@inproceedings{OPUS4-39635, title = {11. Workshop Testmethoden und Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-9806494-1-4}, pages = {137 Seiten}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @misc{Zangenfeind1999, author = {Zangenfeind, Sabine}, title = {Thiele-Dohrmann, K., Kurtisanenfreund und F{\"u}rstenplage. Pietro Aretino und die Kunst der Enth{\"u}llung; D{\"u}sseldorf, Artemis \& Winkler, 1998}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Ette1999, author = {Ette, Ottmar}, title = {"Tres fines de siglo" : Teil II ; der Modernismo und die Heterogenit{\"a}t von Moderne und Postmoderne}, issn = {1865-9039}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Mussil1999, author = {Mussil, Stephan}, title = {Gl{\"u}ckliche Schuld und epische Vorsehung : die dichterische Anverwandlung des S{\"u}ndenfalls in "Paradise Lost"}, isbn = {3-8305-0118-6}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-33360, title = {Wprowadzenie do historii sredniowiecznej}, editor = {Heimann, Heinz-Dieter}, publisher = {TNOIK}, address = {Turun}, isbn = {83-876773-73-0}, pages = {368 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {pl} } @article{Scarlini1999, author = {Scarlini, Luca}, title = {Die Fabrik des Mythos. Luchino Visconti und der Divismo}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Stimpson1999, author = {Stimpson, Brain}, title = {Poetische und musikalische Komposition in der {\´e}criture Val{\´e}rys}, isbn = {3-86057-079-X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Hainaut1999, author = {Hainaut, Jean}, title = {Val{\´e}ry, Grassmann und der kleine D{\"a}umling}, isbn = {3-86057-079-X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{CeleyrettePietri1999, author = {Celeyrette-Pietri, Nicole}, title = {Die abstrakten Modelle der politischen Analyse : Methodische Betrachtungen der Welt}, isbn = {3-86057-079-X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @misc{Klettke1999, author = {Klettke, Cornelia}, title = {Roberts, M., Tournier, M.; Bricolage and cultural mythology; Saratoga, Anma Libri, 1994}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Klettke1999, author = {Klettke, Cornelia}, title = {Aspekte einer "Kunst" des Sehens: zu Paul Val{\´e}rys Philosophie des Blicks}, isbn = {3-86057-079-X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @misc{Klettke1999, author = {Klettke, Cornelia}, title = {Degn, I.; L'encre du savant et le sang des martyrs. Mythes et fantasmes dans les romans de Michel Tournier; Odense, University Press, 1995}, year = {1999}, language = {fr} } @article{BatttaggionTabaglio1999, author = {Batttaggion, Bianca Maria and Tabaglio, Carla}, title = {Mina - die Idee von der italienischen Frau : wie man Diva wird und es auch bleibt}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{StockhorstvonKossak1999, author = {Stockhorst, Stefanie and von Kossak, Wolfram}, title = {Sexuelles und wie es zu Wort kommt : die Frage nach dem Obsz{\"o}nen in den Liedern Oswalds von Wolkenstein}, issn = {0300-693X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Krueger1999, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Hans-Peter}, title = {Das Spektrum menschlicher Ph{\"a}nomene}, series = {Zwischen Lachen und Weinen}, volume = {1}, journal = {Zwischen Lachen und Weinen}, publisher = {Akademie Verl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-05-003414-9}, pages = {422 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Haussig1999, author = {Haußig, Hans-Michael}, title = {Der Religionsbegriff in den Religionen : Studien zum Selbst- und Religionsverstaendnid in Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Judentum und Islam}, publisher = {Philo}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-8257-0129-8}, pages = {275 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Selting1999, author = {Selting, Margret}, title = {Communicative Style}, isbn = {90-272-2573-7}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @book{MetteKloseMeieretal.1999, author = {Mette, Dieter and Klose, Veronika and Meier, Bernd and Ostermeier, Lydia}, title = {Arbeitslehre aktuell : Klasse 9, Ausgabe B, Sch{\"u}lerbuch}, publisher = {Oldenbourg Schulbuchverl.}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {3-486-88557-X}, pages = {112}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{MetteKloseMeieretal.1999, author = {Mette, Dieter and Klose, Veronika and Meier, Bernd and Ostermeier, Lydia}, title = {Arbeitslehre aktuell : Klasse 9, Ausgabe B, Lehrerband}, publisher = {Oldenburg Schulbuchverl.}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {3-486-88457-3}, pages = {112 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Mette1999, author = {Mette, Dieter}, title = {Europa : meine zuk{\"u}nftige Arbeitswelt - Strukturwandel in der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftswelt}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{WollfsohnBrechenmacher1999, author = {Wollfsohn, Michael and Brechenmacher, Thomas}, title = {Die Deutschen und ihre Vornamen : 200 Jahre Poitik und {\"o}ffentliche Meinung}, publisher = {Diana-Verl.}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {3-8284-5018-0}, pages = {463 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{AvilovKulyginPietschetal.1999, author = {Avilov, Anatoly S. and Kulygin, Alexander K. and Pietsch, Ullrich and Spence, John C. H. and Tsirelson, Vladimir G. and Zuo, Ming J.}, title = {Scanning system for high-energy electron diffractometry}, issn = {0021-8898}, doi = {10.1107/S0021889899006755}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Stillmark1999, author = {Stillmark, Hans-Christian}, title = {Im ohnm{\"a}chtigen Halluzinationsrausch der "Entwirklichung" : negative Syn{\"a}sthesie in Wolfgang Hilbigs "Beschreibung II"}, isbn = {978-8881148967}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Stillmark1999, author = {Stillmark, Hans-Christian}, title = {" Die Maßnahme" : ein pers{\"o}nliches Res{\"u}mee}, isbn = {3-9805945-7-2}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{FischerWinklerSchmid1999, author = {Fischer, Markus and Winkler, Eckart and Schmid, Bernhard}, title = {Modelling the competitiveness of clonal plants by complementary analytical and simulation approaches}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @book{PrengelGeiling1999, author = {Prengel, Annedore and Geiling, Ute}, title = {Vielfalt durch gute Ordnung im Anfangsunterricht}, series = {Schule und Gesellschaft}, volume = {15}, journal = {Schule und Gesellschaft}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, address = {Opladen}, isbn = {3-8199-1927-5}, pages = {248 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Flitner1999, author = {Flitner, Elisabeth}, title = {Aufkl{\"a}rung im Sprachgebrauch Max Webers}, isbn = {3-407-25226-9}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-22017, title = {Workshop on Implementing Automata : WIA99 - pre-proceedings ; Potsdam, Germany, 17 - 19. July 1999}, series = {Preprint / Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik}, volume = {1999, 4}, journal = {Preprint / Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik}, editor = {Boldt, Oliver and J{\"u}rgensen, Helmut and Robbins, L. E.}, publisher = {Univ.}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {0946-7580}, pages = {getr. Z{\"a}hl.}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Hopf1999, author = {Hopf, Diether}, title = {Schulische und psychosoziale Probleme der Remigration griechischer Kinder und Jugendlicher}, isbn = {3-901668-18-7}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{HopfHatzichristou1999, author = {Hopf, Diether and Hatzichristou, C.}, title = {Teacher gender-related influences in Greek schools}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SpannenbergBuschmannHoldtetal.1999, author = {Spannenberg, A. and Buschmann, Hans-J{\"u}rgen and Holdt, Hans-Joachim and Schollmeyer, E.}, title = {Complex formation of noncyclic, monocyclic and bicyclic ligands with nickel(II) and cobalt(II) in acetonitrile}, issn = {0095-8972}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Equilibrium constants and thermodynamic parameters for the complexation of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) by noncyclic, monocyclic and bicyclic ligands in acetonitrile have been determined by calorimetric titrations. The donor atoms and the ring size of the ligands play an important role for the stabilities of the complexes formed. An increasing number of nitrogen atoms in the crown ether favours complex formation. The number of nitrogen donor atoms of the macro- cyclic ligands examined has a direct influence on the values of the reaction enthalpies. Keywords: Complex formation; crown ethers; azacrown ethers; thiacrown ethers; cryptands; acetonitrile}, language = {en} } @article{Sturzbecher1999, author = {Sturzbecher, Dietmar}, title = {Familien im Mittelpunkt : Hilfen f{\"u}r die {\"o}rtliche Familienf{\"o}rderung im Land Brandenburg}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{SturzbecherFreytag1999, author = {Sturzbecher, Dietmar and Freytag, Ronald}, title = {Ein Vergleich elterlicher und kindlicher Einsch{\"a}tzungen der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion und ihres entwicklungsprognostischen Wertes}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Wegener1999, author = {Wegener, Heide}, title = {The emergence of modal particles in german}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Rohdenburg1999, author = {Rohdenburg, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Degrammaticalization phenomena with "seeing" and other adverbial conjunctions in english}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {On grammaticalization processes of negated prepositional phrases in slavic languages : negative concord}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{OnckenLuschenMechieetal.1999, author = {Oncken, Onno and Luschen, Ewald and Mechie, James and Sobolev, Stephan Vladimir and Schulze, Albrecht and Gaedicke, Christoph and Grunewald, Steffen and Bribach, Jens and Asch, G{\"u}nter and Giese, Peter and Wigger, Peter and Schmitz, Michael and Lueth, Stefan and Scheuber, Ekkehard and Haberland, Christian and Rietbrock, Andreas and G{\"o}tze, Hans-J{\"u}rgen and Brasse, Heinrich and Patzwahl, Regina and Chong, Guillermo and Wilke, Hans-Gerhard and Gonzalez, Gabriel and Jensen, Arturo and Araneda, Manuel and Vieytes, Hugo and Behn, Gerardo and Martinez, Eloy}, title = {Seismic reflection image revealing offset of Andean subduction-zone earthquake locations into oceanic mantle}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Schulte1999, author = {Schulte, Christoph}, title = {Haskala und Kabbala : Haltungen und Strategien der j{\"u}dischen Aufkl{\"a}rung beim Umgang mit der Kabbala}, isbn = {3-7873-1378-8}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-22006, title = {Globalisation of R\&D and technology markets : consequences for national innovation policies : with 11 tables}, series = {Technology, innovation and policy}, volume = {9}, journal = {Technology, innovation and policy}, editor = {Meyer-Krahmer, Frieder and Jungmittag, Andre and Reger, Guido}, publisher = {Physica-Verl.}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7908-1175-0}, pages = {180 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-22005, title = {Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung II : Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung und {\"o}konomische Theorie - Pr{\"u}fungsmarkt - Pr{\"u}fungsmethoden - Urteilsbildung / 2. Symposium der KPMG/Universit{\"a}t Potsdam zur Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftspr{\"u}fung}, editor = {Richter, Martin}, publisher = {Schmidt}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-503-04823-5}, pages = {316 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Buerger1999, author = {B{\"u}rger, Klaus}, title = {B{\"u}cherwurm - Mein Sprachbuch [2. Schuljahr] : Lehrerband ; Ausgabe B mit LA und VA f{\"u}r die L{\"a}nder Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Saarland}, editor = {Ahlgrimm, Helga}, publisher = {Klett}, address = {Leipzig}, pages = {94 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Schulte1999, author = {Schulte, Christoph}, title = {Einleitung (mit einem Anhang ausgew{\"a}hlter Forschungsliteratur)}, issn = {0722-740X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-22002, title = {Autonome Schule - andere Musikp{\"a}dagogik?}, series = {Hamburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik}, volume = {1}, journal = {Hamburger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik}, editor = {B{\"a}ßler, Hans and Jank, Birgit and Knolle, Niels}, publisher = {Univ.}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {3-9806889-0-09}, pages = {129 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Balderjahn1999, author = {Balderjahn, Ingo}, title = {The perceived risks and benefits of genetically modified food products : Experts versus consumers}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Schulte1999, author = {Schulte, Christoph}, title = {Herzl and Nordau as Journalists and Litt{\´e}rateurs}, isbn = {0-930832-08-6}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-21999, title = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte : ZRGG}, editor = {Schulte, Christoph}, publisher = {Brill}, address = {Leiden}, issn = {1570-0739}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Schulte1999, author = {Schulte, Christoph}, title = {Kabbala in Salomon Maimons Lebensgeschichte}, isbn = {3-484-65127-X}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Jasper1999, author = {Jasper, Willi}, title = {"ein" abschließendes Urteil {\"u}ber die Geschichte kann man nixht willk{\"u}rlich f{\"a}llen" : ein Gespr{\"a}ch {\"u}ber Deutschland und Israel mit Avi Primor}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{JasperVogt1999, author = {Jasper, Willi and Vogt, Bernhard}, title = {Integration und Selbstbehauptung. russische Juden in Deutschland}, issn = {0041-2716}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21995, title = {Kabbala und die Literatur der Romantik : zwischen Magie und Trope}, series = {Conditio Judaica}, volume = {27}, journal = {Conditio Judaica}, editor = {Goodman-Thau, Eveline and Mattenklott, Gert and Schulte, Christoph}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-484-65127-X}, pages = {VIII, 266 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21994, title = {Ein neues Judentum in Deutschland? : Fremd- und Eigenbilder der russisch-j{\"u}dischen Einwanderer}, series = {Neue Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geistesgeschichte}, volume = {2}, journal = {Neue Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geistesgeschichte}, editor = {Schoeps, Julius H. and Vogt, Bernhard and Jasper, Willi}, publisher = {Verl. f{\"u}r Berlin-Brandenburg}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {3-932981-62-6}, pages = {325 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21993, title = {Haskala : die j{\"u}dische Aufkl{\"a}rung in Deutschland 1769 - 1812}, volume = {23.1999,2}, editor = {Schultze, Christoph}, publisher = {Wallstein-Verl.}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {3-89244-351-3}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{GrueningMatthes1999, author = {Gr{\"u}ning, Eberhard and Matthes, Gerald}, title = {Kooperation von F{\"o}rderschulen f{\"u}r geistig Behinderte und Grundschulen im Land Brandenburg: erste Ergebnisse}, issn = {1435-4594}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Der Beitrag gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber Standortmodelle schulischer Kooperation zwischen Schulen f{\"u}r geistig Behinderte und Schulformen f{\"u}r Kinder und Jugendliche ohne Behinderung in Brandenburg.Prozessbegleitende Beobachtungskriterien zur Handlungsregulation der Sch{\"u}ler werden vorgestellt und in einer Einzelfallanalyse betrachtet. Es erfolgen Hinweise zur Didaktischen Gestaltung f{\"u}r den kooperativen Musikunterricht. Eine Lernerfolgsmessung aus diesem Unterricht wird f{\"u}r die Probanden mit geistiger Behinderung ausgewiesen.}, language = {de} } @article{SturzbecherLangner1999, author = {Sturzbecher, Dietmar and Langner, Winfried}, title = {Kinder und Jugendliche als Opfer inner- und außerfamilialer Gewalt}, isbn = {3-930982-47-1}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Tristram1999, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {How Celtic is Standard English?}, editor = {Asinovskij, Alexander S. and Kasanskij, N. N. and Kryuchkova, E. R. and Falileyev, Alexandre I.}, publisher = {Nauka}, address = {Sankt-Peterburg}, isbn = {5-02-028463-7}, pages = {46 S.}, year = {1999}, abstract = {In this brochure, Tristram argues that Standard English may be more indebted to the influence of 'Late British' than hitherto acknowledged by mainstream historical scholarship. By 'Late British' the native (or source) language of the about 2m language shifters in the wake of the Anglo-Saxon Conquest is meant who constituted the bulk of the native population of the island of Britain in the early middle ages. Although predictably, the influence of 'Late British' on Old English neither shows in the lexis of written Old English nor in its core grammar, it does show in the phonology (Peter Schrijver) and the inflectional syncretism of the Northern dialect texts. The influence of the interlanguage of the shifters only really surfaces in Middle English texts, after the diglossia between the language of the HIGH variety of Old English of the ruling elite and the LOW variety of the working population was discontinued under Norman rule. A number of grammatical features are listed in this brochure, which show that Present Day Standard English typologically sides with the Celtic languages, and with the Neo-Brittonic languages in particular, rather than with the other Continental Germanic languages. The brochure also calls for more research into this matter and in particular detailed investigations into the individual features mentioned.}, language = {en} } @article{OPUS4-21989, title = {{\"U}bersetzung, Adaptation und Akkulturation im insularen Mittelalter : Festschrift II f{\"u}r Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Gear{\´o}id Mac Eoin (Galway)}, series = {Studien und Texte zur Keltologie}, volume = {4}, journal = {Studien und Texte zur Keltologie}, editor = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C. and Poppe, Erich}, publisher = {Nodus-Publ}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, isbn = {3-89323-614-7}, pages = {346 S.}, year = {1999}, abstract = {This Festschrift contains 19 original articles in the field of medieval Celtic Studies in honour of Professor Gear{\´o}id Mac Eoin, plus an introduction by Hildegard L. C. Tristram and a thematic prologue by Erich Poppe}, language = {de} } @article{Franz1999, author = {Franz, Norbert P.}, title = {Messianische Bewegungen : nationaler Messianismus}, isbn = {3-451-22007-5}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Franz1999, author = {Franz, Norbert P.}, title = {Merezkovskij, Dmitrij}, isbn = {3-451-22007-5}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21986, title = {Expedition Geschichte : Berlin ; Klasse 8 ; Bd. 2 Vom Zeitalter des Absolutismus bis zur industriellen Revolution [Hauptband]}, volume = {2/Hauptbd. = 8. Kl}, editor = {Klose, Dagmar and Osburg, Florian}, publisher = {Diesterweg}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-425-03378-6}, pages = {154 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{BeetzBarcelo1999, author = {Beetz, Petra and Barcel{\´o}, Pedro}, title = {Expedition Geschichte : Regelschule Th{\"u}ringen ; Klasse 7 ; Bd. 3 Von der Herausbildung des fr{\"u}heren Staates bis zum Absolutismus [Hauptband]}, series = {Von der Herausbildung des fr{\"u}hen deutschen Staates bis zum Absolutismus}, volume = {3, Hauptbd. = 7. Kl}, journal = {Von der Herausbildung des fr{\"u}hen deutschen Staates bis zum Absolutismus}, editor = {Klose, Dagmar and Barcel{\´o}, Pedro}, publisher = {Diesterweg}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-425-03403-0}, pages = {194 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{BeetzClaussFiedler1999, author = {Beetz, Petra and Clauss, Manfred and Fiedler, Almut}, title = {Expedition Geschichte : Mittelschule Sachsen ; Klasse 8 : Bd. 4 Vom Absolutismus bis zum Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges [Hauptband]}, editor = {Osburg, Florian and Klose, Dagmar and Barcel{\´o}, Pedro}, publisher = {Diesterweg}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-425-03328-X}, pages = {234 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{BartowskiKaraszPfeiffer1999, author = {Bartowski, Karin and Karasz, C. and Pfeiffer, S.}, title = {B{\"u}cherwurm - Mein Sprachbuch [4. Schuljahr] : Mein Arbeitsheft}, editor = {Ahlgrimm, Helga}, publisher = {Klett}, address = {Leipzig}, pages = {64 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21982, title = {B{\"u}cherwurm - Mein Sprachbuch [4. Schuljahr] : [Sch{\"u}lerband]}, editor = {Ahlgrimm, Helga}, publisher = {Klett}, address = {Leipzig}, pages = {151 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21981, title = {Weg in den Untergang : der innere Zerfall der DDR}, editor = {Jarausch, Konrad H. and Sabrow, Martin}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {3-525-01383-3}, pages = {280 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-21980, title = {Grenzen der Vereinigung : die geteilte Vergangenheit im geeinten Deutschland}, volume = {1}, editor = {Sabrow, Martin}, publisher = {Akademische Verlagsanstalt}, address = {Leipzig}, isbn = {3-931982-11-4}, pages = {86 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Sabrow1999, author = {Sabrow, Martin}, title = {Die verdr{\"a}ngte Verschw{\"o}rung : der Rathenaumord und die deutsche Gegenrevolution}, publisher = {Fischer Taschenbuch}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-596-14302-0}, pages = {276 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Jarausch1999, author = {Jarausch, Konrad H.}, title = {ASS-Materialien}, editor = {Lompscher, Joachim}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1615-6129}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Voeste1999, author = {Voeste, Anja}, title = {Normierung der Grammatik als consensus eruditorum? : soziofunktionale Zw{\"a}nge im Sprachgebrauch der ersten H{\"a}lfte des 18. Jahrhunderts}, isbn = {3-88099-377-7}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{KrappmannUhlendorffOswald1999, author = {Krappmann, Lothar and Uhlendorff, Harald and Oswald, Hans}, title = {Qualities of Children{\"i}s Friendships in Middle Childhood in East- and West Berlin}, isbn = {3-11-016500-7}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @book{AissenCrewettScharnhorst1999, author = {Aissen-Crewett, Meike and Scharnhorst, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Rezeption als {\"a}sthetische Erfahrung}, series = {Aisthesis, Paideia, Therapeia : Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur {\"a}sthetischen Theorie, Bildung und Theorie}, journal = {Aisthesis, Paideia, Therapeia : Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur {\"a}sthetischen Theorie, Bildung und Theorie}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Publikationsstelle}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {3-9806494-6-6}, issn = {1438-8510}, pages = {221 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Witte1999, author = {Witte, Frank}, title = {Wirtschaftlichkeit in Hochschulen : ein Finanzmittelverteilungsmodell f{\"u}r Hochschulen auf der Grundlage der Lehr- und Forschungsleistung}, series = {Berichte aus der Betriebswirtschaft}, journal = {Berichte aus der Betriebswirtschaft}, publisher = {Shaker}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {3-8265-5828-6}, issn = {0945-0696}, pages = {XVII, 267 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{vonTreskow1999, author = {von Treskow, Isabella}, title = {Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft : Franz Oppenheimer und die Grundlegung der sozialen Marktwirtschaft}, series = {Studien zur Geistesgeschichte}, volume = {24}, journal = {Studien zur Geistesgeschichte}, editor = {Schoeps, Julius H. and Kotowski, Elke-Vera and Vogt, Bernhard}, publisher = {Philo}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {3-89626- 538-5}, pages = {333 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoehfeld1999, author = {H{\"o}hfeld, Hendrik}, title = {Strafrechtliche Produktverantwortung und Zivilrecht : zur Strafbarkeit der Mitglieder mehrk{\"o}pfiger Gesch{\"a}ftsleitungsgremien von Wirtschaftsunternehmen unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Gesellschafts- und allgemeinen Zivilrechts}, series = {Potsdamer rechtswissenschaftliche Reihe}, volume = {7}, journal = {Potsdamer rechtswissenschaftliche Reihe}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-540-66449-1}, pages = {XIX, 233 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Stoever1999, author = {St{\"o}ver, Bernd}, title = {Der Fall Otto John : neue Dokumente zu den Aussagen des deutschen Geheimdienstchefs gegen{\"u}ber MfS und KGB}, editor = {Kleßmann, Christoph}, publisher = {Links}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {338 S.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{FischerWinkler1999, author = {Fischer, Markus and Winkler, Eckart}, title = {Two fitness measures for clonal plants and the importance of spatial aspects}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{FischerStoecklin1999, author = {Fischer, Markus and St{\"o}cklin, J.}, title = {Plants with longer-lived seeds have lower local extinction rates in grassland remnants}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{FischerDietzSchmidt1999, author = {Fischer, Markus and Dietz, H. and Schmidt, B.}, title = {Demographic and genetic invasion history of a 9-year-old roadside population of Bunias orientalis L. 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We analyze diffraction mechanisms proposed for confront the theory with experiment.}, language = {en} } @article{RosenblumAbelKurthsetal.1999, author = {Rosenblum, Michael and Abel, Hans-Henning and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Sch{\"a}fer, Carsten}, title = {Synchronization in the human cardiorespiratory system}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{BraunFeudelGebogietal.1999, author = {Braun, Robert and Feudel, Fred and Gebogi, C. and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Witt, Annette}, title = {Tracer dynamics in a flow of driven vortices}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SchwacheKurthsMitschkeetal.1999, author = {Schwache, A. and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Mitschke, F. and Voss, Henning U.}, title = {Equations of motion from chaotic data : a driven optical fiber ring resonator}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{KolodnerAbelKurthsetal.1999, author = {Kolodner, P. and Abel, Markus and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Voss, Henning U.}, title = {Amplitude equations from spatiotemporal binary-fluid convection data}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{KliemKruegerHildebrandtetal.1999, author = {Kliem, Bernhard and Kr{\"u}ger, Albrecht and Hildebrandt, Joachim and Garaimov, V. I. and Stepanov, A. V.}, title = {Second-harmonic plasma radiation of magnetically trapped electrons in stellar coronae}, issn = {0004-637X}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{AmaralGoldbergerHavlinetal.1999, author = {Amaral, Luis A. Nunes and Goldberger, Ary L. and Havlin, Shlomo and Rosenblum, Michael and Struzik, Zbigniew R. and Stanley, H. Eugene and Ivanov, Plamen Ch.}, title = {Multifractality in human heartbeat dynamics}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzSpahnGrebogietal.1999, author = {Schwarz, Udo and Spahn, Frank and Grebogi, Celso and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Petzschmann, Olaf}, title = {Length scales of clustering in granular gases}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{HeuerSchultheissHodgsonetal.1999, author = {Heuer, Axel and Schultheiss, J. and Hodgson, N. and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Menzel, Ralf and Raab, Volker}, title = {Transverse effects in phase conjugate laser mirrors based on stimulated brillouin scattering}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{WittSpanoNeimanetal.1999, author = {Witt, Annette and Spano, M. and Neiman, Alexander and Moss, F. and Dolan, K.}, title = {Surrogates for finding unstable periodic orbits in noisy data sets}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{ThiessenhusenColwellSramaetal.1999, author = {Thiessenhusen, Kai-Uwe and Colwell, Josh E. and Srama, Ralf and Gr{\"u}n, Eberhard and Spahn, Frank}, title = {Dynamics of dust ejected from enceladus : application to the cassini dust detector}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SaloPetzschmannSpahnetal.1999, author = {Salo, H. and Petzschmann, Olaf and Spahn, Frank and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Vertical distribution of temperature and density in a planetary ring}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{ParkRosenblumKurthsetal.1999, author = {Park, Eun Hyoung and Rosenblum, Michael and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Zaks, Michael A.}, title = {Alternating locking ratios in imperfect phase synchronization}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SteinbergFischerKiuliesetal.1999, author = {Steinberg, Pablo and Fischer, Thomas M. and Kiulies, Sandra and Biefang, Katja and Platt, Karl-Ludwig and Oesch, Franz and B{\"o}ttger, Thomas and Bulitta, Clemens and Kempf, Peter and Hengstler, Jan Georg}, title = {Drug metabolizing capacity of cryopreserved human, rat and mouse liver parenchymal cells in suspension}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{HengstlerVanDerBurgSteinbergetal.1999, author = {Hengstler, Jan Georg and VanDerBurg, Bart and Steinberg, Pablo and Oesch, Franz}, title = {Interspecies differences in cancer susceptibility and toxicity}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{SchlegerBeckerOeschetal.1999, author = {Schleger, C. and Becker, Rolf and Oesch, Franz and Steinberg, Pablo}, title = {The human p53 gene mutated at position 249 per se is not sufficient to immortalize human liver cells}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{FrohneMoellerSchuebel1999, author = {Frohne, Irene and M{\"o}ller, Angelika and Sch{\"u}bel, Adelbert}, title = {Erfahrungen mit einem f{\"a}cher{\"u}bergreifenden Ansatz zur Ermittlung von Kompetenz}, series = {Potsdamer Studien zur Grundschulforschung}, volume = {24}, journal = {Potsdamer Studien zur Grundschulforschung}, publisher = {Univ.}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {0945-6643}, pages = {103 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{SchubertKoutzevlovHornetal.1999, author = {Schubert, Wolfgang and Koutzevlov, Atanas and Horn, Erika and R{\"a}tsch, Gunnar and Tschapek, Alexej}, title = {Aspekte der Flexibilisierung von Systemen f{\"u}r den Hardwaretest}, series = {Preprint / Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik}, volume = {1999, 04}, journal = {Preprint / Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik}, publisher = {Univ.}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {0946-7580}, pages = {24 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{vonHeckerBeckmannSzymanski1999, author = {von Hecker, Ulrich and Beckmann, J{\"u}rgen and Szymanski, Birgit}, title = {Interaktionen in Kleingruppen : soziale Ressourcen als Grundlage interpersonaler Macht : Interaction in small groups : social resources as a basis of interpersonal power}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Klose1999, author = {Klose, Dagmar}, title = {Der Nationalsozialismus}, isbn = {3-425-03383-2}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @book{Peter1999, author = {Peter, Martin G.}, title = {EUCHIS'99 : 3rd International Conference of the European Chitin Society ; Potsdam, Germany, Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, 1999 ; abstracts}, publisher = {Univ.}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {125 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1999}, language = {en} }