@phdthesis{Eichelmann2019, author = {Eichelmann, Fabian}, title = {Novel adipokines as inflammatory biomarkers of chronic disease risk}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {133}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gaballa2019, author = {Gaballa, Mohamed Mahmoud Salem Ahmed}, title = {New pharmacological approaches targeting vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease}, address = {Potsdam}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 110}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kehm2019, author = {Kehm, Richard}, title = {The impact of metabolic stress and aging on functionality and integrity of pancreatic islets and beta-cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44109}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 138}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The increasing age of worldwide population is a major contributor for the rising prevalence of major pathologies and disease, such as type 2 diabetes, mediated by massive insulin resistance and a decline in functional beta-cell mass, highly associated with an elevated incidence of obesity. Thus, the impact of aging under physiological conditions and in combination with diet-induced metabolic stress on characteristics of pancreatic islets and beta-cells, with the focus on functionality and structural integrity, were investigated in the present dissertation. Primarily induced by malnutrition due to chronic and excess intake of high caloric diets, containing large amounts of carbohydrates and fats, obesity followed by systemic inflammation and peripheral insulin resistance occurs over time, initiating metabolic stress conditions. Elevated insulin demands initiate an adaptive response by beta-cell mass expansion due to increased proliferation, but prolonged stress conditions drive beta-cell failure and loss. Aging has been also shown to affect beta-cell functionality and morphology, in particular by proliferative limitations. However, most studies in rodents were performed under beta-cell challenging conditions, such as high-fat diet interventions. Thus, in the first part of the thesis (publication I), a characterization of age-related alterations on pancreatic islets and beta-cells was performed by using plasma samples and pancreatic tissue sections of standard diet-fed C57BL/6J wild-type mice in several age groups (2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 21 months). Aging was accompanied by decreased but sustained islet proliferative potential as well as an induction of cellular senescence. This was associated with a progressive islet expansion to maintain normoglycemia throughout lifespan. Moreover, beta-cell function and mass were not impaired although the formation and accumulation of AGEs occurred, located predominantly in the islet vasculature, accompanied by an induction of oxidative and nitrosative (redox) stress. The nutritional behavior throughout human lifespan; however, is not restricted to a balanced diet. This emphasizes the significance to investigate malnutrition by the intake of high-energy diets, inducing metabolic stress conditions that synergistically with aging might amplify the detrimental effects on endocrine pancreas. Using diabetes-prone NZO mice aged 7 weeks, fed a dietary regimen of carbohydrate restriction for different periods (young mice - 11 weeks, middle-aged mice - 32 weeks) followed by a carbohydrate intervention for 3 weeks, offered the opportunity to distinguish the effects of diet-induced metabolic stress in different ages on the functionality and integrity of pancreatic islets and their beta-cells (publication II, manuscript). Interestingly, while young NZO mice exhibited massive hyperglycemia in response to diet-induced metabolic stress accompanied by beta-cell dysfunction and apoptosis, middle-aged animals revealed only moderate hyperglycemia by the maintenance of functional beta-cells. The loss of functional beta-cell mass in islets of young mice was associated with reduced expression of PDX1 transcription factor, increased endocrine AGE formation and related redox stress as well as TXNIP-dependent induction of the mitochondrial death pathway. Although the amounts of secreted insulin and the proliferative potential were comparable in both age groups, islets of middle-aged mice exhibited sustained PDX1 expression, almost regular insulin secretory function, increased capacity for cell cycle progression as well as maintained redox potential. The results of the present thesis indicate a loss of functional beta-cell mass in young diabetes-prone NZO mice, occurring by redox imbalance and induction of apoptotic signaling pathways. In contrast, aging under physiological conditions in C57BL/6J mice and in combination with diet-induced metabolic stress in NZO mice does not appear to have adverse effects on the functionality and structural integrity of pancreatic islets and beta-cells, associated with adaptive responses on changing metabolic demands. However, considering the detrimental effects of aging, it has to be assumed that the compensatory potential of mice might be exhausted at a later point of time, finally leading to a loss of functional beta-cell mass and the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes. The polygenic, diabetes-prone NZO mouse is a suitable model for the investigation of human obesity-associated type 2 diabetes. However, mice at advanced age attenuated the diabetic phenotype or do not respond to the dietary stimuli. This might be explained by the middle age of mice, corresponding to the human age of about 38-40 years, in which the compensatory mechanisms of pancreatic islets and beta cells towards metabolic stress conditions are presumably more active.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kochlik2019, author = {Kochlik, Bastian Max}, title = {Relevance of biomarkers for the diagnosis of the frailty syndrome}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 99}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Frailty and sarcopenia share some underlying characteristics like loss of muscle mass, low muscle strength, and low physical performance. Imaging parameters and functional examinations mainly assess frailty and sarcopenia criteria; however, these measures can have limitations in clinical settings. Therefore, finding suitable biomarkers that reflect a catabolic muscle state e.g. an elevated muscle protein turnover as suggested in frailty, are becoming more relevant concerning frailty diagnosis and risk assessment. 3-Methylhistidine (3-MH) and its ratios 3-MH-to-creatinine (3-MH/Crea) and 3 MH-to-estimated glomerular filtration rate (3-MH/eGFR) are under discussion as possible biomarkers for muscle protein turnover and might support the diagnosis of frailty. However, there is some skepticism about the reliability of 3-MH measures since confounders such as meat and fish intake might influence 3-MH plasma concentrations. Therefore, the influence of dietary habits and an intervention with white meat on plasma 3-MH was determined in young and healthy individuals. In another study, the cross-sectional associations of plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR with the frailty status (robust, pre-frail and frail) were investigated. Oxidative stress (OS) is a possible contributor to frailty development, and high OS levels as well as low micronutrient levels are associated with the frailty syndrome. However, data on simultaneous measures of OS biomarkers together with micronutrients are lacking in studies including frail, pre-frail and robust individuals. Therefore, cross-sectional associations of protein carbonyls (PrCarb), 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and several micronutrients with the frailty status were determined. A validated UPLC-MS/MS (ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) method for the simultaneous quantification of 3-MH and 1-MH (1 methylhistidine, as marker for meat and fish consumption) was presented and used for further analyses. Omnivores showed higher plasma 3-MH and 1-MH concentrations than vegetarians and a white meat intervention resulted in an increase in plasma 3-MH, 3 MH/Crea, 1-MH and 1-MH/Crea in omnivores. Elevated 3-MH and 3-MH/Crea levels declined significantly within 24 hours after this white meat intervention. Thus, 3-MH and 3-MH/Crea might be used as biomarker for muscle protein turnover when subjects did not consume meat 24 hours prior to blood samplings. Plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR were higher in frail individuals than in robust individuals. Additionally, these biomarkers were positively associated with frailty in linear regression models, and higher odds to be frail were found for every increase in 3 MH and 3-MH/eGFR quintile in multivariable logistic regression models adjusted for several confounders. This was the first study using 3-MH/eGFR and it is concluded that plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR might be used to identify frail individuals or individuals at higher risk to be frail, and that there might be threshold concentrations or ratios to support these diagnoses. Higher vitamin D3, lutein/zeaxanthin, γ-tocopherol, α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene and β-cryptoxanthin concentrations and additionally lower PrCarb concentrations were found in robust compared to frail individuals in multivariate linear models. Frail subjects had higher odds to be in the lowest than in the highest tertile for vitamin D3 α-tocopherol, α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and β cryptoxanthin, and had higher odds to be in the highest than in the lowest tertile for PrCarb than robust individuals in multivariate logistic regression models. Thus, a low micronutrient together with a high PrCarb status is associated with pre-frailty and frailty.}, language = {en} }