63273}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-632734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 98}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Wo programmiert wird, da passieren Fehler. Um das Debugging, also die Suche sowie die Behebung von Fehlern in Quellcode, st{\"a}rker explizit zu adressieren, verfolgt die vorliegende Arbeit das Ziel, entlang einer prototypischen Lernumgebung sowohl ein systematisches Vorgehen w{\"a}hrend des Debuggings zu vermitteln als auch Gestaltungsfolgerungen f{\"u}r ebensolche Lernumgebungen zu identifizieren. Dazu wird die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: Wie verhalten sich die Lernenden w{\"a}hrend des kurzzeitigen Gebrauchs einer Lernumgebung nach dem Cognitive Apprenticeship-Ansatz mit dem Ziel der expliziten Vermittlung eines systematischen Debuggingvorgehens und welche Eindr{\"u}cke entstehen w{\"a}hrend der Bearbeitung? Zur Beantwortung dieser Forschungsfrage wurde orientierend an literaturbasierten Implikationen f{\"u}r die Vermittlung von Debugging und (medien-)didaktischen Gestaltungsaspekten eine prototypische Lernumgebung entwickelt und im Rahmen einer qualitativen Nutzerstudie mit Bachelorstudierenden informatischer Studieng{\"a}nge erprobt. Hierbei wurden zum einen anwendungsbezogene Verbesserungspotenziale identifiziert. Zum anderen zeigte sich insbesondere gegen{\"u}ber der Systematisierung des Debuggingprozesses innerhalb der Aufgabenbearbeitung eine positive Resonanz. Eine Untersuchung, inwieweit sich die Nutzung der Lernumgebung l{\"a}ngerfristig auf das Verhalten von Personen und ihre Vorgehensweisen w{\"a}hrend des Debuggings auswirkt, k{\"o}nnte Gegenstand kommender Arbeiten sein.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zhou2024, author = {Zhou, Xiangqian}, title = {Modeling of spatially distributed nitrate transport to investigate the effects of drought and river restoration in the Bode catchment, Central Germany}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62105}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621059}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 168}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) has identified river morphological alteration and diffuse pollution as the two main pressures affecting water bodies in Europe at the catchment scale. Consequently, river restoration has become a priority to achieve the WFD's objective of good ecological status. However, little is known about the effects of stream morphological changes, such as re-meandering, on in-stream nitrate retention at the river network scale. Therefore, catchment nitrate modeling is necessary to guide the implementation of spatially targeted and cost-effective mitigation measures. Meanwhile, Germany, like many other regions in central Europe, has experienced consecutive summer droughts from 2015-2018, resulting in significant changes in river nitrate concentrations in various catchments. However, the mechanistic exploration of catchment nitrate responses to changing weather conditions is still lacking. Firstly, a fully distributed, process-based catchment Nitrate model (mHM-Nitrate) was used, which was properly calibrated and comprehensively evaluated at numerous spatially distributed nitrate sampling locations. Three calibration schemes were designed, taking into account land use, stream order, and mean nitrate concentrations, and they varied in spatial coverage but used data from the same period (2011-2019). The model performance for discharge was similar among the three schemes, with Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) scores ranging from 0.88 to 0.92. However, for nitrate concentrations, scheme 2 outperformed schemes 1 and 3 when compared to observed data from eight gauging stations. This was likely because scheme 2 incorporated a diverse range of data, including low discharge values and nitrate concentrations, and thus provided a better representation of within-catchment heterogenous. Therefore, the study suggests that strategically selecting gauging stations that reflect the full range of within-catchment heterogeneity is more important for calibration than simply increasing the number of stations. Secondly, the mHM-Nitrate model was used to reveal the causal relations between sequential droughts and nitrate concentration in the Bode catchment (3200 km2) in central Germany, where stream nitrate concentrations exhibited contrasting trends from upstream to downstream reaches. The model was evaluated using data from six gauging stations, reflecting different levels of runoff components and their associated nitrate-mixing from upstream to downstream. Results indicated that the mHM-Nitrate model reproduced dynamics of daily discharge and nitrate concentration well, with Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency ≥ 0.73 for discharge and Kling-Gupta Efficiency ≥ 0.50 for nitrate concentration at most stations. Particularly, the spatially contrasting trends of nitrate concentration were successfully captured by the model. The decrease of nitrate concentration in the lowland area in drought years (2015-2018) was presumably due to (1) limited terrestrial export loading (ca. 40\% lower than that of normal years 2004-2014), and (2) increased in-stream retention efficiency (20\% higher in summer within the whole river network). From a mechanistic modelling perspective, this study provided insights into spatially heterogeneous flow and nitrate dynamics and effects of sequential droughts, which shed light on water-quality responses to future climate change, as droughts are projected to be more frequent. Thirdly, this study investigated the effects of stream restoration via re-meandering on in-stream nitrate retention at network-scale in the well-monitored Bode catchment. The mHM-Nitrate model showed good performance in reproducing daily discharge and nitrate concentrations, with median Kling-Gupta values of 0.78 and 0.74, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of gross nitrate retention efficiency, which accounted for both denitrification and assimilatory uptake, were 5.1 ± 0.61\% and 74.7 ± 23.2\% in winter and summer, respectively, within the stream network. The study found that in the summer, denitrification rates were about two times higher in lowland sub-catchments dominated by agricultural lands than in mountainous sub-catchments dominated by forested areas, with median ± SD of 204 ± 22.6 and 102 ± 22.1 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Similarly, assimilatory uptake rates were approximately five times higher in streams surrounded by lowland agricultural areas than in those in higher-elevation, forested areas, with median ± SD of 200 ± 27.1 and 39.1 ± 8.7 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Therefore, restoration strategies targeting lowland agricultural areas may have greater potential for increasing nitrate retention. The study also found that restoring stream sinuosity could increase net nitrate retention efficiency by up to 25.4 ± 5.3\%, with greater effects seen in small streams. These results suggest that restoration efforts should consider augmenting stream sinuosity to increase nitrate retention and decrease nitrate concentrations at the catchment scale.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{You2024, author = {You, Lili}, title = {Chloroplast engineering for recombinant protein production and stress protection}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {133}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Woebbeking2024, author = {W{\"o}bbeking, Cordula}, title = {K{\"o}rper - Karte - Text}, series = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7329-1016-8}, issn = {2193-9985}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {280}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Rabelais' Pentalogie um die Riesen Gargantua und Pantagruel spiegelt Aspekte des sich ver{\"a}ndernden Weltbildes ihrer Entstehungszeit. Diese Studie untersucht auf der Folie der Theorie des Simulakrum Schrift, wie K{\"o}rpermodellierungen und kartographisches imaginaire durch den Autor als Strategien der Verh{\"u}llung verborgener Botschaften eingesetzt werden. Sie zeigt an ausgew{\"a}hlten Beispielen des Quart Livre die Aufweichung der Grenzen von K{\"o}rper, Karte und Text und deren Durchdringung. Die Metaphorizit{\"a}t des Textes gibt Aufschluss {\"u}ber seine Autoreflexivit{\"a}t und bewirkt eine gleichsam ganzheitliche Lekt{\"u}reerfahrung. Schließlich avanciert die Fiktion in ihrer Trugbildhaftigkeit als grotesk-sinnlicher K{\"o}rper und polysemantische Karte zum Welterkl{\"a}rungsmodell, das jedoch erst dechiffriert werden muss.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WinterBenderAier2024, author = {Winter, Robert and Bender, Benedict and Aier, Stephan}, title = {Enterprise-level IS research - need, conceptualization, exemplary knowledge contributions and future opportunities}, series = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, editor = {Bui, Tung X.}, publisher = {Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, address = {Honolulu, HI}, isbn = {978-0-9981331-7-1}, pages = {6402 -- 6411}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Enterprise solutions, specifically enterprise systems, have allowed companies to integrate enterprises' operations throughout. The integration scope of enterprise solutions has increasingly widened, now often covering customer activities, activities along supply chains, and platform ecosystems. IS research has contributed a wide range of explanatory and design knowledge dealing with this class of IS. During the last two decades, many technological as well as managerial/organizational innovations extended the affordances of enterprise solutions—but this broader scope also challenges traditional approaches to their analysis and design. This position paper presents an enterprise-level (i.e., cross-solution) perspective on IS, discusses the challenges of complexity and coordination for IS design and management, presents selected enterprise-level insights for IS coordination and governance, and explores avenues towards a more comprehensive body of knowledge on this important level of analysis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WindirschWoiwode2024, author = {Windirsch-Woiwode, Torben}, title = {Permafrost carbon stabilisation by recreating a herbivore-driven ecosystem}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62424}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 104, A-57}, year = {2024}, abstract = {With Arctic ground as a huge and temperature-sensitive carbon reservoir, maintaining low ground temperatures and frozen conditions to prevent further carbon emissions that contrib-ute to global climate warming is a key element in humankind's fight to maintain habitable con-ditions on earth. Former studies showed that during the late Pleistocene, Arctic ground condi-tions were generally colder and more stable as the result of an ecosystem dominated by large herbivorous mammals and vast extents of graminoid vegetation - the mammoth steppe. Characterised by high plant productivity (grassland) and low ground insulation due to animal-caused compression and removal of snow, this ecosystem enabled deep permafrost aggrad-ation. Now, with tundra and shrub vegetation common in the terrestrial Arctic, these effects are not in place anymore. However, it appears to be possible to recreate this ecosystem local-ly by artificially increasing animal numbers, and hence keep Arctic ground cold to reduce or-ganic matter decomposition and carbon release into the atmosphere. By measuring thaw depth, total organic carbon and total nitrogen content, stable carbon iso-tope ratio, radiocarbon age, n-alkane and alcohol characteristics and assessing dominant vegetation types along grazing intensity transects in two contrasting Arctic areas, it was found that recreating conditions locally, similar to the mammoth steppe, seems to be possible. For permafrost-affected soil, it was shown that intensive grazing in direct comparison to non-grazed areas reduces active layer depth and leads to higher TOC contents in the active layer soil. For soil only frozen on top in winter, an increase of TOC with grazing intensity could not be found, most likely because of confounding factors such as vertical water and carbon movement, which is not possible with an impermeable layer in permafrost. In both areas, high animal activity led to a vegetation transformation towards species-poor graminoid-dominated landscapes with less shrubs. Lipid biomarker analysis revealed that, even though the available organic material is different between the study areas, in both permafrost-affected and sea-sonally frozen soils the organic material in sites affected by high animal activity was less de-composed than under less intensive grazing pressure. In conclusion, high animal activity af-fects decomposition processes in Arctic soils and the ground thermal regime, visible from reduced active layer depth in permafrost areas. Therefore, grazing management might be utilised to locally stabilise permafrost and reduce Arctic carbon emissions in the future, but is likely not scalable to the entire permafrost region.}, language = {en} } @article{VorpahlMerkel2024, author = {Vorpahl, Jenny and Merkel, Linda}, title = {„Oh Gott, k{\"o}nnen wir nicht etwas anderes thematisieren?"}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63007}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630075}, pages = {39}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das in diesem Beitrag vorgestellte Projektseminarkonzept reagiert auf eine wahrgenommene Distanz und Unsicherheit Studierender im Fach Lebensgestaltung-Ethik-Religionskunde gegen{\"u}ber religionsbezogenen Themen. Mittels verschiedener Strategien wurde, ausgehend von der Conceptual Change-Forschung, zur Wahrnehmung und Reflexion des eigenen kulturellen Standortes und der eigenen Konzepte in Bezug auf Religion(en) angeregt. Ihren Lernprozess haben die Studierenden in Arbeitsjournaleintr{\"a}gen festgehalten. Diese Eintr{\"a}ge wurden wiederum mittels einer qualitative Inhaltsanalyse untersucht. Nach der Darstellung der dabei erhobenen religions- und unterrichtsbezogenen Vorstellungen der Studierenden werden im Beitrag Anregungen gegeben, inwiefern die analysierten Befunde als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Verbesserung der Hochschullehre im Fachbereich dienen k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vitagliano2024, author = {Vitagliano, Gerardo}, title = {Modeling the structure of tabular files for data preparation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62435}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 114}, year = {2024}, abstract = {To manage tabular data files and leverage their content in a given downstream task, practitioners often design and execute complex transformation pipelines to prepare them. The complexity of such pipelines stems from different factors, including the nature of the preparation tasks, often exploratory or ad-hoc to specific datasets; the large repertory of tools, algorithms, and frameworks that practitioners need to master; and the volume, variety, and velocity of the files to be prepared. Metadata plays a fundamental role in reducing this complexity: characterizing a file assists end users in the design of data preprocessing pipelines, and furthermore paves the way for suggestion, automation, and optimization of data preparation tasks. Previous research in the areas of data profiling, data integration, and data cleaning, has focused on extracting and characterizing metadata regarding the content of tabular data files, i.e., about the records and attributes of tables. Content metadata are useful for the latter stages of a preprocessing pipeline, e.g., error correction, duplicate detection, or value normalization, but they require a properly formed tabular input. Therefore, these metadata are not relevant for the early stages of a preparation pipeline, i.e., to correctly parse tables out of files. In this dissertation, we turn our focus to what we call the structure of a tabular data file, i.e., the set of characters within a file that do not represent data values but are required to parse and understand the content of the file. We provide three different approaches to represent file structure, an explicit representation based on context-free grammars; an implicit representation based on file-wise similarity; and a learned representation based on machine learning. In our first contribution, we use the grammar-based representation to characterize a set of over 3000 real-world csv files and identify multiple structural issues that let files deviate from the csv standard, e.g., by having inconsistent delimiters or containing multiple tables. We leverage our learnings about real-world files and propose Pollock, a benchmark to test how well systems parse csv files that have a non-standard structure, without any previous preparation. We report on our experiments on using Pollock to evaluate the performance of 16 real-world data management systems. Following, we characterize the structure of files implicitly, by defining a measure of structural similarity for file pairs. We design a novel algorithm to compute this measure, which is based on a graph representation of the files' content. We leverage this algorithm and propose Mondrian, a graphical system to assist users in identifying layout templates in a dataset, classes of files that have the same structure, and therefore can be prepared by applying the same preparation pipeline. Finally, we introduce MaGRiTTE, a novel architecture that uses self-supervised learning to automatically learn structural representations of files in the form of vectorial embeddings at three different levels: cell level, row level, and file level. We experiment with the application of structural embeddings for several tasks, namely dialect detection, row classification, and data preparation efforts estimation. Our experimental results show that structural metadata, either identified explicitly on parsing grammars, derived implicitly as file-wise similarity, or learned with the help of machine learning architectures, is fundamental to automate several tasks, to scale up preparation to large quantities of files, and to provide repeatable preparation pipelines.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Verwiebe2024, author = {Verwiebe, Roland}, title = {Social institutions}, series = {Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research}, editor = {Maggino, Filomena}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-17298-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-17299-1_2768}, pages = {6598 -- 6600}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Social institutions are a system of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely interwoven and enduring and function across an entire society. They order and structure the behavior of individuals in core areas of society and thus have a strong impact on the quality of life of individuals. Institutions regulate the following: (a) family and relationship networks carry out social reproduction and socialization; (b) institutions in the realm of education and training ensure the transmission and cultivation of knowledge, abilities, and specialized skills; (c) institutions in the labor market and economy provide for the production and distribution of goods and services; (d) institutions in the realm of law, governance, and politics provide for the maintenance of the social order; (e) while cultural, media, and religious institutions further the development of contexts of meaning, value orientations, and symbolic codes.}, language = {en} } @article{UthBlestelSanchezMoreano2024, author = {Uth, Melanie and Blestel, {\´E}lodie and S{\´a}nchez Moreano, Santiago}, title = {Labialization of final nasals}, series = {Forma y funci{\´o}n}, volume = {37}, journal = {Forma y funci{\´o}n}, number = {1}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas}, address = {Bogot{\´a}}, issn = {2256-5469}, doi = {10.15446/fyf.v37n1.104644}, pages = {1 -- 25}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Comparamos la labializaci{\´o}n no asimiladora de nasales finales en espa{\~n}ol en tres corpus de espa{\~n}ol americano (mexicano, colombiano y paraguayo). Si bien es conocida la labializaci{\´o}n no asimiladora en espa{\~n}ol yucateco, es en gran parte desconocida en otras regiones de habla hispana, por lo que a menudo se atribuye a la influencia maya. Ahora bien, se han se{\~n}alado casualmente h{\´a}bitos de pronunciaci{\´o}n similares tanto en Paraguay como en Colombia. Comparando emp{\´i}ricamente la labializaci{\´o}n en tres corpus constituidos sobre la misma base metodol{\´o}gica, concluimos que la evidencia a favor del contacto ling{\"u}{\´i}stico es como mucho sumamente indirecta. Independientemente de esto, encontramos que la diferencia m{\´a}s marcada es que la tasa de labializaci{\´o}n parece ser determinada por la duraci{\´o}n de la pausa subsiguiente en los datos de la pen{\´i}nsula yucateca, mas no en aquellos de Colombia y Paraguay. Argumentamos que es cierto que el contacto puede eventualmente haber desencadenado el desarrollo de este rasgo en el espa{\~n}ol yucateco, puesto que el espa{\~n}ol actual casi no conoce nasales labiales finales, pero el maya s{\´i}. Sin embargo, el perfil ling{\"u}{\´i}stico (hablantes monoling{\"u}es vs. biling{\"u}es) no tiene ning{\´u}n efecto en nuestros datos yucatecos y paraguayos, y en el total de nuestros datos tampoco encontramos evidencia en favor de la hip{\´o}tesis que el contacto ling{\"u}{\´i}stico hubiera jugado un rol (importante) en el desarrollo de las labiales nasales en las tres variedades.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Tomović2024, author = {Tomović, Jelena}, title = {Sexualit{\"a}t in der Geschichte}, series = {Schriften des Fr{\"u}hneuzeitzentrums Potsdam}, volume = {12}, journal = {Schriften des Fr{\"u}hneuzeitzentrums Potsdam}, publisher = {V\&R unipress - Brill Deutschland GmbH}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-8471-1686-8}, issn = {2198-5251}, doi = {10.14220/9783737016865}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {336}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Jelena Tomović f{\"u}hrt in diesem Band durch die Entwicklungen unserer sexuellen Sprache und Praktiken. Sie zeigt, dass die Art und Weise, wie {\"u}ber Sexualit{\"a}t gesprochen wird, nicht nur ein Spiegelbild, sondern auch ein treibender Faktor f{\"u}r soziale Ver{\"a}nderungen ist. Die Studie stellt die konventionelle Vorstellung von Sexualit{\"a}t in Frage und f{\"u}hrt die Lesenden in eine Welt der subtilen Nuancen und kulturellen Ver{\"a}nderungen. Mit kommunikationstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tzen, dem praxeologischen Ansatz, ihrer sozialkonstruktivistischen Grundannahme und einem klaren Fokus auf Akteur*innen bietet die Autorin eine frische Perspektive auf die Geschichte der Sexualit{\"a}t. Das Buch er{\"o}ffnet neue Wege f{\"u}r die Erforschung und das Verst{\"a}ndnis von Intimit{\"a}t und sozialer Kommunikation.}, language = {de} } @article{TiberiusWeyland2024, author = {Tiberius, Victor and Weyland, Michael}, title = {Enhancing higher entrepreneurship education: insights from practitioners for curriculum improvement}, series = {The International journal of Management Education}, volume = {22}, journal = {The International journal of Management Education}, number = {2}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1472-8117}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijme.2024.100981}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Curricula for higher entrepreneurship education should meet the requirements of both a solid theoretical foundation and a practical orientation. When these curricula are designed by education specialists, entrepreneurs are usually not consulted. To explore practitioners' curricular recommendations, we conducted 73 semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs with at least five years of professional experience. We collected 49 items for teaching and learning objectives, 37 for contents, 28 for teaching methods, and 17 for assessment methods. The respondents are convinced that students should acquire solid knowledge in business and management, legal issues, and entrepreneurship. For the latter, only some core aspects are provided. The entrepreneurs put greater emphasis on entrepreneurial skills and attitudes and consider experiential learning designs as most suitable, both in the secure setting of the classroom and in real life. The findings can help reflect on current entrepreneurship curriculum designs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Szekely2024, author = {Sz{\´e}kely, Andr{\´a}s Csaba}, title = {Long-distance circadian coordination via a phloem-delivered mobile transcript}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {105}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sun2024, author = {Sun, Bowen}, title = {Energy losses in low-offset organic solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 190}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Organic solar cells (OSCs) represent a new generation of solar cells with a range of captivating attributes including low-cost, light-weight, aesthetically pleasing appearance, and flexibility. Different from traditional silicon solar cells, the photon-electron conversion in OSCs is usually accomplished in an active layer formed by blending two kinds of organic molecules (donor and acceptor) with different energy levels together. The first part of this thesis focuses on a better understanding of the role of the energetic offset and each recombination channel on the performance of these low-offset OSCs. By combining advanced experimental techniques with optical and electrical simulation, the energetic offsets between CT and excitons, several important insights were achieved: 1. The short circuit current density and fill-factor of low-offset systems are largely determined by field-dependent charge generation in such low-offset OSCs. Interestingly, it is strongly evident that such field-dependent charge generation originates from a field-dependent exciton dissociation yield. 2. The reduced energetic offset was found to be accompanied by strongly enhanced bimolecular recombination coefficient, which cannot be explained solely by exciton repopulation from CT states. This implies the existence of another dark decay channel apart from CT. The second focus of the thesis was on the technical perspective. In this thesis, the influence of optical artifacts in differential absorption spectroscopy upon the change of sample configuration and active layer thickness was studied. It is exemplified and discussed thoroughly and systematically in terms of optical simulations and experiments, how optical artifacts originated from non-uniform carrier profile and interference can manipulate not only the measured spectra, but also the decay dynamics in various measurement conditions. In the end of this study, a generalized methodology based on an inverse optical transfer matrix formalism was provided to correct the spectra and decay dynamics manipulated by optical artifacts. Overall, this thesis paves the way for a deeper understanding of the keys toward higher PCEs in low-offset OSC devices, from the perspectives of both device physics and characterization techniques.}, language = {en} } @misc{Struss2024, author = {Struß, Lukas}, title = {Von Koscher bis Frutarismus}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {161 -- 168}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Streitboerger2024, author = {Streitb{\"o}rger, Chiara}, title = {Preisalgorithmenkartelle}, series = {Datenrecht und neue Technologien}, volume = {9}, journal = {Datenrecht und neue Technologien}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-0838-4}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {325}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Mithilfe von Preisalgorithmen sind Unternehmen in der Lage, automatische und wechselseitige Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen. Dadurch k{\"o}nnen klassische Kartellkonstellationen mangels konspirativer Treffen in den Hintergrund treten. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, unter welchen Voraussetzungen der Einsatz von Preisalgorithmen einen Verstoß gegen das europ{\"a}ische Kartellverbot begr{\"u}nden kann. Dazu werden Fallkonstellationen beleuchtet, die ein algorithmisches Zusammenwirken sowohl unmittelbar zwischen Wettbewerbern als auch mittelbar {\"u}ber einen Dritten begr{\"u}nden. Ferner wird auch auf algorithmenspezifische Compliance-Maßnahmen eingegangen. Schließlich werden die praktischen Herausforderungen bei der Aufdeckung und dem Nachweis solcher Kartelle aufgezeigt.}, language = {de} } @misc{Steegmann2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Steegmann, Helena}, title = {Die Rolle der Frauen in der Revolution 1848/49 - Anregungen f{\"u}r den Politikunterricht}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630290}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {78}, year = {2024}, abstract = {An die Revolution 1848/49 wird als wesentliches Ereignis deutscher Demokratiegeschichte erinnert; die Beteiligung von Frauen nimmt jedoch bis heute im kollektiven Ged{\"a}chtnis einen untergeordneten Stellenwert ein. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich aus diesem Grund spezifisch mit der Rolle der Frauen in der Revolution 1848/49 und bietet Anregungen f{\"u}r die Integration des Themas in den Politikunterricht. Wie die Ergebnisse der Arbeit verdeutlichen, nutzten zahlreiche Frauen die Aufbruchsstimmung der 1840er Jahre, um sich auf verschiedene Arten und Weisen politisch zu engagieren. Zwar blieben viele dabei innerhalb der dichotomen Geschlechterteilung verhaftet, welche auf dem sich im 19. Jahrhundert herausbildenden b{\"u}rgerlichen Geschlechtermodell beruhte. Einige {\"u}berschritten diese Grenzen jedoch trotz harter Sanktionen auch bewusst. Sichtbar wird, dass die weibliche Beteiligung zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht zur grunds{\"a}tzlichen Infragestellung der Geschlechterpolarit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrte, aber die Frauen zunehmend den {\"o}ffentlichen Raum auch f{\"u}r sich beanspruchten und damit die Grundlagen f{\"u}r die deutsche Frauenbewegung der folgenden Jahrzehnte schufen. Die schulische Thematisierung der Rolle der Frauen in der Revolution 1848/49 bietet sich sowohl im Geschichts- und Politikunterricht als auch f{\"a}cher{\"u}bergreifend hinsichtlich vielf{\"a}ltiger Ankn{\"u}pfungspunkte an. Die Integration des Themas in den Unterricht kann insbesondere dazu beitragen, das historische Erbe der Anf{\"a}nge der Frauenbewegung zu bewahren, und es zudem f{\"u}r die Vermittlung demokratischer Werte nutzbar machen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stange2024, author = {Stange, Maike}, title = {A study on Coronin-A and Aip1 function in motility of Dictyostelium discoideum and on Aip1 interchangeability between Dictyostelium discoideum and Arabidopsis thaliana}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62856}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628569}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 168}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Actin is one of the most highly conserved proteins in eukaryotes and distinct actin-related proteins with filament-forming properties are even found in prokaryotes. Due to these commonalities, actin-modulating proteins of many species share similar structural properties and proposed functions. The polymerization and depolymerization of actin are critical processes for a cell as they can contribute to shape changes to adapt to its environment and to move and distribute nutrients and cellular components within the cell. However, to what extent functions of actin-binding proteins are conserved between distantly related species, has only been addressed in a few cases. In this work, functions of Coronin-A (CorA) and Actin-interacting protein 1 (Aip1), two proteins involved in actin dynamics, were characterized. In addition, the interchangeability and function of Aip1 were investigated in two phylogenetically distant model organisms. The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (encoding two homologs, AIP1-1 and AIP1-2) and in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (encoding one homolog, DdAip1) were chosen because the functions of their actin cytoskeletons may differ in many aspects. Functional analyses between species were conducted for AIP1 homologs as flowering plants do not harbor a CorA gene. In the first part of the study, the effect of four different mutation methods on the function of Coronin-A protein and the resulting phenotype in D. discoideum was revealed in two genetic knockouts, one RNAi knockdown and a sudden loss-of-function mutant created by chemical-induced dislocation (CID). The advantages and disadvantages of the different mutation methods on the motility, appearance and development of the amoebae were investigated, and the results showed that not all observed properties were affected with the same intensity. Remarkably, a new combination of Selection-Linked Integration and CID could be established. In the second and third parts of the thesis, the exchange of Aip1 between plant and amoeba was carried out. For A. thaliana, the two homologs (AIP1-1 and AIP1-2) were analyzed for functionality as well as in D. discoideum. In the Aip1-deficient amoeba, rescue with AIP1-1 was more effective than with AIP1-2. The main results in the plant showed that in the aip1-2 mutant background, reintroduced AIP1-2 displayed the most efficient rescue and A. thaliana AIP1-1 rescued better than DdAip1. The choice of the tagging site was important for the function of Aip1 as steric hindrance is a problem. The DdAip1 was less effective when tagged at the C-terminus, while the plant AIP1s showed mixed results depending on the tag position. In conclusion, the foreign proteins partially rescued phenotypes of mutant plants and mutant amoebae, despite the organisms only being very distantly related in evolutionary terms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stallasch2024, author = {Stallasch, Sophie E.}, title = {Optimizing power analysis for randomized experiments: Design parameters for student achievement}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62939}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-629396}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 224}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Randomized trials (RTs) are promising methodological tools to inform evidence-based reform to enhance schooling. Establishing a robust knowledge base on how to promote student achievement requires sensitive RT designs demonstrating sufficient statistical power and precision to draw conclusive and correct inferences on the effectiveness of educational programs and innovations. Proper power analysis is therefore an integral component of any informative RT on student achievement. This venture critically hinges on the availability of reasonable input variance design parameters (and their inherent uncertainties) that optimally reflect the realities around the prospective RT—precisely, its target population and outcome, possibly applied covariates, the concrete design as well as the planned analysis. However, existing compilations in this vein show far-reaching shortcomings. The overarching endeavor of the present doctoral thesis was to substantively expand available resources devoted to tweak the planning of RTs evaluating educational interventions. At the core of this thesis is a systematic analysis of design parameters for student achievement, generating reliable and versatile compendia and developing thorough guidance to support apt power analysis to design strong RTs. To this end, the thesis at hand bundles two complementary studies which capitalize on rich data of several national probability samples from major German longitudinal large-scale assessments. Study I applied two- and three-level latent (covariate) modeling to analyze design parameters for a wide spectrum of mathematical-scientific, verbal, and domain-general achievement outcomes. Three vital covariate sets were covered comprising (a) pretests, (b) sociodemographic characteristics, and (c) their combination. The accumulated estimates were additionally summarized in terms of normative distributions. Study II specified (manifest) single-, two-, and three-level models and referred to influential psychometric heuristics to analyze design parameters and develop concise selection guidelines for covariate (a) types of varying bandwidth-fidelity (domain-identical, cross-domain, fluid intelligence pretests; sociodemographic characteristics), (b) combinations quantifying incremental validities, and (c) time lags of 1- to 7-year-lagged pretests scrutinizing validity degradation. The estimates for various mathematical-scientific and verbal achievement outcomes were meta-analytically integrated and employed in precision simulations. In doing so, Studies I and II addressed essential gaps identified in previous repertoires in six major dimensions: Taken together, this thesis accumulated novel design parameters and deliberate guidance for RT power analysis (1) tailored to four German student (sub)populations across the entire school career from Grade 1 to 12, (2) matched to 21 achievement (sub)domains, (3) adjusted for 11 covariate sets enriched by empirically supported guidelines, (4) adapted to six RT designs, (5) suitable for latent and manifest analysis models, (6) which were cataloged along with quantifications of their associated uncertainties. These resources are complemented by a plethora of illustrative application examples to gently direct psychological and educational researchers through pivotal steps in the process of RT design. The striking heterogeneity of the design parameter estimates across all these dimensions constitutes the overall, joint key result of Studies I and II. Hence, this work convincingly reinforces calls for a close match between design parameters and the specific peculiarities of the target RT's research context. All in all, the present doctoral thesis offers a—so far unique—nuanced and extensive toolkit to optimize power analysis for sound RTs on student achievement in the German (and similar) school context. It is of utmost importance that research does not tire to spawn robust evidence on what actually works to improve schooling. With this in mind, I hope that the emerging compendia and guidance contribute to the quality and rigor of our randomized experiments in psychology and education.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siebler2024, author = {Siebler, Lara}, title = {Identifying novel regulators of heat stress memory in Arabidopsis thaliana}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63447}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-634477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Heat stress (HS) is a major abiotic stress that negatively affects plant growth and productivity. However, plants have developed various adaptive mechanisms to cope with HS, including the acquisition and maintenance of thermotolerance, which allows them to respond more effectively to subsequent stress episodes. HS memory includes type II transcriptional memory which is characterized by enhanced re-induction of a subset of HS memory genes upon recurrent HS. In this study, new regulators of HS memory in A. thaliana were identified through the characterization of rein mutants. The rein1 mutant carries a premature stop in CYCLIN-DEPENDENT-KINASE 8 (CDK8) which is part of the cyclin kinase module of the Mediator complex. Rein1 seedlings show impaired type II transcriptional memory in multiple heat-responsive genes upon re-exposure to HS. Additionally, the mutants exhibit a significant deficiency in HS memory at the physiological level. Interaction studies conducted in this work indicate that CDK8 associates with the memory HEAT SHOCK FACTORs HSAF2 and HSFA3. The results suggest that CDK8 plays a crucial role in HS memory in plants together with other memory HSFs, which may be potential targets of the CDK8 kinase function. Understanding the role and interaction network of the Mediator complex during HS-induced transcriptional memory will be an exciting aspect of future HS memory research. The second characterized mutant, rein2, was selected based on its strongly impaired pAPX2::LUC re-induction phenotype. In gene expression analysis, the mutant revealed additional defects in the initial induction of HS memory genes. Along with this observation, basal thermotolerance was impaired similarly as HS memory at the physiological level in rein2. Sequencing of backcrossed bulk segregants with subsequent fine mapping narrowed the location of REIN2 to a 1 Mb region on chromosome 1. This interval contains the At1g65440 gene, which encodes the histone chaperone SPT6L. SPT6L interacts with chromatin remodelers and bridges them to the transcription machinery to regulate nucleosome and Pol II occupancy around the transcriptional start site. The EMS-induced missense mutation in SPT6L may cause altered HS-induced gene expression in rein2, possibly triggered by changes in the chromatin environment resulting from altered histone chaperone function. Expanding research on screen-derived factors that modify type II transcriptional memory has the potential to enhance our understanding of HS memory in plants. Discovering connections between previously identified memory factors will help to elucidate the underlying network of HS memory. This knowledge can initiate new approaches to improve heat resilience in crops.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shipova2024, author = {Shipova, Evgeniya}, title = {Formal analysis of {\`e}to-clefts in Russian: syntax and semantics}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63014}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630149}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {219}, year = {2024}, abstract = {{\`E}to-clefts are Russian focus constructions with the demonstrative pronoun {\`e}to 'this' at the beginning: "{\`E}to Mark vyigral gonku" ("It was Mark who won the race"). They are often being compared with English it-clefts, German es-clefts, as well as the corresponding focus-background structures in other languages. In terms of semantics, {\`e}to-clefts have two important properties which are cross-linguistically typical for clefts: existence presupposition ("Someone won the race") and exhaustivity ("Nobody except Mark won the race"). However, the exhaustivity effects are not as strong as exhaustivity effects in structures with the exclusive only and require more research. At the same time, the question if the syntactic structure of {\`e}to-clefts matches the biclausal structure of English and German clefts, remains open. There are arguments in favor of biclausality, as well as monoclausality. Besides, there is no consistency regarding the status of {\`e}to itself. Finally, the information structure of {\`e}to-clefts has remained underexplored in the existing literature. This research investigates the information-structural, syntactic, and semantic properties of Russian clefts, both theoretically (supported by examples from Russian text corpora and judgments from native speakers) and experimentally. It is determined which desired changes in the information structure motivate native speakers to choose an {\`e}to-cleft and not the canonical structure or other focus realization tools. Novel syntactic tests are conducted to find evidence for bi-/monoclausality of {\`e}to-clefts, as well as for base-generation or movement of the cleft pivot. It is hypothesized that {\`e}to has a certain important function in clefts, and its status is investigated. Finally, new experiments on the nature of exhaustivity in {\`e}to-clefts are conducted. They allow for direct cross-linguistic comparison, using an incremental-information paradigm with truth-value judgments. In terms of information structure, this research makes a new proposal that presents {\`e}to-clefts as structures with an inherent focus-background bipartitioning. Even though {\`e}to-clefts are used in typical focus contexts, evidence was found that {\`e}to-clefts (as well as Russian thetic clefts) allow for both new information focus and contrastive focus. {\`E}to-clefts are pragmatically acceptable when a singleton answer to the implied question is expected (e.g. "It was Mark who won the race" but not "It was Mark who came to the party"). Importantly, {\`e}to in Russian clefts is neither dummy, nor redundant, but is a topic expression; conveys familiarity which triggers existence presupposition; refers to an instantiated event, or a known/perceivable situation; finally, {\`e}to plays an important role in the spoken language as a tool for speech coherency and a focus marker. In terms of syntax, this research makes a new monoclausal proposal and shows evidence that the cleft pivot undergoes movement to the left peripheral position. {\`E}to is proposed to be TopP. Finally, in terms of semantics, a novel cross-linguistic evaluation of Russian clefts is made. Experiments show that the exhaustivity inference in {\`e}to-clefts is not robust. Participants used different strategies in resolving exhaustivity, falling into 2 groups: one group considered {\`e}to-clefts exhaustive, while another group considered them non-exhaustive. Hence, there is evidence for the pragmatic nature of exhaustivity in {\`e}to-clefts. The experimental results for {\`e}to-clefts are similar to the experimental results for clefts in German, French and Akan. It is concluded that speakers use different tools available in their languages to produce structures with similar interpretive properties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shaw2024, author = {Shaw, Vasundhara}, title = {Cosmic-ray transport and signatures in their local environment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The origin and structure of magnetic fields in the Galaxy are largely unknown. What is known is that they are essential for several astrophysical processes, in particular the propagation of cosmic rays. Our ability to describe the propagation of cosmic rays through the Galaxy is severely limited by the lack of observational data needed to probe the structure of the Galactic magnetic field on many different length scales. This is particularly true for modelling the propagation of cosmic rays into the Galactic halo, where our knowledge of the magnetic field is particularly poor. In the last decade, observations of the Galactic halo in different frequency regimes have revealed the existence of out-of-plane bubble emission in the Galactic halo. In gamma rays these bubbles have been termed Fermi bubbles with a radial extent of ≈ 3 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 6 kpc. The radio counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were seen by both the S-PASS telescopes and the Planck satellite, and showed a clear spatial overlap. The X-ray counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were named eROSITA bubbles after the eROSITA satellite, with a radial width of ≈ 7 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 14 kpc. Taken together, these observations suggest the presence of large extended Galactic Halo Bubbles (GHB) and have stimulated interest in exploring the less explored Galactic halo. In this thesis, a new toy model (GHB model) for the magnetic field and non-thermal electron distribution in the Galactic halo has been proposed. The new toy model has been used to produce polarised synchrotron emission sky maps. Chi-square analysis was used to compare the synthetic skymaps with the Planck 30 GHz polarised skymaps. The obtained constraints on the strength and azimuthal height were found to be in agreement with the S-PASS radio observations. The upper, lower and best-fit values obtained from the above chi-squared analysis were used to generate three separate toy models. These three models were used to propagate ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This study was carried out for two potential sources, Centaurus A and NGC 253, to produce magnification maps and arrival direction skymaps. The simulated arrival direction skymaps were found to be consistent with the hotspots of Centaurus A and NGC 253 as seen in the observed arrival direction skymaps provided by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO). The turbulent magnetic field component of the GHB model was also used to investigate the extragalactic dipole suppression seen by PAO. UHECRs with an extragalactic dipole were forward-tracked through the turbulent GHB model at different field strengths. The suppression in the dipole due to the varying diffusion coefficient from the simulations was noted. The results could also be compared with an analytical analogy of electrostatics. The simulations of the extragalactic dipole suppression were in agreement with similar studies carried out for galactic cosmic rays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2024, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Marj{\"a}nn Helena}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Evolution der 15-Lipoxygenase (ALOX15) bei S{\"a}ugetieren und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Knock-in-M{\"a}usen mit humanisierter Reaktionsspezifit{\"a}t der 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (Alox15b)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620340}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 280}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Arachidons{\"a}urelipoxygenasen (ALOX-Isoformen) sind Lipid-peroxidierenden Enzyme, die bei der Zelldifferenzierung und bei der Pathogenese verschiedener Erkrankungen bedeutsam sind. Im menschlichen Genom gibt es sechs funktionelle ALOX-Gene, die als Einzelkopiegene vorliegen. F{\"u}r jedes humane ALOX-Gen gibt es ein orthologes Mausgen. Obwohl sich die sechs humanen ALOX-Isoformen strukturell sehr {\"a}hnlich sind, unterscheiden sich ihre funktionellen Eigenschaften deutlich voneinander. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden vier unterschiedliche Fragestellungen zum Vorkommen, zur biologischen Rolle und zur Evolutionsabh{\"a}ngigkeit der enzymatischen Eigenschaften von S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX-Isoformen untersucht: 1) Spitzh{\"o}rnchen (Tupaiidae) sind evolution{\"a}r n{\"a}her mit dem Menschen verwandt als Nagetiere und wurden deshalb als Alternativmodelle f{\"u}r die Untersuchung menschlicher Erkrankungen vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals der Arachidons{\"a}urestoffwechsel von Spitzh{\"o}rnchen untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass im Genom von Tupaia belangeri vier unterschiedliche ALOX15-Gene vorkommen und die Enzyme sich hinsichtlich ihrer katalytischen Eigenschaften {\"a}hneln. Diese genomische Vielfalt, die weder beim Menschen noch bei M{\"a}usen vorhanden ist, erschwert die funktionellen Untersuchungen zur biologischen Rolle des ALOX15-Weges. Damit scheint Tupaia belangeri kein geeigneteres Tiermodel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung des ALOX15-Weges des Menschen zu sein. 2) Entsprechend der Evolutionshypothese k{\"o}nnen S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX15-Orthologe in Arachidons{\"a}ure-12-lipoxygenierende- und Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende Enzyme eingeteilt werden. Dabei exprimieren S{\"a}ugetierspezies, die einen h{\"o}heren Evolutionsgrad als Gibbons aufweisen, Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende ALOX15-Orthologe, w{\"a}hrend evolution{\"a}r weniger weit entwickelte S{\"a}ugetiere Arachidons{\"a}ure-12 lipoxygenierende Enzyme besitzen. In dieser Arbeit wurden elf neue ALOX15-Orthologe als rekombinante Proteine exprimiert und funktionell charakterisiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse f{\"u}gen sich widerspruchsfrei in die Evolutionshypothese ein und verbreitern deren experimentelle Basis. Die experimentellen Daten best{\"a}tigen auch das Triadenkonzept. 3) Da humane und murine ALOX15B-Orthologe unterschiedliche funktionelle Eigenschaften aufweisen, k{\"o}nnen Ergebnisse aus murinen Krankheitsmodellen zur biologischen Rolle der ALOX15B nicht direkt auf den Menschen {\"u}bertragen werden. Um die ALOX15B-Orthologen von Maus und Mensch funktionell einander anzugleichen, wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Knock-in M{\"a}use durch die In vivo Mutagenese mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Technik hergestellt. Diese exprimieren eine humanisierte Mutante (Doppelmutation von Tyrosin603Asparagins{\"a}ure+Histidin604Valin) der murinen Alox15b. Diese M{\"a}use waren lebens- und fortpflanzungsf{\"a}hig, zeigten aber geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zu ausgekreuzten Wildtyp-Kontrolltieren im Rahmen ihre Individualentwicklung. 4) In vorhergehenden Untersuchungen zur Rolle der ALOX15B in Rahmen der Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion wurde eine antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Enzyms postuliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b die Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion in zwei verschiedenen murinen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen beeinflusst. Eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b f{\"u}hrte zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Ausbildung von Entz{\"u}ndungssymptomen im induzierten Dextran-Natrium-Sulfat-Kolitismodell. Im Gegensatz dazu bewirkte die Humanisierung der Alox15b eine Abschw{\"a}chung der Entz{\"u}ndungssymptome im Freund'schen Adjuvans Pfoten{\"o}demmodell. Diese Daten deuten darauf hin, dass sich die Rolle der ALOX15B in verschiedenen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen unterscheidet.}, language = {de} } @article{Schweigert2024, author = {Schweigert, Florian J.}, title = {H{\"a}sslich aber gut}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {47 -- 59}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @misc{Schroeter2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Schr{\"o}ter, Alexander}, title = {Erstellung und Evaluation eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von komplexen Interaktionssituationen in Software-Entwicklungsprojekten}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-631873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {75}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung durchzieht immer mehr Lebensbereiche und f{\"u}hrt zu immer komplexeren sozio-technischen Systemen. Obwohl diese Systeme zur Lebenserleichterung entwickelt werden, k{\"o}nnen auch unerw{\"u}nschte Nebeneffekte entstehen. Ein solcher Nebeneffekt k{\"o}nnte z.B. die Datennutzung aus Fitness-Apps f{\"u}r nachteilige Versicherungsentscheidungen sein. Diese Nebeneffekte manifestieren sich auf allen Ebenen zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft. Systeme mit zuvor unerwarteten Nebeneffekten k{\"o}nnen zu sinkender Akzeptanz oder einem Verlust von Vertrauen f{\"u}hren. Da solche Nebeneffekte oft erst im Gebrauch in Erscheinung treten, bedarf es einer besonderen Betrachtung bereits im Konstruktionsprozess. Mit dieser Arbeit soll ein Beitrag geleistet werden, um den Konstruktionsprozess um ein geeignetes Hilfsmittel zur systematischen Reflexion zu erg{\"a}nzen. In vorliegender Arbeit wurde ein Analysetool zur Identifikation und Analyse komplexer Interaktionssituationen in Software-Entwicklungsprojekten entwickelt. Komplexe Interaktionssituationen sind von hoher Dynamik gepr{\"a}gt, aus der eine Unvorhersehbarkeit der Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen folgt. Hierdurch k{\"o}nnen die Akteur*innen die Auswirkungen der eigenen Handlungen nicht mehr {\"u}berblicken, sondern lediglich im Nachhinein rekonstruieren. Hieraus k{\"o}nnen sich fehlerhafte Interaktionsverl{\"a}ufe auf vielf{\"a}ltigen Ebenen ergeben und oben genannte Nebeneffekte entstehen. Das Analysetool unterst{\"u}tzt die Konstrukteur*innen in jeder Phase der Entwicklung durch eine angeleitete Reflexion, um potenziell komplexe Interaktionssituationen zu antizipieren und ihnen durch Analyse der m{\"o}glichen Ursachen der Komplexit{\"a}tswahrnehmung zu begegnen. Ausgehend von der Definition f{\"u}r Interaktionskomplexit{\"a}t wurden Item-Indikatoren zur Erfassung komplexer Interaktionssituationen entwickelt, die dann anhand von geeigneten Kriterien f{\"u}r Komplexit{\"a}t analysiert werden. Das Analysetool ist als „Do-It-Yourself" Fragebogen mit eigenst{\"a}ndiger Auswertung aufgebaut. Die Genese des Fragebogens und die Ergebnisse der durchgef{\"u}hrten Evaluation an f{\"u}nf Softwarentwickler*innen werden dargestellt. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Analysetool bei den Befragten als anwendbar, effektiv und hilfreich wahrgenommen wurde und damit eine hohe Akzeptanz bei der Zielgruppe genießt. Dieser Befund unterst{\"u}tzt die gute Einbindung des Analysetools in den Software-Entwicklungsprozess.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schroeder2024, author = {Schr{\"o}der, Jakob}, title = {Fundamentals of diffraction-based residual stress and texture analysis of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621972}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 135}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Additive manufacturing (AM) processes enable the production of metal structures with exceptional design freedom, of which laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) is one of the most common. In this process, a laser melts a bed of loose feedstock powder particles layer-by-layer to build a structure with the desired geometry. During fabrication, the repeated melting and rapid, directional solidification create large temperature gradients that generate large thermal stress. This thermal stress can itself lead to cracking or delamination during fabrication. More often, large residual stresses remain in the final part as a footprint of the thermal stress. This residual stress can cause premature distortion or even failure of the part in service. Hence, knowledge of the residual stress field is critical for both process optimization and structural integrity. Diffraction-based techniques allow the non-destructive characterization of the residual stress fields. However, such methods require a good knowledge of the material of interest, as certain assumptions must be made to accurately determine residual stress. First, the measured lattice plane spacings must be converted to lattice strains with the knowledge of a strain-free material state. Second, the measured lattice strains must be related to the macroscopic stress using Hooke's law, which requires knowledge of the stiffness of the material. Since most crystal structures exhibit anisotropic material behavior, the elastic behavior is specific to each lattice plane of the single crystal. Thus, the use of individual lattice planes in monochromatic diffraction residual stress analysis requires knowledge of the lattice plane-specific elastic properties. In addition, knowledge of the microstructure of the material is required for a reliable assessment of residual stress. This work presents a toolbox for reliable diffraction-based residual stress analysis. This is presented for a nickel-based superalloy produced by PBF-LB. First, this work reviews the existing literature in the field of residual stress analysis of laser-based AM using diffraction-based techniques. Second, the elastic and plastic anisotropy of the nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 produced by PBF-LB is studied using in situ energy dispersive synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques. These experiments are complemented by ex situ material characterization techniques. These methods establish the relationship between the microstructure and texture of the material and its elastic and plastic anisotropy. Finally, surface, sub-surface, and bulk residual stress are determined using a texture-based approach. Uncertainties of different methods for obtaining stress-free reference values are discussed. The tensile behavior in the as-built condition is shown to be controlled by texture and cellular sub-grain structure, while in the heat-treated condition the precipitation of strengthening phases and grain morphology dictate the behavior. In fact, the results of this thesis show that the diffraction elastic constants depend on the underlying microstructure, including texture and grain morphology. For columnar microstructures in both as-built and heat-treated conditions, the diffraction elastic constants are best described by the Reuss iso-stress model. Furthermore, the low accumulation of intergranular strains during deformation demonstrates the robustness of using the 311 reflection for the diffraction-based residual stress analysis with columnar textured microstructures. The differences between texture-based and quasi-isotropic approaches for the residual stress analysis are shown to be insignificant in the observed case. However, the analysis of the sub-surface residual stress distributions show, that different scanning strategies result in a change in the orientation of the residual stress tensor. Furthermore, the location of the critical sub-surface tensile residual stress is related to the surface roughness and the microstructure. Finally, recommendations are given for the diffraction-based determination and evaluation of residual stress in textured additively manufactured alloys.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2024, author = {Schmidt, Lena Katharina}, title = {Altered hydrological and sediment dynamics in high-alpine areas - Exploring the potential of machine-learning for estimating past and future changes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-623302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 129}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Climate change fundamentally transforms glaciated high-alpine regions, with well-known cryospheric and hydrological implications, such as accelerating glacier retreat, transiently increased runoff, longer snow-free periods and more frequent and intense summer rainstorms. These changes affect the availability and transport of sediments in high alpine areas by altering the interaction and intensity of different erosion processes and catchment properties. Gaining insight into the future alterations in suspended sediment transport by high alpine streams is crucial, given its wide-ranging implications, e.g. for flood damage potential, flood hazard in downstream river reaches, hydropower production, riverine ecology and water quality. However, the current understanding of how climate change will impact suspended sediment dynamics in these high alpine regions is limited. For one, this is due to the scarcity of measurement time series that are long enough to e.g. infer trends. On the other hand, it is difficult - if not impossible - to develop process-based models, due to the complexity and multitude of processes involved in high alpine sediment dynamics. Therefore, knowledge has so far been confined to conceptual models (which do not facilitate deriving concrete timings or magnitudes for individual catchments) or qualitative estimates ('higher export in warmer years') that may not be able to capture decreases in sediment export. Recently, machine-learning approaches have gained in popularity for modeling sediment dynamics, since their black box nature tailors them to the problem at hand, i.e. relatively well-understood input and output data, linked by very complex processes. Therefore, the overarching aim of this thesis is to estimate sediment export from the high alpine {\"O}tztal valley in Tyrol, Austria, over decadal timescales in the past and future - i.e. timescales relevant to anthropogenic climate change. This is achieved by informing, extending, evaluating and applying a quantile regression forest (QRF) approach, i.e. a nonparametric, multivariate machine-learning technique based on random forest. The first study included in this thesis aimed to understand present sediment dynamics, i.e. in the period with available measurements (up to 15 years). To inform the modeling setup for the two subsequent studies, this study identified the most important predictors, areas within the catchments and time periods. To that end, water and sediment yields from three nested gauges in the upper {\"O}tztal, Vent, S{\"o}lden and Tumpen (98 to almost 800 km² catchment area, 930 to 3772 m a.s.l.) were analyzed for their distribution in space, their seasonality and spatial differences therein, and the relative importance of short-term events. The findings suggest that the areas situated above 2500 m a.s.l., containing glacier tongues and recently deglaciated areas, play a pivotal role in sediment generation across all sub-catchments. In contrast, precipitation events were relatively unimportant (on average, 21 \% of annual sediment yield was associated to precipitation events). Thus, the second and third study focused on the Vent catchment and its sub-catchment above gauge Vernagt (11.4 and 98 km², 1891 to 3772 m a.s.l.), due to their higher share of areas above 2500 m. Additionally, they included discharge, precipitation and air temperature (as well as their antecedent conditions) as predictors. The second study aimed to estimate sediment export since the 1960s/70s at gauges Vent and Vernagt. This was facilitated by the availability of long records of the predictors, discharge, precipitation and air temperature, and shorter records (four and 15 years) of turbidity-derived sediment concentrations at the two gauges. The third study aimed to estimate future sediment export until 2100, by applying the QRF models developed in the second study to pre-existing precipitation and temperature projections (EURO-CORDEX) and discharge projections (physically-based hydroclimatological and snow model AMUNDSEN) for the three representative concentration pathways RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The combined results of the second and third study show overall increasing sediment export in the past and decreasing export in the future. This suggests that peak sediment is underway or has already passed - unless precipitation changes unfold differently than represented in the projections or changes in the catchment erodibility prevail and override these trends. Despite the overall future decrease, very high sediment export is possible in response to precipitation events. This two-fold development has important implications for managing sediment, flood hazard and riverine ecology. This thesis shows that QRF can be a very useful tool to model sediment export in high-alpine areas. Several validations in the second study showed good performance of QRF and its superiority to traditional sediment rating curves - especially in periods that contained high sediment export events, which points to its ability to deal with threshold effects. A technical limitation of QRF is the inability to extrapolate beyond the range of values represented in the training data. We assessed the number and severity of such out-of-observation-range (OOOR) days in both studies, which showed that there were few OOOR days in the second study and that uncertainties associated with OOOR days were small before 2070 in the third study. As the pre-processed data and model code have been made publically available, future studies can easily test further approaches or apply QRF to further catchments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schifferle2024, author = {Schifferle, Lukas}, title = {Optical properties of (Mg,Fe)O at high pressure}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62216}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-622166}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 90}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Large parts of the Earth's interior are inaccessible to direct observation, yet global geodynamic processes are governed by the physical material properties under extreme pressure and temperature conditions. It is therefore essential to investigate the deep Earth's physical properties through in-situ laboratory experiments. With this goal in mind, the optical properties of mantle minerals at high pressure offer a unique way to determine a variety of physical properties, in a straight-forward, reproducible, and time-effective manner, thus providing valuable insights into the physical processes of the deep Earth. This thesis focusses on the system Mg-Fe-O, specifically on the optical properties of periclase (MgO) and its iron-bearing variant ferropericlase ((Mg,Fe)O), forming a major planetary building block. The primary objective is to establish links between physical material properties and optical properties. In particular the spin transition in ferropericlase, the second-most abundant phase of the lower mantle, is known to change the physical material properties. Although the spin transition region likely extends down to the core-mantle boundary, the ef-fects of the mixed-spin state, where both high- and low-spin state are present, remains poorly constrained. In the studies presented herein, we show how optical properties are linked to physical properties such as electrical conductivity, radiative thermal conductivity and viscosity. We also show how the optical properties reveal changes in the chemical bonding. Furthermore, we unveil how the chemical bonding, the optical and other physical properties are affected by the iron spin transition. We find opposing trends in the pres-sure dependence of the refractive index of MgO and (Mg,Fe)O. From 1 atm to ~140 GPa, the refractive index of MgO decreases by ~2.4\% from 1.737 to 1.696 (±0.017). In contrast, the refractive index of (Mg0.87Fe0.13)O (Fp13) and (Mg0.76Fe0.24)O (Fp24) ferropericlase increases with pressure, likely because Fe Fe interactions between adjacent iron sites hinder a strong decrease of polarizability, as it is observed with increasing density in the case of pure MgO. An analysis of the index dispersion in MgO (decreasing by ~23\% from 1 atm to ~103 GPa) reflects a widening of the band gap from ~7.4 eV at 1 atm to ~8.5 (±0.6) eV at ~103 GPa. The index dispersion (between 550 and 870 nm) of Fp13 reveals a decrease by a factor of ~3 over the spin transition range (~44-100 GPa). We show that the electrical band gap of ferropericlase significantly widens up to ~4.7 eV in the mixed spin region, equivalent to an increase by a factor of ~1.7. We propose that this is due to a lower electron mobility between adjacent Fe2+ sites of opposite spin, explaining the previously observed low electrical conductivity in the mixed spin region. From the study of absorbance spectra in Fp13, we show an increasing covalency of the Fe-O bond with pressure for high-spin ferropericlase, whereas in the low-spin state a trend to a more ionic nature of the Fe-O bond is observed, indicating a bond weakening effect of the spin transition. We found that the spin transition is ultimately caused by both an increase of the ligand field-splitting energy and a decreasing spin-pairing energy of high-spin Fe2+.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaumburg2024, author = {Schaumburg, Josephine}, title = {Men are not better negotiators after all!}, series = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, volume = {24}, journal = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, publisher = {Kovac}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-339-13798-2}, issn = {2365-7898}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {284}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the lack of clarity in the scientific literature regarding gender and negotiation performance. It is often claimed that men negotiate better than women, yet it is simultaneously emphasized that results strongly depend on context. Through the use of qualitative methods such as content analysis and critical mixed-methods review, the research question: "Are women truly inferior negotiators compared to men?" is addressed. The study comprises a descriptive and an interpretive part. The descriptive section illuminates various interpretations of gender-specific negotiation theory among citing authors, with 67\% arguing for a general superiority of men. However, given the high variance in gender-specific differences, the focus should instead be on the context-dependency of negotiation performance. Generalized statements can be made within contexts, but not across them. In the interpretive section, several factors contributing to this misinterpretation are highlighted, including discrepancies in the definition of negotiation performance and distortions in research communication.. From a scientific perspective, this study underscores the need for a nuanced sociological analysis and warns against the one-sided acceptance of inaccurate scientific interpretations. From a practical standpoint, it amplifies the voices of women affected by biased research paradigms. Overall, the dissertation clarifies the theory of gender-specific negotiation performance and advocates for the elimination of biases in scientific discourse.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schallau2024, author = {Schallau, Juliane}, title = {"Maybe Happen Is Never Once" - temporalities of guilt in William Faulkner}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62885}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628858}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 171}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This study focuses on William Faulkner, whose works explore the demise of the slavery-based Old South during the Civil War in a highly experimental narrative style. Central to this investigation is the analysis of the temporal dimensions of both individual and collective guilt, thus offering a new approach to the often-discussed problem of Faulkner's portrayal of social decay. The thesis examines how Faulkner re-narrates the legacy of the Old South as a guilt narrative and argues that Faulkner uses guilt in order to corroborate his concept of time and the idea of the continuity of the past. The focus of the analysis is on three of Faulkner's arguably most important novels: The Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom!, and Go Down, Moses. Each of these novels features a main character deeply overwhelmed by the crimes of the past, whether private, familial, or societal. As a result, guilt is explored both from a domestic as well as a social perspective. In order to show how Faulkner blends past and present by means of guilt, this work examines several methods and motifs borrowed from different fields and genres with which Faulkner narratively negotiates guilt. These include religious notions of original sin, the motif of the ancestral curse prevalent in the Southern Gothic genre, and the psychological concept of trauma. Each of these motifs emphasizes the temporal dimensions of guilt, which are the core of this study, and makes clear that guilt in Faulkner's work is primarily to be understood as a temporal rather than a moral problem.}, language = {en} } @article{SancıKardas2024, author = {Sanc{\i}, Kadir and Kardas, Arhan}, title = {Die islamische Speiseordnung}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {105 -- 124}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rubertus2024, author = {Rubertus, Elina}, title = {Coarticulatory changes across childhood}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630123}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 131}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The present dissertation investigates changes in lingual coarticulation across childhood in German-speaking children from three to nine years of age and adults. Coarticulation refers to the mismatch between the abstract phonological units and their seemingly commingled realization in continuous speech. Being a process at the intersection of phonology and phonetics, addressing its changes across childhood allows for insights in speech motor as well as phonological developments. Because specific predictions for changes in coarticulation across childhood can be derived from existing speech production models, investigating children's coarticulatory patterns can help us model human speech production. While coarticulatory changes may shed light on some of the central questions of speech production development, previous studies on the topic were sparse and presented a puzzling picture of conflicting findings. One of the reasons for this lack is the difficulty in articulatory data acquisition in a young population. Within the research program this dissertation is embedded in, we accepted this challenge and successfully set up the hitherto largest corpus of articulatory data from children using ultrasound tongue imaging. In contrast to earlier studies, a high number of participants in tight age cohorts across a wide age range and a thoroughly controlled set of pseudowords allowed for statistically powerful investigations of a process known as variable and complicated to track. The specific focus of my studies is on lingual vocalic coarticulation as measured in the horizontal position of the highest point of the tongue dorsum. Based on three studies on a) anticipatory coarticulation towards the left, b) carryover coarticulation towards the right side of the utterance, and c) anticipatory coarticulatory extent in repeated versus read aloud speech, I deduct the following main theses: 1. Maturing speech motor control is responsible for some developmental changes in coarticulation. 2. Coarticulation can be modeled as the coproduction of articulatory gestures. 3. The developmental change in coarticulation results from a decrease of vocalic activation width.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ronneberger2024, author = {Ronneberger, Sebastian}, title = {Nanolayer Fused Deposition Modeling (NanoFDM)}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {170}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RojahnGronau2024, author = {Rojahn, Marcel and Gronau, Norbert}, title = {Openness indicators for the evaluation of digital platforms between the launch and maturity phase}, series = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, editor = {Bui, Tung X.}, publisher = {Department of IT Management Shidler College of Business University of Hawaii}, address = {Honolulu, HI}, isbn = {978-0-99813-317-1}, pages = {4516 -- 4525}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In recent years, the evaluation of digital platforms has become an important focus in the field of information systems science. The identification of influential indicators that drive changes in digital platforms, specifically those related to openness, is still an unresolved issue. This paper addresses the challenge of identifying measurable indicators and characterizing the transition from launch to maturity in digital platforms. It proposes a systematic analytical approach to identify relevant openness indicators for evaluation purposes. The main contributions of this study are the following (1) the development of a comprehensive procedure for analyzing indicators, (2) the categorization of indicators as evaluation metrics within a multidimensional grid-box model, (3) the selection and evaluation of relevant indicators, (4) the identification and assessment of digital platform architectures during the launch-to-maturity transition, and (5) the evaluation of the applicability of the conceptualization and design process for digital platform evaluation.}, language = {en} } @article{RockstroemKotzeMilutinovićetal.2024, author = {Rockstr{\"o}m, Johan and Kotz{\´e}, Louis and Milutinović, Svetlana and Biermann, Frank and Brovkin, Victor and Donges, Jonathan and Ebbesson, Jonas and French, Duncan and Gupta, Joyeeta and Kim, Rakhyun and Lenton, Timothy and Lenzi, Dominic and Nakicenovic, Nebojsa and Neumann, Barbara and Schuppert, Fabian and Winkelmann, Ricarda and Bosselmann, Klaus and Folke, Carl and Lucht, Wolfgang and Schlosberg, David and Richardson, Katherine and Steffen, Will}, title = {The planetary commons}, series = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, volume = {121}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, number = {5}, publisher = {National Academy of Sciences}, address = {Washington, DC}, issn = {1091-6490}, doi = {10.1073/pnas.2301531121}, pages = {10}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Anthropocene signifies the start of a no- analogue tra­jectory of the Earth system that is fundamentally different from the Holocene. This new trajectory is characterized by rising risks of triggering irreversible and unmanageable shifts in Earth system functioning. We urgently need a new global approach to safeguard critical Earth system regulating functions more effectively and comprehensively. The global commons framework is the closest example of an existing approach with the aim of governing biophysical systems on Earth upon which the world collectively depends. Derived during stable Holocene conditions, the global commons framework must now evolve in the light of new Anthropocene dynamics. This requires a fundamental shift from a focus only on governing shared resources beyond national jurisdiction, to one that secures critical functions of the Earth system irrespective of national boundaries. We propose a new framework—the planetary commons—which differs from the global commons frame­work by including not only globally shared geographic regions but also critical biophysical systems that regulate the resilience and state, and therefore livability, on Earth. The new planetary commons should articulate and create comprehensive stewardship obligations through Earth system governance aimed at restoring and strengthening planetary resilience and justice.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rinne2024, author = {Rinne, Theresa Charlotte}, title = {The effects of nutrients on bone stem cell function and regeneration}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 134}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Aging is associated with bone loss, which can lead to osteoporosis and high fracture risk. This coincides with the enhanced formation of bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT), suggesting a negative effect of bone marrow adipocytes on skeletal health. Increased BMAT formation is also observed in pathologies such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. However, a subset of bone marrow adipocytes forming the constitutive BMAT (cBMAT), arise early in life in the distal skeleton, contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and are thought to provide a physiological function. Regulated BMAT (rBMAT) forms during aging and obesity in proximal regions of the bone and contain a large proportion of saturated fatty acids. Paradoxically, BMAT accumulation is also enhanced during caloric restriction (CR), a life-span extending dietary intervention. This indicates, that different types of BMAT can form in response to opposing nutritional stimuli with potentially different functions. To this end, two types of nutritional interventions, CR and high fat diet (HFD), that are both described to induce BMAT accumulation were carried out. CR markedly increased BMAT formation in the proximal tibia and led to a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, making it similar to the physiological cBMAT. Additionally, proximal and diaphyseal tibia regions displayed higher adiponectin expression. In aged mice, CR was associated with an improved trabecular bone structure. Taken together, these findings demonstrate, that the type of BMAT that forms during CR might provide beneficial effects for local bone stem/progenitor cells and metabolic health. The HFD intervention performed in this thesis showed no effect on BMAT accumulation and bone microstructure. RNA Seq analysis revealed alterations in the composition of the collagen-containing extracellular matrix (ECM). In order to investigate the effects of glucose homeostasis on osteogenesis, differentiation capacity of immortalized multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and osteochondrogenic progenitor cells (OPCs) was analyzed. Insulin improved differentiation in both cell types, however, combination of with a high glucose concentration led to an impaired mineralization of the ECM. In the MSCs, this was accompanied by the formation of adipocytes, indicating negative effects of the adipocytes formed during hyperglycemic conditions on mineralization processes. However, the altered mineralization pattern and structure of the ECM was also observed in OPCs, which did not form any adipocytes, suggesting further negative effects of a hyperglycemic environment on osteogenic differentiation. In summary, the work provided in this thesis demonstrated that differentiation commitment of bone-resident stem cells can be altered through nutrient availability, specifically glucose. Surprisingly, both high nutrient supply, e.g. the hyperglycemic cell culture conditions, and low nutrient supply, e.g. CR, can induce adipogenic differentiation. However, while CR-induced adipocyte formation was associated with improved trabecular bone structure, adipocyte formation in a hyperglycemic cell-culture environment hampered mineralization. This thesis provides further evidence for the existence of different types of BMAT with specific functions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rehtmeyer2024, author = {Rehtmeyer, Marcus}, title = {Die Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}ge Preußens 1929 und 1931}, series = {Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen}, volume = {4}, journal = {Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-1369-2}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {734}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die umfangreiche rechtswissenschaftliche Studie befasst sich mit den preußischen Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}gen aus der Zeit der Weimarer Republik. Diese Vertr{\"a}ge waren H{\"o}hepunkte einer Entwicklung in Richtung gr{\"o}ßerer Freiheit und Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kirchen vom Staat, die den Vorg{\"a}ngen im Reich und in anderen deutschen L{\"a}ndern teils entsprach, teils zuwiderlief. Die Entwicklung folgte keiner unverr{\"u}ckbaren Idealvorstellung {\"u}ber das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Staat und Kirche, sondern stellte sich stets als pragmatische Reaktion auf realpolitische Probleme dar. Die Staatskirchenvertr{\"a}ge selbst pr{\"a}gten die weiteren Entwicklungen in Ost und West bis zur Gegenwart.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rabe2024, author = {Rabe, Maximilian Michael}, title = {Modeling the interaction of sentence processing and eye-movement control in reading}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62279}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-622792}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 171}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The evaluation of process-oriented cognitive theories through time-ordered observations is crucial for the advancement of cognitive science. The findings presented herein integrate insights from research on eye-movement control and sentence comprehension during reading, addressing challenges in modeling time-ordered data, statistical inference, and interindividual variability. Using kernel density estimation and a pseudo-marginal likelihood for fixation durations and locations, a likelihood implementation of the SWIFT model of eye-movement control during reading (Engbert et al., Psychological Review, 112, 2005, pp. 777-813) is proposed. Within the broader framework of data assimilation, Bayesian parameter inference with adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques is facilitated for reliable model fitting. Across the different studies, this framework has shown to enable reliable parameter recovery from simulated data and prediction of experimental summary statistics. Despite its complexity, SWIFT can be fitted within a principled Bayesian workflow, capturing interindividual differences and modeling experimental effects on reading across different geometrical alterations of text. Based on these advancements, the integrated dynamical model SEAM is proposed, which combines eye-movement control, a traditionally psychological research area, and post-lexical language processing in the form of cue-based memory retrieval (Lewis \& Vasishth, Cognitive Science, 29, 2005, pp. 375-419), typically the purview of psycholinguistics. This proof-of-concept integration marks a significant step forward in natural language comprehension during reading and suggests that the presented methodology can be useful to develop complex cognitive dynamical models that integrate processes at levels of perception, higher cognition, and (oculo-)motor control. These findings collectively advance process-oriented cognitive modeling and highlight the importance of Bayesian inference, individual differences, and interdisciplinary integration for a holistic understanding of reading processes. Implications for theory and methodology, including proposals for model comparison and hierarchical parameter inference, are briefly discussed.}, language = {en} } @book{PuergstallerNeuber2024, author = {P{\"u}rgstaller, Esther and Neuber, Nils}, title = {T{\"a}nzerischer Kreativit{\"a}tstest f{\"u}r 8 bis 12-J{\"a}hrige}, editor = {P{\"u}rgstaller, Esther and Neuber, Nils}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62704}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-627040}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {83}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der t{\"a}nzerische Kreativit{\"a}tstest stellt ein valides Instrumentarium dar, welches auf tanzspezifischen Aufgaben basiert und f{\"u}r die differenzierte und standardisierte Erfassung der t{\"a}nzerischen Kreativit{\"a}t bei Kindern im Alter von 8 bis 12 Jahren konzipiert ist. Mit dem t{\"a}nzerischen Kreativit{\"a}tstest k{\"o}nnen nicht nur Fragestellungen zum Stand sowie zur Entwicklung t{\"a}nzerisch-kreativer F{\"a}higkeiten im Kindesalter bearbeitet werden, sondern er liefert auch wertvolle Informationen f{\"u}r die Optimierung von Trainings-, F{\"o}rder- und Vermittlungsmaßnahmen. Erfasst werden folgende t{\"a}nzerisch-kreativen F{\"a}higkeiten: 1) Vielfalt und Originalit{\"a}t in der Fortbewegung und in K{\"o}rperpositionen sowie 2) Ideenreichtum, Vielfalt und Originalit{\"a}t in der Gestaltung von Bewegungspatterns und -kompositionen. Dieser Test l{\"a}sst sich mit gr{\"o}ßeren Gruppen und minimalem materiellen Aufwand durchf{\"u}hren, ist zeitlich unbeschr{\"a}nkt und erm{\"o}glicht es, unterschiedliche Leistungsniveaus zu identifizieren. Der t{\"a}nzerische Kreativit{\"a}tstest bietet Forschenden und Lehrkr{\"a}ften eine wertvolle M{\"o}glichkeit, die t{\"a}nzerisch-kreativen F{\"a}higkeiten von Kindern zu analysieren und zu f{\"o}rdern.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Peitz2024, author = {Peitz, Diana}, title = {Mindful eating}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63451}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-634515}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 178}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Maladaptive eating behaviors such as emotional eating, external eating, and loss-of-control eating are widespread in the general population. Moreover, they are associated to adverse health outcomes and well-known for their role in the development and maintenance of eating disorders and obesity (i.e., eating and weight disorders). Eating and weight disorders are associated with crucial burden for individuals as well as high costs for society in general. At the same time, corresponding treatments yield poor outcomes. Thus, innovative concepts are needed to improve prevention and treatment of these conditions. The Buddhist concept of mindfulness (i.e., paying attention to the present moment without judgement) and its delivery via mindfulness-based intervention programs (MBPs) has gained wide popularity in the area of maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders over the last two decades. Though previous findings on their effects seem promising, the current assessment of mindfulness and its mere application via multi-component MBPs hampers to draw conclusions on the extent to which mindfulness-immanent qualities actually account for the effects (e.g., the modification of maladaptive eating behaviors). However, this knowledge is pivotal for interpreting previous effects correctly and for avoiding to cause harm in particularly vulnerable groups such as those with eating and weight disorders. To address these shortcomings, recent research has focused on the context-specific approach of mindful eating (ME) to investigate underlying mechanisms of action. ME can be considered a subdomain of generic mindfulness describing it specifically in relation to the process of eating and associated feelings, thoughts, and motives, thus including a variety of different attitudes and behaviors. However, there is no universal operationalization and the current assessment of ME suffers from different limitations. Specifically, current measurement instruments are not suited for a comprehensive assessment of the multiple facets of the construct that are currently discussed as important in the literature. This in turn hampers comparisons of different ME facets which would allow to evaluate their particular effect on maladaptive eating behaviors. This knowledge is needed to tailor prevention and treatment of associated eating and weight disorders properly and to explore potential underlying mechanisms of action which have so far been proposed mainly on theoretical grounds. The dissertation at hand aims to provide evidence-based fundamental research that contributes to our understanding of how mindfulness, more specifically its context-specific form of ME, impacts maladaptive eating behaviors and, consequently, how it could be used appropriately to enrich the current prevention and treatment approaches for eating and weight disorders in the future. Specifically, in this thesis, three scientific manuscripts applying several qualitative and quantitative techniques in four sequential studies are presented. These manuscripts were published in or submitted to three scientific peer-reviewed journals to shed light on the following questions: I. How can ME be measured comprehensively and in a reliable and valid way to advance the understanding of how mindfulness works in the context of eating? II. Does the context-specific construct of ME have an advantage over the generic concept in advancing the understanding of how mindfulness is related to maladaptive eating behaviors? III. Which ME facets are particularly useful in explaining maladaptive eating behaviors? IV. Does training a particular ME facet result in changes in maladaptive eating behaviors? To answer the first research question (Paper 1), a multi-method approach using three subsequent studies was applied to develop and validate a comprehensive self-report instrument to assess the multidimensional construct of ME - the Mindful Eating Inventory (MEI). Study 1 aimed to create an initial version of the MEI by following a three-step approach: First, a comprehensive item pool was compiled by including selected and adapted items of the existing ME questionnaires and supplementing them with items derived from an extensive literature review. Second, the preliminary item pool was complemented and checked for content validity by experts in the field of eating behavior and/or mindfulness (N = 15). Third, the item pool was further refined through qualitative methods: Three focus groups comprising laypersons (N = 16) were used as a check for applicability. Subsequently, think-aloud protocols (N = 10) served as a last check of comprehensibility and elimination of ambiguities. The resulting initial MEI version was tested in Study 2 in an online convenience sample (N = 828) to explore its factor structure using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results were used to shorten the questionnaire in accordance with qualitative and quantitative criteria yielding the final MEI version which encompasses 30 items. These items were assigned to seven ME facets: (1) 'Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one's own eating experience' (ANA), (2) 'Awareness of Senses while Eating' (ASE), (3) 'Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness' (ERF), (4) 'Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives' (ATM), (5) 'Interconnectedness' (CON), (6) 'Non-Reactive Stance' (NRS) and (7) Focused Attention on Eating' (FAE). Study 3 sought to confirm the found facets and the corresponding factor structure in an independent online convenience sample (N = 612) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The study served as further indication of the assumed multidimensionality of ME (the correlational seven-factor model was shown to be superior to a single-factor model). Psychometric properties of the MEI, regarding factorial validity, internal consistency, retest-reliability, and observed criterion validity using a wide range of eating-specific and general health-related outcomes, showed the inventory to be suitable for a comprehensive, reliable and valid assessment of ME. These findings were complemented by demonstrating measurement invariance of the MEI regarding gender. In accordance with the factor structure of the MEI, Paper 1 offers an empirically-derived definition of ME, succeeding in overcoming ambiguities and problems of previous attempts at defining the construct. To answer the second and third research questions (Paper 2) a subsample of Study 2 from the MEI validation studies (N = 292) was analyzed. Incremental validity of ME beyond generic mindfulness was shown using hierarchical regression models concerning the outcome variables of maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating and uncontrolled eating) and nutrition behaviors (consumption of energy-dense food). Multiple regression analyses were applied to investigate the impact of the seven different ME facets (identified in Paper 1) on the same outcome variables. The following ME facets significantly contributed to explaining variance in maladaptive eating and nutrition behaviors: Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one`s own eating experience (ANA), Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness (ERF), the Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM), and a Non-Reactive Stance (NRS, i.e., an observing, non-impulsive attitude towards eating triggers). Results suggest that these ME facets are promising variables to consider when a) investigating potential underlying mechanisms of mindfulness and MBPs in the context of eating and b) addressing maladaptive eating behaviors in general as well as in the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders. To answer the fourth research question (Paper 3), a training on an isolated exercise ('9 Hunger') based on the previously identified ME facet ATM was designed to explore its particular association with changes in maladaptive eating behaviors and thus to preliminary explore one possible mechanism of action. The online study was realized using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. Latent Change Scores (LCS) across three measurement points (before the training, directly after the training and three months later) were compared between the intervention group (n = 211) and a waitlist control group (n = 188). Short- and longer-term effects of the training could be shown on maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating, external eating, loss-of-control eating) and associated outcomes (intuitive eating, ME, self-compassion, well-being). Findings serve as preliminary empirical evidence that MBPs might influence maladaptive eating behaviors through an enhanced non-judgmental awareness of and distinguishment between eating motives and triggers (i.e., ATM). This mechanism of action had previously only been hypothesized from a theoretical perspective. Since maladaptive eating behaviors are associated with eating and weight disorders, the findings can enhance our understanding of the general effects of MBPs on these conditions. The integration of the different findings leads to several suggestions of how ME might enrich different kinds of future interventions on maladaptive eating behaviors to improve health in general or the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders in particular. Strengths of the thesis (e.g., deliberate specific methodology, variety of designs and methods, high number of participants) are emphasized. The main limitations particularly regarding sample characteristics (e.g., higher level of formal education, fewer males, self-selected) are discussed to arrive at an outline for future studies (e.g., including multi-modal-multi-method approaches, clinical eating disorder samples and youth samples) to improve upcoming research on ME and underlying mechanisms of action of MBPs for maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders. This thesis enriches current research on mindfulness in the context of eating by providing fundamental research on the core of the ME construct. Thereby it delivers a reliable and valid instrument to comprehensively assess ME in future studies as well as an operational definition of the construct. Findings on ME facet level might inform upcoming research and practice on how to address maladaptive eating behaviors appropriately in interventions. The ME skill 'Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM)' as one particular mechanism of action should be further investigated in representative community and specific clinical samples to examine the validity of the results in these groups and to justify an application of the concept to the general population as well as to subgroups with eating and weight disorders in particular. In conclusion, findings of the current thesis can be used to set future research on mindfulness, more specifically ME, and its underlying mechanism in the context of eating on a more evidence-based footing. This knowledge can inform upcoming prevention and treatment to tailor MBPs on maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders appropriately.}, language = {en} } @article{PanzerGronau2024, author = {Panzer, Marcel and Gronau, Norbert}, title = {Enhancing economic efficiency in modular production systems through deep reinforcement learning}, series = {Procedia CIRP}, volume = {121}, journal = {Procedia CIRP}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2212-8271}, doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2023.09.229}, pages = {55 -- 60}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In times of increasingly complex production processes and volatile customer demands, the production adaptability is crucial for a company's profitability and competitiveness. The ability to cope with rapidly changing customer requirements and unexpected internal and external events guarantees robust and efficient production processes, requiring a dedicated control concept at the shop floor level. Yet in today's practice, conventional control approaches remain in use, which may not keep up with the dynamic behaviour due to their scenario-specific and rigid properties. To address this challenge, deep learning methods were increasingly deployed due to their optimization and scalability properties. However, these approaches were often tested in specific operational applications and focused on technical performance indicators such as order tardiness or total throughput. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning based production control to optimize combined techno-financial performance measures. Based on pre-defined manufacturing modules that are supplied and operated by multiple agents, positive effects were observed in terms of increased revenue and reduced penalties due to lower throughput times and fewer delayed products. The combined modular and multi-staged approach as well as the distributed decision-making further leverage scalability and transferability to other scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Panzer2024, author = {Panzer, Marcel}, title = {Design of a hyper-heuristics based control framework for modular production systems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63300}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-633006}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 334}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Volatile supply and sales markets, coupled with increasing product individualization and complex production processes, present significant challenges for manufacturing companies. These must navigate and adapt to ever-shifting external and internal factors while ensuring robustness against process variabilities and unforeseen events. This has a pronounced impact on production control, which serves as the operational intersection between production planning and the shop- floor resources, and necessitates the capability to manage intricate process interdependencies effectively. Considering the increasing dynamics and product diversification, alongside the need to maintain constant production performances, the implementation of innovative control strategies becomes crucial. In recent years, the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies and machine learning methods has gained prominence in addressing emerging challenges in production applications. Within this context, this cumulative thesis analyzes deep learning based production systems based on five publications. Particular attention is paid to the applications of deep reinforcement learning, aiming to explore its potential in dynamic control contexts. Analysis reveal that deep reinforcement learning excels in various applications, especially in dynamic production control tasks. Its efficacy can be attributed to its interactive learning and real-time operational model. However, despite its evident utility, there are notable structural, organizational, and algorithmic gaps in the prevailing research. A predominant portion of deep reinforcement learning based approaches is limited to specific job shop scenarios and often overlooks the potential synergies in combined resources. Furthermore, it highlights the rare implementation of multi-agent systems and semi-heterarchical systems in practical settings. A notable gap remains in the integration of deep reinforcement learning into a hyper-heuristic. To bridge these research gaps, this thesis introduces a deep reinforcement learning based hyper- heuristic for the control of modular production systems, developed in accordance with the design science research methodology. Implemented within a semi-heterarchical multi-agent framework, this approach achieves a threefold reduction in control and optimisation complexity while ensuring high scalability, adaptability, and robustness of the system. In comparative benchmarks, this control methodology outperforms rule-based heuristics, reducing throughput times and tardiness, and effectively incorporates customer and order-centric metrics. The control artifact facilitates a rapid scenario generation, motivating for further research efforts and bridging the gap to real-world applications. The overarching goal is to foster a synergy between theoretical insights and practical solutions, thereby enriching scientific discourse and addressing current industrial challenges.}, language = {en} } @article{Olhoeft2024, author = {Olhoeft, Netanel}, title = {„Und Nahrung labt das Herz der Menschen" (Ps 104,15)}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {153 -- 156}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Offizier2024, author = {Offizier, Frederike}, title = {The biosecurity individual}, series = {American Culture Studies}, volume = {43}, journal = {American Culture Studies}, publisher = {Transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8376-7145-2}, issn = {2747-4380}, doi = {10.14361/9783839471456}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2023121004164930640876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {294}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Discoveries in biomedicine and biotechnology, especially in diagnostics, have made prevention and (self)surveillance increasingly important in the context of health practices. Frederike Offizier offers a cultural critique of the intersection between health, security and identity, and explores how the focus on risk and security changes our understanding of health and transforms our relationship to our bodies. Analyzing a wide variety of texts, from life writing to fiction, she offers a critical intervention on how this shift in the medical gaze produces new paradigms of difference and new biomedically facilitated identities: biosecurity individuals.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Nastasa2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Nastasa, Ruxandra}, title = {Germany and the EU's pursuit of gender equality in peace and security}, series = {Staat, Recht und Politik - Forschungs- und Diskussionspapiere}, journal = {Staat, Recht und Politik - Forschungs- und Diskussionspapiere}, number = {16}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2509-6974}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62850}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628501}, pages = {15}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPSA) is an international framework addressing the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on women and girls and promoting their meaningful participation in peacebuilding efforts. The Security Council called on Member States to develop National Action Plans (NAPs) to operationalize the four pillars of the Agenda. This study looks at the relevant steps undertaken by both Germany and the European Union. The author calls for improvements on either level and makes four recommendations.}, language = {en} } @techreport{NastanskySiris2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Nastansky, Andreas and Siris, Sarah}, title = {Risikoverbund zwischen Banken und Staaten}, series = {Statistische Diskussionsbeitr{\"a}ge}, volume = {56}, journal = {Statistische Diskussionsbeitr{\"a}ge}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61989}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619891}, pages = {50}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Begrenzung systemischer Risiken ist essentieller Bestandteil der neuen internationalen Finanzmarktordnung. Dabei galt es nicht nur die Verflechtung der Banken untereinander, sondern auch die Verbindung zwischen den Staatsfinanzen und der Solvenz der nationalen Bankensysteme (dem sog. Risikoverbund zwischen Staat und Banken) zu durchbrechen. Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Entwicklung der Forderungen gegen{\"u}ber Staaten in den Bankbilanzen der Eurol{\"a}nder und des Eurosystems im Zeitverlauf sowie den daraus erwachsenden Risiken f{\"u}r die Finanzstabilit{\"a}t. Hierzu werden die Determinanten des Risikoverbunds theoretisch wie empirisch analysiert. Die fiskalische Kapazit{\"a}t der Eurostaaten wird anhand verschiedener Faktoren wie der Verschuldungsquote, dem Leistungsbilanzsaldo und der Kredit-BIP L{\"u}cke aufgezeigt; anschließend werden die Strukturen der Bankensysteme im Euroraum untersucht. Im Einzelnen werden die private und staatliche Gesamtverschuldung, die konsolidierte Bankenbilanzsumme und die darin enthaltenen Verbindlichkeiten sowie der Anteil des Bankensektors an der Bruttowertsch{\"o}pfung in Relation zur Wirtschaftsleistung betrachtet. Außerdem finden NPE-Best{\"a}nde in den Bankbilanzen sowie die Renditen der emittierten Staatsanleihen und damit in Verbindung stehenden CDS-Spreads Betrachtung. Zus{\"a}tzlich werden die Konzentration, der Verschuldungsgrad, Liquidit{\"a}tsziffern sowie l{\"a}nderspezifische Unterschiede in Art und Fristigkeit der Refinanzierung der Bankensektoren abgebildet. Auf Basis der empirischen Befunde werden im Hinblick auf die wechselseitigen Ansteckungseffekte zwischen Banken und Staaten Implikationen f{\"u}r die Finanzmarktregulierung diskutiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller2024, author = {M{\"u}ller, Daniel}, title = {Identification and monitoring of structures, controls, and evolution dynamics of hydrothermal systems and associated alteration through high-resolution remote sensing and in situ analysis}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62668}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {205}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Volcanic hydrothermal systems are an integral part of most volcanoes and typically involve a heat source, adequate fluid supply, and fracture or pore systems through which the fluids can circulate within the volcanic edifice. Associated with this are subtle but powerful processes that can significantly influence the evolution of volcanic activity or the stability of the near-surface volcanic system through mechanical weakening, permeability reduction, and sealing of the affected volcanic rock. These processes are well constrained for rock samples by laboratory analyses but are still difficult to extrapolate and evaluate at the scale of an entire volcano. Advances in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), sensor technology, and photogrammetric processing routines now allow us to image volcanic surfaces at the centimeter scale and thus study volcanic hydrothermal systems in great detail. This thesis aims to explore the potential of UAS approaches for studying the structures, processes, and dynamics of volcanic hydrothermal systems but also to develop methodological approaches to uncover secondary information hidden in the data, capable of indicating spatiotemporal dynamics or potentially critical developments associated with hydrothermal alteration. To accomplish this, the thesis describes the investigation of two near-surface volcanic hydrothermal systems, the El Tatio geyser field in Chile and the fumarole field of La Fossa di Vulcano (Italy), both of which are among the best-studied sites of their kind. Through image analysis, statistical, and spatial analyses we have been able to provide the most detailed structural images of both study sites to date, with new insights into the driving forces of such systems but also revealing new potential controls, which are summarized in conceptual site-specific models. Furthermore, the thesis explores methodological remote sensing approaches to detect, classify and constrain hydrothermal alteration and surface degassing from UAS-derived data, evaluated them by mineralogical and chemical ground-truthing, and compares the alteration pattern with the present-day degassing activity. A significant contribution of the often neglected diffuse degassing activity to the total amount of degassing is revealed and constrains secondary processes and dynamics associated with hydrothermal alteration that lead to potentially critical developments like surface sealing. The results and methods used provide new approaches for alteration research, for the monitoring of degassing and alteration effects, and for thermal monitoring of fumarole fields, with the potential to be incorporated into volcano monitoring routines.}, language = {en} } @misc{MiechielsenSchmidt2024, author = {Miechielsen, Milena and Schmidt, Katja}, title = {Leitfaden f{\"u}r die Erstellung von kommunalen Aktionspl{\"a}nen zur Steigerung der urbanen Klimaresilienz}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63057}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630578}, pages = {85}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die durch Klimaver{\"a}nderungen hervorgerufenen Auswirkungen auf Menschen und Umwelt werden immer offensichtlicher: Neben der gesundheitlichen Gef{\"a}hrdung durch Hitzewellen, die deutschlandweit seit einigen Jahren eine steigende Rate an Todes- und Krankheitsf{\"a}llen zur Folge hat sind in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Starkniederschl{\"a}ge und daraus resultierenden {\"U}berschwemmungen bzw. Sturzfluten aufgetreten. Diese ziehen zum Teil immensen wirtschaftlichen Sch{\"a}den, aber auch Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen f{\"u}r die menschliche Gesundheit - sowohl physisch als auch psychisch - sowie gar Todesopfer nach sich. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass diese Extremwetterereignisse zuk{\"u}nftiger noch h{\"a}ufiger auftreten werden. Um die Bev{\"o}lkerung besser vor den Folgen dieser Wetterextreme zu sch{\"u}tzen, sind neben Klimaschutzmaßnahmen auch Vorsorge- und Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Steigerung der kommunalen Klimaresilienz dringend notwendig. Dazu bedarf es einerseits einer Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen kommunalen Risiken und daraus resultierenden Handlungsbedarfen, und andererseits eines interdisziplin{\"a}ren, querschnittsorientierten und prozessorientierten Planens und Handelns. Aktionspl{\"a}ne sollen diese beiden Aspekte b{\"u}ndeln. In den letzten Jahren sind einige kommunale und kommunen{\"u}bergreifende (Hitze-) aufgestellt worden. Diese unterscheiden sich jedoch in ihrem Inhalt und Umfang zum Teil erheblich. Mit dem vorliegenden Leitfaden soll eine effektive Hilfestellung geschaffen werden, um Kommunen bzw. die kommunale Verwaltung auf dem Weg zum eigenen Aktionsplan zu unterst{\"u}tzt. Dabei fokussiert der Leitfaden auf die Herausforderungen, die sich durch vermehrte Hitze- und Starkregenereignisse ergeben. Er st{\"u}tzt sich auf schon vorhandene Arbeitshilfen, Handlungsempfehlungen, Leitf{\"a}den und weitere Hinweise und verweist an vielen Stellen auch darauf. So soll ein praxistauglicher Leitfaden entstehen, der flexibel anwendbar ist. Mit Hilfe des vorliegenden Leitfadens k{\"o}nnen Kommunen ihre Aktivit{\"a}ten auf Hitze oder Starkregen fokussieren oder einen umfassenden Aktionsplan f{\"u}r beide Themenbereiche erstellen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Melliger2024, author = {Melliger, Marc Andr{\´e}}, title = {Effects of exposing renewables to the market}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 139}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Electricity production contributes to a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and is thus an important driver of climate change. To fulfil the Paris Agreement, the European Union (EU) needs a rapid transition to a fully decarbonised power production system. Presumably, such a system will be largely based on renewables. So far, many EU countries have supported a shift towards renewables such as solar and wind power using support schemes, but the economic and political context is changing. Renewables are now cheaper than ever before and have become cost-competitive with conventional technologies. Therefore, European policymakers are striving to better integrate renewables into a competitive market and to increase the cost-effectiveness of the expansion of renewables. The first step was to replace previous fixed-price schemes with competitive auctions. In a second step, these auctions have become more technology-open. Finally, some governments may phase out any support for renewables and fully expose them to the competitive power market. However, such policy changes may be at odds with the need to rapidly expand renewables and meet national targets due to market characteristics and investors' risk perception. Without support, price risks are higher, and it may be difficult to meet an investor's income expectations. Furthermore, policy changes across different countries could have unexpected effects if power markets are interconnected and investors able to shift their investments. Finally, in multi-technology auctions, technologies may dominate, which can be a risk for long-term power system reliability. Therefore, in my thesis, I explore the effects of phasing out support policies for renewables, of coordinating these phase-outs across countries, and of using multi-technology designs. I expand the public policy literature about investment behaviour and policy design as well as policy change and coordination, and I further develop an agent-based model. The main questions of my thesis are what the cost and deployment effects of gradually exposing renewables to market forces would be and how coordination between countries affects investors' decisions and market prices.. In my three contributions to the academic literature, I use different methods and come to the following results. In the first contribution, I use a conjoint analysis and market simulation to evaluate the effects of phasing out support or reintroducing feed-in tariffs from the perspective of investors. I find that a phase-out leads to investment shifts, either to other still-supported technologies or to other countries that continue to offer support. I conclude that the coordination of policy changes avoids such shifts.. In the second contribution, I integrate the empirically-derived preferences from the first contribution in to an agent-based power system model of two countries to simulate the effects of ending auctions for renewables. I find that this slows the energy transition, and that cross-border effects are relevant. Consequently, continued support is necessary to meet the national renewables targets. In the third contribution, I analyse the outcome of past multi-technology auctions using descriptive statistics, regression analysis as well as case study comparisons. I find that the outcomes are skewed towards single technologies. This cannot be explained by individual design elements of the auctions, but rather results from context-specific and country-specific characteristics. Based on this, I discuss potential implications for long-term power system reliability. The main conclusions of my thesis are that a complete phase-out of renewables support would slow down the energy transition and thus jeopardize climate targets, and that multi-technology auctions may pose a risk for some countries, especially those that cannot regulate an unbalanced power plant portfolio in the long term. If policymakers decide to continue supporting renewables, they may consider adopting technology-specific auctions to better steer their portfolio. In contrast, if policymakers still want to phase out support, they should coordinate these policy changes with other countries. Otherwise, overall transition costs can be higher, because investment decisions shift to still-supported but more expensive technologies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marx2024, author = {Marx, Carolin Valerie}, title = {Escalation of commitment in information systems projects: a cognitive-affective perspective}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62696}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626969}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {174}, year = {2024}, abstract = {While information systems (IS) projects are pivotal in guiding organizational strategies and sustaining competitive advantages, they frequently overrun budgets, extend beyond timelines, and experience high failure rates. This dissertation delves into the psychological micro-foundations of human behavior - specifically cognition and emotion - in relation to a prevalent issue in IS project management: the tendency to persist with failing courses of action, also called escalation of commitment (EoC). Through a mixed-methods research approach, this study investigates the emotional and cognitive bases of decision-making during IS project escalation and its evolution over time. The results of a psychophysiological laboratory experiment provide evidence for the predictions on the role of negative and complex situational integral emotions of Cognitive Dissonance over Coping Theory and add to a better understanding of how escalation tendencies change during sequential decision-making due to cognitive learning effects. Using psychophysiological measures, including data triangulation between electrodermal and cardiovascular activity and AI-based analysis of facial micro-expressions, this research reveals physiological markers of behavioral escalation tendencies. Complementing the experiment, a qualitative analysis using free-form narration during decision-making simulations shows that decision-makers employ varied cognitive reasoning patterns to justify escalating behaviors, suggesting a sequence of four distinct cognitive phases. By integrating both qualitative and quantitative findings, this dissertation offers a comprehensive theoretical framework of how cognition and emotion shape behavioral EoC over time. I propose that escalation is a cyclical adaptation of mental models, distinguished by shifts in cognitive reasoning patterns, temporal cognition mode variations, and interactions with situational emotions and their anticipation. The primary contribution of this dissertation lies in disentangling the emotional and cognitive mechanisms that drive IS project escalation. The findings provide the basis for developing de-escalation strategies, thereby helping to improve decision-making under uncertainty. Stakeholders involved in IS projects that get "off track" should be aware of the tendency to persist with failing courses of action and the importance of the underlying emotional and cognitive dynamics.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MartinezGuajardo2024, author = {Mart{\´i}nez Guajardo, Alejandro}, title = {New zwitterionic polymers for antifouling applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62682}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIX, 145}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The remarkable antifouling properties of zwitterionic polymers in controlled environments are often counteracted by their delicate mechanical stability. In order to improve the mechanical stabilities of zwitterionic hydrogels, the effect of increased crosslinker densities was thus explored. In a first approach, terpolymers of zwitterionic monomer 3-[N -2(methacryloyloxy)ethyl-N,N-dimethyl]ammonio propane-1-sulfonate (SPE), hydrophobic monomer butyl methacrylate (BMA), and photo-crosslinker 2-(4-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl methacrylate (BPEMA) were synthesized. Thin hydrogel coatings of the copolymers were then produced and photo-crosslinked. Studies of the swollen hydrogel films showed that not only the mechanical stability but also, unexpectedly, the antifouling properties were improved by the presence of hydrophobic BMA units in the terpolymers. Based on the positive results shown by the amphiphilic terpolymers and in order to further test the impact that hydrophobicity has on both the antifouling properties of zwitterionic hydrogels and on their mechanical stability, a new amphiphilic zwitterionic methacrylic monomer, 3-((2-(methacryloyloxy)hexyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate (M1), was synthesized in good yields in a multistep synthesis. Homopolymers of M1 were obtained by free-radical polymerization. Similarly, terpolymers of M1, zwitterionic monomer SPE, and photo-crosslinker BPEMA were synthesized by free-radical copolymerization and thoroughly characterized, including its solubilities in selected solvents. Also, a new family of vinyl amide zwitterionic monomomers, namely 3-(dimethyl(2-(N -vinylacetamido)ethyl)ammonio)propane-1-sulfonate (M2), 4-(dimethyl(2-(N-vinylacetamido)ethyl)ammonio)butane-1-sulfonate (M3), and 3-(dimethyl(2-(N-vinylacetamido)ethyl)ammonio)propyl sulfate (M4), together with the new photo-crosslinker 4-benzoyl-N-vinylbenzamide (M5) that is well-suited for copolymerization with vinylamides, are introduced within the scope of the present work. The monomers are synthesized with good yields developing a multistep synthesis. Homopolymers of the new vinyl amide zwitterionic monomers are obtained by free-radical polymerization and thoroughly characterized. From the solubility tests, it is remarkable that the homopolymers produced are fully soluble in water, evidence of their high hydrophilicity. Copolymerization of the vinyl amide zwitterionic monomers, M2, M3, and M4 with the vinyl amide photo-crosslinker M5 proved to require very specific polymerization conditions. Nevertheless, copolymers were successfully obtained by free-radical copolymerization under appropriate conditions. Moreover, in an attempt to mitigate the intrinsic hydrophobicity introduced in the copolymers by the photo-crosslinkers, and based on the proven affinity of quaternized diallylamines to copolymerize with vinyl amides, a new quaternized diallylamine sulfobetaine photo-crosslinker 3-(diallyl(2-(4-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl)ammonio)propane-1-sulfonate (M6) is synthesized. However, despite a priori promising copolymerization suitability, copolymerization with the vinyl amide zwitterionic monomers could not be achieved.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Martin2024, author = {Martin, Katja}, title = {Beerdigen oder verbrennen?}, publisher = {arijeh-verlag}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-944693-04-0}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {398}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @article{Mackert2024, author = {Mackert, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Citizenship}, series = {Politische Soziologie: Handbuch f{\"u}r Wissenschaft und Studium}, journal = {Politische Soziologie: Handbuch f{\"u}r Wissenschaft und Studium}, editor = {Endreß, Martin and Rampp, Benjamin}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-4836-5}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Littmann2024, author = {Littmann, Daniela-Christin}, title = {Large eddy simulations of the Arctic boundary layer around the MOSAiC drift track}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62437}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624374}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 110}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The icosahedral non-hydrostatic large eddy model (ICON-LEM) was applied around the drift track of the Multidisciplinary Observatory Study of the Arctic (MOSAiC) in 2019 and 2020. The model was set up with horizontal grid-scales between 100m and 800m on areas with radii of 17.5km and 140 km. At its lateral boundaries, the model was driven by analysis data from the German Weather Service (DWD), downscaled by ICON in limited area mode (ICON-LAM) with horizontal grid-scale of 3 km. The aim of this thesis was the investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer near the surface in the central Arctic during polar winter with a high-resolution mesoscale model. The default settings in ICON-LEM prevent the model from representing the exchange processes in the Arctic boundary layer in accordance to the MOSAiC observations. The implemented sea-ice scheme in ICON does not include a snow layer on sea-ice, which causes a too slow response of the sea-ice surface temperature to atmospheric changes. To allow the sea-ice surface to respond faster to changes in the atmosphere, the implemented sea-ice parameterization in ICON was extended with an adapted heat capacity term. The adapted sea-ice parameterization resulted in better agreement with the MOSAiC observations. However, the sea-ice surface temperature in the model is generally lower than observed due to biases in the downwelling long-wave radiation and the lack of complex surface structures, like leads. The large eddy resolving turbulence closure yielded a better representation of the lower boundary layer under strongly stable stratification than the non-eddy-resolving turbulence closure. Furthermore, the integration of leads into the sea-ice surface reduced the overestimation of the sensible heat flux for different weather conditions. The results of this work help to better understand boundary layer processes in the central Arctic during the polar night. High-resolving mesoscale simulations are able to represent temporally and spatially small interactions and help to further develop parameterizations also for the application in regional and global models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Limberger2024, author = {Limberger, Daniel}, title = {Concepts and techniques for 3D-embedded treemaps and their application to software visualization}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63201}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-632014}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 118}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis addresses concepts and techniques for interactive visualization of hierarchical data using treemaps. It explores (1) how treemaps can be embedded in 3D space to improve their information content and expressiveness, (2) how the readability of treemaps can be improved using level-of-detail and degree-of-interest techniques, and (3) how to design and implement a software framework for the real-time web-based rendering of treemaps embedded in 3D. With a particular emphasis on their application, use cases from software analytics are taken to test and evaluate the presented concepts and techniques. Concerning the first challenge, this thesis shows that a 3D attribute space offers enhanced possibilities for the visual mapping of data compared to classical 2D treemaps. In particular, embedding in 3D allows for improved implementation of visual variables (e.g., by sketchiness and color weaving), provision of new visual variables (e.g., by physically based materials and in situ templates), and integration of visual metaphors (e.g., by reference surfaces and renderings of natural phenomena) into the three-dimensional representation of treemaps. For the second challenge—the readability of an information visualization—the work shows that the generally higher visual clutter and increased cognitive load typically associated with three-dimensional information representations can be kept low in treemap-based representations of both small and large hierarchical datasets. By introducing an adaptive level-of-detail technique, we cannot only declutter the visualization results, thereby reducing cognitive load and mitigating occlusion problems, but also summarize and highlight relevant data. Furthermore, this approach facilitates automatic labeling, supports the emphasis on data outliers, and allows visual variables to be adjusted via degree-of-interest measures. The third challenge is addressed by developing a real-time rendering framework with WebGL and accumulative multi-frame rendering. The framework removes hardware constraints and graphics API requirements, reduces interaction response times, and simplifies high-quality rendering. At the same time, the implementation effort for a web-based deployment of treemaps is kept reasonable. The presented visualization concepts and techniques are applied and evaluated for use cases in software analysis. In this domain, data about software systems, especially about the state and evolution of the source code, does not have a descriptive appearance or natural geometric mapping, making information visualization a key technology here. In particular, software source code can be visualized with treemap-based approaches because of its inherently hierarchical structure. With treemaps embedded in 3D, we can create interactive software maps that visually map, software metrics, software developer activities, or information about the evolution of software systems alongside their hierarchical module structure. Discussions on remaining challenges and opportunities for future research for 3D-embedded treemaps and their applications conclude the thesis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lilienkamp2024, author = {Lilienkamp, Henning}, title = {Enhanced computational approaches for data-driven characterization of earthquake ground motion and rapid earthquake impact assessment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-631954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 145}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Rapidly growing seismic and macroseismic databases and simplified access to advanced machine learning methods have in recent years opened up vast opportunities to address challenges in engineering and strong motion seismology from novel, datacentric perspectives. In this thesis, I explore the opportunities of such perspectives for the tasks of ground motion modeling and rapid earthquake impact assessment, tasks with major implications for long-term earthquake disaster mitigation. In my first study, I utilize the rich strong motion database from the Kanto basin, Japan, and apply the U-Net artificial neural network architecture to develop a deep learning based ground motion model. The operational prototype provides statistical estimates of expected ground shaking, given descriptions of a specific earthquake source, wave propagation paths, and geophysical site conditions. The U-Net interprets ground motion data in its spatial context, potentially taking into account, for example, the geological properties in the vicinity of observation sites. Predictions of ground motion intensity are thereby calibrated to individual observation sites and earthquake locations. The second study addresses the explicit incorporation of rupture forward directivity into ground motion modeling. Incorporation of this phenomenon, causing strong, pulse like ground shaking in the vicinity of earthquake sources, is usually associated with an intolerable increase in computational demand during probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) calculations. I suggest an approach in which I utilize an artificial neural network to efficiently approximate the average, directivity-related adjustment to ground motion predictions for earthquake ruptures from the 2022 New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. The practical implementation in an actual PSHA calculation demonstrates the efficiency and operational readiness of my model. In a follow-up study, I present a proof of concept for an alternative strategy in which I target the generalizing applicability to ruptures other than those from the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. In the third study, I address the usability of pseudo-intensity reports obtained from macroseismic observations by non-expert citizens for rapid impact assessment. I demonstrate that the statistical properties of pseudo-intensity collections describing the intensity of shaking are correlated with the societal impact of earthquakes. In a second step, I develop a probabilistic model that, within minutes of an event, quantifies the probability of an earthquake to cause considerable societal impact. Under certain conditions, such a quick and preliminary method might be useful to support decision makers in their efforts to organize auxiliary measures for earthquake disaster response while results from more elaborate impact assessment frameworks are not yet available. The application of machine learning methods to datasets that only partially reveal characteristics of Big Data, qualify the majority of results obtained in this thesis as explorative insights rather than ready-to-use solutions to real world problems. The practical usefulness of this work will be better assessed in the future by applying the approaches developed to growing and increasingly complex data sets.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2024, author = {Li, Yunfei}, title = {On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62150}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621504}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 119}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The urban heat island (UHI) effect, describing an elevated temperature of urban areas compared with their natural surroundings, can expose urban dwellers to additional heat stress, especially during hot summer days. A comprehensive understanding of the UHI dynamics along with urbanization is of great importance to efficient heat stress mitigation strategies towards sustainable urban development. This is, however, still challenging due to the difficulties of isolating the influences of various contributing factors that interact with each other. In this work, I present a systematical and quantitative analysis of how urban intrinsic properties (e.g., urban size, density, and morphology) influence UHI intensity. To this end, we innovatively combine urban growth modelling and urban climate simulation to separate the influence of urban intrinsic factors from that of background climate, so as to focus on the impact of urbanization on the UHI effect. The urban climate model can create a laboratory environment which makes it possible to conduct controlled experiments to separate the influences from different driving factors, while the urban growth model provides detailed 3D structures that can be then parameterized into different urban development scenarios tailored for these experiments. The novelty in the methodology and experiment design leads to the following achievements of our work. First, we develop a stochastic gravitational urban growth model that can generate 3D structures varying in size, morphology, compactness, and density gradient. We compare various characteristics, like fractal dimensions (box-counting, area-perimeter scaling, area-population scaling, etc.), and radial gradient profiles of land use share and population density, against those of real-world cities from empirical studies. The model shows the capability of creating 3D structures resembling real-world cities. This model can generate 3D structure samples for controlled experiments to assess the influence of some urban intrinsic properties in question. [Chapter 2] With the generated 3D structures, we run several series of simulations with urban structures varying in properties like size, density and morphology, under the same weather conditions. Analyzing how the 2m air temperature based canopy layer urban heat island (CUHI) intensity varies in response to the changes of the considered urban factors, we find the CUHI intensity of a city is directly related to the built-up density and an amplifying effect that urban sites have on each other. We propose a Gravitational Urban Morphology (GUM) indicator to capture the neighbourhood warming effect. We build a regression model to estimate the CUHI intensity based on urban size, urban gross building volume, and the GUM indicator. Taking the Berlin area as an example, we show the regression model capable of predicting the CUHI intensity under various urban development scenarios. [Chapter 3] Based on the multi-annual average summer surface urban heat island (SUHI) intensity derived from Land surface temperature, we further study how urban intrinsic factors influence the SUHI effect of the 5,000 largest urban clusters in Europe. We find a similar 3D GUM indicator to be an effective predictor of the SUHI intensity of these European cities. Together with other urban factors (vegetation condition, elevation, water coverage), we build different multivariate linear regression models and a climate space based Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model that can better predict SUHI intensity. By investigating the roles background climate factors play in modulating the coefficients of the GWR model, we extend the multivariate linear model to a nonlinear one by integrating some climate parameters, such as the average of daily maximal temperature and latitude. This makes it applicable across a range of background climates. The nonlinear model outperforms linear models in SUHI assessment as it captures the interaction of urban factors and the background climate. [Chapter 4] Our work reiterates the essential roles of urban density and morphology in shaping the urban thermal environment. In contrast to many previous studies that link bigger cities with higher UHI intensity, we show that cities larger in the area do not necessarily experience a stronger UHI effect. In addition, the results extend our knowledge by demonstrating the influence of urban 3D morphology on the UHI effect. This underlines the importance of inspecting cities as a whole from the 3D perspective. While urban 3D morphology is an aggregated feature of small-scale urban elements, the influence it has on the city-scale UHI intensity cannot simply be scaled up from that of its neighbourhood-scale components. The spatial composition and configuration of urban elements both need to be captured when quantifying urban 3D morphology as nearby neighbourhoods also cast influences on each other. Our model serves as a useful UHI assessment tool for the quantitative comparison of urban intervention/development scenarios. It can support harnessing the capacity of UHI mitigation through optimizing urban morphology, with the potential of integrating climate change into heat mitigation strategies.}, language = {en} } @book{Lettl2024, author = {Lettl, Tobias}, title = {Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz}, series = {Grundrisse des Rechts}, journal = {Grundrisse des Rechts}, edition = {2}, publisher = {C.H. Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-81740-3}, pages = {XVI, 315}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz ist mit seinen Bestandteilen Patentrecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, Designrecht und Markenrecht ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Schwerpunktbereiche zum Wirtschaftsrecht und Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz. Die Materie ist eng mit den Problemen der Informationsgesellschaft verkn{\"u}pft und unterliegt gegenw{\"a}rtig einigen {\"A}nderungen. Der Grundriss stellt das Rechtsgebiet kompakt und hochaktuell dar. Insbesondere sind neueste Entscheidungen aus der Rechtsprechung eingearbeitet. Das Werk stellt in erster Linie die deutsche Rechtslage, stets unter Einbeziehung der Vorgaben des Rechts der Europ{\"a}ischen Union dar. Der Grundriss orientiert sich an der Struktur der Gesetze und konzentriert sich auf das f{\"u}r Ausbildung und Pr{\"u}fung Relevante. Schwerpunkte bildet dabei das f{\"u}r Pr{\"u}fungsarbeiten wie Klausuren und Hausarbeiten regelm{\"a}ßig so wichtige materielle Recht. F{\"u}r das Patentrecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, Designrecht und Markenrecht sind jeweils dargestellt :Schutzrechtsgegenstand Schutzrechtsinhaber Formelle Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r die Entstehung des Schutzrechts Schutzrechtsumfang Schutzrechtsdauer Verkehrsf{\"a}higkeit des Schutzrechts Rechtsfolgen bei Schutzrechtsverletzung. Die Materie wird anschaulich und mit vielen Beispielen, F{\"a}llen und Grafiken dargestellt.Vorteile auf einen Blickkompakte Darstellung des geltenden Rechts vom Autor des Wettbewerbsrechts, Kartellrechts und Urheberrechts in der Grundriss-Reihe zahlreiche Beispiele, F{\"a}lle und {\"U}bersichten zur Veranschaulichung. Mit der 2. Auflage wird das Werk auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Insbesondere sind das Zweite Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Modernisierung des Patentrechts (2. PatMoG), das Gesetz zur Anpassung patentrechtlicher Vorschriften auf Grund der europ{\"a}ischen Patentreform, das Verbandsklagenrichtlinienumsetzungsgesetz und das Gesetz zur St{\"a}rkung des fairen Wettbewerbs ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Eingearbeitet sind außerdem die Grundlagenentscheidungen EuGH WRP 2020, 438 - Constantin Film Produktion/EUIPO ("Fack Ju G{\"o}the"), EuGH WRP 2020, 707 - Coty Germany/Amazon Services Europe u.a., EuGH WRP 2020, 707 - G{\"o}mb{\"o}c Kutat{\´o}, Szolg{\´a}to {\´e}s Kreskedelmi/Szellemi Tuljadon Nemzeti Hivatala, EuGH WRP 2020, 1007 - mk adovkaten/MBK Rechtsanw{\"a}lte, BGH GRUR 2019, 496 - Spannungsversorgungsvorrichtung, BGH WRP 2019, 1311 - Ortlieb II, BGH WRP 2020, 1311 - Quadratische Tafelschokoladenverpackung, BGH GRUR 2022, 893 - Aminos{\"a}ureproduktion.}, language = {de} } @book{Lettl2024, author = {Lettl, Tobias}, title = {Urheberrecht}, series = {Grundrisse des Rechts}, journal = {Grundrisse des Rechts}, edition = {5., neu bearbeitete Auflage}, publisher = {C.H. Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-81757-1}, pages = {XVIII, 444}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Urheberrecht ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Wahlf{\"a}cher Wirtschaftsrecht und Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz. Gegenstand des Rechtsgebiets sind die Rechte an Werken der Literatur, Wissenschaft und Kunst. Die Materie ist eng mit den Problemen der Informationsgesellschaft verkn{\"u}pft und unterliegt gegenw{\"a}rtig zahlreichen {\"A}nderungen.Der Grundriss stellt das Rechtsgebiet kompakt und hochaktuell dar. Insbesondere sind neueste Entscheidungen aus der Rechtsprechung eingearbeitet.Das Werk stellt nicht nur das Urheberrecht im eigentlichen Sinne, sondern auch Teile des Kunsturhebergesetzes, insbesondere das Recht am eigenen Bild, eingehend dar.Der Grundriss orientiert sich an der Struktur des Gesetzes und konzentriert sich auf das f{\"u}r Ausbildung und Pr{\"u}fung Relevante. Schwerpunkte bilden dabei: Werkbegriff {\"U}bertragung von Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrechten Rechtsfolgen von Urheberrechtsverletzungen Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz (UrhDaG) Recht am eigenen Bild nach 22, 23 Kunst UrhG. Die Materie wird anschaulich und mit vielen Beispielen, Schemata und Grafiken dargestellt.Vorteile auf einen Blickkompakte Darstellung des geltenden Rechts vom Autor des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, Lauterkeitsrechts, Kartellrechts und Urheberrechts jeweils in der Grundriss-Reihe zahlreiche Beispiele und {\"U}bersichten zur Veranschaulichung. Mit der 5. Auflage wird das Werk auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.Insbesondere sind das Gesetz zur Anpassung des Urheberrechts an die Erfordernisse des digitalen Binnenmarktes, das Gesetz zur St{\"a}rkung des fairen Wettbewerbs sowie zahlreiche neue Grundlagenentscheidungen des BGH zum Verzicht auf das Namensnennungsrecht nach 13 S. 2 UrhG (WRP 2023, 1469 - Microstock-Portal), zur Haftung von Plattformen (WRP 2022, 1106 - YouTube II u. 1120 - up-loaded II), zur freien Benutzung (WRP 2022, 729 - Porsche 911) und zum Bildnisschutz (GRUR 2021, 1222 - Die Auserw{\"a}hlten; WRP 2022, 601 - Tina Turner) eingearbeitet.}, language = {de} } @article{LazaridesGniewosz2024, author = {Lazarides, Rebecca and Gniewosz, Burkhard}, title = {Modelling develpoment and change of motivational beliefs}, series = {Motivation and emotion in learning and teaching across educational contexts : theoretical and methodological perspectives and empirical insights}, journal = {Motivation and emotion in learning and teaching across educational contexts : theoretical and methodological perspectives and empirical insights}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-1-032-30109-9}, doi = {10.4324/9781003303473-15}, pages = {197 -- 212}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This chapter provides an overview of methods to capture developments and changes in motivational beliefs. Motivational research has recently begun to venture beyond just examining average developmental trends in motivational variables by starting to investigate how developmental changes in motivational variables differ between and within individuals in different learning situations and across contexts. Although studies have started to uncover differences in motivational changes, a systematic overview of suitable methods for capturing motivational differences in developmental processes is still missing. In this chapter, we review key methods of change modelling, bringing together variable-centred approaches, such as growth modelling and true intraindividual change (TIC) models, and person-centred approaches, such as latent transition and growth mixture models. We illustrate the value of the reviewed statistical methods for the analysis of context-specific motivational changes by reviewing recent empirical studies that identify different patterns and trajectories of such motivational beliefs across time. Our focus is thereby on research grounded in situated expectancy-value theory as a core theory in motivational research.}, language = {en} } @book{Laloe2024, author = {Lalo{\"e}, Franck}, title = {Grundlagen kontinuierlicher Symmetrien}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {978-3-527-41415-4}, pages = {xii, 538}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das neue Buch von Franck Lalo{\"e} stellt einen symmetriebasierten Ansatz vor, um die Quantenmechanik auf einer fundamentalen Ebene zu verstehen, und liefert die dazugeh{\"o}rigen Rechentechniken, um fortgeschrittene Kurse {\"u}ber Kernphysik, Quantenoptik und Festk{\"o}rperphysik zu meistern.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koehler2024, author = {K{\"o}hler, Wolfgang}, title = {Challenges of efficient and compliant data processing}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62784}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-627843}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {195}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung ver{\"a}ndert die Gesellschaft und hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf Menschen und Unternehmen. Grundlegend f{\"u}r diese Ver{\"a}nderungen sind die neuen technologischen M{\"o}glichkeiten, Daten in immer gr{\"o}ßerem Umfang und f{\"u}r vielf{\"a}ltige neue Zwecke zu verarbeiten. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist dabei die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit großer und qualitativ hochwertiger Datens{\"a}tze, insbesondere auf Basis personenbezogener Daten. Sie werden entweder zur Verbesserung der Produktivit{\"a}t, Qualit{\"a}t und Individualit{\"a}t von Produkten und Dienstleistungen oder gar zur Entwicklung neuartiger Dienstleistungen verwendet. Heute wird das Nutzerverhalten, trotz weltweit steigender gesetzlicher Anforderungen an den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, aktiver und umfassender verfolgt als je zuvor. Dies wirft vermehrt ethische, moralische und gesellschaftliche Fragen auf, die nicht zuletzt durch popul{\"a}re F{\"a}lle des Datenmissbrauchs in den Vordergrund der politischen Debatte ger{\"u}ckt sind. Angesichts dieses Diskurses und der gesetzlichen Anforderungen muss heutiges Datenmanagement drei Bedingungen erf{\"u}llen: Erstens die Legalit{\"a}t bzw. Gesetzeskonformit{\"a}t der Nutzung, zweitens die ethische Legitimit{\"a}t. Drittens sollte die Datennutzung aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht wertsch{\"o}pfend sein. Im Rahmen dieser Bedingungen verfolgt die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation vier Forschungsziele mit dem Fokus, ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis (1) der Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung von Gesetzen zum Schutz von Privatsph{\"a}re, (2) der Faktoren, die die Bereitschaft der Kunden zur Weitergabe pers{\"o}nlicher Daten beeinflussen, (3) der Rolle des Datenschutzes f{\"u}r das digitale Unternehmertum und (4) der interdisziplin{\"a}ren wissenschaftlichen Bedeutung, deren Entwicklung und Zusammenh{\"a}nge zu erlangen.}, language = {en} } @article{Krochmalnik2024, author = {Krochmalnik, Daniel}, title = {Kaschrut}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {91 -- 104}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @article{Kosman2024, author = {Kosman, Admiʾel}, title = {?של מי הנקמה}, series = {אלכסון}, journal = {אלכסון}, year = {2024}, language = {mul} } @book{KollodzeiskiHafnerLippertetal.2024, author = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist and Lippert, Rachel N. and Bartelmeß, Tina and Schweigert, Florian J. and Bigalke, Bernadett and Krochmalnik, Daniel and Sanc{\i}, Kadir and Kardas, Arhan and Dietzel, Irene and Yilmaz, R{\"u}meysa and Olhoeft, Netanel and Struß, Lukas}, title = {Du sollst nicht essen}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Zwar sind Menschen biologisch gesehen Allesesser, dennoch gibt es keine Gemeinschaft, die alle ihr zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Nahrungsmittel voll aussch{\"o}pft. Immer wird etwas nicht gegessen. Warum wir nicht essen, was wir nicht essen - das beleuchtet dieser Sammelband aus neuro-, ern{\"a}hrungs-, gesellschafts- und religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Ein „religi{\"o}ser Nutriscore" gibt Auskunft {\"u}ber die wichtigsten Verzichtsregeln in Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Eine Fotostrecke veranschaulicht, wie bestimmte Speisen zu Festen und Feiertagen zu einem heiligen Essen werden. Nicht zuletzt werden Wege aufgezeigt, wie Menschen, die verschiedene Speiseregeln befolgen, dennoch zusammen essen k{\"o}nnen - inklusive Praxistest in der Unimensa.}, language = {de} } @misc{KollodzeiskiHafnerLippertetal.2024, author = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist and Lippert, Rachel N. and Bartelmeß, Tina and Schweigert, Florian J. and Bigalke, Bernadett and Krochmalnik, Daniel and Sanc{\i}, Kadir and Kardas, Arhan and Dietzel, Irene and Yilmaz, R{\"u}meysa and Olhoeft, Netanel and Struß, Lukas}, title = {Du sollst nicht essen}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, number = {191}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, issn = {1866-8380}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62754}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-627542}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Zwar sind Menschen biologisch gesehen Allesesser, dennoch gibt es keine Gemeinschaft, die alle ihr zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Nahrungsmittel voll aussch{\"o}pft. Immer wird etwas nicht gegessen. Warum wir nicht essen, was wir nicht essen - das beleuchtet dieser Sammelband aus neuro-, ern{\"a}hrungs-, gesellschafts- und religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Ein „religi{\"o}ser Nutriscore" gibt Auskunft {\"u}ber die wichtigsten Verzichtsregeln in Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Eine Fotostrecke veranschaulicht, wie bestimmte Speisen zu Festen und Feiertagen zu einem heiligen Essen werden. Nicht zuletzt werden Wege aufgezeigt, wie Menschen, die verschiedene Speiseregeln befolgen, dennoch zusammen essen k{\"o}nnen - inklusive Praxistest in der Unimensa.}, language = {de} } @article{Kollodzeiski2024, author = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike}, title = {„Keine Seele von euch soll Blut essen!" (Lev 17,12)}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {77 -- 89}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kiss2024, author = {Kiss, Andrea}, title = {Moss-associated bacterial and archaeal communities of northern peatlands: key taxa, environmental drivers and potential functions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630641}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XX, 139, liv}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Moss-microbe associations are often characterised by syntrophic interactions between the microorganisms and their hosts, but the structure of the microbial consortia and their role in peatland development remain unknown. In order to study microbial communities of dominant peatland mosses, Sphagnum and brown mosses, and the respective environmental drivers, four study sites representing different successional stages of natural northern peatlands were chosen on a large geographical scale: two brown moss-dominated, circumneutral peatlands from the Arctic and two Sphagnum-dominated, acidic peat bogs from subarctic and temperate zones. The family Acetobacteraceae represented the dominant bacterial taxon of Sphagnum mosses from various geographical origins and displayed an integral part of the moss core community. This core community was shared among all investigated bryophytes and consisted of few but highly abundant prokaryotes, of which many appear as endophytes of Sphagnum mosses. Moreover, brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses represent habitats for archaea which were not studied in association with peatland mosses so far. Euryarchaeota that are capable of methane production (methanogens) displayed the majority of the moss-associated archaeal communities. Moss-associated methanogenesis was detected for the first time, but it was mostly negligible under laboratory conditions. Contrarily, substantial moss-associated methane oxidation was measured on both, brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses, supporting that methanotrophic bacteria as part of the moss microbiome may contribute to the reduction of methane emissions from pristine and rewetted peatlands of the northern hemisphere. Among the investigated abiotic and biotic environmental parameters, the peatland type and the host moss taxon were identified to have a major impact on the structure of moss-associated bacterial communities, contrarily to archaeal communities whose structures were similar among the investigated bryophytes. For the first time it was shown that different bog development stages harbour distinct bacterial communities, while at the same time a small core community is shared among all investigated bryophytes independent of geography and peatland type. The present thesis displays the first large-scale, systematic assessment of bacterial and archaeal communities associated both with brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses. It suggests that some host-specific moss taxa have the potential to play a key role in host moss establishment and peatland development.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Khurana2024, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Die Unheimlichkeit des Gew{\"o}hnlichen}, series = {Trouble Every Day : Zum Schrecken des Allt{\"a}glichen}, booktitle = {Trouble Every Day : Zum Schrecken des Allt{\"a}glichen}, publisher = {Brill Fink}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-8467-6721-4}, doi = {10.30965/9783846767214_006}, pages = {91 -- 105}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ketzer2024, author = {Ketzer, Laura}, title = {The impact of stellar activity evolution on atmospheric mass loss of young exoplanets}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62681}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626819}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 208}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The increasing number of known exoplanets raises questions about their demographics and the mechanisms that shape planets into how we observe them today. Young planets in close-in orbits are exposed to harsh environments due to the host star being magnetically highly active, which results in high X-ray and extreme UV fluxes impinging on the planet. Prolonged exposure to this intense photoionizing radiation can cause planetary atmospheres to heat up, expand and escape into space via a hydrodynamic escape process known as photoevaporation. For super-Earth and sub-Neptune-type planets, this can even lead to the complete erosion of their primordial gaseous atmospheres. A factor of interest for this particular mass-loss process is the activity evolution of the host star. Stellar rotation, which drives the dynamo and with it the magnetic activity of a star, changes significantly over the stellar lifetime. This strongly affects the amount of high-energy radiation received by a planet as stars age. At a young age, planets still host warm and extended envelopes, making them particularly susceptible to atmospheric evaporation. Especially in the first gigayear, when X-ray and UV levels can be 100 - 10,000 times higher than for the present-day sun, the characteristics of the host star and the detailed evolution of its high-energy emission are of importance. In this thesis, I study the impact of stellar activity evolution on the high-energy-induced atmospheric mass loss of young exoplanets. The PLATYPOS code was developed as part of this thesis to calculate photoevaporative mass-loss rates over time. The code, which couples parameterized planetary mass-radius relations with an analytical hydrodynamic escape model, was used, together with Chandra and eROSITA X-ray observations, to investigate the future mass loss of the two young multiplanet systems V1298 Tau and K2-198. Further, in a numerical ensemble study, the effect of a realistic spread of activity tracks on the small-planet radius gap was investigated for the first time. The works in this thesis show that for individual systems, in particular if planetary masses are unconstrained, the difference between a young host star following a low-activity track vs. a high-activity one can have major implications: the exact shape of the activity evolution can determine whether a planet can hold on to some of its atmosphere, or completely loses its envelope, leaving only the bare rocky core behind. For an ensemble of simulated planets, an observationally-motivated distribution of activity tracks does not substantially change the final radius distribution at ages of several gigayears. My simulations indicate that the overall shape and slope of the resulting small-planet radius gap is not significantly affected by the spread in stellar activity tracks. However, it can account for a certain scattering or fuzziness observed in and around the radius gap of the observed exoplanet population.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kersting2024, author = {Kersting, Katerina}, title = {Development of a CRISPR/Cas gene editing technique for the coccolithophore Chrysotila carterae}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {137}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaneza2024, author = {Kaneza, Elisabeth}, title = {Rassische Diskriminierung in Deutschland}, series = {Schriften des MenschenRechtsZentrums der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, volume = {49}, journal = {Schriften des MenschenRechtsZentrums der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-7560-1461-3}, doi = {10.5771/9783748919988}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {417}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie historisch und rechtlich eine Ungleichheit zwischen Schwarzen und Weißen in Deutschland gewachsen ist und geht der Frage nach, welche Anforderungen das Verfassungsrecht, die Rechtspraxis und die Politik erf{\"u}llen m{\"u}ssen, um sie auszugleichen. Eingangs wird die Entwicklung des Verbots der rassischen Diskriminierung im internationalen und nationalen Recht dargelegt. Folglich zeichnet die Verfasserin die Diskriminierungsgeschichte von Schwarzen Menschen nach. Zur {\"U}berwindung der nach wie vor bestehenden strukturellen Diskriminierung schl{\"a}gt sie ein positives Recht vor, das sich auf Menschenrechtsstandards und L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tzen aus Rechtsvergleichen st{\"u}tzt und die Gleichberechtigung von Schwarzen Menschen bewirken soll.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jaentsch2024, author = {J{\"a}ntsch, Christian}, title = {Lehrerinnen und Lehrer auf dem Weg zur Inklusion}, publisher = {Julius Klinkhardt}, address = {Bad Heilbrunn}, isbn = {978-3-7815-6095-6}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {189}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @misc{Jass2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Jaß, Franz Ivan}, title = {Silent leges inter arma. Von der Tat bis zur Verurteilung}, series = {Copia - Potsdamer Anregungen f{\"u}r den Lateinunterricht}, journal = {Copia - Potsdamer Anregungen f{\"u}r den Lateinunterricht}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-6621}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62262}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-622627}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {48, 19}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der Fall des T. Annius Milo bietet f{\"u}r den Lateinunterricht großes didaktisches Potenzial. Denn an seinem Beispiel kann die Lekt{\"u}re eines lateinischen Textes hervorragend mit realienkundlichen Aspekten verkn{\"u}pft und es k{\"o}nnen plausible Bez{\"u}ge zur Gegenwart hergestellt werden. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit zeigt, welch reiches Themenspektrum in Ciceros Rede Pro Milone steckt. Dazu z{\"a}hlen der historische Kontext des Falls, der Tatbestand des Mordes und der Ablauf des damaligen Gerichtsverfahrens. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird das r{\"o}mische Recht mit dem heutzutage in Deutschland geltenden Strafrecht verglichen. Und zu guter Letzt wird hier die Glaubw{\"u}rdigkeit verschiedener schriftlicher Zeugnisse gepr{\"u}ft, insbesondere die Frage, ob die {\"u}berlieferte Rede das einstige Prozessgeschehen in authentischer Weise widerspiegelt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hussein2024, author = {Hussein, Mahmoud}, title = {Solvent engineering for highly-efficiency lead-free perovskite solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63037}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {137}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Global warming, driven primarily by the excessive emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, has led to severe and detrimental environmental impacts. Rising global temperatures have triggered a cascade of adverse effects, including melting glaciers and polar ice caps, more frequent and intense heat waves disrupted weather patterns, and the acidification of oceans. These changes adversely affect ecosystems, biodiversity, and human societies, threatening food security, water availability, and livelihoods. One promising solution to mitigate the harmful effects of global warming is the widespread adoption of solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells. Solar cells harness sunlight to generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants. By replacing fossil fuel-based energy sources, solar cells can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, a significant contributor to global warming. This transition to clean, renewable energy can help curb the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, thereby slowing down the rate of global temperature rise. Solar energy's positive impact extends beyond emission reduction. As solar panels become more efficient and affordable, they empower individuals, communities, and even entire nations to generate electricity and become less dependent on fossil fuels. This decentralized energy generation can enhance resilience in the face of climate-related challenges. Moreover, implementing solar cells creates green jobs and stimulates technological innovation, further promoting sustainable economic growth. As solar technology advances, its integration with energy storage systems and smart grids can ensure a stable and reliable energy supply, reducing the need for backup fossil fuel power plants that exacerbate environmental degradation. The market-dominant solar cell technology is silicon-based, highly matured technology with a highly systematic production procedure. However, it suffers from several drawbacks, such as: 1) Cost: still relatively high due to high energy consumption due to the need to melt and purify silicon, and the use of silver as an electrode, which hinders their widespread availability, especially in low-income countries. 2) Efficiency: theoretically, it should deliver around 29\%; however, the efficiency of most of the commercially available silicon-based solar cells ranges from 18 - 22\%. 3) Temperature sensitivity: The efficiency decreases with the increase in the temperature, affecting their output. 4) Resource constraints: silicon as a raw material is unavailable in all countries, creating supply chain challenges. Perovskite solar cells arose in 2011 and matured very rapidly in the last decade as a highly efficient and versatile solar cell technology. With an efficiency of 26\%, high absorption coefficients, solution processability, and tunable band gap, it attracted the attention of the solar cells community. It represented a hope for cheap, efficient, and easily processable next-generation solar cells. However, lead toxicity might be the block stone hindering perovskite solar cells' market reach. Lead is a heavy and bioavailable element that makes perovskite solar cells environmentally unfriendly technology. As a result, scientists try to replace lead with a more environmentally friendly element. Among several possible alternatives, tin was the most suitable element due to its electronic and atomic structure similarity to lead. Tin perovskites were developed to alleviate the challenge of lead toxicity. Theoretically, it shows very high absorption coefficients, an optimum band gap of 1.35 eV for FASnI3, and a very high short circuit current, which nominates it to deliver the highest possible efficiency of a single junction solar cell, which is around 30.1\% according to Schockly-Quisser limit. However, tin perovskites' efficiency still lags below 15\% and is irreproducible, especially from lab to lab. This humble performance could be attributed to three reasons: 1) Tin (II) oxidation to tin (IV), which would happen due to oxygen, water, or even by the effect of the solvent, as was discovered recently. 2) fast crystallization dynamics, which occurs due to the lateral exposure of the P-orbitals of the tin atom, which enhances its reactivity and increases the crystallization pace. 3) Energy band misalignment: The energy bands at the interfaces between the perovskite absorber material and the charge selective layers are not aligned, leading to high interfacial charge recombination, which devastates the photovoltaic performance. To solve these issues, we implemented several techniques and approaches that enhanced the efficiency of tin halide perovskites, providing new chemically safe solvents and antisolvents. In addition, we studied the energy band alignment between the charge transport layers and the tin perovskite absorber. Recent research has shown that the principal source of tin oxidation is the solvent known as dimethylsulfoxide, which also happens to be one of the most effective solvents for processing perovskite. The search for a stable solvent might prove to be the factor that makes all the difference in the stability of tin-based perovskites. We started with a database of over 2,000 solvents and narrowed it down to a series of 12 new solvents that are suitable for processing FASnI3 experimentally. This was accomplished by looking into 1) the solubility of the precursor chemicals FAI and SnI2, 2) the thermal stability of the precursor solution, and 3) the potential to form perovskite. Finally, we show that it is possible to manufacture solar cells using a novel solvent system that outperforms those produced using DMSO. The results of our research give some suggestions that may be used in the search for novel solvents or mixes of solvents that can be used to manufacture stable tin-based perovskites. Due to the quick crystallization of tin, it is more difficult to deposit tin-based perovskite films from a solution than manufacturing lead-based perovskite films since lead perovskite is more often utilized. The most efficient way to get high efficiencies is to deposit perovskite from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which slows down the quick construction of the tin-iodine network that is responsible for perovskite synthesis. This is the most successful approach for achieving high efficiencies. Dimethyl sulfoxide, which is used in the processing, is responsible for the oxidation of tin, which is a disadvantage of this method. This research presents a potentially fruitful alternative in which 4-(tert-butyl) pyridine can substitute dimethyl sulfoxide in the process of regulating crystallization without causing tin oxidation to take place. Perovskite films that have been formed from pyridine have been shown to have a much-reduced defect density. This has resulted in increased charge mobility and better photovoltaic performance, making pyridine a desirable alternative for use in the deposition of tin perovskite films. The precise control of perovskite precursor crystallization inside a thin film is of utmost importance for optimizing the efficiency and manufacturing of solar cells. The deposition process of tin-based perovskite films from a solution presents difficulties due to the quick crystallization of tin compared to the more often employed lead perovskite. The optimal approach for attaining elevated efficiencies entails using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a medium for depositing perovskite. This choice of solvent impedes the tin-iodine network's fast aggregation, which plays a crucial role in the production of perovskite. Nevertheless, this methodology is limited since the utilization of dimethyl sulfoxide leads to the oxidation of tin throughout the processing stage. In this thesis, we present a potentially advantageous alternative approach wherein 4-(tert-butyl) pyridine is proposed as a substitute for dimethyl sulfoxide in regulating crystallization processes while avoiding the undesired consequence of tin oxidation. Films of perovskite formed using pyridine as a solvent have a notably reduced density of defects, resulting in higher mobility of charges and improved performance in solar applications. Consequently, the utilization of pyridine for the deposition of tin perovskite films is considered advantageous. Tin perovskites are suffering from an apparent energy band misalignment. However, the band diagrams published in the current body of research display contradictions, resulting in a dearth of unanimity. Moreover, comprehensive information about the dynamics connected with charge extraction is lacking. This thesis aims to ascertain the energy band locations of tin perovskites by employing the kelvin probe and Photoelectron yield spectroscopy methods. This thesis aims to construct a precise band diagram for the often-utilized device stack. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis is performed to assess the energy deficits inherent in the current energetic structure of tin halide perovskites. In addition, we investigate the influence of BCP on the improvement of electron extraction in C60/BCP systems, with a specific emphasis on the energy factors involved. Furthermore, transient surface photovoltage was utilized to investigate the charge extraction kinetics of frequently studied charge transport layers, such as NiOx and PEDOT as hole transport layers and C60, ICBA, and PCBM as electron transport layers. The Hall effect, KP, and TRPL approaches accurately ascertain the p-doping concentration in FASnI3. The results consistently demonstrated a value of 1.5 * 1017 cm-3. Our research findings highlight the imperative nature of autonomously constructing the charge extraction layers for tin halide perovskites, apart from those used for lead perovskites. The crystallization of perovskite precursors relies mainly on the utilization of two solvents. The first one dissolves the perovskite powder to form the precursor solution, usually called the solvent. The second one precipitates the perovskite precursor, forming the wet film, which is a supersaturated solution of perovskite precursor and in the remains of the solvent and the antisolvent. Later, this wet film crystallizes upon annealing into a full perovskite crystallized film. In our research context, we proposed new solvents to dissolve FASnI3, but when we tried to form a film, most of them did not crystallize. This is attributed to the high coordination strength between the metal halide and the solvent molecules, which is unbreakable by the traditionally used antisolvents such as Toluene and Chlorobenzene. To solve this issue, we introduce a high-throughput antisolvent screening in which we screened around 73 selected antisolvents against 15 solvents that can form a 1M FASnI3 solution. We used for the first time in tin perovskites machine learning algorithm to understand and predict the effect of an antisolvent on the crystallization of a precursor solution in a particular solvent. We relied on film darkness as a primary criterion to judge the efficacy of a solvent-antisolvent pair. We found that the relative polarity between solvent and antisolvent is the primary factor that affects the solvent-antisolvent interaction. Based on our findings, we prepared several high-quality tin perovskite films free from DMSO and achieved an efficiency of 9\%, which is the highest DMSO tin perovskite device so far.}, language = {en} } @article{HomolkaPryba2024, author = {Homolka, Walter and Pryba, Andrzej}, title = {Preparations for Marriage in the Jewish and Catholic Traditions}, series = {Religions}, volume = {15}, journal = {Religions}, number = {62}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2077-1444}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15010062}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In many churches nowadays, there has been a standardized approach to premarital counseling for couples involving social, pastoral, and psychological perspectives. In contrast, many rabbis and other Jewish officials still concentrate on legal aspects alone. The need for resolving important issues on the verge of wedlock is too often left to secular experts in law, psychology, or counseling. However, in recent years, this lack of formal training for marriage preparation has also been acknowledged by the Jewish clergy in order to incorporate it in the preparatory period before the bond is tied. This case study focuses on Jewish and Roman Catholic conceptions of marriage, past and present. We intend to do a comparative analysis of the prerequisites of religious marriage based on the assumption that both Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church have a distinct legal framework to assess marriage preparation.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{HippLeumannSchober2024, author = {Hipp, Lena and Leumann, Sandra and Schober, Pia S.}, title = {Partnership penalties for working in gender-atypical occupations?}, doi = {10.31235/osf.io/ydurp}, pages = {35}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Does working in a gender-atypical occupation reduce individuals' likelihood of finding a different-sex romantic partner, and do such occupational partnership penalties contribute to occupational gender segregation? To answer this question, we theorized partnership penalties for working in gender-atypical occupations by drawing on insights from evolutionary psychology, social constructivism, and rational choice theory and exploited the stability of occupational pathways in Germany. In Study 1, we analyzed observational data from a national probability sample (N= 1,634,944) to assess whether individuals in gender-atypical occupations were less likely to be partnered than individuals who worked in gender typical occupations. To assess whether the observed partnership gaps found in Study 1 were causally related to the gender typicality of men's and women's occupations, we conducted a field experiment on a dating app (N = 6,778). Because the findings from Study 2 suggested that young women and men indeed experienced penalties for working in a gender-atypical occupation (at least when they were not highly attractive), we employed a choice-experimental design in Study 3 (N = 1,250) to assess whether women and men were aware of occupational partnership penalties and showed that anticipating occupational partnership penalties may keep young and highly educated women from working in gender-atypical occupations. Our main conclusion therefore is that that observed penalties and their anticipation seem to be driven by unconscious rather than conscious processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Henning2024, author = {Henning, Thorsten}, title = {Cross-sectional associations of dietary biomarker patterns with health and nutritional status}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {111}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hegener2024, author = {Hegener, Wolfgang}, title = {In the beginning was the scripture}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61882}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {406}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Sigmund Freud, der Begr{\"u}nder der Psychoanalyse, hat sein intellektuelles Leben mit der J{\"u}dischen Bibel begonnen und es zugleich mit ihr auch beendet. Am Anfang stand die gemeinsame Lekt{\"u}re in der Philippson-Bibel vor allem mit seinem Vater Jacob Freud und am Ende seine Besch{\"a}ftigung mit der Figur des Mose. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht den Spuren dieser Besch{\"a}ftigung systematisch nach und zeigt, dass die J{\"u}dische Bibel f{\"u}r Freud ein konstanter Bezug war und seine j{\"u}dische Identit{\"a}t bestimmt hat. Dies wird anhand der Analyse von Familiendokumenten, des Religionsunterrichts sowie der Bezugnahme auf die Bibel in Freuds Schriften und Korrespondenzen gezeigt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2024, author = {Hartmann, Anne}, title = {Tracing the evolution of hillslope structure and hillslope hydrological response over ten millennia in two glacial forefields of different geology}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62862}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVIII, 138, XLIV}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Assessing the impact of global change on hydrological systems is one of the greatest hydrological challenges of our time. Changes in land cover, land use, and climate have an impact on water quantity, quality, and temporal availability. There is a widespread consensus that, given the far-reaching effects of global change, hydrological systems can no longer be viewed as static in their structure; instead, they must be regarded as entire ecosystems, wherein hydrological processes interact and coevolve with biological, geomorphological, and pedological processes. To accurately predict the hydrological response under the impact of global change, it is essential to understand this complex coevolution. The knowledge of how hydrological processes, in particular the formation of subsurface (preferential) flow paths, evolve within this coevolution and how they feed back to the other processes is still very limited due to a lack of observational data. At the hillslope scale, this intertwined system of interactions is known as the hillslope feedback cycle. This thesis aims to enhance our understanding of the hillslope feedback cycle by studying the coevolution of hillslope structure and hillslope hydrological response. Using chronosequences of moraines in two glacial forefields developed from siliceous and calcareous glacial till, the four studies shed light on the complex coevolution of hydrological, biological, and structural hillslope properties, as well as subsurface hydrological flow paths over an evolutionary period of 10 millennia in these two contrasting geologies. The findings indicate that the contrasting properties of siliceous and calcareous parent materials lead to variations in soil structure, permeability, and water storage. As a result, different plant species and vegetation types are favored on siliceous versus calcareous parent material, leading to diverse ecosystems with distinct hydrological dynamics. The siliceous parent material was found to show a higher activity level in driving the coevolution. The soil pH resulting from parent material weathering emerges as a crucial factor, influencing vegetation development, soil formation, and consequently, hydrology. The acidic weathering of the siliceous parent material favored the accumulation of organic matter, increasing the soils' water storage capacity and attracting acid-loving shrubs, which further promoted organic matter accumulation and ultimately led to podsolization after 10 000 years. Tracer experiments revealed that the subsurface flow path evolution was influenced by soil and vegetation development, and vice versa. Subsurface flow paths changed from vertical, heterogeneous matrix flow to finger-like flow paths over a few hundred years, evolving into macropore flow, water storage, and lateral subsurface flow after several thousand years. The changes in flow paths among younger age classes were driven by weathering processes altering soil structure, as well as by vegetation development and root activity. In the older age class, the transition to more water storage and lateral flow was attributed to substantial organic matter accumulation and ongoing podsolization. The rapid vertical water transport in the finger-like flow paths, along with the conductive sandy material, contributed to podsolization and thus to the shift in the hillslope hydrological response. In contrast, the calcareous site possesses a high pH buffering capacity, creating a neutral to basic environment with relatively low accumulation of dead organic matter, resulting in a lower water storage capacity and the establishment of predominantly grass vegetation. The coevolution was found to be less dynamic over the millennia. Similar to the siliceous site, significant changes in subsurface flow paths occurred between the young age classes. However, unlike the siliceous site, the subsurface flow paths at the calcareous site only altered in shape and not in direction. Tracer experiments showed that flow paths changed from vertical, heterogeneous matrix flow to vertical, finger-like flow paths after a few hundred to thousands of years, which was driven by root activities and weathering processes. Despite having a finer soil texture, water storage at the calcareous site was significantly lower than at the siliceous site, and water transport remained primarily rapid and vertical, contributing to the flourishing of grass vegetation. The studies elucidated that changes in flow paths are predominantly shaped by the characteristics of the parent material and its weathering products, along with their complex interactions with initial water flow paths and vegetation development. Time, on the other hand, was not found to be a primary factor in describing the evolution of the hydrological response. This thesis makes a valuable contribution to closing the gap in the observations of the coevolution of hydrological processes within the hillslope feedback cycle, which is important to improve predictions of hydrological processes in changing landscapes. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary studies in addressing the hydrological challenges arising from global change.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harbart2024, author = {Harbart, Vanessa}, title = {The effect of protected cultivation on the nutritional quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var capitata L.) with a focus on antifogging additives in polyolefin covers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62937}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-629375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 115}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Protected cultivation in greenhouses or polytunnels offers the potential for sustainable production of high-yield, high-quality vegetables. This is related to the ability to produce more on less land and to use resources responsibly and efficiently. Crop yield has long been considered the most important factor. However, as plant-based diets have been proposed for a sustainable food system, the targeted enrichment of health-promoting plant secondary metabolites should be addressed. These metabolites include carotenoids and flavonoids, which are associated with several health benefits, such as cardiovascular health and cancer protection. Cover materials generally have an influence on the climatic conditions, which in turn can affect the levels of secondary metabolites in vegetables grown underneath. Plastic materials are cost-effective and their properties can be modified by incorporating additives, making them the first choice. However, these additives can migrate and leach from the material, resulting in reduced service life, increased waste and possible environmental release. Antifogging additives are used in agricultural films to prevent the formation of droplets on the film surface, thereby increasing light transmission and preventing microbiological contamination. This thesis focuses on LDPE/EVA covers and incorporated antifogging additives for sustainable protected cultivation, following two different approaches. The first addressed the direct effects of leached antifogging additives using simulation studies on lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa var capitata L). The second determined the effect of antifog polytunnel covers on lettuce quality. Lettuce is usually grown under protective cover and can provide high nutritional value due to its carotenoid and flavonoid content, depending on the cultivar. To study the influence of simulated leached antifogging additives on lettuce leaves, a GC-MS method was first developed to analyze these additives based on their fatty acid moieties. Three structurally different antifogging additives (reference material) were characterized outside of a polymer matrix for the first time. All of them contained more than the main fatty acid specified by the manufacturer. Furthermore, they were found to adhere to the leaf surface and could not be removed by water or partially by hexane. The incorporation of these additives into polytunnel covers affects carotenoid levels in lettuce, but not flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives and chlorophylls. Specifically, carotenoids were higher in lettuce grown under polytunnels without antifog than with antifog. This has been linked to their effect on the light regime and was suggested to be related to carotenoid function in photosynthesis. In terms of protected cultivation, the use of LDPE/EVA polytunnels affected light and temperature, and both are closely related. The carotenoid and flavonoid contents of lettuce grown under polytunnels was reversed, with higher carotenoid and lower flavonoid levels. At the individual level, the flavonoids detected in lettuce did not differ however, lettuce carotenoids adapted specifically depending on the time of cultivation. Flavonoid reduction was shown to be transcriptionally regulated (CHS) in response to UV light (UVR8). In contrast, carotenoids are thought to be regulated post-transcriptionally, as indicated by the lack of correlation between carotenoid levels and transcripts of the first enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis (PSY) and a carotenoid degrading enzyme (CCD4), as well as the increased carotenoid metabolic flux. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms and metabolite adaptation strategies could further advance the strategic development and selection of cover materials.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hammel2024, author = {Hammel, Alexander}, title = {Establishing the red microalga Porphyridium purpureum as a novel platform for the production of recombinant proteins}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63270}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-632709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 159}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Microalgae have been recognized as a promising green production platform for recombinant proteins. The majority of studies on recombinant protein expression have been conducted in the green microalga C. reinhardtii. While promising improvement regarding nuclear transgene expression in this alga has been made, it is still inefficient due to epigenetic silencing, often resulting in low yields that are not competitive with other expressor organisms. Other microalgal species might be better suited for high-level protein expression, but are limited in their availability of molecular tools. The red microalga Porphyridium purpureum recently emerged as candidate for the production of recombinant proteins. It is promising in that transformation vectors are episomally maintained as autonomously replicating plasmids in the nucleus at a high copy number, thus leading to high expression values in this red alga. In this work, we expand the genetic tools for P. purpureum and investigate parameters that govern efficient transgene expression. We provide an improved transformation protocol to streamline the generation of transgenic lines in this organism. After being able to efficiently generate transgenic lines, we showed that codon usage is a main determinant of high-level transgene expression, not only at the protein level but also at the level of mRNA accumulation. The optimized expression constructs resulted in YFP accumulation up to an unprecedented 5\% of the total soluble protein. Furthermore, we designed new constructs conferring efficient transgene expression into the culture medium, simplifying purification and harvests of recombinant proteins. To further improve transgene expression, we tested endogenous promoters driving the most highly transcribed genes in P. purpureum and found minor increase of YFP accumulation. We employed the previous findings to express complex viral antigens from the hepatitis B virus and the hepatitis C virus in P. purpureum to demonstrate its feasibility as producer of biopharmaceuticals. The viral glycoproteins were successfully produced to high levels and could reach their native confirmation, indicating a functional glycosylation machinery and an appropriate folding environment in this red alga. We could successfully upscale the biomass production of transgenic lines and with that provide enough material for immunization trials in mice that were performed in collaboration. These trials showed no toxicity of neither the biomass nor the purified antigens, and, additionally, the algal-produced antigens were able to elicit a strong and specific immune response. The results presented in this work pave the way for P. purpureum as a new promising producer organism for biopharmaceuticals in the microalgal field.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halfpap2024, author = {Halfpap, Stefan}, title = {Integer linear programming-based heuristics for partially replicated database clusters and selecting indexes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63361}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-633615}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 185}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Column-oriented database systems can efficiently process transactional and analytical queries on a single node. However, increasing or peak analytical loads can quickly saturate single-node database systems. Then, a common scale-out option is using a database cluster with a single primary node for transaction processing and read-only replicas. Using (the naive) full replication, queries are distributed among nodes independently of the accessed data. This approach is relatively expensive because all nodes must store all data and apply all data modifications caused by inserts, deletes, or updates. In contrast to full replication, partial replication is a more cost-efficient implementation: Instead of duplicating all data to all replica nodes, partial replicas store only a subset of the data while being able to process a large workload share. Besides lower storage costs, partial replicas enable (i) better scaling because replicas must potentially synchronize only subsets of the data modifications and thus have more capacity for read-only queries and (ii) better elasticity because replicas have to load less data and can be set up faster. However, splitting the overall workload evenly among the replica nodes while optimizing the data allocation is a challenging assignment problem. The calculation of optimized data allocations in a partially replicated database cluster can be modeled using integer linear programming (ILP). ILP is a common approach for solving assignment problems, also in the context of database systems. Because ILP is not scalable, existing approaches (also for calculating partial allocations) often fall back to simple (e.g., greedy) heuristics for larger problem instances. Simple heuristics may work well but can lose optimization potential. In this thesis, we present optimal and ILP-based heuristic programming models for calculating data fragment allocations for partially replicated database clusters. Using ILP, we are flexible to extend our models to (i) consider data modifications and reallocations and (ii) increase the robustness of allocations to compensate for node failures and workload uncertainty. We evaluate our approaches for TPC-H, TPC-DS, and a real-world accounting workload and compare the results to state-of-the-art allocation approaches. Our evaluations show significant improvements for varied allocation's properties: Compared to existing approaches, we can, for example, (i) almost halve the amount of allocated data, (ii) improve the throughput in case of node failures and workload uncertainty while using even less memory, (iii) halve the costs of data modifications, and (iv) reallocate less than 90\% of data when adding a node to the cluster. Importantly, we can calculate the corresponding ILP-based heuristic solutions within a few seconds. Finally, we demonstrate that the ideas of our ILP-based heuristics are also applicable to the index selection problem.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halbruegge2024, author = {Halbr{\"u}gge, Lena}, title = {Von der Curricularen Innovation zur Wissenschaftskommunikation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62035}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620357}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {226}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im Rahmen einer explorativen Entwicklung wurde in der vorliegenden Studie ein Konzept zur Wissenschaftskommunikation f{\"u}r ein Graduiertenkolleg, in dem an photochemischen Prozessen geforscht wird, erstellt und anschließend evaluiert. Der Grund daf{\"u}r ist die immer st{\"a}rker wachsende Forderung nach Wissenschaftskommunikation seitens der Politik. Es wird dar{\"u}ber hinaus gefordert, dass die Kommunikation der eigenen Forschung in Zukunft integrativer Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens wird. Um junge Wissenschaftler bereits fr{\"u}hzeitig auf diese Aufgabe vorzubereiten, wird Wissenschaftskommunikation auch in Forschungsverb{\"u}nden realisiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde in einer Vorstudie untersucht, welche Anforderungen an ein Konzept zur Wissenschaftskommunikation im Rahmen eines Forschungsverbundes gestellt werden, indem die Einstellung der Doktoranden zur Wissenschaftskommunikation sowie ihre Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeiten anhand eines geschlossenen Fragebogens evaluiert wurden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden aus den Daten Wissenschaftskommunikationstypen abgeleitet. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse wurden unterschiedliche Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen entwickelt, die sich in der Konzeption, den Rezipienten, sowie der Form der Kommunikation und den Inhalten unterscheiden. Im Rahmen dieser Entwicklung wurde eine Lerneinheit mit Bezug auf die Inhalte des Graduiertenkollegs, bestehend aus einem Lehr-Lern-Experiment und den dazugeh{\"o}rigen Begleitmaterialien, konzipiert. Anschließend wurde die Lerneinheit in eine der Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen integriert. Je nach Anforderung an die Doktoranden, wurden die Maßnahmen durch vorbereitende Workshops erg{\"a}nzt. Durch einen halboffenen Pre-Post-Fragebogen wurde der Einfluss der Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen und der dazugeh{\"o}rigen Workshops auf die Selbstwirksamkeit der Doktoranden evaluiert, um R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse darauf zu ziehen, wie sich die Wahrnehmung der eigenen Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeiten durch die Interventionen ver{\"a}ndert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die einzelnen Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen die verschiedenen Typen in unterschiedlicher Weise beeinflussen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass es abh{\"a}ngig von der eigenen Einsch{\"a}tzung der Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeit unterschiedliche Bed{\"u}rfnisse der F{\"o}rderung gibt, die durch dedizierte Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden k{\"o}nnen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden erste Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r eine allgemeing{\"u}ltige Strategie vorgeschlagen, die die individuellen F{\"a}higkeiten zur Wissenschaftskommunikation in einem naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbund f{\"o}rdert.}, language = {de} } @misc{Hafner2024, author = {Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, title = {Kochb{\"u}cher {\`a} la religion}, series = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, journal = {Du sollst nicht essen: Warum Menschen auf Nahrung verzichten - interdisziplin{\"a}re Zug{\"a}nge}, editor = {Kollodzeiski, Ulrike and Hafner, Johann Evangelist}, publisher = {Ergon Verlag}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-98740-007-0}, doi = {10.5771/9783987400087}, pages = {157 -- 160}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @book{GurskyThoene2024, author = {Gursky, Karl-Heinz and Th{\"o}ne, Meike}, title = {20 Probleme aus dem Eigent{\"u}mer-Besitzer-Verh{\"a}ltnis}, series = {Klausurprobleme : Juristische {\"U}bungsb{\"u}cher}, journal = {Klausurprobleme : Juristische {\"U}bungsb{\"u}cher}, edition = {10., {\"u}berarbeitete}, publisher = {Vahlen}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-8006-7161-8}, pages = {XV, 125}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Zum Werk Der Band zum Eigent{\"u}mer-Besitzer-Verh{\"a}ltnis erscheint nunmehr in 10. Auflage und behandelt in bew{\"a}hrter Darstellungsform die wichtigsten in den {\"U}bungen und im Examen zur Bearbeitung gestellten Streitfragen aus diesem Bereich des Sachenrechts. Die einzelnen Probleme werden anhand von Beispielf{\"a}llen erkl{\"a}rt, die in Lehre und Rechtsprechung vertretenen Meinungen werden einander dabei gegen{\"u}bergestellt, die sie tragenden Argumente werden in K{\"u}rze herausgearbeitet und an weiteren F{\"a}llen erprobt. Auf diese Weise entwickeln Studierende das f{\"u}r die Falll{\"o}sung relevante juristische Problembewusstsein sowie die F{\"a}higkeit, die verschiedenen Ansichten und Argumente gegeneinander abzuw{\"a}gen, eine eigene Meinung zu bilden und sie {\"u}berzeugend zu begr{\"u}nden. Vorteile auf einen Blick alle relevanten Probleme zum Eigent{\"u}mer-Besitzer-Verh{\"a}ltnis in einem Band umfassende Fundstellensammlung f{\"u}r die in Lehre und Rechtsprechung vertretenen Meinungen Zur Neuauflage F{\"u}r die Neuauflage wurden die aktuelle Literatur sowie die neueste Rechtsprechung eingearbeitet sowie ein Abschnitt zum Aufbau von Meinungsstreits in Pr{\"u}fungen erg{\"a}nzt. Zielgruppe F{\"u}r Studierende der Rechtswissenschaften, Rechtsreferendarinnen und -referendare und AG-Leiterinnen und -Leiter.}, language = {de} } @book{Gronau2024, author = {Gronau, Norbert}, title = {Knowledge Modeling and Description Language (KMDL) 3.0}, publisher = {GITO mbH Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95545-416-6}, pages = {135}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grohmann2024, author = {Grohmann, Nils-Hendrik}, title = {Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies}, series = {Jus Internationale et Europaeum}, journal = {Jus Internationale et Europaeum}, number = {202}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-16-162825-2}, issn = {1861-1893}, doi = {10.1628/978-3-16-162826-9}, pages = {XV, 315}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Nils-Hendrik Grohmann besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem noch andauernden St{\"a}rkungsprozess der UN-Menschenrechtsvertragsorgane. Er analysiert, welche rechtlichen Befugnisse die Aussch{\"u}sse haben, ob sie von sich aus Vorschl{\"a}ge einbringen k{\"o}nnen und inwieweit sie ihre Verfahrensweisen bisher aufeinander abgestimmt haben. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Aussch{\"u}ssen und der Frage, welche Rolle das Treffen der Vorsitzenden bei der St{\"a}rkung spielen kann.}, language = {en} } @misc{Grohmann2024, author = {Grohmann, Nils-Hendrik}, title = {Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Rechtswissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Rechtswissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {14}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63344}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-633441}, pages = {XV, 315}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Nils-Hendrik Grohmann besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem noch andauernden St{\"a}rkungsprozess der UN-Menschenrechtsvertragsorgane. Er analysiert, welche rechtlichen Befugnisse die Aussch{\"u}sse haben, ob sie von sich aus Vorschl{\"a}ge einbringen k{\"o}nnen und inwieweit sie ihre Verfahrensweisen bisher aufeinander abgestimmt haben. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Aussch{\"u}ssen und der Frage, welche Rolle das Treffen der Vorsitzenden bei der St{\"a}rkung spielen kann.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GostkowskaLekner2024, author = {Gostkowska-Lekner, Natalia Katarzyna}, title = {Organic-inorganic hybrids based on P3HT and mesoporous silicon for thermoelectric applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62047}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620475}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {121}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis presents a comprehensive study on synthesis, structure and thermoelectric transport properties of organic-inorganic hybrids based on P3HT and porous silicon. The effect of embedding polymer in silicon pores on the electrical and thermal transport is studied. Morphological studies confirm successful polymer infiltration and diffusion doping with roughly 50\% of the pore space occupied by conjugated polymer. Synchrotron diffraction experiments reveal no specific ordering of the polymer inside the pores. P3HT-pSi hybrids show improved electrical transport by five orders of magnitude compared to porous silicon and power factor values comparable or exceeding other P3HT-inorganic hybrids. The analysis suggests different transport mechanisms in both materials. In pSi, the transport mechanism relates to a Meyer-Neldel compansation rule. The analysis of hybrids' data using the power law in Kang-Snyder model suggests that a doped polymer mainly provides charge carriers to the pSi matrix, similar to the behavior of a doped semiconductor. Heavily suppressed thermal transport in porous silicon is treated with a modified Landauer/Lundstrom model and effective medium theories, which reveal that pSi agrees well with the Kirkpatrick model with a 68\% percolation threshold. Thermal conductivities of hybrids show an increase compared to the empty pSi but the overall thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of P3HT-pSi hybrid exceeds both pSi and P3HT as well as bulk Si.}, language = {en} } @article{GohlSchrauth2024, author = {Gohl, Niklas and Schrauth, Philipp}, title = {JUE insight : ticket to paradise?}, series = {Journal of urban economics}, journal = {Journal of urban economics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0094-1190}, doi = {10.1016/j.jue.2024.103643}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This paper provides novel evidence on the impact of public transport subsidies on air pollution. We obtain causal estimates by leveraging a unique policy intervention in Germany that temporarily reduced nationwide prices for regional public transport to a monthly flat rate price of 9 Euros. Using DiD estimation strategies on air pollutant data, we show that this intervention causally reduced a benchmark air pollution index by more than eight percent and, after its termination, increased again. Our results illustrate that public transport subsidies - especially in the context of spatially constrained cities - offer a viable alternative for policymakers and city planers to improve air quality, which has been shown to crucially affect health outcomes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ghahremani2024, author = {Ghahremani, Sona}, title = {Incremental self-adaptation of dynamic architectures attaining optimality and scalability}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62423}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624232}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 285}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The landscape of software self-adaptation is shaped in accordance with the need to cost-effectively achieve and maintain (software) quality at runtime and in the face of dynamic operation conditions. Optimization-based solutions perform an exhaustive search in the adaptation space, thus they may provide quality guarantees. However, these solutions render the attainment of optimal adaptation plans time-intensive, thereby hindering scalability. Conversely, deterministic rule-based solutions yield only sub-optimal adaptation decisions, as they are typically bound by design-time assumptions, yet they offer efficient processing and implementation, readability, expressivity of individual rules supporting early verification. Addressing the quality-cost trade-of requires solutions that simultaneously exhibit the scalability and cost-efficiency of rulebased policy formalism and the optimality of optimization-based policy formalism as explicit artifacts for adaptation. Utility functions, i.e., high-level specifications that capture system objectives, support the explicit treatment of quality-cost trade-off. Nevertheless, non-linearities, complex dynamic architectures, black-box models, and runtime uncertainty that makes the prior knowledge obsolete are a few of the sources of uncertainty and subjectivity that render the elicitation of utility non-trivial. This thesis proposes a twofold solution for incremental self-adaptation of dynamic architectures. First, we introduce Venus, a solution that combines in its design a ruleand an optimization-based formalism enabling optimal and scalable adaptation of dynamic architectures. Venus incorporates rule-like constructs and relies on utility theory for decision-making. Using a graph-based representation of the architecture, Venus captures rules as graph patterns that represent architectural fragments, thus enabling runtime extensibility and, in turn, support for dynamic architectures; the architecture is evaluated by assigning utility values to fragments; pattern-based definition of rules and utility enables incremental computation of changes on the utility that result from rule executions, rather than evaluating the complete architecture, which supports scalability. Second, we introduce HypeZon, a hybrid solution for runtime coordination of multiple off-the-shelf adaptation policies, which typically offer only partial satisfaction of the quality and cost requirements. Realized based on meta-self-aware architectures, HypeZon complements Venus by re-using existing policies at runtime for balancing the quality-cost trade-off. The twofold solution of this thesis is integrated in an adaptation engine that leverages state- and event-based principles for incremental execution, therefore, is scalable for large and dynamic software architectures with growing size and complexity. The utility elicitation challenge is resolved by defining a methodology to train utility-change prediction models. The thesis addresses the quality-cost trade-off in adaptation of dynamic software architectures via design-time combination (Venus) and runtime coordination (HypeZon) of rule- and optimization-based policy formalisms, while offering supporting mechanisms for optimal, cost-effective, scalable, and robust adaptation. The solutions are evaluated according to a methodology that is obtained based on our systematic literature review of evaluation in self-healing systems; the applicability and effectiveness of the contributions are demonstrated to go beyond the state-of-the-art in coverage of a wide spectrum of the problem space for software self-adaptation.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ganzer2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Ganzer, Carolin}, title = {Sprachvernetzende Inhalte in den Franz{\"o}sischlehrwerken D{\´e}couvertes und {\`A} plus als Baustein der Mehrsprachigkeitsf{\"o}rderung}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62318}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-623188}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {II, 79, XIII}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Masterarbeit widmet sich der Frage, inwiefern die neuesten Lehrwerke f{\"u}r den gymnasialen Franz{\"o}sischunterricht, D{\´e}couvertes 1 (Klett) und {\`A} plus 1 (Cornelsen) aus dem Jahr 2020, sprachvernetzende Inhalte nutzen, um auf vorgelernte Sprachen und fr{\"u}here Spracherwerbsprozesse hinzuweisen oder darauf zur{\"u}ckzugreifen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Schul- und/oder Erstsprache Deutsch sowie der ersten Fremdsprache Englisch, wobei auch andere auftretende Sprachen in die Untersuchung einbezogen werden. Die Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum fachdidaktischen Diskurs bez{\"u}glich mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktischer Inhalte in Fremdsprachenlehrwerken. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus kann sie Lehrkr{\"a}ften aufzeigen, wie diese aktuellen Lehrwerke ihren mehrsprachigkeitsorientierten Unterricht begleiten k{\"o}nnen. Die Einleitung betont die Relevanz der Sprachvernetzung f{\"u}r den Fremdsprachenunterricht, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit der Sch{\"u}ler*innen. Es wird auf das Potenzial des interlingualen Transfers hingewiesen, das u. a. in einer Lernerleichterung sowie der F{\"o}rderung der Sprachbewusstheit und der Sprachlernbewusstheit besteht. In Kapitel 2 werden die theoretischen Grundlagen f{\"u}r die Analyse gelegt, indem Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik, Sprachvernetzung und ihr Potenzial n{\"a}her betrachtet werden. Zudem wird anhand des Deutschen und Englischen aufgezeigt, welches sprachliche Transferpotenzial im Anfangsunterricht Franz{\"o}sisch eingebracht werden k{\"o}nnte. Auch die Bedingungen daf{\"u}r, dass Sch{\"u}ler*innen den interlingualen Transfer in ihrem Spracherwerb einsetzen, werden besprochen. Kapitel 3 gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber den Forschungsstand zu Sprachvernetzung und Mehrsprachigkeit in Fremdsprachenlehrwerken und identifiziert die Forschungsl{\"u}cke, die diese Arbeit zu schließen versucht. In Kapitel 4 werden die Forschungsfrage und ihre Unterfragen formuliert, die untersuchten Lehrwerke beschrieben und die Auswahl der Lehrwerke und der untersuchten Lehrwerkskomponenten begr{\"u}ndet. Zudem wird die Methodik der vergleichenden Lehrwerkanalyse erl{\"a}utert. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse werden in Kapitel 5 ausf{\"u}hrlich dargestellt. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche sprachvernetzenden Inhalte in den jeweiligen Lehrwerken vorkommen - in welcher Form und unter Einbezug welcher Sprachen und sprachlichen Ebenen. In Kapitel 6 werden die Ergebnisse diskutiert und analysiert, wobei auf die Mehrsprachigkeitskonzepte der Lehrwerke und die Trends bei den sprachvernetzenden Inhalten eingegangen wird. Im abschließenden Kapitel 7 wird zusammenfassend betont, dass beide Lehrwerke viele sprachvernetzende Inhalte anbieten, die das Potenzial haben, mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktisches Arbeiten zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Insbesondere auf der Produktionsebene werden jedoch noch zu wenige Transferprozesse initiiert. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, welche weiteren Untersuchungen erg{\"a}nzend m{\"o}glich sind, z. B. hinsichtlich des Einsatzes der sprachvernetzenden Inhalte im Unterricht.}, language = {de} } @article{GanselHernikMłodzianowska2024, author = {Gansel, Carsten and Hernik-Młodzianowska, Monika}, title = {Erinnerungsboom, unzuverl{\"a}ssiges Erinnern und "Tricksder Erinnerung" in Jan Koneffkes "Ein Sonntagskind" (2015)}, series = {Literarische Formen des Erinnerns : die deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur zwischen Aufst{\"o}rung und Stabilisierung}, journal = {Literarische Formen des Erinnerns : die deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur zwischen Aufst{\"o}rung und Stabilisierung}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-125141-7}, doi = {10.1515/9783111267777-015}, pages = {279 -- 291}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @book{FuessenichHerlinghausHuettemannetal.2024, author = {F{\"u}ssenich, Bert and Herlinghaus, Andreas and H{\"u}ttemann, Rainer and Meinert, Carsten and Meyer, Andr{\´e} and Osterloh-Konrad, Christine and R{\"o}der, Erik and Sch{\"o}n, Wolfgang}, title = {Unternehmenssteuerrecht}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-504-20090-9}, doi = {10.9785/9783504387143}, pages = {XXIV, 908}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Unternehmenssteuerrecht gilt als schwierige Spezialmaterie. Wer in diesem praktisch wichtigen Rechtsgebiet den Durchblick behalten will, muss die relevanten Zusammenh{\"a}nge verstehen. Der stringente Aufbau und zahlreiche - zumeist an die BFH-Rechtsprechung angelehnte - Beispiele des „H{\"u}ttemann/Sch{\"o}n" erleichtern ebenso wie viele Querverweise den {\"U}berblick und die Durchdringung der Zusammenh{\"a}nge. Das Werk er{\"o}ffnet nicht nur interessierten Studierenden der Rechtswissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Steuerwissenschaften einen systematischen Zugang zum Unternehmenssteuerrecht. Er richtet sich auch an Praktiker, die bei ihrer beratenden und gestaltenden T{\"a}tigkeit auf hinreichende Kenntnisse und ein vertieftes Verst{\"a}ndnis dieses Rechtsgebiets angewiesen sind.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fitzner2024, author = {Fitzner, Maria}, title = {Cultivation of selected halophytes in saline indoor farming and modulation of cultivation conditions to optimize metabolite profiles for human nutrition}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62697}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626974}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {178}, year = {2024}, abstract = {With the many challenges facing the agricultural system, such as water scarcity, loss of arable land due to climate change, population growth, urbanization or trade disruptions, new agri-food systems are needed to ensure food security in the future. In addition, healthy diets are needed to combat non-communicable diseases. Therefore, plant-based diets rich in health-promoting plant secondary metabolites are desirable. A saline indoor farming system is representing a sustainable and resilient new agrifood system and can preserve valuable fresh water. Since indoor farming relies on artificial lighting, assessment of lighting conditions is essential. In this thesis, the cultivation of halophytes in a saline indoor farming system was evaluated and the influence of cultivation conditions were assessed in favor of improving the nutritional quality of halophytes for human consumption. Therefore, five selected edible halophyte species (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia, Cochlearia officinalis, Atriplex hortensis, Chenopodium quinoa, and Salicornia europaea) were cultivated in saline indoor farming. The halophyte species were selected for to their salt tolerance levels and mechanisms. First, the suitability of halophytes for saline indoor farming and the influence of salinity on their nutritional properties, e.g. plant secondary metabolites and minerals, were investigated. Changes in plant performance and nutritional properties were observed as a function of salinity. The response to salinity was found to be species-specific and related to the salt tolerance mechanism of the halophytes. At their optimal salinity levels, the halophytes showed improved carotenoid content. In addition, a negative correlation was found between the nitrate and chloride content of halophytes as a function of salinity. Since chloride and nitrate can be antinutrient compounds, depending on their content, monitoring is essential, especially in halophytes. Second, regional brine water was introduced as an alternative saline water resource in the saline indoor farming system. Brine water was shown to be feasible for saline indoor farming of halophytes, as there was no adverse effect on growth or nutritional properties, e.g. carotenoids. Carotenoids were shown to be less affected by salt composition than by salt concentration. In addition, the interaction between the salinity and the light regime in indoor farming and greenhouse cultivation has been studied. There it was shown that interacting light regime and salinity alters the content of carotenoids and chlorophylls. Further, glucosinolate and nitrate content were also shown to be influenced by light regime. Finally, the influence of UVB light on halophytes was investigated using supplemental narrow-band UVB LEDs. It was shown that UVB light affects the growth, phenotype and metabolite profile of halophytes and that the UVB response is species specific. Furthermore, a modulation of carotenoid content in S. europaea could be achieved to enhance health-promoting properties and thus improve nutritional quality. This was shown to be dose-dependent and the underlying mechanisms of carotenoid accumulation were also investigated. Here it was revealed that carotenoid accumulation is related to oxidative stress. In conclusion, this work demonstrated the potential of halophytes as alternative vegetables produced in a saline indoor farming system for future diets that could contribute to ensuring food security in the future. To improve the sustainability of the saline indoor farming system, LED lamps and regional brine water could be integrated into the system. Since the nutritional properties have been shown to be influenced by salt, light regime and UVB light, these abiotic stressors must be taken into account when considering halophytes as alternative vegetables for human nutrition.}, language = {en} } @techreport{EstrinKhavulKritikosetal.2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Estrin, Saul and Khavul, Susanna and Kritikos, Alexander and L{\"o}her, Jonas}, title = {Access to digital finance}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {72}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62326}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-623261}, pages = {27}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Financing entrepreneurship spurs innovation and economic growth. Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally, yet they remain poorly understood. We model equity crowdfunding in terms of the relationship between the number of investors and the amount of money raised per pitch. We examine heterogeneity in the average amount raised per pitch that is associated with differences across three countries and seven platforms. Using a novel dataset of successful fundraising on the most prominent platforms in the UK, Germany, and the USA, we find the underlying relationship between the number of investors and the amount of money raised for entrepreneurs is loglinear, with a coefficient less than one and concave to the origin. We identify significant variation in the average amount invested in each pitch across countries and platforms. Our findings have implications for market actors as well as regulators who set competitive frameworks.}, language = {en} } @misc{ErnstProeveKrieger2024, author = {Ernst, Sebastian and Pr{\"o}ve, Ralf and Krieger, Jannis M.}, title = {Konstruktivistisches Prozessmodell Historischer Erkenntnisbildung}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62634}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-626341}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Vergangenheit ist vergangen, Geschichte wird gemacht. An diesem Konstruktionsprozess sind nicht nur die historischen Akteur:innen und deren Quellen, sondern in besonderem Maße auch die Historiker:innen, die sich mit diesen auseinandersetzen, beteiligt. Sie sind es, die die Quellen erst zum Sprudeln bringen. Was dabei zutage tritt, ist somit in hohem Maße von den Forschenden selbst, von ihren Vorannahmen und Methoden aber auch von ihren sozialen, kulturellen und biografischen Pr{\"a}gungen abh{\"a}ngig. Das hier vorgestellte Prozessmodell versucht, diese als Einflussfaktoren zu fassen und sichtbar zu machen, um auf dieser Basis eine erweiterte wissenschaftliche (Selbst-)Reflexion zu erm{\"o}glichen.}, language = {de} }