@article{Abel2012, author = {Abel, Johanna}, title = {Entre Island Hoppijng e islas con alas : autoras en el Caribe y sus figuraciones archipi{\´e}licas en relatos de viaje del siglo XIX}, isbn = {978-8-48-489670-8}, year = {2012}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Arnous2021, author = {Arnous, Ahmad}, title = {Paleosismolog{\´i}a y neotect{\´o}nica del antepa{\´i}s fragmentado en el extremo sureste del Sistema Santa B{\´a}rbara, Noroeste Argentino}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53527}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-535274}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {182}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This thesis constitutes a multidisciplinary study of the central sector of the Santa B{\´a}rbara System geological province, the tectonically active broken foreland of the central Andes of north-western Argentina. The study is based on a tectono-geomorphic characterization combined with a variety of geophysical and structural studies. The principal focus was on the faulted piedmont regions of the Sierra de La Candelaria and, to a lesser degree, the extreme south of the intermontane Met{\´a}n basin. The study region is located in the border area between the provinces of Salta and Tucum{\´a}n. The main objective was to characterize and analyze evidence of Quaternary tectonic activity in the region, in order to increase the available information on neotectonic structures and their seismogenic potential. To this end, several methods were applied and integrated, such as the interpretation of seismic reflection lines, the creation of structural sections and kinematic modeling, as well as near-surface geophysical methods, in order to explore the geometry of faults observed at the surface and to assess the behavior of potential blind faults. In a first step, a geomorphic and structural survey of the study area was carried out using LANDSAT and SENTINEL 2 multispectral satellite images, which allowed to recognize different levels of Quaternary alluvial fans and fluvial terraces that are important strain markers in the field. In a second step, different morphometric indexes were determined from digital elevation models (DEM) and combined with field observations; it was possible to identify evidence of tectonic deformation related to four neotectonic faults. In a third step, three structures (Arias, El Quemado and Copo Quile faults) were selected for more detailed studies involving Electrical Resistive Tomography (ERT) and Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT). This part of the study enabled me to define the geometry of faults at depth, helped to infer geometric and kinematic characteristics, and confirmed the extent of recent deformation. The Arias and El Quemado faults were interpreted as reverse faults related to layer-parallel, flexuralslip faulting, while the Copo Quile fault was interpreted as a blind reverse fault. Subsequently, a joint interpretation of seismic reflection lines and well-logs from the Choromoro and Met{\´a}n basins was carried out, to decipher the principal structures and their influence on the deformation of the different sedimentary units in the intermontane basins. The obtained information was integrated into a kinematic model. This model suggests that the recent deformation is driven by a blind, deep-seated reverse fault, located under the Sierra de La Candelaria and Cantero anticline. The corresponding shortening involves the sedimentary strata of the Salta and Or{\´a}n groups in the adjacent basins, which was accommodated by faults that moved along stratal boundaries, thus bending and folding the Quaternary deposits at the surface. The kinematic model enabled identifying the approximate location of the important detachment horizons that control the overall crustal deformation style in this region. The shallowest detachment horizon is located at 4 km depth and controls deformation in a thin-skinned manner. In addition, the horizon of the thick-skinned style of deformation was identified at 21 km depth. Finally, from the integration of all the results obtained, the seismogenic potential of the faults in the study area was evaluated. The first-order faults that control deformation in the area are responsible for the large earthquakes. While, Quaternary flexural-slip faults affecting only the sedimentary cover are secondary structures that accommodate deformation and were activated very low magnitude earthquakes and/or aseismic movements. In conclusion, the results of this study allow to demonstrate that the regional fault system of intrabasinal faults in the Santa B{\´a}rbara System constitutes a potential seismogenic source in the region, where numerous towns and extensive civilian infrastructure are located. In addition, the derived kinematic model requires the existence of numerous blind structures. Only for a small number of these their presence can be unambiguously detected at the surface by geomorphic analysis, which emphasizes the need of conducting this type of studies in tectonically active regions such as the Santa B{\´a}rbara System.}, language = {es} } @article{AstuhuamanGonzales2009, author = {Astuhuam{\´a}n Gonz{\´a}les, C{\´e}sar W.}, title = {Incas, J{\´i}varos y la obra de Humboldt Vues des Cordill{\`e}res}, series = {Alexander von Humboldt im Netz ; international review for Humboldtian studies}, volume = {X}, journal = {Alexander von Humboldt im Netz ; international review for Humboldtian studies}, number = {19}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2568-3543}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42859}, pages = {65 -- 88}, year = {2009}, abstract = {En este documento se contrastan las observaciones de Humboldt acerca de los Incas en el Norte del actual Per{\´u}, en particular la Sierra de Piura, con las recientes investigaciones arqueol{\´o}gicas. Antes del tiempo de los Incas, la regi{\´o}n fue habitada por grupos amaz{\´o}nicos que fueron los ancestros de los J{\´i}varos, a cuyos descendientes Humboldt conoci{\´o} en Tomependa en 1802, cerca al Amazonas. Por ello, tambi{\´e}n se realiza un balance de las investigaciones arqueol{\´o}gicas acerca de los J{\´i}varos. Los planteamientos de Humboldt acerca de la Arquitectura Inca, su tipolog{\´i}a de asentamientos, y su secuencia constructiva de la red de centros y caminos han sido evaluados mediante las recientes investigaciones arqueol{\´o}gicas y nos permiten plantear la vigencia de sus ideas y considerarlo como el fundador de la Arqueolog{\´i}a cient{\´i}fica en Am{\´e}rica. Finalmente se propone la revaloraci{\´o}n de los sitios Inca y tramos de camino que {\´e}l observ{\´o} en 1802 y la creaci{\´o}n de la Ruta de Humboldt.}, language = {es} } @book{BaraceloMinguez2004, author = {Baracel{\´o}, Pedro and M{\´i}nguez, V{\´i}ctor}, title = {Trajano, Constantino y Vel{\´a}zquez : Apuntes para una interpretaci{\´o}n de La redici{\´o}n de Breda}, isbn = {84-8021-491-0}, year = {2004}, language = {es} } @article{Barcelo1998, author = {Barcel{\´o}, Pedro}, title = {La imagen de Sicilia en la historiografia tardo-antigua}, year = {1998}, language = {es} } @book{Barcelo2000, author = {Barcel{\´o}, Pedro}, title = {An{\´i}bal de Cartago : un proyecto alternativo a la formaci{\´o}n del Imperio Romano}, series = {El libro de bolsillo : Historia}, volume = {4187}, journal = {El libro de bolsillo : Historia}, publisher = {Alianza Ed.}, address = {Madrid}, pages = {242 S.}, year = {2000}, language = {es} } @book{BarceloMaestro2016, author = {Barcel{\´o}, Pedro and Maestro, Juan Jose Ferrer}, title = {Historia de la Hispania romana}, publisher = {Alianza}, address = {Madrid}, isbn = {978-8-49104-418-5}, pages = {673}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Los romanos llamaron Hispania a la Pen{\´i}nsula Ib{\´e}rica, nombre derivado del top{\´o}nimo I-sepha-im con el que la identificaron los fenicios; los bizantinos usar{\´a}n Spania para referirse a ella, y con el tiempo acabar{\´a} origin{\´a}ndose el t{\´e}rmino moderno Espa{\~n}a. Esta prolongaci{\´o}n topon{\´i}mica es un ejemplo sutil del profundo arraigo de los patrones de toda clase que los casi siete siglos de presencia romana en la Pen{\´i}nsula proporcionaron. Aunando el an{\´a}lisis del procedimiento de conquista e incorporaci{\´o}n de Hispania en el amplio marco pol{\´i}tico y territorial dominado por Roma con el dise{\~n}o de la din{\´a}mica econ{\´o}mica y social inherente a dicho proceso, Pedro Barcel{\´o} y Juan Jos{\´e} Ferrer Maestro ofrecen en esta "Historia de la Hispania romana" una obra regida por un enfoque tan riguroso como moderno que se ha convertido en referencia indispensable en la materia.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{BarqueroPipin2019, author = {Barquero Pip{\´i}n, Antonio Carlos}, title = {Lengua, cultura, interculturalidad}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-480-7}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43902}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-439023}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {429}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ohne Pragmatik w{\"a}re Kommunikation nicht m{\"o}glich, da wir sprachliche Aussagen nicht interpretieren k{\"o}nnten. F{\"u}r jeden Lernenden einer Sprache, die er nicht beherrscht, reicht es nicht aus, sprachlich kompetent zu sein, da der Zweck der Kommunikation darin besteht, mit anderen Menschen und in bestimmten Kontexten zu kommunizieren. Nur eine Lehre, die es erm{\"o}glicht, Aussagen zur Durchf{\"u}hrung von Sprachhandlungen zu erstellen und zu verstehen und die f{\"u}r einen bestimmten Kontext am besten geeigneten auszuw{\"a}hlen, kann sich als effizient erweisen. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit zielt darauf ab, der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft und insbesondere denjenigen, die direkt und indirekt am Unterrichtsprozess beteiligt sind, das Konzept der verbalen Pragmatik bekannt zu machen und es anderen wie Grammatik, Kultur oder Interkulturalit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber zu stellen. Ferner wendet sie sich der Frage zu, wie man auf die Bedeutung und die dringende Notwendigkeit aufmerksam macht, Pragmatik als relevante Disziplin im Kommunikationsprozess zu etablieren; dabei wird insbesondere auf ihre systematische Einbeziehung in Lehrb{\"u}chern f{\"u}r Spanisch als Fremdsprache, die f{\"u}r den schulischen Kontext konzipiert wurden, abgestellt. Dazu werden das Vorhandensein pragmatischer Elemente und die F{\"o}rderung pragmatischer Kompetenz in Lehrb{\"u}chern f{\"u}r Anf{\"a}nger sowie ihre Relevanz bei der Festlegung von Inhalten, Fortschrittsart und Methodik untersucht.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{BernaschinaSchuermann2019, author = {Bernaschina Sch{\"u}rmann, Vicente}, title = {{\´A}ngeles que cantan de continuo}, isbn = {978-3-86956-459-3}, issn = {2629-2548}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42645}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426450}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {387}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objeto de esta investigaci{\´o}n es el auge y ca{\´i}da de una legitimaci{\´o}n teol{\´o}gica de la poes{\´i}a que tuvo lugar en el virreinato del Per{\´u} entre fines del siglo XVI y la segunda mitad del siglo XVII. Su punto c{\´u}lmine est{\´a} marcado por el surgimiento de una "Academia Ant{\´a}rtica" en las primeras d{\´e}cadas del siglo XVII, mientras que su fin, se aprecia a fines del mismo siglo, cuando eruditos de las {\´o}rdenes religiosas, especialmente Juan de Espinosa y Medrano en sus textos en defensa de la poes{\´i}a y las ciencias, negaron a la poes{\´i}a cualquier estatuto teol{\´o}gico, sirvi{\´e}ndose sin embargo de ella para escribir sus sermones y textos. A partir del auge y ca{\´i}da de esta legitimaci{\´o}n teol{\´o}gica en el virreinato del Per{\´u}, este estudio muestra la existencia de dos movimientos que forman un quiasmo entre una teologizaci{\´o}n de la poes{\´i}a y una poetizaci{\´o}n de la teolog{\´i}a, en cuyo centro velado se encuentra en disputa el saber te{\´o}rico y pr{\´a}ctico de la poes{\´i}a. Lo que est{\´a} en disputa en este sentido no es la poes{\´i}a, entendida como una cumbre de las bellas letras, sino la posesi{\´o}n leg{\´i}tima de un modo de lectura anal{\´o}gico y tipol{\´o}gico del orden del universo, fundado en las Sagradas Escrituras y en la historia de la salvaci{\´o}n, y un modo po{\´e}tico para doctrinar a todos los miembros de la sociedad virreinal en concordancia con aquel modo de lectura.}, language = {es} } @article{BernaschinaSchuermann2011, author = {Bernaschina Sch{\"u}rmann, Vicente}, title = {II. Notes on the spanish literature the last tears of sancho powerstruggles and the internalization of morality by Don Quixote(1)}, series = {Revista chilena de literatura}, journal = {Revista chilena de literatura}, number = {78}, publisher = {Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosof{\´i}a y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura}, address = {Santiago}, issn = {0718-2295}, pages = {205 -- 222}, year = {2011}, language = {es} }