@misc{SixKrahe1980, author = {Six, Bernd and Krah{\´e}, Barbara}, title = {Defensiv-externe Kontroll{\"u}berzeugungen bei der Attribution von Leistungs- und Sozialverhalten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45292}, year = {1980}, abstract = {The traditional dichotomy of internal vs. external locus of control is substituted by the more recent distinction between internals, congruent externals, and defensive externals. While internals and congruent externals are predicted to make causal attributions of other persons' performance in accordance with their locus of control irrespective of the nature of the outcome (success vs. failure in achievement situations, positive vs. negative experience in social contacts), defensive externals are expected to vary their causal attributions as a function of outcome. Personal relevance attached to achievement and social contact is included as an additional variable. The presumed correspondence between locus of control and causal attribution - as derived from the conceptualization of locus of control as a personality variable - is not confirmed by our data. The differences expected between the three groups are demonstrated only for achievement-related items. Personal relevance does not significantly modify the relationship between locus of control and causal attribution.}, language = {de} } @misc{KraheKrahe1981, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara and Krah{\´e}, Peter}, title = {Vorurteilsverminderung durch Unterricht : Voraussetzungen und Grenzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-37679}, year = {1981}, abstract = {Inhalt: 1 Einleitung 2 Zur Auseinandersetzung mit sozialen Vorurteilen im Rahmen desschulischen Bildungsauftrags - 2.1 Aspekte des Vorurteilsabbaus aus p{\"a}dagogischer Sicht - 2.2 Vorurteilsfreie Erziehung als demokratisches Leitziel 3 Ergebnisse der sozialwissenschaftlichen Vorurteilsforschung - 3.1 Zur theoretischen Fundierung des Vorurteilsbegriffs - 3.2 Zur individuellen Genese sozialer Vorurteile 4 Einstellungs{\"a}nderung gegen{\"u}ber sozialen Minderheiten - 4.1 Konstituierende Elemente des Unterrichts - 4.2 Methodisch-didaktische {\"U}berlegungen zur Ver{\"a}nderung vorurteilshafterEinstellungen - 4.3 Sozialformen, Lehrerrolle und Sch{\"u}lerverhalten 5 Grenzen des Abbaus sozialer Vorurteile innerhalb der Schule - 5.1 Vorurteilsabbau als gesamtgesellschaftliches Problem - 5.2 Hemmende Faktoren innerhalb der Schulorganisation}, language = {de} } @misc{Kliegl1981, author = {Kliegl, Reinhold}, title = {Automated and interactive analysis of eye fixation data in reading}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39861}, year = {1981}, abstract = {A package of five FORTRAN programs that provides for fast user-controlled analyses of reading eye fixations is described. The package requires the data to be in a fixation format and to be rescaled to screen dimensions. OLDEYE identifies six types of fixations and calculates descriptive statistics on each of them, on their associated saccades, and on their average pupil diameter. CONVRT represents the text as a string of words that can be coded according to experimentally relevant variables. PLTFIX prints fixation durations by letter position and sequence of occurrence. MODDAT is an interactive program for marking parts of the text in which the data quality is below acceptable standards. It also allows the correction of systematic errors due to calibration or drift. MATCH combines the outputs from OLDEYE, CONVRT, and MODDAT and calculates 11 dependent measures for every word. The output of MATCH is suitable for input to conventional multivariate statistical programs.}, language = {en} } @misc{KlieglOlson1981, author = {Kliegl, Reinhold and Olson, Richard K.}, title = {Reduction and calibration of eye monitor data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39875}, year = {1981}, abstract = {The present paper presents FORTRAN programs for reducing eye monitor output to fixations and for mapping these fixations to locations in the stimulus space. Flexible parameters of the fixations program allow for determination of the beginning and end of fixations under different resolution criteria and for indicating loss of accurate measurement. The calibration program is based on a rectangular 9-point fixation grid. Each fixation is rescaled within this grid by solving for a quadratic equation. The rescaled values are output in a flexibly determined rectangular coordinate system that is related to the stimulus space, such as character position on the screen. The programs were developed for the 60-Hz Applied Sciences corneal reflection eye monitor, but they may be used with a number of other systems.}, language = {en} } @misc{Krahe1982, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara}, title = {Motivationseinfl{\"u}sse im Attributionsprozess : zur Diskussion um den "self-serving bias" in der Attributionsforschung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-37666}, year = {1982}, abstract = {Inhalt: 1 Zur alltagspsychologischen Bedeutung von Kausalinterpretationen 2 Theoretischer und empirischer Bezugsrahmen 2.1 Grundlegende Konzepte der Attributionstheorie - 2.1.1 Die klassischen Modelle der Attributionsforschung - 2.1.2 Neuere kognitive Erkl{\"a}rungsans{\"a}tze der Kausalattribution 2.2 Empirische Befunde zum Problem der selbstwertbezogenen Attribution - 2.2.1 Selbstwertbezogene Attributionen eigener Handlungsergebnisse - 2.2.2 Das Wettbewerbsparadigma - 2.2.3 Selbstwertbezogene Voreingenommenheiten aus der Beobachter-Perspektive - 2.2.4 Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Kausalattribution von Erfolg und Mißerfolg - 2.2.5 Zusammenfassende Bewertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse 2.3 Zum Stand der Theorie - und Methodendiskussion im Rahmen selbstwertbezogener Voreingenommenheiten - 2.3.1 Ich-Beteiligung und Zentralit{\"a}t - 2.3.2 Der informationstheoretische Erkl{\"a}rungsansatz - 2.3.3 Zur Methodik der Erfassung selbstwertbezogener Attributionen - 2.3.4 Die Bedeutung sozialer Vergleichsprozesse f{\"u}r die Kausalattribution 3 Empirische Untersuchung zur Erfassung von kausalattributionen f{\"u}r Verhaltensergebnisse anderer Personen 3.1 Darstellung des Untersuchungsansatzes 3.2 Fragestellung und Hypothesen 3.3 Ablauf der Untersuchung - 3.3.1 Aufgaben der Voruntersuchung - 3.3.2 Durchf{\"u}hrung der Hauptuntersuchung 3.4 Schritte der Datenanalyse - 3.4.1 Auswertung der Attributionsskala - 3.4.2 Uberpr{\"u}fung der Untersuchungshypothesen 3.5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse}, language = {de} } @misc{KlieglOlsenDavidson1982, author = {Kliegl, Reinhold and Olsen, Richard K. and Davidson, Brian J.}, title = {Regression analyses as a tool for studying reading processes : comment on Just and Carpenter's eye fixation theory}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16857}, year = {1982}, abstract = {Just and Carpenter (1980) presented a theory of reading based on eye fixations wherein their "psycholinguistic" variables accounted for 72\% of the variance in word gaze durations. This comment raises some statistical and theoretical problems with their use of simultaneous regression analysis of gaze duration measures and with the resulting theory of reading. A major problem was the confounding of perceptual with psycholinguistic factors. New eye fixation data are presented to support these criticisms. Analysis of fixations within words revealed that most gaze duration variance was contributed by number of fixations rather than by fixation duration.}, language = {en} } @misc{Krahe1983, author = {Krah{\´e}, Barbara}, title = {Zum Stand der Diskussion um den "self-serving bias" in der Attributionsforschung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45286}, year = {1983}, abstract = {The 'fact or fiction1 controversy about self-serving attributional biases is discussed under two aspects: a) The lack of a clear conceptual definition of "bias" referring to cognitive models of causal attribution which specify unbiased, rational modes of causal inference; b) The empirical evidence with regard to the decision whether attributional distortions are due to self-protective and self-enhancing motives rather than errors and biases in information processing. It is concluded that progress in self-serving bias research is conditional upon a theoretical clarification and operational definition of self-serving biases explicitly derived from a rational standard of causal inference and based on a motivational analysis of the functions of causal attributions.}, language = {de} } @misc{GlassKliegl1983, author = {Glass, Gene V. and Kliegl, Reinhold}, title = {An apology for research integration in the study of psychotherapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40233}, year = {1983}, abstract = {Criticisms of the integration of psychotherapy-outcome research performed by Smith, Glass, and Miller (1980) are reviewed and answered. An attempt is made to account for the conflicting points of view in this disagreement in terms of certain issues that have engaged philosophers of science in the 20th century. It is hoped that, in passing, something useful is learned about research of many types on psychotherapy.}, language = {en} } @misc{OlsonKlieglDavidson1983, author = {Olson, Richard K. and Kliegl, Reinhold and Davidson, Brian J.}, title = {Dyslexic and normal readers' eye movements}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41071}, year = {1983}, abstract = {Dyslexic and normal readers' eye movements were compared while tracking a moving fixation point and in reading. Contrary to previous reports, the dyslexic and normal readers did not differ in their number of saccades, percentage of regressions, or stability of fixations in the tracking task. Thus, defective oculomotor control was not associated with or a causal factor in dyslexia, and the dyslexics' abnormal eye movements in reading must be related to differences in higher cognitive processes. However, individual differences in oculmotor efficiency, independent of reading ability, were found within both the dyslexic and normal groups, and these differences were correlated in reading and tracking tasks.}, language = {en} } @misc{OlsonKlieglDavidson1983, author = {Olson, Richard K. and Kliegl, Reinhold and Davidson, Brian J.}, title = {Eye Movements in Reading Disability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39880}, year = {1983}, abstract = {Contents: I. Introduction II. Word Coding Processes A. Word Recognition B. Orthographic Coding C. Phonological Coding III. Eye Monitor and Reading Task IV. Group Differences V. Dimensions of Individual Differences A. Regressive Fixation Index and Word Recognition B. Regressive Fixation Index and IQ C. Regressive Fixation Index and Saccade Length D. Regressive Fixation Index and Relative Phonological Skill VI. Multiple Regression Models of Individual Differences A. Disabled Readers in the Aloud Condition B. Disabled Readers in the Silent Condition C. Normal Readers in Silent and Aloud Conditions VII. Conclusions}, language = {en} }