@misc{MikullaBossierSteuerwaldKampeetal.2021, author = {Mikulla, Stefanie and Bossier-Steuerwald, Sandy and Kampe, Heike and Pchalek, Magda and Zimmermann, Matthias and Horn-Conrad, Antje}, title = {Portal Wissen = Change}, number = {01/2021}, organization = {University of Potsdam, Press and Public Relations Department}, issn = {2198-9974}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50994}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-509945}, pages = {60}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Change makes everything different. Let's be honest: Just about everything is constantly in transformation. Even huge massifs that seem like eternity turned to stone will eventually dissolve into dust. So is change itself the only constant? The Greek philosopher Heraclitus certainly thought so. He said, "The only thing that is constant is change." Change is frightening. A change that we cannot explain throws us into turmoil - like a magic trick we cannot decipher. Viruses that mutate, ecosystems that collapse, stars that perish - they all seem to threaten the fragile balance that makes our existence possible. Humanity is late in recognizing that we ourselves are all too often the impetus for dangerous transformations. Change gives hope. People have always been fascinated by change and felt compelled to explore its origin and essence. Quite successfully. We understand many things much better than generations before. But well enough? Not at all. Alexander von Humboldt said, "Every law of nature that reveals itself to the observer suggests a higher, as yet unrecognized one." There is still much to be done. The current issue of Portal Wissen is all about change. We spoke to an astrophysicist who has found her happiness in researching the formation and change of stars. We also look at different aspects of the very earthly climate change and its consequences: A geoscientist explains how global warming affects the stability of mountain ranges. A legal expert makes clear that the call for a right to climate protection has gone largely unheard until now. How human land use affects biodiversity is being investigated by young researchers of the "Bio- Move" research training group, who have provided us with insights into their work on brown hares, water fleas, and mallard ducks. Other researchers focus on change in the contexts of humans. A group of nutrition scientists at the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) and sports scientists at the University of Potsdam are investigating the factors that cause our bodies to change as we age - and why some people lose muscles more quickly than others. Despite all these changes, we do not lose sight of the diversity of research at the University of Potsdam. A visit to the laboratory of the project "OptiZeD" gives us an idea of the possibilities offered by optical sensors for the personalized medicine of tomorrow, while an educational researcher explains why cultural diversity is an asset beneficial to our education. In addition, a cultural scientist reports on the fascination of comics. They are all part of the hopeful change that science is initiating and accomplishing! Enjoy the read!}, language = {en} } @misc{ZimmermannMikullaKampeetal.2021, author = {Zimmermann, Matthias and Mikulla, Stefanie and Kampe, Heike and Horn-Conrad, Antje and Lass, Sander}, title = {Portal Wissen = Departure}, number = {02/2021}, organization = {University of Potsdam, Press and Public Relations Department}, issn = {2198-9974}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53713}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-537138}, pages = {54}, year = {2021}, abstract = {On October 20, 1911, the Norwegian Roald Amundsen left the safe base camp "Framheim" at the Bay of Whales together with four other explorers and 52 sledge dogs to be the first person to reach the South Pole. Ahead of them lay the perpetual ice at temperatures of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius below zero and a distance of 1,400 kilometers. After eight weeks, the group reached its destination on December 13. The men planted the Norwegian flag in the lonely snow and shortly afterwards set off to make their way back - celebrated, honored as conquerors of the South Pole and laden with information and knowledge from the world of Antarctica. The voyage of Amundsen and his companions is undoubtedly so extraordinary because the five proved that it was possible and were the first to succeed. It is, however, also a symbol of what enables humans to push the boundaries of their world: the urge to set out into the unknown, to discover what has not yet been found, explored, and described. What distinguishes science - even before each discovery and new knowledge - is the element of departure. Questioning apparent certainties, taking a critical look at outdated knowledge, and breaking down encrusted thought patterns is the starting point of exploratory curiosity. And to set out from there for new knowledge is the essence of scientific activities - neither protected nor supported by the reliable and known. Probing, trying, courageously questioning, and sensing that the solid ground, which still lies hidden, can only be reached again in this way. "Research is always a departure for new shoreless waters," said chemist Prof. Dr. Hans-J{\"u}rgen Quadbeck-Seeger. Leaving behind the safe harbor, trusting that new shores are waiting and can be reached is the impetus that makes science so important and valuable. For the current issue of the University of Potsdam's research magazine, we looked over the shoulders of some researchers as they set out on new research journeys - whether in the lab, in the library, in space, or in the mind. Astrophysicist Lidia Oskinova, for example, uses the Hubble telescope to search for particularly massive stars, while hydrologist Thorsten Wagener is trying to better understand the paths of water on Earth. Economists and social scientists such as Elmar Kriegler and Maik Heinemann are researching in different projects what politics can do to achieve a turnaround in climate policy and stop climate change. Time and again, however, such departures are themselves the focus of research: And a group of biologists and environmental scientists is investigating how nature revives forest fire areas and how the newly emerging forests can become more resilient to future fires. Since - as has already been said - a departure is inherent in every research question, this time the entire issue of "Portal Wissen" is actually devoted to the cover topic. And so we invite you to set out with Romance linguist Annette Gerstenberg to research language in old age, with immunologist Katja Hanack to develop a quick and safe SARS-CoV-2 test, and with the team of the Potsdam Center for Industry 4.0 to the virtual factory of tomorrow. And we will show you how evidence- based economic research can inform and advise politicians, and how a warning system is intended to prevent future accidents involving cyclists. So, what are you waiting for?!}, language = {en} }