@book{OPUS4-43818, title = {Kaleidoskop Literatur - Zur {\"A}sthetik literarischer Texte von Dante bis zur Gegenwart}, series = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik ; 16}, journal = {Sanssouci - Forschungen zur Romanistik ; 16}, editor = {Kilian, Sven Thorsten and Klauke, Lars and W{\"o}bbeking, Cordula and Zangenfeind, Sabine}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7329-0503-4}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {861}, year = {2018}, language = {mul} } @misc{OPUS4-64395, title = {Medieval forms of first-person narration I}, series = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur medi{\"a}vistischen Erz{\"a}hlforschung}, volume = {8}, journal = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur medi{\"a}vistischen Erz{\"a}hlforschung}, number = {Special Issue}, editor = {Philipowski, Katharina}, publisher = {University of Oldenburg Press}, address = {Oldenburg}, issn = {2568-9967}, doi = {10.25619/BmE_H202038}, pages = {221}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In many European vernacular literatures in the 13th and 16th centuries, texts with remarkable congruities clearly emerge. They are allegorical, their subject is worldly love, and they use the first person as their narrative form. The most popular would be the French ›Roman de la Rose‹, the Italian ›Vita Nuova‹ by Dante or the Spanish ›Libro de buen amor‹. German examples are the ›Minnelehre‹ by Johann of Constance or the anonymous ›Minneburg‹. Until now such texts have been classified as (Dream-) allegories, as courtly love (Minne) speeches, or also as (fictional or stylized) autobiographies. As a result, they have rarely, if ever, been compared with each other. The goal of our conferences is to facilitate interdisciplinary exchanges regarding these texts, especially as concerns poetological, narrative, and allegorical dimensions.}, language = {mul} } @misc{OPUS4-64397, title = {Medieval forms of first-person narration II}, series = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur medi{\"a}vistischen Erz{\"a}hlforschung}, volume = {14}, journal = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur medi{\"a}vistischen Erz{\"a}hlforschung}, number = {Special Issue}, editor = {Philipowski, Katharina}, publisher = {University of Oldenburg Press}, address = {Oldenburg}, issn = {2568-9967}, doi = {10.25619/BmE_H20225}, pages = {128}, year = {2022}, abstract = {One of the central features that medieval narratives in the first person have in common is their specific structure. Most of them are not continuously and coherently narrative, but in most cases include long discursive sections or textual elements such as letters, prayers, songs, or dialogues. The classification of these texts as narrative literature is thus anything but self-evident. The contributions to this volume examine how first-person discursivity and narrativity interact in French, German, and Italian narratives, what interrelation exists between the first-person narrative stance and discursivity, and how the literary forms of narrativity and discursivity (each of which is assigned a specific tense, namely the past tense and the present tense) relate to each other.}, language = {mul} } @misc{OPUS4-43824, title = {Neue Interpretationsans{\"a}tze zu Dantes Commedia}, series = {Deutsches Dante Jahrbuch}, volume = {91}, journal = {Deutsches Dante Jahrbuch}, number = {1}, editor = {Klettke, Cornelia}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2194-4059}, year = {2016}, language = {mul} } @periodical{OPUS4-64252, title = {Poema}, volume = {2}, editor = {Lampart, Fabian and Hillebrandt, Claudia and Klimek, Sonja and M{\"u}ller, Ralph}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Kiel}, address = {Kiel}, issn = {2751-9821}, pages = {150}, year = {2023}, abstract = {POEMA ist ein komparatistisch angelegtes Jahrbuch, das sich der systematischen Erforschung von Lyrik und Gedicht widmet. Es richtet sich an Fachwissenschaftlerinnen und Fachwissenschaftler aller Phi­lologien wie auch der mit anderen Kunstformen befassten Wissenschaften und der philosophischen {\"A}sthetik. POEMA erscheint als Open-Access-Journal wie auch als Print-on-Demand-Fassung im Uni­versit{\"a}tsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing. Die wissenschaftlichen Beitr{\"a}ge werden in einem double-blind Peer-Review-Verfahren begutachtet.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Erol2022, author = {Erol, Adem Muzaffer}, title = {Ra'anana, Batyam ve Tel Aviv'de T{\"u}rkiyeli Yahudi Olma Halleri [1]}, series = {Avlaremoz}, journal = {Avlaremoz}, publisher = {Avlaremoz}, address = {Istanbul}, year = {2022}, abstract = {1. B{\"o}l{\"u}m: T{\"u}rkiye'den İsrail'e G{\"o}{\c{c}} Etmi{\c{s}} Yahudiler Pandemi, al{\i}{\c{s}}kanl{\i}klar{\i}m{\i}zda, planlar{\i}m{\i}zda, hayata bak{\i}{\c{s}} a{\c{c}}{\i}m{\i}zda geri d{\"o}n{\"u}lemez deği{\c{s}}iklikler yapt{\i}. Benim pay{\i}ma d{\"u}{\c{s}}en ise uzun zamand{\i}r {\"u}zerinde {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}t{\i}ğ{\i}m doktora tezimin olmazsa olmaz par{\c{c}}as{\i} olan İsrail'de yapmay{\i} planlad{\i}ğ{\i}m alan ara{\c{s}}t{\i}rmas{\i}n{\i}n iki sene boyunca s{\"u}rekli ertelenmesi oldu. {\"O}nce a{\c{s}}{\i} s{\i}ras{\i} bekledim sonra birinci ve ikinci doz aras{\i}ndaki on d{\"o}rt g{\"u}n{\"u}; bu s{\i}rada en {\c{c}}ok girdiğim internet sitesi İsrail D{\i}{\c{s}}i{\c{s}}leri Bakanl{\i}ğ{\i}'n{\i}n seyahat d{\"u}zenlemelerini payla{\c{s}}t{\i}ğ{\i} sayfas{\i} oldu. Kimi zaman detaylar aras{\i}nda kayboldum, b{\"u}rokrasinin {\c{c}}arklar{\i} aras{\i}nda "bu madde acaba i{\c{s}}ime yarar m{\i}?" diye beyhude ak{\i}llar y{\"u}r{\"u}tt{\"u}m. Tel Aviv {\"U}niversitesi'nden alan ara{\c{s}}t{\i}rmam{\i}n merakla desteklendiğini i{\c{c}}eren davet mektuplar{\i} ald{\i}m ama pandemi merakla desteklenen {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}maya iki kez bask{\i}n {\c{c}}{\i}kt{\i} ve vize ba{\c{s}}vurum iki kez reddedildi. Sonu{\c{c}} olarak 2020'nin ikinci yar{\i}s{\i}nda yapmam gereken alan ara{\c{s}}t{\i}rmas{\i}n{\i} 2022 y{\i}l{\i}n{\i}n Şubat ay{\i}na kadar ertelenmek zorunda kald{\i}m.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Erol2022, author = {Erol, Adem Muzaffer}, title = {Ra'anana, Batyam ve Tel Aviv'de T{\"u}rkiyeli Yahudi Olma Halleri [2]}, series = {Avlaremoz}, journal = {Avlaremoz}, publisher = {Avlaremoz}, address = {İstanbul}, year = {2022}, abstract = {2. B{\"o}l{\"u}m: T{\"u}rkiye Nostaljisinin ve Sefarad Haf{\i}zas{\i}n{\i}n Şehri: Batyam "Denizin K{\i}z{\i}" anlam{\i}na gelen Batyam, T{\"u}rkiyeli Yahudilerle ilgili yap{\i}lm{\i}{\c{s}} bir{\c{c}}ok {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada defalarca rastlad{\i}ğ{\i}m, Tel Aviv'in g{\"u}neyinde bulunan bir sahil {\c{s}}ehri. T{\"u}rkiyeli Yahudilerin 1948-1951, 1956-1957, 1961-1965 ve 1969-1972 y{\i}llar{\i} aras{\i}nda ger{\c{c}}ekle{\c{s}}en kitlesel g{\"o}{\c{c}} d{\"o}nemlerinden itibaren yerle{\c{s}}meye ba{\c{s}}lad{\i}klar{\i}, g{\"u}n{\"u}m{\"u}zde Rusya'dan gelen Yahudilerin de izlerinin {\c{c}}ok net izlenebildiği bir {\c{s}}ehir ayn{\i} zamanda[1]. T{\"u}rkiye ile İsrail'i birbirine bağlayan Batyam'{\i}n belki de en {\"o}nemli {\"o}zelliklerinden birisi tarihi, 1937 y{\i}l{\i}nda T{\"u}rkiyeli Yahudiler taraf{\i}ndan kurulan Irgun Ole T{\"u}rkiya adl{\i} derneğe dayanan İsrail'deki T{\"u}rkiyeliler Birliği'nin (Itahdut Yotsey Turkia BeIsrael) bulunduğu {\c{s}}ehir olmas{\i}.}, language = {mul} } @book{OPUS4-9755, title = {Reflexe eines Umwelt- und Klimabewusstseins in fiktionalen Texten der Romania : Eigentliches und uneigentliches Schreiben zu einem sich verdichtenden globalen Problem}, editor = {Klettke, Cornelia and Maag, Georg}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86596-279-9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {478}, year = {2010}, language = {mul} }