@phdthesis{Liebs2014, author = {Liebs, G{\"o}ran}, title = {Ground penetration radar wave velocities and their uncertainties}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43680}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 106}, year = {2014}, abstract = {We develop three new approaches for ground penetration wave velocity calcultaions. The first is based on linear moveout spectra to find the optimum ground wave velocity including uncertainties from multi-offset data gathers. We used synthetic data to illustrate the principles of the method and to investigate uncertainties in ground wave velocity estimates. To demonstrate the applicability of the approach to real data, we analyzed GPR data sets recorded at field sites in Canada over an annual cycle from Steelman \& Endres [2010]. The results obtained by this efficient and largely automated procedure agree well with the manual achieved results of Steelman \& Endres [2010], derived by a more laborious largely manual analysis strategy. Then we develop a second methodology to global invert reflection traveltimes with a particle swarm optimization approach more precise then conventional spectral NMO-based velocity analysis (e.g., Greaves et al. [1996]). For global optimization, we use particle swarm optimization (PSO; Kennedy \& Eberhart [1995]) in the combination with a fast eikonal solver as forward solver (Sethian [1996]; Fomel [1997a]; Sethian \& Popovici [1999]). This methodology allows us to generate reliability CMP derived models of subsurface velocities and water content including uncertainties. We test this method with synthetic data to study the behavior of the PSO algorithm. Afterward, We use this method to analyze our field data from a well constrained test site in Horstwalde, Germany. The achieved velocity models from field data showed good agreement to borehole logging and direct-push data (Schmelzbach et al. [2011]) at the same site position. For the third method we implement a global optimization approach also based on PSO to invert direct-arrival traveltimes of VRP data to obtain high resolution 1D velocity models including quantitative estimates of uncertainty. Our intensive tests with several traveltime data sets helped to understand the behavior of PSO algorithm for inversion. Integration of the velocity model to VRP reflection imaging and attenuation model improved the potential of VRP surveying. Using field data, we examine this novel analysis strategy for the development of petrophysical models and the linking between GPR borehole and other logging data to surface GPR reflection data.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Maghsoudi2014, author = {Maghsoudi, Samira}, title = {Spatiotemporal microseismicity patterns and detection performance in mining environments}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {104 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tian2014, author = {Tian, Fang}, title = {Vegetation and environmental changes on millennial, centennial and decadal time-scales in central Mongolia and their driving forces}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gassmoeller2014, author = {Gaßm{\"o}ller, Ren{\´e}}, title = {The interaction of subducted slabs and plume generation zones in geodynamic models}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {158}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pussak2014, author = {Pussak, Marcin}, title = {Seismic characterization of geothermal reservoirs by application of the common-reflection-surface stack method and attribute analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 140}, year = {2014}, abstract = {An important contribution of geosciences to the renewable energy production portfolio is the exploration and utilization of geothermal resources. For the development of a geothermal project at great depths a detailed geological and geophysical exploration program is required in the first phase. With the help of active seismic methods high-resolution images of the geothermal reservoir can be delivered. This allows potential transport routes for fluids to be identified as well as regions with high potential of heat extraction to be mapped, which indicates favorable conditions for geothermal exploitation. The presented work investigates the extent to which an improved characterization of geothermal reservoirs can be achieved with the new methods of seismic data processing. The summations of traces (stacking) is a crucial step in the processing of seismic reflection data. The common-reflection-surface (CRS) stacking method can be applied as an alternative for the conventional normal moveout (NMO) or the dip moveout (DMO) stack. The advantages of the CRS stack beside an automatic determination of stacking operator parameters include an adequate imaging of arbitrarily curved geological boundaries, and a significant increase in signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio by stacking far more traces than used in a conventional stack. A major innovation I have shown in this work is that the quality of signal attributes that characterize the seismic images can be significantly improved by this modified type of stacking in particular. Imporoved attribute analysis facilitates the interpretation of seismic images and plays a significant role in the characterization of reservoirs. Variations of lithological and petro-physical properties are reflected by fluctuations of specific signal attributes (eg. frequency or amplitude characteristics). Its further interpretation can provide quality assessment of the geothermal reservoir with respect to the capacity of fluids within a hydrological system that can be extracted and utilized. The proposed methodological approach is demonstrated on the basis on two case studies. In the first example, I analyzed a series of 2D seismic profile sections through the Alberta sedimentary basin on the eastern edge of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. In the second application, a 3D seismic volume is characterized in the surroundings of a geothermal borehole, located in the central part of the Polish basin. Both sites were investigated with the modified and improved stacking attribute analyses. The results provide recommendations for the planning of future geothermal plants in both study areas.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reiter2014, author = {Reiter, Karsten}, title = {Crustal stress variability across spatial scales - examples from Canada, Northern Switzerland and a South African gold mine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-76762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 149, XI}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The quantitative descriptions of the state of stress in the Earth's crust, and spatial-temporal stress changes are of great importance in terms of scientific questions as well as applied geotechnical issues. Human activities in the underground (boreholes, tunnels, caverns, reservoir management, etc.) have a large impact on the stress state. It is important to assess, whether these activities may lead to (unpredictable) hazards, such as induced seismicity. Equally important is the understanding of the in situ stress state in the Earth's crust, as it allows the determination of safe well paths, already during well planning. The same goes for the optimal configuration of the injection- and production wells, where stimulation for artificial fluid path ways is necessary. The here presented cumulative dissertation consists of four separate manuscripts, which are already published, submitted or will be submitted for peer review within the next weeks. The main focus is on the investigation of the possible usage of geothermal energy in the province Alberta (Canada). A 3-D geomechanical-numerical model was designed to quantify the contemporary 3-D stress tensor in the upper crust. For the calibration of the regional model, 321 stress orientation data and 2714 stress magnitude data were collected, whereby the size and diversity of the database is unique. A calibration scheme was developed, where the model is calibrated versus the in situ stress data stepwise for each data type and gradually optimized using statistically test methods. The optimum displacement on the model boundaries can be determined by bivariate linear regression, based on only three model runs with varying deformation ratio. The best-fit model is able to predict most of the in situ stress data quite well. Thus, the model can provide the full stress tensor along any chosen virtual well paths. This can be used to optimize the orientation of horizontal wells, which e.g. can be used for reservoir stimulation. The model confirms regional deviations from the average stress orientation trend, such as in the region of the Peace River Arch and the Bow Island Arch. In the context of data compilation for the Alberta stress model, the Canadian database of the World Stress Map (WSM) could be expanded by including 514 new data records. This publication of an update of the Canadian stress map after ~20 years with a specific focus on Alberta shows, that the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) is oriented southwest to northeast over large areas in Northern America. The SHmax orientation in Alberta is very homogeneous, with an average of about 47°. In order to calculate the average SHmax orientation on a regular grid as well as to estimate the wave-length of stress orientation, an existing algorithm has been improved and is applied to the Canadian data. The newly introduced quasi interquartile range on the circle (QIROC) improves the variance estimation of periodic data, as it is less susceptible to its outliers. Another geomechanical-numerical model was built to estimate the 3D stress tensor in the target area "N{\"o}rdlich L{\"a}gern" in Northern Switzerland. This location, with Opalinus clay as a host rock, is a potential repository site for high-level radioactive waste. The performed modelling aims to investigate the sensitivity of the stress tensor on tectonic shortening, topography, faults and variable rock properties within the Mesozoic sedimentary stack, according to the required stability needed for a suitable radioactive waste disposal site. The majority of the tectonic stresses caused by the far-field shortening from the South are admitted by the competent rock units in the footwall and hanging wall of the argillaceous target horizon, the Upper Malm and Upper Muschelkalk. Thus, the differential stress within the host rock remains relatively low. East-west striking faults release stresses driven by tectonic shortening. The purely gravitational influence by the topography is low; higher SHmax magnitudes below topographical depression and lower values below hills are mainly observed near the surface. A complete calibration of the model is not possible, as no stress magnitude data are available for calibration, yet. The collection of this data will begin in 2015; subsequently they will be used to adjust the geomechanical-numerical model again. The third geomechanical-numerical model investigates the stress variation in an ultra-deep gold mine in South Africa. This reservoir model is spatially one order of magnitude smaller than the previous local model from Northern Switzerland. Here, the primary focus is to investigate the hypothesis that the Mw 1.9 earthquake on 27 December 2007 was induced by stress changes due to the mining process. The Coulomb failure stress change (DeltaCFS) was used to analyse the stress change. It confirmed that the seismic event was induced by static stress transfer due to the mining progress. The rock was brought closer to failure on the derived rupture plane by stress changes of up to 1.5-15MPa, in dependence of the DeltaCFS analysis type. A forward modelling of a generic excavation scheme reveals that with decreasing distance to the dyke the DeltaCFS values increase significantly. Hence, even small changes in the mining progress can have a significant impact on the seismic hazard risk, i.e. the change of the occurrence probability to induce a seismic event of economic concern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sen2014, author = {Sen, Ali Tolga}, title = {Inversion of seismic source parameters for weak mining-induced and natural earthquakes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71914}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The purpose of this thesis is to develop an automated inversion scheme to derive point and finite source parameters for weak earthquakes, here intended with the unusual meaning of earthquakes with magnitudes at the limit or below the bottom magnitude threshold of standard source inversion routines. The adopted inversion approaches entirely rely on existing inversion software, the methodological work mostly targeting the development and tuning of optimized inversion flows. The resulting inversion scheme is tested for very different datasets, and thus allows the discussion on the source inversion problem at different scales. In the first application, dealing with mining induced seismicity, the source parameters determination is addressed at a local scale, with source-sensor distance of less than 3 km. In this context, weak seismicity corresponds to event below magnitude MW 2.0, which are rarely target of automated source inversion routines. The second application considers a regional dataset, namely the aftershock sequence of the 2010 Maule earthquake (Chile), using broadband stations at regional distances, below 300 km. In this case, the magnitude range of the target aftershocks range down to MW 4.0. This dataset is here considered as a weak seismicity case, since the analysis of such moderate seismicity is generally investigated only by moment tensor inversion routines, with no attempt to resolve source duration or finite source parameters. In this work, automated multi-step inversion schemes are applied to both datasets with the aim of resolving point source parameters, both using double couple (DC) and full moment tensor (MT) models, source duration and finite source parameters. A major result of the analysis of weaker events is the increased size of resulting moment tensor catalogues, which interpretation may become not trivial. For this reason, a novel focal mechanism clustering approach is used to automatically classify focal mechanisms, allowing the investigation of the most relevant and repetitive rupture features. The inversion of the mining induced seismicity dataset reveals the repetitive occurrence of similar rupture processes, where the source geometry is controlled by the shape of the mined panel. Moreover, moment tensor solutions indicate a significant contribution of tensile processes. Also the second application highlights some characteristic geometrical features of the fault planes, which show a general consistency with the orientation of the slab. The additional inversion for source duration allowed to verify the empirical correlation for moment normalized earthquakes in subduction zones among a decreasing rupture duration with increasing source depth, which was so far only observed for larger events.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cao2014, author = {Cao, Xianyong}, title = {Vegetation and climate change in eastern continental Asia during the last 22 ka inferred from pollen data synthesis}, pages = {156}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sarkar2014, author = {Sarkar, Saswati}, title = {Holocene variations in the strength of the Indian Monsoon system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-74905}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 114}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The monsoon is an important component of the Earth's climate system. It played a vital role in the development and sustenance of the largely agro-based economy in India. A better understanding of past variations in the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is necessary to assess its nature under global warming scenarios. Instead, our knowledge of spatiotemporal patterns of past ISM strength, as inferred from proxy records, is limited due to the lack of high-resolution paleo-hydrological records from the core monsoon domain. In this thesis I aim to improve our understanding of Holocene ISM variability from the core 'monsoon zone' (CMZ) in India. To achieve this goal, I tried to understand modern and thereafter reconstruct Holocene monsoonal hydrology, by studying surface sediments and a high-resolution sedimentary record from the saline-alkaline Lonar crater lake, central India. My approach relies on analyzing stable carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios from sedimentary lipid biomarkers to track past hydrological changes. In order to evaluate the relationship of the modern ecosystem and hydrology of the lake I studied the distribution of lipid biomarkers in the modern ecosystem and compared it to lake surface sediments. The major plants from dry deciduous mixed forest type produced a greater amount of leaf wax n-alkanes and a greater fraction of n-C31 and n-C33 alkanes relative to n-C27 and n-C29. Relatively high average chain length (ACL) values (29.6-32.8) for these plants seem common for vegetation from an arid and warm climate. Additionally I found that human influence and subsequent nutrient supply result in increased lake primary productivity, leading to an unusually high concentration of tetrahymanol, a biomarker for salinity and water column stratification, in the nearshore sediments. Due to this inhomogeneous deposition of tetrahymanol in modern sediments, I hypothesize that lake level fluctuation may potentially affect aquatic lipid biomarker distributions in lacustrine sediments, in addition to source changes. I reconstructed centennial-scale hydrological variability associated with changes in the intensity of the ISM based on a record of leaf wax and aquatic biomarkers and their stable carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δD) isotopic composition from a 10 m long sediment core from the lake. I identified three main periods of distinct hydrology over the Holocene in central India. The period between 10.1 and 6 cal. ka BP was likely the wettest during the Holocene. Lower ACL index values (29.4 to 28.6) of leaf wax n-alkanes and their negative δ13C values (-34.8 per mille to -27.8 per mille) indicated the dominance of woody C3 vegetation in the catchment, and negative δDwax (average for leaf wax n-alkanes) values (-171 per mille to -147 per mille) argue for a wet period due to an intensified monsoon. After 6 cal. ka BP, a gradual shift to less negative δ13C values (particularly for the grass derived n-C31) and appearance of the triterpene lipid tetrahymanol, generally considered as a marker for salinity and water column stratification, marked the onset of drier conditions. At 5.1 cal. ka BP increasing flux of leaf wax n-alkanes along with the highest flux of tetrahymanol indicated proximity of the lakeshore to the center due to a major lake level decrease. Rapid fluctuations in abundance of both terrestrial and aquatic biomarkers between 4.8 and 4 cal. ka BP indicated an unstable lake ecosystem, culminating in a transition to arid conditions. A pronounced shift to less negative δ13C values, in particular for n-C31 (-25.2 per mille to -22.8 per mille), over this period indicated a change of dominant vegetation to C4 grasses. Along with a 40 per mille increase in leaf wax n-alkane δD values, which likely resulted from less rainfall and/or higher plant evapotranspiration, I interpret this period to reflect the driest conditions in the region during the last 10.1 ka. This transition led to protracted late Holocene arid conditions and the establishment of a permanently saline lake. This is supported by the high abundance of tetrahymanol. A late Holocene peak of cyanobacterial biomarker input at 1.3 cal. ka BP might represent an event of lake eutrophication, possibly due to human impact and the onset of cattle/livestock farming in the catchment. The most intriguing feature of the mid-Holocene driest period was the high amplitude and rapid fluctuations in δDwax values, probably due to a change in the moisture source and/or precipitation seasonality. I hypothesize that orbital induced weakening of the summer solar insolation and associated reorganization of the general atmospheric circulation were responsible for an unstable hydroclimate in the mid-Holocene in the CMZ. My findings shed light onto the sequence of changes during mean state changes of the monsoonal system, once an insolation driven threshold has been passed, and show that small changes in solar insolation can be associated to major environmental changes and large fluctuations in moisture source, a scenario that may be relevant with respect to future changes in the ISM system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borchardt2014, author = {Borchardt, Sven}, title = {Rainfall, weathering and erosion}, pages = {x, 90}, year = {2014}, language = {en} }