@book{JannVeit2010, author = {Jann, Werner and Veit, Sylvia}, title = {Politicisation of administration or bureaucratisation of politics? : The case of Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45163}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Frage, ob sich eine wachsende Politisierung der Ministerialb{\"u}rokratie und eine zunehmende B{\"u}rokratisierung der Politik in einer Hybridisierung der Karriereverl{\"a}ufe von Spitzenbeamten und Exekutivpolitikern auf Bundes- und Landesebene in Deutschland nachweisen l{\"a}sst.}, language = {en} } @book{Chinalski2009, author = {Chinalski, Maciej}, title = {Regional Governance in der Oder-Partnerschaft}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-030-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39248}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {97}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit analysiert Maciej Chinalski den Regional Governance Ansatz und seine praktische Umsetzung in den Europ{\"a}ischen Grenzregionen zwischen Deutschland und Polen (Oder-Partnerschaft) sowie im Vierl{\"a}ndereck von {\"O}sterreich, Ungarn, Tschechien und Slowakei (Centrope-Region). Regional Governance gilt als eine Kooperationsform unterschiedlicher regionaler Akteure, die nach neuen Synergien suchen, um ihre Zusammenarbeit voranzutreiben. Eine Region wird dabei als Raum verst{\"a}rkter Interaktionen zwischen Staat, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft verstanden.}, language = {de} } @misc{RuscheBielawskiRiemannetal.2010, author = {Rusche, Tim Maxian and Bielawski, Martina and Riemann, Silke and Reimers, Lutz and Duplouy, Florent and Kuhn, Florian and von Oettingen, Anna}, title = {Deutsche Interessen offen diskutieren!}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41636}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Außenpolitik ist von den Werten, dem Selbstverst{\"a}ndnis einer Gesellschaft und den {\"o}konomischen Interessen ihrer Volkswirtschaft gepr{\"a}gt. In den ersten beiden Teilen dieses Essays zeigen wir auf, wie Deutschland seine Werte behutsam erneuern sollte und welche Bereiche zur Wahrung seines {\"o}konomischen Wohlstands zentral sind. Auf dieses Fundament setzen wir ein Pl{\"a}doyer f{\"u}r eine neue außenpolitische Kultur, die Interessen offen debattiert und klar definiert, um sie erfolgreich durchzusetzen.}, language = {de} } @misc{Franzke2010, author = {Franzke, Jochen}, title = {Chefdiplomat versus Missionarin}, isbn = {978-3-941880-06-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40824}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Frage, ob die CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Erika Steinbach, seit 1998 Pr{\"a}sidenten des Bundes der Vertriebenen (BdV), einen Sitz im Stiftungsrat des "Zentrums gegen Vertreibung" einnehmen soll, spaltet die politische Landschaft. Die von der SPD beantragte Aktuelle Stunde des Bundestages am 26. November 2009 machte dies erneut deutlich. Auch die neue Bundesregierung ist in dieser Frage gespalten.}, language = {de} } @misc{Franzke2009, author = {Franzke, Jochen}, title = {Europ{\"a}ische Zeitenwenden}, isbn = {978386956020-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39510}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Der Autor skizziert die europ{\"a}ischen Zeitenwenden vom Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges {\"u}ber das Wendejahr 1989 bis zur Gegenwart. Seine {\"U}berlegungen st{\"u}tzen sich auf die Konferenz "Das Jahr 1939: Urspr{\"u}nge und Beginn des 2. Weltkriegs", die am 9. September 2009 in Posen stattgefunden hat.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Petrow2009, author = {Petrow, Theresia}, title = {Floods in Germany : analyses of trends, seasonality and circulation patterns}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-37392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Flood hazard estimations are conducted with a variety of methods. These include flood frequency analysis (FFA), hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, probable maximum discharges as well as climate scenarios. However, most of these methods assume stationarity of the used time series, i.e., the series must not exhibit trends. Against the background of climate change and proven significant trends in atmospheric circulation patterns, it is questionable whether these changes are also reflected in the discharge data. The aim of this PhD thesis is therefore to clarify, in a spatially-explicit manner, whether the available discharge data derived from selected German catchments exhibit trends. Concerning the flood hazard, the suitability of the currently used stationary FFA approaches is evaluated for the discharge data. Moreover, dynamics in atmospheric circulation patterns are studied and the link between trends in these patterns and discharges is investigated. To tackle this research topic, a number of different analyses are conducted. The first part of the PhD thesis comprises the study and trend test of 145 discharge series from catchments, which cover most of Germany for the period 1951-2002. The seasonality and trend pattern of eight flood indicators, such as maximum series and peak-over-threshold series, are analyzed in a spatially-explicit manner. Analyses are performed on different spatial scales: at the local scale, through gauge-specific analyses, and on the catchment-wide and basin scales. Besides the analysis of discharge series, data on atmospheric circulation patterns (CP) are an important source of information, upon which conclusions about the flood hazard can be drawn. The analyses of these circulation patterns (after Hess und Brezowsky) and the study of the link to peak discharges form the second part of the thesis. For this, daily data on the dominant CP across Europe are studied; these are represented by different indicators, which are tested for trend. Moreover, analyses are performed to extract flood triggering circulation patterns and to estimate the flood potential of CPs. Correlations between discharge series and CP indicators are calculated to assess a possible link between them. For this research topic, data from 122 meso-scale catchments in the period 1951-2002 are used. In a third part, the Mulde catchment, a mesoscale sub-catchment of the Elbe basin, is studied in more detail. Fifteen discharge series of different lengths in the period 1910-2002 are available for the seasonally differentiated analysis of the flood potential of CPs and flood influencing landscape parameters. For trend tests of discharge and CP data, different methods are used. The Mann-Kendall test is applied with a significance level of 10\%, ensuring statistically sound results. Besides the test of the entire series for trend, multiple time-varying trend tests are performed with the help of a resampling approach in order to better differentiate short-term fluctuations from long-lasting trends. Calculations of the field significance complement the flood hazard assessment for the studied regions. The present thesis shows that the flood hazard is indeed significantly increasing for selected regions in Germany during the winter season. Especially affected are the middle mountain ranges in Central Germany. This increase of the flood hazard is attributed to a longer persistence of selected CPs during winter. Increasing trends in summer floods are found in the Rhine and Danube catchments, decreasing trends in the Elbe and Weser catchments. Finally, a significant trend towards a reduced diversity of CPs is found causing fewer patterns with longer persistence to dominate the weather over Europe. The detailed study of the Mulde catchment reveals a flood regime with frequent low winter floods and fewer summer floods, which bear, however, the potential of becoming extreme. Based on the results, the use of instationary approaches for flood hazard estimation is recommended in order to account for the detected trends in many of the series. Through this methodology it is possible to directly consider temporal changes in flood series, which in turn reduces the possibility of large under- or overestimations of the extreme discharges, respectively.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Biewald2008, author = {Biewald, Anne}, title = {A dynamic life cycle model for Germany with unemployment uncertainty}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-33111}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This work analyzes the saving and consumption behavior of agents faced with the possibility of unemployment in a dynamic and stochastic life cycle model. The intertemporal optimization is based on Dynamic Programming with a backward recursion algorithm. The implemented uncertainty is not based on income shocks as it is done in traditional life cycle models but uses Markov probabilities where the probability for the next employment status of the agent depends on the current status. The utility function used is a CRRA function (constant relative risk aversion), combined with a CES function (constant elasticity of substitution) and has several consumption goods, a subsistence level, money and a bequest function.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wimmer2009, author = {Wimmer, Willy}, title = {Von Sternstunden und Fehlstunden}, issn = {0944-8101}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32831}, year = {2009}, abstract = {"Der 8. Mai hat es in sich. Es ist aber nicht nur die Geschichte. Die Woche vom 8. Mai war in diesem Jahr die 'Woche der Wahrheit' im Bundestag, eine Kristallkugel, die einen d{\"u}steren Blick in die Zukunft erlaubt. Das wurde durch zwei Ereignisse klar, die etwas verband, ohne dass sie zusammen geplant waren. [...]"}, language = {de} } @misc{Krueger2009, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Joachim}, title = {Stefan Heymann : ein neuer Typ deutscher Botschafter}, issn = {0944-8101}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32821}, year = {2009}, abstract = {"Nach der Gr{\"u}ndung der DDR war es eine Gruppe deutscher Antifaschisten, die an der Spitze der diplomatischen Missionen des neuen Staates auch einen neuen Typ deutscher Repr{\"a}sentanten verk{\"o}rperten. Fortan waren es nicht nur ehemalige Mitarbeiter des nationalsozialistischen AA, die nun f{\"u}r Bonn auf internationalem Parkett agierten, sondern angesehene Antifaschisten [...]"}, language = {de} } @misc{Kraemer2009, author = {Kr{\"a}mer, Raimund}, title = {Mission Weltfrieden? : ein Gespr{\"a}ch mit Dr. Gernot Erler, Staatsminister im Ausw{\"a}rtigen Amt}, issn = {0944-8101}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32802}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In einem Interview pr{\"a}sentiert Dr. Gernot Erler (SPD, Staatsminister im Ausw{\"a}rtigen Amt)sein neuestes Buch „Mission Weltfrieden: Deutschlands neue Rolle in der Weltpolitik" und gibt damit Einblicke in die Außenpolitik der Großen Koalition und der unter Gerhard Schr{\"o}der.}, language = {de} }