@phdthesis{Klisch2003, author = {Klisch, Anja}, title = {Ableitung von Blattfl{\"a}chenindex und Bedeckungsgrad aus Fernerkundungsdaten f{\"u}r das Erosionsmodell EROSION 3D}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {In den letzten Jahren wurden relativ komplexe Erosionsmodelle entwickelt, deren Teilprozesse immer mehr auf physikalisch begr{\"u}ndeten Ans{\"a}tzen beruhen. Damit verbunden ist eine h{\"o}here Anzahl aktueller Eingangsparameter, deren Bestimmung im Feld arbeits- und kostenaufwendig ist. Zudem werden die Parameter punktuell, also an bestimmten Stellen und nicht fl{\"a}chenhaft wie bei der Fernerkundung, erfasst. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie Satellitendaten als relativ kosteng{\"u}nstige Erg{\"a}nzung oder Alternative zur konventionellen Parametererhebung genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Dazu werden beispielhaft der Blattfl{\"a}chenindex (LAI) und der Bedeckungsgrad f{\"u}r das physikalisch begr{\"u}ndete Erosionsmodell EROSION 3D abgeleitet. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht dabei das Aufzeigen von existierenden Methoden, die die Basis f{\"u}r eine operationelle Bereitstellung solcher Gr{\"o}ßen nicht nur f{\"u}r Erosions- sondern allgemein f{\"u}r Prozessmodelle darstellen. Als Untersuchungsgebiet dient das prim{\"a}r landwirtschaftlich genutzte Einzugsgebiet des Mehltheuer Baches, das sich im S{\"a}chsischen L{\"o}ßgefilde befindet und f{\"u}r das Simulationsrechnungen mit konventionell erhobenen Eingangsparametern f{\"u}r 29 Niederschlagsereignisse im Jahr 1999 vorliegen [MICHAEL et al. 2000]. Die Fernerkundungsdatengrundlage bilden Landsat-5-TM-Daten vom 13.03.1999, 30.04.1999 und 19.07.1999. Da die Vegetationsparameter f{\"u}r alle Niederschlagsereignisse vorliegen sollen, werden sie basierend auf der Entwicklung des LAI zeitlich interpoliert. Dazu erfolgt zun{\"a}chst die Ableitung des LAI f{\"u}r alle vorhandenen Fruchtarten nach den semi-empirischen Modellen von CLEVERS [1986] und BARET \& GUYOT [1991] mit aus der Literatur entnommenen Koeffizienten. Des Weiteren wird eine Methode untersucht, nach der die Koeffizienten f{\"u}r das Clevers-Modell aus den TM-Daten und einem vereinfachten Wachstumsmodell bestimmt werden. Der Bedeckungsgrad wird nach ROSS [1981] aus dem LAI ermittelt. Die zeitliche Interpolation des LAI wird durch die schlagbezogene Anpassung eines vereinfachten Wachstumsmodells umgesetzt, das dem hydrologischen Modell SWIM [KRYSANOVA et al. 1999] entstammt und in das durchschnittliche Tagestemperaturen eingehen. Mit den genannten Methoden bleiben abgestorbene Pflanzenteile unber{\"u}cksichtigt. Im Vergleich zur konventionellen terrestrischen Parametererhebung erm{\"o}glichen sie eine differenziertere Abbildung r{\"a}umlicher Variabilit{\"a}ten und des zeitlichen Verlaufes der Vegetationsparameter. Die Simulationsrechnungen werden sowohl mit den direkten Bedeckungsgraden aus den TM-Daten (pixelbezogen) als auch mit den zeitlich interpolierten Bedeckungsgraden f{\"u}r alle Ereignisse (schlagbezogen) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Bei beiden Vorgehensweisen wird im Vergleich zur bisherigen Absch{\"a}tzung eine Verbesserung der r{\"a}umlichen Verteilung der Parameter und somit eine r{\"a}umliche Umverteilung von Erosions- und Depositionsfl{\"a}chen erreicht. F{\"u}r die im Untersuchungsgebiet vorliegende r{\"a}umliche Heterogenit{\"a}t (z. B. Schlaggr{\"o}ße) bieten Landsat-TM-Daten eine ausreichend genaue r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung. Damit wird nachgewiesen, dass die satellitengest{\"u}tzte Fernerkundung im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen sinnvoll einsetzbar ist. F{\"u}r eine operationelle Bereitstellung der Parameter mit einem vertretbaren Aufwand ist es erforderlich, die Methoden weiter zu validieren und m{\"o}glichst weitestgehend zu automatisieren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Conradt2013, author = {Conradt, Tobias}, title = {Challenges of regional hydrological modelling in the Elbe River basin : investigations about model fidelity on sub-catchment level}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65245}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Within a research project about future sustainable water management options in the Elbe River basin, quasi-natural discharge scenarios had to be provided. The semi-distributed eco-hydrological model SWIM was utilised for this task. According to scenario simulations driven by the stochastical climate model STAR, the region would get distinctly drier. However, this thesis focuses on the challenge of meeting the requirement of high model fidelity even for smaller sub-basins. Usually, the quality of the simulations is lower at inner points than at the outlet. Four research paper chapters and the discussion chapter deal with the reasons for local model deviations and the problem of optimal spatial calibration. Besides other assessments, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is applied to show whether evapotranspiration or precipitation should be corrected to minimise runoff deviations, principal component analysis is used in an unusual way to evaluate local precipitation alterations by land cover changes, and remotely sensed surface temperatures allow for an independent view on the evapotranspiration landscape. The overall insight is that spatially explicit hydrological modelling of such a large river basin requires a lot of local knowledge. It probably needs more time to obtain such knowledge as is usually provided for hydrological modelling studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richter2018, author = {Richter, Rico}, title = {Concepts and techniques for processing and rendering of massive 3D point clouds}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 131}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Remote sensing technology, such as airborne, mobile, or terrestrial laser scanning, and photogrammetric techniques, are fundamental approaches for efficient, automatic creation of digital representations of spatial environments. For example, they allow us to generate 3D point clouds of landscapes, cities, infrastructure networks, and sites. As essential and universal category of geodata, 3D point clouds are used and processed by a growing number of applications, services, and systems such as in the domains of urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental monitoring, disaster management, virtual geographic environments as well as for spatial analysis and simulation. While the acquisition processes for 3D point clouds become more and more reliable and widely-used, applications and systems are faced with more and more 3D point cloud data. In addition, 3D point clouds, by their very nature, are raw data, i.e., they do not contain any structural or semantics information. Many processing strategies common to GIS such as deriving polygon-based 3D models generally do not scale for billions of points. GIS typically reduce data density and precision of 3D point clouds to cope with the sheer amount of data, but that results in a significant loss of valuable information at the same time. This thesis proposes concepts and techniques designed to efficiently store and process massive 3D point clouds. To this end, object-class segmentation approaches are presented to attribute semantics to 3D point clouds, used, for example, to identify building, vegetation, and ground structures and, thus, to enable processing, analyzing, and visualizing 3D point clouds in a more effective and efficient way. Similarly, change detection and updating strategies for 3D point clouds are introduced that allow for reducing storage requirements and incrementally updating 3D point cloud databases. In addition, this thesis presents out-of-core, real-time rendering techniques used to interactively explore 3D point clouds and related analysis results. All techniques have been implemented based on specialized spatial data structures, out-of-core algorithms, and GPU-based processing schemas to cope with massive 3D point clouds having billions of points. All proposed techniques have been evaluated and demonstrated their applicability to the field of geospatial applications and systems, in particular for tasks such as classification, processing, and visualization. Case studies for 3D point clouds of entire cities with up to 80 billion points show that the presented approaches open up new ways to manage and apply large-scale, dense, and time-variant 3D point clouds as required by a rapidly growing number of applications and systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smith2018, author = {Smith, Taylor}, title = {Decadal changes in the snow regime of High Mountain Asia, 1987-2016}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407120}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 142}, year = {2018}, abstract = {More than a billion people rely on water from rivers sourced in High Mountain Asia (HMA), a significant portion of which is derived from snow and glacier melt. Rural communities are heavily dependent on the consistency of runoff, and are highly vulnerable to shifts in their local environment brought on by climate change. Despite this dependence, the impacts of climate change in HMA remain poorly constrained due to poor process understanding, complex terrain, and insufficiently dense in-situ measurements. HMA's glaciers contain more frozen water than any region outside of the poles. Their extensive retreat is a highly visible and much studied marker of regional and global climate change. However, in many catchments, snow and snowmelt represent a much larger fraction of the yearly water budget than glacial meltwaters. Despite their importance, climate-related changes in HMA's snow resources have not been well studied. Changes in the volume and distribution of snowpack have complex and extensive impacts on both local and global climates. Eurasian snow cover has been shown to impact the strength and direction of the Indian Summer Monsoon -- which is responsible for much of the precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent -- by modulating earth-surface heating. Shifts in the timing of snowmelt have been shown to limit the productivity of major rangelands, reduce streamflow, modify sediment transport, and impact the spread of vector-borne diseases. However, a large-scale regional study of climate impacts on snow resources had yet to be undertaken. Passive Microwave (PM) remote sensing is a well-established empirical method of studying snow resources over large areas. Since 1987, there have been consistent daily global PM measurements which can be used to derive an estimate of snow depth, and hence snow-water equivalent (SWE) -- the amount of water stored in snowpack. The SWE estimation algorithms were originally developed for flat and even terrain -- such as the Russian and Canadian Arctic -- and have rarely been used in complex terrain such as HMA. This dissertation first examines factors present in HMA that could impact the reliability of SWE estimates. Forest cover, absolute snow depth, long-term average wind speeds, and hillslope angle were found to be the strongest controls on SWE measurement reliability. While forest density and snow depth are factors accounted for in modern SWE retrieval algorithms, wind speed and hillslope angle are not. Despite uncertainty in absolute SWE measurements and differences in the magnitude of SWE retrievals between sensors, single-instrument SWE time series were found to be internally consistent and suitable for trend analysis. Building on this finding, this dissertation tracks changes in SWE across HMA using a statistical decomposition technique. An aggregate decrease in SWE was found (10.6 mm/yr), despite large spatial and seasonal heterogeneities. Winter SWE increased in almost half of HMA, despite general negative trends throughout the rest of the year. The elevation distribution of these negative trends indicates that while changes in SWE have likely impacted glaciers in the region, climate change impacts on these two pieces of the cryosphere are somewhat distinct. Following the discussion of relative changes in SWE, this dissertation explores changes in the timing of the snowmelt season in HMA using a newly developed algorithm. The algorithm is shown to accurately track the onset and end of the snowmelt season (70\% within 5 days of a control dataset, 89\% within 10). Using a 29-year time series, changes in the onset, end, and duration of snowmelt are examined. While nearly the entirety of HMA has experienced an earlier end to the snowmelt season, large regions of HMA have seen a later start to the snowmelt season. Snowmelt periods have also decreased in almost all of HMA, indicating that the snowmelt season is generally shortening and ending earlier across HMA. By examining shifts in both the spatio-temporal distribution of SWE and the timing of the snowmelt season across HMA, we provide a detailed accounting of changes in HMA's snow resources. The overall trend in HMA is towards less SWE storage and a shorter snowmelt season. However, long-term and regional trends conceal distinct seasonal, temporal, and spatial heterogeneity, indicating that changes in snow resources are strongly controlled by local climate and topography, and that inter-annual variability plays a significant role in HMA's snow regime.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boesche2015, author = {B{\"o}sche, Nina Kristine}, title = {Detection of rare earth elements and rare earth oxides with hyperspectral spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85363}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {147}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The continuously increasing demand for rare earth elements in technical components of modern technologies, brings the detection of new deposits closer into the focus of global exploration. One promising method to globally map important deposits might be remote sensing, since it has been used for a wide range of mineral mapping in the past. This doctoral thesis investigates the capacity of hyperspectral remote sensing for the detection of rare earth element deposits. The definition and the realization of a fundamental database on the spectral characteristics of rare earth oxides, rare earth metals and rare earth element bearing materials formed the basis of this thesis. To investigate these characteristics in the field, hyperspectral images of four outcrops in Fen Complex, Norway, were collected in the near-field. A new methodology (named REEMAP) was developed to delineate rare earth element enriched zones. The main steps of REEMAP are: 1) multitemporal weighted averaging of multiple images covering the sample area; 2) sharpening the rare earth related signals using a Gaussian high pass deconvolution technique that is calibrated on the standard deviation of a Gaussian-bell shaped curve that represents by the full width of half maxima of the target absorption band; 3) mathematical modeling of the target absorption band and highlighting of rare earth elements. REEMAP was further adapted to different hyperspectral sensors (EO-1 Hyperion and EnMAP) and a new test site (Lofdal, Namibia). Additionally, the hyperspectral signatures of associated minerals were investigated to serve as proxy for the host rocks. Finally, the capacity and limitations of spectroscopic rare earth element detection approaches in general and of the REEMAP approach specifically were investigated and discussed. One result of this doctoral thesis is that eight rare earth oxides show robust absorption bands and, therefore, can be used for hyperspectral detection methods. Additionally, the spectral signatures of iron oxides, iron-bearing sulfates, calcite and kaolinite can be used to detect metasomatic alteration zones and highlight the ore zone. One of the key results of this doctoral work is the developed REEMAP approach, which can be applied from near-field to space. The REEMAP approach enables rare earth element mapping especially for noisy images. Limiting factors are a low signal to noise ratio, a reduced spectral resolution, overlaying materials, atmospheric absorption residuals and non-optimal illumination conditions. Another key result of this doctoral thesis is the finding that the future hyperspectral EnMAP satellite (with its currently published specifications, June 2015) will be theoretically capable to detect absorption bands of erbium, dysprosium, holmium, neodymium and europium, thulium and samarium. This thesis presents a new methodology REEMAP that enables a spatially wide and rapid hyperspectral detection of rare earth elements in order to meet the demand for fast, extensive and efficient rare earth exploration (from near-field to space).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hahne2004, author = {Hahne, Kai}, title = {Detektion eines mesozoischen Gangschwarmes in NW Namibia und Rekonstruktion regionaler Spannungszust{\"a}nde w{\"a}hrend der S{\"u}datlantik{\"o}ffnung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001687}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Gangschw{\"a}rme nehmen eine bedeutende Stellung im Verst{\"a}ndnis zur kontinentalen Fragmentierung ein. Einerseits markieren sie das Pal{\"a}o-Spannungsfeld und helfen bei der Rekonstruktion der strukturellen Entwicklung der gedehnten Lithosph{\"a}re, andererseits gibt ihre petrologische Beschaffenheit Aufschluß {\"u}ber die Entstehung des Magmas, Aufstieg und Platznahme und schließlich erlaubt ihre Altersbestimmung die Rekonstruktion einer chronologischen Reihenfolge magmatischer und struktureller Ereignisse. Das Arbeitsgebiet im namibianischen Henties Bay-Outjo Dike swarm (HOD) war zur Zeit der Unterkreide einem Rifting mit intensiver Platznahme von {\"u}berwiegend mafischen G{\"a}ngen unterworfen. Geochemische Signaturen weisen die G{\"a}nge als erodierte F{\"o}rderkan{\"a}le der Etendeka Plateaubasalte aus. Durch den Einsatz von hochaufl{\"o}senden Aeromagnetik- und Satellitendaten war es m{\"o}glich, die Geometrie des Gangschwarmes erstmals detailliert synoptisch zu erfassen. Viele zu den Schichten des Grundgebirges foliationsparallel verlaufende magnetische Anomalien k{\"o}nnen unaufgeschlossenen kretazischen Intrusionen zugeordnet werden. Bei der nach Norden propagierenden S{\"u}datlantik{\"o}ffnung spielte die unterschiedliche strukturelle Vorzeichnung durch die neoproterozoischen Falteng{\"u}rtel sowie Lithologie und Spannungsfeld des Angola Kratons eine bedeutende Rolle. Im k{\"u}stennahen zentralen Bereich war dank der Vorzeichnung des Nordost streichenden Damara-Falteng{\"u}rtels ein Rifting in Nordwest-S{\"u}dost-Richtung dominierend, bis das Angola Kraton ein weiteres Fortscheiten nach Nordosten hemmte und die Vorzeichnung des Nordwest streichenden Kaoko-Falteng{\"u}rtels an der Westgrenze den weiteren Riftverlauf und die letztendlich erfolgreiche {\"O}ffnung des S{\"u}datlantiks bestimmte. Aus diesem Grund kann das Gebiet des HOD als ein failed rift betrachtet werden. Die Entwicklung des Spannungsfeldes im HOD kann folgendermaßen skizziert werden: 1. Platznahme von G{\"a}ngen bei gleichzeitig hoher Dehnungsrate und hohem Magmenfluß. 2. Platznahme von Zentralvulkanen entlang reaktivierter pal{\"a}ozoischer Lineamente bei Abnahme der Dehnungsrate und fortbestehendem hohen Magmenfluß. 3. Abnahme/Versiegen des Magmenflusses und neotektonische Bewegungen f{\"u}hren zur Bildung von Halbgr{\"a}ben.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stettner2018, author = {Stettner, Samuel}, title = {Exploring the seasonality of rapid Arctic changes from space}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42578}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-425783}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 132}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Arctic warming has implications for the functioning of terrestrial Arctic ecosystems, global climate and socioeconomic systems of northern communities. A research gap exists in high spatial resolution monitoring and understanding of the seasonality of permafrost degradation, spring snowmelt and vegetation phenology. This thesis explores the diversity and utility of dense TerraSAR-X (TSX) X-Band time series for monitoring ice-rich riverbank erosion, snowmelt, and phenology of Arctic vegetation at long-term study sites in the central Lena Delta, Russia and on Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island), Canada. In the thesis the following three research questions are addressed: • Is TSX time series capable of monitoring the dynamics of rapid permafrost degradation in ice-rich permafrost on an intra-seasonal scale and can these datasets in combination with climate data identify the climatic drivers of permafrost degradation? • Can multi-pass and multi-polarized TSX time series adequately monitor seasonal snow cover and snowmelt in small Arctic catchments and how does it perform compared to optical satellite data and field-based measurements? • Do TSX time series reflect the phenology of Arctic vegetation and how does the recorded signal compare to in-situ greenness data from RGB time-lapse camera data and vegetation height from field surveys? To answer the research questions three years of TSX backscatter data from 2013 to 2015 for the Lena Delta study site and from 2015 to 2017 for the Qikiqtaruk study site were used in quantitative and qualitative analysis complimentary with optical satellite data and in-situ time-lapse imagery. The dynamics of intra-seasonal ice-rich riverbank erosion in the central Lena Delta, Russia were quantified using TSX backscatter data at 2.4 m spatial resolution in HH polarization and validated with 0.5 m spatial resolution optical satellite data and field-based time-lapse camera data. Cliff top lines were automatically extracted from TSX intensity images using threshold-based segmentation and vectorization and combined in a geoinformation system with manually digitized cliff top lines from the optical satellite data and rates of erosion extracted from time-lapse cameras. The results suggest that the cliff top eroded at a constant rate throughout the entire erosional season. Linear mixed models confirmed that erosion was coupled with air temperature and precipitation at an annual scale, seasonal fluctuations did not influence 22-day erosion rates. The results highlight the potential of HH polarized X-Band backscatter data for high temporal resolution monitoring of rapid permafrost degradation. The distinct signature of wet snow in backscatter intensity images of TSX data was exploited to generate wet snow cover extent (SCE) maps on Qikiqtaruk at high temporal resolution. TSX SCE showed high similarity to Landsat 8-derived SCE when using cross-polarized VH data. Fractional snow cover (FSC) time series were extracted from TSX and optical SCE and compared to FSC estimations from in-situ time-lapse imagery. The TSX products showed strong agreement with the in-situ data and significantly improved the temporal resolution compared to the Landsat 8 time series. The final combined FSC time series revealed two topography-dependent snowmelt patterns that corresponded to in-situ measurements. Additionally TSX was able to detect snow patches longer in the season than Landsat 8, underlining the advantage of TSX for detection of old snow. The TSX-derived snow information provided valuable insights into snowmelt dynamics on Qikiqtaruk previously not available. The sensitivity of TSX to vegetation structure associated with phenological changes was explored on Qikiqtaruk. Backscatter and coherence time series were compared to greenness data extracted from in-situ digital time-lapse cameras and detailed vegetation parameters on 30 areas of interest. Supporting previous results, vegetation height corresponded to backscatter intensity in co-polarized HH/VV at an incidence angle of 31°. The dry, tall shrub dominated ecological class showed increasing backscatter with increasing greenness when using the cross polarized VH/HH channel at 32° incidence angle. This is likely driven by volume scattering of emerging and expanding leaves. Ecological classes with more prostrate vegetation and higher bare ground contributions showed decreasing backscatter trends over the growing season in the co-polarized VV/HH channels likely a result of surface drying instead of a vegetation structure signal. The results from shrub dominated areas are promising and provide a complementary data source for high temporal monitoring of vegetation phenology. Overall this thesis demonstrates that dense time series of TSX with optical remote sensing and in-situ time-lapse data are complementary and can be used to monitor rapid and seasonal processes in Arctic landscapes at high spatial and temporal resolution.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jamil2010, author = {Jamil, Abdlhamed}, title = {Fernerkundung und GIS zur Erfassung, Modellierung und Visualisierung orientalischer Stadtstrukturen : das Beispiel Sanaa (Jemen)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-50200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Konzeption, Entwicklung und exemplarische Implementierung eines generischen Verfahrens zur Erfassung, Verarbeitung, Auswertung und kartographischen Visualisierung urbaner Strukturen im altweltlichen Trockeng{\"u}rtel mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender operationeller Fernerkundungsdaten. Das Verfahren wird am Beispiel der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa einer Vertreterin des Typus der Orientalischen Stadt angewandt und evaluiert. Das zu entwickelnde Verfahren soll auf Standardverfahren und Systemen der raumbezogenen Informationsverarbeitung basieren und in seinen wesentlichen Prozessschritten automatisiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Daten von hochaufl{\"o}senden operationellen Fernerkundungssystemen (wie z.B. QuickBird, Ikonos u. a.) erlauben die Erkennung und Kartierung urbaner Objekte, wie Geb{\"a}ude, Straßen und sogar Autos. Die mit ihnen erstellten Karten und den daraus gewonnenen Informationen k{\"o}nnen zur Erfassung von Urbanisierungsprozessen (Stadt- und Bev{\"o}lkerungswachstum) herangezogen werden. Sie werden auch zur Generierung von 3D-Stadtmodellen genutzt. Diese dienen z.B. der Visualisierung f{\"u}r touristische Anwendungen, f{\"u}r die Stadtplanung, f{\"u}r L{\"a}rmanalysen oder f{\"u}r die Standortplanung von Mobilfunkantennen. Bei dem in dieser Arbeit erzeugten 3D-Visualisierung wurden jedoch keine Geb{\"a}udedetails erfasst. Entscheidend war vielmehr die Wiedergabe der Siedlungsstruktur, die im Vorhandensein und in der Anordnung der Geb{\"a}ude liegt. In dieser Arbeit wurden Daten des Satellitensensors Quickbird von 2005 verwendet. Sie zeigen einen Ausschnitt der Stadt Sanaa in Jemen. Die Fernerkundungsdaten wurden durch andere Daten, u.a. auch Gel{\"a}ndedaten, erg{\"a}nzt und verifiziert. Das ausgearbeitete Verfahren besteht aus der Klassifikation der Satellitenbild-aufnahme, die u.a. pixelbezogen und f{\"u}r jede Klasse einzeln (pixelbezogene Klassifikation auf Klassenebene) durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde. Zus{\"a}tzlich fand eine visuelle Interpretation der Satellitenbildaufnahme statt, bei der einzelne Fl{\"a}chen und die Straßen digitalisiert und die Objekte mit Symbolen gekennzeichnet wurden. Die aus beiden Verfahren erstellten Stadtkarten wurden zu einer fusioniert. Durch die Kombination der Ergebnisse werden die Vorteile beider Karten in einer vereint und ihre jeweiligen Schw{\"a}chen beseitigt bzw. minimiert. Die digitale Erfassung der Konturlinien auf der Orthophotomap von Sanaa erlaubte die Erstellung eines Digitalen Gel{\"a}ndemodells, das der dreidimensionalen Darstellung des Altstadtbereichs von Sanaa diente. Die 3D-Visualisierung wurde sowohl von den pixelbezogenen Klassifikationsergebnissen auf Klassenebene als auch von der digitalen Erfassung der Objekte erstellt. Die Ergebnisse beider Visualisierungen wurden im Anschluss in einer Stadtkarte vereint. Bei allen Klassifikationsverfahren wurden die asphaltierten Straßen, die Vegetation und einzeln stehende Geb{\"a}ude sehr gut erfasst. Die Klassifikation der Altstadt gestaltete sich aufgrund der dort f{\"u}r die Klassifikation herrschenden ung{\"u}nstigen Bedingungen am problematischsten. Die insgesamt besten Ergebnisse mit den h{\"o}chsten Genauigkeitswerten wurden bei der pixelbezogenen Klassifikation auf Klassenebene erzielt. Dadurch, dass jede Klasse einzeln klassifiziert wurde, konnte die zu einer Klasse geh{\"o}rende Fl{\"a}che besser erfasst und nachbearbeitet werden. Die Datenmenge wurde reduziert, die Bearbeitungszeit somit k{\"u}rzer und die Speicherkapazit{\"a}t geringer. Die Auswertung bzw. visuelle Validierung der pixel-bezogenen Klassifikationsergebnisse auf Klassenebene mit dem Originalsatelliten-bild gestaltete sich einfacher und erfolgte genauer als bei den anderen durch-gef{\"u}hrten Klassifikationsverfahren. Außerdem war es durch die alleinige Erfassung der Klasse Geb{\"a}ude m{\"o}glich, eine 3D-Visualisierung zu erzeugen. Bei einem Vergleich der erstellten Stadtkarten ergibt sich, dass die durch die visuelle Interpretation erstellte Karte mehr Informationen enth{\"a}lt. Die von den pixelbezogenen Klassifikationsergebnissen auf Klassenebene erstellte Karte ist aber weniger arbeits- und zeitaufwendig zu erzeugen. Zudem arbeitet sie die Struktur einer orientalischen Stadt mit den wesentlichen Merkmalen besser heraus. Durch die auf Basis der 2D-Stadtkarten erstellte 3D-Visualisierung wird ein anderer r{\"a}umlicher Eindruck vermittelt und bestimmte Elemente einer orientalischen Stadt deutlich gemacht. Dazu z{\"a}hlen die sich in der Altstadt befindenden Sackgassen und die ehemalige Stadtmauer. Auch die f{\"u}r Sanaa typischen Hochh{\"a}user werden in der 3D-Visualisierung erkannt. Insgesamt wurde in der Arbeit ein generisches Verfahren entwickelt, dass mit geringen Modifikationen auch auf andere st{\"a}dtische R{\"a}ume des Typus orientalische Stadt angewendet werden kann.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Antonoglou2024, author = {Antonoglou, Nikolaos}, title = {GNSS-based remote sensing: Innovative observation of key hydrological parameters in the Central Andes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62825}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628256}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 116}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Central Andean region is characterized by diverse climate zones with sharp transitions between them. In this work, the area of interest is the South-Central Andes in northwestern Argentina that borders with Bolivia and Chile. The focus is the observation of soil moisture and water vapour with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) remote-sensing methodologies. Because of the rapid temporal and spatial variations of water vapour and moisture circulations, monitoring this part of the hydrological cycle is crucial for understanding the mechanisms that control the local climate. Moreover, GNSS-based techniques have previously shown high potential and are appropriate for further investigation. This study includes both logistic-organization effort and data analysis. As for the prior, three GNSS ground stations were installed in remote locations in northwestern Argentina to acquire observations, where there was no availability of third-party data. The methodological development for the observation of the climate variables of soil moisture and water vapour is independent and relies on different approaches. The soil-moisture estimation with GNSS reflectometry is an approximation that has demonstrated promising results, but it has yet to be operationally employed. Thus, a more advanced algorithm that exploits more observations from multiple satellite constellations was developed using data from two pilot stations in Germany. Additionally, this algorithm was slightly modified and used in a sea-level measurement campaign. Although the objective of this application is not related to monitoring hydrological parameters, its methodology is based on the same principles and helps to evaluate the core algorithm. On the other hand, water-vapour monitoring with GNSS observations is a well-established technique that is utilized operationally. Hence, the scope of this study is conducting a meteorological analysis by examining the along-the-zenith air-moisture levels and introducing indices related to the azimuthal gradient. The results of the experiments indicate higher-quality soil moisture observations with the new algorithm. Furthermore, the analysis using the stations in northwestern Argentina illustrates the limits of this technology because of varying soil conditions and shows future research directions. The water-vapour analysis points out the strong influence of the topography on atmospheric moisture circulation and rainfall generation. Moreover, the GNSS time series allows for the identification of seasonal signatures, and the azimuthal-gradient indices permit the detection of main circulation pathways.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buchhorn2013, author = {Buchhorn, Marcel}, title = {Ground-based hyperspectral and spectro-directional reflectance characterization of Arctic tundra vegetation communities : field spectroscopy and field spectro-goniometry of Siberian and Alaskan tundra in preparation of the EnMAP satellite mission}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70189}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The Arctic tundra, covering approx. 5.5 \% of the Earth's land surface, is one of the last ecosystems remaining closest to its untouched condition. Remote sensing is able to provide information at regular time intervals and large spatial scales on the structure and function of Arctic ecosystems. But almost all natural surfaces reveal individual anisotropic reflectance behaviors, which can be described by the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). This effect can cause significant changes in the measured surface reflectance depending on solar illumination and sensor viewing geometries. The aim of this thesis is the hyperspectral and spectro-directional reflectance characterization of important Arctic tundra vegetation communities at representative Siberian and Alaskan tundra sites as basis for the extraction of vegetation parameters, and the normalization of BRDF effects in off-nadir and multi-temporal remote sensing data. Moreover, in preparation for the upcoming German EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) satellite mission, the understanding of BRDF effects in Arctic tundra is essential for the retrieval of high quality, consistent and therefore comparable datasets. The research in this doctoral thesis is based on field spectroscopic and field spectro-goniometric investigations of representative Siberian and Alaskan measurement grids. The first objective of this thesis was the development of a lightweight, transportable, and easily managed field spectro-goniometer system which nevertheless provides reliable spectro-directional data. I developed the Manual Transportable Instrument platform for ground-based Spectro-directional observations (ManTIS). The outcome of the field spectro-radiometrical measurements at the Low Arctic study sites along important environmental gradients (regional climate, soil pH, toposequence, and soil moisture) show that the different plant communities can be distinguished by their nadir-view reflectance spectra. The results especially reveal separation possibilities between the different tundra vegetation communities in the visible (VIS) blue and red wavelength regions. Additionally, the near-infrared (NIR) shoulder and NIR reflectance plateau, despite their relatively low values due to the low structure of tundra vegetation, are still valuable information sources and can separate communities according to their biomass and vegetation structure. In general, all different tundra plant communities show: (i) low maximum NIR reflectance; (ii) a weakly or nonexistent visible green reflectance peak in the VIS spectrum; (iii) a narrow "red-edge" region between the red and NIR wavelength regions; and (iv) no distinct NIR reflectance plateau. These common nadir-view reflectance characteristics are essential for the understanding of the variability of BRDF effects in Arctic tundra. None of the analyzed tundra communities showed an even closely isotropic reflectance behavior. In general, tundra vegetation communities: (i) usually show the highest BRDF effects in the solar principal plane; (ii) usually show the reflectance maximum in the backward viewing directions, and the reflectance minimum in the nadir to forward viewing directions; (iii) usually have a higher degree of reflectance anisotropy in the VIS wavelength region than in the NIR wavelength region; and (iv) show a more bowl-shaped reflectance distribution in longer wavelength bands (>700 nm). The results of the analysis of the influence of high sun zenith angles on the reflectance anisotropy show that with increasing sun zenith angles, the reflectance anisotropy changes to azimuthally symmetrical, bowl-shaped reflectance distributions with the lowest reflectance values in the nadir view position. The spectro-directional analyses also show that remote sensing products such as the NDVI or relative absorption depth products are strongly influenced by BRDF effects, and that the anisotropic characteristics of the remote sensing products can significantly differ from the observed BRDF effects in the original reflectance data. But the results further show that the NDVI can minimize view angle effects relative to the contrary spectro-directional effects in the red and NIR bands. For the researched tundra plant communities, the overall difference of the off-nadir NDVI values compared to the nadir value increases with increasing sensor viewing angles, but on average never exceeds 10 \%. In conclusion, this study shows that changes in the illumination-target-viewing geometry directly lead to an altering of the reflectance spectra of Arctic tundra communities according to their object-specific BRDFs. Since the different tundra communities show only small, but nonetheless significant differences in the surface reflectance, it is important to include spectro-directional reflectance characteristics in the algorithm development for remote sensing products.}, language = {en} }