@phdthesis{Thieken2009, author = {Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Floods, flood losses and flood risk management in Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-29164}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Habilitation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Hochwasserrisikos in Deutschland. In zw{\"o}lf Artikeln werden neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber Hochwassergefahren, {\"u}ber Faktoren, die Hochwassersch{\"a}den beeinflussen, sowie {\"u}ber effektive private Vorsorgemaßnahmen pr{\"a}sentiert. So wird die jahreszeitliche Verteilung von Hochwasser in ganz Deutschland gezeigt. Weiterhin werden m{\"o}gliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Abflussverh{\"a}ltnisse und H{\"a}ufigkeiten von Hochwasserereignissen am Beispiel des Rhein-Einzugsgebietes abgesch{\"a}tzt. Ferner wird am Niederrhein simuliert, welche Auswirkungen Deichbr{\"u}che haben k{\"o}nnen. Hochwassersch{\"a}den stehen im zweiten Teil der Arbeit im Fokus: Nach dem August-Hochwasser 2002 wurden ca. 1700 Privathaushalte telefonisch befragt. Damit konnten die Einfl{\"u}sse verschiedener Faktoren, wie der {\"U}berflutungsdauer oder der Verunreinigung des Hochwassers mit {\"O}l, auf die H{\"o}he von finanziellen Sch{\"a}den quantifiziert werden. Daraus ist zum einen ein neues Modell entstanden, mit dem Hochwassersch{\"a}den großr{\"a}umig berechnet werden k{\"o}nnen. Zum anderen konnten Hinweise f{\"u}r die Verbesserung der privaten Vorsorge abgeleitet werden. Beispielsweise zeigte sich, dass versicherte Haushalte schneller und besser entsch{\"a}digt werden als Nicht-Versicherte. Ebenfalls wurde deutlich, dass verschiedene Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen, wie Mieter und Hauseigent{\"u}mer, unterschiedliche M{\"o}glichkeiten haben, Vorsorge zu betreiben. Dies ist zuk{\"u}nftig in der Risikokommunikation zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. In den Jahren 2005 und 2006 waren Elbe und Donau wiederum von Hochwasser betroffen. Eine erneute Befragung von Privathaushalten und Beh{\"o}rden erm{\"o}glichte, die Verbesserung des Hochwasserrisikomanagement und der Vorsorge am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden zu untersuchen. Viele Methoden und Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit sind in der wasserwirtschaftlichen Praxis anwendbar und tragen somit zur Verbesserung der Hochwasserrisikoanalyse und des Risikomanagements in Deutschland bei.}, language = {en} } @article{LaudanZoellerThieken2020, author = {Laudan, Jonas and Z{\"o}ller, Gert and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Flash floods versus river floods}, series = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences}, volume = {20}, journal = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, issn = {1684-9981}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-20-999-2020}, pages = {999 -- 1023}, year = {2020}, abstract = {River floods are among the most damaging natural hazards that frequently occur in Germany. Flooding causes high economic losses and impacts many residents. In 2016, several southern German municipalities were hit by flash floods after unexpectedly severe heavy rainfall, while in 2013 widespread river flooding had occurred. This study investigates and compares the psychological impacts of river floods and flash floods and potential consequences for precautionary behaviour. Data were collected using computer-aided telephone interviews that were conducted among flood-affected households around 9 months after each damaging event. This study applies Bayesian statistics and negative binomial regressions to test the suitability of psychological indicators to predict the precaution motivation of individuals. The results show that it is not the particular flood type but rather the severity and local impacts of the event that are crucial for the different, and potentially negative, impacts on mental health. According to the used data, however, predictions of the individual precaution motivation should not be based on the derived psychological indicators - i.e. coping appraisal, threat appraisal, burden and evasion - since their explanatory power was generally low and results are, for the most part, non-significant. Only burden reveals a significant positive relation to planned precaution regarding weak flash floods. In contrast to weak flash floods and river floods, the perceived threat of strong flash floods is significantly lower although feelings of burden and lower coping appraisals are more pronounced. Further research is needed to better include psychological assessment procedures and to focus on alternative data sources regarding floods and the connected precaution motivation of affected residents.}, language = {en} } @misc{LaudanZoellerThieken2020, author = {Laudan, Jonas and Z{\"o}ller, Gert and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Flash floods versus river floods}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {968}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47397}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-473974}, pages = {999 -- 1023}, year = {2020}, abstract = {River floods are among the most damaging natural hazards that frequently occur in Germany. Flooding causes high economic losses and impacts many residents. In 2016, several southern German municipalities were hit by flash floods after unexpectedly severe heavy rainfall, while in 2013 widespread river flooding had occurred. This study investigates and compares the psychological impacts of river floods and flash floods and potential consequences for precautionary behaviour. Data were collected using computer-aided telephone interviews that were conducted among flood-affected households around 9 months after each damaging event. This study applies Bayesian statistics and negative binomial regressions to test the suitability of psychological indicators to predict the precaution motivation of individuals. The results show that it is not the particular flood type but rather the severity and local impacts of the event that are crucial for the different, and potentially negative, impacts on mental health. According to the used data, however, predictions of the individual precaution motivation should not be based on the derived psychological indicators - i.e. coping appraisal, threat appraisal, burden and evasion - since their explanatory power was generally low and results are, for the most part, non-significant. Only burden reveals a significant positive relation to planned precaution regarding weak flash floods. In contrast to weak flash floods and river floods, the perceived threat of strong flash floods is significantly lower although feelings of burden and lower coping appraisals are more pronounced. Further research is needed to better include psychological assessment procedures and to focus on alternative data sources regarding floods and the connected precaution motivation of affected residents.}, language = {en} } @article{KocNathoThieken2021, author = {Ko{\c{c}}, Gamze and Natho, Stephanie and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Estimating direct economic impacts of severe flood events in Turkey (2015-2020)}, series = {International journal of disaster risk reduction : IJDRR}, volume = {58}, journal = {International journal of disaster risk reduction : IJDRR}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2212-4209}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102222}, pages = {16}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Over the past decades, floods have caused significant financial losses in Turkey, amounting to US\$ 800 million between 1960 and 2014. With the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR), it is aimed to reduce the direct economic loss from disasters in relation to the global gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030. Accordingly, a methodology based on experiences from developing countries was proposed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to estimate direct economic losses on the macro-scale. Since Turkey also signed the SFDRR, we aimed to adapt, validate and apply the loss estimation model proposed by the UNDRR in Turkey for the first time. To do so, the well-documented flood event in Mersin of 2016 was used to calibrate the damage ratios for the agricultural, commercial and residential sectors, as well as educational facilities. Case studies between 2015 and 2020 with documented losses were further used to validate the model. Finally, model applications provided initial loss estimates for floods occurred recently in Turkey. Despite the limited event documentation for each sector, the calibrated model yielded good results when compared to documented losses. Thus, by implementing the UNDRR method, this study provides an approach to estimate the direct economic losses in Turkey on the macro-scale, which can be used to fill gaps in event databases, support the coordination of financial aid after flood events and facilitate monitoring of the progress toward and achievement of Global Target C of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.}, language = {en} } @techreport{HeidenreichBuchnerWalzetal.2019, author = {Heidenreich, Anna and Buchner, Martin and Walz, Ariane and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Das Besucherverhalten unter Hitzebelastung auf der Landesgartenschau W{\"u}rzburg 2018}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43018}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-430185}, pages = {42, vii}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Auf dem Gel{\"a}nde der Landesgartenschau 2018 in W{\"u}rzburg untersuchte unsere Forschungsgruppe das Anpassungsverhalten der BesucherInnen an Hitze. Ziel war es herauszufinden, wie BesucherInnen von Großveranstaltungen Hitzetage erleben und wie sie sich w{\"a}hrend unterschiedlicher Wetterbedingungen verhalten. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse sollen Empfehlungen zur F{\"o}rderung individuellen Anpassungsverhaltens bei Hitzebelastung an Veranstalter ausgesprochen werden. An sechs aufeinanderfolgenden Wochenenden im Juli und August f{\"u}hrten wir Temperaturmessungen, Verhaltensbeobachtungen und Befragungen unter den BesucherInnen durch. Die Wetterlage an den zw{\"o}lf Erhebungstagen fiel unterschiedlich aus: Es gab sechs Hitzetage mit Temperaturen {\"u}ber 30 °C, vier warme Sommertage und zwei k{\"u}hle Regentage. Es ließen sich unterschiedliche Anpassungsmaßnahmen bei den 2741 beobachteten BesucherInnen identifizieren. Hierzu geh{\"o}ren das Tragen von leichter oder kurzer Kleidung und von Kopfbedeckungen, das Mitf{\"u}hren von Getr{\"a}nken oder Schirmen sowie das Aufhalten im Schatten oder Abk{\"u}hlen in einer Wasserfl{\"a}che. Dabei fanden sich Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Altersgruppen: J{\"u}ngere und {\"A}ltere hatten unterschiedliche Pr{\"a}ferenzen f{\"u}r einzelne Anpassungsmaßnahmen. So suchten BesucherInnen {\"u}ber 60 Jahren bevorzugt Sitzpl{\"a}tze im Schatten auf, wohingegen sich Kinder zum Abk{\"u}hlen in Wasserfl{\"a}chen aufhielten. Die Befragung von 306 BesucherInnen ergab, dass Hitzetage als st{\"a}rker belastend wahrgenommen wurden als Sommer- oder Regentage. Die Mehrheit zeigte zudem ein hohes Bewusstsein f{\"u}r die Thematik Hitzebelastung und Anpassung. Dies spiegelte sich aber nur bei einem Teil der Befragten in ihrem tats{\"a}chlich gezeigten Anpassungsmaßnahmen wider. Offizielle Hitzewarnungen des DWD waren den meisten BesucherInnen an Tagen mit ebendiesen nicht bekannt. Auf Grundlage unserer Untersuchungsergebnisse empfehlen wir eine verbesserte Risikokommunikation in Bezug auf Hitze. Veranstalter und Beh{\"o}rden m{\"u}ssen zielgruppenspezifisch denken, wenn es um die F{\"o}rderung von Hitzeanpassung geht. Angeraten werden u. a. die Schaffung von schattigen Sitzpl{\"a}tzen besonders f{\"u}r {\"a}ltere BesucherInnen und Wasserstellen, an denen Kinder und Jugendliche spielen und sich erfrischen k{\"o}nnen. Da sich Hitzewellen in Zukunft h{\"a}ufen werden, dienen die Erkenntnisse dieser Untersuchung der Planung und Durchf{\"u}hrung weiterer Open-Air-Veranstaltungen.}, language = {de} } @article{ThiekenMohorKreibichetal.2022, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Mohor, Guilherme Samprogna and Kreibich, Heidi and M{\"u}ller, Meike}, title = {Compound inland flood events}, series = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, volume = {22}, journal = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, number = {1}, publisher = {Copernicus}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1561-8633}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-22-165-2022}, pages = {165 -- 185}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Several severe flood events hit Germany in recent years, with events in 2013 and 2016 being the most destructive ones, although dynamics and flood processes were very different. While the 2013 event was a slowly rising widespread fluvial flood accompanied by some severe dike breaches, the events in 2016 were fast-onset pluvial floods, which resulted in surface water flooding in some places due to limited capacities of the drainage systems and in destructive flash floods with high sediment loads and clogging in others, particularly in small steep catchments. Hence, different pathways, i.e. different routes that the water takes to reach (and potentially damage) receptors, in our case private households, can be identified in both events. They can thus be regarded as spatially compound flood events or compound inland floods. This paper analyses how differently affected residents coped with these different flood types (fluvial and pluvial) and their impacts while accounting for the different pathways (river flood, dike breach, surface water flooding and flash flood) within the compound events. The analyses are based on two data sets with 1652 (for the 2013 flood) and 601 (for the 2016 flood) affected residents who were surveyed around 9 months after each flood, revealing little socio-economic differences - except for income - between the two samples. The four pathways showed significant differences with regard to their hydraulic and financial impacts, recovery, warning processes, and coping and adaptive behaviour. There are just small differences with regard to perceived self-efficacy and responsibility, offering entry points for tailored risk communication and support to improve property-level adaptation.}, language = {en} } @article{OttoGoepfertThieken2021, author = {Otto, Antje and G{\"o}pfert, Christian and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Are cities prepared for climate change?}, series = {Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change : an international journal devoted to scientific, engineering, socio-economic and policy responses to environmental change}, volume = {26}, journal = {Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change : an international journal devoted to scientific, engineering, socio-economic and policy responses to environmental change}, number = {8}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {1381-2386}, doi = {10.1007/s11027-021-09971-4}, pages = {25}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cities can be severely affected by climate change. Hence, many of them have started to develop climate adaptation strategies or implement measures to help prepare for the challenges it will present. This study aims to provide an overview of climate adaptation in 104 German cities. While existing studies on adaptation tracking rely heavily on self-reported data or the mere existence of adaptation plans, we applied the broader concept of adaptation readiness, considering five factors and a total of twelve different indicators, when making our assessments. We clustered the cities depending on the contribution of these factors to the overall adaptation readiness index and grouped them according to their total score and cluster affiliations. This resulted in us identifying four groups of cities. First, a pioneering group comprises twelve (mainly big) cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, which showed high scores for all five factors of adaptation readiness. Second, a set of 36 active cities, which follow different strategies on how to deal with climate adaptation. Third, a group of 28 cities showed considerably less activity toward climate adaptation, while a fourth set of 28 mostly small cities (with between 50,000 and 99,999 inhabitants) scored the lowest. We consider this final group to be pursuing a 'wait-and-see' approach. Since the city size correlates with the adaptation readiness index, we recommend policymakers introduce funding schemes that focus on supporting small cities, to help them prepare for the impact of a changing climate.}, language = {en} } @article{KocPetrowThieken2020, author = {Ko{\c{c}}, Gamze and Petrow, Theresia and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Analysis of the Most Severe Flood Events in Turkey (1960-2014)}, series = {Water}, volume = {12}, journal = {Water}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4441}, doi = {10.3390/w12061562}, pages = {32}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The most severe flood events in Turkey were determined for the period 1960-2014 by considering the number of fatalities, the number of affected people, and the total economic losses as indicators. The potential triggering mechanisms (i.e., atmospheric circulations and precipitation amounts) and aggravating pathways (i.e., topographic features, catchment size, land use types, and soil properties) of these 25 events were analyzed. On this basis, a new approach was developed to identify the main influencing factor per event and to provide additional information for determining the dominant flood occurrence pathways for severe floods. The events were then classified through hierarchical cluster analysis. As a result, six different clusters were found and characterized. Cluster 1 comprised flood events that were mainly influenced by drainage characteristics (e.g., catchment size and shape); Cluster 2 comprised events aggravated predominantly by urbanization; steep topography was identified to be the dominant factor for Cluster 3; extreme rainfall was determined as the main triggering factor for Cluster 4; saturated soil conditions were found to be the dominant factor for Cluster 5; and orographic effects of mountain ranges characterized Cluster 6. This study determined pathway patterns of the severe floods in Turkey with regard to their main causal or aggravating mechanisms. Accordingly, geomorphological properties are of major importance in large catchments in eastern and northeastern Anatolia. In addition, in small catchments, the share of urbanized area seems to be an important factor for the extent of flood impacts. This paper presents an outcome that could be used for future urban planning and flood risk prevention studies to understand the flood mechanisms in different regions of Turkey.}, language = {en} } @misc{KocPetrowThieken2020, author = {Ko{\c{c}}, Gamze and Petrow, Theresia and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Analysis of the Most Severe Flood Events in Turkey (1960-2014)}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1003}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-477331}, pages = {34}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The most severe flood events in Turkey were determined for the period 1960-2014 by considering the number of fatalities, the number of affected people, and the total economic losses as indicators. The potential triggering mechanisms (i.e., atmospheric circulations and precipitation amounts) and aggravating pathways (i.e., topographic features, catchment size, land use types, and soil properties) of these 25 events were analyzed. On this basis, a new approach was developed to identify the main influencing factor per event and to provide additional information for determining the dominant flood occurrence pathways for severe floods. The events were then classified through hierarchical cluster analysis. As a result, six different clusters were found and characterized. Cluster 1 comprised flood events that were mainly influenced by drainage characteristics (e.g., catchment size and shape); Cluster 2 comprised events aggravated predominantly by urbanization; steep topography was identified to be the dominant factor for Cluster 3; extreme rainfall was determined as the main triggering factor for Cluster 4; saturated soil conditions were found to be the dominant factor for Cluster 5; and orographic effects of mountain ranges characterized Cluster 6. This study determined pathway patterns of the severe floods in Turkey with regard to their main causal or aggravating mechanisms. Accordingly, geomorphological properties are of major importance in large catchments in eastern and northeastern Anatolia. In addition, in small catchments, the share of urbanized area seems to be an important factor for the extent of flood impacts. This paper presents an outcome that could be used for future urban planning and flood risk prevention studies to understand the flood mechanisms in different regions of Turkey.}, language = {en} } @article{KocPetrowThieken2020, author = {Koc, Gamze and Petrow, Theresia and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Analysis of the most severe flood events in Turkey (1960-2014)}, series = {Water / Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)}, volume = {12}, journal = {Water / Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4441}, doi = {10.3390/w12061562}, pages = {32}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The most severe flood events in Turkey were determined for the period 1960-2014 by considering the number of fatalities, the number of affected people, and the total economic losses as indicators. The potential triggering mechanisms (i.e., atmospheric circulations and precipitation amounts) and aggravating pathways (i.e., topographic features, catchment size, land use types, and soil properties) of these 25 events were analyzed. On this basis, a new approach was developed to identify the main influencing factor per event and to provide additional information for determining the dominant flood occurrence pathways for severe floods. The events were then classified through hierarchical cluster analysis. As a result, six different clusters were found and characterized. Cluster 1 comprised flood events that were mainly influenced by drainage characteristics (e.g., catchment size and shape); Cluster 2 comprised events aggravated predominantly by urbanization; steep topography was identified to be the dominant factor for Cluster 3; extreme rainfall was determined as the main triggering factor for Cluster 4; saturated soil conditions were found to be the dominant factor for Cluster 5; and orographic effects of mountain ranges characterized Cluster 6. This study determined pathway patterns of the severe floods in Turkey with regard to their main causal or aggravating mechanisms. Accordingly, geomorphological properties are of major importance in large catchments in eastern and northeastern Anatolia. In addition, in small catchments, the share of urbanized area seems to be an important factor for the extent of flood impacts. This paper presents an outcome that could be used for future urban planning and flood risk prevention studies to understand the flood mechanisms in different regions of Turkey.}, language = {en} } @article{ZenkerBubeckThieken2024, author = {Zenker, Marie-Luise and Bubeck, Philip and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Always on my mind}, series = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, volume = {24}, journal = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, number = {8}, publisher = {Copernicus}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1684-9981}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-24-2837-2024}, pages = {2837 -- 2856}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The devastating floods that swept through the Ahr valley in July 2021 left indelible marks on the region's landscape and communities. Beyond the visible damage, experience from other events suggests an increase in mental health issues among those affected. However, there is a lack of data and understanding regarding the impact of flooding on mental health in Germany. Therefore, this study aims to determine how much the flooding in 2021 affected the population's mental wellbeing. For this purpose, a household-level survey (n=516) was conducted in the district of Ahrweiler, Rhineland-Palatinate - Germany's most-affected region - 1 year after the flood event, specifically in June and July 2022. The survey employed a short epidemiological screening scale to assess the prevalence of individuals showing indications of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using binary logistic regression analyses, we identify risk and protective factors that may have played a role in the development of PTSD to find intervention points for supporting those affected. Our findings indicate significant mental health issues 1 year after the flood event, with 28.2 \% of respondents showing indications of PTSD. Furthermore, this study has uncovered essential risk factors for developing indications of PTSD after flooding: female gender, being seriously injured or becoming sick during the event, and feeling left alone to cope with flood impacts. The study emphasizes that severe flooding, such as the 2021 flood, results in new health-related needs that demand attention. As a result, care methods should be adapted to tackle the prevalence and risk factors connected with PTSD in the affected population, e.g., by providing targeted aftercare for individuals who were injured or became sick during the flood event.}, language = {en} } @article{WutzlerHudsonThieken2022, author = {Wutzler, Bianca and Hudson, Paul and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Adaptation strategies of flood-damaged businesses in Germany}, series = {Frontiers in Water}, journal = {Frontiers in Water}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9375}, doi = {10.3389/frwa.2022.932061}, pages = {13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Flood risk management in Germany follows an integrative approach in which both private households and businesses can make an important contribution to reducing flood damage by implementing property-level adaptation measures. While the flood adaptation behavior of private households has already been widely researched, comparatively less attention has been paid to the adaptation strategies of businesses. However, their ability to cope with flood risk plays an important role in the social and economic development of a flood-prone region. Therefore, using quantitative survey data, this study aims to identify different strategies and adaptation drivers of 557 businesses damaged by a riverine flood in 2013 and 104 businesses damaged by pluvial or flash floods between 2014 and 2017. Our results indicate that a low perceived self-efficacy may be an important factor that can reduce the motivation of businesses to adapt to flood risk. Furthermore, property-owners tended to act more proactively than tenants. In addition, high experience with previous flood events and low perceived response costs could strengthen proactive adaptation behavior. These findings should be considered in business-tailored risk communication.}, language = {en} } @misc{WutzlerHudsonThieken2022, author = {Wutzler, Bianca and Hudson, Paul and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Adaptation strategies of flood-damaged businesses in Germany}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1304}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57735}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-577350}, pages = {13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Flood risk management in Germany follows an integrative approach in which both private households and businesses can make an important contribution to reducing flood damage by implementing property-level adaptation measures. While the flood adaptation behavior of private households has already been widely researched, comparatively less attention has been paid to the adaptation strategies of businesses. However, their ability to cope with flood risk plays an important role in the social and economic development of a flood-prone region. Therefore, using quantitative survey data, this study aims to identify different strategies and adaptation drivers of 557 businesses damaged by a riverine flood in 2013 and 104 businesses damaged by pluvial or flash floods between 2014 and 2017. Our results indicate that a low perceived self-efficacy may be an important factor that can reduce the motivation of businesses to adapt to flood risk. Furthermore, property-owners tended to act more proactively than tenants. In addition, high experience with previous flood events and low perceived response costs could strengthen proactive adaptation behavior. These findings should be considered in business-tailored risk communication.}, language = {en} } @article{CammererThiekenLammel2013, author = {Cammerer, H. and Thieken, Annegret and Lammel, J.}, title = {Adaptability and transferability of flood loss functions in residential areas}, series = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences}, volume = {13}, journal = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences}, number = {11}, publisher = {Copernicus}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1561-8633}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-13-3063-2013}, pages = {3063 -- 3081}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Flood loss modeling is an important component within flood risk assessments. Traditionally, stage-damage functions are used for the estimation of direct monetary damage to buildings. Although it is known that such functions are governed by large uncertainties, they are commonly applied - even in different geographical regions - without further validation, mainly due to the lack of real damage data. Until now, little research has been done to investigate the applicability and transferability of such damage models to other regions. In this study, the last severe flood event in the Austrian Lech Valley in 2005 was simulated to test the performance of various damage functions from different geographical regions in Central Europe for the residential sector. In addition to common stage-damage curves, new functions were derived from empirical flood loss data collected in the aftermath of recent flood events in neighboring Germany. Furthermore, a multi-parameter flood loss model for the residential sector was adapted to the study area and also evaluated with official damage data. The analysis reveals that flood loss functions derived from related and more similar regions perform considerably better than those from more heterogeneous data sets of different regions and flood events. While former loss functions estimate the observed damage well, the latter overestimate the reported loss clearly. To illustrate the effect of model choice on the resulting uncertainty of damage estimates, the current flood risk for residential areas was calculated. In the case of extreme events like the 300 yr flood, for example, the range of losses to residential buildings between the highest and the lowest estimates amounts to a factor of 18, in contrast to properly validated models with a factor of 2.3. Even if the risk analysis is only performed for residential areas, our results reveal evidently that a carefree model transfer in other geographical regions might be critical. Therefore, we conclude that loss models should at least be selected or derived from related regions with similar flood and building characteristics, as far as no model validation is possible. To further increase the general reliability of flood loss assessment in the future, more loss data and more comprehensive loss data for model development and validation are needed.}, language = {en} }