@phdthesis{Heckenbach2024, author = {Heckenbach, Esther Lina}, title = {Geodynamic modeling of process interactions at continental plate boundaries}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64750}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-647500}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Plate tectonic boundaries constitute the suture zones between tectonic plates. They are shaped by a variety of distinct and interrelated processes and play a key role in geohazards and georesource formation. Many of these processes have been previously studied, while many others remain unaddressed or undiscovered. In this work, the geodynamic numerical modeling software ASPECT is applied to shed light on further process interactions at continental plate boundaries. In contrast to natural data, geodynamic modeling has the advantage that processes can be directly quantified and that all parameters can be analyzed over the entire evolution of a structure. Furthermore, processes and interactions can be singled out from complex settings because the modeler has full control over all of the parameters involved. To account for the simplifying character of models in general, I have chosen to study generic geological settings with a focus on the processes and interactions rather than precisely reconstructing a specific region of the Earth. In Chapter 2, 2D models of continental rifts with different crustal thicknesses between 20 and 50 km and extension velocities in the range of 0.5-10 mm/yr are used to obtain a speed limit for the thermal steady-state assumption, commonly employed to address the temperature fields of continental rifts worldwide. Because the tectonic deformation from ongoing rifting outpaces heat conduction, the temperature field is not in equilibrium, but is characterized by a transient, tectonically-induced heat flow signal. As a result, I find that isotherm depths of the geodynamic evolution models are shallower than a temperature distribution in equilibrium would suggest. This is particularly important for deep isotherms and narrow rifts. In narrow rifts, the magnitude of the transient temperature signal limits a well-founded applicability of the thermal steady-state assumption to extension velocities of 0.5-2 mm/yr. Estimation of the crustal temperature field affects conclusions on all temperature-dependent processes ranging from mineral assemblages to the feasible exploitation of a geothermal reservoir. In Chapter 3, I model the interactions of different rheologies with the kinematics of folding and faulting using the example of fault-propagation folds in the Andean fold-and-thrust belt. The evolution of the velocity fields from geodynamic models are compared with those from trishear models of the same structure. While the latter use only geometric and kinematic constraints of the main fault, the geodynamic models capture viscous, plastic, and elastic deformation in the entire model domain. I find that both models work equally well for early, and thus relatively simple stages of folding and faulting, while results differ for more complex situations where off-fault deformation and secondary faulting are present. As fault-propagation folds can play an important role in the formation of reservoirs, knowledge of fluid pathways, for example via fractures and faults, is crucial for their characterization. Chapter 4 deals with a bending transform fault and the interconnections between tectonics and surface processes. In particular, the tectonic evolution of the Dead Sea Fault is addressed where a releasing bend forms the Dead Sea pull-apart basin, while a restraining bend further to the North resulted in the formation of the Lebanese mountains. I ran 3D coupled geodynamic and surface evolution models that included both types of bends in a single setup. I tested various randomized initial strain distributions, showing that basin asymmetry is a consequence of strain localization. Furthermore, by varying the surface process efficiency, I find that the deposition of sediment in the pull-apart basin not only controls basin depth, but also results in a crustal flow component that increases uplift at the restraining bend. Finally, in Chapter 5, I present the computational basis for adding further complexity to plate boundary models in ASPECT with the implementation of earthquake-like behavior using the rate-and-state friction framework. Despite earthquakes happening on a relatively small time scale, there are many interactions between the seismic cycle and the long time spans of other geodynamic processes. Amongst others, the crustal state of stress as well as the presence of fluids or changes in temperature may alter the frictional behavior of a fault segment. My work provides the basis for a realistic setup of involved structures and processes, which is therefore important to obtain a meaningful estimate for earthquake hazards. While these findings improve our understanding of continental plate boundaries, further development of geodynamic software may help to reveal even more processes and interactions in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartmann2024, author = {Hartmann, Anne}, title = {Tracing the evolution of hillslope structure and hillslope hydrological response over ten millennia in two glacial forefields of different geology}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62862}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVIII, 138, XLIV}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Assessing the impact of global change on hydrological systems is one of the greatest hydrological challenges of our time. Changes in land cover, land use, and climate have an impact on water quantity, quality, and temporal availability. There is a widespread consensus that, given the far-reaching effects of global change, hydrological systems can no longer be viewed as static in their structure; instead, they must be regarded as entire ecosystems, wherein hydrological processes interact and coevolve with biological, geomorphological, and pedological processes. To accurately predict the hydrological response under the impact of global change, it is essential to understand this complex coevolution. The knowledge of how hydrological processes, in particular the formation of subsurface (preferential) flow paths, evolve within this coevolution and how they feed back to the other processes is still very limited due to a lack of observational data. At the hillslope scale, this intertwined system of interactions is known as the hillslope feedback cycle. This thesis aims to enhance our understanding of the hillslope feedback cycle by studying the coevolution of hillslope structure and hillslope hydrological response. Using chronosequences of moraines in two glacial forefields developed from siliceous and calcareous glacial till, the four studies shed light on the complex coevolution of hydrological, biological, and structural hillslope properties, as well as subsurface hydrological flow paths over an evolutionary period of 10 millennia in these two contrasting geologies. The findings indicate that the contrasting properties of siliceous and calcareous parent materials lead to variations in soil structure, permeability, and water storage. As a result, different plant species and vegetation types are favored on siliceous versus calcareous parent material, leading to diverse ecosystems with distinct hydrological dynamics. The siliceous parent material was found to show a higher activity level in driving the coevolution. The soil pH resulting from parent material weathering emerges as a crucial factor, influencing vegetation development, soil formation, and consequently, hydrology. The acidic weathering of the siliceous parent material favored the accumulation of organic matter, increasing the soils' water storage capacity and attracting acid-loving shrubs, which further promoted organic matter accumulation and ultimately led to podsolization after 10 000 years. Tracer experiments revealed that the subsurface flow path evolution was influenced by soil and vegetation development, and vice versa. Subsurface flow paths changed from vertical, heterogeneous matrix flow to finger-like flow paths over a few hundred years, evolving into macropore flow, water storage, and lateral subsurface flow after several thousand years. The changes in flow paths among younger age classes were driven by weathering processes altering soil structure, as well as by vegetation development and root activity. In the older age class, the transition to more water storage and lateral flow was attributed to substantial organic matter accumulation and ongoing podsolization. The rapid vertical water transport in the finger-like flow paths, along with the conductive sandy material, contributed to podsolization and thus to the shift in the hillslope hydrological response. In contrast, the calcareous site possesses a high pH buffering capacity, creating a neutral to basic environment with relatively low accumulation of dead organic matter, resulting in a lower water storage capacity and the establishment of predominantly grass vegetation. The coevolution was found to be less dynamic over the millennia. Similar to the siliceous site, significant changes in subsurface flow paths occurred between the young age classes. However, unlike the siliceous site, the subsurface flow paths at the calcareous site only altered in shape and not in direction. Tracer experiments showed that flow paths changed from vertical, heterogeneous matrix flow to vertical, finger-like flow paths after a few hundred to thousands of years, which was driven by root activities and weathering processes. Despite having a finer soil texture, water storage at the calcareous site was significantly lower than at the siliceous site, and water transport remained primarily rapid and vertical, contributing to the flourishing of grass vegetation. The studies elucidated that changes in flow paths are predominantly shaped by the characteristics of the parent material and its weathering products, along with their complex interactions with initial water flow paths and vegetation development. Time, on the other hand, was not found to be a primary factor in describing the evolution of the hydrological response. This thesis makes a valuable contribution to closing the gap in the observations of the coevolution of hydrological processes within the hillslope feedback cycle, which is important to improve predictions of hydrological processes in changing landscapes. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary studies in addressing the hydrological challenges arising from global change.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mey2016, author = {Mey, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Intermontane valley fills}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103158}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Sedimentary valley fills are a widespread characteristic of mountain belts around the world. They transiently store material over time spans ranging from thousands to millions of years and therefore play an important role in modulating the sediment flux from the orogen to the foreland and to oceanic depocenters. In most cases, their formation can be attributed to specific fluvial conditions, which are closely related to climatic and tectonic processes. Hence, valley-fill deposits constitute valuable archives that offer fundamental insight into landscape evolution, and their study may help to assess the impact of future climate change on sediment dynamics. In this thesis I analyzed intermontane valley-fill deposits to constrain different aspects of the climatic and tectonic history of mountain belts over multiple timescales. First, I developed a method to estimate the thickness distribution of valley fills using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Based on the assumption of geometrical similarity between exposed and buried parts of the landscape, this novel and highly automated technique allows reconstructing fill thickness and bedrock topography on the scale of catchments to entire mountain belts. Second, I used the new method for estimating the spatial distribution of post-glacial sediments that are stored in the entire European Alps. A comparison with data from exploratory drillings and from geophysical surveys revealed that the model reproduces the measurements with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 70m and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.81. I used the derived sediment thickness estimates in combination with a model of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) icecap to infer the lithospheric response to deglaciation, erosion and deposition, and deduce their relative contribution to the present-day rock-uplift rate. For a range of different lithospheric and upper mantle-material properties, the results suggest that the long-wavelength uplift signal can be explained by glacial isostatic adjustment with a small erosional contribution and a substantial but localized tectonic component exceeding 50\% in parts of the Eastern Alps and in the Swiss Rh{\^o}ne Valley. Furthermore, this study reveals the particular importance of deconvolving the potential components of rock uplift when interpreting recent movements along active orogens and how this can be used to constrain physical properties of the Earth's interior. In a third study, I used the ANN approach to estimate the sediment thickness of alluviated reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, upstream of the rapidly uplifting Namche Barwa massif. This allowed my colleagues and me to reconstruct the ancient river profile of the Yarlung Tsangpo, and to show that in the past, the river had already been deeply incised into the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Dating of basal sediments from drill cores that reached the paleo-river bed to 2-2.5 Ma are consistent with mineral cooling ages from the Namche Barwa massif, which indicate initiation of rapid uplift at ~4 Ma. Hence, formation of the Tsangpo gorge and aggradation of the voluminous valley fill was most probably a consequence of rapid uplift of the Namche Barwa massif and thus tectonic activity. The fourth and last study focuses on the interaction of fluvial and glacial processes at the southeastern edge of the Karakoram. Paleo-ice-extent indicators and remnants of a more than 400-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine valley fill point to blockage of the Shyok River, a main tributary of the upper Indus, by the Siachen Glacier, which is the largest glacier in the Karakoram Range. Field observations and 10Be exposure dating attest to a period of recurring lake formation and outburst flooding during the penultimate glaciation prior to ~110 ka. The interaction of Rivers and Glaciers all along the Karakorum is considered a key factor in landscape evolution and presumably promoted headward erosion of the Indus-Shyok drainage system into the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The results of this thesis highlight the strong influence of glaciation and tectonics on valley-fill formation and how this has affected the evolution of different mountain belts. In the Alps valley-fill deposition influenced the magnitude and pattern of rock uplift since ice retreat approximately 17,000 years ago. Conversely, the analyzed valley fills in the Himalaya are much older and reflect environmental conditions that prevailed at ~110 ka and ~2.5 Ma, respectively. Thus, the newly developed method has proven useful for inferring the role of sedimentary valley-fill deposits in landscape evolution on timescales ranging from 1,000 to 10,000,000 years.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{TorresAcosta2015, author = {Torres Acosta, Ver{\´o}nica}, title = {Denudation processes in a tectonically active rift on different time scales}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, ix, 183}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Continental rifts are excellent regions where the interplay between extension, the build-up of topography, erosion and sedimentation can be evaluated in the context of landscape evolution. Rift basins also constitute important archives that potentially record the evolution and migration of species and the change of sedimentary conditions as a result of climatic change. Finally, rifts have increasingly become targets of resource exploration, such as hydrocarbons or geothermal systems. The study of extensional processes and the factors that further modify the mainly climate-driven surface process regime helps to identify changes in past and present tectonic and geomorphic processes that are ultimately recorded in rift landscapes. The Cenozoic East African Rift System (EARS) is an exemplary continental rift system and ideal natural laboratory to observe such interactions. The eastern and western branches of the EARS constitute first-order tectonic and topographic features in East Africa, which exert a profound influence on the evolution of topography, the distribution and amount of rainfall, and thus the efficiency of surface processes. The Kenya Rift is an integral part of the eastern branch of the EARS and is characterized by high-relief rift escarpments bounded by normal faults, gently tilted rift shoulders, and volcanic centers along the rift axis. Considering the Cenozoic tectonic processes in the Kenya Rift, the tectonically controlled cooling history of rift shoulders, the subsidence history of rift basins, and the sedimentation along and across the rift, may help to elucidate the morphotectonic evolution of this extensional province. While tectonic forcing of surface processes may play a minor role in the low-strain rift on centennial to millennial timescales, it may be hypothesized that erosion and sedimentation processes impacted by climate shifts associated with pronounced changes in the availability in moisture may have left important imprints in the landscape. In this thesis I combined thermochronological, geomorphic field observations, and morphometry of digital elevation models to reconstruct exhumation processes and erosion rates, as well as the effects of climate on the erosion processes in different sectors of the rift. I present three sets of results: (1) new thermochronological data from the northern and central parts of the rift to quantitatively constrain the Tertiary exhumation and thermal evolution of the Kenya Rift. (2) 10Be-derived catchment-wide mean denudation rates from the northern, central and southern rift that characterize erosional processes on millennial to present-day timescales; and (3) paleo-denudation rates in the northern rift to constrain climatically controlled shifts in paleoenvironmental conditions during the early Holocene (African Humid Period). Taken together, my studies show that time-temperature histories derived from apatite fission track (AFT) analysis, zircon (U-Th)/He dating, and thermal modeling bracket the onset of rifting in the Kenya Rift between 65-50 Ma and about 15 Ma to the present. These two episodes are marked by rapid exhumation and, uplift of the rift shoulders. Between 45 and 15 Ma the margins of the rift experienced very slow erosion/exhumation, with the accommodation of sediments in the rift basin. In addition, I determined that present-day denudation rates in sparsely vegetated parts of the Kenya Rift amount to 0.13 mm/yr, whereas denudation rates in humid and more densely vegetated sectors of the rift flanks reach a maximum of 0.08 mm/yr, despite steeper hillslopes. I inferred that hillslope gradient and vegetation cover control most of the variation in denudation rates across the Kenya Rift today. Importantly, my results support the notion that vegetation cover plays a fundamental role in determining the voracity of erosion of hillslopes through its stabilizing effects on the land surface. Finally, in a pilot study I highlighted how paleo-denudation rates in climatic threshold areas changed significantly during times of transient hydrologic conditions and involved a sixfold increase in erosion rates during increased humidity. This assessment is based on cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) dating of quartzitic deltaic sands that were deposited in the northern Kenya Rift during a highstand of Lake Suguta, which was associated with the Holocene African Humid Period. Taken together, my new results document the role of climate variability in erosion processes that impact climatic threshold environments, which may provide a template for potential future impacts of climate-driven changes in surface processes in the course of Global Change.}, language = {en} }