@phdthesis{Pavlenko2016, author = {Pavlenko, Elena}, title = {Hybrid nanolayer architectures for ultrafast acousto-plasmonics in soft matter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The goal of the presented work is to explore the interaction between gold nanorods (GNRs) and hyper-sound waves. For the generation of the hyper-sound I have used Azobenzene-containing polymer transducers. Multilayer polymer structures with well-defined thicknesses and smooth interfaces were built via layer-by-layer deposition. Anionic polyelectrolytes with Azobenzene side groups (PAzo) were alternated with cationic polymer PAH, for the creation of transducer films. PSS/PAH multilayer were built for spacer layers, which do not absorb in the visible light range. The properties of the PAzo/PAH film as a transducer are carefully characterized by static and transient optical spectroscopy. The optical and mechanical properties of the transducer are studied on the picosecond time scale. In particular the relative change of the refractive index of the photo-excited and expanded PAH/PAzo is Δn/n = - 2.6*10-4. Calibration of the generated strain is performed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction calibrated the strain in a Mica substrate, into which the hyper-sound is transduced. By simulating the X-ray data with a linear-chain-model the strain in the transducer under the excitation is derived to be Δd/d ~ 5*10-4. Additional to the investigation of the properties of the transducer itself, I have performed a series of experiments to study the penetration of the generated strain into various adjacent materials. By depositing the PAzo/PAH film onto a PAH/PSS structure with gold nanorods incorporated in it, I have shown that nanoscale impurities can be detected via the scattering of hyper-sound. Prior to the investigation of complex structures containing GNRs and the transducer, I have performed several sets of experiments on GNRs deposited on a small buffer of PSS/PAH. The static and transient response of GNRs is investigated for different fluence of the pump beam and for different dielectric environments (GNRs covered by PSS/PAH). A systematic analysis of sample architectures is performed in order to construct a sample with the desired effect of GNRs responding to the hyper-sound strain wave. The observed shift of a feature related to the longitudinal plasmon resonance in the transient reflection spectra is interpreted as the event of GNRs sensing the strain wave. We argue that the shift of the longitudinal plasmon resonance is caused by the viscoelastic deformation of the polymer around the nanoparticle. The deformation is induced by the out of plane difference in strain in the area directly under a particle and next to it. Simulations based on the linear chain model support this assumption. Experimentally this assumption is proven by investigating the same structure, with GNRs embedded in a PSS/PAH polymer layer. The response of GNRs to the hyper-sound wave is also observed for the sample structure with GNRs embedded in PAzo/PAH films. The response of GNRs in this case is explained to be driven by the change of the refractive index of PAzo during the strain propagation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitzscherling2015, author = {Mitzscherling, Steffen}, title = {Polyelectrolyte multilayers for plasmonics and picosecond ultrasonics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80833}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {93}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis investigates the application of polyelectrolyte multilayers in plasmonics and picosecond acoustics. The observed samples were fabricated by the spin-assisted layer-by-layer deposition technique that allowed a precise tuning of layer thickness in the range of few nanometers. The first field of interest deals with the interaction of light-induced localized surface plasmons (LSP) of rod-shaped gold nanoparticles with the particles' environment. The environment consists of an air phase and a phase of polyelectrolytes, whose ratio affects the spectral position of the LSP resonance. Measured UV-VIS spectra showed the shift of the LSP absorption peak as a function of the cover layer thickness of the particles. The data are modeled using an average dielectric function instead of the dielectric functions of air and polyelectrolytes. In addition using a measured dielectric function of the gold nanoparticles, the position of the LSP absorption peak could be simulated with good agreement to the data. The analytic model helps to understand the optical properties of metal nanoparticles in an inhomogeneous environment. The second part of this work discusses the applicability of PAzo/PAH and dye-doped PSS/PAH polyelectrolyte multilayers as transducers to generate hypersound pulses. The generated strain pulses were detected by time-domain Brillouin scattering (TDBS) using a pump-probe laser setup. Transducer layers made of polyelectrolytes were compared qualitatively to common aluminum transducers in terms of measured TDBS signal amplitude, degradation due to laser excitation, and sample preparation. The measurements proved that fast and easy prepared polyelectrolyte transducers provided stronger TDBS signals than the aluminum transducer. AFM topography measurements showed a degradation of the polyelectrolyte structures, especially for the PAzo/PAH sample. To quantify the induced strain, optical barriers were introduced to separate the transducer material from the medium of the hypersound propagation. Difficulties in the sample preparation prohibited a reliable quantification. But the experiments showed that a coating with transparent polyelectrolytes increases the efficiency of aluminum transducers and modifies the excited phonon distribution. The adoption of polyelectrolytes to the scientific field of picosecond acoustics enables a cheap and fast fabrication of transducer layers on most surfaces. In contrast to aluminum layers the polyelectrolytes are transparent over a wide spectral range. Thus, the strain modulation can be probed from surface and back.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bojahr2016, author = {Bojahr, Andre}, title = {Hypersound interaction studied by time-resolved inelastic light and x-ray scattering}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93860}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxiii, 201}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This publications-based thesis summarizes my contribution to the scientific field of ultrafast structural dynamics. It consists of 16 publications, about the generation, detection and coupling of coherent gigahertz longitudinal acoustic phonons, also called hypersonic waves. To generate such high frequency phonons, femtosecond near infrared laser pulses were used to heat nanostructures composed of perovskite oxides on an ultrashort timescale. As a consequence the heated regions of such a nanostructure expand and a high frequency acoustic phonon pulse is generated. To detect such coherent acoustic sound pulses I use ultrafast variants of optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Here an incident optical or x-ray photon is scattered by the excited sound wave in the sample. The scattered light intensity measures the occupation of the phonon modes. The central part of this work is the investigation of coherent high amplitude phonon wave packets which can behave nonlinearly, quite similar to shallow water waves which show a steepening of wave fronts or solitons well known as tsunamis. Due to the high amplitude of the acoustic wave packets in the solid, the acoustic properties can change significantly in the vicinity of the sound pulse. This may lead to a shape change of the pulse. I have observed by time-resolved Brillouin scattering, that a single cycle hypersound pulse shows a wavefront steepening. I excited hypersound pulses with strain amplitudes until 1\% which I have calibrated by ultrafast x-ray diffraction (UXRD). On the basis of this first experiment we developed the idea of the nonlinear mixing of narrowband phonon wave packets which we call "nonlinear phononics" in analogy with the nonlinear optics, which summarizes a kaleidoscope of surprising optical phenomena showing up at very high electric fields. Such phenomena are for instance Second Harmonic Generation, four-wave-mixing or solitons. But in case of excited coherent phonons the wave packets have usually very broad spectra which make it nearly impossible to look at elementary scattering processes between phonons with certain momentum and energy. For that purpose I tested different techniques to excite narrowband phonon wave packets which mainly consist of phonons with a certain momentum and frequency. To this end epitaxially grown metal films on a dielectric substrate were excited with a train of laser pulses. These excitation pulses drive the metal film to oscillate with the frequency given by their inverse temporal displacement and send a hypersonic wave of this frequency into the substrate. The monochromaticity of these wave packets was proven by ultrafast optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Using the excitation of such narrowband phonon wave packets I was able to observe the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of coherent phonons as a first example of nonlinear wave mixing of nanometric phonon wave packets.}, language = {en} }