@phdthesis{Kunkel2023, author = {Kunkel, Stefanie}, title = {Green industry through industry 4.0? Expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry for environmental sustainability}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61395}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Digitalisation in industry - also called "Industry 4.0" - is seen by numerous actors as an opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of the industrial sector. The scientific assessments of the effects of digitalisation in industry on environmental sustainability, however, are ambivalent. This cumulative dissertation uses three empirical studies to examine the expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry on environmental sustainability. The aim of this dissertation is to identify opportunities and risks of digitalisation at different system levels and to derive options for action in politics and industry for a more sustainable design of digitalisation in industry. I use an interdisciplinary, socio-technical approach and look at selected countries of the Global South (Study 1) and the example of China (all studies). In the first study (section 2, joint work with Marcel Matthess), I use qualitative content analysis to examine digital and industrial policies from seven different countries in Africa and Asia for expectations regarding the impact of digitalisation on sustainability and compare these with the potentials of digitalisation for sustainability in the respective country contexts. The analysis reveals that the documents express a wide range of vague expectations that relate more to positive indirect impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) use, such as improved energy efficiency and resource management, and less to negative direct impacts of ICT, such as electricity consumption through ICT. In the second study (section 3, joint work with Marcel Matthess, Grischa Beier and Bing Xue), I conduct and analyse interviews with 18 industry representatives of the electronics industry from Europe, Japan and China on digitalisation measures in supply chains using qualitative content analysis. I find that while there are positive expectations regarding the effects of digital technologies on supply chain sustainability, their actual use and observable effects are still limited. Interview partners can only provide few examples from their own companies which show that sustainability goals have already been pursued through digitalisation of the supply chain or where sustainability effects, such as resource savings, have been demonstrably achieved. In the third study (section 4, joint work with Peter Neuh{\"a}usler, Melissa Dachrodt and Marcel Matthess), I conduct an econometric panel data analysis. I examine the relationship between the degree of Industry 4.0, energy consumption and energy intensity in ten manufacturing sectors in China between 2006 and 2019. The results suggest that overall, there is no significant relationship between the degree of Industry 4.0 and energy consumption or energy intensity in manufacturing sectors in China. However, differences can be found in subgroups of sectors. I find a negative correlation of Industry 4.0 and energy intensity in highly digitalised sectors, indicating an efficiency-enhancing effect of Industry 4.0 in these sectors. On the other hand, there is a positive correlation of Industry 4.0 and energy consumption for sectors with low energy consumption, which could be explained by the fact that digitalisation, such as the automation of previously mainly labour-intensive sectors, requires energy and also induces growth effects. In the discussion section (section 6) of this dissertation, I use the classification scheme of the three levels macro, meso and micro, as well as of direct and indirect environmental effects to classify the empirical observations into opportunities and risks, for example, with regard to the probability of rebound effects of digitalisation at the three levels. I link the investigated actor perspectives (policy makers, industry representatives), statistical data and additional literature across the system levels and consider political economy aspects to suggest fields of action for more sustainable (digitalised) industries. The dissertation thus makes two overarching contributions to the academic and societal discourse. First, my three empirical studies expand the limited state of research at the interface between digitalisation in industry and sustainability, especially by considering selected countries in the Global South and the example of China. Secondly, exploring the topic through data and methods from different disciplinary contexts and taking a socio-technical point of view, enables an analysis of (path) dependencies, uncertainties, and interactions in the socio-technical system across different system levels, which have often not been sufficiently considered in previous studies. The dissertation thus aims to create a scientifically and practically relevant knowledge basis for a value-guided, sustainability-oriented design of digitalisation in industry.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schumacher2022, author = {Schumacher, Jochen}, title = {Entwicklung eines Industrie 4.0 Reifegradindex f{\"u}r produzierende Unternehmen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55464}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-554642}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 275}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Industrie 4.0 Reifegradindex f{\"u}r produzierende Unternehmen (KMU und Mittelstand) mit diskreter Produktion. Die Motivation zu dieser Arbeit entstand aus dem Z{\"o}gern vieler Unternehmen - insbesondere KMU und Mittelstand - bei der Transformation in Richtung Industrie 4.0. Im Rahmen einer Marktstudie konnte belegt werden, dass 86 Prozent der befragten produzierenden Unternehmen kein f{\"u}r ihr Unternehmen geeignetes Industrie 4.0 Reifegradmodell gefunden haben, mit dem sie ihren Status Quo bewerten und Maßnahmen f{\"u}r einen h{\"o}heren Grad der Reife ableiten k{\"o}nnten. Die Bewertung bestehender Reifegradmodelle zeigte Defizite hinsichtlich der Industrie 4.0 Abdeckung, der Betrachtung der sozio-technischen Dimensionen Mensch, Technik und Organisation sowie der Betrachtung von Management und Unternehmenskultur. Basierend auf den aktuellen Industrie 4.0 Technologien und Handlungsbereichen wurde ein neues, modular aufgebautes Industrie 4.0 Reifegradmodell entwickelt, das auf einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung aller sozio-technischen Dimensionen Mensch, Technik und Organisation sowie deren Schnittstellen basiert. Das Modell ermittelt neben dem Overall Industry 4.0 Maturity Index (OI4MI) vier weitere Indizes zur Bewertung der Industrie 4.0 Reife des Unternehmens. Das Modell wurde bei einem Unternehmen validiert und steht nun als Template f{\"u}r darauf aufbauende Forschungsarbeiten zur Verf{\"u}gung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grum2021, author = {Grum, Marcus}, title = {Construction of a concept of neuronal modeling}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The business problem of having inefficient processes, imprecise process analyses, and simulations as well as non-transparent artificial neuronal network models can be overcome by an easy-to-use modeling concept. With the aim of developing a flexible and efficient approach to modeling, simulating, and optimizing processes, this paper proposes a flexible Concept of Neuronal Modeling (CoNM). The modeling concept, which is described by the modeling language designed and its mathematical formulation and is connected to a technical substantiation, is based on a collection of novel sub-artifacts. As these have been implemented as a computational model, the set of CoNM tools carries out novel kinds of Neuronal Process Modeling (NPM), Neuronal Process Simulations (NPS), and Neuronal Process Optimizations (NPO). The efficacy of the designed artifacts was demonstrated rigorously by means of six experiments and a simulator of real industrial production processes.}, language = {en} }