@misc{Esguerra2016, author = {Esguerra, Alejandro}, title = {"A Comment That Might Help Us to Move Along"}, series = {Sustainability Politics and Limited Statehood : Contesting the New Modes of Governance}, journal = {Sustainability Politics and Limited Statehood : Contesting the New Modes of Governance}, publisher = {Cham}, address = {Basingstoke}, isbn = {978-3-319-39871-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-39871-6_2}, pages = {25 -- 46}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This chapter investigates the trajectory of establishing the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in the early 1990s as the first private transnational certification organization with an antagonistic stakeholder body. Its main contribution is a micro-analysis of the founding assembly in 1993. By investigating the role of brokers within the negotiation as one institutional scope condition for 'arguing' having occurred, the chapter adopts a dramaturgical approach. It contends that the authority of brokers is not necessarily institutionally given, but needs to be gained: brokers have to prove situationally that their knowledge is relevant and that they are speaking impartially in the interest of progress rather than their own. The chapter stresses the importance of procedural knowledge which brokers provide in contrast to policy knowledge.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Froehlich2016, author = {Fr{\"o}hlich, Paul}, title = {"Der unterirdische Kampf"}, series = {Krieg in der Geschichte}, journal = {Krieg in der Geschichte}, number = {108}, publisher = {Ferdinand Sch{\"o}ningh}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-506-78873-3}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 508}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die milit{\"a}rische R{\"u}stungsb{\"u}rokratie zwischen Niederlage des Deutschen Kaiserreiches und ›Totalem Krieg‹ der NS-Diktatur - in dieses Spannungsverh{\"a}ltnis begibt sich der Autor. Er untersucht, wie die Fachleute des Wehrwirtschafts- und R{\"u}stungsamtes die Mobilisierung planten - und dabei scheiterten. Bereits kurze Zeit nach der deutschen Niederlage von 1918 wurden die wirtschaftlichen Aspekte der Kriegf{\"u}hrung wieder von einem kleinen, hochprofessionellen Offizierskreis diskutiert. Sie nahmen Gedanken aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges auf und forderten in der Reichswehr und noch st{\"a}rker in der Wehrmacht die Steuerungshoheit des Milit{\"a}rs {\"u}ber die kriegsrelevante Wirtschaft. Ihre Planungen und Maßnahmen waren nicht nur im Offizierkorps selbst umstritten, sondern unterlagen letztlich auch den Widerst{\"a}nden der Privatwirtschaft und den Interessen von NS-Parteigr{\"o}ßen. Entlang dieser Fronten beschreibt der Autor eine milit{\"a}rische Organisation von ihrem Aufbau 1924 bis zu ihrer ›Zerschlagung‹ durch Albert Speer 1942. Dabei nimmt er auch das alles andere als eindeutige Verhalten des F{\"u}hrungspersonals im Amt in den Blick.}, language = {de} } @article{Friess2016, author = {Frieß, Nina A.}, title = {"From Russia with Blood". Stalinist Repression an the Gulag in Contemporary Crime Fiction}, series = {(Hi-)Stories of the Gulag : fiction and reality}, journal = {(Hi-)Stories of the Gulag : fiction and reality}, isbn = {978-3-8253-6534-9}, pages = {281 -- 302}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{LiebigSarhanPrietzeletal.2016, author = {Liebig, Ferenc and Sarhan, Radwan Mohamed and Prietzel, Claudia Christina and Reinecke, Antje and Koetz, Joachim}, title = {"Green" gold nanotriangles: synthesis, purification by polyelectrolyte/micelle depletion flocculation and performance in surface-enhanced Raman scattering}, series = {RSC Advances}, volume = {6}, journal = {RSC Advances}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {2046-2069}, doi = {10.1039/c6ra04808k}, pages = {33561 -- 33568}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The aim of this study was to develop a one-step synthesis of gold nanotriangles (NTs) in the presence of mixed phospholipid vesicles followed by a separation process to isolate purified NTs. Negatively charged vesicles containing AOT and phospholipids, in the absence and presence of additional reducing agents (polyampholytes, polyanions or low molecular weight compounds), were used as a template phase to form anisotropic gold nanoparticles. Upon addition of the gold chloride solution, the nucleation process is initiated and both types of particles, i.e., isotropic spherical and anisotropic gold nanotriangles, are formed simultaneously. As it was not possible to produce monodisperse nanotriangles with such a one-step procedure, the anisotropic nanoparticles needed to be separated from the spherical ones. Therefore, a new type of separation procedure using combined polyelectrolyte/micelle depletion flocculation was successfully applied. As a result of the different purification steps, a green colored aqueous dispersion was obtained containing highly purified, well-defined negatively charged flat nanocrystals with a platelet thickness of 10 nm and an edge length of about 175 nm. The NTs produce promising results in surface-enhanced Raman scattering.}, language = {en} } @article{WiesePohle2016, author = {Wiese, Heike and Pohle, Maria}, title = {"I go to the Cinema" or" to the Cinema"? Restrictions of Usage of noncanonical Local Data}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\~A}¼r Sprachwissenschaft}, volume = {35}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\~A}¼r Sprachwissenschaft}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0721-9067}, doi = {10.1515/zfs-2016-0012}, pages = {171 -- 216}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Study 1 targets grammatical restrictions, based on a corpus of peer group conversations among adolescents. We show that noncanonical variants have the form of bare NPs with or without preposition and appear in both multilingual and monolingual speech communities, following the same syntactic and semantic patterns. While there is a quantitative advantage for the multilingual group, noncanonical variants generally constitute only a minority compared to canonical full PP[DP]. Study 2 targets usage restrictions across communicative situations, based on a corpus of elicited productions by adolescents from a multilingual urban neighbourhood. Comparisons show significantly more noncanonical local expressions in informal, peer-group situations than in formal ones for both spoken and written modes. Taken together, results indicate a selective, grammatically restricted and register-bound choice of noncanonical local expressions.}, language = {de} } @article{Magagna2016, author = {Magagna, Tony R.}, title = {"Say It Right, Say It Correct": Documenting the American West in The Laramie Project}, series = {Western American Literature}, volume = {51}, journal = {Western American Literature}, publisher = {Utha State University}, address = {Logan}, issn = {0043-3462}, pages = {199 -- 229}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nicolai2016, author = {Nicolai, Johann Nils}, title = {"Seid mutig und aufrecht!"}, series = {Potsdamer j{\"u}dische Studien ; 1}, journal = {Potsdamer j{\"u}dische Studien ; 1}, publisher = {be.bra}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95410-072-9}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {314}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Der 'Centralverein deutscher Staatsb{\"u}rger j{\"u}dischen Glaubens' (C.V.) wurde 1893 in Berlin gegr{\"u}ndet. Sein T{\"a}tigkeitsschwerpunkt lag urspr{\"u}nglich auf dem Gebiet des Rechtsschutzes gegen antisemitische Diskriminierungen. Eine zweite S{\"a}ule seiner Arbeit war die Aufkl{\"a}rung der Nichtjuden {\"u}ber das 'wahre Wesen' des Judentums. Johann Nicolai analysiert in diesem Band unter Auswertung der Moskauer Archivbest{\"a}nde die Entwicklung des Vereins von 1933 bis zu seiner Aufl{\"o}sung im Jahr 1938. Im Mittelpunkt der Studie steht die Frage, wie der Centralverein die Fortsetzung seiner Arbeit gegen{\"u}ber seinen Mitgliedern begr{\"u}ndete, obwohl im Nationalsozialismus die grundlegenden B{\"u}rgerrechte f{\"u}r die deutschen Juden, die er urspr{\"u}nglich verteidigen wollte, nicht mehr gew{\"a}hrleistet waren. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Wandlung des Centralvereins nach den N{\"u}rnberger Gesetzen und der darauf erfolgten Umbenennung und Umstrukturierung. Wesentlicher Bestandteil ist auch die Auseinandersetzung mit der j{\"u}dischen Emigration nach {\"U}bersee. Nicolai zeigt auf, dass es bis tief in die 1930er-Jahre hinein starke Spannungen im deutschen Judentum gab.}, language = {de} } @article{PossamaiTurnerRooseetal.2016, author = {Possamai, Adam and Turner, Bryan S. and Roose, Joshua M. and Dagistanli, Selda and Voyce, Malcolm}, title = {"Shari'a" in Cyberspace. A Case Study from Australia}, series = {Sociologica : Italian Journal of Sociology online}, volume = {63}, journal = {Sociologica : Italian Journal of Sociology online}, publisher = {Societ{\~A}  editrice il Mulino}, address = {Bologna}, issn = {1971-8853}, doi = {10.2383/83882}, pages = {143 -- 159}, year = {2016}, abstract = {New forms of communication and greater accessibility of Islamic texts on-line allow Muslims to shape their own religiosity, to become less dependent on established sources of authority, and thereby to become more aware of their own cultural diversity as a community. New practices of transnational Islam, and the growth of new concepts of Muslim identities currently emerging in the on-line community, are relatively free from immediate constraints. This article provides the result of a sociological analysis of three Internet sites in Sydney which deliver on-line fatwas. Even if cyberspace has allowed the Muslim world to be de-territorialised and provides a way for people to distance themselves from traditional communities if they wish, this research points out a variety of approaches, including one case which is aiming at re-localising an Australian Muslim system of values. This case highlights ways in which first generation Muslims are re-territorialising Shari'a in a specific western country.}, language = {en} } @article{Wels2016, author = {Wels, Ulrike}, title = {"Weakness" and "Imprudence": Premonitions of anthropological Narrative}, series = {Daphnis : Zeitschrift f{\~A}¼r mittlere deutsche Literatur}, volume = {44}, journal = {Daphnis : Zeitschrift f{\~A}¼r mittlere deutsche Literatur}, publisher = {Editions Rodopi BV}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0300-693X}, doi = {10.1163/18796583-04401002}, pages = {44 -- 69}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The article offers a rereading of Sibylla Schwarz's prose eclogue, Faunus. By describing the circumstances and the development of a young love in detail, Schwarz directs the reader's attention to the fact, that Christian moral and ethical standards are external, and, therefore, are to be rejected. Instead, she places the 'anthropological' dimension in the foreground, the interest in human beings and their emotional motivations. Affective control and adaptation to conventions are less important. In that regard, this short text can be seen as an integral part of a prehistory of 'literary anthropology,' which ultimately evolved only in the course of the 18th century, although, as will be shown, its precursors can already be found in the 17th century.}, language = {de} } @article{PazBecerraSilvaetal.2016, author = {Paz, Cristian and Becerra, Jose and Silva, Mario and Cabrera-Pardo, Jaime and Burgos, Viviana and Heydenreich, Matthias and Schmidt, Bernd}, title = {(-)-8-Oxohobartine a New Indole Alkaloid from Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz}, series = {Records of Natural Products}, volume = {10}, journal = {Records of Natural Products}, publisher = {ACG Publications}, address = {Gebze-Kocaeli}, issn = {1307-6167}, pages = {68 -- 73}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The fruit of Aristotelia chilensis is considered a "super fruit" due to its high concentration of polyphenols displaying exceptional antioxidant capacities ORAC. From maqui berries have been reported several anthocyanins and glycosylated flavonoids, those benefits increase the attention to restudy the plant. From the leaves of A. chilensis several indole alkaloids have been reported, we in addition to aristoteline, aristone, aristoquinoline and 3-fromylindole report the spectroscopic elucidation of 8-oxo-9-dehydromakomakine (1), hobartine (2) and a new alkaloid named 8-oxohobartine (3). Compound 1 to 3 did not show bactericidal activity against E. coli and S. aureus till 200 mu g.}, language = {en} }