@phdthesis{Falter2016, author = {Falter, Daniela}, title = {A novel approach for large-scale flood risk assessments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {95}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the past, floods were basically managed by flood control mechanisms. The focus was set on the reduction of flood hazard. The potential consequences were of minor interest. Nowadays river flooding is increasingly seen from the risk perspective, including possible consequences. Moreover, the large-scale picture of flood risk became increasingly important for disaster management planning, national risk developments and the (re-) insurance industry. Therefore, it is widely accepted that risk-orientated flood management ap-proaches at the basin-scale are needed. However, large-scale flood risk assessment methods for areas of several 10,000 km² are still in early stages. Traditional flood risk assessments are performed reach wise, assuming constant probabilities for the entire reach or basin. This might be helpful on a local basis, but where large-scale patterns are important this approach is of limited use. Assuming a T-year flood (e.g. 100 years) for the entire river network is unrealistic and would lead to an overestimation of flood risk at the large scale. Due to the lack of damage data, additionally, the probability of peak discharge or rainfall is usually used as proxy for damage probability to derive flood risk. With a continuous and long term simulation of the entire flood risk chain, the spatial variability of probabilities could be consider and flood risk could be directly derived from damage data in a consistent way. The objective of this study is the development and application of a full flood risk chain, appropriate for the large scale and based on long term and continuous simulation. The novel approach of 'derived flood risk based on continuous simulations' is introduced, where the synthetic discharge time series is used as input into flood impact models and flood risk is directly derived from the resulting synthetic damage time series. The bottleneck at this scale is the hydrodynamic simu-lation. To find suitable hydrodynamic approaches for the large-scale a benchmark study with simplified 2D hydrodynamic models was performed. A raster-based approach with inertia formulation and a relatively high resolution of 100 m in combination with a fast 1D channel routing model was chosen. To investigate the suitability of the continuous simulation of a full flood risk chain for the large scale, all model parts were integrated into a new framework, the Regional Flood Model (RFM). RFM consists of the hydrological model SWIM, a 1D hydrodynamic river network model, a 2D raster based inundation model and the flood loss model FELMOps+r. Subsequently, the model chain was applied to the Elbe catchment, one of the largest catchments in Germany. For the proof-of-concept, a continuous simulation was per-formed for the period of 1990-2003. Results were evaluated / validated as far as possible with available observed data in this period. Although each model part introduced its own uncertainties, results and runtime were generally found to be adequate for the purpose of continuous simulation at the large catchment scale. Finally, RFM was applied to a meso-scale catchment in the east of Germany to firstly perform a flood risk assessment with the novel approach of 'derived flood risk assessment based on continuous simulations'. Therefore, RFM was driven by long term synthetic meteorological input data generated by a weather generator. Thereby, a virtual time series of climate data of 100 x 100 years was generated and served as input to RFM providing subsequent 100 x 100 years of spatially consistent river discharge series, inundation patterns and damage values. On this basis, flood risk curves and expected annual damage could be derived directly from damage data, providing a large-scale picture of flood risk. In contrast to traditional flood risk analysis, where homogenous return periods are assumed for the entire basin, the presented approach provides a coherent large-scale picture of flood risk. The spatial variability of occurrence probability is respected. Additionally, data and methods are consistent. Catchment and floodplain processes are repre-sented in a holistic way. Antecedent catchment conditions are implicitly taken into account, as well as physical processes like storage effects, flood attenuation or channel-floodplain interactions and related damage influencing effects. Finally, the simulation of a virtual period of 100 x 100 years and consequently large data set on flood loss events enabled the calculation of flood risk directly from damage distributions. Problems associated with the transfer of probabilities in rainfall or peak runoff to probabilities in damage, as often used in traditional approaches, are bypassed. RFM and the 'derived flood risk approach based on continuous simulations' has the potential to provide flood risk statements for national planning, re-insurance aspects or other questions where spatially consistent, large-scale assessments are required.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Laux2016, author = {Laux, Eva-Maria}, title = {Electric field-assisted immobilization and alignment of biomolecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90271}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 120}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this dissertation, an electric field-assisted method was developed and applied to achieve immobilization and alignment of biomolecules on metal electrodes in a simple one-step experiment. Neither modifications of the biomolecule nor of the electrodes were needed. The two major electrokinetic effects that lead to molecule motion in the chosen electrode configurations used were identified as dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmotic flow. To minimize AC electroosmotic flow, a new 3D electrode configuration was designed. Thus, the influence of experimental parameters on the dielectrophoretic force and the associated molecule movement could be studied. Permanent immobilization of proteins was examined and quantified absolutely using an atomic force microscope. By measuring the volumes of the immobilized protein deposits, a maximal number of proteins contained therein was calculated. This was possible since the proteins adhered to the tungsten electrodes even after switching off the electric field. The permanent immobilization of functional proteins on surfaces or electrodes is one crucial prerequisite for the fabrication of biosensors. Furthermore, the biofunctionality of the proteins must be retained after immobilization. Due to the chemical or physical modifications on the proteins caused by immobilization, their biofunctionality is sometimes hampered. The activity of dielectrophoretically immobilized proteins, however, was proven here for an enzyme for the first time. The enzyme horseradish peroxidase was used exemplarily, and its activity was demonstrated with the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123, a non-fluorescent precursor of the fluorescence dye rhodamine 123. Molecular alignment and immobilization - reversible and permanent - was achieved under the influence of inhomogeneous AC electric fields. For orientational investigations, a fluorescence microscope setup, a reliable experimental procedure and an evaluation protocol were developed and validated using self-made control samples of aligned acridine orange molecules in a liquid crystal. Lambda-DNA strands were stretched and aligned temporarily between adjacent interdigitated electrodes, and the orientation of PicoGreen molecules, which intercalate into the DNA strands, was determined. Similarly, the aligned immobilization of enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein was demonstrated exploiting the protein's fluorescence and structural properties. For this protein, the angle of the chromophore with respect to the protein's geometrical axis was determined in good agreement with X-ray crystallographic data. Permanent immobilization with simultaneous alignment of the proteins was achieved along the edges, tips and on the surface of interdigitated electrodes. This was the first demonstration of aligned immobilization of proteins by electric fields. Thus, the presented electric field-assisted immobilization method is promising with regard to enhanced antibody binding capacities and enzymatic activities, which is a requirement for industrial biosensor production, as well as for general interaction studies of proteins.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wichitsanguan2016, author = {Wichitsa-nguan, Korakot}, title = {Modifications and extensions of the logistic regression and Cox model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90033}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In many statistical applications, the aim is to model the relationship between covariates and some outcomes. A choice of the appropriate model depends on the outcome and the research objectives, such as linear models for continuous outcomes, logistic models for binary outcomes and the Cox model for time-to-event data. In epidemiological, medical, biological, societal and economic studies, the logistic regression is widely used to describe the relationship between a response variable as binary outcome and explanatory variables as a set of covariates. However, epidemiologic cohort studies are quite expensive regarding data management since following up a large number of individuals takes long time. Therefore, the case-cohort design is applied to reduce cost and time for data collection. The case-cohort sampling collects a small random sample from the entire cohort, which is called subcohort. The advantage of this design is that the covariate and follow-up data are recorded only on the subcohort and all cases (all members of the cohort who develop the event of interest during the follow-up process). In this thesis, we investigate the estimation in the logistic model for case-cohort design. First, a model with a binary response and a binary covariate is considered. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is described and its asymptotic properties are established. An estimator for the asymptotic variance of the estimator based on the maximum likelihood approach is proposed; this estimator differs slightly from the estimator introduced by Prentice (1986). Simulation results for several proportions of the subcohort show that the proposed estimator gives lower empirical bias and empirical variance than Prentice's estimator. Then the MLE in the logistic regression with discrete covariate under case-cohort design is studied. Here the approach of the binary covariate model is extended. Proving asymptotic normality of estimators, standard errors for the estimators can be derived. The simulation study demonstrates the estimation procedure of the logistic regression model with a one-dimensional discrete covariate. Simulation results for several proportions of the subcohort and different choices of the underlying parameters indicate that the estimator developed here performs reasonably well. Moreover, the comparison between theoretical values and simulation results of the asymptotic variance of estimator is presented. Clearly, the logistic regression is sufficient for the binary outcome refers to be available for all subjects and for a fixed time interval. Nevertheless, in practice, the observations in clinical trials are frequently collected for different time periods and subjects may drop out or relapse from other causes during follow-up. Hence, the logistic regression is not appropriate for incomplete follow-up data; for example, an individual drops out of the study before the end of data collection or an individual has not occurred the event of interest for the duration of the study. These observations are called censored observations. The survival analysis is necessary to solve these problems. Moreover, the time to the occurence of the event of interest is taken into account. The Cox model has been widely used in survival analysis, which can effectively handle the censored data. Cox (1972) proposed the model which is focused on the hazard function. The Cox model is assumed to be λ(t|x) = λ0(t) exp(β^Tx) where λ0(t) is an unspecified baseline hazard at time t and X is the vector of covariates, β is a p-dimensional vector of coefficient. In this thesis, the Cox model is considered under the view point of experimental design. The estimability of the parameter β0 in the Cox model, where β0 denotes the true value of β, and the choice of optimal covariates are investigated. We give new representations of the observed information matrix In(β) and extend results for the Cox model of Andersen and Gill (1982). In this way conditions for the estimability of β0 are formulated. Under some regularity conditions, ∑ is the inverse of the asymptotic variance matrix of the MPLE of β0 in the Cox model and then some properties of the asymptotic variance matrix of the MPLE are highlighted. Based on the results of asymptotic estimability, the calculation of local optimal covariates is considered and shown in examples. In a sensitivity analysis, the efficiency of given covariates is calculated. For neighborhoods of the exponential models, the efficiencies have then been found. It is appeared that for fixed parameters β0, the efficiencies do not change very much for different baseline hazard functions. Some proposals for applicable optimal covariates and a calculation procedure for finding optimal covariates are discussed. Furthermore, the extension of the Cox model where time-dependent coefficient are allowed, is investigated. In this situation, the maximum local partial likelihood estimator for estimating the coefficient function β(·) is described. Based on this estimator, we formulate a new test procedure for testing, whether a one-dimensional coefficient function β(·) has a prespecified parametric form, say β(·; ϑ). The score function derived from the local constant partial likelihood function at d distinct grid points is considered. It is shown that the distribution of the properly standardized quadratic form of this d-dimensional vector under the null hypothesis tends to a Chi-squared distribution. Moreover, the limit statement remains true when replacing the unknown ϑ0 by the MPLE in the hypothetical model and an asymptotic α-test is given by the quantiles or p-values of the limiting Chi-squared distribution. Finally, we propose a bootstrap version of this test. The bootstrap test is only defined for the special case of testing whether the coefficient function is constant. A simulation study illustrates the behavior of the bootstrap test under the null hypothesis and a special alternative. It gives quite good results for the chosen underlying model. References P. K. Andersen and R. D. Gill. Cox's regression model for counting processes: a large samplestudy. Ann. Statist., 10(4):1100{1120, 1982. D. R. Cox. Regression models and life-tables. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 34:187{220, 1972. R. L. Prentice. A case-cohort design for epidemiologic cohort studies and disease prevention trials. Biometrika, 73(1):1{11, 1986.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Renans2016, author = {Renans, Agata Maria}, title = {Exhaustivity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89501}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {221}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The dissertation proposes an answer to the question of how to model exhaustive inferences and what the meaning of the linguistic material that triggers these inferences is. In particular, it deals with the semantics of exclusive particles, clefts, and progressive aspect in Ga, an under-researched language spoken in Ghana. Based on new data coming from the author's original fieldwork in Accra, the thesis points to a previously unattested variation in the semantics of exclusives in a cross-linguistic perspective, analyzes the connections between exhaustive interpretation triggered by clefts and the aspectual interpretation of the sentence, and identifies a cross-categorial definite determiner. By that it sheds new light on several exhaustivity-related phenomena in both the nominal and the verbal domain and shows that both domains are closely connected.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mai2016, author = {Mai, Tobias}, title = {Polymerunterst{\"u}tzte Calciumphosphatmineralisation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89056}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Im Verlauf dieser Arbeit sind Blockcopolymere verschiedener Ladung auf Basis von PEO mit hohen Molekulargewichten durch lebendende freie radikalische Polymerisation hergestellt worden. Die Polymere sind einfach im Grammmaßstab herstellbar. Sie zeigen sowohl einen großen Einfluss auf die Nukleation als auch auf die Aufl{\"o}sung von Calciumphosphat. Gleichwohl scheint das Vorhandensein von positiven Gruppen (Kationen, Ampholyten und Betainen) keinen dramatischen Einfluss auf die Nukleation zu haben. So verursachen Polymere mit positiven Ladungen die gleiche Retentionwirkung wie solche, die ausschließlich anionische Gruppen enthalten. Aus der Verwendung der kationischen, ampholytischen und betainischen Copolymere resultiert allerdings eine andersartige Morphologie der Niederschl{\"a}ge, als aus der Verwendung der Anionischen hervorgeht. Bei der Stabilisierung einer HAP-Oberfl{\"a}che setzt sich dieser Trend fort, das heißt, rein anionische Copolymere wirken st{\"a}rker stabilisierend als solche, die positive Ladungen enthalten. Durch Inkubation von menschlichem Zahnschmelz mit anionischen Copolymeren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Biofilmbildung verglichen mit einer unbehandelten Zahnoberfl{\"a}che eingeschr{\"a}nkt abl{\"a}uft. All dies macht die Polymere zu interessanten Additiven f{\"u}r Zahnpflegeprodukte. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnten auf Basis dieser rein anionischen Copolymere Polymerb{\"u}rsten, ebenfalls {\"u}ber lebendende freie radikalische Polymerisation, hergestellt werden. Diese zeichnen sich durch einen großen Einfluss auf die Kristallphase aus und bilden mit dem CHAP des AB-Types das Material, welches auch in Knochen und Z{\"a}hnen vorkommt. Erste Cytotoxizit{\"a}tstests lassen auf das große Potential dieser Polymerb{\"u}rsten f{\"u}r Beschichtungen in der Medizintechnik schließen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schintgen2016, author = {Schintgen, Tom Vincent}, title = {The geothermal potential of Luxembourg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXII, 313}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The aim of this work is the evaluation of the geothermal potential of Luxembourg. The approach consists in a joint interpretation of different types of information necessary for a first rather qualitative assessment of deep geothermal reservoirs in Luxembourg and the adjoining regions in the surrounding countries of Belgium, France and Germany. For the identification of geothermal reservoirs by exploration, geological, thermal, hydrogeological and structural data are necessary. Until recently, however, reliable information about the thermal field and the regional geology, and thus about potential geothermal reservoirs, was lacking. Before a proper evaluation of the geothermal potential can be performed, a comprehensive survey of the geology and an assessment of the thermal field are required. As a first step, the geology and basin structure of the Mesozoic Trier-Luxembourg Basin (TLB) is reviewed and updated using recently published information on the geology and structures as well as borehole data available in Luxembourg and the adjoining regions. A Bouguer map is used to get insight in the depth, morphology and structures in the Variscan basement buried beneath the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. The geological section of the old Cessange borehole is reinterpreted and provides, in combination with the available borehole data, consistent information for the production of isopach maps. The latter visualize the synsedimentary evolution of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. Complementary, basin-wide cross sections illustrate the evolution and structure of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin. The knowledge gained does not support the old concept of the Weilerbach Mulde. The basin-wide cross sections, as well as the structural and sedimentological observations in the Trier-Luxembourg Basin suggest that the latter probably formed above a zone of weakness related to a buried Rotliegend graben. The inferred graben structure designated by SE-Luxembourg Graben (SELG) is located in direct southwestern continuation of the Wittlicher Rotliegend-Senke. The lack of deep boreholes and subsurface temperature prognosis at depth is circumnavigated by using thermal modelling for inferring the geothermal resource at depth. For this approach, profound structural, geological and petrophysical input data are required. Conceptual geological cross sections encompassing the entire crust are constructed and further simplified and extended to lithospheric scale for their utilization as thermal models. The 2-D steady state and conductive models are parameterized by means of measured petrophysical properties including thermal conductivity, radiogenic heat production and density. A surface heat flow of 75 ∓ 7 (2δ) mW m-2 for verification of the thermal models could be determined in the area. The models are further constrained by the geophysically-estimated depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) defined by the 1300 °C isotherm. A LAB depth of 100 km, as seismically derived for the Ardennes, provides the best fit with the measured surface heat flow. The resulting mantle heat flow amounts to ∼40 mW m-2. Modelled temperatures are in the range of 120-125 °C at 5 km depth and of 600-650 °C at the crust/mantle discontinuity (Moho). Possible thermal consequences of the 10-20 Ma old Eifel plume, which apparently caused upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle to 50-60 km depth, were modelled in a steady-state thermal scenario resulting in a surface heat flow of at least 91 mW m-2 (for the plume top at 60 km) in the Eifel region. Available surface heat-flow values are significantly lower (65-80 mW m-2) and indicate that the plume-related heating has not yet entirely reached the surface. Once conceptual geological models are established and the thermal regime is assessed, the geothermal potential of Luxembourg and the surrounding areas is evaluated by additional consideration of the hydrogeology, the stress field and tectonically active regions. On the one hand, low-enthalpy hydrothermal reservoirs in Mesozoic reservoirs in the Trier-Luxembourg Embayment (TLE) are considered. On the other hand, petrothermal reservoirs in the Lower Devonian basement of the Ardennes and Eifel regions are considered for exploitation by Enhanced/Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS). Among the Mesozoic aquifers, the Buntsandstein aquifer characterized by temperatures of up to 50 °C is a suitable hydrothermal reservoir that may be exploited by means of heat pumps or provide direct heat for various applications. The most promising area is the zone of the SE-Luxembourg Graben. The aquifer is warmest underneath the upper Alzette River valley and the limestone plateau in Lorraine, where the Buntsandstein aquifer lies below a thick Mesozoic cover. At the base of an inferred Rotliegend graben in the same area, temperatures of up to 75 °C are expected. However, geological and hydraulic conditions are uncertain. In the Lower Devonian basement, thick sandstone-/quartzite-rich formations with temperatures >90 °C are expected at depths >3.5 km and likely offer the possibility of direct heat use. The setting of the S{\"u}deifel (South Eifel) region, including the M{\"u}llerthal region near Echternach, as a tectonically active zone may offer the possibility of deep hydrothermal reservoirs in the fractured Lower Devonian basement. Based on the recent findings about the structure of the Trier-Luxembourg Basin, the new concept presents the M{\"u}llerthal-S{\"u}deifel Depression (MSD) as a Cenozoic structure that remains tectonically active and subsiding, and therefore is relevant for geothermal exploration. Beyond direct use of geothermal heat, the expected modest temperatures at 5 km depth (about 120 °C) and increased permeability by EGS in the quartzite-rich Lochkovian could prospectively enable combined geothermal heat production and power generation in Luxembourg and the western realm of the Eifel region.}, language = {en} }