@unpublished{ConfortiDaiPraRoelly2014, author = {Conforti, Giovanni and Dai Pra, Paolo and Roelly, Sylvie}, title = {Reciprocal class of jump processes}, volume = {3}, number = {6}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2193-6943}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70776}, pages = {30}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Processes having the same bridges as a given reference Markov process constitute its reciprocal class. In this paper we study the reciprocal class of compound Poisson processes whose jumps belong to a finite set A in R^d. We propose a characterization of the reciprocal class as the unique set of probability measures on which a family of time and space transformations induces the same density, expressed in terms of the reciprocal invariants. The geometry of A plays a crucial role in the design of the transformations, and we use tools from discrete geometry to obtain an optimal characterization. We deduce explicit conditions for two Markov jump processes to belong to the same class. Finally, we provide a natural interpretation of the invariants as short-time asymptotics for the probability that the reference process makes a cycle around its current state.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Orgis2014, author = {Orgis, Thomas}, title = {Unstetige Galerkin-Diskretisierung niedriger Ordnung in einem atmosph{\"a}rischen Multiskalenmodell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70687}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Dynamik der Atmosph{\"a}re der Erde umfasst einen Bereich von mikrophysikalischer Turbulenz {\"u}ber konvektive Prozesse und Wolkenbildung bis zu planetaren Wellenmustern. F{\"u}r Wettervorhersage und zur Betrachtung des Klimas {\"u}ber Jahrzehnte und Jahrhunderte ist diese Gegenstand der Modellierung mit numerischen Verfahren. Mit voranschreitender Entwicklung der Rechentechnik sind Neuentwicklungen der dynamischen Kerne von Klimamodellen, die mit der feiner werdenden Aufl{\"o}sung auch entsprechende Prozesse aufl{\"o}sen k{\"o}nnen, notwendig. Der dynamische Kern eines Modells besteht in der Umsetzung (Diskretisierung) der grundlegenden dynamischen Gleichungen f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Masse, Energie und Impuls, so dass sie mit Computern numerisch gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Eignung eines unstetigen Galerkin-Verfahrens niedriger Ordnung f{\"u}r atmosph{\"a}rische Anwendungen. Diese Eignung f{\"u}r Gleichungen mit Wirkungen von externen Kr{\"a}ften wie Erdanziehungskraft und Corioliskraft ist aus der Theorie nicht selbstverst{\"a}ndlich. Es werden n{\"o}tige Anpassungen beschrieben, die das Verfahren stabilisieren, ohne sogenannte „slope limiter" einzusetzen. F{\"u}r das unmodifizierte Verfahren wird belegt, dass es nicht geeignet ist, atmosph{\"a}rische Gleichgewichte stabil darzustellen. Das entwickelte stabilisierte Modell reproduziert eine Reihe von Standard-Testf{\"a}llen der atmosph{\"a}rischen Dynamik mit Euler- und Flachwassergleichungen in einem weiten Bereich von r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen. Die L{\"o}sung der thermischen Windgleichung entlang der mit den Isobaren identischen charakteristischen Kurven liefert atmosph{\"a}rische Gleichgewichtszust{\"a}nde mit durch vorgegebenem Grundstrom einstellbarer Neigung zu(barotropen und baroklinen)Instabilit{\"a}ten, die f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Zyklonen wesentlich sind. Im Gegensatz zu fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten sind diese Zust{\"a}nde direkt im z-System(H{\"o}he in Metern)definiert und m{\"u}ssen nicht aus Druckkoordinaten {\"u}bertragen werden.Mit diesen Zust{\"a}nden, sowohl als Referenzzustand, von dem lediglich die Abweichungen numerisch betrachtet werden, und insbesondere auch als Startzustand, der einer kleinen St{\"o}rung unterliegt, werden verschiedene Studien der Simulation von barotroper und barokliner Instabilit{\"a}t durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hervorzuheben ist dabei die durch die Formulierung von Grundstr{\"o}men mit einstellbarer Baroklinit{\"a}t erm{\"o}glichte simulationsgest{\"u}tzte Studie des Grades der baroklinen Instabilit{\"a}t verschiedener Wellenl{\"a}ngen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von statischer Stabilit{\"a}t und vertikalem Windgradient als Entsprechung zu Stabilit{\"a}tskarten aus theoretischen Betrachtungen in der Literatur.}, language = {de} } @book{MeinelPlattnerDoellneretal.2014, author = {Meinel, Christoph and Plattner, Hasso and D{\"o}llner, J{\"u}rgen Roland Friedrich and Weske, Mathias and Polze, Andreas and Hirschfeld, Robert and Naumann, Felix and Giese, Holger and Baudisch, Patrick}, title = {Proceedings of the 7th Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-273-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63490}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 218}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application. Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services. Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns. The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the Research Scholl, this technical report covers a wide range of research topics. These include but are not limited to: Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems, Operating System Support for Service-Oriented Systems, Architecture and Modeling of Service-Oriented Systems, Adaptive Process Management, Services Composition and Workflow Planning, Security Engineering of Service-Based IT Systems, Quantitative Analysis and Optimization of Service-Oriented Systems, Service-Oriented Systems in 3D Computer Graphics sowie Service-Oriented Geoinformatics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tenenboim2014, author = {Tenenboim, Yehezkel}, title = {Characterization of a Chlamydomonas protein involved in cell division and autophagy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The contractile vacuole (CV) is an osmoregulatory organelle found exclusively in algae and protists. In addition to expelling excessive water out of the cell, it also expels ions and other metabolites and thereby contributes to the cell's metabolic homeostasis. The interest in the CV reaches beyond its immediate cellular roles. The CV's function is tightly related to basic cellular processes such as membrane dynamics and vesicle budding and fusion; several physiological processes in animals, such as synaptic neurotransmission and blood filtration in the kidney, are related to the CV's function; and several pathogens, such as the causative agents of sleeping sickness, possess CVs, which may serve as pharmacological targets. The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has two CVs. They are the smallest known CVs in nature, and they remain relatively untouched in the CV-related literature. Many genes that have been shown to be related to the CV in other organisms have close homologues in C. reinhardtii. We attempted to silence some of these genes and observe the effect on the CV. One of our genes, VMP1, caused striking, severe phenotypes when silenced. Cells exhibited defective cytokinesis and aberrant morphologies. The CV, incidentally, remained unscathed. In addition, mutant cells showed some evidence of disrupted autophagy. Several important regulators of the cell cycle as well as autophagy were found to be underexpressed in the mutant. Lipidomic analysis revealed many meaningful changes between wild-type and mutant cells, reinforcing the compromised-autophagy observation. VMP1 is a singular protein, with homologues in numerous eukaryotic organisms (aside from fungi), but usually with no relatives in each particular genome. Since its first characterization in 2002 it has been associated with several cellular processes and functions, namely autophagy, programmed cell-death, secretion, cell adhesion, and organelle biogenesis. It has been implicated in several human diseases: pancreatitis, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Our results reiterate some of the observations in VMP1's six reported homologues, but, importantly, show for the first time an involvement of this protein in cell division. The mechanisms underlying this involvement in Chlamydomonas, as well as other key aspects, such as VMP1's subcellular localization and interaction partners, still await elucidation.}, language = {en} } @book{MeinelWillems2014, author = {Meinel, Christoph and Willems, Christian}, title = {openHPI : 哈索•普拉特纳研究院的 MOOC(大规模公开在线课)计划}, number = {89}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-291-9}, issn = {1613-5652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70380}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {22}, year = {2014}, abstract = {摘要。哈索•普拉特纳研究院 (HPI) 的新型互动在线教育平台 openHPI (https://openHPI.de) 可以为从事信息技术和信息学领域内容的工作和感兴趣的学员提供可自由访问的、免费的在线课程。与斯坦福大学于 2011 年首推,之后也在美国其他精英大学提供的"网络公开群众课"(简称 MOOC)一样,openHPI 同样在互联网中提供学习视频和阅读材料,其中综合了支持学习的自我测试、家庭作业和社交讨论论坛,并刺激对促进学习的虚拟学习团队的培训。与"传统的"讲座平台,比如 tele-TASK 平台 (http://www.tele-task.de) 不同(在该平台中,可调用以多媒体方式记录的和已准备好的讲座),openHPI 提供的是按教学法准备的在线课程。这些课程的开始时间固定,之后在连续六个课程周稳定的提供以多媒体方式准备的、尽可能可以互动的学习材料。每周讲解课程主题的一章。为此在该周开始前会准备一系列学习视频、文字、自我测试和家庭作业材料,课程学员在该周将精力用于处理这些内容。这些计划与一个社交讨论平台相结合,学员在该平台上可以与课程导师和其他学员交换意见、解答问题和讨论更多主题。当然,学员可以自己决定学习活动的类型和范围。他们可以为课程作出自己的贡献,比如在论坛中引用博文或推文。之后其他学员可以评论、讨论或自己扩展这些博文或推文。这样学员、教师和提供的学习内容就在一个虚拟的团体中与社交学习网络相互结合起来。}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-6813, title = {Cloud security mechanisms}, number = {87}, editor = {Neuhaus, Christian and Polze, Andreas}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-281-0}, issn = {1613-5652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68168}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {78}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cloud computing has brought great benefits in cost and flexibility for provisioning services. The greatest challenge of cloud computing remains however the question of security. The current standard tools in access control mechanisms and cryptography can only partly solve the security challenges of cloud infrastructures. In the recent years of research in security and cryptography, novel mechanisms, protocols and algorithms have emerged that offer new ways to create secure services atop cloud infrastructures. This report provides introductions to a selection of security mechanisms that were part of the "Cloud Security Mechanisms" seminar in summer term 2013 at HPI.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{HoegelePavlyukevich2014, author = {H{\"o}gele, Michael and Pavlyukevich, Ilya}, title = {Metastability of Morse-Smale dynamical systems perturbed by heavy-tailed L{\´e}vy type noise}, volume = {3}, number = {5}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2193-6943}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70639}, pages = {27}, year = {2014}, abstract = {We consider a general class of finite dimensional deterministic dynamical systems with finitely many local attractors each of which supports a unique ergodic probability measure, which includes in particular the class of Morse-Smale systems in any finite dimension. The dynamical system is perturbed by a multiplicative non-Gaussian heavytailed L{\´e}vy type noise of small intensity ε > 0. Specifically we consider perturbations leading to a It{\^o}, Stratonovich and canonical (Marcus) stochastic differential equation. The respective asymptotic first exit time and location problem from each of the domains of attractions in case of inward pointing vector fields in the limit of ε-> 0 has been investigated by the authors. We extend these results to domains with characteristic boundaries and show that the perturbed system exhibits a metastable behavior in the sense that there exits a unique ε-dependent time scale on which the random system converges to a continuous time Markov chain switching between the invariant measures. As examples we consider α-stable perturbations of the Duffing equation and a chemical system exhibiting a birhythmic behavior.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahmad2014, author = {Ahmad, Nadeem}, title = {People centered HMI's for deaf and functionally illiterate users}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The objective and motivation behind this research is to provide applications with easy-to-use interfaces to communities of deaf and functionally illiterate users, which enables them to work without any human assistance. Although recent years have witnessed technological advancements, the availability of technology does not ensure accessibility to information and communication technologies (ICT). Extensive use of text from menus to document contents means that deaf or functionally illiterate can not access services implemented on most computer software. Consequently, most existing computer applications pose an accessibility barrier to those who are unable to read fluently. Online technologies intended for such groups should be developed in continuous partnership with primary users and include a thorough investigation into their limitations, requirements and usability barriers. In this research, I investigated existing tools in voice, web and other multimedia technologies to identify learning gaps and explored ways to enhance the information literacy for deaf and functionally illiterate users. I worked on the development of user-centered interfaces to increase the capabilities of deaf and low literacy users by enhancing lexical resources and by evaluating several multimedia interfaces for them. The interface of the platform-independent Italian Sign Language (LIS) Dictionary has been developed to enhance the lexical resources for deaf users. The Sign Language Dictionary accepts Italian lemmas as input and provides their representation in the Italian Sign Language as output. The Sign Language dictionary has 3082 signs as set of Avatar animations in which each sign is linked to a corresponding Italian lemma. I integrated the LIS lexical resources with MultiWordNet (MWN) database to form the first LIS MultiWordNet(LMWN). LMWN contains information about lexical relations between words, semantic relations between lexical concepts (synsets), correspondences between Italian and sign language lexical concepts and semantic fields (domains). The approach enhances the deaf users' understanding of written Italian language and shows that a relatively small set of lexicon can cover a significant portion of MWN. Integration of LIS signs with MWN made it useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. The rule-based translation process from written Italian text to LIS has been transformed into service-oriented system. The translation process is composed of various modules including parser, semantic interpreter, generator, and spatial allocation planner. This translation procedure has been implemented in the Java Application Building Center (jABC), which is a framework for extreme model driven design (XMDD). The XMDD approach focuses on bringing software development closer to conceptual design, so that the functionality of a software solution could be understood by someone who is unfamiliar with programming concepts. The transformation addresses the heterogeneity challenge and enhances the re-usability of the system. For enhancing the e-participation of functionally illiterate users, two detailed studies were conducted in the Republic of Rwanda. In the first study, the traditional (textual) interface was compared with the virtual character-based interactive interface. The study helped to identify usability barriers and users evaluated these interfaces according to three fundamental areas of usability, i.e. effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. In another study, we developed four different interfaces to analyze the usability and effects of online assistance (consistent help) for functionally illiterate users and compared different help modes including textual, vocal and virtual character on the performance of semi-literate users. In our newly designed interfaces the instructions were automatically translated in Swahili language. All the interfaces were evaluated on the basis of task accomplishment, time consumption, System Usability Scale (SUS) rating and number of times the help was acquired. The results show that the performance of semi-literate users improved significantly when using the online assistance. The dissertation thus introduces a new development approach in which virtual characters are used as additional support for barely literate or naturally challenged users. Such components enhanced the application utility by offering a variety of services like translating contents in local language, providing additional vocal information, and performing automatic translation from text to sign language. Obviously, there is no such thing as one design solution that fits for all in the underlying domain. Context sensitivity, literacy and mental abilities are key factors on which I concentrated and the results emphasize that computer interfaces must be based on a thoughtful definition of target groups, purposes and objectives.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LohmannFollmarOtto2014, author = {Lohmann, Georg and Follmar-Otto, Petra}, title = {Menschenrechte in der Zuwanderungsgesellschaft : 2. Potsdamer MenschenRechtsTag am 22. November 2012}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-285-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63039}, pages = {31}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Am Potsdamer MenschenRechtsTag - zeitlich in N{\"a}he zum Internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte am 10. Dezember gelegen - diskutiert das MenschenRechtsZentrum der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam wichtige Menschenrechtsthemen mit einem konkreten gesellschafts- und oder rechtspolitischen Bezug. Ende 2012 lag der Fokus auf den Menschenrechten von Zuwanderern. Aus einer grundlegenden philosophischen Perspektive wurde erl{\"a}utert, dass Beschr{\"a}nkungen des menschenrechtlichen Status dieser Personengruppe nur schwer und in Einzelf{\"a}llen begr{\"u}ndbar sind; eine praktische und rechtspolitische Sichtweise legte konkreten Reformbedarf im Asylverfahren offen, dem inzwischen immerhin zum Teil entsprochen wurde.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bathke2014, author = {Bathke, Hannes}, title = {An investigation of complex deformation patterns detected by using InSAR at Llaima and Tend{\"u}rek volcanoes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70522}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Surface displacement at volcanic edifices is related to subsurface processes associated with magma movements, fluid transfers within the volcano edifice and gravity-driven deformation processes. Understanding of associated ground displacements is of importance for assessment of volcanic hazards. For example, volcanic unrest is often preceded by surface uplift, caused by magma intrusion and followed by subsidence, after the withdrawal of magma. Continuous monitoring of the surface displacement at volcanoes therefore might allow the forecasting of upcoming eruptions to some extent. In geophysics, the measured surface displacements allow the parameters of possible deformation sources to be estimated through analytical or numerical modeling. This is one way to improve the understanding of subsurface processes acting at volcanoes. Although the monitoring of volcanoes has significantly improved in the last decades (in terms of technical advancements and number of monitored volcanoes), the forecasting of volcanic eruptions remains puzzling. In this work I contribute towards the understanding of the subsurface processes at volcanoes and thus to the improvement of volcano eruption forecasting. I have investigated the displacement field of Llaima volcano in Chile and of Tend{\"u}rek volcano in East Turkey by using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). Through modeling of the deformation sources with the extracted displacement data, it was possible to gain insights into potential subsurface processes occurring at these two volcanoes that had been barely studied before. The two volcanoes, although of very different origin, composition and geometry, both show a complexity of interacting deformation sources. At Llaima volcano, the InSAR technique was difficult to apply, due to the large decorrelation of the radar signal between the acquisition of images. I developed a model-based unwrapping scheme, which allows the production of reliable displacement maps at the volcano that I used for deformation source modeling. The modeling results show significant differences in pre- and post-eruptive magmatic deformation source parameters. Therefore, I conjecture that two magma chambers exist below Llaima volcano: a post-eruptive deep one and a shallow one possibly due to the pre-eruptive ascent of magma. Similar reservoir depths at Llaima have been confirmed by independent petrologic studies. These reservoirs are interpreted to be temporally coupled. At Tend{\"u}rek volcano I have found long-term subsidence of the volcanic edifice, which can be described by a large, magmatic, sill-like source that is subject to cooling contraction. The displacement data in conjunction with high-resolution optical images, however, reveal arcuate fractures at the eastern and western flank of the volcano. These are most likely the surface expressions of concentric ring-faults around the volcanic edifice that show low magnitudes of slip over a long time. This might be an alternative mechanism for the development of large caldera structures, which are so far assumed to be generated during large catastrophic collapse events. To investigate the potential subsurface geometry and relation of the two proposed interacting sources at Tend{\"u}rek, a sill-like magmatic source and ring-faults, I have performed a more sophisticated numerical modeling approach. The optimum source geometries show, that the size of the sill-like source was overestimated in the simple models and that it is difficult to determine the dip angle of the ring-faults with surface displacement data only. However, considering physical and geological criteria a combination of outward-dipping reverse faults in the west and inward-dipping normal faults in the east seem to be the most likely. Consequently, the underground structure at the Tend{\"u}rek volcano consists of a small, sill-like, contracting, magmatic source below the western summit crater that causes a trapdoor-like faulting along the ring-faults around the volcanic edifice. Therefore, the magmatic source and the ring-faults are also interpreted to be temporally coupled. In addition, a method for data reduction has been improved. The modeling of subsurface deformation sources requires only a relatively small number of well distributed InSAR observations at the earth's surface. Satellite radar images, however, consist of several millions of these observations. Therefore, the large amount of data needs to be reduced by several orders of magnitude for source modeling, to save computation time and increase model flexibility. I have introduced a model-based subsampling approach in particular for heterogeneously-distributed observations. It allows a fast calculation of the data error variance-covariance matrix, also supports the modeling of time dependent displacement data and is, therefore, an alternative to existing methods.}, language = {en} }