@phdthesis{Crawford2020, author = {Crawford, Michael Scott}, title = {Using individual-based modeling to understand grassland diversity and resilience in the Anthropocene}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47941}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-479414}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {174}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The world's grassland systems are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic change. Susceptible to a variety of different stressors, from land-use intensification to climate change, understanding the mechanisms driving the maintenance of these systems' biodiversity and stability, and how these mechanisms may shift under human-mediated disturbance, is thus critical for successfully navigating the next century. Within this dissertation, I use an individual-based and spatially-explicit model of grassland community assembly (IBC-grass) to examine several processes, thought key to understanding their biodiversity and stability and how it changes under stress. In the first chapter of my thesis, I examine the conditions under which intraspecific trait variation influences the diversity of simulated grassland communities. In the second and third chapters of my thesis, I shift focus towards understanding how belowground herbivores influence the stability of these grassland systems to either a disturbance that results in increased, stochastic, plant mortality, or eutrophication. Intraspecific trait variation (ITV), or variation in trait values between individuals of the same species, is fundamental to the structure of ecological communities. However, because it has historically been difficult to incorporate into theoretical and statistical models, it has remained largely overlooked in community-level analyses. This reality is quickly shifting, however, as a consensus of research suggests that it may compose a sizeable proportion of the total variation within an ecological community and that it may play a critical role in determining if species coexist. Despite this increasing awareness that ITV matters, there is little consensus of the magnitude and direction of its influence. Therefore, to better understand how ITV changes the assembly of grassland communities, in the first chapter of my thesis, I incorporate it into an established, individual-based grassland community model, simulating both pairwise invasion experiments as well as the assembly of communities with varying initial diversities. By varying the amount of ITV in these species' functional traits, I examine the magnitude and direction of ITV's influence on pairwise invasibility and community coexistence. During pairwise invasion, ITV enables the weakest species to more frequently invade the competitively superior species, however, this influence does not generally scale to the community level. Indeed, unless the community has low alpha- and beta- diversity, there will be little effect of ITV in bolstering diversity. In these situations, since the trait axis is sparsely filled, the competitively inferior may suffer less competition and therefore ITV may buffer the persistence and abundance of these species for some time. In the second and third chapters of my thesis, I model how one of the most ubiquitous trophic interactions within grasslands, herbivory belowground, influences their diversity and stability. Until recently, the fundamental difficulty in studying a process within the soil has left belowground herbivory "out of sight, out of mind." This dilemma presents an opportunity for simulation models to explore how this understudied process may alter community dynamics. In the second chapter of my thesis, I implement belowground herbivory - represented by the weekly removal of plant biomass - into IBC-grass. Then, by introducing a pulse disturbance, modelled as the stochastic mortality of some percentage of the plant community, I observe how the presence of belowground herbivores influences the resistance and recovery of Shannon diversity in these communities. I find that high resource, low diversity, communities are significantly more destabilized by the presence of belowground herbivores after disturbance. Depending on the timing of the disturbance and whether the grassland's seed bank persists for more than one season, the impact of the disturbance - and subsequently the influence of the herbivores - can be greatly reduced. However, because human-mediated eutrophication increases the amount of resources in the soil, thus pressuring grassland systems, our results suggest that the influence of these herbivores may become more important over time. In the third chapter of my thesis, I delve further into understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of belowground herbivores on the diversity of grasslands by replicating an empirical mesocosm experiment that crosses the presence of herbivores above- and below-ground with eutrophication. I show that while aboveground herbivory, as predicted by theory and frequently observed in experiments, mitigates the impact of eutrophication on species diversity, belowground herbivores counterintuitively reduce biodiversity. Indeed, this influence positively interacts with the eutrophication process, amplifying its negative impact on diversity. I discovered the mechanism underlying this surprising pattern to be that, as the herbivores consume roots, they increase the proportion of root resources to root biomass. Because root competition is often symmetric, herbivory fails to mitigate any asymmetries in the plants' competitive dynamics. However, since the remaining roots have more abundant access to resources, the plants' competition shifts aboveground, towards asymmetric competition for light. This leads the community towards a low-diversity state, composed of mostly high-performance, large plant species. We further argue that this pattern will emerge unless the plants' root competition is asymmetric, in which case, like its counterpart aboveground, belowground herbivory may buffer diversity by reducing this asymmetry between the competitively superior and inferior plants. I conclude my dissertation by discussing the implications of my research on the state of the art in intraspecific trait variation and belowground herbivory, with emphasis on the necessity of more diverse theory development in the study of these fundamental interactions. My results suggest that the influence of these processes on the biodiversity and stability of grassland systems is underappreciated and multidimensional, and must be thoroughly explored if researchers wish to predict how the world's grasslands will respond to anthropogenic change. Further, should researchers myopically focus on understanding central ecological interactions through only mathematically tractable analyses, they may miss entire suites of potential coexistence mechanisms that can increase the coviability of species, potentially leading to coexistence over ecologically-significant timespans. Individual-based modelling, therefore, with its focus on individual interactions, will prove a critical tool in the coming decades for understanding how local interactions scale to larger contexts, and how these interactions shape ecological communities and further predicting how these systems will change under human-mediated stress.}, language = {en} } @misc{Frauenstein2017, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Frauenstein, Andrea}, title = {Erarbeitung einer P-Bilanz im Rahmen eines Konzeptes zur Sanierung und Restaurierung des Rangsdorfer Sees}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42876}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-428760}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 152}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Der Rangsdorfer See (A = 2,44 km² , z(max) = 6 m, z(mean) = 1,930 m) im Landkreis Teltow Fl{\"a}ming ist einer von vielen Gew{\"a}ssern in Brandenburg, die derzeit den nach EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie geforderten guten Zustand nicht erreichen. Bekanntlich gilt Phosphor f{\"u}r viele Gew{\"a}sser als der bedeutendste produktionslimitierende N{\"a}hrstoff und ist somit aussichtsreicher Steuerfaktor f{\"u}r eine erfolgreiche Seentherapie. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Gew{\"a}sserg{\"u}te des Rangsdorfer Sees nach trophischen Aspekten zu bewerten, Phosphor-Eintragspfade zu identifizieren, welche die h{\"o}chsten Frachten verursachen sowie Therapiemaßnahmen zu finden, die eine langfristige Zustandsverbesserung erm{\"o}glichen. In einer Szenarioanalyse wurde das modifizierte Einbox Modell angewendet, um die Wirksamkeit externer und interner Therapiemaßnahmen abzusch{\"a}tzen. Nach Abschluss der Studienarbeiten k{\"o}nnen folgende Schl{\"u}sse gezogen werden: Der Rangsdorfer See ist aufgrund seiner Morphometrie ein naturgegebenes n{\"a}hrstoffreiches Gew{\"a}sser und war das auch schon, bevor anthropogene Einfl{\"u}sse auf ihn einwirkten. Langj{\"a}hrige N{\"a}hrstoffeintr{\"a}ge verschiedener Herkunft (Abwassereinleitungen, Fischintensivhaltung, Rieselfelder) f{\"u}hrten jedoch zu einer {\"u}berm{\"a}ßigen Produktivit{\"a}t. Viele Belastungsquellen wurden ausgeschaltet, es findet jedoch immer noch ein relevanter N{\"a}hrstoffaustrag aus dem Einzugsgebiet statt. Unter Verwendung von Phosphor-Bilanzmodellen und seetypspezifischen kritischen Phosphor-Seekonzentrationen zeigt sich, dass die aktuell stattfindende externe Phosphor-Belastung den kritischen Phosphor-Eintrag zur mutmaßlichen Erreichung des guten {\"o}kologischen Zustandes {\"u}berschreitet. Anteilig die gr{\"o}ßte Fracht wird {\"u}ber den nat{\"u}rlichen Hauptzufluss in den Rangsdorfer See transportiert. Sanierungsmaßnahmen in dessen Einzugsgebiet stellen ein effektives Mittel dar. Eine technische L{\"o}sung zur N{\"a}hrstoffminderung im Zufluss (Eliminierungsanlage) kann unterst{\"u}tzend eingesetzt werden, muss aber dann bei unver{\"a}nderter hoher Phosphor-Konzentration im Zufluss dauerhaft betrieben werden. Das Einbox Modell stellte sich als hilfreiches Instrument zur Vorauswahl geeigneter Therapiemaßnahmen heraus.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Perillon2017, author = {P{\´e}rillon, C{\´e}cile}, title = {The effect of groundwater on benthic primary producers and their interaction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-406883}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 180}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In littoral zones of lakes, multiple processes determine lake ecology and water quality. Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD), most frequently taking place in littoral zones, can transport or mobilize nutrients from the sediments and thus contribute significantly to lake eutrophication. Furthermore, lake littoral zones are the habitat of benthic primary producers, namely submerged macrophytes and periphyton, which play a key role in lake food webs and influence lake water quality. Groundwater-mediated nutrient-influx can potentially affect the asymmetric competition between submerged macrophytes and periphyton for light and nutrients. While rooted macrophytes have superior access to sediment nutrients, periphyton can negatively affect macrophytes by shading. LGD may thus facilitate periphyton production at the expense of macrophyte production, although studies on this hypothesized effect are missing. The research presented in this thesis is aimed at determining how LGD influences periphyton, macrophytes, and the interactions between these benthic producers. Laboratory experiments were combined with field experiments and measurements in an oligo-mesotrophic hard water lake. In the first study, a general concept was developed based on a literature review of the existing knowledge regarding the potential effects of LGD on nutrients and inorganic and organic carbon loads to lakes, and the effect of these loads on periphyton and macrophytes. The second study includes a field survey and experiment examining the effects of LGD on periphyton in an oligotrophic, stratified hard water lake (Lake Stechlin). This study shows that LGD, by mobilizing phosphorus from the sediments, significantly promotes epiphyton growth, especially at the end of the summer season when epilimnetic phosphorus concentrations are low. The third study focuses on the potential effects of LGD on submerged macrophytes in Lake Stechlin. This study revealed that LGD may have contributed to an observed change in macrophyte community composition and abundance in the shallow littoral areas of the lake. Finally, a laboratory experiment was conducted which mimicked the conditions of a seepage lake. Groundwater circulation was shown to mobilize nutrients from the sediments, which significantly promoted periphyton growth. Macrophyte growth was negatively affected at high periphyton biomasses, confirming the initial hypothesis. More generally, this thesis shows that groundwater flowing into nutrient-limited lakes may import or mobilize nutrients. These nutrients first promote periphyton, and subsequently provoke radical changes in macrophyte populations before finally having a possible influence on the lake's trophic state. Hence, the eutrophying effect of groundwater is delayed and, at moderate nutrient loading rates, partly dampened by benthic primary producers. The present research emphasizes the importance and complexity of littoral processes, and the need to further investigate and monitor the benthic environment. As present and future global changes can significantly affect LGD, the understanding of these complex interactions is required for the sustainable management of lake water quality.}, language = {en} }