@phdthesis{Petrow2009, author = {Petrow, Theresia}, title = {Floods in Germany : analyses of trends, seasonality and circulation patterns}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-37392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Flood hazard estimations are conducted with a variety of methods. These include flood frequency analysis (FFA), hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, probable maximum discharges as well as climate scenarios. However, most of these methods assume stationarity of the used time series, i.e., the series must not exhibit trends. Against the background of climate change and proven significant trends in atmospheric circulation patterns, it is questionable whether these changes are also reflected in the discharge data. The aim of this PhD thesis is therefore to clarify, in a spatially-explicit manner, whether the available discharge data derived from selected German catchments exhibit trends. Concerning the flood hazard, the suitability of the currently used stationary FFA approaches is evaluated for the discharge data. Moreover, dynamics in atmospheric circulation patterns are studied and the link between trends in these patterns and discharges is investigated. To tackle this research topic, a number of different analyses are conducted. The first part of the PhD thesis comprises the study and trend test of 145 discharge series from catchments, which cover most of Germany for the period 1951-2002. The seasonality and trend pattern of eight flood indicators, such as maximum series and peak-over-threshold series, are analyzed in a spatially-explicit manner. Analyses are performed on different spatial scales: at the local scale, through gauge-specific analyses, and on the catchment-wide and basin scales. Besides the analysis of discharge series, data on atmospheric circulation patterns (CP) are an important source of information, upon which conclusions about the flood hazard can be drawn. The analyses of these circulation patterns (after Hess und Brezowsky) and the study of the link to peak discharges form the second part of the thesis. For this, daily data on the dominant CP across Europe are studied; these are represented by different indicators, which are tested for trend. Moreover, analyses are performed to extract flood triggering circulation patterns and to estimate the flood potential of CPs. Correlations between discharge series and CP indicators are calculated to assess a possible link between them. For this research topic, data from 122 meso-scale catchments in the period 1951-2002 are used. In a third part, the Mulde catchment, a mesoscale sub-catchment of the Elbe basin, is studied in more detail. Fifteen discharge series of different lengths in the period 1910-2002 are available for the seasonally differentiated analysis of the flood potential of CPs and flood influencing landscape parameters. For trend tests of discharge and CP data, different methods are used. The Mann-Kendall test is applied with a significance level of 10\%, ensuring statistically sound results. Besides the test of the entire series for trend, multiple time-varying trend tests are performed with the help of a resampling approach in order to better differentiate short-term fluctuations from long-lasting trends. Calculations of the field significance complement the flood hazard assessment for the studied regions. The present thesis shows that the flood hazard is indeed significantly increasing for selected regions in Germany during the winter season. Especially affected are the middle mountain ranges in Central Germany. This increase of the flood hazard is attributed to a longer persistence of selected CPs during winter. Increasing trends in summer floods are found in the Rhine and Danube catchments, decreasing trends in the Elbe and Weser catchments. Finally, a significant trend towards a reduced diversity of CPs is found causing fewer patterns with longer persistence to dominate the weather over Europe. The detailed study of the Mulde catchment reveals a flood regime with frequent low winter floods and fewer summer floods, which bear, however, the potential of becoming extreme. Based on the results, the use of instationary approaches for flood hazard estimation is recommended in order to account for the detected trends in many of the series. Through this methodology it is possible to directly consider temporal changes in flood series, which in turn reduces the possibility of large under- or overestimations of the extreme discharges, respectively.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schellbach2021, author = {Schellbach, Konrad}, title = {Erdbeben in der Geschichtsschreibung des Fr{\"u}h- und Hochmittelalters}, series = {Historical catastrophe studies}, journal = {Historical catastrophe studies}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-061998-0}, issn = {2699-7231}, doi = {10.1515/9783110620771}, pages = {XII, 354}, year = {2021}, abstract = {"Terrae motus factus est magnus". In diesen und {\"a}hnlichen Worten erinnern mittelalterliche Geschichtsschreiber stets an das versp{\"u}rte Eintreten von Erdbeben. F{\"u}r die ereignisgeschichtliche Rekonstruktion der historischen Seismizit{\"a}t besitzt das Verst{\"a}ndnis, dieser seit dem Fr{\"u}hmittelalter zunehmend standardisiert gebrauchten Narrativen, einen hohen Wert. Daher ist es wichtig, mit den bislang nahezu unerkannt geblieben Intentionen, Vorstellungsstrukturen und Argumentationsstrategien fr{\"u}h- und hochmittelalterlicher Geschichtsschreiber bekannt zu werden. Ausgehend von den antiken Urspr{\"u}ngen ermittelt diese Arbeit die Bandbreite einer auf "terrae motus" aufbauenden, spezifisch mittelalterlichen Traditionsbildung und setzt sie in den Kontext zum Wissens- und Erfahrungshorizont fr{\"u}h- und hochmittelalterlicher Gelehrter. Erdbeben besaßen ein außerordentliches hermeneutisches Potential f{\"u}r das mittelalterliche Weltverst{\"a}ndnis. Somit sind mittelalterliche Erdbebenbeschreibungen hinsichtlich ihrer deskriptiven Qualit{\"a}t und argumentativen Wertigkeit verschieden. Die Historiographie- und Ideengeschichte sowie die seismologische Parametrisierung von mittelalterlichen Erdbeben wird von diesem Wissen gleichermaßen profitieren.}, subject = {Deutschland}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Radenacker2015, author = {Radenacker, Anke}, title = {Economic consequences of family dissolution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100217}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 134}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Welfare states and policies have changed greatly over the past decades, mostly characterized by retrenchments in terms of government spending or in terms of restricted access to certain benefits. In the area of family policies, however, a lot of countries have simultaneously expanded provisions and transfers for families. Bringing together the macro analysis of policy variation and household income changes on the micro-level, the main research question of the dissertation is to what extent economic consequences following separation and divorce in families with children have changed between the 1980s and the 2000s in Germany and the United States. The second research question of the dissertation regards the differences in dissolution outcomes between married and cohabiting parents in Germany. The dissertation thus aims to link institutional regulations of welfare states with the actual income situation of families. To achieve this, a research design was developed that has never been used for the analysis of the economic consequences of family dissolution. For this, the two longest running panel datasets, German Socio-economic Panel (GSOEP) and the US American Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), have been used. The analytic strategy applied to estimate the effects of family dissolution on household income is a difference-in-difference design combined with coarsened exact matching (CEM). To begin with, the dissertation confirmed many findings of previous research, for example regarding the gender differences in family dissolution outcomes. Mothers experience clearly higher relative income losses and consequently higher risks of poverty than fathers. This finding is universal, that is it holds for both countries, for all time periods observed, and for all measures of economic outcome that were employed. Another confirmed finding is the higher level of welfare state intervention in Germany compared to the United States. The dissertation also revealed a number of novel findings. The results show that the expansion of family policies in Germany over time has not been accompanied by substantially decreasing income losses for mothers. Though income losses have slightly decreased over time, they have become more persistent during the years following family dissolution. The impact of the German welfare state has meanwhile been quite stable. American mothers' income losses took place on a slightly lower level than those of German mothers. Only during the 1980s their relative losses were clearly lower than those of German mothers. And also American mothers did not recover as much from their income losses during the 2000s than they used to during the 1980s. For them, the 1996 welfare reform brought a considerable decrease in welfare state support. Accordingly, the results for American mothers can certainly be described as a shift from public to private provision. The general finding of previous studies that fathers do not have to suffer income losses, or if at all rather moderate ones compared to mothers, can be confirmed. Nevertheless, both German and US American fathers face a deterioration of the economic consequences of family dissolution over time. German fathers' relative income changes are still positive though they have decreased over time. One reason for this decrease is the increasing loss of partner earnings following union dissolution. Also among American fathers, income gains still prevail in the year of family dissolution. Two years later, however, they have been facing income losses already since the 1980s which have furthermore increased considerably over time. Zooming in on Germany, family dissolution outcomes by marital status show negligible differences between cohabiting and married mothers in disposable income, but considerable differences in losses of income before taxes and transfers. It is the impact of the welfare state that equalizes the differences in income losses between these two groups of mothers. For married mothers, losses are not as high in the year of event but they have difficulties to recover from these losses. Without the income buffering of the welfare state, married mothers would, three years after family dissolution, remain with relative income losses double as high as for cohabiting mothers. Compared to mothers, differences between married and cohabiting fathers are visible in changes of income before as well as after taxes and transfers. The welfare state does not alter the difference between the two groups of fathers. With regard to both income concepts, cohabiting fathers fare worse than married fathers. Cohabiting fathers suffer moderate income losses of disposable income while married fathers experience moderate income gains. Accounting for support payments is decisive for fathers' income changes. If these payments are not deducted from disposable income, both married and cohabiting fathers experience gains in disposable income following family dissolution.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulz, author = {Schulz, Patrick}, title = {Die R{\"u}ckabwicklung im Ertragsteuerrecht}, series = {Steuerwissenschaftliche Schriften}, journal = {Steuerwissenschaftliche Schriften}, number = {70}, edition = {1. Aufl.}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-5958-3}, doi = {10.5771/9783748900870}, pages = {270}, abstract = {Das Ertragsteuerrecht l{\"a}sst ausdr{\"u}ckliche Regelungen vermissen, welche steuerlichen Folgen sich ergeben, wenn ein ertragsteuerrelevanter Sachverhalt sp{\"a}ter wieder r{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngig gemacht wird. Es bleibt deshalb den Rechtsanwendern {\"u}berlassen, die Fragen {\"u}ber die steuerliche Behandlung von R{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngigmachungen zu beantworten. Dabei werden die von der Rechtsprechung gefundenen L{\"o}sungen in der Literatur immer wieder kritisiert. Die Arbeit untersucht, ob und inwieweit die Kritik an der Rechtsprechung der Finanzgerichte in Zusammenhang mit R{\"u}ckabwicklungen, als besondere Form der R{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngigmachung, berechtigt ist. Dazu wird zun{\"a}chst dargestellt, unter welchen Voraussetzungen die R{\"u}ckabwicklung eines ertragsteuerrelevanten Vorgangs vorliegt und welche steuerliche Folgen ebenjene ausl{\"o}st. Die Arbeit schließt mit der Forderung nach einer „korrespondierenden Besteuerung" von R{\"u}ckabwicklungen und der damit verbundenen teilweisen Abkehr von der derzeitigen Rechtsprechung der Finanzgerichte.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Booker2016, author = {Booker, Anke}, title = {Datenbankbasierte epidemiologische Untersuchung {\"u}ber die Versorgung demenzerkrankter Patienten}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Demenz wird von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation als ein in der Regel chronisch oder progressiv verlaufendes Syndrom definiert, das von einer Vielzahl von Hirnerkrankungen verursacht wird, welche das Ged{\"a}chtnis, das Denkverm{\"o}gen, das Verhalten und die F{\"a}higkeit, allt{\"a}gliche T{\"a}tigkeiten auszuf{\"u}hren, beeinflussen. Weltweit leiden 47,5 Millionen Menschen unter Demenz und diese Zahl wird sich voraussichtlich bis zum Jahr 2050 verdreifachen. In den vorliegenden Studien wurden zum Einem die Faktoren, welche mit dem Risiko einhergehen eine Demenz zu entwickeln, analysiert. Zum Anderen wurde die Persistenz der medikament{\"o}sen Behandlung von depressiven Zust{\"a}nden mit Antidepressiva sowie die Persistenz der medikament{\"o}sen Behandlung von Verhaltensst{\"o}rungen, therapiert mit Antipsychotika, bei Demenzpatienten untersucht. Durchf{\"u}hrung: Alle drei Studien basieren auf den Daten der IMS Disease Analyzer-Datenbank. Die Daten der Disease Analyzer-Datenbank werden {\"u}ber standardisierte Schnittstellen direkt monatlich aus dem Praxiscomputer generiert. Die Daten werden vor der {\"U}bertragung verschl{\"u}sselt und entsprechen in Umfang und Detaillierungsgrad der Patientenakte. Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r eine Demenzdiagnose Methode: Insgesamt wurden in die Studie 11.956 Patienten mit einer Erstdiagnose (Indexdatum) einer Demenz (ICD 10: F01, F03, G30) zwischen Januar 2010 und Dezember 2014 eingeschlossen. 11.956 Kontrollpatienten (ohne Demenz) wurden den Patienten nach Alter, Geschlecht, Art der Krankenversicherung und Arzt zugeordnet. In beiden F{\"a}llen wurden die Praxisaufzeichnungen dazu verwendet, sicherzustellen, dass die Patienten vor dem Indexdatum jeweils 10 Jahre kontinuierlich beobachtet worden waren. Insgesamt wurden 23.912 Personen betrachtet. Mehrere Erkrankungen, die m{\"o}glicherweise mit Demenz assoziiert sind, wurden anhand von allgemein{\"a}rztlichen Diagnosen bestimmt (ICD-10-Codes): Diabetes (E10-E14), Hypertonie (I10), Adipositas (E66), Hyperlipid{\"a}mie (E78), Schlaganfall (einschließlich transitorische isch{\"a}mische Attacke, TIA) (I63, I64, G45), Parkinson-Krankheit (G20, G21), intrakranielle Verletzung (S06), koronare Herzkrankheit (I20-I25), leichte kognitive Beeintr{\"a}chtigung (F06) und psychische und Verhaltensst{\"o}rungen durch Alkohol (F10). Das Vorhandensein mehrerer Medikamente, wie z. B. Statine, Protonenpumpenhemmer und Antihypertensiva (einschließlich Diuretika, Beta-Blocker, Calciumkanalblocker, ACE-Hemmer und Angiotensin-II), wurde ebenfalls bemessen. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter f{\"u}r die 11.956 Demenzpatienten und die 11.956 der Kontrollkohorte war 80,4 (SD 5,3) Jahre. 39,0\% der waren m{\"a}nnlich. In dem multivariaten Regressionsmodell, wurden folgende Variablen mit einem erh{\"o}hten Risiko von Demenz in einem signifikanten Einfluß assoziiert: milde kognitive Beeintr{\"a}chtigung (MCI) (OR: 2,12), psychische und Verhaltensst{\"o}rungen durch Alkohol (1,96), Parkinson-Krankheit (PD) (1,89), Schlaganfall (1,68), intrakranielle Verletzung (1,30), Diabetes (1,17), Fettstoffwechselst{\"o}rung (1,07), koronare Herzkrankheit (1,06). Der Einsatz von Antihypertensiva (0,96), Statinen (OR: 0,94) und Protonen-Pumpen-Inhibitoren (PPI) (0,93) wurden mit einem verringerten Risiko der Entwicklung von Demenz. Schlussfolgerung: Die gefundenen Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r Demenz stehen in Einklang mit der Literatur. Nichtsdestotrotz bed{\"u}rfen die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen der Verwendung von Statinen, PPI und Antihypertensiva und einem verringerten Demenzrisiko weiterer Untersuchungen. Persistenz der Behandlung mit Antidepressiva bei Patienten mit Demenz Methode: Patienten wurden ausgew{\"a}hlt, wenn bei ihnen im Zeitraum zwischen Januar 2004 und Dezember 2013 eine Demenzdiagnose (ICD 10: F01, F03, G30) und eine erste Verordnung eines trizyklischen Antidepressivums oder selektiven Serotonin- Wiederaufnahmehemmers (SSRI) oder Serotonin-Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahmehemmers (SSNRI) vorlagen. Ausgew{\"a}hlte Patienten wurden {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von bis zu zwei Jahre nach dem Indexdatum beobachtet. Das letzte Nachbeobachtungsdatum eines Patienten war der 31. Dezember 2014. Insgesamt standen 12.281 Patienten f{\"u}r die Persistenzanalyse zur Verf{\"u}gung. Der Hauptzielparameter war die Abbruchrate der Antidepressivabehandlung innerhalb von sechs Monaten nach dem Indexdatum. Behandlungsabbruch wurde definiert als ein Zeitraum von 90 Tagen ohne diese Therapie. Als demographische Daten wurden Alter, Art der Krankenversicherung (privat oder gesetzlich), Art der Praxis (Neurologe oder Allgemeinmediziner) und Praxisregion (Ost- oder Westdeutschland) erhoben. Die folgenden Demenzdiagnosen wurden ber{\"u}cksichtigt: Alzheimer-Krankheit (G30), vaskul{\"a}re Demenz (F01) und nicht n{\"a}her bezeichnete Demenz (F03). Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde der Charlson-Komorbidit{\"a}ts-Index als allgemeiner Marker f{\"u}r Komorbidit{\"a}t verwendet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden die folgenden Diagnosen als Komorbidit{\"a}ten in die Studie aufgenommen: Depression (ICD 10: F32-33), Delir (F05), Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus (E11, E14), Hypertonie (I10), koronare Herzkrankheit (I24, I25), Schlaganfall (I63, I64), Myokardinfarkt (I21-23) und Herzinsuffizienz (I50). Ergebnisse: Nach sechs Monaten Nachbeobachtung hatten 52,7 \% (von 12,281 Demenzpatienten) der mit Antidepressiva behandelten Demenzpatienten die Medikamenteneinnahme abgebrochen. Die multivariaten Regressionsanalysen zeigten ein signifikant geringeres Risiko f{\"u}r einen Behandlungsabbruch bei mit SSRRI oder SSNRI behandelten Patienten verglichen mit Patienten, die trizyklische Antidepressiva einnahmen. Es zeigte sich ein signifikant geringeres Risiko eines Behandlungsabbruchs bei j{\"u}ngeren Patienten. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine unzureichende Persistenz mit Antipsychotika bei Demenzpatienten unter Alltagsbedingungen. Es muss eine Verbesserung erreicht werden, um die in den Richtlinien empfohlene Behandlung sicherzustellen. Persistenz der Behandlung mit Antipsychotika bei Patienten mit Demenz Methode: Diese Studie umfasste Patienten im Alter ab 60 Jahren mit Demenz beliebigen Ursprungs, die zwischen Januar 2009 und Dezember 2013 (Indexdatum) zum ersten Mal Antipsychotikaverordnungen (ATC: N05A) von deutschen Psychiatern erhielten. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum endete im Oktober 2015. Die Demenz wurde auf Grundlage der ICD-10-Codes f{\"u}r vaskul{\"a}re Demenz (F01), nicht n{\"a}her bezeichnete Demenz (F03) und Alzheimer-Krankheit (G30) bewertet. Der Hauptzielparameter war die Behandlungspersistenzrate {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von mehr als 6 Monaten nach dem Indexdatum. Die Persistenz wurde als Therapiezeit ohne Absetzen der Behandlung, definiert als mindestens 180 Tage ohne Antipsychotikatherapie, gesch{\"a}tzt. Alle Patienten wurden f{\"u}r eine Dauer von bis zu zwei Jahren ab ihrem Indexdatum beobachtet. Gleichzeitig auftretende Erkrankungen wurden anhand von Diagnosen (ICD-10-Codes) von Depression (F32, F33), Parkinson-Krankheit (G20), psychischer St{\"o}rungen aufgrund bekannter physiologischer Erkrankungen (F06) und Pers{\"o}nlichkeits- und Verhaltensst{\"o}rungen aufgrund physiologischer Erkrankungen (F07) bestimmt. Als demographische Daten wurden Alter, Geschlecht und Art der Krankenversicherung (privat/gesetzlich) erhoben. Ergebnisse: 12,979 Demenzpatienten mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 82 Jahre (52.1\% leben in Pflegeheimen) wurden in diese Studie analysiert. Nach zwei Jahren Nachbeobachtung hatten 54,8 \%, 57,2 \%, 61,1 \% bzw. 65,4 \% der Patienten zwischen 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 bzw. 90-99 Jahren Antipsychotikaverordnungen erhalten (p<0,001). 82,6 \% der in Pflegeheimen lebenden Patienten und 76,2 \% der Patienten in h{\"a}uslicher Pflege setzten ihre Behandlung ebenfalls l{\"a}nger als 6 Monate fort; nach zwei Jahren lag der Anteil bei 63,9 \% (in Pflegeheimen) bzw. 55,0 \% (in h{\"a}uslicher Pflege) (p<0,001). Schlussfolgerung: Die Studie zeigt, dass der Anteil der mit Antipsychotika behandelten Demenzpatienten sehr hoch ist. Weitere Studien, einschließlich qualitativer Untersuchungen, sind n{\"o}tig, um die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r dieses Verschreibungsverhalten zu verstehen und zu erkl{\"a}ren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Danken2017, author = {Danken, Thomas}, title = {Coordination of wicked problems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396766}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 237}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The thesis focuses on the inter-departmental coordination of adaptation and mitigation of demographic change in East Germany. All Eastern German States (L{\"a}nder) have set up inter-departmental committees (IDCs) that are expected to deliver joint strategies to tackle demographic change. IDCs provide an organizational setting for potential positive coordination, i.e. a joint approach to problem solving that pools and utilizes the expertise of many departments in a constructive manner from the very beginning. Whether they actually achieve positive coordination is contested within the academic debate. This motivates the first research question of this thesis: Do IDCs achieve positive coordination? Interdepartmental committees and their role in horizontal coordination within the core executive triggered interest among scholars already more than fifty years ago. However, we don't know much about their actual importance for the inter-departmental preparation of cross-cutting policies. Until now, few studies can be found that analyzes inter-departmental committees in a comparative way trying to identify whether they achieve positive coordination and what factors shape the coordination process and output of IDCs. Each IDC has a chair organization that is responsible for managing the interactions within the IDCs. The chair organization is important, because it organizes and structures the overall process of coordination in the IDC. Consequently, the chair of an IDC serves as the main boundary-spanner and therefore has remarkable influence by arranging meetings and the work schedule or by distributing internal roles. Interestingly, in the German context we find two organizational approaches: while some states decided to put a line department (e.g. Department of Infrastructure) in charge of managing the IDC, others rely on the State Chancelleries, i.e. the center of government. This situation allows for comparative research design that can address the role of the State Chancellery in inter-departmental coordination of cross-cutting policies. This is relevant, because the role of the center is crucial when studying coordination within central government. The academic debate on the center of government in the German politico-administrative system is essentially divided into two camps. One camp claims that the center can improve horizontal coordination and steer cross-cutting policy-making more effectively, while the other camp points to limits to central coordination due to departmental autonomy. This debate motivates the second research question of this thesis: Does the State Chancellery as chair organization achieve positive coordination in IDCs? The center of government and its role in the German politic-administrative system has attracted academic attention already in the 1960s and 1970s. There is a research desiderate regarding the center's role during the inter-departmental coordination process. There are only few studies that explicitly analyze centers of government and their role in coordination of cross-cutting policies, although some single case studies have been published. This gap in the academic debate will be addressed by the answer to the second research question. The dependent variable of this study is the chair organization of IDCs. The value of this variable is dichotomous: either an IDC is chaired by a Line department or by a State Chancellery. We are interested whether this variable has an effect on two dependent variables. First, we will analyze the coordination process, i.e. interaction among bureaucrats within the IDC. Second, the focus of this thesis will be on the coordination result, i.e. the demography strategies that are produced by the respective IDCs. In terms of the methodological approach, this thesis applies a comparative case study design based on a most-similar-systems logic. The German Federalism is quite suitable for such designs. Since the institutional framework largely is the same across all states, individual variables and their effect can be isolated and plausibly analyzed. To further control for potential intervening variables, we will limit our case selection to states located in East Germany, because the demographic situation is most problematic in the Eastern part of Germany, i.e. there is a equal problem pressure. Consequently, we will analyze five cases: Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt (line department) and Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxony (State Chancellery). There is no grand coordination theory that is ready to be applied to our case studies. Therefore, we need to tailor our own approach. Our assumption is that the individual chair organization has an effect on the coordination process and output of IDCs, although all cases are embedded in the same institutional setting, i.e. the German politico-administrative system. Therefore, we need an analytical approach than incorporates institutionalist and agency-based arguments. Therefore, this thesis will utilize Actor-Centered Institutionalism (ACI). Broadly speaking, ACI conceptualizes actors' behavior as influenced - but not fully determined - by institutions. Since ACI is rather abstract we need to adapt it for the purpose of this thesis. Line Departments and State Chancelleries will be modeled as distinct actors with different action orientations and capabilities to steer the coordination process. However, their action is embedded within the institutional context of governments, which we will conceptualize as being comprised of regulative (formal rules) and normative (social norms) elements.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schurig2020, author = {Schurig, Antonia}, title = {Bessere Rechtsetzung im europ{\"a}ischen Vergleich}, series = {Modernisierung des {\"o}ffentlichen Sektors}, journal = {Modernisierung des {\"o}ffentlichen Sektors}, number = {Sonderband 50}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-7760-0}, issn = {0945-1072}, doi = {10.5771/9783748921684}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Um auch die unbeabsichtigten Folgen ihrer Politik zu ermitteln, unternehmen Regierungen umfassende Gesetzesfolgenabsch{\"a}tzungen. Immer h{\"a}ufiger lassen sie sich dabei von unabh{\"a}ngigen Expertengremien kontrollieren. Doch: Wie erzielen diese Gremien Einfluss? Und welche Rolle spielen sie als Politikberater f{\"u}r B{\"u}rokratieabbau und bessere Rechtsetzung? Das Buch er{\"o}ffnet neue Einblicke in die Entwicklungshistorie und Handlungsrealit{\"a}t der drei erfahrensten Normenkontrollr{\"a}te in Europa. Vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Verwaltungskulturen werden die Ratstypen „Wachhund", „Torw{\"a}chter" und „Kritischer Freund" herausgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse sch{\"a}rfen die politische und wissenschaftliche Debatte um die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit von Normenkontrollr{\"a}ten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Biewald2008, author = {Biewald, Anne}, title = {A dynamic life cycle model for Germany with unemployment uncertainty}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-33111}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This work analyzes the saving and consumption behavior of agents faced with the possibility of unemployment in a dynamic and stochastic life cycle model. The intertemporal optimization is based on Dynamic Programming with a backward recursion algorithm. The implemented uncertainty is not based on income shocks as it is done in traditional life cycle models but uses Markov probabilities where the probability for the next employment status of the agent depends on the current status. The utility function used is a CRRA function (constant relative risk aversion), combined with a CES function (constant elasticity of substitution) and has several consumption goods, a subsistence level, money and a bequest function.}, language = {en} }